Research Paper 12
Research Paper 12
Research Paper 12
The Influence of Internet as the Basic Learning Tools for Students of Tinago
Practical Research II
Submitted by:
This study aims to know how using internet as the basic way of learning affect
students regarding to their academic performances. We all know that most of the students
now at the 21st century is dependent in using internet in seeking information and answers
for them to provide their needs in their academic performances, so that we want to
investigate and to know if internet is giving positive or negative effects of how the
students perform academically. We are also conducting this research enable us to know
how important does the internet for the students of Tinago National High School on day
to day studying in school. Since most of us have our own gadgets that are connected to
the internet, we can easily use it as a medium for our studies. It is also perceived that the
both business interaction, the interaction of economic, social interaction, and government,
everyone, especially among student who are essentially still in the process of self, is still
full of flavor curious, and unstable. With this fact it is possible to abuse the use of the
Most of us says that using internet while studying is a big destruction for all the
students. Many students use internet for their personal purposes that will lead to abusing
internet and use it for bad things. We all know that using internet has a big impact to the
students, it has a negative and positive impacts. For the positive effect, internet made the
students to lessen their efforts regarding to their academic activities. It also helps students
to save their time while studying. The new web technology has made it easy for students
all over the world to get the skills they need to progress in society and enhance their
lifestyle. Students get savvy with computers and internet as much younger age. Such is
the impact of internet on education. It motivates the students to acquire better thinking
skills, remain well inform and grow as responsible citizens for their country.
connected between each other, the Internet is a medium that does not have the limitation
of information on each user, many people are highly dependent on the Internet, because
the Internet has many advantages that can simplify a lot of work, the internet is helpful
for effectiveness and efficiency. The shape of the effectiveness and efficiency of a given
Internet such as Internet has many services for its users so much to give ease and pamper
users. With the presence of the internet which is the development of information and
Indonesia has reached 42.5 million, the fourth highest in the world, about 18% of the
population of Indonesia has had the most popular social media accounts in this world.
The number of Twitter users in Indonesia amounted to 5.7 million, the third largest in the
world. The number of mobile phone users in Indonesia has reached 266 million numbers,
245 million people, including one of the countries with the largest population in the
world. The number of Internet users reached 55 million people. Number of Internet users
are increasingly modern and sophisticated this is not the only benefit users but also have
an impact that is not good for users, especially among students. Is perceived very well
that the development of Internet technology has changed the pattern of community
interaction, both business interaction, the interaction of economic, social interaction, and
information needed by everyone, especially among students who are essentially still in
the process of self, is still full of flavor curious, and unstable. With this fact it is possible
this research study exist. This research study occurs because of some instances of having
the effects in using internet as the basic way of learning for the students in this century. It
affects the academic performances of the students based on how they use internet to
supply their needs according on how they participate in educational purposes at the
school. It may give a positive or negative effect to the student in his or her academic
This study aims to acquire knowledge and more understanding by considering this
1. Does internet give basic learning for the students of Tinago National High
2. Does internet give a good impact to the study of the students of
3. Do all of the students of Tinago National High School receive this good impact of
This study will be conducted in the campus of Tinago National High School,
Tinago, Inopacan, Leyte, Philippines. The research instrument that I am going to use is
the questionnaires so that I can gather information easily and I can also save time so that I
can finish my study before the First Semester ends. The participants on this study will be
60 students from the junior as well as the senior high school. And the student’s profile
will be answered by having the age, gender, grade level, and the address of the
The significance of this study is to know on how internet affects the way of
learning of the students nowadays. And other significance will be considered as follows:
To find out the impacts of using internet to the students regarding in their
academic performances.
the student.
the student.
The hypothesis of this research was tested by knowing the relationship between
using internet of the students as their basic way of learning and the student’s academic
performances in the school. The research variables are the impacts of using internet as the
basic way of learning for the students and the student’s academic performances in the
According to Oghenetega and Igere (2014), over the years, the internet has been a
through the world and the gale has even caught up with developing countries like
provides access to the most diversified source of information hosted by individuals and
various organisation worlds wide on a vast network of servers (Ogungbeni, et al, 2016).
