Lkali and Alkaline Earth Metals Lkali Metals Periodic Discussion and General Characteristics
Lkali and Alkaline Earth Metals Lkali Metals Periodic Discussion and General Characteristics
Lkali and Alkaline Earth Metals Lkali Metals Periodic Discussion and General Characteristics
characteristic colour is produced when the energy of the flame is
absorbed by the electrons resulting jumping of electrons to higher
energy level. In a very short interval of time, the electrons jump back
to lower (ground) state releasing excess energy in the form of visible
light of different colour. Sodium produces yellow flame and Lithium
produces Golden yellow flame and K, Rb and Cs give violet flame.
Sodium is the sixth most abundant element in the earth’s crust. It is
the fourth most abundant metal in the earth crust.
Its main minerals are as following:
1. Sodium chloride: The most abundant mineral and ore of
Sodium. Found in sea water, various lakes and as rock salt. Sea
water normally contains 1.5% of NaCl. Dead sea contains 8% of
2. Chile Saltpetre (NaNO3)
3. Glaubar’s Salt ( Na2SO4.10H2O)
4. Borax (Na2B4O7.10H2O) etc.
On passing electricity, these reactions occur,
At anode,
At cathode,
sodium. Moreover, sodium if formed reacts with water to form sodium
hydroxide and hydrogen.
Na +H2O NaOH + H2
72) Why is mixture of CaCl2 and KF added to NaCl during the extraction
of sodium? 2
62) How is sodium extracted by Down’s process? Sketch a diagram of the
Down’s cell and write reaction involved. What are the difficulties on
obtaining sodium by this process and how are they removed? 7
75) Sketch a well labeled diagram for the manufacture of sodium by
Down’s process. What are the advantages of this process? 6
59) Describe the extraction of sodium by Down’s process. 6
69) How is sodium extracted from Down’s process? 5
74/73/69) Write the principle and process along with self-explanatory
diagram for the manufacture of sodium by Down’s process. 6
70/67) Explain the chemistry of down’s process for the extraction of
sodium. 5
63) Write the principle involved in the extraction of sodium form sodium
chloride and also draw a self-explanatory diagram for the Down’s process of
the extraction of sodium. 5
56) How is sodium extracted from sodium chloride using Down’s
electrolytic cell? 5
70) Sketch well labeled diagram for the extraction of sodium by Down’s
process and explain the principle involved in the process. 6
Physical properties
• Soft silvery white metal with metallic lustre could be easily cut
with knife.
• Less denser than water.
• M. pt. 970C B pt. 8830C.
Chemical properties
Action with air
When sodium metal is exposed to air its surface get tarnished due to
the formation of layer of sodium carbonate in following steps.
4Na + O2→2Na2O
Na2O + H2O → 2NaOH
2NaOH + CO2 →Na2CO3 + H2O
First Sodium metal absorbs oxygen forming sodium oxide which
absorbs the moisture changing into sodium hydroxide. The Sodium
hydroxide further absorbs Carbondioxide forming sodium
Therefore sodium metal is generally stored dipped in kerosene.
75/74) Write the reactions for the conversion of sodium into washing soda.
73) Convert sodium into washing soda. 1
70) Starting form Sodium how would you prepare Na2CO3.10H2O.
57) What happens when a piece of sodium metal is dropped into water? 2
59) Write the action of sodium with H2O. 2
74/70) Why is sodium fire at laboratory not extinguished by adding water?
67) Why is sodium fire not extinguished by adding water? 1
Burning in Oxygen
Sodium burns in oxygen forming mainly sodium peroxide and
small amount of sodium oxide.
Burning in Carbondioxide
Sodium also burns in the atmosphere of Carbondioxide, therefore
even Carbondioxide cannot be used for the fire extinguisher for
sodium fire.
Action with ammonia
When sodium is heated with ammonia gas at about 3000C,
Sodamide is formed.
