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This Practical Work (Internship Report) is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Internship course at Jig-jiga University. we honestly declare that this is our original work and all sources
of materials used in this Report have been duly acknowledged.

we solemnly declare that this internship report has been submitted by us under the guidance of our
hosting office engineers assure that the report contains actual events and facts that we observed and
performed during our internship practice program. All the contents are ours and have not been
submitted to any other college or university.

Student Name: ____________________ Signature _____________ Date_______________

Advisor Name: ____________________ Signature _____________ Date_______________


It is our pleasant duty to acknowledge grateful and generous help we have received, directly or
indirectly, at all the stages of doing the project.

First of all, we heartily thanks to God for all his mercy, kindness, and help in every moment of our life.
we would like to express our respect and best wish to Gorey multivallate water supply project workers,
site engineers, office engineers and foreman. They have taken good care of us. We would also like to
thank particularly our project advisor, Mr.Robin giving us his precious advice at all stages of our project
being very friendly, his certainly to give the necessary data and information.

To put it in a nut shell, this project document would not have been completed like this without his
mentioned contributions.

At last, but not least we would like to express our deep love and respect to our family for being with us
always in every condition.

This is the internship report which we prepared to elaborate our stay in Gorey multivallate water supply
project. This report assesses the construction of water work activities undertaken in Gorey multivallate
water supply project.

Gorey, ananle, dullahabab, hadanta, jannogaban, gamba-ase, melkada-as which are collectively known
as Gorey multivallate water supply project are rural villages found in Fafen Administrative Zone of the
Somali National Regional State which have series water problem. It is common to see people fetching
water from small pond, river and rain water harvesting which is totally unsafe for drinking.

Generally, this internship report contains five main portions/chapters which discuses about the whole
internship period. Chapter one of this report deals about the project area and the hosting
organization/company including its brief history, its main product service, customers, mission, vision,
achievement, goals, objective and it’s all organization work flow. Chapter two of this report describes
about materials and methodologies used including construction materials, pipe materials, and survey
equipment. Chapter three of this report describes the design part which includes feasibility studies,
population forecasting, water demand analysis, and construction of (two 500m3 Ground RC service
reservoirs, 1 elevated service reservoir, 3 Guard houses, 1 Pump houses, 2 Generator house, 1 quarter
service house, 19 cattle troughs and 23 water points), hydraulic design, and distribution network
analysis. Chapter four of this report describes about assessment of the internship, problems we faced,
mitigation measures we have taken and the last chapter (Chapter five) of this report deals with the
recommendation we made for the project.



1.1 General

Water plays a major important role in life existence. That is why we say “water is life”. All living things on
the earth like human beings, animals and plants use water for their survival. For example, a man can
survive without food for month together but without water to quench his thirst; his survival beyond 40
hours would be a miracle.

Water is basic necessity for all living things to survive. Human beings, animals and plants must take
some amount of water per day for their existence. Ground water exists in economic quantities in
virtually most parts of Somali. However, it is not evenly distributed with respect to its quantity and
quality. Rising standards of living and the adoption of industrial explanation in the last two decades have
increase water demands. In response those demands, the developments of ground water resources for
domestic, irrigation and industrial uses has greatly accelerated since the last few decades.

Federal, regional states and provincial expenditures for ground water studies have soared these days to
solve the often need of the resource. Although, much is done in the development of ground water for
water supply, irrigation and industrial uses, better efforts must be done at present to eradicate these
worse problems.

Therefore, investment on water supply project as permanent contribution to well-being of the user in
reducing a very serious problem of potable and clean water in these villages so there must be special
attention for those villages.

1.2 Profile of Hosting Company

Ethiopian Somali regional water resource development bureau engages in water resource development
construction and all water construction related expertise’s work the inter carries out the professional
duty of construction there by supplementing Somali regional administration government realize
development action plan in the field of water resource development.

The bureau is public institution that performs the professional task of implementing Somali regional
government’s development endeavors in water resources utilization, besides readily hiring out our
construction expertise to all.

1.2.1 Vision

To meet with components of the sustainable development goals that deal with access to safe drinking
water supply with sufficient quantity and acceptable quality in the responsible distance for drinking
waste disposal and flood protection by the year of 2013 E.C to eradicate the problems of the water
scarcity in Somali regional state

1.2.2. Mission

To manage the water resources of Somali region in collaboration with other agencies and stakeholders,
to benefit the state’s people, and to protect, restore and enhance the natural and human environments.
And also, to carry out all professional water construction works, roads construction, and to provide
different construction related materials and services. These services are to be delivered within the
agreed time frame and in the best approach to ensure max.

1.2.3. Values

 Continued learning is the source of our success

 It is our responsibility to make ESRSWRDB best model

 Devote time to meaningful tasks

 We value quality services and customer satisfaction

 Effective utilization of resources is our character

 Encourage continuous change and dynamism

 To promote positive thinking

 Team work, efficient use of resources, and continuous improvements

1.2.4 Mandate

The mandates of Somali Regional State Water Resources Development Bureau are to ensure the laws,
regulations and directives issued in relation to projection, conservation and utilization of water
resources are respected in the region. Supervise the implementation purity and sanitation standards
prescribed in relation to the water applied for various services and purposes Cause the implementation
of the country’s water resources policies in the region.

Cooperate in the study, data collection and registration of the water resource deposits in the region.
Supervise the balanced distribution and utilization of the region’s water resources to various types of

1.2.5 Success Stories of Somali Regional Water Resource Development Bureau

Ethiopian Somali regional state water resource development bureau has successfully completed a lot of
projects for different places in the Somali region. The following are the completed projects: -

 Fiq water supply project

 West Godey irrigation project

 Meta water supply project

 Biyo bahay irrigation project

 Marsin drilling project

 Construction of dams and irrigation

 River diversion

 Harshin water supply

1.3 Objective of the company

Over all aim and objective of the company are:

 To undertake leading role in water resources development front and all other construction
related endeavor in general, with optimum professionalism ensured high product and

 Reduction of drought.

 Enhance availability of drinking water.

 Construction of new water supply lines.

 Promote efficient water utilization.

 Increasing safe water supply coverage.

 Reduction of water born disease.

 Minimization of loss of productivity time.

 Food security.

1.3.1 The main products/services of the company

SWWCE engages in construction of irrigation water-dams, potable water supply lines construction in
urban and rural areas, drainage constructions and rehabilitations.

1.3.2 Main services provided by the company

o Construction of small-scale irrigation and rural water supply

o Water quality control

o Maintenance of water work structures

o Forming community group to control the water work structures from society and animal
destruction and develop their capacity to perform their tasks

1.3.3 The main customers/the end users of the company

As the company gives services such as portable water supply lines, irrigation water-dams, drainage
constructions, the users of the services are the people living in SRS and its zones and their sub-districts.
As it is a governmental company it has a lot of costumers.

