Aerocon Bricks

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In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Submitted by



(Approved by A.I.C.T.E, New Delhi; Affiliated to JNTU ANANTAPURAM) NH-16,


This is to certify that the technical seminar presentation entitle “AEROCON

BRICKS” is submitted by ADDANKI.SAI LAKSHMI(173R1A0138) during the
year 2020-2021 in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of


1. Abstract
2. Types of Aerocon bricks
3. The advantages of Aerocon bricks over conventional clay bricks
4. Effects of Aerocon block
5. Objective
6. Materials collection
7. Preliminary tests on strength
8. Characteristics of infill panels
9. Geometric description
10. Code provisions
11. Characteristics of Aerocon blocks
12. M sand
13. Conclusion
14. Reference
AAC was invented in mid-1923 in Types of Aerocon bricks
Sweden. It is also known as Autoclaved One interesting aspect of arocon brick is
Cellular Concrete (ACC) or Autoclaved that it lets the users build the walls
Lightweight Concrete (ALC). ofwith the thickness of his choice.
Production process of AAC is fairly Contrary to the wall made by traditional
simple. It is made with made with a bricks, walls made with Aerocon bricks
mixture of fly ash, lime, cement, are thinner but are still sustainable.
gypsum, an aeration agent and water.
Aeration process, imparts it a cellular However,depending on different various
light-weight structure. AAC products needs of internal and external
are precast in various sizes and provide walls,Aerocon bricks are available in
structure, insulation, and fire and mold different sizes and varied thickness as
resistance. follows.Aerocon bricks are currently
available in three sizes: Infill, Jumbo,
AAC products are offered in various and Thermal blocks Infill blocks
shapes and sizes including but not
limited to blocks, wall panels, floor and Infill Blocks
roof panels, and lintels. Use of
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) The size of the Infill Aerocon brick is
blocks in construction industry in India 600X600 mm and the thickness varies in
offers interesting proposition for the ranges of 75,100,125,150,200 mm.
various segments in the society. For a The main advantage of Infill blocks is
project developer it means faster and that they can easily replace 60% of the
lower cost construction. For concrete in roof slabs and thus help in
environmentally conscious it means saving significant amounts of concrete,
eco-friendly products and for those who steel, labor, water, plaster etc. These
occupy buildings built with AAC blocks blocks are especially suitable for
it means better safety and lower building roofs in large column-free
energy costs for cooling or heating. constructions.
Primary raw material for AAC is fly
Thousands of tonnes of fly ash is
generated by thermal power plants
everyday and its disposal is a cause of
concern. Moreover, using fly ash does
not harm the environment at all. In fact
using fly ash takes care of issues
related to disposal of fly ash. Therefore
by using fly ash to produce AAC
products provides a sustainable,
economic and environment friendly
option. At the end it all translates to a
better world for future generations.
Jumbo blocks
Jumbo blocks are typically in the size of
600X300 mm, and thickness ranges
from 75,100,125,150, to 200 mm. The
unique large size of Jumbo Aerocon
bricks results in the usage of much fewer The advantages of
bricks and hence less mortar is required.
These bricks are more suitable for non-
Aerocon bricks over
load bearing walls, multi-storeid conventional clay
buildings etc.
Thermal blocks
• Aerocon Blocks are an innovative
These blocks are also called as Aerocool product in the green building revolution.
thermal blocks whose size and thickness
is 300X200 mm and 50 mm respectively. • Aerocon blocks are the new blocks in
These blocks are ideal for roofing since walling materials, substituting
they delay the transmission of heat flow conventional and environmentally
and also help interiors remain warm unsustainable materials like clay bricks,
during winters and cool during summers. concrete and hollow blocks.
• The raw materials used in the
manufacture of these blocks are
environmentally friendly and are
certified green products. The basic raw • Aerocon blocks are available in
materials used in production of Aerocon various sizes and shapes.They are
blocks are Cement, Fly ash, lime and available in three types; Infill blocks,
water. Jumbo blocks and Thermal blocks. They
are included into the category of Green
• Aerocon blocks can be plastered,
Building materials because they don’t
painted, and dry lined or tiled.
emit VOC (Volatile Organic
• Aerocon block is extremely light, just Compounds) which cause environmental
one-third the weight of clay bricks or pollution.
one-fourth the density of R.C.C. They
• Apart from being eco-friendly these
are much easier to handle on the site.
blocks are also light weight with high
• They are easy to install and can thermal insulation, fire resistance, sound
complete the construction procedure in a insulation, have strength and durability,
shorter span in case of scarcity of labour have consistent quality control and gives
and in the usage of mortars. The a perfect finish with dimensional
required time to complete a building stability. Buildings constructed out of
