TP Self Evaluation Task - TP 5
TP Self Evaluation Task - TP 5
TP Self Evaluation Task - TP 5
1. In general, did learners do what you wanted them to do today? Why? Why not?
Yes because they were engaged in the lesson and they understood instructions and the target language.
2. Consider timing and level of challenge. Did learners actually complete all the tasks activities you set
for them today? Why? Why not?
No. Because the timing was too short. They were about to finish.
3. Consider task achievement. How successful were the learners at those tasks/activities? Why? Why
They were pretty successful but I think they could be better if they have more time.
They learned about the comparative form the… the to explain cause and effect.
Yes because I did all my tasks. And at the end I had a content feedback and emerging language too. I also
had chance to clarify mfp during stages and at the end of the lesson.
That I need to give them more time in the breakout rooms and also that I need to plan my breakout rooms
I learned that the group is eager to participate, they have a good level of English and that give me the
chance to focus more on aspect that I need to improve because I can be sure of other basic things.
c) about the differences between the levels (if you taught the new level today?)
One of the differences that most impact me was the way they want to participate and how they try to go
futher in discovering things. Like they just don’t want to know the TL if they come with an idea about
something else they will ask it and hope an answer.