Tle 8 Curriculum Map 1

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FIRST USE AND MAINTAIN The learners The learners LO 1. Utilize appropriate kitchen tools, Students Pre-test K to 12 BASIC Learn to utilized and
QUARTER KITCHEN TOOLS demonstrate an independently equipment, and paraphernalia demonstration EDUCATION keep things clean and
AND EQUIPMENT understanding the use and maintain 1.1 identify types of tools, equipment, and on the use of kitchen CURRICULUM neat independently.
COOKERY- use and maintenance tools, equipment, and paraphernalia tools and equipment TLE MODULE
EXPLORATORY of equipment in materials in 1.2 classify the types of appropriate cleaning through video Written test Responsible
cookery cookery according to tools and equipment based on their uses presentation Observant
standard operating TLE_HECK7/8UT- 0a-1
(HOME procedures Picture Analysis
ECONOMICS) LO 2. Maintain appropriate kitchen tools,
equipment, and paraphernalia
WEEKS 1-2 1.1 select various types of chemicals for cleaning
and sanitizing kitchen tools, equipment, and
1.2 clean and sanitize kitchen tools and
equipment following manufacturer’s instructions
use cleaning tools, equipment, and paraphernalia
in accordance to standard operating procedures
maintain kitchen tools, equipment, and work
TLE_HECK7/8MT- 0b-2

PERFORM The learners The learners LO 1. Carry out measurements and calculations Practice costing Pre-test K to 12 BASIC Observant
MENSURATION AND demonstrate an independently in a required task based on a given EDUCATION Accountable
CALCULATIONS understanding measure and 1.1 give the abbreviations and equivalents of recipe CURRICULUM Responsible
performing calculate measurements TLE MODULE
WEEKS 3-4 mensuration and ingredients in 1.2 measure ingredients according to recipe Written test
calculation in cookery cookery requirement
1.3 convert systems of measurement according
to recipe requirement
1.4perform substitution of ingredients
TLE_HECK7/8PM- 0d-4

LO 2. Calculate cost of production

2.1 discuss principles of costing
2.2 compute cost of production
TLE_HECK7/8PM- 0e-5

WEEKS 5-6 PRACTICE The learners The learners LO 1. Importance of Occupational Health and -Researching on Pre-test K to 12 BASIC Responsible
OCCUPATIONAL demonstrate an independently Safety Procedures hazards/risks in the EDUCATION Readiness
SAFETY AND understanding the practice occupational 1.1 recognize the importance of OSH workplace Listing CURRICULUM Self awareness
HEALTH practice of health TLE_HECK7/8OHSP- 0h-8 TLE MODULE
occupational health and safety -Making/drawing
and safety signage or posters Written test
appropriate in the

USE FOOD The learner The learner uses and LO 1. Select tools, equipment, utensils and Selection of activities Quiz K to 12 BASIC Learn to utilized and
SECOND PROCESSING demonstrates maintain instruments through video EDUCATION keep things clean and
QUARTER TOOLS, EQUIPMENT understanding of appropriate food 1.1. Select tools, equipment, utensils and presentation: (Multiple Choice CURRICULUM neat independently.
AND UTENSILS uses and (fish) instruments according to food (fish) processing 1. Demonstrate on and Essay) TLE MODULE
maintenance of food processing tools, method calibrating Responsible
FOOD (fish) equipment, 1.2. Explain the defects in tools, equipment, refractometer Enumeration Observant
PROCESSING processing tools, instruments and utensils and instrument 2. Demonstrate
EXPLORATORY equipment, utensils and 1.3. Follow procedures in reporting defective using
instruments and reports accordingly tools, equipment, utensils and instruments salinometer
utensils in food upon TLE_AFFP9- 12UT- 0a-1 3. Demonstrate
(AGRI-FISHERY (fish) processing. discovery of defect/s. using
ARTS) LO 2. Use tools, equipment instruments blender
and utensils by following the standard 4. Demonstrate
procedures stowing
2.1. Interpret a food processing procedure equipment and
2.2. Apply standard procedures in using tools, instruments.
WEEKS 1-2 equipment, instruments, and utensils
2.3. Calibrate tools, equipment instruments and
2.4. Follow procedures in sanitizing tools,
equipment, instruments and utensils
2.5. Use tools, equipment, instruments, and
utensils according to job requirements and
manufacture’s specification
TLE_AFFP9- 12 UT-0b-2