with aerocon blocks is 1/3 lesser than these blocks ensure long term
that of the conventional building sustainability and save a lot of water
materials. during the construction.
• The edges of the blocks are such that • Excluding the eco-friendly
they allow easy workability and accurate characteristics of these blocks, they are
dimensioning and are easy to cut, drill, also used in construction for various
nail, shape and chase using ordinary other reasons. There are a number of
wood working tools. Power tools can be problems involved in acquiring the sand
used for rapid chasing for embedding and bricks and also the prices of these
service lines. basic materials are hiking up. As the
traditional construction materials have a
• Aerocon blocks can be cut virtually in higher price the initiation of Aerocon
any shape or angle making them blocks acts as better substitutes with
extremely adaptable. affordable prices. Due to these reasons
• Aerocon block covers the same area as the Aerocon blocks are in great demand.
that 14 clay bricks do enabling a faster • Hence, it is one of the revolutionary
construction results in saving of labour,
materials that can be used to make the
time and material.
world a better, greener and cleaner
• Aerated concrete is perfect building place to live in. It is a revolutionary
material for any climate. It is used to material that combines the unique
build all kinds of walls: exterior and properties such as durability and
interior bearing and non-bearing walls, strength, low weight, very simple
foundation walls, partition walls as construction technology and excellent
filling agent in framework structures, environmental performance.
wall partitions, fire division walls, etc.
Effect of Aerocon Block,
• Aerocon excellent thermal properties Reinforced Brick Masonry and
helps in saving recurring energy costs of RCC Diagonal Struct in Two
heating and cooling. The thermal
Dimensional Single
resistance combined with the benefits of
thermal mass inertia and whole wall Bay Two Storey RC Frame
coverage eliminates the need for under Cyclic Loading
additional insulation.
RC frame with rigid connection, an study was focused on the effect of the
improved equivalent Aerated Lightweight
diagonal strut model for infilled RC Concrete (ALC) blocks infills on the
frame with flexible seismic performance of the RC frames
connection was proposed. Hamid N. H, and the interaction between infills and
et. al., (2019) [9] have surrounding frames. Vincent Sam
studied the seismic performance of Jebadurai S. et. al., (2019)
single-bay two-storey RC [15] have been conducted the research
frame under in-plane lateral cyclic onenhancing performance of infill
loading. In this research, masonry with skin reinforcement
the specimen was tested under in-plane subjected to cyclic load. In this paper
lateral cyclic loading chicken mesh were used as a
using a double actuator starting from confinement technique and the
±0.01% until ±2.25% experimental investigation was
with incremental of 0.25% drift. The presented for enhancing the in-plane
total number of twenty-four cycles of properties of masonry infill walls like
drift was imposed to RC frame under diagonal tension and
control displacement method. Hrituraj shear thereby improving the in-plane
Singh Rathore (2018) [10] have been strength of masonry infill wall. Xiaojie
made comparative study of AAC block Zhou et. al., (2018) [16] have been
and brick fully infill buildings and carried out the study on influence of
buildings having soft infill wall configuration on failure
storey at different floor subjected to modes of RC frames. In this study, a
earthquake. Ionescu A., et. al., (2013) bare frame and
[11] have been carried out an analytical two single-story, single-bay RC frames,
method using Boussinesq method in partiallyinfilled with masonry, were
seismic analysis of a building structure tested under cyclic loading. The failure
using ANSYS program. Jagadeesan, et. mechanism and seismic performance of
al., (2018) these partially infilled RC frames (with
[12] has been conducted the study on the an infill height of 600 mm) with
influence of diagonal strut action in RC different
framed structure. the conducted he types of connections were analysed.
research on three types of specimen Zuowei Wang, et. al., (2019) [17] have
were cast and tested such as RC framed been conducted the tests on thebond-slip
structure without infill, RC framed model for horizontal reinforcing bars in
structure with brick masonry. Jurko reinforced brick masonry. In this study,
Zovkic, et. al., (2013) [13] have thegradual increase of the vertical load
conducted cyclic testing of a single bay in masonry during construction was
reinforced simulated using a
concrete frames with various types of convenient self-developed test setup that
masonryinfill. In this paper, a ensures that the specimen is under
contribution of various types of masonry constant pressure based on the actual
infill to the behavior of reinforced stress state of horizontal reinforcing
concrete frames under lateral loads was steel bars in reinforced brick masonry.
presented. Ning Ninga, et. al., (2019)
[14] conducted the Objective
experiment on the influence of masonry The related objectives associated with the
infills onseismic response of RC frames paper were identifies as follows:
