Comparative Analysis of P&O and Incremental Conductance Method For PV System

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Comparative analysis of P&O and incremental conductance method for PV


Article · January 2018

DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i3.29.19303


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Rupesh Mailugundla
BVRIT Hyderabad


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International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.29) (2018) 519-523

International Journal of Engineering & Technology


Research paper

Comparative analysis of P&O and incremental conductance

method for PV system
Mr. M.Rupesh 1 *, Dr. Vishwanath Shivalingappa 2
Research Scholar, VTU, Belagam, Karnataka, India
Professor, BKIT, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding author E-mail:


The power emergency in India can be overwhelmed by presenting the other non-customary strategies for control age. The most well-
known non-ordinary technique is sunlight based power. As the primary wellspring of this strategy is sun, the power age may fluctuate
with the natural conditions like irradiance, temperature varieties and sudden impedance of mists which can't be overcome or avoidable by
the individuals. The Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is utilized to get the Maximum power age point despite the fact that there
is a variety in temperature, irradiance or shading impacts. By utilizing this MPPT techniques we can get a handle on required measure of
energy with lessened number of boards so the cost for add up to PV framework will get decreased. This paper displays a similar investi-
gation of two MPPT strategies i.e Perturb and Observe and Incremental Conductance Method (ICM), in light of the fact that these calcu-
lations are broadly utilized because of minimal effort and simplicity of acknowledgment by utilizing MATLAB/SIMULINK. Here the
fundamental amounts like voltage, Current of a board are followed to mimic the MPPT Algorithms.

Keywords: Photovoltaic (PV); Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT); Perturb & Observe (P & O) and Incremental Conductance Method (ICM).

cycle of the converter to make the heap impedance is equivalent to

1. Introduction stack impedance to get the greatest or pinnacle control. Here we
have diverse regular and non-ordinary MPPT strategies like P&O
The electrical load in the India or in the World is expanding step strategy, Incremental conductance technique, Constant Voltage
by step past the desires, and to meet the necessity we have to uti- strategy, steady current strategy, PSO strategy and fluffy rationale
lize more measure of customary source which are constrained and strategies. What's more, among all the most prevalent and finan-
prompts natural contamination, so to beat the above issue the non- cially savvy techniques P&O and ICM are considered, executed
traditional vitality sources or sustainable power sources are taken and dissected utilizing MATLAB/SIMULINK. The paper has
significant part in producing required measure of electrical power. sorted out in the accompanying way. The fundamental working
Sun oriented power is overwhelming in this all because of no con- standard, Modeling and Characteristics of PV cell are examined in
tamination, less upkeep and in debilitating in nature. What's more, area 2, the P&O and Incremental Conductance strategy calcula-
the PV cell produces DC Power by straightforwardly changing tions are talked about in detail in segment 3, Section 4 relates to
over sun oriented vitality into Electrical power, so to use the creat- reproduction of pv cell alongside MPPT strategies and their out-
ed control we have to utilize the power electronic converter to comes and examination of two MPPT techniques, last session
change over the created DC energy to AC with indicated recur- closes with future degree.
rence. The main issue in PV System is befuddle of working quali-
ties of load and Pv cell.
The working purpose of the framework is only gathering purpose
2. Mathematical modeling of PV cell
of I-V [1] bend with the heap line. Also, it shifts with variety of
load, temperature and irradiance [2-3] At the point when a pv 2.1. Operating principle of PV cell
cluster is associated with the heap more often than not ideal work-
ing point i.e Maximum power point isn't accomplished, to conquer PV Cell is basically a P-N Junction diode, and at whatever point
this issue Maximum Power point tracker (MPPT), here the work- daylight or irradiance with certain temperature hits the sun pow-
ing point will conveyed to Maximum power half quart where the ered cell the electrons will move starting with one area then onto
heap protection is equivalent to source protection. As the heap the next locale by making it as short out, so the present will move
protection is changing as per prerequisites, the source protection through the sun powered cell.
ought to likewise be changed as for stack resister, this can be ac-
complished by utilizing MPP Algorithm, and here the converter 2.2. Mathematical modeling of PV cell
entryway can be controlled agreeing regarding source and load
protections. The basic equation of pv Cell with respect to equivalent circuit is
To extricate the most extreme power and nourished to the heap defined as
MPP Techniques are utilized alongside the DC/DC Converters [4]
, in this the primary point of the MPPT is to change the obligation Iph = Id-Ish-Ipv (1)
Copyright © 2018 Mr. M.Rupesh, Dr. Vishwanath Shivalingappa. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
520 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Where Np – No of cells connected in parallel 3. Maximum power point tracking algorithms

