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The Archaeology of Tribal


edited by
William A. Parkinson


Archaeological Series 15
© 2002 by International Monographs in Prehistory Table of Contents
All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

All rights reserved List of Contributors v
Preface and Acknowledgements vii

ISBN 1-879621-34-7 (Paperback) Part I - Theoretical Considerations

ISBN 1-879621-35-5 (Library Binding)
1. Introduction: Archaeology and Tribal Societies
William A. Parkinson 1
2. From Social Type to Social Process: Placing 'Tribe' in a Historical Framework
Severin M. Fowles 13
3. The Tribal Village and Its Culture: An Evolutionary Stage in the History of Human
Robert L. Carneiro 34

Part II - Ethnographic and Ethnohistoric Perspectives

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
4. The Long and the Short of a War Leader's Arena
The archaeology of tribal societies / edited by William A. Parkinson. Elsa M. Redmond 53
p. em. -- (Archaeological series ; 15) 5. Inequality and Egalitarian Rebellion, a Tribal Dialectic in Tonga History
Includes bibliographical references. Severin M. Fowles 74
ISBN 1-879621-34-7 (pbk. : alk. paper) -- ISBN 1-879621-35-5 (lib. bdg. : alk. paper) 6. The Dynamics of Ethnicity in Tribal Society: A Penobscot Case Study
1. Tribes. 2. Villages. 3. Social structure--Cross-cultural studies. 4. Social archaeology. I. Parkinson, Dean Snow 97
William A. II. Archaeological series (Ann Arbor, Mich.) ; 15. 7. Modeling the Formation and Evolution of an Illyrian Tribal System: Ethnographic
GN492.5 .A73 2002
and Archaeological Analogs
2002153770 Michael Galaty 109
Part III - Archaeological Perspectives from the New World
8. Mobility and the Organization of Prehispanic Southwest Communities
Sarah A. Herr and Jeffery J. Clark 123
9. Building Consensus: Tribes, Architecture, and Typology in the American Southwest
Michael Adler 155
10. Fractal Archaeology: Intra-Generational Cycles and the Matter of Scale, an
Example from the Central Plains
Donald J. Blakeslee 173
11. Material Indicators of Territory, Identity, and Interaction in a Prehistoric Tribal
John M. O'Shea and Claire McHale Milner 200
12. Hopewell Tribes: A Study of Middle Woodland Social Organization in the Ohio
Richard W. Yerkes 227
This book is printed on acid-free paper. 00
13. The Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Southeastern United States
David G. Anderson 246
International Monographs in Prehistory 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations
P.O. Box 1266 John E. Clark and David Cheetham 278
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106-1266
U.S.A. Continued on next page ...
Table of Contents (Continued)
List of Contributors

Part IV - Archaeological Perspectives from the Old World

Michael Adler Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University,
15. Early Neolithic Tribes in the Levant Dallas TX 75275-0336
Ofer Bar-Yosef and Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer 340 David G. Anderson Southeast Archaeological Center, National Park Service,
16. A Neolithic Tribal Society in Northern Poland Tallahassee, FL 30210
Peter Bogucki 372 Ofer Bar-Yosef Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
17. Some Aspects of the Social Organization of the LBK of Belgium 02138
Lawrence H. Keeley 384
18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling': The Transition to the Copper Age Daniella E. Bar-YosefMayer Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
on the Great Hungarian Plain Donald J. Blakeslee Department of Anthropology, Wichita State University, Wichita,
William A. Parkinson 391 KS 67260
Peter Bogucki School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ 08544
Robert L. Carneiro Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History,
New York, NY 10024
David Cheetham Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Jeffery J. Clark Center for Desert Archaeology, Tucson, AZ 85705
John E. Clark Department of Anthropology, Brigham Young University, Provo,
UT 84602
Severin M. Fowles Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Michael Galaty Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Millsaps College,
Jackson, MS 39210
Sarah A. Herr Desert Archaeology, Inc., Tucson, AZ 85716
Lawrence H. Keeley Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago IL 60607
Claire McHale Milner Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA 16802
John M. O'Shea Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
William A. Parkinson Department of Anthropology, Florida State University,
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Elsa M. Redmond Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History,
New York, NY 10024
Dean Snow Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA 16802
Richard W. Yerkes Department of Anthropology, Ohio State University, Columbus,

Preface and Acknowledgements

In 1877, Lewis Henry Morgan made the insightful observation that "It is difficult to describe an
Indian tribe by the affirmative elements of its composition." As I send offthis volume to the press, I have
a very good idea of what he was writing about.

The 'germs of thought' that inspired this publication were sown during a graduate seminar on Scale
and Boundaries in Middle-Range Societies taught by Robert Whallon and John O'Shea at the University
of Michigan in 1997. Several of the theoretical concepts that were discussed and developed in that class
provided the initial impetus for writing this book on tribal societies, as well as several other
publications, Ph.D. dissertations, and 'preliminary papers.' I personally owe a great deal of gratitude
to everyone who participated in that seminar not only for the opportunity to exchange ideas with them
in the halls of the Museum of Anthropology and at the Brown Jug, but also for the collegial support they
have provided me over the years.

Like most good things in archaeology, the publication ofthis edited monograph took a considerable
amount oftime and involved a wonderful team ofindividuals who each contributed their own innovative
ideas, harsh criticisms, and invaluable support to produce what I hope is a book that-like the
structural organization of tribal societies-will be something more than the sum of its parts. The ideas
that underlie the majority of the chapters that make up this volume originally were presented in a
symposium Severin Fowles and I organized at the 64t h Annual Meetings of the Society for American
Archaeology in Chicago, IL, in 1999. In that symposium-'The Archaeology of Tribal Societies'-Sev
and I tried to bring together some of the best archaeologists in the world to comment on the notion of
tribe from their own theoretical perspective, and also to present substantive information from their own
research contexts that would help us reassess and reevaluate the tribal concept in anthropological
archaeology. Michael Adler, David Anderson, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Daniella Bar-YosefMayer, James Brown,
John Clark, Lawrence Keeley, and Dean Snow all graciously agreed to participate in the symposium and
have been on board from the beginning. I want to thank them each for their continual patience and level-
headed guidance in helping this book evolve and develop.

The success of the SAA symposium encouraged us to expand the geographic and temporal scope of
the edited volume to include ethnographic and ethnohistoric contributions, as well as additional
archaeological contributions from different parts ofthe world. The end result, we hoped, would be more
representative of the holistic nature of anthropological discourse, and also would provide specific
examples ofhow different processes within tribal societies are accessible to anthropologists via different
research methodologies, be they archaeological, ethnohistoric, or ethnographic. To help achieve this,
Donald Blakeslee, Peter Bogucki, Robert Carneiro, Jeffery Clark, David Cheetham, Michael Galaty,
Sarah Herr, John O'Shea, Claire McHale Milner, and Elsa Redmond all kindly made outstanding
contributions to the cause. I thank them for the enthusiasm with which they took on the task of
participating in the volume and for how carefully they considered my own ideas, no matter how under-

Robert Whallon-first as an instructor and later as a publisher-has been very supportive ofthis
task from its inception and has provided invaluable help and support along the way. I would like to
thank him for his patience and guidance as this project finally found its way to completion.

I also am deeply indebted to Severin Fowles, who has been a fantastic colleague and close friend
since before that graduate seminar held all those years ago. Sev was a co-organizer and co-chair of the
SAA symposium in Chicago, and his ideas and influences have continued to permeate throughout the

pages of this book and through my own research. Sev wrote the theoretical framework for the volume
(Chapter 2), and the volume would not be complete without his very substantial contributions. lowe
him a very special thanks for his continued help in bringing this volume to fruition and for helping me
to learn how to be a professional colleague and a dear friend at the same time. 1. Introduction: Archaeology and Tribal Societies
In the years that have passed since this edited volume initially was conceived, I have had the good
fortune to interact with several different colleagues at four different universities-the University of William A. Parkinson
Michigan, the University of Cincinnati, Ohio State University, and Florida State University. While
these years have been wonderful for fine-tuning my ideas about tribal social organization, they have
been less than ideal for my wife, Betsy, who has been forced to find a new position in each new town.
To her lowe the biggest thanks of all.
Do tribes exist? Or are they chimeras, imagi- spouse. Ofcourse, the term also has a very specific
nary compounds of various and, at times, in- legal definition in the halls of the United States
congruous parts, societal illusions fabricated government (see Beinart 1999; Sterritt et al. 1998).
William A. Parkinson for diverse reasons, but oncecreated, endowed Like Elisabeth Colson, many anthropologists,
Tallahassee, Florida with such solid reality as to have profound ef- because of the semantic and analytical problems
December 2001 fect on the lives ofmillions ofpeople?The ques- associated with the term 'tribe', have abandoned it
tion is practical, because it does have conse- in favor of more descriptive-and usually multi-
quences in daily life, and theoretical, because hyphenated-phrases such as 'small-scale, semi-
the notion of tribe has played a vital role in sedentary, trans-egalitarian societies'. But given
various social sciences, perhaps most conspic- the long-albeit ratherjaded-history ofthe tribal
uously in anthropology. conceptwithin the discipline (see, for example, June
This is how Morton Fried began his seminal Helm's [1968] edited volume, The Problem ofTribe ),
work entitled, The Notion of Tribe (1975). In the we should consider the possibility that there may
decades since Fried posed this simple question- be something salvageable in the concept before we
'Do tribes exist?'-anthropologists still cannot discard it entirely. Even Dr. Colson's quote, cited
agree on its answer. Fried's own conclusion was above, is from an article entitled "Political Organi-
that tribes are an aberrant form of social organiza- zations in Tribal Societies." Thus, despite the fact
tion that occur only in very specific secondary so- that the term has come to acquire-and always
cial contexts (see also Fried 1968). may have had-a variety of different technical and
Most cultural anthropologists-following colloquial definitions, the concept oftribe, as Fried
Fried's lead-have abandoned the concept entire- himself noted, has "played a vital role in various
ly. As Elisabeth Colson (1986:5) began one article: social sciences, perhaps most conspicuously in
I do not know what is meant by 'Tribal Societ- anthropology" and deserves to be revisited before
ies.' 'Tribe' and 'tribal' are slippery terms de- it is banished forever from our analytical arsenal.
spite various attempts to pin them downsothat The present volume represents an attempt at
they couldbe used analytically, 'tribe' has been doing just this. Using information derived from
used with reference to the whole span of hu- ethnographic, ethnohistoric, and archaeological
man groups, with perhaps the exception ofthe sources, the various authors who have contributed
nuclear family. The Tribe On The Hill which chapters to this volume each have made an at-
Jack Weatherford published in 1981 is about tempt to assess the utility (or futility) of the con-
the United States Congress with its associated cept in the wide variety of different socioenviron-
staff and penumbra of lobbyists. mental contexts in which they work. The end re-
Colson's explicit disdain ofthe tribal concept should sult is a volume that can itselfbe viewed as a col-
resonate with anyone who has turned on a televi- lection of ethnographers', archaeologists' and
sion recently, only to find so-called 'reality' pro- ethnohistorians' perceptions of what the 'tribe'
grams about 'tribes' of attractive, scantily-clothed, concept means and, much more importantly, how
urbanites competing with each other in extreme they believe the concept can be employed to learn
environments for large cash prizes. The Cleveland about human social variability in various prehis-
Indians have been referred to by their loyal fans as toric and historic contexts.
'the tribe' for years, and a recent New York Times The common thread that ties together the var-
Magazine contained a piece that used the term to ious contributions to the volume is the theoretical
refer to a close-knit group of unmarried friends proposition that although the tribal concept finds
who find solace in each other in the absence of a its historical roots in the ethnographic branch of

I 1


William A. Parkinson 1. Introduction: Archaeology and Tribal Societies

anthropological discourse, it may be a concept that problem more apparent than dealing with the term into the diachronic context of archaeological re- of the same people in the area of their occupa-
is better approached using information derived tribe. search during the last half of the twentieth centu- tion, followed bydivergence ofspeech, segmen-
from the archaeological-rather than the ethno- The term 'tribe' is used throughout this book ry and suggests that it is necessary to shift the tation' and independence. (Morgan 1995
graphic-record. Specifically, the authors were not because we wish to rekindle the polemic debate subject matter "from types of entire societies to [1851]:93)
urged to consider whether the long-term perspec- surrounding the supposedly inexorable process of types ofcultural processes or historical trajectories." Morgan envisioned tribes as forming due to a grad-
tive available to archaeologists allows them to track sociocultural evolution (e.g., Band-Tribe-Chiefdom- ual outflow, or budding-off, of groups from a hy-
subtle changes in social organization that ethnog- State [for example, Service 1971]), but rather be- A Brief History of Tribe pothesized geographic tribal center. Over time,
raphers are seldom at liberty to witness given the cause the term has a long history in cross-cultural these emigrants would acquire distinct cultural
inherently short-term nature of the information at anthropology, and because it denotes a form ofsocial Since the time of Morgan the concept of tribe traits and, eventually, linguistic differences, thus
their disposal. Thus, the volume attempts to ex- organization generally understood to refer to a wide has been plagued by the tendency of earlier gener- creating new tribes (see Morgan 1851:95).
plore the utility of retaining the tribal concept and range of social systems that regularly exhibit some ations of anthropologists to generate attribute lists Morgan cites as a causal factor in the forma-
redefining it in such a manner that it may be use- degree of institutionalized social integration be- that attempt to pigeonhole societies into different tion of tribes "a constant tendency to disintegra-
ful for comparing social trajectories in a cross- yond that of the extended family unit, or band. classificatory groupings. Early attempts at such tion." This notion persists in even some recent
cultural framework (see Fowles, this volume, Nevertheless, some are bound to find the use ofthe classificatory schemes were based upon unilineal archaeological discussions oftribes, which are com-
Chapter 2). In doing so, we hope to build upon the term anachronistic, since it has come to be replaced evolutionary paradigmatic approaches (see also monlyunderstood as regionally-integrated systems
work of our colleagues who in recent years have by even more ambiguous phrases, such as 'middle Spencer 1896; Tyler 1871), wherein 19th century that develop out of a quagmire of disaggregated
tried to retool cultural-or in Flannery's (1995) range society' (e.g., Feinman and Neitzel 1984). European civilization was envisioned as the ulti- bands (e.g., Braun and Plog 1982). In addition, it is
terminology, social-evolutionary frameworks to This latter moniker attempts to place tribes some- mate predestined form of social organization to important to note that the principle of segmenta-
focus upon social processes that operate at many where Between Bands and States (Gregg 1991), as which all societies were inevitably progressing (see tion already was present in Morgan's initial for-
different temporal, geographic, and social scales one book title puts it, and emphasizes the transi- Trigger 1990). Several of the characteristics that mulation ofthe concept as an anthropological clas-
(see, for example, Carneiro 1996; Drennan 1991; tional and more ephemeral nature of tribal social initially were attributed to tribes within this tele- sification of society.
Feinman 2000; Neitzel and Anderson 1999; Spen- systems. ological context continue to plague more recent Durkheim's (1893) tangential contribution to
cer 1997). But is precisely this tendency-to view tribes formulations of the concept, and must be recog- the topic also stressed the principle of segmenta-
as ephemeral ad hoc social constructions-that has nized if we are to arrive at an operational defini- tion, or mechanical solidarity, to distinguish less
Why 'Tribe'? resulted in the creation of a number of appella- tion of the concept. economically complex societies-what later came
tions, such as 'tribelet' (e.g., Bocek 1991), 'rituality' Morgan's (1851, 1877) initial social typology to be referred to as bands and tribes-from those
The word tribe is one of several arbitrary, op- (e.g., Yoffee et al. 1999), and 'transegalitarian so- placed human societies into three developmental societies that exhibit organic solidarity, or economic
erational definitions used by anthropologists to cieties' (e.g., Owens and Hayden 1997), which fre- 'stages' through which he believed all societies specialization-chiefdoms and states. Although
facilitate cross-cultural comparison (Bernard 1994; quently apply to only a few historically particular necessarily passed-Savagery, Barbarism, and Durkheim was concerned explicitly with the de-
Kuznar 1997). Other examples of operational def- contexts and have no more utility in comparative Civilization. Each ofthese stages was indicated by velopment ofthe division oflabor, his basic clas-
initions include the terms culture, band, society, cross-cultural analyses than does the tribal con- a particular technological repertoire, and was as- sificatory scheme carried with it the assumption
etc. The use of such discipline-specific terminology cept. Although cases occasionally arise when it is sociated with a particular subsistence strategy and that changing economic strategies occurred hand-
is a necessary evil within the social sciences, where- necessary to create new terms within the disci- political form. This error-to group together soci- in-hand with particular political forms. As Lewis
in the unit of analysis is seldom clearly defined. pline, such neologisms have begun to run rampant d
eties based upon a plethora ofcharacteristics which Coser notes in his introduction to The Division of
Regarding this problem, the late Marvin Harris within the field, and it is now necessary to begin are understood to be intimately intertwined-was Labour:
(1979:15) noted that: reassessing their utility. To this end, the research perpetuated throughout the following century in Durkheim was, by and large, beholden to a
A strong dose of operationalism is desperately presented in this volume represents an attempt at the works of various influential authors, such as structural explanation of moral phenomena.
needed to unburden the social and behavioral stressing not the historically particular character- White, Service, and Sahlins (see Feinman and The essential differences between types of so-
sciencesoftheir overloadofill-definedconcepts, istics of tribal social systems, but their lasting- Neitzel [1984] for an excellent discussion of the ciety were to be sought on the structural or
such as status, role, group, institution, class, albeit somewhat elusive-processual similarities, problems with 'typological approaches'). Neverthe- morphological level. The causal arrow in the
caste, tribe, state, and many others that are several of which are only accessible via the less, Morgan's initial discussion of tribal society analysis ofsocialphenomena went largely from
part ofevery social scientists' working vocabu- diachronic perspective of archaeological inquiry. set the terms for the way in which both the term productive relations and structural linkages
lary. The continuing failure to agree on the The remainder of this chapter briefly outlines and the concept would be employed during the next between people to moral or legal systems of
meaning ofthese conceptsis a reflectionoftheir the development of the tribal concept within eth- century. thought. (Coser 1984:xviii)
unoperational status and constitutes a great nography and discusses the various characteris- Morgan used the term tribe to refer to linguis- In Durkheim's work, the concept of segmentation-
barrier to the development of scientific theo- tics that have come to be associated with tribal tically homogeneous cultural units: in the guise of mechanical solidarity-was com-
ries of social and cultural life. (my emphasis) societies in that context. Several of these charac- Each tribe was individualized by a name, by a bined with Marxist structural principles wherein
The 'strong dose' of operationalism suggested by teristics derive from models that were dependent separate dialect, bya supreme government, and different economic infrastructures produce differ-
Harris was never taken, and anthropologists con- upon the synchronic information contained in the by the possession of a territory which it occu- ent forms of superstructures. This basic structur-
cerned with cross-cultural analysis currently find ethnographic record-models that were unable to pied and defended as its own. The tribes were alist concept of segmentation as being characteris-
themselves inundated with a plethora of ill-de- account for social processes that occurred over tem- as numerous as the dialects, for separation did tic ofless economically complex societies heavily
fined terms which each seem to acquire their own poral durations of several decades or centuries. not become complete until dialectical varia- influenced not only the pre-war British structural-
definition depending upon the specific context The following chapter by Severin Fowles then tion had commenced. Indian tribes, therefore, ists, but also the work of later writers, such as
within which they are employed. Nowhere is this discusses how the tribal concept has been translated are natural growths through the separation Steward, Sahlins, and Service (see below).

2 I 3

William A. Parkinson 1. Introduction: Archaeology and Tribal Societies

During the early decades of the last century, tribe was defined in terms of a group which was unit of societal analysis. It was only later, when (Steward 1955:53). To this end, Steward defined
several British anthropologists began working with recognized by its member; as constituting a coher- the concept was co-opted by Sahlins and Service three basic integrationallevels: the nuclear fami-
tribal societies in different parts ofthe world, bring- ent unit, particularly for the purposes of warfare (1960), that particular levels ofintegration became ly, folk societies (or multifamily sociocultural sys-
ing a functional-structuralist perspective to the and homicide retribution. Within the various trib- equated with particular stages of cultural evolu- tems), and states. He conceded that there are prob-
discipline. Influenced by French sociologists writ- al groupings ofNuer society, Evans-Pritchard not- tion and were again associated with specific eco- ably several levels of sociocultural integration be-
ing at the turn ofthe century, such as Henri Hubert ed several structural subdivisions: nomic, ideological, and political criteria. tween these three, but that "these are qualitative-
and Emile Durkheim, members ofthe British school A tribe is divided into a number of territorial Steward (1931) proposed the concept oflevels ly distinctive organizational systems, which rep-
proposed an ethnographic method that combined a segments and these are more than mere geo- of integration primarily as a tool for cross-cultural resent successive stages in any developmental con-
focus upon structure and function. This function- graphical divisions, for the members of each analysis as an alternative to what he called the tinuum and constitute special kinds ofcultural com-
alist perspective lead Radcliffe-Brown to a meth- consider themselves to be distinct communi- traditional assumptions about tribal societies ponents within higher sociocultural systems"
odology that was cross-cultural in nature, and ties and sometimes act as such. We call the (Steward 1955:44). This traditional view was based (1955:54). Steward suggested that the concept of
which focused upon each culture as an adaptive largest tribal segments 'primary sections', the upon three fundamental aspects of the behavior of sociocultural levels should be used as an analytic
and integrative mechanism (see Radcliffe-Brown segments of a primary section 'secondary sec- members of tribal societies, which Steward reject- tool in the study of changes within particular so-
1948:ix). The functional aspect of this perspective tions', and the segments of a secondary section ed. He outlined these aspects in the following ciocultural systems, which each consist of parts
was based, in large part, upon Durkheim's concept 'tertiary sections'. Atertiary tribal section con- manner. First, tribal culture was a construct that that developed at different times and which con-
of 'solidarity' (see Harris 2001:516 for additional sists of a number of villages which are the represented the ideal, norm, average, or expect- tinue to integrate certain portions of the culture.
discussion). smallest political units of Nuerland. A village able behavior of all members of a fairly small, Service (1971) built upon Steward's concept of
Radcliffe-Brown delineated Andaman social is made up ofdomestic groups, occupyingham- simple, independent self-contained, and homoge- levels of integration, but reincorporated an explic-
structure as consisting of independent and auton- lets, homesteads, and huts. (Evans-Pritchard neous society. Second, tribal culture had a pattern itly evolutionary component to its initial formula-
omous small communities, each "leading its own 1940:5) or configuration, which expressed some overall in- tion. Despite the various critiques of his now
life and regulating its own affairs." Each of these various structural sections formed tegration. Finally, the concept oftribal culture was (in)famousBand- Tribe-Chiefdom-State model (e.g.
These local groups were united into what are part of a segmentary system, "by reference to which understood to be essentially relativistic-mean- Fried 1968), the strength of Service's model lies in
here called tribes. A tribe consisted of a num- it is defined, and, consequently the status of its ing that the culture of any particular tradition was its focus upon the structural integration of societ-
ber of local groups all speaking what the na- members, when acting as such towards one anoth- seen to be unique in contrast to cultures of other ies:
tives themselves regarded as onelanguage, each er and to outsiders, is undifferentiated" (Evans- traditions. Steward (1955:46) suggested that while If the general evolution of society consists, as
tribe having its own language and its name. Pritchard 1940:4). Like his mentor, Radcliffe- this conceptualization oftribal culture had been a some have said, of not only a multiplication of
The tribe was of very little importance in reg- Brown, Evans-Pritchard envisioned these seg- tool useful for analysis and comparison, it was of groups but also ofan increase in specialization
ulating the social life, and was merely a loose ments as integrating at various levels, each level little utility in dealing with culture change. In place into economic and political parts, ritual units,
aggregate ofindependent local groups. Within determining the structural 'distance' between the of this normative perspective, Steward proposed and the like, then tribes have advanced over
the local group the only division was that into members of different segments. the concept of levels of sociocultural integration. bands only in the sense of multiplication and
[nuclear] families. These were the only social While the British structural-functionalist per- Steward initially intended the concept of lev- integration of parts. This is why the present
divisions existing amongthe Andamanese, who spective proved extremely useful for describing els of sociocultural integration to be used as a bookchooses as the discriminating criterion of
were without any of those divisions known as social relations within static cultural contexts, it methodological device: stages the form ofintegration. At each level the
'clans' which are characteristic of many prim- inevitably failed to formulate the significant socio- d The cultural evolution of Morgan, Tylor, and integration of parts is carried out differently.
itive societies. (Radcliffe-Brown 1948:23) cultural laws it had proposed to produce. Harris others is a developmental taxonomy based on (Service 1971:132, original emphasis)
Each of the tribal units occupied a particular ter- attributed this failure to the structural-function- concrete characteristics of cultures. The con- Within this scenario, the defining characteris-
ritory, and spoke a different dialect. As was the alist tendency to allot social structure a central, cept of levels of sociocultural integration, on tic of tribal social organization is the structured
case with Morgan, Radcliffe-Brown defined a tribe primary, role to the expense of subordinating oth- the other hand, is simply a methodologicaltool organization of segmentary units of a similar scale,
an essentially linguistically homogeneous region er techno-economic parameters (see Harris for dealing with cultures ofdifferent degrees of usually lineages or groups oflineages (bands), via
that was associated with a particular territory. 2001:524). complexity. It is not a conclusion about evolu- some integrative institution. According to Service,
E. E. Evans-Pritchard, a student of Radcliffe- The structuralist concepts of segmentation and tion. (Steward 1955:52) this institution usually takes the form of a pan-
Brown's, also assumed an explicitly structuralist integration figured largely into Steward's argu- He argued that the concept "provides a new frame tribal sodality, which crosscuts lineages and unites
perspective of tribal societies in his work The Nuer ment that societies should be approached in terms of reference and a new meaning to pattern; and it groups of bands into tribes. As Service (1971:100)
(1940), in which he wrote: of varying levels of sociocultural integration (see facilitates cross-cultural comparison" (Steward notes:
The largest political segment among the Nuer Steward 1955). This idea carried over, in some- 1955:52). A tribe is of the order of a large collection of
is the tribe. There is no larger group who, be- what modified form, into the work of Sahlins and Steward built upon Redfield's (1941, 1947) bands, but it is not simply a collectionofbands.
sides recognizing themselves as a distinct local Service (1960). Initially, Steward intended the distinction between folk societies and urban soci- The ties that bind a tribe are more complicated
community, affirm their obligation to combine concept not as a component in cultural evolution- eties, noting that by establishing an empirically- than those of bands and, as we shall see, the
in warfare against outsiders and acknowledge ary theory, but as a tool for cross-cultural compar- based typology of integrationaI levels, it would be residential segments themselves come to be
the rights of their members to compensation ison. During this brief time, the tendency to lump possible to examine the incorporation of smaller rather different from bands. (original empha-
for injury. (Evans-Pritchard 1940:5) together various political, economic, and social (what he called 'simpler') societies into larger so- sis)
Nuer tribes had no common organization or attributes became temporarily uncoupled. In Stew- ciocultural systems, "... and to make generaliza- This contention-that tribes are essentially
central administration, although they sometimes ard's view, a particular structural characteristic- tions about processes which go beyond what Red- social segments integrated via some sort of pan-
formed loose federations. In this formulation, a the level of integration-was used as the primary field derived from the process of urbanization" tribal institution-reiterates Steward's contention

4 I 5

William A. Parkinson 1. Introduction: Archaeology and Tribal Societies

that it is necessary to focus upon levels of integra- plying this as the specific course of develop- tions available to individuals in different societies. with the structure of their social relations prior to
tion as a primary criterion for typological classifi- ment oftribes, we may nonetheless view a tribe This led to his tripartite classificatory system of contact. Some societies exhibited certain structur-
cation. But whereas Steward attempted to apply as a coalescenceof multifamily groups each of egalitarian, ranked, and stratified societies. Since al features-such as sodalities-that allowed them
the concept (oflevels of integration) as a method- the order of a band. (Sahlins 1961:324) Fried understood both bands and tribes to be es- to organize into more, and more complex, integra-
ological tool for cross-cultural investigation, in In Sahlins' view, tribes consist of economically and sentially egalitarian in nature, he saw no need to tive units than other societies. These included
Service's formulation the degree and manner of politically autonomous segments that are held to- subdivide egalitarian societies into two discrete tribes. Other societies lacked the structural mech-
integration had itself become the typological indi- gether by their likeness to each other (i.e., by me- groups. In a series of articles (e.g., Fried 1968) and anisms necessary to integrate into these more com-
cator. Thus, the level of integration-initially in- chanical solidarity) and by pan-tribal institutions, a book (Fried 1975), he launched a series of attacks plex units-these were bands. The structure of
tended as a methodological tool-had become, per- which crosscut the primary segments. For Sahlins upon the concept of tribe, arguing that tribes tend social relations prior to the time that societies were
haps inevitably a 'conclusion about evolution', (1961), the segmentary lineage system is a substi- to occur only in secondary contexts, "as a conse- impinged upon by more complex ones necessarily
Also inherent in Service's concept oftribe is a tute for the fixed political structure that tribal quence ofthe impinging on simple cultures ofmuch determined the trajectories these societies assumed
certain degree offragility, and a tendency towards societies are incapable of sustaining. more complexly organized societies" (Fried after contact. Fried's inability, or unwillingness,
disunity: Sahlins built upon Steward's notion oflevels of 1975:10). to accept this basic fact can be attributed, at least
Considering the lack of institutional political integration by linking varying levels of organiza- Fried's critique deserves careful consideration, in part, to his overreliance upon the ethnographic
means of unity and the absence of organic sol- tion with sectors of social relations. Within-this not least because it constitutes the inception of the record, which because of its short-term perspec-
idarity, and considering such grave sources of 'sectoral model', "relations become increasingly replacement ofthe term tribe by much more cum- tive was limited in its ability to track trajectories
disunity as feuds, it seems remarkable that a broad and dilute as one moves out from the famil- bersome phrases, such as 'middle-range societies'. of change that occur on a much longer diachronic
tribe remains a tribe. It seems sensible to reaf- ial navel" (Sahlins 1968:16). Sahlins understood This is unfortunate, for Fried's arguments seem to scale.
firm that external strife and competition among cooperation and social interaction to be most in- augment, rather than discredit the concept of tribe This tendency-to construct classificatory sys-
tribes must be the factor that provides the ne- tense at the tribal 'core'-the homestead and ham- as a construct useful for cross-cultural analysis. tems based exclusively upon ethnographic and
cessity for internal unity. (Service 1971:104; let. Thus, the degree of integration decreases as For example, Fried's contention that tribes ethnohistoric examples-resonates throughout all
original emphasis) the level of organization increases, and degrees of form only when less complex societies are affected of the models discussed above. Despite this fact,
While the concept oflevels of sociocultural in- sociability diminish as fields ofsocial relation broad- by more complex ones, seems to beg the question: certain threads permeate each of the models, sug-
tegration' as Service used it, provides a method en. In his own words: why do certain societies turn into tribes when gesting the existence of some ethnographic pat-
useful for classifying different societal forms, it The model before us is set out in social terms. they come into contact with states and empires, terns that need to be considered while formulating
suffers from a static quality that does not account But more than a scheme ofsocial relations, it is and others do not? Fried's inability to answer this an archaeologically useful notion of tribal social
adequately for the degree of dynamic flexibility an organization ofculture. The several levels of simple question exposes the Achilles heel of his traj ectories.
documented in the archaeological record. That is, organization are, in the jargon of the trade, entire argument, which is based upon the untena-
even the roughly-hewn forms of social integration levels of sociocultural integration; the sectors, ble position that tribes exist only as discretely- Attributes Associated with the
that Service employs suffer from the fact that they sectors ofsociocultural relations. Functions are defined cultural units, a notion explicable by his Tribal Concept in Ethnography
are themselves static idealizations of dynamic regulated by levels oforganization, and trans- dependence upon the ethnographic record. When
phenomena. Although Service's model allows for actions by sectors ofrelation. (Sahlins 1968:16) viewed solely through the short-term perspective This brief overview of the development of the
a certain range of variability within each of his Within Sahlins' holistic approach, tribes can sub- available through ethnography, the distribution tribal concept in ethnography reveals several at-
forms of social integration (e.g., lineal and sume an astonishing array of different societal ar- G of tribes across the globe would certainly seem to tributes that frequently have been associated with
composite tribes), it does not account for the basic rangements, from segmentary tribes to chiefdoms correlate with those regions which were heavily the tribe concept. These include:
fact that the social structures, which themselves (see Sahlins 1968:20). He envisioned many inter- influenced by historical state-level societies: North 1. The concept of segmentation, or 'mechanical soli-
define the different evolutionary stages, inherent- mediate arrangements between these two ends of America, New Guinea, South America, etc. Never- darity',
ly allow for a certain degree of integrative, or 'or- the tribal spectrum. These include: conical clans, theless, a closer look at the archaeology of these 2. A tendency towards entropy, or disunity,
ganizational flexibility' (see Fowles, this volume, segmentary lineage systems, territorial clans, dis- same regions would reveal that several tribes 3. The idea that tribes exist only as discrete enti-
Chapter 2; Fowles and Parkinson 1999; Parkinson persed clans, and local cognatic descent groups. had emerged prior to contact, and indeed prior to ties, with well-defined social and geographic
1999:44-47). Because this flexibility may not be In addition to trying to blur the line between the indigenous development or impact of state- boundaries, and
expressed within the short-term perspective in- different social classifications, Sahlins also at- level societies in these regions. Furthermore, even 4. The idea that tribes are somehow 'transitional'
herent to the ethnographic record, it is a charac- tempted to decouple the relationship between so- in the same areas where Fried argued that contact between less complex social forms, such as bands,
teristic that can only be actively explored using the cial forms and economic practices, "while it is true produced tribal systems, he fails to explain why and more complex forms, such as chiefdoms and
diachronic information contained in the archaeo- that most tribesmen are farmers or herders, thus certain societies, such as the Shoshone of Cali- states.
logical record. cultural descendants of the Neolithic, not all are. fornia, or the Australian hunters and gatherers, Of these attributes, perhaps the only one that
Marshall Sahlins also subscribed to a version The Neolithic, then, did not necessarily spawn trib- never developed into tribal units, but remained should be retained in an attempt to operationalize
ofthe basic Band-Tribe-Chiefdom-State evolution- al culture. What it did was provide the technology un-integrated bands. an archaeological definition of tribal social pro-
ary scheme and distinguished between bands and oftribal dominance" (Sahlins 1968:3). Fried's formulation oftribal society suffers from cesses is the concept of segmentation. The rest of
tribes in the following manner: Fried's visceral reaction to the Band-Tribe- a static quality that precludes the possibility for the characteristics can be attributed to the skewed
A band is a simple association offamilies, but Chiefdom-State model, and to Service and Sahlins tribes to assume a variety of different configura- temporal perspective offered through the informa-
a tribe is an association ofkin groups which are in particular, was based upon his paradigmatic tions throughout their ontogeny. The reason why tion contained in the ethnographic record-the
themselves composed of families. A tribe is a assumption that social classification should be tribes emerged in some instances of Western con- primary data source for most of the models pre-
larger, more segmented society. Without im- based upon the differential access to status posi- tact, and not in others, must have something to do sented above.

6 7

William A. Parkinson 1. Introduction: Archaeology and Tribal Societies

Segmentation Warre was allotted a primary, central role. and boundary formation in different contexts, and As discussed earlier, Sahlins suggested that many
While there does seem to be a tendency for suggest that the nature of boundaries within trib- intermediate arrangements stand between the
Perhaps the most pervasive characteristic as- tribes to develop in groups, perhaps indicating some al social trajectories are in constant (or near con- most advanced chiefdom and the simplest segmen-
sociated with tribal systems in both ethnographic sort of interdependent relationship between them stant) states of flux, and can be expected to vary at tary tribe.
and archaeological contexts is the idea that they (see, for example, Braun and Plog 1982), the na- temporal scales that exceed the purview of ethno- Unlike Service and Sahlins, who argued that
are segmented (see Fowles, this volume, Chapter ture of these relationships, and in particular the graphic research. As these studies demonstrate, tribes should be considered evolutionary stages
2, for an extensive discussion of segmentation). As nature ofintra- and inter-tribal aggression, seems however, despite their diachronic fluctuation, such between bands and states, Fried contended that
noted above, the idea that tribes can be character- to vary widely (see Keeley 1996, and this volume, boundaries frequently do leave behind material tribes develop only in secondary contexts when
ized by segmentary forms of organization can be Chapter 17). At times, aggression in tribal societ- remnants that make them accessible archaeologi- band societies are impinged upon by much more
traced back to Morgan (1851). Durkheim (1984) ies consists essentially ofintra-tribal feuds, occur- cally. complex societal forms. In this case, tribes were
associated the term with mechanical solidarity, ring between family units (e.g., the Yanomamo; seen not as transitional entities on an evolution-
which later authors, such as Sahlins and Service, Chagnon 1983), at other times, it consists ofall-out Tribes as transitional social forms ary ladder, but as entities that develop in geograph-
used to characterize bands and tribes, economical- warfare between highly organized confederacies icallytransitional environments. While their views
ly and politically (see also Kelly 1985). This notion (e.g., the Iroquois, see Snow 1994; see also Ferguson A final characteristic associated with tribes varied dramatically, all three evolutionary models
carries over into archaeological approaches to trib- and Whitehead [eds.] 1992, for several examples). based upon ethnographic cases is the notion that were based not upon long-term processes document-
al societies. Although different authors argue the While there may, in fact, be some social logic be- they are transitional (read ephemeral) formations ed in the archaeological record, but on synchronic,
degree to which mechanical solidarity-as it re- hind these changing patterns of aggression, their that exist evolutionarily or geographically between ethnographic examples.
fers to the redundancy created by a lack of econom- existence should not lead us to presuppose a ten- bands and states. The idea that tribes are a stage This focus upon the short-term perspective
ic specialization between different social segments dency towards disunity. Rather, it is more produc- on the evolutionary ladder dates back to Morgan's available through the ethnographic record has
practicing the domestic mode of production (see tive to envision different mechanisms that facili- (1851) unilineal stages of Savagery, which sub- resulted in the placement oftribes as transitional,
Sahlins 1972)-can vary within tribal systems, tate fission, at times, and fusion, at other times. sumes both bands and tribes, and Barbarism, which ephemeral formations that occur between bands
there is some general consensus that social seg- This more accurately represents what happens subsumes both tribes and chiefdoms. This basic and states, evolutionarily and geographically (see
ments of roughly similar scale and composition within tribal trajectories, especiallywhen they are idea was rephrased by Sahlins (1961) and Service Gregg 1991:1). An archaeological perspective of
replicate themselves at varying levels within trib- viewed from the long-term diachronic perspective (1971), both of whom were heavily influenced by tribal social trajectories would suggest, rather, that
al societies. The precise manner in which this in- ofthe archaeological record (see, for example, Snow, Steward's notion of multilinear evolution, and by tribes were a dominant social form on the planet
tegration occurs varies considerably within differ- Chapter 6; Herr and Clark, Chapter 8). the concept of sociocultural levels of integration. for several thousand years following the end of the
ent tribal societies, but as a general rule it must Service considered tribes to be transitional between Pleistocene. The chapters by Galaty (Chapter 7),
involve at least some regular integration beyond Tribes as discrete entities bands, which are segmented and disintegrated, and Anderson (Chapter 13), Clark and Cheetham
the extended family unit, or band. Several of the chiefdoms, which are centralized and ranked. Sah- (Chapter 14), and Bar-Yosefand Bar-YosefMayer
papers in this volume address the nature of inte- Another ethnographic fiction that has been lins, on the other hand, used the term tribal to (Chapter 14) all address the varying temporal
gration within tribal social trajectories directly (see perpetuated by the misrepresentation of tribal refer to the range of evolutionary forms that exists lengths tribal trajectories persisted in different
Redmond, Chapter 4; Fowles, Chapter 5; Adler, systems is the notion that tribes exist exclusively between bands and states, including chiefdoms. parts of the world. In addition, other chapters in
Chapter 9), and a good deal of my own research has as discrete entities with very well-defined social Within this scenario, tribes are distinct from civi- the volume, such as those by Carneiro (Chapter 3),
been dedicated to developing a methodology for and geographic boundaries. While some tribal so-, lizations primarily because the former are in a Redmond (Chapter 4), Fowles (Chapter 5), Adler
modeling integration over the long-term (Parkinson cieties certainly do exhibit clear boundaries, oth- Hobbesian condition of war, "Lacking specialized (Chapter 9), and Keeley (Chapter 17) all address
1999, and this volume, Chapter 18). ers appear as smears across the archaeological institutions oflaw and order, tribes must mobilize the variable nature ofleadership and political hi-
landscape, with few discernible internal or exter- the generalized institutions they do have to meet erarchy within tribal social trajectories, thus pro-
Tendency towards disunity nal boundaries. The segmented nature of tribal the threat of war. Economics, kinship, ritual, and viding a framework that allows these processes to
systems, combined with their tendency to fission the rest are so enlisted" (Sahlins 1968:12-13). With- be modeled at varying temporal scales (see Fowles,
In contrast to the relatively useful idea that and fuse given different social and environmental in the tribal form, Sahlins distinguished between Chapter 2).
tribes are segmented, the notion that tribes tend conditions, results in a social picture that assumes segmentary tribes and chiefdoms:
towards disunity seems to be a vestigial character- discrete boundaries at only isolated moments in The segmentary tribe is a permutation of the Towards an Archaeology of Tribal
istic that has been perpetuated by historical devel- time. The tendency of different segments within general model in the direction of extreme de- Social Trajectories
opments within the discipline. In Morgan's initial the system to constantly renegotiate their rela- centralization, to the extent that the burden of
formulation of the tribal concept, he argued that tionship with each other can preclude the forma- culture is carried in small, local, autonomous The last thirty years have witnessed the near
the reason tribes were segmented was because they tion of established social boundaries over the long groups while higher levels of organization de- abandonment of the tribe concept in ethnology in
were constantly fissioning. This basic notion car- term, usually resulting in a complicated archaeo- veloplittle coherence,poordefinition,and min- favor of, on the one hand, a tendency towards his-
ried through in the work of Sahlins and Service logical picture with fuzzy lines approximating the imum function. The chiefdom is a development torical particularism with the analytical emphasis
who saw entropy not as a causal feature in the borders between different prehistoric 'groups'. The in the other direction,toward integration ofthe placed upon the cultural variables that distinguish
evolution of tribes, but as the unfortunate result chapters by O'Shea and McHale Milner (Chapter segmentary system at higher levels.Apolitical one society from another. On the other hand, this
of a lack of centralization. In their view, tribes 11), Blakeslee (Chapter 10), Anderson (Chapter superstructure is established, and on that ba- trend has been accompanied by a tendency in ar-
were plagued by external strife and it was only 13), Clark and Cheetham (Chapter 14), Bar-Yosef sis a wider and more elaborate organization of chaeology to employ classificatory schemata that
through constant competition with each other that and Bar-YosefMayer (Chapter 15) and myself(Par- economy, ceremony, ideology, and other aspects basically employ social types that roughly corre-
they managed to sustain any degree of cohesion. kinson, Chapter 18) all address the nature of scale of culture. (Sahlins 1968:20) late with what previously had been called 'tribes',

8 9
William A. Parkinson 1. Introduction: Archaeology and Tribal Societies

such as 'middle-range' or 'transegalitarian' societ- Milner (Chapter 11), Richard Yerkes (Chapter 12), Carneiro, Robert L. ceedings ofthe 1967Annual Spring Meet-
ies. Ultimately, the burden of exploring cross-cul- and David Anderson (Chapter 13) focus on the Great 1996 Cultural Evolution. In Encyclopedia of ing of the American Ethnological Soci-
tural comparisons between tribal societies falls Plains, the Great Lakes, the Ohio Hopewell, and Cultural Anthropology, edited by D. ety, edited by June Helm, pp. 3-22. Uni-
upon the shoulders of archaeologists, who, with the southeastern United States, respectively. John Levinson and M. Ember, pp. 271-277. versity of Washington Press, Seattle.
their long-term perspective are capable ofidenti- Clark and David Cheetham (Chapter 14) then syn- Henry Holt, New York. 1975 The Notion ofTribe. Cummings, Menlo
fying and differentiating social processes that oc- thesize an impressive amount of information to Chagnon, Napoleon Park, CA.
cur at temporal scales not accessible to ethnogra- explore the tribal foundations of prehistoric 1983 Yanomamo: The Fierce People. Holt, Gregg, Susan A. (editor)
phers or ethnohistorians. Conversely, as several of Mesoamerica. Rinehart and Winston, Inc., Chicago. 1991 Between Bands and States. Occasional
the papers in this volume demonstrate, ethnogra- The final section represents archaeological Colson, Elizabeth Paper No.9. Center for Archaeological
phers and ethnohistorians frequently have access approaches to studying tribal social organization 1986 Political Organizations in Tribal Societ- Investigations, Southern Illinois Univer-
to more subtle social processes that are nearly in- in the Old World. The chapters by Peter Bogucki, ies: A Cross-Cultural Comparison.Amer- sity at Carbondale, IL.
visible within the long-term view of prehistoric Lawrence Keeley, myself, and Ofer Bar-Yosef and ican Indian Quarterly X:5-20. Harris, Marvin
archaeology. But it is only through the profitable Daniella E. Bar-YosefMayer examine prehistoric Coser, Lewis 1979 Cultural Materialism. Random House,
combination of both perspectives that we can ever tribal societies in the Neolithic of Northern Eu- 1984 Introduction. In The Division of Labor New York.
hope to arrive at an anthropological understand- rope (Bogucki, Chapter 16; and Keeley, Chapter in Society, Emile Durkheim, pp. ix-xxxi. 2001 The Rise of Anthropological Theory: A
ing of what it means 'to act tribally' (see Fowles, 17), the Copper Age on the Great Hungarian Plain The Free Press, New York. History of Theories of Culture. Updated
this volume, Chapter 2). (Parkinson, Chapter 18), and in the Pre-Pottery Durkheim, Emile edition. AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek,
The remainder of this volume constitutes an Neolithic of the Near East (Bar-Yosef and Bar- 1984 [1893] The Division of Labor in Society. CA.
initial attempt to redefine and operationalize the YosefMayer, Chapter 15). The Free Press, New York. Helm, June (editor)
tribal concept as a tool for cross-cultural compar- While these diverse contributions by no means Drennan, Robert D. 1968 The Problem ofTribe: Proceedings ofthe
ison in anthropology and anthropological archae- exhaust the wide range of variability that has been 1991 Cultural Evolution, Human Ecology, and 1967AnnualSpring Meeting oftheAmer-
ology. In the following chapter, Severin Fowles exhibited by social trajectories throughout the Empirical Research. In Profiles in Cul- ican Ethnological Society. University of
discusses how the tribal concept has been translat- world, they nevertheless provide several insights tural Evolution: Papers from a Confer- Washington Press, Seattle.
ed from its synchronic ethnographic origins into into the various social processes that have, over ence in Honor ofElman R. Service, edit- Keeley, Lawrence H.
the diachronic realm of archaeology. He then out- the years, had a profound and very real effect on ed by A. T. Rambo and K. Gillogly, pp. 1996 War Before Civilization. Oxford Univer-
lines an approach to studying tribal social process- the lives of millions of people-they are neither 113-135. Anthropological Papers No. 85. sity Press, New York.
es that calls for analysis at multiple temporal scales. chimera, nor societal illusions, but societies our Museum of Anthropology, University of Kelly, Raymond C.
The next chapter, by Robert Carneiro, discusses predecessors chose to call 'tribes'. They deserve Michigan, Ann Arbor. 1985 The Nuer Conquest: The Structure and
the relationship between the concepts of autono- our attention as well. Evans-Pritchard, E. E. Development ofan Expansionist System.
'mous villages and tribal societies, and describes 1940 The Nuer. Oxford University Press, New University of Michigan Press, Ann Ar-
the general characteristics of autonomous villag- York. bor
es. Together, these three chapters comprise the References Cited Feinman, Gary Kuznar, Lawrence
theoretical framework of the volume. 2000 Cultural Evolutionary Approaches and 1997 Reclaiming a Scientific Anthropology.
The next section of the book consists of ethno- Beinart, Peter Archaeology: Past, Present, and Future. AltaMira, Walnut Creek, CA.
graphic and ethnohistoric perspectives on tribal 1999 Lost Tribes: Native Americans and Gov- In Cultural Evolution: Contemporary Morgan, Lewis Henry
social organization. Elsa Redmond uses ethno- ernment Anthropologists Feud over In- Viewpoints, edited by Gary M. Feinman 1964 [1877] Ancient Society, edited by Leslie
graphic information to examine the two temporal dian Identity. Lingua Franca May/ and Linda Manzanilla, pp. 3-12. Kluwer White. Belknap Press, Cambridge, MA.
dimensions of a Jivaroan war leader's career. June:32-41. Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York. 1995 [1851] League of the Iroquois. JG Press,
Severin Fowles, Dean Snow and Michael Galaty Bernard, Russell Feinman, Gary, and Neitzel, Jill North Dighton, MA.
draw from ethnohistoric evidence to discuss the 1994 Research Methods inAnthropology: Qual- 1984 Too Many Types: An Overview of Seden- Neitzel, Jill E., and David G. Anderson
social organization of societies in Africa (Fowles, itative and Quantitative Methods. Sage, tary Prestate Societies in the Americas. 1999 Multiscalar Analyses of Middle Range
Chapter 5), northeastern North America (Snow, Thousand Oaks, CA. Advances in Archaeological Method and Societies: Comparing the Late Prehistor-
Chapter 6) and southeastern Europe (Galaty, Chap- Bocek, Barbara Theory 7:39-102. ic Southwest and Southeast. In Great
ter 7). 1991 Prehistoric Settlement Pattern and So- Ferguson, R. B., and Whitehead, N. L. (editors) Towns and Regional Polities in the Pre-
The third section of the book is comprised of cial Organization on the San Francisco 1992 War in the Tribal Zone. School of Amer- historicAmerican Southwest and South-
archaeological approaches in New World prehis- Peninsula, California. In Between Bands ican Research, Santa Fe, NM. east, edited by Jill E. Neitzel, 243-254.
toriccontexts. Sarah Herr and JeffClark (Chapter and States, edited by Susan A. Gregg, Flannery, Kent V. Amerind Foundation New World Stud-
8) discuss the role of mobility in the prehispanic pp. 58-88. Southern Illinois University, 1995 Prehistoric Social Evolution. In Research ies Series 3, University of New Mexico
southwestern United States, and Michael Adler Carbondale, IL. Frontiers in Anthropology, edited by C. Press, Albuquerque.
(Chapter 9) considers how we might best use our Braun, David, and Stephen Plog R. Ember and M. Ember, pp. 1-26. Pren- Owens, D'Ann, and Hayden, Brian
anthropological perspectives the creation, use, and 1982 Evolution of "Tribal" Social Networks: tice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1997 Prehistoric Rites of Passage: A Compar-
abandonment of public (ritual) architectural space Theory and Prehistoric North American Fried, Morton ative Study of Transegalitarian Hunter-
within Pueblo communities. The chapters by Don Evidence. American Antiquity 47:504- 1968 On the Concepts of "Tribe" and "Tribal Gatherers. Journal of Anthropological
Blakeslee (Chapter 10), John O'Shea and Claire 527. Society". In The Problem of Tribe: Pro- Archaeology 16(2):121-161.

10 I 11


William A Parkinson
P'@tlI1n~~!#JWi.lli8IJlA...- Spencer, Charles
.. :.j,J:f19~~;fth~ Social Organization of Early Copper 1997 Evolutionary Approaches in Archaeolo-
Age'rvibes on the Great Hungarian Plain. gy. Journal ofArchaeological Research
Ph.D, Dissertation, University ofMichi- 5:209-264. 2. From Social Type to Social Process:
gan, Ann Arbor. Sterritt, Neil J., Susan Marsden, Robert Galois,
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. Peter R. Grant, and Richard Overstall Placing 'Tribe' in a Historical Framework
1948 TheAndamanIslanders. The Free Press, 1998 Tribal Boundaries in the Nass Water-
Glencoe, Illinois. shed. UBC Press, Vancouver.
Steward, Julian
Severin M. Fowles
Redfield, Robert
1941 The Folk Culture ofthe Yucatan. Univer- 1937 Ecological Aspects of Southwestern So-
sity of Chicago Press, Chicago. ciety. Anthropos 32:87-104.
1947 Tepozlan, a Mexican Village: A Study of 1951 Levels of Sociocultural Integration: An
Folk Life. University of Chicago Press, Operational Concept. Southwest Journal Introduction whole is normally not a political organization
Chicago. ofAnthropology VII:374-90. but rather a social-cultural-ethnic entity. It is
Sahlins, Marshall 1955 Theory of Culture Change: The Method- The search for cross-cultural patterning in held together principally by likenesses among
1961 The Segmentary Lineage: An Organiza- ology of Multilinear Evolution. Univer- human organization is a central and distinguish- its segments (mechanicalsolidarity)and bypan-
tion of Predatory Expansion. American sity of Illinois Press, Urbana, IL. ing aim of an anthropological approach to social tribal institutions. (Sahlins 1968:190-191)
Anthropologist 63:322-345. Trigger, Bruce theory. As a consequence of this lofty goal, how- Clarity, however, is often a double-edged sword.
1968 Tribesmen. Prentice-Hall, Englewood 1990 A History of Archaeological Thought. ever, much of anthropology has of necessity wed- Grouping together all social contexts that appeared
Cliffs, NJ. Cambridge University Press, New York. ded itself to the use of typologies in the course of to more or less rely on segmentary structures and
1972 Stone Age Economics. Aldine, New York. Tyler, Edward B. comparative studies. Whether of particular his- pan-tribal institutions or sodalities as their pri-
Sahlins, Marshall D. and Elman R. Service (eds.) 1871 Primitive Culture. J. Murray, London. torical processes, social relations, or entire societ- mary means of sociopolitical cohesion led to some
1960 Evolution and Culture. University of Yoffee, Norman, Suzanne Fish, and George ies, types of some sort or another are a requisite unsatisfying bedfellows with widely diverse eco-
Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. Milner first step, necessary evils that bring order to the nomic practices, social relations, and scales of or-
Service, Elman 1999 Comunidades, Ritualities, Chiefdoms: infinite shades of empirical experience and offer ganization. Rival typological schemes proliferated
1971 Primitive Social Organization: An Evo- Social Evolution in the American South- an initial rationale for comparing certain social (see Feinman and Neitzel 1984). By the time that
lutionary Perspective. Second Edition. west and Southeast. In Great Towns and contexts rather than others. But first-round Morton Fried (1975) hammered his own nail into
Random House, New York. Regional Polities, edited by J. Neitzel, typologies almost always sow the seeds of their the concept's coffin, Service (1971:157, 1975) was
Snow, Dean pp. 261-272. Amerind Foundation, Dra- own undoing, or at least their own redoing, for the already relinquishing 'tribe' in favor of Fried's
1994 The Iroquois. Blackwell, Cambridge, MA. goon,AZ. process of cross-cultural comparison is nothing if looser, more versatile stage of'egalitarian society'.
Spencer, Herbert not a continuous challenge of a type's utility. Only Furthermore, strong critiques ofthe neoevolution-
1896 Principles ofSociology. D. Appleton and so much variability can be accommodated before ary agenda itself soon resurfaced in ethnology as
Co., New York. utility turns to futility and the type is placed into tides again turned toward a historical particular-
question. ism more akin to Boas than to Morgan or White. By
Such has been the fate of the notion of tribe. the 1980's, movements toward a more relativistic
Early on, in the proto-typology days of colo- and politicized ethnology left the entire endeavor
nialism, almost all non-European societies-from of generalization from an evolutionary standpoint
small Australian aboriginal groups to complex to be abandoned as ethically suspect. Archaeology,
African states-were freely labeled 'tribal.' In the which could not do without some sort of compara-
middle ofthe 20th century, however, 'tribe as other' tive evolutionary framework, was left to pick up
began to give way to a more refined notion of tribe the pieces on its own.
as a stage of general cultural evolution. Marshall Throughout the 20 th century, 'tribe' has been
Sahlins helped sculpt tribe into a transitional so- defined and redefined time and again in anthro-
cial form that bridged the gap between simple pology, colonial politics, and popular culture and
hunter-gatherer bands and complex states, while in its travels has accumulated tremendous bag-
Elman Service further whittled the concept down gage. Given this, it has been tempting to follow
by separating out tribes ('properly so called') from Steward and Faron's (1959:17, 21) lead and take
chiefdoms. In so doing, the tribal type had finally the position that "the term tribe, thus having no
received a clear anthropological rendering. "Atribe clear meaning, will be generally avoided." To do
is a segmental organization," wrote Sahlins: this, however, would be to dodge a central prob-
It is composed of a number of equivalent, lem. Whereas the other neoevolutionary social
unspecialized multifamily groups, each the types have-to a much greater degree-been the
structural duplicate of the other: a tribe is a focus of refinement, reevaluation, and, at times,
congeries of equal kin group blocs... [and] as a rejection in archaeology, 'tribe' has received com-


1 13
Severin M. Fowles 2. Placing 'Tribe' in a Historical Framework

paratively little attention. At the end of the 20 th three temporal scales (intra-generational, multi- during the 1940's and 50's (Fortes and Evans-Prit- clans, the fraternities, the priesthoods, the
century one can openly argue about chiefdoms or generational, and long-term) at which different chard 1940; Fortes 1953; Barnes 1954; Bohannan kivas, in a measure the gaming parties, are all
hunter-gatherer bands; 'tribe', however, must be trajectories of change might be productively com- 1954; Smith 1956). The neoevolutionary emphasis dividing agencies. If they coincided, the rifts in
hidden behind quotation marks or aliases. pared. on tribal segmentation that has been adopted by the social structure would be deep; by counter-
But it is not this essay's intention, nor that of most archaeologists grew out ofthese earlier stud- ing each other, they cause segmentations which
the volume as a whole, to dwell on critiques of the Archaeological Translations of The ies and really did little more than clarify the basic produce an almost marvelous complexity, but
tribal type and the neoevolutionary framework in Ethnographic Tribe form ofthe model. In Sahlins' (1961, 1968) classic can never break the national entity apart.
which it is set. Rather, the initial goal is to evalu- discussions, for instance, segmentation was used (Kroeber 1917)
ate the ways in which the notion of tribe-devel- But before doing so, it is useful to first briefly to refer both to an equivalency of basic social units Clear ethnographic examples ofthis principle have
oped from ethnographic contexts and with a par- review how the ethnographic model of tribal soci- (or 'primary segments') and to the manner in which also been discussed in Brazil (Gross 1979) and
ticular evolutionary agenda-has been translated ety has been used in archaeology, how it has been these basic units manage to form collectivities in South-Central Africa (Gluckman 1965:110-112),
into the diachronic context of archaeological in- translated. What is meant-explicitly and implic- the absence ofpermanent and institutionalized po- to mention but a few.
quiry. Traditionally, this translation process has itly-when an archaeological context is labeled sitions of leadership. In short, when a perceived Taken together these two organizational prin-
proceeded in a fairly straightforward middle-range tribal? This question can be answered on a number need for group action or decision-making arises, ciples are the heart of a structural model of tribal
manner, the goal being to establish the material of levels and below I review three answers that primary segments are understood to voluntarily society, which if evoking a feeling of timelessness
correlates of a 'dynamic' and ethnographic tribal have particularly wide currency in the literature. band together into larger second-order segments undoubtedly does so for two primary reasons. First,
context as theywould appear in the 'static' archaeo- The first and most explicit answerinvolves a struc- which can then join forces into third-order seg- though the model no longer holds currency in eth-
logical record. In this essay, however, I will follow tural model oftribal society. The second adopts a ments; and so on until the necessary scale of orga- nology, it has been well curated for nearly forty
the lead of Upham (1990a, 1990b) and others in more informal trait-list approach. And the third is nization is met. The resultant decision-making years in archaeological research in close to its ini-
arguing that such a methodology needs to be re- fully impressionistic, although it very likely is the hierarchy is largely consensus-based, situational, tial form. Frequently used terms such as 'middle
thought. Without diminishing the importance of most accurate representation of how 'tribe' and and unstable. The most powerful examples of seg- range', 'kin-based' or 'autonomous village' society
ethnographic analogizing, one must acknowledge 'tribal' are used archaeologically. mentary principles are to be found in lineage sys- have arisen to replace 'tribe' during this time, but
that, in an important sense, the ethnographic record tems, which naturally take on many of these char- they have so far offered little more than semantic
is the more 'static' ofthe two, limited as it is to the The structural model of tribal society acteristics; however the principle is not limited to alternatives that do little to change the manner in
observation of short-term events. Just as a day in kinship alone. Johnson's (1978, 1982) more recent which we understand the social contexts so labeled
mid-summer will not serve as a model for an entire If asked to define a tribe, many archaeologists thinking on sequential hierarchies has placed re- (but see Carneiro, this volume). Second, the struc-
year, neither can a purely ethnographic model of would probably more or less still accept Sahlins' newed emphasis on the use of segmentation as a tural model does not make explicit reference to
tribal society stand for an archaeological one. Long- definition, quoted above, and maintain that an general organizational principle in all manner of time. On one hand, this timelessness simplifies
term history (archaeological or otherwise) has its archaeological tribal context is one in which rela- consensus-based decision-making contexts. the transportation of the model between ethno-
own dramas and storylines played out on different tively equal and functionally independent kin- If segments and the individuals within them graphic and/or archaeological contexts. On the
stages. based social segments cohered into larger commu- are the building blocks ofthe neoevolutionarymodel other, it is unavoidably ahistorical and demands
The second goal of this and the other essays in nities by means of certain distinctively tribal prin- of tribal society, then the social institutions that that we view a tribe-once an archaeological con-
the presentvolume, therefore, is to explore archaeo- ciples oforganization. Haas (1990: 172) for example, overlap them are considered to be a form of social text can in fact be considered a tribe-as a struc-
logical alternatives to the short-term models of emphasizes the economic autonomy of segments _ mortar or glue. For Service (1962) in particular, ture frozen in time until the point at which it is no
tribal society. In this search one cannot, of course, in his model of tribal society, and both Braun and the critical aspect of tribal institutions or sodali- longer a tribe and the structure begins to thaw (see
do away with typologies altogether-the nature of Plog (1982) and Habicht-Mauche (1993) explicitly ties such as clans, age-grades, and religious societ- Upham 1990a).
cross-cultural comparison depends upon them- describe tribal units as integrated into larger so- ies is that their memberships cross-cut one an- Be that as it may, ifthis model is what is really
but one can shift the subject matter from types ·of cial entities by means of "cross-cutting pan-resi- other in such a way that individuals find them- meant when an archaeological context is described
entire societies to types ofcultural processes or his- dential institutions." These two central concepts- selves more or less enmeshed in a web of relations, as tribal, then we must ask whether or not the
torical trajectories (cf, Barth 1967; Friedman 1982; segmentary structure and crosscutting sodalities- obligated to maintain at least an appearance of evidence used to support such a position is ad-
Upham 1990b, Mills 2000). As many have empha- are the pillars that hold up the formal tribal edifice civility toward other individuals in their "social- equate. With respect to a segmentary principle,
sized, what, how, and how quickly aspects ofa social and deserve to be considered in some detail. cultural-ethnic entity" or tribe. The result is not a the strongest and undoubtedly the most widely
context change (as well as what does not change) Like so many concepts in anthropology, the world without tensions and dispute, but it is one cited evidence is architectural. Consider the case
are questions more amenable to archaeological data ancestry of the concept of segmentation can be in which the lines of fission inherent in segmen- of the prehistoric Puebloan villages ofthe Ameri-
than is inquiry into the structure of a social con- traced back to the publication of Ancient Society. tary systems are thought to be temporarily neu- can Southwest where a great deal of research has
text at one point in time. More importantly, if dis- Morgan's (1974 [1877]) early description of his- tralized. Kroeber's early study of Zuni society pro- revealed countless examples of clear architectural
tinctive historical patterns of change can be iden- toric Iroquois society as an aggregate of roughly vides one of the classic examples of such a tribally segmentation that presumably had a basis in a
tified cross-culturally, then these patterns may equivalent and equal kinship groups that united integrated system. In describing Zuni social groups similarly segmented social organiztion (Adler, this
potentially be used as an alternate means of break- at different levels to face periodic challenges was he notes: volume; Steward 1937; Varien and Lightfoot
ing into the study of sociopolitical evolution. In one of the first segmentary models of a tribal orga- Four or five different planes of systematization 1989:76). Household units that in one time period
this essay, I elaborate on this central notion and nization. Combined with Durkheim's' (1893) con- cross cut each other and thus preserve for the were constructed as isolated hamlets came to be
the ways in which it directly applies to the problem sideration ofmechanical solidarity, Morgan's model whole society an integrity that would be speed- used as recognizable building blocks of large vil-
of the tribal type. In doing so, an alternate typo- set the stage for the later reformations of seg- ily lost if the planes merged and thereby in- lages in other periods. The resulting architectural
logical framework is developed that distinguishes mentary structures in British social anthropology clined to encourage segregation and fission. The hierarchy has suggested to many that decision-

14 I 15

Severin M. Fowles 2. Placing 'Tribe' in a Historical Framework

making in the prehistoric Pueblos rose up through very close to it: sedentary, non-hierarchical (or During times of warfare or religious crisis, in par- On an even more basic level, however, it should
the residential units by consensus (Johnson 1989).2 egalitarian), and small-scale. Regarded loosely, ticular, otherwise 'egalitarian' or tribal societies also be clear that reducing ongoing systems to
Research along these lines has been produc- these adjectives characterize a good many social may temporarily take on structural qualities more particular states also demands that we ignore the
tive and is bolstered by Johnson's (1978,1982) more contexts that one would be tempted to consider similar to chiefdoms. Privileging one structural reality that all individuals and social groups are,
theoretical consideration ofthe underlying logic of tribal, and they deal in variables archaeologists pose-in other words, one configuration of social in an important sense, warehouses of organiza-
information processing within such systems. How- are accustomed to measuring. But these casual relations-rather than another in analytic models tional options. As Salzman puts it:
ever, two cautions can be raised with respect to criteria have not been proposed as a formal defini- seriously misrepresents by over-simplifying the [tjhe crucial fact, often overlooked or de-em-
this approach. First, the segmentary structure tion of tribal society for good reason. Indeed, a less dynamics present within such historical/social phasized, is that every society provides alter-
reflected architecturally in archaeological contexts cavalier investigation of the criteria brings to the contexts. natives-institutionalized alternatives-for
may well have been ofa different nature than those fore recent reevaluations of each that must be In many ways, 'small-scale' is the thorniest of many ifnot all major areas of activity: alterna-
in the ethnographically derived tribal model dis- addressed. the three criteria commonly attributed to tribal tive organizational forms, alternative produc-
cussed earlier. A village that existed for a mere A stark contrast between 'sedentary' and 'no- contexts. Individuals and social groups more often tive activities, alternative value orientations,
decade, for example, would have far exceeded the madic', for instance, has been found to drastically than not interact on very different economic, reli- alternative forms of property control. This re-
period of unified action involved in the examples of misrepresent most non-industrial societies (Kent gious, political, and military levels, and to define a sults in fluidity and variability as people switch
segmentary lineage systems discussed by Sahlins. 1989). As Sarah Herr and Jeffrey Clark (this vol- social or organizational scale based upon one such back and forth between activities, between or-
At the very least, our understanding of the corre- ume, Chapter 8) point out, the dividing line drawn sphere would be limiting at best. Even with re- ganizational forms, and between priorities.
lation between architectural and decision-making by neoevolutionists between band-level hunter- spect to one manner of social interaction-for in- (Salzman 1980:4)
structures may be incomplete, especially in those gatherers and tribal societies tended to emphasize stance, political decision-making-scale is an elu- By ignoring this central point, trait-list approaches
cases for which we have no support from direct the emergence ofa commitment to agriculture, with sive variable that often shifts dramatically from have done much to block entry into dealing with
historical evidence. Second, it must be acknowl- increased sedentism being one of the most struc- moment to moment as the types ofdecisions change. historical dynamics among tribal or any other sort
edged that 'tribal' segmentary principles may at turally significant implications of that commit- Furthermore, archaeologists face the special prob- of social contexts.
times be difficult to distinguish archaeologically ment. Robert Carneiro's (this volume, Chapter 3) lem of having to construct their own boundaries in
from the equally situational decision-making struc- impressive synthesis of much ethnographic and order to make scalar estimates, and all too often Impressions of Tribe
tures ofmore 'band-like' groups (e.g., Johnson 1978) archaeological data reemphasizes this general the latter are drawn to accommodate preconceived
or from the conical clan structures of some chief- point, that on some level we cannot ignore the re- notions of tribal scale rather than the patterning Barring other definitional options, it is prob-
doms (Sahlins 1968:24-25,49-50). alitythat agriculture and increased sedentism were within the archaeological record itself. Lekson's ably not misconstruing matters to fess up to the
As for evidence of overlapping social institu- critical preliminaries to more complex social forms (1999) recent efforts to throwaway such precon- fact that what we really mean when we call a social
tions, the typical data cited are even more equivo- in much of the world. Herr and Clark's central ceptions and vastly enlarge the scale ofthe Chacoan context tribal is frequently something much more
cal. Very few archaeological analyses of tribal con- argument, however, is that by over-emphasizing system in the American Southwest reveal how impressionistic. To begin with, the term commonly
texts actually offer such evidence at all, and those sedentism the equally important elements of mo- problematic this issue of drawing a boundary signifies that the social context in question is big,
that do typically focus upon mortuary data, using bility in such systems tend to be ignored. Their around a 'tribe'-or even around a network of so- but not too big. A number of attempts using ethno-
the presence of overlapping patterns of associated work reveals that tribal mobility continues to play cial interaction, for that matter-ean be. Given graphic data have been made to specify precisely
artifacts as a material signature of overlapping a significant structural role over time as it directly these challenges, the 'small' ofsmall-scale says very how big is too big (Naroll 1956; Carneiro 1961,
memberships in sodalities. But leaping from skel- affects patterns of intergroup conflict, land ten... little." 1967, 1987; Chagnon 1983). While these studies
etons bedecked in arrows to 'arrow societies' is at ure, sociopolitical inequality, and religion. As a If there remained any lingering hope that a have met with some success in identifying broad
best tenuous. And even if solid archaeological evi- result ofthis realization, many archaeologists have trait-list approach might still be used as a means scalar thresholds that probably speak to some bio-
dence of cross-cutting sodalities is found, one must resorted to the use of such terms as 'semi-perma- of social classification, Feinman and Neitzel's logical aspects of human information processing
still acknowledge that memberships in various nent sedentary', 'short-term sedentism', or 'deep (1984) ambitious ethnographic review ofNew World (Johnson 1982; Kosse 1990, 1996), it remains the
groups overlap in almost all known societies, in- sedentism'. Each qualification highlights the ob- 'middle-range' or 'intermediate' societies during the case that the scale of decision-making at any par-
cluding our own. In tribal contexts, such groups servation that many important social dynamics mid-1980's should have ended all such optimism. ticular time is only very loosely correlated with
are thought to simply bear a greater burden with emerge when we view sedentism and mobility as Even keeping in mind the problems and inconsis- other aspects of human social life.
respect to social integration. relative concepts figured on a shifting scale. tencies of the ethnographic data they employed, Second, the label typically signifies that no solid
Perhaps then, the structural model-seductive Much research has also been devoted to com- their study clearly indicated both (1) that continu- evidence of elites-such as elaborate burials or
though it may be-is not exactly what is meant plicating the concept of egalitarianism. It is now ous, non-modal variation is to be found in nearly large, specially constructed residences-has yet
when an archaeological context is described as no longer accepted that the traditional group of every social attribute that has been used to differ- been uncovered. While the use ofnegative evidence
tribal. 'egalitarian societies' did in fact lack forms ofrank- entiate types from one another, and (2) that very may feel unsatisfying, this criterion is indeed es-
ing' hereditary leadership, and privileged control few of these variables can be shown to correlate sential to the tribal ideal given that in almost any
The tribal trait-list of such things as ritual knowledge and land. Elsa even loosely with one other. They concluded that archaeological context presently considered tribal,
Redmond's (this volume, Chapter 4) discussion of trait-list approaches are simply incapable of deal- the discovery of one or two truly 'elite' burials (e.g.,
Worth considering next are the more casual, Jivaroan war leaders and Fowles' (this volume, ing with significant amounts of variability. In in an elaborate mortuary complex surrounded by
but also more tangible, criteria used by many ar- Chapter 5) discussion of Tonga prophets provides Chapter 17, Lawrence Keeley also offers a comple- preciosities and a crew of sacrificed attendants),
chaeologists to define tribal contexts. When dis- two concrete ethnohistoric examples of how unbal- mentary critique, noting the degree to which the would be enough for most scholars to bump the
tilled to an essence, these criteria are frequently anced power relations are often found to existwithin classic tribal type overlaps with both the band and case in question up from a tribe to a chiefdom-
summed up in the following trait-list, or something certain spheres of a society rather than others. chiefdom types. regardless of other evidence to the contrary.

16 I 17

Severin M. Fowles 2. Placing 'Tribe' in a Historical Framework

In short, when employed casually, 'tribe' or tary state model to understand the Alur followed as opposed to total societies is a productive change bounded (a process that has been described as
'tribal' do a better job of indicating what the social by the concept's subsequent application by other of focus. 'detribalization' or 'devolution', Berndt 1959). Also
phenomenon in question is not-not too big, not scholars to a range of social contexts elsewhere in in need of explanation is why some large prehis-
too small, and not too centralized or chiefdom-like. the world. The segmentary state was defined as Towards the Study of Tribal toric 'tribal' social formations did emerge from or
Which is to say that the 'tribe as other' perspective "one in which the spheres of ritual suzerainty and Trajectories cycle between smaller ones in relative isolation
of the early 20th century has not entirely disap- political sovereignty do not coincide" (Southall from chiefdoms or states (see Fried [1968:12] and
peared. Tribe has overtly come to assume the 1988:52), and thus there were certain structural Enough work has been devoted to the search Sahlins [1961:326], as well as O'Shea and Milner,
middle-range in the continuum of human social similarities between leadership in such societies for particular characteristics with which to clearly this volume, Chapter 11, and Parkinson, this vol-
forms, a theoretical empty space betwixt, between, and segmentary tribes (or, as Fortes and Evans- demarcate tribal versus other forms of organiza- ume, Chapter 18).
and only loosely bounded by its sibling evolution- Pritchard [1970:13] referred to them, "Group B" tion. Enough work has also been devoted to explor- Ultimately, we must realize that what ethnolo-
ary types (cf. Gregg 1991). Morgan's (1974:103) societies). Segmentation came to be thought of as ing the shortcomings of this approach. As noted gists rejected was the idea that the relatively sharp
late 19 th century sentiment, in this sense, contin- a social and political strategy that could be ana- above, the essays in the present volume represent political/ethnic boundaries between modern 'tribes'
ues to hold currency: "It is difficult to describe an lyzed across societies that were traditionally an attempt to build from a different starting point: had a temporal reality beyond that inscribed into
Indian tribe by the affirmative elements ofits com- thought of as fitting into very different social types. a desire to compare trajectories of change rather them by more complex societies. Well-bounded and
position" (see also Steward 1963:44, footnote 3). The problem, however, was that all social contexts than to compare the synchronic attributes of ideal- stable tribes, they concluded, were simply second-
Recognition of the various problems with the have some segmentary characteristics and, conse- ized societies. In a way, the search for particular ary products of colonialism. Fair enough. But if
structural, trait-list, and impressionistic transla- quently, the extremely broad comparisons that tribal characteristics is akin to asking 'what color archaeologists were too quick to impose the syn-
tions of the ethnographic model of tribal society, resulted from the cross-cultural study of segmen- is a chameleon?'-it simply poses the wrong ques- chronic tribal model of ethnology onto its diachro-
however, has not yet led to the development of tary contexts only offered limited insight. tion. One must instead investigate the variability nic data, it would be equally premature to imme-
substantially more satisfying typological alterna- As Adler (this volume, Chapter 9) notes, the of colors over time and space and from there ask diately accept the ethnologists' subsequent critique.
tives with which to enter into the cross-cultural recent archaeological interest in dual-processual, how and why these colors change. The ultimate Indeed, the very malleability of social boundaries
analyses so central to anthropological understand- heterarchical, and other models is, ultimately, goal of this sort of questioning is an understanding in such contexts over time is what many archaeolo-
ing. Michael Adler's chapter (this volume, Chapter symptomatic of modern desires to break apart the finally ofhow and why the very patterns or rhythms gists have found to be most characteristic of the
9), for example, takes a critical look at how archae- essentialism ofclassic neoevolutionarytypes. This, of change may have themselves evolved. In tribal tribal type (Fowles and Parkinson 1999). Perhaps
ologists in the American Southwest have recently then, is our principle problem. Given that we can studies such an approach is particularly relevant, this is the natural outgrowth ofthe archaeological
sought to characterize prehistoric Puebloan groups perceive a group of archaeological social contexts for the critique of the tribal type has emerged not need to determine social boundaries through pat-
using the dual processual model developed by that feel similar enough to merit detailed compari- only from the observed variability between con- terning in material remains rather than through
Blanton et al. (1996) in Mesoamerica. As Peregrine son, how and on what level can we best go about texts that one would be tempted to label tribal the use of tribal names created, or at least rigidi-
(2001:37) and others have recently emphasized, learning from the differences and similarities (Feinman and Neitzel 1984), but even more power- fied, by state governments. If one does not have
the corporate and network strategies distinguished within that group? Along what course might we fully from the observed organizational variability labels such as Chimbu, Kalinga, or Nuerwith which
in this model "do not define societal 'types' nor do continue to explore evolutionary processes through that is exhibited within particular social contexts to contend, one need not become preoccupied with
they define a unilineal evolutionary trend," and cross-cultural comparisons without lapsing into a as they developed over time. whether or not these labels actually reflect mean-
it is in this way that many have found the model heavy-handed essentialism? The answer to these Consider, for example, Fried's (1968,1975; see ingful social units. Perhaps this position also stems
to hold promise (Mills 2000). While this may be questions undoubtedly involves a move beyond- also Kroeber 1955; Berndt 1959; Helm 1968) influ- from the fact that the end goal of archaeological
true within theoretical discussions of the model, straightforward translations of ethnographic mod- ential rejection of the notion oftribe in the 60's and investigations into tribal contexts is almost never
we must acknowledge that describing a society as els. Though we may be attracted by the readiness 70's. On one level, Fried argued that crystallized a characterization of particular 'tribes' per se.
dominated either by corporate or network strate- of such models, the data with which we work are tribal collectivities may have only ever existed as More often, for example, one finds conclusions
gies immediately places that society within a very often not so accommodating. Qualitatively more secondary phenomena in the context of contact drawn about various 'phases' within the historical
definite typological classification. Thus both early historical, archaeological remains speak in terms between states and decentralized egalitarian trajectory of a given region (see, for example,
Basketmaker pit house settlements of the Ameri- of archaeological time (Smith 1992) and resist be- groups. The subtext of this argument, however, is O'Shea and Milner's, this volume, Chapter 11,
can Southwest and the Classic Maya have been ing treated as the residue of a suspended ethno- that if historical data can show that the socially discussion of the Juntamen Phase in the Upper
classified as societies dominated by "network" strat- graphic moment. Because of this, archaeologists bounded tribes of the colonial world had been un- Great Lakes, and Blakeslee's, this volume, Chap-
egies, while the later Puebloan village communi- more often than not deal in historical trajectories bounded, unmobilized, and fluid prior to European ter 10, discussion of the Nebraska Phase on the
ties and Teotihuacan have both been classified as rather than in societies, per se. With respect to the contact, then to talk about tribe as an autonomous Central Plains).
societies dominated by "corporate" strategies. To problem oftribal society, we therefore stand to profit developmental type of society is misleading. But Regardless, archaeological engagement with
be sure, the dual processual model does realign from an analytic framework that reflects this real- does it really come as a surprise that individuals the problem of tribal society has shifted the focus
traditional typological relationships in novel ways; ity and concerns itselfless with characterizing the and groups changed their behaviors and organized of the debate in an important direction, a point
however it remains to be seen whether our under- political, ideological, or economic qualities of a themselves differently in a substantially changed that can be clearly seen in many of the chapters in
standing of individual societies will be enhanced society-in other words, with what a tribe is-and sociopolitical context? The more interesting ques- the present volume. Snow's (Chapter 6) examina-
by the new cross-cultural typology that has been more with what happens over time in tribal con- tion, it seems, is why some indigenous groups tion of migration and ethnogenesis among the his-
constructed. texts. mobilized (or were able to be mobilized) into 'tribes' toric Penobscot, for instance, might be directly
Realignments in a similar vein have, of course, In the remainder of this essay I explore this while other groups (many in Australia and Africa, contrasted with Fried's (1968:6) discussion ofthe
been attempted previously. One need only look back position of 'tribal is' as 'tribal does'-that a frame- for example) did not-or were not able to-central- shiftingnature ofethnic identity. Ethnicityin tribal
to Southall's (1956) development of the segmen- work based upon types of trajectories or processes ize and in some cases even became more loosely contexts, Fried emphasized, was malleable and


1 19

Severin M. Fowles 2. Placing 'Tribe' in a Historical Framework

easy altered to fit the politics ofthe moment. Thus society. Rather, the society must be discussed as
he concluded that 'tribes' do not exist in any impor- comprised of a set of strategies-both egalitarian
tant ethnic sense. Far from being grounds for a and hierarchical-over time.
complete rejection of the tribal concept, however, The inherent inaccuracy of descriptions in
Snow's study reveals that that it might instead be which social groups are characterized as having a Chiefdom
worth viewing a certain amount of flexibility in single state-a state which has, of necessity, been
ethnic identification as highly characteristic of stereotyped from an aggregate of observed behav-
tribal groups, as something that an archaeology of iors-is a problem also addressed by Barth (1967). Tribe
tribal society must accept as a necessary back- Barth noted that social change tends to be either
ground to its investigations. dramatically misrepresented or not represented
Indeed, if one examines the ethnographic and at all when we do not clearly distinguish between Band
ethnohistoric records with sufficient care, it be- 0) the elements of a formal social system that may
comes clear that the critique ofthe notion of a rigid be continuously preserved and (2) the organiza-
Historical Time
or stable tribe was truly the critique of straw men. tional options within that system that may change
Consider, for example, Oliver's (1968) discussion with ease and without significant ramifications to
of the American Plains where the congregation of the underlying nature of the system itself. The
the buffalo into large herds in the late summer and objective, he argued, should rather be to charac-
autumn led many native groups to aggregate dur- terize a social context "as a statistical thing, as a Fig. 1. Stage-based or ideal-typic model of general evolution.
ing the summer and disperse in the winter. Such set offrequencies of alternatives" (see also Meggitt
a yearly alternation between aggregation and dis- 1979:122; Smith 1960:148).
persal demanded that society be organized at a Such are the observations that anthropologists
variety of levels. Thus Oliver concluded that the have made over the limited historical purview of
True Plains groups, such as the Teton Dakota, ethnographic fieldwork. Archaeologists and histo-
alternated yearly between a "band-level" sociopo- rians engaged in the analysis oflonger segments of State
litical organization governed by local hereditary
leaders and a "tribal" organization governed by
social trajectories have, of course, encountered
much greater temporal variabilityin organizational
temporarily chosen warriors 0968:256, see also
Carneiro 1967:241). Such a situation also existed
strategies. As Upham (1990b) nicely summarized,
confrontation with such variability has played a
Middle Range
in many Central Brazilian societies, for which Gross large role in the late 20 th century shift in archaeol- Society
has documented a yearly shift between nomadic ogyfrom the use of stage-based evolutionaryframe-
foraging groups and villages of up to 1,400 people. works to more processual frameworks of continu- l
Rather than viewing the two seasonal organiza-
tions as elements within a single social structure,
ous change. The contrast between these approaches
might be viewed schematically as graphs of orga-
Gross importantly concluded that it was best to nizational structure versus historical time. Figure. l Historical Time
view these groups as having two distinct social 1, for example, represents the neoevolutionaryuse
structures that are implicated at different times of of ideal-typic social models to characterize the pro-
the year (Gross 1979:333). His sentiment mirrors cess of general evolution. This is the classic stage-
Gearing's 0958:1149) important observation that based approach that is theoretically conceptual-
resulted from a study of Cherokee ethnohistory: ized as a sort of stepping from one level of sociopo- Fig. 2. Continuous model of evolution. Social types are arbitrarily defined as
"In a word, a human community does not have a litical integration to another. Figure 2, on the other ranges of organizational variability.
single social structure; it has several." hand, represents what Upham describes as a more
Elsa Redmond's (Chapter 4) ethnohistoric processual approach in which organizationalvaria-
analysis of the development and social role of tion is considered to be continuous and ever-chang- raised. First, nearly all proponents of the model terns ofcontinuous or discontinuous organizational
Jivaroan war leaders also brings attention to this ing, with few, if any, clear boundaries between use Feinman and Neitzel's (984) study of non- change over time.
central point, however with an emphasis on the broad social types." Thus, when those who have state organizational variability in New World eth- More importantly, however, the continuous
overlap between 'tribal' and 'chiefly' organization, adopted such a model are compelled to engage in nography and ethnohistory to substantiate their change model does little better than the stage-based
classically defined. She reveals that one might prof- cross-cultural comparison they typically prefer to position. Feinman and Neitzel's study and others or ideal-typic model in acknowledging our central
itably consider Jivaro groups as chieftaincies refer to societies that fall within a middle-range of like it, however, are not based upon cross-cultural observation that societies are bundles of organiza-
headed by powerful chiefs during war, but as more organizational variability, rather than within a analyses of diachronic patterns of change. Rather, tional options that are drawn upon to meet chang-
decentralized and egalitarian during times ofpeace. social type, per se. they are compilations of ethnographic snapshots, ing needs over time. If ethnologists have been able
The Jivaro clearly have different organizational While the continuous change model (Fig. 2) the utility and accuracy of which has already been to document cyclical temporal patterns that vacil-
strategies that they employ selectively as the larger has refocused attention on historical process and questioned above. Such data do not, therefore, di- late between 'band' and 'tribal' levels of organiza-
sociopolitical context changes, and it would there- in this sense is consistent with the goals of the rectly speak to the question of whether or not the tion over the course of the year, or between 'tribal'
fore be inaccurate to paint one picture of Jivaro present volume, two strong objections must be I evolution of any particular society will follow pat- and 'chiefdom' levels as societies shift in and out of


1 21
Severin M. Fowles 2. Placing 'Tribe' in a Historical Framework

times of warfare, then a study of tribal trajectories have taken on new significance with the growing
should at least attempt to incorporate such reali- archaeological interest in historiography-espe-
ties. Indeed, once one accepts the position that tribal cially that of the Annales school-during the past
contexts must be viewed as a set of ever-shifting fifteen or so years (e.g., Barker 1995; Bintliff1991;
structural poses over time, the problem then be- Hodder 1987; Knapp 1992; Preucel and Hodder Trajectory
comes to explore the nature, underlying structures, 1996:14). But our ability to deal with processes at Q) E
._ 0
and different trajectories of these shifts. these different scales is also central to much con- wu. 'Tribal'
To do this, it may prove useful to follow temporary debate in archaeology, as well. Many w_
&~ Trajectory
Friedman's (1982) lead and conceptualize histori- who have embraced agency approaches, for in- ..... 0
cal trajectories as evolving through relatively cy- stance, have taken the position that prehistoric 0:0:-
Q) ~
clic patterns of change (see also Parkinson, this archaeologists can deal effectively with the short g>'c
volume, Chapter 18). Figure 3 offers a picture of time span ofindividuals and individual events, and ttl ttl
what such a model might look like graphically using that any understanding of long-term processes
the same basic axes of organizational form versus must include the repercussions of human motiva- Historical Time
historical time as used in Figures 1 and 2. Of par- tions as they develop over that time span (e.g.,
ticular note in Figure 3, however, is that typologies Clark and Blake 1994; Hodder 2000). Those not so
of social organization-whether expressed as an enamored with agent-centered approaches have
idealized single organization or a certain organi- tended toward Binford's (1986:27) position that: Fig. 3. ZzzEvolution as types of social trajectories.
zational range-have been eliminated in favor of a the observations by ethnographers and histori-
typology of patterned historical change. That a cal figures, while perhaps documenting some-
social context may at one moment in time be struc- thing of the internal dynamics of cultural sys- added to the degradation of the local ecological structures-from those of the long-term to those of
tured in classically 'tribal' fashion but at another tems, cannot be expected to be necessarily ger- setting. The result was a systemic contradiction the short-must undoubtedly consider the context
appear more like a 'band' or a 'chiefdom' is there- mane to an understanding of a much slower that was sufficiently severe to bring about the of their actual construction and perpetuation, in
fore not only unproblematic, but expected. Much and larger-scale process of change and modifi- development of an Asiatic state. Whether or not the actions and multifarious goals of individuals
more important are the qualities of the organiza- cation one takes issue with Friedman's discussion on over historical time. But the converse is equally
tional dynamic in time, the shape and tempo of the -a position not entirely different from Marx's empirical grounds, he nevertheless offers an inte- true. Inquiry into individual actions and goals-in
trajectory as it shifts between organizational forms. (1991:15,orig. 1852) contention that although in- grated historical model that is sensitive to issues prehistory, in particular-would be little more than
The ultimate challenge is to explore whether or dividuals "make their own history," the production of temporal scale and succeeded in relating one a tacit reification of untested philosophical posi-
not such a dynamic might be used to better char- process is always conditioned to a large degree by scale to another (see also other explicitly Marxist tions on human nature in the absence of a sensitiv-
acterize and compare those societies-or, at least, the inherited social circumstances over which the analyses by Kristiansen [1982], Bender [1990], and ity to the larger inherited structures within which
a useful subset of those societies-that we individual has no control (see also Levi-Strauss Parker Pearson [1984] that work along similar individuals maneuver. The analytic coin in this
impressionistically label as 'tribal'. 1963:23). At issue in such positions are not only lines). sense must have at least two faces.
Adoption of a comparative framework founded the appropriate temporal scales of analysis, but Ultimately, however, we must be cautious that These concerns must be kept in mind as we
upon types of historical trajectories, however, car- also the relative privileging of one scale or another. one totalizing model is not permitted to colonize all move from a comparative framework dealing in
ries with it certain conditions, foremost of which is with respect to explanatory power (see Peebles of our levels of analysis. Braudel's central insight ethnographic-based models toward a more histori-
that one develop a heightened concern with the 1991:114). was that explanation must be permitted to vary cal one. Tribal studies ofthe past two decades have
temporal scale of inquiry. (Pre)history undoubt- Regardless of the position taken, clearly iden- with temporal scale. The point at which models- already begun this movement as emphasis has been
edly operates at many levels with different pro- tifying the scale of the processes under investiga- Marxist or otherwise-come to be universally ap- increasingly placed upon problematizing the pro-
cesses only coming into focus at different degrees tion and their potential relations to processes op- plied in law-like form is the point at which we cease cess by which regionally integrated 'tribal' systems
of magnification. In an interesting approach to the erating at other scales can only help matters. An to explain or provide insight into social phenom- come about (Braun 1977; Braun and Plog 1982;
subject, Donald Blakeslee (this volume, Chapter 10) example of an impressive analysis along these ena (Braudel 1980:50). As a consequence of this Creamer and Haas 1985; Haas and Creamer 1993;
uses fractal imaging as a metaphor with which to lines-albeit one based upon ethnohistoric and eth- heightened concern with temporal scales, there- Plog 1990; Saitta 1983; Voss 1980, 1987). The ar-
better appreciate this quality. As he suggests, there nographic data-is Friedman's (1979) classic dis- fore, a comparative framework founded upon types chaeological use and redefinition of the term
is a sense in which it is useful to view the archaeo- cussion of Kachin groups and the evolution of the of historical trajectories necessitates that we be 'tribalization' to describe this process highlights
logical record as having fractal qualities with pat- Asiatic state, in which three temporal scales are receptive to a more eclectic use of models as we the tension that persists in our attempts to trans-
terns over the shorter terms always embedded effectively juggled. In that work, competition be- attempt to weave the various scales of inquiry into late an ethnographic model of tribal society into
within patterns over longer terms. However, at tween individuals and families in a particular a fuller understanding of particular contexts. It archaeological time. Already, in this sense, tribe is
each scale of inquiry, the nature ofthe questions as agrarian context is presented as the short-term may simply be impossible to satisfactorily explain being transformed from state to process (Haas
well as the data relevant to those questions will engine that has driven the Kachin through cycles processes occurring over certain temporal scales 1990). Nonetheless, the subject matter overtly re-
vary. of successive gumsa or egalitarian social forma- using certain theoretical approaches. It is in this mains the becoming or emergence of a particular
Such observations have always been influen- tions and gumlao or ranked social formations. sense that Brumfiel's (1994) pragmatic suggestion organizational state.
tial in defining processualist approaches toward Friedman suggests that this mid-level cycling was, that archaeologists must entertain both agent-cen- What is called for, it seems, is continued work
understanding social change (e.g., Bailey 1981; in turn, enough to propel the Kachin towards a tered and system-centered approaches gains fur- in the same spirit as past tribalization studies, but
Binford 1986; Butzer 1982; F. Plog 1974) and they major systemic contradiction as each mid-level cycle ther relevance. A full understanding of systems or without the emphasis on particular end states.


L 23
Severin M. Fowles 2. Placing 'Tribe' in a Historical Framework

Movement through successive formations must Examples of intra-generational processes that able structure for the community members. How- archaeologists and ethnohistorians, however, this
itselfbecome the central subject ofinterest and the are of particular relevance to archaeological stud- ever, the underlying dynamic was governed by fre- temporal scale tends to be the goal of much re-
basis of a typological system. ies include: quent settlement relocations that had the effect search particularlywhen regional chronologies are
(1) Seasonal settlement mobility. over time of enhancing decision-making autonomy achieved that utilize periods of 150 years or less.
A Comparative Framework for the (2) Village fission-fusion cycles. at a small-scale. Community members retained an Correspondingly, the sorts of processes involved
Study of Tribal Trajectories (3) Periodic shifts of organization between times ability to 'vote with their feet' to a significant de- are familiar subject matter to prehistorians. In-
of peace and times of war. gree. As many have suggested, the leisure to re- cluded among the many multi-generational pro-
Toward this end, it may be useful to recognize (4) The ascendancy of leaders by achievement. spond to social conflict with mobility rather than cesses frequently considered are:
three rough temporal scales at which different Among these and the many others that could be the institutionalization of strong positions oflead- (1) The development of religious traditions.
historical processes can be thought of as operating: listed, the typically frequent shifts in settlement ership has undoubtedly played a critical part in (2) The entrenchment of leadership in a particu-
1) intra-generational, 2) multi-generational, and location in many tribal trajectories is a problem keeping many tribal groups 'tribal' over the long lar lineage or social group.
3) long-term. Such a tripartite scheme will feel given special attention in the present volume. run (Kent 1989; Trigger 1990). (3) The assimilation of immigrant groups.
familiar, for it echoes others of long-standing, in In Chapter 12, for example, Richard Yerkes As noted above, a unifying aspect of all intra- Regarding the latter, Sarah Herr and Jeffrey
particular Braudel's (1972, 1980) event-conjoncture- builds a case for viewing the Ohio Valley Hopewell generational processes is that they are solidly Clark (this volume, Chapter 8) focus on what they
longue duree framework (see also the temporal as highly mobile peoples who supplemented a pre- within the realm and perception of individuals. rightly emphasize are migrationprocesses-rather
frameworks in Bailey [1981] and Butzer [1982]). dominantly hunting and gathering economy with Whether the movement of one's camp, the solicit- than events-in the American Southwest that
But these similarities are partly superficial. Be- low-level cultivation. Large-scale ceremony at ing of supporters, or the slitting of throats is in- necessitated sequential periods of social reorgani-
low I offer descriptions and discussions of these major earthwork centers and elaborate patterns of volved, the actions are calculated and can analyti- zation over multiple generations. By drawing on a
scales that have emerged from thinking about the regional trade were strategies that evolved to cally be attributed to the initiative of particular number of examples from across the Puebloan
specific sort of data with which archaeologists tend maintain a wide network of social ties between persons. As such, intra-generational processes are world, they reveal the complex relationship be-
to deal. otherwise autonomous local groups, but these strat- frequently most appropriately understood and tween the context of migration and the organiza-
egies, he argues, did not curtail the frequent, in- modeled in terms of agent-centered approaches. tional shifts that result. In their Grasshopper
Intra-generational processes tra-generational settlement relocations that were Plateau and Tonto Basin cases, immigration into
necessitated by the economy. Consequently, Hope- Multi-generational processes previously occupied regions at times resulted in
At one end of historical time are those short- well domestic settlements in the Ohio Valley have the coresidence of groups who purposely main-
term events and processes that occur within the been found to be ephemeral, with thin middens, When a process extends beyond the individual's tained markedly distinct traditions and social
duration of individual life spans (up to about 25 or little to no architecture, and no evidence of sub- lifetime and becomes multi-generational, one can identities, especially .in the generation directly fol-
30 years). Intra-generational processes are, by stantial storage features. no longer simply speak in terms of the agency of lowing movement into an area. At times, it ap-
definition, limited to the duration of a human's John O'Shea and Claire Milner (this volume, the individual in the same manner. Multi-genera- pears that immigration introduced a new element
lifetime. Thus, when individuals participate in such Chapter 11) develop an elegant model of tribal tional processes necessarily result from the com- of hierarchy as the 'latecomers' were forced to live
a process, they are much more likely to be cogni- organization in the Juntunen Phase of the upper posite decisions of multiple individuals. They mark on the margins where they had more restricted
zant of the effects of their actions given that the Great Lakes that depends upon the existence of a an important movement away from those just de- access to land, religious authority, and social po-
whole of the process can be directly experienced. similar settlement dynamic. Their analysis focuses scribed because in order to surpass the actions and sitions of prestige. In contrast, Herr and Clark
As a result, explanations of intra-generational upon the material indicators of the group bound- goals of an individual, they must in some way be- also consider an interesting example from the Sil-
processes must contend with the intentions of in- aries (e.g., shrines, burial mounds, and natural come entrenched in a social context and be inher- ver Creek Drainage in which migrants moved into
dividuals at a much deeper level than explana- landmarks) that structured Juntunen Phase so- ited by the following generationts) of individuals. a previously unoccupied frontier. In this case, a
tions of longer-term processes. cial interaction. O'Shea and Milner suggest that Inasmuch as this is true, the nature of explanation different process was initiated in which the
Dealing effectively with intra-generational 'band'-level boundaries marked the territories must tend more toward the structural. Individuals 'firstcomers' attempted to attract followers and to
processes demands fine chronological control and within which groups relocated seasonally in order do indeed witness parts of these processes and may develop their own system of prestige over time
often a wide diversity of data about briefperiods of to exploit different natural resources. In most years, be keenly aware of their place within the longer through the construction and use of Great Kivas.
time. Because ofthis, such processes are the tradi- the scale of interaction and decision-making was sequence of events. However he or she might seek In each example, the organizational changes trig-
tional domain of ethnographic and ethnohistoric thus relatively small. During periodic times ofre- to influence those events during their lives, the gered by migrations became part of the social struc-
studies. This is not to say, however, that prehis- source scarcity, however, multi-band organizations individual can nonetheless only affect the trajec- ture inherited and elaborated on by successive
toric archaeologists are incapable at operating at emerged as large groups of people descended on a tory of the total process to the degree that he or she generations.
such a level. Indeed, archaeological data does tend few resource-rich areas. Such episodic aggregations is able to change the inheritable structures within In most tribal contexts, though, significant
to be highly personal (Hodder 2000). Each artifact were characterized by intense interaction and a which the process is taking place. The complex social inequalities-however they are introduced-
in some manner is the record of a short-term se- correspondingly high degree of ritual and ceremo- interplay of structure and agent thus comes to the are difficult to maintain over the long-term. This is
quence ofbehaviors by an individual or small group. nialism. foreground in a dramatic manner during the analy- the theme of Fowles' consideration of leadership
The problem is that most of these data are only In both the Hopewell and Juntunen Phase sis of multi-generational processes. among the historic Tonga of south central Africa in
indirectly relevant to our broader anthropological cases, large population aggregations did periodi- Due to the time span involved, it is rare that an Chapter 5. Fowles uses ethnographic and ethno-
questions at the intra-generational level and must cally occur, though only in ritualized contexts and ethnographic project is able to operate effectively historic data to argue that would-be Tonga leaders
be used creatively to say anything at all. Nonethe- for relatively brief periods of time. As O'Shea and at the multi-generational level (cf Foster et al. did exploit religion in their efforts to accrue social
less, intra-generational processes are at least an Milner point out, these occasional aggregations 1979), at least in the absence of complimentary power and that over time some kin-groups were
aim of much archaeological work. ensure that the regional community has a predict- ethnohistoric documents from which to build. For able to solidify relatively strong positions of in flu-


2. Placing 'Tribe' in a Historical Framework

IIIWFdfi·' eq1!ialitybred increasing (3) The development of a group ethnic identity. are always embedded in longer ones. By drawing himself initially with the short-term patterns of
Ollie Jegalitarianrebellions' en- (4) The development of increasingly regional so- attention to the relative brevity of the Meso- rise and fall among ritually based social groups
a.d!"Dy:,thasewho were being disem- cial networks. american tribal phase, for example, Clark and through time. In the course ofthis study, the Picuris
edr; He eoncludes that such multi-genera- That the nature of explanation must shift as Cheetham effectively challenge research to explore notion of"sponsorship" emerges as a central mecha-
~ma1"cy:cles ofleadership-not an actual state of research turns to address such processes is clearly the shorter-term dynamics that may have driven nism of leadership. Sponsorship, as Adler docu-
equality-is what results in the particular brand shown in William Parkinson's (this volume, Chap- the speedy emergence of institutionalized social ments, is a type of social control and leadership in
of 'egalitarianism' so frequently associated with ter 18) consideration ofsettlement changes between ranking." which a degree of decision-making power is tempo-
tribal society. It is through such rebellions that an the Late Neolithic and Early Copper Ages on the Indeed, as the reader will note, all of the chap- rarily vested in the representative of a sodality or
ethic (if not a practice) of equality comes to be Great Hungarian Plain. To understand these long- ters in the present volume already integrate these social group only so long as that group serves the
written into social organizations over time, term processes, Parkinson adopts an explicitly scales to the degree permitted by their data; in interests of the community as a whole.
Understanding multi-generational processes structural perspective, and through a careful analy- most cases the phenomena under discussion could In the case of Picuris Pueblo, for example, Adler
such as those discussed above necessitates a shift sis of shifting patterns of integration and interac- not be understood otherwise. Peter Bogucki's (this reveals that the eldest male of a ritual society might
in theoretical focus. Just as discussions of kinship tion he concludes that the same basic segmentary volume, Chapter 16) consideration of household control access to a kiva only so long as the principle
lineages must involve a greater emphasis on struc- structure was perpetuated in this context during cycles in the Brzesc Kujawski Group, for example, ceremony held therein was the responsibility of
ture in contrast to discussions of the individuals both time periods-a combined length of some one emphasizes the flux of prestige and status over that society. Should the ceremony cease to be prac-
within those lineages, so do multi-generational thousand years. The introduction of pastoralism, time as Neolithic immigrants settled and estab- ticed for whatever reason, the society would no
processes demand that we move beyond solely he argues, elicited a shift in the structural arrange- lished a tribal social context in northern Poland. longer hold a unique right to leadership, and the
agent-centered approaches. Why certain social ment of those segments but did little to affect the He uses as his starting point a theoretical consid- operation of the kiva would revert back to the com-
relations, behaviors and ideas are inherited or dis- underlying-or, in his words, latent-structural eration ofthe potential variability in wealth that munity as a whole. Adler points out that on a multi-
carded by a group over time raises questions of potential of the society's tribal adaptation. Paral- might be expected both between and within generational level this form ofleadership tends to
social reproduction and cultural transmission lels to this case have been found in other contexts longhouse households over time. Whereas from the place a limit on the degree of power that anyone
(Boyd and Richerson 1985) and leads to new con- as well (e.g., Dean 1970), suggesting that such long- perspective ofthe long-term, the Brzesc Kujawski ritual society might develop, a situation that he is
cerns with historical contingency, social adapta- term cycles represent a truly cross-cultural tribal Group is best described as a more-or-less egalitar- also able to document in the construction, mainte-
tion (cf. Braun 1991), and more generally with the pattern. Importantly, Parkinson emphasizes that ian society in which power and wealth did not ac- nance, and abandonment cycles of kivas at the
structures that underlie individual action. it is precisely this ability of tribal societies to shift crue in the hands of anyone lineage or social group, prehistoric village of Pot Creek Pueblo. Over the
through organizational forms with ease that makes the intra- and inter-generational processes of long-term, such dynamics result in the familiar
Long-term processes them adaptive over the long-term. change reveal a somewhat different scenario. Ac- ambiguity and fluctuations ofleadership that typify
In addition to change within a certain range of cumulation of wealth was clearly a preoccupation what we think of as 'tribal' social traditions.
At the far end of historical time are those pro- organization, however, the long-term is also, of of households, so much so that Bogucki suggests David Anderson's (this volume, Chapter 13)
cesses that occur over the long-term (hundreds or course, the level at which one typically considers that we view them as characterized by an 'ideology deft synthesis of over 4,000 years of tribal variabil-
thousands of years), generally beyond the precise the evolution of a trajectory out of what we might of accumulation'. ity in the Southeastern United States provides a
record-keeping and active experience of the indi- consider a tribal dynamic and into a dynamic of Perhaps the most characteristically 'tribal' final example of how one might attempt to juggle
viduals and groups involved. As such, there is little some other sort. In their major synthesis of aspect of this situation, however, was that the cop- multiple analytic scales and diverse theoretical
opportunity for the individual to be truly aware of Mesoamerican data, for example, John Clark and per, shell, worked bone, etc. that an individual or approaches. From the perspective ofthe long-term,
his or her actions within the larger process. Ac- David Cheetham (this volume, Chapter 14) raise household was able to procure during one genera- Anderson reemphasizes Braun and Plog's (1982)
tions performed in the hopes of fulfilling shorter- the very interesting observation that only a rela- tion does not appear to have been passed on to the suggestion that the emergence of regional tribal
term goals may be imbedded within long-term tively small segment ofthe developmental history next. Instead, they were buried in large amounts networks can be viewed on a general level as a
processes that have a life of their own in the sense of this part ofthe world can appropriately be con- with the deceased in a manner similar to that dis- form ofrisk minimization strategy to buffer stresses
that they are not truly propelled by 'goals' at all. In sidered tribal. Institutionalized social ranking, they cussed by Mauss (1990) as the conspicuous destruc- introduced either through population increase,
Marxist terms, such processes are frequently conclude, emerged a mere four centuries or so after tion of wealth. In this practice, we find a familiar environmental change, or a combination ofthe two.
viewed as the unforeseen consequences of human settlement patterns shifted toward sedentary ag- contrast between a conscious ethic of accumula- In order to understand how this general adapta-
action. To a much greater degree, it may be useful ricultural villages. From a long-term evolutionary tion on an intra-generational level by individuals tion developed, he focuses in upon shorter processes,
to deal with these processes in analyses on a struc- perspective, then, Mesoamerican tribal trajecto- and households that was held in check on an inter- in particular on the development of mound-build-
turallevel. ries must be viewed as having been relatively un- generational level by burial rites that had the ef- ing traditions.
Long-term processes are the traditional domain stable and transitory. fect of taking wealth out of circulation. Bugocki is Anderson notes, for instance, that the earliest
of archaeological inquiry, for the necessary chro- thus able to use the complex burial data as a window large-scale constructions duringthe MiddleArchaic
nological purview to understand such processes Explanation at multiple temporal scales into the waxing and waning ofthe economic stand- appear to have been produced by peoples that were
tends to be very great. As such, an appreciation of ing of households from one generation to the next. ritually integrated into regional communities, but
the long-term is considered by many to be one of Parsing analyses into multiple temporal scales, To consider a second example, Michael Adler's were not yet politically centralized in any archaeo-
archaeology's principle contributions to the human of course, accomplishes little if no effort is ulti- essay (this volume, Chapter 9) investigates the logically observable way. Over time, however, group
sciences (Hodder 1987). Long-term processes that mately made to consider the manner in which the leadership strategies employed in the aggregated construction projects in many areas came to be
are often a focus of research include: processes operating at these scales interrelate. Puebloan villages ofthe Taos District, New Mexico. more closely associated with the burial of relatively
(1) Shifts in subsistence strategies. Longer processes are of course of necessity consti- Rather than seeking to outline a general structure high status individuals, a structural shift that
(2) Cycles of aggregation and dispersal. tuted out of shorter ones, and shorter processes for the society in these villages, Adler concerns undoubtedly played a critical role in the develop-

26 27

2. Placing 'Tribe' in a Historical Framework

'l'it1gly,regiortal social networks. societies through time. More than simply confound- Robert Whallon in whose seminar and under whose Blanton, Richard E., Gary M. Feinman, Stephen
oederstand how and why this shift ing our impressions of what a tribe is, these case guidance the original thoughts in this paper were A. Kowalewski, and Peter N. Peregrine
'tlt$t)l'plh:ce,An.derson further suggests that archae- studies offer a comparative database with which to formulated. 1996 A Dual-Processual Theory for the Evolu-
ologists need to look with yet greater resolution at explore the possibility of a typology of historical tion of Mesoamerican Civilization. Cur-
the repeated developmental sequences ofindividual trajectories and to develop new generalizations in rent Anthropology 37:1-14.
mounds and mound groups. It is at this short-term those areas in which generalization is warranted. References Cited Braudel, Fernand
level that one can begin to question why individu- Ultimately, it is these sorts of studies that may 1972 The Mediterranean and the Mediterra-
als and social groups may have consciously chosen lead to a fuller understanding of what-if any- Bailey, G. N. nean World in the Age ofPhilip II, trans-
to participate in group construction projects dur- thing-it means to act tribally. 1981 Concepts, Time-scales and Explanations lated by Sian Reynolds. 2 vols. New York,
ing their own lifetimes. " in Economic Prehistory. In Economic Harper and Row.
Of course, the data required to satisfactory Archaeology: Towards an Integration of 1980 [1958] History and the Social Sciences: the
explore many temporal scales simultaneously is Notes Ecological and SocialApproaches,edited Longue Duree. In On History, translated
only rarely available in archaeological contexts. by A. Sheridan and G. Bailey, pp. 97- by Sarah Matthews, pp. 25-54. Univer-
But as a discipline, archaeology is expertly accus- ISee Middleton and Tait (1958:8, footnote 1) for a 117. British Archaeological Reports, In- sity of Chicago Press, Chicago.
tomed to the task of working with patchy and in- succinct description of the difference between ternational Series 96. BAR, Oxford. Braun, David P.
complete datasets. It is out ofthis reality that cre- Durkheim's mechanical solidarity and later Brit- Barker, Graeme 1977 Middle Woodland - (Early) Late Wood-
ative modeling invariably begins. ish notions of segmentary systems. 1995 A Mediterranean Valley, Landscape Ar- land Social Change in the Prehistoric
2See also Marcus and Flannery (1996) for a discus- chaeology and Annales History in the Central Midwestern U.S. Unpublished
Conclusion sion architectural segmentation at the site of San Biferno Valley. Leicester University Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of An-
Jose Mogote during the 'tribal' phase of develop- Press, New York. thropology, University of Michigan.
As a neoevolutionarytype, 'tribe'was intended ment in the Valley of Oaxaca. Barth, Fredrik 1991 Are There Cross-cultural Regularities in
to be used as a concept that could be stretched over 3See Trigger (1978:156-157) for a review of past 1967 On the Study of Social Change. Ameri- Tribal Social Practices? In Between
the long-term to describe a cross-cultural stage of attempts in ethnology to establish the scalar limi- can Anthropologist. 69(6):661-69. Bands and States, edited by Susan A
'general evolution' within the variable, particular tations of tribal society. Carneiro (1967), Kosse Bender, Barbara Gregg, pp. 423-444. Center for Archaeo-
trajectories or 'specific evolution' of individual so- (1996), and Feinman and Neitzel (1984) also tackle 1985 Emergent Tribal Formation in the Ameri- logical Investigations, Occasional Paper
cial contexts (Sahlins 1960). There may yet be the problem of scalar organizational thresholds can Midcontinent. American Antiquity No.9.
important work to be undertaken towards these with their own cross-cultural databases. 50(1):52-62. Braun, David and Steve Plog
ends, however in the present volume this tradi- 40 n e might reasonably critique this contrast by 1990 The Dynamics of Nonhierarchical Soci- 1982 Evolution of "Tribal" Social Networks:
tional typological approach has been laid to the arguing that both models were really subsumed eties. In The Evolution of Political Sys- Theory and Prehistoric North American
side. Instead, emphasis has been placed on a com- within the neoevolutionary framework through the tems, edited by Steadman Upham, pp. Evidence. American Antiquity 47:504-
parative typology of historical processes at mul- differentiation between 'general' and 'specific' evo- 247-263. Cambridge University Press, 25.
tiple temporal scales. By its nature, much of a lution (Sahlins 1960). Continuous change (Fig- New York. Brown, James
society's organizational dynamic tends to elude eth- ure 2), in this sense, should Bethought of as a char- Berndt, Ronald M. 1985 Long-Term Trends to Sedentism and the
nographic observation and so did not enter into the acteristic of specific evolution, or the development 1966 [1959] TheConceptofthe'Tribe'inthe West- Emergence of Complexity in the Ameri-
classic ethnographic literature on evolutionary of a particular society along a historical trajectory. ernDesertofAustralia. InReadings inAus- can Midwest. InPrehistoric Hunters and
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chaeologists and historians. a heuristic model with which to understand and Cambridge University Press, New York. York.
Useful typologies must work upwards from the compare cases of specific evolution. While valid, Binford, Lewis R. Brumfiel, Elizabeth M.
specific to the general. In this spirit, the case stud- this critique does not directly affect the argument 1986 In Pursuit of the Future. In American 1994 Factional Competition and Political De-
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level by considering individual historical trajecto- 5This challenge has, of course, already begun to be D.J. Meltzer, D.D. Fowler, and J.A. duction. In Factional Competition and
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one hand, this approach highlights the variability Blake (1994), Blake and Clark (1999), and Marcus Bintliff, John, editor edited by ElizabethM. Brumfiel and John
between the social contexts that, for better or for and Flannery (1996). 1991 The Annales School and Archaeology. W. Fox, pp. 3-13. Cambridge University
worse, have been considered tribal or middle-range. Leicester University Press, London. Press, Cambridge.
Robert Carneiro begins this task in the following Bohannan,Paul Butzer, Karl W
chapter by distilling from the world ethnographic Acknowledgments 1954 The Migration and Expansion ofthe Tiv. 1982 Archaeology as Human Ecology. Cam-
database a synthesis of the array of social organi- Africa 24:2-16. bridge University Press, Cambridge.
zations that have contributed to our modern sense An earlier version of this paper was carefully Blake, Michael and John E. Clark Carneiro, Robert L.
of the tribal-or, following his model, 'autonomous read by Bill Parkinson, Norm Yoffee, Ellen Morris, 1999 The Emergence of Hereditary Inequal- 1967 On the Relationship Between Size of
village'-type. The succeeding chapters extend our David Anderson, John Clark, and Graciela Cabana, ity: the Case of Pacific Coastal Chiapas. Population and Complexity of Social
understanding of tribal variability by considering all of whom provided very valuable commentary. In Pacific Latin America in Prehistory, Organization. Southwestern Journal of
fluctuations in the organization ofparticular 'tribal' Thanks are also extended to John O'Shea and edited by Michael Blake, pp. 55-73. Anthropology 23:234-243.

28 29
Severin M. Fowles 2. Placing 'Tribe' in a Historical Framework

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32 33
objection centered on the stage of "tribe," which he thing like this: families are joined in local lin-
argued should not be considered a universal stage eages, lineages in village communities, villag-
in socio-political development. On the contrary, es in regional confederacies, the latter making
Fried believed it was only a response to the dislo- up the tribe. (Sahlins 1968:15)
3. The Tribal Village and Its Culture: cation and disruption undergone by aboriginal Sahlins (1968:21) also pointed out the tran-
An Evolutionary Stage in the History of Human Society societies as a result of European contact. Service sient nature of much of tribal organization:
(1968:167) readily accepted Fried criticism, and Certain groups may ally for a time and a pur-
recanted, deciding to "abolish" the tribe as a gen- pose, as for a military venture, but the collec-
Robert L. Carneiro eral stage in his typology of socio-political evolu- tive spiritis episodic.When the objectiveforwhich
,f tion. Indeed, he went a step further, truncating his it was called into being is accomplished, the alli-
evolutionary sequence by collapsing it from four ance lapses and the tribe returns to its normal
stages to three, and renaming them: (1) Egalitar- state of disunity." A related feature of tribal
ian Society, (2) Hierarchical Society, and (3) Ar- organizationwas the attenuation ofcohesiveness
From the end of the Paleolithic to the onset of famous sequence of Band, Tribe, Chiefdom, and chaic Civilization (Service 1968:167). as one proceeded toward the outer limits of the
chiefdoms, human beings throughout the world State (Service 1962). But the world did little note nor long remem- tribe: "The social system... becomes weaker
lived in small, simple, autonomous villages. While While Service perceived the tribe as having a ber Service's emendation of his own sequence. In where it is greater: the degree of integration
these villages varied widely in culture, there was number offorms which were "adapted varying fact, Service himself showed signs of having re- decreases as the level of organization increas-
nonetheless a broad underlying similarity in the local circumstances," he nevertheless saw tribal canted his recantation, because three years later, es, and degrees ofsociability diminish as fields of
way in which those who resided in them made their society as having "general characteristics as a lev- in the revised edition of Primitive Social Organi- social relation broaden. (Sahlins 1968:16)
living and conducted their lives. The period involved el or stage in evolution ..." (Service 1962:111). Many zation, he retained the 'tribe' as a stage in his We see, then, that the essence of the tribe as
here, that generally equated archeologically with of these characteristics, especially those having to evolutionary sequence, noting only that "the law depicted here consists ofthe supra-village links
the Neolithic, was one of village self-sufficiency, do with kinship and marriage, Service recognized and order imposed by colonial power could have or ties between communities-the "pan-tribal so-
both political and economic. It was a period which as being retentions from an earlier band type of the effect of restricting or even reducing the ter- dalities" of Service. But it is important to empha-
represented a universal stage in socio-cultural society into a village type. But the tribe was some- ritories controlled by the tribal kin group with- size that the building blocks from which the tribe
development. Preceding it were the hunter-gath- thing beyond mere villages. The essence of it, ac- out otherwise disturbing the tribe" (Service is built are villages. Furthermore, the usual con-
erer bands ofthe Paleolithic. Following it, came a cording to Service, was not the internal culture of 1971:126). dition of these villages is one of economic self-suf-
form of society consisting of large multi-village each village, but the external means by which sev- In his book Tribesmen, published in 1968, ficiency and political autonomy. Accordingly, it
polities ruled by a powerful chief. In some parts of eral villages were linked together. And, unlike the Marshall Sahlins did not hesitate to embrace the seems fitting to devote the lion's share of our
the world, such as the ancient Near East, the au- chiefdom, these means were not political: concept oftribe. In fact he stretched its meaning to treatment of "tribal culture" to the constituent
tonomous village stage lasted but a few millennia ... tribes are not held together by the domi- the maximum. Tribes, he wrote, "represent a cer- units that make it up. Then, after having done so,
before giving way to it successor. In other parts, nance of one group over others, nor are there tain category of cultural development, intermedi- we will be in a better position to examine again
like New Guinea and Amazonia, it exists to this any other true or permanent political-govern- ate in complexity between the mobile hunters and those supra-village links which, for certain occa-
day. mental institutions. Presumably a great many ... gatherers and early agrarian states such as the sions and under certain conditions, tie villages to-
Frequently-as in the title of this book-the societies of tribal potentialities merely fis- Egyptian and Sumerian" (Sahlins 1968:vii). So gether to form a tribe. These tribal ties can then be
autonomous village stage is labeled tribal. I hesi- sioned, but those that became tribes all had broad was Sahlins conception of the tribe that the examined to discover what means they provide for
tate to use this term for the form of culture I wish made certain social inventions that had latent category of chiefdom was submerged within it. taking the next great evolutionary step, namely,
to describe because 'tribe' has a variety of different integrating effects. To ask what these are is to But for Sahlins the tribe was more than just a the formation of chiefdoms. At this point, the au-
meanings, and has been the subject of much con- ask what a tribe is. (Service 1962:112-113; category. It was a stage: "Tribes occupy a position tonomous village has been surpassed, and a cate-
troversy. Thus, before proceeding further, it may emphasis mine) in cultural evolution. They took over from simpler gorically new form of socio-political structure has
be useful to present some of the background to this Service then went on to enumerate the struc- hunters; they gave way to the more advanced cul- been created.
controversy and to see how it will affect the treat- tural features which had permitted villages to es- tures we call civilizations" (Sahlins 1968:4).
ment of village cultures which is to follow. tablish closer relations with one another, thus form- To Sahlins, as it was to Service, the essence of Autonomous Village Culture
ing a tribe: the tribe was the overarching set of structures
Conceptions of the Tribe The means of solidarity that are specifically which enabled autonomous local communities to Accordingly, this paper will describe the gen-
tribal additions to the persisting band-like establish close ties with other communities, thus eral features of autonomous village-level culture.
In 1955 Kalervo Oberg proposed a typology to means might be called pan-tribal sodalities.... forming a wider network of social relations. Ac- In this description, I will emphasize its most wide-
characterize successive levels of culture in South Probably the most usual of pan-tribal sodali- cordingly, he wrote: spread characteristics but will also indicate its
and Central America. The three lowest of these ties are clans, followed by age-grade associa- The constituent units of tribal society ... make variant forms. The result will be a picture familiar
levels, as Oberg designated them, were (1) homo- tions, secret societies, and sodalities for such up a progressively inclusive series of groups, to anyone who has ever delved into a classic "trib-
geneous tribes, (2) segmented tribes, and (3) polit- special purposes as curing, warfare, ceremo- from the closely-knit household to the encom- al" ethnography, a picture of a distinctive, cohe-
ically organized chiefdoms. Much impressed by this nies, and so on. (Service 1962:113) passing tribal whole. Smaller groups are com- sive, and well-adapted mode of life which at one
typology, and seeing that the categories Oberg had Not long after the appearance of Service's four bined into larger ones through several levels of time was shared by the ancestors of us all.
proposed merely as types were in fact evolutionary stages of social evolution, the scheme was criti- incorporation. The particular arrangements While this culture is most typical of the mode
stages, Service set forth his own typology, the now cized by Morton Fried (1966). Fried's principal vary, ofcourse, but the scheme might read some- of life associated with the Neolithic, it must be

34 35
Robert L. Carneiro 3. The Tribal Village and Its Culture

kept in mind that many of its elements had already eastern United States. With the decline ofbig game neiro 1978:213). After that, while the sheer num- Village Splitting
come into being during the preceding Paleolithic hunting in Europe, bands offoragers settled down ber of villages continued to increase, they were
period. They formed part of a body of culture traits along the coast, and began to rely more heavily on being absorbed into chiefdoms and states more Village splitting is a very interesting phenom-
invented by nomadic foragers over the course of fish as their main source of protein. In North quickly than they arose, so that the total number enon. It has occurred in the life history of practical-
hundreds of thousands of years, and bequeathed America, a similar shift took place, with riverine of autonomous villages existing in the world as a ly every autonomous village ever studied, yet it
by them to their Neolithic heirs. resources becoming increasingly important to sub- whole actually declined. has received virtually no theoretical attention.
These pre-Neolithic culture traits, which I call sistence. The relative inexhaustibility offish (com- Basically, village splitting involves two elements
substratum traits, were ones that did not require pared to that of game) permitted small groups of Constraints on Village Size which operate in opposite directions: internalpres-
a settled mode oflife or an agricultural subsistence people who still lacked agriculture to settle secure- sure and external constraints. The former is large-
in order to arise. We know this because most ifnot ly in one locale. The size an autonomous village can attain is ly the result of an increase in population. The big-
all of them are found among contemporary hunt- Originally, the Neolithic period was defined by limited at both ends ofthe scale. At the lower end, ger the village, the greater the pressure for it to
ers and gatherers, such as the Yahgan ofTierra del the presence of ground stone tools, especially axes, a village may contain as few as 15 persons, but split. I once speculated that this pressure is pro-
Fuego, the !Kung San of the Kalahari Desert, and which replaced, or at least supplemented, chipped apparently no fewer. When its population threat- portional, not to the first power of the population,
the aborigines of central Australia. I list several of stone tools. Stone axes were the implements which ens to fall below this level (as happened in the case as one might suppose, but to the square of the pop-
these traits here to give some idea of their nature early Neolithic farmers used to fell the forests in of the Nafukua in the Upper Xingu region of Bra- ulation (Carneiro 1987:100). If this conjecture is
and to impart some small notion of how many of order to clear their garden plots. However, it wasn't zil), a village finds it difficult to carryon its cus- true, then a village of 200 persons would not be
them there are: long before archeologists came to see that agricul- tomary activities, and is likely to join with another twice as likely to split as one of 100 persons, but
food taboos ture and pottery were even more important than village in order to remain above the minimum vi- rather, four times as likely.
puberty rites ground stone tools in providing the hallmarks for able size. Accordingly, when the Nafukua fell per- The external constraints that serve to put a
hunting magic this period. Agriculture and pottery thus joined ilously close to this level, they moved in with the brake on village splitting are mainly of two sorts.
cordage stone axes to form the great triumvirate of traits neighboring Matipu. As I have noted, as long as there is plenty of arable
basketry diagnostic of the Neolithic. That having been said, But if the minimum viable size of a village in land available, a dissident faction will find it rela-
fire making we are now ready to begin our survey of this form the Upper Xingu can be as low as 15, this figure is tively easy to split off and found a new village ofits
body painting of culture. possible only because there is no warfare in the own. But if the surrounding area has become in-
shamanism region. Where warfare is present, a village's min- creasingly filled in, and thus land for a new settle-
trade Village Size imum viable size may be substantially larger. ment is less readily available, then the village is
warfare Napoleon Chagnon (1968:40) reports for the Yano- more likely to patch up its differences and remain
marriage Settled village life, in contrast to a nomadic mamo of southern Venezuela, among whom war- intact.
kinship terms band existence, was one of the fundamental fea- fare is endemic, that minimum village size is around As mentioned above, war is an important de-
sexual division of labor tures of the Neolithic. Along with the expansion of 80. Below this figure, a village would be unable to terminant ofvillage size. A Yanomamo village may
origin myths sedentism, the Neolithic saw an increase in com- muster enough fighting men to adequately defend remain at a size larger than its residents find com-
polygyny munity size. A typical Paleolithic band ranged in itself against attack. fortable but which may nevertheless be tolerated
infanticide size from about 20 to 50 persons, and the earliest Warfare, in fact, may be an important factor in because of the advantage that having a large num-
cremation agricultural villages were probably not much lazg- leading a village to grow substantially larger. The ber of warriors confers on the village.
personal souls er. However, Neolithic subsistence, which was Kayap6 of central Brazil, who until recently were Less obvious factors, such as accusations of
belief in spirits based on agriculture, permitted villages to grow markedly warlike, had villages as large as 600 or witchcraft, may also affect village size. When I
an afterworld significantly in size. A population of80 to 100 may 800. And there is evidence to suggest that in seek- revisited the Kuikuru in the Upper Xingu in 1975,
soul loss theory of disease perhaps be considered typical for early Neolithic ing military advantage, several Kayap6 villages in I found that about a third ofits residents had moved
witchcraft villages, but in time, and in certain favored habi- the past had coalesced into one. The same may out of the village and into that of the neighboring
musical instruments tats, villages attained a much larger size. A popu- have happened in the case of Acoma and other Yawalapiti out offear ofwitchcraft allegedly being
constellations named lation of several hundred became possible, and in Pueblo villages of the Southwest. practiced by a man in their home village.
omens some areas, such as the Southwestern United Turning to the upper end of village size, it is
numeration States, villages sometimes exceeded a population safe to say that autonomous villages almost never Settlement Patterns
We shall meet many of these traits again of 1,000. exceed a population of2,000, and rarely approach
in the course of our survey of autonomous village On the average, though, following the coming it. Generally speaking, even when it is consider- With regard to settlement pattern, two ques-
culture. of the Neolithic, community size probably only ably smaller than this, a growing village has a tions readily arise: What kind oflocale does a vil-
doubled or tripled. However, the increase in the tendency to fission. If arable land is freely avail- lage choose to settle in? and, How long will it re-
The Roots of the Neolithic total number of communities was much greater able, and if no strong, overarching political con- main there? The principal factors at work in deter-
than the increase in their average size. In fact, trols exist to keep a village united, then whenever mining the answer to the first question are subsis-
The rise of settled village life is usually associ- villages proliferated greatly. I once estimated (and internal strains and stresses reach a certain point, tence requirements, defensibility, and accessibili-
ated with the coming of the Neolithic. In point of it was little more than a wild guess) that around a hostile confrontation may take place between ty to water. The interplay of these three factors,
fact, though, the first settled villages occurred 1000 B.C. the number of autonomous villages dissident factions, and if the argument between along with a few others like being close to clay for
earlier-during the preceding Mesolithic period in reached a maximum of about 600,000, the largest them cannot be resolved, one of the factions will pottery making, and other raw materials, deter-
northern Europe, and the Archaic period in the number there have ever been at anyone time (Car- hive off and establish a village of its own. mines the location of the site. For almost all auton-

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Robert L. Carneiro 3. The Tribal Village and Its Culture

omous villages, the site chosen must be within or predominate. Here, the houses are distributed ir- house, such as the famous tambaran of New Guin- America they were often made from a deer scapula
close to arable land. Ifthe group still relies heavily regularly over the landscape, generally at some ea, may occupy the center of the village. Such a attached by thongs to a wooden handle. The plow
on hunting, then being near game, whose avail- distance from one another. Hamlets are usually structure serves as a clubhouse, where men gather does not form part of the technology of swidden
ability is usually more limited than that of arable smaller than nucleated villages. A third type of to talk and work, away from the eyes of the women. cultivators, but it was found among a number of
land, may be the paramount consideration. village layout is linear, with dwellings strung out The men's house may also serve to store ceremoni- peoples in prehistoric Europe as well as in contem-
These same factors also playa role in de- in a line, especially when the residents choose to al paraphernalia, such as sacred flutes, or to per- porary Asia, regions where villages were relative-
termining how long a village can stay in one spot, live along a major river. form ceremonies, especially if women are forbid- ly permanent and domesticated draft animals were
and, when it does move, how far it will have to go. Where warfare is a constant threat, village den to witness the proceedings. available to provide the necessary traction.
In forested areas of the world, the prevailing mode nucleation is the rule since a concentration of its The men's house may also be a kind of bache-
of agriculture is slash-and-burn, and since this type warriors renders a village less vulnerable to at- lors' quarters, as is the case among such tribes as Land Tenure
of cultivation rapidly depletes the soil, a large re- tack. The opposite strategy, though, is sometimes the Masai of east Africa and the Kayap6 of central
serve of standing forest must be close by if the employed. The Amahuaca live in small, dispersed Brazil, who use it as a place to raise boys away Slash-and-burn agriculture exerts a decisive
village hopes to remain in the same locale for very communities deep in the forest, and avoid their from their mothers, and train them in the martial influence on the prevailing system ofland tenure.
long. If this is not the case, swiddeners may have enemies by frequent relocation of their hamlet- arts they will pursue as warriors when they grow Since swiddens are abandoned after only a few
to pull up stakes and move some distance away type settlements. up. years of cultivation, and the land is useless until it
where there is an ample amount offorest for their Other kinds of structures may be found as well, regains its fertility some 15 or 20 years later, there
gardens. However, if human settlement is dense Houses and House Types such as cooking sheds, menstrual huts, sweat lodg- is little point in retaining permanent ownership of
throughout a region, relocation within it may prove es, kivas, and the like. it. The form of land tenure among swiddeners,
difficult. The result may be that gardeningpractic- The houses of autonomous villages vary great- therefore, is generally one of usufruct, with a fam-
es must be modified, and that swiddeners might ly in size and shape; less so in building materials. Subsistence ily exercising ownership rights over a plot ofland
have to get along with less productive land under The beehive-shaped hut typical of hunter-gather- only so long as they have it under cultivation. When
bush fallow rather than the forest fallow they pre- ers is replaced by a larger, sturdier, more durable Agriculture is almost synonymous with auton- a plot is abandoned, the land reverts to common
viously preferred. dwelling usually holding several nuclear families. omous village life. In forested areas, the system of ownership. Once the forest has regenerated and
Agricultural demands, though, may not be the Among some Amazonian societies, such as the cultivation almost universally employed is that of the soil beneath it can once again be profitably
most decisive factor in causing a village to move. Tukano and the Witoto, the maloca or communal slash-and-burn. Patches of forest are cut down at tilled, the plot can be recleared and planted by
Among many Amazonian groups who rely heavily house may be large enough to hold the entire com- the end of the rainy season, the fallen trees al- anyone who wants to.
on hunting, such as the Amahuaca of eastern Peru, munity. lowed to dry out during the dry season, and then
depletion of the game in surrounding forests is a In floor plan, the circular shape of the beehive- burned just before the ensuing rains. The burning Hunting
weightier factor in deciding when to move a vil- shaped hut tends to be replaced by an oval or rect- is usually incomplete, and the crops are planted
lage. The Amahuaca's cornfields yield harvests angular ground plan. Poles and thatch are the basic between the logs and stumps that remain, giving Once a Neolithic mode of subsistence was es-
large enough to allow a community to remain sed- building materials, the pole framework being a swidden its typical messy appearance. Reason- tablished, hunting, while then subordinated to
entary several years, but their reliance on hunting lashed together with vines. In northern climes, ably good crops can be harvested for two or three agriculture, still continued to be practiced. The
is such that in order to stay abreast of the game, where palm leaves for thatching are not available, years, but by then the fertility of the soil has no- game animals hunted varied widely. Large ani-
they must move their villages well before their alternate materials such as bark or straw may he ticeably declined and weeds are becoming a prob- mals were sought as long as they were available,
agriculture would require it. used for roofing. In much of Mesoamerica, as well lem, so the garden plot is usually abandoned and but as the density of human occupation increased,
Where warfare is intense, villages maybe forced as in certain parts of Europe, houses were made of a new one cleared. big game animals were either killed off or driven
to move more often than otherwise in order to keep wattle-and-daub. And in arid areas where rain was Root crops are the staple of most swidden cul- away, and hunting was reduced to the taking of
at a relatively safe distance from enemy attack. not a threat to wash away the walls, adobe brick tivators in the tropics: manioc in Amazonia, taro, smaller species. To draw the game nearer, animal
The effect of war on the frequency of village move- was used in house construction. yams, and sweet potatoes in the Pacific. In much of cries are imitated, often with great skill and effec-
ment may, however, be less direct. The fear ofenemy The care expended on building a house gener- Mesoamerica, maize was the staple, with beans tiveness, and tracking is also expertly done.
raids forces some Amazonian groups to clear their ally reflects the length oftime its occupants expect and squash supplementing the diet. In the Near Hunting is most often carried out individually,
gardens close to the village, thereby reducing the to occupy it. The Amahuaca, who don't plan on East and in temperate Europe, grains such as since a group of hunters moving together in the
area ofland they can safely cultivate. Exhausting staying in a house more than a year or two, build wheat, barley, and oats were the principal crops. forest tends to reveal their presence and scare
available land more quickly thereby, such a village their dwellings rapidly and flimsily. In fact, a man away the game. Exceptions to this occur, however.
may be forced to relocate sooner. and his wife are able to erect a house in three days. Preparing the Fields When herd animals, like the white-lipped peccary,
On the other hand, the Indians ofthe Upper Xingu, are being hunted, having a good many men coop-
Village Types who may live in a house for 20 years, build it stur- Aboriginally, felling the treesin the process of erate in the chase may increase its chances of suc-
dily, with a strong understructure of heavy house clearing a garden was done with the stone axe. It cess.
In terms of basic settlement layout, there are posts lashed firmly together. However, the thatch- was a long and arduous task. Axes soon became The bow-and-arrow is the weapon of choice
two types of villages. The more common type is the ing of such a house may have to be replaced every dull and had to be resharpened, sometimes being among most Neolithic hunters, superseding the
nucleated village, often circular in ground plan, few years when it becomes infested with vermin ground down to the nub before being discarded. spear and the atlatl of their Paleolithic forebears.
with dwellings distributed around a central plaza. and threadbare. Digging sticks were used for planting, and in some In certain parts of the world, though, the bow is
In some parts of the world, like certain areas of In addition to dwellings, several other types of areas hoes were employed to till the ground. These supplemented, or even replaced, by other weap-
New Guinea, the "hamlet" type of village tends to structure may be found in a tribal village. A men's sometimes had stone blades, but in eastern North ons. A prime example of this is provided by the

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Robert L. Carneiro 3. The Tribal Village and Its Culture

blowgun in Amazonia and Southeast Asia. The In characterizing the power of a typical Ama- er tends to be significantly augmented during taken. Murder, especially if it is thought to have
effectiveness of this weapon against arboreal game zonian headman, the ethnologist John M. Cooper wartime, he is not above instigating a war raid on been carried out by witchcraft, calls forth a swift
depends on the use of a powerful poison like curare, is said to have remarked, "One word from the chief, an enemy village as a means of enhancing his au- and decisive response. Once the culprit is identi-
a muscle relaxant, which causes a wounded ani- and everyone does as he pleases". And this apt thority. fied, someone acting with the tacit approval of the
mal to fall readily out of the trees. phrase has been quoted many times over. A The size of a village also affects the power of village may play the role of executioner. I knew a
Kuikuru headman, for instance, when he gives the headman. A largervillage, which requires stron- Kuikuru who, having gained the general acquies-
Fishing orders at all, gives them "into the air," hoping some- ger controls and direction, is likely to have a more cence of the village, took it upon himselfto execute
one will follow them. Were he to give an order di- powerful leader than a smaller one. a man who people believed had killed a number of
For many villages, fishing makes an impor- rectly to a particular individual, the latter would Occasionally, the village headman is also a infants through sorcery.
tant contribution to the diet. Since fish ar.e much be more likely to turn around and walk away than shaman, in which case his supernatural powers, If an offense is considered serious, but never-
harder to deplete than game, villages which rely to obey. Being regarded as purely human, a typical added to his political ones, are likely to gain him theless falls short of being a capital crime-as, for
on fishing rather than hunting for their protein village headman lacks the supernatural power greater respect, and probably also a measure of example, a flagrant case of incest-the persons
(like those of the Shipibo of eastern Peru) are often attributed to a paramount chief. Thus he has none fear. responsible may be ostracized, or even expelled
able to grow large and to remain completely seden- of the aura which gives special weight to the com- from the community.
tary. Not having to move periodically has the add- mands of a prominent chief in Polynesia. Law and Order Sometimes the disturbance within a village
ed benefit of allowing agriculture to be developed The often modest status of a village headman involves a dispute between factions rather than an
more fully. may be reflected in his economic position. The The criminal justice system prevailing among outright crime. In this case, some form of duel may
Bows and arrows are used for fishing as well as headman of a Lengua village in the Paraguayan autonomous communities is not, as a rule, highly take place to try to settle the matter. Among the
for hunting, but a variety of other devices are also Chaco, for example, is likely to be the poorest man developed. One way of stating this is to say that at Yanomamo and the Kayapo, club fights serve this
employed. Among them are harpoons and fish traps, in the village since, ifhe happens to acquire some this level ofculture there is generally onlycivil law purpose. Violent though they may be-and serious
some of which may be set into weirs. The most material possession which someone else lacks, he but no criminal law. That is, offenses are not ordi- injuries often result from such duels-they are at
productive fishing method of all, though, is by poi- is expected to part with it. narily regarded as crimes against the society as a least a form of controlled violence rather than out-
soning the quiet waters of a lagoon or the dead arm Chiefly redistribution, once regarded as the whole, but only against a particular individual or and-out, no-holds-barred mayhem. Duels of this
of a stream with a vine such as barbasco. The nar- principal avenue for a paramount chiefto acquire his kin. And it is a particular individual, rather sort may result in a temporary lowering of ten-
cotic sap of this vine is extruded by pounding cut- real power, is no longer thought to play that role. than some agent acting in the name of the society, sions within a village. But if the dispute is deep-
tings of it in the water. A ton or more offish may Indeed, at the autonomous village level, where who, having ascertained the identity of the guilty seated and fails to be settled by a duel, it may erupt
be taken during a successful fish poisoning expedi- redistribution is most characteristic, it serves more party, metes out punishment. again, in which case one of the dissident factions
tion. as a leveling device than anything else. For exam- In a society bound together by ties of kinship, may leave the community and start a new village
ple, when a Shavante hunting party in central as autonomous villages assuredly are, the notion elsewhere. Indeed, many an autonomous village
Domesticated Animals Brazil returns home, the headman redistributes of collective responsibility and individual retribu- has begun life after just such a split (Carneiro
the catch evenly among all the families in the vil- tion are deeply ingrained. Thus if an offense is 1987:96-97).
Most agricultural villages have no domestic lage, keeping no more than an equal portion for committed by a member of a particular kin group,
animals other than the dog. Significant exceptions, himself. While this may enhance the esteem and such as a clan, all members of that clan may be Segmentation
though, do occur. In Melanesia, pigs are commonly affection in which he is held, it adds nothing appre- held liable. By the same token, the victim him-
raised for food, and in addition play an important ciable to his authority. self(or a relative) is free to "take the law into his The threat of fission is ever present in auton-
role during ceremonies, being killed and eaten in Under certain conditions, though, a village own hands" and avenge himself on the offender omous villages, especially as they grow larger. The
large numbers at that time. Cattle were signifi- headman may temporarily acquire powers well on behalf of his clan. In short, then, in most trib- tendency to split may, however, be counteracted in
cant in the Neolithic economy of prehistoric Eu- beyond those he ordinarily enjoys. This occurs in al societies selfhelp is generally resorted to, and part by the formation of structural sub-units with-
rope, and continue to be so among many tribes of times ofemergency, especiallywar. Tribal warfare there are thus no legal institutions worthy of the in the society. Inhisfamous book, Tristes Tropiques,
eastAfrica. There they supply not only meat, blood, usually requires-or at least benefits from-een- name. Claude Levi-Strauss (1964:230) called the Bororo
and milk, but also serve as a symbol of wealth. tralized leadership and direction. And by taking That does not mean, of course, that most au- of south-central Brazil "a society whose complexi-
Goats are also raised for consumption in this part control of a war party, a headman adds a consider- tonomous villages lack any sort of mechanism for ties seem to spring from a delight in complication
of the world. able measure to his ability to command. The well- punishing violations of tribal norms. Likewise, for its own sake...." Yet this increase in complexity
known "Big Man" of Melanesia is most often there are generally means of resolving serious dis- may not be as puzzling or irrational as it appears.
Political Organization thought of as an economic entrepreneur, which he putes when they arise. If a theft occurs among the Underlying the development of an intricate, even
is, but before Australian colonial authorities put a Elgeyo of Kenya, a council of elders decides who is puzzling social structure, a perfectly intelligible
Autonomous communities usually have a lead- damper on intervillage fighting in New Guinea, guilty of the crime and levies a fine of one goat process may be at work. Lineages, clans, moieties,
er or headman. This leader was formerly referred the Big Man was, in many cases, a feared war lead- against the offender. Fines are indicative of a soci- and age grades-that is, societal sub-units of the
to as a chief, but by convention, the word "chief' is er as well. ety capable of taking corporate action, and there- type so often found in autonomous villages-may
now generally reserved for the powerful political Among some tribes of the Guianas in South fore they are commonly levied in societies where be thought of as imparting a kind of cellular struc-
leader of a multi-village chiefdom. The lesser des- America a separate war leader existed, distinct the village headman, or a council ofelders, exercis- ture to the society, thus making it better able to
ignation of "headman" is meant to convey the no- from the regular village headman. In the case of es more than minimal authority. hold together in the face ofdivisive tendencies than
tion that the political leader of an autonomous the Yanomamo, though, the two functions are car- Ifan offense is considered particularly heinous ifit consisted of merely a single amorphous, undif-
village usually has rather limited authority. ried out by the same individual. And since his pow- or disruptive to the society, drastic steps may be ferentiated aggregate.

