Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer
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Skin Cancer
This booklet is for you if you have or someone close to you has Skin Cancer.
If you are a patient your doctor or nurse may wish to go through the booklet with you
and mark sections that are particularly important for you. You can make a note below
of the main contacts and information that you may need quickly.
Skin Cancer
Skin: Anatomy
The skin
What is cancer?
Types of cancer
Types of skin cancer
Risk factors and causes of skin cancer
How common is the Skin Cancer in India?
Treatment overview
Skin grafts
Photodynamic therapy
Topical immunotherapy
Research - clinical trials
Follow up
Preventing further skin cancers
Living with and after cancer
Pre-cancerous conditions
Bowen's disease**
The skin is divided into three main layers: the outer layer known as the epidermis , a
layer underneath known as the dermis and a deeper layer, which is made up of fatty
The epidermis contains three types of cells. Most of the epidermis is filled with cells
known as squamous cells . At the base of the squamous cells are rounder cells
called basal cells. In between the basal cells are other cells called melanocytes .
Melanocytes are cells that produce the pigment melanin . It is this pigment that gives
skin its colour variations.
What is cancer?
The organs and tissues of the body are made up of tiny building blocks called cells.
Cancer is a disease of these cells.
Cells in different parts of the body may look and work differently but most reproduce
themselves in the same way. Cells are constantly becoming old and dying, and new
cells are produced to replace them. Normally, cells divide in an orderly and controlled
manner. If for some reason the process gets out of control, the cells carry on dividing,
developing into a lump which is called a tumour.
In a benign tumour the cells do not spread to other parts of the body and so are not
cancerous. However, if they continue to grow at the original site, they may cause a
problem by pressing on the surrounding organs.
A malignant tumour consists of cancer cells that have the ability to spread beyond
the original area. If the tumour is left untreated, it may spread into and destroy
surrounding tissue. Sometimes cells break away from the original (primary) cancer.
They may spread to other organs in the body through the bloodstream or lymphatic
The lymphatic system is part of the immune system - the body's natural defence
against infection and disease. It is a complex system made up of organs, such as
bone marrow, the thymus, the spleen, and lymph nodes. The lymph nodes (or
glands) throughout the body are connected by a network of tiny lymphatic ducts.
When the cancer cells reach a new area they may go on dividing and form a new
tumour. This is known as a secondary cancer or metastasis. Even when cancer
spreads somewhere else in the body, it is still the same kind of cancer, and is still
named after the part of the body where it started. For example, if lung cancer
spreads to the bones, it is still lung cancer, not bone cancer. In that case, it may be
said that the person has "lung cancer with bone metastases."
It is important to realise that cancer is not a single disease with a single type of
treatment. There are more than 200 different kinds of cancer, each with its own name
and treatment.
Types of cancer
The majority of cancers, about 85% (85 in a 100), are carcinomas. They start in the
epithelium, which is the covering (or lining) of organs and of the body (the skin). The
common forms of breast, lung, prostate and bowel cancer are all carcinomas.
Carcinomas are named after the type of epithelial cell that they started in and the part
of the body that is affected. There are four different types of epithelial cells:
squamous cells - that line different parts of the body, such as the mouth,
gullet (oesophagus), and the airways
adeno cells - form the lining of all the glands in the body and can be found in
organs such as the stomach, ovaries, kidneys and prostate
transitional cells - are only found in the lining of the bladder and parts of the
urinary system
basal cells - that are found in one of the layers of the skin.
A cancer that starts in squamous cells is called a squamous cell carcinoma. A cancer
that starts in glandular cells is called an adenocarcinoma. Cancers that start in
transitional cells are transitional cell carcinomas, and those that start in basal cells
are basal cell carcinomas.
These occur in the tissues where white blood cells (which fight infection in the body)
are formed, i.e. the bone marrow and lymphatic system. Leukaemia and lymphoma
are quite rare and make up about 6.5% (6.5 in 100) of all cancers.
Sarcomas are very rare. They are a group of cancers that form in the connective or
supportive tissues of the body such as muscle, bone and fatty tissue. They account
for less than 1% (1 in 100) of cancers.
Brain tumours and other very rare forms of cancer make up the remainder of
Basal cell carcinoma, or BCC, is a cancer of the cells at the bottom of the epidermis
called the basal cells. It is very common and accounts for more than three-quarters
(75%) of all skin cancers in the UK.
