NW Overview

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Definition of computer network

• Is a connection between two or more
Overview of Networking • A computer network is a facility which enables
computers to share resources across wireless
or wired technology

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Advantage of computer network

• A computer which is not connected to any • File sharing
other computer is called Stand alone computer • Sharing of resources
• Copying files from one computer to other by – Hardware sharing
using removable devices is called Sneaker Net – Software sharing
• A PC that is connected in a network is called • Increase storage capacity
workstation • Centralized administration
• Increased cost efficiency

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Disadvantage of computer network Types of computer network

• Security issue • Based on the area coverage computer
– Computer hackers can get access to our system networks can be categorized into three
using different tools
– Local Area Network(LAN)
– Hackers are some one who break our system and
have unauthorized access – Metropolitan Area Network(MAN)
• Virus attack vulnerability increase – Wide Area Network(WAN)
• Expensive setup cost
– Cost of hardware and personnel
• Dependency on the main server

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LAN Metropolitan Area Network

• Connects computer in single building or • Covers beyond compound
localized group of building • Maximum of a city
• Installed and maintained by a single Example
organization therefore also called private data – Network among the five colleges of Addis Ababa
network City
– Netwrork in Lab3
– Network in KUC old library

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Type of Network based on

Wide Area Network
configuration(Node relationship)
• Covers beyond a city • Based on the relationship of the computers on
• Is the largest type of network the network, computer networks can be
Example categorized into two
– Peer to peer network /workgroup
– The Internet
– Server based network/ domain

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Where peer to peer network is

Peer to Peer network
• There is no hierarchy among computers • There are 10 users or fewer.
• All computers are peers • no specialized servers exist.
• There is no dedicated server computer
• Security is not an issue.
• Each computer function both as server and client
• There is no administrator who controls the entire • Limited expandability of the network
– The user at each computer is the administrator for
his/her own computer
• Also called workgroup

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Advantage of peer to peer network Disadvantage of peer to peer network

• Easy to install and configure • Shared resources can be accessed by everyone
• The cost of installation and operation is less • Backup has to be performed on each
• A full time network administrator is not computer separately
required • No centralized security

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Server Based Network(Client/Server

Advantage of server network
• Have a dedicated server • Centralized resources
– Dedicated server is a computer which function – Easier to backup files
only as a server. – Easier to find files
• Hold resources centrally
• Efficient
• Manage the network
• Security
• Server based networks also known as
Domains – One machine can secure entire network
– One central login
• Scalability
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Disadvantage of sever based network Specialized servers

• If the server goes down, it takes part or the • File and Print server
whole network with it – Manage user access and use of files and servers
• It is more expensive to install • Application server
– Holds application programs for the network
• Needs to be maintained by staff with high IT
– Example: Database server
skills(i.e Needs Network Administrator)
• Mail server
– Used to hold and manage email
• Fax server
– Manages Faxes
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Special servers(Cont.)
• Communication server
– Manages communication between own network
and other networks
• Directory service server NETWORK TOPOLOGY
– Manage user login to the network
– Manage resources
– Enable users to access resources in the network

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Network Topology Type of topology

• The physical arrangement of cables, • Bus topology-have a linear shape
computers and other components on the • Star topology-have a star like shape
cable • Ring topology-have a ring(circular shape)
• The design(shape) of the network • Mesh topology
• Categories of topology
– Physical topology
– Logical topology

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Bus topology
Communication in Bus topology
• Only one computer can send signal on the
• Signal is sent to all computers on the network
• The computer for whom the signal is sent
accept the message
• The other computer reject it
• These rejected signal should be stopped
• Both end should be terminated using a
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Disadvantage of Bus topology Star topology

• If there is a break in the cable the entire
network fail
• Highly susceptible to noise(signal collision)
• High waiting time as the number of computers

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Star topology Advantage and disadvantage

• Every computer is connected to a central • Advantage
device called Hub or switch – If one computer fail no effect on the network
• Communication is between sending computer – Easy to troubleshoot
 central device receiving computer • Disadvantage
– If the central device fail the entire network fail

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Ring topology Ring Topology

• Each computer is connected to the immediate
neighboring computers directly
• Signal is travel in only one direction
• Each computer acts as a repeater
• Uses token passing

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Advantage and disadvantage of ring

Mesh topology
• Advantage
– Each computer acts as a repeater
– No collision
• Disadvantage
– If one computer fails the entire network fail
– Only one computer can send data at a time

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Mesh topology Advantage and disadvantage of mesh

• Each computer is connected to every other • Advantage
computer on the network – Provide multiple path between computers
• Provide redundant path • Disadvantage
– expensive

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Hybrid topology Star bus topology

• A combination of two or more topology

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Star ring Network Media

• Is the physical path between computers
• Is the component through which data transmit
from one compute to the other
• Categorized into two
– Guided transmission media(Wired system)
– Unguided transmission media(Wireless system)

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Guided Transmission media Coaxial cable

• Are cables
• Characterized by
– Bandwidth(Datarate): the amount of data the media
can transmit with in a second
• Measured in bps(bits per second)
– The distance the media can run
• Three common types
– Coaxial cable
– Twisted pair cable
– Fiber optic cable

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Two types of Coaxial cable

• The core transmit the data in a form of electrical signal • Thin (thinnet) cable
• The braided wire mesh acts as a ground and protects
the core from electrical noise like crosstalk • Thick (thicknet) cable
– Cross talk is an incidence in which signal from one line
interferer with signal from another line
– Electrical noise is any unwanted electrical signal
• Coaxial cable is more resistant to external interference
and attenuation
– Attenuation is a weakening of signal as it travel a long

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Thinnet cable Thicknet

• Is thinner than thicknet(i.e .64 centimeter) • Thicker than thinnet
• Easier and flexible to work with • Carries signal for 500 meter before
• Carries signal for 185 meter before attenuation
attenuation •

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Coaxial cable connection BNC-T Connector

• Both thinnet and thicknet use BNC connector • Connects the network interface card (NIC) in
the computer to the network cable

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BNC Barrel connector Twisted pair cable

• This connector is used to join two lengths of • Consists a number of twisted pairs of
cable to make one longer length. insulated copper wires
• The twisting cancel out the electrical noise
– From adjacent pairs
– From external
• Two types of twisted pair cable
– Unshielded twisted pair cable(UTP)
– Shielded twisted pair cable (STP)

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Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable (UTP)

UTP(cat1 right, others left)
• Is the most popular type of Network cable
• Transmits signal for 100 meter
• There are many categories of UTP
– Category 1(cat1):-two pair of wires and used for telephone
– Cat2:- for data communication. have a speed of 4 Mbps
– Cat3:-16 Mbps
– Cat4:-20 Mbps
– Cat5:-100Mbps
– Cat5e:-1000 Mbps(1Gbps)
– Cat6:-1000Mbps
– Cat6A:-1000Mbps
– Cat7:-10Gbps

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UTP catagories Shielded twisted pair cable

• Category 1: have a two pair( four) wires • Each pair of the copper wire are shielded
• All other categories have four pair of wires • This enables the cable to transmit signal with
• There difference comes based on their higher rate and higher quality
bandwidth and number of twisting per inch • Transmit signal for 100 meters
• Have transmission rate of 16-500Mbps
• Connector: RJ-45

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Fiber Optics cable FC

• Transmit signal in a form of light
– The data can not be stolen
– No electrical interference
• Have very high rate: >1000Mbps
• Transmit signal for longer distance:2 Km
• Different connectors
– FC
– ST
– SM
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10=> 10mb/s transmission rate
Base=>Base band transmission type
T=> cable type

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UTP cabling wire colors are two

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UTP cable Straight through

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Use straight-
straight-through cables for the following
connections: Straight through

• Switch to router
• Switch to PC or server
• Hub to PC or server

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Straight through Cross over

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Use crossover cables for the following

• Switch to switch
• Switch to hub
• Hub to hub
• Router to router
• PC to PC
• Router to PC

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Cross over Cross over

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Roll over Roll over

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Roll over

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Fiber-optic cable Wireless

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Single wire punch Cabling LAN

Materials used in networking LAN

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• Is two port (for signal i/o) Hubs are actually multiport repeaters
• It simply give strength for signal • Passive: used only to share the physical media
(It does not boost or clean the signal )

• Active: it needs power to amplify

• Intelligent: microprocessor chips and diagnostic capabilities

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The 5-
5-4-3-2-1 rule requires that the following
Hub guidelines should not be exceeded:

• Five segments of network media

• Four repeaters or hubs
• Three host segments of the network
• Two link sections with no hosts
• One large collision domain

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• Used to segment a large LAN to smaller.

