DoH Preceptorship AHPs, Nurses Midwifery
DoH Preceptorship AHPs, Nurses Midwifery
DoH Preceptorship AHPs, Nurses Midwifery
for Newly Registered
Nurses, Midwives and
Allied Health Professionals
DH InformatIon reaDer BoX
Policy Estates
Hr/Workforce Commissioning
Management IM&T
Planning/Performance Finance
Clinical Social Care/Partnership Working
Document purpose Best practice guidance
Gateway reference 13889
title Preceptorship Framework for Newly Registered Nurses, Midwives
and Allied Health Professionals
author Department of Health, CNO Directorate
Publication date 17 Mar 2010
target audience irectors of Nursing, Directors of HR
Circulation list ommunications Leads, SHA Nursing, AHP, Workforce and Education
Leads, Trade Unions, Council of Deans of Health, NHS Employers,
Nursing and Midwifery Council, Health Professions Council,
Allied Health Professional Federation, Higher Education Institutions,
student organisations
Description his refreshed document provides guidance to NHS organisations
on establishing local arrangements for preceptorship. It builds
on feedback received on the draft ‘Preceptorship Framework for
Nursing’ published for comment in November 2009.
Foreword by the Chief Nursing Officer and Chief Health Professions Officer 4
1 Introduction 6
2 Background 8
3 Defining preceptorship 10
8 Implementing preceptorship 18
Design of preceptorship 18
Content of preceptorship 19
Output of preceptorship 21
References 27
Acknowledgements 29
Contents 1
Foreword by Ann Keen,
Parliamentary Under Secretary
of State for Health
Dear colleagues, Through preceptorship we must strive to
nurture and develop our new registrants
In the foreword to the Preceptorship to develop life long careers in nursing. I
Framework for Nursing that I launched last hope you will continue to work with us in
November I made the point that what the future so that the framework, so clearly
happens to our nurses at the beginning of set out here, can be fully realised for every
their careers in this country’s health service newly registered nurse, midwife and allied
is pivotal. I also said that I hoped that the health professional.
principles set out in the framework could
be extended to encompass other clinical
4 Foreword by the Chief Nursing Officer and the Chief Health Professions Officer
It will also be of interest to newly registered
practitioners and those directly responsible
for preceptorship.
expect to hear more from them about this Chief Health Professions Officer (England)
in late-2010.
London, March 2010
Foreword by the Chief Nursing Officer and the Chief Health Professions Officer 5
1. Introduction
This framework is a guide and resource newly registered practitioners (see below).
for those in NHS organisations who have It will also be of interest to employers in
responsibility for systems for managing the independent and voluntary sectors as
and developing the workforce, for a guide to good practice in supporting
preceptors (registered practitioners) and nurses, midwives and AHPs who are newly
In this document ‘preceptor’ refers to a registered
practitioner who has been given a formal responsibility
to support a newly registered practitioner through
Many health practitioners across a wide Preceptorship is also within the spirit
range of organisations already benefit from of the staff pledges made in the NHS
well-established preceptorship schemes. Constitution, and the value and importance
Preceptorship was introduced following of preceptorship was recognised in A
the implementation of Project 2000, the High Quality Workforce: NHS Next Stage
outcome of a previous review of nurse Review10 where it is stated:
education. Preceptorship is now embedded
in a range of existing professional regulatory ‘A foundation period of preceptorship
and employment guidelines for example: for practitioners at the start of their
careers will help them begin the
• NMC guidance9 covers areas such as journey from novice to expert. This
the role of the newly registered nurse, will enable them to apply knowledge,
midwife and preceptor, the duration skills and competences acquired as
of preceptorship and preparation of students, into their area of practice,
preceptorship. In the longer term, the laying a solid foundation for life-long
NMC is considering the introduction of learning.’
a period of mandatory preceptorship.
Specifically regarding Allied Health
• The College of Occupational Therapists Professionals, A High Quality Workforce
has provided guidance and support14 said that:
for implementing preceptorship
for managers and newly registered ‘We will consider the benefits of
occupational therapists. preceptorship for newly qualified staff.’