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Robert L. Carneiro 3. The Tribal Village and Its Culture

A variety of ways exist in which a society may which they started splits and splits again, the same Division of Labor With a crop more easily storable than tuberous
create sub-units within itself, and assign member- set of clans may eventually be represented in more roots, even more of a seasonal surplus can be accu-
ship in them to everyone in the village. Most soci- than one village. Virtually all autonomous villages have a sub- mulated. Thus, with maize as their principal crop,
eties created such segments through use of the The most common function of the clan is to sistence economy in which each family produces an Amahuaca family can pick and store 25,000 to
principle of unili neal descent. Distinct social seg- regulate marriage. Almost by definition, clans are and consumes its own food. In such a society, no 30,000 ears of corn at harvest time, enough to last
ments could not readily be formed if membership exogamous units which thereby create a mutual great accumulation of property is possible, and as much as a full year.
in them were to be assigned bilaterally-the rea- dependence among their members since they must there is little in the way of craft or service special-
son being that kinship relations, when traced bi- seek a spouse in a clan different from their own. ization. In activities involving the obtaining offood, Leisure Time
laterally, ramify outward from Ego in every direc- Clans sometimes have other functions too. In a the division of labor along sex lines is universal.
tion. Thus they could hardly form the basis of an large settled village, clans may be land-owning Men hunt and fish, women gather, prepare and The relatively high productivity of swidden
easily distinguishable and cohesive social unit. units, the clan elders parceling out land for garden cook the food, and raise the children. Within the agriculture, coupled with the moderate labor de-
By contrast, if membership in a social unit is plots among its members as the need arises. Clans category of agricultural pursuits, though, the par- mands it entails, means that tribal villagers rely-
reckoned either in the male line or the female line, may also perform various rituals and ceremonies ticipation of the two sexes varies considerably. ing on it usually have a considerable amount of
the result is an identifiable, discrete social seg- specific to them. Some well-established clans may Although the line of demarcation is not nearly as time left over after subsistence. Some of this time
ment with readily ascertainable boundaries and be said to have a corporate structure, with distinct clear-cut here as in, say, hunting, there is none- may be spent relaxing or loafing, but much of it is
manageable size. The most common such segment, leadership and designated functions. theless a rather striking correlation to be noted. At spent in a variety of other pursuits, from ceremo-
which societies around the world have created over Another form of social unit is much like the least in Amazonia, I have found virtually no ex- nial performances, to arts and crafts, to body dec-
and over again, is the clan. But the unilineal clan clan in some respects but not in all. This is the ception to the rule that if hunting, or warfare, or oration. One need look only at the layer upon layer
is not the smallest social segment above the nucle- moiety, one of two equivalent divisions into which both are important male activities, then it is the of ornaments on the person of an Amazonian Indi-
ar family. The smallest such segment (apart from an entire village may be divided. Membership in women who tend the gardens and harvest the crops. an or aNew Guinea native to see hundreds ofhours
the extended family) is the lineage. The lineage is a moiety is usually assigned unilineally, but this However, if neither hunting nor warfare is impor- oflabor congealed into ostentatious display.
the backbone of a clan, being composed of kinsmen is not always the case. Within a Kayapo village, tant, then the men will do the bulk ofthe agricul- But here a caveat must be entered. The old
related through the male line (patrilineal) or the for instance, moiety membership is sometimes turallabor. The one exception to this rule is that in saying that "men work from sun to sun, but wom-
female line (matrilineal). The lineage is always the based on whether one lives in the eastern or west- clearing a tract offorest to make a garden plot, the en's work is never done," holds true of the primi-
precursor of the clan. It is formed, almost automat- ern side of the village, or whether he was born men invariably do the heavy work of felling the tive world just as it does of Western societies-at
ically, when there is a unilocal rule of post-marital during the rainy season or the dry season. Almost trees. least in so far as women's work is concerned. But
residence, either matrilocal or patrilocal, which any dichotomous principle will do to establish a in the primitive world, men usually do have more
brings together and aligns persons who are related system of moieties. The important thing is that it The Possibility of a Surplus disposable time left to them after finishing their
through either males or females. As an example, a divide the village into more or less equal halves, subsistence chores than do their counterparts in
lineage structure (patrilineal, in this case) charac- and that everyone be assigned to one or another of Whether swidden cultivators can produce a true industrial societies. In fact, on the average, a
terizes the Yanomamo, who usually occupy rela- them. surplus offood was, for a long time, much debated. Kuikuru man spends only about 3 hours a day on
tively small villages of 100 persons or less, and When moieties are exogamous, they serve to It now seems clear, though, that with relatively subsistence.
who have not "graduated" to a full-blown clan struc- regulate marriage, just as clans do, but they often little extra effort swiddeners are technically capa-
ture. have other functions as well. For example, Kayapo ble of producing a good 15 or 20 percent more food Specialization
Over time, though, as the number of descen- moieties provide opposing teams for such compet- than they need for their own consumption. This
dants of the founder or senior head of a lineage itive sports as field hockey and log racing. And can be inferred from the fact that when villages Full-time craft specialists are all but unknown
grows, the lineage naturally increases in member- they also have complementary and reciprocal func- become incorporated into states, and are subject to among tribal societies. The itinerant blacksmiths
ship and expands in scope. Within a few genera- tions, such as burying each other's dead. Now, each a regular system of taxation, a surplus of this of east Africa are the only exceptions that come
tions, all knowledge may be lost of who the founder moiety is of course perfectly capable of burying its magnitude is usually wrung out of them to fulfill readily to mind, and their origin is clearly post-
of the lineage actually was, and before long, a leg- own dead, but by assigning this function to the their tax obligations. Neolithic. Part-time specialization, though, is more
endary figure may be assigned that role. With its opposite moiety, an artificial but nonetheless use- As long as villages remain autonomous, how- common. Among the Kuikuru, the making of ca-
founder thus enshrined in a mythical past, and its ful dependence is created between them. And this ever, neither the economicincentives nor the polit- noes, stools, and sacred flutes, for example, is lim-
membership growing in size and crystallizing in dependence operates to integrate the village and ical coercion necessary to generate a surplus of ited to only a few men in the village.
structure, the lineage reaches the point at which it counteract the divisive forces which are always at food appears to exist. We must distinguish, though, Specialization by sex, though, is extremely
warrants being called a clan. After even more gen- work within it, especially if the village is a large between a surplus over the full yearly cycle of cul- common if not universal. Women are almost al-
erations (as among the Siuai of the Solomon Is- one. tivation and that produced over shorter periods of ways the potters in the primitive world. It is they
lands), a clan may be thought of as having, not a Finally, as a further instance of segmentation, time. Seasonal surpluses can, in fact, be regularly whom archeologists have to thank for providing
human founder at all, but an animal as its totemic we can cite the formation of age grades. These seg- produced. After a good harvest, a Trobriander's the most widespread and enduring evidence of
ancestor, whom clan members hold sacred and are ments tend to arise in militaristic societies such as yam hut may be filled to overflowing with tubers Neolithic culture left in the ground for their
forbidden to kill or eat. the Masai of east Africa and the Kayapo of central which will take weeks to consume. During the dry spades to unearth. And women are generally the
Clans do not arise as single entities; they al- Brazil. A system of age grades creates a series of season, a Kuikuru family will harvest thousands weavers, too, wherever that craft is practiced as
ways form and grow in multiples. Thus a good- cohorts of young men who, as boys, were trained of manioc tubers which, once processed into flour, a domestic art. The making of baskets is not so
sized village may have half a dozen clans. And as together in the men's house, and as adults, form will last them through much of the ensuing rainy clearly assigned to one sex or the other, even
clans continue to grow in size, and the village in the warrior class of the society. season. within the same region, like Amazonia. Here some

42 43
Robert L. Carneiro 3. The Tribal Village and Its Culture

types of baskets are made by the men, others by nomic considerations can be said to have begun to Medium of Exchange exogamy prevails, a man must seek a wife in an-
the women. seriouslyrival supernatural ones in the native view other village. Since under this rule cross cousins
of things. This step, in its incipient form, can be When trade is frequent and involves the ex- ordinarily live in different villages, their marriage
Property seen in a few tribal societies. The Kuikuru, for change of a variety of products, the rudiments of serves to strengthen the ties between their respec-
instance, do not transmit material possessions money may be dimly discerned. Initially, some tive villages. At marriage, the groom must often
With no powerful chiefs to exact tribute, and through inheritance, but do pass down the owner- decorative item, such as an uguksi necklace, or a pay a bride price to his father-in-law. In east Afri-
with almost every adult having to engage in sub- ship of piqui fruit trees from father to son. And wampum belt, or a string of dentalium shells- ca, the usual bride price-the lobola-eonsists of
sistence, there is little opportunity for anyone in a among the Flathead of Montana, the prohibition somethingthat is particularlyvalued and common- several head ofcattle. Among the Kuikuru, a groom
tribal village to amass a significant amount of against inheritance was sometimes circumvented ly traded-may become a standard by which the is supposed to give his parents-in-law various shell
wealth. To be sure, some men are more, highly when a seriously ill man, in anticipation of death, value of other objects is measured. Thus, among necklaces and waistbands, but if he does not own
skilled or more industrious than others, and they conveyed his property to his son before he died. the Kuikuru one bow, one hammock, one stool, and such items, this obligation may be commuted to
generally have more and better possessions. The one pot are all said to be equivalent in value to one that of bride service. In that case, the groom helps
wealthiest man in the village is likely to be the Trade ugukti. his father-in-law clear and plant his manioc gar-
shaman, who functions mainly as a curer. He is the It is a short step from an object's serving as a dens.
principal (if not the only) service specialist in the Within autonomous villages, material objects standard of value to its becoming a medium of In an exogamous community with matrilocal
community, and is well paid for his work-even are often exchanged. Such exchanges may occur exchange, being freely traded for a variety of other residence, the customary residence rule may be
handsomely if he manages to effect a particularly when someone lacks an item and someone else has goods, as is the case with the uguha. But the final waived in the case of a headman, thereby obviat-
difficult cure. a spare and is ready to trade. Or exchange may be step in the evolution of money, in which an object ing the necessity of his having to move out of his
In tribal Africa, where cattle are a visible to- based on the slight amount of craft specialization no longer has intrinsic aesthetic or ornamental natal village to find a wife.
ken ofone's wealth, buildingup a large herd through that occurs in some villages, in which case a person value, but is used only for buying and selling, is Regardless of what type of marriage may be
careful breeding or shrewd dealing may raise a may produce more of a certain item than he needs well beyond the tribal level of economics. contracted, it is never simply a union of two indi-
man well above his fellows in terms ofthe property for himself, and is quite ready to trade the surplus viduals. It is also an association between two fam-
he owns. And, as among most societies, prestige items to others. Kinship ilies. If one spouse dies, the levirate and sororate,
comes with wealth. Rarely, though, is a person's Trade between villages, in contrast to that with- very commonly practiced in primitive societies, not
status so much higher than that of anyone else in in them, is based largely on village specialization As indicated earlier, kinship is the armature only provide widows and widowers with new spous-
the village, either in material possessions or in in the making of a variety of items. This in tum around which autonomous communities are orga- es, but also restore the affinal link between fami-
social standing, that any real class distinctions can may depend on differences in the kinds of raw ma- nized, as well as the glue that holds its members lies temporarily broken by the death.
be said to exist. terials available to each village. The Kuikuru, for together. Villages make up true kinship networks, While the roughly equal sex ratio in all societ-
instance, make a kind of shell necklace called an binding people together and prescribing many of ies dictates that most marriages will be monoga-
Inheritance ugului from a certain species ofland snail which is the forms of interpersonal behavior that regulate mous, polygyny is also generally permitted. A
found in their territory, but not in that of the their lives. Reciprocal obligations between certain polygynous man will usually have no more than
One reason for the lack of accumulation of Kamayura to the north. The latter, for their part, sets of kinsmen are common, as, for example, a two or three wives, but among a few large tribes,
wealth in primitive societies is the general failure make particularly fine bows from the wood of the pattern of gift giving between brothers-in-law such as the Tupinamba, a powerful chief might
of property to be transmitted from one generation majafi tree, which does not grow near the among the Kuikuru. have as many as a dozen.
to the next. It is a striking fact that at this level of village. The two groups exchange these two items Everyone of the 145 persons in the Kuikuru
culture the inheritance of goods is all but lacking. even-up, one ugukd for one majafi bow. village employed a kinship term for everyone else, Population Control and
Why should this be? Two principal reasons can be In northern Amazonia, a marked degree of vil- even though he might not be able to trace the ac- Demographic Growth
offered. First, there is a great reluctance among lage specialization exists in various kinds of arti- tual genealogical connection between them. The
the living to claim ownership of objects that be- facts. One group specializes in making blowguns, behavior of persons toward one another may not In addition to the widespread post-partum
longed to the dead. This is so since the deceased's another in the manufacture of curare, a third in the always be governed by kinship rules, but at least taboo on sexual relations between husband and
soul, which has now become a malevolent ghost, is hollowing out ofdugout canoes, and a fourth in turn- these rules establish a well-recognized set of ex- wife, population limitation occurs in tribal societ-
easily angered and quick to wreak vengeance on ing out manioc graters. Through trade, sometimes pected interactions among relatives. ies through the practices of abortion and infanti-
those ofthe living who may have displeased it. And over long distances, each village is able to gain access cide. The latter, it should be noted, is invariably a
secondly, as a Kuikuru once solemnly informed to the specialized products of the others. Marriage private family matter; the opinion of the rest of the
me, a good person does not want to be constantly In some parts of the world elaborate patterns community is not sought, nor is its permission
reminded of his late lamented father or mother, as ofintertribal exchange have been established. The Smaller villages tend to have a rule of local required.
he would be ifhe held on to their possessions. Thus, Trobrianders and other islanders living offthe east exogamy, but as villages grow larger, this rule is Female infanticide is sometimes said to be a
among tribal peoples far and wide, at a person's coast of New Guinea participate in a highly for- relaxed, and endogamous marriages become, first way in which a village consciously seeks to hold its
death his property is generally either buried with malized series of exchanges called the kula ring. permissible, and then common. In the Kuikuru population below carrying capacity. However, while
him or destroyed. One group of islanders sails clockwise in their ca- village, which, as just mentioned, had 145 resi- this may be an effect ofthis form of infanticide, it
A great threshold in economic evolution was noes, exchanging necklaces with their trading dents, some 70 percent of marriages were endoga- is not likely to be its cause. Population limitation
crossed when, instead of being thus disposed of, a partners on the islands they visit. The other group mous. within a village is the result of an aggregate of
dead man's property began to be passed on to his ofislanders sails counter-clockwise, supplyingtheir Cross-cousin marriage is extremelywidespread separate individual actions, not of a concerted so-
surviving kin. When this point was reached, eco- trading partners with cowrie shell armbands. among village communities. Where a rule oflocal cietal policy.

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Robert L. Carneiro 3. The Tribal Village and Its Culture

Over the course of centuries, the average an- associated with particular animals, especially nox- in witches and a dread of them is universal in prim- often a prime candidate for suspicion when some-
nual rate of population growth among tribal peo- ious or dangerous ones, such as poisonous snakes itive society. The great irony is that witchcraft is one in the village is thought to have died from
ples is very low-something on the order of 1/10 of or jaguars. However, when drawn for the benefit of much more often alleged than actually practiced. witchcraft. In that case, all of his powers may not
one percent. However, for smaller populations and the ethnographer who wants to know what they Thus the most disruptive fear among tribal peo- be enough to prevent his being killed in an act of
over shorter periods of time, this rate may be sub- look like, these spirits often turn out to be repre- ples is one of their own creation. retaliation by an angry relative of the deceased.
stantially higher. For example, for the Shamatari, sented as anthropomorphic. Magic is also universal in village societies, and
a Yanomamo sub-group, Napoleon Chagnon Bush spirits are widely regarded as malevo- in the form ofexuvial or sympathetic magic, is the Ceremonies
(1974:129) found that over the last century they lent, and while they can be seen and interrogated instrument by which witchcraft is most commonly
had increased from one village to 17, and, assum- with impunity by the shaman, should an ordinary thought to be practiced. Accusations of witchcraft The social life ofa tribal village is enlivened by
ing an initial population for the parent village of person suddenly come face to face with one ofthem, are generally leveled at persons who are disliked the performance of a variety of ceremonies. Often
about 200, and given their current population of he will surely sicken and quite possibly die. Some or regarded as antisocial. Thus, at the same time these ceremonies are said to be owned by, or at
some 2,700, the average annual rate of growth of of these spirits are more distinctive and well de- that witchcraft is disruptive of people's lives, the least associated with, particular spirits who may
the Shamatari has been about 2 percent. fined than others, as is true of the kachinas of the fear of being thought a witch also serves to make in some cases be impersonated during the ceremo-
Hopi, who have special powers and designated a person adhere more closely to the norms of his nies themselves, as occurs, for example, among the
Death and Disposal of the Body functions. society, and thus promotes the integration of the Hopi. Some are performed for a specific reason,
Another class ofsupernatural beings is that of village. such as bringing rain, ensuring a good harvest, or
Despite how fast a village may be growing, culture heroes. During the time they walked on Another way of fostering compliance with so- for marking a particular occasion, such as the win-
death, ofcourse, inevitably overtakes everyone of earth, these mythological figures were conspicu- cial norms is through the operation oftaboos. While ter solstice. Other reasons may be purely secular
its members. And for the survivors, a death is al- ous for their creative acts, giving rise to the prom- breaking a taboo often acts only against the trans- and recreational, with the ceremony being per-
ways an occasion for lamentation and concern. On inent features of the earth, such as rivers, lakes, gressor himself, it is sometimes said to result in an formed with no other objective than the enjoyment
the one hand, there is much grieving for the de- and mountains, and to phenomena like night and outcome damaging to the entire community, thus of the participants and onlookers.
ceased, but at the same time there is an abiding day and the seasons ofthe year. They also bestowed adding pressure on individuals not to violate it. Another class of ceremonies are those which
dread of the dead man's ghost. No matter how the gift of fire on mankind as well as instructing serve to mark changes in the life cycle. The Kuikuru
beloved he was in life, he is greatly feared in death. people how to hunt, how to plant, how to mate, and Shamanism have a ritual called tipoiio in which prepubescent
Accordingly, a solemn ceremony takes place which the like. Some culture heroes are thought of as boys have their ears pierced and their names
not only allows the survivors to mourn, but also master artificers, who taught human beings all At the center of much supernatural belief and changed. But more common-in fact well nigh
helps ensure that the ghost ofthe deceased will manner of arts and crafts. But then, after making practice in tribal villages is the shaman, an all but universal in primitive societies-are puberty rites,
not linger around the village and haunt the liv- the world ready for human habitation, they rose universal figure in such societies. The shaman is which often involve the seclusion of the initiate.
ing. into the sky to become the sun, the moon, or vari- primarily a curer. With the aid of spirits which he This is the case in the Upper Xingu in central Bra-
The ways of disposing of a corpse are legion. ous planets and constellations. And there in the can freely summon and interrogate through the zil, where a pubescent boy or girl may be expected
Burial and cremation are the principal ones, but heavens these culture heroes continue to reside, taking of drugs like tobacco or ayahuasca, inces- to remain inside a partitioned section ofthe house
each of these in turn has a number of variants. For remote and aloof, still observing life on earth but sant drumming, or some similar way ofinducing a for a year or even longer. In many parts of the
example, there may be secondary urn burial, in no longer taking any part in it. trance, the shaman is able to effect a cure. The two world, puberty rites involve some sort of ordeal-
which the skeleton of the deceased, once the body The sky is also the location where mosttribal most frequently cited causes of ailments in prim- a test of courage, hardihood, and endurance, after
has been cremated, is disarticulated, and the bones peoples place the afterworld. Generally speaking, itive societies are the loss of a person's soul and the the successful conclusion of which the boy or girl is
placed in a pot for final burial. There is also the it is conceived of as a village (much like the one presence ofan intrusive object within his body. By regarded as an adult. In the Guianas, a particular-
striking ritual of funerary endocannibalism. As people dwell in here on earth) where departed souls means of an impressive performance, the shaman ly rigorous puberty rite is the ant ordeal, the ini-
practiced by the Amahuaca and the Yanomamo of go after death. Unlike the heaven or hell of "civi- contrives to recover a lost or stolen soul, while in- tiate being subjected to having a mat, with sting-
Amazonia, the body of the deceased is cremated, lized" societies, the afterworld of most tribal peo- trusive objects are either sucked or drawn out of a ing ants trapped within it, placed against his chest,
the bones ground into powder, mixed with banana ples is not a place where virtue is rewarded and patient's body by skillful sleight of hand. the expectation being that he will endure the pain
drink, and imbibed by the dead man's close rela- evil punished. More often than not, a soul's fate is A shaman may carry out a number of other of dozens of stings without flinching.
tives. In this way, it is believed, the remains of the determined, not by how it lived but by how it died. tasks as well. He may be asked to find lost or stolen Some peoples, especially in west Africa and
dear departed become incorporated into the bodies For example, in addition to the regular village of objects, and is thought to be able to foretell the New Guinea, have men's secret societies in which
of its surviving kinsmen. the dead, where most souls are destined to go, the future and to identify witches. He may also help adult males are made privy to arcane knowledge
Kuikuru believe there is a special village in the sky defend a village by directing sorcery against its forbidden to the rest of the community. In a few
Religion and Mythology for the souls of those who died by poisoning, and enemies. Thus, through his magical power, a Ya- cases, what the initiates are told, after a prolonged
another one for those who died a violent death. nomamo shaman is said to kill the souls ofinfants and arduous series oftests, is that the closelyguard-
Ritual practices surrounding the disposal of a in enemy villages. A shaman, then, is not only a ed secret of the society is-that there is no secret!
corpse bring us to the subject of religion. The reli- Witchcraft and Magic figure who commands respect within his village,
gious beliefs of most tribal peoples center around but one who is also likely to elicit fear. Intervillage Relations
a bewildering variety ofsupernatural beings. Few Returning to the world of the living, we find Nevertheless, a shaman's life is not altogether
such societies can be said to believe in a single that one ofthe greatest sources of anxiety in life- secure and serene. There are occupational hazards While most ceremonies among autonomous
"high god." Rather, most of them believe in a pro- a concern which repeatedly disturbs the tranquil- to worry about. So well versed is he in controlling communities are performed within the village for
fusion of "bush spirits." These spirits are often ity of a village-is the fear of witchcraft. The belief the dangerous forces of the supernatural that he is the enjoyment of its residents, some are intervil-

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Robert L. Carneiro 3. The Tribal Village and Its Culture

lage in nature, and may be designed to, or at least societies is the practice of cannibalism, the bodies ture (or cultures) as fully as it can be done. In this briefly at some of the arguments that have been
have the effect of, bringing neighboring villages of slain enemies being brought back to the village joint endeavor, ethnologists enjoy an advantage raised in this regard.
closer together. One such ceremony is the kuarup, to be cooked and eaten. A more benign effect of over their archaeological brethren. The cultures A leading archaeologist of an earlier period, V.
or feast of the dead, ofthe Upper Xingu, This cer- war, however, is the frequent capture of women as they work with are alive and intact functioning Gordon Childe (1946:250), made it clear that "[t]he
emony cycles among the nine villages ofthe region, wives. systems, and ethnologists are able to study them ethnographers' picture of a contemporary savage
being performed in a different one every year. Its The effect of warfare among autonomous com- in intricate detail. Archaeologists, on the other [hunter and gatherer] or barbarian [agricultural
stated purpose is to commemorate those members munities is generallythe dispersal ofvillages rather hand, deal with cultures that are no longer living, village] society can with due reserve be used to
of the chiefly line of that village who have died than their aggregation. On occasion, though, breathing entities. They have died, and have left supplement the archaeologists' picture" of extinct
since it last hosted the ceremony. Decorated posts smaller, weaker villages which have been the re- behind them only a very partial material record of societies at the same general level of culture. And
are erected for each person being memorialized, peatedvictims ofraiding, may coalesce into a larger what they were like when they were flourishing this attitude was retained, and indeed reinforced,
and the men of the visiting villages take turns village for the purpose of mutual defense. More societies. The archaeologist, then, is faced with a with the coming ofthe "new archaeology." As Rob-
dancing around the posts and performing certain common than outright coalescence, though, is the severe challenge. He must try to reconstruct an ert Dunnell (1980:77), noted, "If one thing is clear
rituals. By dawn of the next day, the commemora- formation of military alliances in which the vil- extinct culture from the small fragments of it still about the new archaeology it is that it was intend-
tive part of kuarup is over. Then follow intervillage lages cooperate in time of war but still retain their left in the ground. ed to be explicitly modeled on sociocultural anthro-
wrestling matches from which will emerge a cham- separateness and autonomy. These alliances are Faced with this difficult task, the archaeolo- pology ...."
pion wrestler of the whole region, a distinction usually transitory, lasting no longer than the du- gist is obliged to seek whatever help he can. His But not all archaeologists welcomed this de-
which a man will bear proudly throughout his life. ration of hostilities. And when these coalitions re- published reports are only in part observations. To velopment. William Longacre (1970:136), for ex-
The formal part of kuarup having concluded, form at a later date, they may well involve a differ- a large extent what he can say about his extinct ample, asserted, with what strikes me as a touch
informal trading begins among friends of the var- ent set of villages. Nonetheless, as we will see cultures are inferences. And in drawing these in- of wounded pride: "The role of ethnographic anal-
ious villages. At the same time, any girl ofthe host shortly, in these alliances, ephemeral as they may ferences his foremost ally is, unavoidably, the eth- ogy in [archaeological] interpretation has been
village who is near the end ofher puberty seclusion be, lie the seeds out ofwhich will grow wider, stron- nologist. The vast corpus of published writings by called into serious question lately, especially with
is trotted out for all the young bucks from the vis- ger, more permanent alliances, leading ultimately ethnologists provides, in exhaustive detail, infor- respect to the interpretation of behavioral and
iting villages to behold and admire. Girls are now to the emergence of chiefdoms. mation covering the full gamut ofexisting cultures. organizational phenomena. It we base our inter-
at their most marriageable, and betrothals may be How can the archaeologist not avail himselfof this pretation on the ethnographic present, then we
arranged at this time. Although animosities be- Travel and Transport treasure trove of fact and theory? are sayingwe have nothing to learn from the past."
tween members of different villages may surface There is general agreement that living and ex- And has pride become hubris when Norman
during the wrestling phase of kuarup, the net ef- The swift movement of raiding parties is facili- tinct cultures are not totally separate and distinct Yoffee (1993:67) asserts: " ... the logic ofthe urban
fect ofthe ceremony is to cement the bonds offriend- tated in some parts of the world by the use ofwa- entities. They were both produced by human be- implosion and subsequent political explosion in
ship that exist among the villages. tercraft. For probably the whole of the Paleolithic, ings who, at least over the last 30,000 years or Uruk [in ancient Mesopotamia] cannot begin to be
human travel and transport was entirely on foot. more, were essentially like those living today. And accounted for through a series of ethnographic
Warfare With the coming of the Mesolithic/Archaic period, the conditions under which extinct cultures were analogies masquerading as social evolutionary
however, and certainly with that ofthe Neolithic, createdwere much like those still found somewhere theory. What is needed is archaeological analyses
Relations between neighboringvillages are not canoes make their appearance. The ground stone in the world today. Thus the archaeologist, by study- ofthese archaeological data and the confidence that
always so peaceful, however. Indeed, warfare be- axe, the distinctive tool of the Neolithic, made ing the ethnographies ofliving societies, can derive appropriate theory can be constructed by archae-
tween adjacent villages is not uncommon. Nor are possible the hollowing out oflarge tree trunks which a fair notion of what elements of culture that are ologists to do the job"?
kinship ties necessarily a barrier to warfare any served as the hull of dugout canoes. Before that, archaeologically unrecoverable, were associated Well, I would argue just the opposite. There is
more than propinquity is. The initial causes of war however, there were probably bark canoes, made with those elements that are in fact recoverable. no such thing as archaeological theory as a sepa-
at the tribal level may be such familiar occurre-nces from the thin outer layer of the birch tree in north- To be sure, there is rarely a strict one-to-one rate and distinct entity, isolated and insulated from
as murder, witchcraft, and wife stealing. Yet many eastern North America, and the inch-thick bark of relationship between, say, a trait in settlement outside contamination. What there is, or should
war raids stem from causes long since forgotten. thejatoba tree in lowland South America. pattern and one in kinship structure, or between be, is anthropological theory, in which archaeolo-
All that may be retained is the sense that the con- Canoes made long range travel possible, and burial practices and soul beliefs. But ethnology gists and ethnologists are full and trusting part-
tending villages are "traditional enemies," between in a region like Amazonia, with hundreds of nav- provides at least some suggestion ofwhat goes with ners, setting aside petty jealousies, neither one
which there is a recurring cycle of revenge killings. igable rivers, they enabled people to disperse widely what, of the range of manifestations that can be claiming exclusivity or dominance. Only then can
Intervillage "wars" are often little more than over the entire basin. expected to have occurred within a given aspect of further progress be made toward a fuller and deep-
raids or skirmishes in which only a few men take extinct cultures. And by availing himself of this er understanding of extinct cultures.
part, rather than mass conflicts in which the en- Ethnographic Analogy and knowledge, the archaeologist can broaden his ho-
tire body of adult males of both villages are ar- Archaeological Reconstruction rizons and add immeasurably to his arsenal of Ethnographic Analogy Put to Use
rayed against each other. As a rule, war raids take interpretive devices. He can, in short, be much
the form of pre-dawn surprise attacks, followed by This is a volume by archaeologists for archae- better able to put flesh on the bones of his archaeo- The preceding pages have presented a broad
a quick retreat, and result in relatively few casu- ologists. What, then, is a chapter on ethnology by logical discoveries. survey of what autonomous village culture, yes,
alties. Occasionally, though, warfare becomes a an ethnologist doing here? The answer is that Nevertheless, the extent to which the archae- tribal culture, is like as seen through the eyes of an
more serious and deadly business in which heads anthropology is a unitary science, and that ethnol- ologist may draw on ethnographic analogy, and ethnologist. One of the principal differences be-
are lopped off and brought home as trophies. Asso- ogists and archaeologists have the same ultimate indeed even the validity of doing so, remains a tween ethnologists and archaeologists is that eth-
ciated with intense tribal warfare among some goal: the presentation and interpretation of a cul- matter ofdispute within the profession. Let us look nologists study a living culture synchronically, at

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Robert L. Carneiro 3. The Tribal Village and Its Culture

essentially a single point in time, whereas archae- critical acumen and valid results today. There is observer is free to choose for himself-enough of a such wars can be found in a few accounts dating
ologists generally study a culture diachronically, every reason to believe that through its careful bond may exist among a collection of villages for from a time when Europeans were first becoming
as it changed over time. The present-day archeolo- and judicious use, an archaeologist should be able them to be referred to as a tribe. acquainted with the non-Western world. For ex-
gist, unlike what was often the case half a century to supplement and enrich the knowledge his un- As noted above, tribal structure is something ample, chiefdom formation was described, if only
ago, is not content to present a mere chronological aided spade has provided him. superadded to the culture of autonomous villages. sketchily and without appreciation of its full im-
succession of projectile points or ceramic styles. It does not subtract from that culture. Indeed, it portance, among the Caribs of northern Venezuela
He looks at the changes in forms and features ob- Tribal Organization merely adds to it. Thus, the picture of autonomous and the Tupinamba of the coast of Brazil. Villages
servable in the archaeological record as a process. village culture painted above can also be said to be of these societies, which fought fiercely and fre-
And, as argued above, he needs to have some no- Early in this chapter, when citing the discus- that of tribal culture. quently among themselves, often formed intervil-
tion of the dynamics of that process. Here the eth- sions of Service and Sahlins of the nature of the lage alliances of the kind described above. Ordi-
nologist, and the ethnohistorian, again come to his tribe, we saw that tribal structure was not some- The Transition narily, such alliances were forged during wartime,
assistance. thing totally distinct and removed from that of only to break up again when hostilities ceased.
Let us take a concrete problem: the origin of autonomous villages. Rather, it was something I have made it a point to emphasize that auton- However, in the two regions just cited, these alli-
the chiefdom. From an examination of grave goods, superadded to it. This structure consisted of the omous village culture represents a stage in socio- ances sometimes endured beyond the end ofhostil-
settlement patterns, architecture, and the like, an means by which villages reached out beyond their political evolution. The very notion of a stage im- ities, continuing on into peacetime.
archaeologist may be able to infer, with some de- borders and linked up with related neighboring plies that a different form preceded it, and that a It seems to have been through the agency of a
gree of confidence, that he is in the presence of a villages. Now, the question may be raised, How different form is to follow. So it was with the auton- particularly strong war leader that such alliances
chiefdom. But how did this chiefdom come to be? many of these links do there have to be, and how omous village. I would like now to review, in brief were able to endure. The power that such a leader
Specifically, by what process was a groups of au- close a bond must they forge, for a 'tribe' to be compass, the career ofthe autonomous village, from gained during a successful military campaign evi-
tonomous villages welded into a multi-village pol- formed? This is a central question, and not an easy its inception to its replacement by a more evolved dently proved strong enough so that he could not
ity? The artifacts and features the archaeologist one to resolve. form of society. be forced to relinquish it at war's end. Military
has unearthed will not give him the answer to that To indicate the difficulties involved, take, for With the coming of agriculture, the band of success brought the war chiefwealth and prestige,
question. He must turn to other sources of infor- example, the Upper Xingu region of central Brazil. Paleolithic times was replaced, in most parts of the to be sure, but more important, it also served to
mation-to ethnographic and ethnohistorical ac- Nine Indian villages are located in this region, world, by the village as the basic unit of human establish him as the permanent political leader-
counts-in order to be able to form a coherent and representing three different language families, settlement. As a social and subsistence unit, the the paramount chief-of a newly-formed, multi-
convincing notion of how this, as well as other Carib, Arawak, and Tupi-Guaranf. Yet despite the village endured for millennia. Indeed, in a few plac- village polity. This political entity, in which sev-
chiefdoms, arose. large linguistic gulf that divides them, these nine es it still survives. And not just in New Guinea and eral subordinate villages were ruled over by a single
The ethnological and ethnohistorical record villages are alike in many respects. They inter- Amazonia. A village of fellahin in modern-day powerfulleader, was the chiefdom (Carneiro 1998).
bearing on the origin of the chiefdom is scattered marry, they exchange specialized items in trade, Egypt, for example, is much the same today as it The creation of chiefdoms was not, however,
but illuminating and persuasive. From it can be they compete in sporting events, and they holdjoint was in pre-pharaonic times. Agricultural villages always a permanent evolutionary step. Duringtheir
gleaned innumerable examples of how chiefdoms ceremonies, the sorts of activities which Service have thus long remained the basic food-producing early days especially, chiefdoms not infrequently
functioned, and, with a close examination of the labeled 'pan-tribal sodalities'. Yet Amazonian eth- units of human society. What they have lost-nev- fragmented backinto their constituent units, name-
evidence, how they arose. Elman Service and oth- nologists who work in this area never refer to these er to be regained-is their political autonomy. ly, autonomous villages. But a large enough num-
ers have complained that no Western observer ever nine Xinguano villages as constituting a tribe.• The important question in studying social dy- ber of chiefdoms survived disintegration and es-
actually saw a chiefdom emerge from among a group Let us look at another Amazonian example. namics-important to ethnologists and archaeolo- tablished themselves more or less permanently to
of autonomous villages. Even if true (and I've al- Neighboring Yanomamo villages frequently inter- gists alike-is how autonomous villages lost their have created a genuine new stage in socio-political
ways regarded this as an overstatement), written marry, invite each other to feasts, and form mili- individual sovereignties and became incorporated development.
records exist of cultures at every gradation in the tary alliances. Yet these links are not of such a into larger multi-village chiefdoms. The transition In many respects, autonomous villages were
process of political evolution, from tiny villages to nature as to make the ethnographers who have could not have been an easy one to make, since it thereby transformed. Politically, the village was
full-fledged chiefdoms. These accounts serve as 'still studied the Yanomamo refer to the village associ- took several thousand years to achieve. no longer a whole, but now formed only apart of a
frames' which, when carefully collated and con- ations thus formed as a tribe. History and ethnography bear witness to the new, more inclusive whole. As a subordinate unit,
joined, come very close to revealing a detailed So where do we draw the line between 'auton- fact that no political entity, be it a band or a village, it was no longer able, without interference, to de-
moving picture of the actual historical process of omous village' and 'tribe'? Although this answer a chiefdom or a state, ever willingly gives up its termine its own affairs. No longer, for example,
chiefdom formation. may seem to be an evasion, perhaps it is unneces- sovereignty. It has to be coerced into doing so- could it move its location freely whenever it wished.
The above is an example, not only of the use of sary to do so. Perhaps we can settle for some such either by outright conquest or by intimidation. And It first had to seek permission from the paramount
ethnographic analogy, but, more broadly, of the summary statement as the following; 'Autonomous the instrument of coercion par excellence is, of chief(Carneiro 1987:98). Moreover, the members
application of the comparative method. One or a villages', as dealt with in this chapter, are never course, war. It is in war that we find the one mech- of a village were now subject to the demands of the
few ethnographic examples may not yield an an- fully autonomous. They do not live in complete anism powerful enough to overcome local autono- paramount chief for tribute or taxation. And in
swer to an archaeologist's question. But many such isolation and independence of each other. There is mies and weld separate villages into larger polit- addition to this, the village was generally expected
examples, examined together, are likely to shed always some degree of contact and association ical entities. to provide a contingent of warriors whenever the
considerable light upon it. Now, let me anticipate between adjacent villages, and this association The wars which actually achieved this tran- chief chose to go to war.
the usual criticism. Just because the comparative varies along a continuum. It may be minimal and scendent step are seldom recorded in written his- Beneath all these changes, though, most ofthe
method may have been used uncritically in the sporadic, or it may be frequent, intimate, and pro- tory, since the participants in them were generally features that characterized community life at the
past, does not mean that it cannot be used with longed. Somewhere along the line-at a point each preliterate societies. Nevertheless, instances of autonomous village stage remained essentially the

50 51
Robert L. Carneiro

same. The multitude of culture traits that Neolith- Childe, V. Gordon

ic villages had inherited from their Paleolithic fore- 1946 Archaeology and Anthropology. South-
bears they in turn passed on to their more highly western Journal ofAnthropology, 2:243-
evolved descendants. No doubt, by the time they 251. 4. The Long and the Short of a War Leader's Arena
were transmitted to chiefdom-level cultures, many Dunnell, Robert C.
of these traits had been greatly elaborated and 1980 Evolutionary Theory in Archaeology. In
even transformed. Nonetheless, in many cases, the Advances in Archaeological Method and Elsa M. Redmond
earlier tribal-level forms of these traits were still Theory, edited by M. Schiffer, 3:35-99.
clearly distinguishable. Academic Press, New York.
It is these widespread and enduring features Fried, Morton H.
of autonomous village culture that I have sought to 1966 On the Concept of ,Tribe' and Tribal So-
describe and emphasize. They marked a great and ciety. Transactions ofthe New YorkAcad- Introduction career. The first is his lifetime's pursuit of warfare
emy of Sciences, Series II, Vol. 28, pp. during which he gains the training, experience,
universal era of human history. As such, they de-
527-540. The saying- "I was born to die fighting" (Harner authority, and standing to command raiding par-
serve to be recognized as representing an impor-
Oberg, Kalervo 1972:170) - epitomizes the life's purpose and tra- ties and to host the post-war feasts. As a distin-
tant and in some cases indelible part of our cultur-
1955 Types of Social Structure Among the jectory of individual Jivaroan tribesmen in Ama- guished killer, war leader, and host he will achieve
al heritage.
Lowland Tribes of South and Central zonia. From the time in a Jivaroan boy's childhood the status ofbig man or chieftain (Redmond 1998b)
America." American Anthropologist when his father begins reciting the history ofhos- and will wield considerable authority in the village
References Cited 57:472-487. tilities and killings of his ancestors and exhorting and region at large. The other dimension of a war
Levi-Strauss, Claude him to take up the lance and seek blood revenge, leader's pursuit of warfare extends back to the
1964 Tristes Tropiques. Translated from the the individual tribesman views the pursuit ofwar- distant past ofthe primordial artitama, from whom
Carneiro, Robert L.
1978 Political Expansion as an Expression of French by John Russell. Atheneum, New fare as his sacred duty. His motives and lifelong the aspiring war leader acquires the soul power
the Principle of Competitive Exclusion. York. aspirations would seem to derive from a clear-cut that makes it possible for him to avenge the death
In Origins ofthe State, edited by Ronald Sahlins, Marshall D. case of tit for tat: a raid on an enemy household of his kinsmen and obtain the enemy's soul power
Cohen and Elman R. Service, pp.205-223. 1968 Tribesmen. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Engle- triggers a counterraid or ambush against his set- through killing and headtaking. By seeking the
Institute for the Study of Human Issues wood Cliffs, N.J. tlement, which calls for a revenge raid, and so forth. counsel and power ofthese ancient warriors (Brown
(ISHD, Philadelphia. Service, Elman R. By undergoing rigorous training to become a war- 1985:53; Karsten 1935:448), the war leader is filled
1987 Village Splitting as a Function ofPopu- 1962 Primitive Social Organization; An Evo- rior and an adult, and by participating in a se- with the confidence to go to war and the desire to
lation. In Themes in Ethnology and Cul- lutionary Perspective. First edition. Ran- quence of raids and carrying out multiple killings, kill. According to the Jivaroan view ofhuman agen-
ture History, Essays in Honor ofDavidF. dom House, New York. the warrior seeks to redress wrongs committed cy(Hendricks 1991:54), "without direct contactwith
Aberle, edited by Leland Donald, pp. 94- 1968 War and Our Contemporary Ancestors. against his kinsmen and acquire the status of a spiritual beings, there can be no harnessing of
124. Folklore Institute, Archana Publi- In War: The Anthropology ofArmed Con- renowned warrior, who is sought out as the leader power for human use in goal-directed actions"
cations, Meerut, India. flict and Aggression, edited by Morton of intersettlement and intertribal war parties. (Hendricks 1991:55). Hence, war leaders who en-
1998 What Happened at the Flashpoint? Con- Fried, Marvin Harris, and Robert As Fowles (this volume, Chapter 2) points out counter the ancient ones and obtain their soul power
jectures on Chiefdom Formation at the Murphy, pp. 160-167. The Natural His- in his discussion of what it is like to act tribally, are accorded the unquestionable authority to com-
Very Moment of Conception. In Chief- tory Press, Garden City, N.Y. individual actions can only be understood in the mand a raiding party, the most highly organized
doms and Chieftaincy in the Americas, 1971 Primitive Social Organization; An Evo- context of the larger inherited structures within all-male task group in Jivaroan (Achuar) society
edited by Elsa M. Redmond, pp. 18-41. lutionary Perspective. Second edition. which individuals maneuver. The intensity with (Kelekna 1981:212-213). As their war deeds and
University Press of Florida, Gainesville. Random House, New York. which Jivaroan tribesmen of eastern Ecuador and tally of heads accumulate, so does their soul pow-
Chagnon, Napoleon A. Yoffee, Norman Peru have waged intertribalwarfare against groups er, their social standing and their renown.
1968 Yanomamo, The Fierce People. Firstedi- 1993 Too Many Chiefs? (or, Safe Texts for the "that speak differently" (Harner 1972:183; Fig. 1), The epilogue of a renowned war leader's tra-
tion. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New '90s). InArchaeological Theory: Who Sets is fueled by the spirits oftheir ancestors, "the an- jectory is his attempt to pass on his accrued power
York. the Agenda?, edited by Norman Yoffee cient ones" iartitama), who lived and fought in the and position to his eldest son. Under certain con-
1974 Studying the Yanomamo. Holt, Rinehart and Andrew Sherratt, pp. 60-78. Cam- mythical past. No self-respectingwarrior will walk ditions, that power and position will be transmit-
and Winston, New York. bridge University Press, Cambridge. the path to war without consulting them and ob- ted to the following generation, thereby setting the
tainingtheir supernatural energy. Some ofthe most stage for the development of permanent heredi-
renowned Jivaroan war leaders attribute their tary leadership.
success in warfare-and their longevity-to their
divinatory encounters with the ancient ones who The Beginning of War
inhabit an invisible, supernatural realm, yet one
which the Jivaroans consider the "real" world The exploits of the primordial ancestors who
(Harner 1972: 134-135). created Jivaroan culture are related in a body of
In this chapter, then, I will examine the two myths that the Aguaruna and other Jivaroan
temporal dimensions of a Jivaroan war leader's groups refer to as "ancestor stories" (Brown

52 53
Elsa M. Redmond 4. The Long and the Short of a War Leader's Arena

1985:48). The basic tenet ofthese ancestor stories nowned war leader Anguasha of the Yaup' river Ahimbi. Uiiushi sought revenge. He accused Nantu, 1938:51). Moreover, the morning litany includes
is that the earliest ancestors emerged from the drainage recounted to Matthew Stirling in 1931 the moon, of consenting to his wife's adultery; so the admonition to bathe in the sacred waterfall
clutch of cannibalistic forest monsters with the help (Stirling 1938:123). The myth relates the creation enraged was Uiiushi that he assaulted Nantu with and seek and encounter the artitama before going
ofcertain culture heroes and acquired knowledge- of the earth and the birth of the first Jivaroan, a lance and threw her into a pit and buried her. to war. Accordingly, as early as the age of six years,
both practical and visionary knowledge-about fire, Uiiushi, firstborn son ofEtsa, the sun, and Nantu, When Nantu managed to escape, she related her but usually between ten and twelve years of age, a
horticulture, pottery, the blowgun, hunting, and the moon. Uiiushi married a woman by the name ordeal, which prompted the killing and taking of boy begins accompanying his father to a sacred
all other aspects of Jivaroan life, including war- of Mika and after establishing their own house- Uiiushi's head, and the unleashing of a war among waterfall to bathe by day, to fast, to drink green
fare (Brown 1985:48-50; Kelekna 1981:99-118; hold the couple traveled down the river in a canoe the offspring ofUiiushi, Mika, and Ahimbi. So vi- tobacco water, and by night to await the arutama
Pellizzaro 1990:43-48). and a son was born to them, Ahimbi the water olent was the war that it brought about a great in a lean-to. The Shuar consider the boy's encoun-
Many of the ancestor stories derive from the serpent. During their travels, Uiiushi became an- storm with lightning, thunder, rain, and hurricane- ter with an artitam. to be the most important of all
sacred origin myth or "earth story," which the re- gered by his wife's incestuous relationship with force wind. At the height of the storm a bolt of his childhood experiences; his very life is believed
lightning struck the earth and a powerful Jivaroan to depend upon it (Descola 1996:304; Harner
warrior armed with a lance and a shield appeared. 1972:91, 136).
This was Masata. Masata visited the warring fac- The boy learns about existing hostilities by
tions, the originators of the different Jivaroan listening to the men's discussions at their gather-

groups, and encouraged them to seek blood revenge.
He incited them by telling each group that the
warrior who killed the most would become power-
ful and would be a great war leader. "This was the
ings in the early morning and in the evening; the
men discuss the most recent raids, the stratagems
they have used, and the enemies they have killed,
sometimes in the company of visiting allies
beginning of war" (Stirling 1938:129). (Kelekna 1981:57, 93; Cotlow 1953:239). As young
as six or seven years old and by the time he is ten
Lessons in Warfare years old a boy accompanies his father on a raid for
the first time, mainly to observe raiding tactics
A Jivaroan boy's first exposure to warfare is at and gain experience in war and bloodshed. A fa-
the age of six or seven years, when he begins enter- ther will have his son approach the corpse of a
ing the male section ofthe house in the early morn- slain enemy and thrust his lance into it or fire at it
ing to be instructed in a solemn litany of war les- with a shotgun. Utitiaja remembered being hand-
sons by his father (Kelekna 1981:93,135). The great ed the lance by his father for this purpose, "so that
Shuar war leader of the Upano river drainage in I would come to know the feel of it and learn how
the 1930s and 1940s, Utitiaja, described his early hard I must thrust. He wanted me to do this, also,
lessons in some detail: so I would not be afraid, so I would become accus-
And every morning, since before I can remem- tomed to blood" (Cotlow 1953:239; Harner 1972:113;
ber, he sat me downin front ofhim, even before Kelekna 1981:93, 213). A Jivaroan boy's early les-
we ate food, and told me what I must do when sons in the art of warfare include the tactical as-
I grew up. He told me who our enemies were, pects of raiding and killing, the strategic signifi-
whohad killed mybrother, his father, his broth- cance of building alliances, but also the supernat-
er. Each time he told me exactly how they died ural dimension of seeking the counsel and power of
and who had caused their deaths. He had the arutama. Thus indoctrinated, a seven-year-
. '
oJ avenged his father by killing the man .... old Huambisa boy that Lewis Cotlow befriended in
...he told me that my most solemn duty would 1940 stood up straight and with his eyes flashing
mom ACHUAR be to take bloodrevenge against those whohad related his greatest wish: "most of all I want to be
killed members ofmyfamily. I can still see him, a great warrior when I grow up sothatIcan avenge
~ AGUARUNIA serious, stern, speaking softly but with great my father's death and take many Aguaruna heads"
force. If I did my duty and fulfilled all obliga- (Cotlow 1953:49).
~ HUAMBISA tions to the spirits of my dead family, I would
I==:~ SHUAR have goodwives, goodhunting, and long life. If Becoming an Adult
I failed my crops would spoil and my aim be-
come poor because the spirits of my relatives A youth pursues his apprenticeship in warfare
wouldbeunhappy and wouldbother me.(Cotlow by accompanying his father on raids and carrying
o 50 1953:238-239) provisions, guarding canoes, and scouting for the
I I The father repeats the hour-long war recitation raiding party. He hones his marksmanship in
every morning for a period of more than five years, hunting, wrestles with his peers, and participates
until he detects that his son is thoroughly inculcat- in ceremonial wrestling matches at the opening
Fig. 1. Map of Jivaroan groups (redrawn from Brown 1985:27 by Bridget Thomas). ed in the need to become a warrior (Stirling dances of victory feasts. He is warned by his father

54 55
Elsa M. Redmond 4. The Long and the Short of a War Leader's Arena

to avoid having sex during his adolescence for fear the apparition with his staff or touch it with his ecies on the eve of that raid (Cotlow 1953:241). Following the Path of War
ofbecomingweak(Cotlow 1953:239; Harner 1972:89, hand, at which point his mission is accomplished. When the renowned Jivaroan war leader of the
92-93; Hendricks 1993:157; Karsten 1935:342; The specter vanishes in a reverberating explosion, Makuma river drainage, Tukup', recounted his life The young Jivaroan warrior follows the path of
Kelekna 1981:135; Up de Graff 1923:256). but a faceless ancestor (Marcus 1998:19)-or as story to Janet Hendricks in 1982, he emphasized war by participating repeatedly in head-taking
When the youth reaches puberty at the age of the Achuar say "whose face has no name" (Descola the criteria for become an adult male in Shuar raids against enemy settlements located as far as
fifteen or sixteen years he undergoes a series of 1996: 114)-with a resonating voice will appear to society. Tukup's transition to adulthood began with a six days' journey on foot. The preparations for
initiation rituals that are designed to test some of him and bestow his prophecy: the visionary experiences of "seeing" and acquir- war begin when the male members of an aggrieved
his developing qualities as a warrior and to mark I am your ancestor. ing the knowledge and power of an artitam, after household who wish to avenge the death of a kins-
his transition to manhood. His father hosts a great Just as I have lived a long time, which he began fighting to avenge the killing of his man retreat to a dreaming hut in the forest for the
feast for the men that lasts three days, duringwhich so will you. father when he was nineteen years old (Hendricks purposes of drinking maikiua and awaiting the
the young warrior is given repeated doses '~ftobac­ Just as I have killed many times, 1993:144,151). With his first killing of an Achuar anitama's prophecies about the raid they wish to
cojuice or tobacco smoke on an empty stomach. At so will you. (Harner 1972:138-139) enemy, which Tukup' described in detail, he mount. Only if the arutama's responses are favor-
the tobacco feast's conclusion, he sips the halluci- At that moment the youth acquires the arutam'e avenged his father's death. The act ofkilling trans- able do they pursue their plans for a revenge raid
nogenic maikiua drink (from the juice of the bark prophecy and power (Brown 1985:53-54, 167; formed him into an adult: (Karsten 1935:279). A renowned warrior agrees to
ofDatura arborea), which is not only the most potent Descola 1996: 302-303; Karsten 1935: 439, 447- And then lead the raid. The andama'e revelations and all sub-
of all the hallucinogens taken by Jivaroans, but is 451; Kelekna 1981:126). then having killed, sequent preparations for an upcoming raid must be
also the hallucinogen reserved for warriors. The Other initiation rituals involve venturing into indeed with that I too became an kept secret by the participating warriors, and night-
young warrior must sip maikiua from a cup offered the forest, killing a tree sloth and preparing a tro- adult. (Hendricks 1993:152-153) time discussions must be guarded(Descola 1996:304;
to him either by the oldest man of his family, or phy from its head. The use of the sloth for this On becoming an adult a young man carves his own Karsten 1935:279-280; Pellizzaro 1990:254).
sometimes by two facing rows of assembled war- head-taking ritual is appropriate, since the sloth wooden stool to sit on in the men's section of the In the final days before the raid, the warriors
riors, beginning with the oldest warrior. When a is a living descendant ofUiiushi, the first Jivaroan house. Achuar men decorate their hollowed log stool are summoned to the site ofthe pre-war rituals by
youth was asked if he knew why he was drinking to have suffered this fate (Karsten 1935:298; with a lug that represents the head ofthe anacon- the sacred signal drum. This 5-foot-Iong hollowed
maikiua, he responded, "it is in order that I may Stirling 1938:72, pl. 33). The father of the young da and believe that the stool rests on the four feet log drum (Fig. 3) is designed after the anaconda
become a real man and a brave warrior and that I headtakerwill host mockvictory feasts, after which of the jaguar (see Fig. 2; Descola 1996:143, 283; (Eunectes murinus), one of the warring protago-
may be able to marry" (Karsten 1935:240-241,439; the youth is entitled to wear the cotton and feath- Harner 1972:93; Karsten 1935:96; Kelekna nists in the Jivaroan origin myth and among the
Harner 1972:137). er-tasseled headband, the badge of an adult man 1981:48, 117). Their stools denote their manhood, most powerful and dreaded artitama. The drum's
Often the initiate takes maikiua only after he (Harner 1972:93). At the conclusion of the initia- their entry into the arena of war, and their partic- handles represent the head and tail of this water
has travelled into the forest to a sacred waterfall, tion rituals and his encounter with an artitam. the ipation in the affairs of adult men. serpent and the pattern of diamond-shaped sound
where the ariitama or the ancient warriors may be young man can marry (Descola 1996:304; Karsten
encountered (Harner 1972:136; Pellizzaro 1990:167). 1935:241).
These ancient warriors dwell in a great house in After these defining experiences, the young
the lower sky where strong winds, lightning, and warrior is prepared for war, for making his transi-
thunderstorms are generated, but they wander in tion to adulthood. Harner (1972:139,151-152) has
described the effects of acquiring an arutam's P!?W- Fig. 2. Wooden stool decorated
the form of breezes above the surface of the earth
er. The person feels a surge of power, self-confi- with the head ofthe anaconda
and scatter the spray ofthe waterfall, which serves
dence, and invincibility. His forceful bearing and and supports that represent
as a point of interface between the human world
speech reflect his newly acquired power. Above all, feet of the jaguar (redrawn
and the hidden world (Brown 1985:53-54; Harner
he is "seized with a tremendous desire to kill" from Descola [1996:43] by
1972:134, 136; Pellizzaro 1990:9, 167). Here the
(Harner 1972:139). Having successfully encoun- Bridget Thomas).
youth levels a clearing or "path" (Descola 1996:299)
for the artitama and erects a lean-to shelter called tered and killed a charging jaguar during his vi-
a "dreaming hut" together with his father or with sionaryquest at puberty, the great Utitiaja recount-
an elder or shaman. By day he fasts and strides in ed how he felt:
the waterfall's curtain, aided by a wooden staff I felt wonderful, ofcourse, as anyone would who
that he prepares for the occasion. By night he drinks knew that he would be successful in achieving
tobacco water and sips maikiua; after an initial the most important thing in life. I was happy.
phase of excitation, the youth will enter a deep I felt strong-strong enough to kill a real jag-
slumber, during which the artitama might appear uar, to kill real enemies. (Cotlow 1953:240)
in his dreams. They are fantastic animal specters The young warrior begins participatingin raids
of jaguars, serpents, caimans, condors and eagles, led by his father, father-in-law, or related war lead-
but they can also appear in the form of great balls ers, in the hope of killing an enemy and thereby
offire, shaking trees, human heads and dismem- becoming an adult. On his first raid, seventeen-
bered bodies. Moreover, thearutama are accompa- year-old Utitiaja succeeded in killing and taking
nied by hurricane-force winds and deafening roars. the head of the man who had killed his father, an
The dreamer must summon his courage and strike achievement he attributed to the anitam's proph-

56 57
Elsa M. Redmond 4. The Long and the Short of a War Leader's Arena

holes and undulating slots depict its distinctive they have acquired (Karsten 1935:280, 288, 492- household and waits for the moment to attack
markings (Stirling 1938:92, 126-129; Karsten 95; Kelekna 1981:209). anyone emerging from the house. Before the intro-
1935: 110,375-376,448,490-492). The warriors ar- The raiders file out ofthe village silently and duction of the shotgun in the 1850s, Jivaroan war-
rive individually bearing lances which they thrust pitch lean-to shelters at overnight camps along the riors fought with the wooden lance and were armed
at the host as they engage in a ceremonial dialogue path to war. Silence is observed by the members of with a round shield of wood or hide (Fig. 4). Like
with him. By means of this stylized, aggressive greet- the war party. At the final overnight camp they the lance, the shield contained the properties of
ing, the speakers inform each other of their iden- receive their combat instructions from the war the empowering arutama-especially the anacon-
tity, their possession of artitam. power, and their leader, who also incites them by revealing the da-that were portrayed in the painted designs on
common purpose (Harner 1972:184; Hendricks auspicious arutam. he has encountered in his its face (Harner 1972:205; Karsten 1935:264-266;
1993:86-87; Karsten 1935:283-284). The 6 to 8-foot- dreams. Each warrior in turn reveals the anitam Stirling 1938:87, plate 28).
long lances (Fig. 4) made from the chonta palm he encountered, the declaration of which prepares Thus empowered and filled with anticipation,
tBactris, Giulielma, Iriartea) that in the past were him for the early morning attack (Brown 1985:167; the raiders await the signal from the leader ofthe
tipped with points made from the leg bones ofthe Harner 1972:140). war party before storming the household (Redmond
jaguar are imbued with supernatural power and The raiders dress for war with monkey-fur caps, 1994:5-8). The raiders' objectives are to seek blood
are often decorated with the markings of the hair wrapped into pigtails, fine toucan-feather revenge by killing as many of the inhabitants as
arutama whose power they contain. So powerful is crowns, feather-tufted bamboo ear-tubes, necklac- possible and taking their heads as trophies. Only
the lance that when any Jivaroan Shuar goes out es of jaguar teeth, pectoral or dorsal strands of ifthere is time will the raiders ransack and set fire
at night he is armed with one (Stirling 1938:52, 86; oilbird (Steatornis caripensis) bones, and belts of to the settlement before retreating "swiftly and
Pellizzaro 1990:257). Moreover, "carrying the anaconda skin or human hair (Figs. 7-8) (Karsten silently" (Cotlow 1953:234) from enemy territory.
lance" is a Jivaroan expression for going to war 1935:89-93). They apply black face and body paint; Up de Graff accompanied an Aguaruna-Antipas
(Hendricks 1993:151). the black spots or circles on their faces can repre- raid against a Huambisa settlement in 1899 and
The assembled warriors perform lineups, lance- sent ''pangi (anacondal's spots" or "the mouth of described the lance-thrusting attack and its after-
wielding exercises and war chants on the final thejaguar" (Descola 1996:295; Karsten 1935:492). math. The raiders immediately set to work sever-
nights before the raid. In their war chants the The warriors' insignia derive from the stealthy ing the heads of the dead and dying victims with
warriors most frequently identify themselves with jaguar and the great anaconda-the two predators stone axes, bamboo knives, sharpened clam shells,
jaguars and anacondas, two greatly feared preda- they readily identify with, the human scalp, and and chonta-wood machetes, and departed with 11
tors, and make claims of preying on the enemy the cave-dwelling, nocturnal oilbird that repels Huambisa heads slung over their shoulders (Up de
(Descola 1996:301,391-393; Harner 1972:41). Much intruders with aggressive behavior and deafening Graff 1923:259-260).
manioc beer and tobacco are consumed at these screams (Descola 1994:75; Snow 1961:27,34). These Once outside enemy territory the raiders stop
pre-war rituals, which infuse the members of the ornaments signal the warriors' bravery, their pos- along the way home from war to prepare the head
war party with strength, courage and confidence session of artitam. power, and imbue them with trophies (tsantsa). The first post-war rituals are
for the upcoming raid. Indeed, Cotlow (1953:143) invincibility. Their insignia will also be used for celebrated by the victors at the trophy-processing
described a soon-to-depart party of 25 Shuar war- recognition by the members of the war party dur- camp, situated along a river (Redmond 1994:10-
riors as tense, excited, and overstimulated. On the ing the actual raid (Harner 1972:frontispiece; 11). The heads are placed face upwards on large
evening before an attack they decorate their faces Karsten 1935:66-67, 288-289, 426-429; Stirling leaves or shields in the middle of the circle of war-
and bodies with designs of black paint Genipa 1938: 100-102). riors. Each warrior who has killed and taken a
americana (Figs. 4-6) that denote the arutama they Under the cover of darkness the raiding party head is designated the master of the head; his first
have experienced and the consequent artitam. power approaches to within ten meters of the enemy ritual act is to sit down on top of the head and
receive a blast of tobacco juice in his nose. This is
the first of many observances practiced by the
headtaker to thwart the avenging soul (muisak) of
the victim whose head was taken from harming
him. The avenging soul that is contained in the
head must be prevented from seeing or emerging
from the mouth, which is sealed shut with chonta
pins and palm-fiber stitches. The headtaker will
abstain from bathing, eating many animal foods,
having sex, and other activities that might make Fig. 4. Jivaroan warrior carryingchonta-palm lance
him vulnerable to the revengeful soul of his dead and wooden shield decorated with the undu-
enemy. Following the tobacco inoculation, the kill- lating body and markings of the anaconda
ers skin the heads and often throw the skulls into (adapted from Stirling [1938: pl. 28] by Bridget
the river-intended as a gift to pangi, the anacon- Thomas).
Fig. 3. Hollowed-log signal drum that is patterned after the anaconda (redrawn from Karsten [1935:fig. da (Harner 1972:143-145,187; Karsten 1935:294-
2] by Bridget Thomas). 295; Up de Graff 1923:261-263).

58 59
Elsa M. Redmond 4. The Long and the Short of a War Leader's Arena

o 5

Fig. 6. Ceramic cylinder seals formerly used by Jivaroan warriors to adorn their bodies with black rolled-
out concentric circles and snake-like designs. From Macas, Ecuador; 2/3 actual size (redrawn from
Karsten [1935: fig. 9] by David Kiphuth).

We must be very careful that the spirit of my hasn't yet married seeks a bride at this feast. Sig-
enemy does not harm me for his spirit lives in nificantly, women participate in the night-long
his head, above all in his hair... I do many things circle dances wearing belts of snail-shell and dried-
to conquer the spirit and make it obey me, help seed rattles and reciting chants, which are intend-
me. We stick the tsantsa on a lance in the ed to contain the dead enemy's muisak but also to
ground, the lance I killed my enemy with. We begin to appropriate the power of the head trophy.
Fig. 5. Face-painting designs worn by Jivaroan warriors that denote the ariitama they have encoun- dance around it and thrust our lances at it, The enemy's muisak is especially powerful and
tered and the power they have acquired therefrom (adapted from Stirling [1938: fig. 5] and Karsten frightening the spirit, showing how we killed. coveted if the killed enemy was a renowned war-
[1935: pl. XIV and figs. 18-19] by Bridget Thomas). (Cotlow 1953:124) rior who amassed much artitam. power during his
This lance-thrusting dance is intended to subdue life (Drown and Drown 1961:100; Harner 1972:146-
the avenging soul of the decapitated enemy. 147; Karsten 1935:297, 304-306; Pellizzaro
The head skins are heated to boiling in large, coal-so that the revengeful muisak within the head Upon the victors' return, they celebrate the 1990:203).
ceramic cookingjars filled with water. The cooking cannot see out-the cookingjars are also cast into first tsantsa feast at the host's house. The first After the victory feast, the killers immediately
jars are made secretly "under auspicious lunar the river (Up de Graff 1923:264). The headtakers victory feast is designed to protect the headtakers retreat to a dreaming hut at a waterfall, where
conditions" (Up de Graff 1923:263) and are used continue to shrink, seal, and decorate their head by painting their bodies with black Genipa paint, they bathe, take tobacco water, the hallucinogenic
solely for this purpose. Once the head skins are trophies at camps alongthejourney home. Peruche, receiving tobacco-juice infusions, and performing drink natem. (from the vine Banisteriopsis), and
removed for drying and further shrinking by fill- the Shuar war leader on the Paute River in 1945, lance-thrusting dances aimed at their impaled head await any arutama to appear in their dreams, in
ing them with heated sand and pebbles and rub- recounted his observances during this interval of trophies, which are displayed before their fellow order to acquire new arutam. soul power (Harner
bing their exteriors with heated stones and char- time before the victory feasts are concluded: kinsmen for the first time. Any young raider who 1972:140-141; Kelekna 1981:127; Pellizzaro

60 61
Elsa M. Redmond 4. The Long and the Short of a War Leader's Arena

Fig. 7. Jivaroan warriors wearing monkey-fur caps, face paint, pigtails, tassels of toucan and parrot
feathers, beetle wings, and human hair, as well as belts and multicolored cotton wristbands. Pho- Fig. 8. Back view of Jivaroan warriors wearing capes of toucan and parrot feathers (left) and oilbird leg-
tograph taken by William Bell Taylor in Ecuador (1907-1909), Neg. No. 125199. Courtesy of the bones (right). Photograph taken by William Bell Taylor in Ecuador (1907-1909), Neg. No. 125990.
Department of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History. Courtesy of the Department of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History.

1990:216). The killers continue their purification paint, and are dressed in new loincloths and belts
observances and are wary of encountering in their and bedecked with crowns of toucan feathers, ear chonta pins and palm-fiber stitches from the mouth hanging it from his neck by swallowing a token of
dreams the soul of a deceased enemy disguised as tubes, oilbird pectoral ornaments, and other fin- and the tying oflong cotton cords from the lip holes. skin from the neck ofthe tsantsa (Karsten 1935:317,
a forest animal who is seeking revenge for the re- ery. Their wives weave them new multicolored Rafael Karsten, who observed the greatvictoryfeast 360-361; see also Hendricks 1993:18). This ritual
cent death ofa kinsman (Harner 1972: 150; Karsten wristbands that signal their newly acquiredarutam celebrated at the Achuar settlement of Chiwiasa act of "eating his enemy" was the culminating
1935:308). power and seal its pathway (Descola 1996:310). on the Upper PastazaRiverinAugust 1917, learned moment of the headtaker's appropriation of the
It is not until the final tsantsa feast, celebrated The headtakers display their tsantsa hanging from that this final victory feast was sometimes referred head-trophy's power. The feared muisak power
a year or more later, that the killers emerge from their necks (Fig. 9). The head trophies have received to as "the eating of the tsantsa." Formerly, the seized from his enemy is transformed into a useful,
ritual seclusion. They receive haircuts, black body their final grooming, including the removal of the headtaker ritually consumed the tsantsa before beneficial force that will promote his family's ma-

62 63
Elsa M. Redmond 4. The Long and the Short of a War Leader's Arena

terial well-being; it is for this reason that his wives, feast by arranging for a respected elder to serve as
who are the family's principal cultivators, partic- master of ceremonies and overseeing the construc-
ipate in the circle dances at the victory feasts. To tion of a large house that will be the site ofboth the
the renowned war leader and taker of more than pre-war ceremonies and the expected victory feast
50 heads, Anguasha, the head trophy was a sign (Harner 1972:183-84). His preparations include

that the maker had fulfilled his sacred duty to his repeatedly taking maikiua and natem to encoun-
ancestors, who would be pleased and would bestow ter and receive the augury of the arutama. If the
Jft him with good fortune and good crops (Kelekna answer is auspicious, and he hears an eagle's call
}:/A 1998:168-69; Redmond 1998:72; Stirling 1938:40, overhead in the morning, the war leader proceeds
~: 75). Utitiaja, who was known to have taken 59 with his final plans, which must be kept secret. He
heads, expressed his feelings of triumph at the fi- dispatches scouts into enemy territory to reconnoi-
nal tsantsa feast: ter the target settlement's defenses. With his force-
\ '.
You have triumphed over your enemy by kill-
ing him. You now triumph over his evil spirit
ful calls-to-arms and his promises of victory, this
war herald, as the Achuar refer to him, continues
and make it a good spirit to help you more. And to motivate and recruit warriors for the raid
you tell the souls of the people you loved that (Descola 1996:290, 294; Drown and Drown 1961:77-
they can stop wandering unhappily. Those are 78; Hendricks 1988:223; Karsten 1935:282;
all splendid things to feel. It seems as if you Pellizzaro 1990:192-193).
are soaring high like the condor. (Cotlow On the eve of the raiders' departure the war
1953:242) leader alone sounds the signal drum to summon
At the same time that the headtaker promotes the members of the war party to his house. He
his family's well-being he acquires enormous pres- delivers his exhortation to fight during his face-to-
i tige and builds his network of alliances by hosting face dialogue and lance exchanges with each ofthe
I this final and largest victory feast. Ironically, host- arriving participants. The warriors stand in rows
I ing the final victory feast results in the utter deple- to perform the menacing lance exercises and ac-
tion of his family's resources brought by supplying companyingwar chants, led by the war leader, who
food and drink for some 125 guests for six days sounds the sacred anaconda drum as a means to
(Harner 1972:190-193). communicate with the arutama (Karsten 1935:110-
11; Stirling 1938:53). Indeed, while the warriors
From Warrior to War Leader imbibe manioc beer and tobacco water, the war
leader takes natem. or maikiua. The significance
When his black body paint wears off, the war- attached to the war leader's dreams is pivotal in
rior resumes his normal life. Yet he wishes above his momentous decision to launch the raid:
all to "set off on the path" (Descola 1996:304) and Well, those who dream badly
"see" the future, by seeking a new artitam, which indeed they are to die. Hendricks 1993:164)
initiates the next round of acquiring artitani soul But if the arutama proclaim victory, as in the fol-
power and of wanting to kill. By participating in lowing dreams, the outcome is promising:
many raids the warrior accumulates both experi- I dreamed of the boa, I saw the
ence in intertribal warfare and arutam power. boa, ...
When he has killed three or four persons the war- I dreamed of the boa because I
rior becomes a kakdram or "powerful one." The was to kill a great one. (Hendricks 1993:254)
haluirarn is respected and feared as an outstand- I have had good dreams; I won't be killed, but
ing killer, he is considered mentally and physically will return with the heads of my enemies.
strong, and above all, he is deemed invincible (Karsten 1935:286)
(Descola 1996: 305-6; Harner 1972:112-115, 140- At dawn the warriors dress for war, ready their
142,183; Kelekna 1981:128; Pellizzaro 1990:215). provisions, and file out ofthe house in silence. Just
Accordingly, a hakaram will be asked to lead war before departing the warriors unwrap and discard
parties. the wristbands that have signalled their posses-
( The assembled warriors for an allied raid elect
a kakaram as their war leader, who will plan and
sion of artitam. power, confident that they will be
victorious (Descola 1996:310). The war leader is
command all aspects of the upcoming raid. Begin- the last to leave and the only one to make any
ning some months before the raid he will recruit partingwords before he shuts the door behind him.
Fig. 9. Jivaroan warrior at a victory feast, wearing his head trophy and wristbands (drawn from Karsten warriors on a household-to-household basis. The His wooden stool is left turned on its side during
[1935: pI. XXVIII] by David Kiphuth). war leader will prepare for the anticipated victory his absence (Descola 1996:69).

64 65
Elsa M. Redmond 4. The Long and the Short of a War Leader's Arena

Throughout the trek to war the raiders main- differently from his fellow warriors during the ond and most important factor was the visionary original status quo (Helms 1998:74). Hence,
tain strict silence and obedience to the war leader. ensuing looting spree of the raided settlement, he knowledge Utitiaja had acquired from the arutama: Jivaroan war leaders who are renowned killers and
Once in enemy territory the raiders walk aside the has first choice when it comes to abducting female But the main reason is that before any war or headtakers and who encounter the ancient ones
trail in single file, each stepping in the footprints captives. The war leader also announces that the raid I always drank nateema or maikoa and and obtain their soul power are accorded the un-
of the person ahead. Scouts are sent to crisscross first victory feast will be celebrated at his house through my dreams learned from the Old Ones questionable authority to command a raiding par-
the trail and forest ahead. The war leader's knowl- and dispatches the youngest warriors home with whether my plans could succeed or not. Ifthey ty. Their war deeds, but especially their accrued
edge of the terrain, trails, settlements and cus- the news (Cotlow 1953:149; Descola 1996:174; said no, I postponed the raid. If they said yes, artitam. power sanctify their authority and facili-
toms of the target settlement's inhabitants is cru- Drown and Drown 1961:98-99; Stirling 1938:56). I went ahead, knowing that I was absolutely tate their command over others.
cial to the raid's success. At the last overnight camp In the process of leading war parties, killing certain to win. (Cotlow 1952:242-243)
the war leader voices his instructions for the early and headtaking, and hosting victory feasts, a Utitiaja attributed part of his success as a war The Heritability of a Chieftaincy
morning raid to his warriors. He leads the round of hakaram acquires experience in the tactics of war- leader to the rigorous training he received at home
divinatory dream declarations: fare and in the building of alliances with the villag- and in war by his father, from whom he inherited By the time a war leader is deemed very pow-
Take courage and don't fear, for I dreamed this ers of his neighborhood and beyond in the region. his strength and his brains. Jivaroans consider the erful and is wielding the authority of a chieftain,
night that I saw the great eagle and the toucan. He can count on the active support of half a dozen brain to be the repository of practical knowledge however, he will be over forty years old and an
They told me that we are going to take a soul. warriors of his generation and a dozen or more (Hendricks 1991:61), which served as the vehicle elder tuunt) (Kelekna 1981:97). When he reaches
You are not going to die; you are going to be younger warriors, whom he addresses as "my sons" for Utitiaja's early lessons and lifetime's experi- the age when he no longer leads war parties, he can
victors and to kill your enemies. (Karsten (Descola 1996:178, 291). He also accumulates ence in warfare. But it was the visionary knowl- continue to accumulate power and influence the
1935:287) arutam. power with aplomb and becomes a ti edge that Utitiaja obtained from the arutama, actions of others in other ways. Many war leaders
The war leader's knowledge about the future has kakaram or a "very powerful one" (Des cola 1996: knowledge which Jivaroans hold in their heart seek shamanic power as they grow older and are
the effect of "creating order where there had pre- 305; Harner 1972:115). By the time he achieves (Brown 1985:19,49) and which enable them to think sought out as diviners and as curing and bewitch-
viously been uncertainty" (Brown 1985:165), and this status a war leader might well be command- well, that Utitiaja considered most important. As ing shamans (Redmond 1998b:90-92). Certain old-
inciting his warriors to carry the lance in a matter ing allied war parties for other war leaders who Hendricks (1991:61) learned, "the knowledge ob- er war leaders, renowned for their long and distin-
of hours. submit to his authority, and will be gaining re- tained through contactwith the supernatural world guished careers, their visionary knowledge, and
As the raiders encircle the target settlement nown on a supraregional, intertribal scale. The in visionary experiences gives an individual a deeper especially for the arutam. power they exude, serve
and take up their attacking positions it is the war leadership such ti kaharam wield over the commu- understanding ofthe causes of events and the abil- as master (wea) of the victory feasts. So prominent
leader who decides when to attack. He must weigh nities of a region and beyond, especially in times of ity to use this knowledge in goal-directed action." It and powerful is a wea that as he presides over a
the need to wait for the inhabitants to emerge from war, can be considered a chieftaincy, which is char- is the war leader's mastery of both the tactical and headtaker's final observances, leading him by the
the fortified household against the ambivalence of acterized by its centralized and hierarchical struc- the supernatural dimensions of warfare that in- hand, and injecting him periodically with tobacco
his warriors. There are many circumstances that ture (Redmond 1998a:3; Redmond 1998b:70-78). vests him with the presumed invincibility and juice, the wea's palpable power can be transmitted
can arise at the target village prior to the attack Sometimes the territory comprising the alliance of authority to influence the actions of others. to the headtaker (Harner 1972: 183, 193; Hendricks
that call for ad hoc decision-making by the war settlements under the authority of such a war One reason for the inextricable link between 1993:6; Karsten 1935:301-305, 318-319, 328-367;
leader, as to whether or not to abide by the decision chieftain will bear his name (Descola 1981:627; these two dimensions of a tribal war leader's tra- Siverts 1975:665). The transmission of ritual
reached earlier to target a particular individual Redmond 1994:126-127). jectory may be the legitimizing power of the first knowledge and power to the headtaker is evident
for killing or to pick off whomever emerges first, or Utitiaja attained the status and authority cf a ancestors and their exploits in the cosmological at the feast's conclusion when the wea declares,
to wait for the chance to storm the house when all war leader on the Chupientsa River by thirty-five origins of many tribal societies. Their legitimizing "What I have done now you may also do later when
the inhabitants can be entrapped (Hendricks years of age. By waging intensive intertribal war- power derives from the simple notion of primacy you grow old" (Karsten 1935:364).
1993:259-260). Should barking dogs alert the ene- fare, within three years he was already becoming (Helms 1998): Above all, the aging war leader will seek to
my of the raiders' presence the war leader 'might the war chieftain of the entire Upano river drain- Primacy is universally revered. The first- pass on his knowledge and artitam. power to his
have to call for a retreat; often, however, he will age. Indeed, by the age offifty years, Utitiaja was born child, the first animal ofthe season killed, eldest son. The primacy ofthe firstborn male child
instruct his raiders to loop back through the forest recognized as the greatest warrior and headtaker the first fruits of a crop, the first menstruation, begins at birth. Jivaroans express a distinct pref-
"as silently as jaguars" (Cotlow 1953:146) and re- of all by an illustrious Shuar war leader who lived the first inhabitants to arrive, the first ances- erence for having sons, especially their firstborn.
sume their attacking positions. The leaders of al- several days' travel downriver (Cotlow 1953:128; tors-all have special merit and the powers of There is male primacy in naming boys for celestial
lied war parties numbering 50, or 200 or more Redmond 1994:126, 1998b:74). When Utitiaja was freshness. The first are the beginnings of a bodies and renowned ancestors-indeed, for re-
warriors, will have to negotiate with the leaders of fifty-six or fifty-seven years old, he was asked about sequence, and are hence the primary sources of nowned warriors (Harner 1972:83; Kelekna
the member groups and deploy the large-scale al- his career and great success as a warrior. Utitiaja power. (Goldman 1975:49, cited by Helms 1981:124-25, 157-58). Moreover, the newborn is
lied fighting forces strategically (Redmond 1994:4, attributed his continuing success in warfare to two 1998:78) administered a mild hallucinogenic drink to em-
124). Under the command of its leader, the raiding factors. First was his training by his father, who Those tribal leaders who attain privileged ac- power him with an arutam. soul and enhance his
party is thus a hierarchically differentiated, high- had lived until Utitiaja was thirteen years old. A cess to their cosmological forefathers will be ac- survival (Harner 1972:84). It is with this same sense
ly effective fighting force (Kelekna 1981:213). kaharam himself, Utitiaja's father had taught corded a share of that ultimate primacy and pow- of urgency that a father will take his young son to
In the aftermath of a victorious raid the war Utitiaja his lessons as a boy, and versed him in er. Their contact with the first ancestors legitimiz- a dreaming hut in the forest to encounter arutama;
leader presides over any on-the-spot discussions tactics by having Utitiaja attend discussions with es their authority as they conduct diverse econom- the son's acquisition of an arutam. soul is consid-
about which victims' heads cannot be taken be- allies and tag along on actual raids. In Utitiaja's ic, social, or political activities-including warfare. ered critical to the boy's survival-and to the fa-
cause they happen to be relatives of members of words, "he gave me some ofhis strength and brains. Whatever activity they direct is validated as well ther's as well (Harner 1972:136, 224). It is not too
the war party. Although the war leader acts no He trained me well" (Cotlow 1953:242). The sec- since it is viewed as necessary for reproducing the long before the father takes his son along on raids.

66 67
Elsa M. Redmond 4. The Long and the Short of a War Leader's Arena

The importance of this bloodline is expressed in The eldest son (or oldest surviving son) is favored dreaming huts until he encounters one of his fa- vation, and the personal transmission oftechniques
some of the war chants uttered by warriors when for being his father's son and the graduate of his ther's artitam. souls. Sometimes the son will en- of symbolic control and supernatural powers" (Tay-
they assemble for a raid: great father's individual training. counter the arutam in the house itself. After two lor 1981:662), a chieftain enhances his eldest son's
To my son also I have said: Paradoxically, as an elderly war leader becomes nights the deceased war leader is buried in the chances of inheriting his chieftaincy. The ascribed
"My son, my son, physically decrepit his accrued artitam power in- usual manner: in a hollowed-log coffin, together qualities embodied in the eldest son of a war chief-
Make you strong, make you brave! stills fear in his enemies and provides him with a with his lance and other accouterments. In 1940 tain will be sought after, especially under condi-
...Presently I will be engaged in fighting! certain measure of resistance from enemy attack. Cotlow observed the funerary treatment accorded tions of escalating warfare (Redmond 1994:128;
All right, may my enemy come, may he come! Indeed, Tukup' recounted matter-of-factly that a a Huambisa chieftain on the Santiago River; his 1998b:78). Accordingly, the father's chieftaincywill
And may he take my life if he can! revenge raid had failed to kill the desired enemy body lay in a hollowed-log coffin that was suspend- transcend the short-lived nature of most positions
If he kills me, ., when he emerged first from the enemy household ed on end from the ritual post of his house-unlike ofleadership achieved by Jivaroan tribesmen and
my sons will certainly see (that it will be because that individual had killed well and had the horizontal resting position of ordinary war- pass to his eldest son. It is fitting that the Jivaroan
avenged)." (Karsten 1935:285-286) dreamed well, which made him invincible riors-together with his lance, blowgun, quiver of Shuar adopted the Quechua term, curaca, which
By exhorting his son to become a kakaram. and (Hendricks 1993:269-270; Descola 1996:305). On darts, gourd of poison, and vessels of food and the Inka had used to designate local hereditary
knowing that his son will assume his sacred duty his deathbed a renowned chieftain will advise his manioc beer. Family members would replenish the native rulers in the fifteenth century, for referring
to "see" and avenge his death, a warrior prepares son of his last wish: for his son to acquire some of food and drink for a period of two years. By that to these war chieftains. The title of curaca or he-
himself for combat and accepts his fate. his own arutam. souls, that is, those born at the time, the deceased's artitam, which was expected reditary lord, stems from curac, the Quechua word
When the son of a great war leader becomes a moment of his death and equivalent in number to to be a jaguar because he had been such a distin- for eldest son (Gonzalez Holguin 1989:55-56). In the
full-fledged warrior in his own right, he will serve the number of arutam. souls he had acquired dur- guished war leader and headtaker, would reach immediacy ofwar the eldest son ofa deceasedcuraca
as his father's deputy. He remains in his father's ing his life. When he dies the newly-created souls maturity and be able to care for himself (Cotlow is perceived as the direct continuation of his great
household after marriage because he is exempt from leave his body in a detonation and go to their abode 1953:9-11; Stirling 1938:113-114). Should a son father and as the next best war leader. The need
the post-marital period of matrilocal residence in the lower sky, generating lightning, thunder, successfully encounter one of his father's arutam. for permanence in times of war will pave the way
(Des cola 1996:178). He will be dispatched to can- and strong winds (Brown 1985:53-54, 167; Descola souls, and ajaguar at that-as we've seen was the for a lineage of hereditary war leaders to emerge
vass the households of a dozen or more neighbor- 1996: 306, 379; Harner 1972:142-143,168; Karsten outcome of Utitiaja's artitam quest-he would be (Goldman 1970:xvi, cited by Helms 1998:109).
hoods to recruit warriors for his father's war party, 1935:381-382, 412). In an effort to fulfill his wish empowered and would achieve great deeds during
which will prove to be an exercise in the art of the deceased war leaderis accorded special funerary his life (Cotlow 1953:240). Summary
ceremonial dialogue, arm-twisting, and building observances. His body is dressed, adorned, and A son's own success in warfare often determines
alliances. He will be asked to sound the sacred seated on his stool, facing the doorway ofhis house- whether or not he will inherit his father's chief- Jivaroan tribesmen like Utitiaja in 1949 and
signal drum, to greet visitors, and to stand in for "in the posture of ahost receiving visitors" (Des cola taincy. Chumbika, the son of the Huambisa chief- Tukup' in 1982 continued to uphold their sacred
his father on ritual occasions. During a raid the 1996:378), and propped up against the central post, tain in the upturned log coffin observed by Cotlow, duty as warriors despite their adoption of many
son will act as his father's buddy, not only to shield which is referred to as the ritual post because it confided to Cotlow that his older brother, who was Western customs. At any moment they would-
him from being the target of the enemy's counter- serves as the arutama'e pathway (Pellizzaro already distinguishing himself as a brave warrior and Utitiaja did-shed their Western trappings
attack, but also from any assassination attempt by 1990:59). A cylindrical palisade of chonta staves and headtaker when he met his untimely death, and carry the lance to avenge the death of their
another member of the raiding party (Cotlow erected around the seated body prevents it from should have succeeded to his father's chieftaincy. kinsmen (Redmond 1998b:74-77). Their lifelong
1953:124-125; Harner 1972:183-185;Zikmundand toppling. The funerary accompaniments include But as an experienced warrior and headtaker him- aspirations and successes as warriors and re-
Hanzelka 1963:269-271). his lance, jars of manioc beer, his drinking cup, self, Chumbika was old enough to assume the po- nowned war leaders were shaped by the two tem-
In time an aging war leader will dispatch his and bowls of manioc, meat, and fish. The wooden sition of chieftain (Cotlow 1953:46-47). In the case poral dimensions of their arena. Their rigorous
son to lead war parties in his stead. And as a war staffthat the deceased used in his encounters with of Ant-lin Tsamahen, an Aguaruna war leader on training and ardent pursuit of warfare throughout
leader becomes infirm, his son will often be chosen the arutama is inserted through a small hole in the the upper Marafion River, he was favored-over their adult lives reaped the victories they had
war chieftain in his own right by the participating front ofthe palisade, far enough to touch the de- his older brothers-to inherit his father's chief- sought so cunningly. But both tribesmen empha-
warriors or by a shaman who will perform divina- ceased's chest, the site of his heart, and the repos- taincy because he had distinguished himself in sized that their success in warfare derived from
tion by drinking natem to obtain the arutama'e itory of his visionary knowledge (Hendricks warfare (Siverts 1972:17). the visionary quests they had made to their cosmo-
counsel (Descola 1996:348; Karsten 1935:267,282; 1991:61). Upon the war leader's death, his family A war leader's concern for nurturing his son's logical origins. They had acquired the arutam. power
Cotlow 1953:47). The son's bloodline weighs heavi- abandons the house, which is transformed into the interest in warfare from early childhood and hon- of warriors of preceding generations, reaching far
ly in his selection: family's mausoleum (Redmond 1994:15). ing his skills as a warrior and headtaker is just one back in time to the primordial Masata of their sa-
The Jibaros have absolute faith in the herita- Having erected dreaming huts several hun- way in which a war leader seeks his son's succes- cred origin myth, who had appeared uiarutam form
bility of prominent qualities and ascribe ex- dred meters from the house in the four cardinal sion to his chieftaincy. For almost from the mo- to incite the founding Jivaroans to war. That ac-
traordinary importance to education and the directions, the son returns to the house at night in ment of his son's birth, a war leader inoculates him cess to their cosmological origins through the quest
power of example. The son of a great chief, they total darkness to touch the staffleading to his fa- with anitani power and prepares for his son's in- for arutam. soul power enabled both men to "see"
say, must necessarily also become an able war- ther's chest and declare "I am your son, Father" duction into the arutam. cult (Kelekna 1981:32). the outcome of their upcoming raids and to tailor
rior because he is, as it were, a direct continu- (Harner 1972:169). Following this ritual visit the The chieftain oversees his son's initiation rituals their actions. Their obvious success as war leaders
ation of his father, has received a careful edu- son goes to the dreaming hut to the north, where he and appraises his acquisition of artitam. soul pow- could be measured in their wide-ranging alliances
cation for the deeds of war, and has always had drinks tobacco water and awaits an artitam, He er. At his death, he seeks to have his son acquire and victories, their multiple trophy heads and
the good example of his great father before his will repeat the ritual visits throughout the night, one of his own artitam. souls. By training, testing, wives, their bountiful gardens and hunting
eyes. (Karsten 1935:267) going in turn to the southern, eastern, and western and empowering his son, through "example, obser- grounds, and last but not least, their long lives.

68 69
Elsa M. Redmond 4. The Long and the Short of a War Leader's Arena

What more could any tribesman ask for? To company the war leader's increasing renown and in risky intervillage and intertribal raids. The vi- privileged but "submerged" social rank (Young
bequeath some of that bounty to his firstborn and accrued supernatural power. sionary knowledge he obtains from the supernat- 1971:63).
to become a jaguar spirit of the sort that might As the frequency of intervillage and intertrib- ural world, together with his accrued artitani pow- The point that needs to be raised in any discus-
appear as an artitam. to future generations of war- al warfare intensifies, however, and is waged in er make him confident of undertaking a dangerous sion of the role that achieved versus ascribed sta-
riors and intone the following revelation: the form of monthly raids, and even repeated daily mission, but most importantly, make him appear tuses may assume in the leadership dynamics of
Just as I have lived a long time, attacks (Redmond 1994:4,15-16,129), Jivaroan war invincible in the eyes of fellow tribesmen. In his temporary chieftaincies and the development of
so will you. leaders are too engaged in war to observe their public personae he assumes a commanding pres- more permanent chiefdoms is that while both exist
Just as I have killed many times, month-long post-war period ofritual seclusion, and ence and conveys a palpable authority that sets in the pool ofthe qualities ofleadership variability
so will you. (Harner 1972:138-39) to prepare for and celebrate the victory feasts. him apart. A renowned war leader is perceived as among tribal societies, when ascribed characteris-
Moreover, through his leadership of allied war having an enhanced understanding of causality tics of leadership offer the greatest selective ad-
Conclusions parties the prominent war leader builds a widen- and the necessary foresight and acumen that can vantages in terms of material and reproductive
ing network of intervillage alliances and obliga- allay the fears of his warriors, incite them to war, benefits to a tribal society in a particular historical
There are three conclusions I would like to draw tions, and reaps material rewards therefrom (Red- and achieve victory. Moreover, his encounters with instance (Braun 1990:79-82), those ascribed char-
from this examination of the temporal dimensions mond 1998b: 70). Accordingly, the same conditions cosmological ancestors vest him and his ventures acteristics ofleadership will likely be selected and
of a Jivaroan war leader's pursuit of warfare. The that allow the war leader to keep his gardens' with legitimacy and moral authority. His accrued replicated by succeeding generations. We have seen
first is the different "structural pose" assumed by harvest for his family's well-being enable him to supernatural power earns him the ritual sanctity how certain ascribed characteristics ofleadership
Jivaroan tribesmen in times of peace and times of amass external sources of wealth. and the unquestionable authority to command a are sanctified by the emergent leader's birthright
war, making it difficult, ifnot inaccurate, to present As the leader of allied war parties, the war hierarchically differentiated fighting force, to make and privileged access to cosmological sources of
a single picture of Jivaroan tribal organization. leader commands not only his own warriors but critical on-the-spot decisions, and to influence the power that bestow him with the legitimacy to com-
Fred Gearing (1958) proposed the notion of struc- also negotiates with the leaders of the allied war actions of others in general. The heightened au- mand fellow tribesmen. When ascribed qualities of
tural pose in his study of the sequence of organized parties, and commits the large-scale, allied fight- thority of renowned war leaders is a remarkable leadership make the intergenerational transfer of
groups that eighteenth-century male Cherokee ing forces to a common course of action. In time, achievement given their tribal social context that centralized authority more efficient and speedy,
villagers assumed throughout the year. The se- the leaders of other war parties being mounted by values personal freedom, consensus-based decision- and less prone to disruption (Johnson 1978:101),
quence consisted of the task groups and decision- warring communities in the larger region will seek making, leadership by example that has been char- they will be favored, selected, and even replicated
making bodies that formed in times of relative his proven experience and perceived power and acterized as "one word from him and everyone does by succeeding generations, especially in dire situ-
peace, and the villagers' structural pose in war- submit to his authority. Under conditions of esca- as he pleases" (Sahlins 1968:21), and village au- ations that call for greater efficiency and central-
time. When the village council declared war a new latingwarfare, Jivaroan tribesmen frequently will tonomy. ized decision-making (Braun 1990:70). I have
order ofvillage leadership went into operation that yield to the centralized and hierarchical regional Finally, the need that warring tribesmen may shown how conditions of chronic warfare are pre-
was hierarchically ranked and differentiated. The authority of a war chieftain, whom they designate have for the centralized and hierarchical leader- cisely the sort of urgent situation that would favor
hierarchical war organization facilitated the rapid a curaca or ruler. Moreover, there are recorded ship of chieftains can be guaranteed by electing ascribed qualities ofleadership in the form of the
chain of command necessary for waging warfare instances ofJivaroan curacas deferring to the lead- the eldest son of a deceased chieftain to the posi- eldest son of a renowned chieftain being elected his
expeditiously and successfully. At the conclusion ership and hegemony of an especially strong curaca tion. It is the very ascribed qualities possessed by successor. In time the temporary chieftaincy that
of war, the war organization disbanded and male (Redmond 1994:126). This form of centralized po- the eldest son of a renowned war chieftain that are emerges to serve the needs of warring tribesmen
villagers resumed their peacetime relations. litical leadership that aspiring tribesmen can sought by tribesmen in times of war to assure per- has the potential to be considered so advantageous
For Jivaroan tribesmen, times ofrelative peace achieve I have designated a chieftaincy, wherein manence and prosperity. Those ascribed qualities and beneficial that it will be institutionalized and
are still punctuated by feuding and intervillage the chieftain wields authority beyond his village are the product of the son's birthright, as well as made permanent in the form of the hereditary
raids. Male household heads will agree in night- and exercises hierarchically differentiated leader- his training and visionary quests under his father's chiefdom, wherein a lineage of hereditary leaders
long discussions to launch a raid. A war leader will ship over a group of villages in the manner of a tutelage. Additionally, certain advantages accrue who by their birthright and legitimized authority
be elected, who will recruit warriors from neigh- chief (Redmond 1998a: 3-4). In times of war the to him as his father's deputy, most notably his will rule over the member communities of their
boring communities, enlist the services of an elder group of villages that make up a regional chief- exemption from the usual post-marital period of polity in perpetuity.
to serve as master of the victory feasts and oversee taincy might even bear the name ofthe chieftain matrilocal residence and service to his wife's natal
the construction by members of the raiding party (Redmond 1998b: 71). Conditions ofintensive war- household. Regardless of his birthright, however,
of a large house for the post-war feasts, command fare favor a structural pose that centers on the the son must also achieve his own measure of suc- Acknowledgments
the raid, and host the final victory feast. At the emergence of a strong regional leader, the war cess in the pursuit of warfare and the acquisition
conclusion of the final victory feast the war leader chieftain, whose centralized leadership can extend of arutam power before he can be elected war lead- I would like to thank Bill Parkinson and Severin
will have increased his supernatural power and over many villages in a region. er and succeed to his father's position. The son's Fowles for inviting me to contribute to this volume
renown at the cost of impoverishing his family. Secondly, this appraisal of both the tactical inheritance ofhis father's chieftaincy depends upon and giving me the opportunity to reappraise
When his black body paint wears off and he re- and supernatural dimensions of a tribal war lead- his ascribed qualities as well as his own achieve- Jivaroan war leaders by learning to think with my
sumes his normal life, the war leader and his fam- er's trajectory emphasizes the importance of his ments. Both achieved and ascribed statuses can be heart. Bernardo Urbani and Dr. Carlos Bosque
ily will have little to consume as they wait for their accrued supernatural power. An aspiring war lead- said to exist in tribal societies, which have been kindly provided me with references about the oil-
exhausted manioc gardens to recover. Hence the er who is successful in his visionary quests and characterized as egalitarian societies. As shown bird. David Kiphuth and Bridget Thomas prepared
hosting of the final victory feast serves to level any acquires the artitam. power and prophecy of ances- here, the sons of chieftains become members of a the figures.
accumulation of material wealth that might ac- tral spirits is especially empowered to lead others

70 71
Elsa M. Redmond 4. The Long and the Short of a War Leader's Arena

References Cited Urban and J. Sherzer, 53-71. University Siverts, H. Stirling, M. W.

of Texas Press, Austin. 1972 Tribal Survival in the Alto Maraiion: the 1938 Historical and Ethnographical Material
Brown, M. F. 1993 To Drink of Death: The Narrative of a Aguaruna Case. IWGIA Document 10. on the Jivaro Indians. Bureau of Amer-
1985 Tsewa's Gift: Magic and Meaning in an Shuar Warrior. The University of Arizo- Copenhagen. ican Ethnology Bulletin 17. Smithsonian
Amazonian Society. Smithsonian Insti- na Press, Tucson. 1975 Jivaro Head Hunters in a Headless Time. Institution, Washington, D.C.
tution Press, Washington, D.C. Johnson, G. A. In War, Its Causes and Correlates, edit- Up de Graff, F. W.
Braun, D. P. 1978 Information Sources and the Develop- ed by M.A. Nettleship, R. D. Givens, and 1923 Head-Hunters of the Amazon. Herbert
1986 Selection and Evolution in Nonhierar- ment ofDecision-Making Organizations. A. Nettleship, 663-674. Mouton Publish- Jenkins Ltd., London.
chical Organization. In The Evolution of In Social Archeology:Beyond Subsistence ers, The Hague. Young, M. W.
Political Systems: Sociopolitics in Small- and Dating, edited by C. L. Redman et Snow,D. W. 1971 Fighting with Food: Leadership, Values
Scale Sedentary Societies, edited by S. aI., 87-112. Academic Press, New York. 1961 The Natural History of the Oilbird, and Social Control in a Massim Society.
Upham, 62-86. School of American Re- Karsten, R. Steatornis caripensis, in Trinidad, W.I. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
search. Cambridge University Press, 1935 The Head-Hunters ofWestern Amazonas. Part 1. General Behavior and Breeding Zikmund, M. and J. Hanzelka
Cambridge. Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Com- Habits. Zoologica 46:27-48. 1963 Amazon Headhunters. Artia, Prague.
Cotlow, L. mentationes Humanarum Litteratum
1953 AmazonHead-Hunters. Henry Holt, New VII (1). Centraltryckeriet, Helsingfors.
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Descola, P. 1981 Sex Asymmetry in Jivaroan Achuara
1994 In the Society ofNature: A Native Ecolo- Society: A Cultural Mechanism Promot-
gy in Amazonia. Cambridge University ing Belligerence. Ph.D. dissertation,
Press, Cambridge. University of New Mexico. University
1996 The Spears of Twilight: Life and Death Microfilms, Ann Arbor.
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New York. Chieftaincy in the Americas, edited by E.
Drown, F. and M. Drown M. Redmond, 164-188. University Press
1961 Mission to the Head-Hunters. Harper and of Florida, Gainesville.
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Gearing, F. 1998 Women's Ritual in Formative Oaxaca:
1958 The Structural Poses of 18 th Century Figurine-Making, Divination, Death and
Cherokee Villages.AmericanAnthropol- the Ancestors. Memoirs of the Museum
ogist 60(6):1148-1157. of Anthropology, No. 33. University of
Goldman, I. Michigan Museum ofAnthropology, Ann
1970 Ancient Polynesian Society. University Arbor.
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1975 The Mouth of Heaven. John Wiley and 1990 Arutam: Mitologia Shuar. Colecci6n 500
Sons, New York. Aiios 22. Ediciones ABYA-YALA, Quito.
Gonzalez Holguin, D. Redmond, E. M.
1989 Vocabulario del la Lengua General de 1994 Tribal and Chiefly Warfare in South
Todo el Peru Llamada Qquichua 0 del America. Memoirs of the Museum of An-
Inca (1608), edited by R. Matos Mendieta. thropology, No. 28. University of Michi-
Editorial de la Universidad Nacional gan Museum ofAnthropology, Ann Arbor.
Mayor de San Marcos, Lima. 1998a The Dynamics of Chieftaincy and the
Harner, M. J. Development ofChiefdoms. In Chiefdoms
1972 The Jivaro: People of the Sacred Water- and Chieftaincy in the Americas, edited
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Indians in Latin America, edited by G. Cliffs, NJ.

72 73
5. Inequality and Egalitarian Rebellion, a Tribal Dialectic in
Tonga History

Severin M. Fowles

Introduction al priority over the goals of the group or social

system. Agency models have sensitized anthropol-
During the early historic period, 'Batonga' was ogists to the reality that, even on those occasions
the name that emerged to describe a group of dis- when a relatively high degree of social equality is
persed cattle herders and agriculturalists living the end result of a set of practices, equality itselfis
on the Batoka Plateau and surrounding regions in very rarely the personal goal of the practitioners
what is today modern Zambia (Fig. 1). According to involved, a trend that has not been without influ-
the earliest written documents, the term Batonga ence in the study of African societies (van
(or Tonga in the remainder ofthe paper) was loose- Binsbergen and Schoffeleers 1985). As one of the
ly translated as those who were political 'indepen- best studied tribal societies in south-central Afri-
dents' (Livingstone 1865:220). By their very name, ca, the early historic Tonga provide an interesting
the Tonga of the late 19 th and early 20 th century case in which to consider not only such shifts in
associated themselves with a notion of self-auton- thinking about tribal egalitarianism, but also how
omy and of dispersed power in the absence of strong the concept oftribal egalitarianism articulates with
centralized chiefs. They were, in this sense, highly the historical framework advocated by the present
egalitarian in dogma, actively asserting equality volume.
rather than takingitfor granted. This is not to say, The analysis begins by establishing the histor-
however, that all Tonga were in fact equal, nor ical position ofthe late 19th/early 20 th century Tonga
that gender and age differences alone were the sole within the long-term patterns of change in south
sources of inequality. As discussed below, leaders central Africa generally. The focus then shifts to
of varying status, power and authority were the ethnographic evidence for events occurring
present. It is the task ofthis paper to examine the within a much shorter time span: the careers of
existing ethnographic and ethnohistoric evidence Tonga leaders and the effects of those careers on
for both the various types of Tonga leadership as multi-generational traditions ofleadership vested
well as the impacts of individual leaders on the in particular matrilineal groups. In the concluding
historical trajectory ofthe Tonga social context as sections, the implications ofthe Tonga case for the
a whole. problem of tribal egalitarianism more broadly are
In doing so, this paper follows the general re- considered.
evaluation of the nature of tribal egalitarianism
that has been underway on a number of fronts in The Long-Term Setting: Geographic
anthropology during the past twenty or so years and Historical Background
(e.g., Flanagan 1989; Paynter 1989; Whiteley 1988;
Brison 1989; Price and Feinman 1995; Blake and Data on the Tonga are to be found in traveler's
Clark 1999). This reevaluation has been brought accounts, Tonga oral tradition and 20 t h century
about, in part, on empirical grounds as tribal eth- governmental reports; however the bulk of current
nographies and historic documents are reread to knowledge comes from the extensive ethnographic
expose the social inequalities that at times failed work of Elizabeth Colson and others during the 100
to be sufficiently emphasized in earlier writings. 1940's, 50's, and 60's. This analysis focuses on
However, the reevaluation has also been stimulat- developments in Tonga society during the first half
ed by recent theoretical shifts toward more agent- ofthe 20 th century, the periodjust prior to the major Fig. 1. Tongaland and its environs.
based approaches to social theory, in which the British development projects that significantly
self-interested goals of individuals are given caus- altered local settlement patterns. As Colson (1968)

74 75
Severin M. Fowles 5. Inequality and Egalitarian Rebellion

others, leaving their own herds to also be dispersed have been much more ephemeral social units prior
as temporary loans to acquaintances over a wide to British-imposed regulations that all Tonga re-
Kafue area. This practice reduced the risk of disease and side in a village of at least 10 taxpayers. Neighbor-
theft to anyone man's property while creating a hood communities, on the other hand, almost cer-
geographically broad network of social ties that tainly had a greater social relevancy arising out of
could be drawn on in other spheres of social life the common use of community shrines. Residen-
(Colson 1962:122-171). tial mobility between villages and neighborhoods
Batoka Monze The relative agricultural and herding success tended to be high, and economic specialization
• experienced on the Batoka Plateau made it a place
of refuge for groups in the Gwembe Valley to the
within and between settlements was limited. Based
upon these observations, the Tonga would appear
southeast during periods of stress. In the late 19th to fit comfortably into certain classic social
and early 20 th centuries, the Gwembe Valley was typologies as an 'acephalous', 'big man', 'egalitar-
also home to a substantial Tonga population that ian' or 'tribal' society.
was connected to the plateau through economic But as is the case with all social contexts, the
and kinship ties. Economic life in the Gwembe early historic Tonga were the product of a partic-
Valley differed somewhat from the plateau. Agri- ular historical trajectory, and the features ofTonga
culture focused on yearly-replenished floodplain social life cannot be satisfactorily explored unless
fields, fishing received greater emphasis, and large- one is mindful of this fact. For present purposes,
scale cattle herding was rendered difficult by the the story ofthe Tonga commenced some time dur-
lack of grazing land and the presence of the tsetse ing the first millennium AD as the initial Iron Age
fly. During the late prehistoric and early historic settlers entered Zambia (Fagan 1967, 1970;
periods, the Gwembe Valley periodically received Phillipson 1978). It was at this point that the char-
immigrants from the south and east, resulting in acteristic mixed farming and herding adaptation
some of the largest population densities in was first established throughout the region, re-
Tongaland. Rainfall in the valley, however, was placing a previously dominant and widespread
both limited and unpredictable, so much so that hunting and gathering tradition. The Tonga ap-
periodic famines were a way of life along the pear to have emerged out of this generalized adap-
Zambezi's banks. During such famines, the Valley tation as a recognizable social tradition by the early
Tonga tended to migrate north to draw off the re- second millennium, an event marked archaeolog-
40 80 km sources of those on the Escarpment and Plateau ically by the rapid appearance of a distinctive ce-
with whom they could claim some sort of basis for ramic style on the Batoka Plateau (Phillipson 1968).
social obligations (Reynolds 1968:6, 78). General ceramic continuity after the 12th century
Fig. 2. Major Tonga areas discussed in the text. Despite the different ecological settings of the suggests that the Tonga occupation of the plateau
Valley and Plateau Tonga, both groups were char- was temporally deep and that no major replace-
has noted, it is misleading to refer to the Tonga of the Gwembe Valley to the southeast (Fig. 2). The acterized by similar social structures and roughly ment by another cultural group occurred subse-
this period as a 'tribe' in the sense of an actual Batoka Plateau is a region of relatively fertile soils comparable settlement patterns. Both were matri- quent to the initial Tonga Diaspora (Smaldone
political entity. While the British attempted to bounded by the perennial Kafue River to the north lineal societies in the sense that inheritance and 1979:10; Fagan 1970:216-17; Oliver and Fagan
create such an entity for administrative purposes and by the Escarpment country to the southeast. most social obligations were traced through one's 1975:100-101).
during the early years of colonialism, 'Tonga' was While rainfall is highly variable (Colson 1968:97), mother's line more frequently than through one's During the hundreds of years that the Tonga
used by native Zambians to define an ethnic group the plateau was conducive to the traditional slash- father's. Matrilineages were important corporate occupied the Batoka Plateau they never developed
with blurred and ever shifting boundaries. Physi- and-burn strategies that required relatively fre- groups, though they tended to be residentially dis- a long-term pattern of centralized political leader-
cally, linguistically, and socially the Tonga dis- quent field and residence moves but did little to persed over a number of different neighborhoods. ship and chose instead to remain relatively dis-
played few significant differences from neighbor- deplete the soils over the long term. Prior to the Individual settlements were thus typically com- persed, economically unspecialized, and political-
ing peoples such as the Ila or Goba, and it appears introduction of corn by the British, sorghum and posed of members of a number of different kin ly decentralized. Neighboring groups, however,
that ethnic unity really only arose later in the co- bulrush millet were the two principle crops ofthe groups, reducing the potential power of headman- constructed very different social formations out of
lonial period as ethnicity came to be used to deter- Tonga. Equally important, however, was the com- ship significantly-a point discussed at greater the same basic economic adaptation. As early as
mine access to natural resources (Lancaster 1974). patibility of the plateau region with large-scale length below. Settlements were typically small and the 14th century AD, a complex, probably Shona-
Consequently, data on these closely related groups cattle herding. As among many groups in south- rarely housed much more than 100 people; howev- speaking political center with extensive trade re-
will be periodically included below to fill out por- central Africa, the maintenance oflarge numbers er, in some regions-especially in the valley and on lations developed at Great Zimbabwe to the south
tions of the discussion for which the Tonga data of cattle was of great importance to most Tonga the margins ofthe Kafue Plain where population (Garlake 1973); and in the Zambezi Valley, at the
are lacking. both for their economic benefits and due to the pressures were greatest-dense clusters of house- eastern edge of Tongaland, the trade center of
As a social context, Tongaland occupied! two centrality of cattle to the native system of prestige. holds grew to include many hundreds ofindividu- Ingombe Ilede was constructed, at which clear
principle ecozones in south-central Zambia: the Particularly interesting is the fact that Tonga men als (Colson 1962:214; Reynolds 1968:10). Colson evidence of elite burials has been found (Phillipson
large, open Batoka Plateau to the northwest and primarily herded cattle that they held on loan from (per. com. 2000) notes that Tonga 'villages' may and Fagan 1969). By the beginning of the 15th cen-

76 77
Severin M. Fowles 5. Inequality and Egalitarian Rebellion

tury, a large and highly centralized regional polity among other Southern Bantu groups (Huffman toric Tonga ethnic identity may have been born of tions as practiced. In most cases, however, the term
known as the Mwene Mutapa Confederacyhad also 1986:293) who also lacked either the desire or the rebellion to surrounding, strongly hierarchical 'egalitarian society' is used in Fried's (1967) sense
developed just to the southeast (Abraham 1962). organizational capability to mobilize the populace. societies. The following oral history excerpts were to refer to contexts in which the dominant social
More recently, during the 18t h and 19th centuries, But the Tonga were not only influenced by such recorded among the Gwembe Tonga and are de- inequalities are based solely on differences of gen-
the Lozi, descendent Shona, and Ndebele are but aggressors through direct raiding. Refugees escap- serving of somewhat lengthy quotation: der, age and personal ability. Accepting the broad
a few of the surrounding groups that continued the ing from Luba control in the north and Shona dom- The Tonga had lived a long time in Southern definition of social inequality "as social differenti-
trend toward centralization and established poli- ination in the south and east appear to have fil- Rhodesia [Zimbabwe] along with the Karanga ation accompanied by differential moral evalua-
ties with three or more tiers of political control, tered into Tongaland on numerous occasions in (Shena) ... there was some kind of trouble and tion" advocated by Kelly (1993:473), our analysis of
formal armies, and stratified systems of inequali- the late prehistoric and early historic periods, and then as the Tonga had done something wrong Tonga egalitarianism may proceed by considering
ty (cf. Vansina 1968). .f to have become assimilated into local cultural pat- the Tonga separated from the Shona. Before (1) a few of the major socially defined positions or
Why the Tonga did not follow a similar evolu- terns (cf Lancaster 1971:456-7,1974,1981:13-17; that they had lived together and spoken each categories in the Tonga world, and (2) the privileg-
tionary path cannot be explained by any natural van Binsbergen 1981:131; Colson 1970). Some Lozi other's languages. But after the trouble things es and prestige-or, conversely, social stigma and
deficiencies in the ecology of Tongaland. A great leaders, ousted by the Makololo in the mid-Lll'" began to change and it was said "the Tonga are lack of privilege-associated with those positions.
deal of potential for political centralization proba- century, also escaped to the Tonga area. In this no good because they complained against their
bly did exist. Possibilities for craft specialization, sense, the appellation 'Tongaland' is somewhat of chief." They did in fact rebel against their chief Social differentiation within the kin
monopolization of trade, and the domination of a misnomer; the region was and remains a com- in Southern Rhodesia. When they rebelled group
groups on the plateau over their frequently depen- plex ethnic mix of peoples who immigrated from a against Mambo they came north and crossed
dent kin in the valley, however, all went largely variety oflocales (Colson, per. com. 2000). It was the Zambezi in many places from Livingstone The basic decision-making unit in Tonga soci-
unexploited during the early historic period (Colson not until the British-imposed peace at the turn of to Feira (Vila). This was a movement of many ety is the matriline. Tonga matrilines were not
1968:103-110, Saha 1994:13). In fact, the Tonga the century that such externally derived stresses separate groups over a long period oftime... The land-holding groups, but they did share bridewealth
held a number of attitudes that appear designed upon Tonga social life were relaxed. Tonga of Zambia never had any real chiefs or and inheritance obligations and congregated reg-
specifically to have prevented any such possibili- It would be impossible to extract from the ex- paramounts except Mambo south of the ularly for such occasions as funerals, girl's puberty
ties. Craft specialization and formal trade in ce- isting data an image of what Tonga society would Zambezi whom they ran from so they could be rites, vengeance or offense, etc. (Colson 1962:23).
ramics, for example, appear almost to have been have been like had it existed in isolation. Such a free people. So they were called Tonga, which As such, they were the principal institution with
consciously avoided when one considers the impli- situation never existed in prehistory. However, the means grunters, dissatisfied people who com- respect to the mobilization of people and/or wealth.
cations of the Tonga conviction that "a promised Tonga were politically independent of their more plained and rebelled against their chief. (as The matrilineal group itselfwas seldom composed
pot will break during firing" (Colson 1968:104). centralized neighbors, and although they suffered quoted in Lancaster 1974:723) of over 40 adults, and these individuals tended to
While this is not to say, of course, that exchange the raids of these neighbors, we can assess the Tongaland emerged in the late prehistoric periods be scattered over a wide area in a number of differ-
did not occur, it does highlight a social attitude in effects ofthis stress in the same way that we might as somewhat of a rebel sanctuary, a 'no-chiefs land' ent neighborhood groups (Colson 1977:123).
which relationships based upon debt and economic assess the effects of a drought or the spread of dis- filling the interstices between neighboring com- Given the importance of the matriline, it is
obligation were avoided. ease on a group's organization. When we do, cer- plex societies. Tonga identity was consciously re- interesting to note that the matrilineal group was
One might also have expected the Tonga to tain aspects of Tonga life have an undeniable fla- actionary and it is likely that particular patterns not internally ranked in any way and that all
centralize as a defensive response to the presence vor of having been reactionary-not the least of of leadership and egalitarianism within the soci- members were considered equally related and
of nearby powerful kingdoms. Throughout the 19t h which was the Tonga dogma of egalitarianism. The ety were equally so. equally deserving of all the privileges of group
century, the Tonga suffered significant losses as Tonga staunchly defended the independence ofeach The historical context in which their society membership (Colson 1962:22-25; Gluckman
aggressive neighbors such as the Kololo, Lozi, and individual and household in their society, an atti- was set may help to explain certain Tonga atti- 1965:95-6).2 For example, at the death of an indi-
Ndebele raided their settlements for cattle and tude summed up in the Tonga saying: "Any man tudes toward social life, however it opens ques- vidual, all members ofthe deceased's matriline were
slaves. When faced with such raids, however, ex- may call himself a chief, but that does not mean tions of how the Tonga egalitarian ethos actually thought to have equal inheritance rights. In other
isting evidence suggests that the Tonga dispersed that I will obey him" (as quoted in Colson 1958:31). manifested in the social sphere. Furthermore, we words, the Tonga did not have segmentary lineage
rather than aggregating. The famed traveler and Households were thought to be political equals and may also question how Tonga individuals sought systems similar to those discussed by Sahlins (1961,
missionary David Livingstone-the first Europe- to have the right to move at will and to follow their own self-interested goals despite this ethos, 1968) and others (Fortes and Evans-Pritchard 1940;
an to make sustained contact with the Tonga- whomever they pleased, a freedom which-would in other words we may look for the differences Fortes 1953; Smith 1956). Was this lack ofinternal
traveled across the Batoka Plateau in 1855 and have been given enthusiastic emphasis by refu- between ideology and outcomes as discussed by segmentation a conscious move to avoid the devel-
found them to have already been severely weak- gees fleeing from highly stratified societies as well Flanagan (1989:248). These, ofcourse, are the sorts opment of conical clans and the leaders that ac-
ened by aggressors to the west and south. By the as by locals struggling to defend themselves from of questions that have been central to contempo- company them? Perhaps. Indeed it is telling that
time of his visit, the Makololo, Chikunda, and surrounding dictators. Ironically, then, their in- rary reevaluations of tribal egalitarianism gener- Tonga in the middle of the 20 t h century even com-
Ndebele had all been making significant incursions teraction with surrounding complex societies ap- ally. In the remainder ofthe paper, we will turn to mented that segmentary lineage systems couldn't
into Tonga country (Livingstone 1899:76,448,475; pears, on one level to have encouraged rather than consider these issues in greater depth. work in their social context (Colson 1968:139).
Colson, per. com. 2000). Livingstone's informants discouraged the maintenance ofan egalitarian ethic Regardless, there do appear to have been sys-
told him that the land had previously been more among the Tonga (see also Smith and Dale 1968 Tonga Egalitarianism in Practice temic deterrents to the use of kinship to institu-
densely settled with larger villages but that recent for a similar situation among nearby and closely tionalize decision-making inequality-even at the
raiding had led most to disperse into small home- related Ila groups). To say that the Tonga asserted an egalitarian level of the kin group. Kinship leaders did exist,
steads for defensive purposes (1899:451, 455, 476). Lancaster (1974) has collected some ofthe most principle does not necessarilyimply anything about and when those leaders were able to attain signif-
A similar reaction has been noted historically convincing evidence to suggest that the early his- the actual degree of equality in their social rela- icant wealth (typically assessed by the size oftheir

78 79
Severin M. Fowles 5. Inequality and Egalitarian Rebellion

cattle herds) they became the focus of particularly leadership. Villages tended to be small (no larger by the swidden agriculture of the Tonga (Colson er, the historic documents reveal that many of the
large matrilineal groups. The enlargement of a kin than 500 people in most cases) and relatively dis- 1962:21; Barrie 1968:71-8). This was especially true ambitious Tonga leaders were experimentingwith
group around a wealthy individual did not, howev- persed throughout the landscape (Colson 1968; on the Batoka Plateau where soils were quickly different means to enhance their social influence.
er, always result from that individual's active re- Selous 1888:216; Livingstone 1899:554). Each, depleted and a frequent desire to move closer to Livingstone, in the 1950's, for example, encoun-
cruitment of new kin members. Rather, it was fre- however, had a headman, and this position was the ever-distant fields was felt. Villages tended tered a number ofTonga 'chiefs' along the Zambezi
quently a repercussion of the unwillingness of ex- clearly one of some importance worth competing not to persist more than a generation, during who were in the habit of keeping dozens of human
isting members to split off and form a separate over. Headmen or would-be headmen actively which time the composition ofthe group fluctuated skulls (the victims of successful raids) on spikes
matriline, an action that would significantly re- sought to recruit followers, especially during the widely. outside their residences (Livingstone 1865:328,
duce their chances ofinheriting a portion of a lead-early years of village growth when a headman's Another factor that held the power ofheadmen 335; 1899:74,454). The same practice was noted
er's wealth (Colson 1962). Indeed, upon the death own sons were immature (Colson 1962:204).3 Per- in check was that beer-in addition to being the among related Ila groups by Smith and Dale
of the wealthy individual, claims would be made sonal charisma was by far the principle means accepted form of offerings to ancestral spirits- (1968:24). Implicit within this kind of behavior of
upon the inheritance from relatives near and far, through which this was accomplished, and there was also the primary incentive used when mobiliz- course was the use and/or threat offorce as a means
and that wealth would not exist intact to support are no recorded examples of the use of outright ing work parties or other forms of non-kin based of empowerment. And in another social or histor-
the authority of a single new kin leader. coercion to build a following. There were, of course, social collectivities (Colson 1967:11; Colson and ical context, such threats might have helped form
At a more fundamental level, even when an cases in which headmanship was 'inherited' from Scudder 1988). Despite its ritual and social impor- the foundation for chiefly leadership over a broad
individual did manage to amass wealth, social a matrilineal relative. In such cases, however, in- tance, beer had certain properties that limited the region. However, the Tonga had had enough of
prestige, and a large group of dependent kin, the heritance was still always subject to village con- degree to which it could be used by leaders to com- chiefly bullies and, consequently, only indulged
costs of these accomplishments were great. The sensus, such that the new official's position was pete for prestige and to build a fund of power. First,
such aggrandizing individuals so far.
'bigger' a Tonga big man or woman became, the still earned through his or her personal qualities beer had to be the product of a man's wife. Men Ultimately, the only moral imperative that
more that individual was obliged to take on the and past record. In this regard, Tonga headmen were not able to brew beer themselves, and there- could be mustered to legitimize a particular indi-
economic responsibility of the kin group. The care- were similar to the big men ofNew Guinea (Meggitt fore it was only through marriage that men gained vidual's eminence in a neighborhood emerged out
lessness of one bad seed in a leader's extended fam-1973; Strathern 1971) or the 'chieftains' of the the ability to make offerings to the spirits. The ofthe actual history of immigration into a region.
ily, for example, might indebt that leader finan- Americas as defined by Redmond (1998). result ofthis situation was that marriage and the As in many other tribal contexts throughout the
cially or make his village vulnerable to raids/at- Whereas the New Guinean big men maintained appropriation of a wife's labor were critical and world, the first individuals to arrive in a given area
tacks in the name of compensation. Given this their position by indebting their dependents limiting elements in a man's competition in the were viewed by the Tonga as having a certain
through competitive feasting, however, Tonga
reality, the degree of social prestige that came with ritual and social sphere. Second, beer had to be amount ofde facto authority (Colson 1958, 1962:92;
leadership was likely of little consolation. Inter- headmen held little means of building social debt. consumed immediately after it was brewed, lest it Barrie 1968:11). As a neighborhood was settled
estingly, in her account of the history of the Only those villagers whom the headman had ac- sour. As a valued product, it therefore could not be over time, a crude ranking of the matrilines thus
Nampeyo neighborhood on the Tonga Plateau, quired as slaves through purchase or raiding tend- saved or used to generate a surplus. emerged based on the order of arrival. However,
Colson (1991) reports a number of instances in ed to be highly dependent, and this due principally In sum, then, the position of headman carried the relatively high settlement mobility necessi-
which there was no one willing to inherit the posi- to the fact that they had been separated from their with it little potential for true social power. Pres-tated by Tonga swidden agriculture left this ra-
tion and responsibility of a kin-based leadership own local kin base. Othervillage members followed tige alone was the perquisite of the headman and tionale for leadership with only limited short-term
position, even though this position was the most the headman in the same way as they would a kin this was obtained only through negotiation and effect.
prestigious in the neighborhood. Here, we find that leader-on a tentative basis, granting him senior- hard work. When an ambitious individual did achieve a
leadership and prestige among the Tonga wss sim- ity as the right due any individual willing to accept chiefly position in a Tonga neighborhood there were,
ilar to that among many other 'tribal' societies. the risks of representing the village in the larger Social differentiation within the again, very few material perks. The chief might
Leadership positions of some sort inevitably exist- social arena (e.g., Colson 1991: 13). There were also neighborhood playa role in distributing land to newcomers or be
ed, and some of these positions were accompanied few material benefits to headmanship. Headmen consulted on local matters of importance, but no
by significant social valuation. However, such pres-appear not to have had significantly more wives Successful and aggressive headmen, nonethe- Tonga chiefs received tribute or were able to dele-
tige-and not any significant material or economic than non-headmen and they received no tribute. A less, were not limited to competition at the village gate their own daily agricultural or herding chores
perks-was typically the sole reward for agreeing strong statement of the limited power of the posi- level, but also frequently sought to develop a posi- to others. Indeed, it appears to have been the case
to take on the heavy burden of representation. tion was recorded by Colson in the 1940's, during tion of leadership and authority within the sur- that chiefs worked harder than others in the com-
Kin-based leadership was therefore limited and which time she noted that a disgruntled villager rounding community. The neighborhood, or cisi, munity. As one Ila man described the same situa-
costly. While an individual might expect to accrue displeased with hislher headman was freely per- was an indigenously recognized, albeit loosely tion in his related community: "Chiefdom is serf-
prestige through hislher age, charisma and per- mitted to shift allegiance to the headman of an- bounded social collectively that joined together for dom" (Smith and Dale 1968 vol. 1: 307). As a result,
sonal wealth over time, the prestige tended to be other nearby village without having to physical- initiation ceremonies and to solicit the spirits for the tendencyfor chiefly positions to be handed down
fleeting and it dispersed at the death ofthe indi- ly move to that other village (Colson 1968:119). rainfall. Such neighborhood communities tended matrilineally was oflittle consequence in terms of
vidual into the undifferentiated body of the While colonial restrictions on movement were to be composed of 4-8 villages and between 400-800 the institutionalization of inequality. And even
matriline. probably partly responsible, such remarkable free- individuals who were led by either "unofficial lead- given this tendency toward matrilineal inheritance,
dom of allegiance indicates again that native ers" (Colson 1958:27, 1977:121) or a succession of the choice of a chief remained one of consensus
Social differentiation within the village Tonga positions ofleadership were relatively in- local chiefs. based upon a particular person's achievements and
effectual. Competition for preeminence within neighbor- social standing. "A chief does not beget a chief'
Unlike the matrilineal group, villages in Tonga Indeed, a headman's power was also limited by hood communities-as at the village level-was (Smith and Dale 1968 vol. 1:304) - the chiefly role
society did have formally recognized positions of the relatively high residential mobility required still largely a matter ofpersonal charisma. Howev- very much remained an achieved status.

80 81
Severin M. Fowles 5. Inequality and Egalitarian Rebellion

Differentiation within the ritual order individual died, their guardian mizimu might then ential spirit agents, their potential use in power old tree (Barrie 1968:23)-were loci of power. Un-
be inherited by others (the particulars of such in- struggles among the living was greater. The like matrilineal obligations that were dispersed
Ultimately, it is probably most accurate to say heritance varying somewhat throughout Tonga- basangu influenced the Tonga communities and over-lapping over a wide area, ritual obliga-
that the real Tonga individuals with significant, land). At the death of important individuals in the through their ability to send sickness and famine, tions to a rain shrine were localized such that any-
socially legitimate power were those who had died community with many surviving children, howev- but their most significant power rested in their one living within a certain radius of a shrine was
and entered the spirit world. As in many other er, the Tonga believed that they themselves be- control of rain (Colson 1962,1977; Smith and Dale beholden upon that shrine's spirits, irregardless of
preindustrial societies, the Tonga believed that came new mizimu, and so it became possible for 1968 vol. 2:141). Importantly, while the mizimu their matrilineal or clan affiliations. Indeed, Colson
events in this world were deeply affected by the the living to directly inherit the spirit of the recent- were thought to be the domain of particular matri- (1962:87) found the shrines to be the clearest indi-
spirits or shades of the deceased. It is safe to say, ly deceased during funeral proceedings. Mizimu of lineal groups, the basangu were viewed as spirits cators of the supra-village neighborhood groups.
in fact, that Tonga society might be viewed as important individuals inherited in this manner to whom the total community had the right to ap- Each shrine was maintained by a shrine custodi-
having been a set of mini chiefdoms, were one to were thought to imbue an individual with many peal. The Ila-a closely related group living imme- an, a position that was passed down matrilineally.
view the deceased as the chiefs.' Indeed, the de- of his or her personal qualities, to the point that diately to the north of the Tonga-held similar However inheritable, the social position of the
ceased were viewed as being concerned with build- the distinction between the personalities of the beliefs about the spirit world, and they contrasted shrine custodian was merely that: a custodian,
ingup a large following within the kin group (Colson living and the deceased became blurred (Colson the basangu with the mizimu at the start of the without the power necessarily to direct ritual or
1962:41), they passed harshjudgmenton those that 1962) and a form of extended spirit possession re- 20 th century as follows: make demands on the community at large.
displeased them, and they were considered to be sulted. As one Tonga individual commented, for The divinities of the community [basangu] are In contrast to the custodian who had only weak
deserving of tribute in the form of beer and/or iron example: common property, there is no man who can claim ties to the basangu, another group of individuals
offerings on important occasions. But, of course, Ndaba was an important man with many fol- them as his own. The divinities ofmen [mizimu] was generally believed to be the direct representa-
the spirit world could not speak for itself. Spirits lowers. Before I was born, his muzimu came are not assimilated; a man who is not your re- tives of important spirits, and it is here that we see
needed mediums or prophets to articulate their and said that I could be called by his name. lation does not join you in making offerings to the strongest signs that access to the basangu may
wishes, and it is within these positions among the Now it is easy to see that I am indeed Ndaba, your divinities; he would be doing wrong. But not always have been equal. Prophets in Tonga
living that the most interesting potential for the for I too have become an important man with it is otherwise with the communal demigod society were either men or women who had been
development ofinstitutionalized inequality can be many people who depend on me. (as quoted in [basangu]: none refrains from calling upon him; visited and possessed by a spirit, becoming the
explored. Colson 1962:13) he belongs to all. In a household there are var- medium through which that spirit made its wishes
There were a number of minor types of spirits This tradition ofmizimu inheritance is partic- ious divinities [mizimu]; a husband prays to known. Prophets and the shrines they established
in Tonga cosmology, but two main types were clearly ularly interesting to consider with respect to the his, a wife prays to hers; but as members of a were especially influential as institutions to which
of greatest importance to social life. The first was problems of Tonga leadership and succession. As community they all pray to one and the same appeals could be made in times of ecological hard-
anchored in kinship and was comprised of the anthropologists, we are accustomed to imagining a demigod [basangu]. (as quoted in Smith and ship. Prophets were considered the 'rain-makers'
mizimu, spirits of deceased individuals directly categorical difference between leadership positions Dale 1968, vo1.2:180-1) in society. Given their role, it is not surprising to
ancestral to a particular matrilineal group. Such that are 'achieved' versus those that are 'ascribed'. Theoretically, then, the basangu spirits both af- find that the most influential prophets in Tongaland
ancestral spirits demanded constant offerings from The former are considered to be earned through fected all and were accessible to all. were based in the Escarpment region where rain-
their matriline, but were powerless with respect to one's personal abilities and therefore to be typical The Tonga conceptions of the basangu, in this fall was both more abundant and predictable
other kin groups. The second type of spirit, known of egalitarian systems. The latter are considered sense, reiterated their basic egalitarian ethic. Spir- (Colson per. com. 2000). Environmental patterns,
as basangu, was not rooted in anyone kin group, typical of societies with institutionalized inequal- its of greater influence in the natural world and in in this sense, were loosely translated into social
but rather influenced the ecological world at large. ities in which positions of power are inherited. community affairs were believed to be open to ev- patterns through the role of the prophet, and the
The basangu were generalized spirits that affect- Mizimu inheritance, however, was really a hybrid ery member of society, through the petitioning of a Escarpment prophets at times gained wide region-
ed certain aspects of the total community life- of these two pathways to leadership, given that spirit's shrine or medium. Noone matrilineal group al recognition."
rainfall in particular. Access to each type of spirit what one presumably inherited was the charisma could monopolize access to the basangu nor use Nonetheless, the prophet was merely a tempo-
by members of the society was different and had and other personal qualities which enabled an them to legitimize that group's privilege over any rary vehicle for a basangu and did not, in theory,
particular ramifications for both leadership poten- individual to achieve a certain position of prestige others in the community. Only those spirits that have any power ofhislher own that could be passed
tial and the distribution of power," and influence. The mizimu provided both a means were ineffectual in greater community life (i.e., the down. Furthermore, each was competing with many
The mizimu, for example, could only be access- and an ideological justification for the inheritance mizimu) could be dominated by a particular group. other prophets for the attention of a community of
ed by members of a given kin group. Consistent of a degree of social power, while still couching that Here also is another element of the greater Tonga followers. No prophet, therefore, could deviate far
with the undifferentiated nature of the Tonga power in the overriding achieved or egalitarian structure that may have been consciouslyconstruct- from public opinion to exert his or her own agenda.
matriline, all adults of the group had relatively ethic. Ultimately, however, the influence of a ed in order to avoid the development of any sort of Colson (1977:124) notes that Tonga prophets ''vie
equal rights to approach their ancestral spirits, mizimu was focused on a single matrilineal group divine kingship or ritual basis for elite rule. with each other for recognition and their influence
however in many cases propitiations would have and its patrilineal extensions, referred to together It is, therefore, particularly interesting to note fluctuates enormously even within a short period
to be made by the individual who had inherited as a lutundu. And given the typical Tonga mixture that, in practice, this ethic of equal access to the oftime. Each neighborhood, and indeed each home-
that mizimu's spirit on behalf of the concerned of matrilineality and patrilocality, this group tend- basangu was not precisely followed. For instance, stead, appears to have the option of choosing which
family member. Each individual was further viewed ed to be both dispersed over a large area and diffi- basangu were thought to reside in tangible shrines prophet it will patronize on any particular occa-
as having his or her own guardian mizimu that cult to mobilize politically. either constructed or at least maintained by the sion." The situation that resulted was a sort offree
was closely entwined with that individual's life. The basangu, on the other hand, were gener- living. As home to the spirits that control theweath- market in which ritual consumers were able to keep
Guardian mizimu were inherited through the tak- alized spirits that could potentially influence all er, rain shrines-which ranged from small con- the prophets' profits (e.g., prestige, control over
ing of a particular family name. When an average the matrilines in a region. As ecologically influ- structed huts to natural features like a spring or the structure of ritual, etc.) to a minimum.

82 83
Severin M. Fowles 5. Inequality and Egalitarian Rebellion

The special relationship between the prophets Lozi and Ndebele raids with his medicine and so ing states. Much anthropological effort has gone Such early references have been used by some
and the basangu made it almost inevitable that, became an important historical figure in his re- into documenting the ways in which institutional- to argue that the high egalitarianism recorded by
while representing the latter, the former would on gion. Even though Chona Mupati was never pos- ized inequality was frequently legitimized in hier- Colson and others in the mid-20 th century was the
occasion become influential leaders in society. Early sessed by basangu directly, he was venerated "be- archical African societies through the manipula- result either of British control or of an anthropo-
historic evidence from nearby groups suggests that cause he dreamed and so was like someone who is tion of ritual. Given a widespread model of ine- logical interest in theoretically contrasting the
they may have even held brief but significant entered by basangu" (Colson 1991:9). Inasmuch as quality employed in surrounding complex societ- 'simple and egalitarian' with the 'complex and in-
amounts of social power. Smith and Dale (1968 vol. the use of medicine was also associated with a con- ies, one must consider the degree to which aggran- egalitarianAfrican societies. Both the traditional
2:141) also reported for instance that: nection to the basangu, the medicine man and the dizingindividuals may have strove to institute this egalitarian and the more recent hierarchical inter-
As the mouthpieces of the divinities they [the prophet appear to have been conceived in terms of model within early historic Tonga society. pretation of Tonga society have been suggested
prophets) are legislators ofthe community and, the same, or at least a very similar, social role. On a cosmological level, the basangu spirits based upon what is essentially the same data, sug-
generally speaking, they receive a great deal of Ultimately, we must also face the reality that as represented a latent potential for centralization gesting the problem is not entirely an empirical
credit. Sometimes the message they deliver is the British formalized chiefly rule in Tongaland, through their ability to influence the ecology of a one. Rather, it appears to be in part a matter of
harmless enough, sometimes it is distinctly they simultaneously exerted pressure to dissoci- region. However, because they were not directly perspective-dependent upon whether one focus-
good, but sometimes it is noxious. The word of ate ritual from political power, a pressure that was tied to a particular matrilineal group, any prophet es on general patterns or on the exceptions to those
the prophet is sufficient to condemn to death noted by Tonga leaders themselves (e.g., Colson might claim to be possessed by a basangu from patterns. With respect to the goals of the present
for witchcraft a perfectly innocent man or wom- 1991:48). The persistent bond between mediumship anywhere in Tongaland or beyond. The central volume, the problem can be rephrased by instead
an. And such is the extraordinary credulity of and political rule throughout the early historic problem for a would-be chief, then, was how to gain posing the following questions: (1) in which do-
the people that often they will destroy their period, therefore suggests a very strong relation- privileges and legitimate rights of unique access to mains or aspects were the Tonga egalitarian or
grain or their cattle at the bidding ofa prophet. ship indeed. the regional power of certain basangu, to whom inegalitarian, and (2) in what ways did these op-
While Colson did not find such a degree of power everyone (and notjust his or her matrilineal group) posing principles manifest over time in Tonga his-
among Tonga prophets of the 1940's and 50's, Regional Rain-Shrine Cults as was beholden. Here the exceptions in Tonga lead- tory. To answer these questions we must look more
Livingstone's (1963) experiences in the mid 19t h Historical Paths Towards ership become very interesting as opposed to the closely at the social role of prominent prophets such
century do suggest that this situation was proba- Centralization and Institutionalized norms discussed above. A number of recent re- as Monze throughout the early historic period.
bly also the case in Tongaland prior to the solidifi- Inequality searchers have, in fact, challenged Colson's por- By most accounts, the Monze cult began in the
cation of British rule. trayal of the Tonga's decentralized politics, point- first halfof the 19 th century? when the initial Monze
Regardless, the openness of spirit medium- There is "a deep-seated tendency among the ing to certain exceptional shrine cults as evidence moved onto the plateau where he was possessed
ship in Tonga society clearly did heavily restrict a Tonga to equate rain rituals with political of incipient political centralization at a regional and became a highly successful prophet (Colson
prophet's ability to both accrue and maintain so- integration." (Colson 1968:161) level (e.g., O'Brien 1982, O'Brien and O'Brien 1996, 1969:74). Monze appears to have developed au-
cial power. Anyone could conceivably be possessed Werbner 1977:xvi, van Binsbergen 1981). In the thority based upon his ability to make rain and
by any of the basangu, and in the case of a spirit As we have just seen, the Tonga cosmological remainder of this chapter I will turn to examine heal in the manner of other Tonga prophets-com-
that was viewed as especially potent, it was com- system included two major types of spirits-one what light these seemingly anomalous cases may ing to be known among British missionaries as the
mon for many prophets across the region to be closely tied to the immediate concerns of the shed on the historical development of Tonga soci- "wizard of the north" (Saha 1994:53). Using oral
possessed by that same basangu (Colson 1969). matriline and a second tied to the ecological and ety as a whole. histories recorded both by themselves in the 1970's
The influence and prestige of individual prophets social concerns of a geographically based commu- and 80's and by Jesuits in the early 1900's, the
tended therefore to be fleeting. Prophets had im- nity. These two types of spirits controlled the af- The problem of the Monze rain cult O'Briens (1996) have summarized some ofthe prob-
portant social roles during times of ecological cri- fairs of different social groups and so led to the able events in the development of the cult after
sis and in some cases even received material gifts. existence of two distinct avenues toward social In doing so, one case in particular emerges as this initial prophet. Following the death of the first
However, such importance largely disappeared power for would be leaders. Each avenue in turn the most influential in the recent reevaluation of Monze, they report, "the people [ofhis village] dis-
once either (1) conditions improved and the proph- had its own structural limitations that put a ceil- Tonga egalitarianism-that of the Monze cult cen- persed because there was no chief." Then another
et was no longer needed or (2) bad conditions con- ing on the fund of power that might be accrued by tered on the Batoka Plateau. The term Monze (as man, known as Mayaba (see also Saha 1994:25),
tinued or worsened such that the petitioner's lost a particular individual and his or her successors in the case of other shrine cults) has been used to was brought into the region of the initial Monze
faith in the efficacy ofthe prophet and his or her over time. The cosmological system thus tended to refer on one hand to a particular Tonga basangu, and married into the local community.
spirit. discourage the emergence of strong, centralized but also to the prophets who were the mediums of Mayaba...was penetrated bythe rainbow in his
Finally, it must also be noted that formal leadership while simultaneously reinforcing the that spirit as well to the overriding cult that sur- house, then he became a prophet, the people
mediumship was not the exclusive means by which social cohesion that resulted from the cross-cut- rounded the spirit's shrine. The first reference to came to acclaim him as such, then Mayaba de-
an individual might exhibit a special relationship ting of matrilineages and neighborhood groups. the cult comes from Livingstone in the 1850's. While clared "I am Monzewho went to heaven." Then
with the spirit world of the community. Important Individuals competed for power but rarely were traveling across the plateau, Livingstone passed the rain fell in abundance. ("The Old Monze"
leaders in Tonga society were also frequently con- able to develop a deep support base. through the region inhabited by Monze, whom he file,as quoted in O'Brien and O'Brien 1996:530)
sideredto be powerful medicine men, who-through On one hand, the early historic Tonga cosmo- reported was "considered the chiefof all the Batoka Mayaba, thus, became possessed by Monze who by
the production and use of special medicines-were logical order-like the social system in general- [i.e., Tonga] we have seen" (1899:475). Monze's that time had become a viable basangu. Especially
able to affect the world in ways that directly ben- may have been constructed and manipulated over village was located near a hill from which significant is the fact that this was not possession
efited the community. For example, one well-known time in reaction to and as a rejection of the cosmo- Livingstone also noted that there was a good view by a generalized spirit, but rather by one that would
neighborhood leader in the mid 19 t h century, Chief logical hierarchy present in the systems of reli- of the surrounding territory, and it is tempting to have had a recognized association with a particu-
Chona Mupati, was able to protect his people from giously-based leadership among some surround- view this as the seat of regional leadership. lar matrilineal group.

84 85
Severin M. Fowles 5. Inequality and Egalitarian Rebellion

After Monze Mayaba, a succession of other Clearly Monze and his matrilineal group were institutionalized leadership or 'chiefly' positions Plateau (e.g., Livingstone 1865:220). Regarding the
prophets continued the tradition of Monze relatively important leaders in Tonga society, but for the newly defined governmental districts. Monze mid-1900's, Colson makes note of Monze's influ-
mediumship, each building off of their predeces- how much power did they actually have? It is dif- was formally established as chief of his district, ence as well, but also highlights the rival impor-
sor's renown (O'Brien and O'Brien 1996:532). Why ficult to find tangible examples of Monze's power and when the British further lumped all the Tonga tance of a female prophet known as Chibwe from
the Monze prophets were considered to be so effec- in the existing literature. There was, however, one into a single, large administrative unit, Colson the 1940's to the 1960's (Colson 1958:34). Numer-
tive throughout this period can, in part, be ex- point in the early 20 t h century when Monze moved (1968:96) notes that "Monze [was] recognized, with ous other regionally significant prophets have been
plained by their advantageous geographic position. his village 20 miles into another preexisting neigh- many reservations, as senior chief." documented during the 20 t h century both within
For example, when Livingstone entered the region borhood community. At the arrival of Monze, the On the surface, this picture ofthe early histor- Tongaland proper and among neighboring groups
in the 1850's, the Tonga traveling with him noted community gave up its existing rain ritual and local ic Monze cult is at odds with the highly egalitarian (Werbner 1977).
when scaling the escarpment that "no one .~ver dies ritual leadership in order to follow that of Monze system discussed at the start of the paper. In the Even ifMonze was but one among a number of
of hunger here" (Livingstone 1899:458). All the (Colson 1968:152). This development is particu- late 19 t h century, the Monze referred to by shrine cults that served a wide regional population
major rain shrines were on the escarpment, a re- larly interesting because it runs counter to the Livingstone was clearly a male ritual leader who during the early historic period, the interesting
gion characterized by high precipitation. And general Tonga pattern that ritual leadership is had great influence at least in the region surround- questions still remain. How did the cult and the
Monze's village was in an area of particularly plen- properly due to the first to arrive in an area (Colson ing him. And he had significant social power inas- leaders within it manage to attain and hold onto a
tiful rainfall (Livingstone 1899:477), an observa- 1958:30-31), and it suggests that the cult had the much as his pronouncements caused other Tonga degree of ritual seniority for a number of genera-
tion that undoubtedly would have made a strong power and authority to supplant local ritual tradi- to engage in activities in which they would not tions, given the underlying egalitarian ethic of the
impression on the Tonga, given the highly variable tions-at least in nearby neighborhoods. otherwise have engaged. society as a whole? How did the mediumship of a
rainfall on the Batoka Plateau generally. The more O'Brien (1983) has further pointed to one event But Monze was not an individual prophet who particular basangu become tied to a matriline to
predictable rainfall along the escarpment would 1903 that he takes as evidence ofthe emergence of had simply been possessed one day by a basangu in create a relatively institutionalized position ofrit-
have stood as visible testimony to the efficacy of significant political power. During this period, the the normative fashion discussed in the previous ualleadership? At the largest level, the analytic
the basangu who were based there-Monze includ- British South Africa Company had just taken for- section. Livingstone's Monze was part of a large challenge is to understand how one might resolve
ed. The Monze prophets also appear to have devel- mal control of Tongaland and the Tonga were at kin group that took active roles in the ritual lead- the largely egalitarian system encountered by
oped their positions ofinfluence on occasion through risk of being placed by the British under the lead- ership of the region. Indeed, in Livingstone's writ- Colson with the suggestions of institutionalized
their organization ofthe Tonga in opposition to the ership of the neighboring Lozi kingdom. In an ef- ings both Monze's wife and sister appear at times religious (and at times more strictly political) lead-
incursions of neighboring groups. In at least one fort to assert that he was in fact a legitimate ruler to have held equally influential leadership roles. ership positions such as that of Monze.
recorded case, the Monze cult was central in an of his people, Monze Ncete took it upon himself to For example, while brandishing a battle-axe in a To understand the multi-generational devel-
attempt to ally the Tonga with Ndebele to fend off collect the British-imposed tax, ostensibly in order clear show offorce, Monze's wife formally greeted opment of ritual leadership in historic Tonga soci-
the Lozi whose raids had been intensifying during to travel to England to petition for his right to lead- Livingstone along side her husband at their first ety, we must first look to the careers of individual
the late 19 th century (O'Brien 1983:26, see also ership over the Tonga people (see also Saha meeting. And when Livingstone again set upon his leaders. Luckily, Colson (1969) has described the
Colson 1950). 1994:26). While this plan was ultimately foiled by travels following the visit, it was Monze's sister path towards basangu mediumship in some detail.
The O'Briens (1996:532) note that the most the Lozi, Monze Ncete had enough clout to collect who ordered ahead that there might be food for the
interesting development in the Monze cult from a 623 pounds sterling (a sizeable sum of money from European in more distant villages." The important The historical effects ofprophets
structural perspective, however, was associated the people in his district) and this, by itself, does point is that the Monze shrine-cult-as an institu-
with the reign of Monze Ncete at the start of the suggest that he possessed a certain degree o:(.re- tion-appears not to have been the soul domain of A prophet or spirit medium's career began with
20 th century. While we cannot fully assess the re- gional authority (O'Brien 1983). an individual 'Monze', but rather of a kin group, all an initial possession experience, over which the
gional significance of the cult during this period, It was also the case that throughout the 20 th of whose members had an investment in the re- individual was not considered to have any direct
Fr. Moreau described Monze Ncete as a "fairly big century delegations from other Tonga regions on nown and influence of the cult. control. This experience might occur during child-
chief' in 1902 (as quoted in Saha 1994:52), who the Plateau and in the Gwembe Valley, as well as There are also a number of indicators that the hood or as an adult. In Tonga thought, possession
was 'big' enough at least to be viewed as a rebel- from surrounding peoples such as the Ila, Sala, influence ofthe cult may not have been as uniform was an act of agency by a spirit, and the living
lious threat to the British South Africa Company and Lozi, recognized the potency ofthe Monze cult and widespread as some have suggested. For ex- prophet was not considered deserving of any spe-
(Saha 1994:43). Ncete appears to have been cho- and came to its shrine to ask for rain. In the 1940's ample, the Monze shrine never came to be viewed cial respect simply based upon the fact that he or
sen by the Monze matrilineal group to become the Colson (1968:154) found that "[t]he floor of the as the paramount shrine hierarchically related to she had become a receptacle for that spirit agent.
successor of the former prophet. He was taken into Monze shrine [was] covered with hoe-blades paid a series oflocal, lesser shrines (Colson 1962:87), as When an individual was first possessed by a
a hut, symbolically taking over the 'chieftaincy'. as fines" by such groups for offences made during was the case among some neighboring peoples (e.g., basangu, members of the local community assem-
Only after accepting this position was Ncete then rain rituals or harvest ceremonies (see also O'Brien Garbett 1967; Bourdillon 1982). While considered bled to clap in appreciation for the spirit's visit and
possessed by the Monze basangu. As the O'Briens and O'Brien 1996:533). While at this time the to be especially potent, it does not appear to have to hear what predictions and/or demands the spir-
observe, this formal inheritance clearly represents Monze shrine was composed simply ofa small struc- been structurally different from any other. it had come to make. In addressing the communi-
a shift away from an emphasis on the Monze proph- ture called a kaanda, it was physically the largest Gluckman (1965: 116) also questions Monze's pow- ty, the new prophet took on the role of a public
et as medium of an important spirit and toward an such shrine in Tongaland (Colson 1968:156). Fur- er given his apparent inability to protect the trav- resource through which community members
emphasis on Monze as an institutionalized social thermore, the shrine itself did not merely house eler and hunter Selous (1893) from a neighboring might seek counsel with the controlling spirits in
position, only secondarily legitimized through its the Monze spirit, but also appears to have included group of Tonga who were out to get him. Further- times of ecological hardship. The prophet might
ties to the spirit world. Nonetheless, Ncete did the physical graves of past Monze prophets (Saha more, while Livingstone does note the regional also at this time demand the construction ofa local
ultimately become known as a great healer in times 1994:53). A final statement of the regional impor- influence ofthe cult, it is also true that Monze was shrine to house his or her spirit ifnone was already
of sickness (Saha 1994:26). tance of the Monze cult came when the British not the only 'chief in the 1850's on the Batoka in existence (Colson 1968:157).