PERFORM The learner The learner performs LO 1. Tabulate the recorded data relevant to Present data in Quiz K to 12 BASIC Understanding on why
MATHEMATICAL demonstrates basic production of processed food textual form EDUCATION data really matters in
COMPUTATIONS understanding of measurements and 1.1. Record weights and measurements of raw (Multiple Choice CURRICULUM food processing.
basic measurements calculation that relate materials and ingredients and Essay) TLE MODULE
WEEKS 3-4 and calculation. with weight and 1.2. Summarize/sum up recorded weights and
measurements. measurements of processed products
1.3. Perform how a seam is measured
TLE_AFFP9- 12MC-0d-1
The learner The learner exhibits LO 3. Calculate the production inputs and output Prepare paper on Problem/solving K to 12 BASIC Understanding on why
demonstrates basic mathematical 3.1. Compute for the percentage equivalents of costs of quiz EDUCATION data really matters in
understanding of skills that relate actual spoilage and rejects production. CURRICULUM food processing.
basic mathematical with computation of 3.2. Calculate the percentage of actual yields and TLE MODULE
skills that relate percentage recoveries according to enterprise requirements Listing
with spoilage, rejects of spoilage, rejects 3.3. Record calculated data according to
and the percentage and recovery enterprise requirements
of recovery of yields. of yields. TLE_AFFP9- 12MC-0e-3

INTERPRET PLANS The learner The learner interprets LO 1. Interpret a layout plan Project on flow chart Written test K to 12 BASIC Creativity
AND DRAWINGS demonstrates plans and drawings 1.1. Explain the meanings of signs and symbol in manufacturing EDUCATION
understanding of that relate with basic used in lay outing plan for fish processing activity smoked bangus. CURRICULUM - Self confidence in
interpreting fish processing 1.2. Interpret layout plan for fish processing area Performance TLE MODULE sharing own work.
WEEKS 5-6 plans and drawings activities. according to standard set test
that relate with basic TLE_AFFP9- 12ID-0f-1
fish processing

APPLY FOOD The learner The learner observes LO 1. Observe personal hygiene and good Perform the Quiz K to 12 BASIC Responsible
SAFETY AND demonstrates basic principles and grooming operation sheet on EDUCATION Readiness
SANITATION understanding of rules to be observed 1.1. Explain the importance of good Hand Washing (Multiple Choice CURRICULUM Self awareness
basic principles and to ensure food safety grooming in a workplace Techniques As and Essay TLE MODULE
rules to be observed and sanitation when 1.2. Follow the procedures in cleaning, A Means Of
to ensure food safety he/she packages fish checking and sanitizing personal protective Practicing Hygiene
and sanitation when products. equipment And Good Grooming/ Listing
he/she packages fish TLE_AFFP9- 12OS-0g-1 Recording/Video
products. presentation

