Nurses Notes
Nurses Notes
Nurses Notes
Acute pain related to the positive pressure in the pleural space as evidenced
by patient verbalizes pain with rating of 10/10.------------------------------------------MS
Received patient lying on bed, awake, and in distress. Afebrile. Reports
headache with pain rating of 6/10. Patient complains of chest pain radiating
from his shoulder with pain rating of 10/10. Patient displays difficulty of
breathing. With mid intercoastal muscle retraction as inspected. Upon
auscultation, crackles heart on the lower right lobe of patient’s lung. With the
latest vital signs of T-37.2; PR-110; RR-26; BP 150/100 SPO2- 85%---------------------MS
Monitored vital signs. Auscultated breathing sound. Inspect breathing pattern.
Assessed location, characteristics, onset, duration, frequency, quality and
severity of pain. Observed for nonverbal indicators of pain: moaning, guarding,
crying, facial grimace. Accepted the patient’s description of pain. Positioned
the patient in a semi fowler. Taught the patient deep breathing exercise.
Reiterate the importance of medication.--------------------------------------------------MS
Currently not in pain. Still coughing. Difficulty of breathing relieved.
Theoretically, With vital sign of RR 22cpm, T 37.8.0 ⸰C, PR 100 bpm, BP 140/90.
Staff Nurse SLU HSH