86 87
Severin M. Fowles 5. Inequality and Egalitarian Rebellion

Over the course of the prophet's life, then, he life span depending on their particular mix of cha- ing matrilineal group of the deceased prophet sud- have been one route by which individuals and kin
or she competed with other local prophets for the risma, luck, and social perceptiveness. denly obtained a basis for linking itself with not groups sought to institutionalize their right to rule.
attention of the surrounding community. De- When a prophet died, the rain shrine (sjhe had only the basangu ofthe prophet, but also with the
mands-ostensibly from the spirit world-for rit- set up might continue to function, and in such cas- basangu who had possessed that spirit during his Discussion
ual modification or for greater attention to the lo- es the prophet's matrilineal group would assume or her lifetime. Colson (1968:157) notes that the
cal shrines would be made to alleviate poor weath- the custodianship duties of the shrine. The death Monze rain shrine was one case in which such a Leadership cycles and egalitarian
er patterns. As noted above, success as a religious of a successful prophet, however, was also an occa- ritual coalescence occurred. Given this, theconfu- rebellions
leader in this competition was based almost en- sion for the institution of a second shrine, the lat- sion that exists in the literature over what and
tirely on the accuracy of predictions and on the ter as a home for the spirit of the prophet himself, who the term 'Monze' represents begins to make Had the British not intervened, might Monze
efficacy of the proscriptions demanded. ~y neces- for in dying the prophet brought into existence a some sense. Monze was at once (1) an original and or one of its rival cults have developed into some-
sarily grounding a prophet's reputation in the va- new basangu (see Colson 1991:22). As a basangu, powerful prophet ofthe early 19th century, (2) the thing more akin to the divine kingship found else-
garies of the local and regional weather patterns, the prophet then became one of the forces that basangu who possessed that prophet, (3) the where in Southern Africa (Netting 1982)? Might
limitations were undoubtedly set on the public's affected the natural world and might potentially mizimu / basangu of that prophet, and (4) the suc- the Monze matrilineal group have succeeded in
potential confidence in the powers of a prophet and possess other individuals throughout Tongaland cessive ritual leaders who inherited and were po- enhancing their ritual authority with some sort of
his basangu. As noted earlier, this achievement- and beyond. This, then, was the basic life trajecto- tentially possessed by the mizimu / basangu of the institutionalized political authority in a manner
based model did tend, however, to privilege those ry of the prophet. In order to address the question prophet. Together, these elements comprised a cult comparable to the way Polynesian elites solidified
prophets living in the Escarpment region where of how a cult such as that controlled by the Monze with regional influence whose power was based at and legitimized their political rule through a mo-
rainfall was highest. matrilineal group could develop and perpetuate the Monze shrine. Members ofthe matrilineal group nopolization of mana (Goldman 1970)? While re-
Furthermore, even ifthe rains came as needed over multiple generations, however, we must in- had a vested interest in promoting the ritual im- cent accounts of the Monze cult during the early
and a prophet's reputation were to grow, it was not vestigate what potential for inheritance existed in portance ofthe shrine cult because through it their colonial period might lead one to this conclusion, it
necessarily always the case that his or her social this system. status in society at large was enhanced. Over time, is important to remember that accounts of the past
prestige would grow accordingly. Colson notes that With respect to the problem of inheritance, it the prestige of each successive Monze appears to tend to reflect the political goals of the present.
"[pleople are very clear that they respect spirit is particularly interesting to find that Colson has have accrued within the cult itself resulting in a Colson (1996) makes clear, for example, that many
rather than medium. It is only when they are con- made note of cases in which a shrine established form of feedback loop. Tonga in the late 20 th century have desired to in-
cerned with the former that they are prepared to for a deceased prophet is merged into the shrine of Other examples following this pattern can also vent for themselves a history of strong chiefly rule
clap before the latter" (Colson 1969:77). This sen- the basangu for whom that prophet was a medium. be noted, not only in other Tonga neighborhoods that would elevate their own past to the same level
timent, in essence, preserved the high egalitarian At such shrines, "both basangu will be appealed to (e.g. Colson 1991), but also among neighboring as that of the centralized and strongly hierarchical
ethic despite the obviously critical role ofthe proph- at the same time and place" (Colson 1968:157). peoples. The Goba-a closely related group living groups elsewhere in Zambia. The histories ofchiefs
et as 'rain-maker' in Tonga society. In most in- The structural significance of such a situation is along the Zambezijust to the east-also maintain such as Monze based upon the modern accounts
stances, the prophet lived no differently than any that it appears to have created an avenue by which in their oral history that a powerful and well known must take this problem into consideration.
other Tonga individuals and (s)he was not consid- kin groups could gain a degree of privilege in re- female prophet known as Kasamba was asked by At a deeper level of analysis, however, it also
ered to be endowed with special powers. Rather, gional religious decision-making. Indeed, when a warring groups along the Zambezi to migrate down appears that Tonga cosmology was in fact con-
the prophet was simply a vehicle through which successful prophet died, (slhe entered the spirit from the Batoka Plateau and bring peace through sciously structured so as to block exactly the pos-
the powerful spirits expressed their desires. world in two forms. On one hand, the her ritual leadership. Kasamba was apparently sibility ofsignificant ritually-based inequality. Con-
Nevertheless, in some cases it is clear that a came a mizimu or ancestral spirit of a particular successful in this task and after death her rain sider, for example, the very different case of the
significant degree of social prestige did develop matrilineal group. As a mizimu, the deceased shrine and basangu continued to be used as a cen- Bemba amongwhom powerful chiefs passed on both
despite this egalitarian attitude. The case ofMonze prophet both continued to affect the lives of his or ter of power through which succeeding leaders their own personal qualities as well as their su-
'the great rain-maker', introduced earlier, is the her relatives and might act as the guardian spirit sought to legitimize their social positions preme ecological influence to a successor. There,
most frequently noted example among the Tonga. for particular individuals within the kin group who (Lancaster 1981:16-7). In this case, we find once chiefly power was both inherited and naturalized-
Among the closely related Ila, Smith and Dale (1968 also stood to inherit the prophet's powers. On the again that a successful prophet's career might very different from the pragmatic attitude of the
vol. 2:147-50) also describe the path by which the other hand, an important prophet also brought into have multigenerational resonance and that the Tonga who acknowledged a prophet's efficacy
prophet Mupumani gained regional renown and existence a basangu or generalized spirit that had leadership of a prophet was at times solicited to only after seeing some semblance of 'proof in the
importance in 1913. Mupumani grew in populari- the potential to affect any and all matrilineal groups influence the greater political world. This tradi- material world. Richards (1970:98) notes that
ty through a series of natural occurrences that throughout Tongaland. In a sense then, the death tion has been noted in the general region through- Bemba leadership operated under the concept that
dovetailed nicely with his messages, a happy out- of an important prophet held the potential to com- out the historic period and was dramatically seen a chiefs "ill health or death, his pleasure or dis-
come that probably did encourage an underlying bine the inheritability of the matrilineally based in the role ofShona prophets during the Zimbabwe pleasure, his blessings or curses [would necessar-
notion that he himself had certain powers. Other mizimu with the community influence and power struggle for liberation in the latter half of the 20 th ily] affect the prosperity of the people."
examples might be included (e.g., Lancaster of the generalized basangu, century (Lan 1990). But such an intricate and de facto connection
1981:16). This situation, however, also had its flip This situation becomes even more complicated The processes by which political centralization between the position of the leader and the ecolog-
side. Just as ecological happenstance might boost as we turn to consider the structural implications and institutionalized inequality developed and ical world was essentially prohibited by Tonga
a religious leader's power, so too might a major of the coalescence of the shrine of the deceased amplified over time in south-central Africa were cosmology. While not dissimilar notions of power
drought or some other calamity destroy a leader's prophet with that of his former basangu. In such probably variable. The cases of Monze and other and inheritance did exist, they were importantly
reputation. Prophets, therefore, tended to wax and cases, it appears that the distinction between the Tonga prophets, however, reveal that the merger bifurcated into two separate spheres: the mizimu
wane in influence and popularity throughout their powers of the two spirits blurred, and the surviv- of generalized spirits with specific ancestors may and the basangu. As noted above, mizimu, because

88 89
Severin M. Fowles 5. Inequality and Egalitarian Rebellion

they were directly ancestral to matrilineal groups, sonally keep the livestock, hoes, and other offer- On the other hand, the periodic lower-level tion in anthropology generally that to understand
were the spirits that could be inherited specifically ings given to the basangu at a particular shrine as rebellions among the Tonga and, I suspect, many the potential steps in social evolution one must
within a kin group. However, the influence ofthe compensation for ritual transgressions, such as other tribal societies were of a qualitatively differ- look to those societies that are in some sense 'pris-
mizimic was also restricted to that kin group, effec- fighting during the period surrounding the rain ent nature. Egalitarian rebellions in such societies tine' or 'traditional'. Working under such a para-
tively prohibiting their use in the larger political festival. Given the small step between such pay- were structural corrections that reasserted egali- digm, the Tonga would hold little relevance to an
sphere. The basangu, on the other hand, did have ments and a form of ritually sanctioned tribute, it tarianism when this ethic has been broached. Chal- evolutionary discussion oftribal society due to their
regional ecological influence but might potentially is likely that some Tonga leaders periodically had lengers, of course, would always be hidden in the long history of interaction with the more central-
possess an individual from any matrilineal group. aspirations toward a more exploitative leadership brush awaiting their turn, but they would have to ized polities that surrounded them.
In theory, no basangu could be monopolized by an role. The tie to the spirit world and the 'powerful build their own petty empires from the ground up. But such a position is both highly limiting and
elite among the living. ., medicine' thought to be controlled by many of the There was no established position of de facto au- logically suspect. As Leach (1989) has emphasized
The posturing of the Monze matriline and its more important chiefs may have been exploited to thority for the upstart to simply assume. there is not-nor has there ever been-any social
assent to a position of regional leadership in ritual legitimize such claims. We might therefore imagine the trajectory of formation that can legitimately be described as
and (to some degree) politics, however, provide an Disputes over leadership positions and at- Tonga society as vacillating over time. As leader- 'traditional'. All societies are responses to a com-
intriguing example of how some individuals cre- tempts to take advantage of others materially were ship tended toward centralization and inequality plex mix of social, ecological, and historical pres-
atively navigated through the cosmological struc- indeed ever present in Tongaland (e.g., disputes became institutionalized under leaders such as sures. Just as it would be absurd to argue that the
ture in such a manner as to raise the status of recorded in Colson 1962:102-121, 1991). While it Monze, the stage was periodically set for egalitar- Natufian societies of the Levant became non-tra-
themselves and their matrilineal group. These may yet be appropriate to describe the Tonga as ian revolts which ushered in greater political equi- ditional after the domestication of plants, or that
aggrandizers successfully found-and to a point egalitarian, this is not because each individual ty (at least in principle) for a period of time, brief the Paleo-Indian of the New World became non-
were able to exploit-egalitarian 'loop-holes', merg- simply respected the rights of all others and acted though it may be. Such trajectories appear to have traditional as they confronted the rapid extinction
ing matrilineal inheritance with the geographical- accordingly. Examples such as the Monze chief- been present on a number oflevels. (1) Individual of the megafauna herds, so too would it be wrong
ly based power of the basangu to open a pathway tainship discussed above attest to the fact that at headmen pushed the limits of control within their to a priori dismiss the Tonga from theoretical con-
toward centralized inequality. The potential ofthis least some Tonga were quite willing to assume local communities bringing about village or com- sideration because of a few aggressors next door.
particular pathway rested in its superficial con- leadership positions in those domains and during munityfission as former members 'voted with their In every case, whether the impinging force is envi-
cordance with the structure of Tonga life. It nei- those historic periods when they could get away feet'. These cycles appear to have been a nearly ronmental, technological, or social, the nature of
ther curtailed the residential mobility that was with them. Rather, Tonga egalitarianism was more ever-present short-term drama that in Tonga soci- the response is the subject of interest.
critical to the Plateau Tonga's economic adapta- of an elaborate stalemate within a society in which ety had very little intergenerational effect. (2) In A more important point with respect to the
tion, nor did it immediately violate the egalitarian each individual or matrilineal group was quick to some cases, however, strong ritual leaders were present volume is that the dynamics that drove
ethic that underwrote many of the Tonga's actions. protest any abuse or lack ofrespect done unto them. able to build off of their matrilineal predecessors to Tonga history must have been present on some
Prophets-however influential-were still consid- Witchcraft accusations, village desertion, simple further their own fund of power on a regional level. level during the social evolution of non-state con-
ered to be mere vehicles through which the power- insubordination and the like, were means that As long as the rains (or their warnings of no rain) texts throughout the world. The egalitarian ethic
ful spirits passed. Unlike the Bemba, the Tonga individuals had at their disposal with which to held, certain shrine cults and the leaders associat- so central to our intuitive definition of band and
'chief may have been associated with powerful counter those who would attempt to control them ed with them might develop a wide following and tribal-level societies (i.e., those societies thought
agents, but (slhe was not considered to be in pos- from within the society. begin to reap benefits, both moral and, to a degree, to be structurally most similar to the starting points
session of significant personal power over the en- Such protests may be contrasted with what material. It is clear that such shrine cults at times of social evolution) is, of course, inherently reac-
vironment. Gluckman (1965:137) referred to as 'rebellions' did maintain their reputation and regional influ- tionary. There could not have been a rationale for
Van Binsbergen (1981) has further noted that among more highly centralized societies with pow- ence for multiple generations. (3) Finally, over the dogmatically asserting social equality either dur-
while the Ila and Tonga have historically avoided erful chiefs. Gluckman noted that in the latter long term, we must also acknowledge that the ing our evolutionary beginnings or in more recent
the institutionalization of strong political inequal- contexts it is common for paramount chiefs to be Tonga social context itself appears to have devel- non-state social contexts if significant social ine-
ity, this was not due to an absence of attempts repeatedly challenged and overthrown, creating a oped as a broad-based egalitarian rebellion of sorts quality were not previously (or simultaneously)
along those lines. Strong leaders from the Luba/ distinctive pattern of chiefly flux over time. Impor- in which a number of south-central African peo- known and feared.
Lunda region to the north appear to have period- tantly, however, these patterns typically do not ples sought refuge from the strongly centralized On this point, it is also interesting to find that
ically entered the region with the intent to build involve structural modifications in these societies. and exploitative power in nearby kingdoms. similar problems are currently being debated in
and establish control over centralized polities among Almost never do such rebellions take the form of the anthropology of tribal societies in other parts
the local groups. However, these attempts either popular uprisings to challenge the position of the The Tonga in comparative perspective of the world. In discussing Hopi ethnography and
ended in the expulsion ofthe would-be conquerors chief. Instead, they represent efforts by incum- ethnohistory, for example, Whiteley (1998:82) has
or their assimilation into the more egalitarian bents to insert themselves into leadership roles The latter suggestion having been made, it recently grappled with the problem of why this
TongaJIla social matrix (van Binsbergen 1981: 130- that themselves remain largely unchanged-sub- should be clearly stated that the intent of the 'tribal' group has long been described as egalitar-
2). It is not that the Tonga preferred local kings. stitutions merely of the fillers of positions rather present analysis is not to simply reiterate Fried's ian by some and highly stratified by others. He
They simply would not put up with any at all. than any sort of structural change to the system (1968,1975, see also Whitehead 1992) position that concludes that those who would view the Hopi as
Undoubtedly there were points at which ritual itself. The resulting cyclical pattern of competition 'tribal society'-traditionally conceptualized-bet- egalitarian are ignoring 'religious' power in favor
leaders within Tonga society also attempted to and overthrow may be indicative of chiefdoms ter describes a series of secondary reactions to the of an analysis based in material inequalities. Plog
advantage themselves economically. Smith and and kingdoms in many parts ofthe world as much presence of the state than it does the evolutionari- (1995) tackles this same problem in the Southwest-
Dale (1968:305-7), for instance, note that among archaeological and ethnohistorical research has re- ly prior 'tribes' that may have led towards state ern literature more broadly, concluding that from
the Ila some prophet/chiefs were permitted to per- vealed. development. There has been, ofcourse, an assump- a diachronic perspective Pueblo societies must be

90 91
Severin M. Fowles 5. Inequality and Egalitarian Rebellion

viewed as having "both egalitarian and hierarchi- ty-Ievelleadership positions in tribal contexts have 3 British institutionalization of the position of the Alexander, Jocelyn and Terence Ranger
cal aspects," each of which appear to have mani- come to be viewed as necessarily grounded in con- headman probably enhanced its desirability (Colson 1998 Competition and Integration in the Reli-
fested more strongly at certain periods over time sensus and democratic representation. In so do- per. com. 2000), but the manner in which headman- gious HistoryofNorth-WesternZimbabwe.
(see also Brandt 1994; McGuire and Saitta 1996; ing, egalitarianism becomes roughly equated with ship was competed over can be taken as indicative Journal ofReligion in Africa 18(1):3-31.
Feinman et al. 2000; Mills 2000; Adler this vol- a measure ofon-the-ground decision-making equal- of native modes of competition and posturing. Bourdillon, M. F. C.
ume, Chapter 9). ity, and the stage is set for this trait-list definition 4 Hopgood (1950:68) suggests, in fact, that when 1982 Freedom and Constraint Among Shona
Both the Tonga and the Pueblo data further of tribe to be up-rooted each time a presumably one also considers the position of the Tonga notion Spirit Mediums. In Religious Organiza-
suggest that periodic ritual leadership may be 'tribal' group can be demonstrated to have indulged of God (or Leza), the cosmological system itself tion and Religious Experience, edited by
exploited as a powerful source ofpotential inequal- in a relatively high-level of decision-making ine- might be viewed as one with hierarchically ordered J. Davis, pp. 181-94. A.S.A. Monograph
ity in societies in which unmediated economic and quality. Thus we also find in the archaeology of chiefly offices. 21. Academic Press, New York.
political inequalities are not tolerated. Such ritual many parts of the world a recent tendency to ques- 5 These two types of spirits have been described for Blake, Michael and John E. Clark
leadership also reveals that the contention that tion whether this or that 'tribal' society was, in the closely related Ila peoples by Smith and Dale 1999 The Emergence of Hereditary Inequality:
'tribal' or simple stateless societies are organized fact, a chiefdom or even a state (e.g., Creamer and (1968) as 'personal and family divinities' and 'com- the Case of Pacific Coastal Chiapas, Mex-
principally by kinship relations-a contention of Haas 1998, Malville n.d.). munal divinities' respectively. ico.In Pacific LatinAmerica in Prehistory,
long-standing in anthropology (Maine 1954; Beyond the obvious limitations to such an over- 6 This same ecologically driven pattern is also found edited by Michael Blake, pp. 55-73.
MacIver 1947)-is inaccurate. Many different and ly typological approach, the more specific problem to a degree among related groups to the south of Brandt, Elizabeth A.
potentially opposed ethnic groups in south-central has been clear for some time: egalitarianism does the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe (Alexander and 1994 Egalitarianism, Hierarchy, and Central-
Africa were known to use the same shrine cult from not necessarily imply equality in any given social Ranger 1998). ization in the Pueblos. In The Ancient
time to time, creating a ritual community that sphere. Egalitarianism is an ethic or sentiment 7 O'Brien and O'Brien (1996), however, have re- Southwestern Community: Models and
overlapped smaller political boundaries. The Monze that at times may merely be a facade hiding signif- viewed oral history documents in the Jesuit Ar- Methods for the Study ofPrehistoric So-
shrine, for example, was used by numerous groups icant underlying inequalities. Furthermore, it is chives in Lusaka which, they suggest, indicate an cial Organization, edited byW. H. Wills
including Lozi leaders who were simultaneously an ethic that is inherently reactionary, implying early 18 th century origin for the cult. and Robert D. Leonard, pp. 9-23. Univer-
busy raiding Tonga communities for their cattle. that significant decision-making inequality has 8 Colson (per. com. 2000) notes that although sity of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
In the Puebloan world, the regional Chaco 'cult' of been previously known and rejected, and that it Monze's wife would have of necessity belonged to Brison, Karen J.
the 11 th and 12 th centuries may have originated also continues to pose a social threat. In this sense, a different matrilineal group, she may have been 1989 All Talk and No Action? Saying and Do-
along a similar trajectory in which the ritual com- egalitarianism implies the historical presence of assuming the role of a ritual wife or may have been ing in Kwanga Meetings. Ethnology
munity grew to a scale far larger than any defin- both experienced inequalities at the community a slave assimilated into the matriline ofher owner/ 28(2):97-115.
able political community. level and an at least superficial equality born out husband. Colson, Elizabeth
That the Chaco cult appears to have developed of social rebellion. Realistically, this dialectic be- 1948 Rain Shrines of the Plateau Tonga of
a measure of strongly centralized leadership dur- tween the periodic attainment of significant deci- Northern Rhodesia.Africa 18(3):272-283.
ing the century prior to its demise (or, at least, sion-making inequality followed by egalitarian Acknowledgments 1949 Life Among the Cattle-Owning Plateau
decentralization) may also be a sign that the cult rebellion is what we should expect to find in all Tonga: The Material Culture ofa North-
had pushed beyond the bounds of tolerable social social contexts over time on some level as leaders This paper is based entirely on published ma- ern Rhodesia Native Tribe. Rhodes-
inequality. Just as early historic Tonga egalitari- overstep their bounds or experiment with the lim- terial on the Tonga and in particular on Elizabeth Livingstone Museum, Livingstone.
anism may be read as a long-term popular rebel- its of their control. Distinguishing 'tribal' variants Colson's major ethnographic studies during the 1950 A Note on Tonga and Ndebele.Northern
lion against the inequality of surrounding complex ofthis dialectic may depend on our ability to iden- 1940's, 50's and 60's. Many thanks are extended to Rhodesia Journal 2:35-41.
societies, so too might the prehistory of the tify (1) the periodicity of egalitarian rebellions, (2) Dr. Colson both for her prolific publication record 1951 Residence and Village Stability Among
Puebloan world be viewed in part as a response to the threshold beyond which an individual or fac- and for her time taken to discuss the problem of the Plateau Tonga. Human Problems in
the internal development of a hierarchical system tion cannot step without eliciting outward social Tonga egalitarianism with an archaeology student British Central Africa. Rhodes-Living-
centered on Chaco. Indeed, as more tribal contexts opposition, and perhaps most importantly (3) of the American Southwest. The paper has also stone Journal 12:41-67.
are examined from a historical standpoint, much whether or not the rebellions have the net effect of benefited from a close reading by Ray Kelly who in 1958 Marriage and the Family among the Pla-
classically 'tribal' socio-political organization will reestablishing greater social equity. particular helped contextualize the Tonga materi- t~au Tonga ofNorthern Rhodesia. Man-
very likely prove to be nested in larger historical al within the larger anthropological corpus ofwork chester University Press, Manchester.
trajectories involving constant drives toward ine- on egalitarian politics and power relations. 1962 The Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhode-
quality punctuated by periodic egalitarian rebel- Notes sia. Manchester University Press,
lions. Manchester.
1 Throughout the paper the past tense will be used 1967 (1960) Social Organization ofthe Gwembe
Conclusion when describing the early historic Tonga despite References Cited Tonga. Manchester University Press,
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age, or natural ability may be permitted to intro- Gwembe Valley in which a segmentary lineage Tropical Africa. International African Gluckman, pp. 94-162. Oxford Universi-
duce 'low-level' social inequalities, but communi- system was present (Colson 1967:69). Institute, Salisbury. ty Press, London.

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1989 Hierarchy in Simple "Egalitarian" Soci- 1974 Ethnic Identity, History, and "Tribe" in Population Growth: Anthropological York.

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1994 History of the Tonga Chiefs and Their London.
People in the Monze District ofZambia. van Binsbergen, Wim
Peter Lang, New York. 1981 Religious Change in Zambia. KeganPaul 6. The Dynamics of Ethnicity in Tribal Society: A Penobscot
Sahlins, Marsall D. International, Boston.
1961 The Segmentary Lineage: An Organiza- van Binsbergen, Wim and Matthew Schoffeleers Case Study
tion of Predatory Expansion. American 1985 Introduction: Theoretical Explorations in
Anthropologist 63:332-45. African Religion. In Theoretical Explo-
1966 (1963) Poor Man, Rich Man, Big Man, rations in African Religion, edited by W.
Dean Snow
Chief: Political Types in Melanesia and van Binsbergen and M. Schoffeleers, pp.
Polynesia. InReadings in Australian and 1-49. KPI, Boston.
Paci{icAnthropology, edited by I. Hogbin Vansina, Jan
and L.R Hiatt, pp. 159-179. Cambridge 1968 Kingdoms ofthe Savanna. University of Introduction ship has long been required by Maine. The
University Press, New York. Wisconsin Press, Madison. Penobscots persist as a corporate group, albeit one
1968 Tribesmen. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Werbner,Richard Archaeology needs to find a useful definition that is embedded within a larger state society with
Cliffs, NJ. 1977 Introduction. In Regional Cults, edited oftribal societies, one that neither misrepresents a multitude of economic, social, religious, and po-
Selous, Frederick Courteney by RP. Werbner. AS.A Monograph 16. by oversimplification nor depends upon exhaus- liticallinkages with many other groups. Penobscot
1893 Travel and Adventure in South East Af- Academic Press, London. tive elimination of everything they are not. Most leaders have long been mindful that group identity
rica. R Ward and Co., London. Whitehead, Neil L. archaeologists would accept a general definition depends upon several things. One of these is out-
Smaldone, Joseph P. 1992 Tribes Make States and States Make of tribes as "small-scale, sedentary, and non-hi- side recognition ofthe Penobscot nation as a legit-
1979 Historical Setting. In Zambia, A Coun- Tribes: Warfare and the Creation of Co- erarchical societies." But this really does misrep- imate entity. In this case recognition by the State
try Study, edited by I. Kaplan. The lonial Tribes and States in Northeastern resent by oversimplification. And such a definition of Maine and by the United States are both impor-
American University, Washington, DC. SouthAmerica. In War in the Tribal Zone, is only slightly more useful than one that defines tant. Federal recognition is framed specifically in
Smith, Edwin W. and Andrew Murray Dale edited by R B. Ferguson and N. L. White- tribal societies as all those that are both more com- terms of Penobscot legitimacy as a 'tribe' as in-
1968 (1920) The Ila-SpeakingPeoples ofNorth- head, pp. 127-150. School of Amercian plex than band societies and less complex than tended by Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 3 of the
ern Rhodesia. University Books, New Research Press, Santa Fe. chiefdoms. Constitution of the United States.
York. Whiteley, Peter M. More precise definition is possible. Fowles (this But Penobscot group identity also depends upon
Smith, Michael G. 1988 Deliberate Acts: Changing Hopi Culture volume, Chapter 2) and Parkinson (this volume, internal recognition of particular individuals as
1956 On Segmentary Lineage Systems. Jour- Through the Oraibi Split. University of Chapter 1) observe that that tribes are organized tribal members. If membership were defined too
nal ofthe Royal Anthropological Insti- Arizona Press, Tuscon. according to segmentary principles, and that they narrowly the tribal roll could shrink to extinction
tute 86:39-79. 1998 RethinkingHopi Ethnography. Smithso- are integrated by pan-residential social institu- over time. If it were defined too broadly the tribe
Strathern, A nian Institution Press, Washington. tions. These are two tribal means of ensuring that could grow rapidly, outstrip its resources, and risk
1971 The Rope ofMoka, Big-Men and Ceremo- Woodburn, James a group will be able to organize and sequentially losing group cohesion.
nial Exchange in Mount Hagen, New 1982 Egalitarian Societies. InMan 17:431.51. reorganize itself in a multitude of social arrange- Social groups vary considerably in how they
ments. They are organizational characteristics that define membership. A celibate religious order, like
endow great flexibility. Looked at over time tribal the Shakers, does not allow for endogenous growth
societies are also seen to fragment and recombine through biological reproduction, and must recruit
at a range of spatial and temporal scales. all new members from the outside. A fecund reli-
One can add that while tribal societies tend to gious group, like the Hutterites, might allow only
be based on kinship, their segmentary nature and endogamous biological reproduction and ban re-
frequent migratory episodes often bring groups cruitment and intermarriage altogether. Tribal
together that do not share common descent. In these societies maintain membership practices that
cases clan designations and implied fictive kin- range widely between these extremes.
ship often come into play. It is useful to remember that all societies expe-
rience turnover. New members are admitted and
Penobscot Case Study current members depart. Admission of new mem-
bers involves biological reproduction or recruitment
I turn now to the example of the Penobscot from outside. The latter can be anything from a
nation of Maine, which was a sovereign autochth- passive acceptance of refugees to coercive recruit-
onous tribal society three centuries ago. It still ment ofcaptives. On the other hand, existingmem-
exhibits some tribal features, although circum- bers are lost through death or departure, and the
stances have changed dramatically. It is still small latter can involve anything from voluntary emi-
scale and sedentary. Its members resist hierarchi- gration to expulsion. How a society balances these
cal organization, although elected political leader- factors determines whether it increases or decreas-

96 97
Dean Snow 6. The Dynamics of Ethnicity in Tribal Society: A Penobscot Case Study

es in size. It also determines the proportions of expelled for various reasons. Two tribal groups Thus of 269 people living on the Indian Island pean extraction. Precise computation was beyond
various heritages in the evolving population. might merge into one, or one might split into two reservation at Old Town, Maine in 1900, 97% were Speck's capabilities, and it remains a complex and
The Iroquois nations ofthe seventeenth centu- or more independent groups. Thus demographic ethnic Penobscots. But if we recompute their ag- time-consuming problem even with modern com-
ry maintained their numbers in the face of epidem- dynamism that goes far beyond the processes of gregate fractional ethnicity based on parental puters. His solution was to examine surnames as
ics and warfare by allowing for adoption on a large birth and death is a common characteristic oftribes. ethnicities and fractions of European admixture a means of measuring non-Penobscot inputs to the
scale. Foreigners were adopted both individually Despite these processes (and often while denying reported in the census data we get the percentages Indian Island population. This is a reliable way to
and as groups. Adoption was sometimes coerced, them) tribal societies maintain their continuityover shown in Table 1. The case of Peter Nicola and measure change in the composition ofthe popula-
sometimes voluntary. In most cases the descen- time. The Penobscot case provides a good example several others tells us that even these figures must tion so long as the number of in-marrying males is
dants of the adoptees were considered full mem- of how this works. overstate the Penobscot fraction and understate about equal to the number of in-marrying females.
bers of the adopting nation within three-genera- Genealogical data that I have compiled for the all others. Tribal societies constantly reinvent and The reason for this is related to the Hardy-Weinberg
tions, and links to source populations were lost. In Penobscots going back to the middle ofthe nine- reconstitute themselves in this way, creating sol- law of genetic equilibrium, which is explained in
the twentieth century the Iroquois nations have teenth century suggests that the fractions report- idarity and group cohesion in the face of turnover any good introductory course in biological anthro-
tended to allow only endogenous growth, and ed in the 1900 census generally underestimated that constantly brings in new blood. pology. Consider, for example, a case in which a
matrilineal descent has been the rule. Endogamy the amount of earlier intermarriage with Euro- Frank Speck (1940) was interested in this phe- man has two grandparents that are Penobscot and
has not been required, but while the children of a Americans and other Indian communities. As a nomenon when he did his field work among the two that are Euro-American. It does not matter
member woman and a nonmember man have been general rule, most people know some details about Penobscots in 1915 (Table 2). He missed a few which two have either of those identities, for the
accorded membership, the children of a member their grandparents, but even in societies where marriages and he dealt only with cases where the individual is half Penobscot in any case. Now sup-
man and a nonmember woman have not. The cur- oral tradition is important knowledge about great- married couples were still living on Indian Island. pose that the man marries a woman who also has
rent effects ofthese practices include slow popula- grandparents is usually sketchy. In 1900 many People who married outside the tribe and left the two Penobscot and two Euro-American grandpar-
tion growth and slow growth in fractions of for- Penobscots had lost track of earlier exogamous reservation were apparently not considered at all. ents. Their children will all also be halfPenobscot.
eign background when compared to the Penobscot marriages, and the fractions given to census tak- Sixty percent (81) of the 134 marriages in Surnames generally pass patrilineally. So long as
case. ers underreported it. But this is precisely how trib- Speck's sample involved Penobscots marrying non- males and females have married into the popula-
Penobscot practice was to allow easy adoption al groups maintain continuity ofidentity overtime, Penobscots, either other Indians or people ofEuro- tion in equal proportions, there is a 50% chance
of men and women in the nineteenth century, so even in the face of frequent exogamy.
long as they were ofAmerican Indian descent. This Of those identified as Penobscots in 1900, 70
Table 1. Fractional aggregate identity on Indian Island in 1900.
became more restrictive in the twentieth century, (27%) were listed as having 100% Penobscot heri-
particularly with regard to the adoption of men. tage. But many of the 70 either did not know or Ethnic Identity Aggregate Percentage
However, any child was and is considered a mem- chose to not report the details of their ancestry.
ber so long as one grandparent was a member. No For example, Peter M. Nicola's grandfather, Tomer Penobscot 60.9%
gender preference conditioned this principle. Gen- Nicola, was an Abenaki (specifically Norridgewock) Euro-American (incl. Canadian) 21.1%
erally speaking, Penobscot practice has allowed man who married a Huron woman before settling Micmac 0.6%
for fairly rapid growth. Like many small national at Old Town. Peter's father, Joseph M. Nicola,
societies, the Penobscots have experienced diffi- considered himselfto be Penobscot and that is how Abenaki (incl. Norridgewock) 1.3%
culty finding suitable mates within the group, so his ethnicitywas reported by Peter in 1900. Peter's Malecite 5.5%
intermarriage with outsiders has been common. mother and maternal grandparents were all Passamaquoddy 10.2%
Thus many nonmembers have migrated into the Penobscots, so he reported himself as 100%
Penobscot. But had Peter computed his ethnicity Huron 0.4%
reservation community. However, it is also the case
that the children of successive intermarriages have based on his grandparents' rather than his par- Mohawk 0.2%
ever smaller fractions of Penobscot biological her- ents' identities, he would have reported that he
itage, and they are likely to lose their identities as was half Penobscot, a quarter Norridgewock (or
Penobscots. Members who do not live in or near the Abenaki), and a quarter Huron. There are several Table 2. Penobscots in three generations prior to 1915.
reservation at Old Town, Maine, and who reckon other contemporaneous examples of this process of
their descent from only one or two great-grandpar- ethnic simplification with the passage of genera- Penobscot Marriages with: No. Marriages
ents are likely to appear on the inactive list these tions, a process with which most Americans should
days. Many such people have disappeared from be personally familiar. Penobscot 53
the tribal rolls over the years. At the other end of the identification scale in Euro-American (incl. Canadian) 29
I argue that this kind of dynamic group mem- the 1900 census, there are 30 people (11% of the Micmac 4
bership turnover is typical oftribal societies. While sample) that were listed as ethnic Penobscots even
Abenaki (incl. Norridgewock) 4
some tribes might successfully maintain strict rules though they had no Penobscot heritage at all. Six
of endogamy, most do not. Moreover, migration by of these 30 had one Euro-American parent and a Malecite 14
individuals, families, or larger subsets ofthe tribe few more had a Euro-American grandparent, but Passamaquoddy 30
is a common occurrence. Outsiders are allowed in all of them had at least 50% Indian heritage of
Huron 0
by adoption, or might even be actively recruited. some sort. That qualified them to be considered
Current members might drift away or even be adopted Penobscots. Mohawk 1

98 99
Dean Snow 6. The Dynamics of Ethnicity in Tribal Society: A Penobscot Case Study

that the children will have a Penobscot surname. Changes in the proportions occur for two rea- Table 4. Penobscot fractional ethnic heritages as indicated by surnames.
Thus for the population as a whole, the proportion sons. First, additional inputs through new inter-
of Penobscot surnames is a reasonably good indi- marriages will change the proportions. Second, Penobscot Abenaki European Malecite Passamaquoddy Other Indian Total
cator ofthe aggregate fraction ofPenobscot genetic stochastic variations in such a small sample will 1860 58.6% 6.8% 9.6% 14.1% 9.2% 1.7% 100%
heritage. Counts of non-Penobscot surnames in have some effects. Some families will have only
1870 62.0% 6.6% 10.3% 10.5% 8.6% 2.0% 100%
any year are a reasonably good measure of cumu- daughters and surnames will disappear over time.
lative inputs from other ethnic groups as of those Others will have many sons and their surnames 1880 59.5% 3.4% 11.5% 15.8% 8.9% 1.0% 100%
years. will proliferate even if they are not unusually fer- 1900 50.0% 5.1% 21.0% 11.6% 10.9% 1.5% 100%
Alist compiled in 1942 (Proctor 1942) recorded tile. The surnames of inmarrying females will not 100%
1920 41.0% 3.5% 31.1% 11.5% 12.7% 0.2%
twenty marriages between Penobscots and Euro- be preserved, but these will be balanced in the
Americans among people then living on Indian aggregations by those of inmarrying males. 1940 30.4% 3.0% 43.8% 10.3% 12.3% 0.2% 100%
Island. Ten were cases of Penobscot men marrying Table 4 shows the fractional ethnicity of the 1950 29.3% 4.0% 47.6% 7.2% 11.7% 0.2% 100%
Euro-American women and ten were cases of Penobscot nation at ten-year intervals (census 24.9% 3.6% 51.3% 7.5% 12.5% 0.1% 100%
Penobscot women marrying Euro-American men. data are not available for 1890, 1910, or 1930).
Thus males and females were marrying into the These are aggregate figures for all living and 1970 23.9% 3.4% 54.6% 6.4% 11.7% 0.0% 100%
Penobscot tribe in about equal numbers. There is enrolled Penobscots at these dates. Fractional eth-
currently little reason to think that an imbalance nic backgrounds of individuals would vary widely it is regarded as a threat to traditional identity, by David Anderson (l991)forthe year AD 1540. To
in these proportions might have invalidated the from these aggregate figures. Nevertheless, Table group cohesion, and continued recognition by out- it I have added site clusters for the Northeast that
use of surnames as a means to measure the effects 4 shows that the Penobscots have incorporated siders. his study did not include. Specialists will notice
of intermarriage over time. many intermarriages. While non-Penobscot men All human groups constantly reinvent them- that a few may still be missing. Nevertheless it is
Another way to show the relationship between have not often been adopted as members, their selves as populations. Individuals make choices more realistic than Figure 1. Note that it differs
Penobscot intermarriage and surnames is shown children carry their surnames. Thus by 1960 more about their ethnicity, for to do otherwise results from Figure 1 in two important ways. First, it ap-
as a matrix in Table 3. Say that we have a popula- than halfofall Penobscots had European surnames. for nearly anyone in a crazy quilt of fractional af- plies uniformly to the year 1540 and second there
tion oflOO Penobscots, 50 men and 50 women. Now Only a quarter had traditional Penobscot surnames filiations. The processes I have described here have are many buffer zones between tribal community
say that halfof each group marries within the tribe by 1960. to be assumed for all middle-range societies, and clusters.
and the other half marries outside. Finally, stipu- The genetic effects of this admixture have not our analytical procedures must take account of I have found in my own work that even Ander-
late that each marriage produces two children. been studied, but it is safe to assume that there them. son's refined approach aggregates data too much
Although our 100 fictional Penobscot parents have has been a substantial amount of gene flow. For to allow one to see the dynamic patterns of evolv-
merely reproduced themselves, their combined present purposes, it is enough to point to this case Great Lakes Tribal Societies in the ing tribal societies. If we wish to examine tribal
marriages produce 150 children because ofthe non- as one that is probably typical of tribal societies. Colonial Period societies archaeologically in an even more realistic
Penobscot inputs. Two-thirds of the children, a The Penobscot tribal roll ranged between 275 way, we must further dis aggregate the data to the
hundred of them, are half Penobscot, half some- and 459 in the nineteenth century. While it might Applying the principles drawn from the community (site) level. I have developed a GIS data
thing else. Fifty of the children, the third of them be ten times higher now, it is still so small that Penobscot case more broadly to the tribal societies base with over 2000 communities, each of which
with non-Penobscot fathers, will have non- young people are likely to look outside the tribe of the Great Lakes region during the colonial peri- has an ethnic identifier, a founding date, and an
Penobscot surnames. The children's' generation is, for suitable marriage mates. The effects shown in od allows me to make some more general points abandonment date. Some ofthem have names and
in the aggregate, 66.6% Penobscot and 33.3% non- Table 4 are thus both unavoidable and common regarding the archaeological study of such societ- other attached data.
Penobscot, a ratio that is reflected exactly in their in tribal societies. Ironically, the process is often ies. Figure 1 shows the Great Lakes region as de- Figure 3 shows the same region and its known
frequency of non-Penobscot surnames. vigorously denied by tribal spokespeople because picted in The Atlas ofAncient America (Coe et al. native communities in a particular year, AD 1600.
1986). This is a traditional but oversimplified de- I have produced an electronic animation that starts
piction of the distribution oftribal societies in the with this frame and advances for the following 200
Table 3. Matrix of Penobscot marriages. region. I can be as sharply critical of it as I wish years at ten-year intervals. Here there is space for
because I was responsible for the maps and text in only six of them. Figures 4 to 8 show the region in
this part of the atlas. As depicted here, each ofthe AD 1640, 1680, 1720, 1760 and 1800 respectively.
50 50 tribal territories is well bounded and areas of no- A dynamic map animation with frames at one-year
Penobscot Non-Penobscot man's-land are allowed to exist only where our intervals is possible and would be better, but this
Men Men knowledge is incomplete. I produced this map from is feasible only with electronic publication. I have
prototypes published by various other scholars. shown migratory events as arrows. These usually
50 Like them I showed eighteenth-century distribu- occurred as unique one-year events, so only a small
25 Marriages 25 Marriages
Penobscot tions in the west as if they were contemporaneous percentage ofthem appear on the maps shown here.
50 Children 50 Children
Women with seventeenth-century ones farther east, and American Indian villages are shown as round dots.
sixteenth-century ones along the coast. European forts and posts are shown as squares but
50 Figure 2 shows a somewhat more realistic view European communities are not shown at all. All
25 Marriages
Non-Penobscot n.a. of known data from the same Great Lakes region. symbols are color coded for ethnicity on the elec-
50 Children
Women It is based upon a tribal distribution map produced tronic versions of these maps.

100 101
Dean Snow 6. The Dynamics of Ethnicity in Tribal Society: A Penobscot Case Study

Fig. 3. Known tribal communities in the Great Lakes region around AD 1600 (after Tanner 1987, with
corrections). Round dots =American Indian villages.
Fig. 1. Traditional representation of Great Lakes tribal distributions (after Coe et. al. 1986).

AD 1540\ \

.~ . \.. ):~/t \
• r::jr:::.yc,,,t?r. '.. . 1";11
?(Wj~~ '." '!'\'i'~~~(

" -:
.r. \
j v/"
:.e- I ",e y -/
---,,.</ I /. )/ ,_,~:J ~ .' }'\/-1 /

Fig. 4. Known tribal communities in the Great Lakes region around AD 1640 (after Tanner 1987, with
Fig. 2. Tribal cores areas in the Great Lakes region around AD 1540 (after Anderson 1991). corrections). Round dots = American Indian villages. Squares = European forts and posts.

102 103
Dean Snow 6. The Dynamics ofEthnicity in Tribal Society: A Penobscot Case Study

AD 1760~ \

~ ..'

.J .,'~


Fig. 5. Known tribal communities in the Great Lakes region around AD 1680 (after Tanner 1987, with Fig. 7. Known tribal communities in the Great Lakes region around AD 1760 (after Tanner 1987, with
corrections). Round dots = American Indian villages. Squares = European forts and posts. corrections). Round dots = American Indian villages. Squares = European forts and posts.

AD 1800
• •

• •

Fig. 6. Known tribal communities in the Great Lakes region around AD 1720 (after Tanner 1987, with Fig. 8. Known tribal communities in the Great Lakes region around AD 1800 (after Tanner 1987, with
corrections). Round dots =American Indian villages. Squares =European forts and posts. corrections). Round dots = American Indian villages. Squares = European forts and posts.

104 105
Dean Snow 6. The Dynamics of Ethnicity in Tribal Society: A Penobscot Case Study

The figures suggest that to the extent allowed ment not just of a mean date but a probable range biology seriously misrepresents the origins oftrib- deal realistically with the processes of ethnogen-
by our data, we should endeavor to reduce the use of occupation between beginning and ending dates. al societies. The approach I am using here over- esis, we will come closer to realistic representation
of phases, complexes, and other essentialist cate- This is admittedly an easier task when the sites comes that problem and others of our own making. of the evolution tribal societies at regional scales.
gories if we are to more fully understand the dy- are relatively recent and historically documented It also identifies some new and difficult problems. Models derived from cases like those discussed here
namics of prehistoric demography and ethnogen- as these are. American Indian communities in this 200-year better represent the archaeological past and pro-
esis. Their use was necessary before computers Fortunately, it is not necessary to require the period were as often as not multiethnic. Language vide us with more precisely defined conceptual
made data management easy, but it risks oversim- ±1 year precision found in the data set that gener- switching was common. It is unlikely that these tools. We will never be able to replicate something
plification if the goal is regional analysis. While ated Figures 3-8. I have used a similar data set of confounding processes were unique to the contact like the Penobscot case from the archaeological
inclusive taxons are still useful for the supplemen- over 800 Iroquoian sites, some ofthem over a mil- period, however convenient it might be to assume record, and the details of the Great Lakes regional
tary description of data sets, they are not.analyt- lennium old, to generate a series of maps and a so. case are unlikely to be equaled archaeologically.
ically useful as replacements for data. dynamic animation (Snow 1996). In this case a Thus we must substitute a rhyzotic model of Even the Northern Iroquoian case that I have
Nor should we expect that classifications drawn particular site might be assigned an occupation ethnogenesis for a dentritic one using the princi- published elsewhere (Snow 1996) is likely to re-
from different data domains will map on to each range of AD 1300-1350. However any criticism ples advocated by Moore (1994). Dendritic models main a rare example of what can be done with
other neatly. Classifications drawn from histori- based on the admittedly correct observation that I work well in biology because of the nature of genet- enough fine-grained spatial and temporal data.
cal linguistics, ceramic analysis, and settlement could not possibly know the founding and aban- ically-determined inheritance. They even work However, temporal and spatial aggregation of ar-
patterns might map on to one another or they might donment dates that precisely is misplaced. Indeed reasonably well in linguistics, because languages chaeological data need no longer proceed beyond
not. Instances were they do not map on to one I cannot, but that is not the point of the dynamic typically do not blend easily. Thus biological (and that shown in Figure 2. Our understanding ofthe
another ought to be of particular interest, not in- model generated by this and several hundred oth- often linguistic) populations can fission, but after archaeological past is substantially improved by
consistencies that have to be explained away but er sites of similar type. The point has to do with the enough time and differentiation they cannot fuse an appreciation and accommodation ofthe nature
informative departures from expectations. overall dynamic pattern of site occupations and again. Some branches survive and experience fur- of tribal societies.
abandonments, which shows important general ther branching while others become extinct. A
Temporal Data Disaggregation trends over the course of a millennium even though branching model serves well in such cases.
the dating of specific cases, especially early ones, References Cited
Just as the a priori aggregation of spatial data is always approximate. Implications for Archaeology
impedes analysis, so too does temporal aggrega- Anderson, D. G.
tion. Period designations were invented in the first Ethnogenesis Dendritic models have often been misleading 1991 Examining Prehistoric Settlement Dis-
place to facilitate cross dating based on index types. when applied in archaeology, even (or perhaps tribution in Eastern North America.
That need was made obsolete by radiocarbon dat- Even without the detail provided by color cod- particularly) when they are only implicit. The post- Archaeology of Eastern North America
ing and other absolute dating techniques, yet the ing and maps redrawn at one-year intervals, one 1600 histories of tribal societies in North America 19:1-22.
period designations persist. Independent dating can see from Figures 3-8 that the Great Lakes re- reveal frequent migrations, the frequent merging Burch, E. S., E. Jones, H. P. Loon and L. D.
techniques have long since reversed the logic ofthe gion was culturally very dynamic over the course of multiethnic communities, the frequent fission- Kaplan
pre-radiocarbon paradigm. While it was once nec- ofthe two centuries from AD 1600 to 1800. There ing of communities, and frequent language switch- 1999 The Ethnogenesis of the Kuuvaum
essary to assume that similar objects found at dif- is no reason to believe that this dynamism was ing. Tanner's (1987) Great Lakes atlas documents Kaniagmiut. Ethnohistory 46(2):291-327.
ferent sites were probably the same age, homolo- unique to North America in the contact period. many examples. These realities make a mockery of Coe, M., D. Snow and E. Benson
gous rather than merely analogous, such cross- Indeed, Fried's (1967) well-known general discus- dendritic models when applied to cultural evolu- 1986 Atlas ofAncient America. Facts on File,
dating exercises should no longer be carried out sion of tribes and ethnicity is consistent with this tion, yet it remains tempting to try to map the New York.
except as means to achieve first approximations. picture. One can deal with the complexity of archaeology of tribal societies on to the branching Fried, M.
Independent dating of similar remains at different precontact population dynamics as most archaeol- trees reconstructed by historical linguists. Among 1967 The Evolution ofPolitical Society: An Es-
sites entails an epistemological reversal, such that ogists did in the 1970s and 1980s, that is by defin- other failings, the approach fails to take into ac- say in Political Anthropology. Random
one now can reasonably ask questions about the ing it a priori as irrelevant to archaeological prob- count language switching, which Moore's work has House, New York.
clines between the age of an object in one place and lems of scientific interest. However, I argue that shown was common in tribal societies on the Great Moore, J. H.
the dates of similar objects elsewhere rather than the realistic solution of problems involving the Plains and in the Southeast (Moore 1987; Pers. 1987 The Cheyenne Nation: A Social and De-
assuming contemporaneity. complex interactions of human demography, his- Comm.), There are many other examples as well. mographic History. UniversityofNebras-
I am mindful that there are many data sets torical contingency, technology, cultivation, socio- One well documented case is that of the Kuuvaum ka Press, Lincoln.
that have inherent limitations that make some political evolution, and environmental adaptation Kaniagmiut of Alaska. This society is identified 1994 Putting anthropology back together
amount of data aggregation unavoidable. Thus I requires that tribal fissioning, fusion, intermar- today as fOupiaq Eskimo but records show that again: The ethnogenetic critique of cla-
am advocating only the disaggregation of data to riage, and migration be at least assumed as back- they were Koyukon-speaking Athapaskans in the distic theory. American Anthropologist
the extent allowed by those limitations. For exam- ground noise. early nineteenth century. The language (and eth- 96:925-948.
ple, the site distributions in specific years shown If one traces that dynamism through the de- nic) switch took plnae in as little as two decades, 1996 The Cheyenne. The Peoples of America.
in Figures 3-8 are possible only if we know or can cades in the Great Lakes case, one can clearly see between about 1860 and 1880, and probably in- Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge.
approximate both the founding dates and the aban- the cycles of fission and fusion that attended the volved only a single bilingual generation (Burch, Proctor, R. W.
donment dates of components. Such maps can be relocation of tribal communities. John Moore's et al. 1999). 1942 Report on Maine Indians Prepared at
generated only ifeach site shown is independently (1987, 1996) work on Cheyenne ethnogenesis shows Ifwe use the tools we have at hand to disaggre- Request ofLegislative Research Commit-
dated with enough precision to allow the assign- clearlythat a simple dendritic model borrowed from gate our data and date our assemblages, and ifwe tee. Maine State Legislature.

106 107
Dean Snow

Snow, D. R. Speck, F. G.
1996 GIS Applications in North America. In 1940 Penobscot Man. University of Pennsyl-
The Coloquia of the XIII International vania Press, Philadelphia.
Congress ofPrehistoric and Protohistoric Tanner, H. H. (editor) 7. Modeling the Formation and Evolution of an Illyrian Tribal
Sciences, edited by I. Johnson, pp. 159- 1987 Atlas of Great Lakes Indian History.
168. vol. 1 Theoretical and Methodolog- University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
System: Ethnographic and Archaeological Analogs
ical Problems. A.B.A.C. o. Edizioni, Forli,
Italy. Michael L. Galaty

The Illyrians, broadly defined, were an early cient ethne. Furthermore, understanding the evo-
European 'ethnic' group, occupying wide portions lution of the Illyrian tribal system requires an
of the Balkan peninsula (Fig. 1), of whom we know appreciation for processes of colonization that di-
very little, besides that which was recorded about rectly affected Illyrian peoples, particularly along
them by various ancient-particularly Roman- the eastern coast of the Adriatic in pre- and proto-
authors. Their archaeological remains have been historic times. Employing an explicitly compara-
studied by scholars in several Balkan countries, tive methodology, the colonization of Virginia by
such as Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, and Alba- the English can be contrasted with that of Illyris
nia, where it is argued that the Illyrians were the by Greeks, thereby using the Algonquian response
ancestors of modern Albanians. Archaeological to colonialism, recorded in some detail by the En-
research in Albania, though, is nearly always of a glish colonists, as an analog for the Illyrian expe-
cultural-historical sort, highly and expertly descrip- rience of Greek colonization, known almost exclu-
tive, but lacking any kind of theoretical grounding. sively through archaeology.
That being the case, various anthropological the-
oretical frameworks might profitably be put to work The Definition of Tribe
in Albania, especially those relating to the study of
so-called 'middle-range' societies, as defined in this Archaeologists are currently in the midst of re-
volume. More specifically, a 'tribal' model can be defining what is meant by the term 'tribe' (e.g.,
brought to bear on the seemingly intractable Feinman and NeitzeI1984). Whereas the term had
'Illyrian' question: Who were they, and what can been nearly driven out of the anthropological lex-
we say about the organization and evolution oftheir icon, it is now being: rehabilitated, primarily by
social and political systems? Furthermore, can a archaeologists, who continue to find the idea of
tribal model be applied in southern Albania to help tribal societies useful (see Parkinson, this volume,
us better understand the interaction of Greek col- Chapter 1). So, what do we mean when we say that
onists and indigenous Illyrians? a society is 'tribal'? As Severin Fowles writes in
In one of the last articles he published before Chapter 2 of this volume:
passing away, "The Ethne in Epirus and Upper ... [W]hen employed casually, 'tribe' or 'tribal'
Macedonia," Nicholas Hammond argued, as he had do a better job of indicating what the social
done before, that when ancient authors referred to phenomenon in question is not-not too big,
ethne (i.e. tribes), what they were describing were not too small, and not too centralized or chief-
societies that were tribally, not necessarily ethni- dom-like ... Tribe has overtly come to assume
cally, defined. In this sense, a group was consid- the middle-range in the continuum of human
ered to be non-Greek because its form of political social forms ... (p. 18)
and social organization was different from that of As traditionally understood-based on the so-called
the Greek, based primarily on kinship (i.e. clan- 'structural' model (Fowles, this volume, Chapter 2,
based) affiliation rather than citizenship. Until p. 14)-tribes are also, besides being small and
recent times, a tribal society operated in northern egalitarian: 1) 'segmented', though mechanisms
Albania, and aspects of this society may have exist to combine social segments into larger units,
Illyrian antecedents. As a result, analysis of the when necessary, so that, 2) segments are cross-cut
northern Albanian tribes may serve to illuminate by overlapping webs of social obligation designed
ancient Illyrian tribal institutions, and at the same to bind individuals and families together (Service
time help to tighten Hammond's definition of an- 1962; Sahlins 1961, 1968). The challenge lies in

108 109
Michael L. Galaty 7. Modeling the Formation and Evolution of an Illyrian Tribal System

which the evidence is both ethnographic and eth- Long-term processes

nohistoric), for Colonial Virginia (for which the
evidence is both ethnohistoric and archaeological), Long-term processes allow a given tribe to
and-using the previous two to help frame archae- record and interpret (often in myths) tribal history
ological questions-for Illyris. According to Fowles, over hundreds, even thousands, of years (see
humans make sense of time and the unfolding of Fowles, this volume, Chapter 2). Long-term tribal
events at varying scales. At one end of the contin- trajectories lead to the development of systems of
uum, history is understood at the level ofthe indi- subsistence, social and political inequality, and
vidual, while at the other end, it is appreciated in ritual, for example. In northern Albania, myths,
mythic terms by an entire society. For the individ- supported by various ritual and superstitious prac-
ual, memory spans no more than a few decades and tices, allowed tribes to explain a group's origins
identity formation is driven by a personal experi- and idiosyncratic behaviors (Elsie 2001). Albanian
ence of history, and the events-most mundane, origin myths typically traced the source of various
others more meaningful-ofwhich history is com- tribes to a shared, legendary ancestor, as is com-
posed. For the tribe, memory and group identity mon for tribal societies, thereby legitimizing tribal
are typically explained in oral tradition and are and lineage-based relationships. In addition, oral
frequently inscribed onto a given landscape, a trib- histories, passed down from generation to genera-
al territory. These two historical 'trajectories'- tion, often explained ways of being, knowing, or
short- versus long-term, individual- versus group- living, thereby limiting an individual's scope of
directed-are clearly cybernetic in operation, and action by situating one's personal behavior within
are necessarily integrated across time by a variety a wider and deeper social context. Whereas Illyrian
of multi- or inter-generational feedback loops, beliefs are largely lost to us, their ritual systems,
, 0 which act as bridges linking personal to social his- in particular those related to burial, are quite open
Butrint---"L-r""'-'lc.! tories, and vice versa. to investigation. Following Greek colonization and
GREECE over the long term, Illyrian burial practices
Intra-generational processes. changed, likely signaling a shift in deeply held
beliefs, as individual Illyrians became accustomed
Within Fowles' framework, intra-generation- to new social realities. The Virginian tribes made
al processes structure an individual's experience similar accommodations, over severalhundredyears,
of history and include such events as seasonal as Indian practices and beliefs were overwhelmed by
s rounds, the rise and fall of tribal leaders, and ep- those ofthe Europeans. For example, as colonization
isodes of conflict or alliance building. Such pro- took its toll on Indian societies, some Indians con-
cesses can be identified in ethnohistoric accounts verted to Christianity (Gleach 1997:4), a long-term
100 o of North Albanian tribes, and a particular event, process perhaps analogous to processes of religious
I such as a drought, revenge killing, or important syncretism evident in later Illyrian burials.
tribal assembly, might have a direct and dramatic
Fig. 1. Illyrian tribal territories.
effect on an individual's life (cf, Kadare 1990). Multi-generational processes
Similar events can be inferred for ancient Illyris
finding evidence in the archaeological record for plex societies, particularly states. As a result, and must have similarly affected Illyrian individ- Multi-generational trajectories bridge the gap
such societies, and for processes of segmentation Fowles' call for diachronic approaches to the study uals, as when, for example, patterns of transhu- between intra-generational and long-term trajec-
and integration, as are generally attested in the of tribes, operating at various chronological scales mance, which likely structured the average tories, usually extending over periods exceeding a
ethnographic and ethno-historic records. In fact, (or 'trajectories'), may help to alleviate problems of Illyrian's day-to-day existence, were disrupted by century, or more (see Fowles, this volume, Chap-
because 'tribal' societies are characterized by a high recognizing 'tribal' societies in general and in the inter-tribal conflict. Colonization can seriously ter 2). Such historical processes help explain, for
degree of social and political elasticity and possess many cases where tribes actively engaged state- disturb intra-generational processes, particularly example, changes in settlement, such as the shift-
the ability to adapt to a wide range of ecological level systems, as in ancient Illyris. To paraphrase, when patterns of daily tribal life are ruptured due ing location of villages, and can help make sense of
and economic conditions, we might expect them to we need to know what tribes do to understand what to colonial expansion, as attested for Virginia in new ideas and behaviors, especially those relating
appear in the archaeological record in all areas they are, and ideally, to apply tribal models ar- the writings of John Smith. Similar ruptures in to the diffusion of technology. In northern Albania,
and time periods, though the characteristics that chaeologically we need to know what tribes do over intra-generational trajectories are evident in the systems oforal law, such as the 'Code ofLek', served
define tribes also render them difficult to spot. Their time and in response to threats, such as from col- archaeological record of tribal Illyris, caused by to connect short- and long-term historical trajecto-
social and political structures are often in flux and onization. the coming of the Greeks, and alluded to by Greek ries. These law codes were changed only with great
their settlement and economic systems are usual- Fowles describes three different tribal 'trajec- historians. For example, the Greek slave trade, difficulty and made manifest the vast array ofrules
ly non-specialized and decentralized, causing their tories', characterized by intra-generational, multi- supplied in part from Illyrian sources, must have and regulations-all related to personal and tribal
archaeological footprints to be small and light and generational, and long-term processes. These tra- had a direct, probably negative, impact on the 'honor'-responsible for reproducing tribal life over
easily swept away, especially by larger, more com- jectories can be identified for North Albania (for average Illyrian. decades and centuries (Fox 1989; Hasluck 1954).

110 111
Michael L. Galaty 7. Modeling the Formation and Evolution of an Illyrian Tribal System

What is more, law codes could not function without better term, were further subdivided into smaller to what extent did Greeks and Illyrians interact? poorly studied by modern anthropologists (for ob-
some means for preserving, in the absence of writ- tribal units, each possessing a different name (the Did they co-exist, fight, or ignore one another? Did vious reasons, but see Ulqini [1991] and Young
ten records, a tribe's particular history, which Chaonians, Mollosians, Bylliones, etc.); and it is they intermarry and trade? Were Illyrians slaves [2000]), was described in some detail by early 20 th _
strung together events both recent and dimly re- not at all clear how each of these different tribal of the Greeks, as Aristotle might have us believe century travelers to the region. Their descriptions
membered. For example, tribal leaders could not groups was distinguished one from the other, (Wilkes 1992:113)? can, I will argue, serve to enlighten and inform our
adjudicate a boundary dispute unless some practi- whether by custom, such as dress, ancestry, or In order to address such questions, it is neces- study of the Illyrians, if we are willing to allow
cal means existed for remembering the location of language. What made one group Greek and anoth- sary to collect the relevant archaeological data. some degree of historical connection between mod-
a boundary marker. They could not end a blood er Illyrian, and was this even a meaningful dis- Such data are beginning to appear. For example, it ern and ancient tribal systems. Second, relatively
feud that had lasted generations without knowl- tinction in the past? is thought that Apollonia was established in 588 detailed ethno-historic accounts of the colonization
edge of who killed whom and when. The law codes By the Early Iron Age so-called 'hill forts' were BC at a previously existing Greek-Illyrian trading by the English of what is now Virginia may provide
therefore provided very specific instructions with established throughout the frontier region between post (emporium), perhaps at the invitation ofthe examples of tribal response to an intruding cul-
regard to preserving tribal memories, over various Illyris and Greece. These communities eventually local Illyrian group (Wilkes 1992:112). That being ture, analogous to the Greek colonization ofIllyria.
expanses of time. In the short term, individuals evolved into Greek-style poleis, possessing theatres, the case, why is it that the Mallakastra Regional In both cases, colonies were established in the midst
who had lived through the events in question were stadiums, stoas, etc. It is often the case that these Archaeological Project has found almost no evi- of competing tribal entities, and in both cases, the
entrusted with their memory. Over the long term, hill forts are considered Illyrian, but some ofthem, dence for an Illyrian presence in the vicinity of responses of local leaders to colonization were
important events were recorded in the landscape and not others, clearly identified more with the Apollonia prior to Greek colonization (Davis et al. broadly similar. This may indicate, therefore, that
itself. (These processes are described in more de- Greek world to the south, making dedications in 2002)? Why is it that 'Illyrian' pottery (i.e. Early Illyrian and Algonquian societies, while operating
tail below.) Thus, for the northern Albanian tribes, Greek at the oracle of Dod ona and sending partic- Iron Age pottery) has not been recovered from what in very different times and places, were neverthe-
the 'law' is the key to explaining the structure of ipants to Greek athletic festivals (Wilkes 1992:104). was reputedly first an 'Illyrian' site? Have the his- less quite similar in their political organization.
Albanian tribal society, and it can be argued that There was indeed a distinction made between those torical documents that refer to Apollonia's founda-
similar law codes were employed by Illyrian tribes. individuals who were Greek and those who were tion misled us? Actually, such negative archaeo- Northern Albanian Tribes
As with intra-generational and long-term tribal not (i.e, barbarians), and the determining factor logical evidence does make rather good sense giv-
trajectories, multi-generational processes do indeed was in most cases language. However, just as the en a tribal model of Illyrian social organization, Perhaps our best descriptions of the northern
shift in response to colonial contact, often out of line dividing Greek from Illyrian ethnic territory especially ifthat model is wrapped around a Bronze! Albanian tribes, of which there were many dozens,
necessity. Such changes can cause great upheaval, is poorly defined, so are the political territories Iron Age model of pastoral economy (Hammond come from early 20 th-century travelers to the re-
and as a result, tribal elders often recall when and that once existed very poorly understood. As might 2000:346-7). Prior to the later portions of the Iron gion, almost exclusivelyfemale, who often produced
why they were made, as with the Chickahominy be expected, one of the major research questions Age, the Illyrian peoples lived a largely transhu- quite detailed analyses oftribal customs and rela-
tribe's decision to join the Powhatan-for fear of for Albanian archaeologists concerns the extent of mant existence (Hammond 1992), spending their tionships, which they feared would disappear un-
the English-and with the introduction of Illyrian political control: Provided that the Illyrians summers in the mountains of the interior and in der the new government of King Zog (e.g., Edith
bajraktars in northern Albania, as a response to are the ancestors of modern-day Albanians, is it the winter moving down towards the coastal plains, Durham 1909, 1928; Margaret Hasluck 1954; Rose
Ottoman and Serbian aggression. possible to identify purely Illyrian settlements, to places like Apollonia (one ofthe colony's prima- Wilder Lane 1923). One of the most striking ele-
thereby establishing, in recidivist fashion, which ry exports was reportedly hides), in so doing mak- ments of the Albanian tribal system was (and still
The Illyrians and the Illyrian Question regions should belong to Albania, but do not? For ing only a very light impression on the regional is) its dependence on the Kanun of'Leke Dukagjini,
example, was/is Epirus Greek, or was it Illyrian, archaeological record. Such pastoral economies a system of oral law compiled by a 15 th-century
Albania is thought to encompass the heartland and therefore by extension Albanian? Might it be, typically support tribal political systems, which tribal 'chieftain' named Dukagjini (Durham
of territories once controlled by the so-called though, that groups living in the frontier regions are flexible enough to accommodate seasonal dis- 1909:25-27; Fox 1989:xvi). The Code of Lek, one
'Illyrian' peoples. In fact, according to some archae- were not purely Greek, nor were they purely aggregation. By the time hill forts had developed code among many that operated in North Albania,
ologists, much of Southeast Europe was at one time Illyrian? Might it be that this dialectic-Greek on the interior, the Illyrians were actively engaged was first written down in 1913 by a Franciscan
or another occupied by Illyrians (see discussion in versus Illyrian-marks a gross over-simplification in trade with the Greek city-states. In fact, the friar (Fox 1989:xvii-xviii).1t was extensively stud-
Wilkes 1992), though it is clear that several differ- of what must have been, in antiquity, a very com- construction of settlements by the Illyrians in de- ied by Margaret Hasluck in the 1930s, as reported
ent ethnic groups, broadly defined, shared the plex, ever-changing web of ethnic, social, econom- fensible locations mirrors the response of tribal, in The Unwritten Law inAlbania, published posthu-
Balkan peninsula with them, including Thracians, ic, and, most importantly for this paper, tribal re- pastoral peoples, in various time periods and plac- mously in 1954. Importantly, it is thought that the
Macedonians, and Greeks. As a result, the Balkan lationships (for general discussion of these and es, to competition with each other for access to origins ofthe kanun, being an oral code, can be traced
peninsula was divided, at least by Classical times, similar issues, see Taylor 1994, Wells 1998)? trade with outside powers. In this case, a tribal to much earlier periods, perhaps back to the Illyrians
and almost certainly much earlier, into several Finally, to further complicate things, Greek model helps us to better understand particular themselves (Fox 1989:xvi). For example, many ofthe
ethnic spheres, separated by poorly-defined fron- colonies were established in Albania, during Ar- archaeological results and additional research will behaviors prescribed in the modern kanun have pre-
tier zones. One of these frontier zones ran along chaic times, along the eastern shore ofthe Adriatic, allow us to further refine the model. Ottoman, ancient origins, and are described by Clas-
what is now the border between Albania and at Epidamnus-Dyrrachium, Apollonia, and In constructing a tribal model ofIllyrian socio- sical authors, especially Herodotus, as being purely
Greece, and in the past, as is true today, this bound- Butrint, in regions ostensibly under Illyrian con- political organization, it would be useful to identi- 'barbarian' in practice (cf Taylor 1994).
ary did not clearly demarcate two different, mutu- seems likely that, especially in the case of fy suitable analogs for tribal behavior as it might Traditionally, the kanun was interpreted by a
ally exclusive, ethnically defined territories, one Epidamnus, and perhaps Apollonia, Greek coloni- have evolved in a Greco-Albanian world. I will council of elders from each tribe or fis, though there
Illyrian and the other Greek. In fact, in past times zation occurred at the invitation, or with the grudg- suggest two such possible analogs. First, a tribal were traveling specialists who could consult on
the situation was yet more complex than that. Both ing approval, oflocal Illyrians (Wilkes 1992:112). socio-political system has functioned in northern especially tricky cases. Each tribe was represented
the Illyrian and the Greek 'nations', for lack of a However, once the colonies had become established, Albania into the present day. This system, though by a 'banner' (bajrak), thus the tribal headman

112 113
Michael L. Galaty 7. Modeling the Formation and Evolution of an Illyrian Tribal System

was called bajraktar, or 'standard-bearer' (Ulqimi ia apparently did likewise, employing styles ofdress The 'Separation of Brothers' devoted to the establishment and preservation of
1991). Cases typically revolved around: marriage to signal tribal affiliation (Hranicky 1996:87). territorial boundaries, between households, vil-
and family relations; the theft or loss oflivestock; So, it is clear what factors led to the segmenta- Social and political leadership was defined first lages, and tribes, and to the means whereby lost
territorial disputes; or, murder. Should a murder tion ofAlbanian tribal groups and what might lead in the home(shpi), the oldest male of each house- boundaries were re-established (Hasluck 1954:95-
be committed, two houses (shpi) would then be 'in to competition or antagonism between segments- hold beingthe family leader, or 'Master ofthe House' 109). The marking of territory was of absolute im-
blood' and a cycle of revenge killings-the so-called boundary disputes, blood feud, the (sometimes (Hasluck 1954:34-50). The master ofthe house led portance in North Albania, as good land, especially
'blood feud'-would ensue. This cycle might only amicable) separation offamilies, villages, or clans- family meetings and represented his household at pasturage, was rare and of extremely high value.
be ended when one family had been destroyed or but what drew non-related individuals and clans clan and village assemblies. When the leader of an Traditionally, a tribe's territory could be expanded
blood had been paid, usually a cash payment from together, in times of war, for example? extended family died, his hand-picked successor at the expense of another's during blood feuds. If,
one family to the other (Durham 1909:30). As might As already mentioned, the primary means of took over (usually, but not always, the eldest son); for example, a man was shot at the edge of his
be expected, the blood feud affected all aspects of bringing clans together, especially those in blood, however, if brothers no longer wanted to live to- tribal territory, he could extend his tribe's bound-
daily life in northern Albania. A man marked for was the swearing of a besa, an oath of peace. If a gether following their father's death, they could ary into the other's as far as he could crawl before
death (a black ribbon was worn around the right besa was to be permanent, however, it either had formally separate (Hasluck 1954:51-72). In fact, a dying, where his grave cairn tmurane) was con-
arm) could not leave his family's fortress-like house, to be marked by an oath of blood brotherhood, a large portion ofthe kanun is devoted to the 'Sepa- structed (Hasluck 1954:102-103). Presumably, this
or kula, unless a besa, an oath of peace, had been pact sealed by the sharing of blood-three drops in ration of Brothers', which probably reflects the law was designed to discourage one man from
sworn. Interestingly, because women were not a glass of raki-between the two feuding parties, danger of a new feud beginning during the delicate maiming another; rather, one should not shoot
subject to the blood feud, they often were respon- or by a marriage exchange (Durham 1909:24; process of dividing a household's belongings (in- unless a fatal blow could be dealt, thereby saving
sible for the family's economic well-being. Thus, Pettifer 1996:84). (Interestingly, this practice is cluding the house itself) between two, and very a family the expense of caring for an invalid and
for example, ifher husband were marked for death, described by Herodotus; see discussion in Taylor often many more, brothers. Often, an equitable preserving the victim's honor. Obviously, bound-
a woman might make trips to Skhodra, the regional [1994:391]). On occasion, the leaders of various division was impossible, and so a wall (or walls) aries marked in this fashion would be readily re-
capital, in his stead, to trade and do business tribes might swear allegiance to a single bajraktar, would be built within the house itselfto physically membered by all parties, at least over the course of
(Durham 1909:16). The blood feud caused tribal though this was very rare. For example, the north- separate one new family group from the other(s) several generations. In cases where a boundary
alliances to constantly shift, and so tribal bound- ern tribes gathered in Lezhe in 1444 to elect (Hasluck 1954:57). (The 'Separation of Brothers' is stone had been lost, elders might allow represen-
aries, often quite complex, were marked by the Skanderbeg their commander in the fight against remarkable, in that a similar organic process may tatives of the quarreling tribes to "carry or throw
rock-piled graves tmurane) of those killed in feuds the Ottomans. After his death, this tribal alliance have been responsible for producing the large pueb- stones" (Hasluck 1954:103). The two representa-
(Hasluck 1954:102; Kadare 1982). As a result, tribal dissolved and the Ottomans overran Albania. Like- lo structures of the American Southwest.) tives either threw large stones or carried them on
groups could lay claim to land, marking that claim wise, in 1922, Zogu, from the region of Mati, was Because the growth and separation of extend- their backs, the winning toss or carry determining
with graves, and this claim was recalled through a recognized by the northern tribes as primary chief, ed families was accorded such importance and was where the new boundary would be positioned.
tribe's understanding of its own ancestry. And, as but, as might be expected, they refused to swear an formally enshrined in oral law, every Albanian Again, such an event would have dramatically
in most tribal societies the world over, clan lineage oath of loyalty to the state, a concept they did not knew and remembered exactly how his household emphasized the culmination of an important tribal
helped to determine tribal relationships: understand or appreciate, and demanded that they related to others in the larger clan (fis). Separation decision, one which needed to be remembered.
The largest of the Catholic tribes was the be allowed to gather to swear allegiance to Zogu provides an excellent example of an event that Upon the placing of a boundary stone, partic-
Mirdite, which was actually composed of three personally (Vickers 1995: 106). As with Skander- would have had a strong impact on intra-genera- ular tribal elders were chosen to swear oaths of
smaller clans. A legend explains the origin of beg, Zogu was primary chief ofthe tribes in name tional trajectories, making a lasting impression on memory, laying their hands on the marker and
the name Mirdite. Once there lived three broth- only. The oath of allegiance did not involve a loss each individual involved. The separation itselfwas vowing to recall where the boundary line had been
ers whose father left nothing when he died but of political independence on the part of individual marked by a ritualized distribution of goods and established, or risk "carrying the stone and the
a saddle and a winnowing sieve. The eldest son bajraktars, and when Zog fled Albania, the tribal belongings (which then became heirlooms), thus whole wide world" on their shoulders for eternity
took the saddle (shale, in Albanian), the next system remained intact. 'materializing' the event, helping to preserve its (Hasluck 1954:100). Ifa dispute arose over a bound-
the sieve (shoshe) and the youngest went his Apparent in this very brief sketch of the north- memory across generations: "Son, that is your ary marker's position, these elders could be called
way empty handed, wishing his brothers good ern Albanian tribal system are examples of Fowles' great-grandfather's rifle, given to me by my father in to testify with regard to its location and histor-
day imir dite). This legend gives the three clans various historical trajectories. The structure of the after his separation from your great uncle back in ical significance. If all the elders involved in plac-
Shala, Shoshi and Mirdite a common ancestor. Albanian socio-political system (as described in de- 1608 ... "The law code systematized separation, and ing the stone had died, then individuals who were
(Vickers 1995:103) tail by Hasluck [1954]) is purely tribal in nature and thereby helped to reproduce tribal structures alive and present at the original marking, even as
The marking ofterritory was of paramount im- organization, and the law codeis specificallydesigned through time and across space. And, finally, fa- children, might be called upon to testify, swearing
portance in High Albania, as there was very limit- to protect and foster tribal identityand independence. mous (or infamous) separations might be raised to a similar oath of memory. Finally, if no one was
ed pasturage. Much of the land in North Albania is In fact, the kanun makes it almost impossible for one the status ofmyth (as in the Mirdite example above), alive who remembered the proper location of the
arid and unproductive, so access to pasture could particularindividual to usurp another's freedom, and and therefore help explain over the long term how boundary, a competition was held, or a feud might
mean life or death for a family or clan. Individual in some ways, the checks and balances inherent in certain villages and tribes came to be. ensue. Again, as with the 'Separation of Brothers',
members of clans marked tribal membership the Code of Lek are similar to those found in the tribal understanding ofterritorywas 'materialized',
through clothing styles, such as in the patterns of Iroquois 'Great Law of Peace'. Decisions relating to The marking of territory in this case by marking (or 'inscribing') the land-
black braids sewn onto a man's white wool pants, the law were made in council, a so-called 'general scape itself. Provisions were made for short- and
or hair styles, different patterns of head shaving assembly', and had to be unanimous, and the size of The marking of territory also reinforced intra- long-term memory of boundary location, and par-
(perchin) marking different tribes (Durham an assembly related to the importance ofthe deliber- and multi-generational, as well as long-term, his- ticularly meaningful events (such as the violent
1909:23,50,79). The native inhabitants of Virgin- ation (Hasluck 1954:148-153). torical processes. Large portions of the kanun are death of an individual) were employed to brand the

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Michael L. Galaty 7. Modeling the Formation and Evolution of an Illyrian Tribal System

marking of territory with heavy symbolic impor- torical connection? First of all, the scale of tribal tually, hill forts came to dominate the landscape as closely similar. What is more, Smith made a dis-
tance. territories, as described by ancient writers, seems individual big men were transformed into chiefs. tinction on his map between those villages that
to accord well with that ofthe northern highland- In fact, as the Greeks intensified colonization of possessed a werowance, a tribal 'chief or 'big man',
The origin of the bajraktar ers (see map in Hasluck 1954). We might imagine the coast, some big men may have allied them- which he marked with a longhouse, and those that
an Illyrian system of competing tribal entities, selves with the colonists in a system similar to that did not, marked by a circle (Potter 1993: 15). In this
As mentioned above, a bajraktar, or 'standard- perhaps employing systems of oral law similar to of the Ottoman bajraktars. Greek goods, such as way, tribal chieftains lent their name to their vil-
bearer', led each tribe. However, the Canon ofLek the Code of Lek. Tribes might have been led by a weapons and drinking paraphernalia, would have lage (at least, according to Smith), and vice versa,
clearly recognizes that the bariak system was in- council of elders, similar to the Mycenaean damos, been employed by Illyrian chiefs to mark their rank and to the wider tribe itself, and a two-tiered set-
troduced by the Ottomans and was not an indige- but generally, political power would have been and position, in life and in death. It has also been tlement hierarchy was established. (As argued
nous institution (Hasluck 1954:115; Ulqimi 1991). shared between various tribal leaders, of varying suggested that in some regions Illyrian tribal fed- above, a similar system might have functioned in
The Ottomans never fully conquered northern Al- degrees of social standing. These leaders (equiva- erations formed in response to Greek encroach- tribal Illyria, and such an hypothesis is archaeo-
bania, though Albanian men were encouraged to lent to 'big men') probably gained prestige and ment (see various articles in Cabanes 1993). As logically testable through site survey in the vicin-
fight with Ottomans against Montenegrins and access to power based upon their performance in Hellenism developed and spread (beginning with ity of hillforts and subsequent settlement pattern
Serbs, which they were usually willing and eager war, as attested by richly-appointed Illyrian-peri- the death of Alexander in 323 BC), the southern analysis; for an example of this approach in Vir-
to do. The man, usually a clan head, who was cho- od warrior graves. The Illyrian council of elders Illyrian political system became less tribal and more ginia, see Potter 1993.)
sen to raise the levy was given a 'standard', which would have interpreted tribal laws, and their deci- 'Greek', and by the time of the Roman conquest Even more interesting, at the time of James-
he carried as a mark of his rank and responsibility. sions would have been enforced by tribal members (167 BC), southern Illyria, at least, had become town's foundation, Virginia's tribal political sys-
The power ofbajraktars was not formally enshrined (as when in modern Albania, the house of an of- firmly and irreversibly integrated into the Greco- tem was in a state offlux (Barbour 1986). First of
by triballaw, but invariably, they were the leaders fender is burned down by his fellow villagers). Such Roman world. In the mountains of the north, all, there is evidence that a shift had occurred at
ofthe most powerful {is, or lineage. Thus, bearing a socio-political system would have eventually though, Illyrian traditions lived on. some point in the past away from communal styles
a standard granted a tribal 'big man' a means to produced, through cycles of competition, a two- of leadership towards individualized forms. For
accrue even more prestige, especially in war. He tiered settlement hierarchy, including hill forts, Virginia's Algonquian Tribes example, Smith notes that the Chickahominies
probably also had easier access to Ottoman trade central places associated with prominent tribes, were ruled by a council of eight great men, or
goods, access other big men lacked. and autonomous villages. Theoretically, evidence Processes of competitive cycling, including munguys, as they are to this day. However, by the
The evolution ofthe bajraktars seems to repre- for settlement hierarchy can be collected through segmentation and alliance building, are attested time of Smith's arrival, in all other tribes power
sent a particular response on the part of the late regional survey; in fact, during the summer of2002, for numerous places and periods, perhaps the had been vested in the person of a chief, usually a
Medieval northern Albanians to the challenges of MRAP surveyed the hinterland of an Illyrian best example being North American pre- and great warrior. Smith's nemesis Powhatan wasjust
colonization and conquest, represented by the Ot- hillfort, the results of which are undergoing anal- proto-historic tribes and chiefdoms. I would like such a man. Second, by 1607 Powhatan had man-
tomans. Their tribal system and oral law code were ysis (see Davis et al. 2002). Furthermore, a careful to suggest another analog for the proposed aged to become mamanatowick, or 'great king', par-
designed to allow segmentation and discourage study of artifact styles across the wide expanse of Illyrian tribal system, that of the Algonquian amount chieftain oftheVirginian Algonquians. The
processes ofintegration, especially ifa tribe's inde- Albania would allow identification of regional pat- tribes of what is now Virginia in the eastern Unit- subordination of other tribes to Powhatan was
pendence was at stake. Thus, the system was in terns, which might indicate tribal groupings. ed States. At the time of European contact, the marked by a tributary relationship: Subordinated
some ways extremely flexible, except when a par- In addition, it may be that patterns of segmen- eastern seaboard of North America was home to tribes were expected to send Powhatan annual
ticular situation called for cooperation, as when a tation, territoriality, and increasing social and-po- hundreds of small tribal groups. These different tribute, especially maize, and his family was often
coordinated defense became necessary. (This is why litical hierarchy similar to those of northern Alba- tribes can be classified based on language into inter-married with that of the subordinate
Skanderbeghad so much trouble uniting the tribes nia can be identified for Illyria. For example, if roughly three groups: Siouxan, Iroquoian, werowance. Powhatan also controlled trade in the
against the Ottomans in the 15 th century, as did Illyrian tribes were territorial (as the ancient writ- Muskhogean, and Algonquian speakers. (This, of region, its transportation system, based on river
Zogu much later.) However, the need for integra- ers seem to indicate), it may be that they marked course, is similar to the Balkan peninsula, where travel, and access to communal hunting territo-
tion also might allow certain individuals the op- boundaries with burial monuments, such as tumuli, large ethnic groups spoke Illyrian, Greek, Thracian, ries (Gleach 1997:28-31). Tribes that ignored
portunity to extend their power beyond that which in a fashion analogous to that of modern northern or Macedonian languages). Powhatan's decrees might be obliterated, as were
was allowed by tribal law and tradition. In this Albanians. Regional settlement systems should Most of our information about Virginia's Indi- the Chesapeakes, probably in the years just prior
sense, long-term historical trajectories that encour- each include a hill fort community and a cluster of ans comes from the reports of English colonists to 1607 (Rountree 1990:21). Third, apparently
aged egalitarianism could be derailed by particu- associated villages, surrounded by a substantial who settled Jamestown in 1607, primarily the Powhatan was actively seeking to extend his con-
lar events, such as an external military threat. buffer zone, reserved for pasture, but also intend- writings of John Smith. Between 1608 and 1624, trol to include those tribes located at the 'ethnic
Similar challenges were surely faced by tribal ed to separate one tribal entity from another. These Smith published remarkable descriptions of Vir- fringe' ofhis territory, primarily those tribes found
Illyrians as they negotiated the risks and opportu- zones, or 'frontiers', between tribes should be ginia's tribes, especially the Algonquian-speaking in the Potomac river valley and farther north in
nities born of Greek colonization. marked in some fashion, with burial mounds or groups found in the vicinity of Jamestown. He also Maryland (Rountree 1990:13-14). And fourth, the
stone markers. As this system evolved, and as it compiled a map of tribal territories including vil- Algonquians appear to have been under increased
Modeling an Illyrian Tribal System came into more sustained contact with the Greek lage names. What is striking about this map is its pressure from other, more distant groups, espe-
city-states, particularly in the south, competition similarity to the maps oftribal territories for north- cially the expanding Iroquois Confederacy and the
How does the northern Albanian tribal system for access to trade would have ensued. Some tribal ern Albania (e.g., Hasluck 1954) or those produced Eastern Sioux, specifically the Monacans, found
compare to our archaeological and historical un- leaders may have garnered increased prestige for tribal Illyria based on the work of Classical and west of the Blue Ridge.
derstanding of the Illyrians? Does it provide an through manipulation of this trade and in battle Roman historians (examples in Wilkes 1992). The The English colonists who settled at Jamestown
appropriate analog and might there exist an his- with other tribes as competition intensified. Even- sizes oftribal territories in all three locations are faced numerous challenges, the foremost being an

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Michael L. Galaty 7. Modeling the Formation and Evolution of an Illyrian Tribal System

acute shortage offood. Smith's voyages around the fort itself was an obstacle, but it may also be that city of Epidamnus, later Dyrrachium, now the of the Virginian tribes was in flux because of and
Chesapeake were as much exploration as desper- Powhatan feared the English and their guns (Fausz modern port city of Durres, Greeks from Corcyra, in response to a perceived European threat, for
ate searches for supplemental foodstuffs, which he 1979; contra Gleach 1997:45). However, this is quite sponsored by Corinth, apparently helped the fear of an invasion by the likes of the Spaniards.
most often obtained from werowances, sometimes hard to believe; by all indications, the Algonquians Taulantii re-take Epidamnus, which then became When the English arrived, Powhatan and his chiefs
through trade, but more often as a result of mili- thought the colonists were entirely inept (Gleach a Greek colony, one where Illyrian and Greek com- were ready; however, the English behaved very
tary action. What is more, he made clear to his new 1997:55). It is more likely that Powhatan thought munities were, to some extent, ethnicallyintegrat- differently from the Spanish (Gleach 1997:3), and
'friends', as he often described them, that if need the colony would eventually fail (as other colonies, ed (Wilkes 1992:110-112). Thus, atleast one Illyrian a colonial relationship evolved. Powhatan found
arose, he would return. Imagine the consternation like Roanoke, had), and that, in the meantime, he tribe, the Taulantii, had political and military he could perhaps use the English to his advantage,
these chiefs and their followers must have felt! could use Jamestown as a source of valuable trade motives for forging an alliance with Greeks, and, as they did not appear to present much of a threat.
They could hardly afford to pay tribute to two par- goods, especially metal, which was very difficult to likewise, the same may have been true to the south, Little did he know.
amount chieftains, Powhatan and Smith; they had get (Gleach 1997:3). The Powhatans eventually did at Apollonia. However, although several tribal As with Powhatan and the English, the
to choose, and choosing one meant having to fight take military action against the colonists, but by territories did apparently intersect near Apollonia's Illyrians also knew of the Greeks well before colo-
the other. However, in paying 'tribute' to Smith, the time of the First Powhatan War (1622) , the hinterland, it is not clear which tribe, ifany, invit- nization commenced. Beginning in the Bronze Age
some tribes may have felt as though they gained a colony had been reinforced, Powhatan had died, ed Greek settlement. Nevertheless, there does seem (if not earlier), Illyrian tribes traded with the
new ally in their struggle against Powhatan. This and the former chiefs cousin, Opecanchanough, to be evidence for regular and sustained interac- Greeks. Even so, colonization must have come as a
was especially true of tribes along Powhatan's eth- failed to expel the English. Fear of the English tion at Apollonia between Illyrians and Greeks shock to most Illyrians, despite the possibility that
nic fringe, which were more willing to subordinate caused the Chickahominies to suspend their coun- beginning with the foundation of the colony, in 588 it was invited by a particular tribe. Such an event-
themselves to Smith, perhaps because he offered cil of munguys and they became a tributary tribe of BC. As did the English in Virginia, the Apollonian the founding of a colony-must have caused seri-
more protection from the dreaded Iroquois than the Powhatans; and forced the Powhatans to make Greeks had no choice but to forge economic and ous perturbations in Illyrian historical 'trajecto-
did Powhatan. peace with their traditional enemies, the Monocans political alliances with the various tribes in the ries', as defined by Fowles (this volume, Chapter 2).
We might also imagine Powhatan's consterna- (i.e, the Eastern Sioux). Finally, the Powhatans region. Illyrian chiefs must have sought to trade For instance, the appearance of a city, such as
tion when he learned that a new 'chief was sailing were defeated. In 1646, Opecanchanough was cap- with the Apollonians, as did Indian chiefs seek out Apollonia, in the midst of prime winter grazing
around his territory demanding tribute from his tured and executed, reportedly at the age of 100+. John Smith and Jamestown. Illyrians gained ac- land, along the shore of a large river (the Vjose),
subjects. In fact, Powhatan responded by kidnap- In a fascinating twist, Virginia's Indian tribes cess to valuable, foreign-made prestige goods, and must have disrupted regional patterns of'transhu-
ping Smith and trying to force him to become his signed treaties with the colonial government ex- Greeks reportedly received and exported a variety mance and transportation. Furthermore, the slave
adopted 'son' (Gleach 1997:35; Rountree 1990:39). plicitly switching allegiance away from the para- ofIllyrian products, including hides, bitumen, and trade must have produced ripple effects on the
(Ironically, the colonists later sought to trick mount chiefto the King of England. As such, they slaves (Pettifer 1996:170). In addition, there may interior. As average Illyrians adjusted to a variety
Powhatan into swearing fealty to the King of En- were expected to present themselves to the gover- have been conflict between the Apollonian Greeks of new threats to their livelihood and well-being,
gland, something he refused to do [Rountree nor annually, bearing tribute, just as they had once and local Illyrians; there is at least one inscription they also witnessed the tribal system as a whole
1990:47].) When that failed, Powhatan sent his presented themselves to Powhatan. A tributary (from Olympia) that describes Apollonia's annex- evolving, perhaps in directions they could not pre-
daughter, Pocahontas (she of Walt Disney fame), relationship between the state of Virginia and its ation of a neighboring tribe's territory, that of the dict. The multi-generational processes that struc-
who was probably thirteen at the time, to 'negoti- Indian tribes is still, to this day, maintained. Abantes (Pettifer 1996:16). tured tribal life and behavior, such as were per-
ate'. In truth, Powhatan probably hoped Smith In fact, contact with Europeans may have al- haps generated by oral law codes, were not de-
would take his daughter as a wife, thereby directly The Illyrian Response to Colonialism lowed, even necessitated, Powhatan's rise to pow- signed to accommodate massive changes in the
subordinating him to the great chief, making him er (Gleach 1997; Rountree 1993),just as the Otto- social and political order, such as those engendered
a sub-chief and member of the 'royal' family. In Albania, beginning in the Archaic period, a man presence in various ways encouraged the Al- by colonization. Thus, with the coming of the
Pocahontas eventually did marry a colonist, John colonial relationship was established between banian bariak system. The tributary chiefdom Greeks, the Illyrians were plunged into a period of
Rolfe, in April of 1614, and while they were mar- Greeks and Illyrians, one not dissimilar to that headed by Powhatan was young, poorly integrat- intense turmoil, during which long-term trajecto-
ried (Pocahontas died in England on March 21, just described for the English and the Powhatans. ed, and therefore, unstable. The Algonquian 'eth- ries, including world view, would have also been
1617), Powhatan-Colonial relations experienced a I would argue that understanding the tribal polit- nic fringe' (tribes such as those located on the altered. Beliefsystems would have come into ques-
'golden age' of relative peace (Gleach 1997:3; ical system of Virginia's Algonquian people and Delmarva peninsula and to the north, along the tion, causing the mythic and spiritual underpin-
Rountree 1990:64). The peace did not last long, studying their response to an intrusive foreign Potomac, for example) continued to assert its inde- nings ofIllyrian culture to crumble (as appears to
though, primarily because, as more colonists ar- power can help us to envision interactions between pendence, distracting Powhatan from securing his have happened among the Powhatan; see Gleach
rived, more land was appropriated, and a develop- Greek colonists and tribal Illyrians, interactions western boundary with the Monacans, a boon for 1997:42, though for the most part he downplays
ing land rush was fueled by the growing European that are reflected in Albania's archaeological John Smith and the colonists. The Indians of the the impact of proselytizing by the English, see
appetite for Indian tobacco (Gleach 1997:67; record. eastern United States, including Powhatan, had especially pp. 65-73). These changes are reflected
Rountree 1990:68). If the model already constructed for tribal met Europeans before the coming ofthe English in in the religious syncretism evident in burials at
During this time, Powhatan did not take mili- Illyria, based in part on comparison to northern 1607-at Roanoke, for example. The Spanish also Apollonia.
tary action against the English. On numerous oc- Albanian tribes, is accurate, then the Greeks prob- had explored the eastern seaboard in the century According to Aristotle, Apollonia functioned as
casions, his warriors could have crushed the colony ably entered a situation not unlike that described prior to the founding of Jamestown, establishing a an oligarchy, descendants of colonists ruling over
(for instance, the colonists suffered several epi- by John Smith for Colonial Virginia. It is not clear series of short-lived missions, in Virginia (in 1570) an Illyrian serf population (Wilkes 1992:113).
demics, during which time they were vulnerable to which Illyrian tribe first invited Greek coloniza- and to the south, in what is now North and South However, there is archaeological evidence that, as
attack) and driven the English out of Virginia, but tion, but it may have been the Taulantii, who had Carolina, Georgia, and Florida (Gleach 1997:2). As time went by, the two different groups-colonized
he never took action. Certainly, the Jamestown been expelled-by invading Liburnians-from the a result, it is likely that the socio-political system and colonizer-began to merge. For example,

118 119
Michael L. Galaty 7. Modeling the Formation and Evolution ofan lllyrian Tribal System

Greeks and Illyrians possessedvery different burial least been tolerated. If indeed armed conflict did consanguines. At first, losses of land to English the heirs ofthe Illyrians managed to maintain a trib-
customs. At the time of colonization, Greeks prac- occur between colonists and local Illyrians, the farmers did not impinge upon native settlement al ethos. Communism nearly destroyed that ethos,
ticed individual inhumation, sometimes in pithoi Illyrian style offightingprobably clashed with that and access to resources, but as the stream of colo- and western capitalism will likely finish the job.
(large storage jars), the body being accompanied of the Greeks, as did Algonquian battle styles of- nists turned into a torrent, 'full-blooded' Indians
by various types of grave goods, most often painted fend the English (Gleach 1997 :4-5).In time, though, increasingly found themselves to be minorities in
pottery. Illyrians, however, placed their dead in certain tribes (or individuals) may have actually their ancestral territories, often disenfranchised Acknowledgements
tumuli (earthen burial mounds), a practice that moved closer to Apollonia, to take advantage of and impoverished (cf. Rountree 1989).
began in the Bronze Age. During the Bronze Age, new opportunities made available by the colony. A These processes of interaction, inter-marriage, I would like to thank Bill Parkinson for en-
wealthy graves, those of big men, sometimes those similar pattern was followed by the Algonquians and acculturation are reflected, I would argue, in couraging me to contribute to this volume. Wayne
of so-called 'warrior' chieftains who were buried with regard to Jamestown. There was at first, of the archaeology of Apollonia's hinterland. The Lee provided very constructive comments on an
with arms and armor, might be placed near the course, some hostility on the part of the Indians, Mallakastra Regional Archaeological Project has early draft, especially as regards the Powhatan. Of
center of the tumulus, with additional graves add- followed by a grudging tolerance of the presence of demonstrated that settlement of the city's hinter- course, mistakes and omissions are entirely my
ed to different portions ofthe tumulus as time went the English. Eventually, there was competition land occurred during the Hellenistic period, but own. Research in Albania has been conducted un-
by. Presumably, those buried in the same tumulus between tribes for access to the colony, with some not before (Davis et a1. 2002). Whereas MRAP has der the auspices of the Albanian Institute of Ar-
were members of the same clan or lineage. Some- tribes actually moving to be nearer to English set- thus far identified numerous small Hellenistic sites chaeology, Tirana, and in Virginia with the assis-
time during the Archaic period, however, Apollo- tlement, such as the 'Richahecrians', who settled within a day's walk ofthe city, the majority ofwhich tance of the Blue Ridge Center for Environmental
nians began burying their dead in tumuli in a large at the falls of the James river in 1656, having re- were most probably single-family farmsteads, no Stewardship.
necropolis (composed of c. 100 mounds) located to portedly originated west of the Blue Ridge Archaic or Classical settlement sites have yet been
the east of and outside the city's walls. Individuals (MacCord 1993). located. For several hundred years after the colo-
placed in Illyrian-style tumuli were, however, pro- At Apollonia, colonists and natives would have, ny's foundation, Greeks (and perhaps acculturat- References Cited
vided Greek-style burial furnishings. By Hellenis- through time, interacted with one another more ed Illyrians) lived within the bounds of the city's
tic times, obviously wealthy Apollonians were be- easily and intimately. For example, they would walls, but with the advent of the Hellenistic peri- Barbour, P., ed.
ing interred in tumuli in large marble sarcophagi, have learned each other's language, allowing trade od, settlement dispersed. It is not yet clear wheth- 1986 The Complete Works of Captain John
replete with fine imported pottery and gold jewel- to take place more easily and efficiently. As Aristotle er this pattern was mirrored on the interior, in the Smith (1580-1631) in Three Volumes. The
ry. Moreover, individual burials were sometimes insists, it may in fact be the case that Illyrians did, areas surrounding Illyrian hill forts, but in the University of North Carolina Press,
marked by stelae, carved with an image of the in some instances, become the serfs, servants, or vicinity of Apollonia, at least, colonial interactions Chapel Hill.
deceased, inscribed with his or her name. Interest- employees of Greeks. Eventually, Greeks and (such as trade) and processes of acculturation (such Breen, Eleanor
ingly, names carved on stelae are of both Greek Illyrians would have inter-married. Similar pro- as intermarriage) eventually allowed what appears 1998 Basse's Choice: An Archaeological and
and Illyrian origin (Cabanes 1993). cesses transformed the relationship of Virginia's to have been an expansion of Greek settlement. It Historical Analysis of Indian-English
Given the foregoing, how might we explain the Indians to the English. I have already mentioned may be that this expansion was caused by changes Interactions during the Contact Period.
interactions between Illyrians and Greeks at the marriage of John Rolfe to Pocahontas, which in the economic relationship between Illyrians and Quarterly Bulletin ofthe Archaeological
Apollonia, especially in light of the (sometimes may have been largely strategic, but in actuality Greeks. For example, if the Illyrians were provid- Society of Virginia 53(2):34-43.
contradictory) documentary and archaeological marriages between English men and native wom- ing hides and slaves to the Greeks, then extensive Cabanes, P., ed.
evidence? Can we account for the process of cultur- en became a quite common feature oflife in <:;010- tracts ofland were not necessarily needed by the 1993 L'Illyrie meridionale et l'Epire dans
al syncretism that appears to have taken place at nial Virginia. For example, the Nansemond record colony, at least at first. However, as the popula- l'Antiquite-Il: actes du IIe Colloque
the colony, as represented by changes in burial in their tribal documents the marriage, in 1638, of tion and function ofthe colony shifted away from internationale de Clermont-Ferrand, 25-
customs? Jon Basse, an Englishman, to a Nansemond wom- the slave trade and towards agriculture, farm 27octobre 1990. De Boccard, Paris.
If, indeed, the Illyrians were a tribal people, an given the Christian name Elizabeth (Breen land was needed, requiring an expansion of set- Davis, J., Muzafer Korkuti, Lorenc Bejko, M.
many ofwhom were pastoral nomads, moving from 1998:41). For the Algonquians, as was true for tlement. A similar pattern is attested in the ar- Galaty, Skender Mucaj, and Sharon Stocker
the interior to the coast seasonally, then the Greeks modern-day Albanian tribes, a marriage marked chaeological and historical records of Virginia: 2001 The Homepage of the Mallakastra Re-
at Apollonia probably colonized what appeared to an alliance between two families, and the binding colonization, interaction and acculturation, and, gional Archaeological Project. http://
be a very lightly settled landscape. However, together of two different lineage segments (the finally, expansion of the colonial power at the ex-
Apollonia's hinterland did in fact belong to some- Albanianfis). In a colonial situation, as the num- pense ofthe native population. In Virginia, unlike Durham, Edith
one -to a particular tribe-and was used, most bers of marriages between colonized and colonizer Illyris, settlement expansion occurred very quick- 1909[2000] High Albania: A Victorian Travel-
likely as winter pasture. IfmodernAlbanian tribes increase, war becomes a less savory, though not ly, because land was required for the growing of ler's Balkan Odyssey. Phoenix Press,
are any guide, Illyrians probably possessed an in- always unavoidable, option. Greek and Illyrian tobacco. By the 18th century, native peoples and London.
timate understanding ofthe tribal territorial land- marriages likely bound Greek to Illyrian lineages, cultures had largely ceased to exist east of the Durham, Edith
scape of Illyris, and carefully guarded territories and processes of cultural syncretism were set in Appalachians. Ofthe literally hundreds oftribes 1976[1928] -Some Tribal Origins, Laws and
from incursions by members of other tribes. Their motion. As an alternative to war, both native and that once populated the Atlantic seaboard, only a Customs ofthe Balkans. AMS Press, New
response to the Apollonian Greeks may have at non-native individuals may find themselves com- handful remain today. Similarly, Illyrian tribal York.
first been hostile (unless, of course, they really were promising to avoid conflict and, depending on the peoples in southern Albania were subsumed by Elsie, Robert
invited to found a colony), but as tribal chiefs real- situation, gain political, social, and/or economic successive waves of invaders and settlers, first 2001 A Dictionary ofAlbanian Religion, My-
ized the potential for trade and political alliance advantages. For example, Algonquians in Virginia Greeks, then Romans, later Ottomans, but in north- thology, and Folk Culture. Hurst and
with the colonists, their presence would have at traded land for peace, especially with bi-cultural ern Albania, isolated in the 'accursed' mountains, Company, London.

120 121
Michael L. Galaty

Fausz, J. Frederick Pettifer, James

1979 Fighting 'Fire' with Firearms: The Anglo- 1996 Blue Guide:Albania. W.W. Norton, New
Powhatan Arms Race in Early Virginia. York.
American Indian Culture and Research Potter, Stephen 8. Mobility and the Organization of Prehispanic Southwest
and Journal 3(4):33-50. 1993 Commoners, Tribute, and Chiefs: The
Feinman, Gary, and Jill Neitzel Development of Algonquian Culture in Communities
1984 Too Many Types: An Overview of Seden- the Potomac Valley. The University Press
tary Prestate Societies in the Americas. of Virginia, Charlottesville.
Advances in Archaeological Method and Rountree, Helen
Sarah A. Herr and Jeffery J. Clark
Theory 7:39-102. ,f 1989 Pocahontas's People: The Powhatan In-
Fox, Leonard dians of Virginia Through Four Centu-
1989 The Code of Leke Dukagjini. Gjonlekaj ries. University of Oklahoma Press, The challenge facing the anthropologist is one Small Scale Agricultural Societies
Publishing Company, New York. Norman, OK. of reconciling the problem of order with the prob-
Gleach, Frederic Rountree, Helen (editor) lem of change (Gosden 1999:167). In this chapter As an evolutionary stage, the tribe has not been
1997 Powhatan's World and Colonial Virgin- 1993 Powhatan: Foreign Relations 1500-1722. we examine the ways in which individual, house- a particularly useful category. In the neo-evolu-
ia: A Conflict of Cultures. Studies in the University Press of Virginia, Charlot- hold, and supra-household mobility both forms and tionary ladder the tribe is an ambiguous and ill-
Anthropology of North American Indi- tesville. transforms communities ofsmall scale agricultur- defined moniker for the diverse array of social or-
ans Series. University ofNebraska Press, Sahlins, Marshall alists. The importance of mobility in agricultural ganizations between mobile bands, on the one hand,
Lincoln. 1961 The Segmentary Lineage: An Organiza- societies has not been addressed adequately in and more sedentary chiefdoms and states, on the
Hammond, N. G. L. tion of Predatory Expansion. American many models of social organization, including the other. The term is further burdened with a heavy
1992 The Relations of Illyrian Albania with Anthropologist 63:332-345. 'tribal model'. In evolutionary constructs, agricul- load of colonial and post-colonial period baggage
the Greeks and Romans. In Perspectives 1968 Tribesmen. Prentice Hall, Englewood turalists are differentiated from foraging groups with 'primitive' connotations of native societies in
on Albania, edited by T. Winnifrith, pp. Cliffs, NJ. because of their reduced mobility. However, in the Africa and the Americas. In the Southwest, what
29-39. Macmillan, New York. Service, Elman farming communities ofthe prehispanic American are perceived to he less controversial and more
2000 The Ethne in Epirus and Upper Mace- 1962 Primitive Social Organization. Random Southwest (see Fig. 1) , mobility was an essential descriptive terms include 'middle-range society' and
donia. Annual of the British School at House, New York. aspect of social organization and local and long- 'small-scale agriculturalists'. 'Middle-range soci-
Athens 95:345-352. Taylor, Timothy distance movements ofindividuals and households ety', for example, includes what neoevolutionists
Hranicky, Wm Jack 1994 Thracians, Scythians, and Dacians, 800 were commonplace. Mobility does not have to be a term 'tribal' and 'chiefdoms'. 'Small-scale agricul-
1996 A Briefe and True Report of the New BC-AD 300. In The Oxford Illustrated traumatic society-rending axis of change to have tural society' is a more literal term to describe sed-
Found Land of Virginia, Part XVIII- History of Prehistoric Europe, edited by an effect on social structure (Bogucki 1996:308). entary or semi-sedentary farmers in communities
High Feasts, or Possible Ethnographic Barry Cunliffe, pp. 373-410. Oxford Uni- Exploring the relationships between different ofless than about 2500 people (Lekson 1989). These
Description of a Solar Observatory. Quar- versity Press, Oxford. forms of mobility and social organization among communities often are organized by kinship with
terly Bulletin ofthe Archaeological Soci- Ulqini, K. these groups requires an approach that can ad- minimal social stratification and limited ranking,
ety of Virginia 51(2):86-92. 1991 The Bayrak in the Old OrganizationzThe dress both order and change. and economic institutions are based on reciprocity
Hasluck, Margaret End of the 12th Century Up to 1912 (in In the following sections we define three differ- and informal redistribution. Centralized author-
1954 The Unwritten Law in Albania. Cam- Albanian). Akademia e Shkencave e RPS ent types of mobility in small scale agricultural ity is weakly developed, and may not outlast the
bridge University Press, Cambridge. e Shqiperise. Instituti i Kultures Popul- societies and their archaeological signatures. These lifetime of the leader. Power often derives from
Kadare, Ismail lore, Tirane. types include circulation, residential mobility and consensus rather than coercion.
1990 Broken April. New Amsterdam Books, Vickers, Miranda migration. The relationships between each form of Instead of offering an alternative to the tribal
Lanham,MD. 1995 The Albanians. LB. Tauris, London. mobility and social organization are illustratedwith model this chapter focuses on the relationship
Lane, Rose Wilder Wells, Peter examples from the American Southwest. We ar- between structure and agency to understand how
1923 Peaks ofShala. Harper-Collins, London 1998 Identity and Material Culture in the Later gue that circulation and residential mobility are small-scale agricultural societies are constituted.
and New York. Prehistory of Central Europe. Journal of fundamental aspects of existing economic and so- An emphasis on structure alone yields modal and
MacCord, Howard Archaeological Research 6(3):239-298. cial structures while migration can transform these static explanations and studies of agency alone
1993 Commentary. Richahecrian Identity: Wilkes, John structures. Two types of post-migration contexts obscure the relationship between individual choices
One of Virginia's Many Archaeological 1992 The Illyrians. Blackwell, Oxford. also are recognized: 1) those where immigrants and societal change. By examining the interaction
Challenges. Quarterly Bulletin of the Young, A. move into sparsely occupied frontier regions; and of structure and agency dynamic social processes
Archaeological Society of Virginia 2000 Women Who Become Men: Albanian 2) those where immigrants move into existing are elucidated.
48(4):187-188. Sworn Virgins. Berg, New York. settlements and coreside with the indigenous in- The stronger the institutions that guided be-
habitants. Cross-cultural regularities permit gen- havior, the stronger the modal or normative ar-
eral models of migration and subsequent commu- chaeological pattern will be. Variability in archaeo-
nity formation, but historical contingency makes logical patterns is the result of many individual
each situation unique, requiring an inductive ap- and corporate decisions to follow or reject societal
proach to the data collected in each region. norms. Mobility, the result of decisions enacted,

122 123
Sarah A. Herr and Jeffery J. Clark 8. Mobility and the Organization ofPrehispanic Southwest Communities

has the potential to leave material patterns that northern Southwest. However, since the 1980s we
can be identified and quantified. Mobility factors have been unpacking the definitions of terms such
into considerations ofintegration and interaction, as 'sedentary' and 'complexity'. Research in the
cooperation, communication, and conflict in small- 1990s focused on "mobility, ethnicity, and cultur-
scale agricultural societies (Braun and Plog 1983; ally constructed landscapes" (Reid 1997 :629). Bet-
u Haas 1993; Habicht-Mauche 1993). Furthermore, ter understanding of the small-scale agricultural
2 attention to the interplay of structure and agency societies comes from recognizing that there are
can help us understand the organizational 'cycles' different degrees of sedentism and certain types of
that characterize small-scale societies, as they mobility that facilitate it.
exercise strategies of expediency or resilience Generally, small-scale agricultural societies
(Adams 1978), power or efficiency (Stuart and are composed of households that supply their own
r: Gauthier 1981), causing visible changes in the subsistence needs. The interdependence of house-
u aggregation or dispersion of settlement. holds within communities varies, but households
\. g,
The pattern of settlement on the landscape is largely are responsible for their own production
inherently linked to patterns of mobility, one is the and reproduction, and mobility is a critical aspect
1 0
U by-product of the other. Mobility plays a particu- of their daily life. It"...arises because of the spatial
larly strong role in organizations, such as many separation of obligations, activities, and resources
I small scale agricultural societies, where private that exist for all cultures" (PreuceI1990:17). Mo-
property and community territoriality are not rig- bility is ubiquitous in the prehispanic American
idly demarcated. Use of land is more flexible in Southwest, the area from which we draw our ex-
areas with relatively low population density and amples. In many archaeological reports, the land-
weakly developed institutional identification with scape is represented imprecisely by series of static
place. maps of site locations at 100-year resolution. Yet,
people walked daily from their homes to their fields,
Definitions of Mobility and seasonally to harvest wild plants and hunt
animals from other ecozones. In the puebloan
Mobility is one of the best avenues for inves- Southwest farmers moved their homes at least once
I tigating the relationship between structure and a generation, their communities every several gen-
I agency. Mobility can support the status quo or it erations, and when the conditions warranted, they
can be an agent of change. The scale and frequency took the longer journeys we define as migrations
ofmobility affect the character and stability ofsocial (Clark 2001, Herr 2001; Mills 1994).
,, ,
c institutions. In its most extreme forms it results in Forms of mobility are differentiated by the fre-
c 'U:J" the interactions of societal structures through the quency oftravel: daily, seasonally, every few years,
~1- i face-to-face contact of people from different cul- more than once per generation, or once every few
i tural backgrounds (Sahlins 1981). In such situa- generations. The social consequences of mobility
,i tions new means of integration andcommunica- vary with the scale and structure ofthe group, the
N i tion may develop. distance oftravel, the frequency of movement, and
« i Several different terms have been used to de- the motivation for movement (see Table 1). The
"z scribe the movement of people. Ambiguity in the latter are often described as a balance between
" 0
,! \f) usage of these terms can create confusion about
the processes being described. In particular, 'mi-
economic and social 'pushes' and 'pulls' in both the
home and the destination regions (Anthony 1990).
i gration' and 'mobility' often are treated as synony- In the prehispanic Southwest, most of the


- zl
v-, ,, ,
mous processes. Here, we treat migration as one
type of movement within a much broader range of
Mobility was first and best studied as a means
movements were by choice, rather than by the co-
ercion of a central authority, and an individual or
household's choice of destination was based upon
information acquired through personal or second
o ofunderstanding foraging societies (Perlman 1985; hand knowledge of the destination area. Table 2
PreuceI1990:9; Varien 1999). Societies with agri- lists possible motives for moving out of a home
cultural economies generally were assumed to be community and into a destination community. In
sedentary. Movements of agriculturalists were addition to the perceived allure of a destination
explained in terms of environmental changes that area, the migrant must also consider whether he
precipitated movements to better lands. (Dean or she is revoking access to land and social rights
1988b; Orcutt 1991). This certainly was how re- in the home community, the cost of the journey,
searchers perceived the prehispanic pueblos of the and the possibility of imperfect knowledge about

124 125
Sarah A. Herr and Jeffery J. Clark 8. Mobility and the Organization ofPrehispanic Southwest Communities

the destination area. Generally, the longer the Circulation is expected, movement away from the home com- In the ranchitos at Cochiti, women constructed
distance move and the larger the number of mi- munity causes no loss of rights or interests. The bins and used metates in their single-room field
grants, the more likely that the movement will Preucel (1990) borrowed the term 'circulation' frequency of this type of movement can vary from homes. A late 19t h century ethnographer (Poore
have significant social consequences in the home from urban geographers and economists to describe daily, periodic, and seasonal, to long term (Preucel 1894 as cited in Lange 1990:42) noted that special
and destination communities. Long distance move- a type of tethered mobility. Circulation is the re- 1990:18). Preucel describes daily circulation as that subterranean roasting ovens for green corn were
ments often followed known trade routes and trails petitive and cyclic movement of individuals, fami- for which no overnight stay is necessary; periodic found exclusively at ranchitos and were not found
(Herr and Clark 1997). lies, and groups across the landscape from a single, circulation is a movement of short duration; sea- in the main pueblo. By the mid-twentieth century
permanent, residential location. Because a return sonal circulation is tied to the calendar; and long- the Cochiti ranchitos were seldom used, but "in the
term circulation can last over a year. The motiva- old days ... most families left the pueblo either in
., tion for circulation is often economic, but social early spring or just after the July 14 th Saint's Day
factors can play a role, particularly in the more celebration. They remained at their ranches until
Table 1. Typical mobility patterns of small scale agriculturalists in the Southwest United States. distant movements. Examples of circulation for after harvest time except for occasional trips home
economic purposes include: farming, fuel collect- for additional supplies or for the celebration of
Short-term Seasonal Residential Migration ing, foraging, hunting, and trade. These kinds of various feast days.... the village was virtually
Circulation Circulation Mobility circulation play an essential role in the economic depopulated in the summer, nearly everyone go-
organization of the society. Social reasons for cir- ing to the ranchos where they lived until Septem-
Description Daily and overnight Seasonal pattern of Household Household
ber and October" (Lange 1990:42).
mobility away from mobility away and relocation within
culation include: marriage, visits to friends and
relocation outside
home base return to home base community community/ family, ceremonies, festivals, recreation, and pil- Artifact assemblages at field houses are noto-
settlement system grimages (Preucel1990: 19). Long-term circulation riously small (Preucel 1990; Sullivan 1994:199),
is a type of mobility most often associated with and assemblages at both field houses and farming
Frequency Daily, weekly Seasonal 1-2 times per Variable, but less market economies and opportunities for wage la- communities lack the diversity ofassemblages from
generation common bor. Daily and periodic circulation are collapsed the 'year round' home base sites. Often these short-
Distance A days walk Defined on an Defined on social Defined on social here into a category called 'short term circulation'. term and seasonal residences lack evidence ofwhole
economic landscape, landscape, within landscape: beyond This type of movement and seasonal circulation classes of activities, particularly burial and ritual
beyond the community the boundaries of are the most common types ofmobility for the small- activities (Most 1987; Reid 1982:151-199; Schlanger
boundaries of the boundaries the community/ scale agriculturalists ofthe prehispanic Southwest. and Orcutt 1986). The home communityis the ritual
home resource area. society The best examples of short-term and seasonal center, and farmers travel back to their villages for
Tens of miles circulation come from the farming schedules of important agricultural ceremonies. The smallest
Prospects of Return expected Return expected Return unexpected Return unexpected modern Southwest Pueblos. The time spent away field structures may not have been occupied for
return from home and the number of trips taken to the more than a few days at a time, but were used
field is directly related to the amount of attention multiple times over the course of a season and over
Social scale Individual! Household Household, groups Individual, given to the field and the distance of the field a number of years.
household of households household, multi- (Preucel 1990; Young 1996). Two circulation pat- In the late 14 t h and early 15t h century, groups
household groups. terns are known from historic Southwest Pueblos. in the northern Rio Grande valley lived in large
Likely Primarily economic Economic Economic/ social Economic/social Both have architectural correlates that offer po- villages with hundreds of rooms. In this situation,
motivations pushes and pulls tential for modeling past circulation patterns. Rio families do not necessarily live near their fields.
Grande area farmers at San Ildefonso, Santa Clara, Instead, following patterns of short-term circula-
San Juan, Tesuque, Nambe, Santo Domingo, and tion, farmers walked between one and six km to
Sandia practice a pattern of short-term circulation their fields. Large aggregated villages and field
in which they build insubstantial structures near houses have also been found in the Phoenix Basin
Table 2. Example of a migration decision matrix. their fields, such as field houses, ramadas, lean- between A.D. 750 and 950 (Mitchell 1989), the
tos, shades, etc. as temporary shelters, storage Mimbres region in the twelfth century (Nelson
Push (away from home) Pull (toward destination) facilities, and land claims markers. Such struc- 1999: 140), and the Flagstaffarea between approxi-
tures are used by farmers who stay in their fields mately A.D. 1065 and 1225 (Sullivan 1994), pro-
Climatic deterioration Good precipitation, warm weather only for the day or overnight on any given trip. vidingpossible evidence for similar patterns ofdaily
Economic Resource depletion! overexploitation Abundant resources Farmers at Acoma, Zuni, Laguna, Santa Ana, movement in these regions. Although difficult to
Poor crop yields Available land Cochiti, and Isleta construct entire farm commu- demonstrate archaeologically, the use of field
Increasing population Low population density nities of multiple households near their fields, ki- houses in dry farming strategies is consistent with
lometers away from their primary habitation vil- the use of multiple fields by farmers-a behavior
Factionalism! political discord Kin ties
lages (Preucel 1990:43; Rothschild et al. 1993; similar to that of the modern Hopi (Hack 1942).
Social Raiding/ violence Trading partners present
Spicer 1962: 182). Architecture at farming commu- Short term tending of fields is indicated by limited
Immigration of others into home Marriage opportunities
nities is more substantial than the previous ex- labor expended to build shelters and the reduced
community More political stability
ample, because farmers are likely to live in these number of activities indicated by artifacts and fea-
Ideological failures Ideological benefits
communities for much of the agricultural season. tures. Such a strategy would be risky ifit was only

126 127
Sarah A. Herr and Jeffery J. Clark 8. Mobility and the Organization ofPrehispanic Southwest Communities

applied to a single field. However, apportioning plied to settlement relocations by foragers to sites Varien's (1999) study of residential mobility When archaeological perspective is focused on a
time and effort among multiple fields is a means of near critical resources. This type of movement was and persistent communities in the Mesa Verde single site or cluster of sites, the appearance of
minimizing agricultural risk by exploiting a num- contrasted with logistical mobility, in which small region not only identifies patterns of mobility on migrants appears as an abrupt 'event' with the
ber of microenvironments. task groups would acquire resources without chang- the landscape, but examines the social conse- potential to dramatically change the course of lo-
Short-term circulation includes the acquisition ing the location of their home base (Binford 1980; quences of these movements. He proposes that cal history.
of wild, cultivated, and domestic foods. Archaeolo- Young 1996). Binford (1980) points out that these individual decisions about household mobility have Within the temporal scopes discussed in this
gists find evidence for exploitation of wild and two strategies are not mutually exclusive; both are an effect on the structure of Mesa Verde society volume, migration is both an intra- and multigen-
cultivated resources from a number of ecological used by a single society as circumstances warrant. between AD. 950 and 1290. As mobility patterns erational process. As an intragenerational process,
zones in bothAncestral Pueblo and Hohokam settle- This framework can also be applied to small- change, land ownership changes from the usufruct migration is the result of decisions made by indi-
ments across the Southwest (Fish and Fish 1994). scale agricultural societies. In the Southwest, resi- strategy ofland use to more formally tenured sys- viduals and households that have a significant
In the Hohokam area of southern Arizona, rock dential mobility describes the movement of house- tems, where farmers own land that is not actively impact on community structure. Local social orga-
piles situated above the Marana community, indi- holds within community territories. It can be dif- used, as well as their current fields. Communities nizations are transformed as migrants leave old
cated that the residents exploited the resources ferentiated from patterns of circulation (such as playa role in regulating land use, and changing communities. In destination areas, there is often
(particularly agave) of areas above the floodplain Binford's logistical mobility) by the lack of inten- land ownership has consequences for marriage and an economic, as well as a social priority accorded to
and lower alluvial deposits where their settlements tion to return and, often, the forfeiture of rights to inheritance laws. those who come first (Kopytoff 1987; Levy 1992;
were located. The topographic setting ofthe Marana land in the home community. The frequency and Schlegel 1992; Stinson 1996; Mills 2000). When
community makes it possible to exploit a wide distance of residential mobility in any given region Migration immigration is to an area with an existing popula-
variety of resources within a days walk. Northern or time period depends upon whether the primary tion, immigrants must cooperate or compete with
Puebloan groups also took advantage of diverse residential pattern is one of dispersal or aggrega- The least frequent movements that cover the indigenous groups. When they settle in sparsely
environments. Residents of Chacoan outlier com- tion and whether families live near or away from greatest distance are migrations. Migration "is a populated areas beyond the boundaries of extant
munities in the San Juan Basin had most of their their fields. The definition of residential mobility long-term residential relocation" by individuals, political organization or 'frontiers', migrants cre-
fields within 4 km of their homes, but made use of can also encompass the classic structuralist ex- households, or other social units, "across commu- ate new communities (Herr 1999). The migration
a wide variety of environmental zones in the unoc- amples of village formation by 'budding' offfrom a nity boundaries as the result of a perceived de- process can cause structural changes in the social
cupied areas between communities (Powers et al. parent settlement, for whatever reasons. Although crease in the benefits of remaining residentially organization of home and destination communi-
1983:289). Similar patterns have been observed in 'daughter' settlements are initially dependent upon stable and/or a perceived increase in the benefits ties that have ramifications for subsequent gen-
the upper Little Colorado region (Kintigh et al. the parent, through time the full range of sustain- of relocating to the prospective destination" (Clark erations.
1996:139). In the northern Rio Grande between able organizations are recreated, more households 1997:44). Points highlighted by this definition in- Migration, as an event, appears in the histo-
AD. 1150 and AD. 1450, fields were often located are attracted, and ultimately the daughter becomes clude the fact that 1) migration is a movement ries of a number of regions across the Southwest.
one to two km from habitations, and between AD. an independent village, no longer dependant upon beyond, not within, social and territorial bound- The degree of attention researchers have paid to
1450 and AD. 1550 field distance increased to an the parent. The expansion ofHohokam settlement aries; 2) migration is a choice made and enacted by migration varies from simple detection to more in-
average of2 to 3 km, but fields could also be found in the Phoenix Basin between AD. 750 and 950 individuals or households-the movement oflarge depth studies about the significance of the migra-
more than 6 km away from the village. Through- has been described as a budding process. As main social groups and entire communities is rare, 3) tion in community and regional histories. Four
out this occupation, these farmers exploited a va- canals in the region were lengthened and lateral the choice to migrate is contingent upon changing methods for detecting migration have been used:
riety of environments, a trend that only seems to canals added, field houses were built to maintain perceptions ofthe economic and social environment trait lists, historical linguistics, and demographic
have increased through time (Orcutt 1991:327; these canals and associated fields on a temporary in the home and destination communities-these and stylistic analyses. The trait list is the earliest
PreuceI1990:172). basis (Mitchell 1989). Permanent habitations were perceptions are often termed 'pushes' and 'pulls' means by which anthropologists identified mi-
Seasonal patterns of resource procurement subsequently established as new tracts of land (Anthony 1990). Like residential mobility, part of grants. This method generates a list artifacts or
have also been recognized in other areas ·of the became available. the definition of migration is that there is no inten- attributes that are intrusive in one area and con-
Southwest in a number of time periods. For ex- Varien (1999) identifies stable communities, tion of prolonged return. In reality, return migra- nected historically with another in order to iden-
ample, based on examination of architecture, lithic as defined by centralized public architecture, in tions are not uncommon (Anthony 1990). Unlike tify a migration event, with little regard to the
technology, and subsistence resources, Young the Mesa Verde region between AD. 950 and 1300, circulation, there is no predictable periodicity to behaviors reflected by these artifacts and attributes
(1996) posits that between AD. 600 and 900, the but is able to trace changing patterns ofhousehold migrations. (which can include trade, imitation, and emula-
residents ofpithouse villages in the Homol'ovi area aggregation and dispersion within these commu- In popular perception, migrations are epic and tion) (Haury 1958; Kroeber and Driver 1932; Reed
may have left their homes during the late summer nities across generations. In northeast Arizona, historic in proportion, recalling images of people 1950; Wissler 1926). Historical linguistics also has
and early fall to gather resources from Mogollon around AD. 1300 residents of small roomblocks at gathering for the western land-rushes in Okla- a long history within anthropology. It has been
Rim or Flagstaff area uplands. Residents of Homol'ovi III and IV probably moved a short dis- homa, Missouri, or Idaho (e.g., Limerick 1987:57). used to track population movements through lin-
Chodistaas Pueblo (AD. 1263-1300), on the Grass- tance to the larger roomblocks at Homol'ovi I and In the prehispanic Puebloan Southwest movement guistic connections and discontinuities, both with
hopper Plateau in the Mogollon Rim region, may II (Lange 1994:43). Similarly, the late 13t h century in such large groups was rare and individuals, and without attempts to correlate these patterns
have had their winter residences on the Colorado to early 14th century change from dispersed to ag- households or small groups of households moved with archaeological signatures (Ford et al.1972; Mera
Plateau (Reid and Whittlesey 1999:38-39). gregated habitation is in part the result ofresiden- across the landscape, often in discrete movements. 1935, 1940; Shaul and Hill 1998). Demographic
tial mobility as the residents of small roomblocks, Migration is best studied as a process at a regional and stylistic approaches are more recent additions
Residential mobility such as Chodistaas and Grasshopper Springs, scale that includes both the home and destination to the archaeological detection of migrants.
moved to the nearby Grasshopper Pueblo (Reid areas, that can then be related to differences in the Demographic analyses are particularly effec-
The term 'residential mobility' was first ap- and Whittlesey 1999). economic and social situation of the two areas. tive in unpopulated or sparsely populated areas

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Sarah A. Herr and Jeffery J. Clark 8. Mobility and the Organization of Prehispanic Southwest Communities

where migrations may be identified by significant possible for the manufacture of an item the method generalized patterns of settlement and mobility anyone migration last approximately two to three
increases in population size (Doelle 1995; Longacre chosen is the one learned through close interaction that are an essential part ofthe daily lives of south-generations, as demonstrated in the following case
1970,1976; Newcomb 1999; Schlanger 1987,1988). or through hands-on instruction from family and west residents, and some of the best cases for mi- studies. The number of individual movements to a
The calculation ofmomentary population estimates neighbors. Because the message content of techno- grations. Both the mundane and more dramatic particular destination, and their exact dates, re-
from contemporaneous habitation room counts for logical styles is low, these styles change slowly and forms of mobility are essential aspects of small- main beyond our resolution.
a series of time intervals (e.g., 25, 50, or 100 years) reflect cultural backgrounds rather than conscious scale agriculturalists in the Southwest. Mobility played different roles in the lives of
can be used to create regional population curves choices about identity. Ancestral Pueblo and Hohokam groups we will be
for which rates of population increase or decrease Understanding the significance of style in past Settlement and Mobility in the discussing. Generally speaking, the Puebloans
can be estimated. These rates can then be com- societies depends upon understanding the context American Southwest lived in the low diversity pinyon-juniper biome of
pared to natural birth rates or mortality, rates to ofthe artifact or feature exhibiting the style. Both the Colorado Plateau, practiced dry farming, flood
assess whether immigration or emigration has the trait list approach and the stylistic approach Patterns of circulation and residential mobil- water farming, occasionally spring farming, and
occurred (Jackson 1994; Longacre 1976). The ef- use artifacts and architecture to make arguments ity were an inherent part of Southwest society for later irrigation, with varying degrees of reliance
fectiveness of this demographic technique relies about social differences. What distinguishes these hundreds of years. The importance of any particu- upon water control features such as check dams,
upon fine chronological control. Interpretation methods is that the stylistic approach pays close lar type of mobility changed in relation to the en- terraces, and grid gardens. Direct ethnographic
becomes more convincing when contemporaneous attention to the social context of production, con- vironment and settlement decisions, but mobility analogy (Hack 1942; Preucel 1990) to modern
source and destination areas can be identified by sumption, and distribution of material culture. was always an important means of implementing Pueblo groups suggests that tending multiple fields
notably declining populations in the former and Trait list approaches often fail to consider the be- the daily economic and social choices of small scale may have helped families alleviate the risks of the
rising populations in the latter (Longacre 1976). haviors that gave rise to the archaeological pat- agriculturalists. localized climatic variations that characterize this
Population measurements also hinge upon discern- terns. The geographic terms used in the following portion ofthe Southwest. Patterns of mobility in-
ing the number of habitation rooms (versus rooms Examples of technological styles that are rel- discussion are defined as such: the northern South- clude the daily and short-term circulation to the
used for manufacture, storage, or ritual), habita- evant to the case studies presented below can be west includes the Colorado Plateau and the fields. Field houses, the best architectural indica-
tion room life span, rebuilding frequency, and the found in domestic architecture, ceramic manufac- Mogollon Rim transition zone. The southern South- tion of such patterns, are documented in the 11th
number of people estimated per room (Schlanger ture, and foodways. For example, in the Southwest west includes the basin and range environment century Black Range region ofthe Mimbres (Nelson
1987). the two most common techniques for forming ves- south and west of the Mogollon Rim and the 1999), the 12 th century Flagstaff area (Pilles and
Using similar classes of data, population dis- sels are paddle and anvil construction and coil and Papagueria ofsouthwestArizona. Central Arizona, Wilcox 1978), the 14 th through is- century Rio
tribution across the Southwest can be documented. scrape construction. Generally, the vessels pro- a part of southern southwest by the above defini- Grande (Orcutt 1991; Powers and Van Zandt 1999)
Examination of changes in population size (Dean duced are functionally equivalent, although they tion, is called out as a separate area. The Mogollon and Zuni areas (Kintigh 1996). Field house use is
et al. 1994) and population density (Duff 1998) may look different. So when coil and scrape vessels Rim is a geologic uplift that forms the southern part of a seasonal pattern. They are used primarily
through time show the spatial expansion and con- are constructed oflocal materials in a region oth- boundary of the Colorado Plateau and crosses cen- during the summers. After the harvest, farmers
traction of settlement, patterns of population ag- erwise known to use the paddle and anvil method, tral and east-central Arizona. It is an area of rug- and their families return to the village for the win-
gregation and dispersion, and broad scale changes it can be assumed that a non-local potter is present ged topography, and geographic transitions be- ter. Before the historic period (before the arrival of
in geographic preferences, such as the late thir- in the settlement. Recipes and food processing tween the plateau to the north and the basin and Coronado inAD. 1540), pueblos were occupied for
teenth and fourteenth century shift from occupa- methods are among the most conservative tech- range environment to the south. It is also an area relatively short periods of time.
tion of the Colorado Plateau to settlement in pe- nologies encountered world wide (Adams 19.98; of climatological transitions between the winter Until approximately AD. 750, residents of the
rennially watered or riverine areas. After migra- 1999; Baker 1980; Diehl et al. 1998; Ferguson 1992). dominant rainfall pattern of the northern plateau, Colorado Plateau and Mogollon Highlands lived in
tions or abandonments have been detected at the Similarly, wall construction techniques, hearth and the bimodal winter/summer rainfall pattern subterranean pithouses or rockshelters. Storage
local scale, general trends identified by macrore- construction, and even the organization of domes- ofthe southern basin and range environment (Dean was in large pits located outside the houses (Young
gional syntheses can be used to reconstruct home tic space are strongly correlated to cultural learn- 1988a, 1996). In the past and present, groups who 1996). Pithouses were isolated or clustered, but
and destination regions. ing (Cameron 1998; Clark 2001; Deetz 1977; inhabit pueblos (Puebloans) live in the northern the organization of these settlements is not well
The detection of migration to areas with pre- Wyckoff 1990). The more types of artifacts pro- Southwest. In the past, the Hohokam lived in the understood. After approximately AD. 300, some
existing populations hinges upon developments in duced by non-local technological styles in a given basin and range environment of the southern pithouse settlements were organized around large
stylistic theory. Generally, there are two types of context, the stronger the argument for immigrant Southwest-an area inhabited today by O'odham circular integrative structures called great kivas,
styles, to which a number of terms have been ap- presence. Because technological styles can often groups, the possible descendants ofthe Hohokam. but other types of communal spaces, such as pla-
plied (Larick 1987; Sackett 1977, 1982, 1985; be tied to certain regions, they not only help detect The relatively high degree of temporal resolu- zas and courtyards are extremelyrare (Dohm 1994).
Wiessner 1983, 1984, 1985; Wobst 1977). One type the presence of migrants, they help identify their tion in much of the Southwest allows discussions Because of problems identifying pithouse struc-
of style is highly visible, and exhibits 'signaling' homelands. of social change in periods ranging from one to tures based solely on surface manifestations what
behavior (Wobst 1977).This type of style has been Because of the economic and social disjunc- three generations. Tree-ring dating and ceramic is known of this period is drawn mainly from exca-
called 'active' because it can be manipulated to tures created by long-distance movements, migra- cross-dating allows sites and features to be assigned vated sites. Thus the pithouse period is underrep-
convey certain social messages and can change tions can give rise to complex social interactions to intervals of 25 to 50 years in many cases, and resented in theories of regional patterns of social
rapidly. The other type of style has been called that change the course oflocal histories. Other types sometime to within a few years. Accelerated mass organization. Based on studies of architecture,
technological style (Childs 1991; Hegmon et al. of mobility, such as circulation and residential spectrometer (AMS) radiocarbon and archaeo- storage patterns, and lithic technology at excavated
2000:219; Lechtman 1977; Lemonnier 1992; Stark mobility reinforce the existing economic and social magnetic dating are commonly used to date sites sites it is likely that seasonal circulation played an
et al. 1998). In small-scale agricultural societies, structure of small-scale agricultural societies. In in southern Arizona, providing statistical date important role in the economic and social organi-
when more than one equally functional choice is the remainder ofthis paper we describe both those ranges between 75 and 200 years. The effects of zation of these early agriculturalists (Buck and

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Sarah A. Herr and Jeffery J. Clark 8. Mobility and the Organization of Prehispanic Southwest Communities

Perry 1999; Young 1996). Across the northern Southwest populations greater residential stability than other parts ofthe although not always, communities were regularly
Between AD. 750 and 1100 most ofthe north- periodically aggregated and dispersed, moving Southwest and settlements were often occupied spaced along canal systems (Doelle et al. 1987;
ern Southwest's farmers moved into above ground homes and villages relatively frequently. The centuries longer than similarly populated settle- Gregory and Nials 1985).
masonry, or masonry and jacal, structures, ar- Chacoan expansion just described, is part of a pat- ments in the northern Southwest. When houses Duration of occupation in Hohokam settle-
ranged into roomblocks. Rooms in these structures tern of settlement dispersion. Dispersed commu- and public facilities fell into disuse, only minor ments is often counted in the hundreds of years
were initiallyused for habitation, storage, or manu- nities were composed of habitation sites, thought settlement shifts occurred (Dean et al. 1994:70). (Dean et al. 1994), rather than the tens of years of
facturing. Sometimes these activities warranted to be situated close to arable lands and clustered At many sites new pithouses are built in or near the Puebloan occupations (Mills 1994). Wild plants
specialized rooms, other times all activities took around communal facilities at larger 'central' sites the abandoned pits of previous houses. At the collected from the lush Sonoran Desert habitats
place in a single room. After approximately AD. (Herr 2001; Varien 1999). This type of settlement Valencia site in Tucson, Arizona the location of supplemented the food of the irrigation farmers
1200, ceremonial rooms were also constructed patterning is conducive to daily circulation pat- plazas and houses shifts only several hundred and were even more critical for those in non-river-
within roomblocks. With the change to above terns to more distant fields and periodic circula- meters south over the course of nearly six centu- ine environments. Settlements outside the Phoe-
ground architecture there was increasing differ- tion to public facilities for socializing and ceremo- ries (Doelle 1985; Henry Wallace, personal com- nix and Tucson irrigation systems probably relied
entiation of ritual architecture. Subterranean, nies. The deterioration of fields or structures pro- munication). However, the Hohokam expansion more frequently upon mobility to meet their sub-
house-sized structures called kivas are thought to vided incentives for residential mobility. The com- into new regions, such as the Tonto Basin in the sistence needs (e.g., Gasser 1979). Short-term cir-
have been settings for secular or ritual gatherings. munity often had a durability that the frequently eighth century AD., probably occurred through culation and seasonal rounds were the most com-
The use of circular and rectangular great kivas moving households did not, making this one of the migrations (Gregory 1995; Stark et al. 1995). This mon types of Hohokam mobility patterns. Resi-
increased and circular great kivas became more stronger institutions on the puebloan social land- movement was characterized by early researchers dential mobility was far less common than it was
formalized (Herr 1994). Plazas were enclosed by scape. Residential mobility was a common prac- as 'colonization', accounting for the designation of among Puebloan groups.
roomblocks in the late thirteenth century, and were tice of the Puebloans. In the Mesa Verde region, pit the "Hohokam Colonial period" (Haury 1932). Mi- Migration was not commonplace in either area,
probably the focus of community activities, as the structures lasted no more than ten years without gration was certainly a type of mobility periodi- but was also not a rare occurrence. In the following
use of great kivas decreased (Haury 1985b). remodeling (Schlanger and Wilshusen 1993). Based cally used by even these more sedentary farmers. examples it is associated with dramatic social up-
From the ninth through early eleventh centu- on artifact accumulation rates, Varien (1999:195- Southern and central Arizona were occupied heavals in two periods of Southwest prehistory:
ries, Chaco Canyon, situated in northwest New 6) estimates that earthen structures such as by farmers who constructed their villages along- the restructuring of Puebloan communities in the
Mexico, was the largest social and political entity pithouses were used between 16 and 26 year in the side canal systems and around public architecture, mid to late eleventh century, coincident with the
on the landscape. The nature ofits organization as years between AD. 900 and 1100 and that between first ballcourts and later platform mounds. The emigrations of some groups from the Chacoan re-
a political or ritual center is a subject of debate, as AD. 1100 and 1300, masonry and earth surface social organization of the Hohokam is apparent in gion; and the 'Great Drought' (AD. 1276-1299) and
data continues to be gathered from the canyon it- structures were used, on average, for 44 years, the distinctive layout of their settlements. Before residential abandonment of the Four Corners re-
self and from outlying areas. Evidence suggests although occupation of these structures ranges approximately AD. 1100, the Hohokam lived in gions. Incidences in less uncertain periods are also
that the majority ofhouseholds within the Chacoan between 19 and 80 years (also Lightfoot 1993,1994). subterranean or semi-subterranean pithouses ar- known (Wilshusen and Ortman 1999).
organization were like most households across the Larger aggregated pueblos were occupied longer, ranged in 'courtyard groups' oriented to face com- The examples we provide are not unique. Nu-
northern Southwest. They were economically au- but rooms within the pueblos were often remod- mon extramural spaces (Wilcox et al. 1981). It is merous examples of migrations dating to the mid-
tonomous and engaged in production and distribu- eled, and studies of formation processes indicate often assumed that the groups sharingthese spaces eleventh and to the late thirteenth century can be
tion activities that mainly benefitted themselves. that few were inhabited for the entire duration of were socially and genetically related. Courtyard demonstrated. As noted above, the mid-eleventh
What distinguishes the Chacoan organization from occupation. Households within the pueblo moved groups also shared cemeteries and trash disposal century was a period of population expansion in
others is the evidence for corporate power at the elsewhere, and abandoned rooms might be remod- areas. Courtyard groups formed segments oflarger the northern Southwest, as people moved into re-
community and regional levels. At the center of the eled, change functions, or be dismantled or used as settlement, which were often organized around gions previously only sparsely settled (Dean et al.
phenomenon, in Chaco Canyon itself, there is clear a trash dump. Short-term seasonal mobility and public architecture and plazas. Roasting pits, bor- 1994). Just over two hundred years later, the settle-
evidence that acquisition of exotics had an impor- residential mobility were common among the row pits, and cemeteries were often on village ment patterns of the northern Southwest were
tance that is absent in much of the rest of the re- Puebloan groups. margins (Doelle et al. 1987; Gregory 1991; Sires transformed during and after the Great Drought.
gion (Lekson 2000). There is also a high degree By contrast to the mobility that characterizes 1987). After AD. 1100 the organization of domes- Twenty-three years ofdry weather and warm tem-
formalization of public architecture in the 9 t h the puebloan groups of the northern Southwest, tic space around courtyards continues, but adobe peratures (Salzer 2000) adversely affected the pro-
through mid-12 t h centuries in the San Juan Basin the term 'deep sedentism' has been used to describe or post-reinforced adobe walls were constructed to ductivity and thus the value of land and crops in
(Judge 1991; Lekson 1991). Chaco and its outliers the Hohokam (Lekson 1990) of the Phoenix, Tuc- enclose these spaces and associated surface rooms dry-farming communities, disrupting the economic
form the strongest archaeological pattern on the son, and Tonto basins, and the middle Gila river within compounds (Sires 1987; Clark 1995). and social structure. Although the demographic
landscape implying close social interaction created valley, in south and central Arizona. These agri- As in the northern Southwest, changes in pub- collapse of the Four Corners region occurred rap-
through widespread membership in or emulation culturalists were tethered to their lands by exten- lic architecture coincided with changes in domes- idly on an archaeological time scale, available evi-
of Chacoan society. The early to mid-eleventh cen- sive irrigation systems and the limited availabil- tic architecture. Between A.D. 700 and 1200 dence suggests multiple migrations to a variety of
tury is described as the period of greatest expan- ity ofarable land apart from river floodplains. Daily Hohokam villages were organized around ball- destinations and planned abandonment (Lyons
sion (Dean et al. 1994) with new Chacoan settle- and periodic circulation were part of the regular courts and plazas (Fish 1989:37; Wilcox 1991), al- 2001). Migrations during the Great Drought in-
ments extending into the southern San Juan Ba- economic structure. Seasonal circulation was cer- though the construction and use of ballcourts de- cludejourneys from Mesa Verde to the Rio Grande,
sin and into the Puerco Valley (Hartesveldt et al. tainly practiced, but probably played a lesser part clined after about AD. 1050. Ballcourts were built and from Kayenta and Tusayan region of North-
1998:41) through a combination of short and long- than in the northern Southwest, and residential at both large and small sites, but not at all villages. ern Arizona to the Mogollon Rim, Point of Pines,
distance movements within the Chacoan region mobility was not as important to the Hohokam as Between AD. 1150 and 1350 platform mounds Verde River Valley, Safford Basin, and San Pedro
and migration beyond. to their Puebloan neighbors. The Hohokam had a served as community centers (Elson 1998). Often, River Valley in the south and central mountains of