THIRD USING FARM TOOLS Demonstrate 1. Appropriate farm LO 1. Select and use farm tools Pictorial report on: Written test K to 12 BASIC Learn to utilized and
QUARTER AND EQUIPMENT understanding tools are identified 1.1 Identify appropriate farm tools according to 1. Identifying farm EDUCATION keep things clean and
(UFTE) of/on: according to requirement/use power tools and CURRICULUM neat independently.
ANIMAL Farm tools requirements/use. 1.2 Check farm tools for defects handheld tools and Performance TLE MODULE
PRODUCTION Power tools 2. Farm tools are 1.3 Report defective farm tools in accordance their uses. Test Responsible
Handheld tools checked for faults with farm procedures. Use appropriate tools and 2. Observing farm Observant
Safety practices and defective tools equipment according to job requirements and and taking pictures
while using farm tools are reported in manufacturer’s conditions regarding safety
accordance with TVL_AFAAPPC9- 12UFTE-Ii-17 practices in using
farm procedures. poultry and livestock
3. Appropriate tools LO 2.Select and operate farm equipment tools.
WEEKS 1-2 are safely used 2.1 Identify appropriate farm equipment 3. Checking of tools
according to job 2.2 Read carefully instructional manual of the for possible defects
requirements and farm tools andequipment prior to operation and faults, including
manufacturers’ 2.3 Conduct Pre-operation check-up in line with the reporting
conditions. manufacturers manual procedures.
2.4 Identify and reports faults in farm equipment
in line with farm procedures
2.5 Use farm equipment according to its function
2.6 Follow safety procedures

LO 3. Perform preventive maintenance

3.1 Clean tools and equipment immediately after
use in line with farm procedures
3.2 Perform routine checkup and maintenance
Store tools and equipment in designated areas in
line with farm procedures

PERFORMING -Problem solving 1. Job requirements LO 1. Perform estimation Written reports on Project proposal K to 12 BASIC Understanding on why
ESTIMATION AND procedures are identified . 1.1 Identify job requirements from written or oral basic on broiler EDUCATION data really matters in
BASIC -Basic mathematical 2. Quantities of communications workplace production CURRICULUM animal production.
CALCULATION operations materials and 1.2 Estimate quantities and resources and time calculations. TLE MODULE
(PEBC) - Basic mathematical resources required to required to complete a task
operations complete a work task 1.3 Calculate the duration of work completion
WEEKS 3-4 - Systems of are estimated. Report the estimated materials and resources to
measurement 3. Time needed to appropriate person
-Units of complete a work TVL_AFAAPPC9- 12PEBC-IIb-c-20
measurement activity is estimated.
-Demonstrate 4. Accurate estimate LO 2. Perform basic workplace calculation
understanding for work completion 2.1 Identify calculations to be made according to
of/on: are made. the job requirement
5. Estimate of 2.2 Identify correct methods of calculation
materials and 2.3 Ascertain systems and units of measurement
resources are to be followed
reported to 2.4 Perform calculations needed to complete a
appropriate person/s task using the four basic mathematical operations
2.5 Use fraction and percentage or mixed in
calculating to complete the instruction Employ
different techniques in checking accuracy of
PROCESSING FARM - Procedure in 1. Used tools and LO 1. Collect farm wastes Demonstration on: Written K to 12 BASIC
WASTE (PFW) cleaning outfits outfit are cleaned 1.1 Prepare tools and materials for collection of 1. Performing proper EDUCATION
-Technique in storing stored in line with farm wastes cleaning, storing and CURRICULUM
WEEKS 5-6 materials and farm procedures. 1.2 Collect wastes following OSHS and waste labeling and record Examination TLE MODULE
chemicals 2. Unused materials collection requirements and plan keeping of tools,
-Demonstrate are labeled and 1.3 Collect dangerous and hazardous wastes materials and Performance
understanding on: stored according to following the HAZMAT protocol chemicals. Test
-Government manufacturers Wear appropriate personal PPE as prescribed by 2. Identifying waste
requirement recommendation and OSHS materials in your
regarding farm waste farm requirements. TVL_AFAAPPC9- 12PFW-IIf-22 farm and perform
disposal Waste 3. Waste materials proper disposal
management are disposed LO 2. Identify and segregate wastes according
system according to 2.1 Identify waste by category according to to manufacturer’s
manufacturers, industry standards and environmental legislation procedures and
government and farm 2.2 Segregate waste according to organizational government
requirements. requirements and relevant legislation requirement.
2.3 Label sorted waste to prevent cross-
contamination Obtain information on waste by
asking authority to ensure correct identification

