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Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology

28(3): 1-7, 2018; Article no.CJAST.42150

ISSN: 2457-1024
(Past name: British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, Past ISSN: 2231-0843,
NLM ID: 101664541)

Analysis of Milk and Biometric Traits of Brown

Swiss Cattle in High Arid Climate
Oludayo Michael Akinsola1*, Dorcas John Jirgi2, Amos Adedamola Ogundeji3,
Madaki Omammeh Shuaib4, Adebayo Waheed Ismail5 and Louis Ugwu6
Department of Theriogenology and Production, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Jos,
Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, P.M.B 135, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.
Military HIV Research Program, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research-Nigeria, U.S. Embassy,
Abuja, Nigeria.
School of Environmental Studies, Department of Urban and Regional Planning,
Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, Nigeria.
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Environmental Studies,
Federal Polytechnic Bida, Nigeria.
Department of Biology, School of Science, Federal College of Education, Katsina, Nigeria.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author OMA designed the study.
Author DJJ performed the statistical analysis. Author AAO wrote the protocol. Author MOS wrote the
first draft of the manuscript. Author AWI managed the literature searches. Author LU managed the
analyses of the study. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/CJAST/2018/42150
(1) Dr. Seham Mohammed Elkassas, Department of Animal Wealth Development, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafrelsheikh
University, Kafrelsheikh, Egypt.
(1) Ayse Deniz Cardak, Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Turkey.
(2) D. S. Pushparani, SRM Dental College, India.
Complete Peer review History: http://www.sciencedomain.org/review-history/25466

Received 26 April 2018
Accepted 2nd July 2018
Original Research Article th
Published 9 July 2018


The aim of the research was to estimate the genetic parameters for milk and conformation traits in
Brown Swiss cattle breed. The data comprised 2,059 daily milk yield records of 404 Brown Swiss
cattle that calved between 2001 and 2015. The total number of sires, dams and animal record
extracted from the pedigree file were 98, 356 and 809 respectively. Heritability estimates was 0.22
for milk yield while body type traits ranged from 0.10 in central ligament through 0.48 in chest width.

*Corresponding author: E-mail: dayoakinsola@gmail.com;

Akinsola et al.; CJAST, 28(3): 1-7, 2018; Article no.CJAST.42150

Repeatability estimates were low to high between milk yield and conformational traits. Overall the
heritabilities of all traits were moderate to high except body condition score and chest ligament,
these indicated that most traits in this herd can be improved by selective breeding.

Keywords: Arid climate; milk; heritability estimate; Brown Swiss.

1. INTRODUCTION whose source is from the highlands of the

Cameroun and flows southwards to join the River
The accurate estimation of genetic parameters Niger [4].
for biometric traits are of importance in genetic
improvement programs targeted towards 2.2.1 Milk yield
economic sustainability [1]. Statistical and
computational developments make it possible to Milk yield was adjusted for lactation length at
separate the additive and maternal components, 305 days by multiplicative correction factors.
while determining the relationship between these Monthly test day milk yields of individual cows
two components, which is mostly negative. This were used to calculate the accumulated 305-d
is of utmost importance, since negative genetic MY using the test interval method following the
correlations between traits would have computational expression below [5].
consequences for the breeding program,
k  P  Pi  1 
eventually leading to the development of MY 305  Pi XDi   i 2  i   PK 1 XDK 1 
specialized sire and dam lines [2]. Good  2 
estimates of variances for milk yield and
conformation traits in Nigeria are not available for Where MY305 is the milk yield of a cow adjusted
Brown Swiss in Nigeria due to low sample size to 305 d of lactation, P1 is the milk yield of the
[3]. To estimate variance components, use of the test-day in the first month after calving, D1 is the
model for prediction, or of a similar model as interval between five days after calving and the
used for the prediction of breeding values, seems first day of the first month sampled, Pi is the test-
desirable. The objective of this study was to day milk yield in month I (i = 2, …, k), Pk+1 is the
estimate genetic correlations, phenotypic test-day milk yield in the month when 305 days in
correlations, heritabilities and repeatabilities for lactation was achieved, and Dk+1 is the interval
milk and conformation traits of Brown Swiss between the 305th d of lactation and the last day
cattle in Nigeria by the REML (restricted of the month prior to achieving 305 d of lactation.
maximum likelihood) algorithm using the animal 2.2.2 Body weight measurement
model with repeated records.
This was measured by firmly positioning of the
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS animal on the Avery weighbridge scale without
agitation. The weight was expressed in kilogram
2.1 Location of the Study
(kg). Weight of the animals were recorded at
This study was carried out in Sebore dairy facility monthly intervals.
in Mayo Belwa, Adamawa State.
2.2.3 Statistical model and analysis
2.2 Adamawa State
All herd information regarding conformation,
Sebore farm in Adamawa State is located at an bodyweight or health-calving dates, cow
altitude of 200 to 300 metres, between latitude 90 entry/exit, were obtained from historical records,
’ 0 ’ 0 ’ 0 ’ notebooks and cattle management software. The
20 and 9 33 N and longitude 12 30 and 12 50
E. It is bordered by Borno State to the North data comprised 2,059 daily milk yield records of
West, Gombe to the West and Taraba to the 404 Brown swiss herds that calved between
South West and has an Eastern border with 2001 and 2015. The total numbers of sires, dams
Cameroun Republic. It has average daily and animal in the pedigree file were 98, 356 and
minimum and maximum temperatures of 23.2°C 809 respectively. This information was entered,
and 35.2°C respectively. The average annual analysed and saved using the VAMMP Software,
rainfall is 718.1 millimetres and relative humidity, version 1.0. Data selection was based upon
44.2%. It occupies an area of 39,742.12 square reliability: information whose validity could not be
kilometres. The is generally characterized by guaranteed was deleted from the final data set
many rivers; the major one being the Benue before analysis, as well as extreme values that

