Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standard Paes 117: 2000 Agricultural Machinery - Small Engine - Methods of Test

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Agricultural Machinery – Small Engine – Methods of Test


The pursuance of this standard was initiated by the Agricultural Machinery Testing and
Evaluation Center (AMTEC) under the project entitled "Enhancing the Implementation of
AFMA Through Improved Agricultural Engineering Standards" which was funded by the
Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) of the Department of Agriculture (DA).

This standard was reviewed by the Technical Committee for Study 1- Development of
Standards for Agricultural Production Machinery and was circulated to various private and
government agencies/organizations concerned for their comments and reactions. This
standard was presented to the Philippine Society of Agricultural Engineers (PSAE) and
subjected to a public hearing organized by the National Agriculture and Fisheries Council
(NAFC). The comments and reactions received during the presentation and public hearing
were taken into consideration in the finalization of this standard.

This standard has been technically revised in accordance with PNS 01:Part 4:1998 - Rules for
the Structure and Drafting of Philippine National Standards.

In the preparation of this standard, the following documents/publications were


International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 2288:1997 Agricultural tractors and

machines – Engine Test Code – Net Power

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Small Engines Code

AMTEC Standard

Agricultural Machinery – Small Engine – Methods of Test

1 Scope

This standard specifies the bench methods for testing fully equipped internal combustion
engines with one or two cylinders of up to 20 kW rating used for agricultural purposes. This
is applicable to naturally aspirated two-stroke and four-stroke gasoline and diesel engines.
Specifically, it shall be used to:

1.1 verify the requirements specified in PAES 116 and the specifications submitted by the

1.2 evaluate the operator’s manual as to clarity, usefulness and adaptability

1.3 determine the laboratory performance of the engine

1.3.1 for ease of starting

1.3.2 at varying speed

1.3.3 at continuous running condition

1.4 prepare a report on the results of the tests

2 Reference

The following normative document contains provisions, which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this standard:

PAES 103:2000, Agricultural Machinery – Method of Sampling.

PAES 116:2001, Agricultural Machinery – Small Engine – Specifications

3 Definitions

For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply:

diameter of the cylinder
PAES 117: 2000

compression ratio
ratio of the cylinder volume on top of the piston (piston displacement and combustion
chamber) when it is at its lowest position to the volume remaining above the piston when it is
at its highest position (combustion chamber)

PD + V
CR =

where: PD = A x l

CR is the compression ratio
PD is piston displacement, cm3
A is the area of the cylinder,cm2
l is the length of stroke, cm
V is the volume of combustion chamber, cm3

continuous brake power
power recommended by the manufacturer for satisfactory operation under continuous duty
condition within a specified speed range

heat engine
mechanical device that converts heat energy produced by combustion of fuel into mechanical

compression-ignition engine
engine in which combustion is achieved by compressing the air until a high temperature is
achieved to initiate combustion of fuel

spark-ignition engine
engine in which combustion occurs through the initiation of a spark on the fuel and air

engine performance
maximum brake power, fuel consumption and operating characteristics of the engine at
different speeds

fuel consumption
volume of fuel consumed by the engine on per hour basis

PAES 117: 2000

fully equipped engine
engine equipped with all the accessories necessary to perform its intended functions such as
air cleaner, exhaust system, radiator, generator, starter and related parts

maximum brake power
highest power developed at a given speed

net power
power output of a “fully equipped” engine

peak brake power
highest power developed

rated brake power
power indicated in the specification sheet or plate at a given rated speed submitted by the

rated engine speed
speed in revolutions per minute specified by the manufacturer

specific fuel consumption
quantity of fuel consumed by an engine on the basis of per horsepower hour

length of the piston travel

product of the force and the perpendicular distance from the line of action of that force to the
axis of rotation and is expressed in kg-m

4 General Conditions for Test and Inspection

4.1 Engine on Test

The engine submitted for test shall be sampled in accordance with PAES 103. The
applicant/manufacturer shall submit the technical data and information on the engine

PAES 117: 2000

4.2 Role of the manufacturer/dealer

The manufacturer/dealer shall submit to the official testing agency the specifications and
other relevant information on the small engine. An official representative shall be appointed
to conduct minor repair, handle, adjust and witness the test. It shall be the duty of the
representative to make all decisions on matters of adjustment and preparation of the machine
for testing. The manufacturer/dealer shall abide with the terms and conditions set forth by the
official testing agency.

