Generador Escort Egc3235aopr

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Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual

SECTION 1 FRONT PANEL…………………..………….…..P9

SAFETY……………...………….….………P1 REAR PANEL……………………….……………P12




SPECIFICATION..………………..………..P3 MAINTENANCE………………………..…….…P18



Section 1 SAFETY

connections to the input terminals of the

Review the following safety precautions
products, ensure that the properly grounded.
to avoid injury and prevent damage to this
To avoid personal injury, never operate the instrument
instrument or any instruments connected
without covers or panels removed.
to it.
To prevent product overheating, provide proper
Read this manual carefully to ensure your ventilation.
personal safety and to prevent damage either to
Do not operate this product in wet, damp or
the instruments or to equipment connected to
explosive atmosphere.
Marking on the instruments:
Before applying power, ensure that the line
selector is in the proper position for power
source being used.
Make sure that the power cord and the fuse type
Caution, referring to manual for
/ rating is specified for this product before use.
detailed instructions.
This product is grounding through the grounding
conductor of the power cord. To avoid electric
shock, the grounding conductor must be Protective conductor terminated.
connected to earth ground. Before making any


This Function Generator (FG) produces low The symmetry function provides the user to vary the
distortion combined with a 6-digit, high-resolution duty of frequency. When you push the switch of
50MHz counter. It is a rugged, easy to operate, symmetry ON, the output waveform symmetry is
excellent heat dissipation and high stability instrument. adjustable.
The FG range is from 0.01 Hz to 5 MHz with 8 ranges. The sweep-IN function provides external voltage
You can also directly control amplitude and DC offset. source to control the output frequency. The output
The sweep function makes the output signal frequency can be swept above or below the selected
traverse a range of frequency. The START and STOP frequency to a maximum of 100:1, depending on the
frequency control is setting for the sweep rate and amplitude of input and the selected output frequency.
sweep width internally. The sweep function can be The exceptional accuracy, its portability and stackable
input from an external DC signal. design makes this valuable instrument for using by the
This FG has a frequency counter to count the signal electronic engineer, the communications technician, schools
frequency from 5 Hz to 50 MHz. The frequency and laboratories.
counter features one six-digit display with automatic
decimal point placement and LED indicator that show
the measuring units. It provides high input impedance
and good sensitivity for all specified frequency.


General Specifications AC 100V/120V (±10%) 50/60Hz, FUSE:0.4A/250V

Display: Six digits of seven-segment LED. AC 220V/240 (±10%) 50/60Hz, FUSE: 0.2A/250V
Output: Sine, Square, Triangle, DC, Sync and Power consumption: 40VA maximum
Sweep Ventilation: Always keep the back of instrument far
Input: Sweep-IN, External frequency counter away the wall for better ventilation, and nothing at
Warm-up time: At least two hours among.
Operating Temperature: 0°C~40°C (32°F to Standard Accessories: User Manual/ Power cord
104°F) Optional Accessories:
Storage Temperature: -10°C to 60°C EB-10: 3 feet, 50 Ω BNC to BNC coaxial cable
Altitude: Up to 2000 M EB-11: 3 feet, 50 Ω BNC to alligator clip coaxial
Relative Humidity cable
Up to 80% for 0°C to 28°C
Up to 70% for 28°C to 40°C Safety: Designed in compliance with EN61010-1
Dimension: 261 x 71 x 211 mm (W x H x D) (IEC1010-1) Installation Category II, Pollution Degree 2
Weight: 1.8Kgs approx. Environment.
Line Voltage: EMC: Designed in compliance with EN61326.


Electrical Specification 1. The specification is specified within 10% to 100% of

maximum output range, and the waveform
The accuracy is given as ± (% of span + No. of least characteristics are limited to the specified range also..
2. The display resolution and accuracy is relative to the
significant counts) at 23°C ± 5°C with relative humidity less
span of internal counter.
than 80% R.H.