Akinsola et al.; CJAST, 28(3): 1-7, 2018; Article no.CJAST.42150

were considered physiologically abnormal or univariate analysis using an animal model

erroneously coded. Covariance components considering the effects of herd, the number of
were estimated by Derivative-free Restricted calving and the contemporary group as fixed,
Maximum Likelihood Method using the and the permanent environmental, animal
MTDFREML software [7], which evaluates fixed additive genetic and residual effects as random.
and random effect solutions by solving the mixed The modern group included herd, year of calving
models' equations. Variance components for milk and calving season.
and conformation were estimated through

The model used [8] can be described as: genetic direct effects as random. The matrix
model used was:
y = Xb + Wpe + Za + e

in which y = vector of observations; b = vector of

fixed effects (herd, number of calving, and
season). pe = vector of random permanent In which yi= vector of N observations; bi= vector
environmental effects; a = vector of random of fixed effects (herd, number of calving,
animal effects; e = vector of random residual contemporary group); Pei = vector of random
effects; X, W, and Z = incidence matrices that permanent environmental effects; ai = vector of
establish relationships between the records and random animal effects; ei = vector of random
the effects. It is assumed that permanent residual effects; X, W, and Z = incidence
environmental, animal and residual effects are matrices establishing relationships between the
independently distributed with mean zero and records and the fixed and random effects,
constant variance: respectively. It is assumed that random
permanent environmental, animal and error
effects are independently distributed with a mean
of zero and variance:
Considering that A = relationship matrix, Iσ e= R,
2 2
then V(y) = ZAZ′σ a+ WIσ peW′ + R. V=Variance
of the response y. Thus, the mixed model
equations for the best linear unbiased estimator
in which = direct or Kronecker product; I =
(BLUE) of estimable functions of b and for the
identity matrix equal to number of observations;
best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) of pe and
A = relationship matrix among all animals in the
a are:
pedigree; G0 = variance and covariance matrix of
random animal effects; σ aii = animal additive
genetic variance for trait i; σ ajj = animal additive
genetic variance for trait j; σaij = σaji = animal
additive genetic covariance between traits i and j;
2 2
in which A = relationship matrix; and a1 = σ e /σ a Q0= variance and covariance matrix of random
2 2 2
and a2 = σ e /σ pe. Heritability was estimated as permanent environmental effects; σ peii =
the ratio of the additive genetic variance to total permanent environmental variance for trait i; σ pejj
phenotypic variance; and repeatability, as the = permanent environmental variance for trait j;
ratio of the sum of the additive genetic variance σpeij =σpeji = permanent environmental covariance
plus permanent environmental variance to between traits i and j; R0 = variance and
phenotypic variance, as described by [8]: covariance matrix of residual effects; σ eii =
residual variance for trait i; σ ejj = residual
To estimate genetic, environmental and residual variance for trait j; and σeij = σeji = residual
correlations, a bivariate model was used which covariance between traits i and j. The mixed
included herd, number of calving and model equations for the best linear unbiased
contemporary group (which included the year of estimator (BLUE) of estimable functions of band
calving and calving season) as the fixed effects, the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) of a
and the permanent environmental and additive and ap are:

