Educational Seminars
Neurophysiology of pain
Part I: Mechanisms of pain in the peripheral nervous
Paul R Wilkinson
of injury for example in the dorsal horn of the spinal and injury (“hurt” and “harm”) is less clear. As this
cord. article will emphasise, the nervous system itself becomes
A second type of pain is distinguished in clinical “damaged” after injury and profound
practice where nerve injury is assumed to have occurred. neurophysiological, anatomical and even genetic
This pain is known as neuropathic pain and can be changes ensue. These changes serve no protective
initiated by a primary lesion or a dysfunction within the function and the perception of pain is uncoupled from
nervous system. Clinical features may include a stimulus.
“burning”quality”, hyperalgesia and allodynia. The Cartesian model of pain transmission describes
Allodynia is pain that arises from stimuli that do not the process of pain perception in terms of discrete
normally evoke pain. Thus, allodynia involves a change pathways linking peripheral stimulus to the sensory
in the quality of the sensation for example tactile or cortex. Though this process is known to be more
thermal stimuli becoming painful. Allodynia may also be complex, this simple model will be used to introduce the
associated with nociceptive pain for example following neurophysiology of pain transmission.
sunburn or tissue injury and is not exclusively a feature
of neuropathic pain. Functional anatomy of peripheral sensory
Pain is commonly divided into acute and chronic. nerves
Whilst acute and chronic pain could be viewed as Pain transmission begins with transduction of the
differing only on a temporal axis, it is becoming clear pain stimulus at receptors in peripheral tissues where
that there are broader differences. Acute pain is closely painful stimuli are converted into a series of electrical
related to stimulus, serves the biological function of signals. Nociceptors are receptors that detect sensations
protecting the organism and is largely associated with an associated with actual or potential tissue damage and
undamaged nervous system. Therefore, acute pain respond to noxious thermal, chemical and mechanical
allows the organism to minimise tissue damage and stimulation. They are located in skin as well as deeper
promote healing. In chronic pain, there is often no structures. Nociceptors are fine nerve endings that
active tissue damage and the relationship between pain respond to stimulation usually by small, graded changes
Figure 1. Anatomy of pain transmission to the spinal cord which is shown in diagrammatic cross-section. Pain signals are transmitted
from peripheral receptors by A delta and C-fibres which have their cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglion. These ganglia from a swelling
associated with the posterior root of the spinal nerve. Fibres enter the spinal cord via the posterior root and synapse in the dorsal
horn(DH). Second order neurones then decussate and ascend mainly in the spinothalamic tracts to the thalamus. The dorsal horn was
divided into various lamina by Rexed (I-V are shown on the diagram).
in membrane electrical potential. If threshold is reached Receptors associated with C fibres are usually
action potentials are generated. Action potentials are small polymodal in that they respond to heat, mechanical and
all-or-nothing depolarisations in the membrane potential chemical stimuli but some are relatively insensitive to
and pain signals are encoded in the pattern of action mechanical stimulation. Aδ fibres carry information
potential firing. It is important to realise that sensory from at least two types of sensory transducers which may
nerves conducting these signals are not modality specific respond to heat and mechanical stimuli with differing
and no individual sensory nerves are identifiable that thresholds.
conduct just pain signals. The sensory nerves that conduct Thresholds of C and Aδ associated transducers to
noxious impulses to the spinal cord mainly belong to Aδ particular stimuli may vary.
and C groups. This classification is based on the size, Some receptors, which respond to low intensity
speed of conduction and degree of myelination. Aδ fibres mechanical or thermal stimulation (low threshold), are
are small, myelinated fibres 2-5 µm in diameter and have responsible for normal nerve conduction, while others,
conduction velocities of 5-30 m/s while C fibres are which are stimulated only at higher intensities (high
smaller, unmyelinated fibres 0.5-1 µm with lower threshold), may be more important to noxious
conduction velocities of 0.5-2m/s. The different rates of stimulation. Other receptors are normally activated only
conduction along these two types of axons may contribute at very high stimulation intensities but may be recruited
in part to the biphasic perception of pain. Cutaneous Aδ during inf lammation. These are known as silent
fibres are associated with reflex withdrawal and are receptors because they are dormant in unsensitised
responsible for an initial pricking pain so-called first or states.
fast pain while conduction along C-fibres is equated with Tissues such as muscle, tendon, joints and cornea are
second or slow pain which is burning or dull. similar to skin in that various sensory receptors have
Anatomically, the cell bodies of these afferent been identified with most pain signals being transmitted
(because they conduct signals towards the spinal cord) along myelinated and unmyelinated fibres. In visceral
neurones are situated in the dorsal root ganglion. This tissue, the density of sensory receptors is much lower,
arrangement is unusual, in that the cell body sits off the the localisation of pain imprecise and often referred to
main conducting axon. Axons from these sensory nerves areas of skin away from the viscera. Also, only particular
finally reach the dorsal horn of the spinal cord (Figure 1) types of stimuli such as distension or ischaemia produce
and synapse with cell bodies of so-called second order pain. Though pain is often conducted along small,
neurones. The arrangement of the connections within myelinated or unmyelinated afferents (usually
the spinal cord and the projections to the cerebral cortex autonomic fibres) the understanding of the mechanisms
is discussed in the section on “central anatomy of pain”. involved and the relationships to specific receptors is not
as well understood as in skin.