2Na + 2NH3 2NaNH2 + H2
Sodium metal dissolves in liquid ammonia forming deep blue
solution. Here first sodium ionizes as
Na Na+ + e-
Then both sodium ion and free electron are ammoniated as:
Na+ + x NH3 Na+(NH3)x
e- + y NH3 e-(NH3)y
51) What is the main product obtained when sodium is allowed to react
with dry ammonia at 3000C – 4000C? 2
70) What happens when sodium is heated with NH3? 1
67) What happens when sodium is treated with ammonia? 1
59) Write the action of Sodium with NH3. 2
62) How does sodium react with NH3? 1.5
• In sodium vapour lamp, which illuminates streets with yellow
light distinctly visible in the foggy as well.
• To prepare useful compounds like Sodamide, Sodium cyanide,
Sodium peroxide etc.
• Sodium amalgam is used as a reducing agent.
• As a lab reagent specially for foreign element detection.
Sodium Hydroxide
Sodium hydroxide can be obtained by one of the following
processes both of which electrolyze brine solution (nearly saturated
NaCl solution) using mercury cathode which has more affinity for
sodium ions over hydrogen ions. Therefore sodium is discharged at
the cathode rather than hydrogen.
1. Castner-Kellner Cell
Sodium chloride dissociates in water to give Na+ and Cl- ions as;
NaCl → Na+ + Cl-
The Cl ions migrate towards the anode, lose electron and convert
The sodium thus liberated dissolves in mercury forming an
Na + Hg → NaHg (Sodium Amalgum)
NaOH solution and equivalent amount of hydrogen ions are
discharged at the iron cathodes (H+ ion form water). Thus
concentration of Na+ and OH- ions increases in the middle
Once the NaOH becomes sufficiently concentrated, it is taken out
and further processed to form NaOH pellets or conc. NaOH.
57) Write down the principle involved in the manufacture of caustic soda
by Solvay Kellner’s process. 3
71) Describe the principle behind manufacture of sodium hydroxide by
Kellner Solvay cell. 6
72) Describe the manufacture of caustic soda using Kellner Solvay process.
Physical properties
• White deliquescent solid, soapy in touch
• Highly soluble in water, solution highly corrosive to skin and
vegetable matter hence called caustic soda
• Strong alkali, turns litmus blue, phenolphthalein pink
Chemical properties
Action of air:
Solid NaOH absorbs moisture from the air turning itself into a
solution (deliquescency). Then it further reacts with CO2 in the air
forming sodium carbonate.
NaOH + CO2 Na2CO3 + H2O
Alkaline properties:
NaOH is a typical strong alkali, so reacts with acid giving salt and
NaOH+ HCl NaCl + H2O
NaOH + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + H2O
It reacts with ammonium salt giving sodium salt, water and
ammonia gas.
NaOH + NH4Cl NaCl + H2O + NH3
NaOH + (NH4)2SO4 Na2SO4 + H2O + NH3
NaOH reacts with a number of soluble salts of metals giving
insoluble hydroxide.
FeSO4 + NaOH Fe(OH)2 + Na2SO4
FeCl3 + NaOH Fe(OH)3 + NaCl
71) Give properties of NaOH. (not a proper question though) 1
• Very important industrial alkali, used in production a large
number of important compounds
• In manufacture of Soap.
Oil + NaOH Soap + Glycerol
• In refining of oil
• In paper and pulp industries
• In manufacture of Rayon
• As a common laboratory reagent
Sodium carbonate
Manufacture By Ammonia Solvay process
Brine solution is saturated is ammonia by bubbling ammonia gas
and the ammonical brine is then treated with carbon dioxide. First
ammonium bicarbonate is formed which further reacts with sodium
chloride to give sodium bicarbonate
NH3 + CO2 + H2O NH4HCO3
NH4HCO3 + NaCl NaHCO3 + NH4Cl
In ammonia absorber, brine solution (about 30% NaCl) is saturated
with ammonia gas. Impurities like CaCl2, MgCl2 etc present in brine
are precipitated as hydroxide and carbonates are removed.
MgCl2 + 2NH4OH Mg(OH)2 + 2NH4Cl
2NH3 + H2O + CO2 (NH4)2CO3
CaCl2 + (NH4)2CO3 CaCO3 + 2NH4Cl
Ammoniated brine is then pumped to the carbonation tower.
2. Carbonation
Carbonation tower works on counter current principle.
Ammoniated brine is allowed to trickle down a tower and carbon
dioxide is passed from the bottom at about 2 atm pressure and
temperature is maintained to about 30 ºC. Sodium bicarbonate and
ammonium chloride are formed.
