Traffic Volume Study at Vidhya Path

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KIRTI SINGH (15102012)

AASHISH MONGA (15102080)


YEAR 2018-19


We hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the report entitled TRAFFIC
VOLUME STUDY AT VIDYA PATH” in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of the Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering and submitted in the Civil
Engineering Department of the Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh, is an authentic record
of our own work carried out during the period from Feb 2019 to March 2019 under the
Supervision of Dr. Tripta Goyal, Professor,,Civil Engineering Department.
The matter presented in this report has not been submitted by us for the award of any
other degree of this or any other University/Institute.

Date: 05/03/2019 Kirti Singh (15102012)

Karanjeet Singh (15102076)
Aashish Monga (15102080)
Jashanpreet Singh Narang (15102100)

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidates is correct to the best of our

Dr. Tripta Goyal

Department of Civil Engineering
PEC University of Technology
Chandigarh – 160012, India

Punjab Engineering College, Sector 12, Chandigarh – 160012

Tel. (0172) 2753072 Fax No.: (0172) 2745175


It is our privilege to express our sincerest regards to our project coordinator, Dr. Tripta Goyal,

for her valuable inputs, able guidance, encouragement and whole-hearted cooperation throughout

the duration of our project. We deeply express our sincere thanks to our mentor for encouraging

and allowing us to present the project on the topic “TRAFFIC VOLUME STUDY AT VIDYA

PATH ”at our department premises for the partial fulfillment of the requirements leading to the

award of B-Tech degree. We take this opportunity to thank all our lecturers who have directly or

indirectly helped our project. We pay our respects and love to our parents and all other family

members and friends for their love and encouragement throughout our project. Last but not the

least we express our thanks to Mr. Ankit Bansal for his cooperation and support.

CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 5
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 5
CHATER 2....................................................................................................................................................... 8
REVIEW OF LITERATURE............................................................................................................................ 8
CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................................................. 19
METHODOLOGY AND DATA ANALYSIS.................................................................................................... 19
Conclusion and Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 25
References .................................................................................................................................................. 26


Only now did I recognize the reciprocal relationship which exits between manufacturing power
and the national system of transportation, and that the one can never develop to its fullest
without the other.

- Frie

This quote describes almost everything about the importance of transportation. Transportation is
carrying civilization to a brighter future. Now a day’s transportation is one of the most burning
issues in every territory of the world. Every country is approaching differently according to their
needs and solving their transportations problems within their capabilities. In designing buildings
we need to determine loads coming to the structure to calculate reinforcement to be provided for
safe functioning of the structure. Here in transportation volume serves the same purpose. For
planning, designing and operation of transportation system the first and foremost requirement is
volume. Volume is simply the number of vehicles passing a section of a roadway. Expressing
traffic volume as number of vehicles passing a given section of road or traffic lane per unit time
will be inappropriate when several types of vehicles with widely varying static and dynamic
characteristics are comprised in the traffic. The problem of measuring volume of such
heterogeneous traffic has been addressed by converting the different types of vehicles into
equivalent passenger cars and expressing the volume in terms of Passenger Car Unit (PCU) per
hour. The interaction between moving vehicles under such heterogeneous traffic condition is
highly complex. Again volume is not constant. It increases with time. So a continuous method of
calculating volume is a matter of great importance for smooth functioning of transportation
system. If volume data is not found on a continuous basis then the transportation system may fail
and the economy of the country may face a great difficulty.

1.1 Objectives

The present study is undertaken with the following objectives

 To measure traffic volumes and to determine vehicle composition in traffic stream

 To determine hourly volume in terms passenger car equivalents (PCE)

1.2 Scope of Traffic Volume Studies:

The traffic volume count study is carried out to get following useful information:

 Magnitudes, classifications and the time and directional split of vehicular flows.
Magnitude is represented by volume of traffic. Vehicles are classified into some
predefined classes based on vehicle size and capacity. In a two-way road, vehicles
moving towards two directions are counted separately to get the proportion. Time and
directional split is useful to identify tidal flow.
 Proportions of vehicles in traffic stream. Proportion of vehicles indicates whether public
or private transport dominates the traffic system. It also indicates the choice of road users.
 Hourly, daily, yearly and seasonal variation of vehicular flows. These variations are
needed to establish expansion factors for future use. Using expansion factors, AADT can
be calculated from short count.

1.3. a. Design purposes:

 Structural and geometric design of pavements, bridge, and other highway facilities.
Structural design is based on repetition of wheel load on the pavement in entire design
life. AADT is needed with traffic growth rate to compute design wheel repetition.
Geometric design is based on peak hour volume to avoid congestion.
 Intersection design including minimum turning path, channelization, flaring, traffic
control devices viz. traffic signs, markings, signals based on approach volume and
turning proportions.
 Pedestrian volume study is useful for designing sidewalks, pedestrian crossing etc.