Waveform Characteristics
Main Output Triangle Wave Linearity
Range (Sine/Triangle/Square Waves) Frequency Linearity
Output Range* 1 Display*2 1Hz ~100KHz > 98%
MIN. MAX. Resolution Accuracy * 2 >100 KHz No. Specified
7mHz 500mHz 1mHz No.
0.5Hz 5 Hz 0.01Hz Sine Wave Distortion
5 Hz 50 Hz 0.1Hz ±(3%+2) Distortion Harmonic ratio
50 Hz 500 Hz 1Hz ±(0.3%+1) 10Hz ~ 100kHz 100kHz ~500kHz 0.5MHz ~5MHz
0.5k Hz 5k Hz 0.001kHz <2% <-30dB <-20dB
5 kHz 50 kHz 0.01kHz Notes:
50kHz 500 kHz 0.1kHz
500kHz 5 MHz 0.001MHz 1. The distortion isn’t specified for less than 10 Hz.



Square Wave 4. Output protection: The generator main output is

non-destructively protected against short circuit to
Transition time Aberration ground or to any voltage practically available in
electronic laboratories.
< 50ns < 5% of P-P amplitude +/- 50

Output Characteristics DC Offset

DC Offset Knob*1
Amplitude Load Ripple*2
MIN (CCW) MAX (CW) Attenuator Flatness No < -10V > +10V
Load Attenuator Attenuator @ 1kHz <500 0.5 ~5 ≦10mVp-p
ON OFF kHz MHz 50Ω < -5V > +5V
No ≦0.2Vp-p ≧20Vp-p
Load -20dB±1dB ±1dB ±3dB Notes:
50 Ω ≦0.1Vp-p ≧10Vp-p 1. Set the switch of DC OFFSET to ON position, and set
the function switches of Sine, Triangle and Square to
Notes: OFF position. Then test the DC offset.
1. Output impedance is 50Ω±10% @ 100kHz 2. Before testing ripple, set the frequency range to lowest
2. The amplitude should consider additional tolerance of range and turn frequency knob to MIN position.
flatness. Otherwise it will induce noise around 50mVp-p based
3. FCCW: Full counterclockwise, FCW: Full clockwise on different frequency.


Other Inputs and Outputs

Synchronous Output External Sweep-IN
Output Output level Transition Fan out *2 Impedance Sweep Range Sweep Ratio *1
Impedance time
14K Ω typical 0.2Hz~100Hz 1:100
50 Ω typical *1 TTL level, > < 30 ns Typical 20
3V @ open TTL loads Notes:
1. The frequency output will be proportional to the level of
Notes: SWEEP-IN connector. 0–5V input for up to 100:1
1. The output Impedance is measured at 1kΩ load or frequency change approximately. To avoid damage to
above. this instrument, ensure that the maximum voltage into
2. The capability of fan out depends on different TTL this BNC is no more than ± 10 Vp.
logics and the level is greater than 2V
2. Turn off the Sweep ON switch.

Symmetry Knob
Up to 500kHz ≦10% ≧90%
1. Symmetry from 10% to 90% at full output amplitude
terminated into 50Ω


Internal Sweep/Sweep-OUT Counter Characteristics

Internal Counter
Sweep Rate Output Level*1 Range
Impedance Display Accuracy
MIN MAX MIN MAX Resolution *1
600 Ω >5s <10 ms >0.3V <4.5 7mHz ~ 500 mHz 1mHz No. Specified
0.50Hz~ 5.00Hz 0.01Hz
Notes: ± (3%+2)
5.0Hz~ 50.0 Hz 0.1Hz
1. The output level of SWEEP-OUT BNC is proportional to
the knob of STOP FREQ. 1~ 999 Hz 1 Hz ± (0.3% +1)
2. The frequency knob is set to full CCW for start 1.000~9.999 kHz 0.001 kHz
frequency, and Set the knob of stop frequency to full
CW. The STOP switch is used to indicate stop sweep 10.00~99.99 kHz 0.01kHz
frequency. The sweep width is variable up to 100:1 ± (0.03% +1)
frequency change approximately. 100.0~999.9 kHz 0.1 kHz

1.000~5.000 MHz 0.001MHz


1. The display resolution of internal counter is according to

the ranges of main output setting.


