Upgrading Technology Towards The Status of A High School Matriculation Subject: A Case Study
Upgrading Technology Towards The Status of A High School Matriculation Subject: A Case Study
Upgrading Technology Towards The Status of A High School Matriculation Subject: A Case Study
1, Fall 1997
Technological education in high schools is undergoing reform in relation to
its status, goals and teaching/learning strategies. This trend is an important part
of the worldwide general reform process aiming to make school education more
meaningful, intellectual and creative. Real world problems, interdisciplinary
approaches, project oriented learning, team cooperation and authentic
assessment have become the highlights of recent curriculum innovations.
Curriculum design in technology, to a greater extent than in many other
disciplines, calls for a variety of social, economic, historic-cultural and
psychological considerations in addition to pedagogical factors (Waks, 1995).
Diverse situations in different countries have led to the development of various
models of technology education. A comparative study of approaches to teaching
technology in England, France and the United States (Gradwell, 1996) indicates
that differences originate in the history of the nations. Lewis (1996) compared
technology education systems in the U. S. and U. K. and pointed out that there is
great value in discussion and comparison of the different educational approaches
among nations. He called for a cross-national comparison of case studies of
specific technology programs “that can aid in constructing a grammar for
communicating about the subject across cultures.”
Technology education programs in Israel are of interest to technology
educators, particularly since the Jerusalem International Science and
Technology Education Conference (JISTEC ’96). This article was prepared in
response to a call for papers from the editor of JTE and presents one of the case
studies mentioned at the conference.
Journal of Technology Education Vol. 9 No. 1, Fall 1997
Technology was not a junior high school subject until the national program
“Tomorrow 98” was started (Ministry of Education, 1994) and the curriculum of
a new integrated subject “Science and technology for intermediate schools” was
published in 1996. New instructional methods and materials are being developed
nationwide with a growing number of schools participating in the
implementation of the new school subject.
Education in senior high schools is free, but is not compulsory beyond
grade 10. It is subdivided into the general, technological, vocational (craft) and
religious education trends. The first two trends lead the majority of students to a
matriculation certificate while the last two lend to a certificate of completion.
Technological education in Israel is an advanced system having its historic
roots in Zionist immigration and settling in former Palestine. Today techno-
logical schools provide education to approximately half of all secondary school
students. Until the early seventies most of the technology schools were
vocational oriented. Then the necessity to deepen the theoretical background of
the graduates was recognized. Technological education evolved gradually by
incorporating scientific and general subjects and currently includes a number of
programs for specialization in computers, electronics, machinery, agriculture
and other subjects. A list of courses selected from a specific technical college
curriculum (first two year studies) is offered in each program. Many technology
schools are associated with technical colleges.
The present curriculum of the general high school, which is the most
popular trend in secondary education, does not include technology studies,
except for fragmentary illustrations of the application of science. This situation
is currently being revised, and several models for incorporating technology into
general education, as a separate subject or part of an integrated science-
technology curriculum, are being examined. Technology educators, involved in
the examination process, believe that in any case, a systematic technology
course accessible to any interested student should be offered (LaPorte and
Sanders, 1995; de Vries, 1996).
It is reasonable to assume that approaches accepted in a technology
education school, can not be directly adopted in a general high school. Existing
narrow professional tendencies need to be reconsidered. Some expected
directions of such a revision are discussed below.
Technology is an interdisciplinary subject. Basic knowledge in computers,
electronics and machinery are essential to the same extent as is knowledge in
physics, biology and history. Therefore general high schools are interested in a
technology course which provides graduates with a polytechnic background.
The importance of technology studies for training hands-on and practical
thinking skills is recognized, but revision is required in order to impart a more
general value to these studies so as to prepare students for varied practical
The acquisition of practical experience and a polytechnic background
through the performance of creative tasks of design and construction is expected
to become a stimulating factor in the study of technology in the general
secondary school, as opposed to learning a profession as motivation in the
Journal of Technology Education Vol. 9 No. 1, Fall 1997
# of Participants
Schools #1, 2, 3
80 (62 new students)
40 Schools #1, 2
(43 new students)
School #1 (17)
Journal of Technology Education Vol. 9 No. 1, Fall 1997
technology at school beforehand and had joined the course voluntarily. A few of
them, prior to the course, had participated in extracurricular youth activities in
computers or electronics. All of those who started the program finished it
successfully. The students’ graduation project reports passed external inspection
and evaluation at the Israel Ministry of Education (Dept. of Science and
Technology). The ministry currently recommends the wider implementation of
the program. Teacher training courses for the program have been conducted
since October 1996.
In this paper the course curriculum and it’s implementation are discussed in
relation to the following questions:
1. To what extent can a free choice technology course be attractive for
general high school students?
