Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
2. Which of the following audit committee responsibilities has the SEC mandated?
B. Discussing in its meetings the company's earnings press releases, as well as
financial information and earnings guidance provided to analysts.
a. Boards need to consist of at least 3 independent directors or 1/3 of the board which is
The Boards need to have at least 3 independent directors in order to ensure the
exercise of independent judgement on corporate affairs and proper oversight of
managerial performance, including prevention of conflict of interests and
balancing of competing demands of the corporation. Also, experts have
recognized that there are varying opinion on the optimal number of independent
directors in the, however the ideal number ranges is from one-third (1/3) to a
substantial majority.
d. The corporate governance committee must have a written charter that addresses the
committee’s purpose and responsibilities, and there must be annual performance
evaluation of the committee.
The committee must have a written charter to clearly define the roles and
accountabilities of each committee to avoid any overlapping functions, which
aims at having a more effective board for the company. This can also be used as
basis for the assessment of committee performance.
e. Boards must have an audit committee with a minimum of three independent members.
The audit committee shall consist of a minimum of 3 directors with independent
directors forming a majority. The majority of members of Audit Committee
including its Chairperson shall be persons with ability to read and understand, the
financial statement
f. The audit committee must have a written charter that addresses the committee’s purpose
and responsibilities, and the committee must produce an audit committee; there must also
be an annual performance evaluation of the committee.
The audit committee should be required to have a written charter that address the
respective purposes, memberships, structures, operations, reporting processes,
resources and other relevant information. The charters means to provide the
standards for evaluating the performances of the committees.
a. Obtaining each year a report by the external auditor that addresses the company’s internal
control procedures, any quality control or regulatory problems, and any relationships that
might threaten the independence of the external auditor
The external auditor addresses that the company’s internal control procedures
helps to address the risk of fraud in publicly traded organizations in order to
regulate the problems and it might threaten the independence, it done with the
potential conflict of interests.
b. Discussing the company’s financial statements with management and the external auditor
The risk of fraud in publicly traded organizations discusses the financial
statements with the management and the external auditor to have the assurance if
the financial information stated are correct or unbiased and helps to facilitate
compliance with applicable laws.
c. Discussing in its meetings the company’s earnings press releases, as well as financial
information and earnings guidance provided to analysts
The company’s earnings press releases and other financial information provides
analysis in the given financial information regarding on the company’s earnings.
It shows the results of financial and the performance of the company.
d. Discussing in its meetings policies with respect to risk assessment and risk management
This meetings policies to risk assessment and risk management will affects the
profitability of the company and set up the procedures in regards to avoid the risk
or to minimize the impact on the organization.
e. Meeting separately with management, internal auditors, and the external auditors on a
periodic basis
This meeting serves to ensure that the management and others will disclose the
financial reports to correct the financial information and find the significant
findings or results that has an impact to the company.
f. Reviewing with the external auditors any audit problems are difficulties that they had
with management
This statement are concerns in the audit problems that they had with the
management. The issues is regarding to the cooperation with the rules and
regulations and to ensure that there will be a conflicts in the company.
g. Setting clear hiring policies for employees or for former employees of the external
Requires that the audit committee set clear policies with respect to hiring partners
or employees or former partners or employees of the company’s independent
accounting firm.