Pediatric Respiratory Anatomy: Course Tak 5 Dula Stephanie P
Pediatric Respiratory Anatomy: Course Tak 5 Dula Stephanie P
Pediatric Respiratory Anatomy: Course Tak 5 Dula Stephanie P
1. Submit an essay describing the unique characteristics of the pediatric respiratory system
anatomy and physiology and apply that information to the care of children with respiratory
conditions. (300-500 words)
Paired aryepiglottic folds extend from epiglottis posteriorly to superior surface of arytenoids.
Paired vestibular folds (false vocal cords) extend from thyroid cartilage posteriorly to superior
surface of arytenoids.
Paired vocal folds (true vocal cords) extend from posterior surface of thyroid plate to anterior
part of arytenoids.
Interarytenoid fold bridging the arytenoid cartilages.
Thyrohyoid fold extend from hyoid bone to thyroid cartilage
Sensory Innervation:
2. Develop a school-based nursing care plan for a 9-year old child with asthma.
The nursing care plan goals for asthma focuses on preventing the hypersensitivity
reaction, controlling the allergens, maintaining airway patency and preventing
the occurrence of reversible complications.
Here are eight (8) nursing care plans and nursing diagnosis for asthma:
Nursing Assessment
Monitor arterial blood gasses (ABG). During a mild to moderate asthma attack, clients
may develop respiratory alkalosis. Hypoxemia
leads to increased respiratory rate and depth,
and carbon dioxide is blown off. An ominous
finding is a respiratory acidosis, which usually
indicates that respiratory failure is pending and
that mechanical ventilation may be necessary.