FOURTH PREPARE The learner The learner LO 1. Identify materials and tools for a task 1. Enumerating and Quiz K to 12 BASIC Learn to utilized and
QUARTER CONSTRUCTION demonstrates an independently 1.1 Describe tools and materials used in describing the tools EDUCATION keep things clean and
MATERIALS AND understanding of the prepares carpentry carpentry and materials used (Multiple Choice CURRICULUM neat independently.
CARPENTRY- TOOLS underlying principles tools and 1.2 Prepare tools and materials fora task in carpentry works. and Essay TLE MODULE
EXPLORATORY in the preparation of construction TLE_IACP7/8UT- 0a-1 Responsible
carpentry tools and materials based on Observant
(INDUSTRIAL construction industry standards. LO 2. Request appropriate materials and tools
ARTS) materials. 2.1. Fill out forms in requesting for carpentry tools
and materials as required for a task

MAINTAINING The learner The learner LO 1. Check condition of tools and equipment Performing the Quiz K to 12 BASIC Learn to utilized and
TOOLS AND demonstrates an independently 1.1 Segregate defective tool from functional ones actual EDUCATION keep things clean and
WEEKS 1-2 EQUIPMENT understanding of the performs 1.2 Label defective tool segregation of (Multiple Choice CURRICULUM neat independently.
underlying principles maintenance of 1.3 Report the list of defective tools functional and non- and Essay TLE MODULE
in the maintenance of carpentry tools and TLE_IACP7/8MT- 0c-1 functional tools and Responsible
carpentry tools and equipment based on equipment Observant
equipment. industry standards. LO 2. Perform basic preventive maintenance /Video presentation
2.1 Repair defective tools
2.2 Conduct preventive maintenance of carpentry
TLE_IACP7/8MT- 0c-2
PERFORM The learner The learner LO 1. Select measuring instruments Demonstrating the Pre-test K to 12 BASIC Understanding on why
MENSURATION AND demonstrates an independently 1.1 Identify linear measuring instrument proper handling of EDUCATION data really matters in
CALCULATION understanding of the performs accurate appropriate for a given task measuring tools. CURRICULUM carpentry.
concepts and measurements and TLE_IACP7/8MC- 0d-1 Short Quiz TLE MODULE
underlying calculation based on
WEEKS 3-4 principles in a given task. LO 2. Carry out measurements and calculations
performing 2.1. Measure given materials
measurements and 2.2. Calculate amount of materials for a specific
calculations. task
TLE_IACP7/8MC- 0d-e-2

INTERPRETING The learner The learner LO 1. Analyze signs, symbols and data Drawing and Pre-test Creativity
DRAWINGS AND demonstrates an independently reads 1.1 Explain the importance of signs, symbols and describing the
PLANS understanding of the and data in interpreting a work plan different signs and Enumeration - Self confidence in
WEEKS 5-6 concepts in interprets simple 1.2 Determine appropriate signs and symbols symbols used in the sharing own work.
interpreting technical drawing needed in the plan project plans.
technical drawing signs and symbols TLE_IACP7/8ID- 0f-1 Quiz
signs and symbols in based on standard
carpentry. specifications. LO 2. Interpret technical drawings and plans
2.1 Read working plan
2.2 Interpret working plan
TLE_IACP7/8ID- 0f-2

LO 3. Apply freehand sketching

3.1 Perform freehand sketching exercises
3.2 Draw simple carpentry plans based on given
TLE_IACP7/8ID- 0g-h-3

PRACTICING The learner The learner LO 1. Identify hazards and risks Listing down the Enumeration K to 12 BASIC Responsible
OCCUPATIONAL demonstrates an independently 1.1 List down the different health hazards and possible hazards and EDUCATION Readiness
HEALTH AND understanding of the prepares risks found in the workplace risks Listing CURRICULUM Self awareness
SAFETY concepts of an occupational 1.2 Discuss the effects of health hazards and common in the TLE MODULE
PROCEDURES occupational health and safety occupational risks workplace. Examination
health and safety checklist being TLE_IACP7/8ID- 0i-1
procedures. applied in carpentry.

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