under low frequency cyclic load. This
• To obtain the values of load-deflection blocks and bricks in the Aerocon block
and load carrying capacity of RC frames infill and Reinforced Brick
with various infill. Masonry infill panel.
• To compare the results of RC Frames
with various infill panels. PRELIMINARY TESTS ON
• To analyze and compare the obtained STRENGTH
values from the ANSYS software.
The research, findings and its analytical
comparision will encourage the use of INFILL PANELS
the new approach to produce other wall Preliminary tests have been conducted
elements for any building system and on the brick prisms with dimensions
hence promoting better quality 230mm x 230mm x 400mm constructed
construction and innovative system in by aerocon blocks and reinforced brick
our construction industry. The study is a prism.
step forward in the right direction to IV. GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTION
The geometric description of RC frame
This paper acts as a key to: and three infill panels of Aerocon block
• To produce a new potential structural wall panel, Reinforced Brick Masonry
composite, that is an infill and Diagonal strut action are
integration of RC Frame structure with required for modeling in the ANSYS
different infill wall software.
• To develop a novel method of Aerocon RC Frame and Diagonal Strut
block wall panel, Geometry
Reinforced Brick Masonry infill and
IS 10262 code was used for mix design
Diagonal strut action for
purpose. IS 1893, IS
use in the building system which can be
13920, IS 4326 code is used for seismic
developed and designing and
marketed nationally and internationally.
analyzing. IS 13920 used for the
• To help solve the problem of low and
reinforcement detailing.geometry
descriptions of RC frame are as follows.
earners to own house.
• To reduce the Global warming and
strut with sizes 100mm x 150mm x
transform our country.
1600mm have been used.
The materials used were cement, coarse
aggregate, fine aggregate and water INVESTIGATION USING
combined to form concrete. The ANSYS SOFTWARE
concrete of compressive strength M20 The analytical investigation was carried
grade was used. The rebars of respective out by using the finite
sizes are provided for the beams and element analysis program named
columns of the frame, for Reinforced ANSYS software. The three
Brick Masonry panel and Diagonal Strut frames are modeled with the basic and
panel as reinforcement. The stirrups and appropriate same values for the RC
tie of desired size is also provided for frames since all are same. The infill
frame and Diagonal Strut connection. panels of the three frames are modeled
Aerocon block and Traditional bricks separately for each infill using the
was being used. The mortar is values obtained from the prism
sufficiently required for binding of the compressive strength of the preliminary
tests. The support is fixed support. After
modeling, the lateral cyclic load is given  Sound insulation: One more
to the beam column joint of the frame on interesting characteristic of Aerocon
any one of the side. The values of load- bricks is their sound insulation. A good
deflection are obtained. Using the values, quality Aerocon brick can minimize the
the stiffness degradation and ductility sound transmission up to 42 decibels.
nature of RC Frame. Reputed manufactures of
Aerocon bricks do have a sound
Code Provisions transmission class rating for their blocks,
BIS Guidelines IS: 383-1970 for which made them ideal for wall
selection and testing of Coarse and Fine construction in hotels, auditoriums,
aggregates available. hospitals, etc., where sound insulation is
Generally, Sand is classified as Zone I, quite essential.
Zone II, Zone III and Zone IV (i.e.
Coarser to Finer). There is sieve  Thermal insulation:
designation for each zone. Gradation is Due to the closed cell structure of the
made in accord with the usage of the Aerocon blocks, they provide excellent
sand. thermal
insulation. They help interiors to remain
cooler during summer and warmer
Characteristics of during winter which further aid
Aerocon blocks: the user to save electricity bills and
 Light-weight: The typical aircrete thus help in conserving natural resources.
structure of Aerocon bricks resulted in
light-weight blocks. Their weight
is only one third the density of clay
bricks which makes them easy to handle
on-site. Reduced weight of the
brick decreases the dead weight on the
structure; hence Aerocon bricks are ideal
for low load bearing soil
and for seismic zones. Even for building
additional floors in an existing building,
Aerocon blocks are
perfect choice as their less weight will
not affect the stability of the structure.
Using Aerocon bricks from
the foundation stage of the building
helps to save substantial amounts of
concrete and steel
 Fire resistance:
Walls build with Aerocon bricks, with a
minimum thickness of 100mm can resist  Strength and durability:
fire for Aerocon bricks made with higher weight
up to four hours which make them the ratio help in building stronger and
safe choice in construction. Especially economical structure. As they remain
for industries and companies, unaffected by the environmental
which are vulnerable to fire accidents, conditions they ensure longer life for
these blocks are of much help.
the building. 71 |