Nociceptive pain
Peripheral sensitisation
Nociceptors and inflammation Following inf lammation, recordings from single
Following peripheral tissue injury, a variety of local sensory nerves have demonstrated an increased
inf lammatory substances are released which include sensitivity of peripheral sensory neurones. Such
histamine, prostaglandins, bradykinin and substance P. experiments have shown that many of the chemical
These result in changes in local blood flow and vascular mediators of inf lammation increase the responsiveness
permeability, activation of immune cells and some, such or decrease the threshold of peripheral sensory nerves.
as bradykinin, may even produce pain directly. The Thus, sensory nerve endings close to the area of injury
characteristic features of tissue inflammation result acquire a state of hyper-responsiveness known as
from the release of these inflammatory mediators and peripheral sensitisation. Specifically, sensitisation
include pain, oedema and erythema. occurs where a peripheral receptor (or a central neurone)
For many years it was unclear whether the sensation of responds either to stimuli in a more intense fashion than
pain was simply an increase in the intensity of normal it would under baseline conditions or to a stimulus to
sensation producing more activity at existing sensory which it would normally be insensitive.
receptors or whether different populations of receptor Peripheral sensitisation may explain primary
exist for painful stimuli. It is now known that there are hyperalgesia but not all hyperalgesia can be explained by
several species of pain receptor in the skin which can be peripheral mechanisms. Secondary hyperalgesia is also
classified in various ways for example by threshold of due to changes remote from the peripheral pain receptor
activation, by the sensory fibres to which they are including changes in the spinal cord known as central
associated (C or Aδ) or by their responsiveness to different sensitisation.
stimuli e.g. mechanical or thermal stimuli.
injured nerves. Blocking this sympathetic drive might be However, many of the long-term effects of chronic
expected to improve pain but there is still considerable pain result from profound changes in the central nervous
debate whether the results of such clinical practice meet system remote from the site of the injury including
the theoretical expectation. central sensitisation in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.
This is discussed in the next article.
Summary Nociceptive Neuropathic
Tissue and nerve injury produce pain with different Pain
pathological features (Table 2), notably nociceptive and Nature of Injury Tissue Nerve
neuropathic pain. However, both result in extensive Peripheral nerve terminal +++ +/-
changes in the peripheral nervous system (Table 3). Ectopic neuronal activity - Often
Nociceptive pain occurs as a consequence of Neurone structure Intact Neuronal
inf lammatory changes resulting from tissue injury and degeneration
Sympathetic +/- +++
the peripheral sensitisation which results. Neuropathic hyperexcitability
pain implies nerve injury and injured nerves become Central sensitisation Yes Yes
hyperexcitable. This may be worsened by an increased
Table 2. Summary of some of the important differences between
sympathetic drive.
nociceptive and neuropathic pain.
A) Tissue injury
1. Berde C, Sundrel R: Cox-2 Inhibitors: A status report. IASP
Local Inflammatory Newsletter. Seattle 1998. IASP press. Sept/Oct 1998; 3-6.
Inflammatory mediator activation and release 2. Waxman SG, Dib-Hajj, Cummins et al; Sodium channels and pain. Proc
Changes in local blood flow Natl Acad Sci USA 1999; 96: 7635-7639.
Altered vascular permeability
3. Bennet GJ. Scientific basis for the evaluation and treatment of
Migration and activation of white blood cells
Trophic changes RSD/CRPS syndromes: Laboratory studies in animals and man, Max
M, editor: Pain 1999 – An updated review. 1999; 331-337. IASP Press,
Peripheral sensory neurones Seattle.
Sensitisation of afferent nerves endings
Activation of silent nociceptors
Further Reading
B) Nerve injury • Craig AD. Functional anatomy of supraspinal pain processing with
reference to the central pain syndrome, Max M, editor: Pain 1999 – An
Anatomical updated review. 1999 IASP Press, Seattle.
Proximal axonal degeneration • Borsook D, editor: Molecular Neurobiology of Pain. 1999, IASP Press,
Neuronal death
Myelin sheath disruption
Neuroma formation • Elgen RM, Hunter JC, Dray A. Ions in the fire: recent ion-channel
Formation of axonal sprouts which may form “microneuromas” research and approaches to pain therapy. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences
or reinervate target tissue 1999; 20: 337-342.
Invasion of nerve sprouts into new areas of dorsal root ganglia • Melzack R. From the gate to the neuromatrix. Pain, Supplement 6.
August 1999, S121-126.
• Yaksh TL. Spinal systems and pain processing:development of novel
Spontaneous neuronal firing
Abnormal sensitivity of neurones analgesic drugs with mechanistically defined models. Trends in
Abnormal sympathetic coupling Pharmacological Sciences 1999; 20: 329-337.
Ephaptic transmission
Increased activity of dorsal root ganglia cells