NH3 + H2O + CO2 NH4HCO3
NaCl + NH4HCO3 NaHCO3 + NH4Cl
Sodium carbonate is filtered and filtrate (NH4Cl with little
NH4HCO3) is pumped to the ammonia generator.
3. Recovery of ammonia
In ammonia generator, ammonium chloride reacts with lime to
generate ammonia gas.
NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 CaCl2 NH3 H2O
NH4HCO3 NH3 + H2O + CO2
4. Generation of CO2
In lime kiln, limestone is heated to produce CO2 required for
CaCO3 CaO + CO2
CaO is treated with water to get slaked lime and pumped into
ammonia generator.
CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2
5. Calcination
Sodium bicarbonate obtained by filtration is heated to get
anhydrous sodium carbonate.
6. Crystallization
Aqueous sodium carbonate solution may be subjected to
crystallization to get washing soda.
Na2CO3 (aq) Na2CO3.10H2O
68) Write the chemical principle and stepwise procedure involved in the
manufacture of sodium carbonate by Solvay process and sketch a well
labeled diagram for it. What are the merits of this process? 6+2
61) Describe the manufacture of sodium carbonate by ammonia soda
process. Also mention the function of limestone in the manufacturing
process. 8+2
76/65) Explain the principle and process and write a well labeled diagram
for the manufacture of Washing soda by Solvay ammonia process.
70) How is sodium carbonate manufactured by Solvay ammonia process?
Why is it difficult to get potassium carbonate by this method? 6+2
75/73/72) Sketch a neat and well labeled diagram for the manufacture of
sodium carbonate by Solvay ammonia process. Explain the chemical
principle involved. What are the advantages of this process? 6
54) Describe the steps in the manufacture of Sodium carbonate by Solvay
process. 5
Physical Properties
• Sodium carbonate crystal called washing soda, water of
crystallization 10.
• Efflorescent substance(loses water of crystallization when
exposed to open atmosphere)
Chemical properties
1. Action of Heat
On exposure to open atmosphere, washing soda (Na2CO3.10H2O)
loses 9 of its water of crystallization.
Na2CO3.10H2O Na2CO3. H2O + 9 H2O
On further heating (below 100 C) it loses the remaining water
4. Formation of insoluble carbonates
When sodium carbonate is treated with some soluble salts like
CaCl2, BaCl2, AgNO3, MgCl2 etc the carbonates of respective metals
are precipitated out.
CaCl2 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + 2NaCl
BaCl2 + Na2CO3 BaCO3 + 2NaCl
5. Action with calcium hydroxide
It forms caustic soda with calcium hydroxide (milk of lime).
Na2CO3 + Ca(OH)2 CaCO3 +2NaOH
6. Action with acids
It is readily decomposed by acids with effervescence due to
evolution of CO2. This reaction can be used for the detection of
2HCl + Na2CO3 2NaCl + CO2 + H2O
7. Action of water (Hydrolysis)
It is soluble in water due to hydrolysis into sodium hydroxide
(strong base) and carbonic acid (weak acid). The solution is slightly
basic (alkaline).
Na2CO3 + H2O 2NaOH + H2CO3
Uses of Sodium carbonate (Washing soda)
1. The largest use for manufacture of glass.
2. As water softening agent.
3. For making wood pulp, paper etc.
4. As a reagent.
75/72/65) Write the molecular formula of Baking soda and Soda ash. 1.5
75/72/55) What are the chemical formula of caustic soda, washing soda and
baking soda? What are their main uses? 2
58) Write the chemical formulae of washing soda and baking soda. What
are their uses? 2
Raw Materials
The raw materials for the manufacture of sodium carbonate are
1. Brine
2. Ammonia, which is made by Haber’s Process
3. CO2, CaOH, which are obtained from limestone.
Ammonia-Solvay Process
The Ammonia-Solvay Process consists of the following steps.
Step I – Ammonation of Brine
In first step, ammonia gas is mixed with brine. This process is carried in
Ammonation Tower. The ammonationtower consists of mushroom shaped
buffels at short intervals. Brine is introduced from the top and ammonia is
introduced from bottom. They both flow towards each other. Buffels control
the flow of brine and ensure that they are mixed to the point of saturation
with ammonia.