• decreases the amount of traffic on a single LAN

• bridges operate at the data link layer of the OSI model

• The function of the bridge is to make intelligent decisions about whether

or not to pass signals on to the next segment of a network.

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When a bridge receives a frame on the network, the destination • If the destination device is on the same
MAC address is looked up in the bridge table to determine
whether to:- segment as the frame, the bridge will not send
 Filter the frame onto other segments. This process
 Flood is known as filtering
 Copy the frame onto another segment

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Flood Copy the frame onto another segment

 If the destination address is unknown to the  If the destination device is on a different

bridge, the bridge forwards the frame to all segment, the bridge forwards the frame to the
segments except the one on which it was appropriate segment.
received. This process is known as flooding.

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Installing Cable - Some Guidelines

When running cable, it is best to follow a few simple rules:
•Always use more cable than you need. Leave plenty of slack.
•Test every part of a network as you install it. Even if it is brand new, it may have
problems that will be difficult to isolate later.
•Stay at least 3 feet away from fluorescent light boxes and other sources of
electrical interference.
•If it is necessary to run cable across the floor, cover the cable with cable
•Label both ends of each cable.
•Use cable ties (not tape) to keep cables in the same location together.

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1. stripe the cable 3. Arrange the cables in color order and level the
4. Put the cable in RJ-45
5. Crimp the connector

2. Separating the colored wires

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Use tester SWITCH

• A switch is sometimes described as a multiport bridge

• Switches reduce traffic and increase bandwidth
• Switches operate at much higher speeds than bridges
and can support new functionality, such as virtual

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• Routers are responsible for routing data packets from
source to destination within the LAN, and for
providing connectivity to the WAN.
• The DTE is the endpoint of the user’s device on the
WAN link.
• The DCE is typically the point where responsibility for
delivering data passes into the hands of the service

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TCP/IP MODEL The OSI and TCP/IP models have many


• Both have layers.

• Both have application layers, though they
include different services.
• Both have comparable transport and network
• Both use packet-switched instead of circuit-
switched technology.
• Networking professionals need to know both

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Some differences of the OSI and TCP/IP models: Wireless Transmission Media
• TCP/IP combines the OSI application, presentation, and • Transmission is not through physical device but
session layers into its application layer. through air
• TCP/IP combines the OSI data link and physical layers • transmission and reception are achieved by
into its network access layer.
• TCP/IP appears simpler because it has fewer layers. means of an antenna
• When the TCP/IP transport layer uses UDP it does not • directional
provide reliable delivery of packets. The transport layer – transmitting antenna puts out focused beam
in the OSI model always does.
– transmitter and receiver must be aligned
• The Internet was developed based on the standards of
the TCP/IP protocols. • omnidirectional
• The OSI model is not generally used to build networks. – signal spreads out in all directions
The OSI model is used as a guide to help students – can be received by many antennas
understand the communication process.

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Wireless medias Infrared light

• Radio wave • using an infrared light beam to carry the data
• Infrared between devices.
• terrestrial microwave • Mostly used to remote control system
• In infrared transmission the communicating
• satellite microwave
bodies should be
– In direct line of sight
– If there is any body in between the communicating
bodies will be unable to communicate
– Cannot be used outdoors

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Radio frequency
• Disadvantages: • Is omnidirectional (i.e. transmits signal in all
– Direct line-of sight is important direction)
– Transmission is affected with object obstruction • Can pass signal through walls
– Interference from light source • Characteristics
– The communicating bodies should not necessarily be
in direct line of sight
• It can reach anywhere with in its diameter
– It can pass through walls
• Wireless LANs(WIFI), and Bluetooth is examples
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Wireless LAN Terrestrial Microwave

• Parabolic dish shaped antenna for directional
and bar-like antenna for Omni directional
• requires unobstructed line of sight between
source and receiver
• curvature of the earth requires stations
(repeaters) at 10-100Km apart

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Satellite microwave
• Uses satellite
• Source transmit to Satellite
• The Satellite amplify and retransmit to the Network components

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NETWORK HARDWARE Network Interface Card (NIC)

• Interface the Network Media and the computer
•NIC • Every computer should have a NIC
•Repeater • Functions of the NIC
– Convert data from the computer to electrical/light
•Router – Convert data from the cable to digital signal
•Brouter – Convert serial data to parallel and vice versa
•Trunk – Control the flow of data
•Patch panel – Determine and accept a data which is destined to a
•Rack computer
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NIC NIC Consideration

• Every NIC have a unique address (serial • While buying NIC consider the following
number) called MAC address – Fit in the computer's expansion slot
– Media Access Control – Use the correct type of cable connector for the
• Acts as transceiver(Transmitter and receiver) cabling
– Be supported by the computer's operating system
• NIC also called Network Adapter

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Special NIC Repeaters

• Wireless NICs • External NICs • A device which regenerate(amplify) signals
• Uses repeaters to
– Regenerate the signal to increase the distance transmitted.
– Connect two segments of similar or dissimilar media.
– Pass all traffic in both directions.
• Do not use a repeater when:
– There is heavy network traffic.
– Segments are using different access methods or protocols.
– Data filtering is needed.
• Doesn’t filter traffic
– Transmit data which is not destined to a segment

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• Used as a central device in star topology • Use a hub to:
• Doesn’t filter signal – Use different ports to accommodate a variety of
– A data sent through a hub sends to all computer cable types.
• Two types of HUB – Enable central monitoring of network activity and
– Passive Hub traffic.
• Doesn’t amplify signals – Easily change and expand wiring systems.
– Active Hub
• Amplify signals
• Also called multiport repeater

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Bridge Bridge operation

• Connects segments or LANs • Listens to all traffic.
• Checks the source and destination addresses of each
• Filter and isolate traffic packet.
– Pass the signal only to the intended side • Builds a MAC address table, as information becomes
– Isolate traffic which have a problem available.
• Forwards packets in the following manner:
– If the destination is not listed in the MAC address table,
the bridge forwards the packets to next segment.
– If the destination is listed in the MAC address table, the
bridge forwards the packets to that segment (unless it is
the same segment as the source).

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Switch Router
• Multiport bridge - • Connects different networks
• Used as a central device in star topology • It filters signal using the IP address(Not the
• Some times called intelligent hub MAC address)
• Use a switch to: • Used as a gateway to other networks including
– Send a packet directly from the source computer Internet
to the destination computer. • It determine best path
– Provide for a greater rate of data transmission.

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Modem Types of modem

• Enable computers to communicate over the • Dial up Modem
– Internal
telephone line
– External
• Performs signal conversion between analog • ADSL Modem
and digital and vice versa – used in ADSL connection
• A dedicated connection type
• Sending computer’s modem changes digital • Cable modem
signal to analog(MOdulate) – Used in a cable internet connection
• Receiving computer’s modem change analog • A connection type that uses a different line than telephone line

signal to digital( DEModulate) • Wireless modem

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Proxy Server and Firewall

• In an enterprise that uses the Internet, a proxy
server is a server that acts as an intermediary
between a workstation user and the Internet so
that the enterprise can ensure security, Network software Components
administrative control, and caching service.
Routers are internet-level nodes.
• A firewall is a set of related programs, usually
located at a network gateway server, that
protects the resources of a private network from
users from other networks.

