Global Sea-Level Rise Is Recognised
Global Sea-Level Rise Is Recognised
Global Sea-Level Rise Is Recognised
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2 authors, including:
Kelvin Rodolfo
University of Illinois at Chicago
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The December 2012 Mayo River debris flow triggered by Super Typhoon Bopha in Mindanao, Philippines: Lessons learned and questions raised Kelvin S. Rodolfo · A.
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Land subsidence resulting from excessive extraction of groundwater is particularly acute in East
Asian countries. Some Philippine government sectors have begun to recognise that the sea-level
rise of one to three millimetres per year due to global warming is a cause of worsening floods around
Manila Bay, but are oblivious to, or ignore, the principal reason: excessive groundwater extraction
is lowering the land surface by several centimetres to more than a decimetre per year. Such ignorance
allows the government to treat flooding as a lesser problem that can be mitigated through large
infrastructural projects that are both ineffective and vulnerable to corruption. Money would be better
spent on preventing the subsidence by reducing groundwater pumping and moderating popula-
tion growth and land use, but these approaches are politically and psychologically unacceptable.
Even if groundwater use is greatly reduced and enlightened land-use practices are initiated, natural
deltaic subsidence and global sea-level rise will continue to aggravate flooding, although at substan-
tially lower rates.
Since 1997, we have been using both physical methods and sociological surveys to
study worsening floods and tidal incursions in the heavily populated and cultivated
region around northern Manila Bay (Siringan and Rodolfo, 2003; Rodolfo et al., in
press). Southeast of PinatuboVolcano since its 1991 eruption, one cause has been channel
filling by sediments from floods and lahars (flowing slurries of volcanic debris). Long
before 1991, however, and in areas that received no Pinatubo sediment, regional
floods were worsening. They are blamed on upland deforestation, rapid urbanisation,
channel encroachment by squatters and fishponds (Nippon Koei Co., Inc., 2001) and
garbage dumping in estuaries (Orejas, 2000).
Only recently (Tacio, 1999a; 1999b) have the Philippine public and the country’s
decision-makers become aware that global warming is raising the world’s oceans by
one to three millimetres per year (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2001).
Most sectors of the government, though, are oblivious to, or ignore, the fact that
groundwater overuse is causing the plains around northern Manila Bay to subside
more than 10 times faster—by centimetres and even more than a decimetre per year—
even though the government’s Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
has verified this geodetically.
In this paper, we first review how overuse of groundwater causes subsidence and
discuss the East Asian scope of the problem, other consequences of groundwater
overuse and efforts taken to control it.We then look at the physical and climatic setting
of north Manila Bay’s flood-prone delta plains, update the results of our physical and
sociological research and describe population trends that might reflect the response to
slow inundation. Our main topic, however, is how the government and the public are
responding to the news about groundwater over-pumpage and land subsidence. We
report what we experienced as we shared our findings with affected communities
and local leaders, outline three expensive but ineffective flood-control projects under-
taken by the government and refer extensively to newspaper coverage as it reflects public
and private attitudes towards flooding and its mitigation. Finally, we offer some con-
clusions and recommendations for resolving the problems.
Groundwater overuse and land subsidence
Fluvial sediments, such as those that underlie the deltaic coastal plains surrounding
northern Manila Bay, are mostly mud with lesser layers of sand and gravel. Even with-
out human activity, such sediments ‘autocompact’, meaning that the accumulating weight
over each mud layer squeezes water out of it, compressing it and causing the surface
to subside at rates of no more than a few millimetres per year. Autocompaction rates
around Manila Bay (Soria et al., 2005) are only of the magnitude of global sea-level
rise, comparable to those observed on the Po delta of Italy (0.75 millimetres per year)
(Carminati and Di Donato, 1999), and the Mississippi delta in the US (0.9–3.7 milli-
metres per year) (Kuecher et al., 1993), averaging 1.8 millimetres per year (Penland et
al., 1988). Subsidence from groundwater overuse is commonly one or even two orders
of magnitude more rapid.
How excess groundwater use causes land subsidence has been known for a long time
(Terzaghi, 1925; Tolman and Poland, 1940), and the theory is summarised admirably
by Galloway et al. (2001). In river deltas, groundwater is stored in and recovered from
sandy and gravelly aquifer (‘water bearer’) layers.Aquifers are contained by interbedded
aquitards, layers of clayey sediment that are much more porous and contain signifi-
cantly more water, but, being of a very fine grain, have a great deal of grain surface
to offer frictional resistance and retard the through-flow of water—hence their name.