The following are some of its main users.

o The community as a whole.

o Governmental organizations.

o Private sectors.

o NGO’s

o Zonal sector offices

o Investors etc.

1.4 The overall organization and work flow of the company

 All employers of the company have their own working section according to their professional
field of study, so the overall organization and work flow in the company is:




Planning, support
Procurement & process Water Supply
Contract adm. Operation &
& Irrigation
Support Process HRD Case & Work Core maintenance
property Adm. Process sub-core
Support process
Planning case
HRD Case n Process

Procurement case
Property case Operation
Contract adm. case Water
General Service case Process

Figure 1:

1.5 Background

Gorey multi village is found in Fafen Administrative Zone of the Ethiopian Somali National Regional
State. It is about 40km SW of Jigjiga city. It is accessed through the asphalt road from Jigjiga to Babile
and the gravel road, which runs from Gorey to Gemba-ase, and dry weathered road from Gorey to
Gemba-ase multi village.

1.5.1 Location and Topography of the study area

It is sited on a fluctuated landscape at a geographical or GPS coordinates of 38N UTM 1021378.4 N and
230377.7 E for Gorey. The average Elevation of the town is 1647m m.a.s.l and the surrounding areas of
Gorey multi village are covered with shrubs and arid zone acacia. The reference Datum for the
coordinate is Adindan.

Table 1: elevation and distance description of the villages

Name of Easting Northing Elevation(m) Distance(km) from Gorey

village kebele

Gemba-ase 234244.1 1007263.5 1514 8.27 km & 4.5km from


Mekada-as 229952.4 1011645.6 1565 9.58 km & 6.5 km from


Hoden 228226.9 1013748.1 1536 9.6 km & 2.6 km from


Jeno-gaben 230107.2 1014659.5 1551 6.56 km & 2 km from hoden

Annanle 232316.9 1015863.4 1625 5.72 km & 2.5 km from


Dulhabab 235350.3 1014682.4 1632 8.27 km & 4.5km from

Figure 2: layout for the project

1.5.2 Geology and Hydrogeology

Different geologists and different oil companies have studied the geology of Somali Regional state.
Several geological maps were published including the one published by V. Kazmin in 1975 at a scale of
1:2,000,000. Others include geological map of Ogaden at a scale of 1:1,000,000 published by Ministry of
Mines and Energy. There is also unpublished geological map of Ethiopia compiled by the Regional
Geology Department, Ethiopian Institute of Geological Survey in 1990. The hydrogeology of Ogaden
basin has also been reported in a generalized form by P. Hadwin&GirmaMengesha (1969);
Girumlissanu&MezmureHailemeskale (1979). This section will give brief summary of regional geology of
Somali Region.

The classification of different geological formations that do exist in Somali Region will follow the above
mention reports. The main litho-logical units that outcrop in Somali Region from the bottom to top in
the stratigraphic column are Basement Complex, Gorey multi village Formation, Main Gypsum
Formation and Quaternary deposits. The geological history of the region can be followed from the
Precambrian Era which is represented metamorphic and igneous rocks of the basement system. The
regional metamorphism was followed by various cycles of regression and transgression, and localized

During the Precambrian era, vast sediments accumulated and at the end of the era, a period of regional
folding and metamorphism has occurred. As a consequence of this large-scale tectonic activity, the
original sediments were subjected to high temperature and pressure, which caused partial melting and
subsequent re-crystallization and growth of new minerals. Depending on the parent material and the
prevailing temperature and pressure, different types of gneisses, schist and granites were formed.

Figure 3: Hydro-Geological Formation Map of Somali Regional State


There is no water supply system for Gorey multi village School and they do have a problem of water and
sanitation. The number of schools is one for each village.

The total number of students are 265 students. From these, male students are 175 and females are 90
students. Total number of teachers are 15 and from these, 10 of them are males and 5 female teachers

1.5.4 Health

Health Number of Current No. of beds Average Daily

Institutions inst. Manpower visitors
Health center 1 16 8 11

Health post 6 18 6 20
Table 4: Gorey multi village recorded health institutions

There is a health center at Gorey kebele and one health post at each village (ananle, janno-gaban,
hadanta, dullahbab, melkada-as, gemba-ase).

1.5.5 Ethnic and Religious composition

According to the information gathered from the zonal council, above 99% of the town population and
100% of the rural populations are Muslims and are ethnic of Somali.
At Gorey multi village, there are Nine (9) mosques. Somali is the dominant language spoken in the area.

1.6 Objective of the project

1.6.1 General objectives

The general objective of the project is to study and design water supply through implement of Somali
Regional State water resource development bureau “increased access to improved water supply and
sanitation services for residents in participating towns and communities in Ethiopia”.

1.6.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objective of project includes: -

 To increase living standard condition of the community

 To upgrade, health and sanitation practice in the community which resource for poverty

 Increase women involvement in social affairs,

 Reduce time and energy cost fetching water and use their surplus time for productive activates.

 To improve the quality, quantity and level of the services of water supply of the Town.

 To improve clean water supply coverage of the town

 To enhance the economic activity and betterment of living standard by providing adequate and
potable water supply.

 To reduce the load of work by construction water schemes nearby their settlement.

 To eliminate different water borne diseases by improving water hygiene.

 To improve the capacity of the utility to plan and manage these services in sustainable manner.

The detailed objectives of the assignment are: -

 Conduct water supply and sanitation baseline assessment study, asses the town
management status, quantify and verify the need for service improvement. Preparation of
detail design of water supply system and sanitation facilities

1.7 Scope of work

The overall scope of the service, specified in the term of references, is to undertake a comprehensive
feasibility study, design and construction supervision works of town water supply and sanitation
facilities and preparation of activities for Utility and Water Board/Water Committee: Among the

 Conducting woreda administration with stakeholder at town level participating Utility & Water

 Conduct design review of pervious existing work

 Conduct baseline survey

 Carryout design works including confirmation of the water source,

 Conduct environmental and social impact assessment

 Strengthen or establish WaSH management structure

 Preparation of detail design for the Town Water Supply System and Sanitation Facilities

 Contract administration & construction supervision works

1.8 Statement of the problem

During the construction period the main problem that came across was: -

 Shortage of materials and equipment

 lack of skilled labor

 The semi-skilled labor leaving the project when they hear another individual
contractor paying more money than this.

 One borehole was not enough to fulfill the satisfaction of the society

 The max. demand for the project is 37.75 l/s but the current source we have is 13.75
l/s so additional boreholes are needed to satisfy the design horizon of the project.