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Software on client/server architecture Server operating system

• A network architecture in which each • Operating system resides(installed) in server
computer or process on the network is either computer
a client or a server • Also called Network operating system
• Client/server architecture require the • Function of network operating system
following software – Resource sharing
– Server operating system – Managing users
– Client operating system – Managing the network
– Client software • Examples of network operating system
– Server software – Windows server 2003(2008), Unix, Linux, Solaris,
Ubuntu etc
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Client operating system Server software

• Operating system for client computers • A server is a computer program that provides services
to other computers (Clients)
• Enables client computers to access shared • Provides a specific kind of service to client software
resources running on client computers
• Includes
• Example: windows XP, Vista, 7, 8,10etc – File and print server
– Active directory server
– Application server
– Communication server
– Fax server
– Web server
– Mail server

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Server software Special servers(Cont.)

• File and Print server • Communication server
– Manage user access and use of files and servers
– Manages communication between own network
• Application server
and other networks
– Holds application programs for the network
– Example: Database server • Directory service server
• Mail server – Manage user login to the network
– Used to hold and mange email – Manage resources
– Example: Microsoft exchange server, sendMail,
Postfix, Exim – Enable users to access resources in the network
• Fax server
– Manages Faxes
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Operating system in peer to peer

Client softwar
• An application program that accesses a service • Networking software
made available by a server – Networked computer need networking software
• For example to access the mail server program – a desktop computer's networking software can be
we need to have a client mail program( which either
is client software) • added to the computer's own operating system
– Outlook express – Eg: Novell’s Netware
• To access a web page from a server we need
• integrated with it.
to have a browser software
– Windows XP, Windows 7,8, Visita, AppleTalk
– Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome

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Network Media Access method CSMACD

• Access method is the set of rules that defines • Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection
how a computer puts data onto the network • Before sending data each computer checks the
cable and takes data from the cable network cable
• Access methods prevent computers from gaining • A computer send data only if the cable is free
simultaneous access to the cable. • Once the computer has transmitted data on the cable,
• Major access methods no other computer can transmit data until the original
– CSMACD data has reached its destination and the cable is free
– CSMACA again
– Token passing • If a computer detects a possible collision, it waits for a
– Demand priority random period of time before retransmitting (collision
– polling detection)
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• CSMA/CD is known as a contention method • Carrier sense multiple access with collision
because computers on the network contend, avoidance
or compete, for an opportunity to send data. • The least popular
• Before transmitting signal, every computer first
• Disadvantage of CSMA/CD transmit its intent to send a signal
– The more number of computer the more collision
• this allows them to avoid collisions.
and collision avoidance, results in slower network
• Disadvantage
– broadcasting the intent to transmit data increases the
amount of traffic on the cable and slows down
network performance.
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Demand Priority Access Method

Token passing access method
• A special type of packet, called a token, • two computers can cause contention by
transmitting at exactly the same time.
circulates around a cable ring from computer
• However, with demand priority, it is possible to
to computer implement a scheme in which certain types of
• When any computer on the ring needs to send data will be given priority if there is contention.
data across the network, it must wait for a • If the hub or switch receives two requests at the
same time, the highest priority request is
free token. When a free token is detected, the serviced first.
computer will take control of it if the • If the two requests are of the same priority, both
computer has data to send. requests are serviced by alternating between the
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Contention CSMA/CD is known as a contention media access method because systems

contend for access to the media, b/c computers on the network contend, or compete,
for an opportunity to send data
The five methods designed to prevent simultaneous use of the
network media include:
o Carrier-sense multiple access methods with collision detection
o Carrier-sense multiple access methods with collision avoidance
o Token-passing methods that allow only a single opportunity to send
o Demand-priority methods.
o Polling (The polling protocols which require an intelligent central
device )
• The most widely used types of Access Methods are: CSMA/CD &
token-passing. Polling is used primarily in mainframe &
minicomputer systems.

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Introduction to Ethernet
• Is the most popular network standard
• Uses a baseband transmission
Ethernet standards – Baseband systems is a digital signaling
– A single data uses the entire bandwidth
• Have CSMA/CD access method
• Have a transfer speed of 10 or 100 Mbps
• Defined by IEEE 802.3
– IEEE- Institute of electrical and electronics
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10 Mbps standards 10BaseT standard

• 10BaseT • 10 Mbps, baseband, over twisted-pair cable
• 10Base2 • Mostly uses UTP but can also use STP
• 10Base5 • Has a physical star and logical bus topology
• 10BaseFL • The maximum length of a 10BaseT segment is
100 meters
• Supports a maximum of 1024 computers

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10Base2 standard 10Base5 standard

• 10 Mbps baseband over thinnet coaxial cable • 10 Mbps baseband over thicknet coaxial cable
• Uses a bus topology • Uses a bus topology
• A maximum of 30 nodes within a segment • A maximum of 100 nodes per segment
• A maximum of three segments • A maximum of three segments

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10BaseFL standard IEEE 100 Mbps standards

• 10 Mbps baseband over fiber optics cable • 100BaseVG-AnyLAN Ethernet.
• 100BaseX Ethernet (Fast Ethernet).

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100BaseVG-Any LAN 100BaseX Ethernet standards

• Have minimum data rate of 100 Mbps. • This standard, sometimes called Fast Ethernet,
• star topology over Category 3, 4, and 5 • It runs on UTP Cat3, 4, 5 or fiber optics cable
twisted-pair and fiber-optic cable.
• Uses CSMA/CD in a star-wired bus topology,
• Uses demand priority access method similar to 10BaseT where all cables are
• The ability to support an option for filtering attached to a hub
individually addressed frames at the hub to
enhance privacy.
• Support for both Ethernet frames and Token
Ring packets.
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1000BaseT Ethernet Token ring

• 1000 Mbps(1Gbps) speed, Baseband over twisted • Governed by IEEE 802.5
pair cable
• Also called Gigabit Ethernet • Uses token passing access method
• Uses CSMA/CD access method • Physical ring or star wired ring
• Is compatible with 10BaseT, and 100BaseTX • Baseband transmission
• Disadvantages • Shielded and unshielded twisted pair cable
– Maximum cable length is 100 meter
– It is susceptible to interference
– Gigabit NIC and Switch is expensive

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• It is the direction of data flow between two
linked devices.
Mode of transmission • There are three ways for transmitting data
from one location to another. These are:
– Simplex mode
– Half-Duplex mode
– Full-Duplex mode

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Simplex Half duplex mode

• Data transmitted only in one direction • The communication can take place in both
– From sender to receiver directions, but only in one direction at a time
• No error detection mechanism • Error detection and correction is possible
• Example: TV and Radio Transmission • Example: Walkie Tokie

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Full Duplex mode Data Transfer Methods

• communication can take place in both • In complex system data switching can be of
directions simultaneously two type
• Example: telephone conversation – Circuit switching
– Packet switching

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Packet switching
• Used in computer networking • The header address also describes the sequence for
• In packet-based networks, the message gets broken reassembly at the destination computer so that the
into small data packets. These packets are sent out packets are put back into the correct order.
from the computer and they travel around the network • One packet also contains details of how many packets
seeking out the most efficient route to travel as circuits should be arriving so that the recipient computer
become available. knows if one packet has failed to turn up.
• Each packet may go a different route from the others. • If a packet fails to arrive, the recipient computer sends
• Each packet is sent with a ‘header address’. This tells it a message back to the computer which originally sent
where its final destination is, so it knows where to go. the data, asking for the missing packet to be resent

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• The application in use, such as multimedia, database

