Taylor and Stamets Mycofiltration USDA Proceedings 2014

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Implementing Fungal Cultivation in Biofiltration Systems –

The Past, Present, and Future of Mycofiltration

Alex W Taylor and Paul E Stamets

Alex W Taylor, Assistant Research Scientist, Fungi Perfecti, LLC, PO Box 7634, Olympia,
WA 98507; email: alex.t@fungi.com

Paul E Stamets, Founder and Director of Research, Fungi Perfecti, LLC, PO Box 7634,
Olympia, WA 98507; email: paul.s@fungi.com

Taylor AW, Stamets PE. 2014. Implementing Fungal Cultivation in Biofiltration

­Systems – The Past, Present, and Future of Mycofiltration. In: Wilkinson KM, Haase
DL, Pinto JR, technical coordinators. National Proceedings: Forest and Conservation
Nursery Associations—2013. Fort Collins (CO): USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain
Research Station. Proceedings RMRS-P-72. 23-28. Available at: http://www.fs.fed.us/

Abstract: The intentional use of the vegetative growth of mushroom-forming fungi on wood
mulch substrates as a biologically active filtration media, a process known as mycofiltration,
is a promising new technology for enhancing biofiltration of stormwater, graywater, and
agricultural runoff. Recent trials have documented that Escherichia coli can be selectively
removed from contaminated water approximately 20% per cubic foot more effectively by
mycofiltration than by wood mulch alone. This improvement in bacteria removal was con-
sistent even after exposure of the mycofiltration media to harsh environmental conditions
such as -15 to 40 °C (5 to 140 °F) temperature extremes. This article reviews the historical
context, discusses the current state of research, describes best implementation practices,
and highlights promising areas for future study to bring the cultivation of fungi in constructed
ecosystems into common practice as a new ecological engineering tool for enhancing
biological water treatment systems.

Key Words: ecological engineering, mushroom, mycelium, filtration, graywater, bacteria,

sediment, stormwater, E. coli, fecal coliform

Mushroom-forming fungi are primarily terrestrial, aerobic organisms whose vegetative growth takes the form of an intricate and dynamic
three-dimensional web of tube-like cells called mycelium (figure 1). The use of the mycelium of select members of the kingdom of fungi for
many applications in bioremediation (a process collectively called “fungal bioremediation” or “mycoremediation”) has been well established
(Gadd 2001; Singh 2006). Many mushroom-forming fungi of the phylum basidiomycota, which includes well known species such as the oyster
mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) and turkey tail mushroom (Trametes versicolor) are further characterized as “white rot,” an informal classifi-
cation named for the white cellulose-rich material that is left behind as these organisms metabolize the lignin from their wood substrate. The
powerful lignin-degrading enzymes produced by these white-rot basidiomycetes—most notably laccase, lignin peroxidase, and manganese
peroxidase—are capable of co-degrading a diverse suite of recalcitrant chemical contaminants. Interestingly, several of these chemical degrad-
ing species are also known to predate bacteria, produce powerful antibiotic metabolites, and are widely grown commercially due to their ease
of cultivation on a wide variety of substrate materials. The incorporation of these organisms into engineered water treatment ecosystems and
biofiltration media have demonstrated improvements in bacteria reductions both in the laboratory and at scale. This documented application,
among several others under investigation, can provide environmental engineers, water quality professionals and nursery managers with a new
tool for enhancing biological water treatment systems.
Fundamental laboratory research supporting the use of wood and leaf litter degrading fungi for ecological services has been widely estab-
lished in the broader context of mycoremediation. Interest in mycoremediation increased dramatically in the mid-1980s following the discovery
of the enzyme lignin peroxidase in the white-rot basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium (Glenn and others 1983; Tien and Kirk 1983).