Akinsola et al.; CJAST, 28(3): 1-7, 2018; Article no.CJAST.42150

Table 1. Biometric traits definition of dairy cattle

No Measurements Units Description Instruments

1 Chest ligament cm Measured as the depth of cleft at the base of the Flexible tape
rear under
2 Chest width cm Measured as the inside surface distance between Flexible tape
the top of the front legs
3 Body depth cm Measured as the distance between the top of Flexible tape
spine and the bottom floor of the abdomen at last
4 Stature cm Measured from the top of the spine in between Flexible tape
hips to ground
5 Rump width cm Measured between the inner walls of the two Flexible tape
ischial tuberosities (i.e. pin bones)
6 Heart girth cm Measured behind the front legs and shoulder Flexible tape
7 Udder cm Measured from the ground to the bottom of the Measuring
clearance udder stick
8 Rear Udder cm Measured as the distance from the bottom of the Flexible tape
height vulva to the top of the rear udder
9 Rear Udder cm Measured as the udder width at the point where Flexible tape
width the rear udder is attached to the body.
10 Teat length cm Measured as the distance from base to tip of the Flexible tape
front teat.

The estimates of genetic (rg) and environmental correlations were estimated by a series of
correlations (re) were obtained from the pairwise bivariate models using the same term of
estimation of covariance components using the fixed and random effects as univariate models.
following equations:
 aij  eij
rg  re  Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics of milk
 2 aii  2 aij  2 eii  2 eij and conformation traits of Simmental cows. The
average milk yield was 1780.4±54.61 litres. The
in which σaij = additive genetic covariance confidence interval for bodyweight is 396.1-
between traits i and j; σ2aii = additive genetic 644.72 kg with an average of 580.7±22.8 kg.
variance for trait i; and σ ajj = additive genetic Body condition score was 3.3±0.16 on a
variance for trait j were used for genetic threshold scale. Central ligament, chest width
correlation while for environmental correlations, and body depth were 4.2±0.07 cm, 42.2±0.04 cm
σeij = environmental covariance between traits i and 214.7±1.48 cm. Udder clearance, rear udder
and j; σ2eii = environmental variance for trait i; height, rear udder width and teat length were
and σ ejj = environmental variance for trait j. 43.8±0.64 cm, 39.3±0.10 cm, 12.5±0.12 cm and
3.1±0.01 cm. The body weight of Brown swiss
2.3 Data Analysis cattle was 580.7±22.8 kg which was within the
limits of the breed's standard of 550-650 kg [9].
Heritabilities and repeatabilities were estimated This is indicated that Brown swiss cattle will have
by univariate models and genetic and phenotypic the higher propensity for milk yield.

Akinsola et al.; CJAST, 28(3): 1-7, 2018; Article no.CJAST.42150

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of milk yield and conformation traits

Traits N Mean±SD 95%CI

Milk yield (litres) 404 1786.4±50.61 1589.1-2201.61
Body weight (kg) 404 580.7±22.8 396.1-644.72
BCS (1-5) 404 3.3±0.16 2.6-3.7
Central ligament (cm) 404 4.2±0.07 3.8-4.2
Chest width (cm) 404 42.2±0.04 39.7-47.6
Body depth(cm) 404 214.7±1.48 186.8-209.83
Stature (cm) 404 154.7±2.48 145.32-152.19
Rump width (cm) 404 12.5±0.12 8.9-14.2
Heart circumference (cm) 404 233.0±1.76 200.8-269.18
Udder clearance (cm) 404 43.8±0.64 39.7-47.8
Rear Udder height (cm) 404 39.3±0.10 36.5-43.3
Rear Udder width (cm) 404 12.5±0.12 10.8-16.7
Teat length (cm) 404 3.1±0.01 2.7-3.3
SD-Standard deviation; CI-Confidence intervals
Table 3. Heritability (h ), repeatability (R), genetic and environmental correlations of 305d FCM and conformation traits in Brownswiss cows
305dFCM 0.22 0.29* 0.34* 0.18 -0.16 0.49** 0.20* 0.23* 0.11 0.26* 0.45** 0.30* 0.16
BW (kg) -0.08 0.25 0.01 -0.24* -0.28* 0.07 -0.11 0.39* 0.29* 0.21* 0.33* -0.15 0.12
BCS 0.10 0.05 0.15 -0.19 0.31* 0.32* 0.34* 0.34* 0.33* 0.29* 0.10 0.62** -0.04
CL (cm) 0.16 0.11 -0.04 0.10 0.11 0.25* 0.18 0.32* 0.44** 0.31** 0.06 -0.36* 0.32*
CW (cm) -0.02 0.16 0.18 0.14 0.48 0.33* 0.24* 0.21 0.12 0.29* 0.47* 0.34* 0.15
BD (cm) 0.04 -0.27 -0.05 0.06 -0.04 0.29 0.35* 0.47** 0.49** 0.31** 0.42* 0.45** 0.09
ST(cm) -0.09 0.04 -0.05 0.07 -0.03 0.38* 0.35 0.44** 0.37* 0.11 0.12 0.42** 0.19
Rump(cm) 0.02 0.10 0.32* 0.12 0.30* 0.22* 0.22* 0.37 0.46** 0.30* 0.51** -0.32* 0.14
HG(cm) 0.17 -0.28 0.08 -0.03 -0.11 0.81** -0.10 -0.13 0.28 0.39* 0.39* 0.10 -0.33*
UC (cm) 0.08 0.37* 0.07 0.06 0.03 -0.26* -0.12 0.31* -0.32* 0.20 0.35* 0.31* 0.12
RUH(cm) 0.29* 0.20 -0.02 -0.04 -0.13 -0.16 0.08 0.03 -0.33* 0.06 0.39 0.19 0.26*
RUW(cm) 0.04 -0.02 -0.10 -0.08 0.23* -0.31* -0.17 -0.24* -0.22* -0.02 0.19 0.26 0.60**
TL (cm) -0.04 -0.40* 0.04 -0.09 -0.05 0.62** -0.27* -0.20* 0.78** -0.46** -0.33* -0.14 0.20
R 0.37 0.50 0.18 0.26 0.61 0.35 0.44 0.46 0.43 0.49 0.45 0.38 0.34
* = P<0.05; h = Heritability estimates (along the diagonal). Genetic correlation (above diagonal) and environmental correlation (below diagonal); d=day, FCM-Fat corrected
milk yield,

