Transform Digital Marketing With Artificial Memory

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)

Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540

Transforming Digital Marketing with Artificial

Dr. Amol Murgai
Associate Professor, Department of M.B.A., International Centre for Excellence in Engineering & Management, Aurangabad,
Maharashtra, India

Abstract: - The last decade has shown rapid development in the Tesla‟s self-driving cars to Google AI that can learn video
information technology and its application. This has helped games in mere hours, Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing
changed the way we look at the world as well as the way business industries one by one.
is conducted. Both business and trade have gained under the
wave of information technology with improvement in efficiency, The applications of Artificial Intelligence range from
productivity and bottom line. Productivity improvement has detecting trends in data to mitigate market risks, enhancing
facilitated speedy and accurate production in large volumes. customer service through virtual personal assistants, or even
Today’s emergent “third-platform” technologies, such as data analysing millions of documents across a company‟s servers
analytics, mobile devices, automation, and artificial intelligence to find compliance failures. But it is only recently that
(AI), are changing the way society and individuals interact on a
fundamental level. One has to look no further than the use of
companies have been able to anticipate and envision the
marketing to find a microcosm of how new software solutions, possibilities that Artificial Intelligence and robotics can bring
machine learning, and big-data analytics are changing the game. to the future of the business world.
The present discusses the changing scenario of marketing Artificial Intelligence leverages self-learning systems by using
specially digital marketing. The paper goes on discussing the tools like data mining, pattern recognition and natural
possible sectors in digital marketing where artificial intelligence language processing. So, in terms of its key business
has made its presence felt. advantages over human intelligence, Artificial Intelligence is
Keywords: - Machine Language, Real – Time Data, Marketing highly scalable, resulting in phenomenal cost savings.
Besides, Artificial Intelligence‟s consistency and rule-based
I. INTRODUCTION programs allow enterprises to minimize their errors. Its
longevity, coupled with continuous improvements and its

A rtificial Intelligence is an increasingly popular term that

lacks a unified, concrete definition. It is that activity
devoted to making machines intelligent, and intelligence is
ability to document processes, translates into rewarding
business opportunities.

that quality that enables an entity to function appropriately III. HOW AI WORKS IN RECENT BUSINESS
and with foresight in its environment. Technically speaking, TRANSACTIONS?
Artificial intelligence is an integration process in between
cloud computing, network devices, robots, computer, and When someone use internet through browser and apps in that
digital content production and in various business processes, time his data is collected and manipulated with computer
systems, and daily life operations. Artificial intelligence programs (application or apps) to create and send
computing was in past, today and will be in future. Embracing recommendations based on his interest and behaviors that are
the increase and development of Artificial Intelligence is programmed in an application. This is the way machine
crucial to future marketing efforts. Every day, companies are learns. Another example when in someone‟s mobile, the data
using artificial intelligence software to optimize their own pack is finished it automatically starts sending you the
processes, reduce overhead, decrease turnaround time, and notification and various offers to recharge again. In business,
improve output. Technology is evolving at an unprecedented it‟s customer retention process.
rate, and teams already making the move to marketing AI Companies have to focus on their values, brand position in
software are at a distinct advantage to jump on the next market, goals and customer experience while trying to
innovation. implement Artificial Intelligence in their business process and
system. Artificial Intelligence applications and programs
II. ROLE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN BUSINESS create different process and system of works with high speed
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming more central to and accuracy. They need proper inputs (programs, code, class,
the day-to-day digital world, and the marketing and advertising function, and loops) from its users before performing any
world is no exception. From sarcastic and brilliant Siri to action. Page 259