Each year more than 60,000 people in the UK develop BCC. Most BCCs are very
slow-growing and almost never spread to other parts of the body. They often start as
a small, red, shiny spot or nodule that may bleed occasionally.
In many BCCs, the skin over the top can remain intact for many months. Eventually
they may develop into an ulcer which does not heal. When BCCs are treated at an
early stage, most of the time they are completely cured. However, some BCCs are
aggressive, and if left to grow they may spread to deeper layers in the skin and
sometimes to bones, making treatment difficult. A small number of BCCs may also
come back on the same area of skin after treatment – this is known as a local
recurrence .
Squamous cell carcinoma, or SCC, is a cancer of the outermost cells of the skin. It‟s
the second most common type of skin cancer in the UK. One in five skin cancers
(20%) are this type.
Usually squamous cell carcinomas are slow-growing and only spread to other parts
of the body if they are left untreated for a long time. But occasionally these cancers
can behave more aggressively and spread at a relatively early stage. However, most
people treated for squamous cell carcinoma are completely cured with simple
Malignant melanoma
Another less common type of skin cancer is called malignant melanoma. About 7,000
people in the UK are diagnosed with malignant melanoma each year. Melanoma
behaves differently to basal cell and squamous cell cancers. It can grow quickly and
needs to be treated early.
Merkel cell
Kaposi's sarcoma
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of the skin
These rare types make up less than 1 in 100 of all skin cancers (1%) in the UK.
Ultraviolet light (UVA and UVB) from the sun is the main environmental cause of
most skin cancers. It‟s likely that most skin damage from ultraviolet light occurs
before the age of 20, but it doesn‟t show up until many years later. Damage to the
skin below the age of 20 is an important risk factor in the development of basal cell
cancers. Sun exposure over a lifetime is more significant for squamous cell cancers.
Skin cancer is becoming more common and there are several possible reasons for
this. People are living longer and so their lifetime sun exposure is greater. They often
spend more time enjoying outdoor activities and holidays in sunny climates, and
many people still consider suntans to be healthy and attractive. Another reason why
skin cancers appear more common is because awareness has increased over the
last 20 years.
People who work outdoors for a living, such as farm workers, builders and gardeners,
are at an increased risk of developing skin cancer because of prolonged exposure to
the sun. This is relevant for both squamous cell and basal cell cancers.
Black- or brown-skinned people have an extremely low risk of developing skin cancer
because the melanin pigment in their skin gives them protection. A fair-skinned
person who tends to go red or freckle in the sun will be most at risk. Children and
young adults who have been overexposed to the sun have an increased risk of
developing some form of skin cancer especially if they are fair skinned. This will not
show up until later on in life – usually after about the age of 40, and often not until the
age of 60 or 70.
The regular use of sunlamps and sunbeds can increase the risk of developing some
skin cancers but this is seen mainly in people who have used them excessively and
regularly for many years.
Radiotherapy given to treat other conditions can sometimes cause skin cancers,
particularly basal cell cancers, in the treatment area later in life.
Lowered immunity
People who have to take drugs that lower their immunity (immunosupressants) – for
example, after a kidney transplant – are at an increased risk of getting skin cancer.
Squamous cell cancers are most frequent but basal cell cancers and melanomas are
also more common in these people than in the general population.
However, the reason for taking the immunosuppressants outweighs the potential risk
of skin cancer. If you‟ve had a transplant it‟s important that you see your doctor
regularly to check for early signs of skin cancer.
Exposure to chemicals
coal tar
paraffin waxes
petroleum derivatives
cutting oils
You should wear protective clothing if you are handling these substances frequently.
Very small amounts of these chemicals used in the home are unlikely to cause skin
cancer but you should follow the manufacturer‟s instructions for their use.
Genetic conditions
Most skin cancers are not caused by an inherited faulty gene that can be passed on
to other family members, so members of your family are not likely to have an
increased risk of developing it. However, families are likely to have the same skin
type, which may increase their risk of developing a skin cancer.
In India, between the years 2001-2003, across five urban centers - Mumbai, Delhi,
Chennai, Bhopal and Bangalore, – and one rural center - Barshi, a total of 709 cases
of Melanoma and other types of skin cancers were registered (1.60% of all cancers)
for males across all age groups; while 479 cases of Melanoma and other types of
skin cancers were registered (1.08% of all cancers) for females across all age
groups. Considering all men, women and children with all types of cancers together,
a grand total of 1,188 cases of Melanoma and other types of skin cancers (1.34% of
all cancers) were registered at the six centers mentioned above, between the year
Globocan 2008: Cancer incidence and mortality rates worldwide
Population based cancer registry 2001-2003 Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Bhopal, Barshi and Banglore,
Indian Cancer Society.
