Regional Hazard
Mitigation Plan
FINAL - April 2021
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. SECTION 1
Plan Adoption.........................................................................................................................................................APPENDIX A
1.1 Background
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Scope
1.4 Authority
1.5 Summary of Plan Contents
Natural hazards, such as winter storms, floods, and landslides, are a part of the world around us. Their
occurrence is natural and inevitable, and there is little we can do to control their force and intensity. We
must consider these hazards to be legitimate and significant threats to human life, safety, and property.
The Buncombe Madison Region is located in the western part of North Carolina and includes the two
counties and the municipalities within the counties. This area is vulnerable to a wide range of natural
hazards such as landslides, winter storms, severe thunderstorms, and floods. It is also vulnerable to
human-caused hazards, such as hazardous substances. These hazards threaten the life and safety of
residents in the Buncombe Madison Region and have the potential to damage or destroy both public
and private property, disrupt the local economy, and impact the overall quality of life of individuals who
live, work, and vacation in the region.
While the threat from hazardous events may never be fully eliminated, there is much we can do to
lessen their potential impact upon our community and our citizens. By minimizing the impact of hazards
upon our built environment, we can prevent such events from resulting in disasters. The concept and
practice of reducing risks to people and property from known hazards is generally referred to as hazard
Hazard mitigation techniques include both structural measures (such as strengthening or protecting
buildings and infrastructure from the destructive forces of potential hazards) and non-structural
measures (such as the adoption of sound land use policies and the creation of public awareness
programs). It is widely accepted that the most effective mitigation measures are implemented at the
local government level, where decisions on the regulation and control of development are ultimately
made. A comprehensive mitigation approach addresses hazard vulnerabilities that exist today and in the
foreseeable future. Therefore, it is essential that projected patterns of future development are
evaluated and considered in terms of how that growth will increase or decrease a community’s overall
hazard vulnerability.
Buncombe and Madison Counties first joined together in 2013 to develop the initial version of this
regional plan. Prior to that, each County was operating under individual County-level hazard mitigation
plans. The plan development process for the 2021 update of the plan is detailed in Section 2: Planning
This regional plan draws from both of the County plans to document the region’s sustained efforts to
incorporate hazard mitigation principles and practices into routine government activities and functions.
At its core, the Plan recommends specific actions to minimize hazard vulnerability and protect residents
from losses to those hazards that pose the greatest risk. These mitigation actions go beyond simply
recommending structural solutions to reduce existing vulnerability, such as elevation, retrofitting, and
acquisition projects. Local policies on community growth and development, incentives for natural
resource protection, and public awareness and outreach activities are examples of other actions
considered to reduce the Buncombe Madison Region’s vulnerability to identified hazards. The Plan
remains a living document, with implementation and evaluation procedures established to help achieve
meaningful objectives and successful outcomes over time.
1.1.1 The Disaster Mitigation Act and the Flood Insurance Reform Act
In an effort to reduce the Nation's mounting natural disaster losses, the U.S. Congress passed the
Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000) in order to amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and
Emergency Assistance Act. Section 322 of DMA 2000 emphasizes the need for state, local and Tribal
government entities to closely coordinate on mitigation planning activities and makes the development
of a hazard mitigation plan a specific eligibility requirement for any local or Tribal government applying
for federal mitigation grant funds. These funds include the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
and the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) program, both of which are administered by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under the Department of Homeland Security. Communities
with an adopted and federally-approved hazard mitigation plan thereby become pre-positioned and
more apt to receive available mitigation funds before and after the next disaster strikes.
Major federal flood insurance legislation was passed in 2012 under the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance
Reform Act (P.L. 112-141) and the subsequent Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act (HFIAA) in
2014 which revised Biggert-Waters. HFIAA established the requirement that a FEMA-approved Hazard
Mitigation Plan is now required if communities wish to be eligible for any of the FEMA mitigation
programs. These acts made several changes to the way the National Flood Insurance Program is to be
run, including raises in rates to reflect true flood risk and changes in how Flood Insurance Rate Map
(FIRM) updates impact policyholders. These acts further emphasize Congress’ focus on mitigating
vulnerable structures.
The Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan has been prepared in coordination with FEMA
Region IV and the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management (NCDEM) to ensure that the Plan
meets all applicable FEMA and state requirements for hazard mitigation plans. A Local Mitigation Plan
Review Tool, found in Appendix C, provides a summary of federal and state minimum standards and
notes the location where each requirement is met within the Plan. Additionally, the plan was developed
in accordance with updated FEMA Region IV Review Standards that were provided in February of 2020.
The purpose of the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan is to:
Completely update the existing Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan to
demonstrate progress and reflect current conditions;
Update the plan in accordance with Community Rating System (CRS) requirements;
Increase public awareness and education;
Maintain grant eligibility for participating jurisdictions; and
Maintain compliance with state and federal legislative requirements for local hazard mitigation
The focus of the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan is on those hazards determined to
be “high” or “moderate” risks to the Buncombe Madison Region, as determined through a detailed
hazard risk assessment. Other hazards that pose a “low” or “negligible” risk will continue to be
evaluated during future updates to the Plan, but they may not be fully addressed until they are
determined to be of high or moderate risk. This enables the participating counties and municipalities to
prioritize mitigation actions based on those hazards which are understood to present the greatest risk to
lives and property.
The geographic scope (i.e., the planning area) for the Plan includes the counties of Buncombe and
Madison as well as their incorporated jurisdictions. Table 1.1 indicates the participating jurisdictions.
The Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan has been developed in accordance with
current state and federal rules and regulations governing local hazard mitigation plans and has been
adopted by each participating county, local jurisdiction in accordance with standard local procedures.
Copies of the adoption resolutions for each participating jurisdiction are provided in Appendix A. The
Plan shall be routinely monitored and revised to maintain compliance with the following provisions,
rules, and legislation:
Section 322, Mitigation Planning, of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act, as enacted by Section 104 of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-390);
FEMA's Final Rule published in the Federal Register, at 44 CFR Part 201 (201.6 for local
mitigation planning requirements);
Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004 (P.L. 108-264) and Biggert Waters Flood Insurance Reform
Act of 2012(P.L. 112-141) and the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014.
Section 2, Planning Process, provides a complete narrative description of the process used to prepare
the Plan. This includes the identification of participants on the planning team and describes how the
public and other stakeholders were involved. It also includes a detailed summary for each of the key
meetings held, along with any associated outcomes.
The Community Profile, located in Section 3, provides a general overview of the Buncombe Madison
Region, including prevalent geographic, demographic, and economic characteristics. In addition, building
characteristics and land use patterns are discussed. This baseline information provides a snapshot of the
planning area and helps local officials recognize those social, environmental, and economic factors that
ultimately play a role in determining the region’s vulnerability to hazards.
The Risk Assessment is presented in three sections: Section 4, Hazard Identification; Section 5, Hazard
Profiles; and Section 6, Vulnerability Assessment. Together, these sections serve to identify, analyze,
and assess hazards that pose a threat to the Buncombe Madison Region. The risk assessment also
attempts to define any hazard risks that may uniquely or exclusively affect specific areas of the
Buncombe Madison Region.
The Risk Assessment begins by identifying hazards that threaten the Buncombe Madison Region. Next,
detailed profiles are established for each hazard, building on available historical data from past hazard
occurrences, spatial extent, and probability of future occurrence. This section culminates in a hazard risk
ranking based on conclusions regarding the frequency of occurrence, spatial extent, and potential
impact highlighted in each of the hazard profiles. In the vulnerability assessment, NCEM’s Risk
Management Section’s loss estimation methodology is used to evaluate known hazard risks by their
relative long-term cost in expected damages. In essence, the information generated through the risk
assessment serves a critical function as the participating jurisdictions in the Buncombe Madison Region
seek to determine the most appropriate mitigation actions to pursue and implement—enabling them to
prioritize and focus their efforts on those hazards of greatest concern and those structures or planning
areas facing the greatest risk(s).
The Capability Assessment, found in Section 7, provides a comprehensive examination of the Buncombe
Madison Region’s capacity to implement meaningful mitigation strategies and identifies opportunities to
increase and enhance that capacity. Specific capabilities addressed in this section include planning and
regulatory capability, staff and organizational (administrative) capability, technical capability, fiscal
capability, and political capability. Information was obtained through the use of a detailed survey
questionnaire and an inventory and analysis of existing plans, ordinances, and relevant documents. The
purpose of this assessment is to identify any existing gaps, weaknesses, or conflicts in programs or
activities that may hinder mitigation efforts and to identify those activities that should be built upon in
establishing a successful and sustainable local hazard mitigation program.
The Community Profile, Risk Assessment, and Capability Assessment collectively serve as a basis for
determining the goals for the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan, each contributing to
the development, adoption, and implementation of a meaningful and manageable Mitigation Strategy
that is based on accurate background information.
The Mitigation Strategy, found in Section 8, consists of broad goal statements as well as an analysis of
hazard mitigation techniques for the jurisdictions participating in the Buncombe Madison Regional
Hazard Mitigation Plan to consider in reducing hazard vulnerabilities. The strategy provides the
foundation for a detailed Mitigation Action Plan, found in Section 9, which links specific mitigation
actions for each county and municipal department or agency to locally-assigned implementation
mechanisms and target completion dates. Together, these sections are designed to make the Plan both
strategic, through the identification of long-term goals, and functional, through the identification of
immediate and short-term actions that will guide day-to-day decision-making and project
In addition to the identification and prioritization of possible mitigation projects, emphasis is placed on
the use of program and policy alternatives to help make the Buncombe Madison Region less vulnerable
to the damaging forces of hazards while improving the economic, social, and environmental health of
the community. The concept of multi-objective planning was emphasized throughout the planning
process, particularly in identifying ways to link, where possible, hazard mitigation policies and programs
with complimentary community goals related to disaster recovery, housing, economic development,
recreational opportunities, transportation improvements, environmental quality, land development, and
public health and safety.
Plan Maintenance, found in Section 10, includes the measures that the jurisdictions participating in the
Buncombe Madison Regional plan will take to ensure the Plan’s continuous long-term implementation.
The procedures also include the manner in which the Plan will be regularly evaluated and updated to
remain a current and meaningful planning document.
44 CFR Requirement
44 CFR Part 201.6(c)(1): The plan shall include documentation of the planning process used to develop the plan,
including how it was prepared, who was involved in the process and how the public was involved.
Typically, communities that participate in mitigation planning are described as having the potential to
produce long-term and recurring benefits by breaking the repetitive cycle of disaster loss. A core
assumption of hazard mitigation is that the investments made before a hazard event will significantly
reduce the demand for post-disaster assistance by lessening the need for emergency response, repair,
recovery, and reconstruction. Furthermore, mitigation practices will enable local residents, businesses,
and industries to re-establish themselves in the wake of a disaster, getting the community economy
back on track sooner and with less interruption.
The benefits of mitigation planning go beyond solely reducing hazard vulnerability. Mitigation measures
such as the acquisition or regulation of land in known hazard areas can help achieve multiple community
goals, such as preserving open space, maintaining environmental health, and enhancing recreational
opportunities. Thus, it is vitally important that any local mitigation planning process be integrated with
other concurrent local planning efforts, and any proposed mitigation strategies must take into account
other existing community goals or initiatives that will help complement or hinder their future
Each of the county-levels plans was developed using the multi-jurisdictional planning process
recommended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
For the development of the 2016 plan, all of the aforementioned jurisdictions joined to develop a
regional plan. No new jurisdictions joined the process and all of the jurisdictions that participated in
previous planning efforts participated in the development of the 2016 regional plan. The regional
plan was developed in order to simplify planning efforts for the jurisdictions in the Buncombe
Madison Region and allowed resources to be shared amongst the participating jurisdiction to ease
the administrative duties of all of the participants by combining the two existing County-level plans
into one multi-jurisdictional plan. The 2016 plan was important and successful first start for regional
hazard mitigation planning efforts and that success has carried over into the 2021 update of the
Tables 2.1 and 2.2 below provide an overview of how the Community Rating System and Community
Wildfire Protection Plan requirements were integrated into this plan update.
A copy of the negotiated contractual scope of work between NCEM and ESP is available through NCEM upon request.
The Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool, found in Appendix C, provides a detailed summary of FEMA’s
current minimum standards of acceptability for compliance with DMA 2000 and notes the location
where each requirement is met within this Plan. These standards are based upon FEMA’s Final Rule as
published in the Federal Register in Part 201 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The planning
team used FEMA’s Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide (October 2011) for reference as they completed
the Plan.
The process used to prepare this Plan included twelve major steps that were completed over the course
of approximately nine months beginning in August 2019. Each of these planning steps (illustrated in
Figure 2.1) resulted in critical work products and outcomes that collectively make up the Plan. Specific
plan sections are further described in Section 1: Introduction.
Specifically, the tasks assigned to the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Team members included:
help update existing mitigation actions and design and propose any appropriate new mitigation
actions for their department/agency for incorporation into the Mitigation Action Plan
review and provide timely comments on all study findings and draft plan deliverables
support the adoption of the 2021 Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan
Table 2.3 lists the members of the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Team who were responsible for
participating in the development of the Plan. Team members are listed in alphabetical order by last
Buncombe County
Pennington, Nathan Planning Director Buncombe County Planning
Ledford, Angela* Planner Buncombe County Emergency
Fox-Clark, Cynthia Floodplain Manager Buncombe County Planning
Buncombe County Municipalities
Hensley, Lee Watershed Supervisor City of Asheville
Watford, Nancy Stormwater Supervisor City of Asheville
Burnette, Scott Fire Chief City of Asheville Fire
Biltmore Forest
Kanipe, Jonathan Town Manager Town of Biltmore Forest
Black Mountain
Trotman, Jessica Planning Director Black Mountain Planning
Wilson, John V. Deputy Fire Chief Black Mountain Fire
Carmichael, Alex Town Administrator Town of Montreat
Williams, Ted Fire Chief Weaverville Fire Department
Angel, Jeffrey D Fire Chief Town of Woodfin Fire
Saunders, Michael Town Planner Town of Woodfin
Madison County
Dispenza, Caleb* Emergency Management Madison County Emergency
Director Management
Roberts, Edward Emergency Management Madison County Emergency
Coordinator Management
Metcalf, Shelia Lab Director Madison County Health
Allen, Nancy G Town Administrator Town of Marshall
Mars Hill
Bennett, Nathan Town Manager Town of Mars Hill
Waldrup, Nathan Interim Fire Chief Town of Mar Hill Fire
Other Stakeholders
Cole, Ryan Chief Skyland Fire Department
Lance, Trevor Division Chief Skyland Fire Department
* Served as the County’s main Point of Contact
Table 2.4 lists points of contact for several of the jurisdictions who elected to designate their respective
county officials to represent their jurisdiction on the planning team, generally because they did not have
the time or staff to be able to attend on their own. Although these members designated county officials
to represent them at in-person meetings, each was still contacted throughout the planning process and
participated by providing suggestions and comments on the Plan via email and phone conversations.
These members are listed in alphabetical order by first name below.
Each jurisdiction participated in the planning process and has developed a local Mitigation Action Plan
unique to their jurisdiction. Each jurisdiction will adopt their Mitigation Action Plan separately. This
provides the means for jurisdictions to monitor and update their Plan on a regular basis.
continuous input and feedback from relevant participants throughout the drafting stages of the Plan.
The following is a summary of the key meetings and community workshops held during the
development of the plan update 2. In many cases, routine discussions and additional meetings were held
by local staff to accomplish planning tasks specific to their department or agency, such as the approval
of specific mitigation actions for their department or agency to undertake and include in the Mitigation
Action Plan.
The following meetings were held during the development of this plan. Copies of agendas, sign-in
sheets, minutes, and handout materials for all meetings and workshops can be found in Appendix D.
On August 26, 2019, Nathan Slaughter, Hazard Mitigation Department Manager from ESP Associates,
Inc. and Project Manager for the update of the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan
conducted a conference call/Skype meeting with the internal lead stakeholders previously mentioned
above. He presented important project information about the plan update, gave a brief refresher on
hazard mitigation and a reminder about the importance of the plan, provided a project overview to
include key objectives, project tasks, schedule and staff, and then defined roles and responsibilities of
the project consultant and the participating jurisdictions.
Following the presentation, he discussed with these stakeholders the need to set up a date, time and
location for the official project kickoff meeting with the regional hazard mitigation planning committee.
The lead internal stakeholders discussed potential meeting dates and locations and decided that
September 24, 2019 would be the date of the meeting at a location to be determined later. The details
of the official kickoff meeting were then determined through later conversations with Buncombe County
Emergency Management staff.
Mr. Slaughter led the meeting of the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Team and began by having
attendees introduce themselves. The attendees included representatives from various departments and
Copies of agendas, sign-in sheets, minutes, and handout materials for all meetings and workshops can be found in Appendix
local jurisdictions within each of the counties participating in the plan update. Mr. Slaughter then
provided an overview of the items to be discussed at the meeting and briefly reviewed the agenda and
presentation slide handouts. He then defined mitigation and gave a review of the Disaster Mitigation
Act of 2000 and NC Senate Bill 300.
To continue, Mr. Slaughter provided detailed information about the project. He mentioned that the
project is funded by a FEMA HMGP grant, and that NCEM was managing the project this time around
and had assigned ESP Associates to serve as the project manager because of their prior experience
working in the region. For this update, there was no local match requirement.
Mr. Slaughter then explained some of the basic concepts of mitigation. He explained how we should
think about mitigation: we want to mitigate hazard impacts of existing development in the community
(houses, businesses, critical facilities, etc.), and ensure that future development is conducted in a way
that doesn’t increase vulnerability. This can be achieved by having good plans, policies, and procedures
in place.
Following the overview, Mr. Slaughter led the group in an “icebreaker” exercise to refamiliarize meeting
participants to various mitigation techniques. He briefly recapped the six different categories of
mitigation techniques: emergency services, prevention, natural resource protection, structural projects,
public education and awareness, and property protection. Each attendee was then given $20 in mock
currency and asked to “spend” their mitigation money as they personally deemed appropriate among
the six mitigation categories. Money was “spent” by placing it in cups labeled with each of the
mitigation techniques. Upon completion of the exercise, Mr. Slaughter tabulated and shared the results
with the group. The most mock money was spent on prevention, followed by emergency services.
These results were compared against those from the previous plan development’s ice breaker exercise.
This helped demonstrate how priorities in mitigation actions have changed since the previous update.
After the icebreaker exercise, Mr. Slaughter reviewed the key objectives of the project, which are to:
Coordinate between the two participating counties to update the regional plan
Update the plan to demonstrate progress and reflect current conditions
Complete the update before the existing plan expires on July 6, 2021
Increase public awareness and education
Maintain grant eligibility for participating jurisdictions
Update the plan in accordance with Community Rating System (CRS) requirements, and
Maintain compliance with State and Federal requirements
Next, he explained new elements to this update, which include the NCEM’s RMT, Activity 510
compliance for CRS communities, Risk MAP, Community Wildfire Protection Plans, the NC Resilience
Assessment, and EMAP compliance.
Mr. Slaughter reviewed the list of participating jurisdictions with the group, which all agreed to
participate again. He also explained the planning process and specific tasks to be accomplished for the
project, which include the planning process, risk assessment, capability assessment, mitigation strategy,
mitigation action plan, and plain maintenance procedures. For the risk assessment portion of the
process, Mr. Slaughter asked each county to designate a point of contact to coordinate the gathering of
GIS data required for the analysis. He also reviewed the list of identified hazards and the committee
agreed to maintain the previous list of hazards for the two counties.
The project schedule was presented and Mr. Slaughter noted that the twelve-month schedule provided
ample time to produce a quality plan and meet state and federal deadlines.
Mr. Slaughter discussed what data would need to be collected to complete the project. This includes GIS
Data, Capability Assessment Revisions, a Public Participation Survey, and updates to existing Mitigation
Mr. Slaughter then reviewed the roles and responsibilities of ESP Associates, Inc, the County leads, and
the participating jurisdictions. The presentation concluded with a discussion of the next steps to be
taken in the project development. He encouraged meeting participants to distribute the Public
Participation Survey and shared the public web link. The next HMPT meeting was scheduled for some
time in early 2020 to discuss the findings of the risk and capability assessments and to begin updating
existing mitigation actions and identify new goals.
Nathan Slaughter, Project Manager from ESP Associates, began the meeting by welcoming the
attendees and thanking them for their time and joining the online meeting. Mr. Slaughter gave an
overview of the meeting agenda and asked meeting attendees to introduce themselves. He then gave a
refresher on mitigation, why we plan, and the key objectives of the project. He reviewed the
participating jurisdictions, project tasks and project schedule. He stated that a draft of the updated
Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan would be presented in September 2020.
Mr. Slaughter then presented the findings of the risk assessment. He shared the list of all hazards that
are addressed in the regional plan, and reviewed the list of hazards addressed in the North Carolina
State Hazard Mitigation Plan. He discussed how the hazards in the regional plan would be revised to
align with the hazards in the State Plan. This would include the addition of manmade hazards and
technological hazards. He discussed a couple of caveats for the risk assessment and indicated that best
available data was used. While that information is helpful, events are often under-reported, so it is
important to keep the end goal in sight. The purpose of the risk assessment was shared: to compare
hazards and determine which should be the focus of the mitigation actions. Finally, he mentioned to the
stakeholders that it ultimately is their risk assessment, so their recommendations for adjustment are
welcomed and encouraged.
Mr. Slaughter stated that since the last plan was updated, there have been three Presidential disaster
declarations that have impacted the region, which helped emphasize the need to continue updating the
mitigation plan.
The following Hazard Profiles and summaries of each hazard were then shared:
• FLOOD: There have also been 454 reported NFIP losses since 1978 and approximately $19
million in claims. There are 31 repetitive loss properties, and future occurrences are highly
• HURRICANE AND COASTAL HAZARDS: 24 storm tracks have come within 75 miles of the region
since 1850. 2 of those were classified as tropical storms. Future occurrences are likely.
• SEVERE WINTER WEATHER: 352 winter weather events have been reported for the region
between 1996-2018. Future occurrences are highly likely.
• EXCESSIVE HEAT: There have been 13 excessive heat events reported in the region between
1996-2019. Future occurrences are likely.
• WILDFIRE: Wildfire is a hazard of concern for the region, which is one of the most at risk areas in
the State. Future occurrences are likely.
• DAM FAILURE: Of the 113 dams in the region, 63 are considered high hazard dams. Future
occurrences are unlikely.
• DROUGHT: There were 7 regional drought events between 2000 and 2018, and future
occurrences are likely.
• TORNADOES: There have been 7 recorded events since 1950, causing $2.7 million in property
damage. Future occurrences are likely.
• SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS: 279 severe thunderstorm events have been recorded since 1950.
These events resulted 3 deaths and 17 injuries and $5.5 million in property damages. Future
occurrences are highly likely.
• LANDSLIDES: There have been 213 landslide occurrences recorded in the region. Future
occurrences are highly likely.
• HAILSTORM: There have been 256 recorded events since 1950. Future occurrences are likely.
• LIGHTNING: Since 1996, there have been 17 reported occurrences, which resulted in 2 deaths, 7
injuries and nearly $700 thousand in property damage. Future occurrences are highly likely.
• EARTHQUAKE: Earthquake events have taken place in the region. The strongest earthquake to
impact NC was in 1916 in Skyland. Future occurrences are possible.
• INFECTIOUS DISEASE: The COVID-19 pandemic is an example of an infectious disease outbreak
and future occurrences are possible.
• HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENTS: 13 serious HAZMAT events have been reported since 1970
through the PHMSA. There are 24 TRI Facilities in the region. Future occurrences are possible.
• NUCLEAR EMERGENCY: There is 1 nuclear facility within 50 miles of the region. No major
historical occurrences were found, and future occurrences are unlikely.
• TERRORISM: Although there are a number of potential targets for terrorist in the region, future
occurrences are unlikely.
• CYBER: Cyber is an emerging hazard for the region. Future occurrences are possible.
• ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE: EMP is a low- probability hazard for the region.
In concluding the review of Hazard Profiles, Mr. Slaughter stated if anyone had additional information
for the hazard profiles. Planning committee members offered the following comments:
After the open discussion, Mr. Slaughter asked the planning committee members to call or email him
with their concerns or additional comments on the risk assessment.
The results of the hazard identification process were used to generate a Priority Risk Index (PRI), which
categorizes and prioritizes potential hazards as high, moderate or low risk based on probability, impact,
spatial extent, warning time, and duration. The highest PRI was assigned to Severe Winter Weather,
Tornadoes/Severe Thunderstorms, Flooding, Landslides and Cyber.
Mr. Slaughter then displayed maps that presented each county’s social vulnerability, as documented by
the Center for Disease Control. The maps present how socially vulnerable areas in each county are as
compared to the rest of North Carolina. Many indicators were used to determine the social
vulnerability, and the factors were grouped into four themes that were based on census-tract levels.
After a brief break, Mr. Slaughter then presented the Capability Assessment Findings. ESP Associates
used a scoring system that was used to rank the participating jurisdictions in terms of capability in four
major areas (Planning and Regulatory; Administrative and Technical; Fiscal; Political). Important
capability indicators include National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) participation, Building Code
Effective Grading Schedule (BCEGS) score, and Community Rating System (CRS) participation.
Mr. Slaughter reviewed the Relevant Plans and Ordinances, Relevant Staff/Personnel Resources, and
Relevant Fiscal Resources. All of these categories were used to rate the overall capability of the
participating counties and jurisdictions. He indicated that the best-case scenario for communities was
to have high capability and low vulnerability. Conversely, the worst-case scenario for communities was
to have high vulnerability and low capability. Most jurisdictions are in the moderate to high range for
Planning and Regulatory Capability and in the low to moderate range for Fiscal Capability. There is
variation between the jurisdictions for Administrative and Technical Capability, mainly with respect to
availability of planners and grant writers. Based upon the scoring methodology, it was determined that
all of the participating jurisdictions have moderate or high capabilities to implement hazard mitigation
programs and activities.
Mr. Slaughter gave Mary Roderick from the Land of Sky Council of Governments and Jim Fox from the
National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center (NEMAC) an opportunity to talk about the
Regional Resilience Assessment project and the AccelAdapt tool that can be used for mapping
vulnerability and envisioning resilience solutions. These represent two additional examples of enhanced
capabilities in the region.
Mr. Slaughter then transitioned to the Mitigation Strategy portion of the presentation. He began by
reviewing some of the major concepts of mitigation and then gave the results of the icebreaker exercise
from the first Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee meeting, where attendees were given
“money” to spend on various hazard mitigation techniques. The results were as follows:
• Prevention $154
• Emergency Services $86
• Property Protection $65
• Natural Resource Protection $55
• Public Education and Awareness $39
• Structural Projects $30
Mr. Slaughter gave an overview of the process for updating the Mitigation Strategy and presented the
existing mitigation goals for the regional plan. He asked the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning
Committee to review the goals to determine whether or not they still reflect current vulnerabilities and
current mitigation priorities. The committee members agreed that the goals were still relevant and
should remain the goals moving forward.
Mr. Slaughter then indicated that each participating jurisdiction would need to provide a status update
for their existing mitigation actions (completed, deleted, or deferred) by August 31, 2020. Mr. Slaughter
also discussed the Mitigation Action Worksheets to be completed for any new mitigation actions and
requested that all worksheets be returned by August 31, 2020. Mr. Slaughter then presented sample
mitigation actions for the committee members to consider to include in their plan update.
Mr. Slaughter then discussed the results of the public participation survey that was posted on several of
the participating counties’ and jurisdictions’ websites. As of the meeting date, 92 responses had been
received. Based on the preliminary results, respondents felt that flooding and severe winter weather
posed the greatest threats to their neighborhood. Most did not live in a floodplain or have flood
insurance, but 67% of all respondents did not know who to contact regarding reducing their risks to
Finally, Mr. Slaughter discussed the next steps in the planning process. These included returning
mitigation action updates and delivery of a draft plan in September 2020. He again thanked the group
for taking the time to attend and the meeting was adjourned.
An important component of the mitigation planning process involved public participation. Individual
citizen and community-based input provides the entire planning team with a greater understanding of
local concerns and increases the likelihood of successfully implementing mitigation actions by
developing community “buy-in” from those directly affected by the decisions of public officials. As
citizens become more involved in decisions that affect their safety, they are more likely to gain a greater
appreciation of the hazards present in their community and take the steps necessary to reduce their
impact. Public awareness is a key component of any community’s overall mitigation strategy aimed at
making a home, neighborhood, school, business or entire city safer from the potential effects of
Public involvement in the development of the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan was
sought using three distinct methods: (1) physical public meeting, (2) public survey instruments were
made available in hard copy and online; and (2) copies of the draft plan deliverables were made
available for public review on county and municipal websites and at government offices. The public was
provided two opportunities to be involved in the development of the regional plan at two distinct
periods during the planning process: (1) during the drafting stage of the Plan; and (2) upon completion
of a final draft Plan, but prior to official plan approval and adoption. In addition, a public participation
survey (discussed in greater detail in Section 2.6.1) was made available during the planning process at
various locations throughout the region and on county and municipal websites.
Additionally, each of the participating jurisdictions will hold public meetings before the final plan is
officially adopted by the local governing bodies. These meetings will occur at different times once FEMA
has granted conditional approval of the Plan. Adoption resolutions will be included in Appendix A.
At the beginning of the planning process for the development of this plan, the project consultant
worked with both of the County Emergency Management leads to initiate outreach to stakeholders to
be involved in the planning process. The project consultant sent out a list of recommended stakeholders
provided from FEMA Publication 386-1 titled Getting Started: Building Support for Mitigation Planning.
The list of recommended stakeholders is found in Appendix C of that publication (Worksheet #1: Build
the Planning Team) and has been included in Appendix D of this plan to demonstrate the wide range of
stakeholders that were considered to participate in the development of this plan. Each of the County
Emergency Management leads used that list for reference as they invited stakeholders from their
counties to participate in the planning process.
In addition to the efforts described above, the regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Team encouraged
more open and widespread participation in the mitigation planning process by designing and
distributing the Public Participation Survey. These opportunities were provided for local officials,
residents, businesses, academia, and other private interests in the region to be involved and offer input
throughout the local mitigation planning process.
In addition, community capability continues to improve with the implementation of new plans, policies
and programs that help to promote hazard mitigation at the local level. The current state of local
capabilities for the participating jurisdictions is captured in Section 7: Capability Assessment. The
participating jurisdictions continue to demonstrate their commitment to hazard mitigation and hazard
mitigation planning and have proven this by developing the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Team
to update the Plan and by continuing to involve the public in the hazard mitigation planning process.
The Buncombe Madison Region includes many natural attractions. Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains,
the area draws tourists and outdoor enthusiasts alike to the Pisgah National Forest. The Pisgah National
Forest covers over 500,000 acres, has some of the highest mountains in the eastern United States, and
includes over 60 miles of Appalachian Trail. A portion of the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway also traverses the
Fall is considered the region’s “peak season” due to the colorful foliage; however, tourists visit the area
year-round to see the diverse wildlife and waterfalls, hike, bike, fish, picnic, and camp. Other natural
attractions include the French Broad River and Hot Springs. In addition, the Biltmore Estate, America’s
largest privately-owned house, is also located in the region.
The total land area of each of the participating counties is presented in Table 3.1.
The Buncombe Madison Region enjoys a moderate climate that is characterized by mild winter and
warm summers; however, variation in elevation and topography can drastically affect local weather. In
general, the spring months are marked by unpredictable weather and changes can occur rapidly with
sunny skies yielding to snow in just a few hours. From March through May, temperatures in the lower
elevations typically range from 45˚F to 67˚F. Typically the weather is milder by mid-April and warm in
May. In the summer, afternoon showers and thunderstorms are common and average temperatures
increase with afternoon highs reaching the 80s in July and August. At higher elevations, weather is much
more pleasant during the summer.
September through mid-November is typified by clear skies and cooler weather that alternates between
warm days and cool nights. Daytime highs are usually in the 70s during September but drop to the 50s
and 60s by early November. The first frost often occurs in late October and the lows are near freezing
towards November. During these autumn months, there are only occasional rain showers making it the
driest period of the year.
Winter in the Buncombe Madison Region is generally moderate but extremes do occur, especially at
higher elevations. About half of the days from mid-November through February have high temperatures
of 50˚F or more. Winter lows are usually at or below freezing but temperatures can drop to -20˚F at high
elevations. Snow is most common during January and February. At low elevations, snows of one inch or
more occur infrequently; however, in the higher mountains, snow falls more frequently and up to two
feet can fall at one time.
Based on the 2018 Census, the median age of residents of the participating counties ranges from 42 to
44 years. The racial characteristics of the participating counties are presented in Table 3.3. Generally,
whites make up the majority of the population in the region accounting for over 89 and 96 percent of
the population in Buncombe and Madison Counties, respectively.
3.3.2 Infrastructure
The Buncombe Madison Region contains some of North Carolina’s most recognized scenic roadways.
The most popular among tourists is the Blue Ridge Parkway. This National Parkway runs 469 miles
through 29 Virginia and North Carolina Counties, including Buncombe County. Built to connect
Shenandoah National Park to the Great Smoky Mountain National park, the Parkway has been the most
visited unit of the National Park System every year since 1946 with the exception of 1949.
Another scenic highway unique to the region is the I-26 Scenic Byway. The nine-mile segment of I-26
that runs through Madison County is the only interstate in the state to be selected as a scenic byway.
Running east to west, the stretch begins at Exit 9 north of Asheville (traveling on I-26 West) and offers
spectacular views from some of the highest elevations on any interstate in North Carolina.
Other scenic highways in the region, also rich in history, include the French Broad Overview and the
Appalachian Medley. The French Broad Overview consists of multiple roadways passing through
Buncombe and Madison Counties for 17 miles following the French Broad River. The route begins at the
1-26 Weaverville Exit (Exit 29) and continues towards Marshall, including routes SR 1727, NC 251, and
US 25B/70B. The Appalachian Medley byway begins its 45-mile stretch at I-40 Exit 24 on NC 209 just
south of the region and travels north along NC 209 through Madison County. From NC 29, the route
follows US 25/70 and ends in Walnut.
In addition to the designated scenic routes, three interstates (I-26, I-40, and I-240), five U.S. highways
(US Highways 19, 23, 25, 70, and 74), and fifteen North Carolina state routes (NC Routes 9, 63, 81, 112,
146, 151, 191, 197, 208, 209, 212, 213, 251, 280, and 694) complete the region’s highway system. The
primary mode of transportation is personal vehicle with the City of Asheville being the only jurisdiction
to provide public transit service in the region.
The Asheville Regional Airport is the largest airport in the mountains serving all of Western North
Carolina. The airport currently offers non-stop commercial flights on four airlines to six major cities.
The major airport located nearest to the region is the Charlotte Douglas International airport, which
offers non-stop commercial flights on nine airlines to numerous destinations across the eastern US and
Midwest as well as to several international destinations. This airport is approximately 125 miles from
Asheville. Other major nearby airports include the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport and
the Nashville Metropolitan Airport.
Electrical power in the Buncombe Madison Region is provided by Duke Progress Energy and French
Broad Electric Membership Corporation (EMC). Water and sewer services are provided by the City of
Asheville, Metropolitan Water District, and Woodfin Water District. Since municipal water systems are
extremely limited in the mountains, private or shared wells and septic systems are considered the norm
in this region.
Community Facilities
There are a number of public buildings and community facilities located throughout the Buncombe
Madison Region. According to the data collected for the vulnerability assessment (Section 6.4.1), there
are 2 emergency operations centers, 101 fire/EMS stations, 26 police stations, 267 medical care
facilities, and 61 public schools located within the study area.
The medical facilities located in the region are concentrated in the Asheville area; including Mission
Hospital and Asheville Surgery Center, a 744-bed general medical and surgical provider; Asheville
Specialty Hospital, a 34-bed facility offering long-term acute care; and CarePartners Rehabilitation
Hospital, an 80-bed rehabilitation facility. Additionally, Asheville is home to the Charles George VA
Medical Center which provides care for veterans. Other medical facilities in the study area include:
Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) in Asheville which provides health care education and
services, and The Sisters of Mercy Urgent Care with facilities in West Asheville, South Asheville, and
In addition to Pisgah National Forest, the Buncombe Madison Region contains numerous local, state,
and national parks and recreation areas. These include the Blue Ridge Parkway, French Broad River, Lake
Julian, and the privately-owned Biltmore Estate. These facilities offer recreational opportunities to area
residents and millions of visitors each year.
Local land use (and associated regulations, or lack thereof) is further discussed in Section 7: Capability
According to the North Carolina Department of Commerce Labor & Economic Analysis, in 2018,
Buncombe County had a labor force of 143,757 workers. The top 5 employers in Buncombe County were
Memorial Mission Hospital, the Board of Education, Ingles Markets, Biltmore Workforce Management,
and the Veterans Administration. The unemployment rate was 2.7 compared to the State rate of 3.7.
Madison County had a labor force consisting of 10,461 workers. In 2018, the top 5 employers in
Madison County were Madison County Schools, Mars Hill University, Madison County, Ingles Markets,
and PrintPack Medical. The county unemployment rate was 3.2 while the State rate was 3.7.
4.1 Overview
4.2 Disaster Declarations
4.3 Summary of Hazard Impacts Since Previous Plan
4.4 Hazard Evaluation
4.5 Hazard Identification Results
44 CFR Requirement
44 CFR Part 201.6(c)(2)(i): The risk assessment shall include a description of the type, location and extent of all-
natural hazards that can affect the jurisdiction. The plan shall include information on previous occurrences of
hazard events and on the probability of future hazard events.
The Buncombe Madison Region is vulnerable to a wide range of natural and human-caused hazards that
threaten life and property. Current FEMA regulations and guidance under the Disaster Mitigation Act of
2000 (DMA 2000) require, at a minimum, an evaluation of a full range of natural hazards. An evaluation
of human-caused hazards (i.e., technological hazards, terrorism, etc.) is encouraged, though not
required, for plan approval. The Buncombe Madison Region has included a comprehensive assessment
of both types of hazards.
Upon a review of the full range of natural hazards suggested under FEMA planning guidance, the
participating counties in the Buncombe Madison Region (Buncombe County and Madison County) have
identified a number of hazards that are to be addressed in its Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. These
hazards were identified through an extensive process that utilized input from the Buncombe Madison
Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Team members, research of past disaster declarations in the
participating counties1, and review of the North Carolina State Hazard Mitigation Plan (2018). Therefore,
since the development of the previous version of this plan, the hazards identified and included in the
plan have changed. A list of all previous hazards covered in the 2014 Buncombe-Madison Regional
Hazard Mitigation Plan is viewable in Table 4.1, along with a summary of the hazards assessed in this
2020 update. Readily available information from reputable sources (such as federal and state agencies)
was also evaluated to supplement information from these key sources.
A complete list of disaster declarations for the Buncombe Madison Region can be found below in Section 4.3.
Agricultural Drought,
Drought Drought
Hydrological Drought
Assessed under
Heat Wave/Extreme
Assessed under
Thunderstorm Assessed under
Severe Thunderstorms
Wind/High Wind "Tornadoes/Thunderstorms"
Storm Surge associated with
Hurricanes and Nor’easters,
High Wind associated with
Atmospheric Hurricane and Hurricane and Coastal Hurricanes and Nor’easters,
Hazards Tropical Storm Hazards Torrential Rain, Tornadoes
Associates with Hurricanes,
Severe Winter Weather
associated with Nor’easters
Hailstorm, Torrential Rain
associated with Severe
Tornadoes Tornadoes/Thunderstorms Thunderstorms, Thunderstorm
Wind, Lightning, Waterspout,
High Wind
Freezing Rain, Snowstorms,
Winter Storms and
Severe Winter Weather Blizzards, Wind Chill, Extreme
Erosion Assessed under “Geological”
Flooding Flooding
Dam/Levee Failure Dam Failures
Earthquakes Earthquakes
Geologic Landslides Geological Landslides, Sinkholes, Erosion
Wildfires Wildfires
Infectious Disease Other Hazards
Chemical, Biological,
Terrorism Radiological, Nuclear,
Other Technological
Radiological Emergency –
Hazards Hazards
Fixed Nuclear Facilities
Electromagnetic Pulse
Appendix H includes detailed information about all previous historical hazard occurrence events that
have occurred in the region as reported to the National Centers for Environmental Information. Some
more detailed information about previous historical hazards events can be found in Section 5: Hazard
Profiles under each separate hazard profile.
Was this
identified as
a significant
Hazards How was this
hazard to be Why was this determination made?
Considered addressed in
determination made?
the plan at
this time?
(Yes or No)
Was this
identified as
a significant
Hazards How was this
hazard to be Why was this determination made?
Considered addressed in
determination made?
the plan at
this time?
(Yes or No)
Mitigation Plan. Given the frequency
of the event, individual analysis is
• Review of NOAA NCEI Storm • NCEI does not report any excessive
Events Database heat event for the Buncombe
• Review of the North Carolina Madison counties
State Hazard Mitigation Plan • The NC State Hazard Mitigation Plan
• Review of the previous includes Excessive Heat as an
Excessive Heat NO Buncombe Madison Regional identified hazard for North Carolina
Hazard Mitigation Plan • Excessive Heat was listed as Extreme
Heat in the previous Buncombe
Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation
• Review of NC State Hazard • Lightning events are discussed in the
Mitigation Plan state plan as part of the
Lightning under
• Review of FEMA’s Multi-Hazard Tornadoes/Thunderstorm hazard.
Identification and Risk • NCEI reports 17 lightning events for
Assessment the Buncombe Madison Region since
Was this
identified as
a significant
Hazards How was this
hazard to be Why was this determination made?
Considered addressed in
determination made?
the plan at
this time?
(Yes or No)
• Review of NOAA NCEI Storm 1996. These events have resulted in a
Events Database, NOAA recorded 7 injuries and 2 deaths and
lightning statistics nearly $705,400 (2019 dollars) in
• Review of the previous property damage.
Buncombe Madison • Lightning is addressed as an
Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan individual hazard in the previous
Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard
Mitigation Plan
• NCEI does not report any nor’easter
• Review of NC State Hazard activity for the Buncombe Madison
Mitigation Plan Region. However, nor’easters may
• Review of NOAA NCEI Storm have affected the region as severe
Events Database winter storms. In this case, the
Nor’easter NO • Review of the previous activity would be reported under
Buncombe Madison Regional winter storm events.
Hazard Mitigation Plan • Nor’easters were not addressed in
the previous Buncombe Madison
hazard mitigation plan
Was this
identified as
a significant
Hazards How was this
hazard to be Why was this determination made?
Considered addressed in
determination made?
the plan at
this time?
(Yes or No)
• Review of the previous deaths and 17 injuries and over $5.8
Buncombe Madison Regional million (2018 dollars) in property
Hazard Mitigation Plan damage.
• Severe thunderstorm events were
listed as Thunderstorm Wind/High
Wind in the previous
Buncombe Madison plans.
Was this
identified as
a significant
Hazards How was this
hazard to be Why was this determination made?
Considered addressed in
determination made?
the plan at
this time?
(Yes or No)
Charleston and the New Madrid (near
Missouri) Fault lines which have
generated a magnitude 8.0
earthquake in the last 200 years.
• 54 events are known to have
occurred in the region according to
the National Center for
Environmental Information. The
greatest MMI reported was a VII.
• According to USGS seismic hazard
maps, the peak ground acceleration
(PGA) with a 10% probability of
exceedance in 50 years for the
Buncombe Madison Region is
approximately 5-9%g. FEMA
recommends that earthquakes be
further evaluated for mitigation
purposes in areas with a PGA of 3%g
or more.
Was this
identified as
a significant
Hazards How was this
hazard to be Why was this determination made?
Considered addressed in
determination made?
the plan at
this time?
(Yes or No)
• Review of the previous counties also have areas of moderate
Buncombe Madison Regional incident with high susceptibility.
Hazard Mitigation Plan • The previous Buncombe Madison
hazard mitigation plan addresses
Was this
identified as
a significant
Hazards How was this
hazard to be Why was this determination made?