Deltaic sediment columns are supported in part by the fluid pressure of their pore
waters. When water is extracted from an aquifer, support is transferred from its fluid
pressure to the sediment grains comprising its granular skeleton, which is somewhat
compressed, commonly causing the ground to subside a few centimetres. If ground-
water extraction is not excessive, that compression and subsidence may be fully reversed
when precipitation recharges the aquifer. Excessive pumping of an aquifer, however,
reduces its pressure below that in the adjacent aquitards, from which it sucks water.
Importantly, the reduced aquitard volumes and the resulting loss of surface elevation
are permanent. Using radar interferometry in the Ping Tung plain of southern Taiwan
from 1996–99, Chang et al. (2004) measured three to six centimetres of annual subsi-
dence that occurred only during the dry seasons of heavy pumpage.
Corollary effects
Enhanced flooding and tidal incursion are not the only deleterious effects of subsi-
dence. It can trigger minor seismicity (Yerkes and Castle, 1976; Davis et al., 1995).
Differential settling has caused ground cracking and damage to buildings in the
Shiroishi plain of Kyushu in Japan (Don et al., 2005), and in Jakarta, Indonesia (Abidin
et al., 2001). Ramos (1998) attributed to excessive groundwater use up to a few centimetres
of vertical movements per month at numerous faults, causing damage to buildings,
roads and railways in Muntinglupa, Metro Manila. Lowering of a coastal plain in western
Taiwan has enhanced wave erosion (Lin, 1996), as it has in Bangkok, Thailand (Sin-
sakul, 2000).
In coastal areas, excessive groundwater extraction draws salty groundwater inland,
permanently poisoning the aquifers, as far inland as 4.5 kilometres in Taiwan’s Ping
Tung Valley (Chang et al., 2004). Overuse may also poison groundwater. Liu et al.
(2003) attributed widespread arsenic poisoning in the ‘blackfoot’ disease area of Yun-
Lin on the western Taiwan coast to dissolved oxygen brought into aquifers in which
it reductively dissolves arsenic-rich iron oxyhydroxides.
Table 1 Subsidence and corollary effects besides enhanced flooding due to groundwater withdrawal in selected East Asian coastal areas
Location Land use Period Cumulative Rate (cm/year) Corollary effects Reference
Shirioshi plain, Kyushu Agriculture 1960–98 123 3.2 Ground fissures Don et al., 2005
Saltwater intrusion
Taipai Metropolis Since 1970s ~250 10 Infrastructure damage Stabel and Fischer, 2001
Building instability
Kelvin S. Rodolfo and Fernando P. Siringan
Choshui delta, including *Yun-Lin Basin 1969–2001 10–130 5.6 Liu et al., 2004
1985–94 20 *Liu et al., 2003
1998–2001 3–15
*Arsenic poisoning
Aqua and agriculture
Pei-Kang—Tseng-Wen deltas 1955–95 5–10 Coastal erosion Lin, 1996
1991–92 6–20 Saltwater intrusion
Hanoi Metropolis 1988–93 2–6 Ground fissures Thu and Fredlund, 2000
Manila Metropolis 1991–2003 >100 5–9 Ground fissures Siringan and Rodolfo, 2003
Pampanga delta Aqua and agriculture >100 3–9 Saltwater intrusion This report
>8 max.
1991–97 26.7
1997–99 10.0
Global sea-level rise is recognised 123
Phienwej et al. (1998) conducted experiments in Bangkok to determine if subsidence
can be reversed by pressurised injection of water. Only aquifers can respond to such
measures, of course, and only a few millimetres of elevation were restored. Aquitard
shrinkage, being irreversible, can only be slowed or stopped by curtailing pumpage.
The first requirement for combating subsidence is precise elevation measurements of
the affected terrain. For this purpose, traditional levelling and satellite global positioning
have been applied (Bitelli et al., 2000;Abidin et al., 2001). Satellite radar interferometry
with sub-centimetre vertical precision is increasingly being used (Stabel and Fischer,
2001; Chang et al., 2004; Leuro, 2004).These data must be augmented by comprehensive
assessments of groundwater pumpage, and by a study of the stratigraphy, porosity,
permeability and other geotechnical properties of each aquifer and aquitard. A good
example of such a study is that of Liu et al. (2004) on the Choshui River delta in Taiwan.
