Sanitary Engineering All PDF For B.E. 2075
Sanitary Engineering All PDF For B.E. 2075
Sanitary Engineering All PDF For B.E. 2075
Chapter 1 Introduction
Five essential requirements:
1.air 2.water 3. food 4. heat 5. light.
Contamination : health hazards to man/animals/plant
Arun Prasad Parajuli
(M.Sc Environmental Engineering, B.E. Civil Dealt in “Environmental Engineering”.
Sanitary Engineering: branch of Public Health
Associate Professor/ Head Engineering: deals with collection, conveyance, treatment
Department of Civil Engineering, and disposal of waste produced
Concerned with safe removal of wastewater and solid
Sagarmatha Engineering College, waste without causing any nuisance
Sanepa, Lalitpur
Our Course majority towards wastewater and
introduction to solid waste.
1 2
• To dispose on the land after treatment so that it may not 1. Conservancy System
affect the subsoil. • very old system /called dry system and even used nowadays
in underdeveloped areas.
• To dispose sewage scientifically to protect the public and • wastes are collected, conveyed and disposed separately by
community health from bad smell, foul gases, mosquito, different methods.
bacteria etc. that reduces the dander of spreading of • Garbage or dry refuge is collected in the baskets, pans then
diseases like typhoid, dysentery, diarrhea etc. dust bins placed along the roads and conveyed by trucks,
carts and disposed-off to the disposal point.
• Non-combustible garbage such as sand, dust etc. are used in
1.6 SANITATION SYSTEM sanitary landfill
• combustible portions such as leaves, waste paper are burnt
1. Conservancy system 2. Water carriage system and the decaying matters such as fruits, vegetable wastes are
first dried then burnt to make the manure.
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• Cheap initially due to conservancy latrine and open drain for • Possibility of pollution of underground water.
• Quantity reaching to the treatment plant is low. • Decomposition of sewage causes in-sanitary conditions and
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1.7 TYPES OF SEWERAGE (WATER CARRIAGE) • No chances of choking due to larger size and availability of
SYSTEM rainwater.
1. Combined system • House plumbing is easy and economical because only one
2. Separate System set of pipe is required.
3. Partially separate system
• In congested area it is easy to lay one large sewer.
21 22
• Not suitable for areas having very less rainfall because self-
cleansing velocity can't be achieved in the dry period but
may get problem of silting. • Treatment is economical due to less quantity of sewage
• Cheaper because storm sewage can be conveyed through open
• Uneconomical for such huge quantity if pumping is
required. drains and sanitary sewage only through closed drains.
• Cheaper if pumping is required.
• Rainwater is unnecessarily polluted and overflow may
occur during heavy rain which causes harm to the public • No fear of pollution created by overflow during heavy rain.
23 24
Chapter 1 Introduction
Separate system Combined system
1. Less quantity / cheap. 1. High quantity costlier.
2. Suitable for more rainfall intensity 2. Suitable for area having less
area. rainfall intensity.
3. Pumping cost is low due to less 3. Pumping cost is high due to large
quantity. quantity.
4. Cheaper because storm water can 4. Expensive because both storm
be conveyed in open drain and only water and sanitary sewage is
sanitary sewer is closed and under conveyed through one large closed
grounded. and under grounded.
5. Less degree of sanitation is achieved 5. High degree of sanitation can be
as storm water is directly disposed achieved.
without treatment.
6. Difficult to lay in narrow streets. 6. Suitable in narrow streets.
7. House plumbing and municipal 7. House plumbing and municipal
sewer laying is uneasy due to two sewer laying is easy due to one set
set of pipe of pipe.
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• Sewage consists of residential, public and industrial
mixtures of wastewater
• Contain organic and inorganic materials in dissolved
or suspended, or colloidal form
• Contain various microorganisms useful and harmful to
By: human life.
Arun Prasad Parajuli
(M.Sc Environmental Engineering, B.E. Civil Engineering)
• before designing any sewage treatment system to work
Associate Professor/ Head efficiently we analysis of characteristics of sewage is
Department of Civil Engineering,
Sagarmatha Engineering College,
Sanepa, Lalitpur 1 2
e. Solids:
• contains >99.9% of water and 0.1% of solids.
• Classified as:
a. suspended solids: cannot be passed through filter paper
(non filterable solids) (i) settleable and (ii) non-settleable.
b. Dissolved solids: passes through filter papers (filterable
5 6
2. Chemical characteristics:
7 8
a. pH:
• Fresh sewage is alkaline and pH is between 7.3 and 7.5. c. BOD:
• With respect to time due to the production of acids by Amount of oxygen required for the bacteria to oxidize the
bacterial action and become acidic. organic matter present in the sewage.
• After oxidation again becomes alkaline.
• Very lesser and very higher pH indicates industrial sewage.
• Test by pH meter and measured in terms of pH value as
described in water supply engineering
d. COD:
Amount of oxygen required for chemical oxidation of organic
b. DO: matters.
• amount of oxygen dissolved in wastewater.
• Presence indicates fresh sewage or oxidation after
• 4 ppm of DO in stream for fish.
9 10
1. Physical test:
Lt and
F. Necessity of nitrogen, chlorine and chlorine demand test: 3.6 DECOMPOSITION OF SEWAGE
• Determination of chloride is necessary to indicate sewage
• Fresh sewage contains organic matters and DO (2–5 mg/l)
strength. Very high may indicates infiltration of saline water • OM decomposes by chemically, biologically and called bio-
into sewer. chemical decomposition.
• OM decomposable by bacterial action are called
biodegradable and the decomposition is biological
• Nitrogen content indicates the presence of organic matters decomposition.