Akinsola et al.; CJAST, 28(3): 1-7, 2018; Article no.CJAST.42150

3.1 Genetic Parameters of Conformation the only traits that revealed the similar trend in
Traits and 305d FCM Yields in Brown udder conformation traits. Energetic, confident
Swiss Cows and significant genetic correlation was observed
between HG and BD in body type traits while TL
The estimates of heritabilities, repeatabilities, and RUW had robust, confident and significant
environmental and genetic correlations of the genetic association for udder conformation traits.
305d FCM and conformational traits in Brown In this case, cows with longer teats had the
Swiss are shown in Table 3. In Brown Swiss genetics for more extensive rear udder
cows, moderate heritability estimates obtained attachment. Most of the environmental
was lower than the 37% reported by [10] in correlations between 305 d FCM and
Turkey. This implied that improvement of milk conformational were taped toward zero, except
yield via individual selection would be possible. rear udder height with moderate, positive and
The moderate to high heritability estimates for significant relationship. A highest ecological
conformation traits suggested that traits were correlation existed between BD and HG (0.81)
under the influence of additive and non-additive for body type traits while UC and TL recorded the
gene action. High repeatability estimates for all highest ecological correlation in a negative
the quantitative traits signifies less variability direction (-0.46).
within the body and udder conformations of the
cows. Since the linear measurement were taken 4. CONCLUSIONS
on mature milking cows, it is presumed that the
bone structure of mature cows may not change Overall the heritability estimate of all traits
significantly within lactations [11]. This might be were moderate to high except body condition
attributed to physiological changes that may score and chest ligament, and these indicated
occur during lactation, indicating that high that most features in this herd could be improved
genetic merit for BCS is correlated with less by using an appropriate mating program and
severe negative energy balance [12]. The genetic selection. However, breeders should take
antagonistic genetic correlations between into consideration the negative genetic
305dFCM yield and CW had also been reported correlations between traits. However, the
by many authors [13]. This showed that genetic heritability estimate of milk yield is slightly
selection for 305dFCM yield alone would reduce moderate. The choice based on an index of milk
the chest width. The positive and moderate production traits and milk yield can provide
correlations between 305dFCM yield and RUH maximum genetic gain in overall productivity in
implied that increase in udder length would lead these herds.
to a significant increase in 305dFCM milk
volume. CONSENT

Repeatability estimates for milk production traits It is not applicable.

were lower and higher than some of the forecast
in the kinds of literature for Brown Swiss [14]. ETHICAL APPROVAL
Lactation length obtained the highest
repeatability, thus it is possible that it is As per international standard or university
sufficiently reliable to using lactation length for standard was written ethical approval has been
early selection in Brown Swiss cows. Highest collected and preserved by the authors.
heritability for body type traits was recorded for
CW (0.48) while the least was CL while RUH was COMPETING INTERESTS
highest for udder traits. TL and UC had the
lowest estimates (20%) for udder conformation Authors have declared that no competing
traits. Repeatability estimates were moderate to interests exist.
high for udder conformation traits but low to top
for body conformation traits. Repeatability REFERENCES
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© 2018 Akinsola et al.; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

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The peer review history for this paper can be accessed here:

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