Various studies have found that Internet use can have positive benefits on educational
achievement (Chen & Fu, 2009). One puzzling question is the effective impact of the
where future developments and investments might be made, and what can be learnt from
the implementation of digital libraries within the continent. The study covers all aspects
of digital librarianship including library automation, ICT facilities, electronic and digital
resources, local content, electronic resources, finances, management and training, user
education and future plans. The study revealed that the number of libraries that can make
effective use of the e-resources that are now generally available to them is small. As only
15% of libraries provide more than one computer for every 100 students and in over half
of the libraries, less than 75% of the computers are Internet connected. Only 45% of the
The internet is a global linking of devices that allow information transfer. The
internet was established in the early 1960’s by the U.S department of defence (Schneider,
Evans and Pinard, 2006) for military purposes. It is a fact that the internet is one of the
instrument that has fostered the process of making the world a global village. The
the creation and exchange of information (Rose & Fernlund, 1997). It allows for the
exchange of information and for interaction among individuals in real time, making
There are approximately 2.4 billion people on earth who has access to the internet
with over 70 percent of them using the internet at least once a day. This amounts to a
total of 144 billion emails being sent every 24 hours (internet world statistics, 2012).
What started out as a hobby for some computer literate people has become a social norm
and way of life for people around the globe (Boyd, 2007). The Caribbean consist of
approximately 42 million people, 32.4% of which, use the internet (internet coaching
library, 2012). Internet use has become very popular in many areas as well as in
education in recent years. Accordingly, Internet access in schools has increased greatly
over the last 20 years (Berson, 2000). In a research article, Ying-Fang Chen and Samuel
showed that heavy Internet users and non-heavy Internet users differed significantly on a
staff, academic grades and learning satisfaction than heavy Internet users. Tuckman
concepts, skills, ideas and knowledge and proposed that grades clearly depict the
performance of students. Heavy users were more likely than non-heavy Internet users to
Musaud Asdaque, December, 2010. The use of the internet is one of the major factors
affecting the academic performance and social life of university students. The number of
hours spent on internet will affect the grades of students depending on if the internet is
used for study purpose or social purposes. Many studies have been conducted regarding
the type of information the end-users seek and obtain on the Internet and in which
circumstances they prefer electronic sources to paper sources (Tenopir et al.2003). Also,
students can gain from others’ knowledge and experiences, participate in chatrooms,
Teens spend approximately 2.3 hours online a day, 80 percent of that time, on
social networking sites (Roiworld, 2010). Students who multi-task between social
networking sites and homework are likely to have 20% lower grades than a student who
does not have a social networking site in visual range (Lenhart, A, 2009, April). Also,
many researchers believe that excessive use of the internet has the potential to become an
addiction (Griffiths, 1995, 2000). Some, involvement on the Internet begins to have
that 6% of users are Internet dependent (Villanova Counseling Center). The internet can
act as a major distraction to students if not properly managed. However, some studies
show that students’ primary use the internet for school work specifically, searching the
web for information needed for school projects (Kraut et al, 1996). This in turn, can
The use of the internet has a huge impact on student achievement. This study was
conducted to determine the effect of internet use on academic achievement, social life,
and student activities in Bandung. This research will be very helpful for students,
researchers, and curriculum developers to know the relationship of internet usage and
academic achievement. This research was made by collecting the respondents from 2
study can prove that the students' social life is influenced by the internet. Graphical
representation of internet usage and its impact on students' social life shows that the use
of the internet is very high, will minimize student social activity. This study shows that
the use of the Internet for study purposes and academic achievement is directly
How the Internet Affects Students Performance and Behavior
Today, almost everyone is connected to the internet. Even children can be found
engrossed in their own tablets and students nowadays have their own cellphones. So it’s
no wonder why the Internet have immensely woven itself in the lives of people, relying
on the ‘net for many things such as socialization, study, entertainment, and current
For students, spending a lot of time on the Internet can do more harm than good.
The internet really affects students both negatively and positively. While the internet can
be a reliable resource to help them with homework and school project, things can easily
turn downhill when time on the internet overtakes time for study and school.
Face to face social skills are not exercised. At this stage of students’ life, they are
learning about the world around them. While the Internet is supposed to bring people
together, the fact that people only talk online instead of making an effort to meet each
don’t have to make more efforts or look for more ways to know the answer to homework,
or even to their own questions. With the internet, they don’t need to pay any more
attention, or think, or make more effort, because everything they need to know is just
Time is spent on the internet instead of studying. There’s what is called
nonessential internet use, when people tend to aimlessly surf the internet for information
that they can’t even retain or remember after hours in a session. That’s what students do
as well. The time in front of the computer is like being sucked in a black hole and this
time would’ve been better spent doing more worthwhile and productive things that help
Less family times. Excessive internet usage also steals away time for family. For
example, instead of enjoying dinner time together, children are engrossed in their devices
Staying up late. Some students stay up late at night just poring over random things
on the internet. This is very harmful to the growing minds of students. Also, when they
wake up the next day, they have low energy and tend to not pay attention or even fall
asleep in class.