• Nitrogenous and carbonaceous matters is food for bacteria,
and helps for selection of proper biological units. which spilt up in CO2, NH3, CH4.
• Classified as:
• Chlorine demand is the amount of chlorine used up in (a) Aerobic decomposition
oxidizing unstable organic matters and in killing bacteria. (b) Anaerobic decomposition
(c) Facultative decomposition
Chlorine demand gives a rough measure of strength of
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Not useful in combine system because self-cleansing velocity
cannot be maintained at DWF conditions.
3 4
with PCC, Cement soil, clay, brick, stone. • closed sewer / depth is one and half times of width.
• Closed Sewer: semi elliptical, Horse shoe, basket handle, • has smaller radius at bottom and larger at top
1. Determine Q as in chap 2
a. Develop self-cleansing velocity in minimum or dry weather 2. Select System (separate or combined or partially separate).
3. Select shape and Type of sewer
flow (DWF). (Closed/open/rectangular/circular etc)
b. Have sufficient free board during maximum discharge. 4. Size range (min 15 cm
15, 20, 25, 30 ………60 etc. Max = 3 m
c. Easy in cleaning and maintenance. 5. Sewer gradient: Min 1: 100 and Max 1:20
d. Structurally safe and stable 6. Designed for 1/2 to 2/3 full at peak or maximum discharge
7. Ensure:
a. Self-cleansing or non-silting or minimum velocity
b. Non-scouring or limiting or maximum velocity of flow
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• Sewers are laid at correct alignment and gradient with the help of
boning rods or travelers and sight rails or sometimes with levels.
• Modified levels of inverts are obtained by adding suitable vertical
length to the invert level marked on the L-section
• Then these modified levels are marked on the sight rails by fixing
nails or marks or by adjusting the top of the sight rails.
• The imaginary line parallel to the sewer is obtained on the ground. Isometric view
25 26
6. Back filling:
• Do immediately after the successful testing. If beddings are provided,
do it only after the sufficient setting time.
• Backfilling soil should be free from pebbles, large lumps, stones etc.
Backfill in every 15 cm layers with watering for 60 cm above the crown
• After one week of weathering, complete back filling 15 cm above the
ground surface.
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5.2. Manhole:
• A masonry or RCC chamber constructed along the sewer to provide Location of manhole:
access for inspection, testing, cleaning and removal of obstructions
• Directly over the centerline of sewer
• May be circular, • Every bend, junctions, and every change of gradient,
rectangular or square in direction, size and at other convenient locations.
shape and has a suitable
cover (generally of CI)
Spacing of manhole:
Objective of providing manhole: • depends upon size of sewer, bends and junctions and gradient
a. To provide manual access for etc.
inspection, cleaning, testing
• normal spacing with respect to diameter
b. To allow joining, changing in
directions or level or both Diameter (m) ≤ 0.3 >0.3 – 0.6 >0.6 – 0.9 >0.9 – 1.2 >1.2 – 1.5 >1.5
Construction of manhole:
1. Top cover and frame:
• Frame depth = 20 – 25 cm, width = 10 cm, opening > 50 cm.
• Weight of cover with frame = 90 – 270 kg.
2. Access shaft:
• provides an access to the working chamber.
• 0.6m×0.75m (rectangular)/0.6 to 0.75m dia. (circular)
3. Working chamber:
• lower portion of manhole, provides working space
• minimum 0.9m×1.2m (rectangular)/1.2 m dia. (circular)
4. Bottom or invert or Benching:
semi-circular/U-shape concrete bed (150–300mm tk)/slope 1:6 to center
5. Side walls: minimum thickness 22.5 cm (1 brick thick). t = 10 + 4d,
t is thickness of the wall in cm and d is depth of manhole in m. (a) Circular manhole (b) Rectangular manhole
6. Steps or Ladder:
Figure 5.1 Manholes
CI/steel steps placed 30 cm apart vertically for up and down to access.
5 (Source: Modi, 2001) 6
13 14
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• Provided to escape gases
• Provided at every 80m – 300 meters
• In open areas hole in the lid of MH acts as
• In crowded areas air tight RCC or CI
pipe (15 – 30 cm diameter with a cowl) is
provided as ventilating shaft
• Height > the tallest building in the locality
Figure 5.13 Ventilating
(Source: Birdie and Birdie, 2001)
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6.1. Introduction:
Arun Prasad Parajuli • After the conveyance, sewage is
(M.Sc Environmental Engineering, B.E. Civil required to through with or without
Engineering) suitable treatment.
Head/Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, • The process of throwing away the
Sagarmatha Engineering College, sewage is called sewage disposal.
Sanepa, Lalitpur
1. Where sewage is comparatively fresh i.e. of 4 to 5 6. Where diluting water has high DO content.
hrs of production.
7. Where the water body is not used as water supply
2. Where the floating and suspended maters have for at least reasonable distance on the downstream
been removed from sewage to be discharged. from the disposal point.
3. Where the natural body has large volume of water 8. Where sewage does not contain any industrial
in comparison to sewage. sewage containing toxic substances.
4. Where it is possible to thoroughly mix or diffuse 9. Where water body is not used for navigation for at
sewage through diluting water least some reasonable distance.
5. Where sufficient currents are available in diluting
S. Dilution Standards of purification required Disposal of sewage in natural stream or river water make
No. factor water polluted
1 > 500 May be disposed without treatment. After some distance of travel, purification is due to natural
forces such as dilution, sedimentation, oxidation and
Preliminary treatment as plain sedimentation is
reduction etc.
