University Important Questions
University Important Questions
University Important Questions
1) Explain in detail about the structure of different intelligent agents with algorithm?(16)
2) Explain in detail about the informed search strategies with algorithm and example.(all types)
3) Explain in detail about the uninformed search strategies with algorithm and example.(all types)
(Breadth-first search, Uniform-cost search, depth-first search, Depth-limited search, Iterative deepening
depth-first search, Bidirectional search)
8) Define constraint satisfaction problem(CSP). How CSP is formulated as a search problem? Explain
with an example.
9)Explain the constraint satisfaction procedure to solve the crypt arithmetic problem.
10)Analyse the missionaries and Cannibals problem which is stated as follows. 3
missionaries and 3 cannibals are on one side of the river along with a boat that can
hold one or two people. Find a way to get everyone to the other side, without leaving
a group of missionaries in one place outnumbered by the cannibals in that place.
(i) Formulate a problem precisely making only those distinctions necessary to
ensure a valid solution. Draw a diagram of the complete state space.
(ii) Design appropriate search algorithm for it.
1) Explain the inference process in first order logic, using suitable example.(May/June2012) (16)
2) Explain unification algorithm used for reasoning under predicate logic with an example.
3) Explain the forward chaining process in detail with example. What is the need of incremental forward
chaining. (May/June 2012)
4) Explain the backward chaining process in detail with example.
5) Explain with algorithm and example :
i. Minimax algorithm (8)
ii.Alpha-Beta Pruning (8)
3)Explain about Bayesian statistics provides reasoning under various kinds of uncertainty.(May 2013)(16)
4)Explain the concept of inference in temporal models ,HMMM and probabilistic reasoning.
1) Explain concept of learning using decision trees and neural network approach.(Nov/Dec 2012)
(April/May 2011) (16)
2) Explain in detail about learning from observation and explanation based learning(Nov/Dec 2011)
3) Draw the schematic of a machine translation and explain for an example problem (16)
4) Explain the concept :
i)Reinforcement learning
ii)Explanation based learning
5) Explain in detail statistical learning methods and reinforcement learning.
6) Write notes on least commitment search.
7) How to access performance of the learning algorithm.Explain.
8) Explain neural network with single layer and multilayer feed forward networks with algorithm
and example.