Step II – Carbonation of Ammoniated Brine
In this step, ammoniated brine is mixed with carbon dioxide brine is mixed
with carbon dioxide in a tower called carbonating tower. Ammoniated Brine
is fed from the top where as carbon dioxide ascends from the bottom.
When these two substances meet, the following chemical reactions takes
2NH3 + CO2 + H2O→ (NH4)2CO3
(NH4)2CO3 + CO2 + H2O —-> 2NH4HCO3
2NH4HCO3 + NaCl→NaHCO3 + NH4Cl
Sodium bicarbonate is relatively insoluble, which is precipitated out from
the solution by cooling the lower part of the tower. Sodium bicarbonate is
separated from soluble ammonium chloride by vacuum filtration.
Step III – Production of Soda Ash
Sodium bicarbonate is heated in a long iron tube to obtain anhydrous
sodium carbonate or Soda Ash.
This carbon dioxide is recycled to the solvay tower. This hydrated sodium
carbonate is also called washing soda.
Recovery of Ammonia
Ammonia gas is recovered from the remaining solution by treating it with
Calcium Hydroxide.
2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 →CaCl2 + 2H2O + NH3
Fig:-Ammonia-Solvay Process
B. chlorine gas is reacted with dilute and cold NaOH?
Answer – when chlorine gas is reacted with dilute and cold NaOH then
Cl2 + 2NaOH (Cold and dil.) →NaCl + NaClO + H2O
presence of iron (on which hydrogen has a very small over-voltage). It
decomposes to give caustic soda and hydrogen.
Briefly describe the steps involved in the manufacture of sodium carbonate
by Solvay process.
Answer – Sodium Carbonate is an important compound. It is manufactured
by Ammonia-Solvay Process. the steps involved in the manufacture of
sodium carbonate by Solvay process are as follows
Step I – Ammonation of Brine
In first step, ammonia gas is mixed with brine. This process is carried in
Ammonation Tower. Theammonationtower consists of mushroom shaped
buffels at short intervals. Brine is introduced from the top and ammonia is
introduced from bottom. They both flow towards each other. Buffels control
the flow of brine and ensure that they are mixed to the point of saturation
with ammonia.
Step II – Carbonation of Ammoniated Brine
In this step, ammoniated brine is mixed with carbon dioxide brine is mixed
with carbon dioxide in a tower called carbonating tower or Sonvai tower.
Ammonated Brine is fed from the top where as carbon dioxide ascends
from the bottom. When these two substances meet, the following chemical
reactions takes place
2NH3 + CO2 + H2O (NH4)2CO3
(NH4)2CO3 + CO2 + H2O → 2NH4HCO3
2NH4HCO3 + NaCl→NaHCO3 + NH4Cl
Sodium bicarbonate is relatively insoluble, which is precipitated out from
the solution by cooling the lower part of the tower. Sodium bicarbonate is
separated from soluble ammonium chloride by vacuum filteration.
Step III – Production of Soda Ash
Sodium bicarbonate is heated in a long iron tube to obtain anhydrous
sodium carbonate or Soda Ash.
This carbon dioxide is recycled to the solvay tower. This hydrated sodium
carbonate is also called washing soda.
Step IV - Recovery of Ammonia
Ammonia gas is recovered from the remaining solution by treating it with
Calcium Hydroxide.
2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 → CaCl2 + 2H2O + NH3
Give the preparation, properties and uses of sodium hydroxide.
Answer – Manufacture of sodium hydro-oxide by Kellner Solvay Process
The cell is provided with flowing mercury cathode and graphite anode.
When brine solution is electrolyzed, sodium ions are discharged at mercury
cathode and form sodium amalgam which flows out of voltameter and
decomposed with water to give sodium hydroxide. On the other hand
chloride ions are discharged at graphite anode to give chlorine gas which
escapes out of the voltameter.