2 300 – 500 required and suspended solid content should be
SS gradually deposited at the bottom and washed away in
≤ 150 ppm.
the course of time
Preliminary treatment including chemical
OM is acted upon by aerobic bacteria which utilize DO
3 150 – 300 precipitation is required and suspended solid present in water and convert into simple inoffensive and
content should be ≤ 60 ppm.
stable substances.
Extensive treatment required and suspended The deficiency of oxygen is filled up by absorbing the
4 < 150 solid content should be ≤ 30 ppm whereas 5-day oxygen from the atmosphere.
BOD should not exceed 20 Nitrogen, sulpher, carbon etc. move in natural cycles.
Dilution Factor = ratio of quantity of diluting water to that of sewage
a) Dilution: b) Current:
13 Rapidly disperse sewage and reduces the concentration of 14
OM and nuisance
No current:- sewage matter deposit near the outfall
More dilution factor, aerobic condition occur due to more
DO and self-purification is faster. causes formation of sludge bank and foul odour
Heavy current:- sewage mixed thoroughly and prevents
Sewage flow rate and concentration of any parameter,
= QS and CS all such nuisances but growth of algae is not possible.
Stream flow rate and concentration of any parameter,
= QR and CR Slow current:- sedimentation takes place causing growth
The concentration of any parameter in the mix is given by, of algae resulting production of oxygen.
Slow current is better for self-purification.
c) Sunlight: e) Sedimentation:
Heavier solid settle down at stream bed and separated.
Kills pathogens
15 16
Anaerobic decomposition of settled organic solid
Essential for photosynthesis for algae
Product again mixed up with water by current.
Stimulates the growth of algae and acts as a disinfectant.
If dilution is sufficient, no anaerobic conditions occur.
It makes self-purification better.
f) Oxidation:
d) Temperature: OM acted by the aerobic bacteria or chemically using
low temperature:- activities of the organism slower. DO present in water and deficit oxygen is filled up by
High temperature:- high rate of biological and chemical absorbing oxygen from atmosphere.
activities; capacity to maintain DO is low; rapid depletion oxidation continues till BOD is fully satisfied.
of DO; causes anaerobic reactions Self-purification fast even in highly polluted sewage, if
In summer, the self-purification occurs in lesser time. stream water is capable to absorb atmospheric oxygen.
of organic matter remaining to be oxidized, Rate of re-oxygenation depends upon depth of receiving
water, velocity of stream flow and deficit of DO below
temperature of diluting water and time available
saturation value.
for decomposition
determined and formulated mathematically by 24
25 26
Example 6.1
A city with a population o 120000 and a sewage flow Given,
27 of 150 lpcd is located nearby river with a flow rate of 28
Given, (i) Combined discharge after mixing (Q) =?
Q = Qs + Qr = 0.6 + 30 = 30.6 m3/s
31 32
Example 6.3
The following are the sewage and river water characteristics:
Sewage discharge (Qs) = 1.72 m3/s
33 i. Sewage discharge of a town = 1.72 m3/s; 34
Minimum river discharge (Qr) = 7.24 m3/s
ii. Minimum river discharge = 7.24 m3/s Temperature of the sewage (Ts) = 30.5°C
iii. Temperature of the sewage = 30.5°C Temperature of river water (Tr) = 17.5°C;
iv. Temperature of the river water = 17.5°C De-oxygenation constant (K)= 0.1/day at 20°C
v. De-oxygenation constant = 0.1/day at 20°C
vi Re-oxygenation constant = 0.5/day at 20°C
Re-oxygenation constant (R) = 0.5/day at 20°C
vii. BOD5 at 20°C of sewage = 225 mg/l BOD5 at 20°C of sewage (BODs) = 225 mg/l
viii. BOD5 at 20°C of river water = 1.2 mg/l BOD5 at 20°C of river water (BODr) = 1.2 mg/l
ix. Putrefied sewage is in the sewer Putrefied sewage is in the sewer means (DOs) = 0
x. DO in river water = 90% of saturation value Saturation DO of water at 20°C = 9.17 mg/l
xi. Saturation DO of water at 20°C = 9.17 mg/l
xii. Saturation DO of water at 17.5°C = 9.64 mg/l
Saturation DO of water at 17.5°C = 9.64 mg/l
xiii.Velocity of the river water = 2 km/hr Velocity of the river water (v) = 2 km/hr
Determine: Critical oxygen deficit (Dc) =?,
a. Determine the critical oxygen deficit and its location Location of critical oxygen deficit (Xc) =?;
b. Estimate the 20°C BOD5 of sample taken at the critical point BOD5 of sample taken at the critical point at 20°C =?
c. Plot oxygen sag curve
Oxygen sag curve=?