 The first week of my internship period was very difficult, shocking, complex and challenging
week for me

 Because I was new to the practical world and it was also hard to adapt to it and the

 Loss of plants (crops and vegetation) during the construction of the reservoirs

 Addition or missing of materials in the design drawing, agreements

 Noise pollution from the construction



2.1 materials I have used

 Computer

 Detail feasibility study and design document

 Report writing techniques handout

2.2 materials used in the project

There are many materials in the project site that is used for the constructions of the reservoir, water
point, cattle troughs, generator & pump houses such as:

 Cement, sand, gravel & water

 Reinforcement bars with different kinds of diameters

 Water stopper (plastic fiver)

 Wood and formwork panels

 Fittings

 Calculator, Camera, Note book etc.


Are material with adhesive and cohesive properties and are capable of uniting or bonding solid particles

It is a material when mixed with water form paste.

Shouldn’t be stock above six months in store.

It shouldn’t stay above 30min after opening the bags.

It shouldn’t be stay above 2hrs after mixing.

It should be stored properly and we have to give space during storing.

The cement used in the project was National cement for the purpose of economy and quality.

C30, C25, C15 was used for the constructions of the civil works


It should be free from silt, debris and other bad material. Its source should be near from construction
site for economy as possible.


It is one of the major ingredients in concrete production

It also manufactured by crasher machine.


As much as possible the water that we use for construction should be pure and clean that used for

Reinforcement bar
Bars used for different structures with different diameters (sizes)

 For Reservoirs

Floor slab: 12mm Diameter

Wall: 12mm Diameter

Roof: 10mm Diameter

 For water points and cattle troughs

Slab: 10mm Diameter

Wall (for wp’s): 10mm Diameter

Water stopper

It is a plastic fiver which is placed between the previous casted concrete and the next layer or where the
two casting meets.

It is used to prevent water leakage from the reservoir’s wall or from concrete of the reservoir’s wall.


It is used to cover the structure to be casted or covers the wet concrete.

It is also used to assemble the structure the shape we want or to make the shape desired.



o Check valve, water meter, air valve, gate valve,

o Union, reducer, T-shape, cross-tee, elbow, strainer, nipple, socket, coupling, with different
degrees etc.

Major construction equipment used

 Vibrator

 Generator

 Excavator

 Dump trucks

 Mixer

 Water truck

 Service car
 Loader

Purpose of compaction

Is to eliminate entrapped air from the concrete so that concrete is less permeable and good bond
between reinforcement and concrete is achieved.

1% entrapped air cause 5-6% reduction in concrete strength.

Compaction should take place before placing the next layer.

Excavator: is used and important for excavations of trench, bulk excavation.

Dump trucks: it is used to transport selected materials like soil, sand, cement, aggregate from quarries
and daily labor from their home to the site during evening and morning time.

Mixer: it is used for mixing and transporting the concrete.

Water truck: used for fetching water to the site and curing the constructed reservoirs, water pts, cattle
troughs etc.

Service cars: used for transporting personnel from one place to another.

Loader: this is a major equipment used for loading cement, dressing stone, sand, hard core and others.

2.3 methodology used

Both primary and secondary data sources were employed on this internship report. Primary data were
collected using a field practice and discussion with site manger such as;

 By observation and questioner

 From recorded daily activities on my note book

In addition to various qualitative and quantitative source of the project were also collected from
secondary data source like;

 Detail design and drawing of the project

 Based on the specific books of water supply system,

 Detail feasibility study and design document

 By reading the final report of the project.



3.1 Existing water supply and Sanitation condition

3.1.1 Water supply service

In Gorey multi village there is MDG water supply system. They are using one bore hole drilled by MDG
with full component like five water point, 50m3 ground masonry reservoir and distribution networked
pipe including rising main only for Gorey village but not the others. The system is functional one water
point is working but others need rehabilitation work.

Figure 4: existing borehole location

Figure 5: existing generator house

Figure 6: existing 500m3 Ground masonry reservoir

Figure 7: existing Water point

Figure 8: existing Private distribution in the village

3.2 Population projection

The use of a reliable base population figure is very important for optimizing the project costs and
sustaining the project’s service year. Over and under estimation of the populations could result in a
higher investment cost and a lower service run period respectively. Hence it is very important to initially
get a realistic base population figures not to come with the above-mentioned problems.

Obtaining reliable population estimation figure of the project site is paramount important for proper
and effective planning and designing of the town water supply project as well as optimizing the project
costs and sustaining the project’s services for the benefiting communities. Any improper population
estimation might increase the

overall project investment cost or might lessen the project service duration for the project beneficiaries.
Therefore, it is highly important to initially consider all the above stated factors and scenarios and come
up with reliable population estimation in order to avoid the above-mentioned constraints which
improper population estimation could result.

Population is considered in the study for feasibility and design of water supply projects. In view of this,
the current population figure of Gorey multi village is collected from various sources such as Municipal
records, Kebele Records and Health Office Records.

The present population of Gorey multi village is about 26,250 in 2011 E.C. Similarly, according to the
information obtained from the town municipality and Health office records the current population of
Gorey multi village is about 26,250. The population figure from the village municipality is much higher as
compared to the population figure by 2026, which is 47,686.

3.2.1 Population forecasting

After the design period has been fixed, the population of the study area in various periods has to be
determined based on CSA’s population growth rates. For such developing town, population geometric
progress method is adopted as if it is the commonly used method to forecast the population at the end
of n years.

Pn= Pp (1+r) n


Pp = present population

r = annual growth rate in (%)

n = design period in year

Pn = population at the target year

Table 5: Gorey multi village population projection (2018-2033

Year population Growth percentage (%) per year

2018 26,250 4.06

2020 28,425 4.06

2022 30,780 4.06

2024 33,330 4.06

2026 36,091 4.06

2028 39,081 4.06

2030 42,319 4.06

2033 47,686 4.06


40,000 36,091
30,000 26,250



2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2033

Figure 9: population projection curve of Gorey

3.3 Water Demand projection

Design of water systems require estimates of expected water demands applicable to size the pumping
equipment, transmission and distribution pipe lines and storage facilities. Estimating water demands for
a particular town depends on the size of the population to be served, their standard of living and
activities, the cost of water supplied, the availability of wastewater service and the purpose of demand.
It varies according to the requirement of the domestic population, institutional, industrial and social
establishments, etc. In addition to these, demand allowances need to be included for leakage, wastage,
and operational requirements such as flushing of mains.