another way for them to develop their minds and bodies. However, being on the internet
most of the time keeps them inactive, just seated on their chairs or even lying down when
Tendency for internet addiction. Those who spend more time on line have an
increased risk for developing internet addiction, which can derail the focus and the life of
students. The internet affects students by feeding them with mindless data that can suck
Cheating. Homework and other school projects can be copied right off the
internet, making cheating very easy to do with just a few clicks. Academic fraud and
plagiarism is common in school when students can look for ready-made answers on the
internet. This kind of behavior breeds a culture of cheating and easy ways out of any
Moral corruption. Everything can be found on the internet–and this also is true for
inappropriate things. Students who are always on the internet are exposing themselves to
material that can corrupt them. These things can result to bad mental and behavioral
development in these students. In this case, the internet affects students by feeding them
All these said, it’s up to both parents and teachers to ensure that students have
limited access to internet and materials on the web. It is also up to them to ensure that
Students report laying around staring off blankly with nothing to do and feeling so
lonely that they felt like they were in a small cage on a solitary island all because they
for Media & the Public Affairs and the Salzburg Academy on Media & Global Change
1,000 international college students voluntarily attempted to not use any electronic media
including phones, email, Facebook and instant messenger. Findings from the survey were
“basically if you're under the age of 25, anywhere in the world, you're likely addicted to
The article goes on to say that while media addiction is not clinically diagnosed at this
point, the behavior displayed and language students used suggests no small measure of
physical dependency.
Chapter III
The Sample
The respondents of this research will be 60 junior and senior high school students
of the Tinago National High School (TNHS). All junior and senior high school grade
levels will be included in using random sampling for us to be able to select our sample or
respondents. There will be 10 respondents each grade level so that we can get our target
1. The Internet may be accessed for related valuable information on the subject
2. Literature such as related thesis and journals will be reviewed on the latest
3. Questionnaires containing close and open-ended questions will be prepared and
administered in the study area to obtain facts, opinions and views of respondents (junior
These approaches will represent an overview of the methods used in the survey,
which will include the research design, population, sampling and sampling techniques,
I will ask my respondents if they have the time to answer our questions. Then if
they will allow me to continue, I will be going to send them my questionnaires that
contains questions that will provide data or information for my study through messenger.
All data that will be gathered will be used as the content for the results and findings of
this research. To know the reliability of this research, I will be going to present my
Chapter IV
My evaluation was conducted on the month of February on the year 2021. And
my target respondents and my research were conducted in Tinago National High School,
Tinago, Inopacan, Leyte. And my respondents or sample was randomly selected that
results to 10 respondents in every grade level including the senior high students.
respondents. The detailed information of this table is on the appendix. (See Appendix)
Seaman: 1
N/A: 6
question. The results will be presented by using bar graphs based on the percentage that I
Figure 1:
The scale of students on how their parents supports them on having or using gadgets with
internet connection regarding on their studies.
Forty (40) out of 60 or 67% of the students answered that their parents are
supportive for them to have gadgets that has an internet connection and 8 out of 60 or
13% of the students answered that their parents are very supportive regarding on letting
have their own gadgets. While, 12 out of 60 or 20% of the students answered that their
parents have no support on letting them to have their own gadgets. Therefore, most of the
students have supportive parents regarding on letting the students to have their own
Figure 2:
Number of respondents who have parents who gave financial supports so that they can
use gadgets or internet in making projects, assignments, etc.
Yes No
Fifty- three (53) out of 60 or 88% of the students answered that their parents give
them financial support that will be used to avail gadgets or to rent one. While, 7 out of 60
or 12% of the students answered that their parents did not give them financial support
regarding on using internet to make their school chores or assignments. Therefore, most
of the students have financial support from their parents to be able to use gadgets and
Figure 3:
Number of respondents who have think that using internet is useful for
their studies.
Yes No
Fifty- five (55) out of 60 or 92% of the students thinks that using gadgets or
internet is helpful for their studies. While, 5 out of 60 or 8% of the students answered that
they think that gadgets are not useful in dealing their studies. Therefore, most of
the students believed that gadgets and internet is useful in dealing with their studies.
Figure 4:
Number of respondents who thinks that using internet can only cause distractions to the
Yes No
Nineteen (19) out of 60 or 32% of the students thinks that using gadgets or using internet
can only be a distraction to the students that will can affect to their studies. While, 41 out
of 60 or 68% of the students thinks that having gadgets or internet cannot be a distraction
to the students. Therefore, most of the students believe that using gadgets and internet
Figure 5:
Number of respondents who have been get addicted on any online games or any sights
that is not useful regarding on your studies.