Circuit switching updates, e-mail, or file and print sharing, generally
determines the type of data transmission.
LAN transmissions fit into one of three categories:
• Used in telephone networking • Unicast
• There are three phases in circuit switching: • Multicast
– Establish • Broadcast
– Transfer Unicast
– Disconnect • With unicast transmissions, a single packet is sent from
the source to a destination on a
• The message arrive in the same order as it was • network. The source-node addresses the packet by
originally sent using the network address of the
• Excellent for real time communication, that uses • destination node. The packet is then forwarded to the
video and voice destination network and the network
• passes the packet to its final destination. Figure 1 is an
example of a unicast network.
Ermiyas 175 Ermiyas 176

Figure 1 Unicast Network Multicast

With a multicast transmission, a single data packet is copied and forwarded to a specific
subset of nodes on the network. The source node addresses the packet by using a multicast
address. For example, the TCP/IP suite uses to The packet is
then sent to the network, which makes copies of the packet and sends a copy to each
segment with a node that is part of the multicast address. Figure 2-2 is an example of a
multicast network. Figure Multicast Network

Ermiyas 177 Ermiyas 178

Figure 3 Broadcast Network

• Broadcasts are found in LAN environments. Broadcasts do not traverse a
WAN unless the Layer 3 edge-routing device is configured with a helper
address (or the like) to direct these
• broadcasts to a specified network address. This Layer 3 routing device acts
as an interface between the local-area network (LAN) and the wide-area
network (WAN).
• NOTE Broadcasts will traverse a WAN if the WAN is bridged.
• NOTE Ethernet is a broadcast environment in which one device transmits
and all other devices see the transmission. Ethernet (broadcast)
operation should not be confused with other LAN or WAN broadcasts,
where the frame addressed to the broadcast address (a broadcast frame)
is copied and forwarded across the network. Figure 2-3 is an example of a
broadcast network.
• Figure 3 Broadcast Network

Ermiyas 179 Ermiyas 180


Open system Interconnection Model

• The OSI Model is a standard developed on the
area of the computer networking
The OSI Reference model • It enables devices from different vendors to
work together( Interoperability)
• It enables us to visualize the process involved
in data communication

Ermiyas 181 Ermiyas 182

• The OSI Reference model divides the process of data
communication into 7 layers
• Each layers perform a specific task
• In each layer there is a set of protocols involved, or devices
• The seven layers
1. Physical layer
2. Data link layer
3. Network layer
4. Transport layer
5. Session layer
6. Presentation layer
7. Application layer

Ermiyas 183 Ermiyas 184

Application layer
• It is the layer through which users or
application programs access to the network
• It provides the interface for application
programs to access the network
• Includes programs and protocols like
– FTP: File transfer protocol
– SMTP: Simple mail transfer protocol

Ermiyas 185 Ermiyas 186


Presentation Layer Session layer

• Handles formatting of data to common form • open, use, and close a connection called a
• In the sending computer, it translates data from session.
the format sent down from the application layer • Performs dialog between computers
into a commonly recognized, intermediary format
• At the receiving computer, this layer translates
the intermediary format into a format that can be
useful to that computer's application layer
• It handles encryption and decryption,
compression and decompression
Ermiyas 187 Ermiyas 188

Transport layer Network layer

• Prepare the data for transportation • Responsible for computer’s logical addressing
• Divide message into smaller part that can be • It translate logical address to physical address
transmitted at a time. This process is called
segmentation • Determines the route through which the data
is transmitted
• The transport layer provides flow control and
error handling, and participates in solving • Devices at this layer can process data using
problems concerned with the transmission the logical address(like IP address)
and reception of packets – Router
• Data at this layer is called segment • Data at this layer is called packet
Ermiyas 189 Ermiyas 190

Data Link Layer Physical layer

• Adds physical address on the data • It is the layer on which the actual data is
• Converts data to a form that can be transmitted
transmitted into the network media • Defines the medium through which the bits are
• It controls the electrical impulses that enter
and leave the network cable. • The physical layer is responsible for transmitting
bits (zeros and ones) from one computer to
• Devices on this layer can process data by using another
the physical address(MAC Address)
• Devices at this layer do not process data but
– NIC, Switch, Bridge simply receive and pass data in a form of bits
• Data at this layer is called frame – Cables, connectors, repeaters, hubs
Ermiyas 191 Ermiyas 192


Network Protocol Concepts of protocols

What is a protocol?
Definition of a "Protocol" is a set of rules by which two computers communicate. In plain English, you can say
that a protocol is a language, for example, English. For me to speak to you and make sense, I need to structure my
sentence in a "standard" way which you will understand. Computer communication works pretty much the same

• Protocols are rules and procedures for way. This is why we have so many different protocols, each one for a specific task.
-Protocols are rules and procedures for communicating. The term "protocol" is used in a variety of contexts. For

example, diplomats from one country adhere to rules of protocol designed to help them interact smoothly with
diplomats from other countries. Rules of protocol apply in the same way in the computer environment. When
several computers are networked, the rules and technical procedures governing their communication and

• Two computers can communicate with each interaction are called protocols.
-A protocol is the basic mode or language of communication between devices on a network. Just as different

other if
nations communicate in different languages, different protocols have different languages. A protocol is a formal set
of rules and conventions that govern how computers exchange information over a network.
-A set of rules or standards that control data transmission and other interactions between networks, computers,
– They use the same protocol or peripheral devices, and operating systems.
- The same protocol must be used on the sending and receiving devices. It is possible for two devices that use
different protocols to communicate with each other, but a gateway is needed in between. This is unmodified-you
– They use compatible protocols can get the modified version later 2
- Protocols determine the format, timing, sequencing, and error control in data communication.
- Protocols control all aspects of data communication, which include the following:
• How the physical network is built
• How computers connect to the network
• How the data is formatted for transmission
• How that data is sent
• How to deal with errors
Ermiyas 193 Ermiyas 194

Protocol stack(Suit): Protocol stack examples

• Set of protocols that work together • The ISO/OSI protocol suite.
• Each layer of the stack specifies a different • TCP/IP
protocol for handling a function or subsystem of • IPX/SPX
the communication process
• Protocol stack defines the process of networking
into layers. And in each layers there is a specific
protocol to perform a specific task on that layer
• Protocols exist at each layer of these stacks,
performing the tasks specified by that layer
Ermiyas 195 Ermiyas 196


• Transmission control protocol/Internet • The TCP/IP protocol does not exactly match the
protocol OSI reference model
• It divides the process of networking into four
• TCP/IP was developed by the United States layers
Department of Defense as a set of wide area – Network interface layer
network (WAN) protocols – Internet layer
• It is currently the standard protocol in the – Transport layer
Internet – Application layer
• Each of these layers corresponds to one or more
layers of the OSI reference model.
Ermiyas 197 Ermiyas 198


Network Interface Layer

• corresponding to the physical and data-link
layers of the OSI reference model,

Ermiyas 199 Ermiyas 200

Internet Layer Transport layer

• corresponding to the network layer of the OSI • corresponding to the transport layer of the OSI
reference model reference model
• Protocols in Internet layer • The transport layer provides acknowledgment of
– Internet Protocol(IP): is a protocol that performs receipt, flow control, and sequencing of packets.
addressing and route selection
– Address resolution protocol(ARP) : The ARP determines • Transport layer uses either UDP or TCP
hardware address (MAC addresses) that correspond to an – TCP- is connection oriented. i.e. each segment is
IP address acknowledged by the receiver (data communication
– Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP): changes a on the internet)
MAC address to an IP address – UDP(user data gram protocol) –connectionless. In this
– ICMP(Internet control management protocol : protocols protocol the sender doesn’t need acknowledgement
to send and receive status reports about information being to send the next data(e.g: TV broadcast on the
transmitted eg: pinging Internet)
Ermiyas 201 Ermiyas 202