4.3 Running-in

The engine to be tested shall be run-in prior to the test as recommended by the manufacturer.

4.4 Fuel and lubricating oil

The fuel and lubricating oil to be used shall conform to the specifications and readily
available in the market. Specified amount of lubricant shall be filled before the test and as a
rule, shall not be changed during the entire test.

4.5 Suspension of test

If during test run, the machine malfunctions so as to affect the machine's performance, the
test may be suspended with the concurrence of the official testing agency and the
manufacturer’s representative.

5 Tests and Inspection

5.1 Verification of Manufacturer’s Technical Data and Information

5.1.1 This inspection is carried out to verify that the main dimensions, weight of the engine
and other pertinent data conform to the list of technical data and information submitted by the

5.1.2 A plain and level surface shall be used for this investigation.

5.1.3 The items to be inspected and verified are given in Annex A.

5.2 Performance Tests

5.2.1 Test conditions The test shall be conducted at full throttle for both spark-ignition and compression-
ignition engines. Performance data shall be obtained under stabilized normal operating conditions, with
an adequate fresh air supply to the engine.

PAES 117: 2000 The temperature of the inlet air to the engine (ambient air), shall be measured not
more than 0.15 m from the point of entry to the air cleaner or if no air cleaner is used, from
the air inlet horn. The thermometer and thermocouple shall be shielded from radiant heat and
located directly in the air stream. It shall also be shielded from fuel spray-back. No data shall be taken until torque, speed and temperature have been maintained
substantially constant for at least 1 minute. The engine speed during a run or reading shall not deviate from the selected speed by
more than + 1% or + 10 rpm, whichever is greater. Observed torque, output shaft speed, fuel consumption, temperature, vibration and
sound emitted by the engine shall be recorded and shall in each case be the average of three
stabilized values. The temperature of the lubricating oil measured in the oil sump or at the outlet from
the oil cooler, if fitted, shall be maintained within the limits established by the engine
manufacturer. The exhaust temperature shall be measured at a point in the exhaust pipe(s) adjacent
to the outlet flange(s) of the exhaust manifold(s).

5.2.2 Varying speed test This is carried out to determine the engine performance using an engine
dynamometer. Torque, fuel consumption, temperatures, vibrations, and sound emitted by the engine
shall be measured at different speeds starting from rated speed at rated power. In case the
rated power cannot be attained, the highest power developed at rated speed shall be used. Engine speed shall be regulated by the load applied to the engine. To establish points on the curve, runs shall be made at increments not greater than
200 rpm throughout the speed range. The lowest speed at which measurements are to be made shall be at 600 rpm. In case
the engine cannot be operated at this speed, it shall be at the lowest speed the engine can
operate. Sounds emitted by the engine shall be measured 7.5 m away from the exhaust pipe
and at a height of 1.2 m from the ground. Results shall be presented in tabular and graphical forms. The following curves shall
be presented: Maximum Brake Power vs. Shaft Speed Torque vs. Shaft Speed

PAES 117: 2000 Fuel Consumption vs. Shaft Speed Specific Fuel Consumption vs. Shaft Speed Items to be measured and recorded are given in Annex B.1.

5.2.3 Continuous running test This is carried out to evaluate the operating performance and find out any abnormality
or trouble during continuous operation. The engine shall be run continuously for five hours at the continuous speed and power
specified by the manufacturer. If the engine cannot attain this power, it shall be set at the
maximum power the engine can attain at its specified continuous speed. If the continuous rated speed and power is not specified by the manufacturer, the
engine shall be operated at 80% of the observed peak brake power and shall be run
continuously on the bench for five hours. Data shall be taken every 30 minutes. Items to be measured and recorded are as given in Annex B.2.