 Perfect finish and dimensional

stability: The autoclaving process
used in the manufacturing of Aerocon
bricks gives perfect dimensions to the
blocks along with low tolerances.
Dimensionally perfect blocks help
in building uniform, thin walls with
perfect finish.

 Consistent quality control: As

brick making is in India is an Materials And Methodology
unorganized market, the quality of Of Investigation
regular The main objective of this
bricks often vary based on the experimentation is to find out the effect
manufacturer. Hence consistent quality of replacement of natural sand by
control is an issue with traditional manufactured sand with 0%, 50% and
bricks which is not an issue with the 100% on hardened properties of cement
Aerocon bricks. mortar. The
experimental work includes the casting,
M-Sand curing and testing of specimens.
Manufactured sand is an alternative for Material properties are shown in
river sand. Due to fast growing Table 1.Mortar mix is prepared with
construction industry, the proportion of 1:2, 1:3 and 1:6 with water
demand for sand has increased cement ratio of 0.5 and 0.55
tremendously, causing deficiency of respectively. All of the experiments are
suitable river sand in most part of the performed in normal room temperature.
word. The mortar ingredients namely
Due to the depletion of good quality cement and fine aggregate first mixed in
river sand for the use of construction, dry state. Manufactured sand is used as a
the use of manufactured sand has partial replacement to
been increased. Another reason for use the natural sand then calculated amount
of M-Sand is its availability and of water is added and mix it thoroughly
transportation cost. Since this sand can to get a homogeneous mix.
be crushed from hard granite rocks, it Mortar is poured in the moulds layer by
can be readily available at the nearby layer and compact thoroughly. Cubes
place, reducing the cost of are used for
transportation from far-off river sand compressive strength test having size
bed[20]. 7.06 mm (0.3 in) x7.06 mm (0.3 in) x
DOI: 10.9790/1684-1403017075 7.06 mm (0.3 in) that are cured in
water for 28 days and tested at 28 day’s
on Universal testing Machine (UTM).
AAC blocks are a relatively new
phenomenon in Indian construction
industry. Although first AAC
blocks plant in India was set up in early
1970s by Siporex at Pune, it is only
recently that manufacturing and
usage of AAC blocks has reached be crushed from hard granite rocks, it
sizeable number. Inspite of drastic can be readily available at the nearby
growth in manufacturing of AAC place, reducing the cost of
products, transportation from far-off river sand
fact is that market share of AAC bed[20].
products is very small compared to red
clay bricks. There are various reasons DOI:
for this, but that is a topic for another 10.9790/1684-1403017075 www.i
post. In this work we have provided a There are testing sieves,
comparison between AAC blocks vs consists of 4.75mm, 2.36mm, 1.183mm,
clay bricks and we let you be the judge 600microns, 300 microns, 150 microns
for selecting the best product to suit your and a pan.Thus, the cost of construction
needs. can be controlled by the use of
drastic growth in manufacturing of AAC manufactured sand as an alternative
products, material for construction. The other
fact is that market share of AAC advantage of using M-Sand is, it can be
products is very small compared to red dust free, the sizes of m-sand can be
clay bricks. There are various reasons controlled easily so that it meets the
for this, but that is a topic for another required grading for the given construct.
post. In this work we have provided a
comparison between AAC blocks vs
clay bricks and we let you be the judge Manufactured Sand
for selecting the best product to suit your
(M Sand)
Only, sand manufactured by VSI
drastic growth in manufacturing of AAC
crusher/Rotopactor is cubical and
angular in shape. Sand made by
fact is that market share of AAC
other types of machines is flaky, which
products is very small compared to red
is troublesome in working. The Jaw
clay bricks. There are various reasons
crushers, are generally used for
for this, but that is a topic for another
crushing stones in to metal/aggregates.
post. In this work we have provided a
Manufactured sand from jaw crusher,
comparison between AAC blocks vs
cone crusher, roll crusher often
clay bricks and we let you be the judge
contain higher percentage of dust and
for selecting the best product to suit your
have flaky particle.