NaCl (aq.)→ Na+ + Cl-
At Anode: Cle→Cl
Cl + Cl→Cl 2
At Cathode: Na+ + e→Na
Na + Hg →NaHg
2NaHg + 2H2O→ 2NaOH + 2Hg +H2
This cell has no compartments. Mercury enters into the cell and forms a
thick layer on the bottom of the cell. It serves as the cathode and is made
to flow slowly across the bottom during electrolysis. The anode consists of
platinum or carbon rods. The electrolyte is sodium chloride solution when
electrolysis is carried, sodium ion are discharged at mercury cathode and
form sodium amalgam which flows out the other end. Chlorine is evolved at
the anode and escapes out. Sodium ions discharge on the mercury
cathode in preference to H+ ions which have a large over-voltage on
mercury and the sodium atom so formed dissolve to form sodium amalgam.
This amalgam flows out at the other end in a vessel containing water in the
presence of iron (on which hydrogen has a very small over-voltage). It
decomposes to give caustic soda and hydrogen.
The properties of sodium hydroxide are
-It is white opaque crystalline solid
-It is highly hygroscopic
-It is highly soluble in alcohol
Explain the principal, process and draw a well labeled diagram for the
manufacture of washing soda by Solvay’s ammonia process. Write
molecular formula of backing soda and soda ash. How do you convert
NaOH into washing soda?
Answer – Sodium Carbonate is an important compound. It is manufactured
by Ammonia-Solvay Process.
In the preparation of sodium carbonate by solvay ammonia process carbon
dioxide is passed into concentrated solution of bine saturated with
ammonia and ammonium bicarbonate is obtained.
Raw Materials
The raw materials for the manufacture of sodium carbonate are
1. Brine
2. Ammonia, which is made by Haber’s Process
3. CO2, CaOH, which are obtained from limestone.
Ammonia-Solvay Process
The Ammonia-Solvay Process consists of the following steps.
Step I – Ammonation of Brine
In first step, ammonia gas is mixed with brine. This process is carried in
Ammonation Tower. The ammonationtower consists of mushroom shaped
buffels at short intervals. Brine is introduced from the top and ammonia is
introduced from bottom. They both flow towards each other. Buffels control
the flow of brine and ensure that they are mixed to the point of saturation
with ammonia.
Step II – Carbonation of Ammoniated Brine
In this step, ammoniated brine is mixed with carbon dioxide brine is mixed
with carbon dioxide in a tower called carbonating tower or Sonvai tower.
Ammonated Brine is fed from the top where as carbon dioxide ascends
from the bottom. When these two substances meet, the following chemical
reactions takes place
2NH3 + CO2 + H2O —-> (NH4)2CO3
(NH4)2CO3 + CO2 + H2O —-> 2NH4HCO3
2NH4HCO3 + NaCl —-> NaHCO3 + NH4Cl
Sodium bicarbonate is relatively insoluble, which is precipitated out from
the solution by cooling the lower part of the tower. Sodium bicarbonate is
separated from soluble ammonium chloride by vacuum filteration.
Step III – Production of Soda Ash
Sodium bicarbonate is heated in a long iron tube to obtain anhydrous
sodium carbonate or Soda Ash.
This carbon dioxide is recycled to the solvay tower. This hydrated sodium
carbonate is also called washing soda.
Recovery of Ammonia
Ammonia gas is recovered from the remaining solution by treating it with
Calcium Hydroxide.
2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 —-> CaCl2 + 2H2O + NH3
Sketch a well labeled diagram for the extraction of sodium by down’s
process and explain the principle involved in the process.
a. why is sodium kept in kerosene ?
b. alkali metals impart characteristic color to the flame. Give reason.
Answer –
In order to overcome above difficulties Sodium metal is extracted by
electrolysis of the fused sodium chloride by down’s process. In this process
sodium is obtained by the electrolysis of a mixture of sodium chloride (40%)
and calcium chloride (60%) in fused state. The function of calcium chloride
is to lower the operating temperature from 820° C ( of NaCl) to about
NaCl→Na+ + Cl-
At anode: Cl- -e-→Cl
Cl + Cl→ Cl2
At cathode: Na+ + e-→Na↑
The main reasons for lowering temperature are:
-Melting point of sodium chloride is very high. It is very difficult to maintain it
in the molten state during electrolysis.
-Sodium is volatile at the temperature needed for the electrolysis and
therefore a part of the metal produced vaporizes.
-Molten sodium get dispersed in molten sodium chloride to form a metallic
fog at high temperature.