1.3 b. Improvement purposes:

 To allocate limited maintenance budget rationally, it is important to know the traffic

volume carried by a particular roadway section in order to decide the importance of
the road and fixing its relative priority.

 In order to improve the roadway operating condition, it is important to know the
traffic volume.
 To examine the existing operating/service condition of a roadway section.
 To check the need (warrant) traffic control devices.
 To determine the type of improvement measure need to be taken.
 To measure the effectiveness of a traffic control measure.



The main problem in developing the analytical speed-flow relationship is heterogeneity of

traffic stream. The vehicles in the mix produce different impedance due to their varied static

and dynamic characteristics. Hence simply adding the number of vehicles does not give the

authentic speed flow relationship. For this reason, the vehicles are normally presented in

terms of standard type of vehicle using certain conversion factors. Generally, passenger car is

adopted as standard vehicle and this factor is known as passenger car unit (PCU). Many

researchers have developed methods to estimate PCU for a vehicle type. The interesting point

to note is that each of these studies has resulted into different PCU values for the same type of

vehicle. There exists large variation in PCU values being adopted in different parts of the


2.1 Traffic Survey

Traffic engineers and planners need information about traffic. They need information to

design and manage road and traffic system. They use the information for planning and

designing traffic facilities, selecting geometric standards, economic analysis and

determination of priorities. They use this to justify warrant of traffic control devices such as

signs, traffic signals, pavement markings, school and pedestrian crossings. The also use this

information to study the effectiveness of introduced schemes, diagnosing given situations and

finding appropriate solutions, forecasting the effects of projected strategies, calibrating and

validating traffic models.

Transportation system is a dynamic system. Information about traffic must be regularly

updated to keep pace with ever-changing transportation system. Data must be collected and

analyzed systematically to get representative information.

Traffic surveys are the means of obtaining information about traffic. This is a systematic way

of collecting data to be used for various traffic engineering purposes.

2.2 Main purposes of traffic survey:

The main purposes of traffic survey are: traffic monitoring, traffic control and management,

traffic enforcement, traffic forecasting, model calibration and validating etc.

2.3 Parts of traffic studies:

Traffic studies include:

 Inventory of road traffic physical features

 Traffic stream characteristics- volume, speed, density, occupancy studies etc.

 Capacity studies of streets and intersections

 System usage studies- Travel time and delay, O-D survey

 Travel demand- home interview survey

 Road users cost- Value of travel time, vehicle operating cost

 Parking supply & demand studies

2.4 Traffic Volume Study

Traffic data are needed in research, planning, designing and regulation phases of traffic

engineering and are also used in establishing priorities and schedules of traffic improvements.

The traffic engineer must acquire general knowledge of traffic volume characteristics in order

to measure and understand the magnitude, composition, and time and route distribution of

volume for each area under his jurisdiction.

2.5 Definitions:

2.5 a. Volume/flow:

The total number of vehicles that pass over a given point or section of a lane or roadway

during a given time interval is called volume. It is the actual number of vehicle observed or

predicted to passing a point during a given interval.

2.5 b. Rate of flow:

The equivalent hourly rate at which vehicles pass over a given point or section of a lane or

roadway during a time interval less than 1hr. usually 15 min.

2.5 c. Average Daily Traffic (ADT):

The average 24-hr volume at a given location over a defined time period less than one year.

The common application is to measure an ADT for each month of the year. Others are:

 Planning of highway activities

 Measurement of current demand

 Evaluation of existing traffic flow

2.5 d. Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT):

Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT): The average 24-hr volume at a given location over a

full 365 days year, estimated as the number of vehicles passing a site in a year divided by 365

days (366 in leap year).

This is useful for:

 Estimation of highway user revenues

 Accident rates per 1000 vehicle-km

 Traffic volume trends

 Economic feasibility

 Development of hierarchical system of facilities

2.6 Types of Volume Counts

Different types of traffic counts are carried out, depending on the anticipated use of the data

to be collected. These different types will now be briefly discussed below:

2.6 a. Cordon Counts

When information is required on vehicle accumulation within an area such as the central

business district (CBD) of a city, particularly during a specific time, a cordon count is

undertaken. The area for which the data are required is cordoned off by an imaginary closed

loop; the area enclosed within this loop is defined as the cordon area. Figure 1.1 shows such

an area where the CBD of a city is enclosed by the imaginary loop ABCDA. The intersection

of each street crossing the cordon line is taken as a count station; volume counts of vehicles

and/or persons entering and leaving the cordon area are taken. The information obtained

from such a count is useful for planning parking facilities, updating and evaluating traffic

operational techniques, and making long-range plans for freeway and arterial street systems.