Accordingly, the water demand of town is calculated with due consideration of actual conditions of the
town and pertinent to available data. Where gaps are observed in

acquiring of data, estimates are made from general experiences of the country utilized for similar towns.

In a conventional water supply system, there are five modes of services in which an individual could be
served. These are:

 House Tap Users (HTU)

 Yard Tap Users (YTU)

 Neighbor Hood Tap Users (NTU)

 Traditional Sources Users (TSU)

However, in most water supply system feasibility studies for urban centres here in Ethiopia, the modes
of services are generally stick to the first three classical modes of services because of their simplicity
from the viewpoint of service giving institutions. Hence, for this project, it is assumed all the public to be
served by one of the first three modes of services described above.

In estimating the future water demand, it is determined all the rural peoples to be served by public taps
as their economic condition doesn’t allow them to use either of the other two modes of services. For the
case of Gorey multi village, it is assumed all the three modes of service to prevail and serve the dwellers
of the town.

Hence, using the three modes of services namely: - Yard Connection, House Connection, and Public Tap
and the respective per capita water consumption as described on the design criteria and stated below,
the future water requirement of the town will be estimated in the proceeding section.

 Public Tap users 25litter/day

 Yard Connection 40litter/day
 House Connection 60litter/day
3.3.3 Population distribution by mode of service

The percentage of population to be served by each mode of service will vary with time. The variation is
caused by changes in living standards, improvement of the service level, changes in building standards
and capacity of the water supply service to expand.

Therefore, the present and projected percentage of population served by each demand category is
estimated by taking the above stated conditions and by assuming that the percentage for the house and
yard tap users will increase gradually during the project service period while the percentage of public
and shard tap users will dramatically reduce as more and more people will have private connections as
the living standard of people and the socio-economic development stage increase.

After establishing the current connection profile for the year 2018 a projection has been made for the
design year considering the target coverage to be achieved. Although, there is no formula or criteria to
predict the future connection profiles by mode of service, but from our experiences of other similar
town, the percentage of house connection will be initially high (in this case 5%) following the
commissioning of the new project in year 2018, then expected to show an average growth of 3% during
the whole design period. Similarly, own yard connection is expected to grow an average of 2% during
design periods. But both shard yard connection and public taps gradually decrease up to 2% and -5%
respectively over design period on the assumption that more and more people will have private yard
connections. Thus, due to this an increase in percentage of yard connections and house connections is
anticipated as described above during design period. Taking the above considerations into account the
proposed projected modes of services is given in the Table below.


Mode of
2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2033

HC 5.00% 7.00% 10.00 13.00 16.00 19.00 21.00 24.00

% % % % % %

24.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 34.00 36.00 38.00

YC 26.00%
% % % % % % %

71.00 62.00 57.00 52.00 47.00 43.00 38.00

PT 67.00%
% % % % % % %

TOTAL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

3.3.4 Per capita water demand

The per-capita domestic water demand for various demand categories varies depending on the size of
the town and the level of development, the type of water supply scheme, the socioeconomic conditions
of the towns and the climatic condition

of the area. The per capita water demand for adequate supply level has to be determined based on the
basic human water requirements for various activities of demand category.

From GTP-2 Water Supply Service Level Standard, it is required to provide safe water in minimum 25
l/c/d within a distance of 1 km for rural areas and it is required to provide safe water in minimum
50l/c/day for category 4 towns with population of 20,000-50,000 up to the premises, and 40l/c/day for
category-5 towns with population less than 20,000 within a distance of 250m by the year 2020 But, this
per water capita requirement in GTP-2 is not split as per the mode of service. Therefore, it is essential to
adjust the design criteria to achieve the GTP-2 plan for Gorey multi village and accordingly, the per
capita water demand considered in Table 7 above, is increased particularly yard tap connection (from
30l/c/day to 40l/c/day) and house connection (from 50l/c/day to 70l/c/day) as of 2018 in order to
achieve the aggregate average demand of house and yard connections, minimum 60l/c/day to 35
l/c/day. The following Table 8 summarizes the new adjusted per capita projected water demand by
mode of service.

Table 7: Projected Per Capita Demand by Mode of Service (2018 -2033), m3/day


Mode of
2018 2020 2022 2022 2026 2028 2030 2033

HC 145 219 339 477 636 818 978 1260

YC 694 814 949 1101 1272 1463 1677 1995

PT 2052 2097 2101 2092 2066 2022 2003 1995

3.3.5 Adjustment for climate

The water consumption is less in area where the average temperature is low and high where
temperature is very high, as shown in Table 9 below.

Table 8: Climatic Effects Factors

Source: Data Compilation and Analysis Project (1997) In Gorey multi village, as the average annual
temperature & its altitude falls between 15 to 20oC and 1500 to 2,300m respectively, the climatic factor
of 1is considered because average altitude is 1647m.

3.3.6Adjustment for Socio-Economic Conditions

The socioeconomic adjustment factor is determined based on the degree of the development of the
particular town. Gorey multi village is classified as “Towns under normal of Ethiopian conditions” and,
therefore, categorized as a Group d and was given an adjustment factor of 0.95.

Table 9: Socio Economic Factors

Group Description Factor

A Towns enjoying high living standards and with very high potential for 1.10

B Towns having a very high potential for development but lower living 1.05
standard at present

C Towns under normal Ethiopian conditions 1.00

D Advanced Rural Towns 0.90

3.3.7 Projected Domestic Water Demand

The summary of the population, mode of service, per-capita demand, adjustment factors and calculated
domestic demands are presented in Table 11:

Table 10: Summary of Population and Water Demand Projection

Year in EC 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2025

Year in GC 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2033

Population 26,250 28,425 30,780 33,330 36,091 39,081 42,319 47,686

Profiles (%)

HC 5.00% 7.00% 10.00% 13.00% 16.00% 19.00% 21.00% 24.00%

YC 24.00% 26.00% 28.00% 30.00% 32.00% 34.00% 36.00% 38.00%

PT 71.00% 67.00% 62.00% 57.00% 52.00% 47.00% 43.00% 38.00%


HC 1313 1990 3078 4333 5775 7425 8887 11445

YC 6300 7390 8618 9999 11549 13288 15235 18121

PT 18638 19045 19083 18998 18767 18368 18197 18121

Demand for all
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
profiles l/c/d

Demand in
m3/day under

HC 32.81 49.74 76.95 108.32 144.36 185.64 222.17 286.11

YC 157.50 184.76 215.46 249.97 288.73 332.19 380.87 453.01

PT 465.94 476.11 477.09 474.95 469.18 459.20 454.93 453.01

Total Domestic

Demand in 656.25 710.62 769.49 833.24 902.28 977.03 1057.97 1192.14


adjustment 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1

adjustment 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95
Total adjusted

m3/d 685.78 742.60 804.12 870.74 942.88 1,021.00 1,105.58 1,245.78

l/s 7.94 8.59 9.31 10.08 10.91 11.82 12.80 14.42

3.4 Non domestic water demand

Non-domestic water demand was also determined systematically. It can be broadly classified into:

• Institutional and commercial water demands

• Industrial water demand

Livestock water demand

• Firefighting demand etc.