8 Background
The aim of preceptorship is to enhance supported, thereby enabling them to
the competence and confidence of newly deliver care and treatment to service
registered practitioners as autonomous users safely and to an appropriate
professionals. Preceptorship will support standard (including appropriate training,
the policy drive to place ‘quality at the professional development, supervision
heart of everything we do in healthcare’3, and appraisal).
while maximising NHS productivity through
harnessing and spreading innovation. It can • AfC terms and conditions.
also support strategies that impact directly
• Improvements in relevant scores of the
on patient and service-user experience.
staff and patient surveys.
For example, the principles outlined in
Confidence in caring: a framework for best NHS organisations that contract with
practice identify that: third parties who employ newly registered
practitioners are to give consideration to
‘At the individual level, confidence
encouraging such organisations to establish
can be created when patients see that
preceptorship arrangements.
individuals have the skills to do the
job and the will to provide the level In addition to publishing this framework,
of care the patient wants.’ the development of strong, local
preceptorship arrangements can be
Finally, effective preceptorship
underpinned through:
arrangements can be used by employers as
part of the processes in place or evidence • Multi-Professional Education and
that is submitted against regulatory and Training (MPET) budget service level
other standards, eg: agreements that requires quarterly
feedback from SHAs; and
• Care Quality Commission registration
requirements for providers require that • Learning and development agreements
providers take all reasonable steps to (LDAs) – SHAs, in discussion with NHS
ensure that workers are appropriately organisations, should include specific
requirements in relation to preceptorship
in the local LDA.
Background 9
3. Defining preceptorship
10 Defining preceptorship
A further definition taken from a review These definitions and statements
of the literature by Bains12 includes all support the assertion that on
reference to the role of preceptorship in commencement of preceptorship newly
professional socialisation: registered practitioners are safe and
competent. They are however novice
‘Within nursing, midwifery practitioners who will continue to develop
and health visiting in the UK, and further enhance their competence
preceptorship refers to an and confidence as part of their continuing
individualised period of support under professional development.
guidance of an experienced clinical
practitioner which attempts to ease Taking into account the definitions
transition into professional practice or reviewed, we conclude that the following
socialisation into a new role.’ definition best encapsulates preceptorship
for newly registered practitioners.
‘A period of structured transition for the newly
registered practitioner during which he or she will be
supported by a preceptor, to develop their confidence
as an autonomous professional, refine skills, values
and behaviours and to continue on their journey of
life-long learning.’
Defining preceptorship 11
4. What preceptorship is not
The elements of preceptorship from the perspectives of the newly registered practitioner,
the preceptor and the employer are summarised below:
• Continuation of life-long
Source: Stakeholders
The elements of preceptorship 13
6. The benefits of preceptorship
Patients/clients/service users
receive safe care and treatment
registered practitioner: Employer:
• Develops confidence. • Enhanced quality of patient care.
• Professional socialisation into working • Enhanced recruitment and retention.
• Reduced sickness and absence.
• Increased job satisfaction leading to improved
patient/client/service user satisfaction. • Enhanced service user experience.
The evidence and experiences of other can be most effectively delivered for all
professions and the feedback we have newly registered practitioners, regardless
gathered suggest that it is important to of their work environment or the design of
adopt a clear standard for preceptorship. preceptorship arrangements.
This will ensure that the benefits identified
18 Implementing preceptorship
supervision/guided reflection although the Content of preceptorship
exact mix will depend on the profession
Preceptorship should be planned in the
and the setting in which they work.
context of the individual’s professional
Preceptorship programmes need to responsibilities and the needs of
consider the following: their employer. There should not be
any duplication of effort in relation
• Theoretical knowledge can be facilitated to the learning undertaken and the
by a preceptor, self-directed or by documentation of such learning. Record
simulated learning. keeping for preceptorship should also
meet the requirements of the KSF appraisal
• Practical skills and knowledge can be process, current continuing professional
facilitated by learning from a more development requirements and potential
skilled practitioner, self-reflection and/or future revalidation requirements of the
online support. NMC and HPC.