External Counter
Range Resolution Accuracy Input
*2 Sensitivity *5
5 ~ 999 Hz 1 Hz
1 ~ 999.999 kHz 0.001 kHz 20mV RMS
base error
+3 counts)
1 ~20.0000 MHz 0.0001 MHz
>20 ~ 50 MHz 0.0001 MHz base error 60 mV RMS
+1 count)
1. Time base: 10 MHz
2. Time base error: 10 PPM at (23 ± 5 °C)
3. Input impedance: 1MΩ typical
4. The counter display will be 0 Hz with 50Ω load on no
signal input.
5. The maximum input voltage: < 42Vpk


Front Panel: Figure 1 shows the front-panel controls, connectors and indicators of FG.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Figure 1. Front Panel.


1. POWER SWITCH: To toggle instrument power ON and OFF.

2. Counter READOUT: A six-digit display that shows frequency generator or external counter. The LED indicates the
frequency units of MHz, KHz, Hz or mHz for the counter readout. The decimal point and unit is automatically
placed in the appropriate position.

3. RANGE BUTTONS: Push buttons of UP/DOWN to set the frequency range of the output signal. The frequency
range will be 10 times difference on each step.

4. SYMMETRY KNOB/SWITCH: The knob is used to vary either positive pulse/ramp or negative pulse/ramp. Push
the symmetry switch to “ON” before rotating this knob.

5. DC OFFSET KNOB/SWITCH: The switch is set at OFF position for normal operation. The knob sets the DC level
and therefore the polarity of the OUTPUT signal after the switch ON.

6. SWEEP RATE: Rotate the Knob to adjust the sweep rate. Adjusts how often the frequency sweep reiterates.

7. SWEEP SWITCHES: The ON switch is used to enable sweep function. The STOP switch is used to see the stop

8. STOP FREQ. KNOB: This knob is used to adjust the sweep width. Adjusts the range of frequency that is
traversed by each sweep.

9. EXT-COUNTER INPUT: External signal input BNC. The input frequency is from 5Hz to 50MHz.


10. EXT-COUNTER SWITCH: Push the switch to ON for external counter.

11. FREQUENCY KNOB: Rotate this knob to set the desired frequency output of generator.

12. SYNC OUT BNC: This connector sends out synchronous signal of TTL level, the output frequency is same as
MAIN output.

13. SWEEP IN-OUT BNC: Sweep signal output and input connector. It will be an output connector when you push the
SWEEP switch ON; otherwise it is an input connector, which is voltage control frequency (VCF).

14. WAVE SELECTOR: Push the switch to select the output waveforms.

15. AMPLITUDE KNOB: Adjust the voltage within the presently selected range. Rotate this knob to adjust the voltage
level of main output signal (OUTPUT BNC).

16. ATTENUATOR: Push the switch to turn attenuator ON.

17. OUTPUT BNC: Main output of function generator.


Rear Panel: In addition to line voltage selector, fuse and power cord receptacle.

18 19 20

Figure-2. Rear Panel

18. VENTILATION FAN: Always keep nothing on the front of fan for better ventilation.
20. LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR AND FUSE HOLDER: To select line voltage and fuse replacement.

Preparing the Function Generator for Use

Preparing the Function Generator for Use:

In order to avoid damaging this instrument, make sure that the unit is set to the correct line voltage for your area. Also
make sure that the correct fuse is used for the line voltage. These line voltages are 100V, 120V, 220V and 240V at 50/60HZ.

To avoid damage the equipment use only specified fuse when change the power line voltage. Please refer to following
100V 92~110V 50/60Hz 0.4A
120V 108~132V 50/60Hz 0.4A
220V 198~242V 50/60Hz 0.2A
240V 216~264V 50/60Hz 0.2A

Avoid touching the rear panel of the instrument during operation. The heat sink is nearby the rear panel, contacting it
could result in skin burns.

Preparing the Function Generator for Use

Avoid using the function generator in ambient temperatures above specified. Always keep sufficient air space
between the rear of instrument and wall to prevent internal heat build-up.

Although the function generator is protected against reverse polarity damage the circuit being powered may not
include such protection. Always carefully observe polarity incorrect polarity may damage the equipment under

Do not exceed the voltage rating of the circuit being powered.