Yes No
has already experienced on getting addicted to online games or web sites on the internet.
getting addicted to online games or any web sites that are not useful on their studies.
Therefore, most of the students did not experienced on getting addicted to any online
Figure 6:
Number of respondents who ever tried using internet in finding answers for your
assignments, activities, etc.
40% 82%
Yes No
Forty- nine (49) out of 60 or 82% of our respondents answered that they already
tried on using internet in finding answers for their school assignments or activities. While
11 out of 60 or 11% of our respondents answered that they don’t already tried on using
internet in finding answers for their school assignments or activities. Therefore, most of
the students have already tried of using internet on finding answers for their school
assignments or activities.
Figure 7:
Number of respondents who have been gotten to the point that you are very dependent on
the internet in answering your school works.
Yes No
This table shows that 44 out of 60 or 73% of our respondents are have been gotten
to the point of being dependent on the internet in answering their school works. While 16
out of 60 or 27% of our respondents answered that they do not experienced on having to
the point of being dependent to the internet in answering or making their school works.
Therefore, most of the students are now experiencing on having dependent on using
Figure 8:
Number of respondents who ever tried to commit absences because of having fun in using
your gadgets that is accessible to the internet.
10% 22%
Yes No
On this table, it shows that 13 out of 60 or 22% of our respondents have been tried
to commit absences because of having fun in using their gadgets that is accessible to the
internet. While 47 out of 60 or 78% of our respondents answered that they did not already
tried to commit absences because of using their internet accessible gadgets. Therefore,
most of the students did not tried to commit absences because of using their internet
accessible gadgets.
Figure 9:
The scale of the respondents who answered that positive or negative is the effect of using
internet to the students.
40% 78%
Positive Negative
This table shows that 47 out of 60 or 78% of our respondents answered that the
effect of using internet in finding answers for the school works has a positive effect
towards the students. While 13 out of 60 or 22% of our respondents answered that the
effect of using internet for the students is a negative one. Therefore, we can say that most
of the students agree that using internet can give positive effects towards the students.
Figure 10:
The number of respondents of who still think that using gadgets with internet connection
can help students in dealing with their school chores.
Yes No
This table shows that 58 out of 60 or 97% of our respondents answered that using
internet on making school works is very useful for every student. While 2 out of 60 or 3%
of our respondents answered that using internet cannot help the students on making their
school works. Therefore, the majority lies on the favor of saying that using internet is
very helpful for the students in making or doing their school works.
This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations based on the data
analyzed in the previous chapter. The Influence of using internet as the basic way of
learning for the students of Tinago NHS was the main focus of the study. And the results
were presented based on the response of our 60 respondents that are clustered by the
Forty (40) out of 60 or 67% of the students answered that their parents are
supportive for them to have gadgets that has an internet connection and 8 out of 60 or
13% of the students answered that their parents are very supportive regarding on letting
have their own gadgets. While, 12 out of 60 or 20% of the students answered that their
parents have no support on letting them to have their own gadgets. Therefore, most of the
students have supportive parents regarding on letting the students to have their own
Fifty- three (53) out of 60 or 88% of the students answered that their parents give
them financial support that will be used to avail gadgets or to rent one. While, 7 out of 60
or 12% of the students answered that their parents did not give them financial support
regarding on using internet to make their school chores or assignments. Therefore, most
of the students have financial support from their parents to be able to use gadgets and
Fifty- five (55) out of 60 or 92% of the students thinks that using gadgets or
internet is helpful for their studies. While, 5 out of 60 or 8% of the students answered that
they think that gadgets are not useful in dealing their studies. Therefore, most of the
students believed that gadgets and internet is useful in dealing with their studies.
Nineteen (19) out of 60 or 32% of the students thinks that using gadgets or using internet
can only be a distraction to the students that will can affect to their studies. While, 41 out
of 60 or 68% of the students thinks that having gadgets or internet cannot be a distraction
to the students. Therefore, most of the students believe that using gadgets and internet
Twenty- nine (29) out of 60 or 48% of our respondents or the students has already
experienced on getting addicted to online games or web sites on the internet. While, 31
out of 60 or 52% of our respondents answered that never experienced on getting addicted
to online games or any web sites that are not useful on their studies. Therefore, most of
the students did not experienced on getting addicted to any online games or web sites
Forty- nine (49) out of 60 or 82% of our respondents answered that they
already tried on using internet in finding answers for their school assignments or
activities. While 11 out of 60 or 11% of our respondents answered that they don’t already
tried on using internet in finding answers for their school assignments or activities.