International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540

AI is also changing customer relationship management visitors feel like your entire website experience has been
(CRM) systems. Many latest Softwares like Sales force or crafted specifically for them. That level of personalized
Zoho require a heavy amount of human intervention to remain attention makes any prospect feel valued, and valued
up to date and accurate. But by applying AI to these sorts of consumers are far more likely to develop brand loyalty than
platforms, a normal CRM system is transformed into a self- those who feel like they‟re simply one more lead.
updating, auto-correcting system that stays on top of your
Today, there‟s real-time, always-available access to the data
relationship management for you.
and tools that enable rapid analysis. This has propelled
Thanks to social media outreach and tons of data left behind Artificial Intelligence and machine learning and allowed the
knowingly and unknowingly during internet surfing, Artificial transition to a data-first approach. In the past, AI‟s growth
Intelligence holds a huge potential in the field of digital was stunted due to limited data sets, representative samples of
marketing. Using Artificial Intelligence in providing better data rather than real-time, real-life data and the inability to
customer experience, predictive analytics and targeted analyze massive amounts of data in seconds.
marketing will surely provide a great Returns On Investment
Artificial intelligence is a hot topic in marketing. It is
Change is the dominant fact of life in every business today. considered as the next frontier of marketing. Artificial
And the ability to master and exploit change has become one Intelligence is a broad term which has covered a wide range of
of the most sought-after management skills. Current global different technologies. The concept of Artificial Intelligence
and competitive business environment constantly asks for refers to technology that is seeking to mimic human
innovation, existing knowledge base is getting obsolete, intelligence. Artificial Intelligence includes a broad variety of
continuously thriving for advancement in process capabilities such as voice, image recognition, machine
improvement. The learning curve is always put to test, and learning and semantic searching. Marketers like to wax lyrical
every company is striving to remain ahead of the curve. Due about new exciting updated technologies. They bang on
to this shift in the way business is getting conducted has Artificial Intelligence for image recognition and speech
thrown out new reality of ever shortening product and service recognition. It also prevents data leaks in marketing and helps
life cycle. More and more companies are coming out with in targeting drones at remote communities. Traditional
customized products and finding ways to differentiate from marketing or outbound marketing campaigns are far less
competition. efficient in winning and retaining a customer than once they
were. Artificial Intelligence is important to gain sustainable
In marketing, the very tempo of change is constantly
competitive advantage in this always connected, real time
quickening. The major change in marketing environment is
world where marketers are required to deliver continuous,
the emergence of electronic data-processing equipment as a
customized, insight driven interactions with customers on an
major tool of scientific marketing not only for reporting data
individual basis. Brands that have understood the significance
but also, more importantly, for planning and control by
of Artificial Intelligence and putting the right system in place
management. Most companies are taking advantage of
to scale are successful in creating a competitive advantage
electronic data-processing analyses, online communications,
which is very difficult to replicate. Because artificial
and information-retrieval systems as tools to help make
intelligence is not about technology, it is about delivering the
marketing more efficient. This has led to the emergence of
perfect combination of content with context.
real – time marketing.
Today, there are numerous applications of
Real-time marketing involves creating a marketing strategy
artificial intelligence in the consumer and business spaces,
focused on up-to-date events. Marketers are making use of
from Apple‟s Siri to Google‟s DeepMind. Siri, for example,
current trends and customer feedback, while working to
uses natural language processing (NLP) to interpret voice
connect consumers with products and services they could use.
commands and respond accordingly. Google‟s DeepMind, on
Real-time marketing is growing in popularity with the rise of
the other hand, uses deep learning. It is capable of making
social media because it provides businesses with access to
connections and reaching meanings without relying
real-time information on target audiences; marketers were
on predefined behavioural algorithms, instead learning from
able to tap into that information and transform it into
experience and using raw data as its inputs. In fact, by
messages and products that they thought the customer might
applying findings from DeepMind, Google was able to
like. Real-time marketing now makes use of all kinds of
improve the efficiency of its own power centres, reducing the
customer data to help companies understand exactly how
energy used for cooling by 40%. The graph below depicts
customers behave. Done correctly, real time personalization
clear picture of the way artificial intelligence has made slow
ensures that you are always serving relevant and timely
but steady progress in global markets.
content to your website visitors, and it can make your website Page 260

International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540

crumbs of personal data when they interact online. Whether

they shop, post or browse, data is collected at every step.
Now, Artificial intelligence applications are crunching these
vast numbers and learning „online behavior‟ and „digital
identity‟ of the users. Platforms collect and store all kinds of
analytics these days as a part of analyzing customer patterns
in order to develop automated systems and customer profiles
to target certain markets. It looks like, in the near future,
computers will be able to analyze behavior and customer
profiles even more closely, thus being able to essentially
perform their “own” outreach strategy, building copy that
meets the voice of the customers who they are observing
2. Predictive Marketing
Artificial Intelligence has evolved into that “can‟t do without” Social media plays a vital role in gathering more personal
technology in the modern business landscape. Small to large information about the potential customer, which in makes it
enterprises are leveraging this technology to improve the easy for marketers to have a focused campaign. With each
efficiency of business processes and deliver smarter, more click whenever a user is browsing the internet, new data is
specialized customer experiences. being generated and compiled for the Artificial intelligence
analysis. This data is valuable for the marketer to optimize the
During previous years, marketers were hesitant to incorporate information and provide the most relevant information.
artificial intelligence into their strategies. But last year has
witnessed considerable confidence amongst marketers with 3. Lead Generation
regards to its application. It is because of the reduced Artificial intelligence actually sift through piles of data to find
ambiguity regarding results as more and more sectors have the ideal customers, clients and even colleagues based on
already reaped significant benefits. information that it already has and the program that it‟s using.
There are copious amounts of data available everywhere, Even more fascinating, it can also predict or rate how hot a
which is, in fact, making the processes more cumbersome, if given lead is. So, for B2B or even recruiting purposes, this
done manually. This makes human behavior to abandon data can save a lot of time and energy on just basic searching,
and go by intuition. This is the kind of scenario where leaving the marketer more time for things like pitching and
Artificial Intelligence emerges as a powered tool as intuition sales calls.
won‟t lead one to astute results. 4. Chatbots
A digital marketer constantly goes through these questions – Chatbots are Artificial intelligence -driven programs that
Who should I reach out to? What should I send? When should interact with users in a natural-language environment. These
I schedule my posts? Over what channel will my posts have programs are rapidly becoming a major area of interest for
greater reach? Comprehensive answers to these questions are marketers, as an increasing amount of social media traffic
looked with an aim to create engagement amongst customers takes place on private messaging services like WhatsApp and
and further lead to growth, fostering sales and finally build a Facebook Messenger. That‟s an engagement opportunity
brand. that‟s hard to ignore. Most digital marketers see chatbots as a
Artificial intelligence is bringing transformation to every way to provide personalized customer service at scale – which
aspect of our day to day professions. This will change the way is tangentially related to marketing, but not directly a
marketers carry out their campaigns to the way the campaigns marketing function. However, chatbots also help guide users
themselves are measured and run. Artificial intelligence will through a customer journey to a sale.
define how digital marketing will be conducted now and in 5. Automated Content Creation
the future. The following are the ways that has transformed
artificial intelligence technology in changing the world of Many brands are using Artificial Intelligence to automate
digital marketing. content creation. Thanks to this technology, content creation
is quicker, and easier. For example, global beverage major
1. Marketing Increasingly Focused on Consumer Behavior Coca Cola uses Artificial Intelligence to automate its
Artificial intelligence is all about data-driven approaches to advertising narratives. Creation of logos and music scripts is
marketing and decision making and to this extent is being done in tandem with the context automatically.
used to integrate data from different platforms. Users leave 6. Refining Advertisements Page 261