• TCP is connection-oriented • UDP is connectionless
protocol. When a file or protocol. When you a send
message send it will get a data or message, you
delivered unless don't know if it'll get there,
connections fails. If
connection lost, the server it could get lost on the way.
will request the lost part. There may be corruption
There is no corruption while while transferring a
transferring a message. message.
• Reliable • Unreliable
• slower • fast

Ermiyas 203 Ermiyas 204


TCP vs. UDP Application layer

• Corresponding to the session, presentation,
and application layers of the OSI reference

Ermiyas 205 Ermiyas 206

Protocol Data Units(PDUs) Data Encapsulation

• PDUs is the data with control information at each • Data Encapsulation is a process of taking one Protocol
Data Unit (PDU) and enveloping it within a set of
layer of the OSI reference model protocol header and trailer. So that it can be handled
• The control information is attached to the header by the next lower layer
– It is performed by the sending computer
or the trailer – Data->segment->packet->frame->bits
• Each layer protocol data unit is defined as follows • De-encapsulation is the process of taking one PDU and
– Transport layer PDUs: Segment removing the header and trailer of the PDU. So that it
can be handled by the next upper layer.
– Network layer PDUs: Packet – It is the reverse of encapsulation
– Data link layer PDUs: Frame – it is performed in the receiving computer
– Physical layer PDUs:bit – Bits->frame->packet->segment->data

Ermiyas 207 Ermiyas 208

Respective to the OSI model, these devices

operate at the following layers:
• • OSI Layer 1 (physical)—Hubs, repeaters
(hubs are considered to be multiport
• OSI Layer 2 (data link)—Bridges, switches
• OSI Layer 3 (network)—Routers, layer 3

Ermiyas 209 Ermiyas 210


Network Address
LAN Addressing
• LAN (or any internetwork) addresses identify individual or groups of devices. Addressing
• schemes vary depending on the protocol family and OSI layer.

• Internet Protocol (IP) Addressing - Is a logical addressing that used to assign to the
individual computers
– - One of the most important topics in any discussion of TCP/IP is IP addressing. • Every computer on a network must have a
– - An IP address is a numeric identifier assigned to each machine on an IP network.

- An IP address is a software address, not a hardware address
- IP addressing was designed to allow a host on one network to communicate with a host on a different
unique address
network, regardless of the type of LANs the hosts are participating in.
MAC Addresses
• Media Access Control (MAC) addresses identify network devices in LANs. MAC
• If two computers have the same address an
• addresses are unique for each LAN interface on a device. MAC addresses are 48 bits in
• length and are expressed as 12 hexadecimal digits. The first six hexadecimal digits, which
address conflict occurs.
• are administered by the IEEE, identify the manufacturer or vendor and comprise the
• organizational unique identifier (OUI). The last six hexadecimal digits comprise the • Two types of network addresses
• interface serial number, or another value administered by the specific vendor. MAC
• addresses are sometimes referred to as burned-in addresses (BIAs) because they are burned – Physical address MAC address
• into read-only memory (ROM) and are copied into random-access memory (RAM) when
• the interface card initializes. – Uses a 48 bits which can be changed to 12 digit hexadecimal
– Logical address computer name and IP
Ermiyas 211 Ermiyas 212

• Network Layer Addresses IP address

• Network layer addresses identify a device at the OSI network layer (Layer 3).
• addresses exist within a hierarchical address space and sometimes are called  Used to uniquely identify a device on a nw
virtual or
• logical addresses.  It is made up of 32 binary bits which can be
• Network layer addresses have two parts: the network of which the device is a part divisible into a network portion and host portion
and the
• device, or host, number of that device on that network. Devices on the same logical  The 32 binary bits are broken into four octets
 Each octet is converted to decimal and separated
• must have addresses with the same network part; however, they will have unique
device by a period (dot).
• parts, such as network and host addresses in an IP or IPX network.  Therefore it is expressed in dotted decimal
• For example, an IP address is often expressed as a dotted decimal notation, such
as x.x.x.x. format
• Each x in the address indicates either a network or host number, demonstrated as
• The subnet mask determines where the network boundary ends and the host
boundary Ermiyas 213 Ermiyas 214
• begins.

IP address (Cont.) IP classes

• Egg:, etc • Used to provide an addressing scheme that
• The value in each octet ranges from can accommodate large and small networks
00000000-11111111 i.e. from 0-255 • There are five different classes of networks, A
to E
• Class D and E are reserved

Ermiyas 215 Ermiyas 216


Class A Class B
• designed to meet the needs of large networks • was designed for medium-sized networks
• This class will only support 126 networks; but • This class will support 16,384 networks; and
limited to 65,534 hosts per network.
each network can support 16,777,214 hosts.
• The first two octet are the nw portion
• The first octet of the IP address is network • Considering
portion and the rest the node portion – is the network address
– is the host address
• Octet 3 and 4 are for nodes
• Used for nw that have b/n 256 and 65,534 nodes

Ermiyas 217 Ermiyas 218

Class C IP classes
• was designed for small networks; thus the number of • Given an IP address, its class can be
hosts per network will be small, however it will determined from the three high order bits
support many more networks total.
• Class A
• The first three octet are the network portion and the
remaining one for node – The first bit is 0
• Considering Network ID
– The network address is
– The host address is
The 0possible class A24IPbitsranges
(node ID)

• A maximum of 2,097,152 (221 ) networks can be

defined with up to 254 (28-2) hosts per network

Ermiyas 219 Ermiyas 220

IP classes IP classes
• Class B • Class C
– The first two bits are 1 and 0 – The first three bits are 1,1 and 0
1 0 (14 bits) network 16 bits node id 1 1 0 (21 bits) network id 8 bits node id

The possible IP range for class B is The possible IP range for class C is

Ermiyas 221 Ermiyas 222


Network Mask(subnet mask) Network mask(cont.)

• Used to identify which poriton of the address • Class A, B and C networks have default masks,
identifies the network and which portion of also known as natural mask as follows
the address the node – Class A:
• Any address bits that have corresponding – Class B:
mask bits set to 1 represent the network ID, – Class C:
and any address bits that have corresponding
mask bits set to 0 represent the node ID

Ermiyas 223 Ermiyas 224

Private vs. public IP address Private IP address ranges

• Computers on the internet uses IP address to • Class A: -
communicate • Class B: -
• Public IP address are reserved for the internet • Class C: -
• Private IP address are reserved for private

Ermiyas 225 Ermiyas 226

Static vs dynamic IP address IP Addressing Tips

Static Dynamic(automatic) IP
• A Network ID cannot be All 0s
• Assigned manually • Assigned using DHCP
• A host ID cannot be All 1 because this represents a
• The IP address is the • Change each time broadcast address for the local network.
same every time you you log in • Each host must have a unique host portion of the IP
log in unless you address.
change it manually • All hosts on the same network segment should have
the same network id.
• Host address can not be all zeroes and all ones

Ermiyas 227 Ermiyas 228


Reserved IP addresses IP Addressing Structure

• Describe the dotted decimal structure of a binary IP
• used for broadcast address and label its parts
• - used for loop
back to the local host

Ermiyas 229 Ermiyas 230

• Explain how end user devices can obtain addresses either statically IP Addressing Structure
through an administrator or dynamically through DHCP • Practice converting decimal to 8-bit binary

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

240 = 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

Example: 01111001=64+32+16+8+1=121
Ermiyas 231 Ermiyas 232

IPv6 IP V4
• The current version of IP is called IPv4
– It is made up of 32 bits(4 Bytes)
– Theoretically it can support around 4.2 billion
– It is currently becoming occupied(full)
• The limited capacity of IPv4 leads to the
introduction of IPv6
– It uses 128 bits(16 Bytes)
– Supports
(340 Undecillion) or 2128 different addresses
– Example: IPv6 2001:0DB8:0000:2F3B:02AA:00FF:FE28:9C5A

Ermiyas 233 Ermiyas 234


Network IDs and Broadcast Addresses Private Addresses

An IP address such as that has all binary 0s in
the host bit positions is reserved for the network address.