Considered addressed in
determination made?
the plan at
this time?
(Yes or No)
of Engineers National Inventory “where failure will likely cause loss of
of Dams database life or serious damage to homes,
• Review of the previous industrial and commercial buildings,
Buncombe Madison Regional important public utilities, primary
Hazard Mitigation Plan highways, or major railroads.”)
• The previous Buncombe Madison
hazard mitigation plan identified dam
failure as a hazard.
Storm Surge NO • Review of NC State Hazard • Given the inland location of the
Mitigation Plan Buncombe Madison Region, Storm
Was this
identified as
a significant
Hazards How was this
hazard to be Why was this determination made?
Considered addressed in
determination made?
the plan at
this time?
(Yes or No)
• Review of the previous Surge will not affect the area.
Buncombe Madison Regional • Storm surge is discussed in the state
Hazard Mitigation Plan plan under the hurricane hazard and
• Review of NOAA NCEI Storm indicates that the mountain region
Events Database has zero vulnerability to storm surge.
• No historical events were reported by
• The previous Buncombe Madison
Hazard Mitigation Plan does not
address storm surge as a hazard.
Infectious YES
Was this
identified as
a significant
Hazards How was this
hazard to be Why was this determination made?
Considered addressed in
determination made?
the plan at
this time?
(Yes or No)
Disease • Review of the previous • Infectious Disease is identified as a
Buncombe Madison Hazard hazard in the state plan
Mitigation Plan • Although none of the previous
hazard mitigation plans for the
region included infectious diseases
as a hazard, it is assessed in this
update to maintain consistency with
the NC State Hazard Mitigation Plan.
• Infectious Disease has caused one of
the fourteen disaster declarations in
the Buncombe Madison Region.
Cyber YES
Was this
identified as
a significant
Hazards How was this
hazard to be Why was this determination made?
Considered addressed in
determination made?
the plan at
this time?
(Yes or No)
• Review of NC State Hazard • Changing future conditions
Mitigation Plan encourage the assessment of the
possibility of a cyberattack with the
increase in global technology
44 CFR Requirement
44 CFR Part 201.6(c)(2)(i): The risk assessment shall include a description of the type, location and extent of all-
natural hazards that can affect the jurisdiction. The plan shall include information on previous occurrences of
hazard events and on the probability of future hazard events
This section includes detailed hazard profiles for each of the hazards identified in the previous section
(Hazard Identification) as significant enough for further evaluation in the Buncombe Madison regional
hazard risk assessment by creating a hazard profile. Each hazard profile includes a general description of
the hazard, its location and extent, notable historical occurrences, and the probability of future
occurrences. Each profile also includes specific items noted by members of the Buncombe Madison
Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee as it relates to unique historical or anecdotal hazard
information for Buncombe and Madison counties, or a participating municipality within them.
After reviewing the list of assessed hazards from a previous update, the Buncombe-Madison Regional
Planning Team moved to amend the hazards in order to be consistent with the State of North Carolina
Hazard Mitigation Plan. This required some of the hazard names to change and additional hazards were
included in the assessment.
Excessive Heat
Hurricane and Coastal Hazards
Tornadoes/Thunderstorms (including hailstorms and lightning)
Severe Winter Weather
Geological (including landslides, sinkholes, and erosion)
Dam Failure
Infectious Disease
Hazardous Substances
Radiological Emergency – Fixed Nuclear Facilities
Electromagnetic Pulse
Asheville Montreat
Madison County
Table 5.2 lists each significant hazard for the Buncombe Madison Region and identifies whether or not
it has been determined to be a specific hazard of concern for the nine municipal jurisdictions and each
of the two county’s unincorporated areas. This is the based on the best available data and information
from the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee. (● = hazard of concern)
Winter Storm
Buncombe County
Asheville ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Biltmore Forest ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Black Mountain ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Montreat ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Weaverville ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Woodfin ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Unincorporated Area ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Madison County
Hot Springs ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Marshall ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Mars Hill ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Unincorporated Area ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Natural Hazards
Drought is a normal part of virtually all climatic regions, including areas with high and low average
rainfall. Drought is the consequence of a natural reduction in the amount of precipitation expected over
an extended period of time, usually a season or more in length. High temperatures, high winds, and low
humidity can exacerbate drought conditions. In addition, human actions and demands for water
resources can hasten drought-related impacts. Drought categories are based on streamflow,
groundwater levels, the amount of water stored in reservoirs, soil moisture, the time of year and other
relevant factors for assessing the extent and severity of dry conditions.
Droughts are typically classified into one of four types: 1) meteorological, 2) hydrologic, 3) agricultural,
or 4) socioeconomic. Table 5.3 presents definitions for these types of drought.
Agricultural Drought Soil moisture deficiencies relative to water demands of plant life, usually crops.
The effect of demands for water exceeding the supply as a result of a weather-
Socioeconomic Drought
related supply shortfall.
Source: Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment: A Cornerstone of the National Mitigation
Strategy, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Droughts are slow-onset hazards, but, over time, can have very damaging affects to crops, municipal
water supplies, recreational uses, and wildlife. If drought conditions extend over a number of years, the
direct and indirect economic impact can be significant.
The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) is based on observed drought conditions and range from -0.5
(incipient dry spell) to -4.0 (extreme drought). Evident in Figure 5.2, the Palmer Drought Severity Index
Summary Map for the United Stated, drought affects most areas of the United States, but is less severe
in the Eastern United States.
The figure above is the most updated version of the Palmer Drought Severity Index; however, the US
Drought Monitor is updated on a weekly basis. An archived map from the summer of 2018 can be seen
below in Figure 5.3 to reflect more current drought conditions in the US.
Historical Occurrences
The North Carolina Drought Management Advisory Council also reports data on North Carolina drought
conditions from 2000 to 2018 through the North Carolina Drought Monitor. It classifies drought
conditions using the scale set by the US Drought Monitor, which classifies conditions on a scale of D0 to
D4. Each class is further explained in Table 5.4.
Data from the North Carolina Drought Management Advisory Council and National Centers for
Environmental Information (NCEI) were used to ascertain historical drought events in the Buncombe
Madison Region. Since 2000, the longest duration of drought (D1-D4) in North Carolina lasted 155 weeks
beginning on January 4, 2000 and ending on December 17, 2002. The most intense period of drought
occurred the week of December 11, 2007 where D4 affected 66.2% of North Carolina land. Figure 5.4
shows the percent area of North Carolina that has experiencing drought conditions from 2000 to 2018.
D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
According to the North Carolina Drought Monitor, all of the counties in the Buncombe Madison Region
had drought occurrences (including abnormally dry) in all of the last 14 years (2005-2019) (Table 5.5). It
should be noted that the North Carolina Drought Monitor also estimates what percentage of the county
is in each classification of drought severity. For example, the most severe classification reported may be
exceptional, but a majority of the county may actually be in a less severe condition.
According to the North Carolina Drought Management Advisory Council, the year 2007 was recorded as
the driest year by the National Weather Service in more than 100 years in North Carolina and was #1 in
the 2007 statewide temperature ranks. Records were set in many areas for number of days of low
The Buncombe Madison region in the 2007 – 2008 season, experienced the highest number of acres
burned by wildfire in the last 18 years. According to the National Park Service Fire and Aviation
Management, wildfires burned 1,809.8 acres in 2007 – 2008 in the Buncombe Madison Region. This was
due in part to lack of rainfall which left pine straw and other vegetation crispy and dry and fueled far
more wildfires than average. Across the rest of North Carolina, the 7,200 wildfires in 2007 burned more
acreage than had burned in any year during the last two decades.
As a response to the consistent level of drought in the state, the North Carolina Department of
Environmental Quality engaged in rule revisions that provided even greater uses for reclaimed water for
North Carolina Drought Management Advisory Council Activities Report - 2008
U.S. Seasonal Drought Outlook. National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center.
The key energy source for a tropical cyclone is the release of latent heat from the condensation of warm
water. Their formation requires a low-pressure disturbance, warm sea surface temperature, rotational
force from the spinning of the earth, and the absence of wind shear in the lowest 50,000 feet of the
atmosphere. The majority of hurricanes and tropical storms form in the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea,
and Gulf of Mexico during the official Atlantic hurricane season, which encompasses the months of June
through November. The peak of the Atlantic hurricane season is in early to mid-September and the
average number of storms that reach hurricane intensity per year in the Atlantic basin is about six.
As an incipient hurricane develops, barometric pressure (measured in millibars or inches) at its center
falls and winds increase. If the atmospheric and oceanic conditions are favorable, it can intensify into a
tropical depression. When maximum sustained winds reach or exceed 39 miles per hour, the system is
designated a tropical storm, given a name, and is closely monitored by the National Hurricane Center in
Miami, Florida. When sustained winds reach or exceed 74 miles per hour the storm is deemed a
hurricane. Hurricane intensity is further classified by the Saffir-Simpson Scale (Table 5.9), which rates
hurricane intensity on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most intense.
The Saffir-Simpson Scale categorizes hurricane intensity linearly based upon maximum sustained winds
and barometric pressure, which are combined to estimate potential damage. Categories 3, 4, and 5 are
classified as “major” hurricanes and, while hurricanes within this range comprise only 20 percent of total
tropical cyclone landfalls, they account for over 70 percent of the damage in the United States. Table
5.10 describes the damage that could be expected for each category of hurricane. Damage during
hurricanes may also result from spawned tornadoes, storm surge, and inland flooding associated with
Historical Occurrences
According to the National Hurricane Center’s historical storm track records, 24 tropical storm tracks
have passed within 75 miles of the Buncombe Madison Region since 1896. 3 This includes 2 tropical
storms and 22 tropical depressions.
Of the recorded storm events, five tropical depressions traversed directly through the Buncombe
Madison Region as shown in Figure 5.4. Table 5.11 provides the date of occurrence, name (if
applicable), maximum wind speed (as recorded within 75 miles of the Buncombe Madison Region) and
Category of the storm based on the Saffir-Simpson Scale for each event.
3 These storm track statistics do not include extra-tropical storms. Though these related hazard events are less severe in
intensity, they may cause significant local impact in terms of rainfall and high winds.
The National Climatic Data Center did not report any events associated with a hurricane or tropical
storm in the Buncombe Madison Region between 1950 and 2013.
Federal records indicate that three disaster declarations were made in 1996 (Hurricane Fran), 2004
(Tropical Storm Frances), and 2004 (Hurricane Ivan) for the region. 4
Flooding is generally the greatest hazard of concern with hurricane and tropical storm events in the
Buncombe Madison Region. Most events do not carry winds that are above that of the winter storms
and straight-line winds received by the Buncombe Madison counties. Some anecdotal information is
available for the major storms that have impacted that area as found below:
4Not all of the participating counties were declared disaster areas for these storms. A complete listing of historical disaster
declarations, including the affected counties, can be found in Section 4: Hazard Identification.
For the purposes of maintaining consistency with the State of State of North Carolina Hazard Mitigation
Plan, this section will assess tornadoes and thunderstorms, which also include high winds, hailstorms
and lightning.
Tornadoes are more likely to occur during the months of March through May and are most likely to form
NOAA, 2013.
in the late afternoon and early evening. Most tornadoes are a few dozen yards wide and touch down
briefly, but even small short-lived tornadoes can inflict tremendous damage. Highly destructive
tornadoes may carve out a path over a mile wide and several miles long.
The destruction caused by tornadoes ranges from light to inconceivable depending on the intensity, size,
and duration of the storm. Typically, tornadoes cause the greatest damage to structures of light
construction, including residential dwellings (particularly mobile homes). Tornadic magnitude is
reported according to the Fujita and Enhanced Fujita Scales. Tornado magnitudes prior to 2005 were
determined using the traditional version of the Fujita Scale (Table 5.12). Tornado magnitudes that were
determined in 2005 and later were determined using the Enhanced Fujita Scale (Table 5.13).
Some damage to chimneys; breaks branches off trees; pushes over shallow-
F0 Gale tornado 40-72 mph
rooted trees; damages sign boards.
The lower limit is the beginning of hurricane wind speed; peels surface off
F1 73-112 mph roofs; mobile homes pushed off foundations or overturned; moving autos
pushed off the roads; attached garages may be destroyed.
Considerable damage. Roofs torn off frame houses; mobile homes demolished;
F2 113-157 mph boxcars pushed over; large trees snapped or uprooted; light object missiles
Severe Roof and some walls torn off well-constructed houses; trains overturned; most
F3 158-206 mph
tornado trees in forest uprooted
Devastating Well-constructed houses leveled; structures with weak foundations blown off
F4 207-260 mph
tornado some distance; cars thrown and large missiles generated.
Strong frame houses lifted off foundations and carried considerable distances
F5 261-318 mph to disintegrate; automobile sized missiles fly through the air in excess of 100
meters; trees debarked; steel re-enforced concrete structures badly damaged.
These winds are very unlikely. The small area of damage they might produce
would probably not be recognizable along with the mess produced by F4 and
F5 wind that would surround the F6 winds. Missiles, such as cars and
F6 319-379 mph refrigerators would do serious secondary damage that could not be directly
identified as F6 damage. If this level is ever achieved, evidence for it might only
be found in some manner of ground swirl pattern, for it may never be
identifiable through engineering studies
Source: National Weather Service
Thunderstorms can produce a variety of accompanying hazards including wind, hailstorms,
and lightning 6, which are all discussed here. Although thunderstorms generally affect a small area, they
are very dangerous and may cause substantial property damage.
Three conditions need to occur for a thunderstorm to form. First, it needs moisture to form clouds and
rain. Second, it needs unstable air, such as warm air that can rise rapidly (this often referred to as the
“engine” of the storm). Third, thunderstorms need lift, which comes in the form of cold or warm fronts,
sea breezes, mountains, or the sun’s heat. When these conditions occur simultaneously, air masses of
varying temperatures meet, and a thunderstorm is formed. These storm events can occur singularly, in
lines, or in clusters. Furthermore, they can move through an area very quickly or linger for several
According to the National Weather Service, more than 100,000 thunderstorms occur each year, though
only about 10 percent of these storms are classified as “severe.” A severe thunderstorm occurs when
the storm produces at least one of these three elements: 1) hail of three-quarters of an inch, 2) a
tornado, or 3) winds of at least 58 miles per hour.
Thunderstorm events have the capability of producing straight-line winds that can cause severe
destruction to communities and threaten the safety of a population. Such wind events, sometimes
Lightning and hail hazards are discussed as separate hazards in this section.
separate from a thunderstorm event, are common throughout the Buncombe Madison Region.
Therefore, high winds are also reported in this section.
High winds can form due to pressure of the Northeast coast that combines with strong pressure moving
through the Ohio Valley. This creates a tight pressure gradient across the region, resulting in high winds
which increase with elevation. It is common for gusts of 30 to 60 miles per hour during the winter
Downbursts are also possible with thunderstorm events. Such events are an excessive burst of wind in
excess of 125 miles per hour. They are often confused with tornadoes. Downbursts are caused by down
drafts from the base of a convective thunderstorm cloud. It occurs when rain-cooled air within the cloud
becomes heavier than its surroundings. Thus, air rushes towards the ground in a destructive yet isolated
manner. There are two types of downbursts. Downbursts less than 2.5 miles wide, duration less than 5
minutes, and winds up to 168 miles per hour are called “microbursts.” Larger events greater than 2.5
miles at the surface and longer than 5 minutes with winds up to 130 miles per hour are referred to as
Hailstorms are a potentially damaging outgrowth of severe thunderstorms. Early in the developmental
stages of a hailstorm, ice crystals form within a low-pressure front due to the rapid rising of warm air
into the upper atmosphere and the subsequent cooling of the air mass. Frozen droplets gradually
accumulate on the ice crystals until they develop to a sufficient weight and fall as precipitation. Hail
typically takes the form of spheres or irregularly-shaped masses greater than 0.75 inches in diameter.
The size of hailstones is a direct function of the size and severity of the storm. High velocity updraft
winds are required to keep hail in suspension in thunderclouds. The strength of the updraft is a function
of the intensity of heating at the Earth’s surface. Higher temperature gradients relative to elevation
above the surface result in increased suspension time and hailstone size. Table 5.14 shows the TORRO
Hailstorm Intensity Scale which is a way of measuring hail severity.
Lightning is a discharge of electrical energy resulting from the buildup of positive and negative charges
within a thunderstorm, creating a “bolt” when the buildup of charges becomes strong enough. This flash
of light usually occurs within the clouds or between the clouds and the ground. A bolt of lightning can
reach temperatures approaching 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Lightning rapidly heats the sky as it flashes
but the surrounding air cools following the bolt. This rapid heating and cooling of the surrounding air
causes the thunder which often accompanies lightning strikes. While most often affiliated with severe
thunderstorms, lightning may also strike outside of heavy rain and might occur as far as 10 miles away
from any rainfall.
Figure 5.7 shows a lightning flash density map for the years 2008-2017 based upon data provided by
Vaisala’s U.S. National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN®).
responsible for igniting wildfires that can result in widespread damages to property.
A thunderstorm/ wind event is an atmospheric hazard, and thus has no geographic boundaries. It is
typically a widespread event that can occur in all regions of the United States. However, thunderstorms
are most common in the central and southern states because atmospheric conditions in those regions
are favorable for generating these powerful storms. Also, the Buncombe Madison Region typically
experiences several straight-line wind events each year. These wind events can and have caused
significant damage. It is assumed that the Buncombe Madison Region has uniform exposure to a
thunderstorm/wind event and the spatial extent of an impact could be large.
Hailstorms frequently accompany thunderstorms, so their locations and spatial extents coincide. It is
assumed that the Buncombe Madison Region is uniformly exposed to severe thunderstorms; therefore,
all areas of the region are equally exposed to hail which may be produced by such storms.
Lightning occurs randomly, therefore it is impossible to predict where and with what frequency it will
strike. It is assumed that all of the Buncombe Madison Region is uniformly exposed to lightning.
Historical Occurrences
According to the National Climatic Data Center, there have been a total of 17 recorded lightning events
in the Buncombe Madison Region since 1993. 7 These events resulted in 2 deaths, 7 injuries, and over
$700,000 (2020 dollars) in damages, as listed in summary Table 5.12. Detailed information on historical
lightning events can be found in Appendix H.
7These lightning events are only inclusive of those reported by the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). It is
certain that additional lightning events have occurred in the Buncombe-Madison Region. The State Fire Marshal’s office was
also contacted for the additional information but none could be provided. As additional local data becomes available, this
hazard profile will be amended.
It is certain that more than 17 events have impacted the region. Many of the reported events are those
that caused damage. Therefore, it should be expected that damages are likely much higher for this
hazard than what is reported.
According to the National Climatic Data Center, 256 recorded hailstorm events have affected the
Buncombe Madison Region since 1962. 8 Table 5.8 is a summary of the hail events in the Buncombe
Madison Region. Detailed information about each event that occurred in the region is provided in
Appendix H. In all, hail occurrences resulted in over $36,000 (2020 dollars) in property damages, most of
which were reported in Madison County. Hail ranged in diameter from 0.25 inches to
2.0 inches. It should be noted that hail is notorious for causing substantial damage to cars, roofs, and
other areas of the built environment that may not be reported to the National Climatic Data Center.
Therefore, it is likely that damages are greater than the reported value. Additionally, a single storm
event may have affected multiple counties.
8 These hail events are only inclusive of those reported by the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). It is likely
that additional hail events have affected the Buncombe-Madison Region. In addition to NCEI, the North Carolina Department of
Insurance office was contacted for information. As additional local data becomes available, this hazard profile will be amended.
Tornadoes are a fairly rare occurrence in mountainous areas. However, they have and do occur in the
Buncombe Madison Region. Tornadoes have not resulted in any disaster declarations in the Buncombe
Madison Region. 9 According to the National Climatic Data Center, there have been a total of 10
recorded tornado events in the Buncombe Madison Region since 1976 (Table 5.16), resulting in over $6
million (2020 dollars) in property damages. 10 In addition, five injuries were reported. The magnitude of
these tornadoes ranges from F0 to F1 in intensity, although an F2 through F5 event is possible. It is
important to note that only tornadoes that have been reported are factored into this risk assessment. It
is likely that a high number of occurrences have gone unreported over the years. Detailed information
on historical tornado events can be found in Appendix H.
Severe storms resulted in four disaster declarations in the Buncombe Madison Region in 1973, 1977,
1995, and 1998.11 According to NCEI, there have been 279 reported thunderstorm and high wind events
since 1959 in the Buncombe Madison Region. 12 These events caused over $5.8 million (2013 dollars) in
damages. There were reports of 17 injuries and 3 fatalities. Table 5.13 summarizes this information.
9 A complete list of historical disaster declarations cane be found in Section 4: Hazard Identification.
10 These tornado events are only inclusive of those reported by the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). It is
likely that additional tornadoes have occurred in the Buncombe-Madison Region. As additional local data becomes available,
this hazard profile will be amended.
11 A complete list of historical disaster declarations can ne found in Section 4: Hazard Identification.
12 These thunderstorm events are only inclusive of those reported by the National Centers for Environmental Information
(NCEI). It is likely that additional thunderstorm events have occurred in the Buncombe-Madison Region. As additional local data
becomes available, this hazard profile will be amended.
Based on historical occurrence information, it is assumed that the probability of future hail
occurrences is highly likely (100 percent annual probability). Since hail is an atmospheric hazard
(coinciding with thunderstorms), it is assumed that the entire Buncombe Madison Region has equal
exposure to this hazard. It can be expected that future hail events will continue to cause minor damage
to property and vehicles throughout the region.
Tornadoes occur throughout the state of North Carolina, and thus in the Buncombe Madison Region.
Tornadoes typically impact a relatively small area, but damage may be extensive. Event locations are
completely random and it is not possible to predict specific areas that are more susceptible to tornado
strikes over time. Therefore, it is assumed that the Buncombe Madison Region is uniformly exposed to
this hazard.
A thunderstorm/wind event is an atmospheric hazard, and thus has no geographic boundaries. It is
typically a widespread event that can occur in all regions of the United States. However, thunderstorms
are most common in the central and southern states because atmospheric conditions in those regions
are favorable for generating these powerful storms. Also, the Buncombe Madison Region typically
experiences several straight-line wind events each year. These wind events can and have caused
significant damage. It is assumed that the Buncombe Madison Region has uniform exposure to a
thunderstorm/wind event and the spatial extent of an impact could be large.
All winter storm events have the potential to present dangerous conditions to the affected area. Larger
snowfalls pose a greater risk, reducing visibility due to blowing snow and making driving conditions
treacherous. A heavy snow event is defined by the National Weather Service as an accumulation of 4 of
more inches in 12 hours or less. A blizzard is the most severe form of winter storm. It combines low
temperatures, heavy snow, and winds of 35 miles per hour or more, which reduces visibility to a quarter
mile or less for at least 3 hours. Winter storms are often accompanied by sleet, freezing rain, or an ice
storm. Such freeze events are particularly hazardous as they create treacherous surfaces.
Ice storms are defined as storms with significant amounts of freezing rain and are a result of cold air
damming (CAD). CAD is a shallow, surface-based layer of relatively cold, stably-stratified air entrenched
against the eastern slopes of the Appalachian Mountains. With warmer air above, falling precipitation in
the form of snow melts, then becomes either super-cooled (liquid below the melting point of water) or
re-freezes. In the former case, super-cooled droplets can freeze on impact (freezing rain), while in the
latter case, the re-frozen water particles are ice pellets (or sleet). Sleet is defined as partially frozen
raindrops or refrozen snowflakes that form into small ice pellets before reaching the ground. They
typically bounce when they hit the ground and do not stick to the surface. However, it does accumulate
like snow, posing similar problems and has the potential to accumulate into a layer of ice on surfaces.
Freezing rain, conversely, usually sticks to the ground, creating a sheet of ice on the roadways and other
surfaces. All of the winter storm elements – snow, low temperatures, sleet, ice, etcetera – have the
potential to cause significant hazard to a community. Even small accumulations can down power lines
and trees limbs and create hazardous driving conditions. Furthermore, communication and power may
be disrupted for days.
Historical Occurrences
Winter weather has resulted in three disaster declarations in the Buncombe Madison Region. This
includes the Blizzard of 1996, one subsequent 1996 winter storm, and a severe winter storm in 2010. 13
According to the National Climatic Data Center, there have been a total of 352 recorded winter storm
13Not all of the participating counties were declared disaster areas for these events. A complete listing of historical disaster
declarations, including the affected counties, can be found in Section 4: Hazard Profiles.
events in the Buncombe Madison Region since 1996 (Table 5.17). 14 These events resulted in $342 (2020
dollars) in damages. 15 Detailed information on the recorded winter storm events can be found in
Appendix H.
There have been several severe winter weather events in the Buncombe Madison Region. The text
below describes one of the major events and associated impacts on the Region. Similar impacts can be
expected with severe winter weather.
Winter storms throughout the planning area have several negative externalities including hypothermia,
cost of snow and debris cleanup, business and government service interruption, traffic accidents, and
power outages. Furthermore, citizens may resort to using inappropriate heating devices that could lead
to fire or an accumulation of toxic fumes.
14 These ice and winter storm events are only inclusive of those reported by the National Centers for Environmental Information
(NCEI). It is likely that additional winter storm conditions have affected the Buncombe-Madison Region. In addition, the 351 are
reported by county, so many of these storms likely affected all of the counties.
15 The dollar amount of damages provided by NCEI is divided by the number of affected counties to reflect a damage estimate
Background and Description
An earthquake is movement or trembling of the ground produced by sudden displacement of rock in the
Earth's crust. Earthquakes result from crustal strain, volcanism, landslides, or the collapse of caverns.
Earthquakes can affect hundreds of thousands of square miles, cause damage to property measured in
the tens of billions of dollars, result in loss of life and injury to hundreds of thousands of persons, and
disrupt the social and economic functioning of the affected area.
Most property damage and earthquake-related deaths are caused by the failure and collapse of
structures due to ground shaking. The level of damage depends upon the amplitude and duration of the
shaking, which are directly related to the earthquake size, distance from the fault, site, and regional
geology. Other damaging earthquake effects include landslides, the down-slope movement of soil and
rock (mountain regions and along hillsides), and liquefaction, in which ground soil loses the ability to
resist shear and flows much like quick sand. In the case of liquefaction, anything relying on the substrata
for support can shift, tilt, rupture, or collapse.
Most earthquakes are caused by the release of stresses accumulated as a result of the rupture of rocks
along opposing fault planes in the Earth’s outer crust. These fault planes are typically found along
borders of the Earth's 10 tectonic plates. The areas of greatest tectonic instability occur at the
perimeters of the slowly moving plates, as these locations are subjected to the greatest strains from
plates traveling in opposite directions and at different speeds. Deformation along plate boundaries
causes strain in the rock and the consequent buildup of stored energy. When the built-up stress exceeds
the rocks' strength a rupture occurs. The rock on both sides of the fracture is snapped, releasing the
stored energy and producing seismic waves, generating an earthquake.
The greatest earthquake threat in the United States is along tectonic plate boundaries and seismic fault
lines located in the central and western states; however, the Eastern United State does face moderate
risk to less frequent, less intense earthquake events. Figure 5.7 shows relative seismic risk for the United
Richter Scale, an open-ended logarithmic scale that describes the energy release of an earthquake
through a measure of shock wave amplitude (Table 5.18). Each unit increase in magnitude on the
Richter Scale corresponds to a 10-fold increase in wave amplitude, or a 32-fold increase in energy.
Intensity is most commonly measured using the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) Scale based on direct
and indirect measurements of seismic effects. The scale levels are typically described using roman
numerals, ranging from “I” corresponding to imperceptible (instrumental) events to “XII” for
catastrophic (total destruction). A detailed description of the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale of
earthquake intensity and its correspondence to the Richter Scale is given in Table 5.19.
stacks, columns, monuments, walls. Heavy furniture overturned.
Damage considerable in specially designed structures; well-
designed frame structures thrown out of plumb. Damage great in
IX Violent < 6.9
substantial buildings, with partial collapse. Buildings shifted off
Some well-built wooden structures destroyed; most masonry and
X Extreme < 7.3
frame structures destroyed with foundations. Rails bent.
Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Figure 5.11 shows the intensity level associated with the Buncombe, Madison Region, based on the
national USGS map of peak acceleration with 10 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years. It is the
probability that ground motion will reach a certain level during an earthquake. The data show peak
horizontal ground acceleration (the fastest measured change in speed, for a particle at ground level that
is moving horizontally due to an earthquake) with a 10 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years.
The map was compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Geologic Hazards Team, which conducts
global investigations of earthquake, geomagnetic, and landslide hazards. According to this map, most of
the Buncombe, Madison Region lies within an approximate zone of level “5-6-” ground acceleration
with a small portion being located in the “4-5” zone. This indicates that the region as a whole exists
within an area of moderate seismic risk.
Historical Occurrences
At least 54 earthquakes are known to have occurred in the Buncombe Madison Region since 1960. The
strongest of these measured a VII on the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale. Table 5.20 provides a
summary of earthquake events reported by the United States Geological Survey between 1638 and
Number of Greatest MMI Richter Scale
Occurrences Reported Equivalent
Buncombe County 37 VII < 6.1
Asheville 27 VII < 6.1
Biltmore Forest - - -
Black Mountain 3 II < 4.2
Montreat 5 V < 4.8
Weaverville 2 VI < 5.4
Woodfin 0 - -
Unincorporated Area 0 - -
Madison County 17 VI < 5.4
Hot Springs 4 IV < 4.8
Marshall 8 VI < 5.4
Mars Hill 5 V < 4.8
Unincorporated Area 0 - -
Figure 5.10 below shows the historical data for where earthquakes have occurred throughout the
Buncombe Madison region.
Source: USGS
The most recent earthquake event to directly affect North Carolina was the 2020 Sparta earthquake. A
narrative discussion about this earthquake can be found below.
In addition to those earthquakes specifically affecting the Buncombe Madison Region, a list of
earthquakes that have caused damage throughout North Carolina is presented below in Table 5.21.
and damages ranging from none to very light will affect the region. The annual probability level for the
region is estimated between 10 and 100 percent (likely). The USGS also uses historical data to predict
the probability of a major earthquake within the next 50 years by county. Those results follow:
Buncombe County – 3.42% and Madison County – 4.11%.
For the purposes of maintaining consistency with the State of North Carolina Hazard Mitigation Plan,
this section will assess geological hazards which include landslides, sinkholes, and erosion.
There are several types of landslides: rock falls, rock topple, slides, and flows. Rock falls are rapid
movements of bedrock, which result in bouncing or rolling. A topple is a section or block of rock that
rotates or tilts before falling to the slope below. Slides are movements of soil or rock along a distinct
surface of rupture, which separates the slide material from the more stable underlying material.
Mudflows, sometimes referred to as mudslides, mudflows, lahars or debris avalanches, are fast-moving
rivers of rock, earth, and other debris saturated with water. They develop when water rapidly
accumulates in the ground, such as heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt, changing the soil into a flowing
river of mud or “slurry.” Slurry can flow rapidly down slopes or through channels and can strike with
little or no warning at avalanche speeds. Slurry can travel several miles from its source, growing in size
as it picks up trees, cars, and other materials along the way. As the flows reach flatter ground, the
mudflow spreads over a broad area where it can accumulate in thick deposits.
Landslides are typically associated with periods of heavy rainfall or rapid snow melt and tend to worsen
the effects of flooding that often accompanies these events. In areas burned by forest and brush fires, a
lower threshold of precipitation may initiate landslides. Some landslides move slowly and cause damage
gradually, whereas others move so rapidly that they can destroy property and take lives suddenly and
Among the most destructive types of debris flows are those that accompany volcanic eruptions. A
spectacular example in the United States was a massive debris flow resulting from the 1980 eruptions of
Mount St. Helens, Washington. Areas near the bases of many volcanoes in the Cascade Mountain Range
of California, Oregon, and Washington are at risk from the same types of flows during future volcanic
Areas that are generally prone to landslide hazards include previous landslide areas, the bases of steep
slopes, the bases of drainage channels, and developed hillsides where leach-field septic systems are
used. Areas that are typically considered safe from landslides include areas that have not moved in the
past, relatively flat-lying areas away from sudden changes in slope, and areas at the top or along ridges
set back from the tops of slopes.
According to the United States Geological Survey, each year landslides cause $5.1 billion (2009 dollars)
in damage and between 25 and 50 deaths in the United States. 16 Figure 5.10 delineates areas where
United States Geological Survey (USGS). United States Department of the Interior. “Landslide Hazards – A National Threat.”
large numbers of landslides have occurred and areas that are susceptible to landslides in the
conterminous United States. 17
According to the United States Geological Survey, a sinkhole is an area of ground that has no natural
external surface drainage – when it rains, all of the water stays inside the sinkhole and typically drains
into the subsurface. Sinkholes can vary from a few feet to hundreds of acres and from less than 1 to
more than 100 feet deep. Some are shaped like shallow bowls or saucers whereas others have vertical
Sinkholes are commonly where the rock below the land surface is limestone, carbonate rock, salt beds,
or rocks that can naturally be dissolved by groundwater circulating through them. As the rock dissolves,
spaces and caverns develop underground. Sinkholes are dramatic because the land usually stays intact
for a while until the underground spaces just get too big. If there is not enough support for the land
above the spaces then a sudden collapse of the land surface can occur. These collapses can be small, or,
as Figure 5.12 below shows, they can be huge and can occur where a house or road is on top 18.
17 This map is provided in the U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1183, Landslide Overview Map of the Conterminous
United States, available online at:
Sinkholes. United States Geological Survey. Retrieved on December 14, 2017 from:
Source: NCEM
Erosion is the gradual breakdown and movement of land due to both physical and chemical processes of
water, wind, and general meteorological conditions. Natural, or geologic, erosion has occurred since the
Earth’s formation and continues at a very slow and uniform rate each year.
There are two types of soil erosion: wind erosion and water erosion. Wind erosion can cause significant
soil loss. Winds blowing across sparsely vegetated or disturbed land can pick up soil particles can carry
them through the air, thus displacing them. Water erosion can occur over land or in streams and
channels. Water erosion that takes place over land may result from raindrops, shallow sheets of water
flowing off the land, or shallow surface flow, which becomes concentrated in low spots. Stream channel
erosion may occur as the volume and velocity of water flow increases enough to cause movement of the
streambed and bank soils. Major storms, such as hurricanes in coastal areas, may cause significant
erosion by combining high winds with heavy surf and storm surge to significantly impact the shoreline.
An area’s potential for erosion is determined by four factors: soil characteristics, vegetative cover,
topography climate or rainfall, and topography. Soils composed of a large percentage of silt and fine
sand are most susceptible to erosion. As the clay and organic content of these soils increases, the
potential for erosion decreases. Well-drained and well-graded gravels and gravel-sand mixtures are the
least likely to erode. Coarse gravel soils are highly permeable and have a good capacity for absorption,
which can prevent or delay the amount of surface runoff. Vegetative cover can be very helpful in
controlling erosion by shielding the soil surface from falling rain, absorbing water from the soil, and
slowing the velocity of runoff. Runoff is also affected by the topography of the area including size,
shape, and slope. The greater the slope length and gradient, the more potential an area has for erosion.
Climate can affect the amount of runoff, especially the frequency, intensity, and duration of rainfall and
storms. When rainstorms are frequent, intense, or of long duration, erosion risks are high. Seasonal
changes in temperature and rainfall amounts define the period of highest erosion risk of the year.
During the past 20 years, the importance of erosion control has gained the increased attention of the
public. Implementation of erosion control measures consistent with sound agricultural and construction
operations is needed to minimize the adverse effects associated with harmful chemicals run-off due to
wind or water events. The increase in government regulatory programs and public concern has resulted
in a wide range or erosion control products, techniques, and analytical methodologies in the United
States. The preferred method of erosion control in recent years has been the restoration of vegetation.
dissolution in water occur. In these areas, the formation of underground cavities can form and
catastrophic sinkholes can happen. These rock types are evaporites (salt, gypsum, and anhydrite) and
carbonates (limestone and dolomite). Evaporite rocks underlines about 35 to 40 percent of the United
State, though in many areas they are buried at great depths. In some cases, sinkholes in North Carolina
have been measured at up to 20 to 25 feet in depth, with similar widths.
Erosion in the Buncombe-Madison Region is typically caused by flash flooding events. Unlike coastal
areas, where the soil is mainly composed of fine-grained particles such as sand, Buncombe-Madison
soils have much greater organic matter content. Furthermore, vegetation also helps to prevent erosion
in the area. Erosion occurs in the Buncombe-Madison Region, particularly along the banks of rivers and
streams, but it is not an extreme threat to any of the participating counties and jurisdictions. No areas of
concern were reported by the planning committee.
Historical Occurrences
Steep topography throughout the Buncombe Madison Region makes the planning area susceptible to
landslides. Most landslides are caused by heavy rainfall in the area. Building on steep slopes that was
not previously possible also contributes to risk. Table 5.22 presents a summary of the landslide
occurrence events as provided by the North Carolina Geological Survey 19. The locations of the landslide
events presented in the aforementioned tables are presented in Figure 5.12. Some incidence mapping
has also been completed throughout the western portion of North Carolina though it is not complete.
Therefore, it should be noted that many more incidents than what is reported are likely to have
occurred in both counties.
It should be noted that the North Carolina Geological Survey (NCGS) emphasized the dataset provided was incomplete.
Therefore, there may be additional historical landslide occurrences. Furthermore, dates were not included for every event. The
earliest date reported was 1940. No damage information was provided by NCGS.
The National Climatic Data center also reported three landslide events that took place in the Buncombe
Madison Region.
The information below identifies additional historical information reported in the previous hazard
mitigation plans.
Buncombe County
In September 2004, intense rainfall from the remnants of Hurricanes Frances and Ivan triggered at least
400 landslides throughout western North Carolina. Following these events, the NC Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) conducted a field study to document the number,
location, and extent of previous landslides in Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, and
Watauga Counties. This study revealed 1,253 landslide features throughout Buncombe County (314
landslides and 938 landslide deposit areas). According to a North Carolina Landslide Fact Sheet produced
after this study, “…landslide deposits are where significant volumes of unconsolidated soil and rock
fragments have accumulated over time from several processes such as debris flows, debris slides, and
rock falls. Most mapped deposits are likely prehistoric, but have yet to be verified by modern age- dating
According to NCDENR data, most recent landslide events include: a storm event in November of 1977
that triggered over 60 debris flows in the Bent Creek area; a debris flow in the Starnes Cove community
triggered by the remnants of Hurricane Ivan in September of 2004 that destroyed one home, damaged
two vehicles, destroyed the garage of another home, and damaged the road; and a rockslide that caused
significant damage to the Broad River Fire Department in July of 2005 during the remnants of Tropical
Storm Cindy. The debris deposit volume from the 2004 Starnes Cove event was estimated to be 7,500
to 10,000 cubic yards of earthen material. The volume estimate did not include debris from the
damaged and destroyed structures. Volume estimates were not available for the 1977 and 2005 events.
Madison County
Madison County is susceptible to large landslides and the most recent occurrence was the Good Friday
event of 2019. Heavy rains fell on already saturated soil causing several slides including one that
damaged of three structures. Other small landslides (10 to 40 cubic yards) have been occasional during
times of higher than normal precipitation.
Sinkholes have also affected parts of North Carolina in recent history, but most of those impacts have
been in the southeastern region of the state, not the Buncombe Madison region. While many sinkholes
have been relatively small, it is still unlikely (between 1 and 10 percent annual probability) that this
region will continue to be affected in the future.
Erosion remains a natural, dynamic, and continuous process for the Buncombe Madison Region, and it
will continue to occur. The annual probability level assigned for erosion is possible (between 1 and 33.3
percent annual probability). However, given the lack of historical events, location, data, and threat to
There are approximately 80,000 dams in the United States today, the majority of which are privately
owned. Other owners include state and local authorities, public utilities, and federal agencies. The
benefits of dams are numerous: they provide water for drinking, navigation, and agricultural irrigation.
Dams also provide hydroelectric power, create lakes for fishing and recreation, and save lives by
preventing or reducing floods.
Though dams have many benefits, they also can pose a risk to communities if not designed, operated,
and maintained properly. In the event of a dam failure, the energy of the water stored behind even a
small dam is capable of causing loss of life and great property damage if development exists
downstream. If a levee breaks, scores of properties may become submerged in floodwaters and
residents may become trapped by rapidly rising water. The failure of dams and levees has the potential
to place large numbers of people and great amounts of property in harm’s way.
According to the North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources, there are 112 dams in
the Buncombe Madison Region with 96 in Buncombe County and only 16 in Madison County. 20 Figure
5.13 shows the dam location and the corresponding hazard ranking for each. Of these dams, 59 are
classified as high hazard potential. These high hazard dams are summarized by county in Table 5.24. .
20 The February 8, 2012 list of high hazard dams obtained from the North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land
Resources ( was reviewed and amended by local officials to the best of their knowledge
(Taken from previous Buncombe County hazard mitigation plan.) The highest level of risk [of a dam
failure] is along the Swannanoa River below the Bee Tree and North Fork Dams. This area extends along
US 70 Highway from Swannanoa to Biltmore. In a breech involving the ¾ Probable Maximum
Precipitation the maximum flood depth within the inundation area would be 58.5 feet. These dams have
the greatest impoundment and, therefore, larger inundation areas. It is possible that a dam failure
having limited impact over a small area could occur.
Historical Occurrences
The only dam failure to cause significant damage occurred when Bear Wallow Dam along Newfound
Creek in Buncombe County failed on February 22, 1976. The private earthen dam broke, destroying one
home and killing a family of four. There is no record of additional significant dam failures in the region;
however, several breach scenarios in the area could be catastrophic.
Flooding is the most frequent and costly natural hazard in the United States and is a hazard that has
caused more than 10,000 deaths since 1900. Nearly 90 percent of presidential disaster declarations
result from natural events where flooding was a major component.
Floods generally result from excessive precipitation and can be classified under two categories: general
floods, precipitation over a given river basin for a long period of time along with storm-induced wave
action, and flash floods, the product of heavy localized precipitation in a short time period over a given
location. The severity of a flooding event is typically determined by a combination of several major
factors, including stream and river basin topography and physiography, precipitation and weather
patterns, recent soil moisture conditions, and the degree of vegetative clearing and impervious surface.
General floods are usually long-term events that may last for several days. The primary types of general
flooding include riverine, coastal, and urban flooding. Riverine flooding is a function of excessive
precipitation levels and water runoff volumes within the watershed of a stream or river. Coastal
flooding is typically a result of storm surge, wind-driven waves, and heavy rainfall produced by
hurricanes, tropical storms, and other large coastal storms. Urban flooding occurs where manmade
development has obstructed the natural flow of water and decreased the ability of natural groundcover
to absorb and retain surface water runoff.
Most flash flooding is caused by slow-moving thunderstorms in a local area or by heavy rains associated
with hurricanes and tropical storms. However, flash flooding events may also occur from a dam or levee
failure within minutes or hours of heavy amounts of rainfall or from a sudden release of water held by a
retention basin or other stormwater control facility. Although flash flooding occurs most often along
mountain streams, it is also common in urbanized areas where much of the ground is covered by
impervious surfaces.
The periodic flooding of lands adjacent to rivers, streams, and shorelines (land known as a floodplain) is
a natural and inevitable occurrence that can be expected to take place based upon established
recurrence intervals. The recurrence interval of a flood is defined as the average time interval, in years,
expected between a flood event of a particular magnitude and an equal or larger flood. Flood magnitude
increases with increasing recurrence interval.