We have,
5. Initial DO deficit at 20°C
1. DO in river water at 17.5°C (D0) = Saturation DO at 20°C – DOmix = 9.17 – 7.0105
(DOr) = 90% of saturation value = 0.9 × 9.64 = 8.676 mg/l 36 = 2.16 mg/l
2. Temperature of mix just after outfall, 6. Ultimate 5 day BOD just after mixing at 20°C,
T Qs Tr Q r 30.5 1.72 17.5 7.24 BOD mix 44.16
Tmix s = 19.995 ≈ 20°C L0 = 64.58 mg/l
Qs Q r 1.72 7.24 1 10 kt 1 10 0.15
3. BOD5 of mix just after outfall, 7. Self purification constant
BOD s Q s BOD r Q r 225 1.72 1.2 7.24 R 0. 5
( BOD5 ) mix (f s ) =5
Qs Q r 1.72 7.24
K 0. 1
= 44.16 mg/l 8. Time of critical deficit,
4. DO of mix just after outfall,
1 D
tc log10 f s 1 (f s 1) 0
DO s Q s DO r Q r 0 1.72 8.676 7.24 K(f s 1) L 0
DO mix
Qs Q r 1.72 7.24 1 2.16
log10 51 (5 1) = 1.59 days
= 7.0105 mg/l 0.1(5 1) 64.58 6
9. The distance of critical deficit from disposal point, BOD t BOD 5 L 0 (1 10 Kt c ) 44.78 (1 10 0.15 )
Xc = v tc = 2 kmph × 1.59 days = 2 × (1.59 ×24) = 30.62 mg/l
= 76.32 KM 38
10. The critical DO deficit is, Hence critical DO deficit is 8.956 mg/l and location is 76.32 KM from point of
disposal. BOD5 of sample taken at critical point is 30.62 mg/l.
1 1
Dc L 0 10 Kt c 64.58 10 0.11.59 = 8.956 mg/l
fs 5 14. Computation of points to plot oxygen sag curve:
Dt 16.15 10 0 .1t 10 0 .5t 2.16 10 0 .5t and
Time, t (days) 3.333 3.750 4.167 4.583 5.000 5.417 5.833 6.250 6.667 5
DO Deficit, Dt (mg/l) 7.195 6.624 6.072 5.550 5.063 4.612 4.198 3.819 3.473 4
DO Available (mg/l) 1.975 2.546 3.098 3.620 4.107 4.558 4.972 5.351 5.697 3
Distance, X (KM) 340 360 380 400 420 1
Time, t (days) 7.083 7.500 7.917 8.333 8.750 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420
DO Deficit, Dt (mg/l) 3.157 2.869 2.608 2.370 2.153 Distance (KM)
DO Available (mg/l) 6.013 6.301 6.562 6.800 7.017
6.9 Wastewater disposal by land treatment: 1. Larger land
41 42
2. Ineffective is rainy season and heavy rainfall area.
3. Not suitable in clayey surface.
Method- the sewage is evenly spread on land surface
4. Supervision to prevent sewage sickness
OS and SS remains at the soil surface
5. Special care needed if used for agriculture (disease
Water percolates into the ground.
OS partly acted by bacteria and get oxidized with the
help of heat, sunlight, air etc. 6.9.1 Suitability of land treatment:
Suitable if:
Advantages: 1. low rainfall area- used as irrigation.
1. Natural method. 2. no large water body for dilution/river is usually dry
2. Water bodies prevented from pollution. 3. quantity of sewage is more than diluting water
3. Disposal possible even absence of large water body 4. alluvial, porous and sandy soil
4. Fertilizing matters can be used 5. GWT is deep even in monsoon and free of ground
5. Cheap and not require treatment. water pollution.
6. Operation and maintenance cost is low 6. Vegetable have a good market and return.
Sewage farming:
Sewage when used in land for irrigation, it adds fertilizing
elements and minerals which increases yield of corps
So land treatment method of irrigation purpose is also
called sewage farming 8
3. Basin method
Big trees and plants are planted Ridges and furrows of 15 to 30 m are formed
in isolated manner and basins
Furrow is a small ditch 30 cm to 50 cm deep and 120 cm
are made around each tree.
Basins are filled with sewage to150 cm wide whereas the ridge is 120 cm to 250 cm
which slowly percolates the root wide.
zones of the plant and maintains Furrows filled with sewage up to 2/3rd of depth causes
the root zone wet. saturation of root zones of plants in ridges and some is
Suitable for orchards and fruit percolated and evaporated.
In another way:
7.3 TREATMENT PROCESSES AND IMPURITIES REMOVAL 1. Preliminary treatment 2. Primary treatment
3. Secondary treatment 4. Final/advance/tertiary treatment
1. Physical Process (Preliminary/primary process)
5 6
2. Chemical process (Preliminary/primary process)
3. Biological process (Secondary process) 1. Preliminary treatment:
Process Removal of a. Screening: removes bulky suspended/floating particles (dead
animals, tree branches, papers, piece of wood etc)
b. Grit removal: settable heavy and coarse inorganic solids.
c. Skimming: oils and greases.
2. Primary treatment:
a. Plain sedimentation: remove large SS in settling basin
b. Chemical precipitation: non settable SS and colloidal using
• first step of treatment
9 10 • process of removing the large floating and suspended matters
such as dead animals, plastics, leaves, paper etc by the use of
4. Final or advance or tertiary treatment: coarse /fine screen
• removal of organics left after secondary treatment • Matters trapped are called screenings which are disposed off by
• killing of pathogenic bacteria (disinfection) and disposed in burial, incineration or digestion in sludge digesters.
rivers/streams used for water supply.
• Objectives :
Reduce the load on the other treatment units and to reduce the
damage to the pumps, valves, gates etc from abrasion.
Remove any bulky and unsightly (threatening) floating matter.
Types of screens :
1. Bar or rack screens
2. Fine screen
3. Comminuters or cutting screen
1.Coarse screens:
Rack/bar screen, clear openings of >= 50 mm (generally 75 –
kept at beginning to trap larger matters.