3.4.1 Institutional and commercial water demand

The water required for schools, hospitals, health center, government offices and services, religious
institutions and other public facilities are classified as institutional water demand whereas the water
required for restaurants, local drinks, and other commercial purposes, is classified as commercial water
demand. Both demands are termed as public water demand.

From our socioeconomic study, generally, most of the institutions and public government office have no
sufficient water to represent the current water consumption. For Gorey multi village, public water
demand is assumed to be 10% of domestic consumption. But it is clear that the current explicit
estimated public water demand is much less as compared to 5% of the average domestic demand.

3.4.2 Livestock water demand

As it is well known, the Somali peoples are pastorals that entirely depend on their domestic animal
resources. However, their livelihood task of animal husbandry is facing difficulty because of the absence
of water that could be used for their livestock watering. As the income of the peoples is totally relied on
their livestock resources, it is very crucial to account the livestock water demand in the future water
supply systems of the area. This will reduce the burden on the pastorals by reducing the travelling
distance of 20 to 30kms. The time they use to lose could be used for other economic activities and
further the animals are also benefited, as they do not require travelling 20 to 30kms in search of water.
Therefore, the inclusion of the livestock water demand is obligatory. The livestock water demand is
estimated based on the livestock figures obtained from the Woreda Administrations and their respective
per capita water demand described on the design.

Table 11: Water demand for livestock

Number of currently Consumption in Daily water demand
Livestock type
available Animals l/animal/day in mcu per day

Cow and Ox 16,700 30 501

Donkeys 6,350 30 190.5

Sheep, goat 17500 5 87.5

Camel 5,370 10 53.7

Total 832.7

3.4.3 Industrial water demand

There is no clear information regarding the establishment of any industries in near future within the
town. But as the key information, small industries, grinding mills/ flour mills and other cottage industries
in local beverage production exists in the town. In addition, the town municipality has also committed to
invite interested private investors in industrial development projects. Considering the potential
development of the town, proximity to market and availability of resources there will be a potential for
possible industries to be established in the future. To meet their water demands an industrial water
demand of 5% average domestic demand has been used. However, large scale industries are expected
to have their own water supply system.

3.4.4 Firefighting water demand

Choice of supplying the water demand for firefighting by the water supply service is a question of
economic consideration. The annual volume required for firefighting purpose is small.

However, during periods of need, the demand may be exceedingly large and, in many cases, govern the
design of distribution, storage and pumping requirements. In this case the firefighting water
requirement is considered to be met by stopping supply to consumers and directing it for this purpose.
This demand is taken care of by increasing the volume of storage tanks by 10%. But in the case of this
study firefighting is considered with installation of fire hydrants at lower points in the distribution
system as there is less fire hazard and even there are no firefighting facilities at the town.

3.4.5 Non revenue water

All the water that goes in the distribution pipe does not reach the consumer. Some portion of this is
wasted in the pipelines due to defective pipe joints, cracked and broken pipes, faulty valve and fittings.
Some consumer keeps open their taps or public taps even when they are not using the water and allow
continuous wastage of water which also includes illegal connection, unmetered usages such as flushing,
firefighting, cleaning the system and overflow from components of the water supply system and etc.

To calculate the future distribution loss, it is considered appropriate to relate the percentage of losses to
both the age of the distribution system and to the percentage of the total pipeline length, which made
up the new distribution system. Water loss relationship curve, which had been adopted by Alexander
GIBBS in 12 town’s water supply study, is utilized in this study to estimate the future water loss of the
system. Accordingly, the loss coefficients used for the entire design horizons of the system are
presented in the table below.

Year 20018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2033

% of
10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17%

Table 12: Water Losses coefficients

3.4.6 Water demand factors Average water demand

The average daily water demand is the sum of the domestic, non-domestic and unaccounted for water
which is used to estimate the maximum day & the peak hour demand. The average day demand is used
in economic calculations over the project’s lifetime. Maximum day water demand Peak hour water demand

The water consumption varies from day to day. The maximum day water demand is considered to meet
water consumption changes with seasons and days of the week. The ratio of the maximum daily
consumption to the mean annual daily consumption is the maximum day factor. The proposed
maximum day factor usually varies between 1.0 & 1.3 as per the design criteria. Hence, a maximum day
factor of 1.3 is adopted. The maximum day demand is applied to determine source pumping
requirement, size of rising mains and treatment system.

Table 1: Recommended maximum day demand Factors

Maximum Day Remarks

0 to 20,000 1.30 Small Towns
20,001 to 50,000 Moderate
50,001 to 100,000 1.20 Large Towns

100,001 and above 1.20 Large Towns

Source: Design Criteria by MoWR

This peak hour demand is used to size distribution pipelines

3.5 components of the supply system

Based on the study and design report of this proposed water supply system, the major functional
component that needs to be constructed are the followings:

o Construction of 2 Generator house, 3 Guard house,1service quarter house

o Construction of two 500m3 ground RC service reservoir

o Construction of one 50m3 elevated RC service reservoir

o Construction of 19 cattle troughs and 23 water points

o Construction of 1 pump house

o Supply and install pipes for distribution network

o Supply and install transmission main from the borehole to the water tanker

o Installation of submersible pump of design discharge 3l/s to 160m head

o Installation of stand by generator

3.5.1 Generator House

The main use of the generator house is to keep the generator safe and secure against the natural hazard
and people.

There are two generator houses one in the borehole site and the other in Gorey site having these

Height: 3.5m wall thickness: 50cm

Width: 3.5m excavation depth: 60cm

Length: 4.5m

Door size: 1.80m * 3m

Window size: 1.38m * 1.91m

During the measurement of the site for constructing the house 1m perimeter of clearance is added.

Generator seat is made inside the generator house for placing the generator on it.

Figure 10: Generator house

3.5.2 Guard house

As the name expresses the main use of the guard house is to shelter the guard.

The number of guard houses constructed are 3 in total (1 at borehole site, 1 at Gorey site and 1 at
Anannle site).

Made up of HCB blocks and the house have the following dimensions

Height: 3.5m wall thickness: 50cm

Width: 3m excavation depth: 50cm

Length: 3.5m

Door size: 83cm * 300cm

Figure 11: Guard house

3.5.3 Service quarter and pump house

The service quarter house contains 3 rooms (bed room, kitchen and toilet) to provide settlement for the
person (technician) operating and maintaining the reservoir.