Floodplains are designated by the frequency of the flood that is large enough to cover them. For
example, the 10-year floodplain will be covered by the 10-year flood and the 100-year floodplain by the
100-year flood. Flood frequencies, such as the 100-year flood, are determined by plotting a graph of the
size of all known floods for an area and determining how often floods of a particular size occur. Another
way of expressing the flood frequency is the chance of occurrence in a given year, which is the
percentage of the probability of flooding each year. For example, the 100-year flood has a 1 percent
chance of occurring in any given year and the 500-year flood has a 0.2 percent chance of occurring in
any given year.
hazard areas in the Buncombe Madison Region were mapped using Geographic Information System
(GIS) and FEMA Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRM). 21 This includes Zone A (1-percent annual
chance floodplain), Zone AE (1-percent annual chance floodplain with elevation), and Zone X 500 (0.2-
percent annual chance floodplain). According to GIS analysis, of the 1,111 square miles that make up the
Buncombe Madison Region, there are 31.3 square miles of land in zones A and AE (1-percent annual
chance floodplain/100-year floodplain) and 3.0 square miles of land in zone X 500 (0.2-percent annual
chance floodplain/500-year floodplain). The county totals are presented below in Table 5.25.
These flood zone values account for 3.1 percent of the total land area in the Buncombe Madison Region.
It is important to note that while FEMA digital flood data is recognized as best available data for
planning purposes, it does not always reflect the most accurate and up-to-date flood risk. Flooding and
flood-related losses often do occur outside of delineated special flood hazard areas. Figure 5.14
illustrates the location and extent of currently mapped special flood hazard areas for the Buncombe
Madison Region based on best available FEMA DFIRM data. Additional, more detailed county-level and
jurisdiction-level maps can be found in Appendices F and H.
The county-level DFIRM data used for both Buncombe County and Madison County was updated in 2011.
Historical Occurrences
Flooding has resulted in five disaster declarations in the Buncombe Madison Region. 22 Information from
the National Center for Environmental Information was used to ascertain additional historical flood
events. The National Center for Environmental Information reported a total of 84 events throughout the
Buncombe Madison Region since 1996. 23 A summary of these events is presented in Table 5.26. These
Not all of the participating counties were declared disaster areas for these events. A complete listing of historical disaster
declarations, including the affected counties, can be found in Section 4: Hazard Profiles.
23 These events are only inclusive of those reported to NCEI. It is likely that additional occurrences have occurred and have gone
events accounted for over $122 million (2020 dollars) in property damage throughout the region. 24
Specific information on flood events for each county, including date, type of flooding, and deaths and
injuries, can be found in Appendix H.
Table 5.27 shows significant flooding events in the Buncombe Madison communities in the last 20 years
(2000 – 2020).
24The total damage was averaged over the number of affected counties when multiple counties were involved in the flood
1978, totaling more than $19.1 million in claims payments. A summary of these figures for each
Buncombe Madison county is provided in Table 5.27. It should be emphasized that these numbers
include only those losses to structures that were insured through the NFIP policies, and for losses in
which claims were sought and received. It is likely that many additional instances of flood loss in the
Buncombe Madison Region were either uninsured, denied claims payment, or not reported.
There are 31 non-mitigated repetitive loss properties located in the Buncombe Madison Region, which
accounted for 78 losses and more than $4.5 million in claims payments under the NFIP. The average
claim amount for these properties is $58,402. Twenty-four of the thirty-one properties are commercial,
4 are institutional, and 4 multi-family residential. Without mitigation these properties will likely continue
to experience flood losses. Table 5.28 presents a summary of these figures for the Buncombe Madison
Other Hazards
Background and Description
A wildfire is any outdoor fire (i.e. grassland, forest, brush land) that is not under control, supervised, or
prescribed. 25 Wildfires are part of the natural management of forest ecosystems, but may also be
caused by human factors.
Nationally, over 80 percent of forest fires are started by negligent human behavior such as smoking in
wooded areas or improperly extinguishing campfires. The second most common cause for wildfire is
lightning. In North Carolina, a majority of fires are caused by debris burning.
There are three classes of wildland fires: surface fire, ground fire, and crown fire. A surface fire is the
most common of these three classes and burns along the floor of a forest, moving slowly and killing or
damaging trees. A ground fire (muck fire) is usually started by lightning of human carelessness and burns
on or below the forest floor. Crown fires spread rapidly by wind and move quickly by jumping along the
tops of trees. Wildfires are usually signaled by dense smoke that fills the area for miles around.
Wildfire probability depends on local weather conditions, outdoor activities such as camping, debris
burning, and construction, and the degree of public cooperation with fire prevention measures. Drought
conditions and other natural hazards (such as tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.) increase the probability of
wildfires by producing fuel in both urban and rural settings.
Many individual homes and cabins, subdivisions, resorts, recreational areas, organizational camps,
businesses, and industries are located within high wildfire hazard areas. Furthermore, the increasing
demand for outdoor recreation places more people in wildlands during holidays, weekends, and
vacation periods. Unfortunately, wildland residents and visitors are rarely educated or prepared for
wildfire events that can sweep through the brush and timber and destroy property within minutes.
Wildfires can result in severe economic losses as well. Businesses that depend on timber, such as paper
wilds and lumber companies, experience losses that are often passed along to consumers through
higher prices and sometimes jobs are lost. The high cost of responding to and recovering from wildfires
can deplete state resources and increase insurance rates. The economic impact of wildfires can also be
felt in the tourism industry if roads and tourist attractions are closed due to health and safety concerns.
State and local governments can impose fire safety regulations on home sites and developments to help
curb wildfire. Land treatment measures such as fire access roads, water storage, helipads, safety zones,
buffers, firebreaks, fuel breaks, and fuel management can be designed as part of an overall fire defense
system to aid in fire control. Fuel management, prescribed burning, and cooperative land management
planning can also be encouraged to reduce fire hazards. Additional, more detailed county-level and
jurisdiction-level maps can be found in Appendix G.
25Prescription burning, or “controlled burn,” undertaken by land management agencies is the process of igniting fires under
selected conditions, in accordance with strict parameters.
Figures 5.16 shows the Wildfire Ignition Density for the Buncombe Madison Region based on data from
the Southern Wildfire Risk Assessment. This data represents the likelihood of wildfire igniting in the
area, which is derived from historical wildfire occurrences to create an average ignition rate map.
Every state also has a Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), which is the rating of potential impact of wildfires
on people and their homes. The WUI is not a fixed geographical location, but rather a combination of
human development and vegetation where wildfires have the greatest potential to result in negative
impacts. Nationally, one-third of all homes lie in the WUI, which is a growing danger. Below, Figure
5.17 shows a map of each state’s WUI. Based on the data from the US Department of Agriculture, 52%
of homes in North Carolina lie within the WUI.
Below, Figures 5.18 display the WUI Risk Index for the Buncombe Madison Region.
Historical Occurrences
Information from the National Association of State Foresters was used to ascertain historical wildfire
events. The National Association of State Foresters reported that a total of 767 events that impacted an
area greater than 1 acre have occurred throughout the Buncombe Madison Region since 2001 26. A
summary of these events is presented in Table 5.19 and a map of them is shown in Figure 5.19. The
largest of these events was the Larman Fire which occurred north of Hot Springs in 2001 and impacted
2,716 acres.
These events are only inclusive of those reported by NASFI. It is likely that additional occurrences have occurred and have
gone unreported.
Source: NASF
Over the last 17 years, the Buncombe Madison region have experienced a number of wildfires. In Figure
5.19 below, the greatest cluster of wildfires to occur were near the town of Hot Springs. The town is
located directly off the Appalachian Trail and is subject to an increased risk of wildfires due to its
proximity to the forest. In September 2019, an 11-acre wildfire broke out near the town, and in April
2016 a 2,500-acre wildfire was believed to have started from high temperatures and dry conditions
approximately 1 mile east of the town on Highway 25/70. Another wildfire happened in May 2018
scorched about 50 acres a closed a 7.2-mile section from Garenflo Gap to Hot Springs. All of these
events coincide with years where there were consistent high levels of drought severity according to the
There is no narrative information on historical wildfires to impact the Buncombe Madison region found
in the NCEI database, the NC State Hazard Mitigation Plan, the North Carolina Forest Service or provided
by local emergency managers.
The threats discussed in this section usually do not occur on a regular basis, though some are more
frequent. The diseases described herein do not originate from intentional exposure (such as through
terrorist actions) but do present significant issues and concerns for the public health community. There
are numerous infectious diseases that rarely, if ever, occur in the State of North Carolina, such as
botulism or bubonic plague. Some highly dangerous diseases which could potentially be used as
biological weapons, such as anthrax, pneumonic plague, and smallpox, are safely housed and controlled
in laboratory settings such as at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Other diseases
have not (yet) mutated into a form that can infect humans, or otherwise lie dormant in nature.
There have been several significant viral outbreaks from emerging diseases in recent years of both
national and international importance. The Zika virus and West Nile virus are viruses that are typically
passed to humans or animals by mosquitoes and made major news as emergent disease threats.
Meanwhile, diseases that are spread directly between human beings such as Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome (SARS) and Ebola have also been identified as serious threats. While each of these conditions
caused a great deal of public health concern when they were first identified, SARS has virtually
disappeared, West Nile virus occurs with low frequency and causes serious disease in only a very small
percentage of cases, Ebola has been more or less contained and a vaccine is in development, and many
people infected with Zika will not experience symptoms from the disease.
Other communicable diseases pose a much more frequent threat to the citizens of in the region. Some
of the infectious diseases of greatest concern include influenza, particularly in a pandemic form, as well
as norovirus, and multiple antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis. Even in one of its normal year-to-year
variants, influenza (commonly referred to as “flu”) can result in serious illness and even death in young
children, the elderly and immune-compromised persons. But there is always the potential risk of the
emergence of influenza in one of the pandemic H1N1 forms, such as in the “Spanish Flu” outbreak of
1918-19, which killed over 50 million people worldwide. Every year, North Carolina sees hundreds of
cases of influenza, leading to hundreds of hours of lost productivity in businesses due to sick employees.
Of note, a vaccine for influenza is produced every year and, according to the CDC, is highly effective in
preventing the disease.
Norovirus is recognized as the leading cause of foodborne-disease outbreaks in the United States. The
virus can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain, and is easily spread from person to person
through contaminated food or water and by surface to surface contact. Especially vulnerable
populations to this virus include those living or staying in nursing homes and assisted living facilities and
other healthcare facilities such as hospitals. Norovirus could also be a threat in the event of large public
gatherings such as sporting events, concerts, festivals, and so forth. North Carolina often experiences
norovirus outbreaks on an annual basis. No vaccine or treatment exists for the Norovirus, making it
especially dangerous for the public in the event of an outbreak.
Public health threats can occur at any time and can have varying impacts. Discussions between public
health professionals, planning officials, and first response agencies are essential in order to facilitate
safe, effective, and collaborative efforts toward outbreaks.
Vector-Borne Diseases
Bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases that are transmitted by mosquitoes, ticks and fleas are collectively
called "vector-borne diseases" (the insects and arthropods are the "vectors" that carry the diseases).
Although the term "vector" can also apply to other carriers of disease — such as mammals that can
transmit rabies or rodents that can transmit hantavirus — those diseases are generally called zoonotic
(animal-borne) diseases.
The most common vector-borne diseases found in North Carolina and the Buncombe Madison Lincoln
region are carried by ticks and mosquitoes. The tick-borne illnesses most often seen in the state are
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease and Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness
(STARI). The most frequent mosquito-borne illnesses, or "arboviruses," in North Carolina include La
Crosse encephalitis, West Nile virus and Eastern equine encephalitis. An outbreak of the West Nile Virus
began showing up in the United States in 1999, with North Carolina reporting 63 cases from that time
through the end of 2016.
Historical Occurrences
Infectious Disease
Information from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human services was used to monitor
and track cases of the infectious disease COVID-19. A COVID – 19 Pandemic disaster declaration was
declared for North Carolina on March 24, 2020. Table 5.33 provides a summary of confirmed cases of
COVID–19 in the Clay Macon Region.
As of April 2, 2020, NC DHHS reported there were 1,857 cases of COVID – 19 in North Carolina 27. These
cases reflect cases that were tested and returned positive, including the NC State Laboratory of Public
Health and reporting hospital and commercial labs. Figure 5.22 below provides an overview of the total
number of COVID-19 cases by date of specimen collection for North Carolina.
Vector-Borne Diseases
In 2016, North Carolina state health officials encouraged citizens to take preventative measures against
mosquito bites to avoid contracting the Zika virus. $477,500 dollars was allocated from the Governor’s
yearly budget to develop an infrastructure to detect, prevent, control, and respond to the Zika virus and
Technological Hazards
Background and Description
Hazardous materials can be found in many forms and quantities that can potentially cause death;
serious injury; long-lasting health effects; and damage to buildings, homes, and other property in
varying degrees. Such materials are routinely used and stored in many homes and businesses and are
also shipped daily on the nation’s highways, railroads, waterways, and pipelines. This subsection on the
hazardous material hazard is intended to provide a general overview of the hazard, and the threshold
for identifying fixed and mobile sources of hazardous materials is limited to general information on rail,
highway, and FEMA-identified fixed HAZMAT sites determined to be of greatest significance as
appropriate for the purposes of this plan.
Hazardous material (HAZMAT) incidents can apply to fixed facilities as well as mobile, transportation
related accidents in the air, by rail, on the nation’s highways, and on the water. Approximately 6,774
HAZMAT events occur each year, 5,517 of which are highway incidents, 991 are railroad incidents, and
266 are due to other causes 29. In essence, HAZMAT incidents consist of solid, liquid, and/or gaseous
contaminants that are released from fixed or mobile containers, whether by accident or by design as
with an intentional terrorist attack. A HAZMAT incident can last hours to days, while some chemicals can
be corrosive or otherwise damaging over longer periods of time. In addition to the primary release,
explosions and/or fires can result from a release, and contaminants can be extended beyond the initial
area by persons, vehicles, water, wind, and possibly wildlife as well.
HAZMAT incidents can also occur as a result of or in tandem with natural hazard events, such as floods,
hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes, which in addition to causing incidents can also hinder response
efforts. In the case of Hurricane Floyd in September 1999, communities along the Eastern United States
were faced with flooded junkyards, disturbed cemeteries, deceased livestock, floating propane tanks,
uncontrolled fertilizer spills, and a variety of other environmental pollutants that caused widespread
toxological concern.
Hazardous material incidents can include the spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying,
discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing into the environment of a hazardous
material, but exclude: (1) any release which results in exposure to poisons solely within the workplace
with respect to claims which such persons may assert against the employer of such persons; (2)
emissions from the engine exhaust of a motor vehicle, rolling stock, aircraft, vessel or pipeline pumping
station engine; (3) release of source, byproduct, or special nuclear material from a nuclear incident; and
(4) the normal application of fertilizer.
FEMA, 1997.
agents. This information is then reported in the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI). TRI sites indicate where
such activity is occurring. The Buncombe Madison Region has 25 TRI sites. These sites are shown in
Figure 5.15.
In addition to “fixed” hazardous materials locations, hazardous materials may also impact the region via
roadways and rail. Many roads in the region are narrow and winding, making hazardous material
transport in the area especially treacherous. All roads that permit hazardous material transport are
considered potentially at risk to an incident.
Historical Occurrences
The U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
(PHMSA) lists historical occurrences throughout the nation. A “serious incident” (highlighted in yellow
in Table 5.37 below) is a hazardous materials incident that involves:
♦ the release of over 11.9 galls or 88.2 pounds of a severe marine pollutant, or
♦ the release of a bulk quantity (over 199 gallons or 882 pounds) of a hazardous material.
However, prior to 2002, a hazardous material “serious incident” was defined as follows:
Table 5.29 summarizes the HAZMAT incidents reported in the Buncombe Madison Region. Detailed
information on these events is presented in Appendix H.
MADISON REGION 13 0 0 $1,392,900
Source: United States Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
A nuclear and radiation accident is defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency as “an event that
has led to significant consequences to people, the environment or the facility. Often, this type of
incident results from damage to the reactor core of a nuclear power plant which can release
radioactivity into the environment. The degree of exposure from nuclear accidents has varied from
serious to catastrophic. While radiological emergencies generally are a rare occurrence, many incidents
are extremely well known due to their large-scale impact and serious effects on people
and the environment.
The Oconee Nuclear Station is located near Seneca, South Carolina. It began operation in 1973 and is
currently operating under a renewed license until 2033. With three nuclear stations, it is one of the
nation’s largest nuclear plants.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission defines two emergency planning zones around nuclear plants.
Areas located within 10 miles of the station are considered to be within the zone of highest risk to a
nuclear incident and this radius is the designated evacuation radius recommended by the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission. Within the 10-mile zone, the primary concern is exposure to and inhalation of
radioactive contamination. The most concerning effects in the secondary 50-mile zone are related to
ingestion of food and liquids that may have been contaminated. Only the bottom section of Buncombe
County falls within the 50-mile radius, so it is considered to be at risk from a nuclear incident.
Although the Oconee Nuclear Station is located far outside the Buncombe Madison region, one of the
counties falls within the 50-mile buffer zone, as seen in Figure 5.xx below.
Historical Occurrences
Although there have been no major nuclear events at the Oconee Nuclear Station, there is some
possibility that one could occur as there have been incidents in the past in the United States at other
facilities and at facilities around the world.
Background and Description
Terrorism was not referenced in the previous Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan, but
is addressed in this update. For the purpose of this report, terrorism encompasses explosive, chemical
biological, nuclear, and other threats.
Terrorism is defined in the United States by the Code of Federal Regulations is “the unlawful use of force
or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, civilian population, or any
segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.” Terrorist acts may include
assassinations, kidnappings, hijackings, bombings, small arms attacks, vehicle ramming attacks, edged
weapon attacks, incendiary attacks, cyber-attacks (computer based), and the use of chemical, biological,
nuclear and radiological weapons. For the purposes of this plan, cyber-attacks are included as a separate
Historically the main categories of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) used in terror attacks are
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (collectively referred to as CBRNE). As we rank
these categories, considering immediate danger posed, impact, probability, technical feasibility,
frequency, and historical success, they are typically ranked in the following way.
Explosive attacks lead all others due to their immediate danger to life and health, immediate and
measurable impact, high probability, low cost/easy degree of technical feasibility, and a long history of
successful attacks.
Chemical attacks can pose immediate danger to life and health depending upon the materials used.
Chemicals are easy to access, low cost, and easy to deploy. Chemical terrorism can have high and
persistent impacts to people and places. These types of attacks are probable and have enjoyed historical
Radiological attacks can pose significant threats to life and health depending upon the specific materials
used. Radiological materials while restricted and regulated are accessible to people with some
knowledge in this discipline. While radiological incidents have occurred, they occur less frequently than
explosive and chemical attacks.
Biological attacks can pose significant threats to life and health. They are typically deployed as diseases
and bio-toxins. They require some degree of technical expertise in order to be deployed successfully.
While biological incidents have occurred, they occur less frequently than explosive and chemical attacks.
While yielding a very high impact, the Nuclear attack is extremely rare due to the fact that it is cost
prohibitive and very technically difficult to achieve. This type of attack, however, could be state
sponsored which makes it viable.
Terrorism Hazard Assessment must also account for modern trends and changes. An additional “OTHER”
category should be considered that includes small arms attacks, vehicle ramming attacks, edged weapon
attacks, and incendiary attacks.
Historical Occurrences
No extreme cases of terror attacks have previously affected the Buncombe Madison region. However,
as the population in the area continues to increase, so does the chance of an attack.
5.16 CYBER
Background and Description
Cyberattacks are deliberate attacks on information technology systems in an attempt to gain illegal
access to a computer, or purposely cause damage. As the world and the Buncombe Madison region
become more technologically advanced and dependent upon computer systems, the threat of
cyberattacks is becoming increasingly prevalent. Also known as computer network attacks, cyberattacks
are difficult to recognize and typically use malicious code to alter computer data or steal information.
Mitigating and preparing for cyberattacks is challenging because of how diverse and complex attacks can
be. The FBI is the lead federal agency for investigating cyberattacks by criminals, overseas adversaries,
and terrorists. In North Carolina, the Department of Information Technology is the lead agency that
maintains Cybersecurity and Risk Management resources.
Cyberattacks can happen in both the public and private sector. They may be carried out by a specific
individual, or by groups from afar. Many attacks attempt to steal money or to disturb normal
operations. According to the 2017 Verizon Report of Data Breaching, 93% of all data breaches had a
financial or espionage motive, and espionage cases are rising.
Figure 5.36 below displays nationwide cyberattack incident patterns from the 2018 Verizon Data Breach
Investigations Report.
Historical Occurrences
In North Carolina and the Buncombe Madison region, the Department of Information Technology
specializes in cybersecurity and risk management. Within the department, the NC Information Sharing
and Analysis Center gathers information on cyber threats within the State raise cybersecurity.
In 2016, North Carolina reported the highest number of cybercrimes in the “non-payment/non-delivery”
sector, which can be seen in Table 5.35 below.
A human-caused EMP (such as a nuclear EMP) is a technological hazard that can cause severe damage to
electrical components attached to power lines or communication systems. One of the most complex
aspects of EMPs is the fact they are invisible, unpredictable, and rapid. They can also overload electronic
devices that people heavily rely on every day. EMPs are harmless to people biologically; however, an
EMP attack could damage electronic systems such as planes or cars. This could cause destruction of
property and life and potentially generate disease or societal collapse.
In 2015, Congress amended the Homeland Security Act of 2002 by passing the Critical Infrastructure
Protection Act (CIPA), which protects Americans from an EMP. It also required reporting of EMP threats,
research and development, and a campaign to educate planners and emergency responders about EMP
Historical Occurrences
There have been no reports of EMP occurrences in the Buncombe Madison region.
Hazard Extent
Table 5.31 describes the extent of each natural hazard identified for the Buncombe Madison Region.
The extent of a hazard is defined as its severity or magnitude, as it relates to the planning area.
Hailstorms: Hail extent can be defined by the size of the hail stone.
The largest hail stone reported in the Buncombe Madison region was
2.00 inches (reported on April 16, 1998). It should be noted that
future lighting occurrences may exceed these figures.
Buncombe County: 2.00 inches
Madison County: 2.00 inches
The extent of winter storms can be measured by the amount of
snowfall received (in inches). The greatest 24-hour snowfall reported
in the region was 22 inches on March 14, 1993. Due to extreme
Severe Winter variations in elevation throughout the region, extent totals will vary
Weather for each participating jurisdiction and reliable data on snowfall totals
is not available.
Buncombe County: 20 inches
Madison County: 22 inches
Sinkhole: The Buncombe Madison region has a relatively low risk for
sinkholes. The region has no historical information related to
sinkholes. Even though there is no historical information from the
North Carolina Geological Survey or the National Centers for
Environmental Information, there is a possibility of unreported
Location/ Gage
Date Discharge
Jurisdiction Height (ft)
Buncombe County
French Broad
7/16/1916 110,000 23.1
River at Asheville
Madison County
French Broad
7/16/1916 115,000 22
River at Marshall
The prioritization and categorization of identified hazards for the Buncombe Madison Region is based
principally on the PRI, a tool used to measure the degree of risk for identified hazards in a particular
planning area. The PRI is used to assist the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning
Team in gaining consensus on the determination of those hazards that pose the most significant threat
to the Buncombe Madison counties based on a variety of factors. The PRI is not scientifically based, but
is rather meant to be utilized as an objective planning tool for classifying and prioritizing hazard risks in
the Buncombe Madison Region based on standardized criteria.
The application of the PRI results in numerical values that allow identified hazards to be ranked against
one another (the higher the PRI value, the greater the hazard risk). PRI values are obtained by assigning
varying degrees of risk to five categories for each hazard (probability, impact, spatial extent, warning
time, and duration). Each degree of risk has been assigned a value (1 to 4) and an agreed upon
weighting factor 30, as summarized in Table 5.32. To calculate the PRI value for a given hazard, the
assigned risk value for each category is multiplied by the weighting factor. The sum of all five categories
equals the final PRI value, as demonstrated in the example equation below:
PRI VALUE = [(PROBABILITY x .30) + (IMPACT x .30) + (SPATIAL EXTENT x .20) + (WARNING TIME x .10) + (DURATION x .10)]
According to the weighting scheme and point system applied, the highest possible value for any hazard
is 4.0. When the scheme is applied for the Buncombe Madison Region, the highest PRI value is 3.3
(winter storm and freeze hazard). Prior to being finalized, PRI values for each identified hazard were
reviewed and accepted by the members of the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Team.
The Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Team, based upon any unique concerns or factors for the planning
area, may adjust the PRI weighting scheme during future plan updates.
Degree of Risk Assigned
PRI Category Index Weighting
Level Criteria
Value Factor
Unlikely Less than 1% annual probability 1
Possible Between 1 and 10% annual probability 2
Probability 30%
Likely Between 10 and 100% annual probability 3
Highly Likely 100% annual probability 4
Very few injuries, if any. Only minor property damage
and minimal disruption on quality of life. Temporary
Minor 1
shutdown of critical facilities.
Minor injuries only. More than 10% of property in
affected area damaged or destroyed. Complete
Limited 2
shutdown of critical facilities for more than one day.
Multiple deaths/injuries possible. More than 25% of
Impact property in affected area damaged or destroyed. 30%
Complete shutdown of critical facilities for more than
Critical 3
one week.
High number of deaths/injuries possible. More than
50% of property in affected area damaged or
destroyed. Complete shutdown of critical facilities for
Catastrophic 30 days or 4
Negligible Less than 1% of area affected 1
Small Between 1 and 10% of area affected 2
Spatial Extent 20%
Moderate Between 10 and 50% of area affected 3
Large Between 50 and 100% of area affected 4
More than 24 hours Self-explanatory 1
12 to 24 hours Self-explanatory 2
Warning Time 10%
6 to 12 hours Self-explanatory 3
Less than 6 hours Self-explanatory 4
Less than 6 hours Self-explanatory 1
Less than 24 hours Self-explanatory 2
Duration 10%
Less than one week Self-explanatory 3
More than one week Self-explanatory 4
Category/Degree of Risk
Sub hazard(s)
Hazard Spatial Warning PRI
Assessed Probability Impact Duration
Extent Time Score
Natural Hazards
More than 24 More than
Drought Likely Minor Large 2.5
hours 1 week
Hurricane and More than 24 Less than
Possible Critical Large 2
Coastal Hazards hours 24 hours
Tornadoes/ Hailstorm, Highly Less than 6
Limited Moderate 6 to 12 hours 3.2
Thunderstorms Lightning Likely hours
Severe Winter Highly More than 24 Less than 1
Critical Large 3.3
Weather Likely hours week
Less than 6 Less than 6
Earthquakes Possible Minor Moderate 2.3
hours hours
Highly Less than 6 Less than 6
Geological Sinkholes, Critical Small 2.8
Likely hours hours
More than 24 Less than 6
Dam Failure Unlikely Critical Moderate 2
hours hours
Highly Less than
Flooding Limited Moderate 6 to 12 hours 2.9
Likely 24 hours
Other Hazards
Less than 6 Less than 1
Wildfires Likely Minor Small 2.2
hours week
More than 24 More than
Infectious Disease Possible Critical Small 2.4
hours 1 week
Technological Hazards
Hazardous Less than 6 Less than
Possible Limited Small 2.2
Substances hours 24 hours
Radiological Fixed Nuclear Less than 1
Unlikely Critical Small 6 to 12 hours 2.2
Emergency Facilities week
Less than 6 Less than 6
Terrorism Unlikely Critical Small 2.1
hours hours
Less than 6 Less than 1
Cyber Possible Critical Large 3
hours week
Electromagnetic 12 to 24 Less than 6
Unlikely Minor Large 1.7
Pulse hours hours
LOW RISK Radiological Emergencies
6.1 Overview
6.2 Methodology
6.3 Explanation of Data Sources
6.4 Asset Inventory
6.5 Vulnerability Assessment Results
6.6 Conclusions on Hazard Vulnerability
44 CFR Requirement
44 CFR Part 201.6(c)(2)(ii): The risk assessment shall include a description of the jurisdiction’s vulnerability to the
hazards described in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section. The description shall include an overall summary of each
hazard and its impact on the community. The plan should describe vulnerability in terms of: (A) The types and
numbers of existing and future buildings, infrastructure, and critical facilities located in the identified hazard
areas; (B) An estimate of the potential losses to vulnerable structures identified in paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(A) of this
section and a description of the methodology used to prepare the estimate; (C) Providing a general description
of land uses and development trends within the community so that mitigation options can be considered in
future land use decisions.
This section builds upon the information provided in Section 4: Hazard Identification and Section 5: Hazard
Profiles by identifying and characterizing an inventory of assets in the Buncombe Madison Region.
Additionally, an assessment is conducted for each identified hazard, including the potential impact and
expected amount of damages it may cause. The primary objective of the vulnerability assessment is to
quantify exposure and the potential loss estimates for each hazard. In doing so, each county and their
participating jurisdictions may better understand their unique risks to identified hazards and be better
prepared to evaluate and prioritize specific hazard mitigation actions. This section begins with an
explanation of the methodology applied to complete the vulnerability assessment, followed by a summary
description of the asset inventory as compiled for jurisdictions in the Buncombe Madison Region. The
remainder of this section focuses on the results of the assessment conducted.
This vulnerability assessment was conducted using three distinct methodologies: (1) A stochastic risk
assessment; (2) a geographic information system (GIS)-based analysis; and (3) a risk modeling software
analysis. Each approach provides estimates for the potential impact of hazards by using a common,
systematic framework for evaluation, including historical occurrence information provided in the Hazard
Identification and Hazard Profiles sections. A brief description of the three different approaches is
provided on the following pages.
♦ Geological
♦ Tornadoes/Thunderstorms
♦ Severe Winter Weather
♦ Hazardous Substances
With the exception of Hazardous Substances, the hazards listed above are considered natural and have
the potential to affect all current and future buildings and all populations. Table 6.1 provides information
about all improved property in the Buncombe Madison region that is vulnerable to these hazards. For all
hazards annualized loss estimates were determined using the best available data on historical losses from
sources including NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information records, the previous
Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan, and local knowledge. Annualized loss estimates
were generated by totaling the amount of property damage over the period of time for which records
were available, and calculating the average annual loss. Given the standard weighting analysis, losses can
be readily compared across hazards providing an objective approach for evaluating mitigation
For the dam failure 1, drought, excessive heat, infectious disease, radiological emergency, terrorism, cyber,
EMP, and geological hazards, no data with historical property damages was available. Therefore, a
detailed vulnerability assessment could not be completed for these hazards at this time.
The results for these hazards are found at the end of this section in Table 6.26.
As noted in Section 5: Hazard Profiles, dam failure could be catastrophic to structures and populations in the inundation area.
However, due to lack of data, no additional analysis was performed. Further, USACE and NCDENR also complete separate dam
failure plans to identify risk and response measures.
The objective of the GIS-based analysis was to determine the estimated vulnerability of critical facilities
and populations for the identified hazards in the Buncombe Madison Region using best available
geospatial data. Digital data was collected from local, regional, state, and national sources for hazards and
buildings. This included local tax assessor records for individual parcels and buildings and georeferenced
point locations for identified assets (critical facilities and infrastructure, special populations, etc.) when
available. ESRI® ArcGIS™ 10.6.1 was used to assess hazard vulnerability utilizing digital hazard data, as well
as local building data. Using these data layers, hazard vulnerability can be quantified by estimating the
assessed building value for parcels and/or buildings determined to be located in identified hazard areas.
To estimate vulnerable populations in hazard areas, digital Census 2010 data by census tract was obtained
and was supplemented with current population estimates from the US Census Bureau. This was
intersected with hazard areas to determine exposed population counts. Unfortunately, due to the large
scale of census tracts, the results are limited, but will be revised as population by census block becomes
available for all areas in the region. The results of the analysis provided an estimate of the number of
people and critical facilities, as well as the assessed value of parcels and improvements, determined to be
potentially at risk to those hazards with delineable geographic hazard boundaries.
The Risk Assessment produced by the Risk Tool will also identify high-risk structures in the planning area
and estimate cost by types of mitigation projects (wind retrofits, elevation, acquisition, mitigation
reconstruction) and benefit-cost estimates by type of mitigation. The mitigation tool is only meant to
begin the process of thinking about problem areas where mitigation may be of interest to the jurisdiction
and property owners. It is also designed to drive mitigation actions that are specific, measurable,
attainable, realistic and timely.
Finally, the Risk Management Tool also assesses vulnerable populations, such as children and elderly
persons. Data used to assess these populations is from the US 2010 Census. According to the US Census
Bureau, those defined as “elderly,” are 65 years old or older, while those defined as “children” are 5 years
old or younger. It is important to note that the numbers assessed are from the most recent Census in
Once all of the information was input into the system, a hazard mitigation plan can then be exported into
multiple document formats. The system will also store the plan so that when it is time to update the plan,
the information is already in the system.
The RMT was originally developed as part of the Integrated Hazard Risk Management (IHRM) pilot project
which included Durham, Edgecombe, Macon and New Hanover counties. The pilot was successful and it
was determined that there is a need and interest in a system designed to be used statewide and
potentially nationwide in the future. The RMT used in this update was the second version created by
All conclusions are presented in “Conclusions on Hazard Vulnerability” at the end of this section.
Hazard Prioritization
When it comes to evaluating hazards and determining which hazards a jurisdiction should spend the most time
and effort addressing, a number of factors affect the prioritization. As discussed in Section 5: Hazard Profiles, the
risk (magnitude, probability, location) of a hazard is one of the primary driving forces that helps determine the
relative importance of addressing the potential impacts of a hazard. However, the assessment of a hazard’s risk
is generally focused on the hazard itself and how severe or likely it could be within geographic scope of the study
area. This assessment does not necessarily analyze the potential effects of that hazard on humans and the built
environment. This is a critical component of planning for hazards since a hazard that does not impact human life,
safety, or welfare is typically not considered as important to address through mitigation. The analysis that follows
attempts to bring this consideration into the planning process by estimating the impacts on humans and the built
environment and prioritizing hazards accordingly.
NCEM’s Risk Management Tool analyzed the vulnerable buildings and populations to the
Tornadoes/Thunderstorms hazard. Sub hazards assessed under the thunderstorms hazard include hail
and lightning; however, for the purposes of this assessment, thunderstorm winds were the only risk
NCEM’s Risk Management Tool assessed vulnerable areas to the earthquake hazard. This assessment
included susceptible buildings by the type of structure, and the potential dollar losses associated with the
buildings. It also analyzed susceptible populations, such as children and elderly.
Geological (Landslide)
Data from the U.S. Geological Survey was used to first determine what areas are considered high,
moderate, or low susceptibility areas to the landslide hazard. Data was downloaded in an ArcGIS
compatible format. This allowed the parcel data received by local governments to be layered on top of
the landslide regions to assess vulnerability to landslide occurrences.
FEMA Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs) were used to determine flood vulnerability. DFIRM
data can be used in ArcGIS for mapping purposes and, they identify several features including floodplain
boundaries and base flood elevations. Identified areas on the DFIRM represent some features of a Flood
Insurance Rate Maps including the 100-year flood areas (1.0-percent annual chance flood), and the 500-
year flood areas (0.2-percent annual chance flood). For the vulnerability assessment, local parcel data and
critical facilities were overlaid on the 100-year floodplain areas and 500-year floodplain areas. This data
was also supplemented with the NCEM RMT data, which assessed structure type and vulnerable
populations within the floodplain areas. It should be noted that such an analysis does account for building
The data used to determine vulnerability to wildfires in the Buncombe Madison Region is based on GIS
data called the Southern Wildfire Risk Assessment (SWRA). It was provided for use in this plan by the
North Carolina Division of Forest Resources. A specific layer known as the “Wildland Urban Interface”
(WUI) was used to determine vulnerability of people and property. This layer uses the key input of housing
density to define potential wildfire impacts to people and homes. The WUI Risk Index is then derived from
a scale of -1 to -9, with the least negative impact being a -1, and uses flame length to measure fire
intensity. The primary purpose of this data is to highlight areas of concern that may be conducive to
mitigation actions. Many assumptions are made, making it not a true probability; however, it does provide
a comparison of risk throughout the region. Data was also supplemented with the data from NCEM’s
RMT, which assessed vulnerable buildings, potential dollar losses of those buildings, and susceptible
Hazardous Substances
Hazardous materials incidents can occur in both fixed facilities and through mobile transportation. For
the fixed incident analysis, Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) data was used. The Toxic Release Inventory is a
publicly available database from the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that contains
information on toxic chemicals, releases, and other waste management activities reported annually by
certain covered industry groups, as well as federal facilities. This inventory was established under the
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA) and was further expanded by the
Pollution Prevention Act of 1990. Facilities that meet certain activity thresholds must annually report
their releases and other waste management activities for listed toxic chemicals to the EPA and to their
state or tribal entity. A facility must report if it meets the following criteria:
The facility falls within one of the following industrial categories: manufacturing; metal mining;
coal mining; electric generating facilities that combust coal and/or oil; chemical wholesale
distributors; petroleum terminals and bulk storage facilities; RCRA Subtitle C treatment, storage,
and disposal (TSD) facilities; and solvent recovery services;
Has 10 or more full-time employee equivalents; and
Manufactures or processes more than 25,000 pounds or otherwise uses more than 10,000 pounds
of any listed chemical during the calendar year. Persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT)
chemicals are subject to different thresholds of 10 pounds, 100 pounds, or 0.1 grams depending
on the chemical.
For the mobile hazardous materials incident analysis, transportation data including major highways and
railroads were obtained from the North Carolina Department of Transportation. This data is ArcGIS
compatible, lending itself to buffer analysis to determine risk.
While potentially not all-inclusive for the jurisdictions in the Buncombe Madison region, “georeferenced” assets include
those assets for which specific location data is readily available for connecting the asset to a specific geographic location for
purposes of GIS analysis.
of parcels and total assessed value of improvements (buildings) that may be exposed to the identified
2. Critical Facilities: Critical facilities vary by jurisdiction. Each county provided data from their respective
critical facilities that were used in this section. Identified critical facilities are fire stations, police stations,
medical care facilities, schools, government facilities, emergency operation centers, or other important
buildings. It should be noted that this listing is not all-inclusive for assets located in the region, but it is
anticipated that it will be expanded during future plan updates as more geo-referenced data becomes
available for use in GIS analysis.
The following tables provide a detailed listing of the geo-referenced assets that have been identified for
inclusion in the vulnerability assessment for the Buncombe Madison Region.
Table 6.1 lists the number of parcels, total value of parcels, total number of parcels with improvements,
and the total assessed value of improvements for participating areas of the Buncombe Madison Region
(study area of vulnerability assessment) 3.
The following table lists the fire stations, police stations, emergency operations centers (EOCs), medical
care facilities, schools, and other critical facilities located in the Buncombe Madison Region. Local
governments at the county level provided a majority of the data for this analysis. In addition, Figure 6.1
shows the locations of essential facilities in the Buncombe Madison Region. Table 6.26, at the end of this
section, shows a complete list of the critical facilities by name, as well as the hazards that affect each
Total assessed values for improvements is based on tax assessor records as joined to digital parcel data. This data does not
include dollar figures for tax-exempt improvements such as publicly-owned buildings and facilities. It should also be noted that,
due to record keeping, some duplication is possible thus potentially resulting in an inflated value exposure for an area.
Number of buildings for each county is based on the number of parcels with an improved building value greater than zero.
facility. As noted previously, this list is not all inclusive and only includes information provided by the
Table 6.5 shows population growth estimates for the region from 2010 to 2017 based on the US Census
Annual Estimates of Resident Population and 2017 population estimates.
Given the equal susceptibility across the entire Buncombe Madison Region, it can be assumed that the
entire population is at risk to the hurricane and tropical storm hazard.
Given equal vulnerability across the Buncombe Madison Region, all critical facilities are considered to be
at risk. Although some buildings may perform better than others in the face of such an event due to
construction, age, and other factors, determining individual building response is beyond the scope of
this plan. However, this plan will consider mitigation actions for vulnerable structures, including critical
facilities, to reduce the impacts of the hurricane wind hazard. A list of specific critical facilities and their
associated risk can be found in Table 6.26 at the end of this section.
In conclusion, a hurricane event has the potential to impact many existing and future buildings, critical
facilities, and populations in the Buncombe Madison Region. Hurricane events can cause substantial
damage in their wake including fatalities, extensive debris clean-up, and extended power outages.
6.5.2 Tornadoes/Thunderstorms
A probabilistic scenario was created to estimate building and population vulnerabilities in the Buncombe
Madison region for the tornado hazard. For this scenario, a tornado ranked F2 on the Fujita scale was
analyzed. The Risk Management Tool analyzed this information which has been reported in Table 6.8
and Table 6.9.
A map of historical tornado points of origin and paths can be seen below in Figure 6.3.
Source: NOAA
A probabilistic scenario was created to estimate building and population vulnerabilities in the Buncombe
Madison region for the thunderstorm hazard. For this scenario, damages due to thunderstorm winds on
a 50-year frequency event (return period) were analyzed. It is important to note that this data does not
include damages caused by other remnants of thunderstorms, such as lightning or hail. The Risk
Management Tool analyzed this information which has been reported below in Table 6.10 and Table 6.11.
It is assumed that all existing populations and future populations are at risk to the tornadoes/
thunderstorms hazard.
All critical facilities should still be considered at-risk to damage should an event occur. A list of all
individual critical facilities in the region can be found in Table 6.26.
6.5.3. Earthquakes
A probabilistic scenario was created to estimate building and population vulnerabilities in the Buncombe
Madison region for the earthquake hazard with a 500-year frequency (return period). The Risk
Management Tool analyzed this information which has been reported below in Table 6.12 and Table 6.13.
It is assumed that all existing populations and future populations are at risk to the earthquake hazard.
All critical facilities should still be considered at-risk to minor damage should an event occur. A list of all
individual critical facilities in the region can be found in Table 6.26.
In conclusion, an earthquake could potentially impact all existing and future buildings, facilities, and
populations in the Buncombe Madison region. Though minor earthquakes are often recorded but not
felt, they may rattle breakables and cause minimal damage. Furthermore, major earthquakes have
potential to damage structures. Severe impacts of earthquakes may result in debris clean-up, service
disruption, building collapse, and fatalities. Specific vulnerabilities for assets will be greatly dependent on
their individual design and the mitigation measures in place, where appropriate. Such site-specific
vulnerability determinations are outside the scope of this assessment but will be considered during future
plan updates if data becomes available. Furthermore, mitigation actions to address earthquake
vulnerability will be considered.
Given moderate to high susceptibility across the entire Buncombe Madison Region, it is assumed that a
moderate amount of population is at risk.
There are 349 critical facilities located in a high susceptibility area, including the following: 1 EOC, 216
Medical facilities, 67 fire/EMS stations, 22 police stations, and 43 public schools. The remaining critical
facilities are located in low incidence areas. A list of specific critical facilities and their associated risk can
be found in Table 6.26 at the end of this section.
In conclusion, a landslide has the potential to impact many existing and future buildings, facilities, and
populations in the Buncombe Madison Region, though some areas are at a higher risk than others due to
a variety of factors. For example, steep slopes and modified slopes bear a greater risk than flat areas.
Specific vulnerabilities for Buncombe Madison assets will be greatly dependent on their individual design
and the mitigation measures in place, where appropriate. Such site-specific vulnerability determinations
are outside the scope of this assessment but will be considered during future plan updates if data becomes
6.5.5 Flooding
In order to assess flood risk, a GIS-based analysis was used to estimate exposure to flood events using
Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) data in combination with local tax assessor records for each of
the Buncombe Madison counties. The determination of assessed value at-risk (exposure) was calculated
using GIS analysis by summing the total assessed building values for only those improved properties that
were confirmed to be located within an identified floodplain. Table 6.15 presents the potential at-risk
property. Both the number of parcels and the approximate value are presented.
To assess flood risk, the NCEM Risk Management Tool (RMT) analyzed buildings located in the 1 percent
chance of annual floodplains. The buildings are assessed by the type of building (commercial, residential,
or public) and also assesses Pre-Firm buildings, or structures built before flood code regulations were
installed. This data is shown by jurisdiction in Table 6.16.
Figure 6.4 below displays visual hotspots of potential dollar losses for the flood hazard in Buncombe
County. Based on the photo, most hot spots are in an area with low vulnerability.
