This document provides an overview of the operating systems DOS, UNIX, and Linux. It describes the structure of DOS including its BIOS module, kernel, command processor, and external commands. It then discusses the architecture of Windows 2000 including its kernel mode components like the executive, microkernel, hardware abstraction layer, and device drivers as well as its user mode components. Finally, it notes some differences between printing in DOS versus Windows systems.
This document provides an overview of the operating systems DOS, UNIX, and Linux. It describes the structure of DOS including its BIOS module, kernel, command processor, and external commands. It then discusses the architecture of Windows 2000 including its kernel mode components like the executive, microkernel, hardware abstraction layer, and device drivers as well as its user mode components. Finally, it notes some differences between printing in DOS versus Windows systems.
This document provides an overview of the operating systems DOS, UNIX, and Linux. It describes the structure of DOS including its BIOS module, kernel, command processor, and external commands. It then discusses the architecture of Windows 2000 including its kernel mode components like the executive, microkernel, hardware abstraction layer, and device drivers as well as its user mode components. Finally, it notes some differences between printing in DOS versus Windows systems.
This document provides an overview of the operating systems DOS, UNIX, and Linux. It describes the structure of DOS including its BIOS module, kernel, command processor, and external commands. It then discusses the architecture of Windows 2000 including its kernel mode components like the executive, microkernel, hardware abstraction layer, and device drivers as well as its user mode components. Finally, it notes some differences between printing in DOS versus Windows systems.
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Title: Introduction of Operating System and Comparisons of DOS, UNIX and Linux Operating System.
Objective: To study the Operating System and Comparisons of DOS, UNIX and Linux Operating System.
Software Requirements: DOS, UNIX and Linux Operating System.
Hardware Requirements: IBM PC compatible, 80386 or higher processor, 8 MB RAM,
HD with enough space available to install the components required, a CD ROM disk drive. Theory: In computing, an operating system (OS) is the system software responsible for the direct control and management of hardware and basic system operations, as well as running application software such as word processing programs and web browsers
The Structure of DOS
The structure of Disk Operating System for IBM PC-compatible computers can be broken down into four distinct components: BIOS Module: The BIOS module includes the default resident drivers for: Console display and keyboard (CON) Line printer (PRN) Auxiliary device (AUX) Date and time (CLOCK) Boot disk device (block device) It also accomodates installable drivers (DEVICE=commands in CONFIG.SYS), such as: MOUSE.SYS, ANSI.SYS , 386EMM.SYS , CLOCK.SYS, etc. Kernel , Command Processor , External Commands The primitive parts of the resident drivers are in the ROM BIOS while the rest are in the IO.SYS (or IBMBIO.COM) system file. The DOS Kernel : The DOS Kernel performs the following functions: File and record management , Memory management , Character device input/output , Spawning other programs , Access to real-time clock , The DOS kernel components are contained in the MSDOS.SYS (or IBMDOS.COM) system file. Programs communicate with the kernel via software interrupts. The Command Processor :The command processor is also known as the shell, or the command interpreter. The command processor is not the operating system, but rather a special class of program running under control of MS-DOS - it is the user interface to DOS. The command processor is responsible for parsing and carrying out user commands, including the loading and execution of other programs from disk (external commands). The command processor also includes the code for many of the most commonly-used DOS commands, known as the internal commands. For more information about the internal commands, see the DOS Internal Commands handout. Five standard handles defined by MS- DOS for COMMAND.COM Standard input CON Standard output CON Standard error CON s Auxiliary AUX List device PRN The DOS External Commands :The external commands are known as disk bound commands. They reside in individual files on disk and must be loaded into primary memory (RAM) before they can be executed. Windows 2000 architecture: Kernel Mode In this mode, the software is able to access the hardware and system data, as well as access all other system resources. The kernel mode has the following components: Executive. Contains components that implement memory management, process and thread management, security, I/O, inter process communication, and other base operating system services. For the most part, these components interact with one another in a modular, layered fashion. Micro kernel. The Micro kernel’s primary functions are to provide multiprocessor synchronization, thread and interrupt scheduling and dispatching, and trap handling and exception dispatching. During system startup, it extracts information from the Registry, such as which device drivers to load and in what order. Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL). The HAL is the code associated with Windows 2000 that changes with the hardware the operating system is being run on. Thus, it becomes compatible with multiple processor platforms. The HAL manipulates the hardware directly. Device drivers. Device drivers send and receive load parameters and configuration data from the Registry. Windowing and graphics system. This system implements the graphical user interface (GUI). User Mode Software in the user mode cannot access hardware directly. The user mode-protected subsystem has four primary responsibilities Special system support processes, such as the logon process and the session manager. Windows 2000 services that are server processes, such as the Event Log and Schedule services. Environment subsystems that provide an operating system environment by exposing the native operating system services to user applications. They include Win32, POSIX, and OS/2 subsystems. User applications—either Win32, Windows 3.1, MS-DOS, POSIX, or OS/2. DOS / WINDOWS DIFFERENCES The demise of DOS, to pinch a pithy line from the writings of Mark Twain, has been greatly exaggerated. All of our programs work just fine on 32-bit bit Windows systems! They are not bloated like Windows programs. They're really nice because they run very fast, do not write to the registry, take only one click to remove, and useonlyKB'sofRAM. The terminology, and the mechanics, surrounding it has changed, but DOS still exists on all current Windows operatingting systems, even if it seems to be hidden on some. What used to be the "MS-DOS DOS Prompt" has become, onsomesystems,the"CommandPrompt." Back when DOS was King, individual printer / add-onadd on vendors were responsible for making their hardware work with DOS. Now, Now, things have changed. The Windows operating system bears the brunt of responsibility. This is good - with the advent of "plug and play," things are better for everyone. Now, due to differences in how printers are "tied" to the operating system in DOS and an in Windows, there are differences in how you print data files in a Windows system. In a Windows system, if you wish to print (say) a SmithMatch data file named "TRL3" " to your printer - do the following: Choose ""List File"" from the menu instead, and list the file TRL3 to your screen. Then, using the icons at the top of the small DOS window that will open on your screen, click "Mark," highlight only the data you want, then click "Copy Copy" to paste into the Windows clipboard - now paste to print from there! Optionally,, you may press your keyboard Alt - Print Screen'' buttons to copy the small DOS window to the clipboard. Now paste to Wordpad, Word, or Paint to print. If you use 'Paint,' ' ' you can outline a desired portion of the small DOS windowforprinting.Another option is to direct output to a data file, and print from there. At certain points within some of our programs, you'll be asked: "Print Logfile (Y/N)." If you choose "Y"" the output data will be directed to a file named Logfile.txt within the \mwdataX sub- directory, AND to the screen. From there you may right right-click, select Print to your personal or network printer. Please delete the file after printing; it will re-create re create when needed again.