The studies of Larson et al. (2001) on the Los Banos–Kettleman area in California,
and Kasmarek and Robinson (2004) on the Texas Gulf Coast aquifer, exemplify how
such data are used to determine permissible pumpage. For the Yun-Lin aquaculture area
of Taiwan, Gau and Liu (2001) devised an optimum-yield model to optimise water
use, balancing economic profit and environmental protection. Efforts to decrease pumpage
and subsidence in rural areas include soil-water management (Jin et al., 1991) and
reducing planted areas and recycling urban wastewater for rural irrigation (Kendy et
al., 2003). Bangkok, Osaka, Shanghai,Tokyo and other cities2 have restricted water use
to counter water-table declines and subsidence.
Application of such ameliorative measures in the Philippines can only begin after
the national government recognises that the problem exists, and makes the pertinent
offices and the public aware of the scope of the problem.
Notes: A and B = geographic setting; C = detailed map of the shaded rectangular area in B. Base maps are: National Mapping and
Resource Information Authority (1991) 1:250,000 MANILA Topographic Map. Sheet No. P.C.G.S. 2511; and Philippine Coast and
Geodetic Survey (1982) 1: 250,000 TARLAC Topographic Map. Sheet No. P.C.G.S. 2509.
The southwest monsoon and typhoons annually deliver approximately 2,000 millimetres
of rain to the region, but the amounts have been decreasing since 1900 (Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, 1995; Jose et al., 1996) and cannot be blamed for the worsen-
ing floods. Due to an unfortunate combination of coastal configuration and seasonal
wind regime, waves generated during the rainy southwest monsoon also raise tide
levels by as much as 80% at the northern end of the bay (Siringan and Ringor, 1998),
thus hindering run-off into the bay. Waves three metres high can be generated even
along the limited western fetch. Southerly wind speeds at Manila can exceed 220 kilo-
metres per hour (34 metres per second), and waves 3.7 metres high have been recorded
at Manila’s port (Nippon Koei Co., Inc., 2001). Typhoon winds and waves historically
have been so severe in Manila Bay that the US Navy has declared it an unsafe haven
during typhoons (Brand et al., 1979). Storm surges occurred seven times from 1960–72
(Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomic Authority, unpublished records).
Also unfortunately, about 70% of the rain arrives between May–June and September–
October (Umbal and Rodolfo, 1996). In the flood-plagued areas, surface reservoirs are
too small to store enough water for agriculture, fishponds and domestic needs during
the dry season. Uncontrolled and unmonitored use of groundwater, already far too
heavy, inevitably accelerates as the population grows (Siringan and Rodolfo, 2003).
Research methods
We have compared sea-level data gathered at Manila’s South Harbour with records
of groundwater use. Analysis of selected bandwidths sensitive to the presence of water
in satellite images taken in 1989 and 2001 shows how the flooding has evolved (Balboa,
2002; Rodolfo and Siringan, 2003). We have established 19 global positioning system
(GPS) stations for monitoring subsidence, and are examining sediment cores up to 10.2
metres from 32 stations for evidence of changing environment, but the results of that
work are not presented here.
We have gathered regional sociological information through in-depth interviews
with key informants and social surveys. Each key informant, a long-time resident and
a leader in local government or in civic or religious organisations, provided data on
matters such as the locations of emerging water-wells, changes in land use, flooding
severity and the height and extent of maximum tides. Our survey questionnaire solic-
ited, from individual households of selected barangays (villages), information regarding
emerging well pipes, saltwater intrusion, river siltation, flooding history and, in coastal
communities, changes in tidal incursion and attendant changes in vegetation and land
use. Municipalities were selected in non-coastal areas less prone to flooding, flood-
prone non-coastal areas and coastal areas highly susceptible to flooding. From each of
two barangays representing each municipality, we interviewed three households and
one key informant, amounting to a total of 208 people from 53 barangays. We also have
elicited feedback in numerous meetings and discussions at which we presented and
validated our findings.
Metro Manila groundwater use and land subsidence
Sea level has been recorded at Manila’s South Harbour since 1902. It rose around 1.3
millimetres per year—the global rate—until the early 1960s, when it increased to about
2.6 centimetres per year (Siringan and Ringor, 1998; Siringan and Rodolfo, 2003).