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Taylor and Stamets Implementing Fungal Cultivation in Biofiltration Systems – The Past, Present, and Future of Mycofiltration

fungi, could even be grown using killed bacteria as the sole nutrient
source. Several years later, Dr. George L. Barron at the University of
Guelph found that some common and even culinary basidiomycetes
such as the button mushroom (Agaricus brunnescens = A. bisporus),
oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), blewit (Lepista nuda), and the
scaly ink cap (Coprinus quadrifidus) are capable of seeking out and
predating living colonies of bacteria (Agrobacterium tumefaciens and
Pseudomonas putida) as sources of nutrition. This work complemented
Barron’s previous study documenting that Pleurotus ostreatus can
also paralyze and consume nematodes (Barron and Thorn 1987). This
bacteria-predating feature was unique to basidiomycetes and occurred
in only four of the roughly 100 phylogenetically diverse fungal cultures
that were screened (Barron 1988).
The term mycofiltration—defined as the use of intentionally cultivated
networks of fungal mycelium to facilitate water quality improvements
in engineered ecosystems—first appears in the literature in 1993
(Stamets 1993). Related concepts such as the use of fungal bioreactors
were investigated as early as 1969 for decolorizing Kraft bleach plant
effluent (Marton and others 1969), and throughout the 1980s using
gel-immobilized fractionated mycelium for wastewater treatment
(Livernoche and others 1981). The incorporation of fungi into outdoor
biofiltration systems, however, began when a serendipitously placed
‘garden giant’ (Stropharia rugoso-annulata) mushroom bed reduced
bacteria runoff from upland pasture (Stamets 2005).

The Dawn of Mycofiltration for

­Pathogen Management
Field trials to replicate the runoff management technique discovered
Figure 1. Scanning Electron Micrograph of mycelium viewed by Stamets in 1993 were conducted intermittently at sites throughout
at approximately 100x. Credit: Paul Stamets. Mason County, Washington, over a ten year period with assistance
from the Mason Conservation District, Mason County Public Works
and Health Departments, and the Squaxin Island Tribe. The principal
reason for interest in this treatment application is that pathogens are
the leading cause of water quality impairment in the United States,
­ ubsequent findings pioneered by Dr. John A. Bumpus and Dr. Steven
accounting for over 10,000 Total Maximum Daily Load allocations
D. Aust at Utah State University found that lignin peroxidase and
(TMDLs) nationwide—24% more than the next leading pollutant
other fungal enzymes could efficiently co-degrade persistent chemical
(National Summary 2012). Urban stormwater and agricultural runoff
toxins (Aust 1990; Bumpus and others 1985). A significant body of
contribute significantly to this problem (National Research Council
research throughout the next several decades documented many ap-
2008; Mishra and others 2008), and leading treatment options are not
plications for white-rot basidiomycete fungi in bioremediation such
consistently effective (Clary and others 2010; Center for Watershed
as the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Leonardi
Protection 1999). Researchers with the Vermont Association of Con-
and others 2007; Steffen and others 2007); polychlorinated biphenyls
servation Districts and the University of Illinois found that even an
(Ruiz-Aguilar and others 2002); and diverse pesticides such as diuron,
integrated runoff management approach incorporating a variety of best
chlorpyrifos, and atrazine (Bending 2002). Many additional applications
management practice (BMP) techniques was not able to consistently
and promising bioremediation candidate species including Pleurotus
remove E. coli from dairy runoff (Kominami and Lovell 2012). The
ostreatus, Irpex lacteus, Stropharia rugoso-annulata, and Trametes
burden of bacteria pollution is particularly evident in Washington
versicolor have been thoroughly reported and reviewed (Singh 2006).
State, where the shellfish industry is valued at $80 million annually,
By the early 20th century, P. chrysosporium was widely recognized as
and where a single pathogen related closure of a shellfish harvest area
a “model biotechnology fungus” and became the first member of the
can total over $3 million in losses (Booth and others 2006).
basidiomycete phylum to be sequenced (Martinez 2004).
From 2007 to 2008, two mycofiltration treatment studies in north-
Around the same time as the early research on P. chrysosporium
western Washington documented bacteria removal from agricultural
for chemical degradation, new research was uncovering facets of
runoff under widely different loading and design parameters. In an
bacterial-fungal microbial ecology that would later critically inform
experimental treatment conducted by the Mason County Public Works
mycofiltration research. As early as 1961, researchers working to
department, a significant though relatively short-term 38% reduction
advance the button mushroom industry had discovered that certain
(p<0.01) in fecal coliform bacteria was achieved in a shallow suburban
bacteria including Pseudomonas putida, Bacillus megaterium, and
creek (Kenny 2008). Although the high hydraulic loading rate eventually
Azotobacter vinelandii fulfill essential roles in button mushroom
led to anaerobic conditions and dieback of the mycofiltraton media,
cultivation including triggering the formation of mushrooms (Curto
this installation suggested that bacteria reductions could be achieved,
and Favelli 1972). Femor and Wood (1981) further documented that
even at a flow rate several orders of magnitude larger than typical
several species of wood degrading fungi, particularly basidiomycete
comparable BMP loading.