Reference Operation

Reference Operation: 3. Select the waveform by pushing

function selector.
This section describes several advanced 4. Push UP/DOWN to select a range of
functions The variety of swept available frequency output.
from the function generator make it 5. Turn the frequency knob to adjust
especially useful for such applications the frequency output. The output
as test servo-system or amplifier value will be indicated on the display
response, distortion and stability. It can 6. Turn the amplitude knob to adjust the
used for FM generator, frequency output level. The attenuator switch
multiplication, or as a variable, can be pushed to attenuate the
beat-frequency oscillator. The output level for –20 dB if necessary.
synchronous and sweep outputs can be 7. Push DC offset switch to the ON
used as a source for TTL logic or to position, an additional DC level will
synchronize as external device, such as be used to shift output level. The
an oscilloscope. knob of DC offset is used to adjust
DC level.
Main output
1. Connect the Main output connector
to the input BNC connector on an
2. Switch off the external counter
Reference Operation

Symmetry amplitude do not affect the output.

1. Follow the operation of Main output, 4. Observe the results on the
but with the symmetry button oscilloscope.
switched ON.
2. The frequency will be divided by ten Internal Sweep/ Sweep-OUT
from the original frequency output 1. Connect the Main output connector
around. to the CH1 BNC connector on the
3. Turn the knob of symmetry to adjust oscilloscope.
duty cycle from 10% to 90 %. 2. Connect the SWEEP in-out BNC to
4. Observe the results on the the CH2 BNC connector on the
oscilloscope. oscilloscope.
3. Turn the frequency knob to set
SYNC. OUTPUT desired sweep start frequency.
1. Connect the SYNC. output connector 4. Turn the stop frequency knob to set
to the input BNC connector on an stop frequency. Push the STOP
oscilloscope. switch to the ON position to see the
2. The level and symmetry will be a stop sweep frequency on the display.
constant value, but the frequency will Turn off the STOP switch once you
follow the Main output. Please refer finished the setting.
to main output for frequency change. 5. Push the sweep switch to the ON
3. The knobs for DC offset and position.
Reference Operation

6. The main output will sweep the SWEEP in-out BNC.

desired range of frequencies, and 6. Observe the results on the
the BNC sweep is output a linear oscilloscope.
7. Turn the sweep rate knob to set how
often the frequency sweep reiterates.
8. Observe the results on the

External Sweep-IN
1. Push the sweep switch to the OFF
2. Connect the Main output connector
to the CH1 BNC connector on the
3. Connect the SWEEP in-out BNC to
the another function generator.
4. Turn the frequency knob to set
desired sweep start frequency.
5. The main output will sweep the
desired range of frequencies
according to the input level of

To avoid electrical shock or damaging WARNING!
this instrument, never get water into the
meter. ■ The following instructions are for
qualified personnel only. To avoid
electrical shock, do not perform any
servicing other than that contained in
the operating instructions unless you
Before cleaning this instrument, make
are qualified to do so.
sure the power is switched in OFF
position and the power cord is
■ When serving, use only specified
disconnected from the AC outlet. To
replacement parts as described
clean the meter, wipe the dirty parts
with gauze or soft cloth soak with
diluted neutral detergent. Avoid getting
■ To avoid electric shock, disconnect
the instrument too wet to prevent the
the power cord from the unit before
detergent from penetrating into inside
changing fuse or input voltage
parts and causing damages. After
cleaning, leave the instrument until it
dries completely. Don’t use chemicals
containing benzine, benzene, toluene,
xylene, acetone or similar solvents.

Selecting different input voltage &

protection fuse replacement

1. To select different input voltage

level of AC 100V, 120V 220V or
240V, simply switch to the selected
voltage, so the desired voltage is
displayed in the window. Please
make sure that the protection fuse
rating matches. FUSE

2. When replacing fuse or selecting

the input voltage, please use fuse
ratings as specified.