The same information for Madison County is presented below in Figure 6.6.
Table 6.17 assesses the vulnerability of the region’s population. This data is also from the RMT and
analyzes the populations of elderly and children living at risk to the 1 percent annual flooding.
A national Census has not been conducted since 2010; therefore, 2010 Census tract level population
counts are outdated for this update. However, population estimates from the US Census Bureau as of
July 1, 2017 were available at a jurisdictional level. This data was analyzed to present at-risk populations
to the flooding hazard in the Buncombe Madison region and can be seen below in Figure 6.11.
The critical facility analysis revealed that there are 29 critical facilities located in the Buncombe Madison
Region’s 1.0-percent and 2.0-percent annual chance floodplain based on FEMA DFIRM boundaries and
GIS analysis. (As previously noted, this analysis does not consider building elevation, which may negate
risk.) These facilities include 2 public schools, 8 Fire/EMS Stations, 3 Law Enforcement facilities, and 16
medical facilities. A list of specific critical facilities and their associated risk can be found in Table 6.26 at
the end of this section.
In conclusion, a flood has the potential to impact many existing and future buildings, facilities, and
populations in the Buncombe Madison Region, though some areas are at a higher risk than others. All
types of structures in a floodplain are at-risk, though elevated structures will have a reduced risk. As noted,
the floodplains used in this analysis include the 100-year and 500-year FEMA regulated floodplain
boundaries. It is certainly possible that more severe events could occur beyond these boundaries or urban
(flash) flooding could impact additional structures. Such site-specific vulnerability determinations should
be considered during future plan updates. Furthermore, areas subject to repetitive flooding should be
analyzed for potential mitigation actions.
6.5.6 Wildfires
Historical evidence indicates that the Buncombe Madison Region is susceptible to wildfire events. To
estimate exposure to wildfire, the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Risk Index for the region was obtained
from the Southern Wildfire Risk Assessment. The WUI uses a Response Function modeling approach and
rates the potential impact of a wildfire on people and their homes. The index ranges from -1 to -9, with -
9 being the most negative impact. For example, an area with high housing density and high flame lengths
are rated -9, while an area with low housing density and low flame lengths are rated -1. At-risk areas fall
within the range of -7 to -9. This index was layered with parcel data using GIS analysis. Figure 6.12 shows
the WUI Risk Index for the region below.
Few of the Buncombe Madison Region critical facilities are in the at-risk area (-7 or higher) for wildfires.
Buncombe County had the most with 18 facilities, while Madison County had 2. Table 6.19 shows the
results of the GIS analysis.
Location Number of At-Risk Critical Facilities
Buncombe County 18
Madison County 2
Buncombe Madison Regional Total 20
Source: Southern Wildfire Risk Assessment, Local governments
Additional information was provided through the NCEM Risk Management Tool (RMT). This data can be
seen in below in Table 6.20 and Table 6.21.
This type of analysis will likely yield inflated results (generally higher than what is actually reported after an actual event).
Note that parcels included in the 1-mile analysis are also included in the 0.5-mile analysis.
Source: EPA
Given high susceptibility across the entire Buncombe Madison Region, it is assumed that the total
population is at risk to hazardous materials incidents. It should be noted that areas of population
concentration may be at an elevated risk due to a greater burden to evacuate population quickly.
Fixed Site Analysis:
The critical facility analysis for fixed TRI sites revealed that there are 133 facilities located in a HAZMAT
risk zone. The primary impact zone (0.5-mile buffer) includes 44 facilities throughout the region. All of
the facilities in the primary impact zone are located Buncombe County. A list of specific critical facilities
and their associated risk can be found in Table 6.26 at the end of this section.
Mobile Analysis:
The critical facility analysis for road and railroad transportation corridors revealed that there are 353
critical facilities located in the primary (0.5 mile) mobile HAZMAT buffer areas for roads and railroads
throughout the region. Although this is a worst-case scenario model, it indicates that most of the critical
facilities in the Buncombe Madison region are vulnerable to a potential mobile HAZMAT incident.
Additionally, there are 386 critical facilities located in the secondary (1 mile) buffer area of both roads and
railroads, accounting for approximately 84 percent of the total number of critical facilities in the region.
This may be the result of many critical facilities being located near major roadways for ease of access, but
it is nonetheless important to recognize what a large percentage of critical facilities in the region are
located in the smaller buffer area. A list of specific critical facilities and their associated risk can be found
in Table 6.26 at the end of this section.
In conclusion, a hazardous material incident has the potential to impact many existing and future
buildings, critical facilities, and populations in the Buncombe Madison Region. Those areas in a primary
buffer are at the highest risk, though all areas carry some vulnerability due to variations in conditions that
could alter the impact area such direction and speed of wind, volume of release, etc.
Exposure to hazards can be an indicator of vulnerability. Economic exposure can be identified through
locally assessed values for improvements (buildings), and social exposure can be identified by estimating
the population exposed to each hazard. This information is especially important for decision-makers to
use in planning for evacuation or other public safety related needs.
The types of assets included in these analyses include all building types in the participating jurisdictions.
Specific information about the types of assets that are vulnerable to the identified hazards is included in
each hazard subsection (for example, all building types are considered at risk to the winter storm hazard
and commercial, residential, and government owned facilities are at risk to repetitive flooding, etc).
Table 6.25 presents a summary of potential annualized loss estimates for each hazard in the Buncombe
Madison Region. Due to the reporting of hazard damages primarily at the county level, it was difficult to
determine an accurate annualized loss estimate for each municipality. Therefore, an annualized loss was
determined through the damage reported through historical occurrences at the county level. If no
historical occurrences were reported, an accurate annualized loss estimate could not be obtained.
These values should be used as an additional planning tool or measure risk for determining hazard
mitigation strategies throughout the region.
Drought - - -
As noted previously, all existing and future buildings and populations (including critical facilities) are
vulnerable to natural hazards including drought, hurricane and coastal hazards, tornadoes/
thunderstorms, and severe winter weather. Some buildings may be more vulnerable to these hazards
based on locations, construction, and building type. Table 6.25 shows the critical facilities vulnerable to
additional hazards analyzed in this section. The table lists those assets that are determined to be exposed
to each of the identified hazards (marked with an “X”)
Flood 500-year
Excessive Heat
Facility Name Facility Type
Flood 500-year
Excessive Heat
Facility Name Facility Type
Flood 500-year
Excessive Heat
Facility Name Facility Type
Flood 500-year
Excessive Heat
Facility Name Facility Type
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Facility Name Facility Type
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Facility Name Facility Type
Flood 500-year
Excessive Heat
Facility Name Facility Type
Flood 500-year
Excessive Heat
Facility Name Facility Type
Flood 500-year
Excessive Heat
Facility Name Facility Type
A capability assessment has two primary components: 1) an inventory of a local jurisdiction’s relevant
plans, ordinances, or programs already in place and 2) an analysis of its capacity to carry them out.
Careful examination of local capabilities will detect any existing gaps, shortfalls, or weaknesses with
ongoing government activities that could hinder proposed mitigation activities and possibly exacerbate
community hazard vulnerability. A capability assessment also highlights the positive mitigation measures
already in place or being implemented at the local government level, which should continue to be
supported and enhanced through future mitigation efforts.
The capability assessment completed for the Buncombe Madison Region serves as a critical planning
step and an integral part of the foundation for designing an effective hazard mitigation strategy.
Coupled with the Risk Assessment, the Capability Assessment helps identify and target meaningful
mitigation actions for incorporation in the Mitigation Strategy portion of the Hazard Mitigation Plan. It
not only helps establish the goals and objectives for the region to pursue under this Plan, but it also
ensures that those goals and objectives are realistically achievable under given local conditions.
While the Final Rule for implementing the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 does not require a local capability assessment to be
completed for local hazard mitigation plans, it is a critical step in developing a mitigation strategy that meets the needs of the
region while taking into account their own unique abilities. The Rule does state that a community’s mitigation strategy should
be “based on existing authorities, policies, programs and resources, and its ability to expand on and improve these existing
tools” (44 CFR, Part 201.6(c)(3)).
At a minimum, survey results provide an extensive inventory of existing local plans, ordinances,
programs, and resources that are in place or under development in addition to their overall effect on
hazard loss reduction. However, the survey instrument can also serve to identify gaps, weaknesses, or
conflicts that counties and local jurisdictions can recast as opportunities for specific actions to be
proposed as part of the hazard mitigation strategy.
The information collected in the survey questionnaire was incorporated into a database for further
analysis. A general scoring methodology was then applied to quantify each jurisdiction’s overall
capability. 2 According to the scoring system, each capability indicator was assigned a point value based
on its relevance to hazard mitigation.
Using this scoring methodology, a total score and an overall capability rating of “high,” “moderate,” or
“limited” could be determined according to the total number of points received. These classifications
are designed to provide nothing more than a general assessment of local government capability. The
results of this capability assessment provide critical information for developing an effective and
meaningful mitigation strategy.
The scoring methodology used to quantify and rank the region’s capability can be found in Appendix B.
regulate how land is developed and structures are built; as well as protecting environmental, historic,
and cultural resources in the community. Although some conflicts can arise, these planning initiatives
generally present significant opportunities to integrate hazard mitigation principles and practices into
the local decision making process.
This assessment is designed to provide a general overview of the key planning and regulatory tools and
programs that are in place or under development for the jurisdictions in the Buncombe Madison Region
along with their potential effect on loss reduction. This information will help identify opportunities to
address existing gaps, weaknesses, or conflicts with other initiatives in addition to integrating the
implementation of this Plan with existing planning mechanisms where appropriate.
Table 7.1 provides a summary of the relevant local plans, ordinances, and programs already in place or
under development for the jurisdictions in the Buncombe Madison Region. A checkmark () indicates
that the given item is currently in place and being implemented. An asterisk (*) indicates that the given
item is currently being developed for future implementation. Each of these local plans, ordinances, and
programs should be considered available mechanisms for incorporating the requirements of the
Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Black Mountain
Biltmore Forest
Hot Springs
Mars Hill
Planning / Regulatory Tool
Black Mountain
Biltmore Forest
Hot Springs
Mars Hill
Planning / Regulatory Tool
Zoning Ordinance
Subdivision Ordinance
Unified Development Ordinance *
Post-Disaster Redevelopment
Building Code
Fire Code
National Flood Insurance Program
A more detailed discussion on the region’s planning and regulatory capability follows.
Planning for each phase is a critical part of a comprehensive emergency management program and a key
to the successful implementation of hazard mitigation actions. As a result, the Capability Assessment
Survey asked several questions across a range of emergency management plans in order to assess the
Buncombe Madison Region’s willingness to plan and their level of technical planning proficiency.
Hazard Mitigation Plan: A hazard mitigation plan represents a community’s blueprint for how it intends
to reduce the impact of natural and human-caused hazards on people and the built environment. The
essential elements of a hazard mitigation plan include a risk assessment, capability assessment, and
mitigation strategy.
Both of the counties participating in this multi-jurisdictional plan have previously adopted
hazard mitigation plans. Each participating jurisdiction was included in their respective
county’s plan.
Disaster Recovery Plan: A disaster recovery plan serves to guide the physical, social, environmental,
and economic recovery and reconstruction process following a disaster. In many instances, hazard
mitigation principles and practices are incorporated into local disaster recovery plans with the intent of
capitalizing on opportunities to break the cycle of repetitive disaster losses. Disaster recovery plans can
also lead to the preparation of disaster redevelopment policies and ordinances to be enacted following a
hazard event.
Emergency Operations Plan: An emergency operations plan outlines responsibilities and the means by
which resources are deployed during and following an emergency or disaster.
Buncombe County and Madison County each maintain emergency operations plans
through their respective Emergency Management Departments.
All of the municipalities in Buncombe County have entered into a Civil Preparedness
Agreement to implement the county emergency operations plan.
Madison County’s emergency operations plan addresses hazards which threaten the
county and municipalities.
Continuity of Operations Plan: A continuity of operations plan establishes a chain of command, line of
succession, and plans for backup or alternate emergency facilities in case of an extreme emergency or
disaster event.
Flood Response Plan: A flood response plan establishes procedures for responding to a flood
emergency including coordinating and facilitating resources to minimize the impacts of flood.
The City of Asheville is the only jurisdiction that has adopted a flood response plan.
Comprehensive Land Use Plan: A comprehensive land use plan establishes the overall vision for what
a community wants to be and serves as a guide for future governmental decision making. Typically a
comprehensive plan contains sections on demographic conditions, land use, transportation elements,
and community facilities. Given the broad nature of the plan and its regulatory standing in many
communities, the integration of hazard mitigation measures into the comprehensive plan can
enhance the likelihood of achieving risk reduction goals, objectives, and actions.
Buncombe County has adopted a comprehensive land use plan that includes all of its
municipalities as well as the unincorporated county. The City of Asheville, the Town of
Black Mountain, and the Town of Weaverville each have municipal comprehensive land
use plans in place.
Madison County, the Town of Hot Springs, the Town of Marshall, and the Town of Mars
Hill have each adopted a comprehensive plan.
Capital Improvements Plan: A capital improvements plan guides the scheduling of spending on
public improvements. A capital improvements plan can serve as an important mechanism for guiding
future development away from identified hazard areas. Limiting public spending in hazardous areas is
one of the most effective long-term mitigation actions available to local governments.
Buncombe County and all of its municipalities, except the Town of Biltmore Forest and
the Town of Woodfin, have capital improvements plans.
Madison County does not have a capital improvements plan in place. However, the Town
of Marshall and the Town of Mars Hill do have capital improvements programs.
Historic Preservation Plan: A historic preservation plan is intended to preserve historic structures or
districts within a community. An often overlooked aspect of the historic preservation plan is the
assessment of buildings and sites located in areas subject to natural hazards and the identification of
ways to reduce future damages. This may involve retrofitting or relocation techniques that account
for the need to protect buildings that do not meet current building standards or are within a historic
district that cannot easily be relocated out of harm’s way.
Zoning Ordinance: Zoning represents the primary means by which land use is controlled by local
governments. As part of a community’s police power, zoning is used to protect the public health,
safety, and welfare of those in a given jurisdiction that maintains zoning authority. A zoning
ordinance is the mechanism through which zoning is typically implemented. Since zoning regulations
enable municipal governments to limit the type and density of development, a zoning ordinance can
serve as a powerful tool when applied in identified hazard areas.
All of the counties and municipalities participating in this plan have adopted zoning
ordinances. The City of Asheville, the Town of Black Mountain, the Town of Weaverville,
and the Town of Marshall include zoning regulations as part of their local unified
development ordinance. The remaining municipalities and two counties have adopted
stand-alone zoning ordinances.
All of the counties and municipalities participating in this plan have adopted subdivision
regulations, except the Town of Hot Springs. Again, the City of Asheville, the Town of
Black Mountain, the Town of Weaverville, and the Town of Marshall include these
regulations as part of their local unified development ordinance. The other municipalities
and two counties with subdivision regulations have adopted stand-alone ordinances.
Building Codes, Permitting, and Inspections: Building codes regulate construction standards. In many
communities, permits and inspections are required for new construction. Decisions regarding the
adoption of building codes (that account for hazard risk), the type of permitting process required both
before and after a disaster, and the enforcement of inspection protocols all affect the level of hazard
risk faced by a community.
North Carolina has a state compulsory building code, which applies throughout the state;
however, jurisdictions may adopt codes if approved as providing adequate minimum
standards. All of the participating counties and municipalities have adopted a building
code. The building code is enforced by each county’s building inspector.
In Buncombe County, the City of Asheville, the Town of Black Mountain, and the Town of
Montreat have their own inspections departments that enforce the building code within
their town limits.
The adoption and enforcement of building codes by local jurisdictions is routinely assessed through the
Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) program developed by the Insurance Services
Office, Inc. (ISO). 3 In North Carolina, the North Carolina Department of Insurance assesses the building
codes in effect in a particular community and how the community enforces its building codes with
special emphasis on mitigation of losses from natural hazards. The results of BCEGS assessments are
routinely provided to ISO’s member private insurance companies, which in turn may offer ratings credits
for new buildings constructed in communities with strong BCEGS classifications. The concept is that
communities with well-enforced, up-to-date codes should experience fewer disaster-related losses and,
as a result, should have lower insurance rates.
In conducting the assessment, ISO collects information related to personnel qualification and continuing
education as well as the number of inspections performed per day. This type of information combined
with local building codes is used to determine a grade for that jurisdiction. The grades range from 1 to
Participation in BCEGS is voluntary and may be declined by local governments if they do not wish to have their local
building codes evaluated.
10 with a BCEGS grade of 1 representing exemplary commitment to building code enforcement and a
grade of 10 indicating less than minimum recognized protection.
• Land of Sky Regional Resilience Risk Assessment and NEMAC/FernLeaf AccelAdapt Tool
In order for a county or municipality to participate in the NFIP, they must adopt a local flood damage
prevention ordinance that requires jurisdictions to follow established minimum building standards in the
floodplain. These standards require that all new buildings and substantial improvements to existing
buildings will be protected from damage by a 100-year flood event and that new development in the
floodplain will not exacerbate existing flood problems or increase damage to other properties.
A key service provided by the NFIP is the mapping of identified flood hazard areas. Once completed, the
Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) are used to assess flood hazard risk, regulate construction practices,
and set flood insurance rates. FIRMs are an important source of information to educate residents,
government officials, and the private sector about the likelihood of flooding in their community.
Table 7.2 provides NFIP policy and claim information for each participating jurisdiction in the Buncombe
Madison Region.
Current Total
Date Joined NFIP Policies Insurance in Total
Jurisdiction Effective Map Payments to
NFIP in Force Force Losses
Date Date
Community Rating System: An additional indicator of floodplain management capability is the active
participation of local jurisdictions in the Community Rating System (CRS). The CRS is an incentive-based
program that encourages counties and municipalities to undertake defined flood mitigation activities
that go beyond the minimum requirements of the NFIP by adding extra local measures to provide
protection from flooding. All of the 18 creditable CRS mitigation activities are assigned a range of point
values. As points are accumulated and reach identified thresholds, communities can apply for an
improved CRS class rating. Class ratings, which range from 10 to 1, are tied to flood insurance premium
reductions as shown in Table 7.3. As class rating improves (the lower the number the better), the
percent reduction in flood insurance premiums for NFIP policyholders in that community increases.
Community participation in the CRS is voluntary. Any community that is in full compliance with the rules
and regulations of the NFIP may apply to FEMA for a CRS classification better than class 10. The CRS
application process has been greatly simplified over the past several years based on community
comments. Changes were made with the intent to make the CRS more user-friendly and make extensive
technical assistance available for communities who request it.
The City of Asheville participates in the CRS as a Class 8 community. Participation in the
CRS program should be considered as a mitigation action by each of the counties and the
other municipalities. The program would be most beneficial to Buncombe County, which
has 429 NFIP policies.
Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance: A flood damage prevention ordinance establishes minimum
building standards in the floodplain with the intent to minimize public and private losses due to flood
All communities participating in the NFIP are required to adopt a local flood damage
prevention ordinance. All counties and municipalities participating in this hazard
mitigation plan also participate in the NFIP and they all have adopted flood damage
prevention regulations.
Floodplain Management Plan: A floodplain management plan (or a flood mitigation plan) provides a
framework for action regarding corrective and preventative measures to reduce flood-related impacts.
Open Space Management Plan: An open space management plan is designed to preserve, protect, and
restore largely undeveloped lands in their natural state and to expand or connect areas in the public
domain such as parks, greenways, and other outdoor recreation areas. In many instances, open space
management practices are consistent with the goals of reducing hazard losses, such as the preservation
of wetlands or other flood-prone areas in their natural state in perpetuity.
Buncombe County has adopted the Buncombe County Greenways and Trails Master Plan
which also includes all of its municipalities. The City of Asheville, the Town of Black
Mountain, and the Town of Montreat have each adopted a municipal-level parks or
greenways master plan.
Neither Madison County nor its municipalities have adopted an open space management
The Town of Black Mountain is the only jurisdiction with a stormwater management plan
in place. However, several jurisdictions have stormwater management ordinances in
Buncombe County has adopted a stormwater management ordinance that is administered
by the county throughout the unincorporated area as well as within the municipal
boundaries of the following towns: Biltmore Forest, Montreat, Weaverville, and Woodfin,
through interlocal agreement. The City of Asheville, the Town of Black Mountain, and the
Town of Montreat administer their own stormwater management ordinances.
The Town of Marshall is the only Madison County jurisdiction that has adopted
stormwater regulations. These regulations are included in the town’s unified development
Technical capability can generally be evaluated by assessing the level of knowledge and technical
expertise of local government employees, such as personnel skilled in using Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) to analyze and assess community hazard vulnerability. The Capability Assessment Survey
was used to capture information on administrative and technical capability through the identification of
available staff and personnel resources.
Table 7.4 provides a summary of the capability assessment results for the Buncombe Madison Region
with regard to relevant staff and personnel resources. A checkmark () indicates the presence of a staff
member(s) in that jurisdiction with the specified knowledge or skill.
Black Mountain
Biltmore Forest
Hot Springs
Mars Hill
Staff / Personnel Resource
Credit for having a floodplain manager was given to those jurisdictions that have a flood damage
prevention ordinance, and therefore an appointed floodplain administrator, regardless of whether the
appointee was dedicated solely to floodplain management. Credit was given for having a scientist
familiar with the hazards of the community if a jurisdiction has a Cooperative Extension Service or Soil
and Water Conservation Department. Credit was also given for having staff with education or expertise
to assess the community’s vulnerability to hazards if a staff member from the jurisdiction was a
participant on the existing hazard mitigation plan’s planning committee.
The Capability Assessment Survey was used to capture information on the region’s fiscal capability
through the identification of locally available financial resources.
Table 7.5 provides a summary of the results for the Buncombe Madison Region with regard to relevant
fiscal resources. A checkmark () indicates that the given fiscal resource is locally available for hazard
mitigation purposes (including match funds for state and federal mitigation grant funds) according to
the previous county hazard mitigation plans.
Black Mountain
Biltmore Forest
Hot Springs
Mars Hill
Black Mountain
Biltmore Forest
Hot Springs
Mars Hill
Fiscal Tool / Resource
The Capability Assessment Survey was used to capture information on political capability of the
Buncombe Madison Region. Previous county-level hazard mitigation plans were reviewed for general
examples of local political capability, such as guiding development away from identified hazard areas,
restricting public investments or capital improvements within hazard areas, or enforcing local
development standards that go beyond minimum state or federal requirements (i.e., building codes,
floodplain management, etc.).
The previous county hazard mitigation plans identified existing ordinances that address
natural hazards or are related to hazard mitigation such as emergency management, flood
damage prevention, watershed protection, stormwater management, erosion and
sedimentation control, steep slope development, zoning, and subdivision.
Buncombe County is currently a participant in the NFIP and has adopted the required
ordinances related to Flood Damage Prevention, Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control,
Watershed Protection, and Stormwater Management. This demonstrates to some extent
both favorable political support and a willingness to adopt hazard mitigation efforts in an
active manner.
In Madison County, as with many municipalities, major changes will likely be met with
resistance. However, incremental changes stand a better chance of success over the long
term. In terms of changes to hazard mitigation, there are numerous opportunities for
Madison County, however, public education and progressive steps are essential for the
success of any new initiatives. If the public is supportive of proposed changes, the elected
officials who are responsible for adopting them are more likely to show their support.
Building a disaster- resistance community depends primarily on involving the public and
achieving participation. As required by FEMA for the local hazard mitigation plan, public
participation is a must and to make it true, the political climate ought to be suitable.
The overall capability to implement hazard mitigation actions varies little among the participating
jurisdictions. For planning and regulatory capability, the majority of the jurisdictions are in the moderate
range with a few falling in the limited range. There is also some variation in the administrative and
technical capability among the jurisdictions with larger jurisdictions generally having greater staff and
technical resources. All of jurisdictions are in the limited to moderate range for fiscal capability.
Table 7.6 shows the results of the capability assessment using the designed scoring methodology. The
capability score is based solely on the information found in existing hazard mitigation plans and readily
available on the jurisdictions’ government websites. According to the assessment, the average local
capability score for all jurisdictions is 35.0, which falls into the moderate capability ranking.
Asheville 45 High
Montreat 34 Moderate
Weaverville 37 Moderate
Woodfin 33 Moderate
Marshall 33 Moderate
As previously discussed, one of the reasons for conducting a Capability Assessment is to examine local
capabilities to detect any existing gaps or weaknesses within ongoing government activities that could
hinder proposed mitigation activities and possibly exacerbate community hazard vulnerability. These
gaps or weaknesses have been identified for each jurisdiction in the tables found throughout this
section. The participating jurisdictions used the Capability Assessment as part of the basis for the
Mitigation Actions that are identified in Section 9; therefore, each jurisdiction addresses their ability to
expand on and improve their existing capabilities through the identification of their Mitigation Actions.
7.4.2 Linking the Capability Assessment with the Risk Assessment and
the Mitigation Strategy
The conclusions of the Risk Assessment and Capability Assessment serve as the foundation for the
development of a meaningful hazard mitigation strategy. During the process of identifying specific
mitigation actions to pursue, the regional planning committee considered not only each jurisdiction’s
level of hazard risk, but also their existing capability to minimize or eliminate that risk.
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Mitigation Goals
8.3 Identification and Analysis of Mitigation Techniques
8.4 Selection of Mitigation Techniques for the Buncombe Madison Region
8.5 Plan Update Requirement
The intent of the Mitigation Strategy is to provide the Buncombe Madison Region communities with
the goals that will serve as guiding principles for future mitigation policy and project administration,
along with an analysis of mitigation techniques available to meet those goals and reduce the impact of
identified hazards. It is designed to be comprehensive, strategic, and functional in nature:
In being comprehensive, the development of the strategy includes a thorough review of all
hazards and identifies extensive mitigation measures intended to not only reduce the future
impacts of high risk hazards, but also to help the region achieve compatible economic,
environmental, and social goals.
In being strategic, the development of the strategy ensures that all policies and projects
proposed for implementation are consistent with pre-identified, long-term planning goals.
In being functional, each proposed mitigation action is linked to established priorities and
assigned to specific departments or individuals responsible for their implementation with
target completion deadlines. When necessary, funding sources are identified that can be
used to assist in project implementation.
The first step in designing the Mitigation Strategy includes the identification of mitigation goals.
Mitigation goals represent broad statements that are achieved through the implementation of more
specific mitigation actions. These actions include both hazard mitigation policies (such as the regulation
of land in known hazard areas through a local ordinance) and hazard mitigation projects that seek to
address specifically targeted hazard risks (such as the acquisition and relocation of a repetitive loss
The second step involves the identification, consideration, and analysis of available mitigation measures
to help achieve the identified mitigation goals. This is a long-term, continuous process sustained through
the development and maintenance of this Plan. Alternative mitigation measures will continue
to be considered as future mitigation opportunities are identified, as data and technology improve, as
mitigation funding becomes available, and as this Plan is maintained over time.
The third and last step in designing the Mitigation Strategy is the selection and prioritization of specific
mitigation actions for the Buncombe Madison Region (provided separately in Section 9: Mitigation
Action Plan). Each county and participating jurisdiction has its own Mitigation Action Plan (MAP) that
reflects the needs and concerns of that jurisdiction. The MAP represents an unambiguous and functional
plan for action and is considered to be the most essential outcome of the mitigation planning process.
The MAP includes a prioritized listing of proposed hazard mitigation actions (policies and projects) for
the participating jurisdictions to complete. Each action has accompanying information, such as those
departments or individuals assigned responsibility for implementation, potential funding sources, and
an estimated target date for completion. The MAP provides those departments or individuals
responsible for implementing mitigation actions with a clear roadmap that also serves as an important
tool for monitoring success or progress over time. The cohesive collection of actions listed in the MAP
can also serve as an easily understood menu of mitigation policies and projects for those local decision
makers who want to quickly review the recommendations and proposed actions of the Regional Hazard
Mitigation Plan.
In preparing each Mitigation Action Plan for the Buncombe Madison Region, officials considered the
overall hazard risk and capability to mitigate the effects of hazards as recorded through the risk and
capability assessment process, in addition to meeting the adopted mitigation goals and unique needs of
the community.
The point of contact for each county helped coordinate the prioritization process by reviewing each
action and working with the lead agency/department responsible to determine a priority for each
action using the factors listed above.
Using these criteria, actions were classified as high, moderate, or low priority by the participating
jurisdiction officials.
44 CFR Requirement
44 CFR Part 201.6(c)(3)(i): The mitigation strategy shall include a description of mitigation goals to reduce or
avoid long-term vulnerabilities to the identified hazards.
The primary goal of all local governments is to promote the public health, safety, and welfare of its
citizens. In keeping with this standard, the Buncombe Madison counties and the participating
municipalities have developed eleven goal statements for local hazard mitigation planning in the
region. In developing these goals, the previous county hazard mitigation plans were reviewed to
determine areas of consistency. The project consultant reviewed the goals from each of the existing
plans that were combined to form this regional plan. Many of the goals were similar and regional
goals were formulated based on commonalities found between the goals in each plan. These
proposed regional goals and their corresponding goals or objectives from the previous plans are
presented in Table 8.1.
The proposed regional goals were presented, reviewed, voted on, and accepted by the Planning
Committee at the second Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee meeting. This process of
combining goals from the previous plans served to highlight the planning process that had occurred
in both counties prior to joining this regional planning effort. Each goal, purposefully broad in nature,
serves to establish parameters that were used in developing more mitigation actions. The Buncombe
Madison Regional Mitigation Goals are presented in Table 8.2. Consistent implementation of actions
over time will ensure that community goals are achieved.
44 CFR Requirement
44 CFR Part 201.6(c)(3)(ii): The mitigation strategy shall include a section that identifies and analyzes a
comprehensive range of specific mitigation actions and projects being considered to reduce the effect of each
hazard, with particular emphasis on new and existing buildings and infrastructure.
In formulating the Mitigation Strategy for the Buncombe Madison Region, a wide range of activities
were considered in order to help achieve the established mitigation goals, in addition to addressing
any specific hazard concerns. These activities were discussed during the Buncombe Madison Regional
Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee meetings. In general, all activities considered by the Regional
Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee can be classified under one of the following six broad
categories of mitigation techniques: Prevention, Property Protection, Natural Resource Protection,
Structural Projects, Emergency Services, and Public Awareness and Education. These are discussed in
detail below.
8.3.1 Prevention
Preventative activities are intended to keep hazard problems from getting worse, and are typically
administered through government programs or regulatory actions that influence the way land is
developed and buildings are built. They are particularly effective in reducing a community’s future
vulnerability, especially in areas where development has not occurred or capital improvements have
not been substantial. Examples of preventative activities include:
Each of the prevention mitigation techniques is described in more detail in the Capability Assessment
section (Section 7).
Modification of the site to keep the hazard from reaching the building
o Flood Barriers
o Relocation
o Building Elevation
o Demolition
o Demo/Rebuild
Modify the building (retrofit) so it can withstand impacts of the hazard
o Windproofing
o Dry Floodproofing
o Wet Floodproofing
o Seismic design techniques
Critical facilities protection
Safe rooms, shutters, shatter-resistant glass
Insurance (private property and public property)
Site Modification
Flood Barriers
A flood protection barrier can be built of dirt or soil (a "berm") or concrete or steel (a "floodwall").
Careful design is needed to ensure that it does not create additional flooding or drainage problems on
neighboring properties. Depending on how well the ground drains, if floodwaters will stay up for more
than an hour or two, the design needs to account for leaks, seepage of water underneath, and rainwater
that will fall inside the perimeter. This is usually done with a sump or French drain to collect the internal
groundwater and surface water and a pump and pipe to pump the internal drainage over the barrier.
However, barriers can only be built so high and they can be overtopped by a flood higher than expected.
Barriers made of earth are susceptible to erosion from rain and floodwaters if not properly sloped,
covered with grass, and properly maintained.
Moving a flood-prone building to higher ground is the surest and safest way to protect it from flooding.
While almost any building can be moved, the cost increases for heavier structures, such as those with
exterior brick and stone walls, and for large or irregularly shaped buildings. Relocation is also preferred
for large lots that include buildable areas outside the floodplain or where the owner has a new location
available outside of the hazard zone.
Building Elevation
Elevating a building above the flood level can be almost as effective as moving it out of the floodplain.
Once the building is raised, water is allowed to flow under and around the building, causing little or no
damage to the structure or its contents. Raising a building above the flood level is cheaper than moving
it and can be less disruptive to a neighborhood. Elevation has proven to be an acceptable and
reasonable means of complying with floodplain regulations that require new, substantially improved,
and substantially damaged buildings to be elevated above the base flood elevation. Building elevation
protects the physical building but does not eliminate life safety or rescue needs during a flood event.
Some buildings, especially heavily damaged or repetitively flooded ones, may not be the expense to
protect them from future damages. In some cases, it is cheaper to demolish them and either replace
them with new, flood protected structures, or relocate the occupants to a safer site. Demolition is also
appropriate for buildings that are difficult to move – such as larger, slab foundation or masonry
structures – and for dilapidated structures that are not cost-beneficial to protect.
If a building is not in good shape, elevating it may not be feasible or it may even be dangerous. An
alternative is to demolish the structure and build a new one on the site that meets or exceeds all flood
protection codes. However, it can be difficult to qualify for the FEMA funding to implement this
technique and it is not a regularly funded option. Certain rules must be followed to qualify for federal
funds for pilot reconstruction.
Dry floodproofing is only effective for areas of shallow flooding, such as areas with repetitive drainage
problems. It does not protect from the deep flooding along lakes and larger rivers caused by hurricanes
or other storms or velocity flooding where floodwaters move swiftly and can damage the dry
floodproofing materials.
Wet Floodproofing
The alternative to dry floodproofing is wet floodproofing: water is let into the structure and everything
that could be damaged by a flood is removed or elevated above the flood level. Structural components
below the flood level are replaced with materials that are not subject to water damage. For example,
concrete block walls are used instead of wooden studs and gypsum wallboard. Mechanical fixtures such
as the furnace, water heater and laundry facilities are permanently relocated to a higher floor. Where
the flooding is not deep, these appliances can be raised on blocks or platforms.
Private Property
Although most homeowner's insurance policies do not cover a property for flood damage, an owner can
insure a building for damage by surface flooding through the National Flood Insurance Program. Flood
insurance coverage is provided for buildings and their contents damaged by a "general condition of
surface flooding" in the area. Most people purchase flood insurance because it is required by the bank
when they get a mortgage or home improvement loan. Usually these policies just cover the building's
structure and not the contents. Contents coverage can be purchased separately. Renters can buy
contents coverage, even if the owner does not buy structural coverage on the building. Most people
don't realize that there is a 30-day waiting period to purchase a flood insurance policy and there are
limits on coverage.
Public Property
Governments can purchase commercial insurance policies. Larger local governments often self-insure
and absorb the cost of damage to one facility, but if many properties are exposed to damage, self-
insurance can drain the government's budget. Communities cannot expect federal disaster assistance to
make up the difference after a flood.
Wetland protection
Erosion and sediment control
Watershed management
Stream/River Restoration
Best Management Practices
Dumping Regulations
Farmland Protection
Forest and vegetation management (e.g., fire resistant landscaping, fuel breaks, etc.)
Habitat preservations
Slope stabilization
Wetland Protection
Wetlands are often synonymous with floodplains and topographically depressed areas of a watershed.
Many wetlands receive and store floodwaters, thus slowing and reducing downstream flows. They also
serve as a natural filter and helps improve water quality, and they provide habitat for many species of
fish, wildlife and plants.
There are two principal strategies to address these problems: minimize erosion and control
sedimentation. Techniques to minimize erosion include phased construction, minimal land clearing, and
stabilizing bare ground as soon as possible with vegetation and other soil stabilizing practices. Many of
the participating jurisdictions in the Buncombe Madison Region have adopted Erosion and
Sedimentation Control Ordinances and/or Stormwater Management Ordinances that address some of
these issues.
Stream/River Restoration
There is a growing movement that has several names, such as "stream conservation," "bioengineering,"
or "riparian corridor restoration." The objective of these approaches is to return streams, stream banks
and adjacent land to a more natural condition, including the natural meanders. Another term is
"ecological restoration," which restores native indigenous plants and animals to an area.
A key component of these efforts is to use appropriate native plantings along the banks that resist
erosion. This may involve retrofitting the shoreline with willow cuttings, wetland plants, or rolls of
landscape material covered with a natural fabric that decomposes after the banks are stabilized with
plant roots.
In all, restoring the right vegetation to a stream has the following advantages:
The term "best management practices" (BMPs) refers to design, construction and maintenance practices
and criteria that minimize the impact of stormwater runoff rates and volumes, prevent erosion, protect
natural resources and capture nonpoint source pollutants (including sediment). They can prevent
increases in downstream flooding by attenuating runoff and enhancing infiltration of stormwater. They
also minimize water quality degradation, preserve beneficial natural features onsite, maintain natural
base flows, minimize habitat loss, and provide multiple usages of drainage and storage facilities.
Many of the Stormwater Management Ordinances that are in place in the Buncombe Madison Region
contain regulations for stormwater BMPs.
Dumping Regulations
BMPs usually address pollutants that are liquids or are suspended in water that are washed into a lake
or stream. Dumping regulations address solid matter, such as shopping carts, appliances and landscape
waste that can be accidentally or intentionally thrown into channels or wetlands. Such materials may
not pollute the water, but they can obstruct even low flows and reduce the channels' and wetlands'
abilities to convey or clean stormwater.
Many cities have nuisance ordinances that prohibit dumping garbage or other "objectionable waste" on
public or private property. Waterway dumping regulations need to also apply to "non-objectionable"
materials, such as grass clippings or tree branches, which can kill ground cover or cause obstructions in
channels. Regular inspections to catch violations should be scheduled.
In addition, many people do not realize the consequences of their actions. They may, for example, fill in
the ditch in their front yard without realizing that is needed to drain street runoff. They may not
understand how regrading their yard, filling a wetland, or discarding leaves or branches in a watercourse
can cause a problem to themselves and others. Therefore, a dumping enforcement program should
include public information materials that explain the reasons for the rules as well as the penalties.
Farmland Protection
Farmland protection is an important piece of comprehensive planning and zoning throughout the United
States. The purpose of farmland protection is to provide mechanisms for prime, unique, or important
agricultural land to remain as such, and to be protected from conversion to nonagricultural uses.
Frequently, farm owners sell their land to residential or commercial developers and the property is
converted to non-agricultural land uses. With development comes more buildings, roads and other
infrastructure. Urban sprawl occurs, which can lead to additional stormwater runoff and emergency
management difficulties.
Farms on the edge of cities are often appraised based on the price they could be sold for to urban
developers. This may drive farmers to sell to developers because their marginal farm operations cannot
afford to be taxed as urban land. The Farmland Protection Program in the United States Department of
Agriculture's 2002 Farm Bill (Part 519) allows for funds to go to state, tribal, and local governments as
well as nonprofit organizations to help purchase easements on agricultural land to protect against the
development of the land.
Dams / levees / dikes / floodwalls
Diversions / detention / retention
Channel modification
Storm sewers
Reservoirs can be dry and remain idle until a large rain event occurs. Or they may be designed so that a
lake or pond is created. The lake may provide recreational benefits or water supply (which could also
help mitigate a drought).
Flood control reservoirs are most commonly built for one of two purposes. Large reservoirs are
constructed to protect property from existing flood problems. Smaller reservoirs, or detention basins,
are built to protect property from the stormwater runoff impacts of new development.
A diversion is a new channel that sends floodwaters to a different location, thereby reducing flooding
along an existing watercourse. Diversions can be surface channels, overflow weirs, or tunnels. During
normal flows, the water stays in the old channel. During floods, the floodwaters spill over to the
diversion channel or tunnel, which carries the excess water to a receiving lake or river.
Warning systems
Evacuation planning and management
Emergency response training and exercises
Sandbagging for flood protection
Installing temporary shutters for wind protection
Threat Recognition
The first step in responding to a flood is to know when weather conditions are such that an event could
occur. With a proper and timely threat recognition system, adequate warnings can be disseminated.
The National Weather Service (NWS) is the prime agency for detecting meteorological threats. Severe
weather warnings are transmitted through NOAA's Weather Radio System. Local emergency managers
can then provide more site-specific and timely recognition after the Weather Service issues a watch or a
warning. A flood threat recognition system predicts the time and height of a flood crest. This can be
done by measuring rainfall, soil moisture, and stream flows upstream of the community and calculating
the subsequent flood levels.
On smaller rivers and streams, locally established rainfall and river gauges are needed to establish a
flood threat recognition system. The NWS may issue a "flash flood watch." This is issued to indicate
current or developing hydrologic conditions that are favorable for flash flooding in and close to the
watch area, but the occurrence is neither certain nor imminent. These events are so localized and so
rapid that a "flash flood warning" may not be issued, especially if no remote threat recognition
equipment is available. In the absence of a gauging system on small streams, the best threat recognition
system is to have local personnel monitor rainfall and stream conditions. While specific flood crests and
times will not be predicted, this approach will provide advance notice of potential local or flash flooding.
The next step in emergency response following threat recognition is to notify the public and staff of
other agencies and critical facilities. More people can implement protection measures if warnings are
early and include specific detail.
The NWS issues notices to the public using two levels of notification:
Watch: conditions are right for flooding, thunderstorms, tornadoes or winter storms.
Warning: a flood, tornado, etc., has started or been observed.
A more specific warning may be disseminated by the community in a variety of ways. The following are
the more common methods:
Just as important as issuing a warning is telling people what to do in case of an emergency. A warning
program should include a public information component.
The National Weather Service (NWS) established the StormReady program to help local governments
improve the timeliness and effectiveness of hazardous weather related warnings for the public. To be
officially StormReady, a community must:
Develop a formal hazardous weather plan, which includes training severe weather spotters and
holding emergency exercises
The protection of life and property is the most important task of emergency responders. Concurrent
with threat recognition and issuing warnings, a community should respond with actions that can prevent
or reduce damage and injuries. Typical actions and responding parties include the following:
An emergency action plan ensures that all bases are covered and that the response activities are
appropriate for the expected threat. These plans are developed in coordination with the agencies or
offices that are given various responsibilities.
Emergency response plans should be updated annually to keep contact names and telephone numbers
current and to ensure that supplies and equipment that will be needed are still available. They should be
critiqued and revised after disasters and exercises to take advantage of the lessons learned and of
changing conditions. The end result is a coordinated effort implemented by people who have experience
working together so that available resources will be used in the most efficient manner possible.
Those who cannot get out of harm's way need shelter. Typically, the American Red Cross will staff
shelters and ensure that there is adequate food, bedding, and wash facilities. Shelter management is a
specialized skill. Managers must deal with problems like scared children, families that want to bring in
their pets, and the potential for an overcrowded facility.
Outreach projects
Speaker series / demonstration events
Hazard map information
Real estate disclosure
Library materials
School children educational programs
Hazard expositions
Outreach Projects
Outreach projects are the first step in the process of orienting property owners to the hazards they face
and to the concept of property protection. They are designed to encourage people to seek out more
information in order to take steps to protect themselves and their properties. Awareness of the hazard
is not enough; people need to be told what they can do about the hazard.
Thus, projects should include information on safety, health and property protection measures. Research
has shown that a properly run local information program is more effective than national advertising or
publicity campaigns. Therefore, outreach projects should be locally designed and tailored to meet local
Community newsletters/direct mailings: The most effective types of outreach projects are mailed or
distributed to everyone in the community. In the case of floods, they can be sent only to floodplain
property owners.
News media: Local newspapers can be strong allies in efforts to inform the public. Local radio stations
and cable TV channels can also help. These media offer interview formats and cable TV may be willing to
broadcast videos on the hazards.
Today, websites are commonly used as research tools. They provide fast access to a wealth of public and
private sites for information. Through links to other websites, there is almost no limit to the amount of
up to date information that can be accessed on the Internet. Some examples of resources that can be
found online include, but are not limited to, floodplain maps, information for homeowners on how to
retrofit for floods and flood information for children.