2. What should be the central course objective?
3. What teaching methods are most relevant?
4. What changes in students’ perceptions and behavior may be stimulated
by the course?
It should be noted that the principles of design of an interdisciplinary
robotics course, which were implemented in the program, were assessed in our
former research on training spatial ability through manipulating robot
movements (Waks and Verner, 1993; Waks and Verner, 1997).
Journal of Technology Education Vol. 9 No. 1, Fall 1997
Table 1
Course curriculum
Learning Contents and Activities Learning hours
Fundamental concepts and electronic circuits 4
Components and integrated circuits 6
Digital electronics 15
Motor control circuits 5
Logic and Boolean algebra 6
Computer components 14
Serial communication, address, data and control 5
Assembly language and robot programming
Microprocessor structure and addressing modes 5
Assembly language instructions and commands, 16
interpreter, “high language” application
Input/output, interrupts and communication
implementation 9
Robot control 10
Materials, forces and torque 5
Motors and gears 10
Control types 7
Motor control 5
Robot movement closed loop control 8
Robot design considerations 9
Integrating hardware and software for emergency
situations escape 6
Sensor’s types 5
Electronic PCB construction 12
Designing and building a robot 23
Final tests, troubleshooting, debugging and fixing 5
Creative projects
Practical mini project 40
Theoretical mini research 80
Journal of Technology Education Vol. 9 No. 1, Fall 1997
The Mechanics chapter deals with materials, forces and torques, robot frame
and motor shaft loading, DC servo and stepping motors. Design of the robot
body and its construction by means of heat folding sawing and drilling machines
are part of the study.
The Control section relates to open and closed loop modes, DC motor and
stepping motor position and speed control, robot motion and collision
The Robotics study is focused on factors influencing robot design such as
weight, stability, loads, collision recovery and functionality. In addition to
general factors, specific requirements are considered for providing applications
of basic robot configuration for implementing different tasks. These factors are
motor selection and reevaluation of loads, emergency situation escape and
sensor feedback configuration.
Laboratory workshops include PCB construction, building the designed
robot system, testing, troubleshooting and fixing.
Creative projects provide students with the challenge of self-supporting
theoretical and practical activities. Team tasks assigned for the practical mini
project relate to adapting and extending the robot for executing various
assignments in an automated mode. These assignments may be vacuum
cleaning, dynamic video monitoring, transporting and manipulating objects. The
purpose of individual theoretical mini research-work is to investigate some
specific problems arising in technology that are not necessarily associated with
the mini project. Two examples of such activities are a sensor-based method for
avoiding robot collisions, and the implementation of voice recognition for robot
Learning Strategy
Our learning strategy is compatible with the framework of an optional
course, in which students meet technology for the first time. It is therefore based
• streamlining learning through pragmatic activities;
• concentrating on studies of modern technology basics, operating
technological systems and design activities;
• attracting students towards technology issues through diverse theoretical,
hands-on and creative team-tasks; and
• providing students with opportunities to apply and evaluate knowledge
and methods acquired in mathematics and science.
Special attention is paid to an introductory talk with potentially interested
students, which is aimed at presenting the proposed technology course in an
attractive way. The rationale, curriculum and benefits of the course are
specified, together with displaying practical learning activities and
demonstrating robot systems developed by former students. Our three-year
experience and student feedback indicate the importance and influence of this
educational strategy.
The course schedule, provides for weekly 4-hours workshops and is a
suitable setting for attracting students to technology. The parallel study of
Journal of Technology Education Vol. 9 No. 1, Fall 1997
Table 2
A typical time-table for a weekly meeting
Hour Learning topic
1st Electronics and mechanics hardware
2nd Computers and control
3rd Assembly language (experimenting using development system)
4th Robot construction
As an example, we will consider the issue of a DC-motor speed control. In
particular, students learn to produce a process of 4-stepped speed control for a
set-up of DC motors.
The method of direct potentiometer-based voltage control, which is familiar
to students from the physics course, does not provide an appropriate solution.
The idea is to use pulse width modulation (PWM) for speed control.
While learning the subject, students become familiar with the principles of
wave superposition. At the next stage, they acquire the preliminary experience
of applying the PWM method through practice with the microprocessor control
instructional module.
PWM and other methods of microprocessor control, are learned in three
• theoretical studies;
• experience with microprocessor control instructional module (MCIM);
• practice in robot motion control.
MCIM is an instructional package including hardware and software
components we developed in order to simulate the process of peripheral device
control. It is connected to a computer through a RS-232 serial communication
port for program downloading and debugging, and the peripherals are connected
to the module parallel ports.