M-Sand 1 Advantages of
Manufactured sand is an alternative for Manufactured Sand (M-
river sand. Due to fast growing Sand) are:
construction industry, the
 It is well graded in the required
demand for sand has increased
tremendously, causing deficiency of
 It does not contain organic and
suitable river sand in most part of the
soluble compound that affects the setting
time and properties of cement,
Due to the depletion of good quality
thus the required strength of concrete
river sand for the use of construction,
can be maintained.
the use of manufactured sand has
 It does not have the presence of
been increased. Another reason for use
impurities such as clay, dust and silt
of M-Sand is its availability and
coatings, increase water requirement
transportation cost. Since this sand can
as in the case of river sand which impair 3.1.2Installation
bond between cement paste and
aggregate. Thus, increased quality requirements
and durability of concrete. • Tools
 M-Sand is obtained from specific
hard rock (granite) using the state-of- • Equipment
the-art International technology, • Other materials
thus the required property of sand is
obtained. • Installing O-block for pilasters in first
 M-Sand is cubical in shape and is course
manufactured using technology like
High Carbon steel hit rock and then
ROCK ON ROCK process which is
synonymous to that of natural process • Lay the first course over a semi-dry
undergoing in river sand cement mortar levelling bed- ½” to 2”
information. thick.
 Modern and imported machines are
used to produce M-Sand to ensure • Corner blocks are laid first and the first
required grading zone for the sand. course should be completed before
The study on builders‟ provides second course installation.
knowledge to improve upon the
• Once corner blocks are placed apply
marketing strategies, and to overcome
thin bed mortar, to the vertical joints for
the various problem areas identified
other blocks.
during the study. In view of this, an
experimental investigation was • Thin bed mortar 1/16” inch to 1/8”
conducted on the alternative
constructive materials such as M-sand 3.1.4 Cutting blocks
and Aerocon brick. (adjustments and chases)
• A hand saw or band saw to cut the
blocks to specific lengths.

General considerations 3.1.5 Placing control joints

in first course
AAC masonry components(block units)
can be used to build load bearing or non • These are vertical joints taken through
load bearing walls. the full wall thickness, and from bottom
to top.
• O-block units used to build pilasters.
• 3/8” to ½” thick.
• U-block units used to build bond
beams and lintels. • Maximum spacing between control
joints should be 15 ft.
• Control joints on AAC reinforced
walls must be placed at maximum 16 ft. 3.1.6 Laying the subsequent
o.c. courses
• For subsequent courses use only thin
• Check foundation. bed mortaring on all joints between
AAC blocks.
• Receiving and distribution of AAC
wall units.
• Minimum overlapping of vertical • When required depth of chase is bigger
joints between layers should be 4”. than maximum depth recommended,
additional O-blocks are used to lodge
• Metal strip ties should be placed every
the pipes or interrupt wall continuity.
two courses at – 1) connection of
secondary walls to main walls – 2) • After installation, the chase are filled
connection of walls to concrete columns. with repair mortar or cement sand
3.1.7 Control joints in
subsequent layers 3.1.11 Renders

• V-shaped metal strips should be set at • Surface patching: Rasp block joints
every two courses unless there are two and other areas where AAC surface is
pilasters on both sides of control joints out of plane.
and less than 2” from the joint. • Surface must be cleaned using a scrub
• Once the wall is built fill the gap using brush and any loose or damaged
backer rod and seal with caulking. material be removed.