• Simulated practice in skills laboratories
that is assessed and certified locally
should be incorporated.
Implementing preceptorship 19
The indicative content of preceptorship is detailed in the following diagram. This diagram
was developed with reference to ‘Flying Start NHS’ with additional suggestions from
Confidence in applying
evidence Develop
Decision based practice confidence
making and
Team Implement
working the codes of
professional values
Leadership and Increase
management knowledge and clinical
development skills
Negotiation and
conflict resolution
Preceptorship Integrate prior learning
into practice
Understand policies
and procedures
Manage risk Reflection and
and not being risk receiving feedback
averse Develop an
approach to continuing
20 Implementing preceptorship
Output of preceptorship Benchmarking current
On successful completion of preceptorship it practice
is anticipated that the registered practitioner
A number of examples of current
will have become an effective, confident
approaches to delivering preceptorship have
and fully autonomous registered individual,
been gathered during the development of
who is able to deliver high quality care for
the framework. They provide an insight
patients, clients and service users.
into how preceptorship is currently being
The practitioner’s continuing journey will delivered across a variety of healthcare
then take them forward as an independent settings in England. In addition, we have
and innovative leader and role model outlined details of the Scottish ‘Flying
for future generations of health care Start NHS’ programme. A summary of
practitioners. this information can be found on our
website at
Implementing preceptorship 21
9. Equality, diversity and
human rights
The use of pledges is considered to be ‘The NHS commits to provide all staff
an effective approach to setting out and with personal development, access
delivering commitments to customers to appropriate training for their jobs
and employees, and this approach has and line management support to
recently been adopted through the NHS succeed.’
Constitution. The staff pledges of the
NHS Constitution include: ‘The NHS commits to provide support
and opportunities for staff to maintain
‘The NHS commits to provide all staff their health, well-being and safety.’
with clear roles and responsibilities
and rewarding jobs for teams and In the light of this we have defined our
individuals that make a difference to commitment to preceptorship for newly
patients, their families and carers and registered practitioners through a series of
communities.’ pledges. These pledges are presented in
the Figure overleaf.
Preceptorship Pledge
• sharing of best practice and innovation across the SHA and nationally; and
• ensuring value for money.
Commits to delivering responsibilities
for preceptorship, including to:
28 References
Gareth Durling
Policy Manager, Department of Health
Acknowledgements 29
SHA Stakeholder Group Audrey Kirby
NHS North East
Lynn Andrews
NHS East Midlands Rob McSherry
NHS North East
Liz Ballantyne
NHS South West Joe McCardle
NHS North West
Sally Bassett
NHS East of England Michelle Mello
NHS West Midlands
Maggie Bayley (Chair)
NHS West Midlands Suzanne Rankin
NHS South Central
Lisa Bayliss-Pratt
NHS West Midlands Chris Sutcliffe
NHS East Midlands
Jane Butler
NHS South East Coast Guy Young
NHS London
Tracey Carstairs
NHS East Midlands
Rosemary Chabble
NHS South Central
Elizabeth Foley
NHS Yorkshire and the Humber
Chris Humbles
NHS East of England
30 Acknowledgements
Student Stakeholder Group Luc Taperelle
Royal College of Nursing
Vicky Allen
University of Wolverhampton Alexis Taylor
Birmingham City University
James Anthony
UNISON Lindsey Walker
Royal College of Nursing
Iain Bell
Anglia Ruskin University Cherril Watts
University of Manchester
Balbir Bhatia
University of Wolverhampton Anthea Williams
University of Wolverhampton
Caroline Brooking
University of Hertfordshire Stuart Young
Royal College of Nursing
Kirsty Dando
University of Chester
Joanna Greenshill
Executive Student Board
All members of the Executive Student Board,
University of Wolverhampton
Royal College of Nursing
Donna Martin
University of Worcester
Nicky McBarnet
University of Worcester
Priscilla Peart
University of Northumbria
Priyavadita Slater
University of Manchester
Acknowledgements 31
© Crown copyright 2009
Produced by COI for the Department of Health