2. Medium screens:
Rack/bar screen, clear openings 20 – 50 mm used to trap
medium matters. Figure 7.2 Bar or rack screen
kept at inlet of pumps. (Source: Birdie and Birdie, 2001) 2
Figure 7.2 Bar or rack screen
(Source: Birdie and Birdie, 2001)
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Example 7.1
Design a rectangular grit chamber for the following data:
Flow of sewage = 50 MLD; Specific Gravity of grit = 2.7;
21 22 Specific Gravity of organic matter = 1.2; temperature = 20°C
Size of both organic and grit particles to be removed = 0.21 mm;
K = 0.06; f = 0.03
23 24
Principle of sedimentation:
if sewage is retained in quiescent condition for certain period
29 30 by reducing velocity, the suspended particles will settle down
due to gravitational forces then the sediments (called sludge)
and floating matters (called scum) can be easily removed.
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• done before biological treatment. • aluminum sulphates or alum, Iron salts, Lime and sodium carbonate
etc are used as coagulants
• chemicals added are called coagulants; the formed insoluble
gelatinous precipitate is called floc • Alum is common and popular in water treatment because it is
cheaper and produces heavier floc in normal pH range of 6 to 8.
• the process of adding coagulants to sewage and mixing it
thoroughly is known as coagulation • Iron Salts are used in wastewater treatment
• the process of formation of floc is called flocculation. • Optimum dose is determined by jar test.
Example 7.2
Design a circular sewage sedimentation tank for a town having
population of 108000. The average water demand is 140 lpcd.
41 Assume that 70% water reaches to treatment plant. What will be 42
Population (P) = 10800;
Water demand (q) = 140 lpcd;
70% water reaches to TP
Sewage flow (Q) = 70% of q × P = 0.7 × 140 × 10800 =
10584000 l/d
= 0.1225 m3/s
43 44
primary treatment effluent: 60 – 80% of unstable OM
45 46 treated by another process called secondary/biological
Filtration : one of the secondary/biological process
The process in which sewage is passed through beds of
coarse/porous medium capable to passing air for growth of
aerobic bacteria and perform their functions on which the
organic matters forming a film at the top surface of filter.
Effluent to SST for secondary settling.
• After long use, clogged/ take filter media out, wash, dry and refill.
• Wash drain pipes once after every 4 – 5 years.
• Works under small heads/no nuisance of flies
• Problem of odour is less as compared to trickling filter
Figure 7.12 Contact beds
(Source: Punmia and Jain, 2003) Disadvantages:
• Lesser loading rate than trickling filter
• Requires larger area of land
• Skilled supervision/cost more than trickling filter
Figure 7.13 Two contact beds in series • Requires longer rest period/high chance of clogging than other filters
(Source: Punmia and Jain, 2003)
55 56
• To provide O2 to aid in aerobic condition.
57 58 • Natural ventilation/ If the difference in temperature
between atmosphere and filter media is 6°C, air
movement rate is 0.3 m3/m2/sec.
• If temperature difference drops to 1.9°C./ no movement of
air so forced ventilation is provided in case of temperature
difference less than 6°C.
Working: Recirculation:
• Primarily treated sewage to • Return of a portion of treated/partly treated sewage to the
59 60
distribution system treatment process.
• Bacteria grow at surface of filter • Done in high rate trickling filter (HRTF).
media/forms microbial film/slime
layer in 2 weeks and attacks on R Recirculation
organic matters. PST TF SST
I Ce
• Bacteria use organic matters as food Ci
in presence of free oxygen in aerobic
condition and convert it into inorganic Figure 7.16 Single stage recirculation process
• Slime layer increases and bacteria
below the film die and layer comes R Recirculation R Recirculation
out with flowing liquid called Figure 7.16 Diagram showing I PST
sloughing. biological process in trickling Ci Ce
• Effluent goes to SST for settling. filter 10
(Source: Punmia and Jain, 2003)
Figure 7.17 Two or double stage recirculation process
Table 7.3 Comparison between normal rate trickling filter (NRTF) and
high rate trickling filter (HRTF) Table 7.4 Differences between normal rate trickling Filter
(NRTF) and
Characteristics NRTF HRTF high rate trickling filter (HRTF)
1.63 Hydraulic loading 1. 22000 – 45000 m3/ha/day 1. 112000 – 335000 64
• If two high rate trickling filters are connected in series
• In the process of recirculation, the effluent can be passed 66
through same trickling filter but in Biofilters, effluent is passed
through another trickling filter.
• Two stage recirculation trickling filter is same as biofilter
R Recirculation R Recirculation
Ci Ce
Humus tank:
Secondary sedimentation tank where effluent of trickling filter
is settled down
67 68
Example 7.3
The effluent from a primary settling tank is applied to a standard rate
trickling filter at the rate of 3 MLD having BOD5 if 175 mg/l. Determine the
69 70
depth and diameter of the filter adopting a surface loading (hydraulic
loading) of 2000 liters/m2/day and organic loading of 150 g/m3/day. Also
determine the efficiency of the filter using NRC formula.
71 72
73 74
Example 7.4
Design a two-stage high rate trickling filter for the following data:
Organic loading for both filter = 10000 kg BOD5/ha-m/day;
Flow = 4.5 MLD;
BOD of raw sewage before PST = 280 mg/l;
Recirculation ratio = 1:4 for both filters;
BOD required in final effluent ≤ 35 mg/l;
BOD removed in PST = 35%
Assume to intermediate sedimentation tank.
75 76
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79 80
Artificially constructed earthen basin/pond of controlled design
Biological or secondary treatment process. • Combined action of aerobic bacteria and algae together for
For raw/treated sewage after sedimentation. their mutual benefit is called ‘Bacterial-algal-symbiosis’ and
Synonymously termed as stabilization pond. responsible for satisfying BOD.
mn • Produced solids settles at the bottom and the intermediate
products lies in the liquid.