5.2.4 Starting Test This is carried out to determine the ease of starting the engine under both cold and hot
starting. The engine shall be mounted at a height convenient for the operator conducting the
test and shall be disconnected from the dynamometer. The attempts to start the engine shall be made using the normal procedure
recommended by the manufacturer. The temperature of fuel, transmission oil and ambient air shall be recorded before the
test. The number of attempts made to start the engine shall be recorded. For cold start test, the engine shall be in thermal equilibrium with the environment.
The engine should start within 10 attempts. Otherwise, the engine is considered hard to start. For hot start test, the engine shall be run for one hour at rated speed and should stall
upon application of load. Immediately thereafter, the engine should start within 5 attempts.
Each attempt shall consist of five operations of the electric starter, rope starter, crank or other
mechanical device. If a complete attempt of five operations is unsuccessful, the engine must
be started by some means and run for one hour and then stalled before starting the next
attempt. If these all fail, the engine is considered hard to start.

PAES 117: 2000 The starting test shall be made for three trials. Record sheet is given in Annex C.

6 Correction Factors

6.1 Definition of factor K

Correction factor K is the factor multiplied to the observed power to determine the engine
power under the reference atmospheric conditions specified in 6.2.

6.2 Reference atmospheric conditions

6.2.1 Temperature : 20ºC

6.2.2 Total pressure : 1013 mb

NOTE: In the temperature range 10 to 35 ºC, the effect of humidity on the correction factor
value may be rejected (though in some cases the effect may not be negligible), taking into
account the accuracy of the measurements.

6.3 Limitations in use of correction formula

The correction formula is only valid where the correction factor is between 0.96 and 1.04. If
these limits are not met, the corrected value obtained shall be given and the test conditions
(temperature and pressure) shall be precisely stated in the test report.

NOTE: The test may be carried out in an air-conditioned test rooms where the atmospheric
condition can be controlled.

PAES 117: 2000

6.4 Determination and application of correction factors

6.4.1 Spark-ignition engines (carburetor or injection) factor Ka

1013  T + 273 
Ka = x  
Pb  293 


Pb is the total atmospheric pressure, mb

T is the ambient temperature, ºC

This factor shall be multiplied to the observed brake power, without taking into account the
mechanical efficiency of the engine.

6.4.2 Diesel engine- Factor Kd *

The correction factor for naturally aspirated 4-stroke and scavenge blown 2-stroke diesel
engines, which applies only at constant fuel delivery, is calculated by means of the formula:

0.65 0.5
 1013   T + 273 
Kd =   x  
 Pb   293 

where: Pb is the total atmospheric pressure, mb

T is the ambient temperature, ºC

The correction shall be made using the correction factor Kd if:

a) the correction factor K exceeds 1.04 or is less than 0.96 or

b) the fuel delivery, measured during the engine test, is less than 50 mm3/L swept
volume or more than 75 mm3/L swept volume.

However, the value of this coefficient, the pressure and temperature conditions during the
test, and the specific fuel delivery in mm3/L shall be stated in test report.

Although the formula given above are recommended at present, these must be considered only as provisional.
Studies are being made to establish more accurate formula which will take into account particularly the fuel/air

PAES 117: 2000

7 Data Analysis

The formulas to be used during calculations and testing are given in Annex D.

8 Test Report

The test report shall include the following information in the order given:

8.1 Name of Testing Agency

8.2 Test Report Number
8.3 Title
8.4 Summary
8.5 Purpose and Scope of Test
8.6 Methods of Test
8.7 Description of the Engine
8.8 Table1 – Engine Specifications
8.9 Table 2 – Results of Starting Test
8.10 Table 3 – Results of Varying Load Performance Test
8.11 Table 4 – Results of Continuous Running Test
8.12 Observations
8.13 Name and Signature of Test Engineers

PAES 117: 2000

Annex A

Inspection Sheet for Small Internal Combustion Engines

Name of Applicant : __________________________________________________________

Address : _____________________________________________________________
Telephone No. : _______________________________________________________
Name of Distributor : _________________________________________________________
Address : _____________________________________________________________
Name of Manufacturer : _______________________________________________________
Factory Address : ______________________________________________________

Brand: ____________________________Model : __________________________________
Serial No. : ________________________Classification : ____________________________
Production date of engine to be tested : ___________________________________________