The pump house keeps safe the pump machine & its equipment from any man-made harm and it is one
wide room.

The size of the service quarter is Length*width*height = 6.85m*3.5m*3.5m respectively.

The bed room =2.35m*3.5m, kitchen =2.35m*3.5m, toilet =1.35m*3.5m and it has four columns each
having a column size of 20cm*20cm.

The partition walls of the service quarter house are separated with HCB of 15cm thickness while the
external wall is built with HCB of 20cm thickness.

Also, the size of the pump house is Length*width*height = 6m*4m*3.5m respectively.

Figure 12: service quarter & pump house

3.5.4 Service reservoir

The Service reservoir has four main functions

 To balance and equalize supply and demand

 To provide supply during failure or shutdown of treatment plant, pump pt trunk mains leading
to give suitable pressure for distribution system

 To provide reserve of water to meet fire demand and other emergency demands.

 To give suitable pressure for distribution system

Capacity of reservoir for Gorey multi village is determined using simplified empirical method commonly
practiced in many water supplies projects.

This is simply taking one third of the maximum day demand at the end of the design period. Therefore,
500m3 ground RC Circular service reservoirs for Gorey and Annanle multi village at UTM 38 zone Easting
230377.44, Northing 1021380.14, Elevation of 1647 and Easting 231681.57, Northing 1017848.91,
Elevation of 1679 a.m.s.l are proposed.

Water from the borehole is pumped to 500m 3 ground RC service reservoirs then distribute by gravity to
Gorey and buosted to Annanle kebelle 500m 3 ground RC service reservoirs then distributed by gravity.

There are two types of service reservoir

1. Surface/ground reservoir
2. Elevated reservoir

Among these, in Gorey WS project both surface and elevated reservoir types are used.

There are some aspects of the reservoir and among them are

1. Shape of the reservoir

2. Capacity of the reservoir

Shape of the reservoir

Shape of the reservoir may be circular or rectangular and from this circular shaped reservoir is
preferable. Because circular reservoirs are geometrically the most economical shape.

Capacity of the reservoir

Capacity of the reservoir means the amount of water that the reservoir can store and it is measured in
m3 or in liters. Gorey MVWS project has both 500m 3 and 50m3.

Depending up on the height and area of the reservoir the total volume is calculated below.

 For the 500m3 RC service reservoir

H=4.75m R=D/2 where D=13.25m so, R=6.625m

Area, A=𝜋𝑟2 A=3.1416*(6.625m)2 A=137.89m2

Volume, V=H*A V=4.75m*137.89m2V=500m3

Where A= total area of the reservoir

D= internal diameter of the reservoir

R= radius of the reservoir

H=height of the reservoir (with free board)

V= total volume of the reservoir

 For the 50m3 RC service reservoir

H=3m R=2.8m D=5.6m

A=3.1416*(2.8m)2 A=24.63m2

V=3m*24.63m3 V=50m3

Accessories of the service reservoir

The service reservoirs have the following accessories

1. Inlet pipe – used for the entry of water from the source or from the pump

2. Ladder – used to reach (climb) the top of the reservoir and then to the bottom of the reservoir
for inspection and cleaning.
1. Manhole - is an opening into the tank for inspection, maintenance &cleaning and it is used as an
entrance gate to the reservoir.

2. Outlet pipe – used for exit of water

3. Overflow pipe – used for exit of water above full supply level or used to spill excess water.

4. Vent pipe – for free circulation of air

5. Drainage pipe – foremoving water when cleaning

6. Water level indicator –to know the level of water 500 m3Ground RC service Reservoir

There are two 500 m3 ground circular RC service reservoirs constructed at Gorey site and Anannle

The height of the reservoir is 5.2m (4.75m water space + 25cm air space + 20 roof slab thickness).

Diameter of the reservoir is D=13.25m & radius r=6.625

The reservoirs are designed and made to satisfy the people that are in in need for water.

Before starting the construction, the procedures followed

Step1: Site investigation, selection & site clearance

Step2: Bulk excavation

Step3: Backfill

Step4: Hardcore last

Figure 13: 500 m3 ground RC service reservoir 50 m3 Elevated RC service reservoir

This elevated reservoir is intended to fulfill the demand of water in Gorey village alone and water is
distributed by gravity flow system after it’s bousted to Gorey site 500m 3RC GSR.

The height of the reservoir =13m, Diameter=5.6m and Radius=2.8m

It has six columns each of them having column size of 30cm*35cm (including 5cm*5cm cover).

Reinforcement Bars used

 For the columns ⵁ 20mm& column’s stirrup ⵁ 6mm

 For Grade beam (circular as well as rectangular)

 For radial beam

 For top tie beam

Figure 14: 50 m3 elevated RC service reservoir

3.5.5 Cattle trough

Cattle trough are used for animal watering. As nearly the entire communities of the project areas are
pastorals that totally dependent on their livestock resources, it is important to provide cattle

troughs at location of the rural area and the town to be used for their livestock watering. The total
number of the cattle trough proposed for the village is 19 in number.
The size of the cattle trough is 9m*2.5m and the cattle trough has a wall that divides it into two parts
1.25m*9m each. The internal (inside) part of the wall of the cattle trough is kept inclined to resist
against water load.

Procedures performed

Step1: site selection

Step2: excavation

 20cm of depth is excavated

Step3: hardcore

 Filled 20cm

Step4: lean concrete

 Filled 5cm

Step5: bar installation

 Bars used ⵁ 10mm c/c 30cm

Step6: formwork

Step7: mass concrete

 Filled 10cm

Step8: lean concrete

 Filled up to 5cm with aim of bonding with masonry

Step9: masonry work

 Up to 1.35m is masonry

 The upper part of the water point is not as large as the lower part

 The lower part of the WP has L=2m, H=60cm & thickness=1.3m

 Upper part of the WP has also L=1m, H=75cm& 50cm thickness

Step10: plastering

Step11: drainage

 A drainage hole was made at the corner with the aim of collecting water that flow as loss water.
Figure 15: Cattle trough

3.6 concrete work at construction site

Concrete is a stone like material composed of cement + aggregate + water + admixture (if required).