Iph – phase current of PV System.
Id – Diode current
MPPT [5] calculations are utilized to get a handle on the most
Ish – Shunt Current.
extreme power point or working point at greatest power as the
soonest when the heap or irradiance or temperature of the frame-
work shifts [6]. There are numerous kinds of regular and non-
customary MPPT calculations are available, here in this paper the
* ( ) + (3) P&O and Incremental conductance technique calculations are
actualized and investigated.

3.1. Perturb & obverse method

In this strategy a little irritate is presented, this annoy is utilized to

differ the power constantly, if the power is expanded as for change
in obligation cycle esteem, if the power is expanded consistently
then the bother increment and after some time it achieve top an
incentive there after the power diminishes so bother diminishes
which doesn't permit. At long last it tries to settle down close to
Fig. 2.1: Equivalent Circuit of PV Cell.
that top esteem, i.e the annoyance vacillates ceaselessly. The irri-
tation esteem ought to be kept little keeping in mind the end goal
to keep up the changes closer to greatest esteem which prompts
(4) more opportunity to achieve relentless state esteem.
The P&O calculation [7] is all around populated and most ideal
(5) despite the fact that makes vacillation in irritation or the time tak-
( ) en to relentless state is high because of basic idea, and the P & O
algorithm is given as
Specifications of solar cell are as follows
 Open circuited voltage of PV module = 37 (V)
 Short current current of PV module = 8.4(A)
 Reference temperature, Tr = 298k
 Module operating temperature = 273(k)
 Light generated current of PV module = Iph (A)
 PV module saturation current = Io (A)
 A=B is an ideality factor =1.6
 K is Boltzman constant=1.3805e-23J/K
 Q is Electron charge = 1.6e-19 C
 Series Resistance of a PV module = Rs
 Short-Circuit current Temperature co-efficient at Iscr = Ki =
 PV Module Illimination (W/m2) = λ = 1000W/m2
 Band gap for silicon = Ego = 1.1ev
 No. of panels connected in series = Ns = 8
 No of parallel strings= Np=2
 Voltage at Maximum power Vm= 32 V
 Current at Maximum Power Im= 7.9 A

Fig. 3.1: Algorithm for Perturb and Observe Method.

In this calculation Voltage and current is gathered from PV Panel

and the voltage and current is taken as the reference for getting the
obligation cycle to work DC/DC Converter and making the source
Impedance is equivalent to stack impedance. The obligation cycle
is acquired by contrasting change in power and present power in
the wake of computing [8], [9], and a little consistent obligation
cycle is added to the reference esteem if the present power is more
than past power, and the subtracted on the off chance that it is

3.2. Incremental conductance method

Fig. 2.2: I-V and P-V Curves of Solar Cell at Different Irradiances. Incremental conductance strategy is acquainted [10] with beaten
the issue which is looked by the irritate and watch technique i.e.
With respect to the following specifications the pv cell character- the pinnacle and stable area is accomplished quick contrasted with
istics are as below. P&O Method and the pinnacle fluctuating worth is exceptionally
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 521

close or relatively same can be gotten under quick differing baro-

metrical conditions.
In this technique it watches whether the working point achieved its
most extreme power point or not, on the off chance that it fulfills
the MPP condition then it quits annoying [11], generally the ad-
justment in impedance will be contrasted and the present imped-
ance by taking the voltage and present as reference, and bode well
with steady and little obligation cycle included or subtracted from
the reference an incentive as per correlation. In this strategy the
fundamental focus and irritation is relies upon the impedance
count [12].

Fig. 4.1: Simulation of Single PV Cell.

Fig. 3.2: Basic Algorithm for Incremental Conductance Method.

