This musical composition is titled "Tpy6a Cuh" or "Fantasy" and was written by the composer X. EapA or "Barat". It consists of one movement labeled "Scherzo.Allegro" and is meant to be played at a lively, brisk tempo.
This musical composition is titled "Tpy6a Cuh" or "Fantasy" and was written by the composer X. EapA or "Barat". It consists of one movement labeled "Scherzo.Allegro" and is meant to be played at a lively, brisk tempo.
This musical composition is titled "Tpy6a Cuh" or "Fantasy" and was written by the composer X. EapA or "Barat". It consists of one movement labeled "Scherzo.Allegro" and is meant to be played at a lively, brisk tempo.
This musical composition is titled "Tpy6a Cuh" or "Fantasy" and was written by the composer X. EapA or "Barat". It consists of one movement labeled "Scherzo.Allegro" and is meant to be played at a lively, brisk tempo.