Group 4 - Extended Abstract
Group 4 - Extended Abstract
Group 4 - Extended Abstract
Isaiah L. Quejadas
1. Too much load of online tasks make 98.7% of the 3. 56.6% can’t handle their lessons without the
respondents stressed out, but 1.3% of them aren’t traditional learning style of face-to-face classes, but
stressed out by the works given to them in online 43.4% of them answered that even without the
learning. instructor’s thorough explanation of the lesson, they
can understand and learn by themselves.
2. 81.6% contains the people who responded that they
are experiencing effects on their emotion due to 4. 82.9% of the respondents wanted to go back to the
online learning, while 18.4% of them answered normal way of learning which is the face-to-face
online classes doesn’t have an effect on their learning system after the end of the pandemic, while
emotion for the past few weeks. 17.1% prefer online learning instead of face-to-face
interaction with the instructors after the pandemic
3. 82.9% of the respondents’ sleeping schedule are ends.
affected by their class schedule. On the other hand,
17.1% of them answered that their sleep is not 5. 85.5% of the respondents responded that online
affected at all. learning does not contribute well for their mental
health during the time of pandemic, but 14.5% of
4. 69.7% of the respondents claim that they encounter respondents say that their mental health and welfare
mental problems during their online class, while are fine even with the implementation of online
30.3% of them are not experiencing mental issues at learning.
5. There are mixed opinions among the respondents. IV. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
32.9% of respondents disagree that online classes
motivate them to study harder in comparison to Conclusion
Malayan Colleges Laguna - Senior High School Research Papers
The researchers of section B23, group 4 of Malayan
Colleges Laguna, have concluded that most of the students
are able to cope up with their studies with the implementation
of the new online learning system in this pandemic, but there
are still some that are having a hard time coping. Even though
some are able to cope with it, they are experiencing mental
health and emotional problems just like the others that cannot
cope due to the different environment and situations that they
each have caused by the pandemic. Lastly, the results of the
survey from the 76 respondents showed that they prefer
face-to-face classes or suspension of classes more than taking
online classes till the pandemic ends.