Figure 2 correlates the apparent rise in sea level with the increase in Metro Manila
groundwater use until 1995.
Satellite imagery
Selected electromagnetic bandwidths sensitive to water document how waterlogged
areas around the northern bay are evolving and expanding (Balboa, 2002; Siringan
and Rodolfo, 2003). Fishpond dikes at the coast continue to be raised in response to
rising relative sea level, confining coastal wetlands and subdividing them into smaller
ponds. Notably, the areas along the Pasac River, which was contained with dikes after
the 1991 Pinatubo eruption, are now waterlogged.Without the dikes, floods escaping
from the channel would have deposited sediment on the floodplain, counteracting the
elevation loss from autocompaction, and compensating in part for anthropogenic
Figure 2 Sea-level rise recorded at Manila’s South Harbour from 1902–2000* and
groundwater use in Metro Manila over the same period**
Sources: * Unpublished records of the Philippine Government’s National Mapping and Resource Information Authority;
** Unpublished records of the Philippine Government’s Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System.
Sociological data
Respondents have reported that between 1991 and 2002, the worst annual floods have
increased in height by 0.2 to one metre in Bulacan and KAMANAVA, and by 0.3 to
one metre in Bataan and Pampanga provinces. Similarly, over that 11-year period, spring-
tide heights have increased by 0.3 to two metres.These data indicate subsidence rates
ranging from 1.7 8.3 centimetres per year, with more typical values of 2.5 to five
centimetres per year. The highest rates were observed around fishpond areas and are
comparable to those reported from western Taiwan (Table 1). Direct measurements
at water wells that appear to be rising out of the surrounding ground in an area of more
than 100 square kilometres north of Pampanga Bay confirm these rates (Siringan and
Rodolfo, 2003). The DPWH independently measured similar rates by reoccupying
elevation benchmarks established in the 1950s (CITI Engineering Co., Ltd., 2001a).
Currently, even moderate rains flood the more inland Pampanga municipalities,
whether or not they are affected by the deposition of Pinatubo sediment. Guagua, parts
of Sasmuan and Lubao are inundated for six months of the year, Minalin for almost
nine months and Macabebe for three to four weeks. Storm floods also are becoming
more frequent and last longer in Bulacan and KAMANAVA.
In coastal communities, typhoons and southwest monsoons used to trigger floods
that typically lasted for only around two hours, peaking during high tides. Now, spring
tides may take an entire day to subside, and areas that stood above tide levels 30 years
ago are frequently flooded by almost one metre. Most coastal Bulacan barangays now
experience spring tides that take between half a day and one day to subside.
Roads need to be raised regularly in order to keep them navigable during spring
tides and heavy rains.We were sceptical about reports that a road in one Lubao barangay
has to be raised annually by approximately half a metre, until a benchmark established
there in 1999 and reoccupied in 2001 confirmed a 46 centimetre per year subsidence
rate (Nippon Koie Co., Inc., 2001).
At numerous meetings with local government and non-governmental organisations
(NGOs) (Rodolfo et al., in press), we learned how difficult it is to convince local people
of the role of subsidence in aggravating the flooding. For many, their ancestral homes
and lots are their only assets, and they cannot conceive of leaving. The government is
too poor to resettle them elsewhere properly, and is already committed to expensive
engineering solutions, which, although probably ineffective and even dangerous, the
desperate flood victims are eager to believe will work.
Some people are reluctant to recognise that their own prodigal use of groundwater
contributes to subsidence and the consequent flooding. Furthermore, the heavy
seasonal rains leave the mistaken impression that the exceedingly abundant water
must be recharging the ground below, no matter how much is withdrawn. Part of the
difficulty lies in the fact that the process is hidden; it is much easier to blame flooding
on visible causes such as fishponds and slums encroaching on estuaries, and the choking
of drainages by water hyacinths and garbage. Some people have learned about the
ramifications of their excessive groundwater use but, denied alternative sources, have
resigned themselves to the worsening situation. Many acknowledge that free-flowing
artesian wells must aggravate subsidence, but fear that temporarily closing a well might
result in it drying up or make the water dirty. Others would like to take action, but
do not know to whom they can turn.