CAUTION Counter 100 MHz, 2 CH, time interval

Distortion 10 Hz – 100 KHz, ± 0.1%
The Following instructions are for qualified service Analyzer
personnel only. To avoid electrical shock, do not Function 10 MHz frequency
perform any servicing other than contained in the Generator
operation instructions unless you are qualified to do so. Termination Feed through termination 50 ohm
Cable Assembly BNC-BNC, 50 ohms, RG-58

Before calibrating and adjusting, make sure that the BNC Adapters BNC to banana, BNC tees

instrument has warmed up for at least 2 hours.

A: Frequency Counter/ 10 MHz Oscillator
The following Table lists the test equipment necessary 1. Press EXT-COUNTER switch on front panel. Connect
to perform the adjustments and the maintenance of this external source (sine waveform, 10MHz, amplitude of
instrument. Any equipment that satisfies the critical 10 mV rms). Connect a probe to TP600 and to the
specifications given in the table may be substituted for scope. Adjust R610 for a square wave display on the
the recommended model. scope.
Instrument Type Required Specifications 2. Remove the probe from TP600, then adjust C104 for
Oscilloscope 100 MHz bandwidth, dual channel counter reading to 10.0000~10.0002 MHz.
DVM 4.5 digits, true RMS


B: Function adjustment of Triangle wave 2. Adjust R340 for a symmetrical square wave around
1. Set this FG controls as follows: zero.

AMPLITUDE MAX D: Frequency Adjustment
DC OFFSET OFF 1. Connect the OUTPUT to an external counter.
2. Set the FG controls as follows:
2. Adjust R225 for a symmetrical around zero
waveform. DC OFFSET OFF

C: Function adjustment of Square wave 3. Turn the FREQUENCY control knobs to full
CW and select the proper RANGE for a
1. Set the FG controls as follows:
reading of >5.2 KHz on the display.
FUNCTION SQUARE 4. Adjust R259 for a 50% symmetry waveform.
AMPLITUDE MAX 5. Turn the FREQUENCY control knob CCW and
set the frequency to 100 Hz on the display
counter. It is important to stay in the same
FREQUENCY 5 KHz range.
SYMMETRY OFF 6. Adjust R249 for a 50% of symmetry waveform.


7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for best results on both E: Output amplitude Adjustment
ends. 1. Terminate the output in 50 ohms and connect an
8. Select the Frequency range from 5Hz to oscilloscope and a multi-meter to the output.
50.0Hz. 2. With all function pushbuttons out and the knob of
9. Connect the output to an external counter. AMPLITUDE control at full CW position, adjust R401
Turn the frequency knob to full CW position. for output of 0V ±10 mV.
Adjust R211 for a frequency reading to 52.0Hz 3. Set the amplitude control to full CW position and
on the external counter select triangle waveform. Check for a peak amplitude
10. Turn the frequency knob for an internal of >10.2V.
counter reading to 50.0Hz. Adjust R637 for a 4. Set frequency to 5KHz and adjust R225 for a
display of 50.0 ±0.1Hz. symmetrical around zero waveform.
11. Turn the frequency knob to 10Hz reading on
the counter. Adjust R638 for a display reading F: Function adjustment of Sine wave.
of 10.0Hz ±0.1Hz. 1. Connect a distortion analyzer through a 50 ohms
12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 for best result on both termination to the OUTPUT and monitor with an
ends. oscilloscope also.
13. Select the Frequency Range from 500KHz-5MHz. 2. Set the FG controls as follows:
Rotate the frequency knob to full CW. Adjust
C217 for a reading >5.3MHz. FUNCTION SINE
14. Turn the frequency knob to full CCW, adjust R262 AMPLITUDE MAX
for a reading of 30±5 KHz. DC OFFSET OFF


3. Set frequency range to 50 Hz and FREQ. Knob for 50

Hz output.
4. Adjust R320 and R309 for minimum distortion and
5. Set frequency range to 500kHz, and FREQ. Knob for
100k Hz output.
6. Adjust R309 for minimum distortion and <1.2%.
7. To check frequency range for 50 Hz, if the distortion
> 1.2%, to adjust steps 3~ 7 again.
8. Adjust R314 for a symmetrical waveform around

P/N: 91-25235-1 Printed in Taiwan
Digital Multi-meters

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Sweep Function Generators

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