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Sarah A. Herr and Jeffery J. Clark 8. Mobility and the Organization ofPrehispanic Southwest Communities

Arizona. The Grasshopper region, below the ties to which they used to be marginal, or they may beyond community boundaries. Houses were con- By attracting more people to serve as labor and as
Mogollon Rim was also substantially settled at this form their own political entities. structed and abandoned with only limited remod- mates, communities ensured continuity into suc-
time. Sites such as Chodistaas, Grasshopper The following example is derived from recent eling. Residential mobility in the region was high cessive generations. The liminal placement on the
Springs, and Grasshopper Pueblo were likely in- research in the Silver Creek drainage by the Silver and land use was extensive. Little effort was in- political landscape and shift in values on frontiers
habited by migrants from both the Colorado Pla- CreekArchaeological Research Project (Mills et al. vested in the construction of water and soil control shaped aspects of social organization, as transient
teau and the Mogollon Highlands regions, and 1999). The project excavated six sites dating be- features. Instead, when land was expended, farmer households attempted to form sustainable commu-
possibly also by Hohokam households from the tween AD. 1025 and 1330 and compiled settle- moved to new, and readily available, plots. Craft nities.
South (Reid and Whittlesey 1999:31). The process ment information from the eleven percent of the production was at the household level, and house- The dispersed pattern of great kiva-centered
of serial displacement-by which immigrants en- drainage that has been surveyed. holds engaged in independent trade relations. communities ofthe Mogollon Rim region changed
tering a community cause further migrations-is From approximately 6000 B.C.E. on, the Nonetheless, trade relations spanned relatively in the mid- to late 12 th century, when residents of
also responsible for some of the movements at this Mogollon Rim region was exploited sporadically large geographic scales. At Cothrun's Kiva site, the region constructed more aggregated roomblocks
time, as groups in intervening regions along mi- for its wild plant and animal resources. The earli- non-local ceramics were varied and indicate ties to of 40 to 75 rooms. Reasons for changing habitation
grations routes were driven further south. est evidence of seasonal or year round habitation households across Arizona. However ties to nearby and land use patterns are unclear as work on the
structures in the region are sites dating to approxi- households were relatively weak. There was some subsequent period is only just beginning. By the
Migration and Community mately AD. 300 (Haury and Sayles 1985; Newcomb sense of community, as evidenced by the construc- beginning of the 14 th century economic patterns
Organization 1999). Many models of mobility consider the tion of circular great kivas, but other indicators of and division oflabor had changed as pueblo com-
Mogollon Rim region a zone for seasonal resource social integration were apparently absent. In con- munities across the Southwest reorganized. Hunt-
As the most dramatic form of mobility, migra- exploitation (Redman 1993:158), often based on trast to the Chacoan area, no household kivas (the ing was practiced in larger groups, craft produc-
tion also has the greatest potential to change com- analogies with the historic Apache use of the area structures that are thought to house clans, lin- tion was increasingly specialized, trade was almost
munity organization and the basic structure of (Rice and Henderson 1990; Welch 1996; Young eages, or sodality organizations) have been found exclusively with partners to the northeast. Rituals
society. Just as migration is often understood as 1996). Lacking evidence for extensive habitation, at sites in the Mogollon region at this time. and community life centered around roomblock
a series of individual choices, so too is the process the area is described as a 'population trough' be- The Mogollon Rim immigrants constructed kivas and plazas. Further migrations to, and
of community formation or reconstitution after- tween areas of higher population density (Dean et circular great kivas and settled around these com- through, the Mogollon Rim region to areas further
wards. It is in the interval immediately after mi- al. 1994). However between approximately AD. munity centers (Fig. 2). Circular great kivas had a south and west marked the end of the frontier era.
gration when the relationship between agency and 1000 and 1050, after centuries of seasonal exploi- great deal of meaning on the 11t h century ritual
structure is most apparent. To illustrate the mi- tation and minimal occupation, population in- landscape (Fowler et al. 1987). Although these Coresidential communities
gration process and its effects on social organiza- creased dramatically, at a rate of between 1.8 and ceremonial structures were constructed through-
tion we draw examples from the period between 2 percent per year in the Silver Creek drainage out the puebloan Southwest after AD. 300, by Some of the first coresidential situations were
AD. 1000 and 1400 in the Mogollon Rim region of (Newcomb 1999). This rate is four times the esti- approximately AD. 900 they were almost exclu- identified using the trait list approach. In the
east-central Arizona, the Tonto Basin of central mated natural birth rate of small-scale agricultur- sively associated with Chacoan organization, the Forestdale Valley of east-central Arizona, Haury
Arizona, and the San Pedro River Valley in south- alists (Hassan 1981). The evidence for migration dominant sociopolitical organization in the region. (l985a) differentiated the pithouses of people from
east Arizona. In the following examples, we pro- into the region is convincing, and is complemented In the 11 th century and thereafter the use ofthese the Colorado Plateau from those of the Mogollon
vide evidence for the identification of the migra- by the fact that around AD. 1050 the population of structures indicates either direct social ties to the Highlands at the 7th to 9th century site ofBear Ruin.
tion, and describe the effects of immigration on the northern Southwest reached its greatest spa- Chacoan sphere or the desire for such ties (Kintigh The diversity of architecture in the sub-Mogollon
destination communities in frontiers and coresi- tial extent as groups moved out of the San Juan et al. 1996). Rim region has led to suppositions of coresidence
dence contexts. Basin (Dean et al. 1994). Although many of the Although production was largely a household at Shoofly Ruin in the 13t h century (Redman 1993).
migrants came from this area and other portions of affair in this region, social reproduction was a con- Distinctive wall construction style and decorated
Frontier communities the Colorado Plateau, it is also likely that popula- cern of the community. Considering the limited ceramics were used to identify people from Mesa
tion movements were occurring in regions less vis- size of the population, between 774 and 1670 Verde, who resided in Chaco Canyon and the San
Frontier communities result from migration ible to the archaeological eye, and that households (Newcomb 1997) people in the 883 sq km of the Juan Basin between AD. 1240 and 1300 (Judge
into sparsely populated areas. Frontier communi- from other areas were moving into the Mogollon Silver Creek drainage, a great deal of floor space 1991:26). At Snaketown and Las Colinas in south-
ties share characteristics with the migrants' home- Rim region. In particular, designs on pottery pro- was devoted to community level integrative archi- ern Arizona, the spatial distribution of plain ware
land, but they are not cookie-cutter replications. duced in the Forestdale Valley are reminiscent of tecture. Large semi-subterranean greatkivas were ceramics was used to identify Yuman barrios
Early frontiers are characterized as land-rich and Mimbres designs. The indigenous population also constructed by some ofthe earliest migrants (e.g., (Beckwith 1988). At a larger scale, inventory sur-
labor-poor, a situation that is not commonly con- played a role in these communities, but so little Cothrun's Kiva) in the region and were intended to veys of two different National Monuments in the
sidered by anthropologists, who use models more excavation has occurred at sites dating prior to attract outside households into their community. FlagstaffArea, Walnut Canyon and Wupatki, dem-
relevant to modern contexts where labor is readily AD. 1000, that we know little about the pre-mi- In so doing 'firstcomers' gained social prestige. In onstrate very different distributions of utilitarian
available and land is contested. Frontiers are short gration inhabitants. Those migrants who moved frontier regions such as this, where land is plenti- ceramics. While settlement in Walnut Canyon area
term social formations that last only a few genera- into this region between AD. 1000 and 1150 lived ful, and people few, 'wealth-in-people' is more im- appears typical of the Flagstaff area, the Wupatki
tions. They may then be depopulated or increas- on the edge of the Pueblo world (Herr 2001). portant than material wealth-a situation that has area may have been settled by Kayenta Anasazi
ingly populated to the point where they cease to be After AD. 1000 site frequency and diversity in important repercussions for understanding lead- populations sometime around AD. 1130. A con-
frontiers. When populations increase later in the the Mogollon Rim region increased dramatically. ership in frontier situations (Mills 2000). Labor current Kayenta depopulation ofthe homeland area
history of the frontier, households may either be Limited activity, field house, and habitation sites was valued more highly than land, and those pio- adds support to the argument (Sullivan 1994: 193).
accepted into the larger social and political enti- were built on a variety ofland forms in the areas neers with multiple skills and creativity fared best. The following three examples examine the re-

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Sarah A. Herr and Jeffery J. Clark 8. Mobility and the Organization ofPrehispanic Southwest Communities

lations between immigrant groups who move into sistence and other production activities within their publically. Certain kinds of artifacts and architec- Differences in room size and shape, and domestic
existing communities and the indigenous inhabit- shared environment, in order to ensure their own ture may be associated with private or public ex- features suggest that some village residents mi-
ants of those communities. Both cooperation and survival (Fish and Fish 1993:101). The groups must pressions of affiliation. grated to the area from puebloan homelands on
conflict are expected in such situations. Neither is also negotiate their social and ritual roles within Coresidential situations are good places to the Colorado Plateau and other parts of the
simple to measure, as immigrants and indigenous the coresidential community. The expressions of example the relationship between migration, pro- Mogollon Highlands (Riggs 1999). These indica-
residents interact in economic, social, and ritual identity differ in private (domestic) and public con- duction, and organizational structures within so- tions of migration are supported by observed dif-
activities, as well as in private and public contexts. texts. For example, the identity assumed within cieties, and the potential for both cooperation and ferences in: head shape caused by different
At a most basic level, groups must coordinate sub- the home may be different from that assumed conflict between immigrant and indigenous groups. cradleboard constructions, grave construction (Reid
Hopi history describes the relationship between and Whittlesey 1999), bone and tooth chemistry
the arrival of immigrants at the modern Hopi vil- (Ezzo 1993), ceramic vessel manufacture (Triadan
lages and social organization. Levy (1992:33) sum- 1997; Zedefio 1994), and ceramic design execution
marizes the history ofthe settlement ofthe village (Van Keuren 1999). Migration into the Grasshop-
of Orayvi (also known as Oraibi), "The earliest per pueblo is attributed to two processes: women
arrivals received some of the best lands and also entering the pueblo as brides and the migration of
'owned' the most important ceremonies. The last entire households (Longacre 1976; Reid and
arrivals received no land at all nor were their con- Whittlesey 1999).
tributions to the ceremonial cyclevery great." Some Examination of burial data shows strong pat-
of those with the least access to food worked as terns in the distribution of funerary offerings in
'slaves' and survived by working the land of others the grave. Four all-male sodalities have been iden-
(Brandt 1954:23-24; Levy 1992:32). Perhaps the tified, each of which is defined by the presence of a
best known evidence for conflict between local and particular artifact type: bone hairpins, Glycymeris
immigrant groups in the prehispanic Southwest is shell pendants, Conus shell tinklers, or arrows.
at Point of Pines in the rugged mountains of east- Men from the Colorado Plateau were allowed to
central Arizona. The earliest migrants to the com- participate in both the bone hairpin and shell pen-
munity resided in pithouses on the edge of the dant societies, but were excluded from other groups.
settlement, before moving into more permanent Men from the Mogollon Rim region, on the other
rooms. However, a violent outcome of immigrants hand, could participate in all four societies (Reid
and locals interactions is posited. The later rooms and Whittlesey 1999; Whittlesey 1978). Such pat-
of the immigrants were burned catastrophically terns suggest that migrant men were included in
and their occupants were forced out of the commu- some ceremonial activities, butwere excluded from
nity, possibly settling in regions farther south others. The relationship between locals and mi-
(Haury 1958; Lindsay 1987). Social tension between grants does not appear to have been one of overt
immigrants and local residents are expected, but conflict; there is little evidence for violence. How-
overt conflict has not been identified in the archaeo- ever, it appears that migrants maintained an iden-
logical examples that follow. tity distinct from that of the indigenous inhabit-
ants and did not completely assimilate into the
Puebloan coresidence on the Grasshopper society. They may have occupied a
Grasshopper Plateau place ofless status than the indigenous residents,
based on their restricted access to presumably
After more than 30 years of investigation by prominent social roles in the community.
the University of Arizona Grasshopper Project,
Grasshopper Pueblo provides a good case for mi- Puebloan migrations into the Tonto
gration (Reid 1997). The evidence for migration Basin, Central Arizona
derives its strength from correlations between
specialized studies ofarchitecture, human remains, Another well documented archaeological ex-
demography, and a number of material classes. A ample of migration and subsequent integration of
Cothron's Kiva demographic simulation, based in part on the analy- migrants is found in 13t h and early 14th century
AZ P: 12:277 (ASM) sis of nearly 575 burials from the site, revealed communities in the eastern Tonto Basin of central
that the period between A.D. 1300 and 1330 was Arizona. The Tonto Basin is centered on the junc-
o~=-o=-o=-==-~10Meters one of population growth beyond what could be tion of Tonto Creek and the Salt River. Today, the
N Contour Interval 20 em
expected from natural birth rates alone (Longacre largest landmark in the region is the artificially
1976). The pueblo drew some ofits population from constructed Roosevelt Lake. Raising the level of
residential mobility, as evidenced by the contem- the lake, and improvements to the highways of
Fig. 2. Cothrun's Kiva, a typical great kiva site ofthe Mogollon Rim region in the eleventh century A.D. poraneous abandonment of nearby roomblocks. central Arizona, have led to a great deal of re-

136 137
Sarah A. Herr and Jeffery J. Clark 8. Mobility and the Organization ofPrehispanic Southwest Communities

search in the Tonto Basin in the past fifteen years, Salt River, immediately east of Roosevelt Lake.
particularly in the eastern portion of the basin Evidence for migration into the eastern Tonto H

along the Salt River (Ciolek-Torello and Welch Basin comes from demographic, architectural and
1994; Elson et al. 1994; Elson, Gregory, and Stark artifactual data. Conservative estimates place the
1995; Jacobs 1994; Lindauer 1995, 1996, 1997; Rice migrations within a 75-year period between A.D.
1998). 1250 to 1325; more conjectural estimates restrict 1
The Tonto Basin was on the northeast periph- the dates to 30 years between A.D. 1270 and 1300 ,
ery of the Hohokam core area in the Phoenix pe- (Elson 1996; McCartney et al. 1994). I I I
0 25 50ft
riod. The floodplain is wide along the southern half Like the Hohokam elsewhere in southern Ari-
of the basin and was inhabited throughoutmuch of zona, Tonto Basin potters formed brown utilitar- EXPLANATION
the prehistory of the Southwest. Tonto Basin ian vessels with the paddle-and-anvil technique.
Hohokam settlements were similar to occupations However, in the 12 th and 13th centuries, the usual = sandstone wall

elsewhere in the southern Southwest at this time. cooking and storage vessel repertoire was aug-
People lived in rooms constructed of post-and- mented by coil-and-scrape, corrugated ceramics - masonry and adobe wall
(wall thickness shown)

cobble-reinforced adobe and masonry, arranged manufactured with local materials. The brown masonry and adobe wall
around courtyards and enclosed by compound walls. corrugated vessels were for local utilitarian use
The compounds formed villages, and villages and were not widely distributed. However, they =-= sealed entry

formed communities, organized around platform were made using a non-local technological style. :::::r:r::: entry
mounds along Tonto Creek and the Salt River Corrugation is also found on locally produced red-
probable wall location
(Elson, Gregory, and Stark 1995). Fields were prob- slipped bowls in the 13 t h century. The red-slipped
ably irrigated by networks of canals. bowls were manufactured in the same non-local
Migration is not a new topic among archaeolo- technological style, but they were probably pro-
gists working in the Tonto Basin. A number of early duced to be traded. They are found in higher pro-
Southwest researchers invoked migration and the portions in ceramic assemblages across much of
arrival of a new cultural groups as an explanation the basin. Because they were widely exchanged,
for discontinuities in architecture and artifact as- their distribution can not be used as a marker of
semblages (Gladwin and Gladwin 1935, Haury migrant households. Provenance studies used to
1945). Trait-based approaches to migration de- link ceramic sand tempers to the drainages from
scribed intrusive patterns of decorated pottery which the sands were collected by potters, are used
types, utilitarian ceramic wares, multi-storied to differentiate locally and non-locally produced
masonry architecture, wall construction, manos, vessels (Miksa and Heidke 1995,2001). These stud-
metates, axes, projectile points, arrow shaft- ies conclude that corrugated brown ware ceramics
straighteners, burial practices, cranial deforma- were made with local materials across the eastern
tion, domesticated animals, and ornaments (tur- Tonto Basin, but that red-slipped corrugated ce-
quoise, shell, and bone jewelry), among others ramics were made within only the limited portion
(Gladwin and Gladwin 1935:27; Haury 1945:207). of the eastern Tonto Basin that includes Griffin
These early arguments for migration did not con- Wash, a site suspected to be occupied by migrants,
vince all, leading to debates about the cultural as described below (Clark 2001).
development in the Tonto Basin (Doyel 1976; Steen Habitation structures at three sites in the east-
1962; Wood and McAllister 1982). ern Tonto Basin were constructed with non-local
Recent work in the area has presented the most technologies. Tonto Basin inhabitants at this time
convincing evidence for both identifying migrant lived in compound structures, similar to Hohokam
households and understanding their place in trans- compounds described above, and the earliest com-
forming local social structure (Clark 2001; Stark pounds were constructed primarily of post-rein-
et al. 1995). What distinguishes these more recent forced adobe with cobble footers. However, at
arguments from the earlier work, is agreaternum- Saguaro Muerto, Griffin Wash (Fig. 3), and AZ
ber of well-dated excavated sites, an increased U:8:454 (ASM), walls were constructed largely of
sophistication in modeling archaeological migra- coursed masonry. Rooms at these sites were not
tion, more attention to the temporal and spatial arranged in dispersed compounds, as at neighbor-
patterns of architecture and artifacts, and consid- ing sites. Instead, they formed roomblocks. The
eration of the consequences of population move- occupants of Saguaro Muerto and U:8:454 (ASM)
ment on social organization after the migration. used local materials to roof their rooms, such as Fig. 3. Griffin Wash, Locus A, a puebloan enclave in the Tonto Basin.
The example described below comes from the in- mesquite, juniper, palo verde, cottonwood, and
tensively studied eastern Tonto Basin along the creosote. The residents of Griffin Wash imported

138 139
Sarah A. Herr and Jeffery J. Clark 8. Mobility and the Organization ofPrehispanic Southwest Communities

beams from at least 25 km away to construct their vessels for agricultural products (Stark et al. 1995). river. Household groups formed communities surfaces on cooking and storage vessels, room-
roofs. Ponderosa pine, Douglas fir, and white fir- Similar instances of craft production in exchange around ballcourts between approximately AD. 700 blocks, and shaped coursed and shaped masonry.
common roofing materials among the pueblos- for agricultural products have been documented and 1100 (the pre-Classic period), and constructed In a couple instances, immigrants builtritual struc-
were used for roofs of many of the Griffin Wash archaeologically and ethnographically. houses and compounds around and on platform tures in their new communities that were unlike
rooms (Elson et al. 1995; Stark et al. 1995). Tonto Basin communities reorganized in the mounds between AD. 1100 and 1400 (the Classic those used by Hohokam groups.
The intrusive technological styles provide a early 14th century and the cultural differentiation period). Between A.D. 1000 and 1100 (the late Two discrete migrations have been identified
good indication of the possible homeland of the among subsequent population is no longer so ap- pre-Classic) the use of ballcourts declines and in the San Pedro River Valley. In the early thir-
migrants to the Tonto Basin, as corrugated ceram- parent. A significant portion of the thirteenth cen- the settlement pattern becomes more dispersed, teenth century, migrants from the Mogollon High-
ics, coursed masonry architecture, and roomblock tury settlements were abandoned by AD. 1325 and although late pre-Classic occupations may be par- lands settled on the margins oflocal populations in
organization, are technologies characteristic ofthe in the eastern Tonto Basin the only settlement of tially masked by overlying Classic Period construc- the area immediately south ofthe platform mounds
Puebloan areas ofthe Colorado Plateau and along any appreciable size was a large aggregated vil- tions. The timing ofthe abandonment of ballcourts communities-an area that was also a pre-Classic
the Mogollon Rim. A changing pattern of trade lage at Schoolhouse Point. It may have been inhab- and the construction of platform mound accords social boundary zone. As seen at Point of Pines and
relations supports this conclusion. Before approxi- ited by indigenous groups (Lindauer 1996), well with patterns in other portions of the Hoho- sites in the Tonto Basin, when migrants settle in
mately AD.llOO decorated ceramics used by Tonto Puebloan immigrants (Ciolek-Torello 1997) (whose kam region. Changes in domestic architecture, an existing community it is often on the margins.
Basin residents were produced in the Phoenix Basin numbers may have been reinforced by additional from pithouses in the pre-Classic period to cobble At Second Canyon Ruin, corrugated ceramic dis-
or Middle Gila River Valley to the south and west. migrations), or some combination of the two (Rice and post or rock-reinforced adobe constructions tributions suggest that the first immigrants settled
Thereafter, residents participated in exchange et al. 1998). arranged in compounds in the Classic Period, on the south edge of a pithouse hamlet occupied by
relations with potters from the Colorado Plateau also parallel patterns known across southern Ari- local groups. The continued presence ofimmigrants
or Mogollon Highlands to the north and east. The Puebloan migrations into Southeast zona. in this part of the site in the subsequent compound
line of communication opened by this trade may Arizona The intrusion of Puebloan households can be is signaled by concentrations of corrugated ce-
have facilitated the subsequent development of viewed in relation to the changing San Pedro so- ramics and slab mealing bins-a type of domes-
migration routes in the 13th century. Regional scale populations movements in the ciallandscape. In the pre-Classic period two types tic installation common among contemporane-
Finally, the detection of migration is aug- northern Southwest are often attributed to the of plain ware ceramics dominated ceramic assem- ous Pueblo groups to the north. Other sites in the
mented by demographic evidence of a 25 percent Great Drought of the late 13th century. During this blages: San Simon Brown Ware was most common San Pedro River Valley with potential immigrant
increase above the projected natural birth rate in period groups from the Colorado Plateau moved in the south and Aravaipa BuffWare and Aravaipa enclaves include Tres Alamos and HC-35. Tres
Tonto Basin population between AD. 1200 and into areas that had previously been used for a lim- Brown Ware were most common in the northern Alamos has extremely high proportions of corru-
1325 (Doelle 1995; Stark et al. 1995). The north- ited range of activities. These population move- portion of the San Pedro River Valley. The bound- gated ceramics produced from local materials.
east portion of Arizona was abandoned in the lat- ments had ramifications for communities in cen- ary between the two areas is at an important geo- Rooms at HC-35, in the bajada zone above the river
ter half of this same time period. These migrants tral and southern Arizona, where the climatic graphic transition point midway up the valley and valley, are found in a contiguous arrangement that
likely moved into and through the Mogollon Rim change had less of an impact. Settlement in the about 15 km west of Redington Pass, a likely route is more characteristic of Puebloan spatial organi-
region and Mogollon Highlands where they dis- northern Southwest was transformed in this pe- from the San Pedro Valley into the Tucson Basin. zation.
placed and mingled with local populations. Hence riod. Through initial migrations and serial displace- An extremely large ballcourt at the site of That these groups ultimately entered the north-
the migrants entering the Tonto Basin were likely ments, people from the northern Southwest moved Redington, near this transition zone, may have been east Tucson Basin is evident from excavations at
to be a mixed group from both the Colorado Pla- south toward perennial sources of water such. as a locus for rituals that symbolically integrated the Gibbon Springs and Whiptail Ruin. These two com-
teau and the mountainous highlands. This is sup- rivers and springs, causing social changes in settle- two areas. In the Classic period, platform mound munities may have been the destination of several
ported by an analysis of genetic-based dental traits ments along the migration routes, if smaller in communities in the San Pedro are found only north Puebloan households. On the margins of the Gib-
from 13th centuryburial populations recovered from effect. of this inferred social boundary. bon Springs site a dense area of locally produced
the eastern Tonto Basin (Turner 1998). Research in the San Pedro River Valley by the Overlain upon this background of Hohokam corrugated ceramics called the 'Northeastern vil-
The Puebloan migration into the eastern Tonto Center for Desert Archaeology is ongoing (Clark et settlement, are instances of ceramic and architec- lage' is located outside the compound wall that
Basin did not result in a replacement ofthe indig- al. n.d.). To date, much ofthe work has focused on tural technologies that are common in northern defines the central portion of the Gibbon Springs
enous population. The spatial distribution of the identification of migration in this and other Arizona, but not in southern Arizona. As in the settlement. Analysis of Whiptail Ruin is ongoing,
coursed masonry architecture, roomblocks, and related areas of Southern Arizona, but tentative Tonto Basin, the critical indicators of the trans- but the site has the contiguous architecture char-
brown corrugated ceramics indicate that Puebloans conclusions about the consequences of Pueblo mi- planted households are those conservative domes- acteristic of Puebloan groups and the high propor-
settled on the margins of the eastern basin com- grations into southern Arizona communities can tic technologies that are not subject to social ma- tions of corrugated pottery was probably locally
munity. Botanical evidences shows that they had be drawn. nipulation-in this case ceramic production and produced (Clark et al. n.d.; Slaughter 1996a, 1996b;
access to local agricultural products, such as corn The San Pedro River Valley extends from head- architectural construction (including wall construc- Slaughter and Roberts 1996).
and cotton, but that wild or cultivated foods (such waters near the Mexican border until it joins the tion and domesticinstallations). Technologies used A second migration into southeast Arizona
as agave) formed an important part of their diet as Gila River just north of modern Winkleman, Ari- by local residents of the San Pedro River Valley occurred in the late thirteenth to early fourteenth
well. Whether or not they were immediately al- zona. A multi-year survey of75 miles ofthe north- include the construction of ceramic vessels using century. Migrants from the Kayenta and Tusayan
lowed access to the fields on the floodplains is ern San Pedro River Valley identified 442 sites the paddle and anvil technique, the arrangement areas of northeast Arizona settled in the Mogollon
unknown. One explanation for the wide distribu- and relocated 46 others. of rooms in courtyards or compounds, and the use Rim region, Point of Pines region, the Safford Ba-
tion ofthe red-slipped corrugated ceramics is that Settlement information shows that Hohokam of cobbles and coursed adobe to construct walls in sin, and the San Pedro River Valley (Clark et al.
they were produced by migrants who did not have settlements, dating between AD. 700 and 1400, surface structures. Intrusive technologies include n.d., Woodson 1998). The two San Pedro sites as-
sufficient access to fields and exchanged these were situated along the northern portion of the coil-and-scrape forming techniques, corrugated sociated with the KayentaJTusayan migrants are

140 141
Sarah A. Herr and Jeffery J. Clark 8. Mobility and the Organization ofPrehispanic Southwest Communities

Reeve Ruin (DiPeso 1958) and Davis Ranch Ruin tlers from the Mogollon Highlands a half century tions. The majority of ceramics from these sites are unpack the evolutionary portmanteau-to get away
(Gerald 1975). Reeve Ruin (Fig. 4)was constructed or so earlier. produced with local manufacturing methods, but from typologies and their predetermined relation-
in a previously unoccupied, highly defensive loca- In both settlements, the construction of con- locally made perforated ceramic plates, (a form that ships between defined 'subsystems' of societies
tion on an inaccessible ridge overlooking the river. tiguous-room structures provides evidence ofPueb- seems to be an index marker of Tusayan/ Kayenta (economic, subsistence, ritual, etc.) and instead
Davis Ruin is also situated above the San Pedro, in loan immigrants. The fact that the walls of Reeve immigrants [Christensen 1994; Mills 1998]) have examine historical processes at the highest spatial
a site that was previously occupied, as indicated by Ruin were constructed of coursed and shaped been found at the sites. Ceremonial architecture is and temporal resolution (Yoffee 1993). Rather than
the presence of pithouses below the late thirteenth masonry reinforces the argument for migration to not always a reliable indicator of migration, but focusing on structures and institutions, a dynamic
and fourteenth century settlement. These sites are that site. Domestic installations in the roomblocks, the kivas found in conjunction with the Puebloan approach emphasizes the decisions and underly-
on opposite sides of the river just south of the including slab-lined hearths and entry boxes, are roomblocks add strength to the identification of ing motivations of individuals and small groups
Redington Pass boundary zone that attracted set- also reminiscent of northern Southwest construe- these Kayenta/Tusayan enclaves. Kayenta/ with respect to their specific economic and social
Tusayan area ceramic design styles spread rap- environments. The objective is to examine changes
idly across the Southwest at this time, too, although in social structure that result both from specific
designs are an 'active' style that can be easily cop- local events and regional processes with cross-cul-
ied, and thus are not necessarily indicative of the tural applicability.
movement of potters. The kiva at Davis Ruin was Just as the tribal model has been criticized for
abandoned before the end of occupation at the site being too static for archaeological studies oflong
and later architectural constructions are of local term change, and its emphasis on structure at the
styles, suggesting that immigrants were quick to expense of process (Parkinson, this volume, Chap-
learn local traditions and integrate with the indig- ter 1; Fowles, this volume, Chapter 2), discussions
enous residents. of small-scale agricultural societies, even outside
Although we cannot reconstruct the signifi- the tribal model, often do not pay enough attention
cance of immigration to specific households, it is to the role of mobility in social organization. As
House Block 5 possible to make more generalized settlement- part of a society's economic and social structure,
based claims about the relationship between circulation and residential mobility create strong
Puebloan migration and social organization in archaeological patterns but often do not leave the
southeast Arizona. In all cases described above distinct material signatures that facilitate archaeo-
(with the possible exception of Davis Ranch Ruin) logical detection. Migration, the most archaeologi-
migrants settled on the margins of existing com- cally visible form of mobility, has attracted more
munities or in previously unsettled areas. The attention, particularly over the past decade.
marginal location of migrant houses suggests that The examples in this paper show that mobility
newcomers were identified or self-identified as a is an essential element of structure and the trans-
distinct group, and were not given the same access formation of structure in small-scale agricultural
House to territory within the community or settlement. societies. Mobility affects the lives of residents of
Block 2
The claims oflocal groups to agricultural land as the destination community, and it also affects the
House Block 3 tenant or owner are unknown. There is no direct lives of the migrants and the residents of home
evidence that the defensive position of Reeve Ruin communities. Short-term and seasonal circulation
indicates overt conflict between local and immi- are intrinsic aspects of the economies of sedentary
grant groups, although it certainly indicates that agricultural societies, and these types of move-
occupants perceived a threat. ments do not affect the farmer's rights and duties
The early migrants from the Mogollon High- in the homeland. Residential mobility also plays
lands lived in pithouses that are not easily identi- a significant role in the land use patterns of the
fied as 'local' or 'nonlocal' constructions but used prehispanic period pueblos, and changes in pat-
Puebloan technology to produce corrugated ceram- terns of residential mobility affected the distribu-
ics. The later Kayenta! Tusayan migrants lived in tion and ownership of land in these communities
San Pedro Project KEY Basemap adapted from DiPeso, 1958 structures built in non-local styles. The differences (Varien 1999). Migration, the least predictable
AZBB:ll:26 in technologies at the earlier and later sites sug- type of mobility, is often the most costly in social

gest that the impact of immigrants within local and economic terms. Migrants abandon structures,
Reeve Ruin
== coursed shaped sandstone
blocks o circular clay hearth communities was different with each migration, land, and rights in the homeland, and travel long

( •

10 m

Desert Archaeology
-= cobble-reinforced adobe

earlier construction stage


m or CD
slab-lined hearth

hearth/entry box complex

although the specifics are, as yet, unknown.

distance to create new lives in the destination
Migrations both to sparsely populated fron-
tiers and to occupied regions can affect structural
The ultimate goal of an integrated approach to transformations-economic, social, and ritual -
Fig. 4. Reeve Ruin, a puebloan enclave in the San Pedro River Valley. agency and structure is, as Netting (1990) said, to both in the home and in destination communities.

142 143
Sarah A. Herr and Jeffery J. Clark 8. Mobility and the Organization ofPrehispanic Southwest Communities

Frontier communities are the combined products cultural societies. Less common types of mobility, Beckwith, Kim M. Whittlesey, Richard Ciolek-Torrello,
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Charles Sternberg Yoffee, Norman tions' still animate research throughout the disci- tion, and focuses on recent revisions to social orga-
1981 Snaketown Revisited. Arizona State 1993 Too Many Chiefs? (or, Safe Texts for the pline. One such question is the development and nizational models, namely the heterarchy and dual
Museum Archaeological Series 155. Uni- '90s). InArchaeological Theory: Who Sets social reproduction of power and inequality in processual models. In particular, I explore the util-
versity of Arizona, Tucson. the Agenda?, edited by Norman Yoffee human groups. Any broad understanding of so- ity of the dual processual model as it applies to
Wilshusen, Richard H. and Scott G. Ortman and Andrew Sherratt, pp. 60-78. Cam- ciopoliticalhierarchy and power structures requires archaeological data from ancestral Pueblo commu-
1999 Rethinking the Pueblo I Period in the bridge University Press, Cambridge. a definition of organizational strategies that allow nities in northern New Mexico, communities that
San Juan Drainage: Aggregation, Migra- Young, Lisa C. us to compare, in an appropriate manner, social have left architectural 'footprints' approximating
tion' and Cultural Diversity. Kiva 1996 Mobility and Farmers: The Pithouse-to- groups from New Guinea to New Grange. From a some of the expectations for the 'corporate organi-
64(3):369-399. Pueblo Transition in Northeastern Ari- particularist perspective, human participation in zational strategy' as outlined in the model. At the
Wissler, Clark zona. Unpublished PhD. dissertation. societies can be shown to have generated mark- same time, however, I argue that the dual proces-
1926 The Relation of Nature to Man in Ab- Department of Anthropology, The Uni- edlyvariable systems of beliefand social reproduc- sual model still suffers from the tyranny of the
original America. Oxford University versity of Arizona, Tucson. tion as new webs of relationships are spun and typological approach. Our analytical approaches
Press, New York. Zedefio, Maria Nieves respun at a dizzying rate. But despite this poten- need to go beyond identification of modal 'strategy
Wobst, H. Martin 1994 Sourcing Prehistoric Ceramics at tial for organizational diversity, anthropological classes' to provide more dynamic explanations of
1977 Stylistic Behavior and Information Ex- Chodistaas Pueblo, Arizona: The Circu- research continues to illuminate distinct higher how social power is created and reproduced in these
change. Michigan Anthropological Pa- lation of People and Pots in the Grass- order regularities and co-occurrences of certain and other tribal communities.
pers 61:317-342. hopper Region. Anthropological Papers behaviors, institutions, and social strategies
no. 58. The University of Arizona Press, throughout the ethnographic and archaeological Tribes and Tribulation: Going
Tucson. records. The grand questions of how and why hu- Beyond Stage-Based Social
man societies develop and recapitulate these regu- Typologies
larities through time and space integrates the in-
creasingly divergent interests of ethnology and The construction ofmodels oflong-term change
archaeology. Archaeologists benefit from the ex- in social organizational strategies remains one of
tensive ethnographic literature that documents the the holy crusades of modern anthropological ar-
synchronic functioning of social groups. In turn, chaeology. The optimism generated by the New
ethnographic studies of contemporaneous social Archaeology of the second half of the 20 t h century
systems profit from the temporally deep record of has been tempered by the subsequent realities of
diversity in human behavioral strategies that ar- fitting complex models to the often ambiguous and
chaeological research generates. incomplete patterningin the archaeological record.
This chapter utilizes archaeological and eth- Archaeologists are fortunate to recover evidence of
nographic information to assess how 'tribal' com- even the scantiest portion of the dynamics of past
munities work, with a particular focus on ances- social systems, but I think that we are making
tral and historic Pueblo communities in the Ameri- progress. One realm of research promise is the
can Southwest. Most specifically my interest is in ongoing revisions to our intellectual legacy of so-
how we might best use our anthropological per- cial evolutionary typologies, the stage-based ex-
spectives on the creation, use, and abandonment planatory approaches ofSahlins (1963,1968; Sah-
of public (ritual) architectural space within Pueblo lins and Service 1960), Service (1971), and Fried
communities. To date, our understanding oftribal (1967).

154 155
Michael Adler 9. Tribes, Architecture, and Typology in the American Southwest

This is not anotherneoevolutionary stage-bash- nation. Tribes are a very complex interplay ofvary- ponent elements may be unranked with respect to ferentiates between suites of strategies associated
ing party. As many of the authors in this volume ing social and economic strategies that simulta- other elements and/or ranked relative to other with the 'corporate' and 'network' modes. The cor-
argue, earlier stage-based approaches to organi- neously play out on many different organizational components depending on the state of the system porate mode emphasizes "staple food production,
zational variability continue to provide us with a levels within the household, suprahousehold, com- (Crumley 1979:144). In other words, there is an communal ritual, public construction, shared
common terminology, but have fallen short of pro- munity, and intercommunity levels, and I would inherent flexibility in how component elements power, large cooperative labor task, social segments
viding us with truly processual explanations of argue that we can document the material remains relate to other components. While heterarchies woven together through broad integrative ritual
what generates and selects for various aspects of of some of these strategies. Our archaeological certainly may have ranked relationships that sta- and ideological means, and suppressed economic
leadership strategies across different social, eco- investigations too often end with checklists indi- bilize over time, it is not expected that particular differentiation" (Feinman 2000:214).
nomic, and demographic contexts. But at the same cating the presence or absence of social organiza- sources of power will replace other source of power The more exclusionary network mode or strat-
time, we have to realize that the heuristic typologies tional features that we have inferred from the ar- in a logical and unilineal progression. Heterarchy egy often, but not always, is manifested by "greater
we know as 'band-tribe-chiefdom-state' and 'egali- chaeological record. When evidence of egalitarian theory allows for and indeed expects alternative significance on personal prestige, wealth exchange,
tarian-ranked-stratified' have provided a common burials, household production, and politically au- leadership options within any range of societal individualized power accumulation, elite aggran-
ground for the discussion of past and present cul- tonomous communities line up like triple cher- contexts, creatingthe potential for both shared and dizement, lineal patterns of inheritance and de-
tural variability, a set of mutually understood ries on a slot machine we call 'j ackpot', collect our exclusive power structures. I agree that we do need scent (e.g., patriarchy), particularizing ideologies,
terms. The way a defined group of individuals be- winnings, and go on to explore for these same traits to recognize the simultaneity of seemingly contra- personal networks, princely burials, and the spe-
haves requires terms and classifications, neces- in other archaeological contexts. Typologies tell us dictory avenues to leadership. Heterarchy theory cialized (frequently attached) manufacture ofsta-
sarily collapsing much of the inherent organiza- more about how tribal social formations are struc- widens the playing field within which power and tus-related craft goods" (Feinman 2000:214). These
tional variability into a limited set ofclassificatory tured, but as static structures the descriptions don't influence are negotiated, but currently lacks spe- are not necessarily all present all ofthe time, but
terms and coincidental cultural traits. provide models of'how tribes act' through time and cific expectations regarding how leadership and are modal patterns.
The tallying and comparison oforganizational, space (see Fowles, this volume, Chapter 2). organizational contradictions play out over time. One primaryfactor differentiating the network
economic, political, demographic, and other traits The dual-processual model is a more explicit and corporate strategies is the degree to which
has occupied a great deal of anthropological analy- Recent Models of Political attempt to map out the social structural variabil- network leadership excludes the involvement of
sis over the past fifty years. This is particularly __ Organization and Action itythat accompanies contradictory and complemen- .Iocal community members and includes leaders
true for that entity that has come to be called the tary leadership dynamics in social groups. In a from outside one's descent group. In contrast, the
'tribe'. Spanning that tumultuous organizational One ofthe outgrowths to archaeology's dissat- similarvein to heterarchytheorists, Blanton (1998) corporate strategy is one in which leaders derive
terrain between relatively small-scale, mobile isfaction with stage-based models of sociopolitical and others (Blanton et al. 1996; Feinman 1995, power primarily from one's own local group, and
foragers and the entrenched hierarchical polities organization is the current desire to emphasize 2000) proposed the dual processual model oflead- there is less dependence on individual prestige
associated with stratified sociopolitical organiza- the simultaneity of competing and even contradic- ership strategies to avoid the weaknesses of ear- generated by relationships with non-local leaders
tion, the tribe has generally been defined on what tory organizational strategies within single social lier stage-based approaches to leadership and so- from other communities. Blanton and others ex-
is not present as much as it is by organizational systems. Recent discussions ofheterarchy and dual cial hierarchy. The dual-processual model shares pect there to be a greater reliance on communal
strategies that can be isolated through ethno- processual theory, for example, may be viewed as the heterarchy model's appreciation of the multi- architecture in corporate systems. The corporate
graphic or archaeological research. Tribes are of- direct manifestations of this desire. Heterarchy valent nature of social power. Both take as their strategy includes leadership positions in which
ten characterized as organizationally 'middle- theory has been championed by Carole Crumley basic assumption that power and leadership may public architecture is used to organize community
range' societies for good reason. They comprise and others (Crumley 1979, 1995; Crumley and develop simultaneously along different, and at labor and resources more commonly than do those
those societal bundles that simultaneously mani- Marquardt 1987) as a way of breaking down the times, contradictory social avenues. The two mod- individuals in leadership positions in network-
fest aspects of organizational hierarchy and re- earlier unilineal models of hierarchy and leader- els do part ways in at least one important respect, based systems. Individualization of power and
dundancy, leadership positions that mayor may ship. Heterarchical systems are those in which namely that the dual processual model expects the decision-making roles is less prevalent in corpo-
not be generationally heritable, and other political several different sources of social power can co- 'clustering' of certain types of leadership strate- rate systems relative to network systems, largely
strategies that today seem relatively egalitarian exist within a social system. Each source of power gies within particular socioeconomic contexts. because descent groups provide the most impor-
and tomorrow appear to be centralized and hierar- can be operative depending on the scale of social Heterarchy theory does not appear as willing to tant sources oflabor, authority legitimization, and
chical. action that is under scrutiny at any given time or grant as strong an expectation for modalities in esoteric knowledge.
After decades of debating the traits of the tribe place. political and economic systems. Given the more In contrastto the corporate system where power
and the rest of the classificatory pigeonholes, we Alison Rautman (1998) and Keith Kintigh explicit structural expectations ofthe dual proces- comes largely from the collective, network strate-
do have to admit to the pitfalls of these neoevolu- (2000) have applied heterarchy theory to South- sual model, I turn my focus to the modalities that gies generate leadership and social power through
tionary typologies. The problem is not that we lack western societies based on the observation that the model predicts for tribal contexts. individual-to-individual connections between lead-
organizational traits withwhich to define the 'tribe', egalitarian and nonegalitarian leadership and ers in other communities or polities. The reproduc-
but rather that our trait lists are still descriptions, decision-making roles were simultaneously Expectations of the Dual Processual tion ofleadership power in network systems relies
not explanations. Classifications are descriptive present, at least amonghistoric Pueblo groups. This Model for Tribal Contexts increasingly on the use of portable wealth and
heuristic devices that are meant to control obser- purposefully contrasts with earlier schemes, such prestige items and there is a decreased emphasis
vations of variability, not explain the variability. as that ofService (1971), that were heavilyinvested Though numerous sources of power, economic on communal architecture relative to corporate
While we will always require some level of classi- in the idea that social contexts might be character- control, and leadership can co-exist, the dual pro- systems of leadership. One key to applying the
fication to provide the common terminological ized as singularly egalitarian or hierarchical, in cessual model expects certain suites of social and corporate-network approach is to understand how
grounds (Dunnell 1982), descriptive taxonomy other words, either tribal or chiefly. Heterarchy economic strategies will be found in association individuals and groups operate on both the local
alone lacks the content that is required for expla- theory, however, outlines systems in which com- with one another. The dual-processual model dif- and regional levels. The corporate strategy stresses

156 157
Michael Adler 9. Tribes, Architecture, and Typology in the American Southwest

interaction and integration of the local commu- Pueblo, settlements, the northern Rio Grande re-
nity, with group predominance in decision-mak- gion has attracted many decades of archaeological
ing. In contrast, network systems focus on produc- interest (Bandelier 1890-1892; -Ieancon 1929;
tion at the local level, but leaders practice expen- Wetherington 1968; Crown 1990). As with the rest
diture on the regional level. This is 'chief-building' ofthe ancestral Pueblo world, changes in the size
on the regional scale, involving a substantial and composition of prehistoric communities are
amount of gifting, visiting, and validation of au- evident during the later precontact period, roughly
thority. The network strategy relies on the ability A.D. 1200-1600. Major alterations include the adop-
to move high status goods and deposit them in a tion ofaggregated site layouts, the use ofboth small
politic manner with other leaders inside and out- and large-scale social integrative public architec-
side one's own community. ture, and an increasing dependence on agricultural
Feinman (2000) has discussed this model with strategies that modified the natural landscape.
respect to social formations in the American South- Of all of the changes experienced by puebloan
west, emphasizing that the gradient between cor- peoples across the American Southwest, popula-
porate and network strategies is not meant to re- tion aggregation had one of the most important
place the focus on hierarchical complexity that impacts on today's archaeological record. The tran-
forms the basis for Service's distinction between sition from small, dispersed pit houses and scat-
tribe and chiefdom. Instead, the dual processual tered surface -structures (unit pueblos) to large .•,
model emphasizes the degree to which leadership aggregated villages occurs throughout the ances- ~~
is more or less socially exclusive within the social tral Pueblo world between A.D. 800-1300. The •• ...0 , -
context. The dimension of exclusivity varies across products of the aggregation process are my pri- \ a:sl
institutions, as does hierarchy, and the dual pro-
cessual model attempts to differentiate these two
mary focus here, particularly the manifestation of
village aggregation in the vicinity of the modern


· = \
'S I
aspects ofleadership systems rather than assum- community of Taos, New Mexico (Fig. 1). / 0>1

ing that exclusivity is a direct result of hierarchi- The initial occupation ofthe Taos area by agrar- •• OJ
cal complexity.
In the next section I outline one aspect of the
ian populations occurred during the 11th and 12th
centuries A.D. Though chronological ambiguities ( ·
dual-processual model that has been used to dif- still exist (Cordell 1979; Crown 1990), it appears
ferentiate corporate and network systems, namely that nearly all of the settlements occupied prior to
the presence and function of public architectural A.D. 1200 contain four or fewer pit houses.' The
'. Black
features. As mentioned above, corporate leader- little we know about the unit pueblo occupation of
the area between about A.D. 1200-1260 indicates
j Lake
ship systems emphasize the construction and use • Colfax Co.-. .
of ritual architecture, particularly for community these sites contained a single pit structure and a Co· .. -- _., _., - ,.
r:: ~'"'
integrative activities. These integrative spaces tend dozen or fewer adobe surface rooms (Jeancon 19~9; ~'().o'" "..
'). .'
Mora Co. i\
to be utilized less frequently in network systems, Morenon 1976). Many ofthese early pit house and
or if they are utilized, the layout and uses of the
structures are more socially exclusive relative to
the same spaces in corporate systems. The archaeo-
logical and ethnographic data on the uses of public
unit pueblo settlements contained subterranean
structures that appear to have served as socially
integrative, ritual structures, though I have ar-
gued that these early forms of public architecture
• (

architecture within northern Rio Grande puebloan served multiple functions, including residential and .I I

communities has a strong fit with the corporate ritual uses (Adler 1994).
hierarchy mode ofthe dual processual model. Pos- Prior to the mid-13th century, these early dis-
sible reasons for the long-term dependence on this persed settlements of the Taos District probably
strategy are discussed, including the inclusiveness housed at least one nuclear family and as many as o 5, 10
I Gallup
of kin and sodality groups in puebloan societies several extended families. Each settlement was miles •
and abandonment strategies utilized by these same part of a larger community of many such dispersed
communities through time. settlements. At least two such communities are
posited to have existed in the Taos area, one in the
Architecture, Social Strategies and northern reaches of the Taos area and a second
Ancestral Pueblos: A Northern Rio community to the south ofthe modern town of Taos
Grande Perspective (Boyer et al. 1994). It is in this southern commu-
nity of pit houses and small unit pueblos that we
Situated in the northeastern reaches of the see the founding of Pot Creek Pueblo (LA260), one
geographic distribution of Anasazi, or ancestral ofthe largest aggregated pueblo settlements in the Fig. 1. Location of Picuris Pueblo, Pot Creek Pueblo, and Taos Pueblo within the larger Taos region.

158 159
Michael Adler 9. Tribes, Architecture, and Typology in the American Southwest

northern Rio Grande region. Archaeological exca- the upkeep of multiple-story adobe structure at patterns expected of households organized in the ten roomblocks that are defined by a core set of
vations, tree-ring dates, and surface clearing have Pot Creek Pueblo, the lack of cutting dates after corporate leadership mode. Taking individual household units, a relatively well-enclosed plaza
provided a wealth of information on the growth this time and absence of ceramics post-dating AD. rooms as a sample, room size averages 9.9 m 2 (s.d. space, and a single subterranean kiva (Fig. 2). These
and subsequent abandonment of this large settle- 1350 indicate that occupation at the settlement =2.5 m") for the entire span of the site occupation. roomblocks contain as few as ten rooms and as
ment, and it is to these data that I now turn. ceased some time between AD. 1320-1350. A rela- Crown and Kohler (1994:117) document a slight many as 54 ground-floor rooms, with an average of
The founding settlement at Pot Creek Pueblo tively conservative abandonment date of 1330 increase in average room size at the site through about 29 rooms per roomblock. As would be ex-
is largely overlain by the later village, but it is would place the entire cycle of aggregation, occu- time (from 9.3 to 11.3 m"), a trend they attribute to pected given site growth data, the roomblocks with
likelythat agrarian households occupied pithouses pation and abandonment at Pot Creek Pueblo an increased reliance on extended family organi- the largest number of rooms also have among the
on this site as early as the 12th century AD. The within a span of seventy years. zation. They also document an increase in the av- longest occupation histories, meaning that archi-
first roomblocks ofcoursed adobe construction may If we are to better understand how tribes act erage number of rooms per household (2.6 to 4.7 tectural accretion has a great deal to do with the
have been built at the site as early as 1230 AD., through time and across space, these are the sort rooms per household), but this may also be a result variability in the size of the roomblocks.
but the first rooms of the latest occupation were of data that can be used to specify the social scale ofdifferent uses for internal architectural space at If we assume that separate roomblocks were
constructed between 1260-1270 AD. Six or more and potential organizational roles of the social the site through time. Dohm (1990) finds a similar founded by groups that may have had some sort of
spatially separate roomblocks were built, eachwith 'agents' within ancestral communities. In the fol- trend in average household size in historical pueb- lineal or kin-based corporate identity, it is likely
its own small plaza area and subterranean kiva. lowing sections I discuss three idealized organiza- los, but attributes this to the need for more privacy that the sequence ofoccupation at Pot Creek Pueblo
Construction of surface rooms continued, but sig- tionallevels at Pot Creek Pueblo - the household, and storage space in increasingly crowded village did play into the dynamics ofleadership and power
nificantly fewer building beams were cut and used suprahousehold group, and community - in light settings. The increase in household size, as mea- within this community. Arrival sequence of clans
for construction between about 1285-1300. This of the expectations of the dual-processual model. sured by room count, may also be a result ofchanges and other kin groups is a well-established avenue
late 13th century lull in construction may indicate in the size of groups moving into Pot Creek Pueblo. to leadership in the ritual realm among the his-
the stabilization of population levels at the settle- Pueblo Household Organization Crown (1991) argues for a substantial increase in toric Hopi (Whiteley 1988; Levy 1992), and is also
ment, or possibly even a short-term drop in popu- site population after AD. 1300, coincidentally a quite common in cross-cultural studies of agrarian
lation (Adler 1997). Recent analyses indicate the To deal effectively with the sociopolitical dy- time of great population relocation and migration communities outside of the American Southwest
construction of 60-70 rooms and 4 kivas can be namics of tribal communities we need to be sensi- following the abandonment of the Four Comers (Adler 1996).
securely dated to the AD. 1270-1300 occupation tive to the scales at which those dynamics are played region. Despite the potential for economic differentia-
period at the site (Diemond-Arbolino 2001). Given out. As the minimal social unit within a society, Though there are changes in the overall layout tion between the residents of earlier established
that halfofthe site remains unexcavated, it is likely the household is a good place to begin. Wilk and of household residential space through time, the roomblocks and those in the laterroomblocks, again
that at least double this number of rooms were Netting (1984) have argued that because the house- amount of variability between households re- there is a lack ofany significant differences in room
built in the first half of the site occupation. hold does not necessarily correspond cross-cultur- mained minimal. In other words, if differential size, distribution of extralocal ceramics or other
A significant period of new construction begins ally with a single definable architectural space, prestige and wealth can be tied to the size, layout, special economic goods between roomblock units
at Pot Creek Pueblo in 1300, continuing through households are best understood as a basic unit of and effort expended on residential architecture (see at Pot Creek Pueblo. Any significant differences
about 1315, when the number of tree-ring dates production and reproduction. Fortunately the ag- Netting 1982 for cross-cultural support for these would provide support for the presence of a net-
again drops severely. The resurgence of construc- gregated nature of ancestral Pueblo settlement relationships), the housing at Pot Creek Pueblo work-based leadership strategy that might have
tion included major changes to the layout of the makes it likely that households utilized contigu- does not indicate the privileging of one household been utilized at Pot Creek Pueblo. But as with the
settlement, most notably the construction of rooms ous architectural space for residential and storage over others during the occupation span. From these household data, the suprahousehold residential
to conjoin previously separate roomblocks. The space. Ancestral Pueblo household space has been data, the community at Pot Creek Pueblo very units also appear to more closely fit the expecta-
settlement layout was transformed from a rela- interpreted in various ways at Pot Creek Pueblo clearly followed a corporate strategy, or what tions of the corporate hierarchy strategy.
tively open cluster of roomblocks to an architectur- (Holschlag 1975; Crown and Kohler 1994; Adler Renfrew (1974) earlier identified as a group-ori- The importance of the corporate strategy for
ally bounded, less accessible village. The early 14th- 1997; Diemond-Arbolino 2001). I use several crite- ented political form, in which economic differen- organizing suprahousehold hierarchies is all the
century building phase added at least fifty new ria for identifying households, including the loca- tiation is suppressed. more interesting in light of the one possible pat-
rooms and two kivas to the pueblo. Doubling this tion of internal doorways and hatchways connect- tern that distinguishes roomblock architectural
figure brings another 100 hundred rooms to the ing rooms within suites of two or more rooms, the Suprahousehold Organization layout at Pot Creek Pueblo, namely the associa-
post-1300 AD. occupation of the settlement. To presence of hearths and food processing features, tion of subterranean kivas with those roomblocks
date a total of 288 ground-floor rooms have been and the presence of shared walls that are built in Compared to households, the suprahousehold established early in the site occupation. Ofthe six
excavated or exposed. Estimating multiple story a single construction episode. scale of organization tends to be much more elu- roomblocks with well-dated contexts, two room-
architecture of2-3 stories for at least half the site Throughout the sample of architectural units sive with respect to the archaeological record. Kin blocks (l and 4) were built largely after AD. 1300,
brings a room total prior to abandonment of ap- for which we have excavated data there is little groups, sodalities, and other groupings compris- and each lacks an architecturally enclosed plaza
proximately 350-400 rooms. evidence for differentiation between households ing members from multiple households generally and kiva. The three roomblocks with the longest
The latest cutting date of 1319 at Pot Creek based on the size of residential units, effort expen- do not occupy a single bounded cluster of struc- occupation history (2,3,6) all have enclosed plazas
Pueblo comes from the excavated great kiva. diture on residential features, access to wealth or tures. Given this caution, it is nonetheless possible and kivas. There are very few cutting dates from
Though we do not have dated materials from ap- prestige items, spatial separation of higher-effort to observe at Pot Creek Pueblo, as well as at many roomblock 5, but samples from both the kiva and
proximately half of the site, the large sample of architectural units, or any of the other criteria other ancestral Pueblo settlements across the one surface room date between AD. 1280-1300,
dates from across the site can be more or less taken expected within a network leadership strategy. Southwest, architectural layouts that purposefully fitting the pattern set by the other three well-dated
as representative of the site as a whole. Assuming Rather, the patterns are very much in keeping with segregated multihousehold residential groups roomblocks that also have enclosed plazas and a
that some reconstruction and repair is required for the low diversity, highly redundant architectural (Adler 1990). At Pot Creek Pueblo there are at least kiva.

160 161
Michael Adler 9. Tribes, Architecture, and Typology in the American Southwest

Corporate Architecture and Social roomblock surrounding each kiva since kin and
Integration sodality group membership are not necessarily
correlated with single architectural units in tribal
co This patterning approximates Feinman's or other societies. As proposed below, sponsorship
~ (2000:216) expectations regarding corporate hier- ofkivas may well be through an individual or house-
o archies among historic and pre-contact period hold associated with that roomblock, but group
::c puebloan social contexts. These findings also match membership is not necessarily coincident with
E \ Possible
o up well with recent applications of the dual-pro- proximity to each of these structures.
o I Great Kiva cessual model and other newer models of leader-
cr: /
ship strategies to archaeological data from the Going Up: The Scale of the Tribal
Roomblock 5 American Southwest (Mills 2000). Corporate hier- Community
archies tend to emphasize public architecture and
monumental ritual spaces, places where power can The highest level of social integration I con-
be embedded in social contexts through group as- sider here is the community. While this does not

sociation and affiliation. Kivas serve this function obviate the possibility of multi-community levels
throughout ethnographically recorded Pueblo so- of organizational complexity in tribal societies (see
cieties, and I have argued that this was much the Spielmann 1994 for a consideration of this topic),
same with precontact kivas (Adler 1994). Ritual the community is consistently the highest level of
and socially integrative architecture such as kivas social and political integration within tribal soci-
are those parts of the built environment that serve eties (Adler 1990). By community I refer to a spa-
as the context for group-oriented integrative per- tially localized group of people who share a com-
formance, storage of ritual items, and meetings, to mon identity and set of rules for determining and
name a few important functions. In the ethno- defending their rights and identities vis-a-vis other
graphic record, such architecture is relatively abun- localized groups. Among tribal groups the commu-
dant throughout politically nonstratified societies. nity often occupies a single, large village, as with
Fortunately for the archaeologist, there is cross- Pot Creek Pueblo, but there are many examples of
cultural variability in the scale of ritual integra- locally disaggregated communities comprising
tive facility size, use, and clientele (Adler 1989). I use many dispersed households. Given the potential
the term 'low-level' to refer to those facilities that for corporate and network hierarchies within and
serve to integrate only a portion of a community. I between Pueblo communities, we need to assess
would include the smallerkivas at Pot Creek Pueblo the degree to which leadership strategies may have
and structures of similar scale at other ancestral shaped the local and regional political realms across
Pueblos across the northern Southwest in this class this small corner of the ancestral Pueblo world.
ofintegrative facility. 'High-level' facilities are uti- Criteria for identifying communityhierarchies
Great Kiva lized for social activities involving larger groups include significant differences in settlement size
from multiple low-level facilities. Often the high- within contemporaneous clusters of aggregated
level facilities integrate an entire community. settlements, the unequal distribution of commu-
Cross-cultural data support a strong correlation nity-level ritual integrative architecture, and the
between the population size of the group using the differential distribution of prestige goods between
integrative facility and the floor area of the facil- communities (Blanton et al. 1996). Any consider-
ity. This relationship is the strongest for the low- ation of site size hierarchies is not presently pos-
level integrative facilities in my cross-cultural sible for the Taos region given that there were only
true N mag N sample, which vary in floor area between 20 and 60 two aggregated pueblos besides Pot Creek Pueblo
square meters. The use group associated with these with occupations dating to the 13th and 14th centu-
facilities range between 25 and 75 people, close to ries, namely Picuris Pueblo and Cornfield Taos
the estimated average population for a single (located near modern Taos Pueblo). Excavations
roomblock at Pot Creek Pueblo. The small at Picuris Pueblo focused primarily on post-Ld"
= known wall roomblock kivas at Pot Creek Pueblo fall right into century architectural contexts (Adler and Dick
o 5 10 15 20 25 the middle of the cross-cultural scattergram with 1999), and no excavations have been allowed in
= suspected wall
meters 30-40 m 2 of floor space (Adler 1994). Relatedly, I architectural contexts at Taos Pueblo or its earlier
would expect such facilities to be the integrative component at Cornfield Taos. Differential access
Fowles 1999 to prestige goods is similarly impossible to assess.
focus of smaller subsets of the community popula-
tion. I am not proposing that each small kiva at Pot The only avenue to understanding community or-
Fig. 2. Plan of Pot Creek Pueblo, after Fowles 1999. Creek Pueblo served only the inhabitants of the ganizational dynamics rests again with public ar-

162 163
Michael Adler 9. Tribes, Architecture, and Typology in the American Southwest

chitecture. Large kivas with several times the floor dancy in household size and architectural features,
area of small plaza kivas were uncovered at both and minimal variability in other indicators of eco-
Picuris Pueblo and Pot Creek Pueblo. The single nomic differentiation, the primacy ofthe group over
large kiva (Kiva 1) at Pot Creek Pueblo (Fig. 2) the individual is consistent throughout.
contained floor features that set it apart from the This, I would argue, is a very promising begin-
smaller kivas, including floor vaults and possible ning for our improved understanding of leader-
internal wall alignments (Wetherington 1968). ship and power relations within prehistoric con-
Floor vaults were found in the partially excavated texts such as those discussed above. Yet after all is
large kiva at Picuris (Dick et al. 1999). Interest- said and done, We are still left with the classifica-
ingly, both Pot Creek Pueblo and Picuris pueblo tion of Pot Creek Pueblo as another fine example water line
show evidence of a second large kiva (Figs. 2 and of a corporate hierarchy. Many questions still re-
3), indicating that paired community-level public main. How did group interests continue above that trench
architectural features may have been present in of potentially self-interested leadership? What
these Pueblo communities. short- and long-term dynamics within these com-
Ethnographically recorded tribal communities munities accord privilege to some groups over the
commonly, but certainly not always, build or set interests of other groups and individuals?
aside space for community-level integrative ritual Approaches to these questions can be sought
structures, and these spaces pattern with use group in the archaeological contexts, those same data I
size. Floor areas of high-level integrative facilities sets that supply us with the patterning to discrimi- ,,

generally range between 100-300 m", similar to nate between corporate and network hierarchies. ,
Cl' •
the large kivas at Pot Creek Pueblo (l05 m'') and As archaeologists we rely on the durability of ar- \

Picuris (135 m"). Cross-cultural surveys indicate chitecture to indicate how and when people built
\ ,,
that community-level integrative facilities are these bounded features. At the same time, the lon- \\
generally utilized by groups ranging from 250 to gevity of these same contexts can inform on the '\
600 people, well within the size range of both of dynamics of leadership and control within past \ lateral
these Pueblo settlements. Moiety organization is social systems. Architectural features commonly "'' '... excavation
one possible explanation for these large structures,
another expectation of the corporate hierarchy
require labor coordination above the individual and
household level, again requiring social negotiation
"'' '...
strategy as outlined in the dual-processual model and interdependence. The construction of durable ' ...
of organizational complexity. walls and roofs also supports and reproduces con- ' ..."',
cepts of ownership and control, often on an ......... ......
Kivas and Clout: Explaining intergenerational time scale. In other words, the ...............
Corporate Strategies in the physical creations we call architecture are both
northern Rio Grande profoundly physical and socially active aspects nf
the community landscape. coursed
There is abundant evidence that the organiza- Let's go back to our consideration ofkivas and adobe wall
tion ofleadership and power at Pot Creek Pueblo, public architecture at Pot Creek Pueblo. As men- KEY
the best-recorded ancestral Pueblo community in tioned above, it is possible that the association of
the Taos region, appears to approximate the 'cor- the small kivas with surface residential architec- /wooden slat
porate hierarchy' mode as defined by Blanton, ture may be indicative of differential control over Isubfloor channel
Feinman and others. Networkhierarchical systems ritual architecture by those corporate groups with ~ cobble
integrate leadership from outside one's own com- the deepest history of occupation at Pot Creek a 3I 6ft
I ~ stoneslab
munity. Leaders look to power partnerships that Pueblo. At the same time, however, kivas are any- I I i

move prestige between increasingly smaller num- thing but static ritual integrative facilities. In fact,
a 1 2 • post hole
bers ofindividuals situated in more distinct locali- there are intriguing patterns related to the con-
ties. Whether one considers artifacts, settlement struction, repair, and subsequent disuse ofkivas Fig. 3. Kiva M, a Partially Excavated Large Kiva at Picuris Pueblo (from Dick, et al. 1999: Figure 4.11).
layout, domestic or public architecture, there is no at Pot Creek Pueblo, some of which may point to Used with permission of Michael Adler and the Clements Center for Southwest Studies.
evidence of network hierarchical system dynamics generational changes in kiva use and identity at
in the archaeological remains at Pot Creek Pueblo. the site. These patterns are informed by ethno-
Corporate strategies situate power in segmentally graphic observations of kiva construction, spon-
organized corporate groups. In all the contexts sorship, and corporate group identity at Picuris trol over important ritual spaces to the extent that First, a consideration oftemporal trends in kiva
available for analysis at Pot Creek Pueblo, includ- Pueblo. Taken as a whole these archaeological and individual or household control of these contexts is construction and abandonment at Pot Creek
ing the organization of social groupings, spatial ethnographic data point to a corporate hierarchy effectively leveled out on the intergenerational Pueblo. Not all small kivas remained in use
size and association of public architecture, redun- strategy that incorporates community-level con- temporal scale. throughout the occupation ofthe settlement. From

164 165
Michael Adler 9. Tribes, Architecture, and Typology in the American Southwest

tree-ring data, we find that the kiva in roomblock One possibility is that while public integrative
2 was constructed between A.D. 1260-1280, but
was filled in and built over approximately 20 years
later. Once the kiva was filled in, additional rooms
were built over the remains of the structure, and
the surrounding surface rooms of roomblock 2 con-
facilities such as the kiva are identified with group
activity and public functions, the actual construc-
tion and upkeep may be 'sponsored' at the indi-
vidual or household level. This is the sort of poten-
tial contradiction expected in both the heterarchy

tinued to be occupied. The kivas in roomblocks 3 and dual processual models, and so deserves spe-
and 6 were also constructed early in the site occu- cific attention to dynamics and detail.
pation, prior to 1280. The roomblock 6 kiva was In the next section I present ethnographic in-
completely refurbished in about 1306 A.D. through formation from Picuris Pueblo that provides sup-
the construction of a new floor, replacement of the port for this assertion, elaborating our understand- 200ft
100 6 , ...
roof support beams, and a repaired roof. The kiva ing of the social dynamics associated with genera- I I I 4·
_.HU;;';' _
on roomblock 3 was remodeled during the 1280s tional sponsorship ofkivas and public architecture
and again after about 1300. There is insufficient that is germane to our discussion ofleadership and
data to discuss the kiva on roomblock 5. hierarchy. The following example is presented more

. -
Remodeling episodes approximately every two as an illustration of how social control ofimportant
decades have already been proposed for surface ritual contexts is manifested in corporate hierar- 1 Roundhouse
architectural units at the site. In her consideration chies, of which Picuris is a good example, rather
2 Sky Kiva
of the surface architecture at Pot Creek Pueblo, than as a direct historical analogy for how public
Patricia Crown argues for episodes of repair and architecture was utilized in Pot Creek Pueblo. 3 Ice Kiva
upkeep of the adobe surface architecture about 4 Home Kiva
every 19 years. Crown points out that this period- Leadership, Historical Contingency, 5 Cloud Kiva
icity in rebuilding might be related to the inherent and Ritual Space: The Lesson of 6 Scalp House
instability of earthen architecture. Crown goes on Picuris
7 Church
to propose that this periodicity might also be con-
ditioned by generational changes at the household Nearly forty years ago Donald Brown conducted 8 School
level within this settlement. Archaeological evi- ethnographic research as part of an archaeological 9 Castillo 7
dence from other 14 th century pueblos outside of project at Picuris Pueblo directed by Herbert Dick
the Taos area indicates a life expectancy of 30-40 (Brown 1972; 1999). Brown's elderly informants
years. Over the course of an average lifespan, then, identified five major ritual structures at Picuris
individuals who survive to marriageable age (17 that were in use at the beginning of the 20 t h cen-
years old) might presumably build a new house- tury. These included one circular surface struc- Public Structure Ownership
hold. Life expectancy beyond that point would be ture (the Round House) and four subterranean
an additional 13 to 23 years (Crown 1991:305). In kivas (Fig. 4), each of which had a unique history c=J Community
other words, construction and repair may be asso- and individual custodian. For example, until 1940
ciated with what Goody (1958) and others described the Round House was used for a series of three . . Headmen of Ceremonial
as the household 'domestic cycle'. There is no summer rain dances conducted by different cer- Groups
method to differentiate between the relative in- emonial organizations. During the use life of
fluence of architectural instability and domestic the structure, the Round House was 'owned' by the
cycles since these are not mutually exclusive pro- head of the Summer People, a ceremonial organi- Residential Structures
cesses. For the sake of argument here I assume zation. Ownership, in this sense, is better under-
that domestic cycles do play at least some role in stood as 'sponsorship'. In other words, Round House Occupied (in 1967)
the periodicity of repair episodes at Pot Creek use, maintenance, and access rights were all dic-
~ Building Gone by1967
Pueblo. tated by the eldest member of the Summer People.
Repair cycles of 19 years are based on the At the same time, sponsorship of these special fa-
Fig. 4. Public Architecture at Picuris Pueblo (from Brown 1999:figure 3.2). Used with permission of
sample of surface architecture at Pot Creek, spaces cilities was anything but static within Picuris so-
Michael Adler and Clements Center for Southwest Studies.
most often associated with household domestic ciety. In the case of the Round House, sponsorship
space. Yet my analysis of kiva architecture at the was active as long as Round House ceremonies
site indicates a similar temporal span of about 20 remained part of the Summer People's ritual re-
years separates events ofkiva construction, repair, sponsibilities. When the summer rain ceremonials subsequently removed from use and ceased to play ship and corporate group control during the use life
and abandonment. The question then, is why a were discontinued in the 1940s, the control and an active part of the community's ritual architec- ofeach structure. For instance, Sky Place and Cloud
'domestic cycle' of modifications should also char- sponsorship of the Round House reverted to the tural realm. Place kivas functioned as moiety kivas. Sky Place
acterize those facilities that we characterize as entire community of Picuris. Based on the commu- Other ritual architectural features at Picuris kiva was controlled by the headman of the South-
'suprahousehold' in identity, function, and control? nity consensus at that time, the Round House was were subject to much the same system of sponsor- side Moiety, but was no longer in use by 1964-5

166 167
Michael Adler 9. Tribes, Architecture, and Typology in the American Southwest

when Brown was conducting his field research. zational scale to the community, not down to indi- region. At Pot Creek Pueblo and other communi- Picuris we see temporal and spatial limitations in
Cloud Place kiva was controlled by the son of the viduals. Under these circumstances there is,little ties these differing group histories may have influ- the use of public architecture. Kivas do not appear
last leader of the Northside Moiety. After the aban- opportunity for an individual to pass on the control enced the differential distribution of ritual space to have been constructed in association with all
donment of the Sky Place kiva, the Cloud Place ofthese facilities to other individuals since control across the settlement. While unequal access to residential roomblocks, and it may have been those
kiva was used by both moieties for any large-scale always defaults to the more inclusive social level. ritual space may have supported ritual imbalances residential groupings with the longest tenure at
rituals. At the end of its use life, control of the Sky Feinman and others note the importance of social between corporate groups during the occupation of the site that controlled these smaller integrative
Place kiva reverted from the Southside moiety to inclusivity within systems of corporate hierarchy. the settlement, opposing dynamics may also have facilities. At the same time, the relatively short
the entire Picuris community. The third kiva, Ice In contrast, network hierarchy relies upon the served to redistribute and mute long-term control duration ofindividual and corporate control ofthese
Place, was controlled by the headman of the Win- ability ofleaders to exclude others from important and exclusivity of important spaces and leader- spaces, basically at the generational scale, may
ter People, a ceremonial organization that ceased ritual and residential contexts (Feinman 2000). ship contexts. The power of corporate groups may well be one dynamic that generates the variability
using the kiva after the 1950's. The fourth kiva, Ancestral Pueblo societies invested significant time have been kept in check by other competing groups that we perceive over the 'longue duree' as flexibil-
Home Place, was owned by the cacique, or ceremo- and effort in the creation of ritual architecture and through a number of structural dynamics. For in- ity. What this comes down to is a renewed consid-
nialleader, of Picuris, and was used for the meet- significant places. At the same time, though, the stance, the architectural layout of the settlement eration of the wonderful strategic role played by
ings of the elder council of Picuris. Upon the death importance of these spaces appears to have been appears to be the product of institutional redun- 'leveling devices' within tribal societies. Sahlins
ofthe cacique in 1967, Home Place kiva, along with situational and their duration relatively short- dancy, so there were probably multiple corporate (1968) and others focused on leveling devices be-
the Sky Place and Ice Place kivas, reverted to com- lived, both organizational characteristics of tribal groups vying for influence within the community. cause, as they rightly pointed out, there is nothing
munity property. societies as defined by others. In addition, as exemplified by the case ofthe Picuris inherent in human societies that drives humans to
There is no information on actual repair epi- A final anecdote from Picuris emphasizes the kivas, ritual spaces and leadership roles at Pot hierarchical organization. Equality, like inequal-
sodes associated with the kivas, but these anec- contingent nature ofleadership, architecture, and Creek Pueblo have reverted to the communitylevel ity, is manufactured through the dependence on
dotal cases clearly indicate that the disuse of these change in a tribal community. In 1963, excava- with each transition in the use of ritual space or various strategies that operate on daily, annual,
ritual structures often coincided with the life his- tions at Picuris by Herbert Dick exposed a kiva the roles associated with those spaces. At least in and intergenerational time scales.
tories of corporate group leaders. During the (Kiva D) that, based on ceramic seriation, had been the case ofPicuris this dynamic forces the constant
leader's life the control and upkeep of the facilities abandoned during the early 18th century (Dick, et renegotiation of roles and power within the com- Conclusions
was identified with the leader, but only as long as aI1999:68). Rather than being transferred to com- munity. Such a dynamic is less dominant in net-
the leader represented the interests of the moiety, munity property, which would have allowed the work systems wherein heritability and passage of Archaeological explanations of past social or-
medicine society, or other corporate group. Most structure to be reassigned or abandoned and al- power is manifested at the community and inter- ganizational strategies always rest in part on clas-
anthropologists studying tribal societies observe lowed to decompose, Kiva D was 'erased' from the community levels, but the actual lines ofheritabil- sificatory categories. The social organizational
that, as at Picuris Pueblo, leadership and control community ritual realm. First, all ofthe important ity are already determined. In other words, spaces strategies that we crystallize in our theories and
are often situationally contingent, depending on ceremonial wall niches, into and out of which and power are vested in families or other more terminologies are necessarily simplified caricatures
context and constituency. At Picuris, as important prayers and powers flow, were filled with plaster. exclusive groupings. Negotiation is not on the com- of ever dynamic social contexts. These 'shorthand'
sponsorships of sodality and moiety kivas lapsed, The central hearth was filled, and the ventilator munity level, but is already decided. descriptions ofdynamic contexts should, in the best
or ceremonies stopped being performed, these im- shaft was plugged. The structure was then pur- The modal patterns ofcorporate organizational of all worlds, be equally applicable to the archaeo-
portant ritual contexts reverted to community posefully burned. Herbert Dick never got the full and hierarchy do show up in the archaeological logical records of the Anasazi, the Hopewell, and
property. Control was not immediately co-opted by story for the abandonment of this place, still re, record of architectural contexts. At Pot Creek the Natufian. Any understanding of the common
another tribal corporate group. Instead, control of ferred to as the "Cochiti Witch Kiva." One elder Pueblo there is a strong pattern of redundancy in co-occurrence of social structures, relationships,
the structure and space was renegotiated at the mentioned that the structure had to be "killed" the location and size of ritual spaces, a good indi- and political roles should begin with some sort of
community level. The unique nature of these so- because of its association with a non-Picuris per- cator that power is not yet restricted to one or a few classification and subdivision ofcross-cultural and
cial segments dampens processes of political con- son who was accused of witchcraft. lines of social transmission. Ritual spaces in corpo- archaeological examples, but should certainly not
solidation and bureaucratic specialization. Anecdotal, yes, but this also illustrates another rate systems, because of the redundancy, tend not end there. Typologies are generally good to 'think
Notice also that the Picuris system explicitly dynamic in corporate hierarchies that diminishes to be temporally long-lived. At Picuris, Pot Creek with', but variability has to be explained according
decouples ritual space and individual personage. the capacity for individuals or small kin groups to Pueblo, and other puebloan settlements, ritual to dynamics that rest outside the statics of the
Though sponsorship of ritual space construction control ritual space to the exclusion ofother groups. architecture is used and abandoned, replaced by typology. The crux of the problem with typologies
and use rested with individuals, each ofthese lead- Corporate ritual space, vested with the identity of other spaces as the negotiation between and within of social complexity derives from the confounding
ers drew their influence from their leadership roles multi-household groups, may have commonly been corporate groups continues through the history of of description and explanation.
in various social groups. These leaders could pass destroyed by those same groups to prevent unau- each community. In contrast, ritual spaces associ- But we know that archaeological explanation
their mantle of power on to others within their thorized access by potentially dangerous outsiders ated with network systems are often long-lived, does not exist in the best of all worlds, it creates
corporate group, but at the most basic level the (Adler 1994). Such a practice would diminish the increasingly separated from the residential sec- scenarios of past worlds based upon limited data
ritual facilities were under the sponsorship of that long-term control of ritual spaces by individuals or tors of the community, and are often associated and derived interpretations. The conundrum that
structural segment ofthe larger community. Sig- kin groups simply because of the built-in obsoles- with the residences of the increasingly socially faces those studying 'middle range' or 'tribal' soci-
nificant changes in the control of ritual facilities cence in the structure itself. differentiated leaders ofthe community. eties derives from the realization that we're trying
generally resulted in those facilities reverting to These strategies of power-sharing and power- Analysis of architectural space does hold out to define an enigma that is understood not only by
the control of the entire community. At Picuris, an limitation among tribal segments still allow hier- promise for better understanding the dynamics of what it has contributed to the archaeological record,
ambiguity in terms of ritual structure use results archy because not all groups share the same his- how corporate hierarchies may, over time, become but also by what is absent in its material remains.
in the control of that space flowing up the organi- tory ofimmigration and land use in a settlement or more network-oriented. At Pot Creek Pueblo and Like Alice's Cheshire cat, the archaeological remains

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Michael Adler 9. Tribes, Architecture, and Typology in the American Southwest

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J eancon, J. A. 1994 Clustered Confederacies: Sociopolitical nization of these societies is far more difficult. veals different patterns at different scales. The
1929 Excavations in the Taos Valley, New Organization in the Protohistoric Rio Analysis of the record in terms of cycles is new, and patterns within patterns are, like fractals, the
Mexico during 1920. Smithsonian Mis- Grande. In The Ancient Southwestern new avenues for research are illuminated. products of recursive phenomena. These phenom-
cellaneous Collections 81:12. Community: Models and Methods for the ena are the subject of this volume-the cycles that
Kintigh, Keith Study ofPrehistoric Social Organization, Introduction exist at various temporal scales in tribal societies.
2000 Leadership Strategies in Protohistoric edited by W. H. Wills and Robert D. Viewing the archaeological record in terms of the
Zuni Towns. In Alternative Leadership Leonard, pp. 45-54. University of New Imagine that you are viewing a giant mural. At cycles that exist at various temporal scales is a
Strategies in the Prehispanic South- Mexico Press, Albuquerque. a distance, you see a cohesive image, but as you new approach, and one measure of its productivity
west, edited by Barbara J. Mills, pp. 95- Wetherington, Ronald K. draw closer, the individual tiles that comprise that consists of the new research questions it gener-
116. University of Arizona Press, Tuc- 1968 Excavations at Pot Creek Pueblo. Fort image become noticeable. As you draw still nearer ates. I highlight some new questions in the pages
son. Burgwin Research Center Report No.6. you notice that the individual tiles of this particu- that follow.
Levy, Jerrold E. Fort Burgwin Research Center, Ranchos lar mural are not uniform, but that some of them One of the properties of the archaeological
1992 OrayviRevisited: Social Stratification in de Taos, N.M. are patterned. So you draw even closer, where you record that makes it so difficult to read is that it is
an "Egalitarian"Society. School ofAmeri- Whiteley, Peter discover that the patterned tiles are themselves the product of not just one recursive function but
can Research Press, Santa Fe. 1988 Deliberate Acts: Changing Hopi Culture images. Intrigued, you advance still further, only of many cycles operating at the same time and at
Mills, Barbara J. (editor) Through the Oraibi Split. University of to discover that the patterned tiles are themselves different spatio-temporal scales. Understanding of
2000 Alternative Leadership Strategies in the Arizona Press, Tucson. murals, made up of smaller tesserae. Do you dare the cycles visible to ethnographers, however, pro-
Prehispanic Southwest. University of Wilk, Richard and Robert Netting draw closer still, to discover that this next level of vides the archaeologist with keys to understand-
Arizona Press, Tucson. 1984 Households: Changing Forms and Func- tiles are patterned, too, and that they are com- ing the palimpsest of images that excavation un-
Morenon, Pierre tions. In Households: Comparative and posed of still smaller images? And what ifyou back covers. Some cycles produce quite different pat-
1976 The Evaluation of Predictive Models and Historical Studies ofthe Domestic Group, away from the original image to find that it com- terns when viewed at different spatial scales, while
Inferences about Human Behavior. edited by R. McC. Netting, R. R. Wilk, prises a single tile in a larger pattern? And so on ad others, as the fractal metaphor implies, exhibit
Manuscript on file, Fort Burgwin Re- andE.J.Arnould,pp.1-28. University of infinitum. scale invariance.
search Center, Ranchos de Taos, NM. California Press, Berkeley. Fractal images "are characterized by the coex- My examples are drawn from the Central Plains
Netting, Robert Woosley, Anne I. istence of distinctive features of every conceivable Mosaic. This complex formerly was called the Cen-
1982 Some Home Truths on Household Size 1986 Puebloan Prehistory ofthe Northern Rio linear size . . . ." (Mandelbrot 1982:C16). Such tral Plains Tradition, but a recent re-analysis
and Wealth. American Behavioral Sci- Grande: Settlement, Population, Subsis- images are generated by recursive mathematical (Blakeslee 1999:36-38) showed that it consists ofa
entist 25:641-62. tence. Kiva 51(3):143-164. functions. Parts of a fractal image are independent set of more or less contemporaneous phases, which

172 173
Donald J. Blakeslee 10. Fractal Archaeology: Intra-Generational Cycles and the Matter ofScale

is not what Willey and Phillips (1958) had in mind The CPM is divided into a series of constituent
when they coined the term, tradition. Furthermore, phases (Fig. 1). Differences between the phases lie
this tradition was classified as one of a set of units
within another (Plains Village) tradition. For rea-
primarily in house form and ceramics, with differ-
ences in chipped and ground stone tool assemblages
sons that will become clear below, I renamed the attributable mainly to the availability of raw ma- CPM Phases
larger taxon the Plains Horticultural Tradition and
I suggested using Central Plains Mosaic as a sub-
terials. This is not to say that no significant vari-
ance in assemblages exists at a regional scale, but Is r:a~ 1. St. Helena
stitute for the Central Plains Tradition. One ofthe the lack of consistent artifact typologies and de- I 2. Nebraska
advantages I saw in the word, mosaic, is that has scriptions precludes accurate comparisons using 3. Itskari
no connotations with respect to structural jmits the available literature.
such as biological populations, language commu- The eastern phases (Nebraska, Smoky Hill and 4. Upper Republican
nities, ethnic groups or tribes.
The cultural system that produced the Central
St Helena) share a house form that is basically
square with rounded corners, four (or four sets
,I 5. Solomon River
6. Smoky Hill
Plains Mosaic (hereafter CPM) appears in the
Central Plains at about AD. 1000 and lasts to
around AD. 1300 in Kansas and to at least AD.
of) central roof supports, a central hearth, and
an extended entryway. Houses in the western
phases are frequently rectangular and more rarely

1400 in Nebraska. The first appearance the CPM circular or trapezoidal. They often lack a clear
seems to have been rather abrupt, and the transi- pattern of central support posts, and the hearth is
tion from Late Woodland complexes into CPM has sometimes offset from the center toward the
not been traced adequately. We do know, however, entryway.
that it involved a shift away from a subsistence Ceramic differences between phases include
pattern that relied very little on cultigens and that kinds oftemper, the extent to which originally cord-
generated a settlement pattern consisting of base roughened surfaces have been smoothed, differing
camps and special purpose camps. frequencies of direct and collared rimjars, and the
CPM sites were occupied year round, and uti- frequencies, placements and motifs of rim decora-
lized a generalized subsistence economy. Crops tion. Shoulder decoration is restricted primarily to
grown include maize, squash, marshelder, sun- sites ofthe Nebraska and Smoky Hill phases in the
flower, beans, little barley, goosefoot and tobacco southeastern part of the Central Plains, while the
(Adair 1988). Gathered vegetable foods that have frequency of rim decoration increases from south
been preserved in CPM sites include wild sunflower, to north between phases and within (at least) the
grapes, plums, cherries, hackberries, elderberries, Nebraska phase (Blakeslee and Caldwell 1979).
walnuts, hickory nuts, hazelnuts, butternuts and The annual subsistence round is an obvious Fig. 1. Phases of the Central Plains Mosaic.
prairie turnips. Faunal remains include nearly place to start a discussion of cycles in tribal life. I
every mammalian species known to have inhab- have chosen three data sets from my recent rea
ited the region, along with numerous species of analysis of some large collections from the Glen To maintain a viable tool kit and blanks or will be more heavily represented in the archaeo-
birds and fish and some amphibians and reptiles. Elder locality in north-central Kansas (Blakeslee preforms ready for use, the inhabitants of the lo- logical assemblages than tools that are used (and
Sites consist of from one to twenty or more house 1999) to illuminate the seasonal rounds that gen- cality would have had to obtain their raw materi- used up) less frequently. The same argument can
remains usually located along creeks as opposed to erated the sites. They are: lithic source patterns, als on a regular basis. The pattern of distribution be made for tools made from other kinds of mate-
major rivers. Isolated homesteads seem to have chipped stone artifact categories and functional of lithic materials (Blakeslee 1999:Table 44) sug- rial as well. Most of the archaeological assemblage
been the preferred settlement type. categories of artifacts regardless of the material gests that they obtained both the Permian chert from any year-round habitation site will be domi-
The disappearance ofthe CPM is tied, at least from which they are made. and the Smoky Hill jasper directly from the quar- nated by trash, broken and used-up items and the
in part, to a migration of some populations from The people who created CPM sites in this lo- ries; cores of these materials constitute over 96 debitage from their manufacture.
the Central Plains into South Dakota where they cality relied heavily on chipped stone tools, and percent of the cores in the Waconda Lake assem- Tables 1 through 3 present the frequencies by
gave rise to the Initial Coalescent variant. The they acquired the bulk of their lithic raw materials blages. Since reliance on a chipped stone tool tech- site oflithic sources, chipped stone tool and debitage
debate over the reasons for the migration is elabo- from outside the locality. Some local gravels (in- nology creates a more or less constant need for raw categories, and functional categories of tools for
rated in a later section. When the Central Plains cluding pieces of Smoky Hilljasper, petrified wood material (because stone tools dull relatively quickly the available sample of sites from the Glen Elder
were re-occupied, it was by people who lived in and quartzites) were used, but the bulk ofthe lithics and get used up rapidly as they are resharpened), locality. The number ofsites included in each table
village units and who relied primarily on bison and in the sites in the Glen Elder locality came either we can be fairly sure that lithic procurement oc- varies somewhat depending on adequate sample
corn. The seasonal round included two long-dis- from bedrock sources of Smoky Hill jasper about curred at least once a year and probably more fre- sizes and other factors. For instance, I have used
tance bison hunts per year that were organized at 50 km northwest of the locality or Permian age quently than that. Lippincott's (1976) analysis of the chipped stone
the village level. Cache pits in the protohistoric chert from the Flint Hills about 150 km to the east. The kinds oftools and debitage that make up categories, and site 140B27 was not in his sample
villages, from 6 to 12 feet deep, reveal an impres- Much smaller amounts ofAlibates chert from Texas a chipped stone assemblage are another reflection of sites. Site 140B26 is not included in either Table
sive increase in storage capacity over the CPM and Flattop chalcedony from northern Colorado of the annual round. Frequently used items, be- 1 or Table 2 because the sample of chipped stone
settlements. are also present. cause they wear out or break and are discarded, tools from it is too small for reliable results.

174 175
Donald J. Blakeslee 10. Fractal Archaeology: Intra-Generational Cycles and the Matter of Scale

Table 1. Lithic source variance in the Glen Elder locality.

000C'l000000001Ot-0 ...-lmt-C'lOC'l~mlO
oo~oooooo..oC\i",o ooC\
Lithic Percentages 00 -.::l'-.::l'

Smoky Hill 1O-.::l'-.::l't-C'l1000C'lC'l

Oglalla Petrified Total 01001O01O01O001O~0 ...-l ooC\iC\i~....i~cx5....i....i
Site Jasper Permian ....ioo C\i....i o o....i o....i ",..00 o -.::l'cY:I
Flattop Alibates Quartzite Wood Amount ...-l t- C'l

14ML310 67.7 31.7 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 161 ~omt-ocY:IcY:I...-lO-.::l'oot-cY:I
14ML17 68.5 22.4 2.1 0.0 7.0 0.0 143 oo....iC\ioooC\iocx5"Ooo~ -.::l'cY:I
14ML15 74.4 20.5 .I0.3 2.7 1.9 0.3 2383
14ML5 73.0 C'l~cY:I~~-.::l'-.::l'OO 1.0
24.3 0.0 0.2 2.6 0.0 976 ",,,,~oo....icx5,,,ooo o
14ML8 74.5 17.4 ~OOcY:I...-lm~...-lt-C'l-.::l'lO~cY:I
o cY:I cY:I cY:I
1.9 2.5 3.7 0.0 161 C'l",ooo o
14ML371 77.4 17.5 0.0 0.7 4.4 0.0 274 t- ...-l
14ML16 79.1 18.8 0.0 0.9 1.2 0.0 335 t-mlOC'lOmOmO~-.::l't-cY:I ",,,,oo~~t--=~....i....i
14ML307 80.5 14.4 0.0 4.2 0.9 0.0 118 o oC\iC\ioC\ioC\ioa5....i..o....i cY:IcY:I
14ML376 81.4 10.6 0.8 1.8 3.4 2.1 388
14MLll 87.3 11.1 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 640 t--=t--=C\io 00 cx5 00
14ML306 88.7 7.6 0.0 1.1 2.7 0.0 185 t-1O oooooomt-mlO cY:I-.::l'
14ML311 90.8
2.6 0.0 0.8 0.8 5.0 120 00 ...-l t-
140B27 96.4 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1082 cx5~~C\io~C\ioo
140B28 82.8 2.8 16.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 70 -.::l'-.::l't-O-.::l'OomOOcY:I~C'l
...-l ~
Average coefficient of difference = 18.8 ± 3.24 cY:I~C'lC'llO-.::l'lOm~
What is of particular interest here is the scale fleet the most significant elements of the variance C\i....iC\i....iC\ioo~o....iC\ia5....i
...-l oot-t-~...-l-.::l'lOcY:IO C'l
and the nature of the variance between sites for in the table. The only large values were for 12 pieces ~
..o",ooC\i....i"'....ioC\i t-
each kind of data. Since the habitation sites were of Flattop chalcedony from 140B28 and six and C'l1O cY:I
occupied for at least several annual rounds, the eight pieces of petrified wood from sites 14ML311 01.00 0 0 OOOO-.::l'-.::l'mlO
ooooC\ioo..oo~oooC\ioo ...-l-.::l'lOoocY:ImmlOlO
year-to-yearvariations in the annual round should and 14ML376 respectively. Thus, the significant ...-l...-l~
tend to become averaged out, so that the differ- variance occurs in the form of relatively small C'l1O
ences between sites are small. Indeed, the average amounts of the lithic raw materials that occur only moot-oot-~oocY:It-~mo
coefficients of difference (on a 100 point scale') are rarely in this set of sites. ....iC\iC\i0 o....ioC\ioa5....i..oo
...-l...-l1O ~~o....i....icx5t--=o....i
all small, 18.8 ± 3.24, 17.8 ± 3.35, and 6.25 ± 3.25 Since it is likely that the sites in the sample C'l1O
for the lithic sources, chipped stone categories and were occupied at different times, the data suggest
artifact function categories respectively. C'lC'lt-~-.::l'...-l~-.::l'cY:IO-.::l'cY:IO 101OmoomOlOom
that same lithic procurement system was main- C\iC\ 00 00
The differences in lithic source frequencies are tained throughout the occupation of the locality. It ...-l 1.0 cY:IlO
more or less evenly distributed, which can be seen may well have been an invariant part of the sea-
by inspection of Table 1, in which the sites are ommlOlOmcY:IOO
sonal round. In the future, feature by feature analy- ...-loom~...-l-.::l'OO-.::l'-.::l'-.::l'OO o o....iooo~....ioo
....i....i C\iooC\io 0..00"''''00 00
arranged by the frequencies of the common lithic sis oflithic sources might help to show when acqui- C'l 1.0 C'l cY:I~

types. The sites do not fall into clusters; instead sition of stone occurred by association with sea-
they are on a continuum with a limited range. At sonal indicators such as mussel shells, deer man- mmcY:I~oO~t-O...-l...-llOC'l oooooo....icx5C\i00
the ends of the distribution are sites with rela- dibles and the like. For the present, one can only C'l~
tively small sample sizes, which probably reflects say that since the two main sources of chippable
sampling error. The lithic frequencies do not corre- C'lcY:I-.::l'mOlOC'lOlO
stone lay in opposite directions from the locality, "'~....i....ioC\ioooo
late with site location within the locality, except possibly the stone was acquired during at least two C'l~

for a tendency for the westernmost sites (from different seasons. Some of the uniformity in the
Osborne County) to have high proportions ofSmoky mC'lt-t-ooot-OO
assemblages also might be the result of lithic ac- C\iC\iooo..ot--=oo
Hilljasper, which derives from the west and north quisition expeditions by social units larger than a ...-l t-
ofthe locality and (in 140B28 only) Flattop chal- single household, although regular exchanges of
cedony, also a western source. The frequencies also raw materials among neighbors could also explain
do not correlate with house form or ceramic assem- the pattern.
blages (topics which are discussed below). When equivalent data are assembled for other
I also calculated the contribution of each cell to localities, I would expect to see profound differ-
the chi-square value to determine which cells re- ences in the lithic frequencies from one locality

176 177
Donald J. Blakeslee 10. Fractal Archaeology: Intra-Generational Cycles and the Matter ofScale

to another, as lithic sources definitely reflect dif- lithic debitage, shaft wrenches, paintbrushes, Indeed, the scale of the differences in general ad- gardener must fight. Mature forest may contain as
ferential access to resources and the extent of flaking tools; aptation between localities is an important research few as ten to twelve trees per acre, with a mini-
hunting territories (cf. Holen 1991; Zehnder 8. Clothing and adornment: beads, pendants, question that has not yet been addressed ad- mum of undergrowth as a result of the shade cast
1998). earspools, tinklers, gorgets, pins; and equately. by the large trees. The extent of mature hardwood
The chipped stone categories in Table 2, taken 9. Ceremonial: pipes, crystals, human calva- Neither have the details ofthe seasonal round. forest, then, was a critical factor in determining
from Lippincott (1976) are also remarkably uni- ria, eagle bone whistles, rattles, exotic shell A debate over whether CPM sites were occupied how long the occupation of any spot could continue
form, with a coefficient of difference of 17.8 ± 3.35. objects. year-round (Lippincott 1976; Dorsey 1998; Wedel before the pioneering cycle repeated.
A seriation of the sort developed by Renfrew and The coefficient of difference for the frequencies 1970) or whether they were abandoned for sea- Soil fertility and replenishment were similarly
Sterud (1969) generates no clusters of sites, only a of artifacts in the functional categories is a sonallong distance hunts (Falk 1969; Morey 1982) critical to the length of the garden cycle. In tem-
continuum determined primarily buy the amount miniscule 6.25 ± 3.25, which probably reflects in has only recently been resolved in terms of the perate zones, vegetal growth and hence soil re-
of debitage found during the excavations. The sites part the large sample sizes generated by lumping former option (Blakeslee 1999:43-44). The year- plenishment in fallow fields is slow because growth
at the extremes of the distribution, 14ML17 and all of the artifacts from the excavations into only round model helps to explain differences between ceases in winter. In the Plains, a long dry season
14ML311, both have relatively small assemblages. nine broad categories. It also reflect the fact that CPM faunal assemblages and those ofprotohistoric also inhibited soil replenishment. Without a plow
Thus sampling error resulting from both raw some objects, such as points, are counted in more villages in that bones oflarge mammals (other than to turn soil over and bring new nutrients to shal-
sample size and from the portion of the site exca- than one category. Once again, the sites do not bone tools) are relatively rare in CPM sites. The low-rooted crops such as maize, gardens could be
vated (i.e., the extent to which the excavations form clusters, and the differences between them long list of crops grown, especially the Little Bar- used for only a few years before crop production
uncovered chipping stations) have generated some are not only minor but apparently random. Analy- ley, suggests the existence of more than one har- waned.
of the variance, which is relatively small to begin sis of the contributions to Chi square shows that vest season and at least an extended planting sea- Figure 2 is a model of what the swidden cycles
with. Deleting the debitage from consideration does the most significant differences are actually mi- son. Blakeslee (1999:Table X) provides a list of the may have been like in the Central Plains. It shows
not change the general pattern; there are no pat- nor. Site 14ML15 has fewer than expected food gathered wild foods that includes the seasons in the availability of various resources through one
terned differences between the sites generated by preparation items, while site 14M116 has more which they were available, but much remains to be pioneering cycle that encompasses two garden
the formal tool categories. Thus, as with the lithic items of adornment than expected and fewer of done. Analysis ofindividual cache pit assemblages, cycles. At the beginning of the pioneering cycle,
source frequencies, these data imply site-to-site general manufacturing. Since this site contained which are composed oftrash that accumulated over the gardens are productive, local large game has
similarities in the seasonal round. an ossuary in addition to a habitation site, this relatively short periods, might help to resolve ele- not yet been hunted out, and firewood is readily
When similar data become available from other result is not surprising. ments of the annual round. available. As time goes on, the productivity of the
localities, I would expect to see a degree of scale To the extent that the residents of different first gardens begins to decline, large game is less
invariance, with much more similarity across lo- localities made their living using somewhat differ- Swidden Cycles, Foraging and the plentiful near the habitation site, pest populations
calities in the chipped stone tool categories than in ent resources, we might expect to find some differ- Faunal Record invade the gardens, but edge species become more
the lithic sources used. Different environments ences at the regional scale in the functional catego- common. Eventually, garden productivity fails to
should generate some differences in the types of ries once similar data are made available. Given Subsistence in the CPM was based on a combi- provide adequate food for the winter, and lower
tools used, but these are apt to be moderate if, as the general similarities already reported in the nation ofswidden horticulture and foraging (Ander- quality resources such as mussels and small ro-
discussed below, the people who created the sites literature, however, such differences are likely to son and Zimmerman 1976:149; Blakeslee 1990, dents have to be harvested in quantity. At that
were swidden foragers. be moderate. 1993, 1999; Krause 1969, 1970; Wood 1969:104). point, new gardens are cleared, and the garden
Table 3 shows the frequencies generated when In all three sets of data, then, we find relative In the Central Plains, swiddening involved two cycle repeats, but large game and firewood con-
all artifacts are allocated among a set offunctional uniformity among the sites. Neither lithic sources interlinked cycles. The shorter-term cycle consisted tinue to become increasingly scarce, and eventu-
categories regardless of the material from which used, categories of chipped stone nor functional of clearing and using a garden until the soil fertil- ally the population moves on to a new spot to re-
they were made (Blakeslee 1999:132-133). The categories of all artifacts vary much from one habi- itywas depleted, followed by repetitions ofthe cycle peat the pioneering cycle.
categories are: tation site to another within this locality. This is in neighboring plots until the resources of the gen- At the Schmidt site in central Nebraska, the
1. Large game hunting and hide process- exactly what one would expect from the repetition eral vicinity were depleted. This led to the initia- microfaunal assemblages appear to reflect the
ing: points, end scrapers, choppers, beveled ofthe annual cycle over a period of years, as year- tion of the longer-term cycle, in which a new loca- crises in the garden cycle. Satorius-Fox(1982)
knives, perforators, fleshers, hide grainers; to-year variations are averaged out in the total site tion was settled and new gardens cleared. The reports the microfauna from the Schmidt site,
2. General hunting/fishing: points, knives, assemblage. With the products and byproducts of length of occupation of anyone spot was dependent giving MNls for each feature. I have extracted the
fishhooks, fish gorges longer cycles or episodic events, however, one might on the amount and nature ofthe critical resources data in Table 4 from her report, eliminating those
3. General hide working: perforators, flake find larger inter-site variance, as we shall see be- available, which varied considerably from region features with very small total MNls «10) and
scrapers, awls, needles, beamers; low. to region and from locality to locality. the species that are poorly represented at the site
4. Swiddening: axes, celts, adzes, hoes, digging If the same sorts of data as reported in Tables In slash and burn horticulture, a garden is (MNI for all features < 6) in order to make clear the
stick tips, ulna picks, antler rakes, squash 1-3 were available from other localities, we would created by chopping down or merely killing trees, pattern of variance among the richer pits and the
knives, deer mandibles; expect to find large differences between localities then clearing, drying and burning the undergrowth. better represented species. The five trash-filled pits
5. Gathering: nutting stones, digging stick tips; in lithic sources used, because the distance to quar- In the Plains area, swidden gardeners preferred with MNls greater than 10 yielded from 8 to 47 of
6. Food preparation and storage: ceramic ries is such an important consideration. On the mature stands ofhardwood forest. Hardwood trees the well-represented microfaunal species. The av-
vessels, knives, milling stones, manos, mor- other hand, one would predict only moderate dif- can be killed merely by girdling them-chopping erage coefficient of difference between all of the
tars, spoons, shell scrapers; ferences in functional classes of tools and chipped through the bark around the circumference of the pits is 52.8 ± 13.9. No two pits are very much alike
7. General Manufacturing: gravers, drills, stone tool categories, as these reflect the general tree. Softwoods have to be chopped down, and even in their microfaunal contents, the bulk of which
abraders, shaft smoothers, hammerstones, way of life of the people who created the CPM. then they will send up numerous shoots that the are food remains. (Lengthy justifications for this

178 179
Donald J. Blakeslee 10. Fractal Archaeology: Intra-Generational Cycles and the Matter ofScale

assertion can be found in Satorius-Fox (1982) and two (which are small and bury themselves deeply

Garde: cycle ~
Gard~ cycle ~
Blakeslee (1999:77-85».
Some of the diversity across pits might be at-
tributed to small sample sizes, but the average
coefficient of difference (52.8) is much greater than
in the stream beds) and those above the ages offive
to eight. From these data he was able to deduce
that the interval between large clambakes ranged
from four to seven years, with most ofthe intervals
the standard deviation of 13.95. The variability being five years. Furthermore, he was able to de-

might also reflect both the nature and the timing termine that all of the large clambakes occurred in
.................... of the trash pit fill. Cache pits eventually were the late fall to early winter.The small assemblages,
, invaded by mold, insects, and rodents, and so had
to be replaced, generating another cycle that af-
on the other hand, appear to have occurred be-
tween the large clambakes, resulting in lower ages
.1 "

" " fected the archaeological record. When a storage at death for the specimens in them, and the small
,---- ...... pit was abandoned, it usually was filled immedi- events occurred throughout the year.
" , " .... --:; ately in order to prevent accidents (Weltfish
1965:297). Usually, it was filled with trash that
The regularity of the large clambakes-once
every five years on average-and the season in
-~, ..".

- - --=_........ ~ --... -.---
--...- _......
- -----,...,..... --<, " '-
happened to be readily available. Most ofthe items
in a trash-filled pit, therefore, derive from a fairly
which they occurred make it appear likely that
mussels were one ofthe crisis foods that CPM popu-
-----~--- ........
short (but not precisely definable) interval. The
relatively briefperiod of accumulation means that
lations depended on. When the relative failure of
the garden harvest became clear in the early fall,
the trash has the potential to reveal something the people would have known that they would not
about both seasonal and longer term cycles. That have enough food for the winter. Freshwater mus-
Agricultural Production Pest population is, independent of the effect of small sample size, sels would have been available if no large clam-
trash-filled cache pit assemblages can be expected bake had occurred since the last crisis some five
Local large game Firewood

to have high variance, precisely what is seen in the years previous. The best time to collect them would
Edge, ruderal species Crisis foods Schmidt site faunal assemblages. be before the really cold weather set in, as collect-
Figure 2 depicts my explanation for the ten- ing them involved wading in waist-deep water. The
dency for one or two small mammal species to domi- beginning of winter would have been the best time

Pionee~ Cycle
nate the fill ofthose pits that have any significant for hunting small rodents as well. Some species
Abandonment number of small rodents. I believe that these fau- store foods for the winter, and at the beginning of
occupation nas are the results of intensive small mammal that season, their caches would have been at their
hunts that took place at that point in the garden largest. Also, with the onset of cold weather, some
Fig. 2. A model for swidden foraging in the Central Plains. cycle when the harvest of domesticated crops fell rodent species create communal nests so that their
off. The population of small mammal pests, espe- body heat will help to ward offthe cold. Such com-
ciallythose that raid the gardens would have grown munal nests would produce the most meat for
over the years, making such a hunt productive, human hunters.
especiallywhen it involved those animals that store In contrast to the features listed in Table 4,
vegetable foods for the winter. fourteen trash-filled pits at the Schmidt site
A similar pattern exists in the distribution of (Satorius-Fox 1982:Table 4) reflect a different pat-
large assemblages of freshwater mussel shells. tern. They contain only a few small rodents each:
Mussels are low quality resources. They have rela- from one to nine individuals from 15 different spe-
Table 4. MNls of common microfauna from selected features at the Schmidt site. tively low nutritional value, are essentially taste- cies. In none of these pits are more than two indi-
less, and have the chewing consistence of a rubber viduals from a single species. Satorius-Fox's data
Species F78 F3 F135 F76 F221 eraser. Yet both large and small assemblages of show that most of them were eaten, even though
mussel shells occur regularly in CPM sites. At they would have constituted little more than a
Blarina brevicauda 4.6 0.0 2.1 11.1 8.9 Waconda Lake, Dorsey (1998) found 153 assem- snack. They are comparable to the many small
Spermophilus tridecemlineatus 0.0 7.1 6.4 11.1 1.8 blages from 15 sites, of which 20 were large (MNI mussel shell assemblages in the Glen Elder local-
Geomys bursarius 4.6 7.1 2.1 11.1 5.4 > 100). The large assemblages reflect on the order ity that reflect an occasional meal, food collected
Perognathus hispidus 45.5 7.1 4.3 22.2 1.8 of 476-8193g (1-18Ib) of meat. when foraging failed to yield anything else (Dorsey
Peromyscus maniculatus 27.3 42.9 34.0 0.0 1.8 A large clambake will deplete the mussel popu- 2000:17). Casual garden hunting using snares may
Onychomys leucogaster 0.0 7.1 17.0 0.0 0.0 lation in the vicinity of a site (Wedel 1986: 127). By have produced the occasional small rodent from a
Oryzomys palustris 4.6 14.3 29.8 33.3 25.0 determining age at death ofthe individuals in the wide variety of species that are found in the bulk
Microtus pennsylvanicus 4.6 7.1 0.0 0.0 42.9 assemblages, Dorsey was able to estimate the pe- of the cache pits.
Pedomys ochrogaster 9.1 7.1 4.3 11.1 12.5 riodicity of the large clambakes in the sites from The similarities between the patterns of occur-
the Glen Elder locality. He found that the assem- rence of micromammals and freshwater mussels
Feature Totals 22 14 47 9 56 blages were missing individuals below the age of are the result offoraging as the means ofproviding

180 181
Donald J. Blakeslee 10. Fractal Archaeology: Intra-Generational Cycles and the Matter of Scale

meat in the diet. Foraging, as opposed to sched- The largest game, bison and elk, range from 0.4 to the protohistoric pattern of long-distance bison- widely different archaeological records. In the
uled, organized long-distance hunts seems to have 22.1 percent of the site assemblages, while fish hunting expeditions mounted by village-sized Middle Missouri region, swidden cycles produced
been the mode in all CPM sites with the possible and reptiles range from 8 to 77.3 percent. Only groups (cf Blakeslee et al. 2001). Utilizing dog trac- mostly compact village sites, in the Central Plains
exception of the far western sites called High Plains birds (3.3 to 17.8) have a somewhat restricted range tion and later horse traction, the protohistoric they generated loose clusters of houses, while in
Upper Republican. Those sites aside, no CPM bi- of variation across sites. Some of the differences hunters returned from their highly focused expe- the Osage Cuestas, they created long strings of
son kill or other communal hunting sites have been might be attributed to the fact that the sites are ditions with massive amounts of meat and enough rather isolated houses.
found. It may be that foraging was conducted by drawn from three different phases, but there is bones to make bison the dominant species in all In the Middle Missouri region (the trench of
household groups rather than by larger commu- little similarity among the sites from a single phase. village assemblages. It may be that CPM foragers the Missouri River in the Dakotas), forest is re-
nity groups. For instance, the Schmidt site is only 24 miles from returned fewer bones from any significant distance stricted to the river floodplain, and mature forest
This might help to explain the extraordinary the Hulme site, yet the coefficient of difference to their habitation sites than later peoples did, with is limited to groves located near the bases of mean-
diversity in the faunal remains from CPM sites. between them is 46.4 compared to the average the result that the sporadic taking of animals close der loops of the river. Mature groves are the prod-
Bozell (1991) documented this, using examples coefficient of difference among all of the sites of to home (i.e., foraging) looms large in the habita- uct of a vegetational succession that begins with
drawn from six sites, the only CPM sites which 43.8. That is, these two sites are no more similar to tion site faunas. newly deposited river sediments and ends with
had been fine-screened, ensuring adequate recov- one another than any pair chosen randomly from A third potential factor is the temporal scale. large, widely spaced examples of bur oak, green
ery rates for small species. I was able to add two the full set. Most of the sites in Table 5 consist of a single ex- ash, box elder, and American elm (Griffin 1977). A
sites to his set from work published later by others One factor that may have helped to generate cavated house, and CPM houses appear to have stand of mature forest may have only ten or twelve
(Koch 1995; Scott 1993). The results are shown in this high level of diversity is the use of the NISP been occupied for fairly brief intervals of time. trees to the acre with sparse undergrowth, making
Table 5. statistic-the number of identified specimens in Estimates of the life spans ofthe prehistoric houses the creation of gardens relatively easy.
At this larger scale of analysis-across sites each taxon. NISP is sensitive to butchering and range from five (Wedel 1986:105; Wood 1969:105) The fallow period in this environment was only
and phases-total CPM faunas show the same level disposal patterns, as a single individual can gener- to ten or twenty years (Billeck 1993:22). In the two years because the soils were replenished by
of diversity as the microfaunas from the Schmidt ate over 200 bones. Bozell (personal communica- Central Plains, year to year variations in weather new sediments derived from annual floods (Wilson
site features, a clear example of scale invariance. tion), however, attempted to alleviate this prob- are often extreme, and the average precipitation 1917: 113-114). The flooding also ensured plentiful
What makes the diversity in the inter-site data so lem in extreme cases, by lumping some fragmen- has little meaning. The faunal record could well soil moisture to start the growing season. Long
striking is 1) the breadth of the faunal categories, tary bones when it was obvious that they came reflect small time slices of short- distance foraging term use of a single location seems to have been
and 2) that the sites appear to have been occupied from a single individual. Nevertheless, MNIs (mini- in a fluctuating environment (cf Blakeslee 1999:fig- limited primarily by the meandering of the river
year-round. Since faunal remains reflect the sea- mum number ofindividuals) would be likely to have ure 24). What the data clearly show, however, is a channel, which could erode away the groves of trees,
sonal round, one might expect to find the low level somewhat lower variance. discordance between the highly variable faunal starting the vegetational cycle over again.
of diversity found in the lithic sources, chipped Another factor may be the nature of the CPM assemblages on the one hand and the relatively In this environment, the swidden cycle gener-
stone categories and functional classes seen in the adaptation, in which foraging by household groups uniform artifact assemblages. ated a pattern of archaeological sites that consist
Glen Elder locality. This is clearly not the case. seems to have been the norm. This contrasts with of compact villages of pithouses, often with deep
Swidden Cycles and Settlement midden deposits. Middle Missouri Tradition sites
Patterns in the Plains Area usually are found at the edge of a terrace overlook-
Table 5. Site to site variation in Central Plains faunas.
ing the arable ground. Many villages are located at
The distinguishing characteristic of the Plains the mouths of tributary streams, where a cove in
Marvin Hulme 25HN36 Palmer Witt Mowry Schmidt Mclntosft
Horticultural Tradition is the consistent presence the side of the main valley protected the forest
%ofNISP Coulson Johnson Bluff
of evidence for swidden horticulture. The tools of from erosion by the main channel. Dwellings in
swidden gardeners are found, not only in CPM sites, these villages were usually set into pits, which could
but in contemporaneous archaeological complexes be excavated with only digging sticks and scapula
Elk 15.8 1.8 1.1 0.4 0.8 13.2 22.1 15.6
across most of the Great Plains. The other units hoes because the villages were on prairie rather
include the Middle Missouri Tradition in the Da- than on root-infested forest land. Sites are usually
kotas and Iowa, the Pomona Variant of Kansas compact and are often fortified because critically
Pronghorn 50.8 50.0 32.1 1.9 17.6 9.6 10.6 1.3 and Missouri, and the Canark Variant of Colorado, important farmland had to be defended (Fig. Sa).
Oklahoma and Texas, among others. Assemblages Finally, compared with most contemporary
from these complexes often include chipped or sites in other parts of the Plains, Middle Missouri
Mammals 19.5 21.9 39.2 37.2 44.1 39.8 7.7 2.9
ground stone celts; hoe blades made most frequently Tradition sites appear to have been occupied for
from bison scapulae but also from bison frontal long periods of time. As a result rich midden depos-
bones, stone or mussel shells; bison tibia digging its accumulated. The stability of occupation can be
Birds 5.9 14.3 4.7 3.3 10.8 17.8 15.0 2.9
stick tips; and deer mandible sickles. seen as a gift ofthe river, an environment in which
At the scale of the Great Plains area, the only a couple of garden plots, one active and one
swidden cycles produced very different settlement fallow, were needed to support each household until
Reptiles 8.0 12.0 22.9 57.2 26.8 19.6 44.6 77.3
patterns in different environmental zones. Three the river eroded away the land.
examples drawn from different regions will suffice The faunal assemblages in the site middens
to show that the single basic adaptation marking lack the variability seen in the CPM. All habita-
Totals 917 1720 769 786 1189 451 3332 3791
the Plains Horticultural Tradition generated tion site faunas are dominated by bison (Bozell

182 183
Donald J. Blakeslee 10. Fractal Archaeology: Intra-Generational Cycles and the Matter ofScale

1995:151; Falk 1977:154-155). The relatively long The settlement pattern consists of diffuse ran-
life spans of the villages would tend to eliminate dom scatters of house depressions (Fig. 3b) and
the effects of the short term weather variations occasionally a line of house depressions, especially
that appear to affect the CPM record. Furthermore, on ridge tops. Houses are usually widely spaced,
a. Middle Missouri the village level of organization may have allowed
village-level collective bison hunts. Finally, there
and in some cases it is difficult to determine where
one site leaves off and the next one begins. There
may have been larger herds ofbison in the Dakotas is also a tendency for large houses to be on ridge
Tradition than in the Central Plains during the period in tops, and another for large houses to be found in
Fortification question. sites that contain very few houses (Blakeslee and
The existence of stable village-sized popula- Caldwell 1979:30-33; Hotopp 1982:183).
ditch" II
tions must have affected the social structure: Face- I recently (Blakeslee 1990) proposed a model
to face contact among several hundred people on a that accounts for this settlement pattern. It posits
House depression daily basis must have called for a relatively com- that the initial settlement in most spots was on a
plex social organization. Village chiefs, warrior grassy ridge top. By building on the ridge top, the
societies and unilineal descent groups were fea- people avoided having to deal with tree roots while
tures of the organization of the Mandan and excavating a house pit. Construction of a succes-
Hidatsa tribes, the likely historical descendants of sion of houses over time on a ridge top would pro-
the Middle Missouri Tradition. Village size meant duce one of the lines of houses seen in the settle-
that some tasks could be carried out by groups ment pattern of this phase. An alternative to con-
larger than the household. In addition to policing tinuing to build successive houses on the ridge top
Terrace collective bisonhunts, members ofassociations may was to build later houses in fallow fields from which
edge have carried out some harvest-related tasks, as the tree roots had rotted. Such a decision would
was the case among the historic Hidatsa (Wilson provide easier access to both water and garden
1917:43). Village level rituals and village origin plots. A final element in this model has the first
myths are likely to have existed. houses at a spot being multi-family structures
b. Nebraska phase A contrasting pattern is found in the Central
Plains Mosaic in the period A.D. 1000-1450. Here,
which were later replaced with individual family
houses once the heavy work of pioneering a new
very few compact sites occur, and it is not clear location had been accomplished. Construction of a
whether the exceptions are, in fact, the products of single dwelling for more than one family would
villages as opposed to long-term occupation ofwell - have reduced labor costs at a time when the first
endowed sites by small populations. There is varia- gardens had to be established. Thus there is more
tion in the Central Plains environment, especially than just the swidden cycle at work in generating
from east to west, with some resulting variation in this pattern. In addition, we have to pay attention
the settlement pattern. For our present purposes, to a household cycle that includes both multi-fam-
however, a single example will suffice. ily and single (extended) family dwellings and a
The Nebraska Phase is found in the Eastern cycle ofhouse construction, decay and replacement.
Glaciated region ofeastern Nebraska, westernmost We will return to these topics below.
Iowa, northeastern Kansas, and northwestern The slow rate of soil replenishment in this
Missouri. This is a region of steep loess bluffs dis- environment necessitated the abandonment of
sected by creek valleys of varying size. The Mis- gardens plots after a period of several years. On
souri River floods occur later here than in the the other hand, a single valley with widespread
Dakotas, shortening the growing season. Perhaps forest could have been occupied for a lengthy pe-
c. Pomona Forested levee soil as a result Nebraska Phase sites tend to be ori- riod, resulting in the gradual accumulation ofhouse
o ented to the valleys of the tributary streams. ruins. Each individual house, however, would have
variant Hardwood forests are widespread in these val-
leys (Johnson 1972:8-10), but trees usually do not
been occupied for a shorter time than a typical
Middle Missouri village, resulting in less midden
extend to the ridge tops, which support prairie accumulation.
grasses. While the soils ofthe tributary valleys are Nebraska Phase sites are notfortified, butthere
quite rich, they are not replenished by regular is abundant evidence that warfare was present in
floods. The relative lack of soil replenishment pre- the CPM in general and in the Nebraska phase in
vented the prehistoric gardeners from using a gar- particular (cf. Blakeslee 1999:151-152 for an a re-
den for as long a period as was possible in the Middle view ofthe data). The lack offortifications appears
Missouri region. As a result, the sites are not as to reflect a different response to raids than was
Fig. 3. Examples of settlement patterns in the Plains Horticultural Tradition (a. after Wood 1967). rich in midden deposits as those farther north. possible in the Middle Missouri region. In the Cen-

184 185
Donald J. Blakeslee 10. Fractal Archaeology; Intra-Generational Cycles and the Matter ofScale

tral Plains, there was no scarce resource that had on both sides of a house. As a result, houses are and social status, the presence oflarge ceremonial first part of their formula resulted from drawing a
to be defended. Rather than investing in elaborate widely spaced in a linear pattern. Finally, the very structures among smaller dwellings. changes in straight line from the origin point of their graph
fortifications that could be manned by the popula- slow rate of soil replenishment meant that gar- household size over time, differences between lo- (no population; zero floor area) to the first house-
tions ofthe compact villages ofthe Dakotas, people dens would have to be abandoned after only a few cal societies, and the space requirements of spe- hold size for which they had data. That is to say, it
in the dispersed settlements of the Central Plains years and that re-settlement in the same spot or cialization of labor. is based on no data at all.
probably ran away from raids (cf. Robarchek and nearby was precluded. As a result, houses are I tested these possibilities by comparing the Wedel (1979) noted that neither Naroll nor
Robarchek 1998 for an ethnographic example of lightly built surface structures that were probably contents of a sample of large and small houses Cook and Heizer included any Plains settlements
this sort of adaptation to raids). inhabited for only one garden cycle, after which (Blakeslee 1990:33-37). The test implications were in the data sets used to calculate their regressions.
One might expect a far different form of social the household moved to another spot. At any rate, straightforward: warm weather dwellings should He remedied this by assembling data for early his-
organization than in the Middle Missouri region. the contents of Pomona sites are far more sparse have horticultural tools in them, ceremonial struc- toric households and house sizes among the Paw-
Given the dispersed settlement patter, there would than those of the CPM, which in turn are scantier tures should contain ritual items and features, the nees and Wichitas. His estimator - one person for
have been far less face-to-face contact on a daily than those of the Middle Missouri Tradition. homes ofthe wealthy should contain items ofvalue, every five square meters- ifapplied to the prehis-
basis; and it would have been harder to organize The communities that produced the Pomona those of craft specialists should contain special- toric Nebraska phase houses (over a gap of several
large cooperative work groups. Local communities variant thus were even more dispersed and even ized tool kits, there should be a difference in loca- centuries), yields populations of 5 for the smaller
could have come into existence, grown and declined more ephemeral than those that generated the tion if different groups were responsible for the houses and 50 for the largest. My own estimates,
in less than an individual person's lifetime. Amore Nebraska phase. The social organization may have variance in house size, and houses of different ages based on calculating how many beds each house
flexible social organization therefore seems likely been more like that of bands than tribes. It is likely should have both different radiocarbon dates and could hold, range from 6-8 people for the smallest
than in the Dakotas, and headmen rather than that boundaries between local groups were diffuse. different ceramic assemblages. None of these hy- houses to 32-44 people for the very largest
formal leadership might have been the rule. Indeed, although Brown (1984) defined several potheses were supported by the archaeological data, (Blakeslee 1989:12).
A third contrasting settlement pattern is found phases within the distribution of the Pomona vari- and I was led to conclude that most of the differ- If household population is the primary cause
in the Pomona variant of the Osage Cuestas region ant, the differences between them are minimal, ences in house size reflected variations in house- of the variation in house size, there is still some
of eastern Kansas and western Missouri (Brown and most archaeologists working in the region do hold population that occurred within the lifetime explaining to do. A range of household population
1984). The Osage Cuestas are a land ofrolling plains not use the phase names. In such a society, there of individual sites. from 5 to 50 (or from 6 to 32) in the same society
and east-facing escarpments. Both uplands and is little reason to imagine that formalized leader- How much variation in household population seems a bit extreme, given the lack of archaeo-
much of the lowlands are covered with tall-grass ship roles existed, and large work groups are also would account for the range of house sizes? The logical evidence for differences in wealth and
prairies. Narrow gallery forests line the streams, apt to have been absent. well-known approaches ofNaroll (1962) and Cook class. What is more, the variation in house size is
while slough grass filled much of the rest of the To sum up, at the scale of the archaeological and Heizer (1968) do not apply, not only in this related inversely to the variation in size of sites.
lower ground. Much ofthe lowlands consist ofheavy area, we find that the swidden cycle is responsible instance but everywhere else as well (Blakeslee The sites that contain only one house tend to con-
clay soils not suited for working with digging sticks for different settlement patterns and social sys- 1989:4-8). Naroll took variance across societies and tain large ones, while sites that have more than
and scapula hoes. Land appropriate for swidden is tems in different regional environments. The three implied that his regression (one person per 10 one house contain mostly small houses (Blakeslee
restricted to natural levees on which the rate of subdivisions ofthe Plains Horticultural Tradition square meters) could be applied to variance within and Caldwell 1979:30-33). Hotopp (1982:183) also
soil accumulation is extremely slow. Because all considered here shared a basic lifeway that de- single societies, an assertion that the mathemati- noted that in the Glenwood locality, at least, the
but the very largest streams are entrenched, natu- manded adaptation to local environments which cal model does not support. Further, he looked only larger houses occur on the ridge tops, while smaller
rallevee soils do accumulate and the forest that in turn generated much of the diversity in the ar- at the space used in the capitals of various societ- houses are found on the lower slopes and stream
grows on them has the chance to develop climax chaeological record. In only one unit, the Middle ies, not at living space in ordinary settlements. terraces.
communities. Missouri Tradition, is there a reasonable corre- And finally, ifone uses his formula to predict popu- Here are three kinds of variation to be ex-
The Pomona settlement pattern consists of spondence between archaeological sites and the lations for the sites in his original sample, one finds plained: house size, site size and house location. I
widely-spaced sites within the gallery forestzone social units that created them. In the CPM and in that it is a very poor predictor of actual population believe that all of them can be understood in terms
on the levee soils (Fig. 3c). Houses in them were the Pomona Variant, with their dispersed settle- sizes (Asch 1976:15-17). ofthe various cycles that operated within the tribal
lightly-built and lacked house pits. The lack of a ment patterns, it is extremely difficult to discern Cook and Heizer's (1968) formula (20 square society that generated the Nebraska phase. In
house pit and the slow rate of soil accumulation communities in the archaeological record. feet per person until a house size of 120 square feet addition to the swidden cycles, there is another
have made the archaeology of this region difficult; is reached; ten square feet per person thereafter) involving the decay and replacement of the houses
most Pomona deposits lie within the modern plow Household Cycles, Houses and Sites has an even weaker basis. To derive their formula, themselves. As mentioned above, estimates ofthe
zone, and usually only the centers ofwell-trampled within a Phase they did not employ actual household populations; life spans of the prehistoric houses range all the
house floors remain intact. instead they used estimates calculated by multi- way from five to twenty years. The earthlodges of
The narrow, linear gallery forests generated CPM houses, especially those of the Nebraska plying the mean number of people per nuclear fam- the historic village tribes were, on average, of more
the linear Pomona settlement pattern of houses phase, come in a wide range of sizes, from 3.3 to ily times the average number offamilies per house substantial construction than the CPM houses, and
constructed on the ground surface. Only the natu- 15.9 meters on a side. The very smallest houses in each of 27 societies (Blakeslee 1989:6). The re- they appear to have lasted from seven to fifteen
ral levees had soils that drained quickly enough appear to be special purpose structures, but even sulting number was compared to the mean house years (Weltfish 1965:86; Wilson 1934:356, 372).
for comfortable living, but the roots of the levee so, the range of normal houses is from 4.9 to 15.9 size in the same societies in order to calculate their Recent evidence from a modern earthlodge replica
forest made digging house pits impossible with tools meters on a side, which is more than a tenfold regression formula. Obviously, such a regression constructed by Les and Jan Hosick of Wellfleet,
of wood and bone . The only suitable places for variation in floor area. Such high variance could cannot reveal the relationship between variance Nebraska, and disassembled by students from
gardens were also in the levee soils, and it would have several causes, including differences between in house size in a single society and the variations Kansas State and Wichita State universities,
have been cost effective to reserve garden spaces summer and winter dwellings, variations in wealth of household populations within sites. Finally, the showed that the timbers used can last 10 years or

186 187
Donald J. Blakeslee 10. Fractal Archaeology: Intra-Generational Cycles and the Matter ofScale

more. Since thereplica was built far more substan- families could move into separate dwellings when
tially than most of the prehistoric structures, a it came time to replace the original structure. As a NEBRASKA PHASE SETTLEMENT PATTERN
span of ten years or less for the latter seems a result, the sites with more than one house tend to
reasonable estimate, but one that needs to be tested have a smaller average house size. In the large Phase of Pioneering
through experimental archaeology. The critical sites which have seen extensive excavation, one or Extended Settlement Abandonment
Settlement Settlement
factor appears to be rotting of the buried ends of two large houses are found along with the smaller
support posts (Roper n.d.), and Wichita State Uni- dwellings (Blakeslee and Caldwell 1979:32).
versity has just initiated a long-term experiment Since Nebraska phase houses were constructed
to determine how long posts of commonly used in pits, the first house at a site usually was built on
woods last in different plains environments. a grassy ridge top rather than on a forested lower Household
Another cycle is that of the household popula- slope or stream terrace. The latter locations were Cycle
tion. Part of the variance in house sizes could re- where the gardens were cleared. Later, when the
flect the cycle of growth and fission inherent in posts of the original house had rotted, so had the
extended family households. A two-generation fam- tree roots in the first gardens cleared, and the resi-
ily requires a relatively small house, but as chil- dents could erect new houses closer to water and to
dren mature and some remain at home after mar- their gardens. Location Ridge or other In fallow cornfields on
riage and then have children oftheir own, a larger This set of cycles is summarized in Figure 4. lower slopes and terraces
house will be needed. Conversely, when grandpar- The model presented there accounts for the loca-
of Houses grassy area
ents die or other events trigger division of a large tions of the largest houses (on ridge tops), for the
household, new and smallerunits are created. Since inverse relationship between house size and the -e_
the life spans ofCPM houses appears to have been
shorter than the generational cycle, it was possible
to adjust the size of the house to the size of the
number of houses in a site, and for the variation in
site size within the phase. An accurate model can
also predict new data. During the excavation of a
Appearance : .=--
- -
'II ,....
: e::
: .=e.: •
of Site

'II ,.....
family every time a new structure was built. Then Nebraska phase site that held several houses Bozell
with the death of the grandparents, the household and Ludwickson (1999:figure 5) noted that the
might fission, beginning the cycle once more.
House constructionwas probably synchronized
with the pioneering swidden cycle. When people
details of construction of the two sides of the larg-
est house differed, as though two construction crews
using two slightly different models had erected the

moved to a new location cleared a garden or gar- house. They suggested that the house was built by Fig. 4. A model for Nebraska Phase settlement cycles (after Blakeslee 1990).
dens they may well have used some ofthe timbers and for two extended families.
to build a house. So long as the immediate vicinity The model implies that the size of Nebraska
would support continued occupation, the cycle of Phase sites does not correspond to the size of the reciprocity may have been one adaptation to the north-central Kansas. All three have generated
house construction, decay and replacement would communities ofthe people who left the remains. I resulting local-scale variance in productivity. large data sets which have seen extensive analy-
generate more and more house remains. Lengthy do not doubt that there were some sort of social In the Solomon River phase, however, I was sis. In all three there are variations in houses and
occupations in environmentally favorable spots units larger than single households, but in the able to demonstrate that an ossuary site adjacent ceramics explicable in terms of the swidden and
would produce the largest sites. Less favored spots archaeological record, they are hard to discern. We to a habitation site held more bodies than that household cycles.
might support only a single house cycle. As will do not have the chronological control necessary to single site could possibly have generated and at The nature of the ceramic variance in the
become clear below, it is likely that more than one determine which households were occupied con- the same time that the ceramics in it did not come Glenwood locality was first reported by Anderson
house was occupied at a time in the largest accu- temporaneously and hence cannot delimit commu- from all of the occupied spots in the Glen Elder (1961) who reported sites that yielded up to 85
mulations, but no one has yet developed a way to nities within the overall scatter of house remains. locality (Blakeslee 1999:121-122, 145-147). This percent collared rims. The sites with the high pro-
sort out which ones were contemporaneous and Some sort oflarger community may have pro- appears to suggest the presence of a form of com- portions of collared rims were long considered
which ones were sequential. Since site size may vided support for households during the food cri- munity organization above the level ofthe site but anomalous because 1) the CPM sites in the locality
reflect length of occupation as well as the size of ses inherent in swidden horticulture. So long as below the level of the population of a whole local- were assigned to the Nebraska phase, and 2) the
the local community, because since houses are gardens were started in different years, some neigh- ity. Ossuaries have been excavated in a few other Nebraska phase was originally defined, in contrast
widely and irregularly spaced, the size and organi- bors may have had relatively plentiful food sup- localities, but to date no one has performed a com- to the Upper Republican phase, as having low per-
zation of the communities cannot be estimated plies, and some form ofreciprocity would have been parative analysis of them. centages of collared vessels (Strong 1935:245-254).
directly from the site records. useful. In addition to the recurrent garden fail- Billeck (1993:32), however, not only documented
I have argued above that the largest houses in ures, another form of variance required an adap- Household Cycles, Architecture and the importance of collared rims in some Glenwood
the Nebraska phase are multi-family dwellings that tive response. In the Central Plains, most precipi- Ceramics in Three Localities assemblages but also demonstrated the presence
were the first houses constructed when people tation during the growing season comes from con- of a strong cline in the distribution of collaring
moved to a new location. If the occupation of a spot vective storms that cover very limited areas. While The three most closely studied localities in CPM within the locality (Fig. 5). At the eastern end, sites
did not last past the lifetime of a single house, the one spot may receive adequate precipitation, an- archaeology are the Glenwood locality of south- yield up to 85 percent collared vessels, while at the
result would be a large house in a single house site. other only a few miles away may be having a western Iowa, the Medicine Creek locality of south- western end, only 12 km away, sites contain from
If the site allowed a longer occupation, individual drought. A dispersed community that practiced western Nebraska, and the Glen Elder locality of four to twelve percent collared rims. The scale of

188 189
Donald J. Blakeslee 10. Fractal Archaeology: Intra-Generational Cycles and the Matter of Scale

mately square, with rounded corners (Billeck all five styles ofhouse, and the radiocarbon ages of
1983:80,89, 96). They have many wall posts, and four of them overlap. One style, however, is re-
cache pits are lined up neatly along the walls. Each stricted to the earliest site in the local sequence,
has a set offour center posts. In the eastern portion 140B27. Still, most ofthe variation (four styles out
of the Keg Creek drainage three other houses of five) does not appear to have chronological sig-
4 -----f---,
5 __ ------J
/ (l4MLI32, 14ML134, 14ML135) form part of a
cluster (Billeck 1983:105,111,115). Unfortunately
parts of the floors of two of them were destroyed
The ceramics from the Glen Elder locality also
exhibit clear spatial patterning, although the dif-
12 _ _--, prior to excavation. Enough remains of the partial ferences from spot to spot are not as distinct as in
floors to indicate that, like the complete one, they the Glenwood locality (Blakeslee 1999:115-121).
are far from square. Near the mouth of Pony Creek Four ceramic 'dialects' can be identified among the
is another clusterof houses (l4MLI26, 14ML136 17 excavated sites in and near the Glen Elder lo-
-+-Glenwood locality and 14MLI39). One had been disturbed by historic cality. They differ in attributes that, for the most
construction resulting in only a partial floor plan, part, are not reflected in traditional ceramic clas-
22 - - - - f - - - - - " , - and another had intrusive historic graves in it. All sifications. For instance, rim height, angle of rim
32 - - - i - - - - - three have numerous internal postmolds, and in flare and precise location of decorative elements
none of them is there a clear center post pattern (lip edge versus top oflip, collar face versus collar
that is centered within the house walls. Cache pits base) are important. These spatially patterned
are not restricted to areas along the walls but also differences do not appear to reflect change through
12 _ _----+-, occur toward the centers of the houses (Billeck time; that is, here are no discernable differences in
26 - - - - i - - - - - - f , 1983:66, 102, 136). the radiocarbon dates from the four sets of sites.
11 - - - - - f - - - . In the Glen Elder locality, similar spatial pat- In the Medicine Creek locality, similar varia-
15 ----' _ terning in the domestic architecture is evident. tions in house style exist. Close examination ofthe
30 ---------'~-- Several distinct styles of houses are present in and house plans in Kivett and Metcalfs (1997) mono-
near the locality (Blakeslee 1999:60-72). Within graph on Medicine Creek archaeology, shows that
the federal property around Waconda Lake, three the houses that are most similar to one another
bluff line styles of houses occur. One style is square, with come from the individual sites or from immedi-
four substantial center posts and relatively few ately adjacent sites. Not only are there differences
wall posts (Fig. 6a). The two examples ofthis style in architectural details, but as is true in the other
are found in adjacent sites. Another style lacks a localities, the different styles of houses are not
pattern offour center posts; instead there are many randomly distributed within the locality; instead,
small posts that appear to have supported the roof. the examples of each style are clustered. I suspect
This style of house lacks many internal caches but that there are spatially patterned ceramic varia-
has large numbers of wall posts crowded together tions as well, but the collections from Medicine
(Fig. 6b). One of these houses came from a site that Creek are now scattered, and the tabular data in
contained a second house of a different style; the Kivett and Metcalfs (1997) report are not suffi-
second came from a site farther up the same stream. cient to analyze them.
Finally, along the South Solomon River are three To sum up, in all three closely studied locali-
sites containing five houses of a third style. These ties within the Central Plains, house styles vary
5 km '----+---85 are rectangular, with numerous wall posts, espe- from spot to spot within localities, and ceramics in
'----~-7---. -80 cially along the front wall, and numerous internal at least two localities vary in the same fashion. In
.-----78 caches, fireplaces slightly offset toward the front the historic period, both architecture and ceramic
of the house, and no clear pattern of central sup- production were handled by part-time specialists
port posts (Fig. 6c). (e.g., Bowers 1965:165; Wilson 1934:356), and there
Just northeast from the lake, site 14ML417 is some scanty evidence to suggest that CPM ce-
contained a house that did not look like any at the ramics were made by specialists (e.g., Rounds
lake, and site 140B27 to the west of the lake has 1988:50-52). Even in the absence of part-time spe-
Fig. 5. Frequencies of collared rims in the Glenwood Locality (after Billeck 1993:32).
yielded a series oftrapezoidal houses. Thus at least cialists, knowledge ofhouse design must have been
five styles of houses have been found in the part of handed down within local communities, and the
the Glen Elder locality adjacent to the Solomon same is true for ceramic technology, and in combi-
the differences within the locality are similar to Details ofhouses construction also differ within River. Other styles may well occur in the sites nation with the household and swidden cycles may
those supposed to exist between the Nebraska and the locality, although this variance has been given known to exist high up the tributary streams. explain the spatial patterns. A family's way of con-
Upper Republican phases, another example of little recognition. Houses near the mouth of Keg These various styles of houses do not appear to structing a house, in conjunction with the effects of
phase invariance. Creek(14MLI28, 14ML129, 14ML130) are approxi- differ in age. Radiocarbon dates are available for the swidden cycle on CPM settlement patterns,

190 191
Donald J. Blakeslee 10. Fractal Archaeology: Intra-Generational Cycles and the Matter ofScale

would generate clusters ofsites with similarhouses. the CPM. Ceramics, burial mounds and some house
:. .
, ---....
• In the same way, a single potter would, over an types are clearly Mississippian in origin. Other
• adult lifetime, create pots that would show up in houses and the bulk of the non-ceramic artifacts,
• •

•• •• 0 four or five houses even if that person only made on the other hand, would be lost in most CPM as-
•• • vessels for his or her own family. If ceramics and semblages. In addition, such Mississippian traits
0 • architecture were part-time specialties, a single as fortifications, towns and platform mounds are

-i.• • e.. • :
person's creations would end up in a much larger
number of sites, most of which would be concen-
missing from both Steed-Kisker and the CPM.
Wedel (1943) initially suggested that Steed-
• •• • •• trated in one spot in each locality. Kisker may have originated in a migration from
• • •
• • •
0' •• 0 the Mississippian homeland, and in combination
• 0
Longer Term Cycles and the CPM with Calabrese's idea would suggest a Mississip-
• 0
Mosaic pianto Steed-Kisker to Nebraska phase sequence.
• 0

14ML306 XI0l One has to turn to longer term cycles to explain

While Steed-Kisker clearly begins earlier than the
Nebraska phase (Blakeslee 1997:319), there are
the origin and demise of the CPM. To date, ap- reasons for doubting the sequence. Adair (1988:92-
• proaches to both questions, but especially to the 93) notes that while Steed-Kisker may have begun
origin of the pattern, have been piecemeal. Both with a migration (she has some reservations) and
• Roper (1995) and I (Blakeslee 1997) have addressed while Steed-Kisker cultigens are most similar to
• the timing of the origin of the CPM, with different those in contemporary Mississippian sites, the
results. Roper examined the published radiocar- Steed-Kisker horticultural complex is not identi-
• 0 •

bon dates, and by mapping the localities that cal to that of the CPM, including the Nebraska

yielded dates from different centuries, suggested phase. Similarly, O'Brien (1978b) argues that there
0 3
0 • that the CPM appeared first in the Glenwood local- is no continuity in ceramic decoration between
• m


0 •
• •

ity and spread from there. This analysis super-
ceded an earlier study (Roper 1976) in which she
had used trend-surface analysis ofthe dates, but
that she later had come to reject (Roper 1985).
Steed-Kisker and the Nebraska phase. The deco-
rative motifs on the shoulders ofSteed-Kiskerves-
sels do not occur on Nebraska phase jars, and the
single motif typical of the Nebraska phase (ha-

• 0. 0 •
I have attempted to distinguish (Blakeslee
1997) between beginning dates (when a phase ac-
tually began) and initial dates (the earliest well-
chured triangles set in an alternating pattern) does
not occur in Steed-Kisker.
Steed-Kisker aside, however, there are no re-
• dated sited from the sample of dated sites). I also alistic candidates for a complex that is likely to be
• • excluded potentially misleading radiocarbon out- ancestral to the CPM. Wedel (1959:570) once sug-
• • • liers before determining the initial dates for each gested that among the CPM units then defined,
14ML310 XII0 phase. My results differ somewhat from Roper's, the Smoky Hill phase might be ancestral to the
indicating a south to north trend in initial dates, Upper Republican phase, an idea elaborated by
but the samples of dated sites from the two most Steinacher (1976). The radiocarbon dates now
northerly phases are far too small to be reliable. available, however, show that Smoky Hill is con-

. • . - -.-
Whichever analysis is more precise, the spread of temporaneous with both Steed-Kisker and the
• the CPM across the Central Plains appears to have Solomon River phases. The earliestwell-dated sites

been far too rapid to explain in terms of population (ca. A.D. 1000) that have been identified include
~..- • growth. Either several (presumably Late Wood- the Two Deer site in southern Kansas (Adair 1988)
: b<5:·· D.•


• ••
land) populations made the transition from their
earlier adaptation to the one that generated the
and 140B27 in north-central Kansas (Blakeslee
1999; Krause, personal communication).

• • • -...
• .0
O A.
• o ••

e CPM (cf, Adair and Brown 1981; Benn 1981;
Steinacher 1976) or the CPM had its origin in a
massive migration from elsewhere (Wedel 1959,
The transition from Late Woodland to CPM
certainly generated a dramatic change in the ar-
chaeological record. The settlement pattern

•·· -o().