Unlike an earthquake or volcanic eruption, the worsening floods are gradual, and
permit temporary, stopgap solutions. Optimism is rampant during the flood-free half
of the year, when people want to forget the wet and discomfort.
The role of agriculture and fishponds
Rice, by far the biggest crop north of Manila Bay and across East Asia, consumes
more water than any other crop, and the ‘green revolution’ hybrids use proportionately
more than traditional varieties (Pearce, 2004). To mitigate drought during El Niño
episodes, the Department of Agriculture provides shallow wells to farmers, according
to the former Director of its Bureau of Agricultural Research, E.R. Ponce,3 thus aggra-
vating subsidence.
Fishponds make enormous demands on their environments (Chua, 1992). Around
Manila Bay, subsidence begins when ponds are first diked and dried. This rapidly
dewaters the upper few metres of sediment, which, having the greatest porosity and
water content, also can shrink the most. Nutrient sources, such as chicken manure,
are introduced to support algae before filling the ponds and then before every annual
restocking. Rotting excess algae effectively poisons the pond water, which is flushed
into the sea—deteriorating the environment of free-living species—and is replaced
with great quantities of river or groundwater. Flooding is also enhanced by illegal
expansion of fishponds into tidal channels (unpublished DPWH data). Privately owned
golf courses and swimming pools also are maintained with large, unregulated volumes
of groundwater.
Domestic groundwater use may not cause the most subsidence. People complain
that their wells stop flowing when high-volume pumps of large plantations or fish-
ponds are active. Some of the most elusive and crucially lacking data are the rates and
volumes extracted, because operators do not allow their measurement. Proper assess-
ment and regulation would require government action, backed by court injunctions
and troops, if necessary.
Table 2 Population changes in the coastal/estuarine areas bordering northern Manila Bay
1990–95 1995–2000
Governmental responses
The national Department of Agriculture funded some of our research in 2001 because
it sought to anticipate and adjust to rising regional sea level, but that support was
curtailed after its first year because of budgetary difficulties. Intra-governmental com-
munication and coordination leave much to be desired. National and local government
responses have been disappointing. Indeed, local politicians create myriad wells to
woo and reward voters. Driven by the three- and six-year election cycles, government
efforts favour short-term contingencies over efficacy, and are largely ‘palliative’—sooth-
ing the anxious public with projects that accomplish little. Thus, citing government
records, Orejas (2002a) complained that none of the flood-control projects beginning
in 1938 has eased flooding in Bulacan and Pampanga.
Strong attachment to place makes many people, especially the poor, eager to believe
that engineering measures will free them from floods. Coupled with the strong public
clamour for engineering solutions, the great potential for illegal profit inevitably leads
to large flood-control projects, regardless of their efficacy. Government corruption is
widely recognised. In the latest Corruption Perception Index (Transparency Interna-
tional, 2004), which assigned each of 145 countries a rating between 10 (least corrupt)
and one (most corrupt), the Philippines scored 2.6. At an international conference in
Seoul, South Korea in 1999, two years before a public uprising ousted President Joseph
Estrada of the Philippines for his own alleged venality, he declared that Philippine
government project funds routinely lose 20% to graft and corruption (Marfil, 1999).
That figure is over and above the 10% that Philippine law allows congressional
project proponents to claim as finders’ fees. This level of corruption was already in
force before the Pinatubo eruption, which, together with its decade-long aftermath
of destructive lahars, lent an air of crisis and imminent danger that provided the excuse
for not conducting appropriate feasibility studies before construction (Rodolfo, 1995).
Little effort was expended to determine the properties and behaviour of lahars in
order to engineer properly against them. Instead, what appeared to guide the plans was
how much money the legislature might be willing to disburse. Dikes thus restricted
in funding and quality were built, failed, and were rebuilt, either in original form or
with token design improvements, only to fail again. Nevertheless, funds continue to
be appropriated for their repair (Orejas, 2002b).
The lahar threat has diminished, but the practice continues in expensive, inutile
flood-control projects. Being impoverished, the government must borrow funding.
Loans, primarily from the Japanese Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), have
attractively low interest rates, but stipulate the use of expensive Japanese contractors,
engineering consultants and materials. Filipino scientists and engineers are not con-
sulted, and even the Secretary of the DPWH has complained publicly about not being
kept abreast of plans: ‘More often than not, the Japanese contractors and consultants
do not give us complete documentation for the projects, resulting in delays in imple-
mentation’ (Nocum, 2003).