24 USDA Forest Service Proceedings, RMRS-P-72. 2014

Implementing Fungal Cultivation in Biofiltration Systems – The Past, Present, and Future of Mycofiltration Taylor and Stamets

These results were corroborated in 2009 by a study conducted by the WSU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering that
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory under contract to the James- ­compared the E. coli removal capacity of the most resilient fungal
town S’Klallam Tribe. This study evaluated the performance differences filters identified by Fungi Perfecti, LLC.
in rain gardens (planted bioretention basins) in an agricultural region Mycofiltration media treatments consisted of 25 L (6.6 gal) containers
of the Dungeness watershed of Washington State. Two mirror-image with dense but permeable fungal mycelium growth on wood chips or a
rain gardens were constructed to compare the performance differences combination of wood chips and straw. Although several previous field
between a garden inoculated with Pleurotus ostreatus and Stropharia trials documented bacteria removal with Pleurotus ostreatus, this species
rugoso-annulata mycelium and a rain garden without fungal inoculum failed to demonstrate resilience to adverse environmental conditions.
in the wood mulch layer. The mycelium-enhanced rain garden (figure 2) Notably, Stropharia rugoso-annulata and Irpex lacteus demonstrated
removed 24% more fecal coliform from runoff at the low influent con- exceptional promise for field applications and were identified as lead
centration of 30 colony forming units (CFU)/100 ml than the control candidates based on this criteria. Replicate biofilters were loaded with
rain garden without mycelium. When the experimental treatment cells sediment-free dechlorinated tap water spiked with ~700 CFU/100 ml
were spiked with dairy lagoon waste (259,000 CFU/100 ml), the control of E. coli at low (0.5 L/min; 0.43 m3/m2·d) and high (2.2 L/min;
rain garden had a short-term export of bacteria (376 CFU/100 ml) one 1.9 m3/m2·d) hydraulic loading. Influent and effluent samples were
hour after the influent spike, while the mycelium-enhanced rain garden monitored over time for fecal coliform and E. coli using the Coliscan
resisted coliform export with effluent concentrations remaining below membrane filter chromogenic method.
10 CFU/100 ml over the same period (Thomas and others 2009). Removal of E. coli by mycofiltration biofilters was evaluated using
media that had been exposed to simulated field conditions. Media that
had been exposed to harsh environmental conditions such as -15 to 40
Mesocosm Tests Confirm Treatment °C (5 to 140 °F) temperature extremes and periods of saturation were
Potential termed “Vigor-Tested” biofilters. This media was evaluated in rela-
tion to mycofiltration biofilters that had been grown and stored under
In 2012, a mesocosm-scale study jointly conducted by Fungi moderate environmental conditions (Non-Vigor-Tested bio­filters)
Perfecti, LLC and Washington State University (WSU) confirmed as well as un-inoculated wood chips (Control Filters). Stropharia
the potential of mycofiltration media to remove E. coli from synthetic rugoso-annulata grown on wood chips yielded a 20% improvement in
stormwater under laboratory conditions (Beutel and others 2014). The E. coli removal relative to the wood chip Control Filters (figure 3) at
first objective was to identify which fungal species and filter media the hydraulic loading rate of 0.5 L/min (0.43 m3/m2·d). The removal
combinations could maintain biological activity under stressful envi- of E. coli was similar between Vigor-Tested and Non-Vigor-Tested
ronmental conditions. The second objective was to quantify the effects media, although the Non-Vigor-Tested media had lower variability
of this mycofiltration media on bacteria at different flow rates. Eight (p<0.05). Additional testing suggested that E. coli removal improved
fungal strains were grown on five different substrate combinations and when sediment was incorporated into the synthetic stormwater. This
were exposed to periods of saturation, drying, heating, and freezing result is consistent with other stormwater management research that
to assess the potential for survival under field-relevant conditions. has documented a correlation between sediment and bacteria removal
The ability of mycofiltration media to remove E. coli was determined due to sorption of bacteria onto sediment surfaces and removal by
through a series of bench-scale tests conducted independently at physical mechanisms such as particulate settling or physical straining
(Davies and Bavor 2000).