D'- •
• • ••

1961), or perhaps a combination of migration and
transition in place is needed to explain the whole
changed, and year-round habitations appear to
have replaced base camps and special-purpose
resource extraction camps. Sites became larger,
• • • •
• • 14ML15 X203 Calabrese (1969) saw the Steed-Kisker phase with dramatically richer middens. Houses also
• as a possible ancestor ofthe Nebraska phase. Steed- became larger and more substantially built. Stor-
Kisker is a complex in the Kansas City area (Wedel age capacity, as reflected in cache pit numbers and
1943; O'Brien 1978a, 1978b) that exhibits a com- sizes, appears to have increased. Ceramic vessels
Fig. 6. Variation in house architecture at Waconda Lake. bination of Mississippian traits and elements of became globular, and collared rims appeared. Side-

192 193
Donald J. Blakeslee 10. Fractal Archaeology: Intra-Generational Cycles and the Matter ofScale

notched arrow points replaced corner-notched when full-scale villages appear in the Lower Loup next step in the research program is to identify tial use and final abandonment of habitable spots.
forms, end scrapers became both more common phase. what factorts) led to abandonment oflocalities and The archaeological record so created may be
and more elongated, and there were changes in Two competing models for the abandonment regions. One possible factor is the local extinction analyzed at a variety of spatial scales-individual
both the frequency of occurrence and formal at- have been offered, one climatic and one cultural. of hardwood groves as the result of swidden gar- features, houses, sites, spots within a locality, lo-
tributes of other artifacts as well. The climatic explanation is the earlier of the two, dening. The distribution ofhardwoods is limited in calities, regions and area. At each of these differ-
This trait list is a recitation of the classical coeval with the recognition that the Coalescent the Central Plains, and (as mentioned above) it is ent scales, the effects of only some of the cycles will
material culture approach, and it ignores the so- Tradition ofthe Dakotas had its roots in the cen- far easier to create garden spaces in stands ofhard- be evident. At the scale of individual pits within a
cial and ideological requirements of the very pro- tral plains (Lehmer 1954). The basic idea is that a wood than in softwood groves. Recent excavations site, each filled with trash that had accumulated
found transformation that took place. Adair drought caused abandonment of the region by in southwestern Kansas (Bevitt 1999) uncovered over a relatively short period of time, one can see
(1988:96) suggests what factors may lie behjnd the horticulturalists, with the population migrating evidence for black walnut trees in a region that the occasional use of crisis foods, a reflection of the
material changes: to the northern plains to form the Initial Coales- contained no hardwoods at the beginning of the garden cycle.
The decision to increase the availability of culti- cent variant and/or to the southern plains to form historic period. At the scale of sites within a locality, the an-
gens was primarily cultural and was related to the Panhandle Aspect. The hypothesis that west- One could argue just as convincingly that the nual round generates uniformity in lithic resource
existing parameters of social organization, di- ern CPM groups moved to Oklahoma and Texas to black walnuts in southwestern Kansas became acquisition and frequencies of tools and chipped
vision oflabor, and technological skills. Changes settle in the Canadian River valley is no longer extinct as a result of climate change, so the next stone debitage. At the scale of spots within a local-
in these institutions are relatively gradual pro- tenable (Lintz 1986:218-222), but most scholars logical step in the research should involve a method ity, we find clusters of similar houses and ceramic
cesses in their own right and if related to sub- still find the CPM-Initial Coalescent argument that can distinguish between the effects of climate dialects. At the scale of different site assemblages
sistence strategies, they developed along with cogent. change and human-induced local extinctions. One within a region, local foraging and fluctuations in
agricultural systems. Today, the moot question is not the migration possibility is implicit in the work of a Canadian the weather create remarkable differences in fau-
One could add to Adair's list; it seems reasonable to the north but the causes that lay behind it. If a research team (Laird et al. 1996). They use the nal assemblages. Some ofthe archaeological data
to assume that fundamental religious changes climate change were the cause, one would expect relative frequency of diatom species in lakes in are equally variable when viewed at several spa-
accompanied the thorough re-working of the rest that the areas of abandonment and new settle- closed basins as a measure of salinity, and the tial scales, just as fractal images are. But some-
of social life. Still, we are left with some difficult ment would fit both the time and the pattern ofthe salinity in turn is the product of both precipitation times, distinct patterns emerge at yet another
evidentiary questions. Ifwe are dealing with a tran- climate change. I have tested these implications and temperature, i.e. of climate. If swidden horti- spatial scale. This is certainly the case when the
sition among populations already in place, and if (Blakeslee 1993), using Bryson's model of the on- culture caused local extinctions ofhardwoods with- settlement patterns from different regions are com-
the changes were gradual, where are the sites with set of the Pacific I climatic episode. Neither the out independently of any climate changes, then pared; an underlying similarity (the swidden ad-
CPM houses and Late Woodland ceramics or vice timing nor the pattern of movement seem to fit, the diatom and pollen records from a closed lake aptation) produces very different pictures in dif-
versa? If 140B27 and the Two Deer site are tran- and a compilation of all of the microfaunal data for basin in the Central Plains might show a decrease ferent environments.
sitional, what is it about them other than the ra- the northern half of the Plains (Blakeslee in hardwood pollen without a simultaneous change I hope to have shown the productivity of re-
diocarbon dates that appears to be transitional? 1999:Table 5) fails to provide convincing evidence in diatom frequencies. Furthermore, the pollen and casting research questions in terms of cycles rather
Of course, the place to look for the reasons for for a significant climate change at the time that charcoal profiles should reflect both the occupa- than in terms of the structural units that com-
the transition is not in CPM sites but in the preced- Bryson's model predicts.. tion and abandonment of the locality by its CPM posed the CPM. Structural analysis is bound to fail
ing Late Woodland adaptations and in the larger The abandonment may instead be the product population. One lake that might generate appro- when the archaeologist cannot say which sites
patterns of change in the midcontinent Adair of an imbalance in the CPM horticultural adapta- priate data is Medicine Lake, in the heavily occu- belonged to a single dispersed community, and
(1988:93-97) suggests that in addition to internal tion. For the most part, there appears to be very pied (in CPM times) Medicine Creekvalley of south- worse yet, cannot say where one site leaves off and
pressures generated in the Late Woodland adap- little evidence for CPM abandonment and re-occu- western Nebraska. the next one begins. Indeed, the variations between
tations, new varieties of maize and climate change pation of sites. Such a pattern would be expected groups of sites within the three intensively-stud-
may also have played a part. To follow up on her ifthe swidden cycle involved temporary abandon- Discussion and Conclusions ied localities in the Central Plains-differences in
suggestions, however, will require a great deal of mentfollowed byre-occupation when the fields had both house form and ceramics-suggest that the
intensive effort. lain fallow long enough to restore soil fertility. So I have used the metaphor offractal imagery to archaeological units at a larger spatial scale may
The demise ofthe CPM is, at best, only a little far, only one Nebraska phase house has been offered draw attention to certain patterns in the record. also bear no necessary relationship to prehistoric
better understood that its origins. Analysis of the as evidence of re-occupation os a site (Bozell and Fractal images are generated by recursive func- social units.lfwe find levels of variation in houses
radiocarbon dates suggest that the southern phases Ludwickson 1999), in spite of the fact that over 100 tions, while the archaeological record can be viewed and in ceramics within localities that are similar
of the CPM and the Steed-Kisker phase ended by Nebraska Phase houses alone have been excavated. as being produced by cycles that operate at differ- in magnitude to those used to define phases, it is
A.D. 1300. The more northerly phases appear to The general lack of evidence for re-occupation ent temporal frequencies (see Fowles, this volume, logical to question the reality ofthe phases them-
have ended somewhat later, but radiocarbon suggests that the CPM swidden system was one Chapter 2). In the CPM, such cycles include the selves. At a minimum one must question whether
samples from the Itskari and St. Helena phases that constantly, or at least episodically, generated manufacture, use and discard oftools; excavation, the phases reflect any prehistoric social units as
are woefully inadequate. Following the demise of the need for new land. Rather than being a stable use and abandonment of cache pits; the annual opposed to being heuristic devices invented by
CPM, much of the central Great Plains was unoc- adaptation to one territory, it may have forced its round of planting, harvesting gathering and hunt- archaeologists.
cupied for centuries, except for an intrusion of practitioners to move on after a number of genera- ing; a garden cycle that (at least in the Glen Elder Another kind of productivity is the generation
western Oneota called the White Rock phase (Lo- tions. Ifso, one would expect that the regions occu- locality) took five years on average; the erection, of new research questions. Paying attention to the
gan 1995; Blakeslee et al. 2001). This episode seems pied first would also be the first to be abandoned, use and abandonment of houses; a household cycle various cycles that existed in the past calls atten-
to have been short, and following it, the central and the radiocarbon dates seem to bear this out that involved the growth and eventual fissioning tion to our lack of control over important param-
plains were empty until the protohistoric period, (Blakeslee 1993:202). If this model is correct, the of extended families; and a pioneering cycle of in i- eters. Experimental archaeology could tell us how

194 195
Donald J. Blakeslee 10. Fractal Archaeology: Intra-Generational Cycles and the Matter of Scale

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198 199
communities must be able to reliably predict the cumulative, the distinct spatial and organizational
actions ofothers within the tribe. A tribesman must poses adopted by the society will all be represented.
know how he will be received when he visits an- In essence, where a living observer might only see
11. Material Indicators of Territory, Identity, and Interaction in other community, and the community must simi- one particular organizational mode, the archaeo-
larly be able to predict the likely course of events logical record will contain traces of all of the poses
a Prehistoric Tribal System when they host or travel to another village in times that have been actualized by the society. While it
of plenty or in times of famine. Without this pre- remains the archaeologist's task to unravel the
dictability, the ecological and social advantages of palimpsest of differing organizational patterns, the
John M. O'Shea and Claire McHale Milner tribal organization disappear. traces themselves are there to be recognized in the
,f How do you maintain predictability and coor- record.
dination among autonomous communities? This is A third advantage lays in the role that mate-
where the lateral integrative mechanisms of kin- rial culture plays in marking and maintaining social
ship and ideology come into play. Together they relations in tribal societies. Material objects,
Abstract distinct from simpler bands, a greater absolute size provide a cognized floor plan that describes the whether personal tools, houses, burials or monu-
and a firmer definition of territoriality and corpo- cosmological origin and interrelationships among ments can all play an important role in establish-
Tribes are flexible systems for organizing popu- rate ownership. the people and their lands, a shared knowledge ing identity, asserting rights of ownership, and
lation within defined territories in the absence of Tribal organization is inherentlyfluid and flex- base ofexperiences, and norms ofproper situational signaling membership in corporate units (cf,
hierarchical structures of social and political con- ible. This fluidity is expressed in the degree to which behavior (cf. Ardener 1981; Rappaport 1979; Sobel Stevenson 1989). To the degree that these impor-
trol. The ability of such organizational forms to individuals and communities may choose to affili- and Bettles 2000). It is the existence of this plan, tant messages and relationships are encoded in
accommodate very different structural poses over ate with, or participate in, the tribal organization. which circumscribes the social and spatial param- material objects, they too may be represented in
time while maintaining their overall coherence It is also apparent in the varying ways that popu- eters of alternative tribal postures, that provides the archaeological record. Furthermore, since the
makes them adaptively robust and a potential lation can be distributed within the bounded terri- the essential integration and predictability to the importance of material objects in denoting personal
springboard for evolutionary change. These chang- tory over time. Societies organized as tribes, or as social system. This plan, which is latent in the and group identity increases at greater social dis-
ing spatial configurations generate archaeological autonomous villages within a tribal confederacy, ideological structures of the communities, is main- tance, i.e., the less frequent the face to face contact
signatures that can reveal a great deal about the often exhibit changing patterns of spatial organi- tained regardless of whether a particular alterna- (cf. Wobst 1977,1999), material symbols may pro-
organization and workings of the past society. The zation. This variation can take many forms. It is tive pose is actualized during the lifetime of any vide particular insight into the larger scales oftribal
late prehistoric Juntunen Phase of the upper Great most commonly observed as a pattern of regular given individual. In time of need or opportunity, a identity and membership (cf Welsch and Terrell
Lakes region provides an example of a tribal social seasonal moves over the course of an annual cycle shared and legitimized expectation for how the 1998). At the same time, material culture may also
formation in which population adopted markedly (see, for example, Blakeslee, this volume, Chapter constituent groups should behave and interact is provide information relating to patterns of inter-
different patterns of aggregation or dispersal on 10). At the other extreme, change in spatial orga- readily found in the ideological sphere. action and learning that may not have been inten-
both a regular (seasonal) and episodic basis. In nization may occur over long spans oftime, reflect- In essence tribal systems must regularly solve tionally encoded by the past communities (cf
this paper we examine some ofthe differing social ing a major reorganization and relocation ofpopu- two opposing problems: large-scale integration and Sackett 1982), or which may only have been recog-
and spatial scales that are represented in the re- lation (see, for example, Parkinson, this volume, local differentiation. To maintain the integrity and nized by a specialized subset of the population
gional archaeological record. We first describe the Chapter 18). Change of this type may, itself, be. functioning of the larger tribal confederacy, it is (Wiessner 1983). This aspect of the material record
larger scales of social integration that were for- cyclical, as in periods of aggregation and dispersal necessary to maintain ideological and social mecha- is also accessible to archaeological analysis.
mally demarcated within the Juntunen tribal sys- of population, or directional, reflecting a perma- nisms that will promote the tribal identity beyond In the balance of this paper, we describe sev-
tem and then consider how common classes of nent change in the relationship between popula- the range of normal, face to face or familial connec- erallevels of spatial organization that were regu-
material culture are patterned by the differing tion, society and geography (cf. Minc and Smith tions. Common ancestry, language, kinship and larly signaled in the late prehistoric Juntunen
spatial scales of interaction. 1989). Tribal segments may also shift their spatial cosmology contribute to the creation and mainte- system of the upper Great Lakes. The unique cul-
configuration episodically over shorter time scales. nance of such an identity. Material culture is fre- tural and ecological context of the Juntunen popu-
Introduction These changes are often responses to short-term quently used in this role as well, marking group lations provides a particularly useful case for ex-
fluctuations in local circumstances or resource and individual identities in a visible and tangible aminingthe archaeological representation of a flex-
At its most essential, tribal social organization availability. Change in spatial distribution is nec- way (Wiessner 1983, 1984). At the local scale, au- ible tribal system. The late prehistoric period also
is a means of predictably organizing people within essarily accompanied by social accommodation and tonomous communities existing within a tribal represents a time frame within which a relatively
a defined territory. In contrast to Earle's (1997) restructuring, as population disperses or aggre- confederacy often demarcate their territory and stable territorial system can be viewed without
definition of chiefdoms (i.e., a centralized organi- gates in targeted seasonal postures, or irregularly assert their specific identities and resource claims, the confounding influence of European contact or
zation of population within a territory), tribal or- in response to unexpected stresses or opportuni- but without threatening the fabric of the whole. interaction with other socially complex polities.
ganization lacks the strong central organizing ties. Perceived in this light, the flexibility inherent Several aspects of tribal organization make it Following a brief overview of the Juntunen sys-
mechanisms of the chiefdom, and instead relies on to tribal organization can be seen as both a major particularly amenable to archaeological study. tem, we will describe how significant scales within
a variety of 'lateral' mechanisms, (kinship, ideol- adaptive benefit and as a potential seedbed for First, since tribal organization is essentially a sys- this system were given material expression by the
ogy, cosmology, language, etc.) to structure and evolutionary change. tem for predictably organizing population within a Juntunen people, and then consider how these and
coordinate the autonomous communities that con- Yet, organizational fluidity is only advanta- landscape over time, there will inevitably be mate- other scales of social interaction and identity are
stitute a tribe (Tooker 1971; Whiteley 1985). At geous if the system also maintains predictability rial representations of this patterned activity (Holl manifested in other common classes of archaeo-
the same time, tribes share with chiefdoms, as and coherence; i.e. integration. Individuals and 1993). Secondly, since the archaeological record is logical material.

200 201
John M. O'Shea and Claire McHale Milner 11. Material Indicators of Territory, Identity, and Interaction

The Juntunen Phase Juntunen type ceramics are found over a much growing season to 120-140 days, (compared with ing from poor local harvests. In regions exhibiting
wider area. an average regional growing season of 70 days more homogeneous patterns of good and poor har-
The late prehistoric Juntunen Phase in the The unique coastal focus of the Juntunen dis- inland) enabling acceptably reliable maize culti- vests, such a social strategy would have been of
upper Great Lakes derives its name from the tribution is a product of a complex subsistence vation to take place (USDA 1911). The regional limited value (cf. Halstead and O'Shea 1982). In
Juntunen site, (20MKl), a multi-component fish- system that coupled hunting, gathering and fish- distribution of Juntunen Phase sites closely mir- essence, the Juntunen communities were tied both
ing camp and ossuary located on the western end ing, with the cultivation of maize. While hunting, rors the area of significant lake effect around the to the lake effect zone of the major lakes and to a
of Bois Blanc Island in northern Lake Huron gathering, and fishing were long practiced in the margins of the upper lakes. spatially extensive network of relatives and trade
(McPherron 1967a). The Juntunen phase tradition- region, maize appears to be a relatively late addi- While maize could be grown successfully in the partners.
ally dates from the beginning of the 13 th century tion to the diet (cf Crawford et al. 1997). Neverthe- coastal areas, cultivation still entailed substantial Since the Juntunen settlements were confined
and continues, at least in its material form.• until less, during the Juntunen phase, isotopic evidence risk. The intensively agricultural Hurons in north- to the relatively narrow lake effect zone, the rudi-
the time of contact (Milner and O'Shea 1990). The suggests maize contributed significantly to the diet ern Ontario experienced frequent failures ments of their territories and exploitation zones
main site occurrences stretch from the region (in the range ofl4-18% ofthe total dietary intake, (Heidenreich 1971; Trigger 1987). For example, can be approximated with some confidence. In
around the northeast shore of Lake Superior and Brandt 1996). The viability of maize cultivation during the period AD 1628-1650 when accounts northeastern lower Michigan, for example, exploi-
Sault Ste. Marie, through the Straits of Mackinac was, in turn, strongly influenced by the micro-cli- are provided by Jesuit observers, the Hurons expe- tation areas would have been anchored on the Lake
south along the lacustrine zone to roughly the Au matic influence of the Great Lakes. This phenom- rienced severe crop failure one in every three to six Huron shore and extend inland following the
Sable River in northeastern Lower Michigan, and enon, known as 'lake effect', produces an amelio- years (O'Shea 1989:64). The character of this risk region's major waterways (Cleland 1992) to the
eastward on the northern Lake Huron shore and rated climate and a significantly lengthened grow- can be illustrated by considering historical data on edge ofthe lake effect zone (Fig. 3). An estimate of
islands as far as Manitoulin Island (Fig. 1). Al- ing season in those land areas adjacent to the Great crop yields during the earlier half of this century the size and likely population composition of band
though the sites of the Juntunen phase are rela- Lakes (cf Albert et al. 1986; Phillips and McCulloch (prior to the introduction of high productivity hy- territories in the region are derived from the spa-
tively limited in their spatial distribution, 1972). This climatic effect increases the effective brids) along the western Lake Huron shore area tial extent of probable exploitation zones as well as
(Fig. 2). During the 34 years between 1909 and from evidence for field size and storage capacity
1949 for which records are available, the average (Table 2) (O'Shea 1988). Since these territories are
yield of corn from Alcona County farms was 28.9 parallel to one another along the Lake Huron coast,
bushels per acres, yet the actual yield values ex- each band would share the same configuration of
hibit a series of sharp peaks and troughs, ranging neighbors and boundaries. Each would interact
from a maximum value of 48 bushels per acre to a with adjacent Juntunen bands to both the north
minimum of 12 bushels per acre. This pattern of and south. Likewise, each territory would have

extreme interannual fluctuation in yield is a hall- shared an 'international' boundary at the Lake
mark of agriculture when practiced in marginal Huron shore along which interaction with Iroquois
cP Su . ~ n e tlO, settings. The potential yield does not significantly populations from the east occurred; and a less dis-
LaKe Location of Sites with
decrease, but variability in yield from year to year tinct inland boundary, which may have served as
Juntunen Phase Ceramics
becomes more pronounced. the zone of contact with inland hunter-gatherers.
A second important aspect ofupper Great Lakes Given this configuration of spatial relationships,
agriculture, which has a major impact on the distinct kinds of expected interaction and social
Juntunen system, is the pattern of spatial vari- marking can be anticipated in each direction.
ability in productivity. While maize yields are simi- The Juntunen tribal system can be visualized
larly variable in adjacent areas, the timing of good as a nested series of progressively larger interac-
and bad years is not strongly correlated (Table 1). tion zones (Table 2). At its base, the Juntunen
For example, the correlation of annual maize yields system appears to be composed of very small resi-
Lake between Alcona and Iosco County (the county im- dential units, in the range of 30 persons (possibly
Huron mediately to the south of Alcona) was only 0.32 4-6 families). The location of these settlements
which, in terms of predictability, means one can shifted regularly as differing wild and domesti-
only explain about 10 percent of the yield of one cated resources were sequentially exploited over
Lake Ontario county by knowing the value of the other county. the course of the year.
The correlation between Alcona and Alpena County Three to four such residential groups occupied
(the next county to the north) is somewhat stron- immediately adjacent, and possibly even overlap-
ger at 0.68, but which still predicts less than 50 ping, areas in what constituted a band territory.
percent ofthe variation in values between the coun- The band territories, as presently modeled, aver-
ties. age about 1250 km 2 (compared with a total
The significance of these weak correlations for Juntunen system that is on the order of17,000 km2
a subsistence cultivator is that your 'bad year' of- in area), oriented perpendicular to the Lake Hu-
ten will not be a bad year for your neighbor. As ron shore (Fig. 3). These territories, each contain-
such, social relations that interlink farmers ing on the order of 125 persons, probably equate
Fig. 1. Map of Juntunen territory and site distribution. throughout a region can level out shortages result- with the areas of local exchange.

202 203
John M. O'Shea and Claire McHale Milner 11. Material Indicators of Territory, Identity, and Interaction

Q) 30

~ 10

1909 1913 1918 1922 1926 1932 1936 1942
1911 1915 1920 1924 1928 1934 1938 1944

Fig. 2. Historic maize yields in Alcona County, Michigan.

Table 1. Correlation of annual maize yields by county, 1909-1949.

County Correlation ( r ) Explained Variance ( r )
Alcona-Alpena .680 46%
Alcona-Iosco .323 10%
Alpena-Iosco .543 29%

This local level would be the most commonly Above the scale of the band territories, there is
utilized scale ofinteraction beyond the residential evidence to suggest interaction at the level of the
group, itself. Interaction between the small resi- macro-region and beyond. Within the Juntunen
dential units would be common. Such groups may system, this higher level, termed here the tribal
have seasonally aggregated for resource harvest- level, in fact may not truly have operated at the
ing and would presumably be the first to be called scale ofthe Juntunen system as a whole, but rather
upon in the event oflocal scarcity. In addition, they as northern and southern macro-regions (see dis-
would have been an important source ofboth mates cussion ofceramics below). Large numbers ofpeople
and manpower for cooperative undertakings. Such from these macro-regions aggregated periodically
interactions were undoubtedly structured through at particular localities for ritual activities, such as
ties of kinship and marriage, although as those surrounding secondary burial in large col-
McClurken (1988) notes for the historic era Otta- lective ossuaries. Since relatively large numbers 10 miles
was, such ties were extremely fluid and opportu- of people would have to be provisioned, the range
nistic in nature. Furthermore, they probably ne- of potential locations for such aggregations was
cessitated few formalities to legitimize and main- probably limited to areas with extremely abun- Fig. 3. Modeled Juntunen band territories in northeastern lower Michigan.
tain the relationships. dant fish resources, such as the Straits ofMackinac

204 205
John M. O'Shea and Claire McHale Milner 11. Material Indicators of Territory, Identity, and Interaction

Table 2. Organizational scales within the Juntunen tribal system. tions from northeastern Lower Michigan, and the the creation of such messages. Since they also have
Hubbard Lake region in particular, are used to a relatively short use life, the designs must be regu-
Social Scale Spatial Scale represent the regional operation of the Juntunen larly reproduced as new vessels are made, rein-
Residential Unit (30 persons) Settlement Locality (280-420 km") tribal system. In the later discussion of material forcing the immediacy of the identity.
culture patterning, the entire Juntunen distribu- The second scale at which intentional identity
Band (125 persons) Band Territory (1250 km") tion is considered directly. marking is observed is the level of the macro-re-
gion. Such marking behavior is actualized at ag-
Inter-Band (375 persons) Adjacent Territories (3750 km") Marking Tribal and Local Identities gregation localities where individuals without prior
Tribal (1500-2000 persons) Major Aggregation Sites, Tribal Territory (17,000 km-) within the Juntunen System face-to-face contact must reside and cooperate
" under potentially stressful conditions. These sites
Inter-Tribal A Large Area In a tribal system such as that described for are the locations on which the critical success or
the late prehistoric Juntunen system, material failure of the system rests. The extreme impor-
culture can represent differing levels of interac- tance ofthese localities suggests that a broad range
and Sault Ste. Marie. At these localities, the lim- Given the linear arrangement of Juntunen tion and integration both overtly and passively. By of cultural, ideological and material means to en-
iting factor on resource exploitation is labor for territories, the focus ofintertribal trade would vary overt, we mean the intentioned and conventional- sure acceptance and cooperation should be ex-
harvesting and processing the catch, rather than depending on placement within the Juntunen ter- ized use of material markers to designate identity, ploited (cf Smith 1996:283). These are the loca-
the abundance of the resource itself (cf, Cleland ritory. In the southern portion of the Juntunen boundaries and ownership. Such overt uses would tions where meeting rituals, including collective
1982). As such, relatively large autumn and win- distribution, for example, exchange appears to have be recognized by most members of the society, and ossuaries, will occur and in which material sym-
ter populations could be provisioned without seri- linked Juntunen populations with both more in- possibly even by individuals outside the tribal sys- bolism of mutual identification is expected.
ous ecological consequences. tensively agricultural peoples in the Saginaw Val- tem. By passive use, we mean identifiable distinc- The third scale at which overt identity mark-
A second important feature of these aggrega- ley to the south, and with mobile hunting-gather- tions that arise as a result of regularized patterns ing is observed is at the level of the band territo-
tion sites was their potential for leveling out more ing groups living in the colder interior of the Lower of interaction but which were not specifically cre- ries. Given the necessary orientation of these ter-
serious episodes of resource failure, which might Peninsula of Michigan. Similar connections link- ated to communicate distinction or identity. Pas- ritories, each band would share a common bound-
overwhelm local and regional buffering mecha- ing Juntunen settlements with other agricultural sive markers may, at a very fine scale such as the ary with two other Juntunen bands, an 'interna-
nisms. Such a movement of people at the tribal and forager systems would have existed through- individual maker, have been designed to express tional' border with anyone traveling along the shore
level was more deliberate, entailing the movement out the Juntunen area, although the specific direc- ownership or maker, but such markers would have of the Great Lakes, and a less distinct interior
oflarge numbers of people, perhaps whole bands, tions and areas articulated would have been unique only been recognizable to a small segment of the boundary, potentially shared with non-agricultural
and would accordingly have been accompanied by for each locality. total population, and as such could not have per- forager groups. These boundaries were created via
greater formality. Although such locales provided The Juntunen tribal system can best be under- formed a meaningful role in asserting group iden- a combination of built structures and the ideologi-
a potential fall back in years of serious agricul- stood as a loose series of small social units that tity or membership (Wiessner 1983). cal incorporation ofmajor nature features. Together
tural shortage, there were limits to the density of during normal years shifted from subsistence fo- In this distinction between overt and passive these produced a cultural landscape that was at
population that could remain in these places for cus to subsistence focus within the limits of a de- use of material culture, we are in one sense return- once distinctive and recognizable.
any length oftime. Similarly, a band that was forced fined home territory. During years of scarcity, these ing to the distinction between functional and
to relocate would be vulnerable to loss of the per- groups might move considerable distances and isochrestic variation discussed by Sackett (1985) Natural Features and Built
manent facilities and fields that existed in their aggregate into large elaborate encampments, and and Weissner(1985). Ourfocus, however, which is Structures in the Demarcation of
home territory, and would have had a strong in- then return again to their small settlements. Such explicitly concerned with integrating differing so- Tribal Boundaries
centive to return as soon as possible. a system would obviously imply different kinds of cial and spatial scales of interaction, renders moot
Regular interaction also occurred at the inter- interactions at differing social scales. Within a band some of the issues in that earlier controversy. For Over much of the Juntunen site distribution,
tribal scale during the Juntunen Phase. While territory, or even between adjacent territories, we instance, a single category of material may simul- and particularly in its southern extent along the
intertribal exchange may, in some instances, have would expect there to be a fair degree of regular, taneously express overt meaning at one level of western shore of Lake Huron, the region lacks the
occurred over smaller distances than tribal con- face to face contact, as well as significant levels of scale and passive variation at another. Our pur- major outcrops or rock faces, which might be uti-
tacts, they were set apart by the different charac- intermarriage and immediate kin relationships. pose here is not to further engage in that particu- lized for marking territories via rock art or repre-
ter of the interaction and by its likely content. In At larger social and spatial scales, relations would lar debate, but rather to illustrate how these dif- sentation (cf, Dewdney and Kidd 1962; Zurel
the case ofthe historic era Huron of Ontario, trade presumably be more formalized, relying less on ferent kinds of patterning in material culture are 1999a). As such, other kinds of features were used
outside ofthe confederacy had a strongly comple- direct prior contact and more on conventions and represented in the record of the Juntunen tribal to demarcate space. In character, these features
mentary character; exchange was employed to tribal ideology. Nevertheless, prolonged contact system. would need to be analogous to rock art in the sig-
acquire goods or materials that were locally scarce among individuals at these aggregation sites would Overt patterns ofidentity and boundary mark- nificance of their location, their visibility and their
or not available (Trigger 1985, 1987; G. Wright no doubt also have repercussions in terms offriend- ing in the Juntunen system occur at three levels: relative permanence. In northeast Lower Michi-
1967). These exchanges, however, were not exclu- ships and future trade partnerships. the level of the tribal confederacy as a whole, the gan, such marking was achieved via a combination
sively complementary and included a wide range With this brief introduction, we can now turn level of the macro-region, and the level of band of built structures and named natural features,
of bulk foodstuffs. The exchange of complemen- to consider how natural features, built structures territories. At the apex of the hierarchy is the de- which provided a cultural annotation to the natu-
tary goods and durable items served to regularize and portable material culture were used to denote marcation of the tribal system as a whole. Ceram- rallandscape.
and maintain these foreign linkages over time (cf and facilitate the operation ofthe regional system. ics are particularly useful in this role since they The most striking expression of the blended
Ford 1972; O'Shea 1981). In much of the discussion that follows, observa- provide a visible and highly malleable medium for use of natural and built features is found along the

206 207
John M. O'Shea and Claire McHale Milner 11. Material Indicators of Territory, Identity, and Interaction

Lake Huron shore, itself. The shores of the Great These include the 'White Rock' near Presque Isle
Lakes provided for a level of population movement and the 'Black Rock' near Greenbush. Both are
and goods transport that was simply not possible large isolated boulders that stand on the beach
in most inland areas of North America. If early near the water's edge. In the case of the White
European accounts are any guide, native trans- Rock, at least, the boulder was annotated with
port technology was well developed and extensively pecked images. The location of these two named
utilized (cf. Morse 1984). Travelers, however, sel- boulders is interesting, since both occur on long
dom struck across open water; they usually opted featureless stretches ofthe lakeshore and are eas-
for the comparative safety of coastal waters. In the ily visible from the water. There were, no doubt,
absence offormal navigational charts or maps, the other isolated boulders along the lakeshore that
recognition oflandmarks was of great importance. were significant, but no record oftheir location and
The lakeshores provided many obvious land- importance survives. Indeed, the existence of the
marks; river mouths, spits, points and bays. The White Rock is only known through photographs
addition of constructed features, such as mounds, taken by Wilbert Hinsdale in the 1920's (on file
offering stones, marker rocks and built enclosures, UMMA). Hinsdale also reported seeing offerings
transformed the coasts into a cultural landscape, placed on White Rock during this visit, suggesting
signaling collective claims of identity and owner- that the stone retains an ongoing importance to at
ship (Hinsdale 1931). For example, the cultural least some local inhabitants.
annotation ofthe natural lakeshore features along A related category of marker is offering stones
the western shore of Lake Huron is striking (sometimes termed Manitou stones). McKenney,
(Fig. 4a). Mound groups are located on a number of in his tour of the Great Lakes in 1826, provides a
these natural features. Along stretches of the striking description of one such offering stone that
lakeshore where prominent natural features are was located on North Point on Thunder Bay:
lacking, named 'sacred rocks' seem to perform a It is about one hundred yards from our encamp-
similar function. The lakeshore is also annotated ment [on North Point], and forty steps from the ?
by the presence of 'offering stones', which again beach, in a thicket of pine and spruce, and as- o
tend to occur on prominent features. In effect, the pen. The place is cleared of all kinds of under-
important 'international' boundary represented by growth, and is of an oval figure, about twenty
Lake Huron, was rendered meaningful by layering feet by ten feet, in the longest and broadest
a cultural veneer over the top ofhighlyvisible natu- parts. In the center ofit are about twenty stones,
ral features. four of which are larger than the rest; and each
Many of these same elements, such as enclo- of these, I should judge, would measure three
sures and mounds, were employed to mark other feet every way. The path leading to this sacred
kinds of boundaries as well. For example, elabo- place is well trod by those who come to make
rate built stone enclosures were constructed at the their offerings to this pile of stones, which is the Earthwork
northern and southern ends of Thunder Bay. Un- manito! Upon the four principal stones were
like the markers along the lakeshore, these fea- the offerings of these benighted people, in to-
tures cannot be directly observed from the water. bacco, bits of iron, pieces of old kettles, pipes,
While their function and origin remain enigmatic, and various other things. The four large stones
they may mark lateral boundaries between bands, the Indians said had been there always, and
rather than the 'international' boundary repre- the little ones had gathered around them since.
sented by Lake Huron. Earthwork enclosures and McKenney 1972:330 (emphasis in the original) ..... Mound Group
mounds also seem to have been used to denote A portage camp was found in this vicinity during o Enclosure
boundaries between Juntunen bands and possibly archaeological survey, although the shrine was not
also to establish resource claims vis-a-vis inland relocated. A similar offering stone is traditionally • Offering Stone
hunter-gatherer groups (see Fig. 4b). Each of these attributed to the top of Mount Maria at the south
categories of markers is briefly described below. end of Hubbard Lake. Early historians claim this
While waterways and major shoreline features stone was hollow, covered by a stone lid, and pos-
appear to have figured prominently in Juntunen sibly incised on one side with a face. According to
territorial marking, they were not the only natural local traditions, offerings were placed within the 10 miles
features utilized in this role. A series oflarge gla- stone's hollow compartment. The existence of such
cial erratics along the Lake Huron shore were ac- shrines is relatively common among Algonquian
corded particular significance by local inhabitants peoples, and it is likely that many more once ex- Fig. 4a. Distribution of built markers.
as noted in earlyhistories ofthe region (see Fig. 4a). isted in the region. Unlike the prominent named

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John M. O'Shea and Claire McHale Milner 11. Material Indicators of Territory, Identity, and Interaction

rocks, these latter two offering stones both are sited lar settings, e.g. on high ground near the head of
in locations that would not be directly visible from branching river systems, they would not be visible
the water, although by virtue of occurring on major at any distance within the prevailing forested en-
topographical features, they would have been easy vironment.
to locate. A second variety ofenclosure has become known
Possibly related to the offering stones are hol- only recently. These are stone enclosures, of which
low stone cairns, which are recorded in a number two are known from the western Lake Huron shore,
of locations in the coastal areas. Constructions of one on North Point near Thunder Bay, and the
this kind are known from Drummond Island where other near South Point. These structures are rep-
they appear to have functioned in historic times as resented by low linear walls ofstacked stone, which
burial receptacles (Charles Cleland, pers. comm.). enclose roughly rectangular areas. Neither stone
Yet cairns of this same form have been observed on enclosure appears to have had a ditch. Both enclo-
the western Lake Huron shore and do not appear sures do have hollow cairns located within and
to have contained human remains. The hollow around them. During the historic period, local farm-
character of these structures raises the possibility ers have extensivelymodified the South Point struc-
that they may have functioned in a manner similar ture, thus obscuring its original configuration. The
to the offering stones, or that they may have been North Point enclosure is more sheltered and is
used as temporary receptacles or caches. The cairns located in an area that has not been cultivated. As
known from northeastern Michigan are associated such, it provides a better idea ofthe overall plan of
with stone enclosures (see below). the structure. The stone enclosures are located in
Two classes ofbuilt structures-enclosures and the vicinity of prominent landmarks, yet like the
mounds-may have demarcated Juntunen band earthworks, their actual existence would not have
territories. These built features appear to have had been obvious without prior knowledge oftheirpres-
somewhat different functions. Enclosures-also ence.
? called earthworks-tend to be roughly circular in The final category of built structure employed
shape with an encircling ditch. Earth was piled on in the Juntunen territorial system is mounds. The
the inward side to form an embankment. The north- secondary function offunerary structures as terri-
Black ern Michigan enclosures that date to the later torial markers and resource claims is well docu-
Rock Woodland period range in size from 150 to 360 feet mented cross-culturally (cf, Goldstein 1976). The
in diameter (Greenman 1927; Milner and O'Shea Late Woodland mounds of the Juntunen region
1998). appear to have been used in this way. The mounds
There has been considerable debate about the are not particularlylarge, rarely exceeding a meter
function ofthese enclosures. By virtue of the ditch in height, although they may occur in clusters.
and bank, they were initially supposed to be defen- When such mounds have been excavated, they of-
Earthwork sive works. This interpretation continues to pre- ten reveal a sequence of single interments, which
vail for the enclosures in southern Michigan (cf. may suggest a periodic reuse or renewal of the fea-
ZurelI999b). The frequent gaps in the embank- ture and its associated cultural claims (cf Hinsdale
ments, inconsistent occurrence of palisades, and 1929).
the absence of other overt signs of violence have, Mounds are found in two settings. Along the
..... Mound Group however, made warfare a less likely explanation Lake Huron shore, mounds (more typically mound
o Enclosure for the northern enclosures. Instead, their loca- groups) were a primary means of marking shore-
tion, typically at the head of major watersheds, line landmarks (see Fig. 4a). The mounds are not
• Offering Stone points to the possibility that they served as meet- scattered continuously along the shore, but are
ing places for ceremonies and trade (Milner and clustered on key landmarks. They appear to assert
O'Shea 1998). One such enclosure that can be linked both the cultural identity ofthe shoreline and pre-
with certainty to the Juntunen system in north- sumably also the edges of individual band territo-
east Michigan is the Mikado Earthwork (20AA5) ries. The second context in which mounds occur is
(Carruthers 1969). Mikado is located well up the along inland lakes. Large lakes, such as Hubbard
watershed of the Pine River near the point where Lake, had at least three clusters of mounds at dif-
10 miles the 'lake effect' would have had little effect on the ferent places around the lake. Smaller lakes typi-
growing season. However, the enclosure is in a cally had only a single mound or mound cluster.
position to facilitate exchange between Juntunen These mounds do not delineate the edges of terri-
Fig. 4b. Distribution of built markers relative to modeled band territories. band territories, as well as with inland hunter- tories, but rather seem to represent specific re-
gatherers. While earthworks tend to occur in simi- source claims within band territories.

210 211
John M. O'Shea and Claire McHale Milner 11. Material Indicators of Territory, Identity, and Interaction

A consideration of northern mounds as an el- 'normal' times, the Juntunen people do not appear Juntunen region. These individuals were initially adaptive posture oflocal communities. It is likely,
ement in the Juntunen territorial system raises to have dwelt in such structures (although they interned in their home territories and then, at a of course, that other media of material culture
issues of a purely chronological and cultural-his- were presumablywell known throughout the Great later point, their skeletal remains were transported performed similar roles, although probably with a
torical nature. Mound burial becomes common in Lakes region). The implicit symbolism of bringing to the Juntunen ossuary. The poignant symbolism less long lasting duration.
northern Michigan during the Middle Woodland the many visitors to the site 'under one roof in a of death appears to have played a role in both the Material culture can also be expected to show
period, and continues into the Late Woodland pe- long house must have been particularly potent. It long-term demarcation oflocal boundaries and in the results of episodic patterns of aggregation and
riod. In later Late Woodland times, secondary in- may also have provided a living parallel to the the assertion of tribal membership. The connec- dispersal, representing the interactive side ofthe
terment in collective ossuaries becomes common, collective symbolism represented by the adjacent tion between individuals receiving mound burial tribal dynamic. We term these patterns passive, in
although mound burial continues to be used, at ossuaries. and the territorial functions of the mounds raises the sense that they were not intentionally designed
least in the upper Great Lakes. The long time pe- A second distinguishing, and no doubt highly interesting possibilities, although we cannot on to communicate meaning (and indeed may not have
riod during which mound burial is practiced raises significant, feature was the creation of a series of present evidence specify the nature ofthis connec- communicated anything beyond the identity of
the question of the specific cultural origin of the collective ossuaries. These ossuaries represented tion. individual makers or procurers in the context of
mounds that are being attributed to the Juntunen the secondary interment of the skeletal remains of While the combination of built and natural the Juntunen system). While not arising as a re-
territorial system. Unfortunately, this is an issue . numerous individuals. Clark (n.d.) has shown that features provides an interesting glimpse ofthe Late sult of specific intent, various classes of material
that cannot be directly assessed. Many of the the deposition of remains within the ossuaries was Prehistoric territorial system, there are obvious culture do show evidence for regular long-terms
mounds reported in the early part of the twentieth not haphazard, but rather that sets ofremains were analytical issues. First, mounds, earthworks, and patterns of interaction. In our discussion here we
centuryhave been destroyed or looted, and mounds held within bark containers, which were then de- shrines are extremely vulnerable to destruction briefly describe evidence for two classes of mate-
that do survive to the present are rarely investi- posited into the ossuaries. The collection of the and vandalism. At best, the surviving sample of rial culture that show the effects of tribal interac-
gated, out of respect for Native American wishes. remains of deceased relatives, and the transport of markers can only be taken as a chance remnant tion during the Juntunen period.
Among the small number ofmounds that have been these to the Juntunen ossuary would most assur- sample of the monuments that once existed in the
studied, most are of Late Woodland age. Some, edly have been an evocative act, as would the join- landscape. Second, many of the built markers ap- Ceramics
such as the Devil's River mound group, can be ing of these remains with those from the other pear to have stood in lieu of distinctive natural
definitively attributed to Juntunen times (Fitting Juntunen communities. In addition to the features, such as points, river mouths, which may A recent study of regional variability in
1970). This is interesting in and of itself since it ossuaries, numerous ritual deposits were also en- have been the more important and preferred mark- Juntunen phase ceramics (Milner 1998) indicates
implies that both ossuary and mound burial were countered at the site, including the interment of a ers. As such, to what extent can prominent natural that while pottery played an overt role in demar-
practiced by the same cultural group. Yet, from the dog, an eagle and a snowshoe hare (McPherron features, by themselves, be assumed to have served eating the Juntunen confederacy as a whole, it also
perspective of the territorial system, the chrono- 1967:193; for discussion on animal burials else- as territorial markers or landmarks? This, of varied at differing spatial scales within the
logical origin of a particular mound group may be where in the upper Lakes, see Smith 1987). All of course, opens the door to tautology if a particularJuntunen territory as a result of long-term pat-
less important than the geographic location it oc- these features would have promoted an enduring river or point was not redundantly marked by cul- terns of interaction. The highly standardized style
cupies. and overarching identity as well as a permanent tural constructions. canon of Juntunen ceramics, despite the broad
Over time, built structures also become a part claim to place that would have persisted even in In the Juntunen case, we derive some assis- geographic distribution ofJuntunen pots, has been
of an evolving cultural landscape. In this role, the the absence of actual occupancy. tance from the ecological constraints ofthe subsis-commented upon for some time (McPherron 1967a,
prior constructions of earlier peoples are incorpo- While both mound burial and ossuaries appear tence system, and from the orienting effect of Lake1967b). In fact, the homogeneity of Juntunen pot-
rated into new and unrelated systems of cultural to have played a role in the demarcation of the Huron. We also benefit from relatively recent ar- tery contrasts sharply with the stylistic profile of
meaning. This phenomenon is well known in the Juntunen territorial system, the integration of chaeological data and the ability to draw upon earlier phases during which ceramic variation is
incorporation of Neolithic structures and Bronze these differing forms of funerary treatment does historic and ethnographic sources. However, such minimal and occurs in a pattern that largely reflects
Age barrows into the social landscape of late pre- merit some additional comment. By the later Late declines in interaction among relatively mobile pot
aids will not always be available, particularly for
historic Europe (cf. Bradley 1993). The same 'pro- Woodland period, mound burial was not the nor- producers with distance (cf Brashler 1981).
studies of ancient tribal systems. It is useful, there-
cess of incorporation may have operated in the mative pattern for the disposal of the dead, this fore, to consider how the dynamics of the tribal Claims of stylistic patterning across space,
Juntunen territorial system. Preexisting mounds role having been assumed by the multistage collec- territorial system is imprinted and detectable in however, have rested on impressionistic compari-
occurring in the proper location were incorporated tive burial system observed at the Juntunen site. common categories of material remains such as sons between a limited number of sites. Further-
into the Juntunen territorial system, comple- Rather, mound burial appears to have been a spe- ceramics and lithics. more, it has only been recently demonstrated that
menting new mounds constructed by Juntunen cialized form of interment that was employed epi- the Juntunen phase lasted for 400 years rather
peoples. sodically (for a similar situation in southern Michi- Material Culture and Spatial than the previously held 200-year duration (Mil-
Two other features that modify the cultural gan' see Norder et al. 2002). Based on present evi- Variability ner and O'Shea 1990; Milner 1998). Analysis of
landscape, in this case as a means oflegitimizing dence, it appears that collective ossuaries and Juntunen phase style, unfortunately, remains con-
and solidifying identification with the macro-re- mounds played complementary roles in the To this point, we have considered natural and strained by an uneven distribution of known sites,
gion scale of the tribal system, are the ossuaries Juntunen social system. While the mounds em- built features that were used intentionally and small and extremely variable sample sizes, and
and long house at the Juntunen site. The large phasized boundaries and restricted claims, the Late assertively to demarcate territories, resource poor temporal control. Despite these caveats, a
long house was constructed early in the Juntunen Prehistoric ossuaries evoked the collective aspect claims, and to signify membership in the tribal systematic look at an expanded sample of 66
sequence and was repaired or rebuilt numerous of macro-regional, if not tribal, membership. For confederacy. These features essentially represent Juntunen phase sites reveals an overarching re-
times during the period of site occupation example, the Juntunen ossuary occurs at a regional the boundaries within which the elements of the gional homogeneity as well as some intra-regional
(McPherron 1967:233-236). The use of a long house aggregation site and consists of the commingled tribal system predictably operated. They provide a ceramic variability. Indeed, the fact that these
is extremely interesting in this context since in remains of individuals from throughout the plan for integrating and regularizing the shifting patterns were identified despite sample limitations

212 213
John M. O'Shea and Claire McHale Milner 11. Material Indicators of Territory, Identity, and Interaction

suggests that the data are inherently robust and remarkable adherence to relatively rigid stylistic
can provide insight into Juntunen phase tribal canons.
organization. Some stylistic characteristics vary in a clinal /\
During the Juntunen phase, ceramic vessels pattern across the region for the entire phase. Cli- o Miles 100

were directly involved in food preparation and nal variation is evident in lip thickness, shape and Superior
consumption. The high percentage of vessels with surface treatment; decorative technique and de-
food residues (57%; N = 1063) and the wide range of sign configuration on the rim; and the number of
vessel sizes, reaching diameters of at least 42 em, decorative bands below the rim. Although this
indicate these functions. Vessels may have entered patterning may be partly due to declining interac-
directly into feasting or food sharing activities tion from community to community and movement
among people who interacted daily as well as with of people among them, there is no way to discrimi- Upper Peninsula
socially more distant people. The functional data, nate among possible sources of variation with the
therefore, indicate that Juntunen vessels had the available data. However, the steady rather than
potential to enter into overt communication ofiden- random or heterogeneous patterning across the
tity as well as carry other types ofinformation about region in multiple traits does indicate a relatively
interaction at a variety of spatial scales within the stable spatial configuration of population at the
tribal system. regional scale.
The significance of tribal scale identification Interestingly, the Juntunen region can be di-
and interaction is reflected in the overarching vided into northeast and southwest style macro-
homogeneity of style, the nature of clinal varia- regions based on diverse traits ranging from deco-
tion, and the persistence of the Juntunen style. rative techniques to configuration choices (Fig. 5).
Juntunen style homogeneity is evident in a wide For example, sites in the northwest Lower Penin-
range of stylistic variables. This homogeneity is sula of Michigan, the western Upper Peninsula,
defined by co-variation among attributes, redun- and the Straits of Mackinac are characterized by Fig. 5. Juntunen ceramic style regions.
dancy between attributes from different levels of a higher frequencies of exterior punctate and inte-
design hierarchy, and strong constraints on diverse rior decoration, and multiple rows of decoration
design choices including the shape and size ofves- below the collar than sites along Lake Superior from different local groups periodically gathered cised (Wright 1973). Considering more Late Iro-
sels, the number of decorative bands, and the types and the St. Marys River. This division could be an to affirm alliances that tied bands together into quois stage vessels were found at Whitefish Island
of design configurations placed in different design artifact of poor sample sizes and uneven site distri- larger social spheres and, at the largest scale, the than vessels from earlier Iroquois stages, it is prob-
fields (Table 3). The overall simple layout of bution, but the number and types of variables that tribal region. The ceramic assemblage at the able that sustained intensive inter-regional con-
Juntunen design permits replication by socially reflect this boundary as well as its duration for 400 Juntunen site shares characteristics with assem- tact did involve social comparison and related sty-
distant members ofthe region, while some latitude years is intriguing. blages from both macro-regions within the tribal listic behavior to sustain inter-regional alliances.
in detail and technical attributes is retained. In The existence of these intra-tribal macro-re- region. For instance, the Juntunen site falls be- Another stylistic indicator of differing spatial
fact, it is surprising that any patterned intra-re- gions is further demonstrated by the stylistic pro- tween the two macro-regions in percentages of postures within the tribal region points to the ex-
gional variation was discovered considering the files found in aggregation site assemblages. People round and paddled lips, and punctate exterior deco- istence of band territories. Highly visible and com-
ration. People from a large area with somewhat plex stylistic markers such as bands of obliquely
different stylistic practices were attracted to the oriented impressions and the presence of interior
Table 3. Constrained stylistic attributes of Juntunen pottery.
site. decoration that appear most often in assemblages
Attribute Proportion Number The stylistic profile of another aggregation site, from the northwest Lower Peninsula of Michigan
Whitefish Island, suggests changes in the social distinguish one territory from all other territories
Presence of Interior decoration 65.0 927 use ofthe island (Conway 1977). Prior to A.D. 1400, in the Juntunen region. In a few cases, some rela-
Presence of Lip decoration 87.1 858 the site was probably visited by small groups of tively rare traits, such as short vertical cord im-
Below the collar decoration 86.0 700 people to exploit the rich fishery, many of whom pressions on short bulbous collars, occurred almost
Punctate lip decoration 83.7 739 came from the northeastern part of the Juntunen exclusively in particular areas, in this case in the
region. The assemblage of Juntunen pots shared northeast Lower Peninsula of Michigan, but they
Horizontal linear rows of collar exterior decoration 72.0 1083
most characteristics, including high percentages only occurred on a handful of vessels.
Single band of interior decoration 87.6 601 of square lips and thick high rims, with sites along Variation between band territories is often
Single row of elements below the collar 70.2 598 the northeast shore of Lake Superior and sites lo- quite subtle, occurring as differences in percent-
Collars 96.0 771 cated farther east. Numerous Iroquois vessels in- ages rather than exclusive occurrences of traits.
Regular collar type 75.4 740 dicate contact with Iroquois visitors as well. Some Differences in percentages ofsubtle, low-level traits
time after A.D. 1400, however, visits by the Iro- are more consistent with passive sharing oftraits
Castellations 76.6 245
quois to Whitefish Island had a stylistic impact, due to intensive interaction within territories
Square lips 76.1 937 seen in the increase of incised designs that are rather than intentional communication of band
Smooth exterior surfaces 82.8 1051 similar to those on the Iroquois type Lawson In- identity. Sharing of attributes reflects the exist-

214 215
John M. O'Shea and Claire McHale Milner 11. Material Indicators of Territory, Identity, and Interaction

ence of stable band territories comprising the re- and Scott Point sites (Buckmaster 1980) with little tinct local sources of preferred materials. As such, More exotic cherts include Norwood, from outcrops
gion, but does not preclude the movement of small if any stylistic interchange. These patterns indi- they should exhibit distinct patterns of preferred in northwest Lower Michigan, cherts from the lower
groups of people locally. Unfortunately, known cate that contacts across the region's boundaries local cherts and also should exhibit different rep- Lake Huron and Lake Erie basins, such as Flint
archaeological sites are scattered so thinly across were commonplace, although some inter-regional resentation of 'exotic' cherts. This offers the poten- Ridge, Kettle Point, and Upper Mercer, and Wyan-
the region that possible variation in minor elements boundaries were more permeable than others. tial for detecting not only the limits of regional dotte (Hornstone) from the southern Lake Michi-
and technical attributes due to differential inter- Inter-regional populations continued to employ provisioning areas, which should overlap local band gan basin (Luedtke 1976).
action among local communities is difficult, ifnot fundamentally different design structures, often territories, but will also have the potential to re- Other things being equal, the fall-off in the
impossible, to isolate. Regardless, the same ves- placed on morphologically distinctive vessel forms. veal interaction with other macro-regions via the proportion of raw materials in the lithic assem-
sels may be decorated with subtle or minor traits Despite this emphasis on difference, these popula- distribution of exotic raw materials. blages typically reflects two axes, distance and
resulting from intensive interaction withinbands tions obviously had interacted for many years and Before this patterning is presented, though, quality. Said another way, we expect the propor-
as well as more visible stylistic markers that may shared some stylistic attributes. When these popu- several caveats are in order. The total number of tion of a given raw material present in an assem-
indicate assertion of band membership. lations came together, they brought these differ- identified Late Prehistoric sites in the study re- blage to be inversely related to the distance from
Several unexpected ceramic patterns have been ent stylistic practices or the pots themselves with gion is limited, so any patterns observed must be its source, and to be positively related to its qual-
identified that point to the role of inter-regional them, resulting in assemblages of vessels from viewed as suggestive, rather than conclusive. Simi- ity. Deviations from these expectations may re-
contacts in tribal organization. First, attributes different ceramic traditions. The frequent occur- larly, there are very few single component sites of flect unique properties ofthe raw material or of the
varying at the scale of the band territory were of- rence of assemblages with mixed ceramic tradi- this age and, given the shallow and sandy charac- technology involved in its acquisition and distri-
ten derived from contact with extra-regional popu- tions in the upper Great Lakes has been recog- ter of site deposits within the region, the certainty bution. It may also reflect the presence of social
lations that participated in different ceramic tra- nizedforyears (Dawson 1979; Pollock 1975; Wright with which debitage from individual components boundaries that may impede or facilitate distribu-
ditions. The results were not failed attempts to 1963, 1965). Many Juntunen phase sites have on a site can be separated is limited. Nevertheless, tion.
copy all stylistic attributes of other traditions, but yielded vessels from other ceramic traditions, par- basic patterns of resource use and provisioning can The interplay of these factors can be seen in
particular elements or layouts were translated to ticularly sites that are located along the region's be discerned. the relative proportions of Bayport chert that are
fit into the overall Juntunen style grammar. For borders such as Sand Point or along major water- Along the western Lake Huron shore, the com- found in Late Prehistoric assemblages as one moves
instance, oblique band motifs and horizontally ways such as Scott Point and Whitefish Island. monly utilized local raw materials are a Devonian north into the Juntunen territory and away from
oriented configurations with more than the usual At one level, potters operated within a rela- chert, known as Bois Blanc or colloquially as 'north- the Bayport source areas (Table 4; Fig. 6a). There
number of rows, all made with cord impressions, tively rigid style canon that enabled the funda- ern gray', glacially derived nodules of varying size is a clear fall-off in the proportion of Bayport chert
characterize Juntunen phase pots found on sites mental Juntunen identify to be expressed and re- and quality, and Bayport chert, an Upper Missis- as one moves progressively north away from the
in the western reaches of the Upper Peninsula of affirmed across a substantial expanse of both space sippian chert with exposures around Saginaw Bay. source area. There is also a coastal effect, in which
Michigan. These characteristics are typical ofWis- and time. The scale of patterning can only be ac-
consin ceramic tradition pots (Hurley 1975; Salzer counted for via the overt and intentioned use of the
1974). However, Juntunen potters on the Upper ceramics as a medium to express this overarching Table 4. Bayport chert as a proportion of the entire lithic assemblage and as a proportion of all flaked
Peninsula of Michigan did not adopt the markedly identity. Yet, in the finer detail of vessel design stone implements.
different collar and castellation shapes of the for- and decoration, subtle patterns of stylistic varia-
eign ceramic tradition. tion are detected, which arise as a result of the Proportion
Second, territories thatlay along the Juntunen specific patterns ofregular social interactionwithin Site Implements Period Site Type
region's perimeter, such as the northwestern quad- the extensive Juntunen territory and with adja- Bayport
rant of Michigan's Lower Peninsula and the north- cent foreign groups. As such, the same ceramic Hampsher 16.6 21.3 Late Prehistoric Coastal, excavation
eastern shore of Lake Superior, were stylistically vessels provide evidence of both overt and passive Gordon-McVeigh 28.2 35.3 Late Prehistoric Inland, excavation
more distinctive than other territories. Potters in social marking.
these territories frequently adopted extra-regional Mikado 71.6 66.7 Late Prehistoric Inland, excavation
traits that were different from or were minor oc- Lithics Scott 35.7 59.3 Late Prehistoric Inland, excavation
currences in other Juntunen assemblages. In con- Scott 42.7 42.4 Early Late Woodland Inland, excavation
trast, assemblages from sites along the Straits of The distribution oflithics, and particularly the Gaging Station 5.2 16.0 Late Prehistoric Inland, excavation
Mackinac that lay near the geographic center of exploitation of specific raw material sources, is a Gaging Station 18.9 33.3 Middle Woodland Inland, excavation
the region tended to split stylistic differences be- common topic of investigation, and one that has
tween neighboring territories and had far fewer Robb 18.4 44.0 Late Prehistoric Inland, excavation
been explored extensively in the Great Lakes re-
unique characteristics. Obviously, the range of gion (cf Ludtke 1976; Janusas 1984; Fox 1990a; Churchill Point 41.1 40.0 Early Late Woodland Inland, excavation
stylistic variation to which groups were exposed 1990b; Lepper et al. 200l).1t has been argued, for Allyn's Camp 44.0 48.9 Archaic Inland,excavation
was different. example, that the distribution of raw materials in Beaver Lake 42.9 33 Aceramic Inland, surface
There was also considerable variation in the lithics typically will be more informative of local Calvary Cemetery 50.0 50.0 Archaic Inland, surface
amount of stylistic sharing across inter-regional territories, while stylistic elements in other mate-
boundaries. Similarities between Juntunen and Goat Lady 26.7 42.9 Late Prehistoric Inland, surface
rials, such as ceramics, may be expected to reflect
Iroquois vessels in the St. Marys territory were more the movement and interaction of people (cf. Potter's Spring 30.0 40.0 Late Woodland Inland, surface
myriad, while Upper Mississippian and Juntunen Wright 1965). Given its large regional extent, dif- TaylorlNorth Point 42.5 40.0 Late Prehistoric Coastal, surface
vessels co-occur at the Sand Point (Dorothy 1980) fering portions of the Juntunen system have dis- South Point 88.4 66.7 Aceramic Coastal, surface

216 217
John M. O'Shea and Claire McHale Milner 11. Material Indicators of Territory, Identity, and Interaction

10 miles 10 miles

Fig. 6a. Proportions of Bayport chert in late prehistoric lithic assemblages. The values that have a box Fig. 6b. Proportions of Bayport chert relative to modeled band territories. The values that have a box
around them represent excavated single component Juntunen sites, and the hatching represents around them represent excavated single component Juntunen sites, and the hatching represents
the source area for Bayport chert. The value marked with an asterisk represents the only lithic the source area for Bayport chert. The value marked with an asterisk represents the only lithic
associated with a surface site. associated with a surface site.

218 219
John M. O'Shea and Claire McHale Milner 11. Material Indicators of Territory, Identity, and Interaction

sites on or near Lake Huron tend to have a higher access to sources or to control the movement of
proportion of Bayport chert compared to inland quarried materials. Rather, the fall-off is likely
sites at the same latitude. This presumably re- the result ofhabitual patterns of population move-
flects an 'ease of transport' effect produced by ca- ment and provisioning within the Juntunen terri-
noe travel on the lake. tories. In this sense, band territories are affecting
This general pattern was noted by Luedtke the distribution oflithics only in so far as they are
(1976), who observed a similar and complemen- tending to shape and channel habitual movements
tary spatial fall-off of both Norwood and Bayport and interactions ofthe individuals and communi-
cherts when she compared a more limited sample ties within the region. And, since we are dealing
of regional sites from all time periods. In the case with a combined and cumulative record of such
of the Bayport chert during the Late Prehistoric interaction, the very discernability of the patterns
Period, however, the fall-off to the north is not in the material record indicates a high degree of
gradual, as would be expected for simple distance stability to these patterns of interaction.
decay, but rather is stepped. Furthermore, these
steps broadly correspond to the marked territories Discussion
ofJuntunen bands (Fig. 6b). This pattern suggests
a third axis of variation, reflecting the influence of This admittedly brief consideration of tribal
relatively stable territories on the distribution of boundaries and interaction within the Late Pre-
chert. As a check on this conclusion, the spatial historic Juntunen system clearly cannot dojustice
distribution of Bayport was considered for sites to the complexity or variability of the archaeologi-
predating the Juntunen Phase in the same region cal evidence, nor to the cultural variation inherent
(Fig. 7). These site assemblages also show a sig- to the region during the Late Prehistoric period (cf
nificant fall-off in a northerly direction, but the Bishop and Smith 1975). Yet, even this brief over-
fall-off is both smoother and of lesser magnitude view is sufficient to illustrate that the Juntunen
than is seen in the Late Prehistoric Period. This system exhibited the same core features of tribal
form ofdistribution makes good sense ifthe earlier organization that are repeatedly described in the
hunting, gathering, and fishing societies were more contributions to this volume. While the Juntunen
wide ranging in their pattern of resource exploita- system operated for some 400 years and was ro-
tion and were not participating in a tribal system bust in the face of challenging environmental and
with smaller and more stable social territories. subsistence conditions, it was not robust in the
The regional distribution of cherts within the face of European contact, and was radically trans-
Juntunen system is consistent with the expecta- formed even before the first European observer
tion for passive material marking. Juntunen sites arrived to record his impressions ofthe upper Great
along the western Lake Huron shore exhibit a Lakes. The rapid transformation of this formerly
'stepped' fall-off in the quantities of Bayport chert stable social system must give us pause, particu-
in the assemblages, along with a progressive re- larly when we attempt to utilize ethnographic de-
striction of the use of Bayport chert for the manu- scriptions oftribal organization as models for tribes
facture of durable, curated tools. In northwestern in all times and all places.
Lower Michigan, a similar pattern offall-offis ob- From the perspective of territories and identi-
served, butwith Norwood chert rather than Bayport ties within a tribal social system, the levels at which
as the preferred high quality local material (cf overt marking is observed is in good agreement
Lovis 1973; Hambacher 1992). In addition, the more with theoretical expectations both for the marking
distant of these chert types, Bayport in the north- ofboundaries and specificallyfor the scales at which
west and Norwood in the east, occur regularly in material culture is expected to playa formal role.
low quantities (in the range of 1 to 5 %) as exotic For example, at the base of the spatial hierarchy,
materials used for the manufacture of durable, it would be unlikely that the members of the small
curated implements. co-residential group would require any material
While fall-off from a source area, or the wide formalization of their identities, nor would we ex-
ranging distribution of materials as exotics, are pect to see overt identity marking betweenthe small
hardly earth shaking discoveries in the Great Lakes co-residential groups that comprise the territorial 10 miles
region, the more subtle effect that band territories band. Close kinship and frequent face-to-face in-
produced on lithic distribution is much more inter- teraction would render such marking unnecessary
esting. The pattern, in all probability, is arising and redundant. This is not to say that differences Fig. 7. Proportions of Bayport chert in lithic assemblages from earlier time periods.
not as a result of any conscious effort to control in material culture would not arise among such

220 221
John M. O'Shea and Claire McHale Milner 11. Material Indicators of Territory, Identity, and Interaction

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224 225
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Wiessner, Polly pology Papers 3. National Museum of

1983 Style and Social Information in Kalahari Canada, Ottawa.
San Projectile Points. American Antiq- 1965 A Regional Examination of Ojibwa Cul-
uity 49:253-276. ture History. Anthropologica 7(2):189- 12. Hopewell Tribes: A Study of Middle Woodland Social
1984 Reconsidering the Behavioral Basis of 227.
Style. Journal ofAnthropologicalArchae- 1969 The Michipicoten Site. Anthropological Organization in the Ohio Valley
ology 3:190-234. Series 82, Contributions to Anthropol-
1985 Style or Isochrestic Variation? A Reply ogyVI:Archaeology and PhysicalAnthro-
to Sackett. AmericanAntiquity 50(1):160- pology Bulletin 224:1-85. National Mu- Richard W. Yerkes
165. d seum of Canada, Ottawa.
Wobst, H. Martin 1973 The Ontario Iroquois Tradition. Bulle-
1977 Stylistic Behavior and Information Ex- tin No. 210, National Museum ofCanada,
change. In For the Director:Research Es- Ottawa. Abstract merchant princes sustained by agricultural sur-
says in Honor ofJames B. Griffin, edited 1981 Prehistory of the Canadian Shield. In pluses. Like most American Indians, the Hopewell
byC. Cleland, pp. 317-344. University of Subarctic, edited by J. Helm, pp. 86-96. It is difficult to reconstruct the social organiza- probably gained prestige not by accumulating
Michigan Museum of Anthropology, Handbook of North American Indians, tion of the Ohio Valley Hopewell. Their artifacts, wealth, but by givinggifts to others (Hall 1997:156).
Anthropological Papers 61, Ann Arbor. vol. 6, W. C. Sturtevant, general editor. burials, mounds and earthworks are spectacular. Consumption ofdomesticated plants does not trans-
1999 Style in Archaeology or Archaeologists Smithsonian Institution, Washington, They comprise the most elaborate built environ- form the Ohio Hopewell into farmers, and the con-
in Style. In Material Meanings, edited D.C. ment in the prehistoric United States (Clay 1998; struction of elaborate ceremonial and mortuary
by E. Chilton, pp. 118-132. The Univer- Zurel, Richard L. Yerkes 2000). For many, the magnitude of Hope- features does not make them a chiefdom. Theywere
sity of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 1999a Michigan's Rock Art. In Retrieving well earthwork construction and the abundance of complex without being sedentary. The few small
Wright, G. A. Michigan's Buried Past, edited by J. exotic artifacts is difficult to explain in the absence domestic Hopewell sites that have been excavated
1967 Some Aspects of Early and Mid-Seven- Halsey, pp. 249-252. CranbrookInstitute of a hierarchical social structure, well-developed have not produced any evidence that they were
teenth Century Exchange Networks in of Science Bulletin 64, Bloomfield Hills. agriculture, craft specialization, and centralized occupied for long periods of time. The social orga-
the Western Great Lakes. The Michigan 1999b Earthwork Enclosure Sites in Michigan. redistribution (Hall 1997:156), the very elements nization of the Ohio Hopewell allowed them to be
Archaeologist 13:181-197. In Retrieving Michigan's Buried Past, that define a chiefdom. mobile and dispersed, yet well integrated. The
Wright, J. V. edited by J. Halsey, pp. 244-248. Cran- Several archaeologists believe that the Ohio construction of monumental earthworks, the pro-
1963 An Archaeological Survey Along the brook Institute of Science Bulletin 64, Hopewell were sedentary swidden farmers occu- duction and distribution of exotic goods, and the
North Shore of Lake Superior. Anthro- Bloomfield Hills. pying dispersed hamlets near large, vacant, cer- emergence of some status differentiation probably
emonial centers. In this model, the ancestors of developed within a segmentary society or complex
the Hopewell were complex hunter-gatherers liv- tribe. The flexibility of tribal models provides a
ing in areas where wild food was abundant. more useful framework for understanding Hope-
Around 100 B.C., the Hopewell gradually domes- well social organization (see Fowles, this volume,
ticated several native weedy plants (Dancey and Chapter 2).
Pacheco 1997; Wymer 1993). The proposed shift to The Hopewell do not reveal their secrets eas-
farming in the Ohio Valley follows the 'new per- ily, and there are aspects of their behavior that we
spectives' on how and why foragers becam.e farm- may never understand. However, their elaborate
ers. It is assumed that domesticates were added culturallandscape testifies to their ability to main-
to a broad-spectrum of wild foods, but eventually tain local and individual autonomy within an ex-
they became the main food source of the Hopewell. tensive tribal network for several centuries. The
These archaeologists believe that the transition Ohio Hopewell earthworks and the elaborate goods
to farming was also marked by changes in eco- that are found within them were not products of
nomic and social organization, with communal emerging Middle Woodland chiefdoms that were
sharing giving way to household accumulation, competing with each other for political and social
followedby increased social differentiation, wealth, territories. In this regard they stand in stark con-
and craft specialization (Green 1994; Mainfort trast to the later Mississippian societies. An elabo-
and Sullivan 1998; Price and Gebauer 1995; rate ceremonial complex may have been necessary
Scarry 1993). However, there is no empirical evi- to bind the small mobile populations that formed
dence for any of these features in Ohio Hopewell the Hopewell tribes (Hall 1997).The Hopewell show
Societies. us the degree of cultural complexity that can be
A different view of Ohio Hopewell is more ap- achieved with the organizational flexibility oftribal
propriate. For years, Hall (1980, 1997) and Griffin networks, even if the Hopewell lacked food sur-
(1964,1997) described Hopewell societies as egali- pluses, specialized production, and permanent
tarian and decentralized. There were no Hopewell residences.

226 227
Richard W. Yerkes 12. Hopewell Tribes

Introduction elaborate earthworks, exotic goods, and complex

mortuary ceremonies, nearby areas followed a dif-
What we call Hopewell is one ofthe best known, ferent social trajectory and did not invest time and
but least understood prehistoric cultural complexes labor in such elaborate cultural features.
in the world. The type site on the M. C. Hopewell The interaction sphere concept has been used
farm west of Chillicothe, Ohio (Fig. 1) was exca- to examine the spread of religious symbols among
vated by Warren K. Moorehead in 1892 to collect emerging prehistoric states in Latin America, and
artifacts for display in Chicago at the World to describe the connections between Mississippian
Columbian Exhibition (Hall 1997:155). It was not chiefdoms (Hall 1997:155-156). The Hopewell In-
long before other Midwestern and Southeastern teraction Sphere operated in a different way. It
Hopewell complexes were identified. It was clear was a network of Middle Woodland tribal societies
that Hopewell was widespread, but it was not clear (Braun and Plog 1982; Fortier 1998). As Hall
how the different Hopewell groups were related. (1997: 156) observed, this interaction allowed ideas
In fact, it was not clear exactly what this thing and materials to move, "without great hindrance
called Hopewell really was. over great stretches of the North American Conti-
The idea that Hopewell was the culture of a nent." The valued artifacts that moved through
lost race of Moundbuilders died hard, but it was the interaction sphere were not tribute, status
laid to rest by the beginning of the 20 th century. symbols, or wealth accumulated by elite classes.
The idea that Hopewell culture spawned the Middle Robert L. Hall reminds us that Hopewell leaders
Mississippians persisted until radiocarbon dating were not powerful chiefs or merchant princes. Like
showed that at least 400 years separated the two most North American Indians, Hopewell people
complexes (Carr and Haas 1996; Hall 1997:155). gained prestige by giving gifts to others, not by
Some saw Hopewell as an 'overlay' ofreligious traits accumulating wealth (Hall 1997:156).
on local Middle Woodland societies (Prufer 1965) In an oft quoted passage, Struever and Houart
or as an example of a widespread religious diffu- (1964:88) suggested that Hopewell goods were,
sion like the Ghost Dance (Murphy 1989:215-219). "status-specific objects which functioned in vari-
However, Joseph R. Caldwell (1964) employed con- ous ritual and social contexts within community
cepts coined by Robert Redfield to describe Hope- life"-and eventually were "deposited as personal
well as a Great Tradition that was shared by many belongings or contributed goods with the dead,
small traditions such as Ohio (or Scioto) Hopewell, reaffirming the status of the deceased." Hall re-
Illinois (or Havana) Hopewell, Kansas City Hope- minds us that these goods also reaffirmed the
well, and Marksville. Caldwell recognized that each status of the living and served to maintain the
manifestation ofHopewell is different because each bonds within a dispersed tribal network. The ex-
is based on a different regional tradition (Brose otic goods were once cited as evidence that the
and Greber 1979; Brown 1964a; Caldwell and Hall Hopewell were a ranked society with centralized
1964; Deuel 1952; Griffin et al. 1970; Hall 1997:156; redistribution under the control of 'Big Men' or
Prufer 1965; Seeman 1979a). He used the term chiefs (Muller 1986:92; Sahlins 1963; Seeman
Hopewell Interaction Sphere to describe the way 1979b). Now they are considered corporate gifts or
that materials and ideas spread or diffused among community, but not personal, valuables (Fortier
the far-flung regions. Robert L. Hall (1979, 1997)
showed how the ideology of the Hopewell great
1998:358; Hall 1997; Seeman 1995). The Hopewell
Interaction Sphere shows us how dispersed, egali-
e N
tradition provided the shared symbols and ideas
that were expressed in the artifacts and features
found in the different small traditions. The scale of
tarian societies comprised of social segments of
varying scales can have contacts and ties to other
groups and still maintain their autonomy (see
this interactionwas vast, with Hopewell complexes Service 1971). The monumental earthworks built 0- - sokm
spread over much of the Midwestern and South- by Hopewell societies and the flow of exotic goods
western USA, and Canada, but there were many between the widely spaced centers show us that
contemporary Middle Woodland societies in North complex interactions can occur without the strong
America that were not involved in the Hopewell centralized authority found in chiefdoms and Fig. 1. The location of(l) the Murphy site (33LI212), (2) the McGraw site, and (3) the Jennison Guard
Interaction Sphere (Muller 1986:95-126). Berle states. Prehistoric tribal societies were also capable site in relation to the major Ohio Hopewell earthworks (black dots). The Newark Earthworks, which
Clay and Charles Niquette (1989) remind us that of these kinds of accomplishments (see Price and include the Hale's House site (33LI252) is shown by the larger black dot. C = Cincinnati, FA=Fort
between 100 BC and AD 400, when the Ohio Valley Brown 1985). Ancient, FH=Fort Hill, H=Hopewell, L=Liberty (Edwin Harness), M=Marietta, MC=Mound City,
Hopewell reached a cultural climax marked by P=Piketon, S=Stubbs, T=Turner, TR=Tremper.

228 229
Richard W. Yerkes 12. Hopewell Tribes

Hopewell Social Organization guishingtribes from chiefdoms (Table 1).Ifwe apply archical, segmentary tribal societies (Creamer and and Pacheco, eds. 1997), but it is not clear ifthese
these criteria to Ohio Hopewell societies, we find Haas 1985; Greber 1979b, 1991). clusters were occupied by members ofindependent
Were Ohio Hopewell societies really tribal so- that the archaeological evidence for most of their Robert L. Hall (1997:156) suggested that the tribes or if the clusters were segments of larger
cieties? Over thirty years ago at a Society for 'domestic' activities is consistent with what would elaborate ceremonial complex of the Ohio Hope- tribal 'superclusters.' Lepper (1995) has proposed
American Archaeology meeting in Chapel Hill, be expected in a tribal society, while their level of well developed as part of an organizational solu- that two large Ohio Hopewell centers in Newark
Struever (1965:212) stated that his comparison of labor organization and exchange is more like a tion in tribal societies where subsistence was based and Chillicothe were linked by a "Great Hopewell
Ohio and Illinois Hopewell revealed that they op- chiefdom. Ohio Hopewell settlements are small, on hunting, fishing, gathering nuts and wild plants, Road." We do not know how far Hopewell groups
erated at different levels of social integration. He similar-looking, and dispersed. There are few or and sowing and harvesting some native plants that had traveled when they came to the earthwork
believed that Ohio Hopewell societies met the cri- no houses at these small sites with no differentia- may have been domesticated. Ohio Hopewell sub- centers.
teria for a chiefdom, while Illinois Hopewell groups tion in architecture, and no evidence for commu- sistence was based on seasonal mobility and dis-
did not (Sahlins and Service 1960; Service 1962; nal storage (Table 1). The large ceremonial persed settlements. To avoid becoming isolated, Sedentary Farmsteads?
Struever 1965). earthworks suggest that labor was organized at these groups needed some means of social integra-
His conclusion was not surprising, given the the regional level, and the caches of exotic goods tion. Constructing earthworks and participating James Brown once remarked that the contrast
spectacular array of Ohio Hopewell artifacts, buri- found under the mounds suggest that there was in elaborate rituals may have been a way of main- between the large Ohio Hopewell ceremonial com-
als' mounds and earthworks. The most elaborate extensive exchange, but centralized, ascribed lead- tainingties between the dispersed members ofthese plexes and the tiny Middle Woodland domestic sites
built environment in the prehistoric United States ership is not necessary to explain Hopewell ex- societies. is really striking, and others have also been im-
is found in the Ohio Valley, and it is easy to be change and earthwork construction. N'omi Greber Exotic goods and foodstuffs were exchanged at pressed by this contrast in scale (Aument 1992;
overawed by these ancient monuments (Clay 1998). (1979a, 1979b, 1991) found evidence for a wide Hopewell ceremonial centers, butthe primaryfunc- Baker 1993; Cowan et al. 1999,2000; Yerkes 1990,
For many archaeologists, the magnitude of Hope- range of social complexity in the burial data from tion ofthe earthworks may have been social, rather 1994,2000). There are no large, nucleated Hope-
well earthwork construction and the abundance of several Ohio Hopewell mounds and earthworks, than economic. Too often we see the earthworks well villages located near the earthworks, and one
exotic artifacts is difficult to explain in the absence including evidence for ascribed status, achieved described only in economic terms. They are called wonders why did the people who built these earthen
of a hierarchical social structure, well-developed status, or both, sometimes within the same burial transaction or redistribution centers for Interac- monuments disperse into such small and widely
agriculture, craft specialization, and redistribu- populations. Greber (1979b:38) described Ohio tion Sphere artifacts and food supplies. For some scattered habitation sites when they left the cer-
tion (Hall 1997:156)-the very elements that de- Hopewell societies as ranked descent groups. Indi- archaeologists, the rationale for the Hopewell In- emonial sites? To account for this disparity, in one
fine a chiefdom. viduals could achieve status through their politi- teraction Sphere and the investment of labor in model of Ohio Hopewell settlement systems the
However, there is no hard evidence for any of cal, religious, and economic activities. This is con- earthwork and mound construction is that by do- small sites are called "sedentary farmsteads"
these features in Ohio Hopewell Societies. Creamer sistent with the level of social organization that ing these things, dispersed groups would maintain (Dancey 1991; Dancey and Pacheco 1997; Pacheco
and Haas (1985) provide some criteria for distin- Fried (1967) and Service (1971) found in non-hier- ties that allowed them to share food during times 1996, 1997). However, several archaeologists have
of scarcity (Brose 1979; Ford 1979; Wymer 1993). questioned the assumption that these small Ohio
Table 1. Archaeological correlates of tribes and chiefdoms, after Creamer and Haas 1985: Table 1. Following Hall, Andrew Fortier (1998:357) sug- Hopewell domestic sites were occupied nearly con-
gests that Hopewell earthworks were rendezvous tinuously for long periods of time (Clay and
centers that operated like the Great Basin Shos- Creasman 1999; Weller et al. 1999; Yerkes 1990,
hone fandangos. Julian Steward (1938:237) ob- 1994). If sedentary sites are stable, formally orga-
hierarchy of sites served that the feasting, dancing, and visiting at nized, year round-settlements (Holley 1993:279;
Settlement Pattern similar sites, dispersed the fandangos promoted social intercourse with- Murdock 1967:159), then excavations at such sites
central places
out economic motivation (also see Clay 1998 for should reveal substantial domestic dwellings and
Architecture no differentiation status differentiation
similar ideas about Adena ceremonial centers). numerous storage pits. There should be a diverse
Labor Organization local community level regional level The Hopewell concern with food shortages and artifact assemblage including discarded tools that
fluctuating resources may have led to the adoption show evidence of both short-term and long-term
Surplus little (household level) intensive food production
of a mobile, dispersed subsistence system. Small use, and the remains of plants and animals that
Storage no communal storage centralized food storage facilities groups may have spread out and traveled to loca- were obtained during several different seasons of
tions where certain resources were abundant dur- the year. Ethnographic studies have shown that
Specialists limited, religious craft specialization ing certain seasons of the year. sedentary groups construct, larger more complex
This solution to the problem of unpredictable structures and facilities than mobile groups and
Rank ranked kin groups clear hierarchical levels invest more labor in the construction oftheir dwell-
and uneven foodresources would have led to a situ-
Exotics few exotic goods caches or graves with exotics ation where the small groups were becoming iso- ings (Binford 1983; Clay and Creasman 1999;
local exchange of food extensive exchange of exotics lated from each other. Scheduled feasts, adoption Fortier 1993; Holley 1993; Kent 1991, 1992;
Trade ceremonies, and burial rituals held at the Saunders 1990).
little long-distance trade restricted to elites
earthworks would allow the dispersed groups to Analysis of radiocarbon dates from two small
Boundaries defined by artifact styles? well-defined defensive features Hopewell sites located near major earthworks (the
maintain ties. This would keep the Hopewell tribes
evidence for warfare or integrated (Hall 1997; Seeman 1995). However, Murphy and McGraw sites) revealed that there
Stress evidence for intensive warfare
environmental stress the scale of integration is not clear. Clusters of were several briefoccupation episodes at each site,
small Ohio Hopewell settlements have been iden- not the single long-term occupations proposed in
Terms in Bold Italic: seem to be characteristics of Ohio Hopewell the dispersed hamlet model (Carr and Haas 1996).
tified near some of the larger earthworks (Dancey

230 231

Richard W. Yerkes 12. Hopewell Tribes

No substantial domestic structures, thick middens, occupied by mobile Late Archaic foragers (Kozarek Woodland groups may not have intended to return The development of native North American
or other evidence for long-term occupation were 1997; McElrath et al. 1984; Yerkes 1986). to these sites in the near future. agricultural systems that included clearing some
found at these sites (Fig. 2, see Lepper and Yerkes Gail Wagner (l996:267-268) asks, why did Fort Sedentary populations were extremely rare in ofthe forest, tilling the soil with hoes, and cultivat-
1997; Yerkes 1990, 1997). The deep bell-shaped or Ancient groups use underground storage pits? She the Ohio Valley during prehistoric and early his- ing maize, squash, beans, sunflower, tobacco, and
flat-bottomed storage pits that are so common at argues that the pits provided "concealed storage" toric times. Even the Fort Ancient groups that are several other plants did not lead to year-round
villages inhabited by Late Prehistoric (A.D. 1000- for foods and other goods during the winter season considered to be "consummate maize agricultur- residence at permanent villages (Stoltman and
1670) agricultural groups like the Fort Ancient when the villages were abandoned and the Fort ists" (Wagner 1996:256) only spent the warmer Baerreis 1983:259-262; Hall 1980; Wagner 1996).
(Fig. 3, see Nass 1987; Nass and Yerkes 1995; Ancient populations dispersed to hunting camps. months ofthe year in their circularvillages (Fig. 3). The relationship between subsistence practices and
Wagner 1996) are not found at the small Hopewell The concealed storage pits (Fig. 4 d, e) indicate Family groups dispersed to hunting camps during sedentism is complex. All foragers are not mobile,
sites (Fig. 4). The features found at these small that the Fort Ancient groups planned on coming the winter (Essenpreis 1978; Wagner 1996). This and all farmers are not sedentary (Baker 1993;
Ohio Valley Hopewell sites include shallow basins, back to the villages in the spring. The absence of pattern of seasonal nucleation and dispersal was Becker 1999:22; Phillips 1998:217). Consuming
hearths, and earth ovens (Fig. 2). These are the concealed storage pits or cache pits at the small practicedby many ofthe historic agricultural tribes native domesticated plants does not make the Ohio
types of features that are quite common at sites Ohio Hopewell sites suggests that these Middle ofthe Ohio Valley-Great Lakes Region such as the Hopewell farmers. The presence of domesticated
Shawnee, Miami, and Potawatomi (Callender 1978; weedy plants at the small settlements is not an
Fitting and Cleland 1969; Mason 1981:32-36). archaeological correlate of sedentism.

+ + N325+

• o

• .Q 0

• •• •

~c 275+ ' .
0 •

•t! '.
tI •
• ....

••• ·0 ". •
• . 0 "'.

N250+ • :~

N .. .'
N ••


+ 0::. .:'

0 5m

5I 10
, •:

Pits & Hearths

E375 E400 E425
N225 +
Meters • Burials

Fig. 2. The distribution of the 43 excavated features in the 6500 square meter area where the plowzone
was removed at the Murphy site (33LI212). Note the dispersed pattern of postholes (black dots), Fig. 3. The site plan of the excavated portion of the Sun Watch Fort Ancient Village in Dayton, Ohio
earth ovens (shaded), shallow cylindrical pits (C), shallow basins (not shaded), and hearths. (after Nass and Yerkes 1995: Fig. 3-3).

232 233
Richard W. Yerkes 12. Hopewell Tribes

Mobility patterns are usually reconstructed available species indicate that the small Jennison cult to distinguish multiple occupations from con- long before any empirical evidence for farming had
from seasonal patterns in the faunal and floral Guard Hopewell site (located on the Ohio River tinuous ones in the archaeological record (Rocek been recovered from archaeological contexts. It was
remains recovered at prehistoric sites (Cross 1988; floodplain near Cincinnati)was a permanent settle- and Bar-Yosef 1998; Yerkes 1986). once thought that the Ohio Hopewell were maize
Monks 1981; Yerkes 1987). However, the degree of ment. However, she presented no empirical data Instead, a number ofuntested assumptions are farmers livingin sedentaryvillages. It was believed
sedentism at small Ohio Hopewell sites is not based in support of her claim. Repeated occupations by made to estimate how long people resided at these that the earthworks and elaborate mortuary ritu-
on sound seasonal proxy data. Kozarek (1997:133) Hopewell groups returning to the site at different small sites. Wymer (1997:160-161) assumes that als of Hopewell required a food surplus and agri-
claims that evidence of "multiseasonal" exploita- seasons of the year may give the illusion of a per- the only way the Hopewell could have obtained cultural economy (Thomas 1894:614-620; Willey
tion of animals and the presence of seasonally manent occupation (Becker 1999:2), and it is diffi- weedy native plants and hazelnuts is ifthey stayed and Phillips 1958:157-158). There is no evidence to
in the same location all year long (however, she support this view. A more recent model has them
finds the lack ofany remains ofhouse structures at living in dispersed farmsteads surrounding "va-

small settlements like the Murphy site to be "puz- cant" earthworks, and growing native weedy crops
zling"). Others cite the "structure" of activities at with a system of shifting slash-and-burn cultiva-
site as reflected in the distribution of artifacts and tion (Dancey and Pacheco 1997; Prufer 1965;

a c features as archaeological correlates for sedentism

(Dancey 1991; Kozarek 1997; Wymer 1997). This
Wymer 1993). The evidence for this model isn't
particularly strong either. No substantial domes-
is based on the untested assumption that discrete tic structures, thick middens, or other evidence for
b activity areas, few overlapping features, and sys- long-term occupation were found at these sites
tematic refuse disposal would characterize seden- (Yerkes 1990; 1997; also see Clay and Creasman
! !
tary settlements. While no structures have been 1999; Cowan n.d.), The mobile settlement-subsis-
o 20 40 60 80 100CM
found at these small sites, it is assumed that tence system employed by the Ohio Hopewell seems
they were permanently occupied for extended, and to have included regular trips to the earthworks
uninterrupted, periods of time. However, if this for feasting, adoption, mortuary rituals, exchange
were the case, why are there not permanent struc- and social interaction. Followingthese visits, small
tures, storage pits, or substantial middens at these groups dispersed to different locations during dif-
sites? ferent seasons to hunt, fish, gather nuts and wild
In fact, the assumed correlates for sedentism plants, and harvest the native domesticated plants
(discrete activity areas, few overlapping features, that they had sown earlier.
and systematic refuse disposal) may actually indi-
cate very brief occupation episodes at the small The starchy, oily, weedy plants
(less than one hectare) Murphy site and the exca-
vated portions of the Jennison Guard site (Dancey Dee Anne Wymer (1993, 1997) found that the
f 1991; Kozarek 1997). Refitting, microwear, and
spatial analysis studies at Old World hunting gath-
three most common weedy plants found at the small
Ohio Hopewell sites near the Newark Earthworks
ering sites revealed similar patterns of discrete in Licking County, Ohio, are erect knotweed
activity areas, few overlapping features, and sys- (Polygonum erectum), goosefoot(Chenopodium sp.),
d e tematic refuse disposal (Becker 1999; Becker and and maygrass (Phalaris caroliniana). Sumpweed
Wendorf 1993; Cahen et al. 1979), although these (Iva annua var. macrocarpa) and sunflower
sites were shown to be short-term occupations, not (Helianthus annus) are present, but less common.
permanent settlements. These starchy and oilyweeds are classified as native
Pacheco (1988:92-93) listed following archaeo- domesticated plants by virtue of the observed
logical correlates for sedentary Hopewell farm- changes in the morphology of their seeds, or by
steads along Raccoon Creek near the Newark their presence at archaeological sites that are be-
Earthworks: the sites are small, functionally simi- lieved to lie beyond the natural range of the weed.
lar, structurally identical, and linearly dispersed. Wymer (1997) argues that forests must have been

h I However, Stanley Baker (1993:32) noted that these
features are also characteristics of sites that were
cleared and gardens must have been maintained
year-round in order to grow these weedy plants.
9 part of mobile, hunting and gathering settlement/
subsistence systems.
However, it has not been demonstrated that these
native plants depended on humans for their propa-
Fig. 4. a-c: Cross-sections of pit features from the Ohio Hopewell Murphy site (33LI212). d-i: Cross- gation. Paleoethnobotanists suggest that sun-
sections of pits at the Fort Ancient Sun Watch site. Note the shallow cylindrical pit (a), earth-oven Hopewell Agriculture flower, sumpweed, and Chenopodium were domes-
or roasting pit (b), and shallow basin (c)from The Murphy site (see Fig. 2), and the much deeper bell- ticated between 2500 and 1000 B.C. in Eastern
shaped pits (d, e) and deeper flat-bottomed pits (f, g) from Sun Watch Village (see Fig. 3). Even the R. Berle Clay and Charles M. Niquette NorthAmerica. Mobile Late Archaic foragers prob-
shallower flat-bottomed pits (h) and basin-shaped pits (i) at Sun Watch Village are deeper than the (1989:17) remarked that Woodland agriculture in ably domesticated knotweed and maygrass during
deepest pits at the Ohio Hopewell Murphy site (After Dancey 1991; Nass 1987). the Ohio Valley was assumed by archaeologists same interval (Fritz 1990; Watson 1996:162).

234 235
Richard W. Yerkes 12. Hopewell Tribes

The Hopewell cultural climax has been attrib- There is no evidence for increased cultivation of Wymer (1987, 1993) studied the plant remains from that there is nothing about Ohio Hopewell societ-
uted to an agricultural 'revolution' that led to in- these native weedy plants by the Hopewell. It is two larger Late Woodland (A.D. 400-1000) sites ies that could not be explained by the workings of
creased sedentism, intensification in food produc- better to view the cultigens as favored species whose near Columbus, Ohio, she found a similar pattern cultural processes that were known from eyewit-
tion, and the concentration of dispersed popula- propagation was encouraged by mobile foragers. of plant species abundance at both sites (Fig. 6). ness accounts of historic Woodland tribal societies
tions (Seeman 1992:35; Wymer 1997). However, According to Jack Harlan (1995:13), planting This may be due to the fact that the late Woodland (Hall 1980:408; 1997:156). Hall's doctrine of cul-
the native domesticates that were the basis of their seeds was not uncommon among hunter-gather- samples represent the seeds collected over several tural uniformitarianism can help us understand
'unique' agricultural system had been cultivated ers. In North America, the usual pattern was to seasons, rather than a single season. These data Ohio Hopewell subsistence and to learn why they
for at least 900 years before the beginning of this burn a patch of vegetation in the fall and sow some reveal that patterns of Ohio Hopewell plant utili- devoted so much time and energy to the construe-
alleged Hopewell agricultural revolution. Wymer seeds in the spring. There was no need to remain zation are consistent with the methods employed tionofmoundsandearthworksandtotheexchange
(1997:161) describes the Ohio Hopewell as farm- at the location where the seeds were sown. The by hunter-gatherers (summarized in Harlan 1995). of elaborate artifacts. Rather than going back to
ers. If farming is defined as a system of agricul- foragers only needed to return when the seeds had There is no evidence that domesticated plants the days ofthe Moundbuilder myths and indulging
tural crop production that employs systematic soil ripened. Patty Jo Watson (1988:42-43) described were the staples in the diets of the Ohio Hopewell in a form of cultural catastrophism that views the
preparation and tillage (Harris 1998), and if agri- these Middle Woodland domesticated weedy seed societies, or that they invested substantial amounts Ohio Hopewell as a society with no analogs, we
culture is reserved for contexts where human plants as secondary in importance to forest plant of labor in food production activities. No prehis- should affirm their connection with their Native
groups depend on plants for most of their subsis- foods (like hickory nuts, acorns, wild berries, etc.). toric agricultural tools are associated with the Ohio American descendants (Hall 1997). An examina-
tence needs (Bronson 1977:26), then the Hopewell There was great variability in the kinds and Hopewell. While later Fort Ancient and Mississip- tion of the ethnohistorical record can provide us
were certainly not farmers. The Hopewell may have proportions of plants utilized by different groups pian societies made and used hoes made of chipped with hypotheses about Hopewell behavior that can
practiced a form of cultivation, where useful spe- of Ohio Hopewell. They were probably quite so- stone, shell, and bone (scapulae) and deer-jaw sick- be tested with archaeological data.
cies of wild and/or domesticated plants are sown phisticated in their use of plants, but they did not les, no comparable farming tools have been found
and harvested with or without tilling the soil have to live in sedentary farmsteads in order to at Ohio Hopewell sites (Brown 1964b; Cobb 1989; Hopewell Craft Specialization
(Bronson 1977; Harris 1998; Stoltman and Baerreis sow and harvest them. The relative abundance of Wagner 1996). The tool kit ofthe Ohio Hopewell is
1983:257). It is misleading to view these starchy, the three starchy weeds recovered at the four small a hunting and gathering tool kit (Cowan n.d., The Hopewell produced some ofthe most elabo-
oily weeds as agricultural plants that depended on Ohio Hopewell sites studied by Wymer (1997) was Yerkes 1994). rate prehistoric artifacts found in Eastern North
humans for their reproduction. The weedy culti- quite variable (Fig. 5). These sites were located in There is no need to invent a 'unique' system of America, and yet the evidence for craft specializa-
gens were supplements to the wild nuts, plants, different microenvironmental zones, and the small swidden agriculture with no ethnographic analog tion is ambiguous (Yerkes 1994, 2002). Hopewell
fish and game that supported the Hopewell-as floral samples from the four sites may contain the to explain Ohio Hopewell subsistence practices. mounds contained substantial quantities of cor-
they had supported their ancestors (Dunne and plants that were most common at each location For more than 30 years Robert L. Hall has argued ner-notched projectile points (Snyders cluster, see
Green 1998; Watson 1988, 1989; Yarnell 1993). during the season that they were occupied. When

DKnotweed 50%
• Knotweed
iii Goosefoot iii Goosefoot
40% • Maygrass 40% DMaygrass


10% 10%

0% 0%
Murphy Murphy III Campus Nuway Water Plant Zencor

Fig. 5. Percentages of Native Weedy Domesticates at Small Ohio Hopewell sites in Licking County, Fig. 6. Percentages of Native Weedy Domesticates at two late Woodland sites in Franklin County, Ohio.
Ohio. Data from Wymer (1987,1993,1997). Data from Wymer (1987,1993,1997).

236 237
Richard W. Yerkes 12. Hopewell Tribes

Justice 1987:210-204), bifacial cache blades, and ons and Church 1998; Odell 1994; Yerkes 1986, Conclusions References Cited
prepared cores and bladelets (Odell 1994; Seeman 1990, 1994, 1997). Most of the Ohio Hopewell
1992); some pottery vessels with distinctive zoned- bladelets were made of either bright colored flint, The Ohio Hopewell were mobile foragers that Aument, Bruce W.
incised decoration, and other elaborate exotic goods or black and dark gray chert. The Hopewellian lithic gathered wild foods, hunted, fished, and collected 1992 Variability in Two Middle Woodland
made of mica, copper, textiles, and pipestone. technology was designed to produce large num- or cultivated some weedy plants as they moved Habitation Sites from the Central Ohio
These items were identified as grave offerings bers ofthese distinctive artifacts, but the bladelets between upland rockshelters, floodplain camps and Uplands. Paper presented at the 57 th
for the tombs of important individuals. However, were not used for any special tasks, nor were they large earthwork complexes over the course of the Annual Meeting ofthe Society for Ameri-
some exotic artifacts have been found in domestic manufactured by specialists for export to distant year. Robert L. Hall suggests that the Hopewell can Archaeology, Pittsburgh.
settings as well as graves (although large quanti- locations (Lemons and Church 1998; Odell 1994; may have developed their elaborate rituals and Baker, Stanley W.
ties ofexotic goods have only been found in mounds). Yerkes 1990, 1994, 1997). exchanged elaborate, exotic goods at their ceremo- 1993 33PK153: Site Comparison and Interpre-
Large Hopewell earthwork complexes have been Bladelets made of exotic lithic raw materials nial centers in order to integrate the members of tation. In Phase III Re-Examination of
described as regional distribution centers for ex- are common at Hopewell sites near the Newark dispersed, segmented tribal societies, and also to Selected Prehistoric Resources and Phase
otic raw materials and the finished goods that were Earthworks, the supposed distribution center for establish and maintain peaceful relationships be- II Testing ofFlood Prone Areas Impacted
produced in workshops located in or near the Flint Ridge Flint. At the Newark Expressway sites, tween unrelated groups by creating fictive kinship by the Proposed PIK-32-13.55 Project in
earthworks (Genheimer 1984; Struever and Houart equal numbers ofbladelets were made ofFlintRidge ties. Through these ties dispersed groups could Seal Township, Pike County, Ohio (PID.
1972). Some have suggested that craft production Flint and Wyandotte chert, even though the sources depend on neighboring kin groups in time of food 7563J.Cultural Resources Unit, Bureau
was carried out under the auspices of chiefs who for Wyandotte chert are located over 300 km away, 1 shortages. The adoption rituals, gift giving, and ofEnvironmental Services, Ohio Depart-
controlled the local and long-distance distribution (DeRegnaucourt and Georgiady 1998; Lepper and mortuary ceremonies would also allow individuals ment of Transportation, Columbus, OH.
of finished goods and raw materials (Bernhardt Yerkes 1997; Seeman 1975; Tankersley 1985). At to rise in the eyes of their tribes and to be recog- Becker, Mark S.
1976; Parry 1994; Seeman 1979b). The exotic Hope- the sites in the Murphy Tract survey near Newark nized for their personal achievements (Hall 1999 Reconstructing Prehistoric Hunter-
well artifacts seem to be valued commodities that (Pacheco 1997) the ratio of Flint Ridge flint 1997:157-157). Gather Mobility Patterns and the Impli-
were presented as gifts or exchanged, but there is bladelets to Wyandotte chert bladelets is about 2 The Hopewell do not reveal their secrets eas- cations for the Shift to Sedentism: A
no evidence for specialized production of these to 1, but the ratio of flakes and bifaces made of ily, and there are aspects of their behavior that we Perspective from the Near East. Unpub-
items. Flint Ridge flint to similar artifacts made ofWyan- may never understand. However, their elaborate lished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of
dotte chert is about 10 to 1. If Hopewell bladelets culturallandscape testifies to their ability to main- Anthropology, University of Colorado,
Ohio Hopewell bladelet production and made of Flint Ridge Flint were being produced for tain local and individual autonomy within an ex- Boulder.
exchange export, why were so many exotic bladelets coming tensive tribal network for several centuries. The Becker, Mark, and Fred Wendorf
to the Newark area? Ohio Hopewell earthworks and the elaborate goods 1993 A Microwear Study of a Late Pleistocene
C. W. Cowan et al. (1981) believe that Hope- Members ofOhio Hopewell tribal societies were that are found within them were not produced by QadanAssemblagefrom Southern Egypt.
well bladelets and cores were produced at small able to obtain bladelets made of many different emerging Middle Woodland chiefdoms that were Journal ofFieldArchaeology 20:389-398.
sites for distribution to distant places via a regional types of colorful chert. The distribution pattern of competing with each other for political and social Bernhardt, John
exchange network. However, there are no corre- Hopewell bladelets indicates that many of them territories. It is in this regard that they stand in 1976 A Preliminary Survey of Middle Wood-
lates of craft specialization at such sites, such as circulated between sites located within the Ohio stark contrast to the later Mississippian societies. land Prehistory in Licking County, Ohio.
spatial segregation ofproduction debris or evidence Hopewell heartland, but only a few were left at Such an elaborate ceremonial complex may have Pennsylvania Archaeologist 46:39-54.
for a high volume oflithic artifact production (cf sites located further away near the sources of other been necessary to maintain the ties that linked the Binford, Lewis R.
Evans 1978; Michaels 1989). Microwear analysis exotic raw materials such as mica, copper, and small diverse mobile segments of Hopewell tribes 1983 In Pursuit of the Past: Decoding the Ar-
of bladelets from small Ohio Hopewell sites such marine shell. This distribution pattern does not (Hall 1997). The Hopewell show us the degree of chaeological Record. Thames and Hud-
as the Murphy (Yerkes 1994) and Paint CreekLake support the idea that bladelets were produced for cultural complexity that can be achieved within son, New York.
Site #5 (Lemmons and Church 1998), from areas export. the organizational flexibility of tribal networks, Braun, David P.
within the Newark Earthworks (Lepper andYerkes Robert L. Hall suggested an alternative expla- even by mobile societies that lacked foodsurpluses, 1986 Midwestern Hopewellian Exchange and
1997), and from the fill of the east lobes of nation for this distribution pattern. The produc- specialized production, and permanent residences Supralocal Interaction. In Peer Polity
Capitolium Mound, Marietta (Yerkes 1994) sug- tion ofbladelets may relate to Hopewell gift-giving (Baker 1993). Interaction and Socio-Political Change,
gests that bladelets were not specialized tools. They rituals (Hall 1997:10-13, 155-159). Bladelets made edited by C. Renfrew and J. F. Cherry,
were used for the same tasks as flakes and bifaces. of distinctive chert and flint would be presented in pp. 117-126. Cambridge University
Large quantities of bladelets have been found in ceremonies held at the earthworks. These ceremo- Notes Press, Cambridge.
mounds, but no craft workshops have been identi- nies may have included adoption rituals that Braun, David P., and Stephen Plog
fied at habitation sites or earthworks (Yerkes 1994). strengthened the ties between the mobile, dispersed 'Some caution may be needed in accepting the iden- 1982 Evolution of "Tribal" Social Networks:
The development ofHopewell core-and-bladelet groups. The importance of the bladelets may have tification of all of the dark gray chert found at the Theory and Prehistoric North American
technology is enigmatic. It was not designed to been their symbolic value (Seeman 1995). The sitesneartheNewarkEarthworksas'exotic'Wyan- Evidence. American Antiquity 47:504-
produce specialized tools. There are no new Hope- possession of bladelets may have reminded them dotte chert. Delaware chert resembles Wyandotte 525.
well activities that required bladelets. They were of the social connections signified by the gift and chert, and can be found within 50 km of the New- Bronson, B.
used the same way that flakes and bifaces were the spiritual power embodied by the exotic object ark Earthworks (Converse 1972; Stout and 1977 The Earliest Farming: Demography as
used by earlier Archaic groups and by the ensuing itself(Helms 1991), even ifthey used the bladelets Schoeblaub 1945:24-32; Vickery 1983:76). Cause and Consequence. In Origins of
Late Woodland and Late Prehistoric groups (Lem- for everyday tasks.

238 239
Richard W. Yerkes 12. Hopewell Tribes

Agriculture, edited by C. R Reed, pp. 23- ing on Kentucky Archaeology, Kentucky Dancey, William S. Fritz, Gayle J.
48. Mouton, The Hague. Heritage Council, Lexington. 1991 A Middle Woodland Settlement in Cen- 1990 Multiple Pathways to Farming in
Brose, David S. Clay, R Berle, and Charles Niquette tral Ohio: A Preliminary Report on the Precontact Eastern NorthAmerica. Jour-
1979 A Speculative Model of the Role of Ex- 1989 Cultural Overview, In Phase III Excava- Murphy Site (33Li212). Pennsylvania nal of World Prehistory 4:387-476.
change in the Prehistory of the Eastern tions at the Niebert Site (46MS103) in Archaeologist 61(2):37-72. Genheimer, Robert A
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Chillicothe Conference, edited by D. S. ment Project, Mason County, West Vir- 1997 Ohio Hopewell Community Organiza- Woodland Settlements in Warren Coun-
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13. The Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Table. 1. A Cultural and Chronological Framework for the Southeastern United States. Calibrations
Southeastern United States from Stuiver et al. 1998, adapted from Anderson 2001:145-146.
Calibrated B.P. Conventional Radiocarbon Period Culture Climatic
(Intercepts from Calib 4.3 program) (dates approximate) rcbp Complex Event
David G. Anderson 50 AD 1950 0 Modem
Pronounced Warming

Industrial Revolution Little Ice Age Ends

298 AD 1700 250 us National
524 AD 1475 500 European Colonization Little Ice Age Begins

Introduction ity and monumental construction in the societies 929 AD 1075 1000 Medieval Warm Period
in the region over this interval, as well as for Late Woodland Coles Creek
1388, 1358, 1354 AD 675 1500 Subatlantic
Almost seven thousand years separate the changes in these characteristics. Examination of
1948, 1936, 1934 AD 50 2000 Middle Woodland Hopewell
presumably egalitarian hunting gathering bands this information can contribute greatly to our un- Sub-Boreal
of the Paleoindian and Early Archaic periods and derstanding of cultural evolution, specifically the 2710,2629,2617,2562,2542,2518,2513 600BC 2500 Early Woodland Adena

the hierarchical agricultural chiefdoms ofthe Mis- emergence and operation oftribal social organiza- 3208, 3179, 3169 1200 BC 3000 Poverty Point
sissippian period in the Southeast (Table 1). What tion, and the evolution of complex societies in gen- 4500, 4490, 4440 2475 BC 4000 Late Archaic Stallings Island
kinds of organizational forms occurred during this eral.
5728 3750 BC 5000 Watson Brake Hypsithermal Ends
interval? Where did they occur on the landscape,
6850, 6838, 6825, 6824, 6800, 6764 4800 BC 6000 Middle Archaic Morrow Mountain Atlantic
and how and why did they change through time? What is a Tribe?
The Southeastern United States is an outstand- 7820, 7807, 7792 5800BC 7000
Stanly Hypsithermal Begins
ing laboratory in which to study variability and Archaeologists have tended to call post-band, 8986,8874,8825,8819 6950 BC 8000
Bifurcate Cold Episode
change in tribal societies, just as it has been for pre-chiefdom societies 'tribes' or sometimes 'lower 10,189 8240BC 9000
chiefdom research. The later Archaic and Wood- level middle range societies' or 'complex hunter- Early Archaic
10,736, 10,708, 10,702 8775 BC 9500 Comer Notched Boreal
land archaeological record from the Southeast gatherers' (e.g., Feinman and Neitzel 1984; Price
11,254, 11,253, 11,234 9300 BC 9900
exhibits great variation in settlement/subsistence and Brown 1985). The latter terms are employed
systems, ritual and ceremonial activity, monumen- in acknowledgment of problems with the concept 11,545, 11,512, 11,400, 11,391, 11,340 9500 BC 10,000

tal construction, long distance exchange, and war- of 'tribe' as defined by ethnologists, whose classic 11,687, 11,677, 11,642 9725 BC 10,100
Early side Notched Younger Dryas endslPreboreal
fare. This in turn suggests appreciable organiza- cases were often influenced by more complex chief- 11,930, 11,804, 11,768 9900 BC 10,200 Late Paleoindian
tional variability, both over time and across space dom or state level societies (e.g., Fried 1968, 1975).
at any given moment. In recent years archaeolo- Tribes are defined in organizational terms, as 12,622 12,472, 12,390 10,550 BC 10,500
gists have tended to emphasize this variation in groupings of numerous smaller, band (or larger) 12955 (12889) 12660 10,940 BC 10,800
their discussions, rather than attempt to place all size social segments that have been fused together
developments at any given time within monolithic into something more, a sum greater than the sepa- 12,944 10,995 BC 10,900 Younger Dryas begins
constructs. Thus, phrases like 'multiple pathways' rate parts. As Marshall Sahlins (1961:93-94) has 13,132 11,183 BC 11,100 Middle Paleoindian Inter-Allered Cold Period ends
or 'multilinear evolution' are used to describe de- noted:
13,155 11,206 BC 11,200 Clovis widespread
velopmental trends in the region, and 'cultural A band is a simple association offamilies, but
13,411 11,462 BC 11,400 Inter-Allerad Cold Period begins
pluralism', 'diversity', and 'variability' for condi- a tribe is an association ofkin groups which are
tions at given moments in time. themselves composed of families. A tribe is a 13,455 11,506 BC 11,500
Clovis beginnings??
The recognition of variation and change in the segmental organization. It is composed of a 13,811 11,862 BC 11,750 Aller~d

organizational structures of later Archaic and number ofequivalent, unspecialized multifam- 14,043, 13,923, 13,858 12,000 BC 11,950 Older Dryas ends
Woodland (presumably) 'tribal' level societies is ily groups, each the structural duplicate of the
14,065 12,116 BC 12,000 Little Salt Springs!
thus a new frontier for research, likely to increas- other: a tribe is a congeries of equal kin group Early Paleoindian Page-Ladson
14,100 12,150 BC 12,100 Older Dryas begins
ingly attract the kind of detailed research atten- blocks ... It is sometimes possible to speak of Monte Verde
tion currently given to Paleoindian and Mississip- several levels ofsegmentation... "Primarytribal 15,084,14,731,14,382 12,750 BC 12,500
pian occupations. Such activity is long overdue, segment" is defined as the smallest multifam- 15,231, 14,606, 14,449 12,900 BC 12,600 B~lling begins
Meadowcroft (?)
given that tribes were the most complex organiza- ily group that collectively exploits an area of 19,091 17,142 BC 16,000 Cactus Hill (?)
tional form present for several thousand years, for tribal resources and forms a residential entity
21,392 19,443 BC 18,000 Initial Colonization (?) Glacial maximum
an appreciable proportion of the human occupa- all or most of the year.... In most cases the
tion of the region. There is clear evidence for ap- primary segment seems to fall between 50 and
preciable variability in settlement patterning, so- 250 people ... Smalllocalized-often primary-
cial organization, and extent of ceremonial activ- tribal segments tend to be economically and

246 247
David G. Anderson 13. Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Southeastern United States

politically autonomous. A tribe as a whole is advantages oftribal social organization were such may occasionally fragment, but more typically they The regional archaeological record has numerous
normally not a political organization but rather that, once this form of organization appeared any- fluctuate between periods of greater or lesser inte- examples of what for their time are seemingly
a social-cultural-ethnic identity. It is held to- where, it was likely to be widely adopted through gration and hence complexity. The nature and scale anomalouslylarge centers, suggesting equallycom-
gether primary by likenesses among its seg- a process of competitive emulation. Acting 'trib- of mechanisms integrating groups together are plex and unusual organizational forms, as exem-
ments ... and by pan-tribal institutions, such as ally', quite simply, may have been essential to what change, and what make tribal societies geo- plified by sites such as Watson Brake, Poverty
a system of intermarrying clans, of age grades, overcome political as well as environmental stress. graphically diffuse and organizationally flexible Point, Pinson, or Kolomoki (Fig. 1). Explaining
or military or religious societies, which cross The same process, of course, has been used to ex- entities (see Parkinson 1999, and this volume, these seeming exceptions, as well as understand-
cut the primary segments. Pan tribal institu- plain the spread of chiefdoms (Carneiro 1981). Chapter 18; Fowles, this volume, Chapter 2). ing what kinds of sites and organizational forms
tions make a tribe a more integrated social That is, it is unlikely that tribal organization, were perhaps more typical, is a major challenge.
institution (even if weakly so) than a group of The Emergence of Tribal Societies once widely established, ever completely disap- Complex tribal level societies are traditionally
intermarrying bands ... pan tribal social insti- in the Southeast peared from a given region (unless the local societ- assumed to have been present in many parts ofthe
tutions are perhaps the most indicative char- ies transformed into or were absorbed by chief- Southeast during the Woodland period, from about
acteristic of tribal society. Such institutions When are bands transcended, or replaced by doms or states), just as it is improbable that chief- 3500 to 1000 cal. B.P., and particularly toward the
clearly demarcate the borders of a tribe, sepa- more elaborate organizational forms in the South- doms, once widely established, ever completely latter end of the period (e.g., Bense 1994:141; B.
rating it as a social (and ethnic) entity. (Sahl- east? The way to approach this question is to look disappeared from a given region (unless they trans- Smith 1986:45). During the Paleoindian and ear-
ins 1961:93-94) for evidence for the initial emergence of regular formed into or were absorbed by states). The adap- lier part ofthe Archaic period, until about 6000 or
If we view tribes in the simplest of perspec- intensive interaction between band-sized seg- tive advantages of these organizational forms was so years ago, populations are assumed to have lived
tives, as grouping of people on a larger scale than ments, directed to tasks that could promote 'tribal' likely such that, once they appeared widely, they in small bands offrom 25 to 50 people. These groups
that of individual bands, the questions we are ex- solidarity. When does the regional archaeological would never completely disappear. The critical met from time to time and interacted with other
ploring in the Southeast can be asked in the follow- record appear to be shaped by the result of actions phrase here is "appeared widely." In the South- bands over large areas, but each is assumed to
ingway: "when was the band transcended, why did by tribal as opposed to band-level groups? As I argue east, it is increasingly evident that a number of have been essentially autonomous in subsistence
this change occur, and what replaced it?" below, this probably occurred a lot further back experiments in the formation of complex social production, with no formal leadership positions
To know what a tribe is, we must also know into the past then we have traditionally assumed, organization occurred, both of tribal societies and beyond those individuals could achieve through
what its purpose is. Why should people construct at least as far back as the Middle Archaic period, and later in time of chiefdoms, which achieved only their own abilities. Tribes are not thought to have
and maintain organizational forms that transcend possibly, in some times and places, even earlier. localized and comparatively short-term success. been present, although interaction over large ar-
local co-residence and subsistence groups? Accord- Exactly when tribal organization emerged in
ing to Braun and Plog (1982) 'tribalization' (the Eastern North America is currently unknown, al-
process by which tribes came about) was a risk though I shall argue here that it was probably
minimization strategy intended to overcome sub- somewhere around 5000 to 6000 years ago. Deter-
sistence stress/shortfalls/uncertainty. To Bender mining exactly when the first 'tribe' appeared in
(1985) and others, tribalization also encompassed the region, however, is a far less interesting or
alliance formation at a larger scale than that af- important research question than exploring
forded by band/macroband interaction. Implicit in changes in these organizational forms over the
both approaches is the existence of pressure on centuries and across the region; that is, how tribal
resources, something brought about by overpopu- societies actually operated. As we shall see, it ap-
lation or uncertainty in resource availability. In pears that tribal societies emerged and then faded
such formulations, tribal emergence may be inevi- away in many areas and times and, even when
table when threshold conditions are reached. While widely established over the region, only in some
such thresholds are typically unspecified, they cases left behind dramatic material reminders of
would likely be when regional population levels their presence. Indeed, a cycling between less com-
reached the point that dramatic resource short- plex and more complex organizational forms is
falls, when they occurred, could not be buffered by suggested, much as occurs in chiefdoms and early
storage or relocation into unoccupied areas. states (Anderson 1994; Blitz 1998; Marcus 1993; Fig. 1. Location of Ar-
Less often implicated in the formation and see Parkinson 1999, and this volume, Chapter 18; chaeological Sites
maintenance of tribal societies, at least in the Fowles, this volume, Chapter 2). Tribal social or- and Cultures Men-
Southeast, is intergroup conflict or warfare. Pro- ganization in the Southeast emerged from within tioned in the Text.
motion of group identity/ethnic discreteness at a a regional backdrop of band-level societies. Tribal
large scale likely proved an adaptive advantage. cycling might thus be viewed as the emergence

The classic and oft cited ethnographic example of and collapse oftribal level social organization amid A Poverty Point
B Frenchman's Bend
the value of (one particular type of) tribal organi- a regional landscape of band level societies. C Watson Branch
D Hedgepeth
zation is the Nuer, whose segmentary lineage kin- As the papers in this volume demonstrate, how- E Caney
F Kotomokl
ship/organizational system gave them a decided ever, organizational change in tribal societies, once G Pinson 0 miles 200
military advantage over their neighbors, the Dinka they are widely established on the landscape, op- H TroyviUc
0 Ian 300
(Kelly 1985; Sahlins 1961). In such a view, the erates in a very different manner altogether. Tribes

248 249
13. Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Southeastern United States
David G. Anderson

use in ritual context of elaborate stone tools, epito- ply, yes, albeit initially only in some areas and for
eas, including periodic aggregation by members of or maintenance of more complex organizational mized by unusually large and elaborate, hyper- greater or lesser periods.
two or more bands into larger groups on a tempo- forms, that is, tribal level societies. There is little trophic bifaces, called Sloan points (see Sassaman Beginning in the Middle Archaic, evidence for
rary basis is assumed to have occurred, to facili- evidence for unusual ceremony and no evidence for 1996:62-64 for a discussion of the social implica- extensive ceremonial behavior appears in a num-
tate information exchange and maintain mating monumental construction during the Paleoindian tions of technical hypertrophy as expressed in ber of areas of Eastern North America (see sum-
networks (Anderson and Sassaman 1996). Regu- and Early Archaic periods across much of the re- bannerstone distributions in the Middle and Late maries in Anderson et al. n.d.; Bense 1994; Phillips
larly interacting bands formed groupings called gion, activities that might hint that these bands Archaic Southeast; these include using such items and Brown 1983; Sassaman and Anderson 1996;
macrobands, but these were fluid in composition, were tied together in a more permanent fashion. to create and maintain alliances, reinforce status B. Smith 1986; and Steponaitis 1986). Burials with
and the presence of a band within a particular Essentially egalitarian bands, loosely tied together differentiation between individuals and groups elaborate grave goods of worked shell, bone, stone,
macroband was determined by regional physiog- into macroband scale interaction networks, are all and, through their destruction or burial, in help- and copper appear in many parts of the region,
raphy and resource structure (i.e., conditions pro- that are thought to have been present during the ing maintain egalitarian relationships). signaling a new emphasis on individual status and
moting interaction, population levels, and the Paleoindian and Early Archaic periods. A geographically extensive Late Paleoindian in some cases group affiliation. Many ofthese goods
number and proximity of groups to one another), There are hints however, that a more complex
interaction and exchange network extending for were exchanged over great distances, suggesting
and mating network requirements, than by any society may have developed during the Late
several hundred kilometers along the Central increased interaction between groups. Not all of
overarching organizational structures, which are Paleoindian era in the central Mississippi Valley,
Mississippi Valleyhas been postulated, with Dalton this interaction was positive. Manyburials resulted
assumed to have been absent. during what has been called the "Dalton efflores-
point using groups bound together by the ritual from violent death, as evidenced by broken bones,
The temporary aggregation of large numbers cence" from ca. 12,500 to 11,200 cal. B.P. (Morse
use of elaborate stone tools, a so-called "Cult ofthe embedded projectile points, and scalping marks.
of people thus appears to have appreciable antiq- and Morse 1983:70-97; see Fig. 2). This hunting
Long Blade" (Walthall and Koldehoff 1998). As populations grew and mobility decreased, com-
uity in the Southeast, extending back into and gathering culture was apparently character-
Whether a tribal form of organization was present, petition and interaction between groups appears
Paleoindian times. But these aggregation events ized by formal cemeteries, such as that found at
however briefly, cannot be determined, although to have increased, perhaps as people were forced
appear to have been between essentially equiva- the Sloan site in northeast Arkansas (Morse 1997),
something unusual was clearly happening. This closer and closer together on the landscape. The
lent bands, and do not directed toward the creation and by the manufacture, exchange, and apparent
culture, while seemingly atypical, may simply rep- evidence suggests that this competition took place
resent the ultimate potential of band-level organi- in a number of arenas. Individuals competed for
zation. It emerged in one of the richest ecological personal status items acquired as a result of (and
settings in the world, along a river system provid- contributing to) the growth of exchange networks.
ing perhaps the greatest interaction potential to The increased evidence for warfare suggests that
be found anywhere in Eastern North America food or other resources may have been contested
(Morse 1975, 1997). Central Mississippi Valley by local groups, and/or that success in this arena
Dalton culture collapsed after ca. 11,450 cal. B.P., was itself another means of acquiring status, as it
however, and nothing comparable in scale, com- was known to have been in the late prehistoric and
plexity, or ceremony is evident in this or indeed early historic Southeast. The construction and use
any part of the region for several thousand years of elaborate mound centers may itself reflect in-
thereafter. Dalton Culture in the Central Missis- creased competition between individuals or groups,
sippi Valley may well reflect an early experiment which was expressed through collective ceremo-
in the development of complex society, or nial behavior.
tribalization, but it was not one that took root or Regarding the latter, it is important to note
spread widely. that massive earthen mound complexes were be-
ing constructed at a very early date in parts of the
When did tribes emerge in the Southeast, well back into the Archaic period prior
Southeastern US? to 5000 cal. B.P. (Russo 1994a, 1996a). At sites like
Caney, Frenchman's Bend, Hedgepeth, and Watson
Fig. 2. Sloan points and Given the definition of tribal social organiza- Brake, huge complexes with multiple mounds are
the Extent of a Hy- tion and the reasons for its existence advanced present, which in some cases are connected by
above, it is hard to escape the conclusion that tribal earthen embankments (see Figs. 3-6; Saunders et
pothesized Dalton
beginnings in the Southeast occur with the first al. 1994, 1997; Gibson 1996). One ofthe most com-
Culture Interaction
clear evidence for widespread long distance ex- plex sites is Watson's Brake, where the main pe-
Network in the Cen-
tral Mississippi Allu- change and interaction, monumental construction, riod of construction occurred between about 5400
vial Valley (adapted intergroup conflict, and territorial marking, as to 5000 cal. B.P. (see Fig. 6; Saunders et al. 1997).
from Walthall and exemplified in marked cemeteries and buffer zones. This site consists of11 mounds, seven of which are
This happened during the Middle Archaic period, connected by a circular ridge/midden deposit. The
SingrcSloan Pcim Koldehoff 1998:260-
Caches from ca. 9500 to 5800 cal. B.P., or 8000 to 5000 largest mound is over 7 meters high, and the entire
JohnsonCity 261, courtesy The
Crab Orchard Lake
EdwinStnilh radiocarbon years ago (rcbp), AmI arguing that complex extends almost 300 meters across. Analy-
Oli\'eBflUlch Plains Anthropologi-
White County band-level organization was transcended in the ses of plant and animal remains from the site sug-
cal Society).
Southeast during the Middle Archaic? Quite sim- gest seasonal occupation, in the spring, summer,

David G. Anderson 13. Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Southeastern United States

and fall, although it should be noted that only a subsistence remains indicates that this site was sites of Illinois and Missouri from 5000 to 4000 cal. region at this time. While still considered egalitar-
tiny portion of the site has been investigated to occupied year round, the earliest evidence for true RP. (Claassen 1996:243; Russo 1994b:106-108). ian societies, it is clear that some individuals had
date. sedentism in the region. Apparently, the abundant Other elaborate Middle and Late Archaic cul- much higher status than others, and likely com-
A number of early mound sites also have been local marine resources allowed this sedentary tures are known from across Eastern North peted in their own and other societies for recogni-
found in Florida, where both earth and shell were lifestyle. Other early mounds dating to between America, among which perhaps the best known tion and leadership in warfare, exchange, and prob-
commonly used as construction material (Russo ca. 5500 and 4000 cal. RP. have been found in archaeologically are the Shell Mound Archaic cul- ably the direction of public construction episodes
1994b, 1996b; see Fig. 7). At the Horr's Island site northeast Florida at Tomoka (Piatak 1994) and tures ofthe Midsouth and lower Midwest (Claassen and ceremony.
on the southwest Florida coast, for example, a com- Tick Island (Aten 1999; Russo 1994b:106-108), in 1996; Marquardt and Watson 1983), the Benton During the Middle and Late Archaic periods
plex arrangement of mounds was constructed be- the lower Missouri River valley at sites ofthe Nebo Interaction Sphere in the lower Midsouth (Johnson across much ofEastern NorthAmerica, appreciable
tween 4600 and 5000 cal. RP. (Fig. 7). Analysis of Hill culture, and at Helton and Titterington phase and Brookes 1989), the Stallings Island Culture of evidence also appears for substantial house con-
Georgia and South Carolina (Sassaman 1993), the struction activity (Sassaman and Ledbetter 1996),
Mount Taylor culture of the St. Johns river valley the beginnings of violent conflict between groups
of northeastern Florida (Piatak 1994), and the Old (Milner 1999; M. Smith 1996), long distance trad-
Copper culture ofthe Great Lakes Region (Stoltman ingnetworks (Jefferies 1995, 1996; Johnson 1994)
1986). All appear to have participated in the long and, as noted previously, increasing ceremonial-
distance exchange networks spanning much of the ism manifested in large-scale earthwork construe-

(I) .......
~;.: ~:: .. .

50 100
contour ~ O.6m

25 em contour Interval, except within box wh8l'll Interval Is 50 em

Fig. 3. The Caney Mounds, Louisiana (drawn by Jon Gibson, adopted from Gibson 1994:173, courtesy Fig. 4. The Frenchman's Bend Mounds, Louisiana (drawn by Jon Gibson, adopted from Saunders et al.
Southeastern Archaeology). 1994: 139, courtesy Southeastern Archaeology).

252 253
David G. Anderson 13. Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Southeastern United States

tion. Wild plants were utilized extensively. By the cessing capabilities, and hence to increases popu-
Late Archaic, local plants such as chenopodium, lations levels and, because ofthe fragile nature of
sunflower, and maygrass were being cultivated for this technology, to decreased group mobility (Fiedel
their starchy or oily seeds, and other plants that 2001; Sassaman 1993, 2002).
were likely domesticated elsewhere, such as
squash, were adopted (B. Smith 1992). As culti- Monumental construction and the
vated crops became more important, they would emergence of tribal societies in the
have likely had the effect of increasing the avail- Southeastern US
able food supply and, hence, eventually human
population levels. Cultivation would have also The fact that monumental construction activ-
likely increasingly tied people to specific tr~cts of ity, long distance exchange, subsistence intensifi-
land, where their field were located, resulting in cation, and warfare were all occurring upwards of
decreased group mobility (Gremillion 1996; B. 5000 years ago in parts ofthe region suggests that o 50

Smith 1992). The Late Archaic also witnessed the societies more complex than simple bands had m
1 m contour interval
so-called "container revolution" in which vessels of emerged (Bender 1985; Saitta 1983). Perhaps the
fired clay or stone appeared from Florida through clearest evidence for the emergence of tribal soci-
the Carolinas, but this technology did not spread eties during the Archaic period is monumental
very far until the subsequent Woodland period (B. architecture, the construction of which was likely
Smith 1986; Sassaman 1993, 2002). Like agricul- conducted by a great many cooperating people
ture, pottery production is also thought by some linked together by common ritual or purpose. Such
researchers to have led to increases in food pro- joint social endeavors as well as the continued use

. ...

/ ,J..,G,'"

Hedgepeth Mounds (16Li7)
! ,

o 20m
Contour Interval=1 m

".:::",:, ',:

Fig. 5 The Hedgepeth Mounds, Louisiana (adapted from Saunders et al. 1994:146, courtesy Southeast- Fig. 6 The Watson Brake Mounds, Louisiana, contours and idealized reconstruction (drawn by Jon
ern Archaeology). Gibson, adopted from Saunders et al. 1994:145, courtesy Southeastern Archaeology).

254 255
David G. Anderson 13. Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Southeastern United States

ofthe sacral-political landscapes they produced cre- plex than what they had previously (Russo 1999; shell, in these early mound complexes is related to ing tribal segments together over large areas, of
ated and helped maintain links between these Russo and Saunders 1999; Widmer 1999). The the size and political fortunes or abilities of the course, is a major challenge. This problem is com-
groups. In such a view, the individual mounds at ringed causeway linking the separate mounds at groups that formed them, with larger the mounds pounded by the likelihood that the earliest tribal
sites like Watson's Brake, or the varying masses of Watson Brake, in this view, represents the new produced by the largest and most politically savvy forms were also perhaps the most weakly inte-
shell and earth at Horr's Island and other early collectivity. groups. Widmer (1999, n.d.), in a particularly el- grated, making their recognition even more diffi-
circular or U-shaped coastal middens, may repre- It has also been variously suggested by south- egant argument, has suggested that the emergence cult. The major centers of the Middle and Late
sent the efforts of contemporaneous tribal seg- eastern archaeologists like Michael Russo, Rebecca of lineage-based collateral kinship systems (i.e., Archaic Southeast, as well as during much of the
ments, whose collective activity transformed them Saunders, Dolph Widmer, and others, that the sizes bifurcate merging/lroquoian, generational/Hawai- subsequent Woodland period were, I believe,
into an organizational form larger and more com- of the individual mounds, or masses of earth and ian) accompanied the development of the tribal formed by the actions oftriballevel groups, whose
segments creating individual mounds, replacing segments were ordinarily dispersed across the land-
the less inclusive lineal (i.e., Eskimo) kinship sys- scape, but that periodically came together for ex-
tems typically used by mobile band-level foraging change, ritual, and cooperation in construction. I
populations. Changes in kinship thus accompanied also strongly suspect that other such tribal-level
Florida and facilitated the development of larger corpo- groups were present in the region during these
rate groupings, creating and maintaining the la- periods, yet who did not direct their collective en-
bor base essential to large-scale cooperative en- ergies to mound construction. There are simply too
deavors. many areas in the Southeast where large numbers
) Widmer (1999, n.d.) further argues that the of sites have been found, or concentrations of pre-
differential reproductive success of these tribal sumed prestige goods like grooved axes, banner-
segments or lineages, something itself shaped by stones, and soapstone bowls, to suggest otherwise
varying environmental productivity and initial (Anderson 1996:163-166; Sassaman 1996:67-71).
Rollins GuanaRiver Oxeye Island population size and density, translated into differ- While band-level groupings may have continued
ential political success, which can be directly mea- in some areas early on, over time the adaptive
sured by the size of the individual mounds, and the advantages oftribal organization would have likely
I-~ status value of associated material remains, in and been such that the organizational form was widely

<, • . •
near individual mounds within multimound com-
plexes. Russo (1999, n.d.), who has made a similar
argument, has begun to test these ideas directly,
examining the material remains found in different
parts of early shell and earthen midden complexes
in coastal Florida. In the years to come, we shall
adopted, save perhaps in the most marginal areas.

Why did tribal societies emerge in the

Middle Archaic Southeastern US?

Why did tribes emerge in the Middle Archaic

Bonita Bay Joseph Reed Horr's Island increasingly see efforts to test such scenarios, to and not before or after, if this argument is correct?
reconstruct the construction sequence and, hence, Probably because critical population density and
political histories of these Archaic societies, much spacing thresholds were reached at this time, and
as we now explore the political fortunes of later because normal climatic uncertainty may have been

Ford Ring
Horse Island '-
Fig Island 3
Woodland and Mississippian centers. Careful ar-
chaeological analyses should, for example, suggest
the kind of activities other than mound building
that may have brought the peoples (future tribal
exacerbated (Anderson 2001; Anderson et al. n.d.;
Hamilton 1999; Sassaman 1995:182-183; Widmer
1999, n.d.), The Middle Archaic appears to have
been a time of interrelated environmental stress

Point Point

c C 0 0 Fig Island 1
segments?) together. At Watson Brake, for example,
there is an unusual lapidary industry centered on
the drilling of chert beads (Saunders et al. 1997),
and population pressure. By the Middle Archaic
period, from ca. 8500 to 5500 B.P. there is evidence
for more restricted mobility in many parts of the


, 0
Auld Buzzard


0 0

suggesting craft activities may have been a loci of
competition and a means of fostering interaction
and exchange, much as it is assumed to have been
in the later Poverty Point culture in the region
region, something unquestionably brought on, in
part, by increasing population levels. Some areas
appear to have been abandoned or greatly depopu-
lated, particularlyportions ofthe southeastern Gulf
Oemler Bush Krick Sea Pines Chester Hanckel Fig Island 2 Meters (Gibson 1996:302, 2000:171ffi. Blitz's (1999) fis- and Atlantic Coastal Plains, where pine forests
Field sion-fusion process for the formation ofmultimound replaced hardwoods, providing less food for both
centers would thus appear to apply equally well to game animals and the human groups that preyed
Georgia South Carolina tribal as well as chiefdom level societies in the re- upon them. What economic conditions were like
gion, with a long history, stretching well back into for human populations over the region, in fact, is
the Archaic. the subject of appreciable research and debate.
Fig. 7. Middle and Late Archaic Shell Ring and Midden Sites from the Southeastern United States How to recognize the existence of other pos- Large sites characterized by dense accumulations
(adapted from Russo and Heide 2001:492, courtesy Antiquity). sible correlates ofpan-tribal social institutions link- of occupational debris, particularly shellfish, for

256 257
David G. Anderson 13. Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Southeastern United States

example, appear in a number of the major river participating segments prior to this, little evidence over thousands and sometimes tens of thousands that occurs over a vast area, encompassing much
valleys in the Southeast and Midwest, and towards exists of any qualitative or fundamental change in ofsquare miles, and often involved extremely large of Georgia as well as portions of adjacent states
the end of the Middle Archaic period large shell the nature of sociopolitical organization. Centers numbers of people, in the thousands, tens ofthou- (ca. 75,000 square kilometers). Design motifanaly-
middens appear along the coast as well. The occur- were typically formed by the intermittent collec- sands, and occasionally even in the hundreds of ses document appreciable interaction over large
rence of these sites has long been thought due, in tive action of otherwise dispersed populations. thousands (e.g., Feinman and Neitzel 1984; Kelly portions this area, with both pots and paddles
part, to a retrenchment of populations into par- Settlement nucleation, accordingly, may be the 1985). We need to be giving at least some consider- moving long distances (Snow and Stephenson
ticularly favored areas during the Mid Holocene single most visible archaeological correlate ofmore ation to the possibility that the artifacts, sites, and 1998). Much of what we think of as Swift Creek,
(e.g., Brown 1985:219-221; Brown and Vierra complex tribal organization, as well as of profound localities that we typically work with may be the accordingly, may be a single tribal society, with
1983:167-168; Sassaman 1995:182-183). Stresses changes in the way in which the world was viewed remains of cultural systems integrated at compa- segments of differing size, adaptation, and local
of various kinds - environmental as well as social by native peoples in the region; there is little evi- rable scales. complexity unified by a common iconography, tech-
- thus prompted organizational elaboration in dence for such settlements prior to the Late Wood- One attempt to explore possible tribal interac- nology, and interaction network.s This is certainly
groups whose population levels and densities were land era in most parts of the region (Cobb and tion in the Southeast that considered large geo- an idea that should be considered, and we should
such that they could maintain such structures (i.e., Nassaney 2002). graphic scales was Dan F. Morse's (1977) adoption also begin to think about other southeastern ar-
following arguments by Carneiro [1967,2000] about Once again, of course, these changes were not of Sahlins' (1961) classic paper "The Segmentary chaeological cultures like Weeden Island, Baytown,
the direct relationship between population size and universal. Settlement patterns during the later Lineage: An Organization ofPredatory Expansion." or Alexander the same way."
density and level of organizational complexity). Woodland period varied appreciably over the re- Morse examined later Woodland developments in The Swift Creek case gets us into questions of
gion. In some areas, such as in the Ohio and Lower the central Mississippi valley, specificallywhat the how we recognize tribal entities/totalities, as well
Settlement nucleation and tribal Mississippi River Valleys (New Town and Coles changing distributions of Barnes and Baytown as tribal segments, and how these social constructs
organization Creek cultures), nucleation was widespread, while pottery on sites over time may have represented. likely interacted with one another. One result of
in other areas, like the SouthAtlantic slope, peoples In his view, the grog-tempered Nuer equivalent such research might be the construction ofregional
The archaeological record of the later Archaic tended to remain dispersed in fairly small groups Baytown peoples were expanding into the terri- political geographies for the later Archaic and
and Woodland Southeast provides numerous cases of "mobile, part-time horticulturalists" until much tory of the less complex sand tempered Dinka Woodland periods, much as we now attempt for
of monumental construction activity, bringing to- later in time (Cobb and Nassaney 1995:206ff, 2002). equivalent Barnes peoples. However questionable the Mississippian period (e.g., Anderson 1991;
gether large numbers ofpeople otherwise scattered With settlement nucleation, however, intermittent this scenario may seem to some-and Morse's equa- Milner et al. 2001; Scarry and Payne 1986). This is
over the landscape much of the time. In most ar- monumental construction was no longer needed to tions of ceramic distributions and phases with not a sterile exercise, since the effort of attempting
eas, however, there is little or no evidence for large bring peoples together. Monumental construction prehistoric polities has had his share of critics (e.g., such reconstructions will help highlight where
nucleated settlements, or sedentary communities, of course continued in some parts of the region O'Brien 1995; O'Brien and Dunnell 1998)-these people were on the southeastern landscape, and
at least until well into the Woodland period (Ander- during the Late Woodland and Mississippian peri- are exactly the kind of organizational dynamics what they were likely doing. When actual site data
son and Mainfort 2002; Nassaney and Cobb 1991; ods, for historical reasons among others, but in and geographic and temporal scales we must start are mapped at a regional scale, we often find our
B. Smith 1986). Complexity in ritual but not in many of these societies its purpose had changed. considering, if we hope to develop a better under- preconceptions about where people were on the
social organization is inferred, although something Tribal forms oforganization and collective ceremony stand what was occurring in the later Archaic and landscape are quite simplywrong (Anderson 1996)
greater than band level organization is either im- had given way to forms characteristic of chiefdoms. Woodland periods in the Southeast. Most impor- (Figs. 8 and 9). Middle and Late Archaic site con-
plicit or explicit in most arguments (Brose 1979; Fostering group identify remained an important tantly, Morse offered possible archaeological cor- centrations, for example, occur in places where
Clay 1998). By the latter part of the Woodland aspect ofthese collective activities, but they were relates for the tribal expansion he postulated, no- there are well known archaeological cultures dat-
period, however, evidence for sedentary communi- also now directed to maintaining and legitimizing tably the rapid replacement of one type of pottery ing to these periods, such as along the major river
ties is increasingly widespread, and intensive ag- the power and authority of chiefly elites. assemblage by another.' systems of the Midsouth. But these distributions
riculture based on local domesticates appears to Another archaeological example from the also reveal large numbers of sites in places where
have been practiced in some areas. These changes Exploring Tribal Organizational Southeast of a geographically extensive tribal form no such archaeological cultures are known, or at
are thought to have resulted in the emergence of Variability: Advantages and of organization may be the Swift Creek culture in least where little research directed toward under-
fairly complex tribal organizational forms, which Expectations the South Appalachian area (see summaries in standing their nature has occurred. Sassaman
themselves were eventually, and in some cases Stephenson et al. 2002 and Williams and Elliott (1996), as noted previously, made a similar finding
fairly quickly, replaced by chiefdoms in many ar- The scale of tribal societies 1998). Swift Creek appears to have encompassed a when plotting the distribution of unusual artifacts
eas. number of diverse adaptations to coastal, coastal like bannerstones, grooved axes, and soapstone
The centuries around ca. 1600 cal. B.P.lA.D. Examining the kind of sociopolitical organiza- plain, and interior upland environments, each with vessels over the southeastern landscape-nodes
400 may have been something of a "trip over" or tion Archaic and Woodland peoples had can give us somewhat distinctive centers and patterns of out- or concentrations of these artifacts, possibly in-
threshold era for the emergence of complex tribal better insight about what we are looking at in the lying site distribution. Centers included ring dicative of centers of production or consumption,
forms in the Southeast. IfClay (1998:16) is correct, southeastern archaeological record, as well as give middenlburial areas on the coast (Bense 1998), were sometimes found in altogether unexpected
previous tribal organizational processes worked us ideas about how to better sample and examine small mound/shrines in the interior uplands (Wil- areas, well away from the centers ofthe well known
as much to preclude the emergence of more com- that record. The geographic extent and population liams and Freer 1998), and a few major centers archaeological cultures ofthe period (Fig. 10). Some-
plex organizational forms, by keeping populations levels and densities oftribal societies, for example, with platform or other mounds that appear to have thing we must always consider, accordingly, is how
scattered. Prior to this era, tribal identity was sty- are things that should perhaps receive greater been tied in to pan-regional Hopewellian interac- our preconceptions about what is going on over the
mied by mortuary ritual, not enhanced by it (Clay consideration in the interpretation of Archaic and tion (Anderson 1998). Yet for all these apparent landscape actually compares with the information
1998:15). While there may have been quantitative Woodland archaeological cultures. Ethnographic differences, Swift Creek is a distinct archaeologi- available about the southeastern archaeological
changes in the size of mounds or the number of tribes were frequently quite extensive, extending cal entity identified by a common ceramic series record. By focusing on the elaborate, mound or shell

258 259
David G. Anderson 13. Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Southeastern United States

midden building sites and cultures of the later the elaborate burial ceremonialism characteristic and for the most part people appear to have been 1986:35-57; Nassaney 2000).
Archaic, for example, we maywell be missing where of some societies in the region, particularly during living in small, more-or-less egalitarian groups, By the Middle Woodland period, long distance
the vast majority of the people were living, and the Middle Woodland period, from ca. 2300 to 1600 with community size on the order of a few dozen exchange networks had reemerged, spectacular
opportunities to explore how they were organized. cal. B.P. During the early part of the Woodland people, or several families. Earthen burial mounds mounds and earthwork complexes were built in
period after about 3500 cal. B.P. pottery, which occur in many areas. Mortuary facilities were of- many areas, similarities in iconography and ritual
Understanding elaborate burial had appeared about 1000 years earlier in Florida ten located awayfrom settlements, suggesting they behavior are evident between many societies, and
ceremonialism in tribal societies and the Carolinas, was widely adopted and used served to bring together peoples from a number of some individuals were buried in elaborate tombs
across the region (Sassaman 1993). Long distance communities, a pattern we now know dates well within or under massive mounds. This behavior
Another archaeological example ofthe value of exchange declined markedly in many areas when back into the Archaic (see summaries of Woodland has come to be known as Hopewellian interaction,
"thinking tribally" centers on the interpretation of compared with the preceding Late Archaic period, period archaeology in the Southeast by Anderson after the type site and archaeological culture in
and Mainfort 2002; Bense 1994:109-182; Smith southern Ohio (Brose and Greber 1979; Pacheco


0.35 0.25

0.25 0.20





As Percent of All Sites by County (N=10,941 of 187,354 Sites) As Percent of All Sites by County (N=16,493 of 187,354 Sites)

Fig. 8. Middle Archaic Components in the Southeastern United States, as percent of all Sites by County Fig. 9. Late Archaic Components in the Southeastern United States, as percent of all Sites by County
(n=10,941 of187,354 sites; modified from Anderson 1996:161, courtesy University Press of Florida). (n=16,493 of187,354 sites; modified from Anderson 1996:162, courtesy University Press of Florida).