-Both sodium and chlorine, products of electrolysis have corrosive action
on the material of the vessel employed for the electrolysis at such a high
Down’s cell consists of a steel tank lined with heat resistant bricks. A
circular graphite rod is placed in the centre of the cell which is surrounded
by a cylindrical iron cathode. Anode and cathode are separated by a steel
gauze cylinder through which molten sodium chloride can pass but molten
sodium cannot. The purpose of using steel gauge is to keep sodium
separate from chorine which would otherwise react each other. Anode is
covered by a dome shaped steel hood which provides the outlet for the
escape of chlorine gas. The molten metal liberated at the cathode moves
up and flows into the receiver containing kerosene oil. Sodium metal
obtained by this method is about 99.5% pure. Chlorine is the by product in
this process.
Sodium is kept in kerosene because it reacts with moist air to form sodium
4Na + O2→2Na2O
Na2O + H2O → 2NaOH
2NaOH + CO2 →Na2CO3 + H2O
Alkali metals impart characteristic color to the flame because when alkali
metals or its compound are introduced into a flame, the electron absorbs
energy from the flame and gets excited to higher level which on coming to
ground state emits energy in the form of visible spectrum
Describe with neat diagram the technical preparation of sodium hydroxide
by Solvay-Kellner process. Write down the action of NaOH as A. aluminium
B. aluminium chloride
Answer – Manufacture of sodium hydro-oxide by Kellner Solvay Process
The cell is provided with flowing mercury cathode and graphite anode.
When brine solution is electrolyzed, sodium ions are discharged at mercury
cathode and form sodium amalgam which flows out of voltmeter and
decomposed with water to give sodium hydroxide. On the other hand
chloride ions are discharged at graphite anode to give chlorine gas which
escapes out of the voltmeter.
NaCl (aq.)→ Na+ + Cl-
At Anode: Cle→Cl
Cl + Cl→Cl 2
At Cathode: Na+ +e→Na
Na + Hg →NaHg
2NaHg + 2H2O→2NaOH + 2Hg +H2
This cell has no compartments. Mercury enters into the cell and forms a
thick layer on the bottom of the cell. It serves as the cathode and is made
to flow slowly across the bottom during electrolysis. The anode consists of
platinum or carbon rods. The electrolyte is sodium chloride solution when
electrolysis is carried, sodium ion are discharged at mercury cathode and
form sodium amalgam which flows out the other end. Chlorine is evolved at
the anode and escapes out. Sodium ions discharge on the mercury
cathode in preference to H+ ions which have a large over-voltage on
mercury and the sodium atom so formed dissolve to form sodium amalgam.
This amalgam flows out at the other end in a vessel containing water in the
presence of iron (on which hydrogen has a very small over-voltage). It
decomposes to give caustic soda and hydrogen.
Sodium hydroxide reacts with aluminium to form sodium Meta aluminate
Al +2NaOH +2H2O → 2NaAlO2 +3H2
Sodium hydroxide reacts with aluminium chloride to form sodium chloride
and aluminium hydroxide
AlCl3 + 3NaOH →3 NaCl +Al(OH)3
Describe manufacture of sodium carbonate by ammonia soda process.
Also mention the function of lime stone in the manufacturing process.
Answer – Sodium Carbonate is an important compound. It is manufactured
by Ammonia-Solvay Process.
In the preparation of sodium carbonate by solvay ammonia process carbon
dioxide is passed into concentrated solution of bine saturated with
ammonia and ammonium bicarbonate is obtained.
Raw Materials
The raw materials for the manufacture of sodium carbonate are
1. Brine
2. Ammonia, which is made by Haber’s Process
3. CO2, CaOH, which are obtained from limestone.
Ammonia-Solvay Process
The Ammonia-Solvay Process consist of the following steps.
Step I – Ammonation of Brine
In first step, ammonia gas is mixed with brine. This process is carried in
Ammonation Tower. The ammonationtower consist of mushroom shaped
buffels at short intervals. Brine is introduced from the top and ammonia is
introduced from bottom. They both flow towards each other. Buffels control
the flow of brine and ensure that they are mixed to the point of saturation
with ammonia.