Figure 2. Cross-section schematic of a biofiltration treatment

cell containing sand/organic material fill over perforated drain-
age pipe with native plants and a mycelium enhanced mulch Figure 3. E. coli concentration in inflow and outflow from Stropharia
layer (not to scale). Reproduced with permission, courtesy of rugoso-annulata biofilters. Three treatments are shown: Control Filters;
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory—Report #PNWD-4054-1 Non-Vigor-Tested biofilters; and Vigor-Tested biofilters. Filters were
(Thomas and others 2009). tested under low flow (0.5 L/min) and high flow (2.2 L/min) conditions.
Bars are average values and error bars are standard deviation of repli-
cate E. coli analyses (n = 2-4). Figure and data from Beutel and others

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Taylor and Stamets Implementing Fungal Cultivation in Biofiltration Systems – The Past, Present, and Future of Mycofiltration

Mycofiltration with Irpex lacteus appeared less effective; however, or the decommissioning of logging roads (Stamets and Summerlin
the presence of straw in Irpex media may have negatively influenced 2011). An added benefit of this approach may also be the reduction
bacteria removal. Mycofiltration and control media that contained of colored effluent from heavily mulched landscapes (figure 5). The
straw commonly exported bacteria that tested positive for fecal co- removal of tannins, lignin, and related byproducts from pulp effluent
liform that was later identified as Raoultella planticola (=Klebsiella has been well researched (Pellinen and Joyce 1990), and this research
planticola) (Beutel and others 2014; Drancourt and others 2001). This may translate to reduced chemical oxygen demand exports by mulches
finding corroborated results by Caplenas and Kanarek (1984), when that are colonized by white-rot fungi.
they documented that Klebsiella bacteria species grow on woody
material yet test positive as “fecal coliform” and confound water qual-
ity assays for fecal contamination. While some species of Klebsiella
such as Klebsiella pneumoniae can be pathogens in hospital settings,
non-fecal-source members of the genus Klebsiella are ubiquitous in
the environment. Furthermore, current epidemiological analyses have
not identified a correlation between Klebsiella bacteria in recreational
waters and health risk from fecal-borne pathogens (U.S. EPA 2009).
These results highlight the limitation of using the fecal coliform test
to assess pathogen removal in biologically rich wood-based ecotech-
nologies like mycofiltration.
The cultivation of saprophytic basidiomycete fungi into wood
mulch as a stand-alone biofilter or as an amendment to a bioretention
system has demonstrated the ability to enhance bacteria reductions in
water treatment applications under both controlled and uncontrolled
environmental conditions (Beutel and others 2014; Thomas and oth-
ers 2009). Fungal species that demonstrate exceptional resiliency to
field-relevant conditions have been identified. Preliminary mesocosm
data to optimize flow rate to allow for appropriate sizing of treatment
systems has been reported (Beutel and others 2014; Stamets and others
2013). This fundamental delivery system research provides a critical
foundation for future research, although key deployment questions
such as effective treatment life and relevance of indicator removal to
disease risk reduction remain to be answered.