260 261
David G. Anderson 13. Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Southeastern United States

1996). Many differing societies were actually groupings acquired higher status, as well as be-
present within the region, of course, whose partici- came increasing embued with sacred value, which
pation in this interaction network varied greatly. could eventually lead to the emergence and legiti-
Native cultigens are thought to have played a major mization of ranking (i.e., Friedman 1975; Fried-
role in the diet some areas, although this remains man and Rowlands 1977; Kelly 1993). Archaeo-
to be well documented. Maize, while present, was logical correlates of this are indicated by the un-
not used extensively. Tribal societies are assumed even sizes of mounds at multimound Archaic and
to have been present, since there is no evidence for early Woodland ceremonial centers (Russo 1999,
the hereditary leadership positions found in chief- 2002; Widmer 1999, n.d.), Thus, even within so
dom societies. Besides enhancing individual sta- called egalitarian tribal societies, some groups were
tus, long distance interaction and exchange likely clearly better off than others, with greater access
helped reduce the possibility of warfare and sub- to resources, status goods, and probably control
sistence uncertainty for everybody, by creating ties over positions of ceremony ceremonial and leader-
between different groups. ship positions.
The spectacular individual burials and associ- We also need to be thinking about the kinds of
ated grave assemblages that occur at some Middle social organization, burial ceremonialism (or lack
Woodland sites in the Southeast are assumed to thereof), and exchange and interaction that may
commemorate highly successful individuals, who have been present in parts of the region where
were able to enlist the help oftheir communities in obvious archaeological correlates of complex social
the pursuit oftheir social and ritual agendas. These organization like mounds or earthworks are lack-
have been called 'Big Man' societies (B. Smith 1986), ing. As noted above, Middle and Late Archaic site
a form of social organization best known from distributions in the Southeast (Figs. 8 and 9) show
Melanesia. It must be noted, however, that the many of the well known archaeological cultures
ethnographic examples offered of Big Man societ- but, somewhat surprisingly, they also document
ies are nowhere near as complex as some of the other site concentrations that are as just as exten-
Hopewellian societies of the Eastern Woodlands sive but are all but unknown and unrecognized
o 1 2in appear to have been (Sahlins 1963, 1972:248-255). archaeologically (Anderson 1996). The Pee Dee and
o 1 2 3 4 Scm Monumental construction, for example, is absent
or minimal in most ofthe ethnographic cases. Like-
Cape Fear Rivers in North and South Carolina, for
example, have just as many late Archaic sites as
wise, in ethnographic cases, Big Men typically had the Savannah and Ogeechee Rivers, yet lack the
reputations for generosity and gift giving, while massive shell middens and fiber tempered pottery
many of the Eastern Woodlands folks apparently that have made the Stallings culture so well known.
"took it with them" when they died.' Even if Big Was this area-only one example among many that
Men (and Women, after Bense [1994:141]) were could be offered through inspection ofthese maps-
present, how these individuals participated in the occupied by a group that was just as complex but
collective ceremony and monumental construction whose social energies were directed into something
that characterize Middle Woodland societies needs other than piling up shell or earth, or making elabo-
to be determined. These same kinds of questions rately decorated pottery?
need to be asked in every period where there is Sassaman's (1996) finding of nodes or concen-
evidence for both collective monumental construc- trations in the regional occurrence of classic Ar-
tion and prestige goods-based individual status chaic period artifact types like bannerstones and
competition. grooved axes is excellent evidence supporting this
It is probable, for example, that the same people possibility. Some of these nodes correspond to well
that accumulated great wealth and prestige known cultures, but others do not. Again, equally
through their involvement in exchange networks populous or powerful societies may be indicated,
also oversaw, or at least used their assets and who signaled group affiliation in less archaeologi-
abilities to encourage and support collective cer- cally visible ways than by building mounds or pro-
emony and monumental construction activities. ducing elaborately decorated pottery. On the other
Successful practitioners of such strategies likely hand, Sassaman (1991, 1995, 2001:229-232) has
came from specific clans or lineages, that them- argued that the Middle Archaic Morrow Mountain
selves enjoyed greater demographic success and point using peoples ofthe Carolina Piedmont, due
controlled disproportionately more.resources than to their marginal location within the overall re-
Fig. 10. Elaborate bannerstones and bannerstone distribution in the South Appalachian area (adopted other such groups (Widmer 1999). Continued suc- gion and a consensus strategy, were able to opt out
from Sassaman 1996:61, 64, courtesy University Press of Florida). cess could mean that, over time, these kinship of the warfare and intense status competition oc-

262 263
David G. Anderson 13. Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Southeastern United States

curring in the Midsouth. Did such resistance char- such as Pinson, Poverty Point (Figs. 11-12), and
acterize some peoples and areas in later Archaic Horr's Island, where fairly extensive excavations
and Woodland times as well? Probably, but saying have occurred, suggest use over several hundred
it and proving it are two different things. We need years, not the few generations characteristic of
Poverty Point
to be thinking about what mechanisms may have many Mississippian chiefdoms (Hally 1993). Tribal

bound less archaeologically visible peoples into societies in the region may have been more stable
larger social entities, if indeed they were so orga- than chiefdoms, although the fortunes ofindividual
nized. We also need to explore whether traditions segments may have changed appreciably over time.
of resistance indeed exist, how they may have Particular tribal societies may have been longlived,
formed, and how they may have been shaped by but their organizational properties may have been
their position within the regional political and manifest in different ways at different times, re-
physiographic landscape (e.g., Clark and Blake flecting what Parkinson (1999, and this volume,
1994; Sassaman 1991, 1995,2001). Resistance to Chapter 18) and Fowles (this volume, Chapter 2)
domination would appear to be as important a describe as a hallmark of these societies, their or-
theme in the Southeast, for example, as its impo- ganizational flexibility, or ability to adopt differ-
sition. ing structural poses (after Gearing 1958) as cir-
cumstances dictate.
Causes and Processes of Middle Archaic societies inhabited a different
Evolutionary Change in social and political landscape than their Late Ar-
Southeastern Tribal Societies chaic and Woodland successors, with major differ-
ences also apparent in climate and biota. These
The Southeast did not become saturated with conditions, of course, changed over time. Regional
complex tribes overnight. Thousands of years are population levels are thought to have increased
involved, and over this interval appreciable varia- markedly during the Late Archaic and Woodland
tion and change in organizational form occurred. periods, and likely helped drive major changes in
Likewise, there were broad changes in climate and sociopolitical organization. Population growth, like
resource structure that must be considered, as well subsistence intensification, was not unilineal or
as technological innovations as well as social con- universal, however, but appears to have fluctu-
ditions that affected the abilities of societies to ated appreciably in different parts of landscape,
exploit these conditions. Early on, ca. 5000 to 6000 just as agriculture itself was adopted in some ar-
B.P., there may have been some short-lived devel-
opments of 'tribal' societies in a few areas. The
eas and not in others. Nonetheless, a broad up-
ward trend in population appears to have occurred,
mound centers in eastern Louisiana and southern punctuated by periods of more rapid growth or ...
Florida are possible examples, although given the decline brought on by technological innovations in
labor represented in their construction, these soci- food production or warfare, or broad (i.e., global
eties appear more to represent the culmination, scale) climatic trends." The effects of these differ-
rather than the onset, oftribal organization. Care- ing variables, of course, changed over time. Inno-
ful examination of the local archaeological record vations in subsistence technology, for example, may
in these areas, and particularly the construction have first alleviated stress by providingnew sources
history of specific mound centers, is essential to of food and then, through resulting population
determine how they were formed and used, and increase, led to increased levels of stress. Climate
whether one or more such centers were contempo- changes likewise may have initially induced stress,
raneous or succeeded one another. but people would eventually adapt to the new con-
In the Lower Mississippi Valley and along the
major river systems of the Midsouth, areas with
The degree to which political consolidation -.5

high interaction potential, change likely occurred occurs also depends on circumstances external to P P~ -
more rapidly than in marginal areas (Clark and the tribe itself. Historical trends, for example, are °on MN
... -
Blake 1994). That these societies likely came and critical. In the Nuer case, Sahlins noted that: III °
went like blinking Christmas tree lights, an image social structure is shaped by historical condi-
used to describe Mississippian chiefdoms in the tions... who settled an area first and who must
region, is probable. Whether these societies had a expand against existing populations.... The first
greater or lesser duration than Mississippian soci- peoples into an area will tend to be less able to Fig. 11. The Poverty Point Site, Louisiana (drawn by Jon Gibson, from Gibson 2000:82, courtesy Uni-
eties, however, is something that has yet to be organize collectively, and have minimal sys- versity Press of Florida).
explored. The occupation spans at major centers tems promoting fusion (i.e., complementary

I 265

David G. Anderson
13. Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Southeastern United States

opposition).... The segmentary lineage system perspective similar to Braudel's (1972173) model of
is selfliquidating" (Sahlins 1961:114-115, 118) longue duree, conjuntures, and evenments, which
That is, once the threat is gone, or expansion ceases, for simplicity's sake might be considered the ex-
the system withers away (see Kelly 1985 for a de- amination of trends at century to millennial,
tailed study of the Nuer/Dinka case, and the rea- decadal to century, and momentary to annual
sons behind Nuer expansion). There is no question scales, respectively (Sherratt 1992; Fowles, this
that there is appreciable variability in the tribal volume, Chapter 2). Short of Pompeii-like situa-
societies of the prehistoric Southeast. The Lower tions, archaeology is best suited to documenting
Mississippi Alluvial valley, the Ohio and Tennes- long term patterns ofland use and change (Binford
see River valleys, and the southern Atlantic and 1983). Just as a multiscalar perspective must be
Gulfcoastlines, for example, have much longer and adopted to our examination of temporal trends, a
more visible histories of elaborate monumental similar approach must be adopted to examine
construction or participation in long-distance ex- changes over space. That is, we must recognize
change, than are 'evident in most other parts ofthe that cultural processes may act or be acted out at
region. Interaction potential likely shaped some of superregional, regional, subregional, locality, and
these developments (i.e., being near major trans- site/locational scales, and that what constitutes
portation/communication arteries), but so too did satisfactory explanations will likely vary depend-
prior historical conditions. ing on the area under examination (Neitzel 1999;
Dunbar Mound
Tribes and chiefdoms can occur contempora- Neitzel and Anderson 1999)
neously within larger regions (Creamer and Haas Organizational change is also dependent upon
1985), just as appreciable variability can occur and shaped by resource structure and physiogra-
within smaller regions dominated by one or the phy. Sufficient subsistence resources must be
other ofthese general levels oforganization (Ander- present in an area to support tribal scale interac-
son 1994; Hally 1993; Muller 1997). Recognition of tion/solidarity enhancing activities. Resource pre-
this fact is important, but we must also ask what dictability or unpredictability is also crucial, as it
the conditions were that allowed such diversity to directly influences population levels and techno-
occur. The regional political geography and his- logical (foodproduction) capabilities. There appears
torical trajectories of each group must be consid- to be a greater chance for the formation of tribes
ered in the study of Archaic and Woodland tribal and for conflict between tribes when resources are
,':1 ...... formulations just as they are now routinely con- extensive yet finite and to some extent unpredict-
sidered in Mississippian chiefdom research (e.g., able. Physiographic structure, specifically the lo-
Bender 1985:53-54). Sassaman (1991,1995,2001), cation of rivers, coastlines, and mountain ranges
as noted, has argued that some Middle and Late and passes, shapes interaction potential and, hence,
Archaic groups, specifically those in the Piedmont the likelihood that complex societies will form in a
portion of Georgia and the Carolinas, consciously given area (Clark and Blake 1994). Not surpris-
opted out of or resisted complex society formation. ingly, evidence for the first complex societies in the
The highly mobile Middle Archaic foraging popu- Southeast appears in resource rich areas like the
lations of the South Atlantic Slope were certainly Lower Mississippi Alluvial valley of Louisiana,
organized differently than their contemporaries in coastal Florida, and the major river systems of the
Sarah's Mount the Midsouth. Claassen (1996) has also noted that midcontinent. The growth of organizational com-
shell middens and bead use are unevenly distrib- plexity was fueled by resource availability, popu-
uted through the Southeast during the Later Ar- lation levels, and interaction potential.
chaic. Site distribution maps, however, clearly
indicate many of the areas where beads and shell The Archaeological Recognition of
middens are lacking were nonetheless intensively Southeastern Tribal Societies
occupied. The groups in these areas may well have
opted out of involvement in activities like personal Tribes are admittedly difficult to recognize
status competition, monumental construction, or archaeologically (Braun and Plog 1982). Nonethe-
warfare. less, a number of specific attributes, when exam-
Processes of change in tribal societies are thus ined, can help to determine the existence and ex-
Fig. 12. Mounds at the Poverty Point Site, Louisiana (drawn by Jon Gibson, from Gibson 1994:171,
scale dependent and multivariate. When examin- tent of tribal societies. These include: (1) ceramic
courtesy Southeastern Archaeology).
ing change through time, we must be aware that assemblages/series, especiallythose that are widely
different processes occur at differing scales. One shared (i.e., Swift Creek, Baytown, Weeden Island,
means of dealing with this reality is to adopt a Stallings); (2) projectile point types or styles, again

David G. Anderson 13. Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Southeastern United States

when widely shared; (3) raw material distributions, and variable records of social interaction worked communities served as the ceremonial and organi- What is also interesting is that over the sev-
such as stone, metal, or shell; (4) prestige or un- out in mortuary events." The same is likely the zational centers for hierarchical, chiefdom level eral thousand years tribes are assumed to have
usual goods distributions (i.e., nodes of distinctive case at many Archaic and Woodland mound cen- societies, whose level of internal integration re- been present in the Southeast, there is little evi-
goods, such as bannerstones, grooved axes, soap- ters in the Southeast. Interaction occurred between mained fairly constant, at least within certain dence for the long term continuity within specific
stone bowls, shell beads, worked copper, bone pins, peoples spanning large areas, and impressive upper and lower limits. In these societies, author- areas of societies engaging in complex behavior
etc.) (5) settlement distributions (i.e., size classes monumental construction occurred in some times ity was manifest in the hereditary position of the (i.e., monumental construction, long distance ex-
of habitation vs. ceremonial site types); (6) monu- and places as a result, but the size and internal chiefand in hislher relationships with other mem- change). That is, while centers with appreciable
mental construction activity, particularly that with organization of the constituent groups appears to bers of society. While the fortunes of specific indi- monumental construction might have been reused
characteristics indicative ofthe actions of multiple have been relatively uncomplicated. viduals and societies were often in flux, the insti- by later peoples, at no center and apparently in no
tribal segments (i.e., mounds of differing sizes at tution of chiefly leadership was itselfstable. Tribal area is monumental construction continuous
centers); and (7) evidence for buffer zones (i.e., Conclusions societies, in contrast, were more variable in cen- throughout the period tribal societies are assumed
where people are and aren't found on the land- tralization to have been present. There are breaks or gaps in
scape can indicate the extent of areas occupied or Evidence for long-distance prestige good ex- Tribes did not appear everywhere or overnight the record in each area, for greater or lesser peri-
controlled by them). None of these characteristics change, warfare, and monumental construction in the Southeast, nor is it likely that the initial ods. In the lower Mississippi Valley, for example,
is unique or sufficient to determine iftribal societ- indicate that band level society was transcended tribal forms were particularly stable, long lived, or s?me Late Woodland Coles Creek and Mississip-
ies were present, of course, but they do give us an during the Mid-Holocene some 6000 years ago in complex. While current evidence pretty conclu- pian mound centers were built on or near Poverty
indication of what we should being looking at. parts of the Southeast. While appreciable varia- sively indicates tribal organization emerged in the Point mounds, but in no case does mound construc-
If tribal boundaries were strictly defined by tion in organizational complexity occurred over the latter part ofthe Middle Archaic period, it is pos- tion appear to have continued unabated over the
their members, for example, artifact distributions next several thousand years a common pattern also sible that tribal societies were present much ear- entire 3500 year span between the earliest and
may exhibit sharp discontinuities rather than characterized many of these societies: populations lier in time, although their recognition is likely to latest occupations. Individual tribal societies were
gradual transitions from one society to the next dispersed over the landscape in fairly small groups prove difficult. Tribal formations in the Southeast thus capable of immense feats, but they were also
Sassaman and his colleagues (1988) examined raw most ofthe time periodically came together for brief once established, varied dramatically, from the over the long term, fairly ephemeral, although
material use on diagnostic Early, Middle and Late intervals in much larger numbers to engage in a peoples who built the massive mounds and perhaps not as fleeting as the individual chiefdoms
Archaic projectile points along the length of the range of activities that varied from society to soci- earthworks at Archaic sites like Watson Brake, that succeeded them in many areas in the Late
Savannah River, and the nature ofthe fall-offcurves ety, but included such things as engaging in com- Poverty Point, or at Woodland centers like Woodland and Mississippian periods. As one re-
for each material from the source areas suggested munal ceremony, ritual, and monumental construc- Kolomoki, Pinson, and Troyville, to the peoples viewer ofthis paper noted, the Southeast "displays
a change from fairly fluid to restricted settlement tion, promoting social identities, buffering subsis- who built the shell middens at Stallings Island many cases in which pockets of tribal societies
mobility from the Middle to the Late Archaic peri- tence uncertainty, or facilitating the aggrandizing and Indian Knoll, to less visible social groups like emerged against a backdrop of band level societies
ods. The Late Archaic may have thus been the time behavior of individuals. While the presence, na- the people who made Barnes pottery in northeast and then faded out before they caught on. Likewise
when more complex organizational forms emerged ture, and scale of monumental construction, long Arkansas, or scattered Late Archaic projectile there are examples of chiefdoms that emerged in a
locally. Likewise, architectural correlates of com- distance exchange, ritual activity, and mortuary points across the landscape near the North Caro- predominantly tribal level world and then faded."
plexity need to be considered. Brown (1979), for treatment varied tremendously over time and lina/South Carolina border. An impressive amount We need to put great thought to how tribal societ-
example, notes that societies with charnel houses space, the overall pattern of dispersed to tempo- of variation is evident over the thousands of years ies formed and developed in the Archaic and Wood-
were likely to be more complex, as manifest in the rarily nucleated to dispersed settlement-and as- tribes were present in the region. Some were inno- land Southeast.
existence of ritual specialists, than societies where sociated periods oflesser to greater to lesser social vative in the ways in which they directed their Given all this, there is, to my mind, one obvi-
simple interment or the use of crypts to 'process' integration and organizational complexity-ap- social energies, while others were more likelyimi- ous answer to Brown and Vierra's (1982) classic
the dead occurred. Finally, specific artifact distri- pears to have been widespread, and remarkably tative, emerging and operating through processes question, "What Happened in the Middle Archaic?"
butions can indicate interaction zones, as has been stable, for thousands of years. of competitive emulation. Neither sedentism nor Tribes.
demonstrated with bone pins (Jefferies 1995, 1996); The tribal societies of the Archaic and Wood- agriculture was essential to the emergence oftribal
Benton points (Johnson and Brookes 1989); and land Southeast were characterized by fairly fluid level organization in the Southeast, although they
Late Archaic and Woodland pottery types (see organizational systems that fluctuated between did play an important role in the subsequent Notes
Sassaman 1993, 2002). periods of greater or lesser integration, and by changes observed in the region's societies. Over
We must also carefully examine the develop- relatively impermanent centralized authority much of the several thousand year record of tribal 11 like the ideas Morse advances, and agree that it
mental histories ofindividual sites and monuments structures. Indeed, authority appears to have been societies in the region, in fact, what one sees is the is possible that a replacement of Barnes ceramic
ifwe are to accurately interpret the organizational centralized and pronounced only when people came cyclic emergence and decline of ritual/ceremonial using populations by Baytown (and later, by ini-
systems of the groups that produced them (Clay together; the public offices and organizational centers formed by dispersed populations, rather tial Mississippian) ceramic using groups was oc-
1998). As recent work at Adena and Hopewell cen- structures evident or implied by activities occur- than a pattern of ever increasing sedentism and curring (see also Morse and Morse 1983, 1990). I do
ters has shown, massive earthworks and ceremo- ring during periods of nucleation may have been organizational complexity. This patterns appears think, however, that Baytown pottery is dispersed
nial precincts may well be the product ofnumerous all but nonexistent the rest of the time. Not until to have changed dramatically only in the later far too widely across the central and lower Missis-
small episodes, or a few major episodes widely late in the Woodland period do nucleated popula- Woodland with the widespread appearance of sippi Alluvial Valley to be a good diagnostic indi-
separated in time, that cumulatively added up to tion/ceremonial centers occupied for much or all of nucleated settlements. Over much of the interval cator of anyone particular social group.
an impressive architectural record. As Clay (1998:4) the year appear in some areas, replacing the ear- tribal societies are assumed to have been present 2While arguing that Swift Creek ceramics may be
put it: "Adena burial mounds become less impor- lier pattern of occasional nucleation by dispersed in the region, however, there appears to have been the archaeological signature of a single tribal soci-
tant [as] monuments to the dead than the tangible populations. These more permanently occupied little qualitative change in organization. ety may seem extreme, given the settlement vari-

268 269
David G. Anderson 13. Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Southeastern United States

ability over their range of occurrence, the geo- increased uncertainty in resources (Hamilton east. The University of Alabama Press, pp. 247-273. University of Alabama
graphic extent is certainly within the limits of eth- 1999). Fidel (2001) has argued that a global cool- Tuscaloosa Press, Tuscaloosa.
nographic tribal societies, such as the Nuer (Kelly ing event resulted in appreciable population de- 1996 Approaches to Modeling Regional Settle- Blitz, John
1985). Even given the observed settlement vari- cline and relocation during the Early Woodland ment in the Archaic Period Southeast. 1999 Mississippian Chiefdoms and the Fis-
ability, do I believe that Swift Creek, and similar period in the northeast. Gunn (2000) and his col- In Archaeology of the Mid-Holocene sion: Fusion Process.AmericanAntiquity
archaeological cultures in the Woodland Southeast, leagues make a case that a similar cooling episode Southeast, edited by Kenneth Sassaman 64:577-592.
particularly those that share common or identical occurred in the sixth century AD., during the ini- and David Anderson, pp. 157-176. Uni- Braudel, F.
ceramic assemblages, may well represent the oc- tial Late Woodland period, that likewise resulted versity Press of Florida, Gainesville. 1972/73 The Mediterranean and the Mediterra-
currence of one or no more than a few closely re- in population changes within the region. Our re- 1998 Swift Creek in a Regional Perspective. nean World in the Age ofPhilip II (2 vols.),
lated tribal societies. The geographic scale oftribal search on these matters is still far from complete InA World Engraved: Archaeology ofthe Harper and Row, New York.
societies, it should be noted, does not seem to be or conclusive. I for one strongly believe that the Swift Creek Culture, edited by J. Mark Braun, David, and Stephen Plog
constrained by span of control or distance param- impact of climate change on the cultures within Williams and Daniel T. Elliott, pp. 274- 1982 Evolution of 'Tribal' Social Networks:
eters, unlike the situation in chiefdom and early the region was profound (Anderson 2001) 300. The University of Alabama Press, Theory and Prehistoric North American
state societies, where a ca. 20 km radius around Tuscaloosa. Evidence. American Antiquity 47:504-
centers tends to delimit the area under direct con- 2001 Climate and Culture Change in Prehis- 25.
trol (e.g., Hally 1993; Renfrew 1974, 1975). Tribal Acknowledgements toric and Early Historic Eastern North Brooks, Mark J., Peter A Stone, Donald J.
societies integrate people over large areas, yet lack America. Archaeology of Eastern North Colquhoun, Janice G. Brown, and Kathy R
the authority structures by which their constitu- This paper was originally presented in the America 29:143-186. Steele
ent populations are under the direct control of any session "The Archaeology ofTribal Societies" orga- Anderson, David G., and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. 1986 Geoarchaeological Research in the
one group or segment, save in temporary circum- nized by William Parkinson and Sev Fowles, at the 2002 An Introduction to Woodland Period Coastal Plain Portion of the Savannah
stances such as in warfare or collective ceremonial 64 th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in the Southeast. In The River Valley. Geoarchaeology 1:293-307.
activity. Archaeology, 25 March 1999, Chicago, Illinois. Bill Woodland Southeast, edited by David G. Brooks, Mark J., Kenneth E. Sassaman, and
3Similar thinking about the scale and operation of and Sev provided valuable comments to successive Anderson and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr., Glen T. Hanson
tribal societies is starting to appear in the Midwest drafts of the manuscript, and have my heartfelt pp. 1-19. The University of Alabama 1990 Environmental Background and Models.
(e.g., Emerson 1999). thanks. A somewhat different version ofthis paper Press, Tuscaloosa. In Native American Prehistory of the
4Richard Yerkes, in commenting on an earlier ver- was subsequently presented in the session "Big Anderson, David G., and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. Middle Savannah River Valley: A Syn-
sion of this paper, suggested instead of "taking it Mound Power! Or, Power, Who Needs It? Midlevel (editors) thesis ofArchaeologicalInvestigations on
with them" elaborate grave goods found with Societies in the Real Old South" organized by Phil 2002 The Woodland Southeast. The Univer- the Savannah River Site, Aiken and
Hopewellian burials were "given to them" by mem- Carr and Jon Gibson, at the 56 t h annual meeting of sity of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa. Barnwell Counties, South Carolina ed-
bers ofthe community. Destruction through burial the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, 12 Anderson, David G., and Kenneth E. Sassaman ited by Kenneth E. Sassaman, Ma;k J.
of elaborate goods would help maintain the need November 1999, Pensacola, Florida. A workshop (editors) Brooks, Glen T. Hanson, and David G.
for interaction and exchange, and also could tend subsequently held at Poverty Point in the fall of 1996 The Paleoindian and Early Archaic Anderson, pp. 19-66. Savannah River
to reinforce egalitarian relationships, by ensuring 2000 by the symposium participants greatly as- Southeast. The University of Alabama Archaeological Research Papers, no. 1.
wealth accumulated in life was not passed on. sisted me in refining my thinking. I thanks the Press, Tuscaloosa. University of South Carolina, South
5Interest in global climate change and its impact organizers, Phil Carr and Jon Gibson, and all the Anderson, David G., Michael Russo, and Carolina Institute of Archaeology and
on human societies has a long history, particularly participants. Many ofthe ideas herein are derived Kenneth E. Sassaman Anthropology, Columbia.
in Eastern North America (e.g., Griffin 1960, 1~61), from extended conversations from John E. Clark, n.d. Mid-Holocene Cultural Dynamics in Brose, David S., and N'omi Greber, (editors)
and the Southeast in particular (Anderson 2001). Jon Gibson, Michael Russo, Kenneth E. Sassaman, Southeastern North America. Manu- 1979 Hopewell Archaeology: The Chillicothe
Widmer (1999, 2002), for example, has argued that Joe Saunders, and Randolph E. Widmer; any good script under review. Originally presented Conference. Kent State University Press,
fluctuation in sea level over time profoundly ef- points the reader may find herein owes a great at the International Conference on Cli- Kent, Ohio.
fected marsh and floodplain resource productivity, deal to their commentary. The author, of course, mate and Culture at 3000 RC., Univer- Brown, James A
both along the coast and inland, and hence the assumes sole responsibility for any problems or sity of Maine, Orono, 1998. 1985 Long Term Trends to Sedentism and the
fortunes of later Archaic and Woodland tribal so- errors in the argument. Bender, Barbara Emergence of Complexity in the Ameri-
cieties dependent upon these resources. Similar 1985 Emergent Tribal Formation in the Ameri- can Midwest. In Prehistoric Hunter-
arguments have been advanced by other research- can Midcontinent. American Antiquity Gatherers, The Emergence of Cultural
ers' who have argued that changes in stream gra- References Cited 50(1):52-62. Complexity, edited by T. Douglas Price
dients or fluctuations in sea level would effect the Bense, Judith A: and James A Brown, pp. 201-231. Aca-
distributions of shellfish and other wild game (e.g., Anderson, David G. 1994 Archaeology of the Southeastern United demic Press, Orlando.
Brooks; Little 2001; Walker 2000). An apparent 1991 Examining Prehistoric Settlement Dis- States: Paleo indian to World War 1. Aca- Brown, James A, and Robert K. Vierra
Late Mid-Holocene onset of increasing severe EI tribution in Eastern North America. demic Press, San Diego. 1983 What Happened in the Middle Archaic?
Nino events has been advanced as a source of stress Archaeology of Eastern North America 1998 Santa Rosa-Swift Creek in Northwest Introduction to an Ecological Approach
prompting organizational change, specifically the 19:1-22. Florida. InA World Engraved: Archaeol- to Koster Site Archaeology. In Archaic
creation of larger social groups and alliance net- 1994 The Savannah River Chiefdoms: Politi- ogy ofthe Swift Creek Culture, edited by Hunters and Gatherers in the American
works (i.e., tribal societies), to buffer presumably cal Change in the late Prehistoric South- J. Mark Williams and Daniel T. Elliott, Midwest, edited by James L. Phillips and

?70 271
David G. Anderson 13. Evolution of Tribal Social Organization in the Southeastern United States

James A Brown, pp. 165-195. Academic pian Borders. Midcontinental Journal of ofthe Mid-Holocene Southeast, edited by ment of Decision-making Organizations.
Press, New York. Archaeology 24:3-56. Kenneth Sassaman and DavidAnderson, In SocialArchaeology beyondSubsistence
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276 277
of the data and proposed interpretations serve as of preservation and sampling of early remains,
a springboard for more nuanced interpretations in especially in the tropical climes involved, and the
the future. Our effort begins with definitions and rules of acceptable inference with fuzzy datasets.
14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations a short historical overview of tribal issues in Me- Tribes are partially defined negatively in terms of
soamerica, followed by four sections of data pre- what they are not-as much as what they are. Thus,
sentation, and concluding with our preliminary the failure to find, identify, or securely infer clear
John E. Clark and David Cheetham attempt to delimit tribal institutions of social inte- evidence of social ranking and/or stratification
gration as manifested in the four case studies. carries the interpretive consequence of making the
cultures involved, by default, appear egalitarian
./ Problems with Identifying Proto- and tribal. But finding such evidence, particularly
Mesoamerican Tribes at the beginning of a research project, is rare. With
Archaeological definition of tribal social sys- ies. As analytical concepts implicating evolution- this definitional logic, the absence of any evidence
tems in Mesoamericahas never been attempted. ary development and cultural practices, the no- Prior to Sanders and Price's (1968) path-break- for social ranking or stratification is accorded equal
In the absence ofgoodsettlement pattern stud- tions of tribes and Mesoamerica are mutually ex- ing book, Mesoamerica: The Evolution ofa Ciuili- analytical weight as positive evidence for sedentism
ies all that can be done here is to assume that clusive and complementary. Mesoamerican societ- zation, the concept of 'tribe' had not been used in or agriculture. The inappropriate logical leap of
cultural complexescharacterized by sedentary ies evolved from tribal ones, and to the degree that Mesoamerican studies in a technical way. And it making positive inferences from the absence of
agricultural settlements but lacking commu- [Mesoamerican] practices of stratified society ex- has rarely been evoked since. The opening epi- information has been the cause of most misiden-
nity stratification had a tribal social structure. panded, tribalism in Middle America receded. Thus, graphs constitute nearly the entire corpus ofmeth- tifications of tribal societies in Mesoamerica, un-
(Sanders and Price 1968:110) there has been a logically-necessary, historical and odological and theoretical statements on tribes for der whatever label.
Generally speaking, it is archaeologically a structural complementaritybetween tribalism and this region. As a concept, 'tribe' is inherently sloppy, A further word about the archaeological record
poorly defined stage in the evolution of Me- Mesoamerican practices throughout the history of but even with Sanders and Price's simplified clari- of Middle America sets the stage for our treatment
soamerican society-perhaps because the de- Mesoamerica. How the latter arose from and re- fication of 'tribal' to mean "sedentary agricultural of possible tribes. Although there is scattered evi-
velopmentofchiefdoms entailed a rapid growth, placed the former, however, remains to be deter- settlements but lacking community stratification dence of early big-game hunters throughout the
and the tribal stage would therefore have been mined. Before such issues can eventually be ad- [sic],"few plausible archaeological candidates have length and breadth of the region that would be-
of brief duration in many areas. (Sanders and dressed adequately, it is first necessary to treat ever been suggested, and only two candidates (the come Mesoamerica (Gonzalez Jacome 1987; Hester
Price 1968: 112) tribes in their own right as viable social formations Valley of Oaxaca and the Chiapas coast, as dis- 2001; MacNeish 1986, 2001b, 2001c; MacNeish and
Mesoamerica is the anthropological wasteland and not merely as preludes to, or footnotes of, civi- cussed below) have been outlined based upon di- Nelken-Terner 1983; Mirambell2000; Stark 1981;
of tribal studies. The concept of 'tribe' is not even lized life. achronic regional settlement data, as they recom- Zeitlin and Zeitlin 2000), towards the end of the
on the radar screens of most Mesoamericanists, Our purpose here is to organize the extant mended. hunting and gathering period (ca. 3500-1800 be),
and no adequate case study of an archaeological information and initiate discussion of proto-Me- Of the nine possible tribes postulated for all the heavy reliance on chipped stone tools (bifaces
tribal society from there has yet been published. soamerican tribal societies. In the body of our es- Mesoamerica by Sanders and Price in 1968, only and scrapers) dropped out in most regions. This
The profound ironies implicated in this abysmal say we will be concerned with delimiting the tribal three currently remain possibilities (Ajalpan in the leads to another irony that obscures identification
state of affairs are pivotal because all debates con- era, identifying possible tribal territories at the Tehuacan Valley, Cotorra in central Chiapas, and of tribal groups. With the notable exception of
cerning the origins of Mesoamerican civilizations close of this period, and exploring mechanisms of Arevalo in Highland Guatemala); recent archaeo- groups who lived in what is now northern Belize
presume tribal foundations and institutions of di- tribal social integration. To facilitate comparisons logical investigations demonstrate that the other (see below), the tail end ofthe Late Archaic, the
verse sorts. But postulated tribal substrates are with information from older reports, all chrono- six societies were more complex than initial re- critical prelude to the Early Formative period, was
presumed rather than demonstrated, and cherished logical considerations are with uncalibrated radio- ports of their material remains had suggested. In basically a post-stone projectile points and pre-
tribal assumptions are not subject to archaeologi- carbon dates (indicated by lower case be). The a case of particular relevance here, Sanders and pottery era, so these sites are exceptionally diffi-
cal investigation. To our knowledge, Sanders and groundwork for addressing questions of social in- Price (1968:111) proposed that the Lowland Maya cult to identify because durable diagnostic arti-
Price's (1968) exploratory essay on the evolution of tegration comes from our consideration of claims had a tribal organization during the Mamom and facts in any medium are lacking. Roughly-shaped
Mesoamerican civilization and its eight paragraphs made for four possible tribal societies, representa- early Chicanel phases of the Middle and Late ground stone tools and fire-cracked cobbles are
devoted to tribes, their definition, identification, tive of the ecological and historical diversity of Preclassic periods (ca. 800-100 be), The emerging sometimes present but are not diagnostic in and of
and possible ephemeral existence (epigraphs), was proto-Mesoamerica. Three are well publicized consensus now is that the Mamom era saw the themselves. The trend towards archaeological in-
the first and last word on tribal matters. Our pur- within the current limits oftheir datasets (namely, emergence of paramount chiefdoms, with the ear- visibility, due to the replacement offormal chipped
pose here is to revisit some ofthe issues they raised, highland Mexico, Valley of Oaxaca, and Coastal liest and largest Maya state being in place by 300- stone tools by perishable tools and the move to
and for related reasons of trying to understand Chiapas), and we will only briefly recount claims 200 be (Clark and Hansen 2000,2001; Clark et al. open-air sites, is surely significant in its own right
evolutionary development. made for them. We draw the fourth case from the 2000; Hammond 2000; R. Hansen 1998; cf. Sharer as an indicator of subsistence and technological
As with Sanders and Price's exegesis, our ef- Maya Lowlands of present-day northern Guate- 1994:117). changes that were taking place during the period
forts here must necessarily confront primordial mala and Belize, and we treat it in greater detail Confusing a state or paramount chiefdom for a from 2500 to 1600 be. Importantly, the various
issues of the whats, whens, wheres, and whys of because it has not been considered previously from tribe borders on the spectacular, but given the cir- highland caves that provide the general Middle
tribal societies in the geographic segment ofMiddle a tribal vantage. cumstances of the database in the late 1960s, it America Archaic sequence reveal almost no traces
America that would later become Mesoamerica, a Our intent here is to provide a basic database was an understandable understatement. Part of of use for this critical period-and the absence of
term that implies a region of cultural practices and and arguments for future discussions of tribal is- the problem of misidentification arises from defi- evidence in these dry caves cannot be explained by
beliefs characteristic of chiefdom and state societ- sues in Middle America. We hope our summaries nitions and expectations, the rest concerns issues the lack of non-perishable artifacts. The meager

278 279
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

evidence for all proto-Mesoamerica suggests, in is intermediate between others representing group- ated on egalitarian or ascription principles to de- easily operationalized archaeologically, and Nalda
fact, a dramatic shift in settlement at this time ings oflesser and greater social complexity. Criti- cide whether they were tribal villages or chiefdoms. (1997) argues that they provide better theoretical
(MacNeish 1986). cal to these distinctions are mechanisms and prac- The link between tribes and agriculture is less grounding than the category of 'tribe' and are also
tices of social integration (Service 1971). As such, obvious. We follow distinctions made by others for superior in their historical perspective (vs, the
Towards A Working Definition of analytical isolation of an archaeological tribe in- increasing levels ofsubsistence commitment, from synchrony oftribes). In sum, the theoretical pref-
Tribal Societies volves the dual tasks of differentiating it from sim- plant tending, cultivation, and horticulture, to erence in the Mesoamerican literature has privi-
pler band and more complex, chiefdom forms. Dis- agriculture (see Piperno and Pearsall 1998:6-7). leged, and continues to privilege, subsistence prac-
Issues of definition must be resolved before tinguishing tribes from chiefdoms is not entirely Strictly defined as "larger scale field systems," we tices and technologies over tribes-the transition
headway can be made on identifying tribes in the straightforward (cf Marcus and Flannery 1996:76, think that agriculture signals the presence of at from hunter-gatherer societies to agricultural so-
proto-Mesoamerican archaeological record. II;l prior 92-110), but it is the easier of the two tasks as it least tribal-level societies, given group commit- cieties (Stark 1981,1986). However, these catego-
drafts of this paper we were frustrated in our at- involves a qualitative distinction between egali- ments to land, crop tending, creation of surplus, ries roughly parallel aspects of the 'tribal' concept;
tempts to identify tribes because we made two tarian and non-egalitarian or ranking systems. We storage, and so on. On the other hand, we do not therefore, it is possible to extract from the litera-
operational decisions that undermined our objec- take the presence of institutionalized, hereditary see any necessary connection between the begin- ture evidence of tribal societies that are not de-
tive at the start. First, we pursued the concept of inequalities among adult males, or what are vari- nings of pl ant manipulation or domestication with scribed as such.
tribe as outlined by Sanders and Price (epigraph) ously described as rank or simple chiefdom societ- tribalism. We associate different scales of tribal-
because their definition makes pragmatic allow- ies, to signal the end of tribalism in any given ar- ism with subsistence practices in a scheme analo- Delimiting the Tribal Era
ance for problems with the thin archaeological chaeological sequence. The distinction between gous to Madsen's (1982) nomadic foragers to sed-
record in question. In their working definition, the bands and tribes at the other end of the social con- entary collectors continuum for the Great Basin Distinctions and definitions of past social en-
three pillars of tribalism are the presence of agri- tinuum is much more difficult to make or to iden- groups of the American West. His analysis was tities aside, we have to deal with the contours of
culture, sedentism, and egalitarianism. Societies tify archaeologically as both involve small-scale, brought to our attention after we tumbled onto the extant archaeological data for inferring the pres-
having these characteristics are clearly tribal, but egalitarian societies. But its very difficulty calls current distinctions, so any similarities in the ence oftribes in proto-Mesoamerica and their dura-
this definition sets tribal membership too high to into question the analytical utility of making this typologies and their purported meanings are tion. Most evidence considered here concerns the
be useful for our current project as it only provides tough distinction. strictly accidental. end of the tribal era about 1200 be, with its begin-
space for complex tribes or village tribalism. Nu- The emergence of tribal societies from bands Our claim that tribal societies have been ig- nings being much more nebulous at 5000-3000 be,
merous tribal societies known cross-culturally are has not been addressed in the Mesoamerican lit- nored in the Mesoamerican literature rests on a depending on the region. There are different plau-
not sedentary, and others lack agriculture, so these erature, and given the difficulty of making the technical distinction that we need to clarify before sible beginning dates for proto-Mesoamerican
criteria cannot serve as universal characteristics distinction and the minor interpretive gain, it is proceeding to consider data issues. We refer to the tribes depending on the principal distinguishing
of tribalism. The only common characteristic all not critical for our analysis that we achieve razor use of this particular analytical category of evolu- criterion one champions as critical. The most likely
ethnographic tribes share with Sanders and Price's precision on this question. In reality, the data for tionary analysis and not to questions of any past possibilities are listed in Table 1. Here we take as
'tribes' is the presence of 'egalitarianism' (mean- the time periods involved are so scant that theo- reality of tribal societies in proto-Mesoamerica or our surrogate measure, or secondary indicator, of
ing achieved rather than ascribed social statuses), retical arguments over the precise dawn of tribal- to archaeological discussions of these past societ- tribalism the significant investment in horticul-
but in Sanders and Price's usage, egalitarianism is ism will have no practical effect on our analysis. ies under different labels and schema. The same ture, as roughly indicated by the clear presence of
a negative trait better understood as the absence For current purposes we consider tribal societies social entities considered 'tribes' following Service's domesticated plants such as corn in the archaeo-
of social stratification. This definition is too inclu- to be larger and more integrated than bands, the (1971) early views, have just as fruitfully been logical record about 5000 be. The tending and
sive because it fails to distinguish between social latter essentially being nomadic, nuclear or ex- considered from other theoretical perspectives as manipulation of plants long antedate this era in
stratification and hereditary rank. tended family groups. Tribes represent a shift in 'egalitarian' (Fried 1967; Service 1975), as 'agri- many places ofthe neotropics (Piperno and Pearsall
We compounded our first misstep with another organization and thus are more than momentary cultural villages' or 'tribal villages' (Pifia Chan 1998), but these activities most likely were part of
by approaching the task of identifying tribes "as if amalgamations of small bands into macro-band 1975:65), as 'egalitarian agricultural societies' band-level, hunting-and-gathering subsistence
they were unitary phenomena, believing that the groups. Here we consider minimal tribes to be in- (Matos 2000), as 'permanent villages' (McClung de strategies. Consequently, we do not think it appro-
impoverished data from proto-Mesoamerican tegrated above the level of extended families, per- Tapia and Zurita 2000), as 'autonomous villages' priate to bind tribal beginnings to the earliest evi-
preceramic sites would not allow us to move be- haps consisting of 30 or more people. Such groups (Marcus and Flannery 1996), 'egalitarian villages' dence of cultivated and/or domesticated plants. As
yond simple distinctions. Our monolithic thinking would have been smaller than many postulated (Marcus and Flannery 2001), or even as 'primitive argued by Piperno and Pearsall (1998), the 5000 be
created a nest of problems that we could only re- macro-bands; however, the issue is not transitory communities [comunidadprimitiva]' (Nalda 1981). date represents a noticeable shift in subsistence
solve by fragmenting the tribal concept into pos- group sizes but institutions of long-term social The notion of'tribe' puts a premium on social char- and land-use patterns and dependency on culti-
sible sub-types. In the real world, tribal social for- integration. acteristics while the other concepts emphasize vated crops. We take it as the earliest plausible
mations cover an impressive array of social com- Following this logic, we suggest that distinc- politics and/or economics. Each category derives date for tribal beginnings in proto-Mesoamerica.
plexity, as essays in this book attest. And the prin- tions among types oftribal groups accord with their from explanatory schemes that privilege certain The next significant shift in the Late Archaic
cipal identifying attributes vary according to the scale and/or institutions for achieving social cohe- causal factors in the evolutionary process. Sand- record occurred at about 2500 be all across the low-
spatial and temporal scales involved, as Fowles sion. Compared to band societies, tribes represent ers and Price's (1968) proposal for studying tribal lands. The evidence largely comes from sediment
and Parkinson note in their opening essay (this an advance in scale and integration of egalitarian societies never got off the ground because Me- cores that show consistent changes in vegetation
volume). We explore various temporal and spatial groups, and they are identified archaeologically by soamerican scholars continued to favor concepts communities characteristic ofdeforestation (reduc-
scales here for possible proto-Mesoamerican tribal evidence of either or both. Thus, nucleated villages derived from Lewis Henry Morgan's Ancient Soci- tion in the arboreal pollens), massive burning (a
societies. For current purposes we proceed with are by definition evidence of integration and scale, ety or Marxism which have emphasized the eco- dramatic increase in the percentage of carbon par-
the assumption that the analytical category of'tribe' and one need only determine whether they oper- nomic base or modes of production. These are more ticulates), and greater reliance on clearly domesti-

280 281
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

cated plants such as corn, manioc, and sweet po- Highlands as few occupations have been found in nence, and smaller collecting ranges are all impli- life that appears archaeologically as permanent
tato (for summaries see Fedick 2001; Piperno and the numerous known caves. This shift away from cated in the changing patterns (see Piperno and villages of ceramic-using agriculturalists repre-
Pearsall 1998; Pohl et al. 1996; Pope et al. 2001; natural shelters, presumably to open sites, implies Pearsall 1998). sented another significant shift from previous prac-
Rue 1989). These data are interpreted as evidence a basic change in subsistence and settlement pat- The beginning of the end for tribalism was the tices, but we believe it was to more complex forms
of slash-and-burn [swidden] agriculture and agri- terns for the highlands during this period. The emergence ofnucleated agricultural villages about of tribal organization from simpler ones, rather
cultural intensification-practices that continued known lowland sites and occupational traces are 1600-1400 be in most of proto-Mesoamerica. Be- than from non-tribal to tribal organization. Most
until the rise of permanent villages about 1600- small and dispersed, suggesting a practice of shift- cause these early villages lack any of the clear groups in proto-Mesoamerica adopted pottery and
1400 be. It is worth noting that this final period of ing cultivation and small hamlets. Increased popu- markers of hereditary rank or social stratification village life by about 1400 be and had developed or
the Late Archaic is poorly known in the Mexican lation and group size, greater settlement perma- (i.e., elite burials, special residential architecture, adopted social ranking or chiefdom organization
or abnormal clumps of wealth), they are presumed by 1000 be. Thus, the period we consider as ad-
to have been egalitarian and hence tribal. In all vanced tribalism (i.e., village tribes) lasted only
Table 1. Chronological variability in prehistoric Mesoamerican tribal societies. cases, villages are associated with the first use of four centuries or less in most regions. Our coarse-
Earliest Ranking,
Village pottery, and vice versa. Thus, pottery serves as a grained overview of the tribal era and possible
Preceramic, Early Youngest Late Oldest Pottery,
Archaic, bc bc bc
Tribal handy surrogate measure ofthe rise of village life changes in scale and complexity through time sug-
Corn, bc
Period in the data listed in Table 1. For some areas of gest that sedentary village life was antithetical to
1700 lower 1400-1000
1000 San Felipe
Mesoamerica, such as Tehuacan and Guerrero, triballifeways because group egalitarianism did
1500 Capacha & 600-400
1. West Mexico Ceboruco pottery was thought to long antedate the first vil- not long survive after the emergence of villages in
Patzcuaro 1100-S00 EI Opefio ?
1500 Patzcuaro El Opefio lages, but as Clark and Gosser (1995) argue, these any known region of proto-Mesoamerica.
5090 pollen, kernels 2000 1550 1150
2. Valley of Mexico 400 earliest dates for ceramics cannot withstand close
Tlapacoya Zohapilco Tlalpan Tlapacoya
5000-2500, pollen? 2500? 1500 1150?
scrutiny. The best data indicate the co-occurrence A Census of Proto-Mesoamerican
3. Puebla-Tlaxcala 350? of ceramics and village life. Tribal Societies
Tlaxcala Texcal Cave Tzompantepec Las Bocas
3500? 2500-2000 1600 >S50 Excluding the 11 pollen traces, the 54 Late
4. South Puebla <750
San Marcos Cave Abejas Cave Purr6n sites Tr 369, Tr 363 Archaic occupational sites known for proto-Me- The tribal challenge for Middle America is how
5. Central 1400 1000 soamerica (see Appendix 1B) were seasonal habi- to interpret scant evidence, or its shadows. Data
no data no data 400
Guerrero Cacahuananche Teopantecuanulan tation sites such as rock shelters, or specialized from lake and swamp sediment cores demonstrate
6. Valley of 7300, pollen 2000 1550 1200-1150 open air sites such as shell middens or chert sources that much more was going on at 2500-1600 be than
Oaxaca Guila Naquitz Martinez shelter Espirdi6n San Jose Mogote (Hesteret al.1996; Voorhies 1996). Many may rep- is clearly evident in any recovered artifacts
7. North Veracruz resent small hamlets ofshifting cultivators (Piper- (Table 1). We have plotted all verified Late Ar-
1S00-1400 1600 1100
& South 2200, corn cob 500
Romero Cave Chajil Altamirano no and Pearsall 1998) who made logistic forays chaic sites and pollen traces in Fig. 1 (see
8. North Central 2400 1600 1100 from semi-permanent base-camps and small ham- Appendix 1:A-D for documentation and critical
no data 500 lets to specialized sites to procure resources such commentary for Table 1 and Figs. 1-3). With the
Veracruz Santa Luisa Raudal Santa Luisa
9. Central 2400 1500 1100 as chert, obsidian, game animals, or shellfish. exception of northern Belize, proto-Mesoamerica
no data 400
Veracruz Colonia Ejidal unnamed EI Viej6n The favored beginning date for tribes in proto- was a sparsely populated place during the termi-
10. Southern 2250,pollen 2000 1500 1300
200 Mesoamerica depends on one's theoretical lean- nal Late Archaic period (MacNeish 1986; Stark
Veracruz Laguna Pompal Laguna Pompal Ojochi San Lorenzo ings, primary definitions, and interpretations of 1981,1986,2000; Voorhies 1996; Zeitlin and Zeitlin
4S00,pollen 2100 1400 1100 anemic evidence. We take the moderate view here 2000). This impression is corroborated by the low
11. Tabasco 300
San Andres cores San Andres Molina Zapata
that tribalism began with a significant reliance on frequency of subsequent early pottery sites as well
12. Central 4500, pollen 1600-14;>0? 1450 1100
Lato & Aripi Mirador-Miramar
350 domestic plants and horticulture about 5000 be (Fig. 2). One possible explanation for the paucity of
Chiapas Santa Marta Camcum shelter
13. Coastal 2500, phytoliths 1S00 1600 1400 and ended with the rise of rank societies about Late Archaic sites, therefore, is that there are not
200 1400-1100 be, thereby bracketing a tribal period of that many out there to find. Of course, a related
Chiapas Tlacuachero Chantuto Barra Paso de la Amada
2500 pollen, approximately four millennia. Different kinds of problem is the lack of diagnostic, non-perishable
14. Coastal 3500, phytoliths 1600 1300
Madre Vieja Grajeda
300 tribalism were involved, with increases in social artifacts for this period in all areas except north-
Guatemala Sipacate SlP001
Sipacate SIP99E complexity and scale through time, until the emer- ern Belize (see Hester et al. 1996; Iceland 1997;
15. Highland 1000? 950 SOO gence of rank societies. A more conservative read- Zeitlin 1984). There are few sites, and the ones
no data 150
Guatemala Quiche Basin Arevalo KaminaljuyU ing of the data would shorten the tribal period by known have almost no significant depth. If these
16. Lowland 3600 disturbance, 1500-900 900 S50
50 starting it at 3000-2500 be to correspond with the remains indeed represent residues left by past
Guatemala Peten Lakes Peten Lakes Eb Tikal and Uaxactun?
onset of shifting slash-and-burn agriculture and tribal societies, tribes were few and widely dis-
3500, pollen 1500-1100 1000
17. Belize 100 small hamlets ofcollectors or semi-sedentary farm- persed.
Cob & Cobweb CalM Cunil Cahal Pech
18. Northern 3000,pollen 1700? 1600 1300 ers. An even more conservative view would be to The sites and traces of human occupations
300 return to Sanders and Price's original prescription shown in Fig. 1 are more or less contemporaneous
Honduras Lake Yojoa core Puerto Escondido Barrahona Puerto Escondido
19. Western 2200,pollen 1700 1450 1000
and consider only egalitarian villagers as tribal. and convey an impression of population distribu-
Honduras Petapilla core 2 Copan Rayo Copan This was our initial bias in collecting the data, but tion and density during the terminal Archaic (ear-
2000 1550 1000 we now consider it an indefensible position. The lier Archaic sites are not shown). These sites rep-
20. EI Salvador no data 550
La Periquita Bostan Chalchuapa events and processes that culminated in the way of resent the 'pre-ceramic,' Late Archaic. In contrast,

282 283
116° 114° 112°
32° 32° I
30° 30°
26° I
24° ~
oo 20°
*'" .. SITES 18°
0 330 660km
114° 96°
94° 92°
88° 86° 84°
Map by MichelleKIlOIl
Fig. 1 Map of proto-Mesoamerica showing the distribution of the youngest Late Archaic sites.
- ----------""""",<~';,.,·.;;!:~i~*I ..
o 180
N .....
12. PURRON 24. MEDINA 37. CUELLO Map by MichelleKnoll
February 2001
Fig. 2 Map of proto-Mesoamerica showing the distribution of the earliest pottery for each area. Outlined areas represent the area of each ceramic ....
complex. ~
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

Fig. 2 displays the distribution of early ceramic identifications will be viewed by some as either
complexes and their most probable dates. We con- overly generous or stingy. All we are attempting
sider the style zones ofthe earliest pottery in each here is the best precision allowed by the nature of
region to be the best indicators of possible tribal the extant evidence and its measuring devices so
territories at the close of the tribal era. As men- that broad patterns will still become clear despite
tioned, early pottery also serves as an indirect some fuzzy data points. In all cases the pattern is
measure of village sedentism (see Arnold 1999 for the familiar one of early events having subsequent
a speculative critique ofthe supposed link between effects in time and space. All three phenomena
pottery use and sedentism for early Mesoamerica). listed in Table 1 (early corn, pottery, and ranking)
As mapped in Fig. 2, delimited zones of early pot- follow this pattern. As detailed in the accompany-
tery use do not represent contemporaneous phe- ing appendices, we have trimmed or restored a
nomena but rather a temporal series for the spread century here and there to various original claims
and adoption of ceramic technology. Of particular for absolute chronology to bring phenomena in line
interest here are a pair offacts: First, pottery was with recent findings. More temporal refinements
adopted simultaneously in the different corners of will be necessary, and will occur, but for now the
proto-Mesoamerica about 1600-1500 be (see Clark data listed are as current and chronologically ac-
and Gosser 1995), and second, the Maya Lowlands curate as we can make them.
was the last major sector of proto-Mesoamerica to The distributions in Figs. 1-3 provide the es-
adopt pottery. We explore implications ofthe Maya sential information concerning the territorial pres-
case in following discussion, but for now we ob- ence and duration of tribal societies in proto-Me-
serve that one reason for the significantly greater soamerica, and for their spread and later usur-
number of Late Archaic sites in northern Belize pation. These data, as well as those listed in Table
may be that the Late Archaic (i.e., aceramic) pe- 1, bracket the tribal era, beginning with the ap-
riod there persisted 600 years longer than else- pearance ofhorticulture and ending with the emer-
where and is not deeply buried under recent allu- gence of simple chiefdom or rank societies. In com-
vium. In fact, the Late Preceramic period (1500- paring Figs. 1-3, what is noteworthy is the dis-
900 bc; Iceland 1997) in Belize aligns with the first placement ofthe first ceramic-using villagers from
three to five pottery phases along the Pacific and the places favored by Late Archaic peoples. With
GulfCoasts and in the central Mexican highlands, few exceptions, Late Archaic remains do not un-
regions that during this interval included scores of derlie those ofthe earliest Formative (see MacNeish
small villages and hamlets and some capital cen- 1986:122). The three sites with aceramic deposits
ters (Clark 1997). A strictly contemporaneous com- directly or shallowlybeneath those ofceramic-bear-
parison of population distribution at 1200-1000 be ing layers (Appendix 1B: 22. Camcum, 23. Vuelta
would show Belize as sparsely populated compared Limon, and 61. Puerto Escondido) are problematic
to other occupied regions of Mesoamerica. This as the deposits are only hypothesized to be Late
temporal lag in social developments is clearly evi- Archaic because pot sherds are absent in the very
dent in Table 1. Most areas of Mesoamerica had lowest levels, but these may merely be aceramic, E
chiefdom societies before the peoples ofthe Maya Early Formative deposits. At most other sites with o

Lowlands brought themselves to accept pottery and underlying Archaic levels there is a significant '"
other civilizing ways. depositional discontinuity of nearly a millennium
Fig. 3 provides visual confirmation of the tem- between Late Archaic deposits and later, overly-
poral progression and spread of social practices. ing ceramic ones, so no continuity of occupation is o
Note the succession of dates for the earliest evi- implicated. In fact, the discontinuity is so striking
dence of social ranking from region to region. By in most instances that it can only be by chance
'ranking' we refer to evidence for hereditary rank, rather than social memory that the superimposi-
or social practices most would attribute to simple tion occurred (Appendix 1B: 6. Zohapilco/Tlapa-
chiefdom societies. We have not attempted to be coya, 15. Santa Luisa, 18. Colonia Ejidal, 29. San o

exhaustive in our listings in Table 1 and Fig. 3 of Carlos, and 64. Copan). This superimposition high-
all rank societies in Mesoamerica; rather, we at- lights the second discontinuity evident in Table 1.
tempt broad coverage of proto-Mesoamerica to There is a substantial chronological gap in most
provide a simplified picture ofthe origin and growth regions between the latest Late Archaic and the
of Mesoamerica as a region ofhigh culture. Assess- earliest Early Formative. This gap corresponds
ments of the beginnings of ranking are particu- precisely to the missing period in most highland
larly difficult when data are scarce, so many of our cave sequences.

286 287
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

Early Formative and terminal Late Archaic is therefore significantfor tribal questions. Ifthese ofpossible proto-Mesoamerican tribal institutions. and ducks, includingpintails, mallards, shovelers,
sites seldom are found in the same locations, so ghostly Archaic lowlanders were sedentary, they Here we briefly review well-published cases from teals, and red-heads. On riverine fertile alluvial
excavation of one type of site rarely reveals evi- chose to park themselves elsewhere-presumably the highland valleys of Mexico and Oaxaca and soils, horticultural experiments were already un-
dence of the other. We believe the spatial and tem- exploiting a different suite of natural resources coastal Chiapas, Mexico, and we devote more space derway; they also took advantage ofthe resources
poral disjunctions between these sites signal dif- than during subsequent periods ofincreasing reli- to making a case for the Lowland Maya of Belize. of the neighboring pine-oak-alder forests, habitat
ferent subsistence and settlement pursuits and ance on agriculture, or following a different strat- Unlike the other three cases, we consider two de- of small and large mammals such as the white-tail
priorities. The gap at the end of the Archaic period egy for incorporating horticultural pursuits within scending regional scales of analysis for the Low- deer.
implies a shift in tribal strategies and possibly of their mixed economies. land Maya. Our principal interest in reviewing Duringthe third millennium B.C., agricultural
integrative mechanisms. We noted the widespread In contradistinction to the Late Archaic-to- these tribal histories is to draw out evidence pro- practices with such plants as maize, amaranth,
evidence in the lowlands of Middle America for Formative spatio-temporal disjunction and its posed by various scholars of integrative, egalitar- green tomato, squash, chayote, and chili pepper
significant forest clearance and cultivation of corn entailed shift in cultural practices, the transition ian social practices in proto-Mesoamerica. were fully implemented. Zohapilco's inhabitants
(and other cultigens) about 2500 be. Viewed in from early hamlets to ranked villages was one of then used larger and more standardized stone-
broader context, these linked phenomena give rise spatial continuity. Most sites shown in Fig. 3 were Lacustrine tribal adaptations in the grinding tools (Niederberger 1996:84).
to three important observations. also the earliest villages in their regions and the Valley of Mexico In terms of our more general concern with the
First, the earliest occurrence of cultigens in epicenters ofdistinct ceramic complexes and styles emergence of tribal societies in Mesoamerica,
the archaeological record about 7000 be did not (Fig. 2) that signaled zones of intimate social and A 50 meter-long trench excavated in 1969 by Zohapilco at 5500 be provides the earliest evidence
correspond to any obvious shift in hunting-and- economic contact. In reductionist terms, it looks Christine Niederberger (1976, 1979, 1987, 1996) of sedentism (pre-ceramic) and horticulture, the
gathering lifestyles. There are no positive archaeo- like earlyvillages grew into big villages-that tribal through stratified fossil beaches at the site of latter involving the minor use ofcereals that would
logical indications of changes in group size or habi- village societies invented or adopted institutions Zohapilco-Tlapacoya (Fig. 1:6),located on the shore become significant staples for later peoples. Of
tation permanence, nor any notable impact on the of ascribed ranking. This observation falls well of Lake Chalco-Xochimilco in the southern Basin particular interest is the possibility of "marked
environment correspondingto the first appearance short of being an explanation, but it does appear of Mexico, provides the best information for an territorial stability" at this early date, based largely
of cultigens. The first evidence of a minor change obvious that sedentism and agriculture were inte- Archaic-to-Formative sequence for the temperate on naturally-available resources (Niederberger
is with the adoption of horticulture about 5000 be, gral to the basic process ofinstitutionalizing social highlands of Mexico. Although there are no ad- 1979:141). Most ofthe information, however, con-
thus our preference for making this the earliest inequality and that these twin practices became equate Archaic settlement pattern data for this cerns paleo-environments and subsistence prac-
plausible date for the beginnings of minimal tribal common towards the end of the period we consider highland basin, information from Zohapilco (the tices rather than mechanisms of social integra-
societies in proto-Mesoamerica. the tribal era. Archaic component) and Tlapacoya (the Forma- tion. We do not know how extensive Zohapilco was
Second, the peoples who started burning and We drew attention to the continuity between tive component) provide critical diachronic data during any given occupation or how it related to
clearing forests for agricultural fields and/or hunt- early pottery-using villages and the rise of social for addressing tribal issues. other settlements or camps in the same region. De
ing practices about 3000-2500 be are almost ar- ranking or, put differently, of the 'tribal demise,' Starting at 5500 be with the Playa phase (5500- Terra (1959) reports two other possible, contempo-
chaeologically invisible in terms of artifacts. Our but we abstained from attributing the process of 3500 be), there was a nearly continuous occupa- raneous Middle Archaic sites near the shores of
knowledge of them comes from paleobotanical data tribal usurpation to ecological factors or to natural tion at this lake shore site; the two significant in- the various connected lakes in the Basin ofMexico.
that indicate that corn, manioc, sweet potatoes, social growth. The data in Table 1 (Figs. 1-3) show terruptions (at 3500-2500 and 2000-1450 be) re- One deposit dating to about 4500 be was recovered
and other managed plants had become much more that ranking spread through time and space, mean- late to rises in lake levels and/or devastating ef- beneath the Formative levels at Tlatilco, to the
significant in peoples' diets by this time (Piperno ing that history mattered in the dispersal of these fects of local volcanic eruptions. Niederberger west, and an occupation surface with two stone-
and Pearsall 1998). The very artifactual invisibil- cultural practices. Rank societies in coastal Chiapas (1996,2000) argues for a slow, local evolutionary lined hearths, an adult burial, and a variety of
ity of these peoples, coupled with the pollen and and highland Oaxaca and Mexico arguably could process from proto-agriculture to the rise of rank cutting and grinding stone tools was recovered to
soot trails of their shifting cultivation and forest have developed under pristine conditions (Clark societies at Tlapacoya (about 1150 be) and for early the north on Lake Texcoco at San Vicente
clearance, suggest a change from more mobile 1997), but those in the Maya Lowlands were surely sedentism and horticulture. Zohapilco was a fa- Chicoloapan.
lifeways to exploitation of different resource derivative or secondary (Cheetham 1998). The early vorable location for human occupation through time On the map of early pottery distributions
patches. We think this dark period of prehistory Lowland Maya were among the last peoples in because of "splendid landscapes and abundant (Fig. 2), we represent the earliest ceramics at
(2500-1600 be) was the heyday oftribalism across proto-Mesoamerica to forego their tribal ways. The resources" and an "extraordinaryecological bounty" Tlapacoya and the Basin of Mexico as the Nevada
proto-Mesoamerica as slash-and-burn agriculture same tardiness, however, cannot be claimed for that provided food resources during all seasons of complex, although it is younger than the postu-
and cultigens spread and became more important. the emergence of tribal practices themselves, as a the year (Niederberger 1996:83). lated and poorly-known Tlalpan complex from
The temporal discontinuities suggest exploitation consideration of individual tribal histories shows. Studies of ancient landscapes and faunal, pol- across the lake at Cuicuilco (Appendix 1C:6). The
ofdifferent resource patches, and in different ways. len, and archaeological remains have shown that distribution ofNevada pottery is largely hypotheti-
Third, we previously acknowledged the spa- Diverse Tribal Histories and the shores ofthe freshwater Chalco-Xochimilco lake cal pending more data from other early sites. It is
tial disjunction between Late Archaic sites and the Adaptations at Tlapacoya-Zohapilco was occupied year-round important to point out that this early pottery re-
permanent hamlets and villages of the earliest by pre- or protoagricultural communities as early lates most closely to that from highland Oaxaca, to
pottery-users. These ceramic-users were sedentary Information concerning the development and as the sixth millennium B.C. (Niederberger 1987). the southeast, and there is some evidence of early
villagers and, in most instances, dependent on organization of tribal societies is available from Its inhabitants had access to nearby and diversi- trade between these two highland regions
agriculture for a livelihood. Presumably they chose four distinct environmental regions of proto-Me- fied ecological zones. They exploited a lacustrine (Niederberger 2000). Unfortunately, the Nevada
the best overall locations to settle down and plant soamerica. From case to case the data are extremely environment rich with fishes, turtles, and amphib- phase (ca. 1400-1250 be) at Tlapacoya is poorly
their favored crops, whether cereals or tubers. That uneven and incomplete, but they are all that are ians or resident aquatic birds, such as coots and represented, so we lack details of village tribalism
earlier peoples had not occupied the same ground currently available for cobbling together a picture Mexican ducks, as well as migratory geese, grebes, beyond the artifacts themselves, which consist

288 289
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

principally of potsherds, a few ceramic figurine be, just before the advent of egalitarian village life evidence from Cueva Blanca suggests that it was the dawn of tribalism. Other activities thought to
fragments, and stone tools. At the neighboring and the use of ceramics; the evidence from these a logistical camp of male deer-hunters rather than have been undertaken during seasonal reunions
center of Tlatilco located across the lake, for the two sites is remarkably thin (Marcus and Flan- a microband camp typical of earlier periods. If so, at sites such as Gheo-Shih include "group ritual,
following Ayotla phase (ca. 1250-1000 be) archae- nery 1996:59). This interval is also the most poorly- this signals an important shift in subsistence strat- gift-giving, exchange, and perhaps even initiation
ologists have found numerous burials with vessel known period in the neighboring Tehuacan Valley egies and mobilityfrom foraging sites to base camps/ and courtship" (Marcus and Flannery 1996:53).
and figurine offerings, includingoccasional ceramic sequence (MacNeish 1972; cf. Niederberger 1979). logistical camps (ibid.) that might indicate the Many of these same activities continued as basic
masks and rattles (Garcia Moll et al. 1991), both of Even with this critical gap in the sequence, how- beginnings oftribal organization. Marcus and Flan- practices of social interaction in later time periods.
which may relate to dancing and public rituals. ever, the Oaxaca data provide a rich record ofvil- nery (1996:53) estimate the total Late Archaic With the rise of autonomous village groups, how-
It is not clear, however, how many inferences lage tribalism from about 1450 be until the advent population of the 2000 km-Valley of Oaxaca at 75- ever, two other beliefs and practices are thought to
about antecedent tribal institutions one can of rank societies around 1150-1000 be. Settlement 150 people. have been critical. "One was a beliefin descent from
squeeze from data concerning subsequent rank survey data for sequential ceramic periods, coupled As discussed, the third millennium be in proto- a common ancestor. The other was membership in
systems. The earliest evidence of significant social with extensive excavation data from houses and Mesoamerica witnessed significant changes in fraternal orders to which one had to be initiated"
distinctions and possibly of inherited leadership house compounds, provide information on possible subsistence strategies, most apparent in the low- (Marcus and Flannery 1996:25). These practices
in Tlapacoya and neighboring regional centers are institutions ofsocial integration at the end of tribal lands with the appearance of swidden agriculture segregated along public and private domains.
Ayotla phase ceramic figurines that depict adult times during the Early Formative period. and a greater commitment to maize agriculture. The evidence for these remarkable inferences
males in towering headdresses and elaborate sha- The Oaxaca and Tehuacan data indicate the There are divergent ways to interpret the Oaxaca come from analyses of village life for the Tierras
man and/or ballplayer's garb (Bradley and persistence of band-level societies well past our record compared to those of its neighbors in proto- Largas phase (1400-1150 be) and the first half of
Joralemon 1993)-perhaps indicating that the proposed 5000 be date for the beginnings of tribal- Mesoamerica, butwe think they indicate that tribal the following San Jose phase (1150-850 be), Ear-
source of some of their legitimacy came from par- ism. It is important to stress here that the spread institutions were adopted in highland Oaxaca about lier pottery and a domestic structure were found
ticipation in these public activities and rituals. of tribal institutions in proto-Mesoamerica was two millennia after their appearance in other re- for an ephemeral Espirdi6n complex (1550-1400
Some of the costume items depicted on the human neither uniform nor synchronous. It is very likely, gions such as the Basin ofMexico and the lowlands be, our beginning estimate), but these sherds are
male figurines, such as mirrors and jade jewelry, for a number of plausible historical and ecological (see below). The period we hypothesize for the be- currently limited to one small excavation from the
were included in high-status burials at Tlatilco reasons, that groups in the semi-arid valleys of ginnings oftribalism in the Valley ofOaxaca (3000- site of San Jose Mogote, the principal Early For-
and Tlapacoya (Niederberger 1996, 2000). Informa- Tehuacan and Oaxaca adopted horticulture and 1500 be) is only poorly represented. Of itself, this mative site of the Valley (Marcus and Flannery
tion from other contemporaneous regions of proto- tribal ways much later than did groups living in fact implies a change in subsistence-settlement 1996:75). Tierras Largas pottery is the first easily
Mesoamerica support the idea that both shaman- the lowlands (see Piperno and Pearsall 1998:314). patterns and mobilityfrom earlier times, with most recognizable and widely dispersed ware in the re-
ism and ball-playingwere tribal institutions deeded Unlike the lake-dwellers ofthe temperate Valley sites being open-air logistic camps or base camps. gion. Settlement during the Tierras Largas phase
to later Mesoamerican societies and were impor- of Mexico and the hunter-fisher-gatherers of the One early open-air site is of particular interest extended to all three narrow arms of the Oaxaca
tant mechanisms of tribal social integration. Ce- lowland neotropics, Archaic peoples of the Valley because it sheds light on possible egalitarian insti- Valley, with 19 sites being known. An estimated
ramic masks for covering the lower-half of one's ofOaxaca (and Tehuacan) followed a more nomadic tutions. Gheo-Shih, a Middle Archaic site (5000- 463-925 persons occupied these branch valleys
face are known from Tlatilco (also portrayed on foraging pattern dictated by the availability of 4000 be) 1.5 ha in extent and located on the valley towards the close of this phase (Marcus and Flan-
early figurines) and have been interpreted as evi- seasonal foods. Flannery and Marcus follow floor,is thought to represent a summermacroband nery 1996:78). Most lived in widely dispersed ham-
dence of dance societies; they certainly do indicate MacNeish's (1964, 1972) Tehuacan Valley inter- camp for exploiting mesquite pods that produced lets one to three ha in size, with San Jose Mogote
public rituals and occasions ofsome kind that likely pretation of small campsites and occupational sur- "180-200 kg of edible portions per ha" during June- being the exception to the rule at seven ha. During
go back to the tribal era (see Lesure 1997, 1999). faces in caves and rockshelters and see them as August (Flannery et al. 1981:62). A cleared rectan- Tierras Largas times the population at this large
seasonal microband camps left by 4-6 people. Dur- gular space 20 x 7 m in the middle ofthe site, lined site was loosely distributed in "nine discrete resi-
Riverine tribal adaptations in the Valley ing certain seasons ofthe year, several small bands on it long sides by small boulders, is thought to dential areas," with an estimated population of71-
of Oaxaca came together as a macroband of 15 to 25 people to have been a "dance ground" (Flannery 2001; Flan- 186 people (Marcus and Flannery 1996:78). Each
harvest abundant resources (Marcus and Flannery neryetal.1981:62;MarcusandFlannery1996:58). residential sector of San Jose Mogote was about
In contrast to the site-specific information from 1996:52). The interpretation of seasonal aggrega- Evidence of small rustic shelters or windbreaks the size ofone ofthe small outlyinghamlets, thought
the Basin of Mexico, the Valley of Oaxaca provides tions and dispersals of small bands mapping on to surround the demarcated, cleared area; and there to have housed about 25-50 people each. Hamlets
the best diachronic and synthetic data for evaluat- environmental resources takes Jennings's (1957) is possible evidence for the special manufacture of comprised 5-10 comfortably-spaced, small house-
ing tribal societies in Middle America. The Oaxaca proposed Desert Archaic adaptation-based on stone pebble beads in this habitation zone. holds of 4-5 people, each household with its own
sequence extends back to 9000 be and is continu- Steward's (1938, 1955) Great Basin Shoshone No similar ornament-making area has been yard and subterranean storage pits. Over 50 per-
ous until the present-day (Flannery et al. 1981; study-as its model. Occupational surfaces in the found at any of the smaller sites of the Archaic. cent of Valley population, however, was dispersed
Marcus and Flannery 1996). Early occupations in Oaxaca caves and rockshelters represent seasonal Like the boulder-lined 'dance ground', this area around the large village of San Jose Mogote in the
this semi-arid highland valley are known from use by small, mixed groups of men, women, and for ornament manufacture implies that when northern branch valley (Etla), the location of the
caves, rockshelters, and a few open-air sites; later children. Flannery and his colleagues interpret the temporary abundance allowed Archaic forag- most favorable soil and ecological conditions for
occupations hug the banks of the few small rivers data for Oaxaca from 8000-3000 be as evidence of ers to get together in camps of 15-25 persons, growing beans, squash, corn, and chili, as well as
that bisect the three, long branch valleys that com- band societies (Flannery et al. 1981:57:table 3-1; they engaged in social, ritual, and craft activi- the best access to the adjacent mountain slopes for
prise the greater Valley of Oaxaca. Only two pos- cf. MacNeish 1972 for Tehuacan), with an impor- ties not carried out at smaller camps. (Marcus procuring a variety ofraw materials and foodstuffs
sible sites (Cueva Blanca and the Martinez tant shift from foraging to collecting strategies and Flannery 1996:59) (Marcus and Flannery 1996:81-82).
rockshelter in the Mitla area; see Fig. 1:10) have occurring about 3000 be (Marcus and Flannery All these data suggest several band-level integra- Near the western edge of the San Jose Mogote
been reported for the critical period of 3000-1500 1996:61). In particular, the limited Late Archaic tive mechanisms for promoting group cohesion at village cluster, Flannery and his associates uncov-

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John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

ered a stratified series of small public buildings to be part of a woman's ritual complex centered in Oaxacan tribal institutions unless, and until, more investigation off and on for the past 50 years
dating to Tierras Largas times and lasting into the the home....there was a separate men's ritual com- compelling evidence is forthcoming. (Drucker 1948; Lorenzo 1955), with systematic
San Jose phase (Flannery and Marcus 1976:210- plex, focused on Men's Houses at some distance In their overall appraisal of the evidence of investigations undertaken the past 30 years by
11). The superimposed buildings' special construc- from the household." Fragments of figurines, pre- village egalitarianism (our tribalism) in highland Barbara Voorhies (1976, 1996,2001) and her asso-
tion, form, orientation, treatment, and features dominantly ofwomen, are ubiquitous in household Oaxaca, Marcus and Flannery draw on three fa- ciates (Kennett and Voorhies 1996; Michaels and
distinguish them from residential structures. refuse, but none have been found in the special mous ethnographic models taken from the America Voorhies 1999; Voorhies et al. 1991). It has always
Marcus and Flannery (1996:87) see these sequen- structures thought to be Men's Houses. Likewise, Southwest, New Guinea, and Highland Burma. been clear that the Late Archaic exploitation of
tial buildings as the ancient Oaxacan equivalent of burials occur associated with houses, or under their They see the transitional stage of egalitarianism aquatic resources in the mangrove estuaries and
Men's Houses, "initiates temples," or kivas known floors, but not with the special public buildings in the Valley of Oaxaca, most clearly evident at lagoons of this coastal zone represented special-
ethnographically in which ceremonies were car- (Marcus and Flannery 1996:87-88). As noted, burial San Jose Mogote and its environs, as one of groups ized and perhaps seasonal activities that were an
ried out for a select group ofvillagers. "Periodically of one's ancestors around the house constituted a organized around competing charismatic leaders integral part of a broader subsistence system that
each such building was razed, and a new one was clear property claim. It must also have been a fun- (analogous to New Guinea big-men) that evolved included inland sites and terrestrial pursuits. Only
built on virtually the same spot. Measuring no more damentallyimportant ritual act for restoring group into rank systems similar to those reported for one inland site in the Chantuto region has been
than 4 x 6 m, these buildings could only have ac- cohesion after the loss ofone ofits members. Marcus Highland Burma. Their composite model explains located and investigated to date (Voorhies 1996),
commodated a fraction of the community" (ibid.). and Flannery (1996:84) make the important point many of the activities reconstructed for Tierras so our understanding of the Late Archaic system
They may have served as "limited-access struc- that the unstandardized mortuary treatment and Largas times, as well as the evolution of heredi- remains tilted towards specialized exploitation of
tures where a small number offully initiated men orientations of graves show that each person mer- tary leadership during the San Jose phase. shellfish and related aquatic resources, with the
could assemble to plan raids or hunts, carry out iting social recognition and burial was treated as San Jose Mogote must... have had a succession remaining part of the subsistence-settlement pat-
agricultural rituals, smoke or ingest sacred plants, an individual rather than according to social roles. of self-selected, socially ambitious leaders who tern being hypothesized rather than demonstrated.
and/or communicate with the spirits" (ibid.), All of This changed in the following phase with the emer- knew how to turn their hard-won agricultural Understandings ofthe earliestvillages located
these practices and rites would have served to dif- gence of hereditary social ranks and stereotypic surplus into prestigious public works. Such on the low coastal plain in the Mazatan region (Fig.
fuse social tensions (at least among the leading interments in special cemeteries (Marcus and Flan- men, the ethnographic record tells us, accumu- 2:23) suffer from the same deficiencies because Late
males ofthe community) and promote social cohe- nery 1996:96). late more than their share of wives, kinsmen, Archaic antecedents to village life there remain
sion, as is thought to be the case for the practices The postulated Earth and Sky Clan distinc- and affines, as well as a body offollowers who undiscovered and unknown. Based on the inferred
carried out in the ethnographic analogous struc- tions among Early Formative groups living in do their bidding in return for favors and re- contours ofthe earliest sedentaryvillage life, Clark
tures from which Marcus and Flannery draw their Oaxaca date to the period in which leadership at flected glory. It was probably this kind oflead- and Blake (1994) speculate about the necessary
inspiration. San Jose Mogote became hereditary rather than to ership, and not simply Class I land, that at- nature of antecedent, Late Archaic societies, but
Ancestor veneration and a lineage principle the Tierras Largas phase of village egalitarian- tracted nine clusters of families to San Jose their ideas on these matters remain to be tested
have been inferred from early ceramic figurines ism. Nonetheless, these clan distinctions are Mogote during the Tierras Largas phase. against actual archaeological evidence. Despite
and slightly later ceramic vessels carved with de- thought to predate the origins of rank and only to (Marcus and Flannery 1996:88) these mammoth deficiencies in the data for the
signs of supernatural creatures thought to repre- have become materialized in specially-carved ce- A similar process of competitive leadership appears coastal Late Archaic, we do have some secure data
sent Earthquake (earth) and Lightening (sky), dual ramic vessels at this later time (Flannery and to have occurred among the early ceramic-using that shed light on possible tribal institutions and
forces of nature still important to the Zapotec de- Marcus 1994:387; cf. Clark 1997 and Lesure 2000). villagers of coastal Chiapas, Mexico, but at an their antiquity in this region.
scendants of the early inhabitants of the Valley of Similar dichotomous distinctions among contem- earlier time period. The earliest evidence of human occupation of
Oaxaca (Marcus and Flannery 1996:95). Ancestor poraneous groups, as evident in distributions of the Chiapas coast comes from the recentlyinvesti-
veneration was critical to social integration be- similarly decorated ceramic vessels, are thought Coastal tribal adaptations in Chiapas gated Middle Archaic shell midden at Cerro de las
cause: to have been in force all across proto-Mesoamerica Conchas, dating to 5000-3000 be (Blake et al. 1995;
An individual is integrated into a large group (Marcus 1999). It is important to stress that the In no other region of proto-Mesoamerica is the Voorhies 1996). Recovered food remains show ex-
of relatives by shared descent; the spirits of the claims made for the meaning of the designs and spatial disjunction between terminal Late Archaic ploitation of a mangrove estuary and lagoon envi-
ancestors are invited to take part in descen- their distributions have not been demonstrated. and Early Formative village societies as stark as ronment. The only formal artifacts are perforated
dants' activities; the continued presence ofthe Their interpretation as clan insignia is logically for the earliest societies of the Chiapas coast. Ar- large bivalve shells [anadara grandisi, large
ancestors, either as burials or curated skeletal implausible, however, and therefore unacceptable, chaic shell middens known from the mid-coast date turtleshell fishhooks, and an occasional heating
parts, makes farming and warfare successful, regardless of how well they might fit professional from 5000 to 1800 be, and the earliest villages and stone. Unlike the later shell middens reported by
reinforcing one's right to a particular plot of preconceptions oftribal and early rank societies. It ceramics (1600 be) are from the Mazatan region Voorhies (1976) for the Late Archaic (3000-1800
land. (Marcus and Flannery 1996:78) distends credibility to claim that all early Me- located 60 km down the coast to the southeast; a be), a variety of shellfish were exploited at Cerro de
With the exception of one baked-clay, female soamerican societies split into moieties, and that broad freshwater swamp system separates the two las Conchas rather than the monotonous mounds
human figurine found at Zohapilco (Niederberger they were the same two thought to have existed in regions. Although environmental conditions ofboth of small marsh clams evident at these later shell
1979) in 2200 be preceramic levels, human ceramic early Oaxaca (ibid.). Rather, the distribution of sectors of the coast differ drastically from those of heaps. Other than the different types of shells con-
figurines first appear in other regions of proto- excised and inscribed ceramic vessels with super- the highland valleys already considered, the de- stituting the middens, other estuarine resources
Mesoamerica with the first evidence of nucleated natural creatures relates to the spread ofinstitu- velopments and transformations of tribalism in exploited appear to have been similar.
villages and pottery. The three co-occur with great tions of hereditary rank from an outside source coastal Chiapas parallel those postulated for these In a recent study of seasonality based on oxy-
consistency. For Tierras Largas phase villagers, rather than to indigenous developments within the other regions. gen isotope analysis of the growth layers of marsh
Marcus and Flannery (1996:87) "consider most of Valley of Oaxaca (see Clark 1997), so the designs The shell middens in the Chantuto area ofthe clams from early and late shell middens, Kennett
these figurines to represent female ancestors, and should not be taken as evidence of pre-rank Chiapas coast (Fig. 1:23-28) have been subject to and Voorhies (1996) demonstrate that later shell

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John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

middens were used exclusively during the rainy shell middens ceased to be visited slightly before buttressed by a significant commitment to raising Mesoamerica. They suggest that the superimposed
season (May-October), whereas the earlier shell this time (Blake et al. 1995). In the Mazatan re- crops-probably manioc and sweet potatoes, with series of large, oval buildings at Mound 6 at the
midden evinces use throughout the year. In the gion, the earliest ceramics (Barra complex, ca. 1600- some maize (Clark 1994b)-allowed production of southern end of Paso de la Amada, Chiapas, would
grand scheme of things, Kennett and Voorhies in- 1450 be) were some ofthe most elaborate. By 1400 surpluses that were deployed by aggrandizers for have served as "initiates' temples" in a manner
terpret these data to indicate a shift in subsistence be, there was clear evidence of rank societies in social ends. This interpretation of tribal practices similar to the small public buildings at San Jose
strategies between 5000 and 3000 be, from forag- this region. The emergence of institutionalized parallels the most recent model for highland Mogote, Oaxaca. Their proposal is at odds with
ing to collecting. This hypothesized change, and its hereditaryinequalityjust two centuries or less after Oaxaca, as summarized above. Blake's (1991) and Clark's (1994b, 1997; Clark and
timing, accord well with others seen throughout the appearance of sedentary villages and ceramics During their final season ofexcavation at Paso Blake 1994) interpretation of these structures as
proto-Mesoamerica for the same period. suggests the prior presence of sophisticated, de la Amada, Warren Hill and Michael Blake dis- chiefly residences, and as the most compelling
Two other interpretations of the late-shell aceramic tribal groups in the region for which there covered a clay-surfaced ballcourt dating to the evidence for inherited inequalities within one fam-
middens are of interest. The principal implication is currently no direct concrete evidence (Clark beginning of the site (Hill et al. 1998). The ily line. We will not rehearse the original argu-
of the late shell middens as seasonal specialized 1994b; Clark and Blake 1994). ballcourt's antiquity and its construction history ments of the primary investigators here. It should
activity areas-or logistic camps-is that base We will not pursue here the wisdom of imagin- suggest that the well-known Mesoamerican be sufficient to point out some of the striking dif-
camps were located elsewhere. One possible in- ing undiscovered inland Late Archaic Chiapas ballgamewas a tribal institution of special signifi- ferences between the two series ofbuildings in light
land base camp has been located (Vuelta Limon, coastal societies; rather, we consider postulated cance. Other evidence ofearly ballplaying in proto- of Marcus and Flannery's (1996:87) observations
Appendix IE. 23), but the occupation layer is thin tribal institutions supported by real evidence for Mesoamerica and South America, such as the male and criteria for distinguishing public buildings from
and provides few clues to the activities, or their village tribalism. Barra villages are rather evenly figurines of ballplayers in highland Mexico, sup- residences. In contrast to the swept and cleaned
seasonality, once carried out there. Presumably, spaced across the region. In Clark's (1994b) sur- port this conclusion (Hill 1999). The "dance ground" Men's Houses at San Jose Mogote, the various
corn and root crop agriculture would have been a vey, 38 Barra-phase sites were identified, with the at Gheo-Shih, for example, could have been a simple instantiations of the special building at Paso de la
principal activity around inland base camps. Sec- largest at Paso de la Amada taking up 10.85 ha of playing court (Taube 1992). Hill and Clark (2001) Amada are associated with truck-loads of domes-
ond, activities effected at shell middens involved occupied space. Paso de la Amada at this time was argue that construction of a formal ballcourt at tic refuse, including the highest concentration of
specialized procurement and production, such as a dispersed village consisting of different occupa- Paso de la Amada, and promotion of ballgame female figurines at the site, as well as sub-floor
drying fish, shellfish, or even shrimp. Some ofthese tional clusters. "There appear to have been at least matches among rival villages, helped foster a tran- burials of infants and patio burials of women.
dried food products may have been items of re- 10 units of comparable size in the village cluster. sition to rank society among Chiapas coastal Clearly, the Paso de la Amada buildings were not
gional and long-distance exchange. The first evi- The various pockets of occupation, with their asso- groups. Important side features of gaming would Men's Houses. On the other hand, they were not
dence of obsidian exchange from the distant Gua- ciated special residence, appear as neighborhoods also have included gambling and feasting (ibid.). run-of-the-mill residences either, nor strictly do-
temala highlands dates to the Late Archaic (Nelson or barrios and could possibly represent groups of Interestingly, ballplayer figurines have not been mestic. The argument here is really over analyti-
and Voorhies 1980); products from the shell related kin" (Clark 1994b:380). Population for early found in the Mazatan region (see Clark 1994b; cal categories rather than archaeological data. The
middens may have been items circulated in this Paso de la Amada is estimated at 270-380 people, Lesure 1997, 1999), although they are known for public-versus-private distinction for structures is
Archaic exchange system (Clark 1994b). with over 600 people calculated for the 200 km 2 Gulf Coast societies, the Basin of Mexico, and a false dichotomy, as anyone who has thrown a
One early feature from Tlacuachero, a seasonal region. This is a comparable population to the Western Mexicofor the Early Formative (Hill 1999). party in her home knows. The special residences at
shell midden in the estuary lagoon system, was a Tierras Largas population ofthe Valley of Oaxaca, Material traces ofbasic tribal institutions noted Mound 6, Paso de la Amada, were obviously built
20 em thick, 20 by 50 meter clay living surface that but in a zone a tenth its size. In the following phase, for other regions are also present in the Mazatan for show and also for accommodating large crowds,
included posthole impressions of several small Paso de la Amada quadrupled in size while the Early Formative, namely, ceramic human figurines especially in the ample northern patio area. Such
structures (Voorhies et al. 1991:31). The clay was population in the region increased ten-fold (Clark and distinct, fancy ceramic vessels. It is not clear, multiple uses of residential space probably extend
canoed into the site from upriver and would have 1994b:212). This phenomenal population growth however, whether figurines were used in the same back into tribal times.
constituted a major labor investment. The oval followed the emergence of rank societies in the way, or had analogous meanings, to those from
shape (8 x 10 m) of the primary structure and its region, with Paso de la Amada being the seat of the Oaxaca and highland Mexico(see Lesure n.d.), Thus Tribal territories in the Maya Lowlands,
proportions are similar to those known for the largest chiefdom. The principal evidence for the far, no burials have been recovered for the Barra a synchronic view
earliest Formative residences from the Mazatan emergence of hereditary inequality are the mul- phase, the postulated tribal village period. Inter-
region, therebyindicating continuity ofculture and tiple, two-tiered settlement hierarchies for the ments from the following Locona phase (1450-1300 Evidence for integrative institutions for the
peoples from Archaic to Formative times between various neighboring chiefdoms and elite architec- be), representing the shift to rank society, have Maya Lowlands are much less clear than for the
these two regions (Clark 1994b). The only other ture at their central villages. At Paso de la Amada, been found associated both with individual resi- Chiapas coastal lowlands given the paltry data
demonstrable continuity between these cultures is successive refurbishment and amplification of the dences and with public space. Evidence for con- involved. Consequently, our approach for the Maya
the large quantities of fire-cracked rocks used for chiefly residence at Mound 6 indicates hereditary struction of some public spaces, such as the region requires a wider net and longer temporal
cooking. The frequency offire-cracked rock, and by leadership and privilege (Blake 1991; Clark 1994b). ballcourt, with communal work-groups precedes scale to capture and depict possible Maya tribal
implication Archaic food preparation practices, Clark and Blake (1994) speculate that the prin- evidence for hereditary ranking. We think com- practices. Evidence for occupation in the Lowlands
continued for several centuries after the initial cipal institutions of Barra-phase, egalitarian vil- munal building efforts would have been an impor- goes back to Paleolithic times, but there is no clear
adoption of ceramic technology and production of lages included ritual feasting and drinking, gift- tant means of social integration-and not just evi- evidence for continuous occupation throughout the
fancy, fired-clay vessels (Clark and Gosser 1985). giving, public rituals, and long-distance exchange. dence for integrated activity (Hill and Clark 2001). Archaic. Claims for a continuous sequence are
About 1600 be, the inland occupations of As claimed for the Basin of Mexico, the Mazatan Before leaving the Chiapas case, we must ad- founded on projectile point styles and postulated
Chiapas peoples became much more visible ar- region would have been especially favorable to dress an issue raised by Marcus and Flannery dates for each style based on general form, but
chaeologicallywith the construction of permanent collector-horticulturalists. The natural abundance (1996:88-92) in their comparative evaluation of these claims have not been verified with dated
villages and the first use of ceramic vessels; the of this swampy sector of the Chiapas coastal plain, village egalitarianism in other regions of proto- excavations (see MacNeish 1986, 2001a). Our

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John E. Clark and David Cheetham
14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations
evaluation here of the Maya case relies on exca- The baseline for understanding early social detailed study or reporting. Sanders and Price 1979), or its more recent revisions at 1200 cal. BC
vated data. We suspect that tribes were present in developments in the Maya Lowlands is the Mamom (1968:111) suggested that Mamom peoples were (Hammond 2000,2001; Kosakowsky and Pring
the Lowlands at the time that the earliest Archaic period and ceramic horizon that dates from 800 to probably tribal. Their interpretation is now no 1998). Pushing Swasey back to the ninth century
inhabitants show up there about 3000 bc. Tribes 300 be (Fig. 4). Mamom pottery was first discov- longer tenable; any Maya tribes must predate this be substantially alters the picture ofthe earlyMaya
persisted until 900-700 be, the period that wit- ered in the Maya Lowlands at Uaxactun, central period. and their involvement in general developments in
nessed the spread ofsocial ranking across the Maya Peten, Guatemala (Ricketson and Ricketson 1937), Over the past several years we have assembled Mesoamerica.
Lowlands (see below). Thus, the Maya area pre- and was the first evidence of a village period pre- and compiled the various scraps of pre-Mamom The four reconstructed ceramic assemblages
sents an interesting case of prolonged tribalism. ceding Maya high civilization. Mamom potteryhas pottery from the Maya Lowlands to evaluate them show various degrees of similarity and difference
Tribalism was more successful and long-lived here since become the hallmark ofthe Middle Preclassic independently of the original reports and to assess in the forms of individual vessels, their sizes, fre-
than elsewhere in proto-Mesoamerica. Perhaps a Lowland Maya. Subsequent investigations have their chronological placement and cultural signifi- quencies, and decorations. A few salient points are
more appropriate way to view this case, tribal so- found this diagnostic waxy, predominantly deep- cance. All the pre-Mamom assemblages of the cen- apparent in comparing the illustrations of these
cieties were more resistant to the supposed allure- red monochrome pottery all across the Lowlands, tral Lowlands can be grouped into the four ceramic complexes (Figs. 6-9). There are significant differ-
ments of the rank societies that flanked them on and in most places it is still the earliest pottery. In complexes shown in Fig. 5. Much detailed typologi- ences in vessel forms that are easily recognized
the west and south centuries earlier (Fig. 3). Why a few select regions of northern Guatemala and cal analysis has gone into extracting the data sum- and sufficient affinities and commonalities to dem-
was tribalism so successful in the Maya Lowlands, Belize, earlier potteryhas been found; it is referred marized in these simple distributions, but we will onstrate contemporaneity and interaction among
and what were the consequences of its success for to as "pre-Mamom" because the Mamom horizon is not rehearse the details here (see Appendix 3) as the makers and users of these early pots (cf.
subsequent historical developments of Maya civi- the natural marker for assessing relative stratig- they are more appropriate for a different forum. Kowokowsky and Pring 1998). In short, the four
lization? Data are still too scarce to address these raphy in the Lowlands. In contrast to the consis- Non-specialist readers need only know that we have assemblages represented competing vessel inven-
questions, but we can start this project by making tent, lustrous Mamom monochromes, pre-Mamom examined almost all the early Maya pottery in. tories. Makers and users of each were probably
a case for Maya tribalism going back to the Middle pottery is stylistically diverse. These older assem- question-and most of the contemporaneous and aware of what their neighbors were doing and
Archaic period and endingin the Middle Preclassic. blages are generally small and have rarely received earlier assemblages from adjacent regions in neigh- crafted their vessels accordingly. The known dis-
boring Tabasco and Chiapas, Mexico, to the west, tribution area of each assemblage was roughly
and in highland Guatemala and Honduras, to the comparable, about 5000 km 2 (see Fig. 5). Ifwe are
ALTAR DE south. Of course, personal knowledge of the sherds correct in our suspicion that these earliest pottery
SACNAB VALLEY does not mean that we have mastered their signifi- zones represent linguistic tribal territories of con-
cance. Our reason for trying to impose some order stituent smaller tribal units of similar language
on the small collections ofpre-Mamom pottery from and culture, then these ranges were about the same
CHIWA ESCOBA SAN FELIX an inter-regional perspective is that we think they size-suggesting a minimal base population for a
PRECLASSIC JENNEY hold the key for resolving questions of Maya tribes viable tribal organization comprising a dozen or
600 and subsequent developments ofMaya civilization. more small sedentary villages and a comparable
Pre-Mamom potteryin the Maya Lowlands falls population distribution or settlement dispersion.
MAMOM AHPAM EARLY into four complexes distributed territorially across One critical fact not apparent in the illustra-
CHIWA EARLY EARLY SAN northern Guatemala and Belize (Fig. 5). We con- tions is that none of the pre-Mamom ceramic com-
sider these zones as probable tribal territories and plexes in the Maya Lowlands has any logical, local
750 CREEK designate each by the name of its defined ceramic or extra-local antecedent (see Cheetham 1998:27;
MIDDLE complex. These complexes are, from southwest to Clark and Gosser 1995:217; Pyburn 1994). This is
800 SWASEY BOLAY northeast, Xe, Eb, Cunil, and Swasey. They were the first pottery in the Maya Lowlands, and it is
XE stylistically distinct from pottery in probable do-
all contemporaneous during the latter half of the
850 EB
PAM ninth century be (Fig. 4). Of the four, only Swasey nor regions in Mesoamerica, Central America, or
has achieved any level ofnotoriety in the discipline South America. As evident in Table 1 and Fig. 2,
and popular press as the precursor of Maya civili- the Maya were the last major group in Mesoamerica
zation. It turns out, however, that Swasey hype to adopt pottery; neighboring groups had been
PRECLASSIC was based on an erroneous placement 1200 years making and breaking pots for at least 500 years
too early (see Appendix 3D), due to a series of cir- before their pyro-technology made it to the Maya
cumstances still not clearly understood. Claims for Lowlands. But none of the adjacent neighbors to
L..--- LATE
a Swasey complex prior to the ninth century be are the south in highland Guatemala or Honduras, or
1500 untenable in terms of the documented history of to the west in Chiapas or Tabasco, Mexico, had

pottery forms, modes, and designs in Mesoamerica
(see Webster 2001; Zeitlin 1989). The Cunil com-
plex, just recently defined (Awe 1992; Cheetham
1998; Cheetham and Awe n.d.), is the earliest of
pottery similar to Xe, Eb, Cunil, or Swasey. Inter-
regional resemblances are either generic or modal.
This fact suggests a complicated borrowing pro-
cess for the introduction of pottery into the Maya
3400 the four beginning at 950-1000 be, with Swasey Lowlands and/or the possibility that we still have
now known to be the latest at 850 be, instead of its not recovered the very earliest pottery, butwe doubt
Fig. 4 Early Cultural Phases of the Maya Lowlands. original 2050 be (Hammond 1977; Hammond et al. this. One conclusion is patent from our reconstruc-

296 297
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

tions of neighboring ceramic assemblages: a clear Willey 1977:400), because none of the known pot- ~._ ...__ . -- - ._------_.._--;.;,:;.
case cannot be made for late colonization of the tery types from likely donor areas show up in the -----:::=:: ~
Maya Lowlands by ceramic-users from either the hypothesized colonized zones. The pre-Mamom
Guatemalan highlands to the south or from Maya ceramic assemblages appear to have had
Chiapas/Tabasco to the west, as speculated by many their own individual histories of parallel and
(Adams 1971:154; Andrews 1990; Lowe 1977:198; complementary development.


10 20 30 40 50 Kilometers


Fig. 6 Reconstruction of Real Xe Maya (900-800 be) ceramic vessels from the Pasion River area (drawing
by Ayax Moreno).


Map by Mi(helle Knoll


Fig. 7 Reconstruction ofEb Maya (900-800 be) ceramic vessels from the central Peten (drawing by Ayax
Fig. 5 Distribution of Lowland Maya villages and estimated boundaries of tribal territories, ca. 850 be. Moreno).

298 299
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

Data are too scarce to speculate much about neighboring groups are in the slipped servingves- broader region of interaction. With the exception lines to complex motifs such as crosses and a pos-
earlier histories for pre-Mamom ceramic com- sels. In contrast, the most significant differences of Swasey vessels, most slipped pots were charac- sible bird wing motif (Fig. 8). Curiously, these
plexes, but viewing these complexes in their most are in the forms and sizes of the utilitarian pottery, terized by a uniformly dull, non-waxy, monochrome designs are absent on Swasey pottery (Fig. 9).
likely chronological context suggests that the four and their handles. In addition, special pot forms finish. Color frequencies were generally similar A parallel line of evidence corroborating the
Maya macro-groups had independent histories. We are confined to each group. The upshot ofthis pat- across the region as well, with a preference for red. territorial distinctions is the distribution of hand-
summarize their similarities and differences in tern is that the distinctions we made in defining There is little doubt that the popularity of slipped modeled anthropomorphic figurines (Fig. 10). Figu-
Appendix 3 and portray them in Figs. 6-9. The basic possible territories (Fig. 5) were largely based on red pottery was an important precursor to the rine frequencies varied widely among early Maya
inter-regional pattern ofthe four ceramic complexes utilitarian forms. The fancy serving bowls and succeeding Mamom complex, an important impli- groups, with almost none being found with Swasey
is that the most significant similarities between plates were broadly similar, thus signaling a cation being that makers of pre-Mamom pottery (see Hammond 1991). Figurine use in the Cunil
,f were also Maya by direct genealogical connection. and Eb spheres was more frequent than in other
Vessel forms are also another important indi- territories.
cator of cultural uniformity within the Lowland Viewed through time, the early period of pot-
region. Chief among these was the wide everted- tery use in the Maya Lowlands represents a trend
rim plate or dish. These unique incised vessels, from stylistic autonomy of domestic pottery to con-
virtually absent in other regions of Mesoamerica vergence. By 800 be, all four regions shown in Fig. 5,
at this time, were produced in all proposed tribal as well as many others, were incorporated into the
territories except Swasey. Another telling indica- Mamom sphere or horizon, and all the peoples in
tor ofterritorial interaction for this time are simple this interaction sphere made and employed a simi-
designs cut or scratched into fancy vessels after lar suite of ceramic vessels, albeit in different fre-
they were fired brick-hard, most notably everted- quencies (Ball 1977). Similarities among slipped
rim plates and dishes. Designs varied from simple servingvessels in the four pre- Mamom assemblages

Fig. 8 Reconstruction ofCunil Maya (1000-800 be) ceramic vessels from the Belize Valley (drawing by
Ayax Moreno).

o 1 1 ] ~cm

c d e
Fig. 10 Pre-Mamom Maya ceramic figurines. (a) Seated male or adolescent female with body paint or
Fig. 9 Reconstruction of Swasey Maya (850-750 be) ceramic vessels from northern Belize (drawing by tattoos, Eb phase, Tikal (redrawn from Laporte and Fialko 1993:Fig. 7); (b-e) Solid heads and seated
Ayax Moreno). female torso, Cunil phase, Cahal Pech (redrawn from Awe 1992:Figs. nc, 72c, 73a, 78b).

300 301
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

show a trend towards this later homogenization, being transformed. Ifthere are such things as stable Archaeological Reconnaissance project (BAAR), or semi-permanent hamlets ofswidden agricultur-
probably as a consequence of increasing social in- tribal societies, in the ancient Maya Lowlands they less than two dozen have been confirmed through alists. Colha was an unusual place in this regard
tercourse. On stylistic and cultural grounds, we must be sought in the pre-ceramic era, a task to the presence of diagnostic artifacts and/or exca- as it was both a specialized stone-extraction, tool-
expect utilitarian pottery to change less rapidly which we now turn. vated remains. Here we follow recent identifica- production site as well as an agricultural hamlet
than that designed for ostentation, given the audi- tions and evidence and ignore earlier BAARclaims for wetland (swamp edge) agriculture. Used and
ences, messages, and social functions involved. Tribal territories in Northern Belize, a for the antiquity of stone tools made solely on typo- refurbished stone tools are found among manufac-
Thus, we find counter-intuitive the contradiction diachronic view logical grounds. turing rejects (Iceland 1997:107). However, no clear
in ceramic styles during the early village period of As already confessed, our considerations ofthe evidence of permanent residences or household
Maya development. We suspectthat the differences Due to the recent flurry of research activity in earliest Maya Preclassic has had to pass through features have been recovered in the excavations.
in utilitarian wares demonstrate older tribal terri- northern Belize the past 15 years, this region now a similar gauntlet to separate fact from fiction Primary occupation refuse at Colha has only been
tories that likely pre-date the adoption of pottery. boasts the best record ofLate Archaic period settle- regarding the earliest villages and ceramics. Our recovered from a few excavations around the
If true, this implies that the groups were in place ment anywhere in Middle America. It is the only appraisal of early Maya history arises from a pre- aguada (water hole) adjacent to Cobweb Swamp,
well before the adoption of pottery, a possibility region in which the transition from Late Archaic emptive disagreement with Hammond's views con- but "constricted unifaces have been found in exca-
suggested by the sediment core and pollen evidence. settlements to the earliestvillages has been traced, cerning the dating and significance of the Swasey vations in all four quadrants over a considerable
Ifwe are correct in our inferences thus far, two without spatial or temporal disjunction, from one ceramic complex and associated remains (Appen- portion of the site, suggesting the possibility of a
additional points are implicated. First, the classes period to the other. Consequently, it is possible to dix 3D). The early pronouncements of Swasey's Preceramic community of considerable size" (Ice-
of differences evident in the four pre-Mamom ce- evaluate changes in settlement patterns from the deep antiquity at 2050 be, based on the most com- land 1997:209). Based on the site map, the Late
ramic assemblages that we attribute to separate Late Archaic to Preclassic times. The data for the plete series ofradiocarbon dates at the time, rather Preceramic remains extended well over 300 ha.
tribal groups may have been more de facto mark- earliest agricultural villages, however, are still than 850 be caught everyone off guard, and it ad- This suggests both a loosely aggregated commu-
ers of significant cultural differences and distinc- thin, so the northern Belize data cannot answer all versely affected all studies carried out during the nity and, perhaps, recurrent use ofthe general area
tiveness due to divergent histories and develop- our questions concerning past triballifeways and decade that it was held to be possibly true, includ- over the two millennia of the Preceramic era. The
ment than anything overtly or actively marked. their transformation. But with their longer record ing MacNeish's (1986) study of the Belize Archaic. recently reported site at Caye Cocojust northeast
Differences in domestic wares suggest greater iso- they do provide another view of processes not evi- Data from Colha establish the dating of the of Colha was at least 150 m" in extent (Rosenswig
lation among these early groups than their cur- dent in the other three cases previously consid- Preceramic era as well as the following Swasey and Masson 2002), and the neighboring Fred Smith
rent shallow ceramic histories allow (cf, Kosa- ered. period (see Hester et al. 1996; Iceland 1997). site has a documented scatter of Preceramic lithics
kowsky and Pring 1998:64). This would certainly The keys for understanding the Belize data Excavations at specialized chipped-stone tool of over 400 m 2 in extent (Rosenswig, personal com-
be the case if adoption of ceramic technology fol- are recent excavations at Colha and Pulltrouser production sites such as Colha and Kelly have munication, 2001). These are the only data cur-
lowed a pattern of"dependent invention" described Swamp (Fig. 1:51,44). Colha is a resource area of documented an Early Preceramic period (ca. 3000- rently available for assessing the size of a Late
by Clark and Gosser (1995; cf. Pyburn 1994) for the large nodules of high-quality chert that were ex- 1900 be) that corresponds with the first clear evi- Preceramic settlement in the Maya Lowlands. At
earliest ceramic assemblages of Middle America. ploited for making chipped-stone tools, beginning dence of cultivated crops and human manipula- the regional scale, consideration of the distribu-
In this process, the first ceramic vessels produced during the Preceramic period and continuing tion of the environment, as recorded in the pollen tion of chipped-stone artifacts for the Early and
by a borrowing group mimic forms of perishable throughout pre-Columbian times. Recent excava- record. As synthesized by Pohl and her associates Late Preceramic allow an overall assessment of
containers already in use by them at the time. The tions at Colha have revealed, dated, and defined (Pohl et al. 1996), the overall picture of northern settlement before the advent ofsedentary, ceramic-
consequence of reproducing old forms in a new two preceramic components for the Late Archaic Belize reconstructed from sediment core data points using villages.
medium is stylistic diversity among pottery assem- and their artifactual content (Hester et al. 1996; to three significant watershed eras. Dated pollen The varied environments exploited during the
blages of peoples residing in adjacent areas, from Iceland 1997; Iceland et al. 1995). Minor excava- and carbon particulate profiles reveal that the first early Preceramic in northern Belize suggest
the very outset ofthe local application of the bor- tions to the northwest of Colha at Pulltrouser evidence of domestic maize and manioc dates to that the inhabitants may have followed a sub-
rowed technology, because the first ceramic forms Swamp have verified the early dating of some of just before 3000 be; evidence of forest clearance sistence strategy similar to that proposed for
fossilize particular perishable container forms and the diagnostic stone tools in a habitation rather from burning (presumably due to slash-and-burn the Chantuto [Chiapas], with permanent or
decorations which themselves had a longer, diver- than a production context (Pohl et al. 1996). Sedi- agriculture) becomes pronounced beginning by semi-permanent settlements with access to
gent history. ment cores taken from Pulltrouser Swamp, as well 2500 be; and, an intensification ofwetland agricul- upland and swamp margin resources, such as
Second, the shared characteristics of fancy as Cobweb Swamp located just 300 m from the ture is evident about 1500-1300 be, towards the Colha and Pulltrouser Swamp, serving as resi-
ceramic vessels indeed represent the beginnings of principal Late Archaic components identified at end of the Belize Late Preceramic. dential bases, while resources at specialized
a consolidation of styles and greater cultural inter- Colha, have also provided rich pollen records that Excavations at Colha, Kelly, and Pulltrouser locations in the lowland pine ridge and coastal
action among these lowland groups. Consequences reveal significant changes in subsistence activi- have identified at least two types of sites-remi- areas were exploited on a seasonal basis.... This
ofthis interaction were soon to lead to the rise and/ ties that parallel the archaeological record (see niscent of the distinctions between sites made for combination of chert production and wetland
or promulgation of rank societies all across the Hester et al. 1996; Pohl et al. 1996). Based on these the Chiapas and Oaxaca Late Archaic. Some Belize cultivation dominates the early Preceramic
Maya Lowlands during the Mamom period, or just data, Iceland (1997) defines Early and Late sites were specialized resource exploitation camps archaeological record at Colha/Cobweb Swamp,
before. We believe this interaction and develop- Preceramic chipped-stone tool complexes, each at which locally-available chert nodules were and their presence must have encouraged
ment was already well underway during pre- with diagnostic tools. These identified diagnostics knapped into a variety of tools. Other sites were sedentism to control permanent resources at a
Mamom times when village sedentism first began now allow one to sort through the troublesome probably hamlets where, among other things, the time when population densities were surely
to leave an indelible mark on the landscape. In claims made for the Belize Archaic period by same stone tools were used. This distinction sug- rising. (Iceland 1997:287-88)
short, by the time Maya tribes show up archaeo- MacNeish (1986). Of the over 150 Archaic sites gests logistically-organized activities at quarry-pro- Recent studies have identified diagnostic Late
logically with pots and pans, they were already (see Zeitlin 1984) claimed for the Belize Archaic duction sites that were organized from basecamps Archaic chipped-stone tools. As verified through

302 303
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

excavation, large, stemmed bifacially-flaked spear The points we have been able to examine person- scrapers, perhaps for working wood, or as expedi- tools useful for a multitude of cutting and scraping
points, termed Lowe points, are characteristic of ally all evince alternate-opposite retouch (see T. ent quarrying tools (Iceland 1997:190). tasks. Surprisingly absent from these Archaic in-
the Early Preceramic period (ca. 3000-1900 be) Kelly 1993:210) which results in beveled edges and The most diagnostic chipped stone artifacts for ventories are any grinding stones for processing
(Iceland 1997; T. Kelly 1993). MacNeish (1986) rhomboid transverse cross-sections for the blade the following Late Preceramic period (1500-1000/ the cultivated maize and manioc thought to be
identified these points as "Pedernales-like" and as- portion of these stemmed bifaces. These beveled- 850 be)are "snowshoe-shaped," constricted unifaces important at this time. Absence of grinding and
signed them to an earlier period. Sites where these edged bifaces appear to have been retouched while (Gibson 1991; Iceland 1997). Their distribution is pounding tools, however, may be due to the special
have been found are shown in Fig. 11 (see Appen- still in their hafts, thus they have standard bases shown in Fig. 12. Studies of use-wear traces on contexts represented in the archaeological sample,
dix 2 for documentation). T. Kelly (1993:215) pro- for hafting but vary widely in length and blade these tools reveal that they functioned as adzes as most of the excavations were of chipped-stone
poses that these massive tanged bifaces, averag- width below the notched base. The heavy patina on and woodworking tools, and occasionally as hoes tool production areas rather than farmsteads. Stone
ing 9.3 em long and 6.0 em wide, may have-been many of these tools, however, makes striations (Gibson 1991; Hudler and Lohse 1994; Iceland mortars and "stone bowls" are associated with con-
used on thrusting spears or harpoons. Iceland difficult to detect with low magnification, but the 1997 :229). All these uses may relate to forest clear- stricted unifaces in some of the reported BAAR
(1997:203) is uncomfortable with this interpreta- micro-chipping wear patterns on some are conso- ance and field preparation and relate to the period sites (Zeitlin 1984; cf. Iceland 1997:183), so they
tion given the points' distribution across a variety nant with their use as knives. Other stone tools of agricultural intensification evident in sediment may eventually be attributed to the Late Archaic.
of environmental zones, but he does not offer a characteristic of the Early Preceramic period in- cores. Other stone tools in the later assemblage Pohl et al. (1996:365-66) report that mano and
better alternative. To us, Lowe points look like the clude massive macroblades up to 25 em long, large include cores and macroblades, bifaces, and metate fragments were found in Late Preceramic
durable portion of hafted knives, a possibility that cores, pointed blades, and small flake-blades (Ice- trimmed blades (Iceland 1997:28-29), forms and deposits in four of their excavations.
could be verified by a detailed use-wear analysis. land 1997:29). The pointed blades were used as


• _---,
o 10 20 30 40 50 km
o 10 20 30 40 50 km • I



(onSUICIea urutace
Lowe Point


-- ---I

s 1lI,.-.....=;~


J( b J( b
0'0 d ~
~ o

o o
o e

D MapbyMkhelleKnoil
february 2001
D Map by Michelle Knoll
February 2001

Fig. 12 Distribution of Late Preceramic sites in northern Belize as indicated by reported constricted
Fig. 11 Distribution of the Early Preceramic sites in Belize as indicated by reported Lowe points. unifaces and pollen traces.

304 305
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

As apparent in Figs. 11 and 12, the distribu- remains to be determined. We suspect the latter.
tion of Early and Late Preceramic sites is nearly The territorial complementarity evinced between
identical, suggesting continuity and stability of Cunil and Swasey goes back to Preceramic times
Late Archaic populations in northern Belize and before either group adopted ceramic technology. LATE PRECERAMIC SITES
exploitation ofthe same range ofnatural resources. That Swasey postdates Cunil pottery by at least a o 10 20 30 40 50km
/ 1
As to pending chronological controversies, this century makes the clear stylistic differences be-
continuity further indicates that the time interval tween them all the more remarkable. Social mark-
between the Lowe-point and constricted-uniface ing and claims to distinct social identities appear
periods was probably brief, as suggested for the to have been clearly intended. Pyburn's (1994:430)
late dating of Lowe points, rather than the millen- comments appear apropos:
nia required for MacNeish's (1986) interpretation ... the people who made Swasey pottery were
of projectile point styles (Iceland 1997; T. Kelly trying to communicate something with it, and
1993). The pollen and carbon particulate records consideringthe distance that Swasey style trav-
from sediment cores taken from some of the sites eled, theywere probably tryingto express some-
listed suggest a dramatic shift during this period
to intensive agriculture which involved cultivation
thing across or about cultural boundaries.
It is no accident that the earliest assemblages

of maize and manioc. It is interesting that agricul-
tural intensification did not entail any clear shift
of material culture we recognize as Maya con-
sist mainly of Swasey pottery. Swasey was cre-
in settlement location as it is thought to have done

ated, in some part, to proclaim "We are Maya," I
in the other regions of proto-Mesoamerica previ- and it set the stage for the growth ofinteraction •
ously considered. It is well to remember, however, between sites, and the eventual regionalization I._.
that the other regions also show a marked shift in and rise of complex society in the Maya Low-
settlement at 3000-2500 be by becoming virtually lands. (Pyburn 1994:432)
invisible. Belize represents the mirror image of Given what appears to be clear regional rivalry
this pattern. Its invisible era is the pre-3000 be between Cunil and Swasey during their brief pe-
period, with recognizable diagnostic artifacts and riod ofcontemporaneity, the messages ofboth were
site visibility at 3000 be marking "an important probably more specific as to their particular way of
transition in the scale and organization of human being Maya.
society in this region" (Iceland and Hester 1996:9). The adoption of pottery in the Cunil territory
Belize does differ from the other regions in that corresponds to the first clear signs of village
Preceramic sites such as Colha continued to be sedentism and, thus, advanced tribalism. The evi-
occupied into the ceramic era. dence of social ranking follows so close on the heels
Fig. 13 displays these continuities by compar- of the first evidence of pottery that it calls into
ing the distribution of Preceramic stone tools and question our working assumption that early ce-
the earliest ceramic spheres in northern Belize. ramic villages were egalitarian and tribal. Awe
The known distribution ofSwaseypottery conforms (1992) makes a plausible case for the presence of
precisely to the distribution of Lowe points and social ranking during the Cunil phase at Cahal
constricted unifaces. These continuities have been Pech, Belize; he estimates its start at about 1000 be, o
described and explored by Iceland (1997) who ar- the beginningofthe phase, buthis data for presumed o
gues for spatial, temporal, cultural, and ethnic privileged consumption of foreign goods such as
continuity (see also Hester et al. 1996). The conti- jade and obsidian, and for special domestic archi-
nuity of some rather special stone-working strat- tecture, actually demonstrate social rankingwithin
egies is sufficient to make a sound case that the Cahal Pech towards the end of the phase, thus our
Late Preceramic populations of northern Belize more conservative estimate of900 be (Table 1) for
were Mayan. the presence of ranking and hereditary social in-
The correspondence between the Cunil ceramic equality at this village. Subsequent excavations at
sphere with pre-ceramic stone artifacts is equally Cahal Pech recovered evidence of three additional
remarkable as it conforms to the nearly empty area sequences of domestic buildings and associated
to the southwest of Swasey territory. Whether this refuse that strengthen Awe's claims for ranking,
apparent emptiness means that the region was only and our chronology for it, by showing differential
sparsely occupied during the Late Preceramic or consumption of jade artifacts and special incised Map by Michelle Knoll
only that Archaic peoples ofthis region, as did other pots, and distinctions in domestic architecture that
peoples of proto-Mesoamerica, left few obvious, parallel the consumption patterns (Cheetham 1996, Fig. 13 Estimated Cunil and Swasey tribal territories compared to the distribution of Late Preceramic
durable and diagnostic artifacts to be recovered 1998). This time period around 900 be represents artifacts.

306 307
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

the final curtain for tribalism in the western Belize Given the truncated village tribal era for north- The most elaborate residence in question is residence? Awe's 0992:341) initial appraisal was
region. The beginnings of tribalism are more hypo- ern Belize, our knowledge of possible integrative Structure B-IV lOc-sub, and it was preserved by that "The large quantity andvariety ofthe artefacts,
thetical, given the thin record of traces. mechanisms is scant. Limited data for the Late being encased in later building amplifications. plus the exotic source of several items (jade, obsid-
One of the consequences of the reassessment Preceramic era indicate low-level craft specializa- Structure B-IVhas a lengthy history as its 13 con- ian, and marine shell) within Cache 1 (found on
of MacNeish's Archaic materials and claims for a tion in chert implements and exchange of con- struction episodes span the entire occupational the floor of Structure B-IV lOc-sub) indicates that
continuous cultural sequence from the Paleoindian stricted unifaces to peoples living in northernmost sequence at Cahal Pech, from 1000 be to AD 900, Str. B-4 was either the dwelling of a wealthy fam-
through the Archaic has been a foreshortening of Belize (Iceland 1997:208). As we saw for other cases, and it may even cap a thin layer of Late Archaic ily, or that the structure was used for important
the estimated Archaic period, limiting it princi- long-distance exchange began by the end of the deposit as its lowermost level appears to be ritual functions." He decided in favor ofthe former,
pally to the Late Archaic (Marcus 1995). In effect, Late Archaic all across proto-Mesoamerica-thus aceramic (Cheetham 1995:27, 1998:21). In its and we concur. We interpret the structure as a
Lowe points represent the first substantial popu- signaling significant contact among peoples and, later instantiations, Structure B-IV was a mod- residence-and evidence of hereditary inequality
lation that left discernible evidence in the region; consequently, knowledge of others' cultural prac- est temple in a formal plaza, but our interest by this time-rather than a public ritual building.
other than a few early projectile points there is no tices. here is in the earliest buildings underneath the The similarities in the Belize and Oaxaca build-
evidence currently of significant human presence The picture ofvillage tribalism in Belize comes later superimposed temples. Structure B-IV ap- ings turn out to be superficial.
in Belize between 9000 and 3500 be (Iceland from 10 test excavations in Plaza B at Cahal Pech pears to have begun as an insignificant residen- In terms of archaeological indicators of past
1997:175). We think that Late Archaic Lowe points (Fig. 5:9). Consequently, the data are limited, but tial structure that was rebuilt and elaborated use, the Cahal Pech buildings share more similari-
[sic] were multipurpose knives, perhaps used in they parallel other cases already reviewed and, in through time, with the location eventually deemed ties to the chiefly residence at Paso de la Amada,
processing game and fish, among other things. In some respects, also provide some intriguing ambi- a worthy site for a public shrine. The size and elabo- Chiapas, than to the San Jose Mogote buildings.
contrast, chipped-stone tools characteristic of the guities worth special consideration. To date, exca- ration of the final Structure B-IV Cunil residences That temples were constructed over Structure B-
Late Preceramic appear designed for more agri- vations have revealed remains offour sequences of are reminiscent ofthe public buildings described IV residences is intriguing and would seem to fa-
cultural pursuits. There appears to have been sub- residential structures at Cahal Pech. This small for the Valley of Oaxaca. Therefore, the argument vor a ritual use for the earlier buildings, but his-
stantial population continuity from this Early hill-top hamlet is estimated to have been .75 ha in that these buried Cunil buildings represent spe- tory does not work backwards like this, despite
Preceramic era to ceramic times (Cunil and extent, with other small hamlets located on adja- cial residences of the village hereditary leader optimistic claims of direct historicists. History
Swasey), with the pollen record showing increas- cent hill tops within a 2 km area (Cheetham rather than ritual structures merits special atten- evaluated in a forward direction requires document-
ing reliance on cultivated plants. We believe that 1998:20). This loose arrangement of settlement tion here. ing the earliest buildings and then determining
tribalism was already in place beginning with the parallels the pre-rank village clusters at both Paso The most elaborate example of Cunil phase subsequent changes in form and possibly function
first evidence of the Preceramic about 3000 be and de la Amada, Chiapas, and San Jose Mogote, architecture (Structure B-IV 10c-sub)... con- through time. The earliest structures beneath 10-
that it continued until the latter half of the Cunil Oaxaca. A total of7 5-150 persons are estimated for sisted ofa lime-plastered pole-and-thatch build- sub were similar to the three Cunil residences
phase, about 900 be. Tribalism persisted several greater Cahal Pech during Cunil times, a cipher ing set on a 20 cm high lime-plastered platform described for other parts of the site, having tamped
centuries longer in northern Yucatan. As summa- that compares favorably with that for Tierras with the door side (or long axis) oriented slightly marl-clay-earth floors, pole-and-thatch superstruc-
rized by Iceland et al. (1995:15), the data from Colha Largas phase San Jose Mogote. west of magnetic north. The interior floor of tures, and normal domestic refuse is associated
provide the best picture of the Late Archaic. The evidence for rank society at Cahal Pech this building, which is also lime-plastered, is with these buildings (Floors 13-sub, 12, and 11 of
It seems clear that fairly intensive stone quar- consists of differences in consumption of special 20 em lower than the platform on which the Str. B-IV) (Awe 1992:205-208). The later buildings
rying and production activities were taking goods and elaboration of domestic architecture. No building sat. A 65 em wide lime-plastered 00 a-sub, lOb, 10c, and 10d) also involved more
place atvarious locations in the northern Belize human burials for this time have been found. One "bench" abuts the east interior wall; a similar than one structure. Cheetham (1996, 1998) sug-
chert-bearing zone going back, possibly continu- of the four residences is much fancier than the bench probably borders the west interior wall gests that the normal domestic unit comprised a
ously, to at least 3000 B.C. Even at this early others, and many more special goods were found as well. The exterior walls... were decorated main dwelling and one or more out-buildings. The
date, stoneworking shows evidence ofstandard- there than elsewhere. Exotic artifacts includejade "barber-pole" style with vertical bands of dull fact that these earlier residences are not elaborate
ization and skill.... These lithic activities, more- mosaic pieces, marine shell beads, obsidian flakes red paint.. .. (Cheetham 1998:22) gives us confidence that rank society did not begin
over, coincided with the initial appearance of imported from highland Guatemala (Awe 1992:341; In contrast, other Cunil residences discovered be- with the founding of Cahal Pech and that it began
cultigens and possible gradual intensification Awe and Healy 1994), and specialincised pots with low the leveled area of Plaza B were built on low as a tribal hamlet.
of agriculture in some parts of the region. At crosses, possible bird-wing designs, and other platforms, with tamped floors ofa mixture ofearth, Aside from cleanliness issues and associated
Colha, where they occur together, the combi- motifs (Cheetham 1998; Fig. 8). The motifs on these clay, and marl. Superstructures were of pole and domestic refuse, including figurines and food re-
nation of cultivation and chert exploitation pots share a family resemblance to those from thatch. Lime plaster was not used in or on these mains, the Cahal Pech Cunil-phase Structure B-
provide some evidence of population size, con- Oaxaca and elsewhere in 1000 be Mesoamerica and buildings, nor were their exterior walls painted IVbuildings also differ from the postulated Oaxaca
centration, and permanence of residence be- are solid evidence offoreign influence and connec- (Cheetham 1996, 1998:21). Nonetheless, residents Men's Houses in basic building biographies. No
yond that of hunter-foragers. It may be that tions at Cahal Pech. That these incised pots show of these dwellings had access to jade and marine two sequential structures ofthe B-IV sequence were
together, the year-round potential for cultivat- up almost exclusively at the elaborate residences shell beads, as well as obsidian, albeit in lesser exactly the same. There was a consistent elabora-
ing and gathering resources on the swamp and not the others suggests controlled access and quantities than their neighbors residing in 10c- tion and amplification through time-with an even-
margin and exploiting the lithic raw material perhaps benefits deriving therefrom (Cheetham sub (Cheetham 1996). tual change in form and function (Awe 1992:133-
of the nearby uplands provided the initial in- 1995, 1998). As with the Oaxaca and Mazatan cases, The distinctions among these buildings fit those 36; Cheetham 1996). In this regard, it is of interest
centives for sedentism, territoriality, social the evidence of privileged consumption of foreign described by Marcus and Flannery (996) for San that the penultimate Cunil residence on this spot
differentiation, and eventual adoption of Me- goods, and ofitems with borrowed symbols, suggest Jose Mogote in their argument for Men's Houses was purposely burned down, and at least one cache
soamerican cultural traditions in this corner of the presence ofcharismatic leaders (aggrandizers or and Initiates Temples. Was Cahal Pech Structure of objects was left on the floor (Awe 1992:121-23);
the eastern Maya lowlands. big men types) in the Maya Lowlands by 1000 be. B-IV lOc-sub such a ritual building, or was it a not all of the floor was exposed in the excavation

308 309
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

unit, but a short tunnel revealed that the cache was Proto-Mesoamerican Prescriptions Although we have portrayed developments as shed, but tribal village life appears to have been
limited to the excavated portion. Awe (1992:135, for Tribal Integration general and pervasive, the tribalization of Middle relatively unstable as it lasted less than two cen-
341) considers the cache of133 items a consequence America was not a homogeneous or synchronous turies in many regions (Table 1). In fact, the usur-
of a termination ritual. Cache 1 included special We have proposed three types of tribal societ- process. The physical and cultural landscapes were pation of tribal life appears to have been a village
items that may have been costume elements or ies for proto-Mesoamerica that correspond roughly heterogeneous, and this antecedent diversity had affair, perhaps because of an unhealthy conjunc-
parts of a mask, such as three carved jade mosaic to horticulture-foragers (ca. 5000-2500 be), collec- a limiting effect on the development and historic tion of circumstances: tight and tethered living in
elements, one drilled canine tooth, a perforated tor-horticulturalists (ca. 2500-1500 be), and vil- spread oftribal institutions in the region. The slow a confined space, the production of dependable
peccary scapula, and 19 marine shell beads. We lage-agriculturalists (ca. 1500-1100 bc.) Data ad- developments in the domestication ofvarious sorts surpluses, the need periodically to use aging sur-
think that the termination ritual may have included duced to make our case are still underwhelming of plants, and their spread to appropriate growing pluses to make room for new ones, and the pres-
torching the house as part of a mortuary ritual for all issues, so our remarks are necessarily more regions had a great deal to do with the rise of col- ence of social strivers who knew how to put stale
commemorating the death ofthe village leader who speculative than substantive. To move beyond lector-horticulturalists. The ability to manage part surpluses to good use in sponsoring public func-
once occupied this spot, with subsequent superim- naive efforts of trying to identify past tribal societ- of one's food supply and supplement a region's tions. Charismatic leaders and aggrandizers ap-
posed buildings being shrines to his memory and ies from the calculated square-footage oftheir scat- natural bounty transformed the conditions ofpos- pear to have been the principal beneficiaries in the
eventually temples. This would be a natural se- tered garbage, we will need information on social sibility for forming and remaining in larger transformation of village tribes into rank societ-
quence for ancestor veneration thought to have activities and practices. Here in our concluding groups throughout the year. The widespread ies, a transformation that occurred about 1300-
been practiced in Oaxaca and in the Maya Low- considerations of possible tribal institutions, we changes in settlement patterns at 2500 be in proto- 1000 be in most regions of proto-Mesoamerica. In
lands in slightly later times (McAnany 1995). The focus on some of the more important integrative Mesoamerica demonstrate that most peoples took the process, tribal institutions were also trans-
cached materials may have been some ofthe lead- mechanisms proposed for proto-Mesoamerica in advantage of basic techniques of food production formed to serve the interests ofthe new hereditary
ers' personal belongings, with some items sugges- its waning moments of village tribalism. and the consequent opportunities to reside in larger, village leaders, Mesoamerica's first chiefs.
tive of costuming and perhaps shamanistic func- Our proposal of an era of minimal tribes (hor- less nomadic groups. What were the institutions that served proto-
tions. ticulture-foragers) is just a guess, with the best In some unusual circumstances, such as the Mesoamerican tribes for over two millennia? They
These last speculations carry us afield from information for its timing and content coming from famous Tehuacan Valley case (MacNeish 1964, were cultural practices and institutions for pro-
our main point. The compelling logic for the iden- the poorly-known Basin of Mexico case. By 2500 1972, 1992, 2001c), local conditions without agri- moting larger group size and locational perma-
tification of Men's Houses in Oaxaca is the rigid be, however, the evidence for all regions of proto- culture may have been comfortable enough, and nence. Our review offour cases provided a roster of
history of form and imputed function involved. Mesoamerica for the existence of collector-horti- the addition of early maize horticulture marginal possible late tribal practices. The Oaxaca case con-
In fact, what we are presented with is the lack of culture tribes is much more convincing. Greater enough (see Piperno and Pearsall 1998:314), that tributes arguments for dance grounds, gift-giving,
history as played out over time. The buildings rep- reliance on a partially-produced food supply and of peoples persisted in their pre-tribal ways longer Men's Houses (and associated initiation rites that
resent constancy of form and, supposedly, func- shifts in settlement indicate that a significant than in other areas. The magnitude of the local may have included ingestion of narcotics), ances-
tion. Superimposed buildings maintained the same change had occurred. We attribute these changes, horticultural opportunity failed to provide suffi- tor veneration, and the clan principle. The more
size, shape, internal features, and elaborated con- as do others (Piperno and Pearsall 1998; Pohl et al. cient motivation or opportunity for change. We limited data from highland Mexico suggest the
struction materials, such as plaster floors and 1996), to more productive cultigens such as maize suspect an analogous situation obtained for the importance ofshamanism, possible social occasions
white-washed walls. In contrast, the Cahal Pech and manioc, greater reliance on shifting cultiva- Lowland Maya and their collector-horticulture involving costumed dancers and music, and play-
B-IV structures evince development and change tionin the tropical lowlands, and formation oflarger adaptation. Ofthe many ways to interpret the data, ing ball. Chiapas coastal societies are thought to
from building to building, beginning with a com- and more permanent groups: tribes. We have few perhaps one of the fairer ways is to suppose that have sponsored feasts, ritual drinking, gaming,
mon residence, transformation to a special resi- clues as to how these tribes functioned, but in the the early Maya had established a workable adap- gambling, communal work projects ofvarious sorts,
dence, and later transformation to a shrine and long temporal view, they appear to have been stable tation that served them well, and they were under- gift-giving, and to have engaged in shamanistic
temple. social groups, persisting for at least a 1000 years motivated to adopt pottery and village sedentism, practices. Forthe Lowland Mayawe have suggested
The processes leading to the transformation of in most regions ofproto-Mesoamerica (e.g., Oaxaca given their comfort levels, when their neighbors some shamanistic practices and ancestor venera-
tribalism at Cahal Pech are not yet clear, but they and Chiapas), and for at least 2000 years in the did. What appears in the comparative historical tion. In all cases, charismatic leaders, or aggran-
seem to have involved some of the same sort of Maya Lowlands. How much of this presumed sta- record as laggard behavior may, in fact, be evi- dizers, are thought to have been those who held
social strivers we have seen before. The special bility was due to smart social practices, or how dence of a robust adaptation to local conditions achieved leadership positions and who planned and
artifacts found associated with Str. B-IV lOc-sub much to ecological constraints to producing a more extremely favorable for semi-nomadic lifeways. sponsored the sundry activities that brought people
show that this household was involved in long- ample food surplus that could support larger The rise of sedentary village tribes, or what we together, logistically and socially. Whether this
distance exchange, accumulation, and perhaps groups, remains an open question. We have neces- consider complex tribalism, beginning about 1600- current consensus conceniingvillage tribalism and
ceramic innovation. A case can also be made for sarily linked the early developments of tribalism 1400 bc does not appear to accord with any obvious charismatic leaders will be supported by future
involvement in ritual activity and shamanism to issues of the food quest. Ecological opportuni- changes in agricultural techniques or improved data, or prove to be merely a passing scholarly fad,
(see Cheetham 1998). For the moment, all the ties and constraints of various regions for provid- varieties ofdomesticated plants (it may correspond remains to be seen. Clearly, this list of tribal insti-
proto-Mesoamerican cases considered here suggest ing food for foragers, coupled with environmental to climatic changes). Village life does correspond tutions is fabulously incomplete; nonetheless, the
that involvement in ritual was a fundamental as- possibilities for growing the various domestic plants to the adoption of ceramic-vessel technology (con- postulated and inferred practices are sufficient to
pect of tribal village leadership, and perhaps part to sweeten ecological potentials through horticul- tra Arnold 1999). Nucleated village living necessi- support several important observations.
ofits eventual undoing and transformation to rank ture, explain the general timing of collector tribes tated a major advance in social integration to at- Proto-Mesoamerican tribes, as do all tribes,
society. in proto-Mesoamerica. tract and hold people together with minimal blood- faced the dilemma of aggregation. Tribal peoples

310 311
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

had manifold reasons for getting together with occurred, but it everywhere appeared flanked by earlier, pan-Mesoamerican substrate of common Barbara Stark, Juan Luis Velasquez, Rene Viel,
others, but crowds are trouble. Social tensions and agriculture and ceramic technology, and nearly practices, beliefs, and symbols. Such lapses in logic Christopher von Nagy, Barbara Voorhies, Phil C.
problems multiply with simple additions ofmem- always with ceramic figurines. These appear to dodge responsibility for addressing issues of Ar- Weigand, S. Jeffrey K. Wilkerson, Marcus Winter,
bers to a group. In our simplified view of things, have been a package deal, and given our analysis, chaic tribes while at the same time claiming sanc- and Robert N. Zeitlin. Weare also grateful to the
tribes had motive and opportunity to get people they should be seen as fundamental tribal institu- tuary in imaginative reconstructions of tribal directors of the Peabody Museum at Harvard and
together, but not the direct means. Tribal societies tions. Referring to structural contradictions rather lifeways, in the absence of evidence. The time is the directors ofthe National Museums of Anthro-
are similar to lame-duck administrations, the so- than vitalism, we propose that tribal village life long past for such efforts. As should be apparent, pology in Guatemala and Mexico City for allowing
cial equivalents of responsibility without author- carried the seeds of its own transformation. Vil- research on tribal issues is desperately needed for us to view ceramic collections in storage. We are
ity. Absent authority to command, how did tribal lage life only became stable in later times with the all regions of Mesoamerica. We hope that it is especially grateful to Nora Lopez Olivares, Direc-
leaders coax people together and persuade them to advent ofsocial stratification and sanctioned means equally clear that such research will be of funda- tor of Prehispanic and Colonial Monuments ofthe
behave decorously? They managed this ma~el of of enforcing social discipline. mental importance and be warmly received by the Institute of Anthropology and History (IDAEH) in
social physics in the same way that similar struc- Mesoamerica was clearly an outgrowth oftribal profession. Guatemala, for permission to view the collections
turally-wounded organizations work today: by lifeways and practices. But these practices were of early pottery from Tikal. Our particular thanks
manipulating incentive structures, and/or chang- transformed with the emergence of hereditary go to Michelle Knoll for the illustrations.
ing peoples' perceptions of incentive structures, to privilege and the institutionalization ofsupra-com- Acknowledgments
draw them along paths ofleast resistence towards munity governance. Although it is possible to trace
desired ends. Thus characterized, the tribal di- their histories back to tribal times, institutions did This paper is a project in progress; some argu- Appendix 1: Data for Table 1
lemma and its solutions are basic politics writ small. not function in the same way, nor mean the same ments have a blurred history while others are still
Ifour list ofprobable tribal institutions from proto- thing, for peoples of different eras. Beliefs in natu- weeping wounds. Over the years we have greatly A. Evidence of Early Corn and Agriculture (num-
Mesoamerica is correct enough to undergird analy- ral forces, for example, through time crossed the benefitted from the generosity of our colleagues bers correspond to Table 1)
sis, then tribal leaders there pursued the two obvi- tribal-rank divide and eventually became, with the and their shared comments on priorworkwith early 1. Lake Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico: 1500 be, pol-
ous solutions for promoting aggregation: enticing emergence of social stratification and civilization, len in lake core (Watts and Bradbury 1982).
ceramics, the origins of rank, and Archaic sites, 2. Zohapilcofflapacoya, Mexico, Mexico: 5090 be,
people to congregate by giving them what they beliefs in gods. Figurines that once may have rep- their permissions to view artifact collections, and pollen (Lorenzo and Gonzalez 1970; McClung de Tapia
wanted, and giving them what they needed while resented ancestors in domestic rituals became their liberality in allowing us on occasion to cite 1992:149; Niederberger 1979); 3000 be, pollen (Miram-
persuading them to want it. transmogrified, once across the social divide, into unpublished data. We are particularly grateful for bell 1978:228).
Tribal leaders in proto-Mesoamerica appealed images of rulers. Even something as innocuous as the comments, instruction, access, and aid received 3. Tlaxcala, Mexico, Mexico: 5000-2500 be, possible
to base motives of self-gratification and higher, tribal games became the competitive Mesoamerica from Pierre Agrinier, Paul E. Amoroli, Barbara pollen evidence (Werner 1997: 115; he cites a report of a
spiritual motives. In modern terms, tribal institu- ballgame associated with high ritual and human Arroyo, Maria Aviles, Jaime Awe, Francisco pollen profile published in German that we have not
tions oscillated between the ancient equivalents of sacrifice. The game was transformed from an inte- Estrada Belli, Michael Blake, Fred Bove, Laura been able to find).
spring break and midnight mass. Diversionary grative institution for participants to a divisive Castaneda, Donaldo Castillo V., Michael D. Coe, T. 4. San Marcos Cave, Tehuacan Valley, Puebla, Mexico:
institutions of the first sort, such as gaming, gam- one for participants, but integrative for spectators. 3500 be, cobs (Long et a1. 1989:1037; Fritz 1994, 1995).
Patrick Culbert, Ann Cyphers, Annick Daneels, 5. Guerrero, no data available.
bling, drinking, gift-giving, and feasting were self- Examples of transformed institutions could be Laura Finsten, Vilma Fialko, Kent V. Flannery, 6. Guihi Naquitz, Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico: 7300 be,
recruiting and required minimal supervision or multiplied. Our point is that the multitude of Severin Fowles, Donald W. Forsyth, James Garber, pollen (Flannery 1986:8).
discipline. Serious institutions ofthe second order, Mesoamerican institutions need, eventually, to be Joaquin Garcia Barcena, Angel Garcia Cook, 7. Valenzuela Cave, SW Tamaulipas, Mexico: 2200 be,
such as male initiations, ancestor worship, mar- traced to their tribal roots. Rebecca Gonzalez L., Gillet Griffin, Thomas H. FIacco phase (MacNeish 1958, 1971:574; McClung de
riage, burial, or other life-crisis rites occurred under If as scholars we are ever to understand the Guderjan, Norman Hammond, RichardD. Hansen, Tapia 1992:150).
the sanction of the ultimate controlling supernatu- evolution of Mesoamerican civilizations, we must Marion Popenoe de Hatch, Paul F. Healy, John S. 8. North Central Veracruz, no data available.
ral authority. Sin and sacraments became an-un- trace its basic institutions back to their tribal lair. Henderson, Bernard Hermes, Thomas R. Hester, 9. Central Veracruz, no data available.
beatable pair for promoting group cohesion. In sum, As demonstrated here, Mesoamerica's tribal foun- Warren D. Hill, Harry B. Iceland, Joel Janetski, 10. LagunaPompal, Southern Veracruz, Mexico: Lake
a wide range of social practices provided an assort- dations were deep and diverse, as varied as the core, 2250 be, evidence from the same core showing the
Kevin Johnston, Rosemary Joyce, Douglas J. early presence of corn indicates that forest clearance
ment ofgood reasons for getting together and shar- stunning landscapes in which tribes arose and Kennett, Laura Kosakowsky, Juan Pedro Laporte, was minor and, therefore, that cultivation was not in-
ing a good time, or a critical time. thrived. The general storyline for Mesoamerican Lisa LeCount, Thomas A. Lee, Jr., Richard G. tense (Goman 1992:33, cited in Arnold 2000:122 and
Most practices inferred for village tribal soci- civilization should be how social singularity grew Lesure, Richard Leventhal, Michael W. Love, Stark and Arnold 1997:20).
eties persisted long after tribes transformed them- out of tribal diversity. How were divergent tribal Gareth W. Lowe, Patricia A. McAnany, Guadalupe 11. San Andres and La Venta, Tabasco, Mexico: 4800
selves into rank societies. Our basic chronology of histories, practices, and trajectories combined, Martinez Donjuan, Joyce Marcus, RayT. Matheny, be, pollen from three sediment cores (Pope et a1. 2001;
possible forms oftribalism demonstrates that vil- amalgamated, homogenized, and repackaged as a Leonor Merino Carrion, Joseph B. Mountjoy, Jesus see also Rust and Leyden 1994, Rust and Sharer 1988).
lage tribalism was indeed ephemeral (Table 1), as coherent set offundamental Mesoamerican beliefs I. Mora-Echevarria, Carlos Navarrete, Hector Neff, 12. Santa Marta rock shelter, Chiapas, Mexico: 4500
Sanders and Price suggested in the epigraph, com- and practices? Current controversies concerning be, pollen (Garcia Barcena 1976, 2001; MacNeish and
Christine Niederberger, Patricia Ochoa, Arturo
pared to the more stable and long-lived forms of early Mesoamerica have the tribal contribution to Eubanks 2000:6).
Jose Oliveros, Ponciano Ortiz, William A. Parkin- 13. Tlacuachero, Chiapas, Mexico: 2500 be, phytoliths;
horticultural tribes. The briefcareer ofvillage trib- its early stratified societies upside-down. Rather son, Jeffrey R. Parsons, Tomas Perez S., Mary D. possible 5500 be phytolith at Cerro de las Conchas (Jones
alism reveals a basic instability, probably because than seeing commonalities arising from diversity Pohl, Helen Pollard, Kevin O. Pope, Terry Powis, and Voorhies n.d.),
of unforeseen, long-term consequences of short- through historic interactions among various con- Mary E. Pye, Anne K. Pyburn, EugeniaJ. Robinson, 14. Sipacate, Guatemala: 3500 be, "significant
term decisions for maintaining group cohesion. It tributors over long periods of time, some scholars Maria del Carmen Rodriguez, Robert M. Rosenswig, quantitiies" of phytoliths from sediment core SlP001
is not clear how the transition to village tribalism imagine the commonalities as deriving from an Diana Santamaria, Paul Schmit, Robert J. Sharer, originally reported at 7000 be, but more securely to 3500