Theory: • When the accumulated sludge fills 1/3rd of the depth of pond it
• if waste water is retained in the shallow depth tank open to the should be cleaned.
atmosphere, the aerobic bacteria present in the sewage convert
into stable substances by aerobic action in the presence of free
oxygen and sunlight.
• Algae grown in the pond exerts O2 in the process of
photosynthesis in the presence of air and sunlight.
• CO2 and other elements are taken by algae whereas the O2
produced by algae is used by aerobic bacteria.
To retain sewage for sufficient long time to satisfy the BOD
for change in the characteristics of the sewage into stable
substances by aerobic action of aerobic bacteria of sewage
itself and the algae in the presence of free oxygen and
O2 CO2 N2
O2 Algae CO2, NH3, PO4, Oxidation
Location: Pond
Located at least 300 m far from
Earthen Dyke
the inhabitants.
Organic Aerobic Intermediate
matters Bacteria products
No tree and buildings around Figure 7.19 Correct location of
at the 50 to 60 m distance so oxidation pond
that sunlight can reach to the
pond. Water sources should be
Figure 7.18 Symbolic representation of theory and functioning at least 15 m far
of oxidation pond Located on the leeward side of
the building
83 84
Earthen dykes of 1 to 1.5 m wide on top in 1:15 to 1:3 slopes
30 cm above and below the operation level of inner portion of
the dykes are with stone riprap or PCC or brick lining to prevent
from erosion and seepage as well as for the fluctuation of
(a) PLAN
Sewage is discharged at the centre of the pond from inlet
chamber through inlet pipe from bell mouth end.
Outlet chamber for combined outlet from different units.
Way to start the new pond after construction Operation and maintenance:
Two methods.
85 (a) Culture method (b) Natural Method 86
Does not require equipment and skilled personals but time to time
(a) Culture method: the fallen leaves, papers should be removed
Sewage is first filled to a depth of 15 cm and the seeds of algae is grown
Grass should be removed daily.
Every day portion of decreased sewage is refilled and pond should turn
completely green (1 week). Fish farming is done so that the larva of mosquito and flies are
Sewage is applied to the operation level. fed by fish.
For 2 – 3 days the algae growth should be let to grow to top. Settled sludge should be removed from time to time.
Inlet and outlet are opened and works are carried out. If the depth of pond is 120 cm, then the sludge can be removed
only once in 6 years. For 150 cm depth it cm be done once in 12
(b) Natural Method: years.
• Algae are made to grow naturally.
Sewage after primary treatment should be discharged in the
• Sewage is kept to operation level and inlet and outlet are closed.
• The reduced amount is added daily. pond.
• Growth of algae in 2 weeks itself. It removes BOD > 90%; SS > 90% and coliform bacteria > 99%.
• Inlet and outlet are opened and works are carried out.
87 88
Low initial cost where lands are cheap.
No equipment required.
Low maintenance cost.
No skilled persons required.
Efficiency is high.
Can be used as fish farming.
Larger area of land is required.
Creates mosquito nuisance.
Creates foul nuisance.
Not suitable for that place where high rainfall occurs.
Example 7.5
Design an oxidation pond for treating domestic sewage from a
community having 1000 populations with water supply of 200
89 90
lpcd. Permissible organic loading for the pond is 500 kg/ha/day.
BOD in the influent is 300 mg/l. Required BOD reduction in the
pond is 90%. Assume any other data suitably.
91 92
Aerobic bacteria are maintained in suspension within the liquid.
Provides an excellent method of treating raw/settled sewage.
Sewage from Primary sedimentation tank (PST) is mixed with
20 – 30% of own volume of returned activated sludge 96
The mixture to an aeration tank where microorganisms coated Returned activated sludge
Raw sewage
around the sludge solids and the sewage are mixed together settled in SST (20 – 30%)
A portion sent back to the aeration tank whereas excess is Figure 7.21 Flow diagram of activated sludge process
disposed off
(a) Ridge and furrow type aeration unit: (b) Spiral flow type aeration unit:
Rectangular channels of 30 – 120 m length, 4.5 – 9 m wide and 3
– 4.5 m deep laid parallel to each other.
Diffuser plates are fixed in the furrow portion. 102
Figure 7.22 Ridge and furrow type Figure 7.23 Spiral aeration tanks using diffusers
aeration tank (Source: Punmia and Jain, 2003) 17
(Source: Punmia and Jain, 2003)
Figure 7.24 Simplex type mechanical aerator Figure 7.25 Link-Belt type mechanical aerator (Source:
(Source: Punmia and Jain, 2003) Punmia and Jain, 2003)
Qr Xt
r Where,
Q 1 Xt in mg/l and SVI in l/mg.
111 112
113 114
Example 7.7
115 116
117 118
119 120
121 122
8.3 Characteristics of sludge: (b) Characteristics of Sludge from chemical precipitation (primary
Characteristics and quantity depends upon the treatment):
characteristics of raw sewage, process and the degree of the Precipitated chemicals entangled with solids
treatment. Colour from the coagulants added.
Generally liquid or semi-solid liquid containing 0.25–12% of Generally contains about 70 – 90% SS and 10 -30% water
solid mostly putrescible organic substances needs further Slightly heavier than PST sludge.
treatment Quantity about 20 m3 per million liters of sewage.
7 8
9 10
Blending is done in blending tank to mix sludge of different Adopted for primary as well as combined primary and
character. This operation is optional. activated sludge or combined sludge having greater than
40% of activated sludge.
8.5.2 Thickening or concentration: Done in a circular tank called gravity thickener
Process used to increases the solid content of the sludge by Simple open circular tank, similar to a conventional
removing the liquid fraction sedimentation tank but deep with heavier but slowly rotating
Purposes: To : racking mechanism like deep truss.