Note: As diagrammed in Figures 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12 of Nippon Koie Co., Inc., 2001. The isopleths of subsidence rates in milli-
metres, re-expressed in centimetres per year, were traced from Figure 2.11. The closed dashed isopleth is not labelled. The subsidence
rate of 40.6 centimetres per year is from Benchmark BMS6 located on Figure 2.9. It is derived from the DPWH elevations of 2.630
and 1.818 metres above sea level measured in 1999 and 2001, respectively, both given in Figure 2.10. The shaded land area is from
Figure 2.12, ‘Schematic of Inundated Area of Pasac Delta During Maximum Tide of 2.1m’. The extent of this flooding does not
take into account any additional water rise from rain or wind.
pressures come to bear. The project route was initially the one marked as arrows in
Figure 3. It encountered public demonstrations by outraged citizenry (Cervantes,
2001; Orejas, 2001a) and an angry legislator (Orejas, 2001b). The route was changed
(Orejas, 2002b) to the dotted line in the figure, which is even more flood-prone than
the original course. Landowners are least reluctant to lose land that has already been
devalued by flooding and tidal invasion.
Lengthening the channel to skirt recalcitrant landowners decreased its slope, and
consequently could only diminish its efficacy. Nevertheless, the project continues, at a
cost of 3.4 billion pesos, or some USD 68 million (DPWH, 2003, unpublished report).
and lethal landslides, garbage, over-crowded classrooms, joblessness and, to the detri-
ment of the Filipino family, the country’s increasing economic reliance on overseas
workers, it stems from rapid population growth, with no consistent governmental
policy to moderate it since 1969 (Acoseba, 2003a). From 1995–2000, the national
population grew annually by 2.36% (National Statistics Commission, 2000). A formal
Population Management Program, created by the government’s Commission on Popu-
lation to develop measures for decreasing this growth, reported in a press release published
in three parts (Acoseba, 2003a; 2003b; 2003c) that its recommendations were embodied
in a Reproductive Health Care congressional bill. Largely because of concerns about
abortion and contraception, that bill languished in committee for two years. It was
supposed to be the prelude to a proposed Population and Development Act, but the
president threatened to veto it in 2003 and offered no alternative means for managing
population growth. In 2005, a Responsible Parenthood and Population Management
Act was still undergoing hearings (Mendiola, 2005).
most waterlogged and the most easily dewatered and compacted, and shallow wells are
great in number.
Wells should be limited to a small, enforceable number, run and regulated by local
governments. People would have to pay for piped water, but this would engender
respect for it, and its conservation. Bangkok was able to reduce its subsidence from
between five and 10 centimetres per year to approximately two centimetres per year
because the principal wells were industrial. New taxes on groundwater made imported
surface water cheaper (Bangkok State of the Environment, 2001). In a just world, efficient
regulation would begin with the most prolific and wasteful users.
People should be encouraged and exhorted to conserve groundwater, and em-
powered to do so. For example, there is some justification for the fear that flow may
be soiled or permanently lost if artesian wells are shut down temporarily.Wells equipped
with gravel packs avoid those problems (Driscoll, 1986), and research might determine
if existing wells can be retrofitted with such devices.
For their help in the field and the laboratory, we thank our co-workers: Rhodora
Aparente,Toby Balboa, Nathaniel Baluda, Cristina Remotigue, Zoan Reotita, Cherry
Ringor, Ramoncito Rivera, Lea Soria, Napoleon Villanueva and Peter Zamora.
Corazon Lamug’s sociological field expertise has been invaluable. The Center for
Integrative and Developmental Studies of the University of the Philippines funded
our initial work, which was supported for one year by the Bureau of Agricultural
Research of the Department of Agriculture. Oxfam–Great Britain has funded specific
aspects of our work, including the dissemination of our results at numerous gatherings
of local government officials and NGOs.
Kelvin S. Rodolfo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of
Illinois at Chicago, 845 W. Taylor St., Chicago, IL, 60607, United States. Phone: + 312
243 8241; e-mail:
Kelvin S. Rodolfo is Adjunct Professor at the National Institute of Geological Sciences, University of
the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, and Professor Emeritus at the Department of
Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, US. Fernando P. Siringan
is Professor at the National Institute of Geological Sciences, University of the Philippines Diliman,
Quezon City, Philippines.
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