312 313
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

bc; early corn pollen dating to 3500 be was recovered in Quintero and Mora-Echevarria 1978:57). This is an based on the supposed date for the adoption of pottery with the appearance of pottery, so there was no interval
sediment core SIP99E just below a level indicating sig- aceramic site that could represent the end of the Ar- in this region, but it has not been independently con- between the terminal Archaic and the earliest Forma-
nificant burning (Neff et al. 2000). chaic period or be an aceramic site during the start of firmed (see Brown 1980; Weeks 2001). tive, in this case the Middle Formative as evaluated in
15. Guatemala Highlands, no data available. the Early Formative period. Our revision of the early 32. Petenxil, Guatemala: Lake shore, 2000 be (Deevey the broader region.
16. Peten Lakes, Peten, Guatemala: 3600-3000 be evi- Pox pottery of the Guerrero coast (see section C) would et al. 1979). 52. Maskall North, Belize: Lowland interior (Gibson
dence offorest clearing; maize not present but inferred put the first pottery at about this same time. 33. Quexil, Guatemala: Lake shore, 1500-900 be (Deevey 1991; Hester et al. 1996; Iceland 1997:206).
(Islebe et al. 1996). Maize pollen at 2000 bc (Cowgill and 12. Coyuco de Benitez, Guerrero, Mexico: Estuary et al. 1979). 53. Quashie Banner Creek, Belize: Lowland interior
Hutchinson 1966:122; see Deevey 1978; Deevey et al. shell midden, no dates (Schmidt and Litvak King 34. Sacnab, Guatemala: Lake shore, 1500-900 be (Gibson 1991; Hester et al. 1996; Iceland 1997:206).
1979; Tsukada 1966). 1986:36). (Deevey et al. 1979). 54. Rockstone Pond, Belize: Inland riverine (Iceland
17. Cob and Cobweb Swamps, Belize: 3500 be, pollen 13. Puerto Marquez & Zanja, Guerrero, Mexico: Es- 35. Loltnrn, Yucatan, Mexico: 1800 be, Lowland cave 1997:211).
(Jones 1994; Pohl et al. 1996:263). .1 tuary shell mounds, 2300 be (Brush 1965). site (Velazquez Valadez 1980). 55. Lowe Ranch (BAAR 35, BAAR 31), Belize: Low-
18. Lake Yojoa, Honduras: ca. 3000 be, pollen from 14. Romero Cave, Tamaulipas, Mexico: Highland cave, 36. Corozal, Belize: Lowland coast, surface find of con- land interior (Gibson1991; Hester et al. 1996; Iceland
sediment core (Rue 1989). 1800-1400 be (MacNeish 1971:574). stricted uniface (Iceland and Hester 1996). 1997:206; Zeitlin 1984).
19. Copan, Honduras: 2200 be, pollen from the Petapilla 15. Santa Luisa, Veracruz, Mexico: Lowland riverine, 37. Cob, Belize: Lowland riverine (Pohl et al. 1996). 56. Davis Bank, Belize: Lowland interior (Gibson1991;
Core 2 (Webster et al. 2000:117). 2400 be (Wilkerson 1975, 1981, 2001a, c). 38. Strath Bogue (PR 10), Belize: Upland site west of Hester et al. 1996; Iceland 1997:206; Zeitlin 1984).
20. EI Salvador, no data available. 16. Trapiche, Veracruz, Mexico: Lowland riverine, no Progresso Lagoon; the base of a constricted uniface was 57. Sand Hill, Belize: Lowland interior (Gibson1991;
date, late pre-ceramic (Garcia Pay6n 1971:512). recovered with patinated chert flakes in aceramic levels Hester et al. 1996; Iceland 1997:206; Zeitlin 1984).
B. Evidence of the latest Archaic (numbers corre- 17. EI Viejon, Veracruz, Mexico: Lowland riverine, no (Rosenswig and Masson 2002). 58. Kelly Site, Belize: Lowland interior (Gibson1991;
spond with Fig. 1) date, late pre-ceramic (Garcia Pay6n 1971:512). 39. Subop7 (PR9), Belize: UplandsitewestofProgresso Hester et al. 1996; Iceland 1997:206; Zeitlin 1984).
1. EI Calon, Sinaloa, Mexico: 1750 be, constructed shell 18. Colonia Ejidal, Veracruz, Mexico: Lowland river- Lagoon; patinated chert flakes found in orange soil ho- 59. Ladyville (1 & 32) Belize: Lowland interior (Ice-
pyramid 25 m high (Scott 1985; Scott and Foster ine, 2400 be, radiocarbon date (Daneels 1997:213). rizons, but no diagnostic artifacts were recognized land 1997:213).
2000:130). 19. Cerro de las Conchas, Veracruz, Mexico: Coastal (Rosenswig and Masson 2002). 60. Cockloft Farm, Belize: Lowland riverine (Iceland
2. Matanchen, Nayarit, Mexico: Coastal shell mound, shell midden with aceramic layers (Lorenzo 1961:16). 40. Fred Smith Site (PR 11), Belize: Site on the shore 1997:206).
2100-1700 be (Mountjoy 2001b; Mountjoy et al. 1972). 20. Laguna Pompal, Veracruz, Mexico:Lowland, moun- ofProgresso Lagoon; numerous patinated flakes recov- 61. Puerto Escondido, Sula Valley, Honduras: Low-
The infrequency of Archaic remains in Western Mexico tain lake, 2000 bc (Goman 1992, cited in Arnold 2000, ered in aceramic, orange soil horizon (Rosenswig and land riverine; this is slim evidence coming from an
is not from lack oflooking. In his various intense surface and in Stark and Arnold 1997:20). Masson 2002). aceramic deposit under the lowest levels of the site,
surveys, Mountjoy (1998) has only found the one site 21. San Andres & La Venta, Tabasco, Mexico: Low- 41. Betz Landing, Belize: Lowland riverine (Zeitlin separated by a thin sterile sand and clay layer from the
listed here. land Estuary! swamp, 2100 be (Pope et al 2001; Rust 1984:364). overlying Barrahona deposits (Henderson and Joyce
3. Los Portales Cave, Michoacan, Mexico: Highland and Leyden 1994; Rust and Sharer 1988). 42. Patt Work Site (PR 12), Belize: Upland site west 1998:13; Joyce and Henderson 2001).
cave site, 2500-2200 be (Michelet et al. 1989:80; Pollard 22. Camcum rock shelter, Chiapas, Mexico: Highland of Progresso Lagoon; patinated chert flakes found in 62. Rio Pelo, Honduras: Lowland riverine, no date (Rue
2001:459). valley rock shelter near fresh water spring and river, no orange soil horizons, but no diagnostic artifacts were 1989; Wonderly 1991; Wonderly and Caputi 1984).
4. Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico: Highland lake shore, date, aceramic levels below the ceramic levels, no depo- recovered (Rosenswig and Masson 2002). Lorenzo (1961:17) cites the coastal shell midden site of
pollen cores 1500 be (Watts and Bradbury 1982; see also sitional break in the stratigraphy. If it is truly Late 43. Caye Coco (PR1), Belize: Island in Progresso La- Jerico as Archaic, based on an early report by Stone
O'Hara et al. 1993 for corroborating erosion evidence). Archaic rather than merely aceramic, then it represents goon, northern Belize. Patinated chert flakes and a con- (1941), but the site is not Archaic (Healy 1984:230;
5. San Nicolas tradition, Queretero, Mexico: Highland the very end of the period, estimated at 1600-1450 be stricted uniface were found in orange soil horizon. The Rosemary Joyce, personal communication, 2001).
cave site near San Juan del Rio (MacN eish and Nelken- (Lee and Clark 1988). documented extent of the Archaic deposits is 150 m 2 63. Lake Yojoa, Honduras: Lake shore, dated sediment
Terner 1983:81). 23. Vuelta Limon, Chiapas, Mexico: Coastal riverine (Rosenswig 2001,2002; Rosenswig and Masson 2002). core and pollen, 3000 be (Rue 1989).
6. Zohapilcotrlapacoya, Mexico, Mexico: Lake edge, 1800 be (Voorhies 1996,2001). 44. Pulltrouser, Belize: Lowland riverine, swamp 64. Copan, Honduras: Inland riverine, swamp, 1700 be
2000 be (Mirambell1978; Niederberger 1976, 1979, 1987, 24. Islona Chantuto, Chiapas, Mexico: Estuary shell (Bower 1994; Pohl and Pope 2001; Pohl et al. 1996). from Petapilla Core 2 (Webster et al. 2000:116-117).
1996; Watts and Bradbury 1982). middens, 1800 be (Blake et al. 1995; Voorhies 1976, 1996, 45. Laguna de Coco, Belize: Lowland riverine, swamp The evidence of Late Archaic occupation under the site
7. Texcal Cave, Puebla, Mexico: Highland cave, latest 2001). (B. Hansen 1990). of Copan comes from pre-radiocarbon era excavations
pre-ceramic phase, Texcal II, runs from 5000 to 2500 be, 25. Campen, Chiapas, Mexico: Estuary shell middens, 46. SanAntonio, Belize: Lowland riverine, swamp (Pohl (Longyear 1948) and has not been dated or investigated
dating determined by comparative analysis to other 1800 bc (Blake et al. 1995; Voorhies 1976, 1996,2001). et al. 1990; Pohl et al. 1996). since (cf Schortman and Urban 2001).
sequences, no radiocarbon dates for this phase (Mora 26. Tlacuachero, Chiapas, Mexico: Estuary shell 47. Doubloon Bank Lagoon, Belize: Site on the shore 65. La Periquita, EI Salvador: shell midden! island in
and Garcia Cook 1996:274; Garcia Moll1977:62). middens, 1800 be (Blake et al. 1995; Voorhies 1976, 1996, ofProgresso Lagoon; a constricted uniface and patinated the western Gulf of Fonseca, ca. 2000 be (Paul Amaroli,
8. Abejas Cave, Tehuacan Valley, Puebla, Mexico: 2001). flakes were recovered. (Rosenswig and Masson 2002; personal communication, 1999).
Highland cave in semi-arid region, estimated at 2000 be 27. EI Chorro, Chiapas, Mexico: Estuary shell middens, Iceland 1997:206).
by Flannery (1983:28) to bring the original estimated 1800 be (Blake et al. 1995; Voorhies 1976, 1996,2001). 48. Laguna de On (LOl), Belize: Island in the lagoon; C. Earliest Pottery Complexes (site numbers corre-
date of2500 be (Johnson and MacNeish 1972:25) for the 28. Zapotillo, Chiapas, Mexico: Estuary shell middens, patinated chert flakes found in aceramic levels, and a spond with Fig. 2)
end of this phase and occupation in line with more re- 1800 bc (Blake et al. 1995; Voorhies 1976, 1996,2001). constricted uniface found in mixed context with Capacha: 1. Capacha, Colima, western Mexico: (1. Kelly
cent evidence for the first pottery in Tehuacan and 29. San Carlos, Chiapas, Mexico: Lowland riverine, Postclassic artifacts (Rosenswig and Masson 2002; 1980; see also Baus de Czitrom1989; Mountjoy 1994,
Oaxaca. 2200 be, 1-3 m below lowest ceramic levels (Barra lev- Rosenswig and Stafford 1998). 2001a) This complex is tied to the EI Opeiio question
9. Yazami, Yanhuitlan-Nochixtlan Valley, Oaxaca, els), separated by river sand (Clark 1994; Voorhies 1996). 49. Laguna de Cayo Francesa, Belize: Lowland pen- (see below) as ceramics of each type have been found in
Mexico: semiarid highland valley, 2000 be (Flannery 30. Grajeda, Sipacate, coastal Guatemala; 7000-2500 insula, surface find of constricted uniface (Iceland association in early tombs (Cabrera 1989; Oliveros 1989;
1983:28; Lorenzo 1958). bc, data from two sediment cores (Neff et al. 2000). 1997:215; see Guderjan 1993 for location). Mountjoy 1989; Weigand 1985:61-63,2000,2001). We
10. Martinez Rock Shelter, Mitla Valley, Oaxaca, 31. Quiche Basin sites, Guatemala, Highland valley: 50. Kichpanha, Belize: Lowland, constricted uniface tentatively accept an early beginning date of 1600-1400
Mexico: Highland rock shelter, 2000 be (Flannery These are surface sites with patinated, basalt flake tools found on the surface (Gibson 1991:229). be date for these two complexes (proposed by Kelley
1983:28; Flannery et al. 1981:62). that have not been dated, and their hypothetical termi- 51. Colha & Cobweb, Belize: Lowland riverine, swamp, 1980) and an ending date of about 1000-800 bc. Both of
11. CG-l, Guerrero, Mexico: Estuary Shell Midden, one nal date was calculated by estimating the first appear- 1500-1100 be (Hester et al. 1996; Iceland 1997), the these complexes relate to the Tlatilco complex in the
of11 in the Laguna de Tetitlan, 1220 ± 280 be( Gonzales- ance of pottery. This late date of 1000 be is therefore acceptable sigma ranges on the younger dates overlap Basin of Mexico that dates to about 1200-1000 be, and

314 315
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

this is also the high point of the El Opefio and Capacha Cacahuananche: 9. Atopula, Guerrero, Mexico; 10. 1978; Rands 1987). housed in the Harvard Peabody Museum and the Na-
complexes. The range ofdates for both complexes stretch 'I'eopantecuanitlan, Guerrero: Mexico: 1400 be for the Lato: 22. Camcum, Chiapas, Mexico: 1450 be (Clark tional Museum of Archaeology in Guatemala City (per-
back earlier than ceramic cross-ties would allow, as noted Atopula site (Henderson 1979). We have extended this 1990; Clark et al. n.d.); Lato sherds also found at other sonal observations, DC & JEC).
by Mountjoy (1994,2000, 2001a; see Grove 2000b). This identification to cover the early complex at nearby open sites in the region. Cunil: 36. Cahal Pech, Belize: 1000 be (Cheetham 1998;
corresponds to Oliveros and de los Rios Paredes' (1993:47) Teopantecuanitlan. We have avoided the issue of Barra: 23. Altamira, Paso de laAmada, and San Carlos, Cheetham and Awe n.d.),
later radiocarbon dates ofabout 1200-800 bcfor El Opefio, Xochipala (Gay 1972) because we are not convinced that Chiapas, Mexico: 1600 be (Blake et al. 1995; Ceja 1985; Swasey: 37. Cuello, Belize (Kosakowsky 1983;
and thus for both complexes, following the evidence and it is Early Preclassic; none of the early figurines and Gosser 1994; Lowe 1975, 1978; redefined by Clark). Kosakowsky and Pring 1998; Pring 1977): 850 be, our
reasoning of Mountjoy (1989:14, 1994, 1998:254). We objects have been recovered in scientific excavations Madre Vieja: 24. Medina, Guatemala: 1600 be, related logic for this controversial call is based on the reevalu-
cannot dismiss the earlier dates, but given the long period (Paul Schmit, personal communication); thermo- to and contemporaneous with the Barra complex (Ar- ation of radiocarbon dates (Andrews and Hammond
ofthe phase, the detailed ceramic cross-ties are accom- luminesence dating of some of the figurines yield an royo 1994; personal observation JEC). 1990; see Table 2) and the frequent Mamom-like at-
modated without belying the early dates. We bracket early date of 1500 be (Gillet Griffin, personal communi- Bostam 25. El Carmen, El Salvador: 1550 bc (Arroyo tributes of Swasey Ceramics (personal observations, DC,
the dates here as 1400-1000 bc. cation), and other objects such as carved stone bowls 1995, personal observation JEC) JEC, & Donald Forsyth; see Appendix 3).
El Opeiio: 2. El Opefio, Michoacan/Jalisco, western would fit into the Early Formative pattern. If so, devel- Arevalo: 26. KaminaljuyU, Guatemala: This is a phan-
Mexico: 1200-800 be (Noguera 1939; Oliveros 1974,1989; opments in Guerrero would be comparable to those in tom phase that remains to be anchored in time with a D. Evidence of Early Social Ranking by Region
Oliveros and de los Rios Paredes 1993; Williams 2001); neighboring regions. sufficient collection, stratigraphy, and dates. The esti- and Site (numbers correspond to Table 1 and Fig. 3)
see preceding commentary. Pox: 11. Puerto Marquez, Guerrero, Mexico: 1500 be. mate of 950-800 be is much recent than normally pub- 1a. San Felipe, Jalisco, Mexico: 1000 bc. First verified
Chajil: 3. Altamirano, Veracruz, Mexico: 1600 be, the We have listed this date much later than originally re- lished (see Shook and Hatch 1999; cf. Lowe 1978); this complex architecture; it is associated with shaft tombs
date proposed by the investigators appears reasonable ported and popularly repeated because the ceramics are dating is based on preliminary ceramic cross-times of a during the San Felipe phase, thought to begin by 1000
to us on the basis of internal evidence, radiocarbon se- similar to those from the Tierras Largas phase from special collection of materials from near the ancient be (Beekman 2000, Weigand 1985, 1989, 1993, personal
quences, and relationships and cross-ties of other early Oaxaca (see Clark and Gosser 1995 for detailed argu- Miraflores lake in the possession of Marion Popenoe de communication).
complexes (Castaneda 1989, 1992; Clark and Gosser ments about the radiocarbon dates and ceramic cross- Hatch. Clark places this probable Arevalo collection to lb. EI Opeiio, Michoacan, Mexico: 1100-800 be. Pos-
1995; Merino and Garcia Cook 1987, 1989; personal ties). this time frame based on similarities to pottery from the sible high status burials with imported jade objects and
observation JEC) Espfrfdion & Tierras Largas: 12. Purr6n, Puebla, Chiapas and Guatemalan coasts (personal observation special symbolic objects and sets of human figurines,
Raudal: 4. Santa Luisa, Veracruz, Mexico: 1600 be, this Mexico; 13. Yucuita, Oaxaca, Mexico; 14. San Jose 2000, JEC). The following Las Charcas phase remains some depicted playing the ballgame (Noguera 1939;
is slightly younger than Wilkerson's (1981:182) estimate Mogote, Oaxaca, Mexico: We have included the famous to be adequately dated, too, but its beginning placement Oliveros 1974, 1989; Oliveros and de los Rios Paredes
of 1700 be. We have lowered his estimate to bring this Purron complex from the 'I'ehuacan Valley, Puebla, to about 800 be is firm based upon stylistic similarities 1993; Mountjoy 1989:13,1998; Weigand 1985:61, 2000).
early assemblage in line with all the other assemblages with the Espirtdion materials from the Valley ofOaxaca to the pottery of its neighbors. The distribution of early Rank is not definitive because this culture is only well
that it resembles. Further documentation, larger in a wider ceramic sphere. These first two complexes are highland Guatemala pottery conforms to the Las Charcas known through mortuary remains; possible occupational
samples, and more dates will be required to establish only poorly known, so the distribution shown in Fig. 2 sphere. Recent finds of early pottery at the site of Piedra remains have just recently been identified for it (Phil
the earlier date. corresponds to the succeeding well attested Tierras Parada in the Valley of Guatemala (Hermes and Weigand, personal communication 2001). The El Opefio
Unnamed: 5. Colonia Ejidal, Veracruz, Mexico: 1500 be Largas complex that dates to about 1450 be (Flannery Velasquez 2001) corresponds to the Arevalo complex tombs cover a broad time period, so we are supposing
is our estimate ofwhat are described as Oc6s-like sherds and Marcus 1994; personal observation JEC).We have (personal observation 2001, JEC) and underlies Las that the most elaborate, largest tombs (Weigand 2000)
(Daneels 2000); these would alignwith Ojochi and Locona down-graded the exaggerated claims for the antiquity Charcas pottery. with special offerings date towards the end ofthe phase.
pottery described for southern Veracruz and coastal of the Purr6n complex to 1600 be based on its similari- Xox: 27. El Porton, Guatemala; 28. Sakajut, Guatemala: 2. Tlapacoya, Mexico, Mexico: 1150 be, This is our
Chiapas. ties with the better contextualized materials from 1100be, based on ceramic cross-ties to potteryfrom coastal extrapolation ofNiederberger's (1996, 2000) assignment
Tlalpan & Nevada: 6. Cuicuilco, Mexico, Mexico; 7. Oaxaca (see Flannery and Marcus 1994), for reasons Chiapas and Guatemala (see Sharer and Sedat 1978). of capital centers (Tlapacoya and Tlatilco) to the Ayotla
Tlapacoya, Mexico, Mexico; 1550 befor Cuicuilco (Tolstoy given by Clark and Gosser (1995), rather than the oft- Rayo: 29. Copan, Honduras: 1450 be (Viel 1993a, b; phase (1200-1000) based on special public platforms and
1978:245, 252-53; personal observation JEC & DC). cited estimates of 2500 be (MacNeish et al. 1970:21, Webster et al. 2000:21-22; personal observation JEC). special burials of adults with high status goods.
Tlalpan is minor complex of questionable authenticity, 2001c; Johnson and MacNeish 1972). The Espiridi6n Barrahona: 30. Puerto Escondido, Honduras: 1600 be 3. Las Bocas, Puebla, Mexico: 1150 bc. This is an un-
but we have examined a collection of sherds and think ceramics align with the late Purr6n pottery from the (Henderson and Joyce 1998; Joyce and Henderson 2001; verified guess based on artifact comparisons with
that the hypothetical early date is probable. We esti- Tehuacan Valley (Flannery and Marcus 1994; Marcus personal observation JEC). Tlapacoya and Tlatilco in the Basin of Mexico which
mate this as a very thin phase pending better documen- 1983a; Marcus and Flannery 1996). Our estimate of1550 Xe: 31. Altar de Sacrificios, Guatemala (Adams 1971; both seem to represent early rank societies (see #2).
tation. The following Nevada phase defined at Tlapacoya be for Espiridi6n is consistent with this logic and ce- personal observations DC & JEC): 900 be, our begin- 4. Tr 369 & Tr 363, Tehuacan Valley, Puebla, Mexico:
is more secure at 1450 be (Nichols 2001; Niederberger ramic cross-dating. ning date based on ceramic cross-ties with Seibal and 850 be. This is the beginning of the early Santa Maria
1976. 1987,2000; Tolstoy 1978). Nevada lines up stylis- Ojochi & ManatiA: 15. San Lorenzo, Veracruz, Mexico; other Maya sites to the east. phase which saw a change in settlement patterns to one
tically with the Tierras Largas complex from the Valley 16. El Manati, Veracruz, Mexico: 1500 be (Coe and Diehl Real Xe: 32. Seibal, Guatemala (Willey 1970; personal based upon a site hierarchy with villages with platforms
of Oaxaca. The distribution of early pottery in the Basin 1980; Ortiz and Rodriguez 1994:75-77, 1999:228; per- observations DC & JEC): 900 be, our beginning date and plazas (MacNeish et al. 1972:391). Given the re-
of Mexico is based upon the distribution of Nevada pot- sonal observation JEC). based on ceramic cross-ties with Maya sites to the east search focus of the Tehuacan project on early domesti-
tery. Grove (2000b) argues for two different ceramic Estero & Pellicer: 17. San Andres, Tabasco, Mexico: (Tikal and Cahal Pech). cates in dry caves rather than open sites, this is prob-
complexes for the Basin of Mexico with affinities to 1500 be, based on stylistic similarities to other com- Eb: 33. Tikal, Guatemala; 34. Uaxactun, Guatemala; ably a conservative estimate for the first social ranking
adjacent regions, but these date to the period following plexes (Sisson 1976; see also, Lowe 1978, von Nagy 1997; 35: El Mirador, Guatemala: 900 be, this dating is based in this region.
the Nevada phase. von Nagy et al. 2000). on ceramic similarities to the Cunil complex as deter- 5. 'I'eopantecuanitlan, Guerrero, Mexico: 1000 be.This
Tzompantepec: 8. Las Bocas, Puebla, Mexico: 1500 be, Lagunita: 18. Laguna Zope, Oaxaca, Mexico: 1450 be, mined by Cheetham's recent observations (2001; is an extrapolation of Martinez Donjuan's (1986,1994)
we have shaved a century from Garcia Cook's (1981; based on similarities to pottery from San Lorenzo and Cheetham et al. 2002) of a large collection ofEb pottery data for the early architecture and Olmec-style bas-re-
Garcia Cook and Merino C. 1988) rounded bi-century the Chiapas coast (Zeitlin 1978, 1979, 2001). from two cultuns from the Lost World at Tikal described lief stone monuments at this impressive site. Ceramic
estimates for his early phase of the PueblaITlaxcala Aripi: 19. Miramar/Mirador, Chiapas, Mexico: 20. by Laporte and Fialko (1993a). Our date corresponds crossties are closest with the Manantial complex from
region. No carbon dates are reported, and his estimates Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas, Mexico: 1450 be (Agrinier, with Laporte and Fialko's (1999) but predates Culbert's Tlapacoya, and the sculpture is Middle Formative in
were based on cross-ties to complexes that were origi- Cheetham, and Lowe 2000, personal observation JEC). (1993) most recent chronology by a century. Observa- style, or related to La Venta rather than the San Lorenzo
nally estimated as older than they really are. Tolstoy Pre-Chiuaan: 21. Trinidad, Tabasco, Mexico: 1400 bc, tions for Uaxactun are based on material from Plazas E style (see Grove 1994, 2000a, b; Reilly 1994).
(1978) reports early pottery at the site of Las Bocas. based on ceramic cross-ties to Chiapas sequences (Lowe and A (0. Ricketson 1937; Smith 1937,1955:13-14) and 6. San Jose Mogote, Oaxaca, Mexico: 1200-1150 be,

316 317
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

San Jose phase, site hierarchy, monumental architec- pyramid/plaza center. Some of the sculpture probably fit recent chronological refinements in neighboring re- 5. Lowe Ranch, (T. Kelly 1993:206).
ture, differential burial offerings (Marcus and Flannery dates to this earliest occupation (Clark and Hansen 2001; gions. Clear evidence of social ranking is apparent in 6. Sand Hill, (T. Kelly 1993:206).
1996:93). Clark and Pye 2000). The earlier dates reported for the the Las Charcas phase in terms of differential mortuary 7. Burrell Boom, (T. Kelly 1993:206).
7. Altamirano, Veracruz, Mexico: 1100 bc., Chacas eastern slope of La Venta Island (Rust 1992:124; Rust practices, site planning and architecture, and the first 8. Kelly (Ladyville 45), (T. Kelly 1993:206).
phase, planned settlement and small, circular pyramids and Leyden 1994:183; Rust and Sharer 1988) do not monumental sculpture (Shook and Hatch 1999:297). The 9. Ladyville, (T. Kelly 1993:206).
(Castaneda 1992:Chpt. 7). represent a continuous occupation that led to the estab- evidence is clear for the end of the phase, but it must 10. Northern Lagoon, (T. Kelly 1993:206).
8. Santa Luisa, Veracruz, Mexico: 1100 bc., Ojite phase, lishment of the ritual center. have begun earlier (Clark et al. 2000). 11. San Ignacio, (Iceland 1997:192).
possible platform mound, evidence of extensive interac- 12. Mirador-Miramar & Plumajillo, Chiapas, Mexico: 16. Tikal & Uaxactun, Guatemala: 850 be. This is in- 12. Saint Thomas, (Patricia McAnany, personal com-
tion with the San Lorenzo Olmec, the first phase in 1100 bc. The presence of rank society here is inferential ferential based on Cunil pottery from Cahal Pech and munication 2001).
which corn grinding stones became common (Wilkerson on the basis of it being an Olmec-related specialized the presence of early modest structures at these sites,
1981:188, 191). .1 site for the manufacture of iron-ore cubes, most ofwhich including the oldest documented E-Group in the Maya
9. EI Viej6n, Veracruz, Mexico: 1100 be. This is an were exported to San Lorenzo. This community in Lowlands at the Mundo Perdido at Tikal (Fialko 1988; Appendix 3: Dating the Early Lowland
unverified guess (i.e., no buildings or burials ofthis period Chiapas may have been an Olmec colony (see Agrinier Laporte and Fialko 1993a, b, 1995, 1999). The earliest Maya Ceramic Complexes
have yet been excavated) based on the presence of a 1975,1981; Clark 1994a; Lowe 1998:77). Chiapade Corzo evidence of complex chiefdoms in the Maya Lowlands
special early sculpture in the round at this site dating is the major Middle Formative site in this region, but presently comes from Nakbe, but there is no compelling, 1. Xe/Real Xe Ceramic Complex
to the San Lorenzo horizon (see Wilkerson 1981:193), on there is no clear evidence of social ranking at this site reliable evidence from this site indicative of early rank- The first pre-Mamom ceramic complex reported on
stylistic grounds (Clark and Pye 2000:229). All other until the Chiapa II or Dili pottery horizon, which is closely ing, and the site postdates the beginning of both Tikal at length for a Maya Lowland site, Xe (Adams 1971:79-
such sculptures have been found in association with linked to La Venta styles. The first evidence of public and Uaxactun. We believe that the quick spread of the 84), was collected during the Peabody Museum's inves-
chiefdom level societies (see Clark 1997). architecture and site planning at Chiapa de Corzo dates Mamom ceramic horizon signals a shift to social rank- tigations at Altar de Sacrificios between 1959-1963.
10. San Lorenzo, Veracruz, Mexico: 1300 bc., hierar- to the latter part ofthis period (see Agrinier 2000; Clark ing and site hierarchy all across the Lowlands but not to About 3,000 sherds were found on the old ground sur-
chical settlement pattern and large village by Bajio/ and Hansen 2001; Clark et al. 2000). its very beginning. Clear evidence for monumental ar- face below Plaza B and Mounds 6, 24, 25, and 38, but
Chicharras times and the beginnings of monumental 13. Paso de la Amada, Chiapas, Mexico: 1400 be. This chitecture appears during the late Mamom period in the contemporary architecture was not discovered (Adams
stone sculpture (Coe and Diehl 1980; Cyphers 2000). is based upon settlement hierarchies, special domestic Mirador Basin at Nakbe and other sites (Clark et al. 1971:79-80; Willey 1973:22-23). A single uncalibrated
11. Zapata (EPS·15), Tabasco, Mexico: 1100 bc. Evi- architecture, planned public architecture and plazas, 2000; Clark and Hansen 2000, 2001; Hansen 1998). radiocarbon date of 745±185 bc is reported (Willey
dence ofconstruction oflarge earthen mounds (von Nagy and special mortuary offerings with children (Clark 1991, 17. Cahal Pech, Belize: 900 be, clear evidence of per- 1973:23). Adams (1971:117; see also Willey 1970:326)
1997:269). This is much earlier than evidence of social 1994,1997; Clark and Blake 1994; Hill and Clark 2001). manent ranking differences date to the middle of the suggests that Xe is slightly later than Real Xe at the
ranking at La Venta, Tabasco, Mexico, because this 14. Grajeda, Sipacate, Guatemala: 1300 be, equivalent first ceramic phase, Cunil, and is in the form of clear nearby site of Seibal, and based on the single radiocar-
center was not yet founded. Based on comparative ce- to the Oc6s phase, special platform mound (Barbara distinctions in domestic architecture, use of pots with bon date and personal observations of the Xe pottery
ramic studies, we believe 900 bc represents the found- Arroyo, personal communication 2001). special designs, and jade (Cheetham 1996, 1998). collection in 2000, we partially agree with this assess-
ing of La Venta as a center. The settlement was laid out 15. KaminaljuyU, Guatemala: 800 be. This date is based 18. Puerto Escondido, Honduras: 1300 be. The evi- ment and think that some Xe ceramics should be placed
and planned from the very beginning to establish the on our adjustment of the ceramic phases at this site to dence here is the special domestic architecture recov- in an Early Mamom-related phase (Early San Felix at
ered for the Ocotillo phase (1400-1150 be), which we Altar) with a temporal span of about 800/750-600 bc.
conservatively date to the middle of the phase The occasional presence of diagnostic Cunil, Eb, and
Table 2. Uncalibrated radiocarbon dates from Cuello, Belize (after Hammond et al. 1995:124, figure 2, Real Xe ceramic traits (matte slips, post-slip incising),
table 1; Housley et al. 1991:516, 518, table 2). (Henderson and Joyce 1998; Joyce and Henderson 2001).
19. Copan, Honduras: 1000 bc. This is an interpreta- however, indicates a brief, pre-Mamom Xe phase occu-
tion of the data for differential mortuary practices for pation at Altar de Sacrificios.
Laboratory No. Date Context Date B.P. Date be Most ofthe approximately 3,700 Real Xe phase pot
the Gordon phase. Some individuals were buried with
impressive numbers ofjade artifacts and pots with pan- sherds collected during the 1964-1968 Peabody Museum
OxA-2103 Burial 62, fraction "a" 2840±100 890±100 Mesoamerican symbols (Fash 1985, 1991:67-71). The excavations at Seibal come from the old ground level
Swasey below Plaza A where, as at Altar de Sacrificios, contem-
only real question here is when to date the Gordon com-
OxA-2017 Bladen Burial 7 2560±70 610±70 plex. We agree with Joyce and Henderson (2001) that it porary architecture is lacking (Willey 1970:321). Based
OxA-2016 Bladen . Burial 123 2390±70 440±70 falls in the end of the Early Preclassic and aligns with on comparison with Xe phase pottery from Altar de
the San Lorenzo Olmec horizon rather than the La Venta Sacrificios, Willey (1970:318, Fig. 2) dated the phase to
OxA-4542 Bladen paleosol (charcoal) 2650±60 700±60
horizon. 800-600 be, though he believed it to be slightly older
OxA-4452 Bladen paleosol, carbonized manioc root 2540±70 590±70 20. Chalchuapa, EI Salvador: 1000 bc. This estimate given the prevalence of non-waxy, matte slips and pres-
paleosol (charcoal), gives the benefit of the doubt to this site that has special ence of fine-line incising. Having viewed the collection
OxA-4453 Bladen 2485±70 535±70 of Real Xe sherds, we fully agree and believe a phase
20-25 em above bedrock stone sculpture by 800 be and a very large pyramid by
paleosol (charcoal), 700 bc (Sharer 1994:58, 75). More rudimentary forms of span of 900-800 be is appropriate.
OxA-4454 Bladen 2800±70 850±70 social ranking must have come earlier and probably align Willey (1970; see also Sabloff 1975) classified Real
15-20 em above bedrock
with those seen for neighboring Copan. Xe ceramics into two wares, five groups, and 15 types,
OxA-4455 Bladen charcoal, chultun (F361) 2745±75 795±75 all of which are calcite-tempered. Uaxactun Unslipped
OxA-4456 Bladen seed, chultun (F361) 2535±70 585±70 Ware jars (63% of complex), the most frequent form, are
OxA-4457 Bladen charcoal, chultun (F361) 2625±75 675±75 Appendix 2: Distribution of Lowe Points in similar to Eb specimens-large, with tall outcurved
Belize (ca. 3000-1900 be) necks. Unlike Eb, however, wide strap-handles were
OxA-4458 Bladen Burial 176 2600±75 650±75 sometimes applied to vessel shoulders, and red daub
(data for Fig. 11)
OxA-4459 Bladen Burial 177 2545±70 595±70 was not used. Also lacking are chalice censers, censer
OxA-4460 Bladen Burial 178 2620±75 670±75 1. Pulltrouser, (T. Kelly 1993:206). stands, and colanders. These absences may be due to
2. BAAR 251, (T. Kelly 1993:206). relative sample sizes rather than cultural practices. The
OxA-4461 Swasey(?) Burialts) 179-180 3040±80 1090±80 only attribute connecting Real Xe and Cunil phase jars
3. Colha, (Iceland 1997:192).
OxA-5037 Bladen Burial 174 2715±75 765±75 4. Gabrourel's Island, (Iceland 1997:193). is the use of wide strap-handles, though tecomates with

318 319
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

direct or exterior-thickened rims were produced in both able for comparison (Xe, Real Xe, Early Jenney Creek). at the site ofXunantunich (personal observation 2000, numbers of weathered Cunil sherds mixed with Early
areas. Other Uaxactun Unslipped Ware forms at Seibal Some similarities were, however, noted with early DC). Jenney Creek material have been identified in collec-
include bowls with incurved sides and bowls and dishes Mamom sherds from Uaxactun (now known to be pre- Because all Eb slips are non-waxy and most are tions of pottery from basal deposits at several settle-
with outsloping sides and direct, exterior-thickened, or Mamom [personal observation 2000, DC]), and thus the dull, the six slipped ceramic groups are classified as ment clusters in the periphery ofCahal Pech, as well as
narrow horizontally-everted rims. Decoration is limited complete analysis (Culbert n.d.) is not entirely free of Belize Valley Dull Ware. Unlike its Cunil counterpart, the BelizeValley sites ofBlackman Eddy, Barton Ramie,
to different kinds of impressions (fingernail gouging, Mamom ceramic group and type names (e.g., Juventud, however, this calcite tempered pottery is less prone to and Pacbitun (personal observations 1994-95,2000, DC).
applique-impressed fillets) on bowls and dishes. A rare Chunhinta, Savanna). This has served to mask both the surface erosion. The dominant Eb slip is red (28% of Cunil sherds are also present at several sites in the
form shared with Eb and Cunil is the hourglass-shaped antiquity and pre-Mamom characteristics of Early Eb complex), followed by black (6.3%), brown (4.6%), cream vicinity of Lakes Yaxha-Sacnab area of eastern Peten
mushroom stand with fingernail impressions on the pottery. (.15%), orange (.10%), and black-and-white (.05%). (see Rice 1979), including Yaxha Hill and Ixtinto (per-
upper surface. The Proyecto Nacional Tikal discovered additional Slipped vessel forms include tecomates with exterior- sonal observation 2000, DC), where they were produced
Rio Pasi6n Slipped Ware (37% of complex), unlike Early Eb phase pottery in two subterranean storage thickened rims and small jars with tall necks, but the along with ceramics characteristic of the contemporary
most slipped Xe ceramics from Altar de Sacrificios, has pits (Problematical Deposits 6 and 12) during the 1979- most frequent form is a deep dish with a flat base, thin Eb phase.
the dull or matte surfaces typical of all other Cunil- 1982 investigations ofthe Mundo Perdido group (Laporte outsloping sides, and direct rim. Other prominent serv- The Cunil ceramic complex is comprised of two
related ceramic complexes. Red (22.8% of complex) is and Fialko 1993a, 1995). Totaling some 23,384 sherds, ing vessels are flat bottom plates and dishes with verti- wares, eight ceramic groups, and 14 types. BelizeValley
the most frequent slip, followed by white (11.1%) and this is the largest collection of pre-Mamom pottery cur- calor slightly outsloping sides and exterior-thickened Coarse Ware (75.1% of complex) is a utilitarian pottery
black (2.9%), with red-and-white and red-and-black rently known in the Maya lowlands. Culbert's (n.d.) rims, and the ubiquitous Cunil era plates with wide, tempered with calcite and sand. The surface of most
bichromes lagging behind at 0.3 percent. Absent are group and type names were used in the preliminary horizontally-everted rims that occasionallyhave a thick- cooking and storage vessels Gars and tecomates) are
orange and black-and-white slips. This, and the fre- classification (Laporte and Fialko 1993b; see also Hermes ened or "beaded" lip. Special Eb forms include hour- brown (Sikiya Unslipped) or black-brown (Pat Black-
quency of white-slipped vessels, occasional use of fluted 1993), which included illustrations of a few common glass-shaped "mushroom stands" with fingernail-im- brown) and often burnished to a slip-like consistency on
decoration, and serving vessels with angled sides dis- vessel forms from Problematical Deposit 6. In 1999, pressed tops, a form present in the Belize Valley and at the upper shoulder and neck. Typical medium-size jars
tinguish Real Xe from Cunil and Eb, though other shared David Cheetham and Donald Forsyth viewed the ce- Seibal. As with Cunil, about 4 percent ofEb vessels were have rounded bottoms, short vertical necks, and wide
attributes certainly demonstrate close ties. For example, ramics from both deposits, and in 2001 Cheetham and incised after firing (and on slipped vessels, after slip- vertical strap-handles-aform quite different from those
the mostfrequent vessel forms (tecomates, dishes, plates, Clark were permitted to study the saved sherds from ping and firing), with tecomates and everted rim plates of neighboring groups. The undulating applique-im-
and bowls) often have exterior-thickened rims, and slip the Mundo Perdido deposits. Cheetham's ongoing analy- especially targeted for this kind of adornment. Designs pressed fillet decoration of later, early Jenney Creek
preservation is often poor. Serving vessels with sis differs from previous studies in three important ways. vary from simple rim encircling lines to complex Olmec phase jars (e.g., Sharer and Kirkpatrick 1976:figure 18)
outsloping (dishes) or rounded (bowls) sides were also First, the EarlylLate Eb phase division is changed to style motifs, many of which are also found in the Cunil is lacking, and j ars with outcurved necks are extremely
popular, and the ubiquitous Cunil era wide horizon- reflect the marked differences between ceramics of the and, to a lesser extent, Real Xe complexes. rare. Less frequent unslipped vessel forms include
tally-everted rim dish occurs in all slip colors (e.g., Willey pre-Mamom Early Eb (now called Eb) and early Mamom- 3. Cunil Ceramic Complex incurved bowls, flat-bottom plates with wide horizon-
1970:Figs. 10m, 24n-p), including specimens with the related Late Eb (now called Early Tzec) phases (see Fig. Cunil pottery was first recognized during Trent tally-everted rims, flat bottom dishes or bowls with
thickened or "beaded" lip noted for Eb (see below). The 4). Second, Eb pottery is no longer puzzling or unique. University's investigations (1988-1995) at the Belize vertical sides, colander bowls with rounded bases and
surface of a few "white-slipped" Real Xe sherds from Identical and closely-related types and vessel forms have Valley site of Cahal Pech, in a small pit penetrating a sides, and chalice-shaped censers. Less common Coarse
dishes with exterior-thickened rims and deep bowIs with been identified in the Cunil ceramic complex ofthe Belize lengthy sequence ofPreclassic period building platforms Ware types include Ardagh Orange-brown, the precur-
slightly barrel-shaped sides are identical to unslipped Valley, as well as contemporary complexes from below Str. B-4 of the site core (Awe et al. 1990). Subse- sor of Early Jenney Creek Jocote Orange-brown pottery
burnished pottery at Tikal. Another significant tie be- Uaxactun, Seibal (Real xo, Altar de Sacrificios (Xe), quent excavations into the summit B-4 3-sub (a well- (see Sharer and Kirkpatrick 1976:63-68) once thought
tween Real Xe and CunillEb is post-slip incised decora- and the Lakes Yaxha-Sacnab area (Early Ah Pam). Fi- preserved Late Preclassic temple that was stripped and to have originated in Western El Salvador (Sharer and
tion (about 4% ofReal Xe ceramic complex), which Willey nally, based on these similarities the Eb phase is as- restored) cut through 6.5 meters of superimposed build- Gifford 1970), Branch Mouth Black, a glossy slipped
(1970:328) describes as "fine-line" and "ragged." signed a shortened time span (ca. 900-800 B.C.), the ing surfaces (Awe 1992:106-143; Cheetham 1992, pottery consisting of multicolored (black, white, and
Tecomate exteriors and the superior surface of everted beginning date of which corresponds with Laporte and 1998:21-24), including several Cunil constructions lo- reddish-orange) jars or tecomates with very thin (1-4
rim plates, among other vessel surfaces, received this Fialko's (1999) most recent Tikal chronology. cated below raised temple platforms containing Early mm) walls, and Duende Orange, a rare type with bur-
kind of decoration, and motifs found in Eb and Cunil The Eb ceramic complex consists oftwo wares, eight Jenney Creek sherds (see Sharer and Kirkpatrick 1976; nished orange surfaces that were occasionally carved.
have been identified in the collection of unpublished ceramic groups, and 13 types. The most popular cooking Willey et al. 1965). The temporal span oflOOO-800be for Belize Valley Dull Ware (24.9% ofcomplex), encom-
Real Xe sherds now housed at the Peabody Museum. and storage vessels of Uaxactun Unslipped Ware are the Cunil phase portion ofthis sequence is supported by passes four ceramic groups of serving vessels with red
2. Eb Ceramic Complex large thick-walledjars with medium-tall outcurved necks five uncalibrated radiocarbon dates (Healy and Awe (Uck, 16.3% of complex), black (Chi, 4.4%), cream
Eb phase ceramics at Tikal were first recognized and flat bottoms that resemble Real Xe phase jars from 1995) ranging from 980±50 be to 760±120 be, including (Cocoyol, 1.7%), or black-and-white (Puc, 0.2%) slips,
during the University of Pennsylvania investigations Seibal. Unlike contemporary utilitarian vessels of the a date of 790±70 be from a carbonized post associated and one small group of orange pottery (Cu, 2.2%) with
from 1958-1970 (W. R. Coe 1965a, 1965b). A total of Belize Valley, handles were seldom applied, the few with the penultimate Cunil building. Some 250 of the abraded to moderately burnished surfaces. Brown slips
5,811 sherds were discovered in three loci: bedrock un- examples being narrow and loop-shaped. Less fre- approximately 1,200 Cunil sherds obtained from these are not unknown, but occur on a rare bichrome variant
derlying the North Acropolis, a subterranean storage quently, tecomates were produced and red daub was excavations were briefly described by Awe (1992:226- of red-slipped pottery. Other rare slip combinations
chamber 1.5 km east of the site center, and Mundo applied to vessel exteriors-a decorative trait shunned 231). Subsequent excavations directly in front ofStr. B- include red-and-black, black-and-brown, and red-on-
Perdido Str. 5C-54. This material was sorted into early by the Cunil and Real Xe Maya. Rare, unslipped Eb 4 (Cheetham 1995) and across Plaza B (Cheetham 1996) buff. Most slips are uniformly dull, but on a small num-
(n=4,213) and late (n=1,598, from Mundo Perdido) fac- vessel forms include red-rimmed colander bowls, chal- exposed four additional Cunil phase residential units ber of specimens fired at relatively high temperatures,
ets by Culbert (1977:33-34), who aptly equated Late Eb ice-shaped censers, and ceramic "stools," all of which (one an ancillary Str. B-4 building) and increased the they are hard and slightly glossy. Dull Ware pottery
with Mamom pottery from Uaxactun (E. Ricketson were also produced by Cunil Maya in the Belize Valley. ceramic sample to 2,357 sherds and three whole or par- was tempered with volcanic ash, which yielded distinc-
1937:230-254; Smith 1955:111-116; Smith and Gifford Eb pottery also includes a class ofhighly burnished (but tial vessels. A type-variety analysis of all Cunil ceram- tive buff or yellow-orange (Cu Group only) pastes that
1966). Based on an uncalibrated radiocarbon date of unslipped) buff-colored storage and serving vessels, ics was initiated in 1995 (Cheetham 1998:24-28; are usually quite soft and gritty. This resulted in a in-
588±53 be and "sheer guesswork," Culbert (1977:28-30) including large, slightly barrel-shaped vases and plates Cheetham and Awe 1996), and is now being finalized for effective bonding surface for the slip, which is poorly
suggested a starting date of 700 be for Early Eb (later and dishes with the wide horizontally-everted rim style publication (Cheetham and Awe n.d.). preserved on many specimens. Ash temper was used to
changed to 800-600 bc [Culbert 1993]), the origins of present in all Cunil-related ceramic complexes. Although Pure Cunil deposits have also been found on bed- produce vessels as far west as Lakes Yaxha-Sacnab (see
which he considered external to Tikal but unrelated to these burnished pots were not produced in the Belize rock below the principal temple at the nearby site of Rice 1979:13), and a probable Cunil trade sherd of the
other early Lowland Maya ceramic complexes then avail- Valley, a few probable trade sherds have been identified Xunantunich (Strelow and LeCount 2001), and small Cu Orange type has been identified among Eb phase

320 321
John E. Clark and David Cheetham 14. Mesoamerica's Tribal Foundations

sherds at Tikal (personal observation 2001, DC). cists (Kosakowsky and Pring 1998). However, when also includes red-and-cream vessels that closely repli- In Mound 27 and the Middle Preclassic
Flat-bottom dishes and plates with slightly presented in uncalibrated form-as must be done to cate the color and form of Early Mamom Muxanel red- Period at Mirador, Chiapas, Mexico, by
outsloping sides and exterior-thickened rims are the facilitate comparison with most other early Maya phases and-cream pottery. This color combination is lacking in Pierre Agrinier. Papers ofthe New World
most common form of slipped serving vessel. The most and all other extraregional sequences-a different pic- Cunil/Eb, where red-on-unslipped pottery is present, Archaeological Foundation, No. 58.
distinctive form, however, is the flat-bottom plate with ture emerges (see Table 2). The average date of Bladen but rare. Typical Swasey serving vessel forms include
Provo, Utah.
outsloping sides and wide, horizontally-everted rim-a samples (650±70 be) conforms well with the Early incurved bowls and flat-bottom plates and dishes with
form characteristic of all Cunil-related complexes in the Mamom-related Bladen phase time span proposed here outsloping sides, exterior-thickened rims, and rounded Andrews, E. Wyllys, V.
Maya Lowlands. Other Dull Ware forms include bowls (ca. 750-600 be), as does the average date for Bladen lips-all ofwhich are good Cunil/Eb markers. Many other 1990 The Early Ceramic History of the Low-
with rounded sides (sometimes with hollow tubular legs), Burials 176-178 (638±73 be) and the pottery itself (D. vessels, however, have squared lips and angled or re- land Maya. In Vision and Revision in
tecomates with direct or exterior-thickened rims, vases Cheetham, D. Forsyth, and J. Clark, personal observa- curved sides that are quite different. Vessels with recurved Maya Studies, edited by F. Clancey and
with exterior-thickened rims, bowls, dishes, and minia- tion 2000). The most "acceptable" (Housley et al. sides, in particular the cuspidor form, are virtually un- P. D. Harrison, pp. 1-19. University of
ture vessels with vertical sides, small spouted vessels or 1991:518) 14C date for middle Swasey Burial 62 (890±100 known in the Belize Valley and Central Peten until Early New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
"cream pitchers," and saucers. Cunil potters created a be), the earliest burial at the site (Housley et al. Mamom times. Perhaps the most notable difference in Andrews, E. Wyllys, V, and Norman Hammond
pseudo bichrome effect on most monochrome pots by 1991:516), falls at the beginning ofour proposed Swasey terms ofform, however, is the complete absence of plates 1990 Redefinition of the Swasey Phase at
leaving the exterior unslipped. phase span (ca. 850-750 be). In fact, the only Swasey with wide horizontally-everted rims. Finally, although
Cuello, Belize. American Antiquity
Slightly less than four percent of all Cunil pottery date not conforming to this time frame (from Burial 179/ post-slip incised decoration is rare in Swasey (most being
was decorated with thin (1-2 mm) incisions after both 180, a woman holding a child [1090±80 bel) is suspect preslip) it is an important link with the Cunil-related 55:570-584.
slip application and firing, a practice that created since these burials were "closely spaced" in a 2 x 2 m complexes. The designs, however, are very simple and Arnold, Philip J., III
'jagged" lines and revealed the light-colored paste. The area with Bladen Burials 176-178, suggesting that all the complex "Olmec-style" motifs noted for other pre- 1999 Tecomates, Residential Mobility, and
designs vary from single and multiple lines encircling were part of "an intentional grouping.. .likely to have Mamom complexes are completely lacking. Early Formative Occupation in Coastal
vessel rims, to geometric and curvilinear shapes, to been interred within a short period" (Hammond et al. Lowland Mesoamerica. In Pottery and
complex "Olmec-style" motifs. Although most serving 1995:126). People:ADynamic Interaction, edited by
vessel forms sometimes received such "post-slip" incised Swasey ceramics provide additional evidence that References Cited
J. M. Skibo and G. M. Feinman, pp. 157-
designs, the most complex motifs were usually executed the phase does not date much earlier than 800 be. In the Adams, Richard E. W. 170. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake
on the exterior oftecomates, round-sided bowls, and the most recent classification (Kosakowsky and Pring
1971 The Ceramics of Altar de Sacrificios. City.
superior surface ofwide, horizontally-everted rims. Rare 1998:57-58; see also Kosakowsky 1987) the complex
forms of decoration include red-slipped, "glyph-like" consisted ofthree wares, five groups, and 10 types. The Papers ofthe Peabody Museum ofArchae- 2000 Sociopolitical Complexity and the Gulf
abstract designs and carved motifs. two unslipped wares (Unspecified and Fort George Or- ology and Ethnology, Vol. 63(1). Harvard Olmecs: A View from the Tuxtla Moun-
4. Swasey Ceramic Complex ange) comprise about 38 percent of the complex. Jars University, Cambridge. tains, Veracruz, Mexico. In OlmecArtand
Swasey phase pottery gathered during nine sea- with short outcurved necks, thickened rims, and squared Adams, Richard E. W., and Fred Valdez, Jr. Archaeology in Mesoamerica, edited by
sons of excavations (1975-80 [Hammond ed. 1991], 1990 lips are the most frequent form. Most have lip-to-shoul- 1980 The Ceramics ofColha, Belize: 1979 and J. E. Clark and M. E. Pye, pp. 117-135.
[Hammond et al. 1991], and 1992-93 [Hammond et al. der, double- or triple-strand handles, a style occasion- 1980 Seasons. In The Colha Project, Sec- National Gallery of Art, Washington.
1992, 1995]) at the northern Belize site of Cuello forms ally found in post-Cunil deposits at Cahal Pech and the ond Season, 1980 Interim Report, edited Arroyo, Barbara
the most controversial early Maya ceramic complex. The Xe phase at Altar de Sacrificios. Other utilitarian Swasey by T. R. Hester, J. D. Eaton, and H. J. 1994 The Early Formative in Southern Me-
initial collection of about 1,500 sherds has been pub- forms include odd, amphora-like jars or bottles-a form
Shafer,pp 15-40. Center for Archaeologi- soamerica: An Explanation for the Ori-
lished (see Pring 1976,1977,1979; Pring and Hammond not produced by Cunil, Eb, or Xe potters-that persisted
1982; Kosakowsky 1982, 1983, 1987; Kosakowsky and into much later phases. Swasey lacks several rare cal Research, University of Texas, San gins of Sedentary Villages. Unpublished
Pring 1991), and excavations in the 1990s have yielded unslipped forms ofthe Cunil-related complexes, includ- Antonio. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of An-
an undisclosed number of additional sherds. The begin- ing chalice censers, censer stands, mushroom stands, Agrinier, Pierre thropology, Vanderbilt University, Nash-
ning date of 2500-2000 B.C. first proposed for Swasey and colander bowls. Tecomates were produced, but un- 1975 Un Complejo Ceramico, Tipo Olmeca, del ville, Tennessee.
(Hammond 1977; Hammond et al. 1976, 1977, 1979) like the exterior-thickened and rounded rim specimens Preclasico Temprano en EI Mirador, 1995 Early Ceramics from EI Salvador: The
was soon challenged based on a suite of unacceptable made by Cunil, Eb, and Xe potters, most have the dis- Chiapas. In Balance y Perspectiva de la EI Carmen Site. In The Emergence of
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(Andrews 1990:18; Andrews and Hammond 1990) and and they are relatively rare. de Mexico, Vol. 2:21-34. Sociedad Mexi- Ancient Societies, edited by W. K. Barnett
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cana de Antropologia. andJ. W. Hoopes, pp.199-208. Smithso-
1980:24-35; Marcus 1983b:459-460, 1984; Zeitlin 1989), Swasey phase includes three ceramic groups with red,
the consensus-notwithstanding protestation from buff, and black slips. Red-slipped Consejo pottery from 1981 The Early Olmec Horizon at Mirador, nian Institution Press, Washington.
Hammond-being that Swasey began sometime early Swasey levels includes dull, slightly glossy, and occa- Chiapas, Mexico. Papers of the New Awe, Jaime Jose
in the first millennium before Christ, perhaps by 800 be sional waxy finishes (Cheetham, Forsyth, and Clark, World Archaeological Foundation, No. 1992 Dawn in the Land between the Rivers:
(Andrews 1990:6). A similar beginning date has been personal observation 2000). Although rare, the pres- 48. Provo, Utah. Formative Occupation at Cahal Pech,
proposed for other sites in northern Belize with Swasey- ence of waxy pottery-a distinctive surface treatment 2000 Mound 27 and the Middle Preclassic Belize and its Implications for Preclassic
related phases, including Colha (Adams and Valdez 1980; after 8001750be throughout the lowlands-indicates that Period at Mirador, Chiapas, Mexico, Development in the Maya Lowlands.
Potter et al. 1984; Valdez 1987, 1994; Valdez and Adams Swasey was a relatively late, ephemeral phase in North- Pierre Agrinier. Papers ofthe New World Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Institute
1982) and Santa Rita (Chase and Chase 1987). ern Belize that began during late Cunil/Eb times. Many Archaeological Foundation, No. 58. of Archaeology, University of London.
SubsequentAMS dates from human bone, charcoal, Consejo sherds (of all finishes) also have a distinctive
Provo, Utah. Awe, Jaime J., and Paul Healy
and other Bladen phase (the subsequent phase at Cuello) white or light color underslip that sets them apart from
materials gathered at Cuello during the early 1990s red-slipped pottery of the Cunil, Eb, and Real Xe com- Agrinier, Pierre, David Cheetham, and Gareth 1994 Flakes to Blades? Middle Formative
(Hammond et al. 1995; Housley et al. 1991) form the plexes. Such sherds have been found in post-Cunil de- W.Lowe Development of Obsidian Artifacts in the
basis ofthe latest phase span for Swasey (1200-900 B.C., posits at Cahal Pech and in post-Eb Problematical De- 2000 Appendix 1: Three Early Ceramic Com- Upper Belize River Valley. Latin Ameri-
calibrated), which is accepted by the project's cerami- posits at Tikal (personal observation 2001, DC). Swasey plexes from Miramar, Chiapas, Mexico. can Antiquity 5:193-205.

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America: An Encyclopedia, edited by S. Wilkerson, S. Jeffrey K. lization, edited by R E. W. Adams, pp. 2000 The Paleoindian and Archaic Cultures
T. Evans andD. L. Webster, pp. 424-430. 1975 Pre-Agricultural Village Life: The Late 383-423. University ofNew Mexico Press, of Mesoamerica. In The Cambridge His-
Garland Publishing, Inc., New York & Preceramic Period in Veracruz. Contri- Albuquerque. tory of the Native Peoples of the Ameri-
London. butions of the University of California Willey, Gordon R, William R. Bullard, Jr., John cas: Volume II: Mesoamerica, Part 1,
Webster, David, AnnCorinne Freter, and Nancy Archaeological Research Facility, No. 27 B. Glass, and James C. Gifford edited by R E. W. Adams and M. J.
Gonlin (Studies in Ancient Mesoamerica III): 1965 Prehistoric Maya Settlements in the Macleod, pp. 45-121. Cambridge Univer-
2000 Copan: The Rise and Fall of an Ancient 111-122. University of California, Ber- Belize Valley. Papers of the Peabody sity Press, Cambridge.
Maya Kingdom. Harcourt Brace & Com- keley.
pany, Orlando. 1981 The Northern Olmec and Pre-Olmec

338 339
Neolithic archaeology of southwestern Asia to tell tive one, will enable us to use in the future a time
an interesting story about the evolution of complex scale of a few centuries, instead of a couple of mil-
social structures, prior to the emergence of states, lennia.
and that these could fall under the general cat- The archaeology of the period is presented in a
15. Early Neolithic Tribes in the Levant egory of 'tribal or ranked societies' (Flannery 1999; series of sections. First, we present the data con-
Fowles, this volume, Chapter 2; Parkinson, this cerning the economic basis of sites across the re-
o. Bar-Yosef and D. E. Bar-Yosef Mayer volume, Chapter 1).
The last decade brought a wealth of new data
gion, followed by the inter- and intra-site variabil-
ity, and the evidence for ceremonial centers and
but, as illustrated by various scholars (Fig. 1; rituals. Foragers who continued to survive in the
./ Aurenche and Kozlowski 1999; Braidwood and semi-arid belt and apparently played an impor-
Braidwood 1986; Harris 1998a, 1998b; Cauvin tant role within the PPNB interaction sphere, re-
2000a; Mellaart 1975), all are amenable to diverse ceive our attention and the nature of their mutual
The Scope of the Paper reach well beyond them... " (Wolf 2001:314). This socio-economic interpretations and classifications. interactions with the farming communities is sum-
is where prehistoric archaeology becomes a useful Traditionally Near Eastern Neolithic archaeology marized. By incorporating all these data sets, we
Classifying social systems for the purpose of tool. centered on reporting the finds (architecture, proceed to reconstruct the social structures of the
studying cultural evolution is not an easy task. It is true that we build our referential models lithics, fauna, botanical remains, etc.), establish- PPNB Neolithic tribal societies that we interpret
The recorded variability in today's world and the by employing the knowledge of complex hunter- ing chronological correlations, and dealing with to represent non-literate ranked societies in south-
recent historical past has caused some major dis- gatherers, farmers and horticulturists, as well as the aspects of the origin and evolution of agricul- western Asia. The evolution of these socially com-
agreements among scholars, particularly when pastoral nomads, whether defined as 'tribal', 'local tural systems. Much less effort and contemplation plex entities served as a stepping-stone for the
attempting to define the terms 'bands', 'tribes', and groups', and/or chiefdoms (Arnold 1996; Flannery was dedicated to presenting alternative social in- formation of the more famous and better known
the like (Wolf 1984; Giddens 1984). This situation 1999; Johnson and Earle 2000). In such an endeavor terpretations. This lacuna, as noted by Kuijt (2000) civilizations of the ancient Near East.
stems from the mosaic of organizational systems we are yielding to the 'tyranny of ethnography' is now being rapidly filled by new publications
across the globe from the surviving foragers to the (Wobst 1978) while trying to explain cultural evo- (Cauvin 2000a, 2000b; Kuijt 2000). We therefore, Neolithic Entities and the
overarching complex meta-populations. lution and the emergence of social forms as can be in the following pages, bring the information and Emergence of Agriculture
To categorize social systems, cultural anthro- recognized in archaeological records (Hayden published interpretations to our proposed paleo-
pologists and ethnographers employ a suite of oral, 1995). In this sense, this paper is not different than social reconstruction of early Neolithic societies. During the terminal Pleistocene and the early
visual, biological, and economic information that others on the same subject. What differs is the As a general background, we have briefly sum- Holocene, southwestern Asia and more particu-
is ultimately amalgamated in published reports region, the time, and the approach to the social marized the chronology and cultural sequence of larly the Levant and Anatolia witnessed a series of
and summaries (Kelly 1995; Johnson and Earle interpretation of the archaeological evidence. the region as well as what is known concerning socio-economic changes. These changes found their
2000). Part and parcel of these investigations are Most studies ofsocial evolution, departing from climatic changes during this time span. The Epi- expression in prehistoric entities that began with
studies of kinship, languages and dialects, songs, the so-called 'small scale' or 'intermediate societ- Paleolithic and early Neolithic cultural entities, the Natufian cultural complex (commonly referred
myths, and the daily and annual social interac- ies' of hunter-gatherers, accept that agricultural which persisted through the Terminal Pleistocene to as an Epi-Paleolithic entity) and ended with the
tions during the anthropological field studies. No systems flowed into various regions of the world and very early Holocene, are fully described in the collapse of the early Neolithic civilization. As men-
less important is the entire array of material cul- either by diffusion or colonization. In such cases, literature (Aurenche and Kozlowski 1999; Bar- tionedabove, we chose the PPNB period (ca. 10,500-
ture, predominantly manufactured of perishables. the cultural change did not germinate from inside Yosef1998; Goring-Morris and Belfer-Cohen 1997; 8,200 cal. B.P.) due to the richness of archaeologi-
However, most of this cultural data is unavailable but was triggered by the outside world. However, Henry 1998). The Early Neolithic period (ca. 11,500- cal records, which seem amenable to the interpre-
to us, the archaeologists. Instead, the best we can the emergence of agriculture as a new subsistence 8,200 cal. B.C. is traditionally subdivided into Pre- tation of past social structures as expressions of
do is to use our field observations, and the results system was different as this emergence occurred Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) and Pre-Pottery Neo- tribal societies. In the future, a similar analysis
of laboratory research in variable domains, to re- in 'core areas'. Limiting us to Eurasia and Africa, lithic B (PPNB). We decided to select the richest could be conducted for the earlier PPNA for which
construct the sequence of cultural evolution ofpast it suffices to say that most experts today agree that archaeological records of the PPNB which lasted new data is now rapidly accumulating (Stordeur
societies, as punctuated by changes. In doing so, the Neolithic Revolution took place in two focal for about 2,000 years or slightly longer by a few 2000a, 2000b). The PPNA was the period in which
we venture into the realm of social anthropology areas, namely, the Levant and the middle Yangzeh centuries, as indicated by calibrated radiocarbon the initial phases of the Neolithic Revolution took
from which we derive our inferences, while con- river valley (Smith 1998). This means that except chronology (Stuiver et al. 1998; Fig. I)-and to focus place, and the available summaries can be found
stantly facing the constraints of our own empiri- for complex foraging societies (a social structure on these records as the bases of our discussion. in the literature (Bar-Yosef and Meadow 1995;
cally based information, and our paradigmatic bi- that appeared and disappeared in a cyclical man- The PPNB is traditionally subdivided, on the Cauvin 2000a; Goring-Morris and Belfer-Cohen
ases. ner during the Upper Paleolithic) the formation of combined bases of stratified assemblages and ra- 1997; Harris 1998a, 1998b; Mellaart 1975; Moore
In considering the disadvantages of archaeol- larger and more complex social organizations were diocarbon dates, into four phases, as follows: Early 1989; Smith 1998).
ogyversus historically documented social systems, first established in these two regions. We there- PPNB (EPPNB), Middle (MPPNB), Late (LPPNB), In brief, current investigations demonstrate
it is correct to point out that the explanation of fore thought that instead of imposing any of the and Final. The last phase, during which a different that the Neolithic Revolution took place in the
'how past systems and institutions came into be- existing classifications of social organizations on core reduction strategy was practiced (and exem- Western Wing ofthe Fertile Crescent, the region
ing' is often unknown-as recognized by E. Wolf the wealth of information retrieved from early plified by several publications, is also known as known as the 'Levant' (Aurenche and Kozlowski
who noted "that in a majority of cases the entities Holocene sites in southwestern Asia, it would be PPNC; e.g., Rollefson 1997; Rollefson et al. 1992). 1999; Kozlowski 1999; Bar-YosefI998; Bar-Yosef
studied by anthropologists owe their development best to summarize the evidence and then propose With the progress in dating many Neolithic sites and Belfer-Cohen n.d.; Goring-Morris and Belfer-
to processes that originate outside them and an interpretation. This approach may allow the one may expect that this subdivision or an alterna- Cohen 1997; Harris 1998b; Moore and Hillman

340 341
O. Bar-Yosef and D. E. Bar-YosefMayer 15. Early Neolithic Tribes in the Levant

1992). This region stretches from the foothills of per village surpassed by up to twenty times the
the Taurus Mountains in southeast Turkey (in the largest Early Natufian hamlet reflecting an un-
uncalibrated 14C Calibrated
Traditional arc that combines the upstream of the Euphrates precedented prehistoric population growth within
and the Balikh), to the southern tip of the Sinai about 2,500 years (note the geographic distribu-
B.P. B.C. B.P. B.C. Levantine Chronology peninsula (Fig. 2). It is characterized today by tion in Figs. 3-4). Evidence for central public build-
6,000 4,000 north-south-oriented vegetational belts. Contrary ings, which followed the few cases known from the
to numerous past publications that dealt with the PPNAsuch as the tower in Jericho (Bar-Yosef1986),
Chalcolithic issue of agricultural origins, the paleo-botanical and the rounded 'kiva' type in J erf el Ahmar
evidence represents a different geographic spread (Stordeur 2000a, 2000b), were already uncovered
6,000 - - 4,000
- - - - - - - - - - - 7,000 5,000 of vegetational associations (Fig. 2). It indicates in almost every village site reflecting the emer-
that the recent spatial distribution of phytogeo- gence of social complexity (Bar-Yosef2001; Cauvin
Pottery Neolithic graphical areas (Zohary 1973) only reflects the 2000a; Kuijt 2000, and papers therein).
- 7,000--5,000 climate of the late Holocene and the cumulative
6,000 effects of human activities, especially since the The Economic Basis of PPNB
Bronze Age (Baruch and Bottema 1999; Hillman Societies
1996; van Zeist and Bottema 1991). Pollen cores
and carbonized plant remains from various sites This overview briefly summarizes both farm-

9,000 7,000
indicate that during the Younger Dryas the plant ing and foraging communities. Among the first
belt contracted and only expanded due to the wet- farmers, agricultural activities became a common
ter conditions of the early Holocene (Fig. 2) (Bar- practice and through time the incipient phases of
Mathews et al. 1997, 1999). The impact on carry- goat and sheep domestication that took place in
ing capacity, which can only be roughly estimated, the Taurus-Zagros arc were followed by their in-
- - - - - - - - - - - 10000 8,000 was undoubtedly noticed by humans living during troduction into neighboring territories (Fig. 5).
9,000 - -7,000 ' the early Holocene who witnessed rapid expansion Contemporary foragers continued to hunt and
of arable land. In the course of adopting the culti- gather plant food while developing intricate rela-
vation of cereals and legumes, a suite of founder tionships with farming communities. Tradition-
- - - - - - - - - - -11 ,000 9,000 crops became domesticated (Hillman 1996; Kislev ally, the entire Levant is considered an interaction
PPNA 1997; Zohary 1989; Zohary and Hopf2000). Unfor- sphere of both the 'sown land and the desert'. Thus
-10,000 - - 8,000 tunately, time estimates required for the domesti- it is interesting to follow the evolving dichotomy
cation of various species of cereals and legumes between farmers-herders and foragers. By the
-----------12,000 10,000 Harifian are widely diverse. end ofthe PPNB (ca. 8,500-8,200 cal. B.P.) while
Late The earliest phase of farming communities, farmers occupied the Mediterranean vegetational
often called PPNA, is still rather poorly known due belt and part of the steppic zone, foragers were
Natufian to the meager number of excavated and published spread from the steppic through the arid belt and
sites. The evidence from hamlets and/or villages in the north through the mountainous areas and
- 11,000- - 9,000 - - - -13,000 11,000
such as Mureybet (Cauvin 1977), Jerf el Ahmar portions of the Anatolian plateau. The evidence for
(Stordeur and J ammous 1995; Stordeur 2000a, interactions between the practitioners of the two
Early 2000b), Netiv Hagdud (Bar-Yosef and Gopher economic systems will be presented below. That
1997), Jericho (Kenyon and Holland 1981), Gilgal these mutual relationships could have ranged from
12,000 =·10,000 - - - - 14,000 12,000 Natufian (Noy 1989), Dhra (Kuijt 1995), and W16 in Wadi friendly encounters to violent conflicts is well
Feinan (Mithen and Finlayson 2000), seems to known from historical examples (Spielmann and
reflect the initial phases of a complex house soci- Eder 1994).
ety. However, the overall cultural picture is rather The identification of the economic basis of the
-----------15,000 13,000 schematic and therefore proposed reconstructions interactions emanates from a few archaeobotani-
-13.000 --'11,000 of social organizations can be made only generally. cal assemblages and numerous animal bone col-
Epi-Paleolithic This situation, which undoubtedly is temporary as lections. Carbonized seeds were better preserved
Based on INTCAL.98
additional fieldwork and publications are in in sites located mostly in the northern and central
- - - - - - - - - - - 1 6 , 0 0 0 14,000- OB-Y. progress, is due not only to the paucity of data but Levant and their taphonomy which allowed for
primarily to the particular characteristics of each particular preservation, is discussed in several
of the known sites. papers (de Moulins 1997; Harris 1998a; Hillman
Fig. 1. A chronological chart of calibrated and uncalibrated dates from the late Epi-Paleolithic through By the time ofthe PPNB (ca. 10,500-8,200 cal. et al. 1997; Kislev 1992, 1997; Miller 1996, 1997;
the Chalcolithic periods in the Levant. The reader is advised to keep in mind that the horizontal B.P.), systematic cultivation of Einkorn, Emmer van Zeist and de Roller 1995; van Zeist et al. 1986;
lines do not indicate precise dates, but an average that disregards the standard deviation of the wheat, barley, a suite of legumes, and flax was van Zeist and Waterbolk-van Rooijen 1985; Zohary
calibrated dates as well as the ambiguities caused by the dendrocalibration. practiced. The increasing number of inhabitants and Hopf 2000).

342 343
o. Bar-Yosef and D. E. Bar-YoserMayer 15. Early Neolithic Tribes in the Levant

When the range of activities of early farmers although it is not impossible that some exposures
'. '. (males, females, and children) are considered we along wadi courses may one day reveal a prehis-
generally would like to have the information con- toric field or an irrigation canal. van Zeist sus-
cerning fields, tilling techniques if any, the aver- pected that either winter precipitation was higher
age amount of winter precipitation or whether ir- during the PPNB or that irrigation was practiced
rigation was practiced, the techniques and timing in the marginal eastern belt (van Zeist and
of harvesting, storage methods, the use of fodder Waterbolk-van Rooijen 1985). Using stable carbon
when animals were penned and tended, and fi- isotope analysis, Araus and associates tested seeds
nally, perhaps the most enigmatic aspect, food from the PPNB deposits of Tel Halula (located in
preparation procedures. the Euphrates valley) to examine water availabil-
Given the 10,OOO-year history of agriculture in ity (Araus et al. 1998, 1999). The results suggest
the Levant and adjacent regions, it is difficult to- that the prehistoric crops enjoyed better water
day, even with air photography, to identify prehis- supplies than available today through winter rain.
toric fields. Long periods of alluviation probably However, without direct evidence for surface irri-
caused the burial of these early fields (Goldberg gation or dug-up canals, and/or the seeds of wild
and Bar-Yosef1990; Wilkinson and Tucker 1995) weeds that grow in periodically irrigated fields,

o 100

Mediterranean woodland
PPNB Site Distribution
Oak-terebinth parkland (entities after Aurenche and Kozlowski 1999)
& steppe
* Nemrikian
... Mlefatian
• Big Arrowhead Industry
oI 400

Fig. 2. The reconstructed vegetational map of the Levant during the PPNB. Fig. 3. Distribution of the PPNB sites after Aurenche and Kozlowski (1999) and their entities as defined
on the basis oflithic studies (see also Gopher 1994; Kozlowski 1999).

344 345
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~"H!H;'f*"'+¥"¥4;;;g$."jIU2L I11;JJI

Nahal Oren __

eJilat7 -4raq 31

Mobile Mobile
Hunter- Hunter-
>I>- Gatherers Gatherers

• Gazelle ~
• Gazelle
o Goat/Sheep or Ibex o Goat/Sheep or Ibex
Early+Middle PPNB Late PPNB
9,600/9,300- 8,500 B.P. 8,500-8,200/800 B.p.

Kilometers calibrated calibrated ~

Fig. 5. The acquisition of herding goats and sheep during the PPNB in the southern Levant (after Bar-Yosef2000). A. the situation during the ~
MPPNB. B. The expanding of herding during the LPPNB. ~
O. Bar-Yosefand D. E. Bar-YosefMayer 15. Early Neolithic Tribes in the Levant

one cannot confirm the practice of irrigation. Ex- and basketry. The earliest, flimsy if direct, evi- began with sheep during the EPPNB with some riod. The penning of aurochs and their ensuing
perimental investigation demonstrated that cereal dence for cordage and basketry was uncovered in hints that goats were also included (Peters et al. domestication appears to have been first motivated
phytoliths in to day's irrigated fields are different PPNA Netiv Hagdud (Schick 1997). In PPNB con- 1999). Later, during the middle and late PPNB byreligiousreasons('the'bull-cult';Cauvin2000a).
from those of dry farming because they are multi- texts, the knife handle cover from Cayonu is known (MPPNB and LPPNB), either goats and/or sheep, Similar to other animals, cattle (mostly bulls) were
celled, and thus can serve as a tool to identify an- as well as a wealth of other various remains (bas- were herded into the central and southern Levant sacrificed, possibly during ceremonial feasts. The
cient irrigation (Miller-Rosen and Weiner 1994). kets, boxes, head-gear) from Nahal Hemar cave (Fig. 5; Bar-Yosef 2000; Martin 1999). It is not subsequent use ofthe cattle as a source of milk and
However, the paleo-climatic proxy data from car- (Schick 1988; 1989). Certain items were produced inconceivable that this transfer developed with as draft animals is an achievement in what Sherratt
bonate accumulations in caves and pollen cores from annuals (members of the Cerealia family) long-distance exchange lines that evolved rapidly (1981) named the Secondary Products Revolution.
already point to a generally higher annual precipi- while more elaborate objects such as the headgear during this period. With such an activity one can In the Levant, pigs were probably the last
tation than today during this period. " and a 'napkin' were twined from linen. The produc- envisage local foragers, as well as mobile farmers, animals to be incorporated into the Neolithic house-
The tool-kits ofthe early farmers included axes/ tion of linen required a considerable amount of playing the important role of the 'middle-man'. hold. While it has been proposed that there is evi-
adzes, which in the central and southern Levant work beginning with sawing linseeds, weeding A clear example ofthe dislocation ofgoat, sheep, dence ofthe penning of pigs in Hallan Cemi during
were bifacially shaped with transverse blows pro- during the growing season, pulling, rippling, ret- cattle and pigs (as well as the wild Fallow deer) is the late Epi-Paleolithic, further analysis suggested
ducing a sharp cutting edge (also known as ting, bracking, scutching, hackling, and finally documented in the PPNB Cypriote site ofShillouro- that it was not a case of domestication (Peters et al.
Tahunian axes) and later modified by a certain spinning (McCorriston 1997, and references cambos (Vigne et al. 1999,2000). These animals, 1999). Early husbandry of pigs is reported from
amount of polishing. In the villages in the north- therein). Hence the production of twined objects not original species of the island, must have been the MPPNB sites (Hongo and Meadow 2000).
ern Levant and Anatolia polished celts were stan- such as those discovered in Nahal Hemar cave imported via boats or rafts, whatever was the sea- In sum, the fully developed Neolithic economy
dard. All these tools were mostly employed in wood raises questions as to who within the PPNB soci- faring vehicle of the colonists. Zooarchaeological with domesticated species of plants and animals
working including felling trees, clearing bushes, ety invested in this labor intensive activity?, was analysis of bone assemblages demonstrated the appears to have emerged earlier in the northern
shaping wooden objects, and on occasion tilling the it done at the domestic level?, were the items made similarity between the earliest goats in Cyprus Levant. Due to geographic proximity, new inven-
land (Cauvin 2000a; Yamada 2000). There is no for daily use?, or perhaps as components for spiri- and those considered the wild population on the tions and innovations did not escape the inhabit-
evidence for the use of the plough, which probably tual paraphernalia that saw daylight only in pub- mainland. Hence, the expected morphological ants of the central and southern Levant. This re-
followed long after the domestication of cattle lic ceremonies? We definitely need more evidence changes entailed in the process of domestication, gional network formed the body of the PPNB inter-
(Sherratt 1983). in order to respond to these queries. and occurred slowly over a long period oftime (Pe- action sphere.
Harvesting equipment evolved from simple Somewhat simpler seems the case of animal ters et al. 1999). The implications for the continen-
sickles to V-shaped bone tools for stripping seed exploitation. The preservation of animal bones is tal sites are simple. At the sites located in the The PPNB Inter-and-Intra Site
heads from straw, and later to the tribulum (Ander- commonly better than plant remains. Due to the natural habitat of caprovines, such as PPNB Cafer Variability: The Domestic Aspects
son 1998; M.-C. Cauvin 1973). length of the PPNB period, and the slow process of Huyuk, the absence of size changes cannot be as-
Storage facilities were of variable shapes and introducing herd animals into village economies, sumed to be due to continued hunting by farmers, In order to define territories within which sites
are known from special built-in installations within one notices how the boundaries between villages because the practice of penning had most likely can be classified as central villages, subsidiary
the houses, or in courtyards as well as specific rooms with goats and sheep and those without, shifted already started. In areas where bones ofwild goats villages, hamlets, seasonal stations and the like,
that were filled with grain (Akkermans and through time (Fig. 5; Bar-Yosef2000; Horwitz et were rarely found in older (Epi-Paleolithic and we need to have the most basic information about
Duistermaat 1996). The changes in storage facili- al. 1999; Martin 1999; Peters et al. 1999; Vigne et PPNA) contexts, the sudden shift to high frequen- location, potential routes, sizes and contents. Es-
ties could mark the shift from nuclear family con- al. 1999; Zeder 1999). cies of caprovines within a faunal spectrum is the sentially we seek the kind of documents that are
sumption to larger social units and perhaps, as Most scholars agree that the bulk of current bestindication for the onset ofherding (Davis 1982). required for spatial analysis or landscape archae-
found in some PPNB sites, to an institutionalized information points to the Taurus-Zagros arc as the In the semi-arid sites of the Syro-Arabian desert, ology. Today, most of the data sets, even when
control of public granaries. In this domain, which homeland for the incipient penning and possible goats became part of the economy only by 8,000/ incomplete, are primarily available from farming
borders both public and private property, we should subsequent domestication of goats and sheep. In 7,500 cal. B.P. and later (Martin 1999; Figs. 5a- communities, due to the number of excavations
mention the water wells. The earliest known wa- the mountain ranges and the plains of the foot- 5b). and site reports. From these the following picture
ter wells-dated to EPPNB-were uncovered in hills, these two herd animals were already hunted Indeed, the boundaries between farmers-herd- concerning location, ancient routes, site size, do-
Cyprus in Mylouthkia and Shillourocambos during the millennia of the Epi-Paleolithic. It is ers (who continued to hunt and gather wild plants), mestic architecture will be discussed below and
(Peltenburg et al. 2000) and the latest, a finely therefore not surprising that in this region, the and foragers who essentially subsisted in the semi- serve as population estimates (Fig. 6).
constructed well was found in Atlit-Yam, a coastal familiarity offoragers and early farmers as hunt- arid region, were far from stable during the PPNB. It is quite obvious that the largest village sites
LPPNB site that lies 8-10 m under the current sea ers in this region with the behavior of goat and By about 7,500 cal. B.P. the economic dichotomy are located in the river valleys and their tributar-
level (Galili and Nir 1993). sheep, motivated under particular circumstances between farmers-herders and pastoral nomads ies, intermontane valleys or inland basins that
In identifying the division oflabor and the role (not to be discussed here) penning and tending. emerged and was established in the following mil- accommodated lakes, ponds, and springs. Many of
of gender within the daily, monthly and annual That this practice began in the northern Levant is lennia. Members of both economic regimes contin- these sites are currently covered by artificial lakes,
cycle offarming, we have made no major progress becomingbetter established in recent years, in spite ued to hunt and trap, as well as gather wild plants, the results of modern dam construction.
except by employing ethnographic evidence and ofthe presence in very low frequencies ofwild goats seeds, and fruits for various purposes including The particular location ofthese villages reflects
observations of modern peasant societies. We en- and ibex among the bone assemblages in the cen- those used for medicinal purposes. their proximity to arable land, fresh water sources,
vision prehistoric males and females as carrying tral and southern Levant. Goats and sheep were originally exploited as and to routes along river valleys or mountain
out a variety of tasks. We imagine that males were Current reports indicate an age of Early PPNB sources of meat and hides. Only later is there evi- passes. We note that ceremonial centers (see the
responsible for manufacturing the tools and as- (EPPNB) for the transformation in the exploita- dence for the use ofhair, wool, and milk. Cattle and following section) are situated either at the top of
sume that the females were in charge of twining tion of animal resources. The process of husbandry pigs appear during the MPPNB and LPPNB pe- a hill visible from a considerable distance (Gobekli

348 349
o. Bar-Yosef and D. E. Bar-YosefMayer 15. Early Neolithic Tribes in the Levant

Tepe) or a well-hidden narrow valley (Kfar cellars and storage facilities. This suggestion re- of sites/buildings the investment and survival is Goring-Morris et al. 1994-5) where the main fea-
HaHoresh and Baja). lies on the well-preserved houses with two floors for a multi-generational period. Examples of this tures were graves, rectangular plastered floored
There is a clear size hierarchy among PPNB uncovered mainly in the LPPNB sites such as Basta type of structure were uncovered in Beihda, 'Ain structures, and caches of special tools, artifacts
settlements in spite of the limitations imposed by and Ghwair in Jordan as well as the corridor houses Ghazal, Navali Cori and Cayonu. The third cat- and animal bones, which reflect the range of ac-
small, excavated surfaces in most sites (Bar-Yosef in Beidha (Byrd 2000; Kirkbride 1966; Simmons egory is sacred localities, which perhaps marked tivities from the mundane to the sacred. The lithic
and Meadow 1995; Hole 2000; Kuijt 2000). Although and Najjar 2000). In these sites employing stones territorial ownership, such as Nahal Hemar cave. industry includes all the common types found in
ethnoarchaeological studies (Kramer 1982, 1983; and building material for the walls ensured better Other material expressions of the Neolithic every village, with blades removed from naviform
Watson 1978, 1979) indicate that the measurable preservation. In addition, the custom of filling realm of beliefs are mortuary practices, figurative cores, bifacial tools, and the suite of arrowheads
surface of mounds cannot be translated by a simple abandoned habitation units (Ozdogan and Ozdogan expressions such as the reliefs on the T-shaped known from other MPPNB sites. Imported precious
formula to a number of inhabitants, the size distri- 1998) saved them for future archaeologists. Larger pillars and stelae at Gobekli Tepe and Navali Cori materials include obsidian and cinnabar (originat-
bution ofPPNB sites seems to reflect absolute dif- houses versus smaller ones, possibly reflect un- (Hauptmann 1999; Schmidt 1998, 1999), the plas- ing in Anatolia) as well as marine shells mostly
ferences in the number of people. We assume that equal wealth and social status as suggested by size ter statues (Fig. 7) and modeled skulls in the south- from the Mediterranean Sea but a few from the
the largest tested sites accommodated, based on differences in Cayonu, where the largest excavated ern Levant (Goring-Morris 2000; Rollefson 2000, Red Sea. Among the special finds are a plastered
population estimates of 100-150 people per hect- exposure is available (over 5,000 square meters). and references therein; Strouhal 1973), and the skull associated with a headless gazelle skeleton,
are, a viable biological unit ofat least 400-500 people various types of small clay figurines of humans and a pit that contained the remains of eight au-
(Bar-Yosefand Belfer-Cohen 1989). This estimate The Evidence for Ceremonial and animals found in every site (Voigt 1991, and rochs, six of which were adults. Aside from well-
could be higher if we consider 12.0 hectare as the Centers references therein; Voigt 2000). These represent defined burials, including adults withjaws and no
size ofthe largest villages. Hence, tribal territories the ideology, artistic concepts, and techniques of crania, the entire excavated area was littered with
were perhaps inhabited by 1,500-2,500 people or The geographic distribution of the PPNB ma- production at the time of creation, although they human remains. Among the game animals, besides
more, depending on the area within the Levant. terial elements, as mentioned above, reflects terri- could have been used by many ensuing genera- the aurochs, were gazelle, goat, wild boar, deer,
Large and medium size villages are assumed torial subdivisions within the Levant and Anatolia. tions. hare, and fox. Thus, as noted by the excavator, the
to be major demographic centers and some may Assuming that the territorial social structure was We begin by mentioning the impressive site of unique characteristic of the site is the joint burial
have even served as central places for annual gath- loose and kinship-based, we may expect to uncover Gobekli Tepe that spans a surface of about 35-40 of humans and animals. Certain burials seem to
erings. The better known sites in the Taurus foot- the evidence for religious activities. Such activi- hectares. The excavated areas exposed a series of have been sealed by the plaster floors. Small lime-
hills and the Levant include Cayonu (Ozdogan ties, aimed at maintaining, regulating, and codify- superimposed rounded and rectangular structures stone slabs are categorized as 'tomb stones' or ste-
1999), Qafer Huyuk (Cauvin et al. 1999), Navali ing the social structure to ensure the biological (large rooms) supported by T-shaped pillars that lae. The information from Kfar HaHoresh illumi-
Cori (Hauptmann 1999), Gobekli Tepe (Schmidt and cultural survival of the group would generate served for mounting the roof. Floors are often plas- nates the complex ceremonial aspects associated
1999), Tel Halula (Molist 1998), Abu Hureira both perishable and non-perishable remains. Per- tered. Most amazing are the carvings of various with funerary rites (see below, Goring-Morris 2000,
(Moore 1975), Bouqras (Akkermans et al. 1983), ishable remains, which often represent a unique animals on the pillars including snakes, cranes, and references therein).
Beisamoun (Lechevallier 1978), Yiftah'el (Gar- event or a series of events, would include food and ducks, foxes, rams, bulls, boar and lions (Fig. 7). A somewhat similar site is Baja, situated in a
finkeI1987), Kfar HaHoresh (Goring-Morris 2000), drinks consumed during religious feasts, of which Human figures appear from the earliest layer but small closed valley in southern Jordan, where the
Munhata (Gopher and Orelle 1995), 'Ain Ghazal only animal bones may survive. Chewing halluci- become, in the current sample, the dominant im- surrounding cliffs left only a narrow wadi canyon
(Rollefson 1997, 2000), Jericho (Kenyon and Hol- nogenic plant substances and/or drinking alcoholic ages in the upper layers (Schmidt 1999). Gobekli as the sole entrance (Gebel and Hermansen 1999;
land 1981), Beidha (Kirkbride 1966), and Basta beverages are an integral part of conducting ritu- Tepe is still under excavation, and a fuller picture Gebel et al. 1997). The exposed buildings are seen
(Nissen et al. 1987). als in forager and peasant societies. There is evi- will emerge in due course. The faunal remains from by the excavators as multi-room courtyard houses
In each site, the domestic buildings often re- dence that the human experience ofpreparing plant the earliest layers are predominantly gazelle, wild ofthe LPPNB age. Most houses had a second story
flect a multi-generational use of the same basic foods for consumption led them to recognize the cattle, wild ass, wild sheep, and boar (Peters et al. and an intact staircase was discovered in one of
social units. In a recent analysis, Byrd (2000) sug- advantages of fermenting wheat and barley into 1999). It is worth noting that more than 60% of the them. Rooms of the first floors are interpreted as
gested that nuclear families were a stable social beer (Katz and Voigt 1986) and enhanced the pro- wild cattle remains are those of bulls (as noted by accommodating domestic activities, and special-
entity in the southern Levant from the Natufian cess ofintentional cultivation. However, we do not the investigators, in a regular village site just a ized crafts, such as the production of stone rings.
through the PPNB. These families occupied the yet have direct evidence for the use of these sub- few kilometers away, the ratio of males to females While the evidence for the special status of the site
independent rectangular buildings that vary in stances. among the cattle bones is 1:5). This finding sup- as a ceremonial center is still meager, its unique
size, type and construction, from site to site and The non-perishable, sturdy elements that sur- ports the observation that male animals were the topographic situation is very promising.
sometimes within the same site (Hole 2000). How- vived the vagaries of time and physically embody preferred sex for sacrificed animals in the ancient The evidence from Gobekli Tepe and Kfar
ever, the presence oflarger compounds such as in the relationships between humans and their gods Near East. Hence the remains from feasting dur- HaHoresh begs for alternative interpretations. On
Bouqras may denote the accommodation of ex- are reflected in three types of sacred locales. The ing ceremonies supports Cauvin's suggestion to see one hand we can claim that these sites are just
tended families. Such an interpretation is born by first are special sites where the religious activities the Woman and Bull as the ruling divinities of the central villages where annual aggregation took
today's Near Eastern traditional villages where seem to have been the central focus, including, Neolithic cultures. His proposal relies on the finds place, and during the rest ofthe year the local com-
neighboring or attached houses are generally those Gobekli Tepe, Kfar HaHoresh, and Ba'ja (Gebel offigurines and bucrania in the Mureybetian sites munity had the same life style as in every other
of kin-related nuclear families. and Hermansen 1999; Goring-Morris 2000; in the mid-Euphrates river valley, where recently village. Alternatively it suggests that these sites
In mostPPNB sites during the MPPNB, houses Hauptmann 1999). The second type is a unique supportive evidence was revealed in the site ofJ erf were occupied by a special sect ofthis society (pos-
were subdivided into smaller rooms (known as the building in each village that stands out among el Ahmar (Stordeur 2000a, 2000b). sibly a segmentary tribe), who due to their 'spiri-
'cell plan'), a process that stipulated the addition of domestic architecture, and served the local com- A different type of a central site is the small tual role' in conducting religious ceremonies and
a second floor. The small, cramped units, served as munity as a shrine or 'meetinghouse'. In both types village of Kfar HaHoresh (Goring-Morris 2000; rituals had a different status. This proposal re-

350 351
o. Bar-Yosef and D. E. Bar-YosefMayer 15. Early Neolithic Tribes in the Levant

sembles Mellaart's earlier proposal concerning the air gathering locale, heretofore undiscovered, that
area he excavated at Catal Huyuk (Mellaart 1975). probably occupied the wide bank of the wadi. In
With the telling evidence from Gobekli Tepe such addition, we found evidence for breakage and dam-
interpretations seem more credible. In addition, age during Neolithic times caused by a fire that
the evolutionary distance from this kind of seg- occurred inside the cave, as well as ibex using the
mentary tribe to the rise of a sect of priests is not cave as a refuge in winter, hyena occupations, and
far. The situation, as archaeologically documented, modern plundering. In conclusion, it seems that
definitely differs from a hunting-gathering society the original assemblage stored at Nahal Hemar
where almost every member could be a shaman, as cave, does not represent the property of a house-
common among known modern foragers (Lewis- hold but a community.
Williams 2000). The last category is the village 'shrines' or
The last example for a unique localitythat could 'temples'. These were noticed by the excavators of
have served also as a territorial marker is Nahal Beihda, 'Ain Ghazal, Navali Cori, and Cayonu. In
Hemar cave, a small dark chamber, with an en- each case, the structure often differs from the com-
trance less than a meter wide, located at the mon domestic buildings. Such is the 'Terrazzo
confluence of two major wadis, which descend to building' in Cayonu , the only structure with a
the Dead Sea (Bar-Yosefand Alon 1988; Bar-Yosef plaster floor. In Navali Cori, the benches, pillars
and Schick 1989). Despite an intensive survey in and sculptures announced the particular features
the immediate area, no site that could have been a of the building (Hauptmann 1999). In 'Ain Ghazal,
habitation site was found in the immediate envi- one structure was built according to a rounded plan
ronment. and plastered, in contrast to the surrounding rect-
"i:: The interior of the Nahal Hemar cave was oc- angular houses. Another is a typical house, but
ro cupied by a series of huge blocks that did not allow contained several stelae and an altar-like installa-
C for the formation ofleveled living floors. The cave tion (Rollefson 1998, 2000). In Beidha the squarish
::l was filled with limestone rubble mixed with copro- large building stands out among the common 'cor-
CO lites, twigs, and numerous Neolithic objects radio- ridor-type'houses (Byrd 2000; Kirkbride 1968). The
carbon dated to the MPPNB. The assemblages of presence of a special structure within a settlement
the three main layers contained objects that could was heralded earlier in Early Natufian ('Ain
have been used in domestic activities, such as a Mallaha) and PPNA sites (Jericho and Jerf el
sickle, the special Nahal Hemar flint knives, bone Ahamar; Goring-Morris 2000).
spatulas, baskets, and asphalt-coated containers. In sum, the hierarchical variability represented
I: However, the large number of the Nahal Hemar
o in villages by ceremonial central sites, cult build-
1:; knives (over 200) and other items such as stone ings, or sanctuaries, as well as special sites such as
f! masks, adorned skulls, fragments of plaster hu- Nahal Hemar cave, reflect an unprecedented ter-
S man statues (Goren et al. 1993), bone figurines ritorial cultural complexity, which we feel, indi-
01: shaped with asphalt, white plaster, red ochre and cates the presence of a segmentary and non-egali-
G) G)
I: > green mineral, as well as twined decorated head tarian social structure. This issue will be further
0·- gear, numerous painted wooden beads, and plas- discussed below.
as ter weights for what possibly was a straw skirt, are
reminiscent of other discoveries of cached ceremo- Mortuary Practices and Mobile
nial objects (Bar-Yosef and Alon 1988; Bar-Yosef Objects: Additional Evidence for
and Schick 1989; Schick 1989). Cosmology and Social
In certain cases such objects, when losing their Differentiation
active role and/or due to breakage (random and/or
intentional) are buried in pits (known as 'favissa') Mortuary practices are a well-known source
in order to preserve their value as non-domestic for evaluating the social status of individuals and
items. The collection ofNahal Hemar cave does not groups within human societies. Besides the num-
seem to fall in this 'favissa' category for several ber of the buried individuals, information concern-
reasons (contra Garfinkel 1994). Among others, ing the position of the skeletons, whether a pri-
objects that lost their holy value were buried out- mary or secondary burial, as well as the presence
side the sacred building (which in Neolithic times and value of grave goods, are the criteria employed
and later periods is generally a shrine or a temple). for estimating social ranking. Examining this kind
This does not apply to Nahal Hemar cave, which of observations among PPNB sites follow the same
was probably a storage facility next door to an open- path.

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O. Bar-Yosef and D. E. Bar-YosefMayer 15. Early Neolithic Tribes in the Levant

During the PPNB period we notice a reduction buried in the narrow staircase passage of the Jeri- 'Ain Ghazal, Jericho (over 30 items), and a few In sum, when ceremonial centers, cult build-
in the number of on-site burials in spite ofthe in- cho PPNA tower (Kenyon 1957). small fragments in Nahal Hemar cave (Goren et ings, sanctuaries, 'houses of the dead', reliefs on
crease in the number of excavated sites. Thus, in In many cases the removed skulls were re- al. 1993; Rollefson 2000). Their archaeological con- pillars and stelae, undecorated stelae, mobile ob-
spite ofthe degree ofconservatism in mortuary prac- buried in various contexts including special pits, text in the villages testifies to the intentional burial jects that were employed in rituals and plays
tices a change is noticed when comparedto the PPNA thus creating 'skull caches' (Kuijt, 2000 p. 137- of cult objects. The breakage of such items prior to (whether in public, in sacred domains, or in the
(Aurenche and Kozlowski 1999). Burying the dead 164). Similar secondary burial of disarticulated or their interment is a well-known phenomenon from course of intimate encounters of the nuclear and/
on site in abandoned houses, courtyards, and below partially articulated skeletons was also practiced later, historic periods. The human fully standing or extended family) are taken into account, three
the house floors continued but finding cemeteries (Goring-Morris 2000; Kuijt 1996; Ozdogan 1999). statues and busts of males, females, and children major conclusions may be reached: (a) there is sig-
beyond the living space of the village is expected. In A small number ofthe skulls were given a spec- frequently display asphalt circled eyes and line nificant evidence to indicate the existence ofterri-
addition, mass burials in special buildings have tacular treatment as manifested by the plaster paintings, as well as two-tiered size, and the pres- torially organized, non-egalitarian societies that
been discovered in a few sites. There are rare ex- modeled and painted skulls from Jericho, 'Ain ence or absence of hands. Therefore, by employing would fall under the category of ,tribes'; (b) we can
amples of grave goods with the human relics. Ghazal, Kfar HaHoresh, Beisamoun, Ramad, archaeological analogies, the statues seem to rep- begin to grasp what Cauvin refers to as the 'birth
The most distinctive feature ofPPNB mortu- Mureybet IVB, and Nevali Cori (Aurenche and resent a group of deities of a Neolithic pantheon. of the gods' (Cauvin 2000a); and (c) mythological
ary practices was the removal of adult skulls while Kozlowski 1999; Cauvin 1972; Contenson 1971; The fundamental, primordial belief, that gods bear epics recorded during the Bronze Age and later
leaving intact the full skeleton of children. The Goring-Morris 2000; Hauptmann 1999; Lecheval- the same physical image as humans, is an old one. guard the Neolithic ideologies and their material
removal of adult skulls started in the Late Natufian lier 1978; Rollefson 2000; StrouhaI1973). A differ- Creating humans in the form of gods is recorded in realization and crystallization may cautiously serve
but became a standard procedure in the PPNA ent case are those modeled with some sort of a the depiction ofthe creation ofMan in the Akkadian as sources for interpreting the PPNB and
villages, and seems to reflect the different social collagen mixture found in Nahal Hemar cave epic of Gilgamesh (Amiran 1962). The two-tiered Chalcolithic beliefs (Amiran 1962; Cauvin 2000a;
status attributed to each age class. It has been (Yakar and Hershkovitz 1988). Collectively, skulls hierarchy among the complete specimens from 'Ain Margalit 1983)
suggested that secondary burials (including skull are interpreted to represent one facet of the 'cult of Ghazal may reflect the ranking within the human Cauvin's early book (1972) was the pioneering
caches) and the lack of grave goods are sound indi- the ancestors'. In addition, all ofthe plastered skulls society. study that showed the road to a better understand-
cations for negotiating equality and codifying so- had their face shaped and painted (often red and The more common finds are the clay figurines ing of Neolithic cosmology, a point which did not
cial cohesion within communities (Kuijt 1996, green) sometimes with shells in their eye-sockets. of animals and humans, some of which could have escape researchers such as Eliade in the history of
2000). Apparently, this strategy was adopted as It is worth noting that in the Ugaritic literature been toys or teaching devices. It is only through religion and who thought that "the history ofreli-
the economic changes caused by the rapidly in- (mid-second millennium B.C.) the acts of pouring careful attention to the contexts, as demonstrated gious ideas and beliefs is one with the history of
creasing role of agricultural products and accumu- plaster on the skull ofthe dead god Aqht and the by Voigt (1991, 2000) that we will be able to deci- civilization" (Eliade 1978, p. 44). Eliade clearly
lation of surplus threatened to break past social avulsion of his teeth (as noticed on most of the pher their social and religious meanings. The clay expressed his view that there was a social evolu-
alliances. However, the different treatment applied plastered skulls), by the goddess Anat are done in figurines are not as numerous in the Levant, the tionary continuum from the early Neolithic to the
to children and adults tells us that they were not the context of funerary activities when Aqht de- homeland of the PPNB civilization, as in the two city-state of Mesopotamia. Hence, the Neolithic
equal members of society. Hence, what may seem parts to the netherworld. This description is inter- neighboring eastern and western regions where cosmology and religious practices-even if the
to be an effort to keep the southern society egali- preted as a mythological reminder of an old prac- the impact of this civilization was felt within a various interpretations mentioned above or in the
tarian, hardly applies to the northern region. More- tice which Margalit (1983) believes was known in short time, namely in western Iran and the cited references remain tentative-undoubtedly
over, graves with offerings were uncovered in Neo- the Late Bronze Age to people from accidental finds Anatolian plateau (Haji Firuz and Catal Hoyuk; encompass a large array of physical expressions
lithic sites in the Zagros and its foothills and a of archaeological specimens while constructing Voigt 1983). In Voigt's latest interpretation (2000), for the shared ethos ofNeolithic communities, and
similar phenomenon was documented among the their own houses on ancient mounds. which takes into account both sculptures and wall indicate that rituals were conducted in both public
burials in Catal Hiiyiik (Mellaart 1967, 1975), in- Even without the implication of plastering the paintings, the figurines seem to represent a gen- and household spheres. When compared to the pre-
dicating social ranking among colonizers and/or skull of a dead god, it seems that the small number der-balanced view and/or sending a message of Neolithic societies in the Near East such as the
locals who adopted agriculture. Finally, a change of adult skulls that were plastered indicates that abundance and fertility. The efforts involved in Natufian (Bar-Yosef 1997), the PPNB civilization
in ideology is recorded among late PPNB contexts these were revered members of the group, perhaps manufacturing the clay figurines are minimal, and within each of its territories, produced to date a
in the Levant where most adult burials were left the elite of the village. Their final deposition in once out of use, they could have been discarded or much richer and more telling portrait of the suite
untouched. particular loci, commonly interpreted as burial pits, given to children-as indicated by one study of a of changes incorporated under the term 'the Neo-
In several sites special buildings produced means that they were considered holy objects and pastoral Asian society (Stiger et al. 1991). lithic Revolution'. It is obvious that a certain
massive accumulations of skeletal remains. One disposal was not permitted in the regular dumps, In the context of simple 'temples' or 'shrines' amount ofthis richness resulted from the cultural
example of a 'house of the dead' was uncovered in as occurred for example with many clay figurines. the representation of incised and carved animals growth and continuity from the preceding period,
Cayonu (Ozdogan 1999). In what the excavators One may wonder if the differential treatment and humans on pillars and stelae, sculptures, and the PPNA. It is expected that the spade of the ac-
named the 'skull building' secondary burials ofmore ofthe deceased reflects their social status. Ifit did, as plastered statues, embody the range of symbols tive archaeologists will reveal in the near future
than 300 individuals were uncovered, with 76 iso- then what we see is ranking by age and selection that formed the religious world ofthis civilization. more data from this period.
lated skulls above the post-cranial elements, all among the adults. Did this tripartite division mark Not surprisingly, their overall distribution re-
packed into three cells, at the back of a large room the social ranking within each village? The posi- sembles almost the entire array of deities and sa- PPNB Foragers in the Semi-Arid Belt
that could have served as a sanctuary. Another tive response needs further support from intra- cred figures known from the ancient Near East.
case is Dja'de (Coqueugniot 1998) where in a 'cell village structure, information we have only from The mixture of nature's agencies, physical and In the pursuit of social geography across the
house' the remains of about 40 individuals, includ- the excavations of Cayonu. animal, as well as humans were key elements in Near East, we now turn to the PPNB foragers in
ing detached skulls, were exposed. This phenom- No less relevant to the issue of cosmology is the all the old religions prior to the emergence of mono- the marginal zone, where small-scale societies
enon resembles the PPNB skeletons that were collection of human plaster statues unearthed in theism in this region. persisted for a very long time and interacted with

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O. Bar-Yosef and D. E. Bar-YosefMayer 15. Early Neolithic Tribes in the Levant

farmers-herders (Fig. 6). They are known from a than a 1,000 identifiable bones, and were mainly
series ofexcavations inJordan, the Negev and Sinai ibex, gazelle, hare and fox(Dayan et aI. 1986). Bones
and their sites are smaller by comparison to the of quail (Coturnix coturnix) indicate a late spring-
villages, with the largest ones extending over ca. summer occupation as these birds migrate across
1,000 square meters (Bar-Yosef 1984; Garrard the Mediterranean into the Sinai in large flocks,
1998; Garrard et al. 1994, 1996; Gopher et al. 1994). and until recently, were net-trapped along the
Animal bones, some plant remains, and large northern Sinai coast. The quail generally arrive in
collections of grinding slabs indicate a subsistence southern Sinai by April-May. Additional indica-
based on hunting and gathering (Garrard 1999; tions of late spring-summer occupation were the
Martin 1999). Employing various criteria suoh as unfused distal humeri of ibex bones, as it has been
topography and exposure to winds, building tech- suggested that theywere hunted six to eightmonths ;,~ .~ "~II"\
niques, seasonal procurement strategies, ratios of after birth. Today most ibex births take place dur-
cores to debitage and shaped items, suggest a ing late March or early April. Assuming the same
classification of sites into winter and summer birthing cycle during the PPNB, these young ante-
camps. lopes could have been hunted during October and
For example, sites considered winter camps November. Occupation ofUjrat el Mehed from early
(Bar-Yosef 1984) were excavated in southwestern spring to fall would also coincide with the season
Sinai (Wadi Jibba I and II, about 300-350 m above for the collection of seeds (late April through July)
sea level, 25 km from the shores of the Gulf of and fruits (August through November in places
Suez), as well as in the highland area some 1,000 above the valley floors). Moreover, this season
m above sea level, where metamorphic rocks and would be suitable for holding social gatherings,
sandstones meet (Wadi Tbeik; Gopher 1989). De- which included ritual burials, exchange ofartifacts,
spite differences in altitude, these sites have com- and other activities that enhance the social cohe-
mon features. First, they are sheltered from north- sion ofthe group (e.g., mating arrangements, danc-
western winds. Second, they are compounds of ing, and participation in public ceremonies).
small rooms (2.0-3.0 meters in diameter with stone The centrality ofUjrat el Mehed is reflected in
built walls). When the collapsed rocks are taken the richness ofits malacological assembly. Marine
into account the original walls stood to 0.80-1.30 shells used for making beads and pendants (Bar-
meter high, and the super-structure was probably YosefMayer 1997) were retrieved from everyPPNB
brush. site, both winter and summer camps. Predomi-
Wadi Tbeik for example, was 250 square meters nantly they were collected from the Red Sea shores,
and contained over 1,000 identifiable bones though a few originated in the Mediterranean.
(Tchernov and Bar-Yosef1982). The assemblage is However, the variability ofthe shell species in Ujrat
dominated by male ibex (MNI of 33 versus 16 fe- el Mehed is the highest indicating that they were .d""' "',":'

males), which may indicate that males were hunted brought in via a larger geographic network than in
during winter, when females were calving. Female any of the other sites.
meat during winter is lean and is considered ined- Another special feature ofUjrat el Mehed is a
ible by hunters (Speth and Spielmann 1983). The series ofsmall, carefully-built, oval and bell-shaped
lack of horn cores and vertebrae could perhaps be underground pits that originally could have served
related to the selection of parts brought to camp.
Four sites interpreted as summer camps were
for the storage of grain or other foodstuff. While
only one ofthese pits contained arrowheads, shell
excavated in the valleys of the highlands of south-
ern Sinai, at an altitude of ca. 1,600 m above sea
beads, unworked shells and a few other objects,
four contained skulls and long bones of 16 adult
level. All were located in areas open to prevailing skeletons in secondary burials (Hershkovitz et al. \

winds and therefore would have not been selected, 1994). An additional skeleton was uncovered in a
given the low temperatures and cold, harsh winds, pit dug in the center of a rounded room and filled
as winter shelters. The sites ranged in size from ca. with reddish-purple clay. A few slabs were placed
250 m2 to ca. 20-25 m2. in upright position on top of it, covering the re-
The excavations in Ujrat el Mehed exposed a mains of a baby.
unique site with flimsy structures, rich lithic in- Hence, Ujrat el Mehed with its topographic
dustries with low frequencies of unretouched location reveals evidence for its particular position
debitage indicating that most stone objects were among the local settlement pattern as a focal site
carried into this area (Gopher 1994). The faunal for annual aggregations (Fig. 8). The secondary Fig. 7. A selection of T-shaped pillars from Gobekli Tepe (after Schmidt 1998). The sizes of these
remains from this large excavation comprised more burials of adults in underground storage pits rep- partially exposed pillars are top left 1.45 m, top right 3.15 m, bottom left 3.15, bottom right 3.15 m.

356 357
o. Bar-Yosef and D. E. Bar-YosefMayer 15. Early Neolithic Tribes in the Levant

resent a different belief system than that of the every human society, including among the hunter- tion oftwo stone lines converging to a small enclo- lithic in creating constant feedback that ended with
farmers, as described above. These conclusions are gatherers (Kelly 1995; Lewis-Williams 2000; Speth sure and the ensuing communal efforts in hunting the emergence of socially ranked societies. In the
supported by lithic analysis that demonstrates that 1990). Looking at the overall social organization of were a response to demands created by large farm- continuum from the latest bands of foragers (ca.
most if not all the lithics were transported from foragers, whether classified as 'egalitarian' or 'non- ing communities (Bar-Yosef 1986). The latter, it 11,500 B.P.) in the core area to chiefdoms and states,
elsewhere. About 40,000 pieces, including 6,000 egalitarian' (also known as complex small scale seems preferred to keep their flocks as capital to be the tribal 'zone' would be a critical formative pe-
projectile points, were found with only two dozen societies) in the Near East, it seems to have been carefully consumed on special occasions. In one riod. It was a long one. From the early days of the
cores (Gopher 1989). vastly different from the Neolithic tribes. Jordanian site (Jilat 26; Garrard et al. 1994), the PPNA to the first chiefdoms in southwestern Asia,
A somewhat similar picture of seasonal vari- foundation of a rectangular house in a foragers' ca. 7,500-7,000 B.P. four millennia had passed
ability was exposed among four sites in Jordan, Interactions Between Farmers and camp littered with rounded structures is seen as (Flannery 1999). During the long time span a con-
some 450 km northeast of southern Sinai butbnly Foragers the "merchant's temporary home", an interpreta- siderable number of organizational and economic
60-80 km from farming villages. The climate and tion that needs further testing. shifts are archaeologically recognized, while the
topography in central Jordan is not as harsh as in Interaction between Neolithic farmers-herd- From peaceful interactions we move on to the basic elements of the regional cosmology remained
the Sinai. The excavations exposed the remains of ers and their contemporary mobile foragers played inter-communal conflicts. As argued by Keeley the same (Cauvin 2000b). Viewing the social forces
habitations, rich lithic and groundstone assem- an important role not yet fully researched (Fig. 6). (Keeley 1996), archaeologists during the last three within each society as energizing the observable
blages, fauna, marine shells, and carbonized plant Human societal interactions are in constant flux. decades ''have increasingly pacified the past" (p.18), changes, Cauvin named the process as the Revolu-
residues (Garrard et al. 1994, 1996; Garrard 1998; Relationships between two societies, especially if mostly because concrete evidence for warfare has tion of Symbols. While this is an attractive pro-
Martin 1999). their economic basis is somewhat or entirely dif- not been recovered. One of us is blamed (Otterbein posal, we do not feel that one can easily decouple
Thus, among the PPNB sites, Jilat 7 was a ferent, may interchange. They could be amicable, 1997) for suggesting that the PPNA tower in J eri- the social realm from the economic arena. As hu-
summer camp with flimsy hut structures. It con- which may lead to intermarriage (generally of cho and the wall on its outside perimeter, were not man history tells us, economic decisions will have
tains evidence for cultivation of emmerwheat, wild women who marry up into economically better elements of a defense system against human ag- social implications, as much as decisions on social
and domesticated barley, which are present as communities), they could ignore each other (if the gression. It is rather bizarre to claim that archae- issues will have an impact on the economy of the
grains and chaff, and a large number of grinding spatial organization over the landscape such as ologists who grew up in this region are unfamiliar society. Holding the view that one aspect is more
and pounding stone tools (as a ratio of excavated separation by high mountain ranges would per- with the fact that warfare is inevitable for human important than the other characterizes the end-
volume per number of objects). Jilat 26 was essen- mit), or they may have physical conflicts with each groups competing for territory. The case of Jericho, less debates among historians as well as archae-
tially a winter occupation as demonstrated by the other. as elsewhere (Bar-Yosef1986), shows that there was ologists on what determines the trajectory of the
thickness of the walls, the orientation of the en- During the early Neolithic, trade or exchange probably only one tower in this settlement, which cultural evolution. In the 20th century search for
trances, and the cluster of storage facilities and relationships are clearly expressed in the presence functioned differently from Bronze Age or Medieval the reasons and mechanisms behind the ancient
hearths. The inhabitants could have been mobile of marine shells from the Red Sea among the in- towers. The latter, were built outside the perim- origins of agriculture in the Near East, it has been
farmers but the bulk ofthe evidence, we feel, indi- land farming communities. Another case of non- eter of the wall in order to shoot the climbing at- easier to retrieve the physical evidence for early
cates that they were foragers who practiced sea- perishables is the 'down the line' movement of tackers and not inside the village. Supportive evi- farming and ensuing animal domestication. How-
sonal farming. obsidian from Central Anatolia into the Levant dence comes from PPNB sites where a simple ter- ever, with the proliferation of accurate informa-
Among the Late Neolithic sites, Jilat 25 was (Renfrew and Dixon 1977). The exchange of com- race wall was built in order to protect the mound tion gained from paleo-climatic investigations,
probably a summer camp but Jilat 13 produced modities (such as grain) between the two groups accumulations from causing collapse ofhouses and radiocarbon dating, genetics of founder crops and
conflicting data sets, which may indicate that the was suggested but not yet fully demonstrated. To erosion. Such walls were exposed in Beidha, where the like, it becomes clearer that social decisions
site was used during more than one season. In this judge from ethnographic examples, we know that a series of steps built on its outer face was uncov- were made in the course of anguishing situations,
context it is worth noting that observations of foragers in return for their products, obtain carbo- ered Kirkbride (Kirkbride 1966), in 'Ain Ghazal, in some ofwhich were the 'climatic surprises' (Glantz
Bedouin campsites indicate that every group moyes hydrates from farmers. Transport of edibles is the eastern field (Rollefson 2000), in Tel Halula et al. 1998). Today, as in the past, in face of a natu-
from one ecozone to another. As a result, if a pack- demonstrated in the case of Nahal Hemar cave, (Molist 1988), and in Magzalia (Bader 1989). ral disaster, decisions must be made to protect
ing order exists, then a winter location for one group where evidence of fruits and seeds of plants that Historical records concerning past tribes, indi- society. The same would be true in times of food
may become a summer site for a neighboring group. grow some 15-150 km away were found. Even un- cate that pre-state societies were engaged from abundance when personal and/or group conflicts
The absence of distinct topographic features like derwetter climatic conditions, acorns and colocynth time to time in warfare for various reasons. Among transpired as a major crisis. In such events, tem-
these in the southern Sinai, and the possibility originated in the coastal plan some 50-60 km away these are obtaining booty, vengeance and glory, porary and/or hereditary leaders resolved (or not)
that mobility across the Jordanian plateau incor- (Kislev 1988). but not for political control (Hallpike 1988). It current conflicts through traditional alliance build-
porated larger areas, should be taken into account. Among the other archaeological markers for seems, in spite ofthe poor evidence, we can expect ing, verbal negotiations, communal feasts, and the
Without going into further detail, the entire the mutual interactions between farmers and for- that this type of conflict existed among hunter- like-that hardly leave any physical evidence.
array of excavated and published sites from the agers are the special type of game drives known as gatherers and farming communities in the Near What could be an easy solution for a band ofhunter-
semi-arid region may in general conform to the the 'desert kites' (Meshel1974). These were prob- East (Ember and Ember 1997; Ferguson 1997). gatherers (such as fissioning) will be more com-
image of forager 'egalitarian societies'. This is a ably laid-out by PPNB foragers (Betts 1998) in order plex at the ranked, tribal level and increasingly so
somewhat misleading label which still prevails in to hunt en masse either gazelles or onagers Concluding Remarks: Identifying in chiefdoms and states.
the literature on hunter-gatherers and reflects the (Perevolotsky and Baharav 1991). Employing this the Social Territories and the One of the relevant issues, which is not fully
notion that there was equality in food sharing, technique, which is also known from other loca- Collapse of the PPNB Civilization explored in papers on the Near Eastern Neolithic,
minimal ownership of material elements, and the tions in the world, means that there was a need for is the rapid population growth. This phenomenon
like. The increasing number of recently published the meat, hides and horns from more than a single Innovations and inventions characterized the evident from site sizes, characterized the villages
papers stresses the non-egalitarian components of animal. It was suggested that the simple construe- new social environment of the Near Eastern Neo- during the PPNA and more particularly in the

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O. Bar-YosefandD. E. Bar-YosefMayer 15. Early Neolithic Tribes in the Levant

PPNB, and resulted in a combination of mounting ing craft, the sea crossing by several groups, and cilities, granaries, and wells also represent an festation of on-going long term traditions that per-
total fertility of females, their reduced mobility, transport of land animals to the island, as shown entire sequence from the moment of their initial tain to the entire community. Moreover, these tra-
availability of weaning foods, and increasing in- by the discovery ofseveral earlyPPNB sites, speaks construction, to the end of their use (but probably ditions are some of the best indicators of continu-
vestments in adolescents. It is expected in such for the presence ofleaders. not throughout the two thousand years of the pe- ity, and change in burial practices often indicate to
situations, as shown by ethnic studies, that a popu- The rare engraved flat pebbles and 'shaft riod). the archaeologist the onset of a new period and/or
lation increase ignites a tendency among groups straighteners' in the PPNA and more frequently Several aspects discussed above concern reli- new culture.
toward inclusive identity (Glazer and Moynihan stamps in the PPNB, are markers ofpersonal prop- gious practices. Those are represented by skulls The one Neolithic trait that we are unable to
1975, and papers therein). Large villages, as men- erty (ofindividuals or extended families?). The signs modeled in plaster, the construction of ceremonial attribute to a certain moment is that of the gradual
tioned above, were biological descent groups that on these objects, as noted by Cauvin (2000a, 2000b) centers such as Kfar HaHoresh, and by burial prac- process of animal domestication. It should be at-
developed the means for safeguarding and trans- resemble the pictographs of early writing of later tices. Being rigid and conservative aspects oflife it tributed to the entire period, since to date it is
mitting their own culture. Hence, recurring ele- time. One may add here the study of the tokens is impossible to differentiate them within the impossible to identify the 'first domesticator'.
ments in material culture, mortuary practices, clay that are currently believed to be the elements of a PPNB, or to subdivide them within this period. The stratigraphic gap between the PPNB lay-
figurines, and the like, facilitate the tentative de- counting system (Schmandt-Besserat 1990). The burial of a single individual is usually a mani- ers and those labeled as Pottery Neolithic is well
lineation ofthe original homelands, and the ensu- Traded or exchanged items indicate a much
ing direction of colonization and/or diffusion. wider interaction sphere where sources and pro-
We therefore turn to mapping the proposed ducers were located beyond the permeable bound-
tribal territories within the PPNB interaction aries of the PPNB civilization. Among the better-
sphere. We employ the information as summarized known exchanged materials were the obsidian, Grill-plan houses Polished axes/adzes (celts)
above to circumscribe territories, an effort to ten- chlorite bowls, asphalt, cinnabar, and marine
'White ware" Stelae/pillars with reliefs & sculptures
tatively recreate the spatial distribution ofPPNB shells.
social units. Among the prominent markers are During the two millennia ofthe PPNB only few
the distribution of ceremonial centers, architec- settlements survived for many centuries. Various
tural house types, technical aspects of heavy duty reasons account for the abandonment of houses in
tools such as axes and adzes, frequencies ofvari- a living village, from the death of the head of the
able types of projectile points, modeled skulls, and family to the outcome of verbal and physical con-
the like (Fig. 8). However, the reader is reminded flicts (Cameron and Tomka 1993,andpapers therein).
that the PPNB period lasted for at least two thou- However, when the entire village is abandoned, the
sand years and cultural changes and territorial causes could be more complex, from over-exploita-
shifts were expressed through time. In the multi- tion ofthe immediate environment or conflicts with
Bifacial axes/adzes
generational processes (Fowles, this volume, Chap- neighboring villages to the impact of a series of
ter 2) this is not a surprising observation. droughts. Under any circumstances, the abandon- Jericho points"'""
On the whole when we consider the long dura- ment of one village or several may precipitate so-
tion ofthe Epi-Paleolithic, it seems that the rhythm cietal restructuring. It is therefore critical to docu-
of changes had accelerated since the incipience of ment the timing of abandonment, and whether it
intentional cultivation in the Levantine Corridor was a local event or a regional phenomenon.
at the end of the Younger Dryas (ca. 11,600 cal. Following Fowles (this volume, Chapter 2), we Modelled skulls
B.P.). Within the newly formed interaction sphere have attempted to determine whether it is possible
"Burin sites"
one can identify similar beliefs and the overall to identify intra-generational, multi-generational, Stone masks ere-hunters
ruling cosmology as described by Cauvin (2000a). or long term processes within this period. Some
Special elements such as the few modeled skulls aspects ofNeolithic life represent a momentin time, ",_ Corridor houses
found in various sites, may hint to the presence of and among those one can think of the actual mo- Stone bangles
elite members or chiefly families. However, no ment of plastering a skull, or hunting an animal,
unique tombs were discovered to date and thus we etc. At the same time the material culture left Mobile foragers
cannot as yet classify one or more of these PPNB behind also represents aspects of multi-genera-
ca. 8400/200 B.P. cal
entities as a chiefdom. With ongoingfieldwork, this
may change in a few years. In accordance with
tional practices (worshipping a specific skull, con-
tinuation in hunting ofthe same animals). Trade Rounded houses
--- • Major economic expansion/diffusion

Flannery's view (1999), that the Samarran sites is yet another representation of multiple time- 300 Km O.B-y
reflect a ranked society prior to the establishment frames: in this period, trade is based on personal or
ofthe Halafian chiefdoms, we suggest that the social group relationships, and depending on the nature
precursors of this process were already in opera- and strength of the relationship it could be either
tion during the PPNB. a single event or a continuous effort that may span
Evidence for what should have been an orga- generations.
nized effort and not just a family affair was the Construction of ceremonial centers, on the one Fig. 8. Tentative map of tribal entities in the Levant and adjacent areas. A few suggested cultural
colonization of Cyprus. The construction of seafar- hand, and the more mundane houses, storage fa- markers are labeled on the map.

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15. Early Neolithic Tribes in the Levant

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370 371
has some of the most fertile soils in Poland and Brzesc Kujawski Group include Biskupin 15a
today is a productive agricultural area for wheat, (Maciejewski, Rajewski, and Wokr6j 1954); Krusza
potatoes, sugar beets, and rapeseed. Bottomlands Zamkowa (Czerniak 1980); Oslonki, investigated
in the tunnel valleys contain lush meadows. between 1989 and 1994 (Grygiel and Bogucki 1997)'
16. A Neolithic Tribal Society in Northern Poland Neolithic farmers were drawn to Kuyavia in Miechowice, where excavations have been con-
the initial agricultural colonization of central Eu- ducted since 1995; and recently Konary (see Fig.
rope (see Bogucki 1996a and 2000 for an overview 3). The major settlements uniformly display the
Peter Bogucki of this process; Fig. 2 provides a chronological characteristics listed above. In addition, a variety
chart). It was one of the first areas outside the ofminor settlements, such as Falborz and Kuczyna,
loess basins of central Europe to see farming settle-
ment. Sites of the Linear Pottery culture, dating StreamValleys TunnelValleys
of LoessBasins and Lake Belts
between 5400 and 5000 B.C. (recalibrated dating) in Upland Zone in Lowland Zone
The lowlands of northern Poland are part of and between Toruri and Eberswalde, divide the are found primarily on low fingers of land along
the larger geographical unit known as the North region into smaller physiographic provinces. tunnel valleys or shallow lakes. The Linear Pot- 3500 BC
European Plain, which stretches from Holland to One such province is the flat region of clay evolved
tery settlements in the lowlands have a 'pioneer' (Wi6rek)
Russia. The North European Plain was covered ground moraine and sandy outwash dissected by
character, with dense deposits ofrubbish but sparse Michelsberg,
either by ice during the Weichsel Glaciation or with glacial tunnel valleys in north-central Poland upland Funnel Funnel
structural remains. Only recently have some os- Beakers (e.g. Beakers
glacial outwash south of the ice sheets. When the known as Kuyavia (Kujawy, in Polish). Kuyavia ?
tensible rectangular longhouses been reported Baalberge)
ice retreated, it left behind a landscape ofmoraines, (Fig. 1) is bounded on the east by the Vistula river, (Czerniak 1994, 1998), but large Linear Pottery early
on the north by the 'I'oruri-Eberswalde meltwater
outwash plains, sub-ice meltwater channels ('tun- (Sarnowo)
settlements on the scale of Bylany or Koln- 4000 BC
nel valleys') with slow-flowing streams, and lakes. valley, and in the south by the Warsaw-Berlin
Lindenthal have yet to be found. Later Lengyel,
The northward-flowing rivers, most prominently meltwater valley. In the west it connects with the
A pattern of relatively small Early Neolithic Rossen, and Late Lengyel
the Oder and the Vistula, and the great east-west similar region of Great Poland (Wielkopolska, in transitional (Brzesc
settlements persisted in this area during the first
meltwater valleys, between Warsaw and Berlin Polish) through a zone ofmany smalllakes. Kuyavia groupsto later Kujawski
half of the fifth millennium B.C. The Linear Pot-
tery culture had been succeeded by local variants
........... ?

of the Stroke-Ornamented Pottery (Stichband-

keramik) Culture and the early phases of the 4500 BC

Lengyel Culture. The Lengyel Culture, named af- Cerny,

ter a site in southern Hungary, was the principal Rossen,
Neolithic culture of the fifth millennium B.C. in Ornamented ? Pottery,
east-central Europe (Bogucki and Grygiel 1993b). ... ······Iio Early
Pottery, and
It takes numerous local forms in Hungary, Aus- EarlyLengyel

tria, Slovakia, Moravia, Bohemia, and southern 5000 BC

- Poland, (see articles in Kosturik 1994 for a review

of recent knowledge about the numerous Lengyel
variants.) During the second half of the fifth mil-
lennium B.C., these regional entities became fur-

Linear ?

ther differentiated along a variety oftrajectories.
Around 4500 B.C. in Kuyavia, one such group
Pottery ............ ....... .0.

5500 BC
of late Lengyel communities emerged with a co- earliest
- : ; - - -......... \
..... ... herent set of characteristics. These include:
.... .... -trapezoidallonghouses;
-burials within the settlement following a dis-
\ .. tinctive ritual;
-intensive land use for agriculture, livestock,
"\ 'He hunting, fishing, timber, and fuelwood; and, 6000 BC
-acquisition of copper and flint from distant Late Mesolithic

'J sources.
These characteristics-alongwith distinctive mica-
tempered, minimally decorated ceramics-distin-
guish the Brzesc Kujawski Group, named after a
Fig. 1 Map of north-central continental Europe showing location of the Kuyavia region on the North settlement first investigated in the 1930s and then Fig. 2 Chronological chart ofprincipal culturalunits
European Plain. Key: HC - Holy Cross Mountains in central Poland, source of the "chocolate" flint; between 1976 and 1984 (Jazdzewski 1938; Bogucki of the early and middle Neolithic in north-cen-
J - source area of Jurassic flint in southern Poland; Cu - general direction from which copper reached and Grygiel 1983, 1993a). Other major sites ofthe tral Europe.
Kuyavia. Width of map approximately 600 kilometers.

Peter Bogucki 16. A Neolithic Tribal Society in Northern Poland

have yielded habitation traces of the Brzesc lakes were almost certainly important communi- area from points to the south. Their use of copper densest concentrations of animal bones and arti-
Kujawski Group without major elements like cation routes. The Bachorza and Notec valleys were (discussed further below) clearly reflects connec- facts.
longhouses and burials. important arteries through Kuyavia. tions to the south, as does their use of flint im- The longhouses were built using a bedding-
The settlements ofthe Brzesc Kujawski Group The longhouse settlements of the Brzesc ported from southern Poland. At the same time, trench technique, with the southern end wider than
are found in areas covered by large expanses of Kujawski Group clearly reflect its 'Danubian' cul- the nearby outwash plains and meltwater valleys the northern (Fig. 4). They can be up to 40 meters
relatively flat glacial boulder clay, broken by the tural heritage from the Linear Pottery culture in had been occupied by indigenous foraging peoples in length, although 20-25 meters is more common,
traces of tunnel valleys and kettle lakes. These the sixth millennium B.C. and its successors such well after 5000 B.C., and some role for these groups and about 4-6 meters wide at the wider, southern
glacial relic landforms attracted early farming as Stroke-Ornamented Pottery and Rossen earlier in the formation of the Brzesc Kujawski Group end and 2-3 meters wide at the narrower, northern
settlements, and sites ofthe Brzesc Kujawski Group in the fifth millennium B.C. The question still re- cannot be completely discounted. end. At the moment, there is no convincing expla-
are almost uniformly associated with such terrain mains whether the inhabitants of the Brzesc Even a millennium after the initial establish- nation for the trapezoidal ground plan, nor are we
features. In many cases, they are on the same spots Kujawski Group settlements were the local descen- ment of farming communities in the Polish low- certain where the entrances were. Impressions in
as earlier Linear Pottery settlements, reflecting dants of the earlier Linear Pottery farming set- lands, the settlements of the Brzesc Kujawski the bottoms of the bedding trenches indicate that
some common element in patterns of land-use. tlers of the Polish lowlands 40 generations earlier Group were still on the frontier of agricultural split timbers formed the upright structural mem-
Streams that flowed in these channels or linked or whether they represent fresh immigrants to this settlement in central Europe. To the northwest, in bers. There is evidence of rebuilding, often after
the coastal areas of the western Baltic basin, lay fires, sometimes to enlarge earlier structures. A
settlements ofthe Ertebelle Culture, late Mesolithic very common feature is an oval interior pit, 2-3
sedentary foragers who did not adopt agriculture meters long, oriented parallel to the axis of the
until about 4000 B.C. We now know that Ertebelle house but offset to the right side (Fig. 5).
communities had contacts with central European Inhumation burials are found among the
farmers, as indicated by finds of 'Danubian' ground longhouses. During the period between ca. 4500
stone axes (Fischer 1982) and jadeite and copper and 4200 B.C., when these settlements were at
axes (Klassen 2000). Between the Brzesc Kujawski their largest, the burials followed a strict ritual:
Group and Ertebelle were other late Mesolithic contracted inhumations, in specially dug burial
inland foragers, still relatively poorly known. An pits, heads oriented towards the south-southeast.
important unresolved research question is the Males are always on their right sides, females al-
degree to which its frontier location between forag- ways on their left sides. Many of the burials form
ers and farmers contributed to the distinctive char- small groupings of up to seven individuals. (In the
acter of the Brzesc Kujawski Group. A hint ofpos- final phases of several of these settlements, the
sible connections is provided by the prevalence of burial rite was relaxed and corpses were interred
antler 'T-axes' at Brzesc Kujawski Group settle- in existing rubbish pits, with no attention to body
ments, especially in male burials. These are not orientation; this is clearly in sequence with the
typical 'Danubian' antler forms, yet they are char- earlier rite, not a contemporaneous alternative
acteristic Ertebelle types, suggesting some mea- form.) At Brzesc Kujawski, studies of isolated
sure of interaction across the North European houses suggest that burials are those of the in-
Plain. habitants of a nearby house (Grygiel 1986); at
Oslonki, the patterning of the burials and houses
Distinctive Features of the Brzesc is complex, so unraveling such associations will
Kujawski Group take time.
The grave goods that accompany these burials
The large settlements ofthe Brzesc Kujawski are significant. Rarely are ceramic vessels interred
Group typicallycontain four main types offeatures: with the dead. The most common objects found in
longhouses, burials, clay-extraction pits, and the graves are bone and antler tools, flint tools,
smaller pits. The longhouses and the burials each tooth and shell beads, bone armlets, and copper
have their own specific characteristics that are ornaments. Antler'T-axes' occur exclusivelyin male
discussed below. Clay extraction pits were the burials (Fig. 6). T-axes, so named due to their pre-
quarries from which the clay subsoil was dug for sumed shape when hafted, are beams of red deer
plastering houses. They are immense excavations antler from which the tines and base have been
that can be up to two meters deep and with irregu- removed and a beveled edge has been produced at
lar sides and bottoms that drop off into deep hol- one end by cutting, snapping, and grinding (Grygiel
Fig. 3. Map ofKuyavia showing principal settlements of the Brzesc Kujawski Group with longhouses. lows and basins. They often contain very few arti- and Bogucki 1990). Danish experimental work
Larger dots indicate sites with multiple excavated longhouses, while small dots indicate sites at facts and faunal materials. Smaller pits, on the indicates that these could have been used for wood-
which one or two longhouses have been excavated. Key: 1- Brzesc Kujawski; 2 - Oslonki-Miechowice- other hand, tend to be round or oval. Round ones working (Jensen 1991), and finds of repaired axes
Konary; 3 - Dobre; 4 - Lojewo; 5 - Krusza Zamkowa; 6 - Przedbojowice; 7 - Koscielec Kujawski; 8 - often have bell-shaped profiles, while the oval ones suggest that they were indeed used for working
Dobieszewice; 9 - Biskupin (after Grygiel 1986, with addition ofOslonki-Miechowice-Konary sites). resemble a bathtub. Such features often yield the some material (Grygiel 1986; Grygiel and Bogucki

374 375
Peter Bogucki 16. A Neolithic Tribal Society in Northern Poland

1990). They are always found held in the hand or that of a male. These were made from ribs oflarge
near the head. Bone points are also associated with animals (probably cattle), softened and bent, then
males. At Oslonki a male was buried with a quiver carved with chevrons in bands. Other bone arti-
of antler projectile points along his lower back. facts in burials include perforated animal teeth
A particularly distinctive feature ofthe richest worn as pendants and bone points and awls.
burials are bone armlets (or 'brassards') found on Flint blades are found exclusively in male buri-
some skeletons, most frequently of females, as in als. Although local flint often was used and dis-
two remarkable burials at Krusza Zamkowa carded in rubbish deposits, the finest blades found
(Czerniak 1980; see Fig. 7), although it appears in burials were made from 'chocolate' flint from the
that at Biskupin a burial with such armlets may be Holy Cross Mountains about 200 kilometers dis-

~ I o, m. 50
I, A i

Fig. 6. Male burials from Brzesc Kujawski with antler T-axes (after Grygiel 1986).

Fig. 4. Plan of 1989-1994 excavations at Oslonki, showing trapezoidallonghouses, burials (triangles),
clay borrow pits (stippled), and fortification ditch.

Fig. 5. Trapezoidal house at Koscielec Kujawski

(after Czerniak 1979). Note interior pits along
east wall of house, a chracteristic feature of Fig. 7. Two rich female burials from Krusza
many Brzesc Kujawski Group longhouses. Zamkowa (after Czerniak 1980). Key:
N Contour lines at 20 em. intervals; excavation A-copper and calcite ear or hair orna-
grid in 10-meter squares. ments; B-shell-bead bracelet; C-bone
'brassards'; D-shell-bead belts; E-cop-
A per and shell head ornaments, includ-
ing spirals; F-copper pendants.

376 377
Peter Bogucki 16. A Neolithic Tribal Society in Northern Poland

tant and from Jurassic flint from about 300 kilo- impression from the detailed study of materials grazing, and timber among themselves. Each would as a single entity with a single set ofinterests,
meters away (see locations on Fig. 1). These two from Brzesc Kujawski and Oslonki is that the con- have been in a competitive relationship with the aims, and within which resources are unprob-
types offlint have superb flaking qualities and few sumption ofnatural resources from the catchments others, with relations of status and power being lematically shared-nor, in reaction to such
interior flaws (Domanski and Webb 2000) and were of these large sites was considerable and may not characterized by ephemeral asymmetries. romanticization, to move so far in the other
used widely throughout the Vistula and Oder val- have been sustainable (Bogucki 1996b). The ac- It is also clear, however, that these households direction as to see households as no more than
leys during the early and middle Neolithic. quisition of copper and flint also must have made saw some benefit in aggregating into larger settle- sites of an unrelenting struggle between war-
Copper artifacts, among the earliest in north- demands on the resources of these communities, ments such as Oslonki, Brzesc Kujawski, and ring autonomous individuals.
central Europe, are body ornaments: beads, brace- although it is unclear what items moved south in Krusza Zamkowa. The inhabitants of these settle- A particularlyimportant distinction lies among
lets, pendants, and composite head decorations exchange. ments were probably in close contact along the different forms of prestige and power within the
characterized as 'diadems'. All are made by ham- network of streams and lakes that ran through the household, specificallybetween the political agenda
mering, rolling, and repousse technique. The source Households of the Brzesc Kujawski postglacial landscape as well as through a network of the household in the community and its eco-
ofthe copper is still to be determined, but the near- Group of paths and trails. The contemporaneous settle- nomic activities. For example, men might be domi-
est known is at least 700 kilometers distant. Cop- ments of Brzesc Kujawski and Oslonki are under nant in the sphere of public politics in a commu-
per ornaments are found in both male and female The four principal types of features described ten kilometers apart, and there must have been nity, yet in terms of economic organization spouses
graves, although the greatest quantities are found above are elements of the household clusters ofthe regular contact between them. Konary and may constitute relatively autonomous units, en-
with females. The distance from which the copper Brzesc Kujawski Group (Bogucki and Grygiel 1981; Miechowice are separated from Oslonki by under gaging in his and her own productive activities. At
was obtained would have made it quite costly to Grygiel 1986, 1994). Each such cluster has a house, a kilometer, forming a dense concentration ofhouse- a certain point, however, their interests converge,
acquire. Yet in several burials there are lavish one or two clay extraction pits, several smaller pits, holds around the shores of several small lake ba- and a household identity emerges.
displays ofthis material. One ofthe most remark- and several burials. The household clusters are sins. Such a concentration might be termed a 'ham- At any moment, the households of a settle-
able was excavated in 1990 at Oslonki (Grygiel considered to be the material traces of a residen- let' in the sense that the term is used by Cancian ment are in different stages of their cycle of de-
and Bogucki 1997). In this grave, a woman wore a tial group corresponding to a farming household. (1996) to refer to institutionalized alliances of do- mographic and economic development and decline.
headdress consisting of 49 strips of copper, curled These households made fundamental decisions mestic groups, in which their affiliation is demon- They expand, accumulating property and mem-
at the ends. In addition, one wider strip of copper about the acquisition, allocation, consumption, and strated through residential proximity. bers, and contract. As a result, some households
ribbon, about 1.5 em wide and wrapped around disposal of resources. Each settlement was com- are in the ascendance of their accumulation cycle,
itselfon a bias three times, apparently formed the posed of several contemporaneous households, up Households and Transegalitarian while others are in eclipse. There are thus inher-
central element in this diadem. These strips were to about a dozen in the case of Brzesc Kujawski. Societies ent inequalities within any agrarian community
apparently formed around a belt of perishable The frequent rebuilding ofthe houses contributes composed of households. In Neolithic societies,
material, perhaps cloth or leather. Nineteen of the to an impression of much larger and denser ag- The household is increasingly used as an ana- these patterns of social relationships are very dif-
smaller strips and the large central strip have glomerations of population. lytical unit in anthropology and archaeology, but it ficultto perceive archaeologically, since they are
repousse ornament: rows of raised dimples. This Household cluster studies in the early 1980s at is not without its critics. Many researchers, myself ephemeral and not cumulative. Such societies
individual also wore five copper plaques and nu- Brzesc Kujawski indicated that burials were inte- included, have until now treated households as might be called 'transegalitarian' (Hayden 1995;
merous copper beads. Other burials these sites have gral parts ofthe domestic complex of the house and single-interest units of decision-making, a conve- Blake and Clark 1999), in that they are neither
similar, although not quite so dramatic, displays associated features (Bogucki and Grygiel 1981; nient but unrealistic view. Ethnographers who completely egalitarian nor ranked in any perma-
of copper. Grygiel 1986, 1994). The household context ofthe study households note the differing, and often di- nent or formal manner. Competition among house-
Shell beads, although produced from mundane, burial is significant, for it indicates that such a vergent, interests of spouses and other household holds produces short-term asymmetries in wealth
locally available freshwater clamshells, are sig- domestic unit was a central organizing principle of members, which shift as the household moves and power. Clearly these asymmetries contribute
nificant for the quantities in which they occur. Since this society even in death. Ancestors continued to through its developmental cycle (Bryceson 1995, to the construction of identities within specific
each bead was cut out individually, their manufac- be part of the domestic unit and were not relegated Holtzman 1997). Rather than being a simplifica- households.
ture in quantities sufficient for, in some cases, belts to a distant cemetery. Burials, then, tell us some- tion, the introduction ofthe household as an ana- The individual identities that grow out ofhouse-
of 5,000 to 8,000 beads, would have been a non- thing of the story of these households. Getting at lytical unit entails new complexities that have to hold activities have particular relevance for the
trivial investment of effort for a society in which this is easier where we can assign them to specific be taken into account. construction of gender. Henrietta Moore (1994:92-
labor was a key resource. Shell beads are known household clusters, as in several cases at Brzesc In her study of households and gender in rural 3) has pointed out that the differentiation oftasks
from male and female graves; with males, they Kujawski, but it is much more difficult at sites like Zambia, Kate Crehan (1997:93-95) makes the fol- by gender, the negotiations between spouses about
occur around the neck, which females often have Oslonki where there are many more houses and a lowing observation: resource allocation and the use of income, and the
several belts around their waists. denser palimpsest of features. One characteristic that is general... is that negotiations with children about their postmarital
Longhouse construction made great demands Households of the Brzesc Kujawski Group households are always both collective entities residence are a set of practical activities, which are
on local oak and pine forests, as did the need for would have differed in the number of members, and made up of separateindividuals. They are the outcome oflocal ideas about the proper behav-
fuel for the settlements' fires. The subsistence their access to resources and accumulation of prop- sites within which conflictual and supportive ior of men and women. So, she notes, what makes
economy of the Brzesc Kujawski Group was based erty, and the skill with which they were managed. relationships are always entwined; disentan- households important is that they produce specific
on the cultivation of cereals, keeping livestock Relations of kinship, friendship, and trust would glingthe specificrelations ofsubordination and sorts of persons with specific social identities. The
(cattle, sheep, goat, and pig), hunting (deer and have developed with some households both near domination that exist within this dense, and archaeological challenge is to somehow get inside
waterfowl), and fishing. Evidence for deforestation and far, while with others there would have been emotionally saturated, knot is not straightfor- the household to try to get a sense of this, an am-
can be seen in pollen and sedimentation profiles of animosity, distrust, and spite. They would have ward. It is important neither to romanticize bitious goal that we are nowhere near approach-
basins near Oslonki (Bogucki 1999). The overall needed to work out access rights to arable land, the household-assuming that it can be treated ing.

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Peter Bogucki 16. A Neolithic Tribal Society in Northern Poland

Identity and Gender in Brzesc flint was superior to local flint in its flaking quali- copper. The speculation offered here is that this ate the Brzesc Kujawski Group with its Linear
Kujawski Households ties, the local material was perfectly adequate for provided some recognition ofthe contribution made Pottery and Lengyel precursors, although the pat-
most tasks. The copper was simply used for per- by individuals towards the household's accumula- tern of burial within the settlement is different
Biological sex was clearly a fundamental dis- sonal ornamentation, certainly of the dead, per- tion strategy. from the separate cemeteries observed in earlier
tinction made by the Brzesc Kujawski Group. This haps also of the living. They did not need these times (compare the Linear Pottery cemeteries dis-
is seen clearly in the consistent position of males exotic materials, but they wanted them. One might The Tempo of Brzesc Kujawski cussed in Jeunesse 1997, for example.) Thus the
lying on their right sides and females on their left. even depict the inhabitants of these sites as having Society domestic architecture and ritual traditions have
Among the grave goods, we can see that there are embraced an 'ideology of accumulation'. very deep roots, but their convergence in the
some clear markers of maleness, specifically ant- We are confident that the Neolithic society The foregoing discussion ofindividual identity shorter-term household processes of the Brzesc
ler axes, other bone tools, and flint tools. There are described here did not have genealogically-based and gender highlights the interplay between Kujawski Group gives them a distinctive charac-
no corresponding implements that mark female- differences in status and wealth, for aside from the intragenerational and multigenerational processes ter.
ness. All other grave goods are body ornaments. burials, there is remarkable consistency and ho- in communities of the Brzesc Kujawski Group. In the long run, however, the intensive pat-
The presence ofhead decoration, bone armlets, and mogeneity among the household remains. Instead, Personal identity would have been dynamic and terns ofland use and settlement density that char-
belts of shell beads is typically correlated with a the lavish displays of copper, shell beads, and bone changing, depending in large measure on the for- acterize the Brzesc Kujawski Group were not sus-
female burial, while tooth and shell beads around armlets in burials capture something of the suc- tunes of the household of which the individual was tainable (Bogucki 1996b). Around 4100/4000 B.C.,
the neck are characteristic of males. There is al- cess ofindividual households at particular moments a member and the position ofthat individual within the intensive pattern ofhousehold aggregation and
most no ambiguity in these associations, and they in their developmental cycle. If household econo- the household. At death, the individual took his or accumulation was replaced by the more extensive,
appear to reinforce the biological differences rec- mies were characterized by the pooling of contri- her identity into the grave, leaving the survivors to dispersed pattern of settlement that characterizes
ognized by the body orientation. butions from their individual members, then per- reconstruct their relationships and their house- the Funnel Beaker Culture of the Polish lowlands.
The next question, then, is whether this fun- haps the displays of personal ornament in the hold's position in the community. On the other Yet the Funnel Beaker Culture developed its own
damental distinction between the sexes informs graves can be taken as a reflection of the value of hand, the burial rite itself, as well as the funda- distinctive burial pattern that involved the con-
us about the culturally defined construction of that individual's contribution to the success of the mental social configuration that is represented by struction of enormous earthen long barrows
gender in this Neolithic society. Julia Hendon household at a moment in its cycle of development the household clusters, persisted over many gen- (Midgley 1985), the so-called 'Kuyavian megaliths'.
(1996) points out that gender is a symbolic system and accumulation. erations. Since almost all of them have been destroyed by
that structures social and economic relations within At the same time, it is probable that the rich Composed as they were of individual house- agriculture over the past several centuries, we do
the household and the larger community. Fre- deposits in female graves are not an accurate mea- holds, the settlements of the Brzesc Kujawski Group not know how many barrows originally existed.
quently these are sought in inferences about the sure ofthe social power enjoyed by these individu- were changing continually on intragenerational Since flat cemeteries (e.g. Pikutkowo) are also
contribution of different individuals to household als in their lifetime, for in most agrarian societies and multigenerational time scales. Intragenera- known, and since each long barrow holds only a
production and craft specialization. The most dis- known ethnographically there is a marked asym- tional processes included the destruction and re- few bodies, it seems likely that such burial was not
tinct evidence that we have for household craft metry in favor of men. Perhaps we can see here building of individual houses, the digging and fill- available to all members of society. Scholars be-
production among these communities (not neces- women being accorded recognition in death that ing of the adjacent pits, and the progressive accu- ginning with V. Gordon Childe have pointed out
sarily specialization) is the antler-working atelier they may have been denied in life, a recognition of mulation of burials as household members died. the similarities between the Kuyavian earthen long
at Brzesc Kujawski where antler axes were made their contribution to the success of the household The arrangement ofburials in small groups clearly barrows of the Funnel Beaker Culture and the
and repaired, whose refuse is found in Pit 892 economy, by the willingness of their survivors to reflects some sort of memory about their location, trapezoidal longhouses of the Brzesc Kujawski
(Grygiel 1986). Since antler axes are such a vivid commit such valuables to the grave. possibly even grave markers on the surface. On a Group (Childe 1949, Midgley 1992). Midgley
symbol of maleness in the burials, we confidently The burial rite of the Brzesc Kujawski Group multigenerational time scale, the size and spatial (1992:481) makes a compelling argument that these
can attribute this activity to men. Otherwise, at can be interpreted as a set of fundamental under- extent of the settlement changed. This is seen most similarities are not coincidental. Thus the trans-
the moment we have only the standard archaeo- lying beliefs about individual and collective iden- clearly at Oslonki, where a large fortification ditch formation of domestic architecture into elite
logical evidence of tool production, animal butch- tity, upon which the consequences of the competi- cut through earlier house sites and left others out- funerary architecture was part of the long-term
ery, and grain preparation, although as we pro- tion among households for accumulation of prop- side the enclosed area, presumably abandoned. It processes seen among the Neolithic societies of the
ceed with post-excavation analysis of material from erty were superimposed. Collectively, the orienta- seems clear that the settlement had existed first in North European Plain.
Oslonki and Miechowice additional dimensions of tion of the corpses' heads toward the south-south- a non-fortified form, then as a somewhat more The Brzesc Kujawski Group was a relatively
domestic life may come into focus. east-parallel with the houses, I might add-re- densely settled enclosed form. We can only specu- short-lived phenomenon within a much longer
Yet it is clear that a central activity of the flects a value shared by the entire society. More- late on the reasons for this, but it presumably in- Neolithic sequence. At most, it lasted 500 years,
Neolithic households at these sites was the extrac- over, the consistent distinction between males and volves the development over time of conflict and but probably less. In many respects, it is anoma-
tion from the environment ofall sorts of resources: females in the orientation of the body indicates a warfare, either with other Brzesc Kujawski com- lous in the archaeological visibility ofits longhouses
crops, livestock, wild animals and plants, fish, common value system that dictated this strict rule. munities or with nearby forager populations. and graves and its conspicuous accumulation of
shellfish, turtles, waterfowl, shed antlers, timber Variation in the richness, variety, and type of grave Although the intergenerational and multigen- exotic materials, but it is also clear that these char-
and fuelwood, clay, local stone and flint. This la- goods results both from the inclusion offairly clear erational processes gave the Brzesc Kujawski acteristics merely represent exaggerated examples
bor-intensive activity not only supported the house- symbols of maleness (antler axes, flint blades, bone Group is distinctive identity, it must be kept in of long-term developmental trends in Neolithic
hold but also fueled the acquisition of copper and points) and from the results of individual house- mind that it is part of a long-term sequence of society. Its compact nature and richness of data
flint, and the more labor a household could com- holds' ability to convert the fruits of their labor Neolithic cultural development on the North Eu- make the Brzesc Kujawski Group an excellent 'labo-
mand translated into greater opportunity to ac- into expensive and exotic materials, namely shell ropean Plain. The characteristics of longhouse ratory' for studying many sorts of characteristics
quire these exotic materials. While the non-local beads, carved bone armlets, flint and, especially, construction and contracted burial clearly associ- of tribal societies on a variety of analytical scales.