TATA Memorial Hospital Registry Data for 2006
Squamous cell cancers most often develop in areas that have been damaged by
exposure to the sun. They are mainly found on the face, bald scalps, arms, backs of
hands and lower legs.
Squamous cell cancers have a scaly appearance and sometimes have a hard, horny
cap. They can feel tender to touch.
If you notice anything unusual on your skin which does not go away within a month,
you should show it to your doctor. However, there are many other conditions that
may appear in the skin which are not cancer, especially in older people. You may
want to have these treated for cosmetic reasons.
However, many doctors would prefer to get a skin specialist to remove any
suspected skin cancer.
At the hospital
Most people with suspected skin cancer are referred to a specialist at their local
hospital for advice and treatment. A specialist in treating skin diseases is called a
dermatologist . However, depending on the area of the body affected by the cancer
and the type of treatment needed you may also be referred to:
a general surgeon
a plastic surgeon.
Often these doctors work together and are known as a multidisciplinary team, or
MDT. Other staff will be available to help if necessary, such as:
The specialist will be able to tell a great deal from a simple examination of the
affected area of skin. However, it‟s not always possible to tell the difference between
skin cancers and benign (non-cancerous) conditions by examination alone, so you
may be advised to have a biopsy.
This is a quick and simple procedure which can usually be done in the outpatients
department using a local anaesthetic. The doctor will remove all or part of the
affected area and send it to the laboratory. In the laboratory it will be examined under
a microscope by a pathologist.
Further tests
If you have a basal cell cancer, you probably won‟t need any further tests as long as
the cancer has been completely removed. This is because basal cell cancers almost
never spread.
If you have a squamous cell cancer, your doctor may want to examine you all over as
well as taking a biopsy. This is to make sure that you don‟t need any further
treatment as squamous cell cancers can occasionally spread.
The tests are particularly important if you‟ve had treatment for skin cancer before and
it has come back (recurred). During the physical examination, your doctor will
probably feel the lymph glands close to the cancer to see if any of them are enlarged.
They may recommend that you have an operation to sample some of the nearby
nodes if they think there‟s a risk that the cancer has spread to them. This is rare and
will not be needed if you have a basal cell carcinoma (BCC).
Very occasionally, ultrasound, CT or MRI scans are done if your doctor thinks there‟s
a possibility that the cancer has begun to spread. These scans are not usually
needed when you are first diagnosed.
It may take 2-4 weeks for the results of the biopsy to be ready. A follow-up
appointment to give you the results may be arranged before you go home.
This waiting period will be an anxious time for you. It may help to talk things over with
a close friend or relative, or a support organisation .
Although it is rare for squamous cell cancers to spread, tests to find the stage may be
done because in some people they may spread.
Stage 0 is also called carcinoma in situ. Carcinoma in situ means that cancer cells
are present, but they are all contained in a small area in the top layer of skin (the
epidermis). They have not started to spread or grow into deeper layers of skin.
Squamous cell stage 0 is also called Bowen's disease. If it is not treated, it can
develop into a squamous cell skin cancer.
Stage 1 The cancer is less than 2cm across and has not spread
Stage 2 The cancer is more than 2cm across and has not spread
Stage 3 The cancer has spread into the tissues under the skin and possibly to
nearby lymph nodes
Stage 4 The cancer has spread to another part of the body. This very rarely occurs
with either squamous or basal cell cancers of the skin.
Another staging system known as the TNM system is commonly used. This can give
more precise information about the extent of the cancer.
Types of treatment
Surgery is an important treatment for many skin cancers. Surgery can be done in a
variety of ways. Small cancers can usually be removed under local anaesthetic.
When larger tumours are removed, skin grafts or flaps are sometimes needed to
replace the removed skin. A skin graft is a thin layer of healthy skin taken from
another part of the body. This is done under either a local or general anaesthetic. In
many cases, surgery is the only treatment needed. Rarely, patients with squamous
cell skin cancers will also have surgery to remove nearby lymph nodes .
Radiotherapy may be given after surgery if there is a risk that some cancer cells may
still be present. Sometimes it is used for tumours that have grown into the deeper
layers of the skin.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a newer treatment for skin cancer. It uses light
sources, combined with a light-sensitive drug (sometimes called a photosensitising
agent) to destroy cancer cells.
Topical immunotherapy Another cream that is used to treat some BCCs and SCCs
uses the immune system to attack the cancer cells. The cream is also applied directly
to the skin cancer and is known as imiquimod (Aldara®).
Planning treatment
Your doctor will plan your treatment taking into account a number of factors including:
your age
your general health
the type of skin cancer
the size of the cancer
where it is on your body
what the cells look like under the microscope.
You may be asked to take part in a clinical trial of a new treatment. A team of doctors
and other staff will work together to decide the best treatment for you. They will follow
national cancer treatment guidelines.
Don‟t be afraid to ask your doctor or nurse if you have any questions about your
treatment. It often helps to make a list of questions. You may want to take a close
friend or relative with you to appointments. They can remind you of questions you
want to ask, and afterwards help you remember what was said.
Before you have any treatment, your doctor will explain its aims. You will usually be
asked to sign a form saying that you give your permission (consent) for the hospital
staff to give you the treatment. No medical treatment can be given without your
consent. Before you are asked to sign the form you should be given full information
the type and extent of the treatment you are advised to have
the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment
any other treatments that may be available
any significant risks or side effects of the treatment.
If you don‟t understand what you have been told, let the staff know straight away so
that they can explain again. Some cancer treatments are complex, so it‟s not unusual
for people to need repeated explanations.
It‟s often a good idea to have a friend or relative with you when the treatment is
explained. This can help you remember the discussion more fully.
People often feel that hospital staff are too busy to answer their questions, but it‟s
important for you to be aware of how the treatment is likely to affect you. The staff
should be willing to make time for you to ask questions. You can talk to the specialist
nurse in dermatology at the hospital or our cancer support specialists on 0808 808 00
Second opinion
Usually a number of cancer specialists work together as a team and they use
national treatment guidelines to decide on the most suitable treatment for a person.
Even so, you may want to have another medical opinion. Either your specialist, or
your GP, should be willing to refer you to another specialist for a second opinion, if
you feel it will be helpful.
Getting a second opinion may delay the start of your treatment, so you and your
doctor need to be confident that it will give you useful information.
If you do go for a second opinion, it may be a good idea to take a friend or relative
with you and have a list of questions ready, so that you can make sure your concerns
are covered during the discussion.
Small cancers can often be removed by cutting them out (excision), or by a technique
known as curettage and electrocautery .
Larger tumours are more likely to be cut out (excised) and the skin replaced with a
skin graft or a skin flap if necessary.
Many small skin cancers are removed by simple surgery. The surgeon or
dermatologist will remove the lump and also some normal-looking skin around it to try
to make sure that the cancer has completely gone.
You will have stitches that may need to be removed 5-14 days after your operation.
Sometimes surgeons use stitches that dissolve and don‟t need to be removed.
Most operations will be done under local anaesthetic and you‟ll probably be able to
go home the same day. The wound will be covered by a dressing. The staff at the
hospital will explain how to take care of the area and the dressing. If necessary, they
can arrange for your district nurse to change your dressings at home.
If the tumour is large or spreading, a larger area of skin may have to be removed.
You may then need a skin graft skin graft or, less commonly, a skin flap to cover the
wound. Skin grafts and flaps are layers of skin taken from another part of the body
and placed over the area from which the skin cancer has been removed.
A skin graft is a very thin layer of skin. The surgeon (often a plastic surgeon) will
take a layer of skin from another part of the body (known as the donor site). The
inner thigh is a common place from which to take the skin. It is then put over the area
where the cancer has been removed.
A skin flap is a slightly thicker layer of skin which is taken from an area very close to
the wound where the cancer has been removed. The flap is cut away but left partly
connected so it still has a blood supply. It is moved over the wound and stitched in
place. This is a very specialised type of surgery and you may have to travel to a
different hospital to have it.
If you have a skin graft you can probably go home the same day. But if the graft is
large, or if you have a skin flap, you may have to stay in hospital for up to four days.
You may also have to stay in hospital if you have other health problems. With a skin
graft you will normally have a dressing over the area to press the graft down. This
helps it to create a good blood supply from the blood vessels underneath.
A skin graft for the face will usually be taken from behind the ear or the neck area to
try to get a good match for the skin colour. The area where the graft has been placed
will look very noticeable to begin with, but will heal within about two weeks or so. It
will then fade so that it is less obvious.
Sometimes a graft is taken from the thigh area: this takes about two weeks or more
to heal and may be a bit sore. The area from which the graft was taken will also
become less noticeable when it has healed.
This is very specialist surgery and is only available at a few hospitals in the UK. Your
specialist may refer you to one of these centres if they think that this technique may
be necessary for you.
In Mohs surgery, the tumour is removed piece by piece. As each piece is removed, it
is examined under a microscope straight away. Skin tissue is gradually removed until
there are no signs of any cancer cells. This technique aims to remove as little healthy
skin as possible, while making sure that all the cancer has been taken away.
Mohs surgery is particularly useful for basal cell cancers that have come back in the
same place, or where the doctor thinks that the cancer has begun to spread into the
surrounding area. It is also sometimes used for skin cancers on the face (to minimise
the effects of surgery) or for large skin cancers. The procedure is often done under
local anaesthetic and you are usually allowed to go home the same day.
If you are having a large tumour removed, you may also need to have a skin graft or
flap to cover the wound.
This means scraping away the cancer and using heat or electricity to stop any
bleeding. First you will be given a local anaesthetic. When the area is numb, the
doctor will scrape away the cancer using a spoon-shaped instrument called a curette.
An electrically heated loop or needle is then applied to cauterise the wound (stop any
bleeding) and destroy any remaining cancer cells. Usually this treatment gives good
cosmetic results. A few people may develop some scarring which may be more
noticeable if you have fair skin.
If there is evidence that squamous cell cancer has spread, you may need to have
some lymph glands removed. This operation, called a lymphadenectomy, is done to
see whether there are any cancer cells in the lymph glands. If cancer cells are
present, removing the lymph glands can also help to prevent further spread. This is
quite a large operation and is done under a general anaesthetic.
It is only necessary for a very small number of people who have squamous cell
cancer and is not done for patients with basal cell cancer as these types of skin
cancer almost never spread to the lymph nodes.
After a lymphadenectomy, you will have tubes (drains) in place to allow fluid to drain
from the wound. These will be removed a few days after the operation.
Occasionally this operation may cause swelling of the affected area. The swelling is
called lymphoedema and happens because lymph fluid cannot drain properly from
the area after the lymph nodes have been removed.
Skin grafts
Surgery for all types of skin cancer involves removing the affected area and some of
the surrounding, healthy-looking, skin.
If the area is fairly small, it will be possible to close the wound by bringing the edges
of skin together. Larger wounds may need a skin graft to cover the area. Skin grafts
are layers of skin taken from another part of the body (the donor site) and placed
over the area where the cancer has been removed.
A partial thickness (or split thickness) skin graft is where the epidermis and a part of
the dermis layer is used. The skin is usually taken from the thigh, buttock or upper
arm. Skin will grow back in this area.
A full thickness skin graft is where the epidermis and the full dermis layers are used.
In this case, only a small area is taken from the donor site and the skin edges of the
donor site are then stitched together to heal. Skin may be taken from the neck, the
area behind the ears and the inner side of the upper arm.
You may have either a general or a local anaesthetic depending on the area being
grafted. Your doctors will advise you which is best for you.
Once the skin layer has been removed from the donor site, it is placed over the
wound where the cancer has been removed. It can then either be laid over the area
or secured in place with stitches. You will have a dressing over the grafted area and
this is left in place while the graft heals. The skin graft will connect with the blood
supply from the area and this allows it to „take‟ and survive. This usually takes 5–7
You will also have a dressing on the donor site to protect it from infection. For a
partial thickness skin graft, healing will take about two weeks, but the area may
remain red for some time after this.
With a full thickness graft, the donor area will take about five days to heal.
The donor area can often feel more uncomfortable than the grafted area and you
may need to take regular painkillers.
You can usually go home the same day or you may need a short stay in hospital.
This depends on where the graft is and how big it is.
If the grafted area is on your hand, you may have a sling to help keep your arm
raised as much as possible. If the graft is on your leg, it is important to keep your leg
up when possible. This helps prevent swelling and reduces pain.
You will need to take things gently for the first two weeks to allow the graft to heal
properly. The grafted area is quite fragile, so it is important not to rub or brush
against the graft or the dressing, or to put any pressure on the area.
Avoid any kind of exercise that might stretch or injure the graft for a few weeks. Start
with some gentle exercise and build it up. You might need to take some time off
work, depending on where the graft is and the kind of work you do. Your specialist
will give you more advice on this.
Sometimes the grafted area may bleed or get infected. This may cause the graft to
fail. It is important to contact your doctors if the area becomes painful , red and
swollen. You are more likely to have problems with the graft if you smoke.
Both the grafted and donor areas will develop scars. These should gradually fade.
They usually heal well with time, especially if they are on the face. Using a
moisturising cream can help keep the skin supple.
There will be some difference between the grafted skin and the skin in the
surrounding area. This should lessen over time. If you are concerned about the
appearance of the area, you could try camouflage make-up. Some hospitals have
specialist nurses who can show you the best way to apply this.
Your feelings
You may have many different emotions , including anxiety and fear. These are
normal reactions and are part of the process many people go through in trying to
come to terms with their condition.
How you feel about the way you look is an important part of self-esteem, so if your
skin graft has affected your appearance even slightly, this can also have an effect on
your feelings.
Everybody has their own way of coping with difficult situations; some people find it
helpful to talk to friends or family, while others prefer to seek help from people
outside their situation. Some people prefer to keep their feelings to themselves.
There is no right or wrong way to cope, but help is available if you need it.
After the treatment you may feel an aching or throbbing sensation in the area for a
minute or two. Within an hour or so the area may blister. This is to be expected, and
the blister may contain blood. Fluid may need to be drained from the blister using a
sterile needle, but the top of the blister should be left intact. The treated area needs
to be covered with a dressing until a scab forms.
About two weeks after the treatment, the scab drops off and the cancer cells should
have cleared. You may have a white scar in the area. Occasionally, you may need
more than one cryotherapy treatment to get rid of the tumour completely.
Radiotherapy works well for skin cancers and is particularly useful in areas where
surgery might be difficult or disfiguring (such as the face), and for tumours that have
penetrated deeply into the skin.
The treatment is given in the hospital radiotherapy department. Often only a single
treatment is needed, but sometimes several doses of treatment are necessary and
these are given over a period of one or more weeks. Your doctor will discuss your
individual treatment plan with you.
The radiotherapy treatment affects only a small area of skin and will not make you
feel unwell. For a week or two after treatment, the treated skin will be red and
inflamed. During this time, it will look as though the treatment has made things worse
rather than better. This is normal. After a few weeks the area will dry up and form a
crust or scab.
Over another week or so, the scab will peel away, leaving healed skin underneath. At
first, this new skin will look pinker than the skin around it. This will gradually fade, and
the treated area will come to look like the skin around it, although it can eventually be
slightly paler.
Radiotherapy to areas that produce hair, such as the head, can make the hair fall out
in the treated area. Your hair may grow back within 6–12 months, depending on the
dose of radiotherapy and the length of treatment you‟ve had. Some people find that
the hair loss is permanent.
Your clinical oncologist can discuss with you whether your hair is likely to grow back
once the treatment has ended. Radiotherapy does not make you radioactive and it is
perfectly safe for you to be around other people, including children, throughout your
PDT uses light sources combined with a light-sensitive drug (sometimes called a
photosensitising agent) to destroy cancer cells. PDT is particularly suitable in areas
where the cancer develops in skin directly overlying bone, such as Bowen‟s disease
on the shins and hands.
Before your treatment the doctor may remove any scabs from the area. A
photosensitising cream (for example, Metvix®, which contains methyl
aminolevulinate) will then be applied to your skin. It will be left on for a specific time
period, usually between 3–6 hours, depending on the type of cream that is used. This
is so that it can penetrate into the skin.
After the cream is removed, the doctor shines a special light onto the treatment area.
The light treatment usually lasts somewhere between 8–45 minutes depending on
the light source used.
Afterwards a dressing is put on to cover the area and protect it from light. You may
need to keep the dressing on the treated area for up to 36 hours after your treatment.
You will be given instructions about this before you leave hospital.
Usually only one treatment of PDT is needed, but occasionally two or three further
treatments may be given if your skin cancer is thick. Your doctor or nurse will be able
to give you more detailed information about your specific PDT treatment.
Pain Before your PDT treatment, your doctor or specialist nurse may advise you to
take a couple of paracetamol tablets to prevent any possible pain. For many people
this is all they need, but occasionally a local anaesthetic is given before treatment.
At the end of treatment a steroid cream may be applied to the treated area to stop it
becoming painful. When you go home you may be given steroid cream to use if the
area becomes painful.
Sensitivity to light The treated area of skin will be sensitive to daylight and bright,
indoor lighting. This effect will probably last for about 24 hours. You will need to keep
the treated area of skin covered during this time to avoid the skin becoming burnt.
After that you can wash, bathe or shower as usual, but you will still need to treat your
skin gently and not rub the area until it has healed.
After PDT, a crust may form over the treated area. The crust will fall off naturally in a
few weeks, leaving the healed new skin underneath. Usually there is no scarring and
the appearance of the healed skin is very good.
The chemotherapy cream is usually applied once or twice a day for a number of
weeks. If possible, a waterproof dressing should be put over the cream, although it
can sometimes be difficult to put a dressing on some areas of the body.
The treatment should make the skin red and inflamed. Once the area becomes sore
and weepy, the treatment will need to be stopped. Your doctor can prescribe a
steroid cream to reduce the inflammation if it‟s too sore. The skin will take a week or
two to heal after the treatment has finished.
Exposure to the sun can make the inflammation worse, so you should protect the
area until it has healed. Usually there are no other side effects with this type of
You will be given the cream to take home and asked to apply it once a day for a
number of weeks. Some redness or crusting of the skin occurs during the treatment
but there should be no permanent scarring. If the skin reaction is very strong your
doctor may give you a steroid cream to use.
Occasionally the cream may cause shivers with flu-like symptoms. If this is the case,
you should let your doctor or specialist nurse know as they may advise you to stop
using it.
Your doctor or specialist nurse can give you more detailed instructions on how to use
your immunotherapy cream and how to manage any side effects.
Trials that are carried out on patients are known as clinical trials .
Trials are the only reliable way to find out if a different operation,type of
chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or other treatment is better than what is already
You may be asked to take part in a treatment research trial. There can be many
benefits in doing this. Trials help to improve knowledge about cancer and develop
new treatments. You will also be carefully monitored during and after the study.
Usually several hospitals around the country take part in these trials.
It is important to consider that some treatments that look promising at first are often
later found not to be as good as existing treatments, or to have side effects that
outweigh the benefits.
If you decide not to take part in a trial your decision will be respected and you do not
have to give a reason. There will be no change in the way that you are treated by the
hospital staff and you will be offered the standard treatment for your situation.
For many people who have surgery for basal cell cancers and very early stage
squamous cell cancers, no further follow-up will be required.
However, your doctor may want you to have regular check-ups for a time to make
sure that the cancer has not returned, and the treatment has been fully successful.
These check-ups are a good opportunity to discuss with your doctor any problems or
worries you may have.
Once you have had one skin cancer you are at more risk of developing another skin
cancer. You are also more at risk of developing a recurrence of your skin cancer at
the site where you had it before. So it‟s important that you check the rest of your skin
for any new symptoms or changes that could be cancer.
If you notice any new symptoms, or you have any worries, you should discuss them
with your GP or specialist. For people whose treatment is over apart from regular
check-ups, our booklet on adjusting to life after cancer gives useful advice on how to
keep healthy and re-adjust to life after cancer.
Although your skin cancer is likely to be cured you may feel anxious or upset for a
while. Talking to family and friends about how you are feeling often helps. You can
also talk to your doctor or specialist nurse for advice and support.
Occasionally some people may need more advice and support from their healthcare
professionals and family and friends. Sometimes it‟s easier to talk to someone who‟s
not directly involved. Your specialist or GP can usually refer you to a trained
counsellor who can help.
There are precautions that you can take to protect your skin:
Wear clothing made of cotton or natural fibres which are closely woven and
offer good protection against the sun.
Protect your face and neck with a wide-brimmed hat.
Always wear sunglasses in strong sunlight.
Use a high-factor sunscreen (SPF 30 or above) whenever you are exposed to
the sun. Follow the instructions on the bottle and re-apply as recommended,
particularly after swimming.
Never allow your skin to burn.
Minimise sun exposure during the hottest part of the day – usually between
Use fake-tanning lotions or sprays rather than sitting in the sun or using a
Advice on how to talk to other people, talking to children, relationships and sexuality.
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