Technical Assistance
Hazard Information
Residents and business owners that are aware of the potential hazards can take steps to avoid problems
or reduce their exposure to flooding. Communities can easily provide map information from FEMA's
FIRMs and Flood Insurance Studies. They may also assist residents in submitting requests for map
amendments and revisions when they are needed to show that a building is located outside the mapped
Some communities supplement what is shown on the FIRM with information on additional hazards,
flooding outside mapped areas and zoning. When the map information is provided, community staff can
explain insurance, property protection measures and mitigation options that are available to property
owners. They should also remind inquirers that being outside the mapped floodplain is no guarantee
that a property will never flood.
9.1 Overview
9.2 Mitigation Action Plans
44 CFR Requirement
44 CFR Part 201.6(c)(3)(iii): The mitigation strategy shall include an action plan describing how the actions
identified in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section will be prioritized, implemented, and administered by the local
As described in the previous section, the Mitigation Action Plan, or MAP, provides a functional plan
of action for each jurisdiction. It is designed to achieve the mitigation goals established in Section 8:
Mitigation Strategy and will be maintained on a regular basis according to the plan maintenance
procedures established in Section 10: Plan Maintenance.
Each proposed mitigation action has been identified as an effective measure (policy or project) to
reduce hazard risk in Buncombe and Madison counties. Each action is listed in the MAP in
conjunction with background information such as hazard(s) addressed and relative priority. Other
information provided in the MAP includes potential funding sources to implement the action should
funding be required (not all proposed actions are contingent upon funding). Most importantly,
implementation mechanisms are provided for each action, including the designation of a lead agency
or department responsible for carrying the action out as well as a timeframe for its completion.
These implementation mechanisms ensure that the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation
Plan remains a functional document that can be monitored for progress over time. The proposed
actions are not listed in priority order, though each has been assigned a priority level of “high,”
“moderate,” or “low” as described below and in Section 8 (page 8.2).
The Mitigation Action Plan is organized by mitigation strategy category (Prevention, Property
Protection, Natural Resource Protection, Structural Projects, Emergency Services, or Public Education
and Awareness). The following are the key elements described in the Mitigation Action Plan:
In each year’s Plan update, current indicators are tracked and strategies for looking forward are shown.
Continue to carry out the hazard All Moderate Local County EM 2025, On-going currently as evidenced by update of existing actions and continued participation in the
P-2 mitigation planning process and seek Annual review regional hazard mitigation plan.
funding for emerging needs.
Action Hazard(s) Relative Funding Responsible
Description Completion 2021 Action Implementation Status
# Addressed Priority Sources Party
P-3 Evaluate participation in the National Flooding Moderate Local Planning 2025 New Action for 2021 update. A high percentage of Buncombe County’s land area is located within flood-
Flood Insurance Program Community Dept. prone areas. As developable land continues to diminish, the County will experience increased
Rating System (CRS) development pressure upon flood-prone land. As described on the CRS website, “As a part of the National
Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the Community Rating System is a voluntary incentive program that
recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the
minimum program requirements.
As a result, flood insurance premium rates are discounted to reflect the reduced flood risk resulting from
the community actions meeting the three goals of the Community Rating System:
1. Reduce flood damage to insurable property
2. Strengthen and support the insurance aspects of the National Flood Insurance Program
3. Encourage a comprehensive approach to floodplain management”
Citizens of participating CRS communities are eligible for reduced flood insurance rates. In exchange,
participating local governments commit to implementing programs to educate the community about flood
risks, and to the adoption of higher standards for floodplain development. Buncombe County will evaluate
participation in CRS.
• Program participation would require additional staff and capital resources within the Planning &
Development, Emergency Management, and Communications departments, and expose the
County to period program reviews by the International Organization for Standards (ISO).
• Enhanced floodplain development standards will reduce the land area that is available for
development as well as increase the cost of land development in these areas. This will be
mitigated, to some extent, by improving options for cluster development.
Action Hazard(s) Relative Funding Responsible
Description Completion 2021 Action Implementation Status
# Addressed Priority Sources Party
P-4 Adopt new standards to limit the loss of Flooding Moderate Local Planning 2025 New action for the 2021 update. A high percentage of Buncombe County’s land area is located within
life and damage to property in flood- Dept. flood-prone areas. As developable land continues to diminish, the County will experience increased
prone areas. development pressure upon flood-prone land. Development in these areas reduce the County’s supply of
prime farmland, and increases the community’s susceptibility to loss of life and property damage due to
flooding. The County’s current floodplain development regulations meet the minimum, Federal and State
requirements for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). However, they do facilitate
continued development in floodplains. Buncombe County will:
• Modify current floodplain development procedures and standards to require more extensive
engineering analysis for new developments in flood-prone areas, to ensure that fill and other
modifications to the floodplain do not elevate the risk of loss of life and property damage upon
nearby properties.
• Modify current floodplain development procedures and standards to limit the size and/or density
of new developments within the floodplain.
• Promote greater utilization of development processes that allow for the conservation of flood-
prone land and the clustering of home sites outside of the floodplain. Retain existing processes,
but reorganize, consolidate, and expand conservation and cluster development options across
the Zoning and Subdivision ordinances.
• The aforementioned policies may be implemented as part of, or separate from, potential
participation in CRS.
• Enhanced floodplain development standards will reduce the land area that is available for
development increase the cost of land development in these areas. This will be mitigated, to
some extent, by improving options for cluster development.
Action Hazard(s) Relative Funding Responsible
Description Completion 2021 Action Implementation Status
# Addressed Priority Sources Party
P-5 Improve access to large land Flooding, Moderate Local Planning 2025 New action for the 2021 update. Current land development regulations for minor and major subdivisions
development projects. Wildfire, Dept. require one improved entrance into new residential developments. No defined access requirements exist
Landslide for large multi-family, commercial, and mixed use development projects. A majority of developments,
which have occurred since the advent of Buncombe County’s current land development regulations, have
employed only a single point of access; these projects have created thousands of dwelling units.
Developments – particularly residential developments – with a single point of access, can be severely
impacted by hazards such as fires, floods, and landslides. Disruptions to access roads can trap residents,
impair the ability of first responders to gain access to impacted neighborhoods, and can limit the speed
with which essential services are restored. Buncombe County will:
• Require that developments that exceed a defined set of thresholds (square feet of commercial
space, number of dwellings, or similar), provide more than one point of access.
• Require that larger residential developments include at least one primary street that is designed
and constructed to North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) standards, and
dedicated to NCDOT as a public street.
• Require that a minimum number of streets within new developments, including a public street as
referenced above, be designed to connect to adjacent properties for which future development
potential is high, and / or to adjacent, existing developments.
The following considerations will limit the ability and / or willingness of developers to meet these goals:
• Topographical features such as ridgelines, wetlands, and water bodies.
• The size, configuration, ownership, and the timing of future development of adjacent properties.
• The cost of infrastructure.
Action Hazard(s) Relative Funding Responsible
Description Completion 2021 Action Implementation Status
# Addressed Priority Sources Party
P-6 Retain and improve Buncombe County’s Landslide Moderate Local Planning 2025 New action for the 2021 update. A high percentage of Buncombe County’s land area contains steeply
regulations that guide development on Dept. sloping terrain. Home sites in these areas are in high demand, as new residents seek spectacular views in a
steep slopes. rural setting. Development upon steep terrain can destabilize slopes and increase the risks to life and
property due to landslides. Steep slope development can lead to elevated impacts from stormwater and
erosion. Development upon steep slopes is at greater risk due to ice storms, wildfires, and landslides.
Dispersed development in comparatively remote areas with steep road inclines increases the costs and
response time for emergency services. As developable land continues to diminish, the County will
experience increased development pressure in these areas. The County’s current land development
standards limit development density on steep slopes, and require a higher degree of engineering and
design for new dwellings therein. However, these standards are spread across four, separate sections of
the Subdivision and Zoning ordinances. Buncombe County will:
• Retain, but reorganize and consolidate Buncombe County’s existing standards for land
development upon steep slopes.
• Enhance current slope and soil evaluation requirements for lots containing steep slopes, to limit
slope disturbance and avoid landslide-prone soils.
• Promote greater utilization of development processes that allow for the conservation of steeply
sloping land and the clustering of home sites. Retain existing processes, but reorganize,
consolidate, and expand conservation and cluster development options across the Zoning and
Subdivision ordinances.
• Enhanced steep slope development standards will increase the cost of land development in these
areas and will reduce the land area that is available for development. This will be mitigated, to
some extent, by improving options for cluster development.
Action Hazard(s) Relative Funding Responsible
Description Completion 2021 Action Implementation Status
# Addressed Priority Sources Party
Property Protection
PP-2 Consider strengthening the All Moderate Local Planning Dept. 2025 In recent years, Buncombe County has made revisions to its Subdivision Ordinance. The changes to
requirements for road construction for the Subdivision Ordinance included strengthening the requirements for road construction and turn‐
special subdivision through the around specifications to help provide adequate access for emergency vehicles. These changes apply
Subdivision Ordinance to minor and major subdivisions, and do not apply to subdivisions proposed with three lots or fewer
(special subdivisions), or to family subdivisions. Prior to any subdivision being recorded, the Fire
Marshal is required to approve the subdivision for emergency services access if the lot is not
accessed off a state maintained road. In 2005 requirements were added to require geotechnical
reports, soils maps, and compaction testing for roads. Hillside developments on 25% or greater slope
were restricted within the 2006 changes. Density is decreased and lot sizes are increased within
these areas.
Limitations on maximum impervious and disturbed surfaces was added which apply to individual lots
with 25% or greater slope within hillside subdivisions. In 2007 changes were made which require that
builders on lots subject to the maximum impervious and disturbed areas submit a scaled site plan
showing the areas of disturbance and impervious cover. Provisions were included to allow and
encourage cluster development in hillside subdivisions.
In 2010, additional revisions were made to the Subdivision Ordinance. Pre‐application conferences
for major subdivisions became a requirement prior to submission of plans. Slope analysis maps
became a requirement for all major subdivisions and any subdivision subject to Hillside Development
standards. Requirements for minor and major subdivisions during the preliminary plan review to
submit proof of permission for waste system and water system were instituted. Also through the
2010 revisions, subdivision roads designated public or private became subject to final approval by
the Buncombe County Fire Marshal; the minimum minor subdivision road right‐of‐way width was
increased from 15 feet to 20 feet; and access roads standards to both major and minor subdivisions
became eight‐inch minimum aggregated base course No. 7 stone. with a minimum of 16 feet, subject
to Buncombe County Fire Prevention Ordinance and approval by the Buncombe County Fire Marshal.
The horizontal centerline design standards for both minor and major subdivisions T‐turnaround
became a minimum required length of perpendicular cord of 60 feet. Major subdivision road
standards minimum pavement width became 18 feet, with two feet of additional drivable surface
required capable of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
Any request for variance for road width is now required to be accompanied by a letter from the Fire
Marshal approving the alternate method. For minor subdivision roads, and any features such as cul‐
de‐sacs and T‐turnarounds, standards for roads less than or equal to ten percent grade began to be
Action Hazard(s) Relative Funding Responsible
Description Completion 2021 Action Implementation Status
# Addressed Priority Sources Party
required to have an eight‐inch minimum aggregated base course. All roads exceeding ten percent
grade became required to meet major subdivision road construction standards. Final plan approval is
now contingent upon the requirement than an engineer certify compliance with these standards.
Within the Hillside Development Standards section of the Subdivision Ordinance (Sec. 70‐68),
changes were made to the density table for disturbance and minimum lot size. Changes were added
to disturbed and impervious surfaces for communal infrastructure. Vegetation removal and re-
vegetation requirements were included.
Cluster development provisions became one of the types of development within the new Alternative
Path Hillside Development standards, which allows for the additional design flexibility and preservation
of environmentally sensitive features. The alternative path also recognizes Building and Grading
Envelope Conservation development. The alternative path is encouraged in order to limit disturbed
areas and preserve ridge tops, woodlands, open spaces, floodplains, moderate and high risk landslide
hazard areas and other environmentally sensitive areas.
Since the 2010 changes were implemented, road requirements and standards are now being considered
for special and family subdivisions. Consideration could be given for a minimum required road width
and right‐of‐way width; road grade and required minimum distance for pull outs for emergency
vehicles; requirements for T‐turnarounds or cul‐de sacs; private driveway standards; and minimum
access road width standards.
PP-3 Continue to implement the All Moderate Local Planning 2025 The latest Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update was adopted in September 2013. The Update
recommendations of the Dept./Board of provides a current assessment of the County while also providing an outlook for future land use
Comprehensive Land Use Plan Commissioners patterns and potential strategies to address the County’s needs.
There is a section in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update dedicated to Hazards and the Hazard
Mitigation Plan (pages 55‐57). The hazards and risks within the County are listed from the Hazard
Mitigation Plan. The main regulations identified that the County employs to mitigate these hazards and
risks are identified as the zoning overlays, including the Steep Slope/High Elevation Overlay District and
the Protected Ridge Overlay District within the Zoning Ordinance, and the Flood Damage Prevention
Specific recommendations from the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update include the following:
-Commercial districts should allow a specific height by right, while requests for additional height would
be regulated as a Planned Unit Development/Conditional Use Permit. Heights which require a Planned
Unit Development/Conditional Use Permit should be subject to specific conditions which protect
Action Hazard(s) Relative Funding Responsible
Description Completion 2021 Action Implementation Status
# Addressed Priority Sources Party
residential properties, viewsheds, transportation corridors, and project’s review;
-Partner with regional planning initiatives in order to understand efficiencies in service delivery and
ensuring citizens needs are met. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update addresses the general
direction of the County’s growth and development; identifies other planning efforts; directs the
County’s growth and development while considering topographic constraints; and addresses
objectives through the specific recommendations which can be made within standing land use policies
and regulations.
The County will soon begin the process of updating Comprehensive Plan and will take this opportunity
to integrate hazard mitigation and resiliency elements into the plan.
PP-5 Continue to evaluate and revise the FL Moderate Local Planning Dept. 2025, Buncombe County adopted the Stormwater Management Ordinance on September 27, 2006. It was
stormwater management ordinance in Annually adopted to establish minimum requirements for the control of adverse impacts due to stormwater
accordance with changes as mandated runoff associated with new development. Managing stormwater runoff protects property, lessens
by state law. stream channel erosion, prevents increased flooding and provides additional protection of floodplains,
wetlands and water resources, riparian and aquatic ecosystems. The Ordinance requires permits for
residential development activity disturbing one acre or more.
Commercial activity requires permits for activities that are on tracts one acre or larger. The Ordinance
requires developers to install permanent measures to control the rate of runoff to that which existed
prior to development for the 1 year 24-hour storm events.
PP-6 Ensure enforcement of ordinances. All Moderate Local Planning Dir., 2025, Each Ordinance is enforced through an individual department. However, the permitting software
Fire Marshal, Annual system Accela can link cases and approvals based on parcel number. There is an order for approval for
Erosion review development activities. The Accela software controls the order for approval of cases and prevents
Control permits from being issued until approvals from other relevant Ordinance administrators is provided.
Officer, Through this system, for example, building permits are not issued until subdivision approval has been
Storm Water provided, or a building permit for a structure in the floodplain is not issued until floodplain approval
engineer, has been provided.
Permits and Another way that Ordinance administrators remain connected is through the Technical Review
Inspections Committee. The Technical Review Committee consists of representatives from the Fire Marshal’s
Dir., Floodplain office, Building Permits and Inspections, Planning (Zoning, Subdivision, Floodplain, Stormwater,
Ordinance Erosion Control), and Environmental Health. The Committee meets on a regular basis to review plans
Administrator, before they are presented to the Planning Board, and to discuss changes that are occurring within
Subdivision each of their departments related to Ordinance enforcement.
Action Hazard(s) Relative Funding Responsible
Description Completion 2021 Action Implementation Status
# Addressed Priority Sources Party
Zoning Staff
Address the issues of storm water Stormwater Action This will be addressed through implementation of PP-5. Action to be removed from future updates.
PP-7 management and impervious surfaces. FL/ER Moderate Local Ordinance deleted.
PP-8 Continue participation in the National FL High Local Floodplain 2025, Annual The County’s Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance regulates development within the 100‐year
Flood Insurance Program and Ordinance review floodplain. The County first adopted the Ordinance in August of 1980 when the County agreed to
investigate participation in the NFIP’s Administrator participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). By the joining the NFIP, flood insurance
Community Ratings System. and federal assistance became available to the County and its residents. The Ordinance regulates
development within the 100‐year floodplain with the purpose of promoting public health, safety, and
general welfare and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions within flood prone
areas. As a condition of continued eligibility in the NFIP, the County must maintain floodplain
management regulations that meet the standards of the NFIP regulations. In conjunction with
adopting the revised floodplain maps that became effective in January 2010, the County adopted
revisions to the Ordinance aimed at improving safety of residents and businesses within and
surrounding the 100‐year floodplain. Revisions included requiring an additional foot of freeboard (i.e.,
requiring elevations 2 feet above the base flood elevation) for new structures and utilities within the
100‐year floodplain; prohibiting new habitable structures within the floodway; and requiring
submission of an elevation certificate for new structures constructed in the 100‐year floodplain.
Procedurally, when the new maps and revised ordinance were adopted, the Planning Board and
subsequently the Board of Commissioners found that these revisions and updates were reasonable, in
the public interest, and consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan because they furthered the
principles of managing sensitive environmental areas and conservation of critical environmental
Action Hazard(s) Relative Funding Responsible
Description Completion 2021 Action Implementation Status
# Addressed Priority Sources Party
resources by restricting activities within the 100‐year floodplain. It is anticipated that within this
Hazard Mitigation Plan Update period, the floodplain maps for Buncombe County will again be
updated, and our Ordinance reviewed for compliance with the NFIP requirements and compared with
the State’s model ordinance for floodplain management standards. With each new remapping,
opportunities become available for communicating risk to persons whose property borders rivers and
streams. Through public meetings and established communication channels (television, web, Twitter,
e‐zines, newspaper, etc.), many residents can be reached. For those properties within the 100‐year
floodplain, and especially for those properties that will be newly placed in the 100‐year floodplain
through the remapping effort, direct mail notices will be sent, informing residents of the new maps
and proposed changes.
The continued goals for floodplain management in the County include the following:
-Effectively communicate risk for persons who are considering buying or building on properties within
the 100‐year floodplain;
-Locate critical facilities and large scale development outside the 100‐year floodplain;
-Protect water resources and ecological systems/wildlife through the enforcement of the Flood
Damage Prevention Ordinance;
-Restore the natural resources and function of floodplains by promoting and working in collaboration
with stream restoration and hazard mitigation grant programs; and
-Educate the public to help them reduce their environmental footprints by locating businesses and
residences outside the 100‐year floodplain when possible.
New action P-3 included in this update to specifically address CRS. Future updates of this plan will
remove reference to CRS as it is now covered under that action.
Emergency Services
ES-1 E-911 addressing reform is needed. All Hazards Moderate Local County EM 2025 New action for 2021 update. A current and conflict-free, road naming and property addressing system is
and Planning necessary in order to provide timely and effective responses to emergencies of all scales. Effective
Dept. addressing is also critical to County departments and agencies such as the Tax Department and the Board
of Elections, as well as non-County entities such as utilities and mail delivery providers. Buncombe
County’s Emergency 911 (E-911) addressing program was established in 1993 with the adoption of
Chapter 66, Article II.-Street Names and Street Addresses, of Buncombe County Code. At the present
time, the Planning & Development Department administers this Ordinance. The ordinance has not been
updated since its adoption; technology and processes for managing road names and addressing have
changed considerably since its adoption, and the ordinance needs to be modernized to account for
Action Hazard(s) Relative Funding Responsible
Description Completion 2021 Action Implementation Status
# Addressed Priority Sources Party
NextGen addressing and other changes to technology and processes. Furthermore, while Buncombe
County provides road naming and addressing services for all unincorporated areas and most
municipalities within its boundaries, the City of Asheville maintains a separate road naming and
addressing program. Having two, separate systems has limited the ability of both jurisdictions to resolve
addressing and road name conflicts. Finally, Buncombe County’s addressing program is fully administered
by a single, Addressing Coordinator position. Such staffing will be evaluated for additional needs as the
county continues to urbanize. Buncombe County will:
• Develop and adopt a modern road naming and addressing ordinance.
• Evaluate staffing levels within the E-911 program.
• Collaborate with the City of Asheville to evaluate consolidation of their separate road naming
and addressing programs.
Staffing analyses and consolidation efforts may result in increased staffing and other program costs to
Buncombe County.
PEA-1 Educate the public regarding hazard All High Local County EM 2025, Public education is a continuous effort. Information is provided during key time periods such as severe
mitigation. Annual weather awareness week, winter storm season, and severe storm/hurricane season as well as
review and throughout the year as requested by various community groups. Information is provided via brochures
update and information on the county website regarding grant programs and preparedness efforts individual
citizens can take to be ready when a hazard impacts the community.
FL = Flood DR = Drought ES = Expansive Soils HU = Hurricane T = Tornado WF= Wildfire S/I = Snow/Ice ET = Extreme Temperatures EQ = Earthquake LS = Landslide L = Lightning ER = Erosion
HM = HAZMAT D = Dams/Levees TS = Thunderstorms EM = Buncombe County Emergency Management
Continue to carry out the hazard Public Works City Staff is working with the Within the Swannanoa Risk Assessment, 2
P-2 mitigation planning process and seek All Moderate Local Director/Fire 2026 Corps of Engineers in identifying projects were identified in the City, the
funding for emerging needs. Chief/Planning future flood mitigation projects Lake Craig project was completed in 2015,
Director/Chief and seeking funding for these providing additional floodplain area,
Code projects will continue. The city removing fill. Due to remediation of the
Enforcement has not received any funding dam structure, flood attenuation resulted
Officer from mitigation programs in the in larger areas of land to purchase
last 5 years. reducing the benefit cost ratio needed to
move forward. The Biltmore Ave bridge
project was also identified, and is
currently under evaluation.
PP-4 Revise the flood hazard ordinance. FL High Local Chief Code Completed Enforce the current ordinance Completed, the current ordinance was
Enforcement 1/6/2010 (no revisions planned at this adopted in 2010. We are planning on
Officer/Public time) revising this flood hazard ordinance
Works Staff/ section in the next 5 years. We continue
Development to enforce the existing ordinance.
PP-5 Administer & enforce International All Moderate Chief Code Completed The city has adopted the NC State On-going program.
Building Codes and Fire Codes for new City’s General Enforcement NC State Building Code and International The City has continued to adopt the most
construction. Fund Officer Building Building Code. This action is recent NC Building code, currently adopted
Code complete. code is 2018
was adopted
in 2017; The
Building Code
was adopted
in 2009
PEA-3 Manually disperse and have a website plus All High Local staff City and Fire 2025, Annual New Action On-going. The City has a number of
social media posting which provides Public review and update outreach platforms which provide
information about Buncombe County’s Information information about Buncombe County’s
Hazard Mitigation Plan and relevant Officer Hazard mitigation plan, from our website,
mitigation measures the public can take. social media posts, and hardcopy
distribution of pamphlets.
FL = Flood DR = Drought ES = Expansive Soils HU = Hurricane T = Tornado WF= Wildfire S/I = Snow/Ice ET = Extreme Temperatures EQ = Earthquake LS = Landslide L = Lightning ER = Erosion HM = HAZMAT D =
Dams/Levees TS = Thunderstorms EM = Buncombe County Emergency Management City = City of Asheville
Update the Land Use Ordinances (including Building & Our land use code was updated in 2010. We will continue to incorporate HM
building regulations, subdivision ordinances Zoning planning into development process.
and zoning regulations) to be consistent Dept/Planning 2025, Annual
P-2 All Moderate Local
with the 2005 NCGS updates to authorizing & review
statutes and to better incorporate HM and Development
public safety needs into land use policies. Dept
Establish/Continue to implement Best The town has made great strides towards implementing best practices and
Management Practices and Measurable continues to work on this. Any new projects are subject to our storm water
Goals for each of the six required ordinance. Among other requirements, this ordinance requires larger
components for the Black Mountain development projects to include a plan for retaining the first inch of
Stormwater Plan. rainwater runoff.
Stormwater 2025, Annual
P-3 FL Moderate Local
Manager review
Manually disperse and have a website This has been done to some extent w/Code Red. Code Red is the town’s
posting which provides information about emergency notification system. The town will continue to outreach to its
relevant emergency response and Fire Prevention citizens.
PEA-3 All High Local 2025
preparedness actions the public can take. Officer
Manually disperse and have a website This hasn’t been done due to lack of staff time, but we do provide a link to
posting which provides information about Town Buncombe County’s on our website. The town will continue to outreach to its
Buncombe County’s Project Impact and the Manager/Fire citizens.
PEA-4 All High Local 2025
County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan and Chief/Police
relevant mitigation measures the public can Chief
FL = Flood DR = Drought ES = Expansive Soils HU = Hurricane T = Tornado WF= Wildfire S/I = Snow/Ice ET = Extreme Temperatures EQ = Earthquake LS = Landslide L = Lightning ER = Erosion HM = HAZMAT D =
Dams/Levees TS = Thunderstorms EM = Buncombe County Emergency Management Town = Town of Black Mountain
Review resources discussing hazard The town has annually reviewed all resources discussing hazard mitigation concepts.
mitigation concepts. The town will continue to review these resources and integrate new resources as
Town 2025, Annual
P-2 All High Local necessary.
Administrator review
Develop a checklist in our zoning and The town has developed a building/zoning checklist to ensure consistency in zoning
building inspections department to ensure Building enforcement. This checklist will need to be reviewed and updated annually to ensure
consistency in zoning enforcement and to Inspector/ 2025, Annual applicability of checklist.
P-4 All High Local
prevent omissions in the evaluation of Code review
projects. Administrator
Report results of inspection/enforcement On a semi-annual basis, the town has reported the results of inspection/enforcement
measures to the Project Impact measures to the PIC or EM Planner. In the future, this reporting process will continue
Coordinator/Emergency Management Town 2025, Semi- to take place semi-annually.
P-6 All High Local
Planner on a semi‐annual basis. Administrator Annual review
Continue to update the Town of Montreat The town has worked on updating its ERO an annual basis and will continue to make
Emergency Response Ordinance on an updates and changes to the ordinance during an annual review period.
Inspector/ 2025, Annual
P-8 annual basis including relevant positions All High Local
Code review
and contact information changes.
Property Protection
Update the zoning ordinance to reflect The zoning ordinance has been updated in many ways to reflect mitigation planning,
mitigation planning and safety factors. however there are additional measures that could be added to improve mitigation so
Town the town will work to include those going forward.
PP-1 All High Local 2025
Investigate participation in the National The town has not joined the CRS, but it will continue to look into the program and
Flood Insurance Programs Community work towards developing the necessary programs to join. There has not been
Ratings System. sufficient staff availability to pursue this action.
PP-5 FL High Local Town 2025
Develop a database that identifies each The town has not fully developed a database that identifies properties that have
property that has received damage due to been damaged by past events, in large part because there have not been enough
hazards identified within this mitigation historic events to gain a full perspective of risk. The town will work to continue to
plan. The database should also include a tax develop this database over the next several years.
PP-7 All High Local Town 2025
identification number of the property,
a description of the property damage, the
value of the damage, and links to
photographs of the damage.
Public Education and Awareness Activities
Educate contractors, developers and The town has worked to ensure developers and contractors are well- educated on
designers on code changes and new Planning and code changes (by providing in-office information and by making information available
PEA-1 development issues. All High Local Inspections 2025, Annually online) and will continue to keep these interests up to date as new information is
Department developed.
Manually disperse and have a website The town has developed a number or resources for the public to utilize to help with
posting which provides information about preparedness and these have been dispersed both manually and through the
relevant emergency response and website. The town will work to reach out in new ways going forward, such as
preparedness actions the public can take. Planning and 2025, Annual through social media, and will also maintain current outreach strategies.
PEA-3 All High Local Inspections review and
Department update
Manually disperse and have a website The town has developed a number or resources for the public to utilize to help with
posting which provides information on understanding Project Impact and mitigation and these have been dispersed both
Buncombe County’s Project Impact and the manually and through the website. The town will work to reach out in new ways
County’s HMP and relevant mitigation going forward, such as through social media, and will also maintain current outreach
Planning and 2025, Annual
measures the public can take. strategies.
PEA-4 All High Local Inspections review and
Department update
FL = Flood DR = Drought ES = Expansive Soils HU = Hurricane T = Tornado WF= Wildfire S/I = Snow/Ice ET = Extreme Temperatures EQ = Earthquake LS = Landslide L =Lightning ER = Erosion HM = HAZMAT D = Dams/Levees TS =
Thunderstorms EM = Buncombe County Emergency Management Town = Town of Montreat
Identify storm water management best The town has developed a stormwater management program and ordinance and
practices, develop a storm water enforces on a regular basis, so this action will be removed from the next update as a
P-2 management program, and adopt a FL High Local Completed capability.
stormwater ordinance.
Refine the Stormwater Management The town is always working to enforce the regulations of the Stormwater Management
Program and enforce the regulations. Program and will look at refining the program on an annual basis. No major
Town 2025, Annual refinements have been made over the past 5 years.
P-3 FL High Local
Manager review
Property Protection
Evaluate and strengthen existing ordinances The town has attempted to provide strong ordinances to reduce risk and will
as needed. continue to look at how it can integrate more mitigation-oriented practices going
forward. No major changes to ordinances were made during the past 5 years.
Town 2025, Annual
PP-1 All High Local
Manager review
Ensure enforcement of ordinances. Town Staff actively pursues enforcement issues and maintains records & metrics
Town 2025, Annual and will continue to do so going forward.
PP-2 All High Local
Manager review
FL = Flood DR = Drought ES = Expansive Soils HU = Hurricane T = Tornado WF= Wildfire S/I = Snow/Ice ET = Extreme Temperatures EQ = Earthquake LS = Landslide L = Lightning ER = Erosion HM = HAZMAT D = Dams/Levees TS =
Thunderstorms EM = Buncombe County Emergency Management Town = Town of Weaverville
Continue to carry out the hazard mitigation This is happening currently as evidenced by update of existing actions. The Town has
planning process and seek funding for not applied for hazard mitigation funding in the past 5 years but will continue to
P-4 emerging needs. All High Local 2025 monitor our Mitigation Action Plan and work to implement actions.
Board of
Property Protection
Evaluate and strengthen existing ordinances The town has attempted to provide strong ordinances to reduce risk and will continue
as needed. to look at how it can integrate more mitigation-oriented practices going forward.
Administrator/ 2025, Annual
PP-1 All High Local
Board of review
Ensure enforcement of ordinances. Town Town Staff actively pursues enforcement issues and maintains records & metrics and
Administrator/ 2025, Annual will continue to do so going forward.
PP-2 All High Local
Board of review
Inventory of residential and commercial During this plan update, the inventory of properties in the 100 year floodplain
properties in the 100 year floodplain to was updates. However, this list will need to be updated when future map
mitigate the hazards of flooding– In updates occur and as mitigation actions are taken.
addition to clearing debris in County creeks
and the work now being considered by the
US Army Corps of Engineers in the French
Broad River in the vicinity of Marshall to 2025, Annual
P-2 FL Moderate Local EM
reduce future flood impacts, it is review
recommended that an inventory of those
public and private structures located in the
floodplain be conducted and list of priority
properties be identified for acquisition and
relocation, or if appropriate, elevation of
Inventory of dams in the County to mitigate During this plan update, the inventory of dams was updated. However, this list
the hazards of dam failure and flooding. – does not include all privately owned smaller dams and the list will need to be
Conduct a full inventory of all publicly and updated periodically so there is still some work to be completed on this action.
privately maintained dams in the County.
2025, Annual
P-3 The information collected will identify D/FL Moderate Local EM
problem areas and opportunities for
rehabilitation or removal of decaying dams.
Staffing for first responders – Staffing levels The county has worked hard to ensure adequate staffing at its first responder
at some of the County fire installations. facilities, but more staff is needed to have a sufficient coverage for all
Priority should be given to finding ways to response needs.
P-9 All Moderate Local EM 2025
attract additional staff and resources.
Property Protection
Remove debris from streams across County. The county has worked to remove debris from streams and ensure adequate
flow of water. The county will continue to address any debris issues in streams
and will seek funding to do so, especially in the wake of a disaster event.
2025, After
PP-1 FL High Grants EM
Training for first responders – County police, Although first responders have been well trained in the county, there are
fire, EMS and public health officers require always new strategies for improving this capability so additional training will
additional training in responding to be pursued.
ES-3 HM Moderate Local EM 2025
hazardous materials transportation
incidents and biological and chemical
FL = Flood DR = Drought ES = Expansive Soils HU = Hurricane T = Tornado WF= Wildfire S/I = Snow/Ice ET = Extreme Temperatures EQ = Earthquake LS = Landslide L = Lightning ER = Erosion HM =
HAZMAT D = Dams/Levees TS = Thunderstorms EM = Madison County Emergency Management
Property Protection
Floodproof commercial buildings on Main The town has encouraged local business owners to floodproof their structures
Street. but this action is not complete as the town is looking into ways that it could help
commercial property owners with this process.
PP-2 FL High EM 2025
Property Protection
Flood proof commercial buildings on Main The town has encouraged local business owners to flood proof their structures
Street. but this action is not complete as the town is looking into ways that it could
help commercial property owners with this process.
PP-2 FL High EM 2025
Staffing for first responders – Staffing levels The county has worked hard to ensure adequate staffing at its first
at some of the County fire installations, responder facilities, but more staff is needed to have a sufficient coverage
such as Mars Hill are considered for all response needs.
P-2 All Moderate Local EM 2025
inadequate. Priority should be given to
finding ways to attract additional staff and
Property Protection
44 CFR Requirement
44 CFR Part201.6(c)(4)(i):
The plan shall include a plan maintenance process that includes a section describing the method and schedule of
monitoring, evaluating and updating the mitigation plan within a five-year cycle.
In addition to the assignment of a local lead department or agency, an implementation time period or a
specific implementation date has been assigned in order to assess whether actions are being
implemented in a timely fashion. The counties in the Buncombe Madison Region will seek outside
funding sources to implement mitigation projects in both the pre-disaster and post-disaster
environments. When applicable, potential funding sources have been identified for proposed actions
listed in the Mitigation Action Plan.
The participating jurisdictions will integrate this Hazard Mitigation Plan into relevant City and County
government decision-making processes or mechanisms, where feasible. This includes integrating the
requirements of the Hazard Mitigation Plan into other local planning documents, processes or
mechanisms, such as comprehensive or capital improvement plans, when appropriate. The members of
the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee will remain charged with
ensuring that the goals and mitigation actions of new and updated local planning documents for their
agencies or departments are consistent, or do not conflict with, the goals and actions of the Hazard
Mitigation Plan, and will not contribute to increased hazard vulnerability in the Buncombe Madison
Since the initial regional plan was adopted in 2016 and with each County-specific plan prior to that, each
County and participating jurisdiction has worked to integrate the hazard mitigation plan into other
planning mechanisms where applicable/feasible. Examples of how this integration has occurred have
been documented in the Implementation Status discussion provided for each of the mitigation actions
found in Section 9. Specific examples of how integration has occurred include:
Integrating the mitigation plan into reviews and updates of floodplain management ordinances
Integrating the mitigation plan into reviews and updates of County emergency operations plans
Integrating the mitigation plan into review and updates of building codes
Integrating the mitigation plan into the capital improvements plan through identification of
mitigation actions that require local funding.
Opportunities to further integrate the requirements of this Plan into other local planning mechanisms
shall continue to be identified through future meetings of the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning
Committee, individual county meetings, and the annual review process described herein. Although it is
recognized that there are many possible benefits to integrating components of this Plan into other local
planning mechanisms, the development and maintenance of this stand-alone Regional Hazard
Mitigation Plan is deemed by the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee
to be the most effective and appropriate method to implement local hazard mitigation actions at this
When determined necessary, the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee
shall meet in March of every year to evaluate and monitor the progress attained and to revise, where
needed, the activities set forth in the Plan. The findings and recommendations of the Regional Hazard
Mitigation Planning Committee shall be documented in the form of a report that can be shared with
interested City and County Council members. The Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee will
also meet following any disaster events warranting a reexamination of the mitigation actions being
implemented or proposed for future implementation. This will ensure that the Plan is continuously
updated to reflect changing conditions and needs within the Buncombe Madison Region. For future
updates of the plan, North Carolina Emergency Management’s Hazard Mitigation Planning section will
help coordinate the reconvening the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee for these reviews
through coordination with each County’s Emergency Management Departments. The Emergency
Management Director from Buncombe and Madison Counties will maintain ultimate responsibility for
their respective County’s plan implementation and monitoring, evaluation and update.
The plan review provides participating jurisdiction officials with an opportunity to evaluate those actions
that have been successful and to explore the possibility of documenting potential losses avoided due to
the implementation of specific mitigation measures. The plan review also provides the opportunity to
address mitigation actions that may not have been successfully implemented as assigned. North
Carolina Emergency Management’s Hazard Mitigation Planning section will help coordinate the
reconvening the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee and conducting the five-year review
through coordination with each County’s Emergency Management Departments.
During the five-year plan review process, the following questions will be considered as criteria for
assessing the effectiveness and appropriateness of the Plan:
Following the five-year review, any revisions deemed necessary will be summarized and implemented
according to the reporting procedures and plan amendment process outlined herein. Upon completion
of the review and update/amendment process, the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan
will be submitted to the State Hazard Mitigation Officer at the North Carolina Division of Emergency
Management (NCEM) for final review and approval in coordination with the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA).
Disaster Declaration
Following a disaster declaration, the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan will be revised
as necessary to reflect lessons learned, or to address specific issues and circumstances arising from the
event. It will be the responsibility North Carolina Emergency Management’s Hazard Mitigation Planning
section to coordinate the reconvening of the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee, through
coordination with each County’s Emergency Management Department, and ensure the appropriate
stakeholders are invited to participate in the plan revision and update process following declared
disaster events.
Reporting Procedures
The results of the five-year review will be summarized by the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning
Committee in a report that will include an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Plan and any required
or recommended changes or amendments. The report will also include an evaluation of
implementation progress for each of the proposed mitigation actions, identifying reasons for delays or
obstacles to their completion along with recommended strategies to overcome them.
At the end of the 45-day review and comment period, the proposed amendment(s) and all comments
will be forwarded to the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee for final consideration. The
Planning Committee will review the proposed amendment along with the comments received from
other parties, and if acceptable, the committee will submit a recommendation for the approval and
adoption of changes to the Plan.
In determining whether to recommend approval or denial of a Plan amendment request, the following
factors will be considered by the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee:
There are errors, inaccuracies or omissions made in the identification of issues or needs in the
New issues or needs have been identified which are not adequately addressed in the Plan
There has been a change in information, data, or assumptions from those on which the Plan is
Upon receiving the recommendation from the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee and prior
to adoption of the Plan, the participating jurisdictions will hold a public hearing, if deemed necessary.
The governing bodies of each participating jurisdiction will review the recommendation from the
Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee (including the factors listed above) and any oral or
written comments received at the public hearing. Following that review, the governing bodies will take
one of the following actions:
Public participation is an integral component to the mitigation planning process and will continue to be
essential as this Plan evolves over time. As described above, significant changes or amendments to the
Plan shall require a public hearing prior to any adoption procedures.
Other efforts to involve the public in the maintenance, evaluation and revision process will be made as
necessary. These efforts may include:
The five-year comprehensive update process began as early as 2018 when North Carolina Emergency
Management made the decision to set aside HMGP funding from Hurricane Matthew to fund the
Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan update. To facilitate this effort, NCEM assigned the
plan update to their pre-qualified hazard mitigation planning consultants ESP Associates.
Representatives from ESP Associates first reached out to Buncombe-Madison representatives in
September to initiate the plan update process. More details about the plan update process are
provided in Section 2, Planning Process. For the next update of this plan, NCEM’s Hazard Mitigation
Planning section will continue take the lead on organizing and initiating the 5-year update of the plan.
This appendix includes the local adoption resolutions for each of the participating jurisdictions.
Appendix B
Planning Tools
Buncombe and Madison are currently engaged in a planning process to become less vulnerable to
natural disasters, and your participation is important to us!
These two counties, along with participating local jurisdictions and other participating partners,
are now working to update the region’s multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The purpose
of this Plan is to identify and assess our community’s natural hazard risks and determine how to
best minimize or manage those risks. Upon completion, the Plan will represent a
comprehensive multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for the region.
This survey questionnaire provides an opportunity for you to share your opinions and participate
in the mitigation planning process. The information you provide will help us better understand
your hazard concerns and can lead to mitigation activities that should help lessen the impact of
future hazard events.
If you have any questions regarding this survey or would like to learn about more ways you can
participate in the development of the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan,
please contact ESP Associates, Inc, planning consultant for the project. You may reach Nathan
Slaughter at 919.415.2726 or at the email address above.
2. How concerned are you about the possibility of our community being impacted by a
Extremely concerned
Somewhat concerned
Not concerned
3. Please select the one hazard you think is the highest threat to your neighborhood:
4. Please select the one hazard you think is the second highest threat to your neighborhood:
Page 2 of 5
5. Is there another hazard not listed above that you think is a wide-scale threat to your
Yes (please explain): ___________________________________________________
8. Have you taken any actions to make your home or neighborhood more resistant to
b. If “Yes,” please explain:
9. Are you interested in making your home or neighborhood more resistant to hazards?
Page 3 of 5
10. Do you know what office to contact regarding reducing your risks to hazards in your
11. What is the most effective way for you to receive information about how to make your
home and neighborhood more resistant to hazards?
Public workshops/meetings
School meetings
Other (please explain): __________________________________________________
12. In your opinion, what are some steps your local government could take to reduce or
eliminate the risk of future hazard damages in your neighborhood?
13. Are there any other issues regarding the reduction of risk and loss associated with
hazards or disasters in the community that you think are important?
Page 4 of 5
14. A number of community-wide activities can reduce our risk from hazards. In general,
these activities fall into one of the following six broad categories. Please tell us how
important you think each one is for your community to consider pursuing.
2. Property Protection
Actions that involve the modification of existing buildings to
protect them from a hazard or removal from the hazard area.
Examples include acquisition, relocation, elevation, structural
retrofits, and storm shutters.
4. Structural Projects
Actions intended to lessen the impact of a hazard by
modifying the natural progression of the hazard. Examples
include dams, levees, detention/retention basins, channel
modification, retaining walls and storm sewers.
5. Emergency Services
Actions that protect people and property during and
immediately after a hazard event. Examples include warning
systems, evacuation planning, emergency response training,
and protection of critical emergency facilities or systems.
Page 5 of 5
Local Capability Assessment Survey
Jurisdiction/Agency: Phone:
Point of Contact: E-mail:
1. PLANNING AND REGULATORY CAPABILITY - Please indicate whether the following planning or regulatory tools (plans, ordinances, codes or programs) are
currently in place or under development for your jurisdiction by placing an "X" in the appropriate box. Then, for each particular item in place, identify the department
or agency responsible for its implementation and indicate its estimated or anticipated effect on hazard loss reduction (Strongly Supports, Helps Facilitate or
Hinders) with another "X". Finally, please provide additional comments or explanations in the space provided or with attachments.
Evacuation Plan
Other Plans
(please explain under Comments)
Page 1 of 6
Local Capability Assessment Survey
Zoning Ordinance
Subdivision Ordinance
Post-disaster Redevelopment /
Reconstruction Ordinance
Building Code
Fire Code
Page 2 of 6
Local Capability Assessment Survey
2. ADMINISTRATIVE AND TECHNICAL CAPABILITY - Please indicate whether your jurisdiction maintains the following staff members within its current personnel
resources by placing an "X" in the appropriate box . Then, if YES, please identify the department or agency they work under and provide any other comments you
may have in the space provided or with attachments.