Concrete is widely used in any construction projects due to its many advantage such as:

 Is economical

 It is long life

 Low maintenance

 It is not likely to rot or corrode or decay as other building materials

 It can easily molded & cast into desired shape

 It has high resistance to compressive strength

It has also disadvantage such as:

 It has low tensile strength

 Difficult to control quality on the site

 Demolishing concrete is difficult

 High cost of cement, steel & formwork

The quality of concrete during construction will also be affected by:

 Measuring of materials

 Mixing
 Transporting

 Placing

 Compaction

 Curing

3.6.1 Measuring of materials

Measuring of materials means identifying the mix proportions or the amount of cement, water & the

The contents of the concrete are measured in the batching which makes easier for the work.

Batching: process of measuring the concrete ingredients

Cement contents: the cement increases, so does strength and durability. Therefore, to increase the
strength, increase the cement content of a mix.

Water content: adding more water to a mix gives a weaker hardened concrete. Always use as little
water as possible, only enough to make the mix workable

Aggregates: too much fine aggregate gives a sticky mix.

3.6.2 Mixing of concrete

Concrete must be mixed so the cement, water and aggregates blend into an even mix.

Mixing time should be 2 to 3 minutes.

The method used for mixing the concrete is ready mixed or mechanical mixer truck.

In Truck mixing/mechanical mixer the materials are normally added to the trucks at batching plants. The
trucks drum continues to rotate to mix the concrete as it is delivered to the site.

For small quantities of concrete, it will be mixed manually by the labors with a shovel

3.6.3 Transporting

The method used to transport concrete depends on which one is the lowest cost and easiest for the job

The concrete is delivered by a truck when it is large quantities of concrete mixed by the mixing truck. But
on small jobs concrete mixed manually a wheelbarrow is the easiest way to transport.

For the elevated reservoir bucket handled by crane is used for the casting.

3.6.4 Placing

After transporting the concrete, it should be placed immediately in the structure.

When placing the concrete, a care must be made not to damage either the formwork or the
reinforcement bars.
3.6.5 Compaction

Concrete should immediately be placed in the structure and should be compacted before placing the
next layer.

The Purpose of compaction is to eliminate entrapped air from the concrete so that concrete is less
permeable and good bond between reinforcement and concrete is achieved.

1% entrapped air cause 5-6% reduction in concrete strength.

Methods of compaction

Rodding - for thin sections by pushing iron bar inside or outside of concrete (cattle troughs, water points

Vibrator – for heavy sections (slabs of the reservoir, walls, columns etc.)

For most of the structures constructed at the project vibrator is used as a compaction method.

Excess vibration leads to bleeding while less vibration leads to segregation. Therefore, should be
vibrated for 10-15 seconds.

3.6.6 Curing

Curing is the process of keeping the fresh concrete under moisture condition.

Spraying water on the structures is the method of curing used.

Concrete continues to gain strength as long as water and cement are available.

Time of curing is not limited but 7days of moist curing is very effective. Although the reservoirs both the
500m3 RC ground service reservoir and the 50m 3 elevated RC service reservoir is cured for 2weeks
(afternoon & morning).Without moist curing potential strength decreases by 50%.

3.7 Water source

Source selection is one of the most essential in designing of water supply system. The yield of the
selected source should meet the entire demand requirement.

The adequacy of water source to meet the water requirement of the town population until the end of
the design period is an important factor to be considered in rendering sustainable water supply service.
The borehole yield is 13.75 l/s and the maximum day demand of the town at the end of the design
period in 2033 is estimated to be37.75 l/s in 24 pumping hours and additional of 20 l/s borehole is
needed. This signifies that the source cannot satisfies the community water supply demand throughout
the design period. That means it needs of additional bore hole.

3.7.1 Borehole

The Borehole is located 7km far from the project area Location.

Location, depth, diameter and screen position, discharge with the pump depth and specification shall be
determined based on the revelation of the hydro geological investigations.
some necessary borehole data are shown below

Table 15: Data of Drilled borehole

Depth of Pump
East North Elevation Q(L/s) position(m)

Well 236633 1022109 1424 13.75 -60 -30

Figure 17: Borehole

3.8 Hydraulic design

3.8.1 Design period

Design period is the length of time a component of water work system has to serve without being
overloaded or being out of service.

Generally, the design period of water supply system is determined by considering the following fact:

 Funds available for the constructions of the project

 Useful life span of materials that are used in the water supply system

 Rate of interest on the loans taken to complete the project

 Operation & maintenance cost

 Anticipated expansion of the population

Since the Project area are rural villages and based on the above-mentioned facts, 15 years design period
is considered.

3.9 project feasibility & sustainability

3.9.1 Project feasibility

The source of this proposed water supply system is a borehole having a yield of 13.75lit/sec and the
maximum day demand of the town at the end of the design period in 2033 is estimated to be 37.75 l/s in
24 pumping hours and additional of 20 l/s borehole is needed. This signifies that the source cannot
satisfies the community water supply demand throughout the design period. That means it needs of
additional borehole.

The proposed water supply distribution system is a gravity flow technique which needs placing a
submersible pump and installing generator. also, the 12 hours flow is going to be collected in a storage
reservoir and the stored water is distributed to every public fountain (water taps) located in the villages.
The project is said to be feasible since access to a safe and affordable supply of drinking water is
universally recognized as basic human need. And provision of improved water supply services benefits
to health, savings in times, efforts and possibilities for productive use.

3.9.2 Project sustainability

Having a guaranteed source of water supply, committed community participation, sense of ownership
and a genuine willing of ability to pay for the water demand are vital issues for the institutional
sustainability of the community water supply project. since the people come across problem of potable
water for long period, currently they are committed enough to pay a service charge as well as to provide
any of necessary contribution before and after project completion in cash or in kinds.

3.10 Results of the problem

Here are some results on the problems stated in ch-1 on the statement of the problems

#1. For the case of shortage of materials and equipment, the project manager explained & persuaded
that this shortage of materials is resulting delay in the project and they agreed to bring the materials
and equipment on time.

#2. For the case of lack of labor, later to overcome such problems the company added some money for
the labors.

#3. For the case of conflict in the town, peaceful agreement was set b/n the two nations.

#4. For the case of adding extra borehole than this, it was promised that after some years another
borehole will be drilled.
#5. For the case of facing some difficulties & shocking in the first two weeks. I inspired myself persuaded
that this is what I was struggling for and later made many friends whom I share my profession with.

#6. For the case of loss of plants (crops) during the constructions of the reservoirs, we made an
agreement with the land lords to replace the plants and explained that the demand that exist is very



The Internship program is intended to deepen the practical understanding of the students by providing
extended experience to “real” working conditions of different construction site and design offices. This
practical period gave us a touch of how practicing engineers make use of the theories they learned in
the university. It also assisted us in our future career and to be confident person.