• Fill up pilasters by pouring concrete. • A rubber float is commonly used to

smooth the wall surface.
3.1.8 Building on site
• Fiber glass mesh: This should be
lintels using U-blocks installed directly over one layer of
render in all control joints, around
• Install temporary supports before
windows, doors and utility locations.
putting U-blocks in place apply thin bed
mortar to the vertical joints. 3.1.12 Finishes
• Once U-block are set, place rebars
according to construction drawings and .AAC masonry walls can be finished with
with concrete. stucco,acrylic texture coats,or a combination
of both,also laminated stones,ceramic or
3.1.9 Installing U-blocks to clay tiles,concrete pieces and ornamental
build bond beams
• Lay U-block course applying thin bed
mortar on all joints. Maintaining ratio of all ingredients as
• At each pilaster location, drill a hole in per the selected recipe is critical to
the bottom side so the vertical bars can ensure consistent quality of
be attached in the bond beam. production.This is accomplished by
using various control systems to
• Before pouring concrete place rebar measure and release the required quality
and anchor bolts according to of various raw materials.A dosing and
construction drawings. mixing unit is used to form the correct
mix to produce autoclaves aerated
3.1.10 Utilities installation concrete (AAC) ash and sand
after the walls are built slurry is pumped into a seperate
container. Once the desired container
• For electrical conduits and piping
weight is poured in pumping is
installation, a chase is cut using an
stopped.similarly lime powder cement
electrical router or a chasing tool.
and gypsum are poured into individual
containers using screw conveyer.once
required amount of each ingredient is ball milled separately. It is grinded with
filled into their individual container fly ash or with quicklime, or it could be
control system release all ingredients grinded with the same miller for
into mixing drum. quicklime in turn. Other supplementary
and chemicals are also have to be
Mixing drum is like a gain bowl with a
prepared. Raw material storage assures
stirrer rotating inside to ensure proper
the continuous production and material
mixing if ingredients.steam might also
be fed to the unit to maintain
temperature in range 40-42o c.A smaller The continuous production guarantees
bowl type structure used for feeding the non-stop & on-time supply, and the
aluminium powder is also attached as a material stability guarantees the quality
part of mixing unit. Dosing unit releases of products, since the raw material might
this mixtures as per set quantities into come from different sources, with
molds for foaming. different qualities. Raw material
preparation and storage is the for
Dosing and mixing process is carried out
proportioning prestep batching.This
continuously because if there is a long
guarantees,and it also finishes the
gap between charging and discharging
storage,homogenization and prestep
of ingredients.residual mixture might
aging is the basic process that
start hardening and choke up the entire
assure the smooth production and modern plants entire dosing and
production quality.
mixing operation is completely
automated and requires minimum
human intervention.
This entire operation is monitored using As a construction system, AAC provide
control systems integrated with significant environment and other
computer and CCTV cameras.As with benefits for the building owner. The
any industrial operation,there is short and long term effect of using AAC
provision for human intervention and compared to many other materials
emergency actions integrated inside the
control system. results in lower energy consumption,
reduced operating costs, greater safety
Raw Material Preparation and comfort, and a healthier and more
trouble – free building. These features
and Storage provide a better investment for building
owner and for environment.
The first step of AAC production is
grinding of silica rich material (sand, fly
ash, etc) in ball mills. For different
materials, different processing is • “Advances in Cement Technology”
adopted, such as dry grinding (into Edited by S.N.Ghosh
powder), wet grinding (into slurry) or
mixed grinding with quicklime (CaO). • “Excellence in Concrete Construction
There are two methods for mixed through Innovation” Edited by Mukesh
milling. C Limbachiya, Hsein Y. Kew

One is dry mixing to produce binding • “CSR Hebel Autoclaved Aerated

material, and the other method is wet Concrete Block Wall Systems” Edited
mixing. Since most quicklime is by B. L. Schafer, Australian Building
agglomerate, it should be crushed and Systems Appraisal Council.
then grinded. Gypsum is normally not

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