Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Gardening is more than just preparing a section of your yard for growing vegetables
or flowers. For people who are blessed with a house featuring a small garden, taking up
home gardening is easy and quite enjoy. Flowers, vegetables and fruits can be grown
even in a small garden and you can enjoy bringing the food that you grow straight to
your dinner table. However, not everyone is able to enjoy the delights of a fruitful
garden. So, how about turning one of the corners of your apartment into a small green
house or a garden, it can also offer other benefits such as helping the environment or
providing stress relief by taking care of home gardens. Gardening gives people a place
to go putter around in nature and forget about their troubles for a while, and at the end
they have delicious fresh vegetables or beautiful flowers. Home gardens are easy to
create and you don't necessarily need a huge plot of land. If you want for instance just
to spruce up your windows with a flowers box that could be considered as your little
garden. Plus the flower could provide nectar for the bees or butterflies, so you are also
helping our nature.
Gardens are important to the planet because, despite being human-made, they
represent a natural environment. Plants and trees grow there, taking in carbon and
releasing oxygen. Restoring your home garden is a way of going foods that won't cost
you nearly as much as the grocery stores produce. Gardening is a great way to beat
stress factor during this pandemic, help our body functions improve dealing with the
benefits when consuming it. In addition, gardening has always been touted as a relaxing
recreational activity that can provide great personal rewards. During this time, when
many people are working at home and students are learning at home, gardening can be
a positive family-inclusive activity to adopt. Another great thing about gardening is that it
can help relieve stress in several ways, have a relax period and concentration.
Gardening Tools
Shovel or Spade
Garden Hoe
Watering Can
Grass Crippling
Kitchen Scraps
Banana Peels
Coffee Grounds
Project Location
This said proposal focused on home gardens. So, this will be done in the homes of
the citizens in Barangay Buayan, General Santos City.
Time frame
This project will take only a few days to restore and accumulate; it will need sort
of team members for as soon to finish fast.
This project won't need a huge amount of money. You only need to buy the
sachet for seedlings that cost 80 pesos per pack.
Project Beneficiaries
This said project can benefits you and your neighbors and also to the local
citizens of the Barangay Buayan.
Project Conclusion
As I observed at our Barangay, only few citizens who have doing a home
gardening activities. So, with the help of this project proposal "Home Gardening
Restoration" the local citizens of our Barangay will learn the important factor of home
gardening. For the best result of this project proposal I encourage everyone to do the
home gardening, not only for the Barangay Buayan goal but for all communities out
there. Gardening brings us a lot of benefits from providing delicious fresh vegetables for
us to eat and to beautify our homes and helping the environment in so many ways.
Community gardens are a great way to build togetherness within a community. Working
together to split responsibilities, upfront costs, and the fruits of your labor, can help you
understand and appreciate your neighbors in ways you might not have thought possible.