An IP address such as that has all binary 1s

in the host bit positions is reserved for the broadcast

Ermiyas Ermiyas 236


• Ping allows a user to ping another network IP
address. This can help determine if the
network is able to communicate with the
Network commands network.
• Syntax: Ping ipaddress eg( ping
• Ping domain name

Ermiyas 237 Ermiyas 238

ipconfig hostname
• Ipconfig is a MS-DOS utility that can be used • The hostname command displays the host
to display the network settings currently name of the Windows XP computer currently
assigned and given by a network. This logged into.
command can be utilized to verify a network
connection as well as to verify your network
• Syntax
– Ipconfig
– Ipconfig/all

Ermiyas 239 Ermiyas 240


Components needed
• A network interface or Local Area Network
(LAN) adapter for each computer. The same
manufacturer and model of network card is
Configuring P2P network preferred.
• Cabling that is supported by the network
• Device driver for the network card

Ermiyas 241 Ermiyas 242

Steps in installing P2P network in win

P2P configuration
• Crimp the cable correctlly and Connect the • Check the connectivity
devices physically – Use the Ping command
• Run the Network setup wizard
– Assign each computer a unique name
– Assign the same workgroup name for every
• Assign IP address
– Each computers have a unique IP address, whose
Network portion is the same

Ermiyas 243 Ermiyas 244

Subnet mask notation Standard subnet mask notation

• There are two types of subnet mask notation • Uses a four octet numeric value with a base
– Standard notation address
• Class full notation • Assign the binary digit of 1 to the network
– CIDR(classless inter domain routing) notation portion and binary digit 0 to the host portion
• Also called classless notation and then each octet to decimal
– Example:

Ermiyas 245 Ermiyas 246


CIDR notation Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR)

Use two 32-bit numbers to represent a network.
• Counts the no of bits used for network Network number = IP address + Mask

addressing and append Example: BellSouth Prefix:

• The number of 1’s in the mask binary version
is counted and append to the end of the base 01000001 00001110 11111000 00000000
address following a slash
– Example:
11111111 11111111 11111100 00000000

IP Address: “Mask”:

Address no longer specifies network ID range.

Ermiyas 247 Ermiyas 248
New forwarding trick: Longest Prefix Match

Sub neting Subnetworks

• Is the process of dividing a given network into

smaller networks(subnets)
• It is performed by borrowing bits from host

Ermiyas 249 Ermiyas


Subnet Example
Subnet Mask Given the Class B address

• Determines which part of an IP address is the network field and which part is Class B Network Network Host Host
the host field
• Follow these steps to determine the subnet mask: Using /24
▫ 1. Express the sub network IP address in binary form. subnet... Network Network Subnet Host
▫ 2. Replace the network and subnet portion of the address with all 1s.
▫ 3. Replace the host portion of the address with all 0s.
▫ 4. Convert the binary expression back to dotted-decimal notation. Internet routers still “see” this net as But internal routers think all these addresses are on different networks, called subnetworks

Ermiyas 251 Ermiyas 252


Subnet Example
Network Network Subnet Host
Techniques to reduce address shortage in IPv4

Using the 3rd octet, was divided

into: 1. Sub neting 2. Classless Inter Domain Routing (CIDR)
3. Network Address Translation (NAT) and so on ...

Ermiyas 253 Ermiyas 254

Subnetting Example
Classless Inter-Domain Routing H1 H2
• Eliminates traditional classful IP routing.
• Supports the deployment of arbitrarily sized
Sub-network networks
• Routing information is advertised with a bit
G mask/prefix length specifies the number of leftmost
contiguous bits in the network portion of each routing table
All traffic entry
to H3 H4 • Example:
Net mask


mask 255 Ermiyas 256

NAT Example
Network Address Translation
• Each organization- C
single IP address
• Within organization – 3 Reserved ranges
each host with IP – (16,777,216 hosts)
unique to the orgn., – (1,048,576
from reserved set of IP hosts)
addresses – (65,536
hosts) Source
Source Source
NAT Router's
NAT Router's
Computer's Computer's Assigned
Computer IP Address
IP Address Port Port Number

A 400 1

B 50 2

C 3750 3

D 206 4

Ermiyas 257 Ermiyas 258


Short Term Solutions: IPv4 Long Term Solution: IPv6 (coming)

• One solution to the IP address shortage was thought to be the • IPv6, or IPng (IP – the Next Generation) uses a 128-bit address space,
subnet mask. yielding
• Formalized in 1985 (RFC 950), the subnet mask breaks a single 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456
class A, B or C network in to smaller pieces. possible addresses.
• IPv6 has been slow to arrive
• CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) – RFCs 1517, 1518, 1519,
1520 • IPv4 revitalized by new features, making IPv6 a luxury, and not a
desperately needed fix
• VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Mask) – RFC 1009
• IPv6 requires new software; IT staffs must be retrained
• Private Addressing - RFC 1918 • IPv6 will most likely coexist with IPv4 for years to come.
• NAT/PAT (Network Address Translation / Port Address • Some experts believe IPv4 will remain for more than 10 years.
Translation) – RFC

Ermiyas 259 Ermiyas 260

Header comparison Major Improvements of

0 15 16 31
Removed (6)
IPv6 Header
vers hlen TOS total length

identification flags flag-offset • ID, flags, flag offset • No option field: Replaced by extension
TTL protocol header checksum • TOS, hlen
• header checksum
header. Result in a fixed length, 40-byte IP
source address

destination address
Changed (3)
options and padding
• total length => payload • No header checksum: Result in fast
IPv4 • protocol => next header
• TTL => hop limit
vers traffic class flow-label
Added (2) • No fragmentation at intermediate nodes:
payload length next header hop limit
• traffic class Result in fast IP forwarding.
source address • flow label

destination address
• address 32 to 128 bits
Ermiyas 261 Ermiyas 262

The Address Allocation Process
 IPv6 is NEW …
– built on the experiences learned from IPv4 IANA http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space

– new features
– large address space AfriNIC APNIC ARIN LACNIC RIPE
– new efficient header
– autoconfiguration
Georgia Tech
 … and OLD
– still IP
– build on a solid base • Allocation policies of RIRs affect pressure on IPv4
– started in 1995, a lot of implementations and address space
tests done
Ermiyas 263 Ermiyas 264


Collision domain
• A collision domain is a physical network
segment where data packets can collide with
Collision domain vs. broadcast
one another when being sent on a shared
domain medium
• Device and number of collision domain
– Hub -> have one collision domain
– Switch and router have many collision domain

Ermiyas 265 Ermiyas 266

Broadcast domain Devices revision

• The set of all devices that will receive • Hub
broadcast frames originating from any device – Have one collision and broadcast domain
with in the set • Switch
• Device and broadcast domain – Have many collision domain(because it avoids
– Router have many broadcast domain(the no of collision)
port) – Have one broadcast domain
– Switch and hub has one broadcast domain
• Bridge
• Router filter broadcast data – Have many collision domain and broadcast domain
• Switch and hub doesn’t filter broadcast data • It filters broadcast data

Ermiyas 267 Ermiyas 268

• How many collision domain and broadcast • How many collision domain and broadcast
domain does the following have(imagine the domain does the following have(imagine the
central device is switch)
central device is Hub)

• Answer • Answer
– 1 broadcast domain – 5 collision domain
– 1 collision domain – 1 broadcast domain

Ermiyas 269 Ermiyas 270


• How many collision domain and broadcast • How many broadcast domains and collision
domain does the following have(imagine the domains can be created with a 12 port switch
central device is bridge) – Answer
• 12 collision domain
• 1 broadcast domain

• Answer
– 2 collision domain
– 1 broadcast domain
Ermiyas 271 Ermiyas 272

• How many collision domain and broadcast • How many collision domain and broadcast
domain does the following have domain does the following have