Emergency manager
Floodplain manager
Land surveyors
Page 3 of 6
Local Capability Assessment Survey
3. FISCAL CAPABILITY - Please indicate whether your jurisdiction has access to or is eligible to use the following local financial resources for hazard mitigation
purposes (including as match funds for State of Federal mitigation grant funds). Then, identify the primary department or agency responsible for its administration
or allocation and provide any other comments you may have in the space provided or with attachments.
Partnering arrangements or
intergovernmental agreements
Other: _______________________
Page 4 of 6
Local Capability Assessment Survey
4. POLITICAL CAPABILITY - Political capability can be generally measured by the degree to which local political leadership is willing to enact policies and
programs that reduce hazard vulnerabilities in your community, even if met with some opposition. Examples may include guiding development away from identified
hazard areas, restricting public investments or capital improvements within hazard areas, or enforcing local development standards that go beyond minimum State
or Federal requirements (e.g., building codes, floodplain management, etc.). Please identify some general examples of these efforts if available and/or reference
where more documentation can be found.
Page 5 of 6
Local Capability Assessment Survey
5. SELF-ASSESSMENT OF CAPABILITY - Please provide an approximate measure of your jurisdiction's capability to effectively implement hazard mitigation
strategies to reduce hazard vulnerabilities. Using the following table, please place an "X" in the box marking the most appropriate degree of capability (Limited,
Moderate or High) based upon best available information and the responses provided in Sections 1-4 of this survey.
Fiscal Capability
Political Capability
Page 6 of 6
Points System for Capability Ranking
Yes = 3 points
Under Development = 1 point
Included under County plan/code/ordinance/program = 1 point
No = 0 points
Yes = 2 points
Under Development = 1 point
Included under County plan/code/ordinance/program = 1 point
No = 0 points
Yes = 1 point
No = 0 points
Yes = 2 points
Service provided by County = 1 point
No = 0 points
Yes = 1 point
No = 0 points
Land surveyors
Scientist familiar with the hazards of the community
Staff with education or expertise to assess the community’s vulnerability to hazards
Personnel skilled in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and/or Hazus
Resource development staff or grant writers
Yes = 1 point
No = 0 points
The worksheets are to be used as part of a strategic planning process and are designed to be:
a.) completed electronically (worksheets and instructions will be e-mailed to members of the Hazard
Mitigation Planning Team following the Mitigation Strategy Workshop);
b.) reviewed with your department/organization for further consideration; and
c.) returned according to the contact information provided below.
Each mitigation action should be considered to be a separate local project, policy or program and each
individual action should be entered into a separate worksheet. By identifying the implementation
requirements for each action, the worksheets will help lay the framework for engaging in distinct actions
that will help reduce the community’s overall vulnerability and risk. Detailed explanations on how to
complete the worksheet are provided below.
Proposed Action: Identify a specific action that, if accomplished, will reduce vulnerability and risk in the
impact area. Actions may be in the form of local policies (i.e., regulatory or incentive-based measures),
programs or structural mitigation projects and should be consistent with any pre-identified mitigation goals
and objectives.
Site and Location: Provide details with regard to the physical location or geographic extent of the
proposed action, such as the location of a specific structure to be mitigated, whether a program will be
citywide, countywide or regional, etc.
History of Damages: Provide a brief history of any known damages as it relates to the proposed action
and the hazard(s) being addressed. For example, the proposed elevation of a repetitive loss property
should include an overview of the number of times the structure has flooded, total dollar amount of
damages if available, etc.
Hazard(s) Addressed: List the hazard(s) the proposed action is designed to mitigate against.
Category: Indicate the most appropriate category for the proposed action as discussed during the
Mitigation Strategy Workshop (Prevention; Property Protection; Natural Resource Protection; Structural
Projects; Emergency Services; Public Education and Awareness).
Priority: Indicate whether the action is a “high” priority, “moderate” priority or “low” priority based
generally on the following criteria:
1. Effect on overall risk to life and property
2. Ease of implementation / technical feasibility
3. Project costs versus benefits
4. Political and community support
5. Funding availability
Estimated Cost: If applicable, indicate what the total cost will be to accomplish this action. This amount
will be an estimate until actual final dollar amounts can be determined. Some actions (such as ordinance
revisions) may only cost “local staff time” and should be noted so.
Potential Funding Sources: If applicable, indicate how the cost to complete the action will be funded.
For example, funds may be provided from existing operating budgets or general funds, a previously
established contingency fund, a cost-sharing federal or state grant program, etc.
Lead Agency/Department Responsible: Identify the local agency, department or organization that is
best suited to implement the proposed action.
Implementation Schedule: Indicate when the action will begin and when the action is expected to be
completed. Remember that some actions will require only a minimal amount of time, while others may
require a long-term or continuous effort.
Comments: This space is provided for any additional information or details that may not be captured
under the previous headings.
Proposed Action:
Site and Location:
History of Damages:
Appendix C
Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool
The Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool demonstrates how the Local Mitigation Plan meets
the regulation in 44 CFR §201.6 and offers States and FEMA Mitigation Planners an
opportunity to provide feedback to the community.
The FEMA Mitigation Planner must reference this Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide when
completing the Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool.
INSTRUCTIONS: The Regulation Checklist must be completed by FEMA. The purpose of the
Checklist is to identify the location of relevant or applicable content in the Plan by
Element/sub-element and to determine if each requirement has been ‘Met’ or ‘Not Met.’
The ‘Required Revisions’ summary at the bottom of each Element must be completed by
FEMA to provide a clear explanation of the revisions that are required for plan approval.
Required revisions must be explained for each plan sub-element that is ‘Not Met.’ Sub-
elements should be referenced in each summary by using the appropriate numbers (A1, B3,
etc.), where applicable. Requirements for each Element and sub-element are described in
detail in this Plan Review Guide in Section 4, Regulation Checklist.
INSTRUCTIONS: The purpose of the Plan Assessment is to offer the local community more
comprehensive feedback to the community on the quality and utility of the plan in a
narrative format. The audience for the Plan Assessment is not only the plan developer/local
community planner, but also elected officials, local departments and agencies, and others
involved in implementing the Local Mitigation Plan. The Plan Assessment must be
completed by FEMA. The Assessment is an opportunity for FEMA to provide feedback and
information to the community on: 1) suggested improvements to the Plan; 2) specific
sections in the Plan where the community has gone above and beyond minimum
requirements; 3) recommendations for plan implementation; and 4) ongoing partnership(s)
and information on other FEMA programs, specifically RiskMAP and Hazard Mitigation
Assistance programs. The Plan Assessment is divided into two sections:
Plan Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement is organized according to the plan
Elements listed in the Regulation Checklist. Each Element includes a series of italicized
bulleted items that are suggested topics for consideration while evaluating plans, but it is
not intended to be a comprehensive list. FEMA Mitigation Planners are not required to
answer each bullet item, and should use them as a guide to paraphrase their own written
assessment (2-3 sentences) of each Element.
The Plan Assessment must not reiterate the required revisions from the Regulation
Checklist or be regulatory in nature, and should be open-ended and to provide the
community with suggestions for improvements or recommended revisions. The
recommended revisions are suggestions for improvement and are not required to be made
for the Plan to meet Federal regulatory requirements. The italicized text should be deleted
once FEMA has added comments regarding strengths of the plan and potential
improvements for future plan revisions. It is recommended that the Plan Assessment be a
short synopsis of the overall strengths and weaknesses of the Plan (no longer than two
pages), rather than a complete recap section by section.
Resources for Implementing Your Approved Plan provides a place for FEMA to offer
information, data sources and general suggestions on the overall plan implementation and
maintenance process. Information on other possible sources of assistance including, but
not limited to, existing publications, grant funding or training opportunities, can be
provided. States may add state and local resources, if available.
1) A general description of land uses and future development trends within the community
so that mitigation options can be considered in future land use decisions;
2) The types and numbers of existing and future buildings, infrastructure, and critical
facilities located in the identified hazard areas; and
3) A description of potential dollar losses to vulnerable structures, and a description of the
methodology used to prepare the estimate.
How does the Plan go above and beyond minimum requirements to document the Hazard
Identification and Risk Assessment with respect to:
• Use of best available data (flood maps, HAZUS, flood studies) to describe significant
• Communication of risk on people, property, and infrastructure to the public (through
tables, charts, maps, photos, etc.);
• Incorporation of techniques and methodologies to estimate dollar losses to vulnerable
• Incorporation of Risk MAP products (i.e., depth grids, Flood Risk Report, Changes Since
Last FIRM, Areas of Mitigation Interest, etc.); and
• Identification of any data gaps that can be filled as new data became available.
• Key problems identified in, and linkages to, the vulnerability assessment;
• Serving as a blueprint for reducing potential losses identified in the Hazard Identification
and Risk Assessment;
• Plan content flow from the risk assessment (problem identification) to goal setting to
mitigation action development;
• An understanding of mitigation principles (diversity of actions that include structural
projects, preventative measures, outreach activities, property protection measures, post-
disaster actions, etc);
• Specific mitigation actions for each participating jurisdictions that reflects their unique
risks and capabilities;
• Integration of mitigation actions with existing local authorities, policies, programs, and
resources; and
• Discussion of existing programs (including the NFIP), plans, and policies that could be
used to implement mitigation, as well as document past projects.
• What FEMA assistance (funding) programs are available (for example, Hazard
Mitigation Assistance (HMA)) to the jurisdiction(s) to assist with implementing the
mitigation actions?
• What other Federal programs (National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), Community
Rating System (CRS), Risk MAP, etc.) may provide assistance for mitigation activities?
• What publications, technical guidance or other resources are available to the
jurisdiction(s) relevant to the identified mitigation actions?
• Are there upcoming trainings/workshops (Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA), HMA, etc.) to
assist the jurisdictions(s)?
• What mitigation actions can be funded by other Federal agencies (for example, U.S.
Forest Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Smart Growth, Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) Sustainable Communities, etc.) and/or state and local agencies?
INSTRUCTIONS: For multi-jurisdictional plans, a Multi-jurisdiction Summary Spreadsheet may be completed by listing each
participating jurisdiction, which required Elements for each jurisdiction were ‘Met’ or ‘Not Met,’ and when the adoption resolutions
were received. This Summary Sheet does not imply that a mini-plan be developed for each jurisdiction; it should be used as an
optional worksheet to ensure that each jurisdiction participating in the Plan has been documented and has met the requirements for
those Elements (A through E).
Biltmore Town
3 Forest
Black Town
4 Mountain
Montreat Town
Weaverville Town
Woodfin Town
Madison County
8 County
Hot Springs Town
1. Meeting Agendas
2. Meeting Sign-In Sheets
3. Neighboring Jurisdiction Outreach Documentation
4. Public Survey Summary Results
Buncombe-Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
Project Kickoff Meeting
September 24, 2019
10:00 AM – Noon
1) Introductions
2) Mitigation Refresher
3) Icebreaker Exercise
4) Project Overview
a) Key Objectives
b) Project Tasks
c) Project Schedule
6) Next Steps
a) Initiate data collection efforts
b) Begin public outreach
c) Discuss next Hazard Mitigation Planning Team meeting
1) Introductions
2) Mitigation Recap
3) Project Schedule
a) Hazard Identification
b) Hazard Profiles
c) Hazard Vulnerability Assessment
6) Mitigation Strategy
8) Plan Maintenance
9) Next Steps
Buncombe Madison Regional HMP -
8/11/20- Mitigation Strategy Meeting Attendance List
Importance: Low
Good afternoon
You are receiving this email because a neighboring County (Buncombe and Madison County NC), along with the
municipalities within those counties and other participating partners, are now working to update the region’s multi‐
jurisdictional Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The
purpose of this plan is to identify and assess the region’s hazard risks and determine strategies for how to best minimize
or manage those risks. Upon completion, the plan will represent a comprehensive multi‐jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation
Plan for the two‐county region.
You are being notified of this planning process for two purposes:
1. FEMA requires that neighboring jurisdictions be provided an opportunity to be involved in the planning process.
2. You may want to contribute information to these jurisdictions to consider as they update their hazard mitigation plan.
I serve as the Project Manager for the update of the plan. Please let me know if you would like to contribute
information, be invited to any upcoming meetings in the development of the plan or if you would like to receive a copy
of the draft plan.
Should you have any questions about the Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan, please do not hesitate to
contact me. Thank you for your time!
Nathan Slaughter, AICP, CFM
Department Manager – Hazard Mitigation
ESP Associates, Inc.
2200 Gateway Centre Boulevard – Suite 216
Morrisville, NC 27560
919.415.2726 | Direct
919.678.1070 | Office
919.244.9536 | Cell
Buncombe Madison Regional Hazard
Mitigation Plan - Public Survey
We need your help!
Choice Total
Asheville 15
Biltmore Forest 0
Black Mountain 11
Montreat 0
Weaverville 6
Woodfin 1
Hot Springs 1
Marshall 11
Mars Hill 15
Choice Total
Yes 47
No 45
Answered: 47 Unanswered: 45
Q4 4\. How concerned are you about the possibility of your community being impacted
by a disaster?*
Answered: 92 Unanswered: 0
Choice Total
Extemely concerned 22
Somewhat concerned 57
Not concerned 13
Q5 5\. Please select the one hazard you think is the highest threat to your
Answered: 92 Unanswered: 0
Choice Total
Cyber Attack 0
Drought 3
Excessive Heat 0
Hazardous Substances 4
Infectious Disease 2
Lightning 0
Terrorism 4
Wildfire 14
Choice Total
Dam Failure 0
Earthquakes 0
Erosion 2
Flooding 21
Landslides 3
Radiological Emergency 1
Tornadoes 0
Q6 6\. Please select the one hazard you think is the second highest threat to your
Answered: 92 Unanswered: 0
Choice Total
Cyber Attack 3
Drought 6
Excessive Heat 3
Hazardous Substances 1
Infectious Disease 5
Lightning 2
Terrorism 0
Wildfire 10
Choice Total
Dam Failure 1
Earthquake 1
Erosion 3
Flooding 11
Landslides 7
Radiological Emergency 0
Tornado 0
Q7 7\. Are there any other hazards that you feel pose a wide-scale threat to your
community? If so, please explain:
Answered: 39 Unanswered: 53
Choice Total
Yes 5
No 77
Choice Total
Yes 9
No 78
Choice Total
Too expensive 5
Other 10
Answered: 10 Unanswered: 82
Q12 12\. Have you taken any steps to make your home or neighborhood more resistant
to hazards?*
Answered: 92 Unanswered: 0
Choice Total
Yes 49
No 43
Answered: 39 Unanswered: 53
Q14 14\. Are you interested in making your home or neighborhood more resistant to
Answered: 92 Unanswered: 0
Choice Total
Yes 83
No 9
Q15 15\. Do you know what office to contact to find out more information about how to
reduce your risks to hazards in your area?*
Answered: 92 Unanswered: 0
Choice Total
Yes 30
No 62
Q16 16\. What is the most effective way for you to receive information about how to
make your home and neighborhood more resistant to hazards?*
Answered: 92 Unanswered: 0
Choice Total
Newspaper 1
Radio 0
Mail 16
School Meetings 0
Television 3
Public Wokshops/Meetings 11
Q17 17\. Are there any other ways you prefer to receive information? If so, please
Answered: 27 Unanswered: 65
Q18 18\. In your opinion, what are some steps your local government could take to
reduce or eliminate the risk of future hazard damages in your neighborhood?
Answered: 49 Unanswered: 43
Q19 19\. Are there any other issues regarding the reduction of risk and loss associated
with hazards or disasters in the community that you think are important? If so, please
Answered: 18 Unanswered: 74
Q20 A number of community-wide activities can reduce our risk from hazards. In
general, these activities fall into one of the following six broad categories. In the next six
questions, please tell us how important you think each one is for your community to
consider pursuing.
20\. Prevention - Administrative or regulatory actions that influence the way land is
developed and buildings are built. Examples include planning and zoning, building
codes, open space preservation, and floodplain regulations.*
Answered: 92 Unanswered: 0
Choice Total
Very important 75
Somewhat important 13
Not important 4
Q21 21\. Property Protection - Actions that involve the modification of existing
buildings to protect them from a hazard or removal from the hazard area.
Answered: 92 Unanswered: 0
Choice Total
Very important 37
Somewhat important 47
Not important 8
Q22 22\. Natural Resource Protection - Actions that, in addition to minimizing hazard
losses, also preserve or restore the functions of natural systems. (Examples include:
floodplain protection, habitat preservation, slope stabilization, riparian buffers, and forest
Answered: 92 Unanswered: 0
Choice Total
Very important 74
Somewhat important 16
Not important 2
Q23 23\. Structural Projects - Actions intended to lessen the impact of a hazard by
modifying the natural progression of the hazard.
Answered: 92 Unanswered: 0
Choice Total
Very important 51
Somewhat important 36
Choice Total
Not important 5
Q24 24\. Emergency Services - Actions that protect people and property during and
immediately after a hazard event.
Answered: 92 Unanswered: 0
Choice Total
Very important 78
Somewhat important 12
Not important 2
Q25 25\. Public Education and Awareness - Actions to inform citizens about hazards
and the techniques they can use to protect themselves and their property.
(Examples include outreach projects, school education programs, library materials and
demonstration events.)*
Answered: 92 Unanswered: 0
Choice Total
Very important 62
Somewhat important 28
Not important 2
Q26 This survey may be submitted anonymously; however, if you provide us with your
name and contact information below, we will have the ability to follow up with you to
learn more about your ideas or concerns. (Optional)
Answered: 14 Unanswered: 78
Appendix E
Completed Mitigation Actions
Buncombe County Completed Mitigation Actions
Action Hazard(s) Relative Funding Responsible
Description Completion 2014 Action Implementation Status
# Addressed Priority Sources Party
Strengthen the road design and Buncombe County adopted the Manufactured Home
construction as it pertains to the Park Ordinance in April 1996. The purpose of the
Manufactured Home Park Ordinance. Ordinance is to protect the health, safety and general
welfare of citizens of the County, particularly those who
are residents of manufactured home parks. New parks
and expansions of current parks are required to apply
for a manufactured home park permit for construction.
PP-1 All Moderate Local EM/Planning Completed
Plans are required to contain title block information;
project data including the number of lots and
acreage disturbed; road and utility information; location
of natural features affecting the site, including the
location of the 100‐year floodplain and floodway; and
other information specified in Section 46‐65.5 in the
Buncombe County Code of Ordinances. In 2006, the
Action Hazard(s) Relative Funding Responsible
Description Completion 2014 Action Implementation Status
# Addressed Priority Sources Party
requirement was added that all plans or requests must
comply with the Buncombe County Fire Prevention
Ordinance, and that the County fire marshal provide
approval prior to a permit being issued.
There are specific street construction standards
required in the Ordinance, including a minimum drive
width of 16’, with all weather surface. Other street
considerations include road intersection standards;
minimum number of parking spaces per unit; minimum
recorded access road right‐of‐way width; required
turnarounds for street lengths over 500’; and road
standards determined by road grade.
Manufactured home spaces are required to have certain
square footage depending on whether the park is
served by sewer or septic systems. Each new home
space must be located on ground not susceptible to
flooding and graded so as to prevent any water from
ponding. Each home shall be located at least 20’ from
any other home, at least 15’ from the manufactured
home park boundary, and at least 10’ from the edge of
any interior street. The Ordinance has requirements for
all manufactured home parks, related to the provision
of solid waste receptacles; the maintenance and safety
of the park; adequate potable water supply; and
responsibility for ensuring that each home be equipped
with anchored steps or stairs from at least two exits.
Finally, the Ordinance has penalties for violation and
procedures for enforcement. At this time, there is no
plan for further amending the road design standards in
this Ordinance.
Action Hazard(s) Relative Funding Responsible
Description Completion 2014 Action Implementation Status
# Addressed Priority Sources Party
Revise the Erosion Control Ordinance. The County’s Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control
Ordinance has been in existence since 1993, and was
adopted pursuant to the authority granted in the North
Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973.
The purpose of the Ordinance is to regulate certain land
disturbing activity to control accelerated erosion and
sedimentation in order to prevent the pollution of water
and other damage to lakes, watercourses, and other
public and private property. The general requirements
of the Ordinance include requiring a plan for any land
disturbing activity which uncovers one or more acres on
a tract of land. In addition, a plan is required for any
PP-4 FL Moderate Local Completed residential land disturbing activity which uncovers one‐
quarter acre or more on a lot, parcel, or tract with an
average slope of 25% or greater in its natural state, or
any residential land disturbing activity which
uncovers one‐half acre or more on a lot, parcel or tract
with an average slope of 15‐25% in its natural state, and
applies to the Subdivision Ordinance, section 70‐68. An
additional requirement is that all persons conducting
land‐disturbing activity shall take all reasonable
measures to protect all public and private property from
damage caused by such activities.
Plans are required to identify critical areas; limit time of
exposure; limit exposed areas; control surface water;
control sedimentation; and manage stormwater runoff. A
notarized statement of financial responsibility and
ownership is also required. Maintenance of ground cover
following development is required. Civil penalties can be
assessed for various violations, with a daily charge, and
injunctive relief procedures are outlined. The Ordinance
was revised in 2006, and the fee schedule changed in
2011. There are no plans to further revise this Ordinance.
FL = Flood DR = Drought ES = Expansive Soils HU = Hurricane T = Tornado WF= Wildfire S/I = Snow/Ice ET = Extreme Temperatures EQ =
Earthquake LS = Landslide L = Lightning ER = Erosion HM = HAZMAT D = Dams/Levees TS = Thunderstorms EM = Buncombe County Emergency Management
Legend Flood Zone Data Source: North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program
County Boundary 100 Year Flood Zone
500 Year Flood Zone
15 Miles
Municipal Boundary
0 3.75 7.5
Major Roads Coastal Flood Zone
Asheville - Flood Hazard Areas
Legend Flood Zone Data Source: North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program
County Boundary 100 Year Flood Zone
500 Year Flood Zone
7 Miles
Municipal Boundary
0 1.75 3.5
Major Roads Coastal Flood Zone
Biltmore Forest - Flood Hazard Areas
Legend Flood Zone Data Source: North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program
County Boundary 100 Year Flood Zone
500 Year Flood Zone
1.6 Miles
Municipal Boundary
0 0.4 0.8
Major Roads Coastal Flood Zone
Black Mountain - Flood Hazard Areas
Legend Flood Zone Data Source: North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program
County Boundary 100 Year Flood Zone
500 Year Flood Zone
1.7 Miles
Municipal Boundary
0 0.425 0.85
Major Roads Coastal Flood Zone
Montreat - Flood Hazard Areas
Legend Flood Zone Data Source: North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program
County Boundary 100 Year Flood Zone
500 Year Flood Zone
0.9 Miles
Municipal Boundary
0 0.225 0.45
Major Roads Coastal Flood Zone
Weaverville - Flood Hazard Areas
Legend Flood Zone Data Source: North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program
County Boundary 100 Year Flood Zone
500 Year Flood Zone
1.4 Miles
Municipal Boundary
0 0.35 0.7
Major Roads Coastal Flood Zone
Woodfin - Flood Hazard Areas
Legend Flood Zone Data Source: North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program
County Boundary 100 Year Flood Zone
500 Year Flood Zone
1.8 Miles
Municipal Boundary
0 0.45 0.9
Major Roads Coastal Flood Zone
Madison County - Flood Hazard Areas
Legend Flood Zone Data Source: North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program
County Boundary 100 Year Flood Zone
500 Year Flood Zone
11 Miles
Municipal Boundary
0 2.75 5.5
Major Roads Coastal Flood Zone
Hot Springs - Flood Hazard Areas
Legend Flood Zone Data Source: North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program
County Boundary 100 Year Flood Zone
500 Year Flood Zone
1.3 Miles
Municipal Boundary
0 0.325 0.65
Major Roads Coastal Flood Zone
Mars Hill - Flood Hazard Areas
Legend Flood Zone Data Source: North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program
County Boundary 100 Year Flood Zone
500 Year Flood Zone
1.1 Miles
Municipal Boundary
0 0.275 0.55
Major Roads Coastal Flood Zone
Marshall - Flood Hazard Areas
Legend Flood Zone Data Source: North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program
County Boundary 100 Year Flood Zone
500 Year Flood Zone
1.1 Miles
Municipal Boundary
0 0.275 0.55
Major Roads Coastal Flood Zone
Appendix G
Wildfire Hazard Maps
Buncombe County - Wildfire Ignition Density
Hot Springs
Mars Hill
Woodfin Montreat
Old Fort
Black Mountain
Biltmore Forest
Municipal Boundary 0 2 4 6 8
0 3.75 7.5 15 Miles
County Boundary 1 3 5 7 9
Asheville - Wildfire Ignition Density
Black Mountain
Biltmore Forest
Municipal Boundary 0 2 4 6 8
0 1.75 3.5 7 Miles
County Boundary 1 3 5 7 9
Biltmore Forest - Wildfire Ignition Density
Biltmore Forest
Municipal Boundary 0 2 4 6 8
0 0.4 0.8 1.6 Miles
County Boundary 1 3 5 7 9
Black Mountain - Wildfire Ignition Density
Black Mountain
Municipal Boundary 0 2 4 6 8
0 0.425 0.85 1.7 Miles
County Boundary 1 3 5 7 9
Montreat - Wildfire Ignition Density
Black Mountain
Municipal Boundary 0 2 4 6 8
0 0.225 0.45 0.9 Miles
County Boundary 1 3 5 7 9
Weaverville - Wildfire Ignition Density
Municipal Boundary 0 2 4 6 8
0 0.35 0.7 1.4 Miles
County Boundary 1 3 5 7 9
Woodfin - Wildfire Ignition Density
Municipal Boundary 0 2 4 6 8
0 0.45 0.9 1.8 Miles
County Boundary 1 3 5 7 9
Madison County - Wildfire Ignition Density
Hot Springs
Mars Hill
Municipal Boundary 0 2 4 6 8
0 2.75 5.5 11 Miles
County Boundary 1 3 5 7 9
Hot Springs - Wildfire Ignition Density
Hot Springs
Municipal Boundary 0 2 4 6 8
0 0.325 0.65 1.3 Miles
County Boundary 1 3 5 7 9
Mars Hill - Wildfire Ignition Density
Mars Hill
Municipal Boundary 0 2 4 6 8
0 0.275 0.55 1.1 Miles
County Boundary 1 3 5 7 9
Marshall - Wildfire Ignition Density
Municipal Boundary 0 2 4 6 8
0 0.275 0.55 1.1 Miles
County Boundary 1 3 5 7 9
Buncombe County - Wildfire Events
Hot Springs
Mars Hill
Woodfin Montreat
Old Fort
Black Mountain
Biltmore Forest
Municipal Boundary 1 - 10 ! 101 - 500
Black Mountain
Biltmore Forest
Municipal Boundary 1 - 10 ! 101 - 500
Biltmore Forest
Municipal Boundary 1 - 10 ! 101 - 500
Black Mountain
Municipal Boundary 1 - 10 ! 101 - 500
Black Mountain
Municipal Boundary 1 - 10 ! 101 - 500
Municipal Boundary 1 - 10 ! 101 - 500
Municipal Boundary 1 - 10 ! 101 - 500
Hot Springs
Mars Hill
Municipal Boundary 1 - 10 ! 101 - 500
Hot Springs
Municipal Boundary 1 - 10 ! 101 - 500
Mars Hill
Municipal Boundary 1 - 10 ! 101 - 500
Municipal Boundary 1 - 10 ! 101 - 500
Mars Hill
Woodfin Montreat
Old Fort
Black Mountain
Biltmore Forest
WUI Risk Index
Municipal Boundary
County Boundary
0 -3 -6 -9 0 3.75 7.5 15 Miles
Low High
Asheville - Wildland Urban Interface Risk Index
Black Mountain
Biltmore Forest
WUI Risk Index
Municipal Boundary
County Boundary
0 -3 -6 -9 0 1.75 3.5 7 Miles
Low High
Biltmore Forest - Wildland Urban Interface Risk Index
Biltmore Forest
WUI Risk Index
Municipal Boundary
County Boundary
0 -3 -6 -9 0 0.4 0.8 1.6 Miles
Low High
Black Mountain - Wildland Urban Interface Risk Index
Black Mountain
WUI Risk Index
Municipal Boundary
County Boundary
0 -3 -6 -9 0 0.425 0.85 1.7 Miles
Low High
Montreat - Wildland Urban Interface Risk Index
Black Mountain
WUI Risk Index
Municipal Boundary
County Boundary
0 -3 -6 -9 0 0.225 0.45 0.9 Miles
Low High
Weaverville - Wildland Urban Interface Risk Index
WUI Risk Index
Municipal Boundary
County Boundary
0 -3 -6 -9 0 0.35 0.7 1.4 Miles
Low High
Woodfin - Wildland Urban Interface Risk Index
WUI Risk Index
Municipal Boundary
County Boundary
0 -3 -6 -9 0 0.45 0.9 1.8 Miles
Low High
Madison County - Wildland Urban Interface Risk Index
Hot Springs
Mars Hill
WUI Risk Index
Municipal Boundary
County Boundary
0 -3 -6 -9 0 2.75 5.5 11 Miles
Low High
Hot Springs - Wildland Urban Interface Risk Index
Hot Springs
WUI Risk Index
Municipal Boundary
County Boundary
0 -3 -6 -9 0 0.325 0.65 1.3 Miles
Low High
Mars Hill - Wildland Urban Interface Risk Index
Mars Hill
WUI Risk Index
Municipal Boundary
County Boundary
0 -3 -6 -9 0 0.275 0.55 1.1 Miles
Low High
Marshall - Wildland Urban Interface Risk Index
WUI Risk Index
Municipal Boundary
County Boundary
0 -3 -6 -9 0 0.275 0.55 1.1 Miles
Low High
Appendix H:
NCEI Storm Event Data
This section of the Plan includes the historic storm event data as reported to the National Centers for
Environmental Information.
H.1 – Drought
H.2 – Flood
H.3 – Hail
H.5 – Heavy Rain
H.6 – Heavy Snow
H.7 – High Wind
H.8 – Ice Storm
H.9 – Lightning
H.10 – Sleet
H.11 – Tornado
H.12 – Thunderstorm
H.13 – Winter Storm
Date Description
Unprecedented drought conditions continued. Some rivers and lakes reached record-low levels. Well-
drilling companies in the North Carolina piedmont were recording twice as much business as usual.
The effects of the long-term drought became more severe, especially in the North Carolina piedmont.
Critical water conditions were beginning to concern officials and residents of Charlotte.
Very little active weather during December signaled that the drought was still present - and becoming
critically important to more and more people. The Charlotte area recorded an all-time record dry calendar
year with just 26.23 inches of rainfall during 2001. Records have been kept in the area since 1878. Many
12/1/2001 communities initiated either mandatory or voluntary water restrictions. At Kings Mountain, NC - a new
pump was required at Lake Moss because the water level dropped below 2 of the 3 existing pumps. Record
low ground water supplies, lake levels, and stream flows were reported across all of Western North
The water supply situation reached crisis levels in some communities, as the effects of the long term
drought continued to plague western North Carolina. Particularly hard hit were several Piedmont
communities along the Interstate 77 corridor. The city of Shelby was forced to buy water from surrounding
communities and even from private companies and citizens. In Statesville, emergency construction of wells
and a dam was necessary to prevent the city from running out of water, as the South Yadkin River reached
historically low levels. Water levels on area lakes were as much as 10 feet below full pond. Most of the
larger towns and cities along the I-77 corridor had imposed mandatory water restrictions by the end of the
month, including the Charlotte metro area.
The effects of an extended period of dry weather were exacerbated by an abnormally dry May, with many
locations reporting one of the driest Mays in recorded history. By the end of May, many climatological
stations were reporting yearly rainfall deficits as high as 10 inches. The result was severe to extreme
drought conditions across much of western North Carolina by the end of the month. Water restrictions
were implemented in some counties across extreme western North Carolina. The very dry conditions added
to agriculture hardships caused by a hard freeze and widespread damaging winds in April.
Despite an increase in thunderstorm activity, drought conditions persisted across much of western North
Carolina. The persistent drought continued to cause hardships to agricultural interests that were still
recuperating from the April freeze. Dollar values for the drought damage should be included in either the
August or September Storm Data for this region.
Severe to extreme drought conditions persisted across much of western North Carolina during August. By
the end of the month, voluntary water restrictions continued in almost all North Carolina counties along
and west of I-77. Stream flows and groundwater levels approached record low levels. Water levels on some
reservoirs decreased by as much as 1 foot every 10 days. Agricultural interests continued to be especially
hard hit, and the North Carolina governor requested federal disaster aid by the end of the month. Dollar
values for the drought should be included in either the September or October Storm Data for this region.
Extreme drought conditions persisted across western North Carolina through September, as the region
experienced another month of well-below normal precipitation. By the end of the month, most locations
were running a yearly rainfall deficit of 11-17 inches. Stream flows and groundwater levels were near
record low levels, with many streams running at 5 percent or less of normal flow. Water levels on area
9/1/2007 reservoirs were some of the lowest in recorded history. Agricultural interests continued to be especially
hard hit. Farmers continued to struggle to feed livestock due to a lack of hay and poor pasture conditions,
forcing many cattle to be sold or slaughtered. Agricultural and other losses attributed to the drought are
estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars. County-based losses for the growing season will be
included in next month's Storm Data.
Unusually dry weather continued across western North Carolina through October. Although a soaking rain
near the end of the month resulted in near-normal monthly precipitation for the mountains, the piedmont
10/1/2007 saw another month of well-below normal rainfall. Most areas were on pace to break yearly rainfall deficit
records. By the end of the month, exceptional drought conditions were reported across the majority of the
area. Water flow on area streams continued at 3 to 6 percent of normal, while lake levels remained at near-
Date Description
record lows. Although most cities and towns were requesting voluntary water restrictions be observed,
mandatory restrictions were ordered in quite a few communities. In some areas, the water situation was
becoming dire, with Monroe, NC officials reporting that water supplies would be exhausted by early 2008 if
significant rain did not occur. Also, private wells were beginning to dry up in many areas. Agriculture
continued to be severely impacted by the drought. As of this writing, county by county dollar estimates of
drought damage have not been made available.
November provided no relief from the effects of the long term drought. In fact, another month of well-
below normal rainfall made an already dire situation even worse. Many locations remained on pace to set
11/1/2007 annual records for rainfall deficit. By the end of the month, the vast majority of the region was experiencing
exceptional drought conditions. Streamflow on area rivers remained extremely low, generally less than 10
percent of normal. Meanwhile, lakes continued to gradually fall toward record low levels.
The latter half of December saw a transition to a wetter pattern across the southeast. Most observing
stations in western North Carolina|reported above normal monthly rainfall for the first time since January
2007. However, this was not enough to put much of a dent in the long-term drought as extreme to
exceptional drought conditions persisted into the New Year. Although the increase in rainfall did allow for
some recharge of area streams, many were still running at less than 25 percent of normal flow at the end of
the month.
January saw a return to dry weather across western North Carolina.|Most observing stations across the
region reported a rainfall deficit of 1 to 2 inches during the month, resulting in another month of
1/1/2008 exceptional drought conditions across most of the area. Water levels on area lakes remained within a foot
or two of record low stages. However, rivers and streams remained somewhat recharged from the
December rains, with streamflow on most waterways running 25 to 75 percent of normal.
Although near normal rainfall was observed across much of the area during the late winter and early spring,
another period of abnormally dry weather in May and June exacerbated severe to extreme drought
conditions over the western Carolinas and northeast Georgia. Much of the area saw less than 2 inches of
6/1/2008 rain during this period of time. By the end of the month, much of the mountains and foothills of western
North Carolina were running 10 inches below normal annual rainfall. Total rainfall deficits since the
beginning of 2007 were around 20 inches or more in the hardest hit areas. By the end of the month, flow
on almost all major streams was running less than 10 percent of normal. Many area crops suffered.
Unusually dry weather continued through the month of July, with severe to extreme drought conditions
persisting across the area. Afternoon and evening thunderstorms provided some degree of relief across
portions of the North Carolina piedmont, but locations across Upstate South Carolina and extreme western
North Carolina reported annual rainfall deficits of nearly 11 inches by the end of the month. Mandatory
water restrictions were instituted across much of the North Carolina foothills. Water well levels began to
descend below record low levels, most of which were recorded during the 1999-2002 drought. The vast
majority of major streams across the area continued to run 1-10 percent of normal flow. Agriculture
continued to be hard hit, with some areas reporting a 100 percent loss of the corn crop.
Dry weather persisted across much of the area for most of August, although portions of the North Carolina
Piedmont began to see relief from the dry conditions early in the month, due to an increase in daily
thunderstorm activity. Elsewhere, exceptional drought conditions persisted and even expanded slightly
westward to cover more of far western North Carolina and northeast Georgia. During the early part of the
month, flows on most of the major streams across the area were running at record low levels, with the
8/1/2008 French Broad River setting a minimum flow record that had stood for almost 100 years. Only a handful of
streams were running at more than 1 to 7 percent of normal. Groundwater levels were 2-5 feet below
normal. Significant agricultural impacts persisted, with losses to summer crops, including hay, estimated at
30%. The dry weather also affected the livestock industry, due to shortages of pasture crops necessary for
feeding.||By the end of the month, Tropical Storm Fay had dropped up to 11 inches of rainfall across the
area, providing some relief from the drought conditions, especially across the North Carolina Piedmont.
The heavy rain brought by Tropical Storm Fay in late August provided some relief to the drought conditions
9/1/2008 across the area. This was particularly true across the North Carolina piedmont, where improving conditions
were aided by normal September rainfall. However, another dry month resulted in a persistence of extreme
Date Description
to exceptional drought conditions across the North Carolina mountains and foothills. Voluntary water
restrictions remained widespread during the month. A few communities held onto mandatory restrictions
early in the month, but many of these were lifted by the end of the month. Well water remained near
record low levels in many areas, while lake levels persisted well below normal stages. Rainfall from Fay
resulted in some improvement in streamflows, although most rivers and major streams remained at less
than 25 percent of normal, with many still running at less than 10 percent of normal. By the end of the
month, government officials had requested a federal disaster declaration for most of the counties in the
area, due to crop damages.
Another abnormally dry month resulted in a persistence of severe to exceptional drought conditions over
much of the mountains and foothills of North Carolina. Some slight improvement was observed in well
water levels, but they remained near record lows. Most rivers and major streams continued to flow at less
than 10 percent of normal. Voluntary water restrictions continued in most areas, with a few areas
continuing to institute mandatory restrictions. Meanwhile, severe crop losses resulted in a federal disaster
declaration for much of the larger agricultural communities across the area.
Another month of below normal rainfall resulted in a persistence of severe to exceptional drought
conditions over much of western North Carolina through November. In fact, drought conditions actually
worsened in some areas, with portions of the central North Carolina mountains deteriorating to exceptional
drought conditions late in the month. Slight improvements in well water levels continued across the area.
Most rivers and major streams continued to flow at less than 10 percent of normal. Voluntary water
restrictions continued in most areas, with a few areas continuing to institute mandatory restrictions.
Abnormally dry weather that began early in 2016 and continued through the spring, summer, and early fall
resulted in establishment of extreme to exceptional drought conditions across the across the southern and
central mountains and southern foothills of North Carolina by November. Total rainfall deficits for the
period from July until the end of November were as much as 18 inches below normal, while annual rainfall
deficits were two feet or more below normal. The drought conditions worsened farther to the southwest
11/1/2016 across the state. Drought conditions were exacerbated by an unusually warm late summer and early fall,
when it is not unusual to see temperatures 10 to 15 degrees above normal. Stream flows and reservoir
levels were well below normal across the area, while the very dry vegetation resulted in volatile wildfire
conditions. A strong cold front brought much needed rainfall to the area during the last couple of days of
the month, spelling the start of a wetter period that brought an end to the more extreme drought
Madison County
Dry weather continued through much of the month of July, affecting crops during the critical part of the
7/1/1998 growing season. Corn and other vegetables sustained the most damage, but a dollar amount was not
available at the time of this writing.
The drought which began during the summer continued through October. The only significant rainfall
10/1/1998 during the month occurred on the 7-8th. Cities and counties began to restrict water usage and streamflows
for several mountain locations were reduced to the lowest seen in 50 years.
Dry weather persisted into the late fall with rainfall deficits between 5 and 10 inches. This affected late
season crops and caused water shortages. Water usage restrictions were initiated in many communities.
The drought worsened during the month of August as high evaporation rates and little rainfall occurred.
The most severe conditions by the end of the month had developed in the foothills and piedmont. Water
restrictions began in several communities, and for some, the first time in memory. Hay and late crops dried
up in many counties. Ponds and wells began to dry up as well, affecting homeowners, farmers, and
businesses such as nurseries. In addition, boaters were running aground on recreational lakes due to low
water levels.
Rainfall continued to be scarce across much of western North Carolina through the month of September,
9/1/1999 prolonging the drought conditions which existed all summer. However, some areas in the piedmont picked
up some rain from the remnants of Hurricane Dennis early in the month and from Hurricane Floyd itself
Date Description
two weeks later. Although this rain brought some relief, more wells ran dry and many more areas began
mandatory water restrictions.
The return of some rainfall as well as lower evaporation rates due to the change of seasons, resulted in the
10/1/1999 drought easing somewhat. Drought classifications were lowered in some cases, and some places lifted
water restrictions. However, the drought had not ended by the end of the month.
The 2 year drought was reaching a critical stage by late summer. Many 80 to 100 foot wells were going dry.
Area lakes were at record low levels causing property damage to docks, boats, etc.
Overall, drought conditions continued across western North Carolina despite some locations receiving near
their month's average rainfall. Low stream flow and municipal water supply remained the largest issues
with many towns and cities enacting water restrictions. Citizens were quoted as saying this is the driest
they have ever seen it. Despite the drought conditions, impact on crops seemed to be minimal.
Effects of the drought intensified as many areas received absolutely no rain during the month, setting
records for the longest stretch without measurable rainfall in several locations. Wells and mountain
streams continued to dry up and lake levels continued to drop. Many communities were forced to start
more stringent water conservation measures.
The long-term drought continued to affect the region. Rainfall during the month was near or slightly above
normal, but this had little effect on the ground water levels. Numerous wells dried up during the fall, and
well borers and drillers could not keep up with the demand. Large lakes reported record low levels and
some communities continued or initiated water control measures.
The long term drought's impact became more severe, even during the winter, as water levels in lakes
2/1/2001 dropped and stream flow on rivers reached the lowest in memory. More and more communities began
water restrictions and started preparing for a busy fire weather season.
Despite beneficial rain during March, the drought continued to grip most of the area. Severe water
restrictions were implemented in parts of the North Carolina piedmont, where reservoir had dropped to all-
time low levels. In Concord, food establishments were asked to use paper and plastic products to conserve
Some relief to the long-term drought occurred at mid-month, but for the most part, the rainfall deficit for
the three-year period actually grew larger by the end of April. Mandatory water restrictions continued at a
few mountain locations, with voluntary water restrictions urged at many others. Numerous wells went dry
during April.
Unprecedented drought conditions continued. Some rivers and lakes reached record-low levels. Well-
drilling companies in the North Carolina piedmont were recording twice as much business as usual.
Very little active weather during December signaled that the drought was still present - and becoming
critically important to more and more people. The Charlotte area recorded an all-time record dry calendar
year with just 26.23 inches of rainfall during 2001. Records have been kept in the area since 1878. Many
12/1/2001 communities initiated either mandatory or voluntary water restrictions. At Kings Mountain, NC - a new
pump was required at Lake Moss because the water level dropped below 2 of the 3 existing pumps. Record
low ground water supplies, lake levels, and stream flows were reported across all of Western North
The water supply situation reached crisis levels in some communities, as the effects of the long term
drought continued to plague western North Carolina. Particularly hard hit were several Piedmont
communities along the Interstate 77 corridor. The city of Shelby was forced to buy water from surrounding
communities and even from private companies and citizens. In Statesville, emergency construction of wells
and a dam was necessary to prevent the city from running out of water, as the South Yadkin River reached
historically low levels. Water levels on area lakes were as much as 10 feet below full pond. Most of the
larger towns and cities along the I-77 corridor had imposed mandatory water restrictions by the end of the
month, including the Charlotte metro area.
