All Weather Equity - 04-Sep-2018
All Weather Equity - 04-Sep-2018
All Weather Equity - 04-Sep-2018
Nifty Level Nifty Return AWE Return Nifty Level Nifty Return AWE Return
*Capital Protected
12,553 7.5% ***50%
9,341 -20% 0%
12,261 5.0% 33.3%
5,838 -50% 0%
11,969 2.5% 16.7%
* Capital is defined as the Face Value of the debenture, i.e. 1,00,000/- per debenture
** Entry level will be the avg of Nifty close on 30-Aug-18 & 27-Sep-18. Nifty closed at 11677 on 30-Aug-18. Entry level may vary and will be fixed post 27-Sep-18.
***50% absolute return is payable on the face value (1,00,000/- per Debenture) and not on the Issue Price, thus absolute return on investment may be lesser 3
- All the above returns are Pre-Tax, Post-cost.
90% times AWE has delivered 50% return
Nifty 50 3 Year Rolling Returns
80% 90% of the times AWE has
given Max Return 0f 50%
Source: NSE Nifty Closing Prices
Backtesting Results
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Nifty Performance AWE Perfomance
• Based on backtested data from 21-Jul-08 till 20-Jul-18 assuming daily investment, covering 1827 observations 4
• Backtesting is not indicative of future returns
AT P/E of 20X or More Nifty Delivers only 11% Returns
*Current Nifty P/E – 23-24X and historically Nifty 50 has delivered only ~11% absolute at P/E>20X where as AWE
would deliver 39% returns
Do note that this is for back testing and not returns.
40% AWE AWE Alpha
20% Alpha
0% Absolute
-20% Returns
Nifty P/E
1 Credit Risk
2 Liquidity Risk
• For detailed information about the risks mentioned above and other risks, please refer to the offer document. 6
• Investors should consult their financial advisors and read the offer document before investing.
Why Should You Invest
Key Terms
OFFERING All Weather Equity
ISSUER Edelweiss Finvest Pvt Ltd – (EFPL), 100% subsidiary of Edelweiss Group
In the preparation of the material contained in this document, Edelweiss has used information that is publicly available, including information developed in-
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Edelweiss and/or any affiliate of Edelweiss does not in any way through this material solicit any offer for purchase, sale of any financial products or any financial
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