Slokas and Mantras: Bhaja Govindam Was Written by Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya
Slokas and Mantras: Bhaja Govindam Was Written by Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya
Slokas and Mantras: Bhaja Govindam Was Written by Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya
Sakam Gayatri
sarvaDevata prayer
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Prayer Slokas
108 Namavali
Ganesa Panjarathnam
Lord Siva
Mula Mantra
108 Namavali
Maha Mrithungjaya
Shivandha Lahari
Bhaja Govindam
The background of Bhaja GovindaM is worth examining . During
his stay in Kashi, he noticed a very old man studying the rules of
sanskrit by Panini . Shankara was touched with pity at seeing the
Durga Suktham
plight of the old man spending his years at a mere intellectual
accomplishment while he would be better off praying and
Saundarya Lahari
spending time to control his mind . Shankara understood that the
majority of the world was also engaged in mere intellectual,
Lalita Sahasranamam
sense pleasures and not in the divine contemplation . Seeing
this, he burst forth with the verses of Bhaja govindaM.
Mahishasura Mardini
Abirami Andhaathi In 31 verses, he, like no other, explains our fallacies, our wrong
outlook for life, and dispells our ignorance and delusions. Thus
Skanda Mantras bhaja govindaM was originally known as moha mudgaara, the
Gayatri remover of delusions.
Mula Mantra
Shankara explains, nay chides, us for spending our time in
useless trivia like amassing wealth, lusting after (wo)men and
108 Namavali
requests us to discriminate and cultivate the knowledge to learn
the difference between the real and the unreal . To emphasise
Saravana Maamantra
that, he concludes that all knowledge other than the Self-
Lord Vishnu Knowledge is useless, Shankara makes the person realize how
Vishnu Gayatri foolish he/she is in the conduct and behavior by these verses,
and shows the purpose of our worldly existence, which is to seek
Rama Gayatri Govinda and attain Him.
Bhaja Govindam Shankara's words seem to be quite piercing and seem to lack the
softness and tenderness often found in his other texts, thus
Venkatesa Stotram addressing directly. The reason is that this was an extempore
recital to an old man . His words can be compared to a knife of a
Sudarshana Ashhtakam doctor . The doctor's knife cruely removes the tumor with much
pain, but removing the tumor ultimately restores good health in
Narasimha 108 the patient. So is Shankara's words, which pierce and point out
Namavali our ignorance. It is a knife into the heart of worldiness, and by
removing this tumor of ignorance, we can attain everlasting bliss
Narasimhakavasam with the grace of Govinda.
Mula Mantra
108 Namavali
Worship Govinda, worship Govinda, worship Govinda, Oh fool !
Laksmi Ashtakam
Rules of grammar will not save you at the time of your death.
Kubera Mantra
mUDha jahiihi dhanaagamatR^ishhNaaM
Tulasi Ashtotram kuru sadbuddhiM manasi vitR^ishhNaam.h .
yallabhase nijakarmopaattaM
Kanakadhara Stotra vittaM tena vinodaya chittam.h .. 2..
Mula Mantra
Oh fool ! Give up your thrist to amass wealth, devote your mind
108 Namavali to thoughts to the Real . Be content with what comes through
actions already performed in the past.
Surya Stuti
AAditya Hridaya naariistanabhara naabhiideshaM
dR^ishhTvaa maagaamohaavesham.h .
etanmaaMsaavasaadi vikaaraM
manasi vichintaya vaaraM vaaram.h .. 3..
Do not get drowned in delusion by going wild with passions and
lust by seeing a woman's navel and chest . These are nothing but
a modification of flesh . Fail not to remember this again and
again in your mind.
So long as a man is fit and able to support his family, see what
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affection all those around him show . But no one at home cares
This section is restricted to even have a word with him when his body totters due to old
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When one is alive, his family members enquire kindly about his
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welfare . But when the soul departs from the body, even his wife
runs away in fear of the corpse.
Help us to help you! taruNastaavattaruNiisaktaH .
All the contents of our vR^iddhastaavachchintaasaktaH
portal are based upon pare brahmaNi ko.api na saktaH .. 7..
the Vedic guidance
rendered by the great
sages, scholars and
learned authors
through sastras, The childhood is lost by attachment to playfulness . Youth is lost
satsangs, literature, by attachment to woman . Old age passes away by thinking over
books and advices. many things . But there is hardly anyone who wants to be lost in
However the practice parabrahman.
of the same is to done
by the individuals as
per their own best kaate kaantaa kaste putraH
judgment. We do not saMsaaro.ayamatiiva vichitraH .
guarantee or assure kasya tvaM kaH kuta aayaataH
the correctness of the tattvaM chintaya tadiha bhraataH .. 8..
contents by the scale
of the so called modern
Mailerindia is now
expanding its research
wing by employing Who is your wife ? Who is your son ? Strange is this samsaara,
more vedic scholars to the world. Of whom are you ? From where have you come ?
do a detailed study of Brother, ponder over these truths.
our vedas and siddhas.
satsaN^gatve nissN^gatvaM
We welcome you to nissaN^gatve nirmohatvam.h .
assist us by nirmohatve nishchalatattvaM
contributing liberally nishchalatattve jiivanmuktiH .. 9..
for the noble cause.
What good is lust when youth has fled ? What use is a lake which
has no water ? Where are the relatives when wealth is gone ?
Where is samsaara, the world, when the Truth is known ?
kathito vaiyaakaraNasyaishhaH .
upadesho bhuudvidyaanipuNaiH
shriimachchhankarabhagavachchharaNaiH .. 12a ..
There are many who go with matted locks, many who have clean
shaven heads, many whose hairs have been plucked out; some
are clothed in orange, yet others in various colors --- all just for
a livelihood . Seeing truth revealed before them, still the foolish
ones see it not. Stanza attributed to Totakacharya.
Strength has left the old man's body; his head has become bald,
his gums toothless and leaning on crutches . Even then the
attachment is strong and he clings firmly to fruitless desires.
Stanza attributed to Hastamalaka.
Behold there lies the man who sits warming up his body with the
fire in front and the sun at the back; at night he curls up the
body to keep out of the cold; he eats his beggar's food from the
bowl of his hand and sleeps beneath the tree . Still in his heart,
he is a wretched puppet at the hands of passions. Stanza
attributed to Subodha.
kurute gaN^gaasaagaragamanaM
vrataparipaalanamathavaa daanam.h .
GYaanavihinaH sarvamatena
muktiM na bhajati janmashatena .. 17..
yogarato vaabhogaratovaa
saN^garato vaa saN^gaviihinaH .
yasya brahmaNi ramate chittaM
nandati nandati nandatyeva .. 19..
Let a man read but a little from giitaa, drink just a drop of water
from the ganges, worship but once muraari . He then will have
no altercation with Yama . Stanza attributed to dRiDhabhakta.
Waste not your efforts to win the love of or to fight against friend
and foe, children and relatives . See yourself in everyone and
give up all feelings of duality completely. Stanza attributed to
praaNaayaamaM pratyaahaaraM
nityaanitya vivekavichaaram.h .
jaapyasameta samaadhividhaanaM
kurvavadhaanaM mahadavadhaanam.h .. 30..
Oh devotee of the lotus feet of the Guru ! May thou be soon free
from Samsara . Through disciplined senses and controlled mind,
thou shalt come to experience the indwelling Lord of your heart !
bhajagovindaM bhajagovindaM
govindaM bhajamuuDhamate .
nahi pashyaamo bhavataraNe .. 33..