The effects of an extended period of dry weather were exacerbated by an abnormally dry May, with many
locations reporting one of the driest Mays in recorded history. By the end of May, many climatological
Date Description
stations were reporting yearly rainfall deficits as high as 10 inches. The result was severe to extreme
drought conditions across much of western North Carolina by the end of the month. Water restrictions
were implemented in some counties across extreme western North Carolina. The very dry conditions added
to agriculture hardships caused by a hard freeze and widespread damaging winds in April.
Despite an increase in thunderstorm activity, drought conditions persisted across much of western North
Carolina. The persistent drought continued to cause hardships to agricultural interests that were still
recuperating from the April freeze. Dollar values for the drought damage should be included in either the
August or September Storm Data for this region.
Drought conditions persisted across much of western North Carolina during July. By the end of July,
voluntary water restrictions were instituted in almost all North Carolina counties along and west of I-77.
Some mandatory restrictions were introduced in Union County, NC. Agricultural interests continued to be
especially hard hit. The absence of rain negatively affected the hay crop, creating concern for the loss of
livestock. Dollar values for the drought damage should be included in either the August or September
Storm Data for this region.
Severe to extreme drought conditions persisted across much of western North Carolina during August. By
the end of the month, voluntary water restrictions continued in almost all North Carolina counties along
and west of I-77. Stream flows and groundwater levels approached record low levels. Water levels on some
reservoirs decreased by as much as 1 foot every 10 days. Agricultural interests continued to be especially
hard hit, and the North Carolina governor requested federal disaster aid by the end of the month. Dollar
values for the drought should be included in either the September or October Storm Data for this region.
Extreme drought conditions persisted across western North Carolina through September, as the region
experienced another month of well-below normal precipitation. By the end of the month, most locations
were running a yearly rainfall deficit of 11-17 inches. Stream flows and groundwater levels were near
record low levels, with many streams running at 5 percent or less of normal flow. Water levels on area
9/1/2007 reservoirs were some of the lowest in recorded history. Agricultural interests continued to be especially
hard hit. Farmers continued to struggle to feed livestock due to a lack of hay and poor pasture conditions,
forcing many cattle to be sold or slaughtered. Agricultural and other losses attributed to the drought are
estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars. County-based losses for the growing season will be
included in next month's Storm Data.
Unusually dry weather continued across western North Carolina through October. Although a soaking rain
near the end of the month resulted in near-normal monthly precipitation for the mountains, the piedmont
saw another month of well-below normal rainfall. Most areas were on pace to break yearly rainfall deficit
records. By the end of the month, exceptional drought conditions were reported across the majority of the
area. Water flow on area streams continued at 3 to 6 percent of normal, while lake levels remained at near-
10/1/2007 record lows. Although most cities and towns were requesting voluntary water restrictions be observed,
mandatory restrictions were ordered in quite a few communities. In some areas, the water situation was
becoming dire, with Monroe, NC officials reporting that water supplies would be exhausted by early 2008 if
significant rain did not occur. Also, private wells were beginning to dry up in many areas. Agriculture
continued to be severely impacted by the drought. As of this writing, county by county dollar estimates of
drought damage have not been made available.
November provided no relief from the effects of the long term drought. In fact, another month of well-
below normal rainfall made an already dire situation even worse. Many locations remained on pace to set
11/1/2007 annual records for rainfall deficit. By the end of the month, the vast majority of the region was experiencing
exceptional drought conditions. Streamflow on area rivers remained extremely low, generally less than 10
percent of normal. Meanwhile, lakes continued to gradually fall toward record low levels.
The latter half of December saw a transition to a wetter pattern across the southeast. Most observing
stations in western North Carolina|reported above normal monthly rainfall for the first time since January
2007. However, this was not enough to put much of a dent in the long-term drought as extreme to
exceptional drought conditions persisted into the New Year. Although the increase in rainfall did allow for
some recharge of area streams, many were still running at less than 25 percent of normal flow at the end of
the month.
Date Description
January saw a return to dry weather across western North Carolina.|Most observing stations across the
region reported a rainfall deficit of 1 to 2 inches during the month, resulting in another month of
1/1/2008 exceptional drought conditions across most of the area. Water levels on area lakes remained within a foot
or two of record low stages. However, rivers and streams remained somewhat recharged from the
December rains, with streamflow on most waterways running 25 to 75 percent of normal.
Although near normal rainfall was observed across much of the area during the late winter and early spring,
another period of abnormally dry weather in May and June exacerbated severe to extreme drought
conditions over the western Carolinas and northeast Georgia. Much of the area saw less than 2 inches of
6/1/2008 rain during this period of time. By the end of the month, much of the mountains and foothills of western
North Carolina were running 10 inches below normal annual rainfall. Total rainfall deficits since the
beginning of 2007 were around 20 inches or more in the hardest hit areas. By the end of the month, flow
on almost all major streams was running less than 10 percent of normal. Many area crops suffered.
Unusually dry weather continued through the month of July, with severe to extreme drought conditions
persisting across the area. Afternoon and evening thunderstorms provided some degree of relief across
portions of the North Carolina piedmont, but locations across Upstate South Carolina and extreme western
North Carolina reported annual rainfall deficits of nearly 11 inches by the end of the month. Mandatory
water restrictions were instituted across much of the North Carolina foothills. Water well levels began to
descend below record low levels, most of which were recorded during the 1999-2002 drought. The vast
majority of major streams across the area continued to run 1-10 percent of normal flow. Agriculture
continued to be hard hit, with some areas reporting a 100 percent loss of the corn crop.
Dry weather persisted across much of the area for most of August, although portions of the North Carolina
Piedmont began to see relief from the dry conditions early in the month, due to an increase in daily
thunderstorm activity. Elsewhere, exceptional drought conditions persisted and even expanded slightly
westward to cover more of far western North Carolina and northeast Georgia. During the early part of the
month, flows on most of the major streams across the area were running at record low levels, with the
8/1/2008 French Broad River setting a minimum flow record that had stood for almost 100 years. Only a handful of
streams were running at more than 1 to 7 percent of normal. Groundwater levels were 2-5 feet below
normal. Significant agricultural impacts persisted, with losses to summer crops, including hay, estimated at
30%. The dry weather also affected the livestock industry, due to shortages of pasture crops necessary for
feeding.||By the end of the month, Tropical Storm Fay had dropped up to 11 inches of rainfall across the
area, providing some relief from the drought conditions, especially across the North Carolina Piedmont.
The heavy rain brought by Tropical Storm Fay in late August provided some relief to the drought conditions
across the area. This was particularly true across the North Carolina piedmont, where improving conditions
were aided by normal September rainfall. However, another dry month resulted in a persistence of extreme
to exceptional drought conditions across the North Carolina mountains and foothills. Voluntary water
restrictions remained widespread during the month. A few communities held onto mandatory restrictions
9/1/2008 early in the month, but many of these were lifted by the end of the month. Well water remained near
record low levels in many areas, while lake levels persisted well below normal stages. Rainfall from Fay
resulted in some improvement in streamflows, although most rivers and major streams remained at less
than 25 percent of normal, with many still running at less than 10 percent of normal. By the end of the
month, government officials had requested a federal disaster declaration for most of the counties in the
area, due to crop damages.
Another abnormally dry month resulted in a persistence of severe to exceptional drought conditions over
much of the mountains and foothills of North Carolina. Some slight improvement was observed in well
water levels, but they remained near record lows. Most rivers and major streams continued to flow at less
than 10 percent of normal. Voluntary water restrictions continued in most areas, with a few areas
continuing to institute mandatory restrictions. Meanwhile, severe crop losses resulted in a federal disaster
declaration for much of the larger agricultural communities across the area.
Another month of below normal rainfall resulted in a persistence of severe to exceptional drought
11/1/2008 conditions over much of western North Carolina through November. In fact, drought conditions actually
worsened in some areas, with portions of the central North Carolina mountains deteriorating to exceptional
Date Description
drought conditions late in the month. Slight improvements in well water levels continued across the area.
Most rivers and major streams continued to flow at less than 10 percent of normal. Voluntary water
restrictions continued in most areas, with a few areas continuing to institute mandatory restrictions.
Date Description
through the morning hours of the 7th. Minimum wind chills of -20 to -30 were common in the valleys early
on the 7th, while wind chills reached as low as -50 at the highest peaks. Although the winds diminished
enough to bring wind chills above -15 in the valleys by early afternoon, high temperatures on the 7th did
not warm out of the teens in many locations.
An arctic cold front moved through Western North Carolina during the morning and afternoon of the 7th,
bringing strong winds and bitterly cold air to the region. By mid-evening, sustained winds of 15 to 30 mph
combined with air temperatures in the single digits and teens to yield wind chill values in the -5 to -15 range
in the northern and central valleys. By daybreak on the 8th, while the gusty winds continued, air
1/7/2015 temperatures ranged from 0 to 10 above in the valleys, and as low as -15 on the high peaks and ridge tops
of the northern mountains. Wind chill values during this time ranged from -10 to -20 in the valleys, while
the high elevations likely saw values as low as -50, if not lower. The dangerous wind chills abated
throughout the 8th, as temperatures warmed and winds diminished. However, air temperatures remained
below freezing throughout the 8th.
A strong arctic cold front blasted through Western North Carolina during the afternoon and evening of the
18th, bringing strong winds and bitterly cold air to the region. By mid-evening, sustained winds of 15 to 30
mph combined with air temperatures in the single digits and teens to yield wind chill values in the -5 to -15
range in the valleys. By daybreak on the 19th, while the gusty winds continued, air temperatures ranged
from 5 below to 5 above in the valleys, and as low as -20 on the high peaks and ridge tops of the northern
2/18/2015 mountains. Wind chill values during this time ranged from -15 to -20 in the valleys, while the high
elevations likely saw values as low as -50, if not lower. The dangerous wind chills continued throughout the
19th, as air temperatures failed to warm above the teens in even the lowest valleys and the high elevations
remained below 0, while most areas remained in the single digits. Wind chills remained no higher than 0
across most of the area until late morning on the 20th. Record lows were recorded at the Asheville Regional
Airport on the 18th and the 19th.
A combination of heavy rain and a damaged culvert caused the dirt beneath a section of
WEST HAVEN 5/27/2009 Brevard Rd to wash away, collapsing the road.
Heavy rain resulted in some urban flooding in Weaverville, closing Main St for a brief
WEAVERVILLE 5/21/2012 period of time.
Fire Department reported that a little over 2 inches of rain that fell in around an hour
combined with a blocked culvert to cause a small tributary of Beaverdam Creek to flood 6
homes to a depth of around 5 feet in the Brookdale Dr/Woodfin Ave area. Up to 30
people required rescue. The homes were heavily damaged by the flooding. Local
COCORAHS reports showed storm total rainfall of 4 to 5 inches in this area, most of which
WOODFIN 4/29/2014 fell in a fairly short period of time.
Madison County
MARSHALL 6/4/2002 3.5 inches of rain fell in one-and-a-half hours at Meadow Forks.
Heavy rain caused a few North Carolina mountain streams to rise to near bankfull. In
addition, the wet soil combined with gusty winds to cause some drought weakened trees
COUNTYWIDE 12/19/2002 to fall across the area.
MARS HILL 7/25/2004 California Creek overflowed its banks.
Report of 1.75 inches of rain in 20 minutes, with Bull Creek beginning to come out of its
MARSHALL 8/3/2005 banks.
Report of 1.75 inches of rain in 20 minutes, with Bull Creek beginning to come out of its
MARSHALL 8/3/2005 banks.
High water on Sandymush Creek washed out a private bridge and eroded the soil beneath
ROLLINS 5/16/2009 a section of Sandymush Creek Rd.
Parts of Upper Shut-In road were further damaged by high stream levels after very heavy
rain. An earlier flood had significantly under-cut parts of the road. Water was also
reported over parts of River Road in this same area. Several small landslides also affected
PAINT ROCK 6/5/2013 River Road and Upper Shut-In road in this same area.
Date Description
damaging levels there around 3 am, causing a large number of trees and power lines to fall throughout the
morning. This in turn, resulted in widespread power outages.
An upper level disturbance and northwest flow combined to produce varying amounts of snow across the
mountains from early evening on the 25th through noon on the 26th. One to three inches of snow fell from
Macon county to Buncombe and Yancey counties. Heavy snow accumulated 4 to 6 inches across most of the
Tennessee border counties from Graham to Avery.
A cold and moist northwest flow produced snow showers for about 24 hours across mainly the Tennessee
2/4/2000 border counties. Snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches occurred as far east as northern Buncombe county.
Four inches of snow fell across the northern part of Mitchell county.
A cold and moist northwest flow behind a cold front produced light snow across the mountains.
4/8/2000 Accumulations were generally a dusting to one inch, but the highest mountains north of Asheville received 2
to 3 inches.
Light to moderate snow started in the mountains and spread southeast, lasting through the day. Generally 1
11/19/2000 to 3 inches of snow fell, but some higher elevations of the central and southern mountains reported more
than 4 inches.
A developing surface cyclone off the Carolina Coast spread abundant moisture into western North Carolina,
which was still mired in a cold, winter-like temperature regime. The result was another widespread snowfall.
Accumulations ranged from a dusting in the northern foothills to more than 6 inches in western Macon
County and 5 inches in Henderson County. Most accumulations were in the 1 to 3 inch range.
A dynamic system affected western North Carolina during the 16th and 17th, bringing a variety of weather
to the region, from freezing rain in mountain valleys to large hail and damaging winds across much of the
region. A number of meteorological factors came together to produce such interesting atmospheric
phenomena: a very strong cold front that would eventually usher in the coldest air in nearly two years into
the state, strong mid-level and upper-level jets, a potent upper level disturbance, a temporary surge of
warm, moist air into the region and the antecedent cold air trapped in lower valleys of the higher terrain in
the mountains.
Heavy rain, with embedded thunderstorms, crossed the region from late morning through the afternoon on
the 16th. Cold air trapped in some valleys of the northern mountains never completely scoured out,
12/17/2000 resulting in a light glaze south and west of Newland. Just as surface temperatures rose above freezing in the
northern mountains, thunderstorms pushed out ahead of the strong front, with numerous small hail reports.
Nickel-sized hail was reported 8 miles north of Sylva in Jackson County. As the front, and attendant pressure
gradient, pushed its way into western North Carolina, winds increased into the 50 to 60 mph range, resulting
in numerous downed trees and power lines. Nearly every county in the mountains reported some wind
damage. The high winds eventually affected the foothills and piedmont. In Charlotte, numerous trees were
downed and furniture was blown off porches. An unsturdy building in Spencer collapsed.
In the wake of the frontal passage, much colder air invaded the region, and as another shortwave affected
the region on the 17th, a wide swath of 1 to 3 inch snow blanketed the higher terrain. Flurries were reported
as far east as Hickory and Gastonia.
The latest in a sprightly succession of Arctic cold fronts crossed the region on the 18th and 19th. Abundant
low level moisture and an upper level disturbance riding over the new surge of cold air provided the
ingredients for the latest round of snow. The heaviest snow accumulations, in general, were north and west
12/19/2000 of Asheville, especially near the Tennessee border. The northern half of Mitchell County recorded 5 to 6
inches of new did the higher-terrain Highlands/Cashiers area of southern Jackson and Transylvania
counties in the southern mountains. Buncombe, Transylvania and Macon counties each reported numerous
4 inch accumulations, with most other mountain locations reporting between 1 and 3 inches. Foothill
Date Description
locations, especially those closest to the mountains, racked up some impressive totals as well, with Marion
and Morganton each reporting 2 to 3 inches. Farther east, in the northwest piedmont, accumulations were
limited to less than 2 inches. More than 200 traffic accidents were reported from the region due to the
wintry weather.
A powerful upper level disturbance interacted with left-over cold air and abundant low level moisture to
wring out snow showers across the North Carolina mountains from midday New Years Day through the early
morning hours on the 2nd. Highest accumulations were in Haywood County, with several reports of 3 inch
A weak upper level disturbance crossed the mountains early on the 8th, producing a light blanket of fresh
A cold front, accompanied by abundant low level moisture, crossed the region early on the 15th, resulting in
a light blanket of fresh snow.
Low pressure developed off the South Carolina coast and steadily strengthened as it moved northward
across the coastal waters of North Carolina, the Virginia tidewater and eventually out to sea. Rapid
strengthening occurred as a strong upper level disturbance rotated around an upper low that was crossing
the southeast states. As the cyclone strengthened, abundant moisture was wrapped around the storm and
thrown back against the higher terrain of the Carolinas, resulting in high winds and very heavy snow.
The heaviest snow accumulations were in far western North Carolina. The highest accumulations were 24 to
30 inches at Sugar Mountain, Beech Mountain and Newland in Avery County, at Mount Mitchell in southern
Yancey County and in a narrow swath along the border between Madison and Haywood counties. However,
accumulations of over a foot were reported from most mountain counties, including Buncombe, Haywood,
Jackson, Macon, Mitchell, and Transylvania. Accumulations of over a foot also extended into the extreme
western foothills, where Jonas Ridge and Little Switzerland each recorded between 12 and 16 inches of
snow. East of the higher terrain, snowfall amounts ranged from 2 to 5 inches from northern Caldwell county
southward to Morganton, Marion, Lake Lure and Tryon. Isolated 2 inch amounts came from as far east as
Casar in northern Cleveland County.
Wind damage was far more widespread than the heavy snow, for most foothill and piedmont areas
experienced numerous downed trees and power lines, although damage appeared to take on a more
scattered character as one moved east away from the higher terrain. The highest wind gust was an
estimated 80 knots from a cooperative observer at Flat Top Mountain in southeast Buncombe County.
A potent upper level disturbance rotating across the southeast states behind a strong cold front that crossed
the area late in March
interacted with cold, moist air remaining over the mountains to produce a light blanket of snow early on the
Snow began falling around sunrise across the mountains of North Carolina, and had accumulated to 3 to 6
inches by evening.
Light snow began across the mountains of North Carolina during the afternoon of the 16th, and gradually
1/16/2003 intensified with time. By early morning of the 17th, 4 to 8 inches of snow had accumulated. As much as a
foot was reported on some of the highest peaks.
Snow began at around midnight across the mountains of North Carolina, and intensified as it spread into the
1/23/2003 foothills and the western piedmont. The hardest hit area was the foothills, where 8 to 12 inches of snow had
fallen by mid morning. Otherwise, snow accumulations were generally in the 3 to 6 inch range.
Date Description
Light snow began falling across the western mountains of North Carolina during the afternoon of the 6th,
and gradually increased in intensity and coverage during the evening and overnight hours. General snowfall
amounts of 4 to 5 inches were reported in the major valleys. However, accumulations of up to 8 inches
occurred in the highest elevations along the Tennessee border.
Snow intensified across the southern and central mountains during the pre-dawn hours, and by sunrise,
heavy snow accumulations were realized. Valley locations received anywhere from a trace to 6 inches, while
3/30/2003 up to 8 inches accumulated in the highest elevations. The heavy, wet snow caused widespread power
outages, especially in Haywood County. Three hikers required rescue in Haywood County, and one was
hospitilazed with hypothermia.
Light snow began across the North Carolina mountains during the early morning hours of the 10th, but due
to a warm ground, accumulations were confined to the highest elevations through 8 AM. However, the snow
intensified dramatically during the middle and late part of the morning, and by early afternoon, 2-4 inches
had accumulated in valley locations near the Blue Ridge. In the higher elevations, 4 to 6 inch totals were
common, while 8 to 12 inches accumulated on some of the highest peaks along the Tennessee border. The
heavy, wet snow caused numerous trees and power lines to fall, and power outages were widespread.
A prolonged period of snow produced heavy accumulations over a 2-day period across much of the North
Carolina mountains. Most valley locations received total accumulations of 6 inches or less. However, most
of the high elevation areas along the Tennessee border received between 1 and 2 feet. Northwest winds of
20 to 30 mph caused blowing and drifting snow.
Light snow developed early in the morning across the mountains, foothills, and northern piedmont of North
Carolina. The snow intensified throughout the morning and afternoon, and by early evening 3 to 5 inches
had accumulated across much of the area. Accumulations as high as 8 inches occurred in mountainous areas
along the Tennessee border.
Snow began during the late evening hours across the northern and central mountains, and continued
2/12/2004 overnight. By sunrise on the 12th, accumulations of 3 to 6 inches were common. The heaviest amounts
occurred in the highest elevations along the Tennessee border.
Snow intensity increased during the late morning across the North Carolina mountains, and continued
through the afternoon. Total accumulations of 3 to 5 inches occurred, but much of it melted rapidly.
Heavy snow fell across the mountains and accumulated in the high elevations to 3 to 6 inches. The heavy
12/11/2004 snow level in most locations was 4000 feet, but dropped off to as low as 3000 feet in the southwest
mountains. Elevations between 2500 feet and 3500 feet generally had and inch or two.
Heavy snow fell for about 7 hours, along with wind gusts to near 50 mph. The highest accumulations were
along the Tennessee border, especially in Graham County where some drifts reached a reported 2 feet. The
snow and wind was accompanied by very cold weather. The Asheville Regional Airport reached a record low
12/19/2004 of 7 degrees the morning of the 20th. Buncombe County had heavy snowfall in the western and northern
part of the county, although areas from Asheville south to the Henderson County line only had a trace to an
inch. The temperature fell to below zero overnight in parts of the northern mountains, even the valleys, with
single digits common elsewhere.
The wet snow became heavier across the mountains and northern foothills during the early morning hours
on the 28th. Most locations below 3000 feet changed back to rain before the precipitation ended. A quick 3
2/28/2005 to 7 inches of snow accumulated across much of this area. Isolated heavier totals up to 13 inches occurred
along the Blue Ridge, north of I-40, while the lower elevations of the foothills generally received only 1 to 3
The wet snow became heavier across the mountains and northern foothills during the early morning hours
on the 28th. Most locations below 3000 feet changed back to rain before the precipitation ended. A quick 3
2/28/2005 to 7 inches of snow accumulated across much of this area. Isolated heavier totals up to 13 inches occurred
along the Blue Ridge, north of I-40, while the lower elevations of the foothills generally received only 1 to 3
Northwest flow, a very cold airmass, and upper air disturbances combined to produce an unusually strong
2/11/2006 upslope snow event across the far western counties of North Carolina. Widespread, heavy snow showers
began to develop during the early evening of the 11th, and by late evening, heavy snowfall accumulations
Date Description
were common across the area. The snow lasted for a very long period, continuing through the 12th and the
early morning hours of the 13th before finally tapering off. Combined with the light snow that fell across the
area on the morning of the 11th, storm total accumulations of 5 to 10 inches occurred within the valleys
near the Tennessee border. Meanwhile, accumulations were generally in the 1-2 foot range across the
higher elevations. There were unofficial reports of as much as 4 feet in the Smoky Mountains. This event was
unusual in that heavy snowfall extended as far east as the higher elevations of eastern Buncombe county,
while the valleys of northern Buncombe received 3 to 6 inches.
Light snow began during the early evening hours across the southern mountains and foothills of the western
Carolinas and northeast Georgia. Snowfall intensity began to increase during the mid and late
evening.|Snow continued to fall across the central and northern mountains, and much of the foothills of
North Carolina, during the early morning hours. Total accumulations of 2-5 inches were reached across the
area during the pre-dawn hours. Some amounts as high as 8 inches were reported in the higher elevations.
Snow changed briefly to sleet and freezing rain before ending across the foothills.
Low pressure tracked across southern Georgia during the night of the 29th, and then off the Southeast cost
on the 30th. As the low passed so far south of the region, most of the precipitation fell as snow, though
other precipitation types mixed in toward the end. ||Snow, heavy at times began across the southern and
central mountains during the late afternoon, and began to quickly accumulate. By early evening, some areas
1/29/2010 had picked up 4 inches of snowfall. Heavy snow continued most of the night. The precipitation changed over
to sleet and freezing rain before ending, but only trace amounts of ice occurred. Total accumulations ranged
from 4-8 inches across the Tennessee border counties, to more than a foot in the upper French Broad Valley.
The heavy wet snow caused numerous trees to fall, especially in the interior and southwest valleys, resulting
in fairly widespread power outages.
Snow began to fall during the pre-dawn across the mountains of the western Carolinas. After sunrise, snow
became moderate to heavy at times, resulting in accumulations of 1 to 4 inches across most of the area by
3/2/2010 late morning. Snow, heavy at times, continued into the afternoon across the mountains, with heavy
accumulations realized in most areas by early afternoon. By early evening, total snowfall ranged from 4 to 8
inches across the area, with localized amounts as high as 10 inches, especially in the higher elevations.
Moderate to heavy snow developed ahead of a cold front over the central and southern mountains during
the late evening and early morning hours. The snow continued through the morning hours with many areas
seeing accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. Although snow generally ended in most areas by late morning of the
12th, snow showers developing within northwest flow behind the front resulted in additional accumulations
across the higher elevations along the Tennessee border. By the time these snow showers tapered off on the
morning of the 14th, some of these areas had more than a foot of snow. Very gusty winds and cold
temperatures resulted in wind chill values below 0 in many areas during the overnight and early morning
A developing coastal storm system brought light to moderate snow, with occasional heavy bursts to the
mountains beginning around sunrise on Christmas, and continuing through the morning. Snow, heavy at
times, continued through the afternoon across the central and southern mountains. By Christmas evening,
most locations had 6 to 10 inches of fresh snowpack. Although snow ended in most areas during the evening
12/25/2010 of the 25th, a strong northwest flow resulted in development of numerous snow showers along the
Tennessee border on the 26th through the 27th. Many of these snow showers managed to add to snowfall
totals, mainly in the higher elevations of the Nantahala Mountains and the Balsams, where total
accumulations of more than a foot became common. Very gusty winds and cold temperatures resulted in
wind chill values less than 0 and considerable blowing and drifting of snow, mainly in the high elevations.
Low pressure tracked across southern Georgia during the night of the 29th, and then off the Southeast cost
on the 30th. As the low passed so far south of the region, most of the precipitation fell as snow, though
other precipitation types mixed in toward the end. ||Snow, heavy at times began across the southern and
1/29/2010 central mountains during the late afternoon, and began to quickly accumulate. By early evening, some areas
had picked up 4 inches of snowfall. Heavy snow continued most of the night. The precipitation changed over
to sleet and freezing rain before ending, but only trace amounts of ice occurred. Total accumulations ranged
from 4-8 inches across the Tennessee border counties, to more than a foot in the upper French Broad Valley.
Date Description
The heavy wet snow caused numerous trees to fall, especially in the interior and southwest valleys, resulting
in fairly widespread power outages.
Snow began to fall during the pre-dawn across the mountains of the western Carolinas. After sunrise, snow
became moderate to heavy at times, resulting in accumulations of 1 to 4 inches across most of the area by
3/2/2010 late morning. Snow, heavy at times, continued into the afternoon across the mountains, with heavy
accumulations realized in most areas by early afternoon. By early evening, total snowfall ranged from 4 to 8
inches across the area, with localized amounts as high as 10 inches, especially in the higher elevations.
Moderate to heavy snow developed ahead of a cold front over the central and southern mountains during
the late evening and early morning hours. The snow continued through the morning hours with many areas
seeing accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. Although snow generally ended in most areas by late morning of the
12th, snow showers developing within northwest flow behind the front resulted in additional accumulations
across the higher elevations along the Tennessee border. By the time these snow showers tapered off on the
morning of the 14th, some of these areas had more than a foot of snow. Very gusty winds and cold
temperatures resulted in wind chill values below 0 in many areas during the overnight and early morning
A developing coastal storm system brought light to moderate snow, with occasional heavy bursts to the
mountains beginning around sunrise on Christmas, and continuing through the morning. Snow, heavy at
times, continued through the afternoon across the central and southern mountains. By Christmas evening,
most locations had 6 to 10 inches of fresh snowpack. Although snow ended in most areas during the evening
12/25/2010 of the 25th, a strong northwest flow resulted in development of numerous snow showers along the
Tennessee border on the 26th through the 27th. Many of these snow showers managed to add to snowfall
totals, mainly in the higher elevations of the Nantahala Mountains and the Balsams, where total
accumulations of more than a foot became common. Very gusty winds and cold temperatures resulted in
wind chill values less than 0 and considerable blowing and drifting of snow, mainly in the high elevations.
Moderate to heavy snow associated with a Gulf Coast storm system spread from south to north across the
mountains of western North Carolina during the nighttime hours. Heavy snow accumulations of up to 4
inches were reported over the southern mountains by as early as 4 am. Heavy snow accumulations were not
reported over the northern mountains until mid-morning. The snow became lighter around sunrise, but
continued to accumulate through the morning. By early afternoon, snowfall totals ranged from 7 to 10
inches over the southern and central mountains and 3 to 6 inches over the northern mountains. During early
afternoon, precipitation changed to light freezing rain and continued into the evening hours. This added as
much as a tenth of an inch of ice to the heavy snowfall totals. Persistent cold temperatures ensured that
many roads remained snow-packed or ice covered for several days. Some schools and businesses remained
closed for as much as 5 days.
An area of low pressure spread light snow into the mountains and foothills of North Carolina by around
midnight on the 22nd. The snow continued through the early morning hours, gradually increasing in
intensity. By mid-morning, amounts ranged from 2-4 inches across the foothills to 3-5 inches across the
mountains, with locally higher amounts, especially in the high elevations near the Blue Ridge. Road
1/22/2016 conditions deteriorated quickly around sunrise, resulting in many traffic accidents. Moderate to heavy snow
continued into the afternoon, gradually tapering off during the evening. The snow briefly changed to sleet
before ending across the foothills. By the time the snow tapered off, accumulations ranged from 4-8 inches
across the low elevations of the foothills, to 8-14 inches across the mountains. Locally higher amounts
occurred, especially on the high peaks near the Blue Ridge, where several feet were reported.
As an area of surface low pressure moved northeast along the Gulf and Southeast coasts, moisture
overspread the southern Appalachians throughout the 6th. Although the precip may have started as rain in
the lower valleys, it primarily fell as snow. It was initially light in most areas, but became heavy during mid-
to-late evening, continuing into the overnight. By the time the heavier snowfall rates tapered off around
sunrise, total accumulations ranged from 5 to 7 inches. Locally higher amounts of as much as 10 were
observed across the higher elevations of the foothills counties.
A mixture of rain and snow developed across the mountains and southern foothills of North Carolina during
the afternoon and evening of the 8th, transitioning to all snow in most areas by early evening. The snow
Date Description
became heavy at times during the evening into the overnight. By the time the snow tapered off during the
morning of the 9th, total accumulations ranged from 6 to 10 inches across much of the area. Locally higher
occurred closer to the higher elevations.
Madison County
Low pressure moved east across Tennessee and weakened as it ran into a surface high pressure ridge along
the East Coast. Nevertheless, enough moisture was available to cause heavy snow to fall from Avery county,
east across the northern foothills and northwest piedmont. Precipitation began as light rain in the mid-
evening hours on the 17th, but quickly turned to snow as the atmosphere cooled to below freezing.
Snowfall ranged between 3 and 6 inches across the area by noon on the 18th, with a narrow band of 1 to 3
inch accumulation of snow and sleet to the immediate south.
A cold front crossed the mountains overnight, and low pressure formed along the front in the foothills by
morning. Cold air was already in place across the region, so precipitation fell in the form of snow. By noon
on the 20th, 3 to 6 inches of snow had fallen from Madison to Avery counties. Elsewhere across the central
1/20/2000 mountains, northern foothills and northwest piedmont, 1 to 3 inches of snow fell. There were isolated
reports of 4 inches from the highest peaks in Swain and Haywood counties. The combination of snow and
wind in the wake of the front caused some trees to fall, especially in Caldwell county. One tree fell across a
mobile home and caused $24K in damage. Several other trees fell across roads.
A cold dome of arctic high pressure centered over the Mid-Atlantic States provided very cold and dry air to
western North Carolina. Meanwhile, weak low pressure moved east along a frontal boundary stalled across
the Gulf Coast States to the Georgia coast. Abundant moisture flowed north into the sub-freezing air over
western North Carolina, resulting in light snow as early as the afternoon on the 22nd. Snow became heavy
by mid-afternoon across the mountains and by evening across the foothills and piedmont. A general 4 to 7
inch snowfall occurred in the mountains with as much as 10 inches reported in Jackson county. Generally 4
1/22/2000 to 6 inches of snow fell across the foothills and piedmont, with a local maximum of 7 inches in western
Lincoln county. Rowan county failed to meet heavy snow criteria with accumulations of up to 3 inches.
Freezing rain and sleet mixed with the snow for a short time before the precipitation ended, and for the
most part, caused little additional problems. The one exception was across southern Union county where
freezing rain lasted all night and through much of the morning on the 23rd. Ice accumulations reached
damaging levels there around 3 am, causing a large number of trees and power lines to fall throughout the
morning. This in turn, resulted in widespread power outages.
An upper level disturbance and northwest flow combined to produce varying amounts of snow across the
mountains from early evening on the 25th through noon on the 26th. One to three inches of snow fell from
Macon county to Buncombe and Yancey counties. Heavy snow accumulated 4 to 6 inches across most of the
Tennessee border counties from Graham to Avery.
1/31/2000 Northwest flow produced a light snowfall of 1 to 3 inches.
A cold and moist northwest flow produced snow showers for about 24 hours across mainly the Tennessee
2/4/2000 border counties. Snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches occurred as far east as northern Buncombe county.
Four inches of snow fell across the northern part of Mitchell county.
A cold and moist northwest flow behind a cold front produced light snow across the mountains.
4/8/2000 Accumulations were generally a dusting to one inch, but the highest mountains north of Asheville received 2
to 3 inches.
Light to moderate snow started in the mountains and spread southeast, lasting through the day. Generally 1
11/19/2000 to 3 inches of snow fell, but some higher elevations of the central and southern mountains reported more
than 4 inches.
A developing surface cyclone off the Carolina Coast spread abundant moisture into western North Carolina,
which was still mired in a cold, winter-like temperature regime. The result was another widespread snowfall.
Accumulations ranged from a dusting in the northern foothills to more than 6 inches in western Macon
County and 5 inches in Henderson County. Most accumulations were in the 1 to 3 inch range.
A dynamic system affected western North Carolina during the 16th and 17th, bringing a variety of weather
12/17/2000 to the region, from freezing rain in mountain valleys to large hail and damaging winds across much of the
region. A number of meteorological factors came together to produce such interesting atmospheric
Date Description
phenomena: a very strong cold front that would eventually usher in the coldest air in nearly two years into
the state, strong mid-level and upper-level jets, a potent upper level disturbance, a temporary surge of
warm, moist air into the region and the antecedent cold air trapped in lower valleys of the higher terrain in
the mountains.
Heavy rain, with embedded thunderstorms, crossed the region from late morning through the afternoon on
the 16th. Cold air trapped in some valleys of the northern mountains never completely scoured out,
resulting in a light glaze south and west of Newland. Just as surface temperatures rose above freezing in the
northern mountains, thunderstorms pushed out ahead of the strong front, with numerous small hail reports.
Nickel-sized hail was reported 8 miles north of Sylva in Jackson County. As the front, and attendant pressure
gradient, pushed its way into western North Carolina, winds increased into the 50 to 60 mph range, resulting
in numerous downed trees and power lines. Nearly every county in the mountains reported some wind
damage. The high winds eventually affected the foothills and piedmont. In Charlotte, numerous trees were
downed and furniture was blown off porches. An unsturdy building in Spencer collapsed.
In the wake of the frontal passage, much colder air invaded the region, and as another shortwave affected
the region on the 17th, a wide swath of 1 to 3 inch snow blanketed the higher terrain. Flurries were reported
as far east as Hickory and Gastonia.
A strong northwest flow into the western facing slopes of the North Carolina mountains produced heavy
snow in Graham and Madison counties. Accumulations ranged from 3 to 5 inches with most of the heavy
snowfall reported in the extreme western halves of both counties. There was one unverified report of 8
inches along the Skyway in Graham County, with drifts as high as 3 feet reported there.
A powerful upper level disturbance interacted with left-over cold air and abundant low level moisture to
wring out snow showers across the North Carolina mountains from midday New Years Day through the early
morning hours on the 2nd. Highest accumulations were in Haywood County, with several reports of 3 inch
A weak upper level disturbance crossed the mountains early on the 8th, producing a light blanket of fresh
Another fast-moving upper level disturbance produced more light snow, mostly in areas near the Tennessee
Strong, northwest winds on the backside of a developing surface cylcone along the Carolina coast advected
much colder air into the North Carolina mountains on the 20th, resulting in heavy snow along the slopes
with a western exposure. Highest accumulations were in Avery and Mitchell counties, with Poplar reporting
5 to 6 inches, and Elk Park 5 to 8 inches.
A cold front crossed the mountains early on the 25th, producing additional light snow accumulations in the
northern North Carolina mountains.
Low pressure developed off the South Carolina coast and steadily strengthened as it moved northward
across the coastal waters of North Carolina, the Virginia tidewater and eventually out to sea. Rapid
strengthening occurred as a strong upper level disturbance rotated around an upper low that was crossing
the southeast states. As the cyclone strengthened, abundant moisture was wrapped around the storm and
3/20/2001 thrown back against the higher terrain of the Carolinas, resulting in high winds and very heavy snow.
The heaviest snow accumulations were in far western North Carolina. The highest accumulations were 24 to
Date Description
30 inches at Sugar Mountain, Beech Mountain and Newland in Avery County, at Mount Mitchell in southern
Yancey County and in a narrow swath along the border between Madison and Haywood counties. However,
accumulations of over a foot were reported from most mountain counties, including Buncombe, Haywood,
Jackson, Macon, Mitchell, and Transylvania. Accumulations of over a foot also extended into the extreme
western foothills, where Jonas Ridge and Little Switzerland each recorded between 12 and 16 inches of
snow. East of the higher terrain, snowfall amounts ranged from 2 to 5 inches from northern Caldwell county
southward to Morganton, Marion, Lake Lure and Tryon. Isolated 2 inch amounts came from as far east as
Casar in northern Cleveland County.
Wind damage was far more widespread than the heavy snow, for most foothill and piedmont areas
experienced numerous downed trees and power lines, although damage appeared to take on a more
scattered character as one moved east away from the higher terrain. The highest wind gust was an
estimated 80 knots from a cooperative observer at Flat Top Mountain in southeast Buncombe County.
A potent upper level disturbance rotating across the southeast states behind a strong cold front that crossed
the area late in March
interacted with cold, moist air remaining over the mountains to produce a light blanket of snow early on the
Snow began in the early morning, reaching accumulations of 4 to 8 inches by 3 pm. The highest
accumulations were in the high elevations. Some sleet was mixed in with the snow.
Light snow fell from late afternoon into late evening, resulting in 1 to 2.5 inches accumulations in some
areas, and a few slick roads.
Snow fell overnight into the morning hours, as an upper level storm system moved across the area, and was
followed by strong northwest winds. Most of the snow fell immediately along the Tennessee border, but
2/26/2002 extended east of there in some cases. Some of the higher elevations of Graham, Madison, and Avery
Counties received as much as 5 inches of snow. In addition to the snow, wind chill values fell to zero and
below in some locations.
The first snow of the season brought an inch or two of accumulation to the higher elevations of the North
Carolina mountains. Winds also gusted to 45 mph in some loactions.
Snow accumulated to as much as 5 inches on the highest peaks along the Tennessee border. Also, wind gusts
resulted in scattered tree damage across the area.
Snow began falling around sunrise across the mountains of North Carolina, and had accumulated to 3 to 6
inches by evening.
Light snow began across the mountains of North Carolina during the afternoon of the 16th, and gradually
1/16/2003 intensified with time. By early morning of the 17th, 4 to 8 inches of snow had accumulated. As much as a
foot was reported on some of the highest peaks.
Snow began at around midnight across the mountains of North Carolina, and intensified as it spread into the
1/23/2003 foothills and the western piedmont. The hardest hit area was the foothills, where 8 to 12 inches of snow had
fallen by mid morning. Otherwise, snow accumulations were generally in the 3 to 6 inch range.
Light snow began falling across the western mountains of North Carolina during the afternoon of the 6th,
and gradually increased in intensity and coverage during the evening and overnight hours. General snowfall
amounts of 4 to 5 inches were reported in the major valleys. However, accumulations of up to 8 inches
occurred in the highest elevations along the Tennessee border.
Snow intensified across the southern and central mountains during the pre-dawn hours, and by sunrise,
heavy snow accumulations were realized. Valley locations received anywhere from a trace to 6 inches, while
3/30/2003 up to 8 inches accumulated in the highest elevations. The heavy, wet snow caused widespread power
outages, especially in Haywood County. Three hikers required rescue in Haywood County, and one was
hospitilazed with hypothermia.
Date Description
Light snow began across the North Carolina mountains during the early morning hours of the 10th, but due
to a warm ground, accumulations were confined to the highest elevations through 8 AM. However, the snow
intensified dramatically during the middle and late part of the morning, and by early afternoon, 2-4 inches
had accumulated in valley locations near the Blue Ridge. In the higher elevations, 4 to 6 inch totals were
common, while 8 to 12 inches accumulated on some of the highest peaks along the Tennessee border. The
heavy, wet snow caused numerous trees and power lines to fall, and power outages were widespread.
A prolonged period of snow produced heavy accumulations over a 2-day period across much of the North
Carolina mountains. Most valley locations received total accumulations of 6 inches or less. However, most
of the high elevation areas along the Tennessee border received between 1 and 2 feet. Northwest winds of
20 to 30 mph caused blowing and drifting snow.
Light snow developed early in the morning across the mountains, foothills, and northern piedmont of North
Carolina. The snow intensified throughout the morning and afternoon, and by early evening 3 to 5 inches
had accumulated across much of the area. Accumulations as high as 8 inches occurred in mountainous areas
along the Tennessee border.
Snow began during the late evening hours across the northern and central mountains, and continued
2/12/2004 overnight. By sunrise on the 12th, accumulations of 3 to 6 inches were common. The heaviest amounts
occurred in the highest elevations along the Tennessee border.
Snow intensity increased during the late morning across the North Carolina mountains, and continued
through the afternoon. Total accumulations of 3 to 5 inches occurred, but much of it melted rapidly.
Heavy snow fell across the mountains and accumulated in the high elevations to 3 to 6 inches. The heavy
12/11/2004 snow level in most locations was 4000 feet, but dropped off to as low as 3000 feet in the southwest
mountains. Elevations between 2500 feet and 3500 feet generally had and inch or two.
Heavy snow fell for about 7 hours, along with wind gusts to near 50 mph. The highest accumulations were
along the Tennessee border, especially in Graham County where some drifts reached a reported 2 feet. The
snow and wind was accompanied by very cold weather. The Asheville Regional Airport reached a record low
12/19/2004 of 7 degrees the morning of the 20th. Buncombe County had heavy snowfall in the western and northern
part of the county, although areas from Asheville south to the Henderson County line only had a trace to an
inch. The temperature fell to below zero overnight in parts of the northern mountains, even the valleys, with
single digits common elsewhere.
Snow developed during the evening across the northern mountains, as strong northwest winds developed in
3/1/2005 the wake of a cold front. 2 to 4 inches of snow accumulated in addition to that which fell across the area on
the morning of the 28th.
Snow developed during the evening across the northern mountains, as strong northwest winds developed in
3/1/2005 the wake of a cold front. 2 to 4 inches of snow accumulated in addition to that which fell across the area on
the morning of the 28th.
As snow showers continued across the western mountains, accumulations reached 2-5 inches across the
area by early afternoon. There were locally heavier amounts in the higher elevations.