Fig.2.1 Example of Station Locations for a Cordon Count (Traffic Highway Engineering)

2.6 b. Screen Line Counts

In screen line counts, the study area is divided into large sections by running imaginary lines,

known as screen lines, across it. In some cases, natural and manmade barriers, such as rivers

or railway tracks, are used as screen lines. Traffic counts are then taken at each point where a

road crosses the screen line. It is usual for the screen lines to be designed or chosen such that

they are not crossed more than once by the same street. Collection of data at these screen-line

stations at regular intervals facilitates the detection of variations in the traffic volume and

traffic flow direction due to changes in the land-use pattern of the area.

2.6 c. Intersection Counts

Intersection counts are taken to determine vehicle classifications, through movements, and

turning movements at intersections. These data are used mainly in determining phase lengths

and cycle times for signalized intersections, in the design of channelization at intersections,

and in the general design of improvements to intersections.

2.6 d. Pedestrian Volume Counts

Volume counts of pedestrians are made at locations such as subway stations, midblock, and

crosswalks. The counts are usually taken at these locations when the evaluation of existing or

proposed pedestrian facilities is to be undertaken. Such facilities may include pedestrian

overpasses or underpasses. Pedestrian counts can be made using the TDC-12 electronic

manual counter described earlier and shown in Figure 1.2. The locations at which pedestrian

counts are taken also include intersections, along sidewalks, and mid-block crossings. These

counts can be used for crash analysis, capacity analysis, and determining minimum signal

timings at signalized intersections.

2.6 e. Periodic Volume Counts

In order to obtain certain traffic volume data, such as AADT, it is necessary to obtain data

continuously. However, it is not feasible to collect continuous data on all roads because of

the cost involved. To make reasonable estimates of annual traffic volume characteristics on

an area-wide basis, different types of periodic counts, with count durations ranging from 15

minutes to continuous, are conducted; the data from these different periodic counts are used

to determine values that are then employed in the estimation of annual traffic characteristics.

The periodic counts usually conducted are:

 Continuous

 Control

 Coverage counts.

2.6 e. i) Continuous Counts.

These counts are taken continuously using mechanical or electronic counters showed in

Figure2.2. Stations at which continuous counts are taken as permanent count stations. In

selecting permanent count stations, the highways within the study area must first be properly

classified. Each class should consist of highway links with similar traffic patterns and

characteristics. A highway link is defined for traffic count purposes as a homogeneous

section that has the same traffic characteristics, such as AADT and daily, weekly, and

seasonal variations in traffic volumes at each point. Broad classification systems for major

roads may include freeways, expressways, and major arterials. For minor roads,

classifications may include residential, commercial, and industrial streets.

Fig 2.2 Continuous counting device

2.6 e. ii) Control Counts.

These counts are taken at stations known as control-count stations, which are strategically

located so that representative samples of traffic volume can be taken on each type of

highway or street in an area-wide traffic counting program. The data obtained from control

counts are used to determine seasonal and monthly variations of traffic characteristics so that

expansion factors can be determined. These expansion factors are used to determine year-

round average values from short counts.

2.7 Expansion Factors

Hourly, daily, and monthly expansion factors can be determined using data obtained at

continuous count stations (Described in section 1.8. e.).

2.7 a. Hourly expansion factors

(HEFs) are determined by the formula:

These factors are used to expand counts of durations shorter than 24 hour to 24-hour volumes

by multiplying the hourly volume for each hour during the count period by the HEF for that

hour and finding the mean of these products.

2.7 b. Daily expansion factors (DEFs) are computed as

These factors are used to determine weekly volumes from counts of 24-hour duration by

multiplying the 24-hour volume by the DEF.

2.7 c. Monthly expansion factors (MEFs) are computed as

The AADT for a given year may be obtained from the ADT for a given month by

multiplying this volume by the MEF.


There are two major methods of counting vehicle for volume survey. They are-

a. Manual Counting Method and

b. Automatic counting method.

2.8. a. Manual Counting Method

In this method, vehicles are counted manually. There are two methods of manual counting:

 Direct Method and

 Indirect Method.

2.8..a. i)Direct Method:

Data is counted by using hand tally and manual counters/enumerators.

Advantages: By this method traffic volume as well as vehicle classification and turning

proportions can be obtained. Data can be used immediately after collection. Disadvantages:

This method is not practicable for long duration count and when flow is high. Error is

common especially when volume is high. Count cannot be cross checked. Count cannot be

done in bad weather.

2.8.a. ii)Indirect Method:

In this method, data is collected using video camera. Video is captured for long time and data

is collected later by rewinding.

