Do You Agree With The Quotation? Why? Why Not?: Unit #03
Do You Agree With The Quotation? Why? Why Not?: Unit #03
Do You Agree With The Quotation? Why? Why Not?: Unit #03
Class: 5TH Time: a week
Purpose: To discuss about the extract and link it with one IB prescribed
Learning evidence: The third part of the IOA – the final discussion – 5 to 6 minutes audio.
Approaches to teaching: Based on inquiry, conceptual understanding, develop in global
and local concept, focused on effective teamwork and collaboration, differentiated to meet the
needs of all learners, informed by assessment.
Approaches to learning: thinking skills, research skills, communication skills, social skills
and self-management skills.
Activity 1: Welcome back to this unit N° 3. So, we are going to keep working to improve our
skills. Look at the picture, read the quotation and answer the question.
Activity 4: Let´s read one more time the extract given and answers the following questions
that are similar to the ones you will have in the 3rd part of the IOA.
a. How would you link the extract given with one IB prescribed theme? Don´t forget to mention
the sub-topics.
b. Is it possible to link your extract with another IB described theme? (Besides the one you
mention above)
c. How can you connect everything you mention with your context?
d. Do you have some personal experiences related to the discussion? Share it
Imagine that you are taking your IOA and you are in the
last part of the interview, so it means that you have the
final discussion from 5 to 6 minutes, so how would you
answer the questions presented in the activity 4. It´s
time to do it in pairs.
Activity 6: It´s time to self-assess. Making use of the oral rubric answer the question:
What marks will you give yourself in the following items? Why? Explain it.
A: Language _________________________
C: Interactive skills ____________________
John Green. (2012). The fault in our stars. USA: Dutton Books.
Kawther Saa’d AlDin & Kevin Morley (2018) IB Course Companion English B p.10
Appendix 1: