Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
Addition Test WS
3 10S 16-17
Objective O r al a n d me n t al s t a r t e r
Students will learn . 62 . 14 23
1 to review addition of single digit, 2-digit and . 12 3 . 18 31
3-digit numbers. . 14 7 . 9 23
. 22 34 . 17 33
Teaching notes . 102 6 . 25 175
T a s k ( m a i n t e a c h i n g ac t i v i t y )
The purpose of the Task is to practice the addition of smaller numbers. The meaning of the word
`consecutive' should be made clear.
You might also check that students know there are eleven players in a cricket team, and also that the
smallest possible score is zero.
Examples of additions set out linearly are included after the Task.
Distance charts are used in the Exercise to provide data for the additions.
P l e n ar y
This lesson is revision. You may find it helpful to choose a question from the Exercise (e.g. 3(c)) to
provide a worked example for the Plenary.
The computer program DLK Mathswork `Magic Squares' could be used to provide material for all
levels of ability.
Website links
Click on `games' then `fighter pilot'.
A highly addictive game involving addition, subtraction and multiplication. The calculations are straight
forward with nothing harder than the nine times table. The speed of the game makes it quite a
challenge. Questions fall from the sky. You have to use the arrow keys to move under the questions,
type your answer and then fire it using the space arrow. All this whilst trying to avoid being bombed!
24 Formula One Maths Book A1 Q 2003, Hodder & Stoughton Educational Basic number 3
Subtraction WS
11S 18-19
Objective O r al a n d me n t al s t a r t e r
Students will learn . 3 60 . 180 70
1 to review subtraction of numbers up to 1000. . 60 25 . 180 105
. 120 15 . 2 60 add 15
. 60 45 . 100 68
. 180 20 . 108 81
Teaching notes
This lesson is set in the context of recording videos, subtracting from l80 with borrowing, and
calculated by two different methods.
The subtractions at the bottom of the page involve subtracting from 1000 (i.e. subtracting when the
preceding digit is zero).
These are shown by two different methods: Example 1 equal differences
Example 2 decomposition.
Pl ena r y
The working out after Discussion Point 1, and Examples 1 and 2 at the bottom of the page, ensure that
all aspects of subtraction are covered. Refer to these during the Plenary.
Website links
This site tests all manner of numeracy (including addition and subtraction) up to multlplying two digit
numbers by two digit numbers. The reward for success is to advance in a baseball game (no prior
knowledge of the game is required). It is possible for pairs to play against each other.
Both this and the previous site can be used as practice for using the four basic operations throughout
this chapter.
3 Basic number Formula One Maths Book A1 Q 2003, Hodder & Stoughton Educational 25
Short multiplication and division WS
12S 20-21
Objectives O r al a n d me n t al s t a r t e r
Students will revise . 28 . 17 2
1 the 2, 3, 4, and 5 times tables . 44 . 32 3
2 multiplying and dividing by single digit numbers . 37 . 48 4
3 multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000 etc. . 20 3 . 104 2
4 working with thousands and millions. . 40 5 . 1555 3
Teaching notes
The work in this lesson consolidates and uses ideas which the students learnt in Chapter 1.
This is set in the context of a multi-million pound football transfer deal.
T a s k ( m a i n t e a c h i n g ac t i v i t y )
This matches numbers and words involving thousands and millions.
Euros: As this transfer deal involves European players the currencies used are Euros, which may need
?1±2 to be explained, and £s sterling.
Multiplications on this page involve only the 2, 3, 4, and 5 times tables, but are extended to include
thousands and millions.
P l e n ar y
The Oral and mental starter covers Objective 1. The workings for Discussion Points 1 and 2 cover the
remaining lesson Objectives. Refer to the calculations in bubbles for the Plenary.
WS WS There are two Worksheets of mixed ability available for this and the next lesson on Multiplication and
14 15
Division. It is suggested the students are asked to do sections A and B of Worksheet 14 only at this
stage. Sections C and D are given as extension material to challenge more able students, leading to
remainders on Worksheet 15. This work is covered in Chapter 24 (Accuracy).
26 Formula One Maths Book A1 Q 2003, Hodder & Stoughton Educational Basic number 3
Long multiplication and more division WS
13S 22-23
Objectives O r al a n d me n t al s t a r t e r
Students will . 15 2 . 20 40
. 15 10 . 20 43
1 review and practice long multiplication
. 150 30 . 25 4
2 use all the multiplication tables
. 15 12 . 25 20
. 20 3 . 25 24
Teaching notes
This is set in the context of booking holidays and involves examples of long multiplication and
The working for long multiplication and division is laid out on the page but students reading it is not
?1±2 the same as their understanding it. These two discussion points give you the opportunity to ask
questions like `Where does the 0 come from?'
1 4 4 4 5
7 2 2 1
4 0 3 2 3
1 0 0 5 9
9 1 9 5
6 4 4 4 1
The final Discussion Point involves short division. Many students will have no problems with this, but
?3 we use it as an opportunity to satisfy yourself that this is the case.
Pl ena r y
The calculations in Discussion Points 1 and 2 cover the Objectives. Choose similar calculations to
provide worked examples for the Plenary.
3 Basic number Formula One Maths Book A1 Q 2003, Hodder & Stoughton Educational 27
Multiples and divisibilty tests
Objective O r al a n d me n t al s t a r t e r
Students will learn . 6 2 . 432 4
. 26 2 . 55
1 the tests for divisibility by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9.
. 206 2 . 5 2, then divide by 10
. 2006 2 . 55 5
Teaching notes . 32 4 . 55 2, then divide by 10
This is set in the context of selecting lottery numbers.
?1 For the first Discussion Point the meaning of the word `multiple' needs to be discussed. A `multiple'
is a number obtained after multiplication, e.g. 4, 8, 12, 16 are all multples of 4. The second part
of the Discussion Point is covered in the thought bubbles and the following paragraph on the page.
Also the test for divisibility by 10 can be added.
Students need to be secure in their knowledge of the three times table before starting the Task.
In the test for divisibility by 2, the word `even' is used and defined.
T a s k ( m a i n t e a c h i n g ac t i v i t y )
The Task leads pupils to discover the test for divisibility by 3, and with help by 9 also.
By dividing by 3, the pupils separate the numbers in the given list into those divisible by 3 and those
not divisible by 3.
(a) 36, 507, 2139, 4086, 7125
(b) 11, 1042, 2087, 4096
Notice 3 6 9, 5 0 7 12, 2 1 3 9 15, 4 0 8 6 18, 7 1 2 5 15
i.e. that the sum of the digits in the first group all add up to a multiple of 3, whereas the second
group do not.
?2 For the second Discussion Point numbers divisible by 9 are 36 and 4086 because the digits add up to a
multiple of 9.
Lastly, the tests for divisibility by 4 and by 8 are given.
Students who move quickly through the lesson may be invited to find the divisibility rule for 11.
Take for example 34 716. Add the digits for numbers in odd positions counting from the left:
3 7 6 16. Add the remaining digits: 4 1 5. Find the difference: 16 5 11. If the difference
is either 0 or divisible by 11, the original number is divisible by 11; 34 716 11 3156.
Or more simply, a three digit number is divisible by 11 if the outer digits add to make the centre digit.
E.g. 297; 2 7 9, therefore 297 is divisible by 11.
P l e n ar y
Choose a large number e.g. 9225 to apply each of the divisibility tests to. This will provide a review of
the tests covered in the lesson.
28 Formula One Maths Book A1 Q 2003, Hodder & Stoughton Educational Basic number 3
Basic number test
Test Test
1 Without a calculator, work out:
(a) 12 13 (b) 74 83 (c) 24 68 121 (d) 268 354 455 (4)
2 Without a calculator, work out:
(a) 12 7 (b) 76 28 (c) 256 142 (d) 321 289 (4)
3 Use the distance chart opposite to work
out the following.
(a) How far would you travel if you flew
from Aberdeen to Edinburgh, then
from Edinburgh to Leeds. (2)
(b) How far as it to travel from Aberdeen
to Leeds directly? (1)
(c) What is the difference between the
answer to (a) and (b)? (1)
4 Five children share a giant tube of 175
smarties. How many will they each get? (2)
5 John earns £25 000 per year.
If he worked in Paris he would be paid in
Euros (£1 1.58 Euros).
How much would he earn per year in Paris? (2)
6 Seven friends go to the cinema. They have various prices to choose from.
7 Calculate
(a) 423 54 (b) 3888 12 (4)
8 Which of these numbers 2, 3, 5, 6 and 9 will divide exactly into:
(a) 36 (b) 105 (c) 53? (3)
9 Adam is paid £5 per hour from 10 am to 12 am and 1 pm to 5 pm.
(a) How much does he earn per day?
(b) How much does he earn for a five-day week? (3)
Total 30 marks
3 Basic number Formula One Maths Book A1 Q 2003, Hodder & Stoughton Educational 29
Worksheet Basic number WS
1 Work out the following totals.
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 5
3 1 2 4
2 Work out the following totals.
(a) 43 (b) 39 (c) 47 (d) 26
22 26 25 34
3 This table shows the distances, in miles, between some towns in
o ug
y or
Co H arb
rket h
Ma oug
8 5 sb
De ll
t h we
8 7 2 Ro g
t e rin
10 9 5 3 Ket
30 Formula One Maths Book A1 Q 2003, Hodder & Stoughton Educational Basic number 3
Basic number
Worksheet WS
1 In a game each player picks two cards from a pack.
It is a winning go if the total is 15.
(a) If you pick a 7 first, what do you need to win?
(b) If you pick a 9 first, what do you need to win?
(c) If you pick a 6 first, what do you need to win?
(d) If you pick a 10 first, what do you need to win?
2 Work out the following subtractions.
(a) 9 (b) 7 (c) 13 (d) 14
5 5 9 6
3 Work out the following subtractions.
(a) 45 (b) 76 (c) 53 (d) 79
23 41 23 43
4 Work out the following subtractions.
(a) 62 (b) 73 (c) 61 (d) 41
18 38 29 17
5 Work out the following subtractions.
(a) 61 (b) 90 (c) 41 (d) 77
17 49 13 59
6 Work out the following subtractions.
(a) 90 (b) 99 (c) 71 (d) 81
81 52 66 79
3 Basic number Formula One Maths Book A1 Q 2003, Hodder & Stoughton Educational 31
Worksheet Basic number WS
Short multiplication and division
A Multiplication practice
1 Work out the following multiplications.
(a) 3 7 (b) 5 9 (c) 7 6 (d) 8 4
3 70 5 90 7 60 8 40
3 700 5 900 7 600 8 400
(e) 2 9 (f) 5 11 (g) 8 6 (h) 5 4
2 90 5 110 8 60 5 40
2 900 5 1100 8 600 5 400
2 One theatre ticket costs £4.
How much does it cost for
(a) 3 tickets (b) 30 tickets (c) 300 tickets?
3 One cinema ticket costs £3.
How much does it cost for
(a) (i) 5 tickets (ii) 50 tickets (iii) 500 tickets?
(b) (i) 7 tickets (ii) 70 tickets (iii) 700 tickets?
B Division practice
1 Work out these divisions
(a) 12 4 (b) 45 9 (c) 42 7 (d) 64 8
2 (a) Three theatre tickets cost £30.
How much does one
(b) Eight cinema tickets cost £24.
How much does one
ticket cost? ticket cost?
(c) Seven coach tickets cost £56. (d) Four friends go on a trip. The
How much does one total cost is £48. How much
ticket cost? each does it cost?
(e) Seven friends go on a trip. The total cost is £63.
How much each is that?
3 Work out these divisions.
(a) 36 9 (b) 54 6 (c) 72 8 (d) 63 7
360 9 540 6 720 8 630 7
3600 9 5400 6 7200 8 6300 7
(e) 18 2 (f) 35 5 (g) 27 9 (h) 40 4
180 2 350 5 270 9 400 4
1800 2 3500 5 2700 9 4000 4
32 Formula One Maths Book A1 Q 2003, Hodder & Stoughton Educational Basic number 3
Basic number
Worksheet WS
Long multiplication and more division
A Multiplication
Example 35 9
1 Work out the following multiplications.
(a) 24 (b) 52 (c) 36 (d) 22
3 4 6 7
2 (a) 26
(b) 31
(c) 59
(d) 94
B Division
Example 268 4
1 Calculate these divisions.
(a) 3)138 (b) 5)245 (c) 2)156 (d) 3)234
(e) 5)530 (f) 6)186 (g) 4)528 (h) 6)756
(i) 8)176 ( j) 3)864 (k) 9)378 (l) 5)7695
2 (a) 14)504 (b) 24)552 (c) 17)884 (d) 19)1957
3 Basic number Formula One Maths Book A1 Q 2003, Hodder & Stoughton Educational 33
Basic number WS
A A two digit number by a one digit number
l1 51 9 l
2 25 4 l3 33 7 l4 28 6
l5 47 6 l
6 36 6 l7 26 3 l8 37 3
l9 88 4 l
10 19 6 l
11 27 6 l
12 77 5
13 47 9 l
14 25 3 l
15 26 4 l
16 46 3
17 98 8 l
18 56 9 l
19 47 7 l
20 87 9
l1 59 20 l
2 45 15 l3 19 13 l
4 26 21
l5 73 59 l
6 29 16 l7 22 15 l
8 73 25
l9 28 32 l
10 84 72 l
11 89 56 l
12 79 28
13 42 26 l
14 99 98 l
15 89 73 l
16 74 24
17 78 64 l
18 67 54 l
19 48 25 l
20 76 42
l1 102 12 l
2 421 12 l3 112 15 l
4 327 99
l5 384 66 l
6 193 31 l7 126 50 l
8 371 35
l9 555 16 l
10 200 14 l
11 305 25 l
12 127 92
13 796 27 l
14 301 99 l
15 999 99 l
16 122 17
17 363 63 l
18 757 16 l
19 398 87 l
20 999 25
l1 4278 642 l
2 2565 154 l3 1231 150 l
4 1204 387
l5 6957 312 l
6 2111 121 l7 1060 224 l
8 3751 713
l9 2333 122 l
10 4035 272 l
11 4567 250 l
12 9021 245
13 9899 899 l
14 2134 567 l
15 7342 537 l
16 9999 365
17 2222 157 l
18 9327 777 l
19 9327 234 l
20 1458 870
34 Formula One Maths Book A1 Q 2003, Hodder & Stoughton Educational Basic number 3
Basic number
Worksheet WS
A Short division by a single digit number
1 52 2 l
2 40 5 l3 624 2 l
4 2635 5
5 1324 4 l
6 925 5 l7 60 2 l
8 135 5
9 636 2 l
10 68 4 l
11 184 8 l
12 885 5
13 268 4 l
14 498 2 l
15 720 6 l
16 360 3
17 539 7 l
18 464 4 l
19 636 3 l
20 89 765 5
1 6705 15 l
2 716 244 12 l3 246 084 12 l
4 1248 26
5 6454 14 l
6 991 166 11 l7 3328 13 l
8 3300 15
9 1704 12 l
10 2519 11 l
11 2460 12 l
12 243 648 12
13 3345 15 l
14 7752 17 l
15 3367 13 l
16 94 848 24
17 141 372 27 l
18 524 400 25 l
19 334 455 11 l
20 29 640 65
1 749 2 l
2 1833 4 l3 976 3 l
4 5899 9
5 384 5 l
6 23 7 l7 275 5 l
8 365 4
9 217 4 l
10 179 7 l
11 164 3 l
12 958 8
13 854 3 l
14 79 9 l
15 29 7 l
16 54 4
17 897 8 l
18 365 4 l
19 567 6 l
20 496 7
1 7456 20 l
2 170 8 l3 973 4 l
4 4216 17
5 486 4 l
6 21 2 l7 421 4 l
8 766 5
9 357 4 l
10 122 4 l
11 258 4 l
12 7201 5
13 5478 12 l
14 987 5 l
15 556 5 l
16 517 4
17 42 896 5 l
18 3652 8 l
19 2486 44 l
20 893 420 8
3 Basic number Formula One Maths Book A1 Q 2003, Hodder & Stoughton Educational 35