Future Research and Potential Figure 4. Mycelium of the rhizomorph-forming

Applications mushroom Stropharia rugoso-annulata can dra-
matically alter the physical and chemical properties
of wood mulch for added stabilization and sediment
While a number of potential uses of fungal mycelium as a comple- retention, among other applications. Photo credit:
mentary environmental engineering tool are numerous and have been Paul Stamets.
reviewed (Singh 2006; Stamets 2005), recent research continues to
highlight new treatment approaches and applications. Studies evalu-
ating fungal cultivation for improving the particulate trapping ability
of mycelium-enhanced mulches, fungal enzyme catalyzed sediment-
bound pollutant degradation, and the synergistic microbial treatment of
chemical and biological pollutants warrant special attention as topics
for future research.
Organic materials, such as the straw and woodchip matrix used in the
production of mycofiltration media, are commonly used in bioretention
systems to help reduce total suspended solids (TSS) by promoting the
localized settling of particulates. Given that the surface area of mycelium
in the upper 10 cm (3.95 in) of soils has been reported to range from
3 to 90 m2 per m2 (1.2 to 107.6 yd2 per yd2) of ground surface area, it
is likely that enhancing mulch with saprophytic soil-interfacing fungi
such as Stropharia rugoso-annulata and Irpex lacteus can improve
the TSS removal capacity of these organic materials (Leaky and
others 2004). Further, the dense growth habit of some fungi can trap
soil particles between their cells (hyphae), effectively forming micro-
aggregates (Gadd and others 2011). Physical straining of particulates
may be further increased by mucilaginous fungal excretions, which can Figure 5. Comparison of effluent clarity be-
tween Alder (Alnus rubra) wood chips colo-
contribute to biofilm development (Caesar-Tonthat 2002). As illustrated
nized by Stropharia rugoso-annulata (left)
in figure 4, these properties may improve the physical characteristics and un-colonized wood chips (right). Media
of mulch to improve sediment capture, prevent re-suspension of pol- of each was saturated with clean water
lutants during high-flow events, and stabilize slopes after wildfires for four minutes and drained (unpublished
data). Photo credit: Alex Taylor.

26 USDA Forest Service Proceedings, RMRS-P-72. 2014

Implementing Fungal Cultivation in Biofiltration Systems – The Past, Present, and Future of Mycofiltration Taylor and Stamets

Mycofiltration research to date has also documented that complex Concluding Remarks
microbial populations can exist in media that is macroscopically
dominated by a single species of saprophytic fungus (Flatt 2013). The intentional application of fungi in the environment for ecologi-
While the microbiome of these systems is certainly complex, export cal services that support human needs and remediate previous human
of Klebsiella spp. bacteria from straw-containing media both with impacts has been well established as an ecologically rational approach.
and without the presence of saprophytic fungi has been documented While much work remains to be done in determining best application
in mycofiltration trials (Beutel and others 2014). Notably, Klebsiella practices and defining treatment parameters, networking knowledge
spp. bacteria have been found to degrade a diverse suite of lower and skill sets between mushroom cultivators, environmental scientists
molecular weight petroleum hydrocarbons including toluene, xylene, and policy makers sets the stage for widespread implementation of
naphthalene, and nonane (Rodrigues and others 2009). There is a large mycofiltration methods in the near future. As this important body of
body of laboratory research demonstrating the ability of white-rot fungi research advances, the intentional incorporation of fungi in environ-
to remediate high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons mental engineering design may one day become as commonplace as
in soil (Bhatt and others 2002; Leonardi and others 2007). Notably, the the planting of cattails in constructed wetlands is today.
most promising fungal species identified for mycofiltration, Stropharia
rugoso-annulata, has also been identified as one of the most efficient
degraders of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) among the References
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