International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540

Artificial Intelligence is also used to refine ads and their which is creating quite the buzz in the digital space. Given its
delivery. According to marketing experts, Google and potential for storytelling and marketing, Artificial Intelligence
Facebook control over 60 percent of all PPC campaigns in the in B2B sales and marketing is here to transform the way
United States. Artificial intelligence can help advertisers find people interact with brands, information and services. The
new advertising channels for their PPC campaigns. These world of B2B marketing and its future is poised to be touched
channels may not be used by competitors and thus Artificial by Artificial Intelligence. A good handful of enterprise giants
intelligence offers a competitive advantage to advertisers. dread the idea of full automation of marketing movements
through smart Artificial intelligence technology, however,
7. Image recognition
measuring the effect of AI-powered robots in many customer
One of the most exciting and possibly most important service industries, one can affirm that understanding customer
developments in Artificial intelligence is image recognition. If nuance will not be entirely manual or managed by human
someone want machines to be able to „think‟ like us and power alone. Artificial intelligence made its presence felt this
mimic our ability to respond to our environment, such as in year through its supplementary processes such as big data,
the case of self-driving cars, it is of vital importance that they Internet of Things and Machine Learning. But these are only
are also able to „see‟ like us. Computers are now able to components that will eventually contribute towards
identify and recognize simple objects and scenarios. Although unleashing the full potential of AI. The coming years,
these abilities are negligible compared to human vision and especially 2018 would see visible changes and impact due to
perception, these building blocks of computer vision have the application of AI.
enabled some important technological developments, and
Artificial intelligence is continually becoming an empowering
continue to do so. Image Recognition helps marketers to find
tool for digital marketers and works on the tricks to get the
visuals on social media, even if they are not accompanied by
information from an individual or the group of people to and
the relevant caption.
make your brand a huge one. It is safe to say that Artificial
8. Email Marketing intelligence is a secured investment, which is sure to get
Artificial intelligence is making email marketing even better,
both for the marketer and their customer. Personalization at
scale is every marketer‟s dream – and Artificial intelligence
makes it possible. Artificial intelligence can use data to create [1].
personalized emails to every one of the company subscribers,
based on their previous interactions with the brand. It can intelligence
customize based on what content they‟ve consumed, what‟s [3].
on their wish list, what pages they have spent the most time analytics/our-insights/artificial-intelligence-in-business-
on, and more. For example, if one user always visits links to
product pages in the company‟s email, but another skips those -of-artificial-intelligence.html
links and goes straight for content, the Artificial intelligence [5].
can send different messaging with the most relevant links for [6].
each user.
9. Augmented Reality changing-the-face-online-advertising
One another aspect of the Artificial intelligence which has the [9].
potential to provide better customer satisfaction is Augmented [10].
Reality (AR). AR can provide the customer with the option of changing-role-digital-marketer
seeing and feeling the production before the online purchase, [11].
one example of this technology of course on its initial stage is transforming-marketing
Lenskart‟s 3D trial, which allows customers to try the frame Transform-Digital-Out-of-Home-Marketplace/1016866
they are interested in buying through their webcams sitting at [13].
home. Incorporation of such technology can definitely artificial-intelligence-impact-digital-marketing-2018-01950626
stimulate better and faster response from the customer which [14].
ultimately will reflect in the revenues. age-artificial-intelligence
Technological advancements have always helped businesses [18].
by creating new opportunities for reaching customers. One of marketing-and-advertising-5-examples-of-real-traction
greatest technologies of our time is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Page 262

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