Advantages: Besides traffic volume, several traffic parameters can be obtained from

recorded film. Data can be cross checked and quality can be ensured. This method is

applicable when volume is high. It is suitable for non-lane based traffic operation.

Disadvantages: A suitable elevated place is required for filming operation. Data cannot be

used immediately after collection. Data must be manually transcripted of recorded film. This

process is time consuming and tedious. Because of limitation of capacity of film, it is not

suitable for long duration counts. Quality of video recorded on film is dependent on intensity

of light and this method is not suitable in overcast days.

2.9.b. Automatic counting method:

In this method, vehicles are counted automatically without any human involvement. There

are two techniques of automatic counting: a) Contact system based on pneumatic,

mechanical, magnetic or piezo-electric method and b) Contactless system based on

electrical/optical, ultrasound/infrared radar, micro wave, CCTV/video image processing

method etc.

Advantages: This method is suitable for long duration or continuous count. It is used as

permanent counting station. It does not need manpower and is free from human error. Data is

obtained in usable format. It is less expensive as manpower is not needed. Count is not

affected by bad weather condition.

Disadvantages: It requires strict lane discipline. Non-motorized vehicles are hard to detect by

this method. Detailed classification of vehicle is not possible. Accuracy is less than manual

method. Installation cost is high.



Figure: Study Area (Vidya path)

Location: Location of the spot for traffic volume survey was chosen to be from PEC Gate

Number 1 to PEC Gate Number 2 (Vidya Path). Vehicles from PEC Gate Number 1 to PEC

Gate Number 2 and from PEC Gate Number 2 to PEC Gate Number 1were counted.

Date: Data for volume study was collected on 12 Feb 2019. It was Tuesday and it was a


Time: Time of data collection for volume study was from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm.

Weather Condition: It was initially a sunny day but afterwards it became cloudy.

Observation: Classified Vehicle Counts.

Method: Indirect Manual Method.

Duration: 1 hour (Short Count)

3.1 Collection of Data


Vehicle Count
Car 373
Auto- Rickshaw 267
Cycle 54
LCV 19
Bus 44
2- wheelers 622


Vehicle Count
Car 300
Auto- Rickshaw 189
Cycle 19
LCV 19
Bus 51
2- wheelers 470
Tractor 4
Truck 3


373 Car
Auto- Rickshaw
267 2- wheelers

44 54


4 3

300 Auto- Rickshaw
470 LCV
2- wheelers

19 19

3.2 Conversion of Count Into PCUs

The collected data is converted into the corresponding ‘Passenger Car Unit’ from the

‘Passenger Car Equivalent’ using the following table.

Vehicle PCE
Car 1
Auto- Rickshaw 2
Cycle 0.4
LCV 1.4
Bus 2.2
2- wheelers 0.75
Tractor 4
Truck 2.2


Vehicle Number of Vehicles PCE PCU Total

Car 300 1 300
Auto- Rickshaw 189 2 378
Cycle 19 0.4 8
LCV 19 1.4 27
1200 PCU/ hr
Bus 51 2.2 112
2- wheelers 470 0.75 352
Tractor 4 4 16
Truck 3 2.2 7


Number of
Vehicle Vehicles PCE PCU Total
Car 373 1 373
Auto- Rickshaw 267 2 534
Cycle 54 0.4 22
1520 PCU/ hr
LCV 19 1.4 27
Bus 44 2.2 97
2- wheelers 622 0.75 467

Total of 1200 PCU/hr were observed from Gate 2 to Gate 1 and 1500 PCU/ hr were observed

from Gate 1 to Gate 2.

3.3 Directional Distribution

From PEC Gate 1 to Gate 2

= (1520/2720)*100

= 55.89%

From PEC Gate 2 to Gate 1

= (1200/2720)*100

= 44.11%

3.4. Vehicle Composition

Type of vehicle % of total

Private car 28
Bus 4
CNG (Three wheeler) 19
2 wheeler 45
Cycle 3
Others 1

Composition of Traffic Flow

30 % of total


CNG (Three

2 wheeler
Private car


Conclusion and Recommendations

 Traffic volume study at Vidya Path comprises of heterogeneous vehicles which is

quite commom in India.
 Cyclists (mostlt school children) tends to ride on road although separate cycle tracks
have been provided. So they must be all awared.
 Bus services have been found to adequate in this path.
 2 wheelers constitutes the most (total % of traffic flow) on this path.
 3 wheelers are quite significant in number on this route because of PGI on one side
and Naya Gaon on the other.
 Study was done when the school gets over, so more number of cyclists were observed.


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4. Basu, D., Maitra, S.R. and Maitra, B. (2006), “Modelling passenger car
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