Items to be inspected

Manufacturer’s Verification by the

Specifications Testing Agency
A1 Dimension and weight of engine
A1.1 Overall length, mm
A1.2 Overall width, mm
A1.3 Overall height, mm
A1.4 Weight of the engine, kg
A2 Engine specification
A2.1 Brand
A2.2 Model
A2.3 Serial No.
A2.5 Type
A2.5.1 Based on number of strokes to
complete one cycle
A2.5.1.1 Two-stroke
A2.5.1.2 Four-stroke
A2.5.2 Based on number of cylinder
A2.5.2.1 One
A2.5.2.2 Two
A2.5.2.3 Three
A2.5.3 Based on the cylinder arrangement
A2.5.3.1 Vertical or in-line
A2.5.3.2 Horizontal
A2.5.3.3 V-type

PAES 117: 2000

Manufacturer’s Verification by the

Specifications Testing Agency
A2.6 Maximum brake power at rpm, kW
A2.7 Continuous brake power at rpm, kW
A2.8 Bore x stroke, mm
A2.9 Displacement volume, cm3
A2.10 Fuel system
A2.10.1 Fuel used
A2.10.1.1 Gasoline
A2.10.1.2 Diesel
A2.10.2 Type of fuel feed
A2.10.3 Tank capacity, L
A2.11 Cooling system
A2.11.1 Water-cooled
A2.11.2 Air-cooled
A2.12 Lubrication system
A2.12.1 Splash type
A2.12.2 Forced-feed
A2.13 Starting system
A2.13.1 Rope recoil
A2.13.2 Hand cranked
A2.13.3 Electrically started
A2.14 Governor system
A2.15 Air cleaner
A2.16 Exhaust system
A3 Other attachments/accessories

Annex B
Performance Data Sheet
B1 Varying Speed Test

Engine on test Test Conditions:

Brand : ____________________ Ambient Temperature
Model : ____________________ Dry bulb, ºC : ____________________________
Serial No. : ____________________ Wet bulb, ºC : _____________________________
Relative Humidity, %: __________________________
Atmospheric Pressure, mb: ______________________
Date of test: ______________________________

Engine Torque Maximum Fuel Specific Fuel Noise Vibration, g Temperature, oC

Speed Brake Power Consumption Consumption Level
Cooling Engine Exhaust
x-axis y-axis z-axis
Water Oil Air
rpm kg-m kW L/h g/kW-h db(A)


PAES 117: 2000

B2 Continuous Running Test

PAES 117: 2000

Engine on test Test Conditions:
Brand : ____________________ Ambient Temperature
Model : ____________________ Dry bulb, ºC : ____________________________
Serial No. : ____________________ Wet bulb, ºC : _____________________________
Relative Humidity, %: __________________________
Atmospheric Pressure, mb: ______________________
Date of test: ______________________________

Time Engine Torque Maximum Fuel Specific Fuel Noise Vibration, g Temperature, oC
Speed Brake Power Consumption Consumption Level
Cooling Engine Exhaust
x-axis y-axis z-axis
Water Oil Air
h rpm kg-m kW L/h g/kW-h db(A)*
Measured 7.5 m from the exhaust pipe of the engine and 45o with respect to the engine shaft.
Observations :

PAES 117: 2000

Annex C

Starting Test Data Sheet

Items Cold Starting Hot Starting

C1 Ambient temperature, ºC

Dry bulb

Wet bulb

C2 Fuel Temperature, OC

C3 Engine Oil Temperature, oC

C4 Number of attempts to start the engine

C5 Ease of cranking/starting

PAES 117: 2000

Annex D

Formulas Used During Calculations and Testing

D1 Varying Load Test

D1.1 Output Power, Po , (kW)

T x N
Po =

where: T is the shaft torque, kg-m

N is the shaft speed, rpm

D1.2 Fuel Consumption, FC, (L/h)

FC =
where: V is the volume of fuel consumed, L
t is the total operating time, h

D1.3 Specific Fuel Consumption, SFC, (g/kW-h)

Fc x ρf

where: Fc is the fuel consumption, L/h

ρf is the density of fuel, g/L
Po is the output power, kW

D2 Continuous Running Test

The formulas, which were used during the calculation of maximum brake
power, fuel consumption and specific fuel consumption for continuous-running test, are the
same formulas as those used for varying load test.


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