In this topic, some ideas that are directly or indirectly related to our stay in the internship are briefly
stated. From the beginning to the end of the internship, we have gained plenty knowledge both
theoretically and practically. we have also faced some challenges. The overall benefits we have gained
during my internship program in Gorey MWS project is listed below

 Improving practical skill

 Upgrading theoretical knowledge

 Improving interpersonal communication skill

 Improving team playing skill

 Improving leadership skill

 Understanding of work ethics related issues

 Entrepreneurship skills etc.

4.1 In terms of improving my practical skills

we improved many of the courses that we took theoretically and practiced it well. Courses like:
construction material, water supply and treatment, hydraulics I&II, strength, RC and others was very
helpful during my intern period. The practical was like reading the meaning of a word you didn’t know
before. we had a chance to get to know everything we wish to know, be a social person and be a friend
with the workers. we do believe that we improved a lot.

4.2 In terms of upgrading my theoretical knowledge

The practice made us revise a lot of portions that we forgot since there was no practice at that time and
read it several times until we picture it in our mind. So that we can remember it easily. Whenever we
face some obstacles from the structures or the design, we make revision to the concerning courses and
that makes it clear.

4.3 In terms of improving interpersonal communication skills

For the first time as soon as we reached Jigjiga we went to the main office of SRWWCE introduced
ourself with staff and second time when we went to the site, we introduced ourselves with the labors
working at the site. They all gave us precious advice that made us successful in our stay and during our
intern period we were their best friend. All we can say is that we learned many educational and social
life from them. Communication with others will greatly benefit in every aspect of life. From the good
communication skills, we developed trust in ourself and the ability to trust other people. Since for
effective communication with one another, there must be general level of trust between parties. This is
especially true for personal and friendly relationship in work place. The closer the relationship the great
level of trusted is obtained.

4.4 In terms of improving team playing skill

The experience or advantage we have gained through working with team cannot be summarized but let
us mention some of them.

 Working with team improved or raised our levels of learning, creativity and quality of work

 Sometimes we got motivated when working with team

 Whenever we face an obstacle we share with our team and problem is solved immediately

The real work life at site taught us the ability to work in team is an important in order to run each work
of the project in accordance with the time and quality of specification.

Finally, we do believe that the better you work with others, the more successful your team will be in
achieving their goals.

4.5 In terms of improving leadership skill

Leadership is the ability to motivate a group of people towards a common goal. In the project, there
were several work divisions such as plumbing, construction of reservoir, public fountain, cattle trough
and other accessory buildings. For each of these work divisions there are Forman, assistant engineer and
site engineer who are responsible to lead a number of carpenters, masons and daily laborers. The
project manager is responsible for controlling and managing the overall activities of the project. Without
effective leadership of the above personalities the project work would not have been effective. This
helped us improve our leadership skill and learn many things from the leaders.
4.6 In terms of understanding work ethics and related issues

Ethical issue enables to respect the work professions such as adopting punctual habits, learn the
mechanism to control corruption in work place, adopting work ethics which guided in site plan and
design office, loyalty, reliability using official’s materials like personal computers, printers, copy machine
etc. keeping these resources properly enables not only official benefits but also the whole country.

4.7 In terms of entrepreneurship skills

During our internship period, we have got the following entrepreneur skills

1. Self-motivational skill

To be succeed in a given work, one must be self-starter with cleared goals with being confidential in
ourself one must focus on his/her energy and work hard toward work success we develop extra drive
and commitment to make sure that we are thinking the necessary steps make our dreams of successful
work reality.

2. Time management skill

Having good time management skill knows when to start and when to stop a work and knows how to
keep home life separate from work life and ensure there exists a balance between them.

Finally, not the least but most that we benefit from this internship program is change in ore personal
and career attitudes. There includes, self-worth, ability to control one’s life, self-awareness, self-
management/personality, transfer of learning, motivation, team work interpersonal communication,
problem solving and creativity are the important attitudes that we get in ourself.

4.8 Responsibilities undertaken during my internship

Some of the responsibilities we have undertaken during our internship stay are:

 Controlling the daily reports of the project

 Controlling the activities of the daily labors

 Controlling the vibrator during casting of concrete

 Controlling the construction materials from damage after they used

 Sometimes work as a time keeper& a Forman etc.

4.9 Internship influence in my future career plan

The internship program has helped us to connect with the real world beside theoretical catchment and
made us get a lot of experience in water supply related works. Also, the internship allowed us to
network with an office or company people together sharing their knowledge and experience, this helped
us decide exactly what we are going to do after graduation. All we can says are that the internship
program changed our confidence of work from nothing to useful and we wish for the future that we can
handle, control and supervise any water related project.
4.10 correlation of internship with classroom knowledge

The internship activities that we carried out were strongly interrelated with the theoretical courses we
have taken in the campus. They give high lights on how things are performed, methods & process of
work to follow.

4.11 challenges we have faced

During the internship period some of the challenges we faced are as follows,

 There was a transportation problem from Jigjiga to the site

 Difficult to apply immediately theoretical knowledge to practical work

 The supervisor was busy to show and clarify the project

 The first two weeks was very difficult, shocking & challenging weeks for us

 Corona/covid-19/ was the biggest problem for this job.

4.11.1 Measures that we have taken

 we got the opportunity to get bed room inside the site camp to reside so from that day we were
inside the site all the time

 we adopted step by step and later we were very familiar

 we started questioning the daily labors and they made us understand things simply and we got
lastly the tension of the supervisor

 we helped the supervisor in his work so that he could get time to clarify things for us

 Peaceful agreement was made between the parties that was in opposite direction


On the whole, the internship was an important practical experience to realize the real work. we have
gained a new knowledge and skill and met many professionals. we believe that we have achieved
several and major learning objective on the project site.

The internship program was also very helpful in clarifying our strength and weakness which helped us to
know what skills and knowledge we have to improve in the future. Finally, the internship has given us to
produce new thought, awareness and motivations to remark in future carrier. It helped us to correlate
the theory with the practical application, to develop work ethics, to develop communication skills,
leadership skills etc.

During this four-month internship period we have captured important knowledge and we have
developed capacity and motivation to work through the given task.



The source of maximum demand for this project is 37.75 l/s but the current source we have is 13.75l/s
so the remaining demand which is 24 l/s needed to drill additional bore holes in order to satisfy the
design horizon of the project.
In order to be sustainable and minimize the running cost of the project we should use electric power
instead of diesel generator this is therefore the process of installing electric power has to be started as
soon as possible.

During mixing of concrete, it is better to use mechanical mixer (ready mixed) instead of manually mixed
for quality purpose& time consumption.


bille, A. (2011). Gorey MWS project detail feasibility study and design document.

Birdie, G. S. (1999). water supply and sanitary engineering.

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