Step II – Carbonation of Ammonated Brine
In this step, ammonated brine is mixed with carbon dioxide brine is mixed
with carbon dioxide in a tower called carbonating tower or Sonvai tower.
Ammonated Brine is fed from the top where as carbon dioxide ascends
from the bottom. When these two substances meet, the following chemical
reactions takes place
2NH3 + CO2 + H2O→ (NH4)2CO3
(NH4)2CO3 + CO2 + H2O → 2NH4HCO3
2NH4HCO3 + NaCl→ NaHCO3 + NH4Cl
Sodium bicarbonate is relatively insoluble, which is precipitated out from
the solution by cooling the lower part of the tower. Sodium bicarbonate is
separated from soluble ammonium chloride by vacuum filteration.
Step III – Production of Soda Ash
Sodium bicarbonate is heated in a long iron tube to obtain anhydrous
sodium carbonate or Soda Ash.
This carbon dioxide is recycled to the solvay tower. This hydrated sodium
carbonate is also called washing soda.
Recovery of Ammonia
Ammonia gas is recovered from the remaining solution by treating it with
Calcium Hydroxide.
2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 → CaCl2 + 2H2O + NH3
The function of lime stone in the manufacturing process is to produce
carbon dioxide for carbonation of brine
CaCO3 →CaO + CO2
CaO + H2O →Ca(OH)2
Describe the neat and well labeled diagram of the technical preparation of
NaOH by
i. Solvay-Kellner process
Manufacture of sodium hydro-oxide by Kellner Solvay Process
The cell is provided with flowing mercury cathode and graphite anode.
When brine solution is electrolyzed, sodium ions are discharged at mercury
cathode and form sodium amalgam which flows out of voltmeter and
decomposed with water to give sodium hydroxide. On the other hand
chloride ions are discharged at graphite anode to give chlorine gas which
escapes out of the voltmeter.
NaCl (aq.)→ Na+ + Cl-
At Anode: Cl- e → Cl
Cl + Cl→Cl 2
At Cathode: Na+ + e → Na
Na + Hg →NaHg
2NaHg + 2H2O→2NaOH + 2Hg +H2
This cell has no compartments. Mercury enters into the cell and forms a
thick layer on the bottom of the cell. It serves as the cathode and is made
to flow slowly across the bottom during electrolysis. The anode consists of
platinum or carbon rods. The electrolyte is sodium chloride solution when
electrolysis is carried, sodium ion are discharged at mercury cathode and
form sodium amalgam which flows out the other end. Chlorine is evolved at
the anode and escapes out. Sodium ions discharge on the mercury
cathode in preference to H+ ions which have a large over-voltage on
mercury and the sodium atom so formed dissolve to form sodium amalgam.
This amalgam flows out at the other end in a vessel containing water in the
presence of iron (on which hydrogen has a very small over-voltage). It
decomposes to give caustic soda and hydrogen.
Answer -
ii. CastnerKellner process
Answer – Caustic Soda or Sodium Hydroxide is one of the most important
chemicals of industrial useand its preparation by CastnerKellner’s Process
is given below
CastnerKellner’s Process
Caustic Soda is manufacture by an electrolytic process. This process is
carried out in an electrolytic cell known as Castner-Kellner’s cell and the
process is called Castner-Kellner’s Process.
2NaCl 2Na+ + 2Cl-
The Cl- ions migrate towards carbon rods, it gains electron and convert into
chlorine gas.
2Cl→Cl2 + 2e- (Oxidation)
In castner-kellner’s process, H+ ions are not easily discharged due to high
voltage of H+ ions, on the contrary Na+ ions are easily discharge over
mercury surface. The sodium thus liberated dissolves in mercury forming
an amalgam.
2Na+ + 2e→2Na (Reduction)
Na + Hg → Na/Hg (Amalgum)’
The mercury containing dissolved sodium is sent to another chamber called
Denuder where sodium reacts with water forming sodium hydroxide and
hydrogen. Denuder is packed with graphite blocks as hydrogen is easily
liberated over graphite surface.
2Na/Hg + 2H2O →2NaOH + H2 + 2Hg
the mercury is recycled to dissolve more of sodium.
The solution, which flows out from denuder, is a NaOH solution, which is
evaporated to dryness.