4. Simulation and results Fig. 4.2: I-V and P-V Curves of Practical Simulated PV Cell.

The total setup of PV cell with boost converter along with the
4.1. The specifications of PV panel MPPT controller is shown in figure 4.2 below. And in simulation
of each block in designed seperatley.
The mathematical model of practical PV Cell is designed in
MATLAB/SIMULINK by taking the practical panel specification
and the series and parallel resistances Rse, Rsh are obtained by the
I-V and P-V Characteristics.

Voc= Vm + ImRse (4.1)

Isc = Im + Vm/Rsh (4.2)

Table 1: Parameter Specification of 250W Panel

S. No Parameter Speciification
1 Open Circuit Voltage Voc 37 Volt
2 Short Circuit Current Isc 8.4 Amp
3 Maximum Power Output 250Wp
4 Voltage at maximum power Vm 32.4 Volts
5 Current at Maximum Power Im 7.9 Amp

The Pv Model is modeled in the simulation and the IV and PV

Curves are obtained as follows when a sun light is applied with Fig. 4.2: Complete Setup of PV System with Boost Converter and MPPT
respect to constant irradiance and temperature by considering Controller.
external disturbances are absent.
The mathematical Modeling of pv cell in simulation is The simulation of boost converter is shown in the fig. 4.3 for the
required amount of output voltage, and the input of boost convert-
er is connected to the PV panel output terminals.
522 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

of lift converter is shifted by the varieties of climatic conditions

however in P&O technique the required measure of yield isn't
accomplished with the balanced obligation cycle and the motions
are all the more contrasting with incremental conductance strate-
gy. Coming to incremental conductance strategy the yield voltages
is accomplished according to the necessities and it requires less
investment to achieve most extreme power guide contrasting to-
ward different strategies here.

Fig. 4.3: Simulation of Boost Converter for the Output Voltage as 600 V

The MPPT controller for the Dc/DC Converter is designed to get

effective output or increased efficiency from the solar system. And
the different MPPT controllers are P&O Method and Incremental
conductance method.
The simulation of P&O Method algorithm is shown in fig4.4 Fig.4.6: A) Voltage Profile of the Boost Converter with P&O Method.

Fig. 4.6: B) Voltage Profile of the Boost Converter with Incremental Con-
ductance Method.

Going to the power profile of the PV framework alongside the lift

Fig. 4.4: Simulation of Perturb & Observe MPPT Method Algorithm. converter the most extreme power purpose of framework might be
accomplished however the time required to achieve the greatest
The simulation of Incremental conductance method algorithm is power point by the incremental conductance strategy is less con-
shown in fig.4.5. trasted with P and O Method and the energy of MPPT controlled
technique is fairly high contrasted with without MPPT control.
The figure 4.7.a, b shows the power profile of the PV System
along with the boost converter

Fig. 4.5: Simulation of Incremental Conductance Method Algorithm.

The simulation of Output voltage of boost converter without

MPPT controller, and with P&O, Incremental Conductance meth- Fig.4.7: A). Input and Output Power Profile of the PV System with P & O
MPPT Controller.
od MPPT controllers as shown in the Fig.4.6.a,b,c.
From the outcomes it is obviously demonstrated that with no con-
troller we need to change the obligation cycle according to the
varieties of the climate and load, so for this situation the yield
voltage isn't kept up steady for the variety of irradiance, tempera-
ture and the heap. Where as in MPPT controller the yield voltage
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 523

[10] X. Zhou, D. Song, Y. Ma, The simulation and design for MPPT of
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cuk converter, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.58 (2011) 1154–1161.
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4.2. Comparison between P&O and incremental con-
ductance method

Table 2: Performance Comparison between P&O and Incremental Con-

ductance Method
MPPT Meth- Output Output Output Time
od Current Voltage Power Response
460 2576
P&O Method 5.6 Amp 0.001 Sec Less
Volts W
598 3647
Conductance 6.1 Amp 0.057 Sec More
Volts W

5. Conclusion
In this paper 250W power sunlight based board is considered as
for its evaluations and has been created utilizing
MATLAB/SIMULINK show, a similar model is utilized to track
the greatest power point, here P&O technique and Incremental
Conductance strategies are actualized and introduced. In the wake
of looking at the two strategies it is demonstrated that the incre-
mental conductance strategy can achieve the proverb control
point in less time and the motions at enduring working
point in incremental conductance technique is the
yield control by incremental conductance technique is high
the effectiveness of PV System and lift converter is ex-
panded .

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