Reduce the capacity of sludge tank It has steeply sloping floor.
Use small size equipment/less chemicals Bridge fastened to the tank wall supports the truss type
Minimize the land use and save fuel to burn the sludge scraper arm mounted on a pipe shaft equipped with a power
lift device for open up channels for water to escape and
Done by gravity thickening, floatation thickening and
promoting densification. 2
centrifugation but most common is gravity thickening and
dealt here.
13 14
Gravity thickener
(Source: Punmia and Jain, 2003)
A biological process, in which the organic matters present in Degradation of organic matter by the aerobic bacteria in the
sludge is decomposed by microorganism and convert it into presence of free oxygen is called aerobic digestion.
simple stable compound. More reduction of volatile solids in aerobic digestion then
The volume of sludge is reduced by 60 to 75%. anaerobic digestion.
Removes the coli forms by 99.8% after 30 days digestion at Supernatant from this process has low BOD.
95 – 100°F.
Digested sludge has good fertilizing value. Requires one or more tanks provided with diffused aeration
Digestion can be achieved by the following: system for the supply of air necessary for digestion.
(a) Anaerobic digestion (b) Aerobic digestion Requires high oxygen supply and has high operating cost
and no methane gas can be recovered as byproduct. So it is
Done after thickening and is the biochemical process of never done for sludge digestion.
breaking down of organic matters using bacteria. Hence sludge digestion is meant for anaerobic digestion.
ii. Period of acid regression: iii. Period of intensive digestion (Methane or alkaline
19 20
fermentation stage):
It is called intermediate stage in which the volatile acids and
nitrogenous compounds are attacked by bacteria The final stage of anaerobic digestion, bacteria acts on more
Produces acid carbonates, ammonia compounds as well as resistant materials like protein and organic acids
smaller amount of CO2 and H2S. Breaks into simple substances as Ammonia, organic acid,
The products are still acid but weaker and lesser in amount larger amount of CH4, some CO2 and other gases
than the period of acid production. pH of over 7 (about 7.5)
This period is called the period of acid regression. Takes about 1 month or at 21°C.
pH increases from 6 - 6.8. Huge amount of CH4 produced and recovered for other use.
Takes about 3 months or so at 21°C.
f. Volume of digester:
Digester Design Criteria
27 28
Example 8.1
The following data is given for sludge produced by primary settling tank
and secondary settling tank of a trickling filter:
29 30
33 34
35 36
8.5.4 Dewatering:
37 38
B) Mechanical Method:
Various mechanical methods but Vacuum filter method is
common 42
Consists of a cylindrical drum whose outer surface is of
copper mesh over which a filter cloth is stretched and
Inner space between the solid shell and outer shell is
subdivided into various compartments
Each compartment is connected to a vacuum pump and the
drum is suspended horizontally so that one quarter of its
diameter is submerged in the tank containing sludge.
On immersion, the vacuum is created inside of filter
compartments and the pump sucks out the water from the
The sludge blanket made at the surface of drum is scraped Vacuum filter 7
by means of scraper from the rotating drum just before it
enters above scraper for re-submersion.
8.6.4 Lagooning:
If disposed into the lagoons/ pond, called Lagooning.
49 Lagoon: a shallow earth basin used for storage/digestion/ 50
dewatering and first disposal of dried sludge adopted for Organic matters: stabilized by aerobic/anaerobic actions so
untreated as well as digested sludge objectionable odour may risen
Natural depressions can be used as lagoons. Located in porous soil and away from locality.
Located at such place where there is no chance of ground
water pollution.
Lagoon is of fill and draw type
Detention period of 1 to 2 months after stabilization of
Water is drained/evaporated
The dried contents can be used as good manure.
Runoff water is abrupt by banks of lagoon
Sludge lagoon
Arun Prasad Parajuli
(M.Sc Environmental Engineering, B.E. Civil
Head/Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering,
Sagarmatha Engineering College,
Sanepa-2, Lalitpur
Off site method: not possible in unsewered towns, villages
and cities due to high cost and difficulty in construction
In such isolated built up area and unsewered area sewage is
not transported but disposed in the site of generation
In rural areas, construction of bathrooms and latrines are
So different method is necessary to dispose off sewage in
such areas.
9.2 On site sanitation- Definition and Types 9.3 Pit Privy (vfN6] rkL{)
method of sanitation system where, sewage are collected and 6
disposed off at the generation site in the scientific way Widely used in developing country
Pit is made inside the latrine to collect and disposal of human
Types excreta
1. Privies: Purpose: To collect and safe on site disposal of human
Commonly underground chamber or pit excreta
May be of masonry or just pit only with or without super
Various types available but in Nepal following are common: * A pit of (90 – 120 cm diameter) or (1m ×1m)
(a) Pit privy (vfN6] rkL{) in plan and (2 – 3 m depth)
(b) VIP (Ventilated Improved Pit) latrine(;'wfl/Psf] vfN6] rkL{) * May be lined or unlined
(c) Pour flush latrine (;'ne zf}rfno) * Covered with a squatting plate seat slab with a cover in
2. Septic Tank with Soak Pit/other effluent disposal methods hole
3. Imhoff Tank * Temporary foundations and superstructure to protect from rain
and for privacy 1
We are concerned with 1and 2 only
7 8
Example 9.1
Design a VIP latrine for a family of 8 persons. Assume
9.5 Pour flush latrine (;'ne zf}rfno)
necessary data.
13 14 VIP latrine built outside the house
Given, Pour flush latrine built inside the house.