Therefore, most of the students have already tried of using internet on finding answers for
Then, 44 out of 60 or 73% of our respondents are have been gotten to the point of
being dependent on the internet in answering their school works. While 16 out of 60 or
27% of our respondents answered that they do not experienced on having to the point of
being dependent to the internet in answering or making their school works. Therefore,
most of the students are now experiencing on having dependent on using internet in
Thirteen (13) out of 60 or 22% of our respondents have been tried to commit
absences because of having fun in using their gadgets that is accessible to the internet.
While 47 out of 60 or 78% of our respondents answered that they did not already tried to
commit absences because of using their internet accessible gadgets. Therefore, most of
the students did not tried to commit absences because of using their internet accessible
Forty- seven (47) out of 60 or 78% of our respondents answered that the effect of
using internet in finding answers for the school works has a positive effect towards the
students. While 13 out of 60 or 22% of our respondents answered that the effect of using
internet for the students is a negative one. Therefore, we can say that most of the students
agree that using internet can give positive effects towards the students.
And lastly, 58 out of 60 or 97% of our respondents answered that using internet
on making school works is very useful for every student. While 2 out of 60 or 3% of our
respondents answered that using internet cannot help the students on making their school
works. Therefore, the majority lies on the favor of saying that using internet is very
This research was able to know that cellphones truly helps the students of Tinago
NHS in making or doing their school works. That most most of the students have
supportive parents regarding on letting the students to have their own gadgets, that most
of the students have financial support from their parents to be able to use gadgets and
internet to make their school chores or assignments, that most of the students believed
that gadgets and internet is useful in dealing with their studies, that most of the students
believe that using gadgets and internet cannot be a distraction to the students in dealing
with their studies, that most of the students did not experienced on getting addicted to any
online games or web sites online, that most of the students have already tried of using
internet on finding answers for their school assignments or activities, that most of the
answering their school works, that most of the students did not tried to commit absences
because of using their internet accessible gadgets, that most of the students agree that
using internet can give positive effects towards the students, and the majority lies on the
favor of saying that using internet is very helpful for the students in making or doing their
school works.
The possible solutions that we can suggest for this topic are the following:
The authorities like the teachers should give rules that strictly can control students
for not being tolerated in abusing the use of internet. That authorities like the
teachers must be a good model for the students to use internet responsibly so that
we can assure that the students will not be influenced to use internet in useless
things and our students will enjoy and be helped by this kind of new technology
in a good way.
The teachers must allow only the students to use their cellphones and to access on
internet connection if their teacher said so. If we are just going to give the
students the right time to use their cellphones like having group activities or
reports, we can manipulate and decrease of rate for the students in getting
Parents must be knowledgeable enough about in using internet so that they can
Students must learn to use the internet correctly so that distractions will not going
to occur.
Rusno 2010 Pengaruh Penggunaan Internet Sebagai Salah Satu Sumber Belajar
TerhadapPrestasi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Kanjuruhan
Malang ModernizationJournal 6(2).
M O Acheaw, and A G Larson 2015 Use of Social Media and its Impact on
AcademicPerformance of Tertiary Institution Students: A Study of Students of
Koforidua Polytechnic,
Good day to you, I am senior high students from the Tinago National High
School, Grade 12 Section Magenta. I would like to ask some questions for our research
paper which is about “The Influence of Using Internet as the Basic Way of Learning for
the Students of Tinago National High School.” I am hoping that you can give me the
answers that I need. I will assure you that your answers will be confidential. Thank you
Name: Gender:
Direction: Put a (✓) mark inside the box for your chosen answer
1. How is parents supports you in having or using gadgets with internet connection
Yes □ No □
3. While you are using internet, do you think that it is useful for your studies?
Yes □ No □
4. Did you think that using internet is only cause distractions to the students?
Yes □ No □
5. Have you been get addicted on any online games or any sights that is not useful
Yes □ No □
6. Have you ever tried using internet in finding answers for your assignments,
activities, etc.?
Yes □ No □
7. Have you been gotten to the point that you are very dependent on the internet in
Yes □ No □
8. Have you ever tried to commit absences because of having fun in using your
Yes □ No □
9. For you, what is the effect on the students as they use internet in finding answers
10. After answering the questions above, do you still think that using gadgets with
internet connection can help students in dealing with their school chores?
Yes □ No □
(15): 2 Fish vendor: 1
Seaman: 1
N/A: 6