• Answer • Answer
– 2 broadcast domain – 2 broadcast domain
– 4 collision domain – 8 collision domain

Ermiyas 273 Ermiyas 274

Network Design

• What two results would occur if the hub were to be Steps to follow in Designing Networks (Organizational Approach)
replaced with a switch that is configured with one Ethernet  New Network Establishment:
VLAN? (Choose two.)
A. The number of broadcast domains would remain the 1. Planning/Feasibility study
same. 2. Study Existing Situation
B. The number of collision domains would increase.
C. The number of collision domains would decrease. 3. Rough proposal of the designed network
D. The number of broadcast domains would decrease. 4. Requirements Analysis
E. The number of collision domains would remain the
same. 5. Design
F. The number of broadcast domains would increase. 6. Specification of network items and Procurement (Buying
• Answer: A,B items)
7. Implementation (Installations and Administration)

Ermiyas 275 Ermiyas 276


• LAN Design Goals: • Gather Data -

• Functionality - the network must work with reasonable speed and – Corporate Structure
reliability. – Business information flow
• Scalability - the network must be able to grow without any major changes – Applications in use
to the overall design. – Current topology
• Adaptability - the network must be designed with an eye toward future – Performance characteristics of current network
technologies, and should include no element that would limit – Determine if documented policies are in place
implementation of new technologies as they become available. – Mission-critical data
• Manageability - the network would be designed to facilitate network – Mission-critical operations
monitoring and management. – Approved protocols and platforms
Design Methodology – Control versus distributed authority
1. Analyze requirements • Business requirements
2. Develop LAN structure (topology) • Technical requirements
3. Set up addressing (and naming conventions) and routing • New applications or business operations
Step 1... - Analyze Requirements (of the network and its users) • Availability requirements -
• Business issues – Throughput
• Technology issues – Response time
• Administrative issues • Access to resources
Ermiyas 277 Ermiyas 278

Design Rule: First and foremost you must understand the Step 2... - Develop LAN Topology
customer. • LAN topology that will satisfy Step 1 requirements
• Star Topology
Design Rule: Find out what availability means to your • Extended Star Topology
customer. • Star topology -
Step 1... - Analyze Network Load Requirements • A LAN topology in which end points on a network are connected to a
• Client/Server applications common central hub/switch by point-to-point links.
• A ring topology that is organized as a star, implements a unidirectional
• Host/terminal applications closed-loop star (star wired ring), instead of point-to-point links.
• Routing protocols Step 3... - Layer 3 Addressing
• Regularly scheduled services, such as file backup • The router divides subnets and networks
• The router structures an internetwork
• Estimate worst-case traffic load during the busiest times for • Logical addressing should be mapped to the physical network
users and during regularly scheduled network services • Develop and document the IP addressing scheme to be used in the
Design Rule: Before developing an internetwork structure and network
provisioning hardware, determine the network traffic load. Step 3... - Setting Up VLAN Implementation
Design Rule: Evaluate applications that cause traffic problems • Group users by department, team, or application
(congestion). • Provide broadcast containment and security
• Routers provide communiocation between VLANs (and security)

Ermiyas 279 Ermiyas 280

• VLAN (Virtual LAN) - Group of devices on a LAN that are configured (using Ethernet Technology
management software) so that they can communicate as if they were  Segmentation - Bridging and switching are both used for segmentation
attached to the same wire (media), when in fact they are located on a – Results in multiple collision domains
number of different LAN segments. Because VLANs are based on logical
instead of physical connections, they are extremely flexible. – Still a single broadcast domain
– Stations can get dedicated bandwidth
• What problems are you trying to solve?
• Collision domain (bandwidth domain) - In Ethernet, the network area
• Media contention within which frames that have collided are propagated (everything
– too many devices, all with a high demand for the network segment associated with one port on a bridge or switch). Repeaters and hubs
• Excessive broadcasts propagate collisions; LAN switches, bridges and routers do not.
– client packets looking for services • Broadcast domain - The set of all devices that will receive broadcast
– too many server packets announcing services frames originating from any device within the set. Broadcast domains are
– too many routing table updates typically bounded by routers because routers do not forward broadcast
• Need to transport new payloads frames (everything associated with one port on a router).
– voice and video network services • All broadcasts from any host in the same broadcast domain are visible to
• Need for more bandwidth all other hosts in the same broadcast domain. Broadcasts must be visible
to all hosts in the broadcast domain in order to establish connectivity.
• Overloaded backbone • The scalability of the collision domain depends on total traffic, and the
• Network-layer addressing issues scalability for a broadcast domain depends on total broadcast traffic.
– running out of IP addresses
– need for physically separate subnets
– other issues dependent on the protocols

Ermiyas 281 Ermiyas 282


Network Design • Layer 3 - Network Layer

• The major pieces of this topology design can be broken into three unique Includes selection of layer 3 devices such as routers which are used to
categories of the OSI model... create unique LAN segments and allow communication between segments
• Layer 1 - Physical Layer based on layer 3 addressing such as IP addressing.
Includes wire media type such as CAT5 UTP and fiber-optic cable along • Design Goals:
with EIA/TIA 568 Standard for layout and connection of wiring schemes. – Build a path between LAN segments that will filter the flow of data packets.
• Design Goal: Build this layer of the OSI model with speed and expansion – Isolate ARP protocol broadcast
capabilities. – Isolation of collisions between segments.
• Layer 2 - Data Link Layer – Filtering of Layer 4 services between segments.
Includes selection of Layer 2 devices such as bridges or LAN switches used • Layer 1 Media and Topology
to interconnect the Layer 1 media to for a LAN segment. Devices at this • The Physical layer controls the way data is transmitted between source
layer will determine the size of the collision and broadcast domains. and destination node.
• Design Goals: • Physical layer - Layer 1 of the OSI reference model. The physical layer
– Create a concentration point within the MDFs or IDFs where end host can be defines the electrical, mechanical, procedural and functional specifications
grouped at Layer 1 to form a physical LAN segment. for activating, maintaining, and deactivating the physical link between end
– Install LAN switching devices that use microsegmentation in order to reduce systems.
the collision domain size. • Media - Plural of medium. The various physical environments through
– Create a point (at Layer 2) of the topology where users can be grouped into which transmission signals pass. Common network media include twisted-
virtual workgroups (VLANs) and unique broadcast domains. pair, coaxial and fiber-optic cable, and the atmosphere (through which
microwave, laser, and infrared transmission occurs). Sometimes called
physical media.

Ermiyas 283 Ermiyas 284

• Topology - Physical arrangement of network nodes and media • EIA/TIA-568 - Standard that describes the characteristics and applications for various grades
within an enterprise networking structure. of UTP cabling.
• Cable Plant types: • Category 5 (CAT5) cabling - One of five grades of UTP cabling described in the EIA/TIA-568B
standard. Category 5 cabling is used for running CDDI and can transmit data at speeds up to
• Electrical (copper) 100 Mbps.
– coaxial • In a simple star with only one wiring closet, the main distribution facility (MDF) will include
– twisted pair one or more horizontal cross connect (HCC) patch panels. HCC patch cables will be used to
• Fiber-optic connect the Layer 1 'horizontal cabling' with the Layer 2 LAN switch ports. The uplink port of
the LAN switch will be connected to the Ethernet port of the Layer 3 router using 'patch
– multimode cable' also. At this point the end host will have a complete physical connection to the router
– single-mode port. The quantity of horizontal cable run and the size (number of ports) of the HCC patch
• Wiring configurations panels will be determined by the user's requirements.
– Star / Extended Star • Design Hint: Review the user’s requirements to determine what the user expects for the
number of horizontal cable runs to each room that the MDF or IDF will be servicing in its
– Distance limitations catchment area.
• Star Topology using CAT5 (UTP): • Extended Star Topology:
• Specified by EIA/TIA 568 standard • Specified by EIA/TIA standards
• The MDF is the center of the star • Creates multiple catchment areas interconnected with vertical cabling
• The MDF is the Point of Presence (POP) for outside services from • All vertical cabling is connected to the MDF to create a single LAN segment
the WAN provider • Vertical cabling - (Backbone cabling) Cabling that provides interconnections between wiring
closets, wiring closets and the POP, and between buildings that are part of the same LAN.
• Catchment areas - Zone that falls within area that can be served by an internetworking device
such as a hub.
Ermiyas 285 Ermiyas 286