380 381
Peter Bogucki 16. A Neolithic Tribal Society in Northern Poland

Acknowledgement 1993b The First Farmers of North-Central Brzesc Kujawski Group of the Lengyel Jensen, Gitte
Europe. Journal of Field Archaeology Culture in the Polish Lowlands. Prace i 1991 Ubrugelige 0kser? Forseg med Konge-
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pretations remain the responsibility ofthe author. Power Politics or Cultural Consensus? organisation des Fruh- und Mittelneo- cal-Archaeological Experimental Center,
Parts of this paper were presented at the 1998 In Gender, Family, and Household in lithikums in Mitteleuropa. In Interna- Lejre.
Society for American Archaeology meetings in Tanzania, edited by Colin Creighton and tionales Symposium Uber die Lengyel- J eunesse, Christian
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logical Archaeology 15:189-311. 1994 Wczesny i Srodhouiej Okres Neolitu na 1996 Archaeological Approaches to the Orga- 1954 Slady Osadnictwa Kultury tzw. Brzesko-
1999 Neolithic Settlement and Landscape at Kujawach, 5400-3650p.n.e. PolishAcad- nization of Domestic Labor: Household Kujawskiej w Biskupinie, pow. Znin.
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by Charlotte Fabech and Jytte Ringtved, chaeological Treasures, edited by M. 1997 Gender and the Market in the Organiza- Long Barrows ofNorthern Europe. BAR
pp, 108-110. Jutland Archaeological So- Chlodnicki and L. Krzyzaniak, pp. 23- tion of Agriculture among Samburu International Series 259, Oxford, UK.
ciety, Moesgard, 36. Poznariskie Towarzystwo Prehisto- Pastoralists. Research in Economic An- 1992 TRB Culture. The First Farmers of the
2000 How Agriculture Came to North-Cen- ryczne, Poznan. thropology 18:93-113. North European Plain. Edinburgh Uni-
tral Europe. In Europe's First Farm- Domanski, Marian, and John Webb Jazdzewski, Konrad versity Press, Edinburgh.
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218. Cambridge University Press, Cam- Polish Flint. Antiquity 74:822-853. gowej i Zwiazane z Nimi Slady Osad- 1994 A Passion for Difference. Essays in An-
bridge. Fischer, Anders nictwa w Brzesciu Kujawskim. Wiado- thropology and Gender. Polity Press,
Bogucki, Peter, and Ryszard Grygiel 1982 Trade in Danubian Shaft-Hole Axes and mosci Archeologiczne 15:1-105. Cambridge, UK.
1981 The Household Cluster at Brzesc Ku- the Introduction of Neolithic Economy
jawski 3: Small-Site Methodology in the in Denmark. Journal ofDanish Archae-
Polish Lowlands. World Archaeology ology 1:7-12.
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180. CRC Press, Boca Raton. the Fundamental Social Unit of the

382 383
The LBK is characterized by a large complex of 'shoe-last' adzes and flatter axes. In our region
traits that involve all aspects of archaeologically- (Belgium), as in most areas of later LBK settle-
visible life and culture, including house form, ment, all of these traits, both functional and stylis-
17. Some Aspects of the Social Organization of the LBK of burial, ceramics, flaked and groundstone lithics, tic, were completely novel, meaning they were
settlement patterns and subsistence economy. completely unknown among the local Late
Belgium Briefly, LBK people were: 1) mixed farmers rais- Mesolithic fisher-foragers. There are longstanding
ingwheat, legumes and flax, domestic cattle, sheep- claims, ambiguous in my opinion, that LBK farm-
goats and sometimes pigs; 2) clearing forests on ers were more gracile and somewhat smaller than
Lawrence H. Keeley (almost exclusively) loess soils for their fields and the 'native' Late Mesolithic foragers. (If such a
pastures; 3) settling along secondary and tertiary physical difference should be demonstrated, it
streams; 4) living in hamlets and villages of NW/ may be a consequence of the more sedentary
NNW-SW/SSW-oriented rectilinear wattle-and- lifestyle and less carnivorous diet of village farm-
Introduction by cross-cultural research and is impressionistic. daubed long-houses; 5) burying their dead in NW- ers compared to seasonally mobile foragers than of
Ifthis is so, the task of defining features that char- SE oriented oval pits in a semi-flexed position; 6) genetic differences between natives and newcom-
The goal of this volume's editors is extraor- acterize all tribes is even more difficult. crafting distinctive pottery types, the fineware of ers.) Several centuries before it colonizes Belgium,
dinarily ambitious-to achieve some 'positive' All of these aspects of anthropology's standard which are decorated with incised/impressed bands; the earliest (altesteefrldest) LBK appears in the
and archaeologically-visible definition of a tribe. (evolutionary) classification ofsocieties would mean 7) knapping and using broad blades with the most Hungarian Plain/Carpathian Basin and the Older
Unfortunately, many difficulties stand in their that defining some exclusive (i.e., 'positive') char- common tools being sickles and endscrapers; 8) (altere) LBKreaches western Germany but all the
path. acteristic oftribes is neither possible nor scientifi- making and using saddle querns, groundstone LBK in Belgium is Late LBK (jiingeree'Younger).
The first problem is that the old anthropologi- cally useful. Claiming that the only positive char-
cal classification of societies into bands, tribes, acteristic of tribal organization is that it is 'flex-
chiefdoms, states and empires involves a host of ible' exactly begs the question. Indeed, is any so-
variables (demographic, economic, political, social cial organization that endures for more than a few Males Females
and religious/ideological) that are merely corre- generations not 'flexible?' The real question about
lated, sometimes strongly, sometimes weakly. For any evolutionary, Guttman-scaled variability is:
example, ethnographic tribes varied widely in popu- "flexible within what limits?" 60
lation, from over 60,000 to as few as 1500 mem- Any such limiting or distinguishing character- aD aD ~ aD
bers. Some integrated their memberships by means
of lineal kinship groups (e.g., the Tiv of Nigeria)
while others used sodalities (e.g., the Cheyenne of
istics can and should be both positive and nega-
tive. After all, in any classification scheme, noting
an absent trait is as useful as noting a present one.
~ aD
the Great Plains). Some tribes were pastoralists,
some fisher-foragers, some extensive farmers, etc.
Yet there are no obvious correlations between these
Tribal organizations are defined by the features
they share with bands but not chiefdoms, as well
as some shared with chiefdoms but not bands. I
III 40
variables in ethnology. There is no one trait or even
a single collection of traits that could be used to
distinguish all tribes from, say, all bands or chief-
will however mention one archaeologically-visible
feature of tribes that much ethnology has men-
tioned: "A tribe is the unit that assembles in the
I 30
doms. event of warfare" (Hunter and Whitten 1976:394;
The second difficulty is that this social classi- see also Ember and Ember 1990:239-242). In the
fication scheme is evolutionary and accretional. It case I describe below, this feature oftribal organi-
subdivides a continuum of increasing scale and zation seemed to have played an important role. 15
complexity. In statistical terms, this evolutionary In this chapter I want simply to recount the
sequence is a Guttman Scale. Each larger and more archaeologically-visible features of the social and 10
complicated step represents only an addition to or economic organization ofthe Linear Band Keramik 5
elaboration of already existing features. 'Ances- (LBK) colonists that occupied NE Belgium almost
tral' or 'primitive' features are almost never aban- 7000 (calibrated; ca. 6300 standard C14) years ago. II II o
doned. For example, reciprocal exchanges, social I will especially focus upon the LBK villages of the
Children Age at
obligations to 'close' kin, and achieved statuses are Upper Geer Settlement Cluster that my colleague
regularly found even among the hereditary nobil- Daniel Cahen and I (and a number ofother Belgian (Unsexed) death
ity of empires. prehistorians) have investigated. It is important (years)
The third possible problem is that demographic, to note that these Belgian LBK sites are at the
economic, political and social variability may be northwestern periphery of the trans-European
largest in the 'middle range' of so-called tribes and
chiefdoms and less at the extremes offamily bands
distribution of LBK culture that stretches from
northern France to the Ukraine. Also, our sites are
I Schuhleistenkeil (LBK Adze)
Fig. 1. Schematic of Nitra
and empires. This point has not been demonstrated late in the grand sequence of the LBK. (D) Spondylus ornament LBK Cemetery.

384 385

Lawrence H. Keeley 17. Social Organization of the LBK ofBelgium

However interesting, the facts and controversies older Nitra 'egalitarian' model while only a few (more than 80%). In the household refuse found in Waremme, located almost exactly halfway between
regarding LBK origins and the spread ofthe Early reflect a more hierarchical social organization the daub pits immediately adjacent to all Upper Darion and Oleye, while not as rich in debitage as
LBK (see Gronenborn 1999) are irrelevant for this (Jeunesse 1997:118). Nevertheless, it is now clear Geer cluster houses, sickle blades and endscrapers Darion, nevertheless produced plentiful evidence
paper. that LBK societies were not always strictly egali- are ubiquitous and the two most common retouched that its inhabitants produced their own blades.
tarian and that some ofLBK social groups devel- tool types recovered. The sickle blades indicate that Oleye showed a wider variety of flint types than
Status of Individuals oped ascribed statuses. Interestingly some of the some of a house's residents harvested grain, and either Darion or Waremme. Oleye's sickle blades
symbols of status were weapons. the endscrapers that some scraped hides. It would and endscrapers (types equally ubiquitous in rub-
Determining whether the status of individu- appear that all LBKhouseholds, whatever the size bish pits at all three sites) were more heavily worn
als were achieved or ascribed among the LBKfarm- Household Variability of their house, harvested grain and had equal ac- and/or resharpened than those at Darion or
ers of northeast Belgium is so far impossible as no cess to livestock hides for treatment into rawhide. Waremme. Oleye not produced few ofits own blades
LBK cemeteries have yet been excavated there. LBK long houses show very little variability in As bone does not survive in the acid soils found at but received most of them from elsewhere while
Immediately to the east, in the Netherlands construction or width, only in length. LBK houses most LBK habitation sites, house-to-house com- Darion produced far more blades than were used
Limburg and the Lower Rhineland of Germany, always consist variously offrom one to three mod- parisons of faunal consumption cannot be made. there. Waremme appears to have been more or less
cemeteries have been found but the bones in the ules: a center, a head and a foot. The smallest and The surviving evidence, however, indicates that self-sufficient in blade production. Very short dis-
burials have not survived in the acid soils. Thus, rarest forms ofLBK house consisted of only a cen- all LBK houses (at least on the Upper Geer) were tances separate these three sites (ca. 3 km.) and
the age/sex determinations so essential to the analy- ter module. A very common type ofLBKhouse was the residences offarmer-herders. In our sample of the flint types used were equally available to all
sis of status at burial were not possible there. comprised of a head module joined to a center one. houses (N=20) on the Upper Geer, all households three in the Chalk that underlies them all. Such
Far to the east in the famous LBK Cemetery at The largest but most (?) common form had all three apparently had equal access to fineware and differences in flint blade production were appar-
Nitra in Slovakia, the burials (N=72) indicated that, modules. Some evidence indicates that the center coarseware pottery, as these are also ubiquitous. ently 'arbitrary,' that is, not predicated on geo-
in the LBK culture, status was only achieved module was domestic in function because the hearth Indeed, ceramics show no statistically significant graphical propinquity.
(Fig. 1). Grave goods, especially of exotic materi- or hearths were located there. The closely spaced differences between houses at the same site either Inter-village variability in ceramic production
als, were found only in the burials of the older men central support postholes of the foot section (each in density (kg/pit) and ratio (fineware/coarseware, between these Upper Geer sites is less clear but
and women, with the oldest adults buried with the posthole usually held two large deep-set posts) left by weight). In a larger sample ofLBK houses from suggestive. Two pots made by the same potter,
most grave goods and the youngest adults usually almost no floor space for any prosaic domestic ac- the Aldenhoverner Platte, the only significant dif- probably in the same firing, were found at Darion
with none. At Nitra there was no evidence of inher- tivities. Half of these foot section twin posts prob- ference found between the refuse of the longest and Oleye (Van Berg 1987, 1988). Although slightly
ited wealth or status, nor of what might be called ably, like those in the other two modules, supported LBK houses (the most common type) and the different in size, both had the same shape and con-
chiefs. At a few other LBK cemeteries where bone the house roofbut their 'twins' probably supported smaller forms involved grain cleaning debris, in struction, both had received the same unusual fir-
is preserved, burials of infants or very young chil- a heavily burdened internal platform. Thus, the the form of chaff and weed seeds. It seems that ing, both had identical decoration designs and, the
dren are absent or rare, and usually without grave foot module is interpreted as a storage area. The grain cleaning occurred at the longest houses, that clincher, both had been decorated with the same
goods. Many authors (including myself) have gen- function of the head modules ofLBKhouses is more is, those with a (putative) storage module, but not broken five-toothed comb. Where these two pots
eralized from the Nitra evidence, and a few similar obscure. They had almost as much, but always less, at the minority (approx. one-fifth) of smaller houses were made cannot be determined but they are evi-
Earliest and Early period LBK burial sites, that floor space as the central modules. But heads were lacking such storage space. If the largest LBK dence that pots were exchanged between LBK
LBK burials were relatively egalitarian and that usually the only section of an LBK house, even the houses are supposed to have been the domiciles of settlements. Unlike Darion or Waremme, Oleye
LBK statuses were only achieved. longest forms, with wall trenches, meaning the wealthy 'Big Men' or chiefs, then the LBK had far has yielded evidence of ceramic production. Sev-
Surveying a number of well-preserved LBK outer walls of the head were especially strongly too many 'chiefs' and almost no 'Indians'! eral Oleye pits had dense layers of sherds from the
cemeteries excavated during the past two decades, anchored. The heads of all LBK houses face the same complete pots that could represent 'wasters.'
Christian Jeunesse (1997) has mustered evidence locally prevailing northwesterly and northerly Hamlet-Village Variability Other pits contained vitrified earth that had been
that clearly indicates that Nitra does not epito- winter winds, which may explain the strength of heated far higher than the more common burned
mize all LBK cemeteries and that many of the the modules' walls but not their function. Some There is evidence from northeastern Belgium daub produced by burned houses (which, alas for
generalizations based upon it are wrong. In fact, have argued (Modderman 1986) that the head that there were some consistent differences in the simplicity's sake, were very common at Oleye), But
infants and young children were interred at LBK modules were livestock stables, especially during frequency ofcertain craft productions between LBK one Oleye pit (OZ-87046) contained a dump layer
cemeteries accompanied by grave goods, sometimes the winter, but no archaeological evidence, directly hamlets and villages. (Keeley and Cahen 1989; from a potter's workshop. This layer containedthree
with offerings as numerous and diverse as those or indirectly, supports this hypothesis. It seems Cahen et al. 1990; Jadin 1990; Sliva and Keeley broken pots filled with washed clay, a pottery-bur-
buried with adults, especially during the later that the smallest LBK house represented only a 1994; Keeley 1996:151-152). nishingpebble, a sack-shaped concentration ofgrog
periods. In later LBK cemeteries there were also a domestic unit, the medium sized house a domestic At the site of Darion, literally massive amounts (ground pottery) temper, an unusual grinding pal-
few adult burials very rich in grave goods, espe- unit plus a stable, and the longest type a domestic of debitage from blade production were found. Yet ette, and a ground-down brick of exotic mineral-
cially items with a 'military' allure (i.e., symbols of unit, a stable and a storage space. In any case, at the site of Oleye, just 6 km. away, where blades ized sandstone. [The yellow mineral, glauconite,
power). J eunesse (1997:117) concludes that, by the there is no evidence that the length of an LBK and blade tools were equally common as at Darion, streaking this sandstone brick has been identified
end of the LBK, some dead infants and children house bears any relationship to the size of the very little flaking waste of any kind was found. in the sand grit temper ofsome pots from Waremme
were given wealthy burials accompanied by the household inhabiting it. Ratios between various kinds of blade production (J. Stoltman, pers. comm.l] Nothing like this pit's
highest attributes of prestige and power, and that As noted, the smallest form is the rarest. In the waste flakes (e.g., primary flakes, crest blades, core peculiar ceramic workshop debris has been found
these were members of a hereditary elite. How- Upper Geer sites, none have been found. In an- rejuvenation flakes, etc.) vs. blades/blade tools were at any other LBK site. The only evidences of ce-
ever, he notes that even in late LBK cemeteries, other area not too distant, the Aldenhovener Platte from five to twenty times higher at Darion than at ramic production at Darion or Waremme are a
the great majority of the interments reflect the (Germany), the longest form was most common Oleye. The less extensively excavated site of handful of pottery burnishing pebbles. Access to

386 387
Lawrence H. Keeley 17. Social Organization of the LBK of Belgium

clays washed naturally by the Geer stream or ar- those of the Upper Geer sites. Most of the Petite The Petite Gette sites converted Phtanite blocs into Variability between Clusters
tificially from the local loess soils, grog ground from Gette sites blade tools were made of flint types adzes and exchanged them to the villagers of the
old pots, and temper from peculiar sandstone (ca. typical of the Upper Geer sites, especially Darion, Upper Geer. In return the former may have re- In the Geer region, no one has yet detected any
20 km. away) was no different at Oleye than at yet flaking waste from these exotic flints types was ceived flint blades made of Upper Geer flint. demonstrable consistent variability in ceramics or
Darion or Waremme. rare. Wange and Overhespen, on the other hand, There also is evidence of a part-time village house form between Upper Geer and the adjoining
Twenty-five kilometers to the west-northwest had considerable manufacturing waste from flak- specialization in the production and use of an un- Yerne clusters. On the other hand the Upper Geer
of the Upper Geer LBK cluster are two LBK ham- ing adzes made ofPhtanite, an easily recognizable usual hide-working tool called a frit. Frits are large and the Yerne cluster do show dramatic differences
let sites, Wange and Overhespen, a few hundred black silicified siltstone. The source ofPhtanite is burin spalls that were used, drawknife fashion, to in adze-axe raw materials. In the Upper Geer clus-
meters apart along on the Petite Gette stream a unique outcrop approximately equidistant prepare hides in a mode different from and rarer ter sites over 80%ofall adzes were made ofPhtanite,
(Lodewijlckx 1990). In terms oftheir house forms, (ca. 65 km to the SW as the crow flies) from both than the hide work done with the ubiquitous a black silicified siltstone, from a source 90 km
ceramics and many other features, the Petite Gette the Petite Gette sites and those on the Upper Geer endscrapers. At Darion, with only four houses, over away (Fig. 2). As mentioned above, it seems that
LBK sites were extremely similar to those of the (see Fig. 2). While over 80% of the groundstone 200 frits were found along with debris from their these Phtanite adzes were manufactured 25 km
Upper Geer and typical of the Late LBK of NE adzes found at Upper Geer sites are made of manufacture. At Oleye (at least 13 houses) and away at Petit Gette sites. In the immediately ad-
Belgium. However, their lithic assemblages have Phtanite, unlike the Petite Gette sites, they have Waremme (at least two houses) only 9 frits were joining Yerne cluster, over 80% of the adzes were
some distinctive features when compared with yielded no manufacturing waste of this material. recovered altogether. made of the local Gres Micaceous, a gray mica-
These apparent craft specializations were vil- ceous indurated sandstone. This Gres Micaceous
lage wide because they have not been associated come from a source within the Yerne cluster. How-
with just one or a few houses on site. They were ever, this outcrop is only a minimum of6 km and
also part-time because all households harvested maximum of 15 km from any of the Upper Geer

LBK site
Fortified LBK site
o Final Mesolithic site grain (sickles) and treated rawhide (endscrapers).
Most strikingly, these specializations were geo-
sites, in otherwords, much closer than the Phtanite
source and even the Petite Gette sites. These facts
Loess soil boundary
~==============================.JO graphically arbitrary in the sense that all villages indicate that there is some sort of socio-economic
o had equal or equally distant access to flint, adze
materials, clay and hides. A similar pattern of
boundary between the Upper Geer and the Yerne
clusters. Also there was some form of 'pooling' for
o o arbitrary village specializations is known ethno-
graphically from some SouthAmerican tribes (e.g.,
adze material acquisition among the various ham-
lets and villages of each cluster. Such 'pooling' is
Xingu and Yanomamo). In these cases, such part- regarded as being a characteristic ofthe redistribu-
time, arbitrary, village-wide craft specialization tive economies of chiefdoms.
functions to support military alliances between Thus, regarding the Upper Geer Cluster ofLBK:
villages (Keeley 1996:151-152). 1) Byextrapolationfrom admittedlyvery far away,
Some of the LBK villages of the Upper Geer the status of LBK individuals was primarily
.--_. cluster were surrounded by fortifications consist-
ing of a ditch backed by a palisade. All of these
achieved and wealth was not hereditary. Al-
though there is some slight evidence ofascribed
fortified villages are located on the very limit of the wealth and status at the end of LBK times,
cluster (Fig. 2). The presence of these fortifications LBK burials point to more egalitarian society
is not correlated with village size, permanency or than those designated chiefdoms and states.
craft specialization. Of interest here is that fort 2) LBK households were apparently equal in
construction required manpower almost impossible size (inhabitants), subsistence economy and in
for the some of resident village populations, espe- access to exotic or labor expensive items. Such
cially Darion, to have mustered. Thus, their con- egalitarianism is characteristic of bands and
struction would have required in some cases coop- tribes while chiefdoms and states evidence
eration with other villages nearby. Also, the forti- household inequalities in these variables.
fications would have required many more defend- 3) LBK specialized craft production was part-
ers than the residentvillage populations could have time, varied betweenvillages (not households)
mustered. Hence, these constructions are clear and was not determined by geographic pro-
evidence that LBK villages were not autonomous. pinquity to raw materials. This peculiar pat-
As these villages were purposely interdependent tern was found ethnographically (as far as I
economically, they also were so militarily. can determine) only in a few tribes and was
The great majority of LBK sites found across directly related to the maintenance of mili-
Europe apparently were hamlets of 2-5 houses. tary alliances.
More rarely there are sites with many more houses 4) The Upper Geer and Yerne clusters 'pooled'
(12 to 30+) but not all these houses were of same their villages' acquisition of adze materials.
house generation. Thus some villages were larger Such pooling, the centralized negotiation for
Fig. 2. Map of Phtanite and GM sources and NE Belgian LBK sites. and occupied for more generations. acquisition, and the necessary redistribution

388 389
Lawrence H. Keeley

this implies, is claimed to be a distinguishing Gronenborn, D.

characteristic of chiefdoms and states. 1999 A Variation on a Basic Theme. Journal
5) Fortification of some hamlets and villages in- of World Prehistory 13:123-210.
volved the cooperation of nearby unfortified Hunter, D. and P. Whitten 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling': The Transition
settlements within the cluster for construction 1976 Encyclopedia ofAnthropology. Harper &
and manning. Military cooperation between Row, New York. to the Copper Age on the Great Hungarian Plain
otherwise mostly self-sufficient habitation Jadin,1.
groups is a characteristic of tribes, chiefdoms 1990 Economie de production dans le Rubane
and states but not bands. Fortifications have Recent en Hesbaye Liegeoise. Iu Rubone
William A. Parkinson
been claimed to be an exclusive characteristic et Cardial, edited by D. Cahen and M.
ofchiefdoms and states but this is not true eth- Otte, pp. 147-154. ERAUL, Liege.
nographically: manyknowntribes fortified their Jeunesse, C.
villages. It is true that fortifications were un- 1997 Pratiques Funeraires au Neolithique Introduction 1990) and archaic states (Marcus 1993), but in the
known in bands, rare in tribes but almost uni- Ancien. Editions Errance, Paris. case of tribal societies it occurs in the absence of
versal in chiefdoms and states. Keeley, Lawrence This chapter explores long-term processes in any institutionalized central authority and on a
The LBK colonists of the Upper Geer showed 1996 War Before Civilization. Oxford Univer- the social organization of tribal societies by ana- much smaller spatial scale. This quality-of soci-
some social traits characteristic of bands and tribes sity Press, New York. lyzing the social transformations that occurred on eties occasionally to rework their methods of social
(only achieved statuses, egalitarian households), Keeley, Lawrence, and Daniel Cahen the Great Hungarian Plain at the end ofthe Neo- organization within certain structural bounds-is
one trait that may be characteristic of tribes (part- 1989 Early Neolithic Forts and Villages in NE lithic. The chapter begins by outlining a methodol- characteristic oftribal societies, and has been docu-
time arbitrary village specialization), and some Belgium. Journal of Field Archaeology ogy for identifying and tracking changes in tribal mented not only in other archaeological contexts
traits characteristic of chiefdoms ('pooling' ex- 16:157-176. social organization over long periods of time. This (e.g., Braun and Plog 1982; Emerson 1999; Fein-
change and fortifications). The Upper Geer cluster Lenneis, E. methodology then is used to model the changes in man et al. 2000), but in ethnohistoric and ethno-
could be described as 'a chiefdom without a chief.' 1997 Houseforms of the Central European social organization that occurred during the tran- graphic contexts as well (see O'Shea 1989; Parkin-
The LBK inhabitants of the Upper Geer cluster Linearpottery Culture and ofthe Balkan sition from the Late Neolithic (ca. 5,000-4,500 BC) son 1999:85-89). As such, this phenomenon of 'tribal
were not autonomous, autarkic village bands, nor Early Neolithic. Porocilo 0 Raziskovanju to the Early Copper Age (ca. 4,500-4,000 BC) in cycling' may itself be a criterion useful for distin-
were they a stratified, hierarchic chiefdom. In short, Paleolitika, Neolitika in Enolitika v the Koros River Valley in the eastern half of the guishing tribes from other decentralized, segmen-
they were a tribe. Sloveniji 24:143-150. Carpathian Basin (Fig. 1). By modeling tribal so- tary' societies (i.e., 'bands'), which tend not to ex-
But so what? The old Sahlins-Service evolu- Lodewijlchx, Marc cial organization along two analytical dimensions- hibit such patterning. Since these 'cycles' tend to
tionary typology has its only utility as a simplistic 1990 Les Deux Sites Rubanes de Wange et integration and interaction-it is possible to iden- occur gradually-over several generations-they
shorthand for communication between anthropolo- d'Overhespen. In Rubane et Cardial, tify specific changes in structural organization frequently go undocumented in ethnographic and
gists that indicates where a subject society can be edited by D. Cahen and M. Otte, pp. 105- within cultural trajectories and to compare them ethnohistoric descriptions oftribal societies, which
roughly located on longest axes of social variation 116. ERAUL, Liege. within a cross-cultural framework. Although de- are of necessity usually too limited in their tempo-
and social evolution (or, it is important to note, Modderman, P.J.R. signed primarily to deal with prehistoric archaeo- ral depth to detect such subtle patterns.
devolution!). Over the next 4000 years, in the later 1986 On the Typology of Houseplans in their logical contexts where it is difficult to compare
Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age, the LBK tribes European setting, Pamatky Archeo- temporal periods of several hundred years or less, Setting the Scene: The Neolithic-
of the Upper Geer were superceded by more com- logicke LXXVII, 383-394. the methodology developed in this paper also can Copper Age Transition
plex tribes, petty chiefdoms, grand chiefdoms, petty Sliva, R. and L. Keeley be employed in ethnohistoric contexts that deal
states and, eventually, the Roman Empire. 1994 Frits and Specialized Hide Preparation with shorter time frames. The transition from the Late Neolithic (ca.
in the Belgian Early Neolithic. Journal The information from prehistoric Hungary 5,000-4,500 BC) to the Early CopperAge (ca. 4,500-
ofArchaeological Science 21:91-100. suggests that during the Late Neolithic, communi- 4,000 BC) on the Great Hungarian Plain is marked
References Cited Van Berg, P.-L. ties on the Great Hungarian Plain were organized by dramatic changes in the archaeological record
1987 Rubane Recent de Hesbaye: Signatures into complexly-structured integrative units that (Fig. 1). These changes in material culture indi-
Cahen, D., L. Keeley, 1. Jadin and P-l. Van Berg Recurrentes de Maitres Potiers. Bulle- interacted intensively within well-defined, spa- cate that the population of the Great Hungarian
1990 Trois Villages Fortifes du Rubane Recent tin de la Societe Royale Belge d'Anthro- tially discrete geographic areas. This pattern gave Plain underwent a significant social transforma-
en Hesbaye Liegois, Rubane et Cardial. pologie et de Prehistoire 98:197-222. way in the Early Copper Age to one dominated by tion about 4,500 BC. This transformation affected
Pp. 125-146. ERAUL 39, Liege. 1988 Le Poincon, le Peigne et le Code. These de more diffuse, less complexly-structured integra- not only intergroup relationships, as indicated by
Ember, C and M. Ember Doctorat, Universite de Liege (four vol- tive units that interacted less intensively over a changes in trade networks and settlement organi-
1990 CulturalAnthropology, 6th Edition. Pren- umes). much larger area. When the temporal scope of zation, but also intragroup relationships, as indi-
tice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1990 Ceramique du Limbourg et Neolithisa- analysis is extended further back and forward in cated by changes in house form and mortuary cus-
Flannery, Kent V. (editor) tion en Europe Nord-Ouest. In Rubane time, a similar process seems to have occurred at toms. Throughout both of the periods in question
1976 The Early Mesoamerican Village. Aca- et Cardial, edited by D Cahen and M. least twice-from the Early Neolithic through the there is no evidence ofinstitutionalized social rank-
demic Press, New York. Otte. Pp. 161-208, ERAUL, Liege. Middle BronzeAge-on the Great Hungarian Plain. ing, nor is there any evidence that the farmers and
This process is somewhat reminiscent of the 'cy- herders who inhabited the villages across the Plain
cling' often associated with chiefdoms (Anderson were impinged upon by more complex social forms,

390 391
William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

such as chiefdoms or states. Previous suggestions Goldman 1977; Kalicz and Raczky 1987a; Sikl6di
that these changes can be attributed to large-scale 1982, 1983).
population replacement recently have fallen out of Changes in settlement type and organization.
favor (Banffy 1994, 1995). The social reorganiza- The Late Neolithic settlement system, which com-
Geographic! tion that took place in the middle of the fifth mil- bined the habitation of large, long-occupied 'tell'
Spatial Scale lennium BC on the Great Hungarian Plain must sites (up to 6 ha) with more ephemerally occupied
of Groups be understood in terms of the wide range of vari- 'flat' sites (up to 11 ha), was replaced during the
ability that occurs within tribal methods of social Early Copper Age by a settlement system that
organization (see Fowles, this volume, Chapter 2; consisted almost exclusively of smaller (ca. 0.5-
Parkinson 1999, and this volume, Chapter 1). 1 ha), more ephemeral settlements with very little
The transition from the Late Neolithic to the vertical stratigraphy (Bognar-Kutzian 1972:164-
Early Copper Age on the Great Hungarian Plain 172; Chapman 1994, 1997; Kalicz and Raczky

I: :
coincides with the inception of several technologi-
House Form
Multi-Room House
Single-Room House
cal developments that changed the trajectory of
social evolution in Eastern Europe for several
1987a; Parkinson 1999:270-275; Sherratt 1983b,
Changes in settlement number and location. In
millennia. The copper ore sources in the Carpathian addition to being smallerthan Late Neolithic settle-
_ _ =3m
--=3m and Balkan mountains began to be intensively ments, Early Copper Age sites were less nucleated
mined and smelted during this time (Jovanovic and more evenly dispersed across the landscape.
1971, 1982). Domestic animals, and especially In addition, most regions experience a nearly ten-
~i Tell Sites
cattle, began to be exploited not only for their meat, fold increase in the number of sites dating to the
but also for 'secondary products' such as milk and Early Copper Age (Bognar-Kutzian 1972; Parkin-
@ @
Settlement Type ppoo@ "FlatS~es"
cheese (Chapman 1983; Sherratt 1981, 1983a), and son 1999:281-284; Sherratt 1983b, 1984).
"Tell-Uke Mounds" the plow also was introduced into Eastern Europe Changes in trade networks. The long-distance
@@@@ about this time (Milisauskas and Kruk 1991), per- trade networks of the Neolithic, which brought
mittingthe heavier alluvial soils of the Plain to be goods from as far away as the Aegean, were re-
brought under cultivation. structured and redirected in the Early Copper Age
_NuCleated Settlement Pattern • Dispersed Settlement Pattern
Roughly contemporary with these technologi- to bring copper, gold, and chert from the Carpathi-
• • •
cal innovations was a radical change in the way life ans onto the Plain (Biro 1998; Sherratt 1987).
Number and
• • itself was organized on the Plain (Fig. 1). The
changes documented in the archaeological record
Changes in mortuary practices. Large formal
cemeteries were established in the Early Copper

• - . -
include: Age. These cemeteries-the first of their kind in

Changes in the spatial scale of'culturalgroups'. Europe-frequentlywere isolated in the landscape
• The three geographically-discrete 'cultural groups' and replaced the Neolithic pattern of burying the
- - =lkm
- - ;lkm
that subdivided the Great Hungarian Plain dur- dead in and around settlement sites (Bognar-
ing the Late Neolithic were replaced by a single, Kutzian 1963, 1972; Chapman 1994, 1997b;
relatively homogeneous 'culture' that extended Derevenski 1997).
across the entire Plain during the Early Copper These dramatic changes cannot simply be ex-
Trade Age-the 'I'iszapolgar Culture. The Late Neolithic plained in the context of 'traditional' cultural evo-
Networks 'cultural groups' (Tisza-Herpaly-Csoszhalom or lutionary scenarios. No chiefdoms emerged sud-
Tisza-Herpaly/Csoszhalom, see Raczky et al. 1994, denly out of the Late Neolithic tribal pattern, and
1997 for a more detailed discussion), as they are no states colonized the region at the beginning of
known in Hungarian literature, are each associ- the Early Copper Age. Indeed, the various mortu-
ated with distinct ceramic assemblages, and dif- ary analyses that have been conducted on Early
Burials in Settlements Burials in Formal Cemeteries
ferences in settlement type, settlement location Copper Age cemeteries support the general notion
and economic strategies (see Kalicz and Raczky that the grave good associations are more indica-
I: : I 1987a). No such subdivisions are readily identifi-
able during the Early Copper Age (see Parkinson
tive of gender and age distinctions and personal
identities (see Bognar-Kutzian 1963, 1972;
~ 1999:356-364; Sherratt 1983b, 1984, contra Bognar- Chapman 1997b, Derevenski 1997, 2000; Meisen-
I: Kutzian 1972). heimer 1989; Nemeskeri and Szathmari 1987;
Changes in house form. The large, probably Skoma11980, 1983), rather than vertical (i.e., rank-
multifamily, domestic structures of the Late Neo- based) ones. Thus, the transition from the Late
lithic (ca. 10-20 m long) were replaced by much Neolithic to the Copper Age on the Great Hungar-
Fig. 1. Patterns of change from the Late Neolithic (ca. 5,000-4,500 BC) to the Early Copper Age (ca. smaller (ca. 5 m long), less substantial dwellings in ian Plain makes an ideal setting for exploring the
4,500-4,000 BC). the Early Copper Age (Bognar-Kutzian 1972; wide range ofvariability that can characterize social

392 393
William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

organization within tribal societies. By attempt- tact. The members of one group can trade ceramics Integration: latent and actualized ogy, myths, rituals, and kinship. It is a map ofthe
ing to understand the long term social processes with the members ofanother group, or entire groups structure relationships-whether maintained or not-per-
that led to and resulted in the organization of the can interact with each other, for example during ceived to exist between individuals inside and out-
Late Neolithic and Early Copper Age, respectively, raiding and warfare. Most archaeological attempts at dealing with side the group. Actualized structure mayor may
it may even become possible to generate some more Both of these concepts are intimately inter- integration in tribal societies have employed the not bear resemblance to latent structure. It refers
general hypotheses regarding the changes in so- twined, but it is important to distinguish between concept of integration as Service (1971) used it- to the actual structure of how the members of a
cial organization that occurred within tribal soci- them methodologically, since different types of ar- as a classificatory criterion that refers to the pres- group interact on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly
eties elsewhere in the world. chaeological information tend to speak more to one ence of pan-residential social institutions that dis- basis. This idea builds upon Julian Steward's (1951)
In order to understand the various changes process than the other. By separating these tradi- tinguish tribes from 'bands'-rather than as Stew- concept of 'levels of sociocultural integration' and
that occurred during the transition from the Neo- tionally ambiguous and overlapping concepts into ard (1951) intended it-as a methodological tool Fred Gearing's (1958) concept of 'structural poses'.
lithic to the Copper Age on the Great Hungarian discrete analytical dimensions, it becomes possible useful for facilitating cross-cultural analysis at I simply have tried to endow these well-worn con-
Plain, it first is necessary to delineate precisely to measure the specific archaeological variables multiple scales. Tribes are therefore frequently cepts with ernie (latent) and etic (actualized) as-
which aspects of social organization were reorga- that relate predominantly to one dimension or the defined as 'regionally-integrated social networks' pects (see Harris 1979) that attempt to differenti-
nized at the beginning ofthe Copper Age, and those other, and to more precisely distinguish processes (e.g., Bender 1985; Braun and Plog 1982; Emerson ate 'cognized models' from 'operational models' (see
that continued essentially unchanged from the of integration from processes of interaction. 1999; Voss 1980). While this use of the concept- Rappaport 1979:97).
Neolithic. Only after having identified the specific In keeping with the way these terms have been as a criterion for distinguishing tribes from less I see this dichotomization between latent and
relationships between the social structures exhib- used traditionally (e.g., Caldwell 1964; Steward complex societies (i.e., 'bands')-is acceptable in actualized structure as a way to deal with what
ited during each period will it be possible to under- 1951), I suggest that the term integration should the context of Braun and Plog's argument, there Braun and Plog (1982) cumbersomely referred to
stand the causal factors that led to their reorgani- be restricted to refer to social processes that incor- has been a growing tendency within the discipline as the 'non-decomposability' of tribal systems. The
zation. In order to identify the patterns of continu- porate individuals into specific organizational (i.e., to understand integration as a sort of binary social idea of non-decomposability suggests that the dy-
ity and discontinuity between the Late Neolithic decision-making) units. In this sense, societies can characteristic that distinguishes tribes and other namics of only some hierarchical levels of a system
and the Early Copper Age it is useful to model be envisioned as being composed of various inte- more complex societies from bands, which curi- may be observable over a given amount of time
social organization along two discrete, but interre- grative units-households, neighborhoods, settle- ously are understood not to be integrated at all, or (Simon 1973; see also Braun and Plog 1982; Plog
lated, analytical dimensions-integration and in- ments, settlement clusters, etc. Interaction, on the at least not as integrated as tribes. and Braun 1984; Saitta 1983). In the theoretical
teraction. other hand, refers to more diffuse social processes Although tribal societies may indeed be more framework proposed here, this idea is reflected in
that operate between individuals andgroups. Thus, integrated than bands, they are not just integrated. the notion that the members of societies may rec-
Theoretical Considerations: while individuals and groups may interact (e.g., The members of all societies integrate at a variety ognize particular latent structural principles that
Modeling Integration and trade, marry, fight, perform rituals) with each of different levels, and into a variety of different are seldom, if ever, actualized. The existence of
Interaction in Tribal Societies another, they are not necessarily incorporated into social units (see Gearing 1958; Steward 1951). This these latent structural principles offers the mem-
integrative units. In the context of this research, ability for a single community to assume several bers of the society a form oflegitimized flexibility
The acephalous, decentralized, segmentary the dimension ofintegration refers to the size, scale, different 'structural poses', as Gearing called them, that can be accessed given the appropriate
nature oftribal societies has forced archaeologists and organization of the basic social segments (the or, in Steward's terms, to integrate at several dif- socioenvironmental conditions.
to model tribal social organization by looking at households, neighborhoods and villages), and the ferent levels, results in a sort of social flexibility Despite the archaeologist's inability to observe
changing patterns of integration and interaction dimension ofinteraction refers to the ways in which that is essentially built into the structure of most all of the hierarchical, or structural, levels within
over time (e.g., Adler 1989; Braun 1977; Braun these social segments, and their members, inter- societies. In the context of most tribal societies, tribal societies, different levels nevertheless fre-
and Plog 1982; Caldwell 1964; Emerson 1999; Flan- act with each other. this feature is combined with the absence of an in- quently emerge as being relatively more impor-
nery 1968b; Haas 1990; Hegmon 1989; Longacre These two analytical dimensions-interaction stitutionalized central authority that in more com- tant than others. While these archaeologicallyvis-
1966; Plog 1976, 1978; Plog and Braun 1984; Saitta and integration-are by no means mutually exclu- plex societies tends to hold the system together into ible levels may not reflect the entire cognized struc-
1983; Struever 1964; Whallon 1968). Unfortu- sive. Nevertheless, by treating each as an indepen- more discretely defined social units. This results in ture recognized by different members of the soci-
nately, we seldom are provided with precise defini- dent line of evidence, it is possible to generate a built-in flexibility that allows tribal groups to con- ety at hand, the very fact that particular levels are
tions for these terms, which often are used inter- models that more accurately represent the size, stitute and reconstitute themselves on an extremely 'actualized' in some societies at particular times
changeably throughout the literature. scale, and organization of particular elements of wide variety of different scales-and to incorporate and are 'latent' in others is itselfa very meaningful
Integration is usually understood to be a group- social structure. These models then can be used to different numbers of members-given different observation. Even more importantly, the various
level phenomenon, and the term usually refers to track diachronic changes within different cultural socioenvironmental situations (see Fowles 1997). levels that are detectable in a single society can
processes that bringindividuals together into more- contexts, and eventually to compare the various In order to deal with the wide range ofvariabil- change over time, providing an avenue for track-
or-less formalized units (e.g., Service 1971). Inter- trajectories followed by different tribal societies ity that characterizes social organization in tribal ing the trajectories of changing levels of integra-
action, on the other hand, usually refers to more over time. By gradually building up a comparative societies, it is useful to distinguish between what tion. For these reasons, the concept of integration
general processes that can occur at both the group database that allows the cross-cultural analysis of I call latent structure-the cognized social struc- is treated in the context of this research not as a
and/or individual level (e.g., Caldwell 1964). While different tribal trajectories, it will be possible to ture of a group, which outlines the relationship of unified trait that differentiates tribal societies from
interaction usually indicates some kind of social gain an understanding ofthe variability-and flex- members of that group to others within and out- 'bands', but rather as an analytical dimension that
contact (i.e., economic, ritual, political)-whether ibility-that characterizes social organization in side the group; and actualized structure-the ac- can be modeled by measuring patterns in material
direct (e.g., face-to-face) or indirect (e.g., down-the- tribal societies (see Fowles, this volume, Chapter 2; tual structure ofthe group that interacts regularly variables that were created by the operation of
line)-it generally does not indicate anything spe- Parkinson 1999: chapter 2, and this volume, Chap- to perform specific duties (see Parkinson 1999:49). prehistoric social processes. These processes char-
cific about the relationships between those in con- ter 1). Latent structure is encoded in a group's cosmol- acterize the actualized structurets) of the society

394 395
William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

at hand and, in turn, are understood to have been settlement clusters. Not all tribal societies are unit include any structural subdivision that oc- are likely to interact with each other on a daily
molded by more latent structural principles. expected to exhibit all of these units. But by delin- curs between the household unit (the house or basis, for the most part the day-to-day routine of
eating which levels are exhibited in different soci- longhouse) and the settlement (the village or ham- most individuals is more likely to be structured by
Reconstructing units of integration eties over varying periods of time, and by deter- let), these include room blocks, house clusters, and the various social units in which they participate-
mining the size, scale and organization of each of longhouse clusters. Depending upon the cultural as members of economic, political, and religious
The first step necessary for modeling social those levels, it is possible to track how the struc- context, such units may not be exhibited at all, or groups-rather than as members of a village or
organization in prehistoric contexts is to determine ture of such units transformed over time. Further- may exist at different scales, reflecting various hamlet (see Gearing 1958). The degree to which
the size, scale, and organization of the basic social more, by tracking how each unit changes with re- levels of internal structure within a particular settlement members interactwith one another also
segments-the constituent elements of the society spect to the others, it is possible to delineate pre- settlement. Such units are likely to indicate the depends upon the size ofthe settlement, the num-
in question. In archaeological contexts this is pos- cisely those aspects of social organization that are operation of middle-level social groupings, such as ber of integrative units that it is composed of, and
sible by assessing the size of coresidential units transformed over time, and to infer a variety of kin groups (e.g., extended lineages, clans, or moi- the size of each of those units. Obviously, the mem-
that are indicative of different units ofintegration. different social mechanisms that can be held ac- eties [see Lowell 1996; Marcus and Flannery 1996]). bers of a small isolated hamlet consisting of only
By measuring the size and organization of countable for those changes. As I will demonstrate Whereas the household is assumed to bear the one or two households are much more likely to
domestic structures and how they are organized below, when this methodology is conducted in con- majority of the burden of day-to-day food produc- interact with each other on a regular basis than
into neighborhoods and settlements it becomes cert with analyses of interaction, it is a very effec- tion activities, the neighborhood is less likely to the members of a large settlement composed of
possible to reconstruct these basic integrative units. tive method of delineating long-term changes in the operate as a food-producing unit on a daily basis. several extended lineages. Precisely for this rea-
Beyond the settlement, it frequently is possible to social organization of prehistoric tribal societies. Although some degree of productive cooperation son, a common feature among tribal societies is
identify settlement clusters throughout the land- and resource pooling is likely to occur within neigh- some sort ofritual activity that serves, among other
scape that correspond to even larger integrative The household unit borhoods, the greater social contribution of such things, to unite the members of a settlement be-
units. Not only can the spatial relationship between units is their tendency to facilitate the interac- hind a given task, simultaneouslyreaffirming their
settlements be used as a method of discerning in- The household unit frequently, but by no means tions ofindividuals living in large settlements into membership within the settlement itself. Village
tegrative units that operated over the long term, exclusively, corresponds to a nuclear or extended smaller units. These units also are likely to serve feasts, seasonal rituals, and even periodic warfare
but frequently the relationship between settlement family group or lineage. The archaeological corre- as a basis for the mobilization of manpower for all serve to reproduce the settlement, its constitu-
sites and other special purpose sites, such as cem- lates of this unit include the size, shape, and orga- conducting communal activities within the settle- ent units, and their individual members. Changes
eteries or shrines, can also effectively be used to nization of discrete domestic structures (e.g., ment, such as building earthlodges or longhouses. in the size, scale, and internal reorganization of
define the location of different boundaries in the wigwams, houses, pithouses, longhouses). This unit Neighborhood units also frequently form the basic the settlement itselfoften corresponds to the actu-
social landscape that may have been produced by normally subsumes the basic unit of production units of fission and fusion within tribal societies. alization ofmore latent structural transformations
different integrative units (see Stark 1998). The and pooling of resources within tribal societies They are more likely to form when settlements are within a society. These causes frequently are ex-
patterns that emerge from any such analyses then (Sahlins 1972). Cross cultural analyses also sug- large, and require internal organization, especially ternal, and can relate to factors such as the orga-
can be compared to patterns of interaction to deter- gest that the size and organization of domestic when previously independent groups nucleate at a nization of warfare or subsistence practices (see
mine whetherthey represent the presence or absence structures may also be indicative of postmarital large settlement. Conversely, they frequently are Hollinger 1995). Butjust as frequently, changes in
of specific social boundaries over the long term. By residence patterns. For example, Divale (1977) and the social units that break off to form independent the settlement can relate to problems of scalar
assessing the degree to which such boundaries were Ember and Ember (1995) suggested that houses settlements, either seasonally or permanently (see, stress upon internal organizational structures (e.g.,
actively maintained or passively transcended, as with floor areas bigger than ca. 60 m 2 are corre- for example, Carneiro 1987; Chagnon 1983:130). McGuire and Saitta 1996).
indicated by patterns ofinteraction across them, it lated very highly with matrilineal social patterns. In much the same way that changes in the scale
is possible to generate some conclusions regarding The shape of domestic structures (e.g., round ver- and organization of the household unit are likely The settlement cluster
the nature of the relationship between the groups sus square; see Flannery 1968a) also may reflect to be indicative of shifts within the basic economic
at hand. Such combined analyses eventually can something about the structural relationship be- organization of the group, changes in the neigh- The settlement cluster generally forms the
reveal the operation ofmore latent structural prin- tween household units, since square dwellings lend borhood unit are likely to reflect more subtle shifts largest spatially-discrete coresidential unit in pre-
ciples over long periods of time. themselves more readily to agglomeration and in the nature ofintragroup relations. As such, their historic tribal societies. It can correspond to any
accretion than do round dwellings-implying that presence or absence, and their internal organiza- number of social groups-from extended families
Coresidential units of integration the tendency to build square or rectangular houses tion, provide a rough measure ofthe degree ofstruc- to entire societies-depending upon the number
may be indicative of a more fluid relationship be- tural complexity within settlements. and organization of lower-order units integrated
By defining the size, scale, and organization of tween households. Changes that occur within the within it. The archaeological correlates of this unit
integrative units using empirical data from coresi- scale and organization of the household unit may The settlement unit include spatially discrete groups of settlements in
dential units, it is possible to construct a struc- reflect changes in the organization of resource the landscape, or groups of settlements organized
tural model that essentially builds itself from the production and pooling within the 'domestic mode The settlement-the farmstead, camp, ham- around or separated by special purpose sites, such
bottom up. Each unit is understood to correspond of production'. let, or village---ean vary considerably in size, scale, as cemeteries or shrines. Some pooling ofresources
to a cognized social unit (e.g., household, clans, and organization, and as such corresponds to a may rarely occur at this level, but the integrative
sub-tribe), which mayor may not be inferentially The neighborhood unit wide variety of social levels-from individual processes that unite these larger units are more
identifiable through its material correlates. nuclear families (e.g., farmsteads) to entire tribal likely to be ritual in nature, such as communal
In general, four coresidential units character- A neighborhood unit is defined as any struc- societies (e.g., the 'combined' historic Pawnee vil- feasts, funerals, or dances. In some cases, settle-
ize integration within tribal societies: 1) house- turallevel that exists between the household and lage near Genoa, Nebraska [see Hyde 1974; O'Shea ment clusters can form even larger groupings-or
holds, 2) neighborhoods, 3) settlements, and 4) the settlement. The archaeological correlates ofthis 1989]). While individuals who live in a settlement 'superclusters'-across the landscape. Superclus-

396 397
William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

ters are defined as groups of settlement clusters ity, since inequality is itselfa relative concept that sible to discuss prehistoric interaction at a similar In concert with most recent comprehensive
that form discrete units on the landscape. Given refers to differential access to resources, materi- scale oftemporal precision-at the decadal or gen- treatments of this complex topic (e.g., Carr and
the size of this coresidential unit, it is more likely als, or social power between the members of a par- erationallevel. In other parts of the world, where Neitzel 1995; Hegmon 1992,1995,1998; Plog 1995;
to be indicative of higher-order social units (e.g., ticular group. If the settlement also constitutes ceramic sequences can be related only to much Stark 1998), which generally agree that it is nec-
'bands', sub-tribes, tribes). Changes within the the focal unit ofpooling within a society, then it is longer periods oftime, perhaps hundreds of years, essary to consider several different kinds of stylis-
organization of settlement clusters and superclus- nearly impossible for an individual to achieve some it is possible to discuss interaction only as a gener- tic variation, the present analysis approaches the
ters generally correspond to the actualization of degree of economic inequality within that unit. alized process that occurred over a much longer data at several different levels and assesses sev-
latent structural principles, and usually can be Similarly, given more complex structural configu- temporal scale. In these cases, it is important to be eral different attributes that may have functioned
expected to relate to deep-seated changes in the rations, the nature ofwarfare is likely to operate at aware that any patterns of interaction will refer differentially within different social contexts. In
fabric of society. " a higher level-including more individuals and not to specific interactive spheres, but to the op- order to determine which dimensions of stylistic
focusing more at the inter-village level, than at the eration of a palimpsest of interactive spheres that variability are likely to indicate different dimen-
'Focal' units of integration inter-family level. operated sequentially or simultaneously over long sions of social interaction, it is particularly useful
This is not to say that the actions ofindividu- periods of time. to focus upon two qualities that are helpful in de-
In addition to providing a convenient method als are completely prescribed by external struc- Since the nature of tribal society is such that termining the role a specific attribute may have
for parsing apart the actualized social structures tural forces beyond their control, for it is the indi- social boundaries are fluidly restructured over time played within a particular social context. These
of prehistoric societies, the analysis of social orga- viduals who, through their very actions, create and (Barth 1969), and since the configurations of actu- are: 1) the relative visibility ofthe attribute, and 2)
nization along these different integrative units modify their own social structure (see Giddens 1984). alized structural patterns can vary dramatically its social and geographic distribution (see Carr
allows the researcher to identify particular 'focal But by their actions, and through practice, indi- over the landscape, it is necessary to define the 1995; Voss and Young 1995).
units' of integration within each actualized con- viduals do produce and reproduce social structures spatial scope of analysis in geographic, rather than Table 1synthesizes several ofthe interpretations
figuration. These focal units refer to the level at that to varying degrees mold their behavior within social terms. In other words, the spatial scope of proposed by Carr (1995) and Voss and Young (1995)
which particular societal processes-such as ag- socially acceptable bounds (see also Bordieu 1977). analysis should be determined by specific geo- for the distribution of high (in Carr's terms 'visible')
gression, competition, and mobilization-assume graphic and topographical features, and not by and low (in Carr's terms 'obscure') visibility charac-
primary roles within the various structural con- Modeling interaction in tribal societies social features, such as the geographic extent of a teristics given different spatial distributions. I have
figurations assumed by different societies. For particular material 'culture'. By defining the spa- attempted to include those interpretations that will
example, ifthe members of a society are organized The concept ofinteraction has a similarlyjaded tial scale in this independent manner, it is possible be most applicable for discussing the patterns in
into nuclear family groups (household unit) that history in the discipline. At various times, the con- to generate models of interaction that then can be ceramic assemblages dealt with in this chapter.
live in small autonomous hamlets (settlement), that cept has been used to refer to everything from 'in- compared to each other to delineate trajectories of The attribute distributions-uniform, discrete,
are dispersed evenly across the landscape (settle- teraction' spheres that extend halfway across North social change within a region. clinal, and random-relate to the relative occur-
ment cluster), the nature of aggression and compe- America (e.g., Caldwell 1964), to systems of long- Within a geographically defined region, inter- rence ofdifferent attributes at different sites within
tition within that society is likely to operate on a distance exchange that brought prestige goods from action, like integration, typically occurs at a vari- the study area. A basic assumption underlying the
much different scale than if the societal members south America to northern Mexico (Flannery ety of levels within prehistoric tribal societies. various relationships drawn in the table is that
lived in extended family groups (household units) 1968b), to the intimate interaction of a daughter Nevertheless, just as some integrative units as- homogeneity, or uniformity, within a single clus-
organized into large, nucleated villages (settle- learning how to make pottery from her mother sume focal, or primary roles, patterns of interac- ter is likely to be indicative of a high degree of
ment) that formed discrete, territorially-bounded (MacEachern 1998). In order to operationalize this tion also operate at varying degrees of intensity interaction-active or passive-between the sites
clusters (settlement clusters). Different structural concept for studying social organization in tribal between and within those integrative units over in that cluster, regardless of the visibility of the
configurations result in differential roles being societies, it is important to define the temporal time. As such, any attempt to model social interac- attribute (see Sackett 1977,1985,1998; Weissner
assumed by each of these processes. and spatial scales of analysis independently, and tion in prehistoric contexts must be able to deal 1985,1990; Wobst 1977). Regarding the relation-
This implies that, to some extent, the struc- to develop a methodology for modeling interaction with this dynamic quality. ships between site clusters, I follow the relation-
tural configuration of the society at hand lends within those bounds. ships proposed by Carr (1995) and Voss and Young
itself to accommodating different sorts of social Modeling interaction through (1995). The interpretations overlap a great deal,
processes. For example, as the actualized integra- Defining the temporal and spatial stylistic variables and they certainly are susceptible to alternate
tive structure of a society becomes more complex- scales of analysis explanations in different social contexts. Never-
incorporating more individuals into more elabo- One method that has proven to be particularly theless, they provide a rough outline for indicating
rately organized coresidential units-processes The first task necessary in any attempt to re- effective for modeling interaction in prehistoric which ceramic attributes are most likely to reveal
that occur between the various units, such as eco- construct the nature of interaction in prehistoric contexts is the analysis of stylisticvariables within different patterns of active and passive interac-
nomic and political competition, also tend to oper- societies is to determine the temporal and spatial ceramic and lithic assemblages. By articulating such tion throughout the study area. While the distri-
ate at increasingly higher levels. As such, the de- scales of analysis. In most archaeological contexts, stylistic analyses with the analysis of integrative bution ofhigh-visibility attributes is more likely to
gree of complexity exhibited by the actualized in- the temporal scale will be determined largely by units, it becomes possible to generate models that indicate active interaction between groups, bound-
tegrative structure of a society has particular im- the nature ofthe data at hand. The chronological more accurately describe the degree of interaction ary-marking, and to a lesser extent, individual
plications with regards to the degree of social, po- precision of various material sequences will deter- that occurred at different levels within a society creativity; the distribution of low-visibility at-
litical, and economic inequality possible within that mine at what temporal scale such analysis can over a given amount of time. Such analyses must tributes is more likely to indicate passive interac-
society. In general, societies that exhibit relatively occur. For example, in the American Southwest, focus upon the stylistic (and technological) vari- tion through learning, intermarriage, or encul-
simple actualized integrative structures are also where dendrochronology provides very precise ability exhibited both within and between the in- turation (for a more detailed discussion, see Par-
less likely to exhibit significant degrees of inequal- dating for ceramic sequences, it is frequently pos- tegrative units (see Hegmon 1995; Plog 1980, 1990). kinson 1999:164-188).

398 399
William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

By assessing the distribution of a battery of 1989; Sherratt 1983b,1984). As part of an ambi-

different ceramic attributes within and between tious project to document all of the known sites in
different clusters within the study area, it will be different counties, the Institute of Archaeology of
possible to assess the relative kinds and degree of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and various
interaction that occurred within and between sites regional museums joined forces to publish a series
~ located in different clusters throughout the study of volumes, known as the Magyarorszag Regeezeti
o area. Topografuija, the Archaeological Topography of
§ Hungary (MRT). This series combines the compre-
Q.) The Study Area-The Koros Region hensive documentation of known sites and private
CIl of Eastern Hungary collections with intensive surface survey directed
'-..' explicitly at locating new sites. Beginning in 1998,
The study area encompasses an area of ap- the author revisited and conducted systematic
~ proximately 2000 km 2 in northern Bekes County surface collections at several of the Early Copper
] Ul
in the eastern Great Hungarian Plain (Fig. 2). The
area-known as the Koros-Berettyo Region-is
Age settlements identified during the MRT sur-
veys (see Parkinson 1999:196-210).
named after the complex river systems that domi- In addition to the intensive surface surveys
o:S nate its topography and produced its subtle, yet that have been conducted throughout the study
Ul very complex, surface geomorphology. The Koros area, two important sites with Early Copper Age
River valley is the main east-west corridor that
link the center of the Great Hungarian Plain with
settlement features that previously had been ex-
cavated within the study area-VesztO-15 (Veszto-
.§ the rich copper and gold resources in Transylvania Mager [see Ecsedy et al. 1982:183-187; Hegedus
and in the Carpathian Mountains beyond. As such, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977a, 1977b,1982,
~Q.) the region would have been centrally involved with 1983,1987; Hegedus and Makkay 1987; Makkay
..0 the various technological changes that occurred 1986]) and Ormenykut 13 (Ormenykut-Makonczai-
"'C during the Late Neolithic, when 'native' copper Domb [see Andras 1996; Juhasz 1991; Jankovich
§ began to be exploited, and during the Early Copper et al. 1989:344])-were available for the present
....I=: Age, when copper ores began to be smelted. research. The former is a large Late Neolithic tell
o:S Prior to hydrological regulation, the region was site that was abandoned at the end of the Late
in prone to biannual floods-one in early spring, and Neolithic and, after a hiatus, was reinhabited dur-
I=: the other in early summer. In those areas that were ing the Early and Middle Copper Ages. The latter
] high enough to avoid annual flooding, the study
area is covered by alkaline loess that was redepos-
is a medieval cemetery that yielded several settle-
ment features, mostly pits, that date to the Early
Ul ited by the various streams that have meandered Copper Age. This material forms the basis for the
;.a their way across the region since the end of the analyses conducted in the following sections.
] Pleistocene. In the areas that were seasonally in-
undated, meadow clays and silty loess predomi- Reconstructing Integrative Units
. nate. A few dispersed pockets of relatively pristine
.~ ~ loess sand can still be found in the easternmost This section brings together the relevant in-
.... .-t
..... part of the study area, and the late Pleistocene formation for measuring integrative units during
$; 0
U Maros alluvial fan covers a large portion of the the Late Neolithic and the Early Copper Age. The
area in the south. Kosse (1979:47-50) notes that section treats each integrative unit separately,
'E ~ tartar maple-oak forest (Galatello-Quercetum beginning with the most basic, and discusses each
~~ roboris) would have been found on the alkaline period independently.
.S CIl
...,i=l-t soils between floodplains and the higher loess pla-
Q.) I=: teaus. The floodplains would have contained wil- Household units
~~ low and poplar groves, in addition to marsh grasses.
~G Although the majority ofthe region is today under Due to the lack of a sufficient number of exca-
.... 0')
industrial production of sunflower and corn, prior vated Late Neolithic and Early Copper Age settle-
=. 1------+---1----1---+----+---+-+--+---1------11----1---+--1
Ci-< to irrigation large tracts were given over to pas- ments in the Koros Region, it is necessary to look
.~ § Q ~
ture (see Pecsi 1970; Pecsi and Sarfalvi 1964) . beyond the study area to gain an understanding of
0 .e--S
.... ,.Q For the last thirty years the Koros Region has how household units were organized during the
."'C :;:l ....
.-t I=: ,.Q lot been the focus of intensive archaeological survey periods in question. In general, Late Neolithic
~ CIl
.... :t
.~< and excavation by Hungarian and British research houses tend to be larger and more complexly orga-
~ > teams (e.g., Ecsedy et al. 1982; Jankovich et al. nized than their Early Copper Age counterparts.

400 401
William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

Late Neolithic houses Project during fieldwork in 1998 (see Parkinson

1999: 197-210). At both sites, the houses were iden-
Late Neolithic houses have been excavated at tified as daub concentrations with significant
several sites across the Great Hungarian Plain (see amounts of 'I'iszapolgar ceramics in their matrix.
Kalicz and Raczky 1987a). In general, they tend to The remaining Tiszapolgar structures were found
be large rectangular 'longhouses' oftimber-framed in excavated contexts at Tibava (Andel 1961),
wattle-and-daub construction, frequently with Lucsky-Vinicky (Siska 1968), Szerbkeresztur
'0 plastered clay floors. They exhibit a high degree of (Bog'nar-Kutzian 1972:168; Milleker 1893),
a. variability in size, shape, and organization. Some 'I'iszafoldvar-Ujtemeto (Sikl6di 1983), Kenderes-
of this variability may be related to traditions in- Kulis (Bognar-Kutzian 1972:165), and Belmegyer-
~ herent to each ofthe two or three 'cultural groups' Mondoki (Goldman 1977). Although Bognar-
that occupied the Plain during this period (i.e., Kutzian (1972:164-70) mentions a few other Early
Tisza, Herpaly, and Csoszhalom). For example, Copper Age houses, for example at Kenderes-
0 House Complex 2 at Hodmezovasarhely-Gorzsa Telekhalom and Crna Bara, the floor areas for these
u:: ""
(Tisza Culture) is a large (ca. 20 m x 13 m) struc- structures were not available and could not be
'0 Q)
c: ture with six internal subdivisions, each with an included in the present analysis.
0 OJ
e «c oven (see Horvath 1987). By contrast, the houses In contrast to the Late Neolithic, Early Copper
is 0
at the site of Polgar-Csoszhalom (Csoszhalom Age houses are generally smaller in area (mean
II Z 0
Group) tend to be 8-12 x 4-5 m with a single inter- = 26 m'', median = 22 m-) and lack internal subdi-
I nal subdivision (Raczky et al. 1997). The houses at
Berettyoujfalu-Herpaly, on the other hand, are
visions. Also in contrast to the Late Neolithic, the
ovens associated with Early Copper Age houses
'0 ~ 10-12 x 4-5 m with internal subdivisions, some of usually are located outside the house (see Goldman
,.... -
which may have been two-storied (Kalicz and
Raczky 1987b).
1977; Sikl6di 1983). Early Copper Age houses also
lack the plastered clay floors that frequently are
~ ~ Table 2 lists the areas of several Late Neolithic found in Late Neolithic houses. In general, they
houses across the Plain. In sites where the exact are of a lighter construction than their Late Neo-
sizes of individual houses were not available be- lithic predecessors. They are without exception of
c: 0
«l cause the sites have not yet been fully published simple wattle-and-daub architecture. In some cases
zs i:ii (e.g., Polgar-Cscszhalom), the maximum and mini- (e.g., at Crna Bara), the vertical beams ofthe walls
en LL ~ Q)
Ul Ul 0 .s mum sizes listed by the authors were used to gen- were fitted into logs laid in foundation trenches. In
Q) e«l "0
«II erate ranges for house areas. Despite the small other cases (e.g., at Kenderes-Kulis), the presence
number in the sample (n=18), the houses are gen- of postholes suggests that the walls were supported
I tJ 0 o' .' erally large (mean = 59 m'', median = 37.5 m''),
often with internal subdivisions. There are two
by posts.

outliers-House Complex 2 from Hodmezo- Changes in the household unit

vasarhely-Gorzsa (area = 259 m"), and the maxi-
mum size listed for houses at Ocsod-Kovashalom Despite the small sample size and the large
(area = 148 m"). House Complex 2 at Hodmezo- geographic area from which the examples are
vasarhely-Gorzsa includes a total of six indi- drawn, a definite trend towards smaller domestic
vidual rooms (ca. 3.6-6.2 x 3.6-6.2 m), each with structures can be demonstrated during the transi-
its own oven (see Horvath 1987:35 and figure 6). tion to the Early Copper Age on the Great Hungar-
This large structure likely resulted from the accre- ian Plain. The addition of more instances to the
tion of several additional rooms to a smaller, albeit sample would almost certainly augment the differ-
still quite large (ca. 100 m"), internally-divided ence exhibited in this small sample. While this
structure. pattern must admittedly be considered prelimi-
nary, it is nevertheless useful to explore its impli-
Early Copper Age houses cations with regards to the scale and organization
of household units during each period.
Due to the lack of attention that has been paid Throughout the Late Neolithic, the organiza-
to Tiszapolgar settlement sites, only nine Early tion of household units on the Great Hungarian
Copper Age 'I'iszapolgar houses can be included in Plain most likely was comprised of multi-unit so-
the analysis. Three of these were identified at cial groups that lived primarily in 'longhouses'with
Veszto 20 and Korosladany 14 in surface contexts internal divisions. Frequently, as is the case with
conducted by the Karas Regional Archaeological House Complex 2 at Hodmezovasarhely-Gorzsa,

402 403
William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

each of the internal divisions was furnished with activity areas. Raczky (1987b) estimates that four
r-. r- its own oven. One or more storage pits are usually to six houses would have been in use within each
- - -- --
oo 00
.0 .0
0\ 0\
r- r- oo ("l 0 0 found inside or directly outside the longhouses. compound at any given time. These compounds
~ ~ ~ g

- -,a r-
("l 0
The presence of ovens and storage pits in multiple were surrounded by a larger, thinner, horizontal

t"- Ol
0\ 0\ ~ ("l ("l ("l numbers within each subdivided structure implies settlement that extended over an area of approxi-
N 0\
~ ~ o Vi'"
0\ 0\ 0\ 0\

-- -a -:e

26 the coresidence ofsmaller individual social units- mately three to five ha. Raczky reasonably sug-
r- r- r- r-- ..
- - -... - -... - -... - - - -g -~
r- t"- t"- .0 .0 Ol
t"- ';:3 0\ 0\ 0\
r- r- "0 "0 ~ ~ -;;j <'"l
tl 0\ 0\ 0\
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
r-- r- r- oo 00
a a -;;j 0\ 00
-= probably nuclear family groups. The organization
0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\
0\ 0\
"0 0\ 00
~ gests that this thinner settlement stratum was

= .<:: .<:: .<::

0\ 0\
'" '::l
] a QS QS
0\ ~ \0
.<:: oS oS oS '::l g ;.., ,~ ,~ of the household unit within Late Neolithic con- created by periodic horizontal shifts around the
]'" ]'" ;;:a=
e e e e e
'Ol 'Ol
'Ol 'Ol 'Ol
~ ~
"0 "0
Il.l Il.l
o N ~ .§
~ "0 ~ '0 l::
~ texts likely constituted of two (e.g., at Ocsod- central settlement mounds, suggesting that the
<2:Q,l ~ 2:l
26 26
~ ~ ~ o
,'" 0.0
!;l !;l !;l
~ 0 Vi
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Il.l Ol 0 0
~ :r:: :r:: :r:: :r:: :r:: :r:: :r:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :r:: :r:: ~ ~ ~ ~ r:l:l )c;) r:l:l i=l.o i=l.o i=l.o Kovashalom and Polgar-Csoszhalom) to five or six area simultaneously occupied did not exceed 2-3
(at Hodmezovasarhely-Gorzsa) nuclear family ha (Raczky 1987b:63). This basic pattern of dis-

I/") r- 0
("l \0
<'"l 00
groups. While it is likely that the vast majority of
resource production and food preparation occurred
within the individual nuclear family groups, as is
crete house clusters within a site is repeated at the
site of'Kokenydomb (see Korek 1972; Raczky et al.
1985), and at the site of Szegvar-Tzkoves (Korek
the case with most societies operating at the 'do- 1987:52). While the size and organization of house
~ mestic mode of production' (Sahlins 1972), the clusters at the site of Hodmezovasarhely-Gorzsa

N r- 00
M -
oo V'l
\0 ~
I/") ~ I/") ~

-i N

~ <'"l \0 V'l
coresidence of multiple units within Late Neolith-
ic structures suggests that pooling of resources
likely occurred to some extent throughout the en-
cannot be precisely defined, their existence can be
inferred by the occasional reconstruction offortifi-
cation ditches across the site during the Late Neo-
tire household. lithic (see Horvath 1987:36).
- 0
t"- \0

- - - -- - --
00 t"-

<'"l ("l 0 ("l
V'l I/")
-- I/")

By the Early Copper Age, this pattern seems to
have given way to one in which the smaller groups-
The type site ofthe Csoszhalom group-e-Polgar-
Csoszhalom-also exhibits the clustering ofdomes-
probably nuclear families-lived separately, in tic structures, albeit in an organizational scheme
smaller houses. The tendency of ovens to be lo- different than that of the Tisza group. Although
Q,l cated outside Early Copper Age houses further the familiar pattern of a large horizontal settle-
z z 3 ....:lz 3 ....:lz 3 3 ....:lz 3 ....:lz 3 ....:lz 3 ....:lz 3 ....:lz 3
'" ....:l ....:l i=l.o
Eo-< ~
Eo-< ~ ~
Eo-< suggests that while resource production was prob- ment centered around a smaller tell continues at
ably still carried out by the members of these Csoszhalom (see Raczky et al. 1994), the size of the
smaller groups, food preparation likely was car- horizontal settlement is much larger than that
Ol Ol
ried out within a larger social unit that included estimated for most Tisza sites (ca. 28 ha). As Raczky
~;> ~;>
III more than one household. The implications of this notes, "... it may be considered unlikely that the
...;l lZl v:; lZl
subtle, yet important, shift are better appreciated entire 28 ha large settlement was inhabited at any
U U U U U U U in light of their structural context within larger given time. Meanwhile, it must be emphasized that
Il.l Il.l (\) Il.l Il.l Il.l Il.l integrative units-neighborhood units and settle- the features excavated at this site all represent a
'" .<::'" '"
Ol Ol
Ol '" '" '" '"
Ol Ol Ol Ol

If If If If If If ,!;l ,!;l ,!;l ,!;l ments. more-or-Iess homogeneous and unified time period"

...= - - - - - - -
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ("l <'"l ~ Ol ~ -a -a
-< g. g. "0 "0
0.0 0.0
("l Il.l Il.l (\)
(Raczky et al. 1997 :42). Within this larger horizon-
g. g. u u

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Il.l l) Neighborhood units tal settlement, Raczky notes that the longhouses
~ ~ '" ~::l ~::l

~ ~
;> ;> N N N
;> ;> ;> ;> ;> ;> ;> ;>

E::'" E::'" E::'" E::'"

0 ;>
....:l .3 Il.l
....:l .3 ....:l
....:l Z ..!:l
....:l Z Z
i=l.o ....:l lZl lZl lZl
were organized into east-west oriented groups,
The material correlates of neighborhood which often were associated with auxiliary build-
....~ units-house clusters and neighborhood clusters- ings and wells. While house clusters are exhibited
>< ;> ;>
frequently occur on Late Neolithic settlements at the site ofCsoszhalom, they do not seem to have
~ ....
...= 6 -s s

("l <'"l ~

s0 0s 0s 0s
I/") \0 ~

'" ::l0'" ::l'"


]'" ]'"
~ ~
2:l -6 -
Il.l (\)

~ '" 0::l'" ~ ~Il.l


~ ~
~ throughout the Great Hungarian Plain. They are
presently unknown from the few Early Copper Age
been separated from each other by fences or ditches,
as commonly occurs in Tisza contexts.
Ol 0 0 .S .S settlements that have been excavated. !tis unclear whether settlements ofthe Herpaly
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
~ :r:: :r:: z ~ ~
r- :r:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :r:: :r:: :r:: ~ ~ Eo-< ~ ~ ~ ~
group were divided into house clusters. At the type
Late Neolithic neighborhoods site-Beretty6ujfalu-Herpaly-Kalicz and Raczky
Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol (1987b:107) note that during the earliest phase
N '"loolSI '"
lSI '"
lSI '"
lSI '"loolSI '"
During the Late Neolithic, there is evidence (Tisza 11I1) it consisted of at least two small settle-
loo loo loo loo loo
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·0
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
.:.. ~ .:.. I.? .:.. I.? .:..
-i -i e0 e e0 :; Q,l

e for house clusters at several sites. Most notable ment nuclei surrounded by a quadrangular fence.
Q,l ~
..= ..= ..=
..= ..= ..= ..=
~ ~
'" ~ '"
;> ~ ~ 'a ~ 'a
= ,~ '"~ ;..,
among these are the sites of Ocsod-Kovashalom Duringlater phases, the settlement appears to have
00 loo
loo loo
loo loo
'Ol 'Ol 'Ol '0 '0 '0
.:clSI ..= ..=
.:clSI ,~ loo loo ..= ..= 0
~loo :s ~
and Polgar-Csoszhalom. The Late Neolithic site at been more concentrated on the central part of the
'Ol '" '" ...'" '"... ...'" '"...
'Ol 'Ol 'Ol 'Ol 'Ol 'Ol 1~
~ ,; ,; ~ ~ = ... ... ,~
'Ol ,[f
0 lSI
'" ·0'"
lSI loo
'Ol ~ = lSI
Ocsod-Kovashalom was divided into five house tell (ca. 2.5-3 ha), which came to be surrounded by
'" ;;eO .:c'"

;> ;> ;> Q,l Q Q
·0 ·0 ·0 ·0 ·0 ·0 ·0 ~ ~ ~ ;.., '" I..('"
;.., "0 Q,l loo N N
compounds on tell-like settlements that were sepa- a fortification ditch. This area was densely packed
Q,l ,; ...lSI lSI ...
::6 ::0 :; b'Ol ~ ~ loo Q,l

... ...
e "0e "0e "0e "0e "0e "0e loo loo Ol
;> .:c
.E 'a "0= ...'"
Q,l Q,l ·0 ·0

~ lSI ~ ... ;>

~ '"
"0 ~ ~ ~ Cl.
~ Ol lSI loo lSI lSI rated by a wooden fence. Each compound enclosed with houses, some ofwhich were two-storied, orga-
Q,l Q,l
'" '0 :9 '" = Q,l
'" '"
======= == £
'0 '0 '0 '0 '0
'0 '0 'Q,l 'Q,l Q,l Q,l Q,l 'Q,l 'Q,l
00 00 00 '0 '0 ;> i=l.o Eo-<
I:l:l E:: ~ ...;l
00 ;> ;> a few houses, their associated storage pits, and nized around a small open space, or court. During

404 405

William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

the later phases of occupation (i.e., Proto- Rather, Early Copper Age settlements seem to have during the Late Neolithic. Although it is possible Jankovich et al. 1989), and on fieldwork conducted
'I'iszapolgar) this tightly-packed organization of consisted of only a few small houses that possibly that the trenches of the Tiszapolgar settlements by the Koros Regional Archaeological Project in
houses gave way to a looser arrangement of smaller shared the use of an outside oven. This conclusion were used as bedding trenches for fences, or possi- 1998 (see Parkinson 1999:197-210).
buildings (Kalicz and Raczky 1987b:111). must be considered preliminary, given both the bly for irrigation, their shallow cross-section likely
In general, it would appear that house clusters small number ofEarly Copper Age settlements that indicates a function different than that of their Late Neolithic settlements
were a common feature on the Late Neolithic settle- have been excavated, and the small areas that were Late Neolithic predecessors.
ments of the Great Hungarian Plain. The vast exposed during excavation. Nevertheless, the or- The 34 Late Neolithic sites within the study
majority of those sites that have yielded evidence ganization ofhouses in settlements appears to have Changes in the neighborhood unit area range in areal extent from less than 0.1 ha to
for such features are large settlements with sub- changed drastically during this period. more than sixty hectares (see Parkinson 1999:338).
stantial vertical stratigraphy (i.e., tells or tell-like The Early Copper Age settlements that have The change in house size exhibited during the This range is somewhat deceptive, for the two larg-
settlements). These also tend to be the kind of sites been excavated produced only the poorly-preserved transition to the Early Copper Age on the Great est sites each have significant Early Neolithic
that have been selected for excavation. This re- remains of a few small houses. At most excavated Hungarian Plain can be interpreted as an indica- (Koros Culture) habitations, which frequently oc-
search bias towards larger sites undoubtedly has 'I'iszapolgar settlements, only one house was en- tion of changes in the size and organization of the cur as dispersed low-density sherd scatters spread
increased the frequency with which such features countered during excavation (see Belmegyer- household unit, and most likely indicates concur- over very large areas. While the mean size of the
are found on Late Neolithic settlements. Whether Mondoki [Goldman 1977], Kenderes-Kulis [Bognar- rent changes in basic economic organization. Simi- Late Neolithic sites (including the two large outli-
such features occur on smaller Late Neolithic sites Kutzian 1972:165], and 'I'iszafoldvar-Ujtemeto larly, changes in the actualized organization ofthe ers) is 5.25 ha, the median size-which is less af-
remains a question for future research. [Siklodi 1983]). At other sites, such as Kenderes- neighborhood unit can be interpreted as changes fected by the large outliers-is only 1.95 ha. Ifthe
It is unclear to what extent the various house Telekhalom (Bognar-Kutzian 1972:166) and in the internal complexity of settlements. The pau- two large sites are excluded from the analysis
clusters that have been identified on Late Neolith- Veszto-Magor(Hegedus 1974, 1975),morethanone city of the data on the organization of this unit (Fig. 3A), then the mean drops to 2.28 ha and the
ic sites were contemporaneous with each other. At house was identified, but no apparent spatial pat- during the Early Copper Age precludes our ability median to 1.51 ha. These figures are surprisingly
the two sites for which there is the best evidence- terning could be discerned. The site of Szerb- to assess this change accurately. Nevertheless, the low for the Late Neolithic, especially given the sort
Ocsod-Kovashalom and Polgar-Cscszhalom-i-the keresztur in the Serbian Banat also produced lacuna of clearly defined house compounds on of size exaggeration one would expect based upon
information is somewhat at odds with itself. At the Tiszapolgar structures that may be interpreted as Tiszapolgar sites suggests a shift to a less com- Raczky's investigations at Ocsod-Kovashalom
site of Ocsod-Kovashalom, Raczky (l987b) has houses (Bognar-Kutzian 1972:168). These features, plexly structured process ofintegration during the (Raczky et al. 1985), which suggests that surface
argued for three to five compounds that were in- which were found at roughly 10-30 m intervals, Early Copper Age. scatters should be deceptively larger than the ac-
habited more intensively, around which a less in- were interpreted initially as fireplaces (Milleker The subdivision ofvillages into house clusters tual sizes of the subsurface distributions.
tensive habitation periodically shifted in an area 1893) and are poorly dated. While they exhibit some throughout the Late Neolithic can be interpreted Although the distribution of Late Neolithic
of about 5 ha. At the site of Csoszhalom, where spatial patterning, they do not seem to have been in several ways. To a large extent, the accuracy of settlement size estimates is not strongly bimodal,
over 36 houses have been excavated, the picture is organized into clusters, or groups on the site. such an interpretation depends upon defining pre- there is a break in the distribution between sites
much more complicated. Although the large hori- Two sites that were revisited during fieldwork cisely the chronological relationships between the smaller than four hectares and those larger.
zontal site that surrounds the small tell at in 1998 produced the remains of Early Copper Age various clusters within a single village. In several Makkay (1982, Chapter 11) has suggested that an
Csoszhalom is over 28 ha in areal extent, Raczky domestic structures in surface contexts-s-Koros- cases, clusters within a settlement are of varying integrated site hierarchy may have existed during
contends that the material from the site is repre- ladany 14 and Vesztd 20. The former produced one vertical and horizontal scales, suggesting varying the Late Neolithic in regions such as Szarvas.
sentative of a "more-or-less homogeneous and uni- structure, the latter two. The two structures at lengths of occupation for each ofthe cluster. It is Sherratt (1997b) has argued for a similar pattern
fied time period" (Raczky et al. 1997:42). Since the VesztO 20 were located roughly 15 m apart. It is therefore likely that such house clusters consti- in Devavanya. It is possible that such a hierarchi-
36 houses were excavated in an area ofless than 3 possible that these two settlements were contem- tuted the actual units of residential mobility dur- cal distribution may exist for four or five regions
ha, Csoszhalom was either an exceptionally large porary with each other (see Parkinson 1999:208- ing the Late Neolithic. The additional subdivision within the study area, and while a size hierarchy
settlement, or the houses were rebuilt and relo- 210). If this is the case, then it also is possible that ofindividual house clusters by fences and trenches may exist within each of these individual regions,
cated very frequently during its occupation. Given the two sites, which are now separated by an irri- also may indicate that husbanded animals (e.g., no such hierarchy can be argued as a general pat-
the exceptional nature of the Csoszhalom site in gation canal, comprised discrete residential foci cattle and pigs) were communally pooled within tern that extends across the entire study area. This
other respects, including the multi-ditched 'roun- within a single large settlement. Excavations are these intermediate units. is most likely due to the fact that tell sites, which
der reminiscent ofthe Lengyel culture at its center currently being conducted by the Koros Regional The corresponding lack of house clusters at are not very large in areal extent, tend to function
and the 'cult assemblage' found within (see Raczky Archaeological Project at Korcsladany 14 and Early Copper Age settlements may therefore sug- in a manner similar to larger 'supersites'. This is
et al. 1994), either or both of these scenarios is VesztO 20, in an attempt to clarify the nature of gest a decrease in the complexity of village struc- discussed further below.
entirely possible. Most other Late Neolithic sites settlement organization at those sites (see Parkin- ture during that period, and a shift from resource
on the Plain exhibit layouts more similar to that son et al. 2002). pooling within house clusters to pooling through- Early Copper Age settlements
found at Ocsod-Kovashalom (e.g., Kokenydomb and Thus, no definite house clusters have as yet out the entire settlement.
Szegvar-Tzkoves). been identified on Early Copper Age settlements. Surprisingly, the patterns in site size estab-
While Early Copper Age sites frequently are sur- Settlement units lished during the Late Neolithic change very little
Early Copper Age neighborhoods rounded by small ditches, for example at Tiszaug- during the Early Copper Age, despite an order-of-
Kisretpart (Siklodi 1983) and at Belmegyer- The size and organization ofLate Neolithic and magnitude increase in the number of sites within
In contrast to Late Neolithic settlements, no Mondoki (Goldman 1977), the occurrence ofthese Early Copper Age settlements within the study the study area (from 34 to 243). The dramatic in-
clusters have been identified at the few Early Cop- features does not seem to be related to defense, or area is based upon the extensive information pre- crease in the number of Early Copper Age sites
per Age settlements that have been excavated. to the definition of house compounds, as it had sented in the MRT volumes (see Ecsedy et al. 1982; notwithstanding (n=243), the mean size is 2.9 ha,

406 407
William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

and the median is 1.54 ha.lfthe two large outliers, A small number of Early Copper Age sites Changes in settlement organization est priority. Having ranked the sites based upon
which have substantial Early Neolithic habitations, within the study area are single component (n=28) size, patterns were then identified based upon the
are excluded from the analysis, then the mean drops and allow a more accurate estimation of site size The various changes in settlement organiza- distribution of sites of different rank. The first
to 2.52 and the median to 1.48 (Fig. 3B).Inneither for this period. If only the single component sites tion that differentiate Late Neolithic from Early method proved far more effective in generating
case are these numbers significantly different from are included in the analysis, the mean size drops to Copper Age sites suggest not a shift in site size, but settlement clusters that correspond to credible,
those of the Late Neolithic. There is a small break 0.87 ha, and the median to 0.61 ha (std. dev. = 0.82 rather a change in the intensity and duration of realistic units.
in the size distribution just below 4 ha-at a point ha), The only outlier is just over 4 ha in size. While site use during the two periods. Although Late Within the spatially-biased method, clusters
similar to that witnessed during the Late Neolith- this distribution may lead one to suggest that the Neolithic sites are not considerably larger in hori- were defined initially by calculating the relative
ic, suggesting perhaps a bimodal distribution. size of Early Copper Age sites is, on average, much zontal extent, they likely were more intensively densities of sites across a grid the size of the study
However, the small size of the gap in the distribu- smaller than that indicated by the entire sample, occupied than Early Copper Age sites. Not only area. This was accomplished by calculating the
tion (ca. 0.25 ha) during both periods suggests that including multi-period sites, it must be kept in mind were Late Neolithic settlements more densely nonparametric bivariate density ofthe east (x) and
the bimodality is more likely the result of sam- that larger sites are also more likely to have other packed with houses and settlement clusters, they north (y) coordinates ofthe site centroids (in meters)
pling and/or recording strategies rather than an periods represented on their surface. In other also seem to have been occupied for longer periods of different period sites, regardless of size, or type
actual social difference. Rank/size graphs main- words, the reason that the single component Early oftime. In this sense, they tend to exhibit a sort of (see, for example, Fig. 4). The relative densities
tain similar profiles during both periods, retaining Copper Age sites are smaller may simply be be- temporal hierarchy in site size, with those sites then were generated for each point (i.e., each x and
a distinctively primate shape (see Parkinson cause the larger Early Copper Age sites are more that were repeatedly occupied for long periods of y value) on a grid by calculating the weighted av-
1999:340). likely to have other periods represented. time developing into tells, and those occupied for erage of points in the neighborhood, where the
shorter periods of time remaining small horizontal weights decline with distance. Estimates calculated
(or 'flat') settlements. Although in some regions a in this manner are called kernel smoothers (see
A. Late Neolithic B. Early Co site hierarchy based upon site size can be discerned Sall and Lehman 1996:302).
during the Late Neolithic (see, for example, Makkay The result is a contour map that shows those
18 18 1982, Chapter 11), tells are not always large in areas where the points (in this case, the sites) are
areal extent. While they were certainly exceptional most dense. The contours are calculated according
16 16 • features ofthe Late Neolithic landscape, tell sites to the quantiles, where a certain percent of the
•• frequently are much smaller (in horizontal extent) data fall outside each contour curve. In this case,
14 14 than their 'flat' contemporaries. As will be demon- the contours are calculated at 10% intervals. Thus,
12 strated in the following section, Late Neolithic the outermost contour line circumscribes 90% of
12 • settlement clusters are just as frequently located the sample, the next 80%, etc. While this method
10 10 around tell sites as they are around large 'horizon- does not take into account changes in landform,
tal' settlements, or 'supersites' (see Sherratt and therefore would not be reliable in an area with
8 8 1997:306). extreme changes in vertical topography, it works
During the Early Copper Age, the critical shift quite well in the flat floodplain of the Alfold.
6 6 in settlement organization does not seem to have Having calculated modal density clusters for
been related to a change in the overall size of the each period according to the method described
4 4 settlements, but to a change in this dynamic sys- above, these were then plotted using a vector-based
tem of site occupation strategies and intensity. In GIS program (MapInfo 4.0) containing surface in-
2 2 contrast to the Late Neolithic, Early Copper Age formation entered from the 1:100,000 soil maps
sites were occupied less intensively, by fewer co- associated with the MRT surveys (Ecsedy et al.
o 0
residential units, and for shorter periods of time. 1982; Jankovich et al. 1989) to discern whether
All of this points to a more mobile site use strategy they related to any geomorphologicalfeatures. The
during the Early Copper Age. site size and type information was then analyzed
Mean 2.66 Mean 2.52 for each cluster, and the clusters were then rede-
Median 1.73 Median 1.48 Settlement clusters and superclusters fined based upon their distribution withinparticu-
lar geomorphological microregions (e.g., river
StdDev 3.27 Std Dev 2.82 The definition of settlement clusters within the drainages or soil types), the distribution of site
Std Error Mean 0.58 Std Error Mean 0.18 study area was approached in two ways, using two sizes within each cluster, and the distribution of
Up er 95% Mean 3.84 U per 95% Mean 2.88 analytical methods that gave precedence to differ- different site types (e.g., tells, roundels, cemeteries),
ent types of information. The first of these gave within each cluster. This method, which tempers a
Lower 95% Mean 1.48 Lower 95% Mean 2.17 priority to the spatial distribution of sites within purely objective statistical approach with a more
N 32 N 241 the study area. Having identified patterns in the subjective (and thereby better-informed) inter-
spatial distribution of the sites in the study area, action with the data, proved quite effective in de-
Fig. 3. Histogram of site sizes by period in the study area in hectares. Sites over 20 ha excluded. Means patterns were then identified based upon those fining settlement clusters in the prehistoric land-
diamonds indicate mean and 95% confidence intervals. Quantile boxes indicate median and upper groupings. The second method gave site size high- scape.
and lower quantiles.

408 409
William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

Late Neolithic settlement clusters 'supersite'. Although no tell site has been identi- Early Copper Age settlement clusters landscape (Figs. 6 and 7). One cause of this dra-
fied within this cluster, Szarvas 1 seems to assume matic change is the simple increase in number of
The Late Neolithic sites in the study area dis- a role similar to that assumed by the 'supersite' During the Early Copper Age, the few previ- sites during this period. The 700% increase in site
tribute into two large superclusters separated by Sarto in the Devavanya cluster-it is much larger ously discretely-defined clusters of the Late Neo- number-from 34 to 243-experienced during the
the 90% density contour (Figs. 4 and 5). The dis- than the other Late Neolithic sites around it, and lithic give way to several larger, more diffuse clus- transition to the Copper Age undoubtedly plays a
tance separating the eastern and western groups it is located very near the river. Interestingly, the ters that at first glance appear to bleed together to large role in the change in distribution. Neverthe-
is roughly 30 km, and only one site is located be- burials that have been identified within this clus- form an almost incomprehensible smear across the less, upon closer scrutiny several clusters can be
tween the superclusters. Interestingly, Jankovich ter are from Szarvas 131, the southernmost site in
et al. (1989:219) note that the material collected the cluster, and not from Szarvas 1.
from this site dates either to the late Szakalhat Thus, it is possible to distinguish two different
(late Middle Neolithic) or to the earliest phase of settlement patterns for the Late Neolithic within Late Neolithic Clusters in the Study Area
the Tisza culture, further reinforcing the interpre- the study area. The first, characterized in the west 460
tation. Although there is only one cluster discern- (Szarvas) and northwestern (Devavanya) clusters,
ible within the western supercluster, two discrete includes a single, large, horizontal site and five to
clusters can be defined within the eastern group by seven smaller sites. The two clusters of this type 450
the 50-40% contours. This results in three site clus- are considerably larger than the other clusters,
ters within two larger groups, or superclusters. If and incorporate more total site area. By contrast, ~ 445
these clusters are examined more closely, it be- the other three clusters are much smaller, and are
comes clear that the eastern supercluster can be organized not around a large horizontal site, but
~ 440
further subdivided into three or more discrete clus- around a smaller 'tell' site. These differences os-
ters (Fig. 4). Three ofthese smaller clusters within tensibly could have resulted from post-depositional 435
the eastern group of Late Neolithic sites contain (erosional) processes, for there is a general ten-
tell sites that are located in different river valleys, dency for Late Neolithic sites to be larger in the 430
and two of these clusters have sites that contain west, where the Koros may have been much more 425 -t---,---,-------\r----,----,-\-,-----.-----1
Late Neolithic burials. stable and less susceptible to seasonal flooding 610
In addition to these three clusters in the south- along shallow, yet widespread watercourses. Nev-
ern part of the eastern group, another can be dis- ertheless, it is tempting to suggest that there may
cerned in the northwestern part of the study area have been two different settlementpatterns at work
around the large site of Devavanya 9 (Sarto- during the Late Neolithic-one tell-centered, in-
Sziget)-a large horizontal site that covers some corporating a smaller area and fewer sites, and
14 ha (Fig. 5; Ecsedy et al. 1982; Sherratt 1984:35). one 'supersite'-centered, incorporating a larger area
The sites included in this cluster have been tenta- and more sites. Whether these were contemporary te Neolithic Clust s in the Eastern roup
tively based upon their co-occurrence on the alka- systems that coexisted in the landscape must await 4601,-----------------,
line loess that forms the core of the Devavanya future analysis and additional research.
plain, in a previous drainage ofthe Regi-Berettyo, In much the same way that the lower-order
Although no tell site is identifiable in this region, coresidential units (i.e., households and neighbor-
the large site at Sarto seems to stand out from the hoods) ofthe Late Neolithic exhibit a high degree
others in the region, and in many respects shares of structural complexity, so too do the settlement
several of the characteristics of tells. Like the tell clusters. At least two degrees of clustering are
1 450

sites in the other clusters, it is located nearest to exhibited by Late Neolithic sites in the study area.
the river, and has substantial earlier occupations. At one level, the individual sites themselves group
No burials or cemeteries have been recorded within into small clusters that are tethered to a'supersite'
this cluster. While other clusters also appear on or tell. At another level, these clusters themselves 440
the density contour map of the eastern group, they are organized into two discrete superclusters that
do not exhibit any internal patterning in site size, are separated by a large unoccupied area. The 630 640 650 660 670 680 690
site form, or geomorphological distribution. absence of sites in this area does not seem to be East
The largest, clearest, and mostdiscretely-defined related to geomorphology, for the surface sediments
cluster of the Late Neolithic is located near Szarvas in that area are roughly the same as they are else-
in the western group (Fig. 5). This cluster has re- where. And the region certainly was inhabited Fig. 4. Nonparametric quantile density clusters for Late Neolithic sites in the study area (top) and in
ceived much attention in the past, and frequently is during the earlier Neolithic and during the later the Eastern Group (bottom right). Each of the contours show paths of equal density. Density is
cited as the idealized model for the Late Neolithic Copper Age (see Jankovich et al. 1989: Maps 1 and estimated for each point on the grid by taking aweighted average of points in the neighborhood,
settlement patterning in the Great Hungarian 3). It is therefore likely that this region served as where the weights decline with distance. The density contours are calculated according to quantiles
Plain (see, for example, Makkay 1982, Chapter some sort of economic or social boundary zone in 10%intervals. X and Yrefer to real kilometers north and east on the 1967 Hungarian Topographic
l1)-that of several sites organized around a large during the Late Neolithic. Grid system.

410 I 411

William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

discerned. To some extent, the distribution ofthese the western group are distributed into three dis-
clusters across the Early Copper Age landscape crete clusters separated by 5-7 Ian of unoccupied
exhibits a degree of internal consistency, but it is tracts ofland (Figs. 6 and 7). Each ofthese clusters
only when it is compared with the Late Neolithic most likely corresponds to a previous meander loop
pattern that it can be understood fully. ofthe Harmas-Koros. The distribution of sites in
The density contour map of the Early Copper the eastern group is much more complicated. Al-
Age (Fig. 6) divides the sites into two large groups though it is possible to discern several smaller clus-
that are much less clearly-defined than the Late ters that correspond roughly to those indicated by
Neolithic superclusters. Not only are the two groups the density contours, several of these do not ex-
less dense, but the unoccupied area that separates hibit any internally coherent patterningin site size,
them is considerably smaller. Ifeach ofthese groups type, or location. While this may, in itself, turn out
is analyzed at a finer scale, then the western group to be a very interesting aspect of the distribution,
can be subdivided into three relatively discrete it is not a very satisfying analytical result. But if
clusters; and the eastern group into several more the distribution ofEarly CopperAge sites is viewed
diffuse clusters. Although the two clusters that in light of the preceding Late Neolithic clusters,
had been identified in the western group distrib- several interesting patterns emerge, and the east-
ute into three clusters at this level, the sites in the ern group can be divided into at least seven diffuse
eastern group fall into at least five clusters that clusters that are separated from each other by only
exceed the 70% density contour. a couple kilometers. Each cluster in that group as
Upon closer inspection, several trends within also seems to be associated with an individual ~ ,---~'"'-----------~~-~
and between these clusters emerge. The sites in defunct meander loop of the Koros (Fig. 7).

North ~
0 10 20 t """-. §'
IillIDillI = MeadowGay (SeasonaUy Inundated)
' , , - - - - - - - - - - - = . , It:>

i'-------------~--------" ""'" -! <0

@ =TelSte ....0<0
-,,"".... ~
J. = Burial I Cemetery

"<, Ql

• = late NeoithicSte '~. 0

....= ""
~ t<l

c· ....<0

0 0
.... ....""


Fig. 5. Late Neolithic settlement clusters in the study area. Sites are represented by dark gray circles
and are weighted by size. Note the two superclusters that separate the Eastern and Western
Groups, and the tendency for sites to be organized into discrete clusters around tells or 'supersites.'

412 1 413

William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

Changes in settlement clusters more sites and site clusters than there had been the prehistoric landscape. It is as though the pat- to distribute into clusters, as they did during the
during the Late Neolithic, the clusters themselves tern of residential mobility that had characterized Late Neolithic. The main difference is that they
Two patterns characterize the settlement pat- tend to be larger, and closer together during the the region during the Late Neolithic was expanded tend to be larger in spatial extent, to contain more
tern of the Early Copper Age: the foundation of Early CopperAge. The essential difference between in space and increased in frequency. In the ab- sites, and to be more diffuse. A good deal of this
new site clusters in previously uninhabited (or the two periods seems to be related to a shift in the sence of a central site that served to tether settle- patterning can be attributed to the dramatic in-
sparsely inhabited) microregions, and the expan- nature of settlement organization. Whereas the ment location and relocation within a defined re- crease in site number during the Early CopperAge,
sion of previously-existing Late Neolithic clusters Late Neolithic clusters were each organized gion, even a slight increase in residential mobility and a factor most likely related to an increase in
over a larger area. Overlying these two patterns is around tell sites or large horizontal settlements, during the Early Copper Age would result in the the frequency of site relocation throughout the
a more general tendency towards diffusion, mak- no such pattern exists during the Early Copper unconstrained movement of new sites into previ- period. But a certain amount of the Early Copper
ing all of the clusters less discrete and closer to- Age. Although clusters sometimes occur around ously uninhabited regions, forming new clusters Age pattern is also due to the absence of a focal site
gether. tell sites, the large 'supersites' ofthe Late Neolith- in areas where none had existed, and expanding that served to tether settlement relocation to spe-
The foundation of new clusters occurs through- ic generally fall into disuse. The sites included in those that had been established previously. cific places in the landscape.
out the entire study area. Within the western group, the more diffuse clusters of the Early Copper The end result was a system ofintegration that
two new clusters form in Endrd and southern Age were not tethered to such focal points in the was considerably less complexly-structured than Integrative units-Discussion
Gyoma. Within the eastern group, the entire landscape. its Late Neolithic predecessor. The absence of such
Devavanya plain becomes dotted with sites, and It already has been established that settlement structural complexityrings through all ofthe lower- An idealized structural model of Late Neolith-
several areas that had previously been uninhab- patterns during the Late Neolithic are indicative order integrative units ofEarly Copper Age society ic social organization within the study area would
ited (e.g., in Okany) are reoccupied for the first of a moderate degree of residential mobility (see (i.e., households, neighborhoods, and settlements), include those integrative units outlined in Table 3.
time since the Middle Neolithic. The foundation of Whittle [1997] for a discussion of mobility during and continues at this regional level. The table lists the associated material correlates
sites in areas where none existed during the Late the Neolithic). Even the tripartite typological But while the Early Copper Age pattern is less of each unit, the possible social groups to which
Neolithic is to be expected, given the dramatic in- scheme that Kalicz and Raczky (l987a) have pro- complexly-structured than the Late Neolithic, it is they may correspond, and the relative numbers of
crease in the number of sites dating to the Early posed for Late Neolithic settlements (i.e., 'tells', not entirely without structure. The sites continue the units included at each level.
Copper Age. But what is particularly surprising is 'tell-like mounds', and 'horizontal settlements')
the tendency of these sites to form definite, albeit alludes to the relative frequency with which such
somewhat diffuse, clusters. mobility occurred during that period. Those sites EARLY COPPER AGE CLUSTERS
In addition to the tendency of Early Copper that were smaller and more intensively occupied
Age sites to form diffuse clusters in areas that for longer periods of time formed tells. Those that
previously had been unoccupied, there is also a were larger and less intensively inhabited formed
tendency for those clusters that had been estab-
lished during the Late Neolithic to persist and
expand in size. Almost without exception, those
'horizontal settlements'. As Raczky (1987) has
demonstrated at the site ofOcsod-Kovashalom (see
also Raczky et al. 1985), the degree of residential

clusters that are located in regions where Late mobility exhibited at even a single site during the 0 10 20
Neolithic clusters had been located tend to be larger Late Neolithic was highly variable, and different Kilometers
than those that are created anew, suggesting that parts of a single settlement may have been inhab-
~ = MeadowClay (Seasonally Inundated)
a certain amount of in situ expansion had occurred ited with varying degrees of intensity. This highly
in those areas. dynamic system of mobility and intensity of site ® =TeliSlte

The distribution of cemeteries and burials use carries over to the regional level as well. But ... = Burial I Cemetery
during the Early Copper Age is, with a single ex- rather than having a few residential foci within
• = Early Copper Age Site
ception (in North Gyoma), also restricted to those sites that are more intensively occupied for longer
regions that previously had been occupied during periods oftime, specific sites tend to be more inten-
the Late Neolithic-the Szeghalom, Veszto and sively occupied for longer periods of time. The
Devavanya clusters all contain sites with burials smaller of these, that had been occupied during
or cemeteries. While this is due largely to the rela- earlier periods, formed vertically-stratified tells
tive intensity of excavation in different parts ofthe such as Veszto-Magor and Szeghalom-Kovacs-
study area, there may have been a tendency for halom. The larger sites formed horizontal
burials and cemeteries to be located in those areas 'supersites', such as Devavanya-Sarto and
where clusters had been established for a consid- Szarvas 1. These intensively occupied sites form
erable period of time. At least some degree of con- the focal point around which residential mobility
tinuity can be assumed, for each of the Late Neo- occurred during the Late Neolithic.
lithic clusters contain at least one site that was The critical difference between the Late Neo-
reinhabited during the Early Copper Age. lithic pattern and that ofthe Early Copper Age is,
The picture that emerges for the Early Copper therefore, not the absence oflarge sites or tell sites, Fig. 7. Early Copper Age settlement clusters in the study area. Sites are represented by dark gray circles
Age is, in many ways, much more fluid than it had but the failure of such sites to playa central role in and are weighted by size. In contrast to the Late Neolithic, the clusters of this period are more
been during the Late Neolithic. Not only are there the organization of the settlement system across diffuse, and closer together.

414 415
William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

By comparison to a similar model for the Early eral clusters at Ocsod share storage pits that may
Copper Age (Table 4), the Late Neolithic is excep- have been used to keep grain, and some longhouse
tional in several respects. Not only are more inte- clusters at Polgar-Csoszhalom share wells (Raczky
grative levels represented within the model, but et al. 1997).
each level tends to exhibit more inherent struc- The differential accumulation of house clus-
tural organization, subsuming more-and more ters, or 'residential foci', at Ocsod also alludes to
complexly-structured-integrative units at each another important characteristic they share. The
level. From the organization ofthe household unit, house compounds seem to have been the units that
which corresponds to the multi-roomed house or moved throughout the Late Neolithic. The moder-
longhouse, to the organization of the superclus- ate amount of residential mobility characteristic
ters, which include several discrete site clusters, ofthe period likely occurred not through the whole-
the Late Neolithic is characterized by a high de- sale movement ofentirevillages, but rather through
gree of structural complexity. This high degree of the periodic movement of house clusters from vil-
structural complexityhas several implications with lage to village. This would account not only for the
regards to the manner in which different social differential accumulation of habitation debris at
processes would have occurred within the mixed sites such as Ocsod, but also for the frequent dis-
hunting/fishing/farming/husbanding economy of association between fortifications and settlement
the period. ~
remains at sites such as Hodmezovasarhely-Gorzsa
That two or more individual family groups, ~
..... (Horvath 1987). In addition, such a system, which
probably nuclear families, lived within each ......
would leave large parts of settlements abandoned
longhouse is indicated by the presence of two or for long periods of time, also would allow for buri-
more hearths within each longhouse, and by the als to be placed in unoccupied part of the settle-
presence of ovens in each room ofthe multi-roomed ment. Finally, it is likely that the units that had
structures. By contrast, grain-storage pits tend to constituted the house cluster during the Late Neo-
be associated with the entire structure, or with the lithic became the structural equivalent of settle-
house cluster, and not with the particular hearths ments during the Early Copper Age. This will be
or ovens. This would suggest that while the prepa- discussed to a greater extent below.
ration of, and most likely the production of, food Although the size of Late Neolithic settle-
occurred primarilywithin each ofthe smaller units, ments within the study area is-very surpris-
pooling most likely occurred throughout the entire ingly-not significantly larger than their succes-
house or house cluster. Such a system is somewhat rJ.l
sors, they tend to be much more intensively occu-
reminiscent of the Iroquoian longhouse system, ~ Q)

§ pied, and have much more vertical stratigraphy

within which paired groups offamilies resided in § than later settlements. The small number that
cubicles and shared a hearth within a compart-
ment, while grain was stored at either end of the
occur across the landscape speaks to the lengthy
duration of their repeated occupation, despite the
building (Snow 1994:40-51). S
o occasional movement ofindividual house clusters
The grouping of these houses into clusters at o Q)
between settlements, as suggested at Ocsod-
rJ.l tn
some settlements may indicate the coresidential
organization ofdifferent extended kin groups, such ...,
tn .*
Kovashalom (see Raczky 1985).
Late Neolithic site clusters are organized
as lineages, within a single village. Such an orga- .§ $to Q)

S around tells or supersites, which functioned as focal

nization was more likely lineage-based than moi- Q) .§ o
o points in the landscape. These focal sites were re-
ety-based, since the clusters almost always occur .....> Q) ....,!-<
I peatedly or even continually occupied, and were
in numbers greater than two (see Lowell 1996; 1il rJ.l
::l without exception located near major watercourses.
Marcus and Flannery 1996). Similarly, since the 6h
~ ~ Such sites frequently yield more evidence of long-
clusters normally include only a handful ofhouses, ~
..... distance trade (e.g., cherts, Spondylus) than their
they are likely not indicative of some larger social
smaller-or less intensively occupied-eontempo-
grouping, such as a 'band' or sub-tribal grouping. raries (Sherratt 1997:307), suggesting that they
The house compounds at sites such as Ocsod- oQ) served as focal points not only for the sites nearby,
Kovashalom (Raczky et al. 1985; Raczky 1987b) Z but also as points of contact from external social
frequently are surrounded by fences, suggesting 1il arenas. Unfortunately, the inter-annual relation-
that although food preparation (and, it is assumed, t-.::l ship between such focal sites and others nearby
production) occurred at the domestic level, animals, remains unclear. Were the focal sites occupied
and possibly some other resources may have been perennially, and the other settlements in a cluster
cooperatively kept within the house cluster. Sev- only seasonally? Or were the sites sequentially

416 417
William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

occupied, with specific ones returned to more fre- dential mobility. The expansion of settlements into across these boundaries is taken up in the follow- specific distribution. Nevertheless, an overall pat-
quently than others? Whatever the case may have previously unoccupied areas, and the failure of the ing section. tern that emerges from the data is one of overall
been, sites within each cluster were socially teth- diffuse Early Copper Age site clusters to exhibit homogeneity and uniformity throughout the study
ered to the focal site. any organization around a particular focal site, Modeling Interaction During the area, suggesting a high degree of continuous inter-
Finally, each of the Late Neolithic clusters both suggest a more mobile system that was, in Early Copper Age action throughout the entire region during the
within the study area were organized into two several respects, more fluidly distributed across Early Copper Age. This is indicated by the ten-
superclusters that were separated by ca. 30 km of the landscape. This fluidity is likely to be attrib- This section uses stylistic information to model dency of most stylistic attributes to distribute
empty space. These large integrative units most uted to, on the one hand, a breakdown in previ- the degree of social interaction that occurred be- uniformly or randomly both within and between
likely corresponded to large social groups, such as ously-recognized social boundaries, and to an in- tween the various integrative units throughout the clusters. On the other hand, some attributes-such
'bands' or sub-tribes. The actualization of such crease in the degree of residential mobility, on the study area during the Early Copper Age. In con- as the frequency of incised decoration (Fig. 8) and
larger social groups into archaeologically identifi- other hand. While during the Late Neolithic resi- trast to the previous section, which assessed inte- everted rim length-allude to significant differ-
able units within the study area suggests an equally dential mobility occurred within a well-defined area gration diachronically, from the Late Neolithic ences between sites located in the east and west of
complex pattern of social integration, the specific around a focal tell or supersite, during the Early through the Early Copper Age, the approach taken the study area. While these clinally-distributed
mechanisms of which remain unclear, but which Copper Age such mobility was not so spatially con- here is synchronic in nature, and attempts to as- patterns are based to a large extent upon the as-
stand out significantly when compared to that of strained. This points to an ongoing breakdown in sess the degree of interaction that occurred only semblage from the site of'Ormenykut 13-the sole
the Early Copper Age. social boundary maintenance, and to the lack of during the Early Copper Age. While it would, of representative of the western half of the study
integrative units at this localized level. course, be ideal also to assess interaction during area-they nevertheless suggest that more active
Early Copper Age integrative units If it were house clusters, and not entire sites, the Late Neolithic, the data for such analyses are sorts of interaction may have been more spatially
that formed the residentially-mobile units during currently unavailable. The data included in the confined, and occurred on a more local level.
The situation changes dramatically during the the Late Neolithic, it could be that these units analyses derive from two excavated sites-Veszto- Finally, the distribution of attributes within
Early Copper Age (Table 4). Nearly every coresi- essentially had transformed into the settlements Mager and Ormenykut 13-and from surface con- the Veszto cluster, and to some extent within the
dential unit undergoes a significant transforma- of the Early Copper Age. This transformation was texts at 11 other Early Copper Age sites that were Okany and North Gyoma clusters, suggests a sur-
tion in scale and organization. Whereas the Late likely the result of several processes, but it most collected systematically during fieldwork in 1998 prisingly low degree of interaction between sites
Neolithic pattern was characterized by a high de- likely was associated with a change in the basic (see Parkinson 1999:197-216). located within a cluster. This is indicated by the
gree of structural complexity-incorporating in- mode of economic production, as indicated by the The analysis of different stylistic patterns random distribution ofattributes between sites that
creasingly complex integrative units-the Early change in the organization ofthe household unit, throughout the study area was carried out by ana- are in very close spatial proximity to one another-
Copper Age pattern is marked by its lack of such and by the suggested relative increase in residen- lyzing the relative distribution of high- and low- a pattern that may be attributed to chronological
complex integration. Such a dramatic shift indi- tial mobility. visibility attributes in surface and excavated as- factors related to periodic shifts in residential
cates a more fluid system, within which social The site clusters of the Early Copper age are semblages from 13 sites located in different clus- mobility between sites within a cluster. This also
boundaries were more permeable and flexible. close together, diffuse, and do not distribute into ters throughout the study area. The attributes would suggest that the clusters themselves may
At even the most basic level-that ofthe house- large superclusters as they did during the Late considered in the following analyses are listed in have defined territories within which settlements
hold unit-the Early Copper Age marks a signifi- Neolithic. Unfortunately, the relative contempo- Table 5, along with their associated visibilities (for were occasionally relocated.
cant shift in organization. In contrast to the larger raneity of sites within a cluster remains unclear. a detailed discussion, see Parkinson 1999:355-391).
multi-roomed structures and longhouses that char- The clusters range in size from 9-27 sites, and it is The visibilities assigned to the various attributes Uniform and random distributions
acterized the Late Neolithic, houses during the unlikely that all were simultaneously occupied. The are based in part upon Carr's (1995: 186) hierarchi- throughout the study area
Early Copper Age are uniformly smaller and single- dramatic increase in number of sites per cluster cal model, in part upon Voss' (1982) reasonable
roomed. Such structures likely housed individual (from 2-7 during the Late Neolithic), would sug- assertion that nominal-scale variables are to be Several ofthe attributes considered in the fore-
nuclear family groups, that may have been patrilo- gest that much more sequential movement occurred equated with highly-visible attributes and continu- going analysis exhibit a uniform or random distri-
cal (see Divale 1977; Ember 1973; Ember and during the Early Copper Age. Rather than periodi- ous variables are to be equated with poorly-visible bution both within particular clusters and through-
Ember 1995; Hollinger 1995). The absence of ov- cally returning to the same sites, new sites were attributes, and in part upon what is known about out the study area (Table 5). Although in several
ens and hearths within the houses suggests that founded in areas that had previously been unoccu- stylistic variability in Early Copper Age ceramic cases a particular attribute could be assigned ei-
food preparation likely occurred outside the house, pied. assemblages. ther a definite uniform distribution or a definite
in a more communal environment within the settle- Taken as a whole, the picture that emerges for The distributions assigned to each attribute random distribution, the sample sizes frequently
ment. This, combined with the absence of house- the Early Copper Age is that of several small social are based upon the relative occurrence of the at- were too small to permit an accurate distribution
hold clusters within Early Copper Age sites, sug- groups (lineages or extended family groups) living tribute within and between sites from or near dif- to be assigned. To a large extent, this is due to the
gests that food preparation and pooling occurred in autonomous settlements thatwere relocated more ferent clusters throughout the study area. Poten- fact thatfew clusters are represented by more than
throughout the entire settlement. It is assumed frequently and not organized around a particular tial distributions range from uniform to discrete one or two sites. As a result, it frequently is impos-
that resource production was still normally con- focal site. All ofthis suggests a relaxation of struc- (Table 5). Although most attributes can be assigned sible to determine whether a specific attribute
ducted by each household within the settlement. turallevels that had been actualized during the a specific distribution, some attributes occur very patterns randomly or uniformly within (or between)
This would all suggest that the Early Copper Age Late Neolithic, but which, I argue, became latent infrequently, and their distribution is either am- the clusters.
settlement had assumed a role similar to that per- during the Early Copper Age. The result is that of biguous or unassignable. The attributes that exhibit uniform and ran-
formed by the Late Neolithic house cluster. a much less complexly-structured system within Several of the attributes included in the analy- dom distributions are ofboth high- and low-visibil-
The increase in site number during the Early which social boundaries were more easily tran- sis were influenced heavily by chronology and/or ity, and generally relate to those stylistic attributes
Copper Age is likely indicative of increased resi- scended. The degree to which interaction occurred sample size and therefore could not be assigned a that also are characteristic of 'I'iszapolgar assem-

418 419
Table 5. Distributions of ceramic attributes included in analysis. ~
Distribution Distribution Affected by S·
Attribute Visibility
Within Clusters Between Clusters Chronology? s
Open Vessel Types High Uniform Uniform N ~
Restricted! Closed Vessl Types High Uniform Uniform Y? ~

Pedastalled Vessels High Random? Clinal or Random? N o
Lug Decoration Low? Uniform Uniform N
Lug Shape High Uniform? Random? Y?
Lug Cross-Section High Uniform? Uniform? N?
Lug Height Low Uniform Uniform Y?
Lug Pierced Low Uniform Uniform Y?
Lug Location High Uniform Clinal? Y?

Incised Decoration .High Uniform? Clinal N

o Dotted-Incised High Uniform? Clinal N
Linear-Incised High Random? Random? Y?
Other Incised High Random Random N
Encrusted Decoration High Random Random N
Plastic Decoration High Random Random N
Pedastal Base Piercing High Random Random Y?
Base Pierce Size Low Random Random N?
Everted Rim Diameter High Uniform Uniform? N
Everted Rim Length High Uniform Clinal? N
Everted Rim Thickness Low Random Random N

------- _.--- - - - - - - - - - - ------------------


Relative Percentages of Incised Decoration


0 10 20

= Meadow Clay (Seasonally Inundated)

*= Site Included in Analysis

..... .....


Fig. 8. Distribution of incised decoration as the total percentage of diagnostic sherds from Early Copper Age sites throughout the study area. Q(";)
The maximum percentage represented (i.e., the longest bar) is equal to 70% at Ormenykut 13. Note the fall off in frequency of incised
decoration to the east. ~~
William A. Parkinson
f 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

blages throughout the Great Hungarian Plain (e.g., superimposed above the low-level continuous in- a wide audience, and in this case may have been Although much less likely, the distribution also
vessel type). As such, their distribution most likely teraction discussed above. The few attributes with used to indicate either social group membership or can be explained by a situation in which settle-
was generated by the same social processes that these distributions are without exception high-vis- other aesthetically-influenced traditions ofmanu- ments that were close together exhibit subtle varia-
simultaneously create and define such large-scale ibility attributes (e.g., incised decoration, Fig. 8), facture that were restricted to neighboring or ad- tions with regards to particular stylistic attributes.
'horizons' in material culture throughout the world. suggesting that they are particularly well suited jacent groups. Such attributes, since intended for a limited audi-
Namely, by a continuous amount oflow-Ievel ac- to marking expressions of social context and group The clinal distribution of dotted-incised sherds ence, are likely to be much more subtle than the
tive interaction via trade, systems of kinship, and affiliation. While the definition of these distribu- in varying frequencies across the study area sug- much more obvious ones (such as incised decora-
other shared cosmological beliefs that result in an tions is based in large part upon their relative oc- gests either that the dotted-incised vessels were tion) that are intended for a wider group. For ex-
expression of unity and cooperation. currence at a single site-s-Ormenykut 13-and is being produced somewhere to the west of the study ample, the everted rim diameters from Veszto 15
Given the widespread distribution of these hindered by the lack ofadequate samples from other area and either were being traded upstream (from are on average 5 em larger than those from Veszto
attributes throughout the entirety of the Great sites in the western part of the study area, they west to east), or that they simply were being pro- 20, and are significantly different according to a
Hungarian Plain, it is perhaps necessary to re- nevertheless are striking inasmuch as they differ duced in significantly fewer quantities further to Student's t-test (t=1.97; Figs. 9 and 10). Since the
think whether they should have been treated as from the distribution of other attributes, such as the east, perhaps because of a general lack ofinter- two sites are less than 2 km from each other and
high-visibility stylistic attributes at all. Their com- lug decoration. Their distribution therefore war- action at a further distance (Fig. 8). This latter are located on the same river, they almost certainly
mon occurrence would likely have been taken for rants an interpretation in terms of social process, interpretation could be extended to include pat- would have been closely related had they been
granted by most of the people who used, saw, and rather than in terms of chronology. terns of intermarriage between neighboring occupied simultaneously. Therefore if the settle-
traded them across the landscape. The high-visibility attributes that distribute groups. ments were occupied simultaneously it is possible
In light ofthis, it is perhaps not surprising that clinally or discretely throughout the study area In either scenario, the distribution is undoubt- that this and other attributes, such as pedestal
nearly all of the low-visibility stylistic attributes include: the frequency of incised-and in particu- edly an indication of a fall-off of interaction at a base pierce size, were subtle expressions of differ-
were found to be distributed uniformly or randomly lar dotted-incised-decoration, the frequency oflug distance, suggesting by proxy more intensive in- ence between these two closely related local groups,
throughout the study area. The uniform distribu- location, and variation in everted rim length. All of teraction occurring between neighboring or adja- but were generally not recognizable to the greater
tion of low-visibility stylistic attributes, such as these attributes exhibit a considerable degree of cent groups. While this conclusion is somewhat population ofthe Koros valley.
the frequency oflug decoration, is indicative ofmore variability in their distributions at different sites tentative, and certainly implies several testable It is much more likely that the sites were occu-
passive forms of social interaction throughout the throughout the study area. Nevertheless, when hypotheses that need to be followed up in future pied sequentially by the same social group that
region. This includes less-structured contact and taken as a whole, they may represent a general research, it nevertheless adds a certain amount of over time came to be composed of different people
shared learning. trend that marks differences between those sites dynamism that can used to understand the inter- who made their ceramics in slightly different ways
Those low-visibility attributes that exhibit in the eastern half of the study area and those in active relationships that existed between the vari- yet, in the larger context of the region, maintained
random distributions within clusters are somewhat the western half. ous integrative units within the study area. several traditions that distinguished them from
more surprising, and most likelyindicate individual Since the attributes in question cannot be al- those made further to the west.
traditions of manufacture at a single settlement or lotted any purely functional qualities, it is unlikely Distributions within clusters
a temporal discontinuity between sites. For ex- that their distributions can be explained in terms Interaction-Discussion
ample, the lug heights at Veszto 15 are on average of site function. Similarly, they do not seem to be Although it would have been ideal to discuss
three to four mm smaller than those at Veszto 20 related to chronology, and therefore are unlikely the distribution of attributes throughout several Unfortunately, a detailed analysis of Late
and Korosladany 14. While this may be indicative to be indicative of a temporal distinction. A more sites within several different clusters throughout Neolithic interaction throughout the region was
of a chronological disjuncture, suggesting that likely explanation for their distribution is that they the study area, few clusters produced more than far beyond the scope of this chapter, and no direct
Veszto 20 is slightly earlier than the others, the were being used to mark social group identity, and one site with a ceramic assemblage large enough comparisons can therefore be made between the
overall similarity in lug shape and cross-section, their distribution may therefore be indicative of an to ascertain such patterns. Nevertheless, the Veszto two periods. Nevertheless, some basic comparisons
between the sites, also can be interpreted as an interaction zone between two highly interacting, cluster fortunately yielded three sites within which can be drawn based upon the synthetic work of
indication that individually-learned habits of yet somehow socially distinct social groups. some general patterns can be established-e-Vesztd Kalicz and Raczky (1987a:14), who suggest that
manufacture also may have been responsible. This assertion is based upon the clinal distri- 15, Vesztd 20, and Korosladany 14. Veszto 20 and the sites in the eastern half of the study area
Overall, the uniform and random distribution bution of dotted-incised decoration in assemblages Korosladany 14 appear to be more typical mark the boundary zone between the Tisza and
ofthese attributes is very much in line with what throughout the study area, and assumes that the 'I'iszapolgar (i.e., small, 'flat') settlements, and Herpaly groups ofthe Late Neolithic (see Kalicz
one would expect given the size of the study area, differences in the other high-visibility decorative Veszto15 (Veszto-Mager) is a tell site with an Early and Raczky 1987a:9).lfthis boundary zone can
and the relatively loose structure of the diffuse attributes would have assumed a similar distribu- CopperAge cemetery that seems to date somewhat be assumed to have marked a significant break
integrative units involved, which themselves al- tion were they also identifiable at more sites. Since later than the settlement occupation levels. in interaction between the two groups during the
lude to a high degree of continuous interaction dotted-incised decoration also may be an indica- The three sites exhibit overall homogeneity Late Neolithic, as indicated by the significant
throughout the region. tion of encrusted decoration in Early Copper Age with regards to most high-visibility attributes and differences expressed in the material culture of
ceramic assemblages, this would make the abso- a high degree of heterogeneity with regard to some each group (see Kalicz and Raczky 1987a; Par-
Clinal and discrete distributions lute visibility of the attribute much more striking high-visibility attributes. But otherwise the dis- kinson 1999:99-140), then the social boundary
throughout the study area to the viewer and would have increased the degree tributions seem to be random between the sites. delineated by the distribution of stylistic at-
to which vessels decorated in such a manner stood This is somewhat surprising given the close spa- tributes during the Early Copper Age may have
A few attributes exhibit a distinctly clinal or out from undecorated ones. Such high-visibility tial proximity ofthe sites, and may be the result of been a remnant of that earlier one. But rather
discrete distribution across the study area, thus stylistic attributes are potentially extremely use- small-scale temporal discontinuities between the than being clearly defined and actively main-
adding another level of interaction that can be ful for encoding information that is designed to hit occupations. tained, as it had been during the Late Neolithic,

422 423


William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

the boundary was considerably more diffuse and and more ambitious goal was to outline a theoreti- adding a more dynamic quality to the model that ceramic assemblages at different sites throughout
more permeable during the Early CopperAge. Such cal and methodological approach that could be used allows one to demonstrate paths of structural con- the study area.
an interpretation would be very much in concert to model long-term changes in tribal social organi- tinuity and discontinuity between the two periods. The goal of the present section is to incorpo-
with the organization of integrative units during zation. To this end, it was useful to assume a theo- This, in turn, allows the various axes of social rate the results of those analyses into a coherent
both periods. The implications of these changing retical perspective that concentrates upon the change to be identified more precisely. model that accurately describes the various social
patterns of interaction are discussed to a greater structural organization of the society in question In order to apply this theoretical and method- changes that occurred throughout the study area
extent below. and attempts to model social organization along ological perspective to the Late Neolithic and Early during the transition to the Copper Age, and to
two discrete, yet intimately intertwined, analyti- Copper Age of the Great Hungarian Plain, a re- relate this to more general trends that occur
Conclusions cal dimensions-integration and interaction. search design was formulated to explore the di- throughout the region, and to similar processes
Within this approach, the dimension of integra- mensions of integration and interaction within a documented in tribal societies in other geographic
This chapter set out to achieve two main goals. tion attempts to measure the size, scale, and orga- 2,000 km 2 area in the Koros River valley system. and temporal contexts.
The primary goal was to gain an understanding of nization of individual social segments, or integra- The dimension ofintegration was then modeled by
the various social changes that took place on the tive units; and the dimension of interaction, on the analyzing the size, organization, and spatial dis- Integrating integration and interaction
Great Hungarian Plain during the transition to other hand, attempts to outline the various social tribution ofhouses, house-clusters, and settlements
the Copper Age, about 4,500 BC. The secondary, relationships within and between those units, thus during different periods. The dimension ofinterac- By comparing the size, scale, and organization
tion was modeled by analyzing the distribution of of the individual integrative units to their struc-
a battery of stylistic variables in Early Copper Age tural equivalents in different periods, it is possible
Koros Regional Archaeological Project Study Area

IIIlII = MeadowClay
(Seasonally Inundated
""I' = Direction of flo


"""10 20

r ···
Kilometers --<-


Korosladany 14 Veszto 15 Veszto 20 Ormenykut 13 EachPair
Student's t

Comparrsons or each pair usma Stu d ent' s t - t = 197

Abs(Dif)-LSD Veszto15 Veszto 20 Ormenykut 13 Korosladanv 14
Veszto 15 -1.55 0.39 1.14 -0.45
Veszto 20 0.39 -4.71 -4.06 -5.26
Ormenvkut 13 1.14 -4.06 -4.13 -5.40
Korosladanv 14 -0.45 -5.26 -5.40 -6.81

Fig. 10. Diameter of everted rims by site (in ems) for the three sites in the Veszto Cluster (Korosladany
, =Archaeological Site /=River
14, Veszto 15, and Veszto 20) and Ormenykut 13, a site in the western halfof the study area. Means
diamonds show means and 95% confidence intervals. Quantile boxes show medians andquartiles.
Fig. 9. Map showing the location of sites in the VesztO Cluster. Note the significant difference between Veszto 15 and the other two sites in the cluster.

424 425
William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

to identify precise patterns of change and continu- study area. This boundary may represent the rem- "0 .....~
ity in the actualized (i.e., the behaviorally-ex-
pressed) structure of the Karas Region during the
nants of the same social boundary that separated
the Tisza and Herpaly Groups during the Late
n >,
rn....... et.i
CI$ I <Ii
~'"' ~'"'
transition to the Copper Age. By overlaying the Neolithic. But in its Early Copper Age incarnation, 0 Q) '"' 00 Q) Q) Q) n>,Q) ...... "0
00 :> ...,
Q) ::l"l::
.~ o:S ~ rn 0 ~
patterns of interaction during the Early Copper
Age on top of the various integration units that
the boundary became less actively maintained and
more permeable.
...= =
{I) 6hcJ...
'"' ~
..... 0
..., 00'> CI$
CI$::lQ)"O ~~~5~
6h ..... 00 ..... ~
~~ ..., ...... 0 .s gp~ ~ 5
Q) b.O 0.. ::l CI$
characterize the region, it is possible to gain an Along with the dissolution and coalescence of ~ o .....:> .....
...,:> .....oCI$
even more precise understanding of how the over- the integrative units that served to structure so- = .~ .S S o,.c ......
.S:E ~ o..,.c
til til ~
Q) 13
~ 0
00 ~ 'E .....
all organization ofthe region changed about 4,500 cial relations within smaller subregions during the
tU ;
..=~ til·s s.s ~
::l ...,'"' "0 "0
..... c,) 0 0 0
o ::l ~ 0 ~
Q) '"' C'-. '"' C'-.
U '"
Be. " Late Neolithic came a tendency for interaction to "ClO '6'0 S ~ 00 .~ S ~ :g "0 ::l""';
t .....~
The transition to the Copper Age is marked by occur more freely across those boundaries during Q) 00...... Q) 0 ~
00 ..... Q) O"~ .....
'"'..... Q) N
'"' .....
'"' ..... 'E § ~ N Q) Q) ::l ::l
...... QJ .~
Q) b.O
an overall tendency towards fewer structural lev- the Early Copper Age. This suggests a significant ~ oCl$Q)6h <t:l S ~gp b.O~ ~
..!l:l..Cl..Cl o
Q) Q) ~ ..... §;:= ......
els (Table 6). The transformation in the organiza- shift in the focal levels of integration at the begin- ~
= o ~..., c,)
~ Q)S .....
c,) Q) Q) c,) z;'EQ) CI$
..Cl 0
..Cl 0
tion of the household unit-from the multi-roomed ning of the Early Copper Age-from the complex ~
'"' ~ 00 08. 08.
1- - - - - - - - - - .. _- - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- --- ----- ---------
house or longhouse to the single-roomed house-is village and subregion during the late Neolithic, to
most likely associated with a change in the basic the hamlet and Plain during the Early Copper Age.
unit of production and/or pooling. Combined with The various transformations in social organi-
the absence ofa neighborhood unit during the Early zation that marked the transition to the Copper
Copper Age, this suggests that the Late Neolithic Age are clarified somewhat by comparison to those
house clusters-and perhaps even the longhouses that mark the transition to the Middle Copper Age eli
and multi-roomed structures themselves-were in the region (Table 7; Parkinson 1999:308-318). 00
essentially transformed into the structural equiva- In contrast to the structural changes that occurred ,.8
lent of settlements during the Early Copper Age. during the Late Neolithic-Early CopperAge tran- "0
The collapsing, or coalescing, of these integrative sition, which affected the organization of nearly S
levels into a single unit-the settlement-indicates every integrative unit, only the higher-order inte- 8
that several structural levels that had been ex- grative units seem to have undergone significant I
pressed during the Late Neolithic became latent reorganization during the Middle Copper Age "§o
and gave way to a less complexly-structured method (Table 8). While the organization of the household u:
f- -- ----- --
of integration during the Early Copper Age. and settlement remained essentially the same
A similar structural coalescence can be detected
between the larger integrative units. The discrete
during that period, there was a subtle, yet marked
reversion towards a more complexly-structured ...~=0
clusters and superclusters of the Late Neolithic
give way during the Early Copper Age to more, and
system of integration, within which settlements
were again organized into clusters and superclus-
...; I!'il
00· ....
iii §'
::l 0
more diffuse, site clusters throughout the study ters tethered to specific focal points throughout ~

area. This can be attributed to the absence of a the landscape. This would suggest the actualiza- 0 Q)
focal settlement-a tell or supersite-that served tion of structural levels that had been latent dur- ~
Q) b.O ~
S ,.8
..= ~
to tether site locations within a discretely-defined
integrated system during the Late Neolithic. The
overall result is a more fluid system within which
ing the Early Copper Age, and the reemergence of
integrative mechanisms that again served to inte-
grate communities at the local level.
Q) ......
Q) Q)
social boundaries were much less concretely ex- The Middle Copper Age bears several formal ... ~
Q) '"' <Ii

pressed and actively maintained. characteristics to both periods that preceded it. At tU b
~ .....
00 0..Q)
The analysis of Early Copper Age interaction the more basic level, Middle Copper Age houses, ~ 00 CI$
Q) '"'
------ - ----
supports, and in manyways refines, several ofthese settlements, and cemeteries are organized in a
conclusions regarding the organization of integra-
tion throughout the study area. The analyses of
manner similar to their Early Copper Age counter-
parts. At another scale, the complexly-structured ... ...'"

stylistic attributes in Early Copper Age ceramic ... "Cl ~

organization of those settlements across the land-

assemblages indicate a high degree of active and scape is more reminiscent of the Late Neolithic. ~= ~
.aU 0
0 "Cl



passive interaction throughout the entire study ......>

~ ~
of0 ..=~

area. At the same time, the distribution of some Explaining the transition to the Early tU

a -......

= ~
attributes-for example, incised decoration-sug-
gests that active interaction occurred more inten-
sively between local groups, and their clinal distri-
Copper Age

Several authors have proposed a variety of ~


00 -

Z ==
0 {I)


bution may be indicative of some sort of social- causes to explain the transition to the Copper Age III
group boundary in or near the western part of the in the Carpathian Basin (for a recent discussion,

426 427 (
Table 7. Comparative analysis of integrative units and patterns of interaction - Early and Middle Copper Age. S·
Early Copper Age ,
Middle Copper Age Inferred Changes in Social
Integrative Unit I
Organization Organization Organization
Possible recognition of regional
I integrative mechanism resulting
Supercluster - Diffuse groups of clusters in the maintenance and/or
creation of social boundaries
between clusters.
Possible recognition of regional
Fewer, and more discrete groups integrative mechanism resulting
Diffuse groups of sites located in
Settlement Cluster ! of sites, possibly organized in the maintenance and/or
"'" a particular river drainage.
00 around a large site creation of social boundaries
. between clusters.
Primarily horizontal settlements,
Primarily horizontal settlements,
Settlement some tells occupied, 1 multi- -
some tells occupied.
ditched "roundel" in study area I

Neighborhood - - -

Household Single-roomed house. , Single-roomed house? -

Patterns of Interaction Extensive Interaction. Extensive Interaction?

r '"

Table 8. Comparative analysis of integrative units and patterns of interaction - Late Neolithic through Middle Copper Age.

Integrative Unit Early Copper Age Middle Copper Age

Late Neolithic Organization
Organization Organization
Discrete settlement clusters
Supercluster separated by large unoccupied - Diffuse groups of clusters
I Discrete groups of sites organized . More, and more diffuse groups of . Fewer, and more discrete groups
Settlement Cluster around a supersite or tell in a sites located in a particular river of sites, possibly organized
particular river drainage. , drainage. , around a large site
~ Tells, tell-like settlments or Primarily horizontal settlements,
horizontal settlements, sometimes some tells occupied, thinner Primarily horizontal settlements, .....
Settlement some tells occupied, 1 multi- 90
fortified, thick deposits, settlements, suggesting less
suggesting intensive habitation. intensive habitation. ditched "roundel" in study area .~ ,....
Neighborhood House Clusters - - .~,....
i ....
Household Multi-roomed house or longhouse. Single-roomed house. Single-roomed house? J:l
Intensive interaction over Extensive interaction over a Extensive interaction over a
Patterns of Interaction .....,....o
small area? larger area. largr area. J:l
William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

see Banffy 1994,1995; see also Parkinson 1999:430- While such patterns indicate less complexly discrete, yet intimately intertwined, dimensions to occur more freely across the entire Plain. All of
435). The transition to the Copper Age in the Great structured integration at the regional level, they of integration and interaction it has been possible this changes at the beginning ofthe Bronze Age.
Hungarian Plain is frequently associated with an may be indicative ofmore overall integration across to delineate preciselythose structural features that During the Early Bronze Age, there is once
increased reliance upon the domestic cattle (see the entire Alfold, Although the inferred shift in the underwent significant transformations over time, again a tendency towards nucleation, but unlike
Bokonyi 1988:115), and with an overall tendency basic economic unit-from an extended family unit and those that did not. The goal has been to pro- the Late Neolithic, the houses that are aggregated
towards a more pastoral economy due in part to to a nuclear family unit-can account for the vide an approach to modeling long-term social onto fortified sites are now single-family structures,
the near extinction of wild aurochs within the re- changes in house and settlement form, it is not changes in tribal societies that can measure conti- not longhouses. Along with this intensive nucle-
gion (see Bognar-Kutzian 1972:163). Such an ex- clear why a shift towards a more pastoral economic nuity and change in several different social dimen- ation comes a dramatic decrease in the number of
planation is certainly not at odds with the model of base would necessitate such a shift within higher sions. The extent to which this method has proven overall sites, and the reconstitution ofsocial bound-
social organization proposed here, and would go a order integrative institutions. itself more useful than alternative strategies to aries which again subdivide the plain into geo-
long way towards explaining the reorganization of One possible explanation could relate to the modeling tribal social organization will be deter- graphically discrete units, or 'cultural groups' (e.g.
different integrative units during the Early Cop- differential acquisition and production of 'wealth' mined by the reader. Nagy-Rev, Mares, etc.). This pattern persists until
per Age. within different social structures. Since within a The trend I document for the transition to the the end of the Bronze Age (see O'Shea 1996).
The transformation in the organization of the pastoral economic system individual nuclear fami- Copper Age is but a single occurrence in the greater This pattern repeated itself on an astonish-
immediate coresidential unit to that of a smaller lies can be less dependent upon extended relation- temporal and geographic context ofthe Carpathian ingly similar temporal and geographic scale within
unit (nuclear family?) is itselfindicative of a change ships for communal agricultural labor (e.g., clear- Basin. In fact, the basic pattern-from a few, com- the confines of the eastern Carpathian Basin
in the basic productive and/or pooling unit of soci- ing fields), they are offered more opportunities to plexly-structured integrative units interacting (Fig. 11). But it is even more satisfying to note that
ety. An increased reliance upon an economic sys- produce and acquire wealth independently of the intensively over small areas (in the Late Neolithic) several authors have described similar processes
tem centered more around animal husbandry than greater kin group. In such situations, the leaders to less complexly-structured integrative units in- at work in different cultural contexts (see, for ex-
around intensive or extensive agriculture could ofindividual nuclear families are likely to subvert teractingextensively over a larger area (in the Early ample, Friedman 1975; Parker Pearson 1984;
therefore explain such a change. The increase in traditional practices and to assert their indepen- Copper Age)-repeats itself throughout the pre- Gunder Frank 1993). For example, O'Shea (1999)
number and stratigraphically-shallow nature of dence by setting off on their own. This, in turn, is history of the Plain at least two times from the has recently argued that the sequence of develop-
Early Copper Age settlements are almost certainly likely to result in the breakdown of contacts at the Neolithic through the Bronze Age. This phenom- ment in Southeast Spain roughly mirrors that of
indicative of a much higher degree of settlement local level. Conversely, the breakdown of integra- enon of tribal 'pulsing' or 'cycling', has been docu- the Hungarian Plain, and Fowles (1997) research
mobility during the period. This too could be ex- tive mechanisms at the local level is more likely to mented in tribal societies in a wide variety of his- documents this same basic phenomenon occurring
plained by an economic shift towards pastoralism, necessitate a greater degree of overall integration torical and geographic contexts, and seems to oc- to an even more intensive degree, and on a much
wherein more frequent settlement relocations may at a larger geographic scale. In the absence of a cur at varying temporal frequencies (Fowles 1997 faster scale, in the precontact Puebloan world (see
have been necessitated due to overgrazing the well-structured social network at the local level, it and this volume, Chapter 2; Parkinson 1999, and also Feinman et al. 2000). Other examples can be
steppe grasses (Chang and Koster 1986). would be necessary to extend alliances further this volume, Chapter 1). Although this process is drawn from a variety of different archaeological
While this economic explanation can account afield to provide some degree of risk buffering-a reminiscent of the 'cycling' commonly discussed in and ethnohistoric contexts, ranging from the later
for the organizational changes in these smaller pattern that is likely to result in the relaxation and chiefdoms (e.g, Anderson 1990) and even states prehistory of northern Europe (Bogucki 1996;
integrative units, it is unclear whether it also can less active maintenance oflocal social boundaries. (e.g., Marcus 1993), the absence of any institution- Kristiansen 1982, 1999; Parker Pearson 1984,
explain the transformations that occurred towards In terms ofmaterial culture, the relaxation of these alized central authority allows this process to oc- 1989), to the prehistoric Midwestern United States
the upper levels of the regional structure-in the social boundaries is likely to result in a much more cur much more fluidly in tribal societies. (see Braun 1980; Emerson 1999), to the historic
reorganization of the settlement clusters and su- homogeneous region made up of several smaller Throughout the Early and Middle Neolithic on Pawnee (see O'Shea 1989; Parkinson 1999:50-55).
perstructures throughout the region. local areas that vary clinally, but which is not the Great Hungarian Plain, settlements tend to be While it is tempting to describe such processes
The key shift in the organization of settlement readily distinguishable from the greater whole. small and dispersed. By the end ofthe Late Neolithic, as 'cycles', it is important to remember that this
clusters during the Early Copper Age seems to be Thus, in much the same way that the fur trade complexity in regional integration reaches the here- term does not accurately represent the phenom-
related primarily to the absence of focal settle- was largely responsible for the breakdown of the tofore unparalleled scale discussed above. At the enon. Cycling implies a return to an identical state
ment-a tell or supersite-that previously served longhouse-based system in the eastern United beginning of the Copper Age, this pattern reverts or form. The social processes I, and others, have
to tether settlement relocation to a few specific States (see Hollinger 1995; Snow 1996), so too a to a scale of dispersal unknown to the region since attempted to describe certainly entail the rework-
locations in the landscape. While an increase in shift towards increased pastoralism may have been the Middle Neolithic, but with one major change- ing ofthe methods ofintegration and interaction
settlement mobility as the result of an economic responsible for the social changes that occurred on the longhouses that characterize domestic struc- to a form reminiscent of one previously assumed
shift towards pastoralism can explain the increase the Great Hungarian Plain, ca. 4,500 BC. tures throughout the Neolithic are replaced by in the society's historical development. But along
in the number of sites during the Early Copper small, single-family dwellings, indicating a shift with historical process come idiosyncratic events
Age, it does not necessarily explain their tendency Long-term perspective on tribal social change not only in settlement pattern, but a shift in the that serve, in some cases, to permanently alter the
to be relocated in new locations throughout the basic productive and/or pooling unit of society. The potential trajectories a society can assume. during
landscape. Thus, it would seem that this shift may The overall picture that emerges from this remainder of the Copper Age is characterized by its ontogeny. As several social theorists have
be related to an overall breakdown of higher-order analysis ofthe various social changes that occurred small dispersed settlements within which single pointed out, these events-the social, technologi-
integrative at the regional level. This pattern re- on the Great Hungarian Plain during the transi- families seem to constitute the basic social seg- cal, and environmental changes that affect cul-
peats itself at a larger scale, as reflected by the tion to the Early Copper Age suggest that of a so- ment. During this time, it would appear that the ture-eause social change, and in so doing create
dissolution of the social boundaries that had sub- ciety whose social organization subsumed within social boundaries that had been actively main- social nuances that frequently, if not always pre-
divided the Plain into two or three groups during it a considerable degree ofstructural flexibility. By tained throughout the Late Neolithic become more clude the possibility for a society to return to a
the Late Neolithic. analyzing this social organization along the two diffuse, and more permeable, allowing interaction state identical to a previous one (see, for example,

430 431

William A. Parkinson 18. Integration, Interaction, and Tribal 'Cycling'

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