Students program processes that control variable speed in assembly
language, examine and verify operation using MCIM and apply their experience
to real robot motion control in the mini project framework.
Journal of Technology Education Vol. 9 No. 1, Fall 1997
Table 3
Goals and activities of the creative projects
Features Practical Mini Project Theoretical Mini Research
Didactic goals Practical problem Qualitative reasoning and
solving research practice (inf. id.
& analysis)
Students’ Attitudes
The style of our course differs from that of the conventional high school
studies in several dimensions:
• optional vs. obligatory;
• portfolio evaluation vs. exam procedure;
• technology dominant and interdisciplinary vs. purely scientific and
• practical, purposeful vs. theoretical, general;
• creative individual and team tasks vs. routine exercises binding for all;
• focus on application, analysis and synthesis activities vs. remembering
and understanding emphasis.
In these features the course is similar to some cross-disciplinary engineering
courses (Rahn, Dawson and Paul, 1995); however, it remains an introductory
technology course for beginners.
Journal of Technology Education Vol. 9 No. 1, Fall 1997
For high school students participating in the course, the proposed learning
strategy was as new as the learning subject. As a result it was decided to use a
questionnaire, in which we asked students for their opinions about the course.
The questionnaire was presented at the beginning of the 1996-97 school
year to 43 students from two high schools, that had finished their practical mini-
projects and started second year studies. In addition to this, personal interviews
were conducted with six out of 17 graduates of the 1994-96 program. In this
article we will discuss initial findings regarding students’ attitudes towards the
course and the subject.
Table 4
Correlation of creativity, technology and course-score
Creativity Technology Course-score
Pearson Creativity 1.000 .424 .573
Correlation Technology .424 1.000 .527
Course-score .573 .527 1.000
Journal of Technology Education Vol. 9 No. 1, Fall 1997
Table 5
Dependence of Course-score on both technology and creativity
Entered Removed R R2
Technology, Creativity None .653 .426
Table 6
Dependence of Course-score on technology or creativity
Entered Removed R R2
Creativity .573 .328
Technology .653 .426
The view that systematic technology studies are a prerogative of vocational
education should be revised. Our case study shows that there is a valid
alternative (but not a substitute) - Technology as a matriculation subject in high
Journal of Technology Education Vol. 9 No. 1, Fall 1997
school. We believe that the option to learn Technology at the matriculation level
should be accessible to any interested high school student.
Robotics presents one appropriate interdisciplinary frame for learning basics
of mechanics, electronics, programming and control. Our experience of
development, implementation and evaluation in the course “Introduction to
Robotics and Real Time Control” indicates that a two-year 310 hours extent
studies enable covering the proposed curriculum. The first year program (190
hours) is dedicated to diverse theoretical and hands-on studies of modern
technology basics, creative design and construction activities. The second year
(120 hours) is focused on performing practical mini-project and theoretical mini-
The course is conducted in high schools under supervision of the Israeli
Ministry of Education, including inspection and evaluation of student portfolios.
High average grades (92) were assigned to 1995-96 graduates. The grades were
included in the matriculation certificates under the title “Machine control.”
Universities provide graduates with a considerable bonus due to their
matriculation when applying for engineering studies. Defense forces direct them
to technical service positions.
The case study results provide some grounding in support of the following
answers to the four research questions related to the course curriculum and it’s
1. The technology education program has been offered in general high
schools since 1994 on a free choice basis. Throughout this period there
was an increase in the number of schools and students participating in
the program, some applicants have even been rejected. All students who
started the course in 1994 and in 1995 finished their studies
successfully. The students assigned high average grades to the course
and to their own benefits from it.
2. Objectives stimulating development of creativity, hands-on and practical
thinking skills as well as acquisition of a polytechnic background were
central in the course. The dominating role of these factors in students’
attitude towards the course was indicated.
3. In the first year the course was conducted in the form of weekly
workshops, where several subjects were studied in parallel through
diverse theoretical and hands-on activities, including design and
construction team-tasks. Second year studies focused on the
performance of creative tasks (a practical mini project and a theoretical
mini research), while applying a learning and assessment strategy of
student portfolios. We believe that such a combination of workshops and
creative projects is relevant and important for achieving the course
4. A significant change of students’ attitudes towards technology was
indicated, as a result of participating in the program. Prior to the course
most of the students lacked any technological background and even
awareness. At the end of the course most of the students believed that
they may make a successful career in technology, and many of them
decided to major in engineering. Students interviewed mentioned that
Journal of Technology Education Vol. 9 No. 1, Fall 1997
The main conclusions of the article are valid only to the specific
circumstances and conditions of the case study. Further research has to be
carried out in other cases before general conclusions can be drawn.
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