• MDF - Main Distribution Facility. Primary communications room for •

Layer 2 - LAN Switching
The purpose of Layer 2 (Data Link Layer) devices in the network are to provide 'flow control', 'error detection &
a building. Central point of a star networking topology where patch correction', and 'reduce congestion' in the network. The two most common Layer 2 devices (other than the NIC,
panels, hub, and router are located. •
which every host on the network has to have) are Bridges and LAN switches.
LAN switchs (Layer 2 Switch) can allocate bandwidth on a per port basis thus allowing more bandwidth to vertical
• IDF - Intermediate Distribution Facility. Secondary communications •
cabling, uplinks and servers.
Note: The theoretical maximum bandwidth for a Layer 2 Switch is:
room for a building using a star networking topology. The IDF is • Theoretical No-of-ports * Bandwidth Maximum = ----------------------- Bandwidth
dependent on the MDF. •
2 Asymmetric Switching -
Provides switching between unlike bandwidths (10/100 Mbps)
• Layer 1 Documentation (Logical Diagram) • Requires the switch to use memory buffering
• Use Switches to reduce congestion:
• Logical diagram is a snapshot view of over all LAN implementation • Avoid congestion on a LAN by using microsegmentation to eliminate collision domains
• Useful in troubleshooting problems and implementing expansion in •

Cascade switches and hubs
Tailor availability to the needs of the device
the future • Microsegmentation - Division of a network into smaller segments, usually with the intention of increasing
aggregate bandwidth to network devices.
• Elements of the Logical Diagram Include: • By installing LAN switching at the MDF and IDFs we can start to look at the size of our collision domains and the
– Exact locations of MDF and IDF's wiring closets speed for each horizontal cable and vertical cable run. Since the vertical cable will be carrying all of the data traffic
between the MDF and the IDFs, the capacity of this run must be larger.
– The type and quantity of cabling used to interconnect the IDFs with • Layer 2 Switch Collision Domains:
the MDF, along with how many spare cables are available for •

In a pure switch LAN environment, the size of the collision domain is between two host.
When using hubs, the size of the collision domain increases and bandwidth is shared.
increasing the bandwidth between the wiring closets. • A shared LAN hub is a multiport repeater and therefore is a collision domain. All hosts connected to the shared
– Detailed documentation of all cable runs, what the identification LAN hub share the same collision domain and the bandwidth.
• Layer 2 Switch with Hubs:
number is and which port on the HCC or VCC that run is terminated • use hubs to supply more connection points for hosts
on. This is called a 'cut sheet'. • Layer 2 Migrating to higher bandwidth:
• migration to higher bandwidth is as simple as patch to higher speed port or adding additional high speed ports
• double the capacity in the vertical cabling by bringing up another link

Ermiyas 287 Ermiyas 288


• Layer 3 - Routing
• Implementation of Layer 3 (Network Layer) devices such as routers allow for • Enterprise network - Large and diverse network connecting most
segmentation of the LAN into unique networks both physical and logical. Routers major points in a company or other organization. Differs from a
also allow for connectivity to wide area networks (WANS) such as the Internet. WAN in that it is privately owned and maintained. Enterprise servers
• Routers serve as broadcast firewalls - support all of the users on the network such as E-mail or DNS.
• Routers consolidate for scalable internetworks Work Group servers - support a specific set of users.
• Network protocol addressing and routing provides built-in scaling • Since everyone on the network needs access to the enterprise
• Use Routers to Impose Logical Structure servers, it should be connected to the MDF. This way traffic to these
• One router divides subnets and networks type of services only have to travel to the MDF and will not be
• One router structures an internetwork transmitted across other networks.
• Routers serve as broadcast firewalls • Workgroup - Collection of workstations and servers on a LAN that
• Routers permit greater scalability because they serve as firewalls for broadcasts are designed to communicate and exchange data with one another.
(broadcast domains). With bridges and switches, all unknown addresses must be
flooded out every port. The router also is the central point in the LAN for traffic • The Workgroup servers should be placed in the IDF closest to the
destination of the WAN port. users accessing these applications. By doing this, traffic to these
• File Servers and Traffic Patterns servers will only have to travel network infrastructure to that IDF
• One of the keys to designing a successful network is to understand the data traffic and will not affect other users on that network segment.
network. The Applications (servers) can be categorized into two distinct classes -
(1) 'enterprise servers' and (2) 'workgroup servers'. Within the MDF and IDFs, the
Layer 2 LAN switches must have high speed (100MBps) ports allocated for these

Ermiyas 289 Ermiyas 290

Documenting Your Network

• What to Document: • Considerations When Choosing a Topology:

• Physical Network Maps (cutsheet)
• Logical Network Map (IP addressing scheme) • Money. A linear bus network may be the least
• Addressing Maps (snapshot view of network) expensive way to install a network; you do not have to
• A standard should be set in the addressing of important hosts on the purchase concentrators.
network. This addressing scheme should be kept consistent throughout
the entire network. • Length of cable needed. The linear bus network uses
• Reasons to Document: shorter lengths of cable.
– Dramatically decreases problem resolution time
– Networks with the most problems, have the least documentation • Future growth. With a star topology, expanding a
– Networks with good documentation drastically reduce problem load network is easily done by adding another concentrator.
– The more documentation the better , can be used as sources of evidence
– For simplifying troubleshooting and make inventory of network material • Cable type. The most common cable in schools is
simple and have easy management.
unshielded twisted pair, which is most often used with
star topologies.
Ermiyas 291 Ermiyas 292


• A VLAN is a logical grouping of devices or users that can be grouped

by function, department, or application, regardless of their physical
segment location. VLAN configuration is done at the switch via
software. VLANs are not standardized and require the use of
proprietary software from the switch vendor.
• A typical LAN is configured according to the physical infrastructure it
is connecting. Users are grouped based on their location in relation
to the hub they are plugged in to and how the cable is run to the
wiring closet. The router interconnecting each shared hub typically
provides segmentation and can act as a broadcast firewall. The
segments created by switches do not. Traditional LAN segmentation
does not group users according to their workgroup association or
need for bandwidth. Therefore, they share the same segment and
contend for the same bandwidth, although the bandwidth
requirements may vary greatly by workgroup or department.

Ermiyas 293 Ermiyas 294


• Routing is used for taking a packet (data) from one device and sending it through
the network to another device on a different network. If your network has no
routers then you are not routing. Routers route traffic to all the networks in your
internetwork. To be able to route packets, a router must know the following :
– Destination address
– Neighbor routers from which it can lean about remote networks
– Possible routes to all remote networks
– The best route to each remote network
• How to maintain and verify routing information
• Before we go on, I would like to define 3 networking terms :
• Convergence: The process required for all routers in an internetwork to update
their routing tables and create a consistent view of the network, using the best
possible paths. No user data is passed during convergence.
• Default Route: A "standard" route entry in a routing table which is used as a first
option. Any packets sent by a device will be sent first to the default route. If that

Thank u!
fails, it will try alternative routes.
• Static Route: A permanent route entered manually into a routing table. This route
will remain in the table, even if the link goes down. It can only be erased manually.
• Dynamic Route: A route entry which is dynamically (automatically) updated as
changes to the network occur. Dynamic routes are basically the opposite to static

Ermiyas 295 Ermiyas 296


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