Northwest flow, a very cold airmass, and upper air disturbances combined to produce an unusually strong
upslope snow event across the far western counties of North Carolina. Widespread, heavy snow showers
began to develop during the early evening of the 11th, and by late evening, heavy snowfall accumulations
were common across the area. The snow lasted for a very long period, continuing through the 12th and the
early morning hours of the 13th before finally tapering off. Combined with the light snow that fell across the
area on the morning of the 11th, storm total accumulations of 5 to 10 inches occurred within the valleys
near the Tennessee border. Meanwhile, accumulations were generally in the 1-2 foot range across the
higher elevations. There were unofficial reports of as much as 4 feet in the Smoky Mountains. This event was
unusual in that heavy snowfall extended as far east as the higher elevations of eastern Buncombe county,
while the valleys of northern Buncombe received 3 to 6 inches.
An extended period of upslope flow and an unstable airmass resulted in numerous snow showers across the
western mountains of North Carolina. The snow showers began on the evening of the 24th and continued
through the evening of the 25th. Snowfall accumulated to 4 to 8 inches in the higher elevations along the
Tennessee border. Although snowfall totals in the valleys were lower, 2 to 3 incehs did accumulate at the
Date Description
lower end of the French Broad valley, and in the Pigeon River gorge. In many cases, heavy bursts of snow
would cause a quick inch or so to accumulate in the valleys before melting rapidly under the influence of
warm temperatures. Therefore, actual snowfall in the valleys was probably higher than reported.
Snow showers developed during the afternoon hours across the western North Carolina mountains. They
became more widespread and heavy during the evening hours, with a few locations experiencing heavy
12/26/2006 snowfall, mainly in areas above 3000 feet. Two to 4 inch totals were common along the higher elevations of
the Cherohala Skyway in Graham County and in the higher elevations of Madison County. The valleys
generally received less than an inch.
An upper level disturbance brought fairly uniform 1 to 4 inch snowfall amounts across the mountains during
the late morning. The snow was quite heavy in spots and accumulated rapidly. Roads became slick and
hazardous, especially in the higher elevations. Quite a few traffic accidents occurred in Madison County,
including 1 fatal accident. Highway 441 was closed through the Smoky Mountains. Once the upper
disturbance moved east of the area, scattered to numerous snow showers continued to affect the
1/9/2007 mountains through much of the afternoon and evening. Most areas along the Tennessee border began to
see heavy snowfall accumulations by early evening. Total accumulations in the higher elevations were fairly
uniform in the 3 to 5-inch range, although some locations right along the Tennessee border saw up to 7
inches, particularly along the Cherohala Skyway in Graham County, and across the northern mountains. The
valleys saw less snow, with generally 1 to 2 inches observed south of the French Broad River, and 1 to 4
inches observed from the French Broad north.
An upper level disturbance brought fairly uniform 1 to 4-inch snowfall amounts across the mountains during
the late morning. The snow was quite heavy in spots and accumulated rapidly. Roads became slick and
hazardous, especially in the higher elevations. Quite a few traffic accidents occurred in Madison County,
including 1 fatal accident. Highway 441 was closed through the Smoky Mountains. Once the upper
disturbance moved east of the area, scattered to numerous snow showers continued to affect the
1/9/2007 mountains through much of the afternoon and evening. Most areas along the Tennessee border began to
see heavy snowfall accumulations by early evening. Total accumulations in the higher elevations were fairly
uniform in the 3 to 5-inch range, although some locations right along the Tennessee border saw up to 7
inches, particularly along the Cherohala Skyway in Graham County, and across the northern mountains. The
valleys saw less snow, with generally 1 to 2 inches observed south of the French Broad River, and 1 to 4
inches observed from the French Broad north.
Light to moderate snow developed in areas from the Smokies to the lower French Broad valley during the
early evening and continued into the early morning hours. By 3 AM, snowfall amounts of 1-3 inches were
fairly uniform across the area. Snow continued through the pre-dawn hours in areas from the northern
Smokies, through the Piegeon River gorge, to the lower French Broad valley and surrounding areas. By the
time the snow tapered off to flurries during mid-morning, snowfall totals ranged from 2-4 inches in the
valleys, including Waynesville, Marshall, and Mars Hill, to 4-6 inches across the higher elevations near the
Tennessee border. Snow showers continued to produce sporadic light accumulations in the higher elevations
through much of the day.
A record-setting cold airmass, northwest flow, and a strong upper air disturbance resulted in a late season
snow shower event across the North Carolina mountains. By 3 am, snow had accumulated to as much as 2
inches in the valleys, with as much as 6 inches reported in the higher elevations. Snow showers continued
through the morning hours, with heavy snowfall totals reported during the pre-dawn hours. Snowfall was
highly variable across the region, with generally only 2-3 inches accumulating in the lower elevations.
However, some of the higher elevations of the northern mountains saw as much as 10 inches.
As a strong cold front moved across the mountains and snow levels dropped rapidly, rain showers changed
to snow showers and caused rapid accumulation of heavy snow, mainly in the higher elevations along the
Tennessee border. Total accumulations generally ranged from 2-5 inches, mainly in areas above 3500 feet,
while the valleys saw amounts ranging from a trace up to an inch.
Snow showers developed New Year���s Evening across the western slopes of the Appalachians. As
1/1/2008 snow showers, heavy at times, continued across the western Mountains of North Carolina, accumulations
began to pile up during the pre-dawn hours of the 2nd. Many locations reported 2-4 inches of accumulation
Date Description
by sunrise. By the time the snow tapered off to flurries (during late morning), total accumulations ranged
from a couple of inches in the valleys away from the Tennessee border, to 4-6 inches in areas along the state
line. Although accumulating snow tapered off during mid-morning, flurries continued for much of the day,
while very windy conditions resulted in blowing and drifting snow.
Snow showers developed across the western mountains during the late evening. The snow showers
increased in coverage and intensity through the early morning hours of the 27th, resulting in heavy snow
accumulations across much of the western mountains before sunrise. Snow continued through the day and
2/26/2008 evening hours and did not begin tapering off until the early morning hours on the 28th. Total accumulations
were highly variable across the area. While locations such as Bryson City and Waynesville saw less than 2
inches, areas along the Tennessee border received as much as a foot. Even the valley floors near the state
line received as much as 8 inches.
Snow showers developed during the early morning hours and continued through much of the day across the
Tennessee border counties. Snow showers, heavy at times, continued near the Tennessee border, with
12/1/2008 heavy snowfall accumulations reported by early evening. The snow tapered off to flurries during the early
morning hours. Total snowfall amounts ranged from an inch or 2 along the Blue Ridge, to as much as 6-7
inches in the higher elevations near the state line.
Snow showers developed across the Tennessee border counties around sunrise, and persisted until the late
1/8/2009 afternoon hours. Snowfall amounts ranged from 2-5 inches, mainly in elevations above 3000 feet or so.
Some locally higher amounts were reported on the higher peaks.
Snow showers developed over the western mountains during the late evening of the 18th, and continued off
and on through the evening hours of the 20th. Snowfall totals ranged from 4 to 6 inches at the higher
elevations of the southwest and central mountains, to 1 to 3 inches in the valleys. Over the northern
mountains totals ranged from 4 to 7 inches, with 1 to 3 inches along the eastern slopes of the Blue Ridge.
Rain changed to snow across portions of the southern and central mountains, generally in locations from the
Balsams to areas north and east, and continued through the afternoon. The snow became heavy at times,
and quickly accumulated to 1-4 inches by early evening. Locally higher amounts were reported in the higher
elevations of the Balsams and Newfound Mountains. Snow, heavy at times continued into the evening
hours. By the time the snow tapered off, accumulations of 2-5 inches were common across the area.
However, locally higher amounts occurred, especially in the higher elevations, where up to 10 inches were
reported. The heavy wet snow, combined with gusty winds, caused some trees to fall and isolated power
After an extended period of snow showers, heavy snowfall accumulations were reached across the higher
elevations of the southern and central mountains near the Tennessee border. Total accumulations in areas
above 3500 feet generally ranged from 3-6 inches, although some of the higher elevations of the Smokies,
the Newfound Mountains, and along the Cherohala Skyway received amounts of 10 inches or more.
A very cold and moist northwest flow resulted in development of scattered to numerous snow showers
across the western mountains during the evening of the 7th. The snow showers continued across much of
the Tennessee border counties through the day on the 8th, with heavy accumulations reached in some areas
1/7/2010 by late morning. Total accumulations ranged from 1-3 inches over the lower French Broad Valley, to 3-6
inches across the northern mountains. Over the southwest mountains, total snowfall accumulations ranged
from trace amounts in the valleys beneath the Smokies, to 2-4 inches in the higher elevations along the
Tennessee border.
Low pressure tracked across southern Georgia during the night of the 29th, and then off the southeast cost
on the 30th. As the low passed well south of the region, most of the precipitation fell as snow, though other
precipitation types mixed in toward the end. ||Snow became heavy during the evening, and quickly
accumulated to yield heavy snowfall totals. Total accumulations ranged from 5-9 inches across much of the
northern mountains, foothills and western piedmont of North Carolina, as well as in a small part of the South
Carolina mountains. A 55-year-old man died of exposure after falling in the snow in Gastonia (indirect). The
precipitation changed to freezing rain and sleet near the end of the event, resulting in light accumulations of
Date Description
Northwest flow snow showers developed over the northern mountains during the evening and persisted
over the next 24 hours. By the evening of the 16th, accumulations of 5-6 inches were common near the
Tennessee border, while only an inch or so had fallen in areas closer to the Blue Ridge. The snow continued
2/15/2010 off and on for almost two more days, before finally tapering off during the morning of the 18th.
Accumulations along the Tennessee border totaled a foot or more in some areas. Meanwhile, locations
closer to the Blue Ridge only saw a couple of inches. Over Avery County, total accumulations were higher,
with 1-2 feet near the Tennessee border.
Northwest flow snow showers developed during the evening across the northern mountains, and continued
along the Tennessee border through much of the 25th, with heavy snowfall accumulations reached across
2/24/2010 much of the area shortly after sunrise. Total accumulations ranged from only a couple of inches along the
Blue Ridge, to 7 inches in the lower valleys along the Tennessee border. Meanwhile, some of the higher
elevations received a foot or more of snowfall.
Snow began to fall around sunrise across the North Carolina mountains along the Blue Ridge escarpment.
Snow became moderate to heavy at times during the late morning and early afternoon, resulting in
accumulations of 1 to 4 inches across most of the area. Snow, heavy at times, continued into the afternoon
across the Blue Ridge, with heavy accumulations realized in most areas by mid-afternoon. By early evening,
total snowfall ranged from 3 to 6 inches. Localized snowfall amounts as high as 10 inches occurred,
especially in the higher elevations along the escarpment.
Moist northwest flow resulted in widespread snow showers near the Tennessee line, beginning around mid-
morning on the 5th. Snow showers continued off and on across the higher elevations of the Smokies,
Newfound Mountains and surrounding areas through the day. By early afternoon, 3 to 5 inches had
accumulated above 3500 feet. By the morning of the 6th, some areas had as much as 8 inches. While periods
of snow showers, flurries, and rain mixed with snow were reported in the valleys, little or no accumulation
occurred below 3500 feet.
Light snow began falling over the northern mountains and Madison County during the early morning hours
of the 12th. By mid-morning, accumulations of 1 to 3 inches were observed across the area. After a strong
cold front swept through the mountains, northwest winds resulted in development of numerous snow
showers by early afternoon. By mid-evening, snowfall totals ranged from 1 to 5 inches across the area.||As
snow showers continued in the northwest flow, snow continued to gradually accumulate in the higher
elevations along the Tennessee border. By the time the snow tapered off early on the 14th, accumulations
generally ranged from 4 to 8 inches in the higher elevations, generally above 3500 feet, although some areas
saw as much as 20 inches. The lower elevations saw considerably lower amounts, generally in the 2-5 inch
range. Very windy conditions and very cold temperatures resulted in wind chill values below 0 in many areas
during the overnight and early morning hours.
A developing coastal storm system brought light to moderate snow, with occasional heavy bursts to the
northern mountains beginning shortly after sunrise on Christmas. Snow, heavy at times, continued through
the afternoon across the northern mountains and surrounding areas. By Christmas evening, most locations
had 3 to 6 inches of fresh snowpack. A brief lull in snowfall occurred overnight. However, snowfall began to
12/25/2010 increase again during the morning of the 26th, as strong northwest flow resulted in development of
numerous snow showers along the Tennessee border. The snow showers continued until the afternoon of
the 27th. This resulted in additional accumulations that ranged from 2 to 6 inches in the valleys to a foot or
more in the higher elevations. Very gusty winds and cold temperatures resulted in wind chill values less than
0 and considerable blowing and drifting of snow, especially in the high elevations.
A very cold and moist northwest flow resulted in development of scattered to numerous snow showers
across the western mountains during the evening of the 7th. The snow showers continued across much of
the Tennessee border counties through the day on the 8th, with heavy accumulations reached in some areas
1/7/2010 by late morning. Total accumulations ranged from 1-3 inches over the lower French Broad Valley, to 3-6
inches across the northern mountains. Over the southwest mountains, total snowfall accumulations ranged
from trace amounts in the valleys beneath the Smokies, to 2-4 inches in the higher elevations along the
Tennessee border.
Date Description
Low pressure tracked across southern Georgia during the night of the 29th, and then off the southeast cost
on the 30th. As the low passed well south of the region, most of the precipitation fell as snow, though other
precipitation types mixed in toward the end. ||Snow became heavy during the evening, and quickly
accumulated to yield heavy snowfall totals. Total accumulations ranged from 5-9 inches across much of the
northern mountains, foothills and western piedmont of North Carolina, as well as in a small part of the South
Carolina mountains. A 55-year-old man died of exposure after falling in the snow in Gastonia (indirect). The
precipitation changed to freezing rain and sleet near the end of the event, resulting in light accumulations of
Northwest flow snow showers developed over the northern mountains during the evening and persisted
over the next 24 hours. By the evening of the 16th, accumulations of 5-6 inches were common near the
Tennessee border, while only an inch or so had fallen in areas closer to the Blue Ridge. The snow continued
2/15/2010 off and on for almost two more days, before finally tapering off during the morning of the 18th.
Accumulations along the Tennessee border totaled a foot or more in some areas. Meanwhile, locations
closer to the Blue Ridge only saw a couple of inches. Over Avery County, total accumulations were higher,
with 1-2 feet near the Tennessee border.
Northwest flow snow showers developed during the evening across the northern mountains, and continued
along the Tennessee border through much of the 25th, with heavy snowfall accumulations reached across
2/24/2010 much of the area shortly after sunrise. Total accumulations ranged from only a couple of inches along the
Blue Ridge, to 7 inches in the lower valleys along the Tennessee border. Meanwhile, some of the higher
elevations received a foot or more of snowfall.
Snow began to fall around sunrise across the North Carolina mountains along the Blue Ridge escarpment.
Snow became moderate to heavy at times during the late morning and early afternoon, resulting in
accumulations of 1 to 4 inches across most of the area. Snow, heavy at times, continued into the afternoon
across the Blue Ridge, with heavy accumulations realized in most areas by mid-afternoon. By early evening,
total snowfall ranged from 3 to 6 inches. Localized snowfall amounts as high as 10 inches occurred,
especially in the higher elevations along the escarpment.
Moist northwest flow resulted in widespread snow showers near the Tennessee line, beginning around mid-
morning on the 5th. Snow showers continued off and on across the higher elevations of the Smokies,
Newfound Mountains and surrounding areas through the day. By early afternoon, 3 to 5 inches had
accumulated above 3500 feet. By the morning of the 6th, some areas had as much as 8 inches. While periods
of snow showers, flurries, and rain mixed with snow were reported in the valleys, little or no accumulation
occurred below 3500 feet.
Light snow began falling over the northern mountains and Madison County during the early morning hours
of the 12th. By mid-morning, accumulations of 1 to 3 inches were observed across the area. After a strong
cold front swept through the mountains, northwest winds resulted in development of numerous snow
showers by early afternoon. By mid-evening, snowfall totals ranged from 1 to 5 inches across the area.||As
snow showers continued in the northwest flow, snow continued to gradually accumulate in the higher
elevations along the Tennessee border. By the time the snow tapered off early on the 14th, accumulations
generally ranged from 4 to 8 inches in the higher elevations, generally above 3500 feet, although some areas
saw as much as 20 inches. The lower elevations saw considerably lower amounts, generally in the 2-5 inch
range. Very windy conditions and very cold temperatures resulted in wind chill values below 0 in many areas
during the overnight and early morning hours.
A developing coastal storm system brought light to moderate snow, with occasional heavy bursts to the
northern mountains beginning shortly after sunrise on Christmas. Snow, heavy at times, continued through
the afternoon across the northern mountains and surrounding areas. By Christmas evening, most locations
had 3 to 6 inches of fresh snowpack. A brief lull in snowfall occurred overnight. However, snowfall began to
12/25/2010 increase again during the morning of the 26th, as strong northwest flow resulted in development of
numerous snow showers along the Tennessee border. The snow showers continued until the afternoon of
the 27th. This resulted in additional accumulations that ranged from 2 to 6 inches in the valleys to a foot or
more in the higher elevations. Very gusty winds and cold temperatures resulted in wind chill values less than
0 and considerable blowing and drifting of snow, especially in the high elevations.
Date Description
Light to moderate snow developed ahead of a cold front across the western mountains of North Carolina
around noon, and continued through the afternoon. After the cold front passed during the early evening,
snow showers, some of which were heavy developed within a moist northwest flow, adding to
accumulations across the Tennesse border counties. Snow showers continued into the overnight and
1/7/2011 through much of the 8th before tapering off during the evening and the early morning hours of the 9th.
Total accumulations were highly variable across the area and depended largely upon terrain. Storm total
amounts ranged from 3 to 5 inches in the southwest mountain valleys, to 4 to 8 inches in the lower French
Broad Valley and the northern mountain valleys. The high elevations along the state line received as much as
2 feet.
Moderate to heavy snow associated with a Gulf Coast storm system spread from south to north across the
mountains of western North Carolina during the nighttime hours. Heavy snow accumulations of up to 4
inches were reported over the southern mountains by as early as 4 am. Heavy snow accumulations were not
reported over the northern mountains until mid-morning. The snow became lighter around sunrise, but
continued to accumulate through the morning. By early afternoon, snowfall totals ranged from 7 to 10
inches over the southern and central mountains and 3 to 6 inches over the northern mountains. During early
afternoon, precipitation changed to light freezing rain and continued into the evening hours. This added as
much as a tenth of an inch of ice to the heavy snowfall totals. Persistent cold temperatures ensured that
many roads remained snow-packed or ice covered for several days. Some schools and businesses remained
closed for as much as 5 days.
Snow showers developed over much of the North Carolina mountains during the early morning hours, and
continued throughout the day. Snow showers continued off and on across the Tennessee border counties
2/11/2012 during the evening and early part of the overnight. Total accumulations ranged from a couple of inches in
the lower valleys, to as much as 8 inches in the higher elevations of the Newfound Mountains and northern
As ���Superstorm Sandy��� moved across New England and stalled over the northern Mid-
Atlantic region, abundant moisture was transported into the mountains. The first snow showers of the
season developed within this moist northwest flow across the northern mountains of North Carolina during
the pre-dawn hours of the 29th. Snow showers, some heavy continued through the day and overnight, and
10/29/2012 by the pre-dawn hours of the 30th, heavy snowfall accumulations were observed, mainly across the higher
elevations of the northern mountains and Madison County. By the time the snow showers tapered off during
the early morning hours of the 31st, 1 to 3 feet of snow was reported in the high elevations (above 4000 feet
or so), with the heaviest amounts occurring at the peaks along the Tennessee border. Meanwhile, the lower
valleys saw storm totals of only a few inches.
Snow developed across Madison and Yancey counties during the early evening and continued off and on
through the morning of the 3rd. By the late morning, heavy snowfall accumulations were reported in many
2/2/2013 locations. Snow showers, heavy at times continued through much of the 3rd before tapering off by during
the evening. Total accumulations ranged from 3-5 inches in most valley locations to as much as a foot in the
higher elevations.
As cold air spilled into the North Carolina mountains in the wake of an arctic cold front, rain quickly changed
to snow after midnight. Periods of moderate and briefly heavy snow were reported. Northwest flow snow
showers continued across the higher elevations of the Newfound Mountains and northern Smokies through
the day. While most lower valley areas saw total accumulations of less than a couple of inches, 3-6 inches fell
above about 3500 feet. However, accurate accumulations were difficult to report owing to wind gusts up to
50 mph causing considerable blowing and drifting snow.
Widespread snow showers developed along the Tennessee border along and immediately behind a cold
front during the late morning and continued through the evening hours across the Tennessee border
counties. Heavy snowfall accumulations were realized in the favored northwest flow locations by late
evening. Total accumulations ranged from 3 to 6 inches across much of the area, although the valleys
southwest of the French Broad generally saw less. Locally higher amounts up to 10 inches were observed in
the high elevations of the northern mountains.
Date Description
Precipitation associated with a strong upper level disturbance and associated strong cold front changed to
snow at the highest peaks and ridge tops by early evening Halloween evening, with snow levels dropping
rapidly to the valley floors by the end of the evening as an arctic air mass infiltrated the region behind the
front. By the pre-dawn hours of the 1st, snow accumulation ranged from a dusting to a couple of inches on
the valley floors, to a foot or more in the high elevations along the Tennessee border. Snow became more
showery and sporadic in nature during the morning of the 1st, especially across the valleys, but not before
heavy snowfall totals were reached within much of the Tennessee border counties. 2-6 inches of snowfall
accumulated across many valley areas by daybreak. Meanwhile, snow showers, heavy at times continued
across the high elevations into early afternoon. Total accumulations of 1-2 feet were reported in locations
above 4000 feet along the state line, mainly across the Smokies and the Newfound Mountains.
An area of low pressure spread light snow into the mountains and foothills of North Carolina by around
midnight on the 22nd. The snow continued through the early morning hours, gradually increasing in
intensity. By mid-morning, amounts ranged from 2-4 inches across the foothills to 3-5 inches across the
mountains, with locally higher amounts, especially in the high elevations near the Blue Ridge. Road
1/22/2016 conditions deteriorated quickly around sunrise, resulting in many traffic accidents. Moderate to heavy snow
continued into the afternoon, gradually tapering off during the evening. The snow briefly changed to sleet
before ending across the foothills. By the time the snow tapered off, accumulations ranged from 4-8 inches
across the low elevations of the foothills, to 8-14 inches across the mountains. Locally higher amounts
occurred, especially on the high peaks near the Blue Ridge, where several feet were reported.
As an area of surface low pressure moved northeast along the Gulf and Southeast coasts, moisture
overspread the southern Appalachians throughout the 6th. Although the precip may have started as rain in
the lower valleys, it primarily fell as snow. It was initially light in most areas, but became heavy during mid-
to-late evening, continuing into the overnight. By the time the heavier snowfall rates tapered off around
sunrise, total accumulations ranged from 5 to 7 inches. Locally higher amounts of as much as 10 were
observed across the higher elevations of the foothills counties.
Snow developed across northwest North Carolina around midnight the morning of the 9th, and began
accumulating quickly. Moderate to heavy snow continued through the morning of the 9th before tapering
off during the early afternoon. Storm total accumulations were generally in the 10 to 15-inch range, with
slightly lower amounts south of I-40, and locally higher amounts across the mountains, particularly the high
peaks along the Blue Ridge, where more than two feet fell. Travel was paralyzed across this area for a couple
of days.
Date Description
Despite the devastation, road problems were few and far between, as temperatures hovered right around
freezing for most of the event. Duke Power estimated costs for overtime and line repair at 72 million dollars
for the event, though these costs are not reflected in the property damage values for the event above. In
Henderson County, 2 deaths (indirect) occurred as a result of the ice storm. A woman died of carbon
monoxide poisoning after running a generator in a garage. A man died of carbon monoxide poisoning due to
a malfunctioning gas stove.
Ice accretion began to cause damage across the southern mountains and foothills of North Carolina just
prior to sunrise. By late morning, the ice storm had become quite serious, as thousands of trees fell across
the area, and power outages were widespread. Numerous trees and large limbs fell on and damaged homes
and vehicles. It was estimated that three-quarters of Henderson County residents lost power. Most who lost
power were without it for at least 24 hours. In some areas, it took as much as 5 days to restore electricity.
12/15/2005 Despite the devastation, road problems were few and far between, as temperatures hovered right around
freezing for most of the event. Duke Power estimated costs for overtime and line repair at 72 million dollars
for the event, though these costs are not reflected in the property damage values for the event above. In
Henderson County, 2 deaths (indirect) occurred as a result of the ice storm. A woman died of carbon
monoxide poisoning after running a generator in a garage. A man died of carbon monoxide poisoning due to
a malfunctioning gas stove.
Freezing rain continued through the early morning hours of the 1st in areas along the Blue Ridge. Ice
accumulations of up to 1/2 inch occurred, resulting to significant damage to trees and power lines. Power
2/1/2008 outages were widespread from Brevard to Hendersonville. Sleet mixed in with the freezing rain, resulting in
up to 2 inches of sleet accumulation in the Northern Mountains. Precipitation actually began during the
evening of January 31st, but ice storm criteria were not met until the early morning hours of February 1st.
Light freezing rain developed late on Christmas Eve and continued throughout the overnight before
becoming heavier shortly before sunrise. Light ice accretion occurred, mainly on elevated surfaces during
this time. Quite a few slick spots also developed, mainly on bridges and overpasses. Freezing rain continued
through the morning hours along the eastern escarpment of the Blue Ridge, and became heavy at times by
mid-morning. By the time the precipitation tapered off, ice accretion ranged from .25 to .5 inch across much
of the area. The combination of ice and wind gusts up to 60 mph (with gusts up to 80 mph in the higher
elevations) caused numerous trees and power lines to fall. The resultant widespread power outages
exacerbated the problems for areas that had yet to recover from the December 18th snowstorm.
Rain and freezing rain began across the southern mountains shortly after midnight and continued through
the pre-dawn hours. Many locations saw mainly rain. However, cold air locked in near the escarpment
resulted in an all-freezing rain event there. By the time temperatures warmed above freezing during late
2/26/2013 morning, up to a half inch of ice had accumulated within a few miles of the continental divide. Meanwhile,
locations farther away from the Blue Ridge saw only trace amounts of ice. There were scattered downed
trees and power lines, resulting in quite a number of power outages, especially in McDowell and Henderson
Moist air flowing over a wedge of cold air banked against the eastern slopes of the Appalachians resulted in
precipitation development across the Blue Ridge and surrounding areas beginning during the evening of the
12th. The atmosphere quickly cooled to or below freezing near the escarpment and out across the lower
elevations of the foothills and far northwest Piedmont. This resulted in much of the precipitation falling as
freezing rain in these areas. The freezing rain continued through the overnight across the Blue Ridge and
surrounding areas before tapering off around daybreak on the 13th. Total ice accretion of one quarter to
one half inch was reported, with the heaviest amounts being across the foothills and immediately along the
Blue Ridge escarpment. Scattered downed trees and power outages were reported throughout the area.
Madison County
Weakening low pressure in the Ohio River Valley, developing low pressure along the Gulf Coast and cold,
arctic air in place across the Carolinas resulted in a wintry mess across western North Carolina. This was the
1/29/2000 last in a series of 5 winter storms that wreaked havoc on western North Carolina in an 11-day span. The ice
storm in the mountains consisted mainly of a couple inches of sleet. However, the combined accumulation
of the mixture of sleet and snow was generally 2 to 3 inches. Some freezing rain mixed in during the morning
Date Description
of the 30th. Across the foothills and piedmont, precipitation which briefly began as some light sleet and
snow, turned quickly to freezing rain. The freezing rain was heavy enough across the southern piedmont,
including the Charlotte area, to result in a 1/4 to 1/2-inch glaze. Scattered power outages resulted, with
Gaston county reporting 2500 people without power. The entire Duke Power system reported 77,000 people
without power.
Date Description
A strengthening area of low pressure moved out of the Gulf of Mexico, across southern Georgia, and then up
the southeast coast. As the low passed south of the region, snow became heavy across the southern and
central mountains, as well as the Smokies and surrounding valleys late in the morning. Heavy snow
developed a little later over the northern mountains. The heavy snow continued throughout the afternoon.
Snowfall rates of 1-2 inches per hour became common across the area during the afternoon. Meanwhile,
warming temperatures allowed the snow to mix with and eventually change to rain and sleet in the
southwest mountain valleys. The heavy, wet snow combined with gusty winds to cause numerous trees and
power lines to fall across the area during the afternoon. Widespread power outages resulted, and some
customers were without power for as much as a week. Even longer outages affected parts of the northern
mountains. ||The snow ended over the Blue Ridge and the central mountains on the evening of the 18th.
12/18/2009 However, wrap around snow showers developed along the Tennessee line, resulting in additional snow
accumulations overnight and into the morning hours of the 19th.||Total accumulations ranged from 12-18
inches across the lower northern mountain valleys, to 2-3 feet in the higher elevations along the Tennessee
border, and in areas along the eastern escarpment. Over the southern and central mountains, total
accumulations ranged from 6-10 inches in the lower elevations near the southern escarpment, to as much as
2 feet in the higher elevations. While the southwest mountain valleys generally saw only 3-5 inches, 2-3 feet
of total snowfall was reported in the higher elevations of the Smokies and along the Cherohala Skyway in
Graham County.||Hundreds of traffic accidents were reported during the storm, and continued for several
days thereafter, as continuous melting and refreezing of ice and snow resulted in treacherous road
conditions during the late night and morning hours. Hospitals reported 100s of cases and slips and falls
during this time as well.
As low pressure moved across the deep south, snow, mixed with sleet, developed over the southern
mountains during the late afternoon hours. The precipitation fell heavily at times, and up to 4 inches of snow
accumulated across the area by early evening. Snow continued to fall overnight, but became mixed with or
changed to sleet around midnight. Total sleet and snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches occurred across the
area by sunrise. By mid-morning of the 5th, precipitation changed to freezing rain, with damaging ice
accumulations occurring. Total ice accretion in excess of 1/2 inch occurred along the Blue Ridge, resulting in
widespread damage to trees and power lines, and widespread power outages along the southeastern
escarpment. Ice accretion diminished rapidly north and west of the Blue Ridge.
As low pressure moved across the deep south, snow, mixed with sleet, developed over the southern
mountains during the late afternoon hours. The precipitation fell heavily at times, and up to 4 inches of snow
accumulated across the area by early evening. Snow continued to fall overnight, but became mixed with or
changed to sleet around midnight. Total sleet and snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches occurred across the
area by sunrise. By mid-morning of the 5th, precipitation changed to freezing rain, with damaging ice
accumulations occurring. Total ice accretion in excess of 1/2 inch occurred along the Blue Ridge, resulting in
widespread damage to trees and power lines, and widespread power outages along the southeastern
escarpment. Ice accretion diminished rapidly north and west of the Blue Ridge.
A Miller type-A low pressure system moved up along the South Carolina coast bringing widespread heavy
2/12/2014 snow to the mountains of western North Carolina. Total accumulations generally ranged from 5-9 inches
across the area, although locations above 4000 feet or so saw 1-1.5 feet.
Sleet and snow overspread the mountains and foothills of North Carolina during the afternoon and began to
accumulate. Precipitation changed quickly to sleet in most areas, before mixing with freezing rain from
southwest to northeast during the late afternoon and early evening. Sleet and freezing caused deteriorating
road conditions by early evening, when heavy accumulations of sleet and/or freezing rain were reported
across much of the area. Most locations saw around a half inch to an inch of sleet, along with around a tenth
of an inch of ice accretion. The valleys of southwest North Carolina saw more freezing rain than sleet, with
about one quarter inch of ice reported. Scattered power outages were therefore more concentrated there.
Meanwhile, the northern foothills saw mostly sleet, with many areas reporting 2 to 3 inches of
accumulation. Roads became very treacherous and impassable in many areas until melting began on the
afternoon of the 17th.
Date Description
After the significant snowfall that fell across portions of the North Carolina mountains on the morning of the
24th, an area of low pressure moving along the Gulf Coast spread yet another round of snow across the
southern Appalachians and adjacent foothills during the evening of the 25th. The snow was heavy at times,
and quickly accumulated, with occasional mixed rain undercutting the totals a bit across the southern
foothills. Many areas reported heavy accumulations by late evening. By the time the snow tapered off during
the early morning of the 26th, total accumulations ranged from 4 to 6 inches, with locally higher amounts
across the mountains. Across the foothills, where snow occasionally mixed with or changed to rain along the
Highway 74 corridor, accumulations ranged from 2 to 5 inches.
As moisture associated with developing and strengthening low pressure over the northeast Gulf of Mexico
overspread western North Carolina, snow developed across the central and northern mountains around
sunrise on the 8th and quickly accumulated. By noon, heavy snowfall accumulations were reported across
much of the Blue Ridge area, while moderate to occasionally heavy snow continued to fall throughout the
12/8/2017 afternoon into the evening. By the time the snow tapered off to flurries and light snow showers during the
early morning hours of the 9th, total accumulations ranged from 9-12 inches across the area, with locally
higher amounts reported. While occasional flurries and light snow showers produced locally light additional
accumulations into the early daylight hours of the 9th, the accumulating snow ended in most areas shortly
after midnight.
Madison County
Heavy snow and sleet began during the early morning hours across the North Carolina mountains, and by
12/4/2003 late afternoon had accumulated to 3 to 4 inches across much of the area. Some slopes with an eastern
exposure had up to 5 inches.
Snow showers developed during the evening of the 2nd along the Tennessee border and continued off and
on through the overnight hours and through much of the 3rd. One to four inches had accumulated in many
areas by the evening of the 3rd. Numerous traffic accidents were reported on I-40 through the Pigeon River
2/2/2009 gorge in Haywood County. Snow showers increased in coverage and intensity during the late evening, then
continued for much of the overnight hours. Snow persisted off and on through much of the 4th. Total
accumulations ranged from 1 to 4 inches in the lower valleys, to as much as 8 inches in the higher elevations
along the Tennessee border.
A strengthening area of low pressure moved out of the Gulf of Mexico, across southern Georgia, and then up
the southeast coast. As the low passed south of the region, snow became heavy across the southern and
central mountains, as well as the Smokies and surrounding valleys late in the morning. Heavy snow
developed a little later over the northern mountains. The heavy snow continued throughout the afternoon.
Snowfall rates of 1-2 inches per hour became common across the area during the afternoon. Meanwhile,
warming temperatures allowed the snow to mix with and eventually change to rain and sleet in the
southwest mountain valleys. The heavy, wet snow combined with gusty winds to cause numerous trees and
power lines to fall across the area during the afternoon. Widespread power outages resulted, and some
customers were without power for as much as a week. Even longer outages affected parts of the northern
mountains. ||The snow ended over the Blue Ridge and the central mountains on the evening of the 18th.
12/18/2009 However, wrap around snow showers developed along the Tennessee line, resulting in additional snow
accumulations overnight and into the morning hours of the 19th.||Total accumulations ranged from 12-18
inches across the lower northern mountain valleys, to 2-3 feet in the higher elevations along the Tennessee
border, and in areas along the eastern escarpment. Over the southern and central mountains, total
accumulations ranged from 6-10 inches in the lower elevations near the southern escarpment, to as much as
2 feet in the higher elevations. While the southwest mountain valleys generally saw only 3-5 inches, 2-3 feet
of total snowfall was reported in the higher elevations of the Smokies and along the Cherohala Skyway in
Graham County.||Hundreds of traffic accidents were reported during the storm, and continued for several
days thereafter, as continuous melting and refreezing of ice and snow resulted in treacherous road
conditions during the late night and morning hours. Hospitals reported 100s of cases and slips and falls
during this time as well.
Snow showers developed across the mountains during the evening of the 5th and continued through the
morning of the 6th. By the time the snow tapered off during early evening, total snowfall ranged from an
Date Description
inch or two in southern Madison County to as much as 8 inches in the higher elevations along the Tennessee
border. Very gusty winds also resulted in considerable blowing and drifting of the snow.
Snow showers developed during the early morning hours of the 25th and continued off and on throughout
the day. Synoptically enhanced northwest flow snow showers became heavy overnight across the western
mountains, and by the afternoon hours of the 26th storm total snowfall amounts of 4 to 8 inches were
3/25/2013 common across the area. Snow showers continued through the early morning hours of the 27th across the
higher elevations near the Tennessee border, where totals of a foot or more were prevalent. Heavy snowfall
was mainly confined to areas above 3000 feet or so in the southern and central mountains, but was a little
more widespread in the northern mountains.
After a strong cold front introduced much colder air to the mountains, snow showers developed near the
Tennessee border during mid-evening. The snow showers lasted through the pre-dawn hours, resulting in
heavy accumulations across mainly the higher elevations of the northern and central mountains. Total
1/2/2014 accumulations were generally in the 3-5 inch range above 3500 feet near the Tennessee border. Locally
higher amounts were observed on the high peaks and ridge tops, while most lower valley areas saw
anywhere from a dusting to less than two inches. Very strong northwest winds resulted in considerable
blowing and drifting snow.
A Miller type-A low pressure system moved up along the South Carolina coast bringing widespread heavy
2/12/2014 snow to the mountains of western North Carolina. Total accumulations generally ranged from 5-9 inches
across the area, although locations above 4000 feet or so saw 1-1.5 feet.
Sleet and snow overspread the mountains and foothills of North Carolina during the afternoon and began to
accumulate. Precipitation changed quickly to sleet in most areas, before mixing with freezing rain from
southwest to northeast during the late afternoon and early evening. Sleet and freezing caused deteriorating
road conditions by early evening, when heavy accumulations of sleet and/or freezing rain were reported
across much of the area. Most locations saw around a half inch to an inch of sleet, along with around a tenth
of an inch of ice accretion. The valleys of southwest North Carolina saw more freezing rain than sleet, with
about one quarter inch of ice reported. Scattered power outages were therefore more concentrated there.
Meanwhile, the northern foothills saw mostly sleet, with many areas reporting 2 to 3 inches of
accumulation. Roads became very treacherous and impassable in many areas until melting began on the
afternoon of the 17th.
After the significant snowfall that fell across portions of the North Carolina mountains on the morning of the
24th, an area of low pressure moving along the Gulf Coast spread yet another round of snow across the
southern Appalachians and adjacent foothills during the evening of the 25th. The snow was heavy at times,
and quickly accumulated, with occasional mixed rain undercutting the totals a bit across the southern
foothills. Many areas reported heavy accumulations by late evening. By the time the snow tapered off during
the early morning of the 26th, total accumulations ranged from 4 to 6 inches, with locally higher amounts
across the mountains. Across the foothills, where snow occasionally mixed with or changed to rain along the
Highway 74 corridor, accumulations ranged from 2 to 5 inches.
As moisture associated with developing and strengthening low pressure over the northeast Gulf of Mexico
overspread western North Carolina, snow developed across the central and northern mountains around
sunrise on the 8th and quickly accumulated. By noon, heavy snowfall accumulations were reported across
much of the Blue Ridge area, while moderate to occasionally heavy snow continued to fall throughout the
12/8/2017 afternoon into the evening. By the time the snow tapered off to flurries and light snow showers during the
early morning hours of the 9th, total accumulations ranged from 9-12 inches across the area, with locally
higher amounts reported. While occasional flurries and light snow showers produced locally light additional
accumulations into the early daylight hours of the 9th, the accumulating snow ended in most areas shortly
after midnight.
Floodplain Management
Comprehensive or Land Use Planning
Subdivision Regulations
Stormwater Management
Building Codes
This appendix to the Hazard Mitigation Plan was developed in order to enhance each jurisdiction’s
overall resilience to the flood hazard by documenting the steps that have been taken, and those that
need to be taken to help improve each jurisdiction’s regulatory environment through preventative
actions. In order to maximize points that can be awarded to reduce flood insurance rates through the
Community Rating System, communities must thoroughly evaluate preventative mitigation measures.
These measures are often considered the most exemplary type of mitigation actions that can be
implemented because their purpose is to prevent issues related to flooding from occurring at all. For
instance, if a community were to prohibit any construction within the floodplain, this would prevent any
structures that might have been built in that area from being flooded because they won’t be located in a
high risk area.
Preventative measures are often associated with planning and regulatory activities such as zoning and
building codes. The six main categories of prevention activities are outlined above and each of these
types of activities are assessed in greater detail below. For each community that participated in this
plan, an evaluation of several measures for each category was carried out to determine the community’s
willingness to implement preventative measures and outline a plan for reducing flood risk.
Within this evaluation, current standards and regulations are identified along with an explanation of
local implementation of the specific standard or regulation. In addition, recommendations for future
implementation have been discussed and any changes that were considered but discounted as not
feasible have been identified along with an explanation concerning why that determination was made.
As described in Table I.1, in some cases, it was determined that local governments were already
implementing risk reducing activities and merely needed to formalize their commitment to continue to
enact these measures. In general, communities were either already implementing floodplain
management activities or were working towards implementing these activities in the near future.
However, some activities that were considered for implementation could not be incorporated into the
local government’s implementation structure. In cases where activities were considered, but could not
be moved forward, the activity has been identified and an explanation of why it would not be feasible
has been included.
and reduce the threat of future flood losses. Each of the jurisdictions that participated in the CRS portion
of the Hazard Mitigation Planning process considered several activities that attempt to reduce flood risk
through better either a comprehensive or land use plan.
As described in Table I.2, in some cases, it was determined that local governments were already
implementing risk reducing activities and merely needed to formalize their commitment to continue to
enact these measures. In general, communities were either already implementing comprehensive or
land use planning activities or were working towards implementing these activities in the near future.
However, some activities that were considered for implementation could not be incorporated into the
local government’s implementation structure. In cases where activities were considered, but could not
be moved forward, the activity has been identified and an explanation of why it would not be feasible
has been included.
I.1.3 Zoning
Zoning is often considered an arm of land use planning and is generally designed to regulate certain
functions or characteristics of development that are allowed in an area of the jurisdiction. Much like
land use planning, zoning can help direct development outside of high risk areas and also regulate the
density of development that is allowed in those areas. Each of the jurisdictions that participated in the
CRS portion of the Hazard Mitigation Planning process considered several activities that attempt to
reduce flood risk through some form of zoning.
As described in Table I.3, in some cases, it was determined that local governments were already
implementing risk reducing activities and merely needed to formalize their commitment to continue to
enact these measures. In general, communities were either already implementing zoning activities or
were working towards implementing these activities in the near future. However, some activities that
were considered for implementation could not be incorporated into the local government’s
implementation structure. In cases where activities were considered, but could not be moved forward,
the activity has been identified and an explanation of why it would not be feasible has been included.
Planning process considered several activities that attempt to reduce flood risk through subdivision
As described in Table I.4, in some cases, it was determined that local governments were already
implementing risk reducing activities and merely needed to formalize their commitment to continue to
enact these measures. In general, communities were either already implementing subdivision ordinance
activities or were working towards implementing these activities in the near future. However, some
activities that were considered for implementation could not be incorporated into the local
government’s implementation structure. In cases where activities were considered, but could not be
moved forward, the activity has been identified and an explanation of why it would not be feasible has
been included.
As described in Table I.5, in some cases, it was determined that local governments were already
implementing risk reducing activities and merely needed to formalize their commitment to continue to
enact these measures. In general, communities were either already implementing stormwater
management activities or were working towards implementing these activities in the near future.
However, some activities that were considered for implementation could not be incorporated into the
local government’s implementation structure. In cases where activities were considered, but could not
be moved forward, the activity has been identified and an explanation of why it would not be feasible
has been included.
the Hazard Mitigation Planning process considered several activities that attempt to reduce flood risk
through better management of identified floodplain areas.
As described in Table I.6, in some cases, it was determined that local governments were already
implementing risk reducing activities and merely needed to formalize their commitment to continue to
enact these measures. In general, communities were either already implementing building code
activities or were working towards implementing these activities in the near future. However, some
activities that were considered for implementation could not be incorporated into the local
government’s implementation structure. In cases where activities were considered, but could not be
moved forward, the activity has been identified and an explanation of why it would not be feasible has
been included.