Number of users (N) = 8; Dimension of pit =? Ventilation pipe is not necessary
Cleaned by pouring about 1.5 to 2 liter of water hence it
Assuming digested sludge accumulation rate (R) = 0.05 m3/person/yr
is called pour flush latrine.
and desludging period (T) = 2 years, Volume (V) = NRT = 8 × 0.05 × 2
Purpose: To collect and disposal of human excreta for
= 0.8 m3
hygienic conditions
Assume effective depth (d) = 1m; Construction:
A water seal pan
V 0 .8
Then top area of pit (A) = = 0.8 m2 Pipe 1 in 5 to 1 in 15 (pan to junction chamber to pits)
d 1 A brick masonry junction chamber of minimum clear size 300 mm ×
If Φ is diameter of pit, then 300 mm
For loose soil, pit lined with brick or cement masonry or honey
2 4A 4 0 .8 combed brick wall or perforated concrete ring
A = 1.009 ≈ 1 m
4 The pit is covered with a RCC slab.
Provide, free board (FB) = 0.5m, then overall depth If one pit is filled, next pipeline is opened for another pit and after 3
(D) = d + FB = 1 + 0.5 = 1.5m years the old pit can be reused.
Adopt 1 pit of 1m diameter and 1.5m deep. A brick or stone masonry superstructure inside or outside the house
Design criteria:
same as VIP latrine
require no vent pipe
minimum diameter of pipe is 100 mm
To collect the sewage, settle the solid matters, create the
digestion process effective and dispose effluent in the safe
Septic tank for 25 users
Design Criteria
Working 1. Sewage flow: Dry sludge = 70g/d/person
19 20
Design criteria:
The minimum diameter 0.9 m
31 32
Maximum diameter 3.5 m
Depth as per GWT
Effective depth (depth below invert of inlet) > 100 m.
No ground water sources with in the radius of 60 m.
Design formula:
π d
Φ = Diameter in m; d = Effective depth in m;
Q = Effluent discharge in m3/d and
I = infiltration capacity of soil in m3/m2/d
If more than one soak pits are designed then the clear distance
between the two pits should be kept 3 times the diameter of the
largest diameter pit.
Infiltration rate is computed as: I (liters/m2/day)
where Tr depends upon soil type. Tr
Soak pits In absence of data Tr = 25 min/cm may be taken
Soak Pit
We know, GWT should lie 2m below the bottom of SP, then,
37 Maximum depth of soak pit = 4.5 – 2 = 2.5 m 38
130 130
Soil infiltration capacity (I) = l / m2 / d = 26 l/m2/d
Tr 25
Q 800
Area required for infiltration (A) =
= 30.77 m2
I 26
Assuming number of circular pits (n) = 2 of diameter ‘Φ’
and effective depth (d) = 2 m, We have,
A A 30.77
= 2.448 ≈ 2.5 m (>0.9 and <3.5 ok)
Provide, free board (FB) = 0.5m,
then overall depth (D) = d + FB = 2 + 0.5 = 2.5m
Adopt 2 nos of 2.5m diameter 2.5m deep circular SP
A. Garbage: C. Rubbish:
3 4
All putrescible organic wastes from kitchen, hotels, All non-putrescible waste excluding ashes
restaurants etc. All combustible and non-combustible wastes such
Waste food, vegetable and fruit peelings, grass, as paper, broken furniture, glass, plastic bottles,
leaves, animal and bird excreta. card board, dismantled building materials etc.
Decomposes by producing foul gases and creates Sources: house, street and trade centers
health hazard. House refuse: vegetable and animal wastes, ashes,
Leads to breeding of flies, mosquitoes and insects. debris, garbage etc.
Street refuse: empty bottles, cigarette box, match
B. Ash: box, fruit peels, tree leaves, street sweepings etc.
Incombustible waste obtained from house, Trade refuse: refuse produced from commercial
industries and furnaces areas, factories etc.
9 10
3. Incineration 4.Composting
10.4.1. Dumping:
Throwing away method to fill low lying areas.
Normally waste without garbage is thrown so that
no nuisance is produced.
It is common in developing country.
Advantages: Cheaper in construction
Disadvantages: Unhygienic
i. Simple, no costly plants and equipment required
15 16
ii. Separation is not needed.
iii. No residue left for further disposal.
iv. Pits of low lying land are reclaimed.
i. Requires more land
ii. Creates foul gases and nuisance near site.
iii. Difficult to get good earth for covering.
iv. Lechate in rainy season may pollute surface/ ground
v. Insecticides required to prevent fly nuisance.
17 18
19 20
21 22
23 24
10.4.3. Incineration:
25 26
i. Hygienic/completely destroys pathogens and insects.
27 28
ii. No odour and dust nuisance
iii.The heat produced may be used for other purposes
Multiple hearth TYPE iv.Clinker may be used in road construction.
v. Lesser space requirement and
vi.not affected by adverse weather condition.
i. Improper incineration: air pollution (high chimneys
ii. Large initial cost
INCINERATOR iii.Residue obtained further needs to be disposed-off.
29 30
(b) Open windrow composting After 4 to 6 months it changes into brown and odourless
powder called humus, called ‘compost mal’ is obtained
(c) Mechanical composting
35 36
C. Mechanical Composting:
37 38
C. Mechanical Composting:
39 40
Processes are:
i. Reception of refuse
ii. Segregation of paper, rags, card boards, bottles ferrous
and other larger objects either manually or mechanically.
iii. Shredding and pulverizing of remaining matters.
iv. Digestion and stabilization
v. Market preparation for manure by packing.
41 42
43 44