Operation: Simplified Functional Diagram of EL Positioner
Operation: Simplified Functional Diagram of EL Positioner
Operation: Simplified Functional Diagram of EL Positioner
Universal application
The unit can be mounted in any orientation
on to any quarter turn or linear application
by connection via a NAMUR or Kinetrol
Operation square interface.
The EL positioner uses a unique low power
proportional servo valve to control the position Loop powered
of a quarter-turn actuator. No separate power needed, just a 4-20mA
signal plus air supply.
The microprocessor in the loop-powered 4-
20mA position circuit reads the signal via one Integral options - easily retrofitted
channel of a 12-bit A-D converter, reads the modules include:
position voltage from the feedback - two wire 4-20mA isolated angle retransmit
potentiometer via the second channel of the - mechanical or inductive position indicator
A-D converter, and compares the two. If it switches (general or hazardous areas)
detects a position which is different from that - Clear Cone high visibility indicator
required by the signal, it changes the output - Threaded conduit entries or DIN plugs for
to the servo valve, in order to drive the external connection.
actuator in the direction required to reach the
correct position. As the actuator moves, the Intrinsically safe approved options
feedback potentiometer voltage changes and
the microprocessor continually calculates the Weatherproof, compact and robust metal
adjustments required for the servo valve in housing
order to guide the actuator accurately into
position. The microprocessor is programmed Zero backlash coupling with easily
with a sophisticated but compact algorithm adjustable switch strikers
which allows this critical dynamic valve
adjustment to be made correctly. This in turn Vibration and shock resistant to 4G
gives optimal results with any actuator/load
combination - slow or fast, low or high friction, Built in gauge ports/external
low or high inertia. All can be optimised by connections
tuning the PGAIN and DAMP push buttons
via the positioner circuit push buttons.
standard Kinetrol actuator models 05 to 15, Class 6.4.4 ISO8573.2001), 3.5 to 7
both double acting and spring return, giving bar (50 psi to 100 psi). Consult
Kinetrol for 5µm inlet air filter option
an assembly with no external plumbing, wiring
or mechanical connections and the best
Signal 4-20mA, requiring max 8V to drive
backlash free control. Mount kits are available through positioner circuit
for models 16,18, 20 and 30 actuators.
Control 0-90° positioning with one linear and
Alternatively, discrete versions mount on any Response 10 non-linear preselected
actuator via VDI/VDE 3845 NAMUR drive, or characteristics as standard. Consult
Kinetrol male square, with mounting bracket. Kinetrol for the following versions:
i) linearisation of butterfly valve
Special adaptations for linear cylinders are also
available - consult Kinetrol for details. ii) Pre-selected travel time extension
option (with active feedback control
The EL Positioner ATEX approval includes the of travel speed)
fitting of a special version of the popular iii) customised responses
Clear Cone high visibility monitor.
Sensitivity better than 0.1mA*
004-040EL000N Enclosure
Actuator = discrete ccw EL with NAMUR Rating IP65/NEMA 4X
Assembly drive
Actuator 054-404EL0000M
0= No actuator = ccw EL on 054 actuator + LS +
Model * These refer to the combination of Kinetrol
4= Act + EL ccw Clear Cone
05 - 30 actuator with EL positioner - not just the positioner
7= Act + EL cw
Counter clockwise on rising signal performance
is determined looking down on
For more information
E L 0 M Clear Cone see KF- 372