Dokaflex Table: User Information

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999778002 - 09/2018


The Formwork Experts.

Dokaflex table
User Information
Instructions for assembly and use (Method statement)
© by Doka GmbH, A-3300 Amstetten


© by Doka GmbH, A-3300 Amstetten

User Information Dokaflex table

2 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table

4 Introduction 41 Assembly
4 Elementary safety warnings 41 Assembling the table superstructure
7 Doka services 42 Mounting the table heads
44 Mounting the floor props
8 System description
8 Dokaflex table – the tried-and-tested high- 45 Table Lifting System TLS
speed tableform 46 Product description
9 System dimensions 47 Loading data
10 Instructions for assembly and use (Method 48 Areas of use, possible configurations
50 Repositioning and aligning the Table Lifting
14 Adaptation to building layout System
18 Adapting to different slab thicknesses 51 Repositioning Doka tableforms
52 Anchoring on the structure
20 Structural design 55 Possible ways of connecting the landing level
safety gates
22 Tables around edges of slab 56 Computation of quantities for Lifting masts
TLS 1.50m
23 Tie-back solutions
57 Automatic climbing unit TLS
25 Edge table with no downstand beam
27 Slab stop-ends
59 General remarks
29 Edge table with downstand beam
59 Combining with other Doka systems
60 Fall-arrest systems on the structure
30 Repositioning
62 Transporting, stacking and storing
30 General instructions on repositioning
68 Reshoring props, concrete technology and
31 Horizontal repositioning / travelling stripping out
34 Vertical repositioning with transport forks
37 Loading platform 70 Component overview
38 Repositioning operation
40 Lining-and-levelling the Dokaflex tables

999778002 - 09/2018 3
Introduction User Information Dokaflex table

Elementary safety warnings
User target groups Remarks on this booklet
▪ This booklet is aimed at all persons who will be work- ▪ This document can also be used as a generally valid
ing with the Doka product or system that it describes. set of Instructions for Assembly and Use (Method
It contains information on the standard design for Statement), or it can be incorporated into a site-spe-
setting up this system, and on correct, compliant uti- cific set of Instructions for Assembly and Use
lisation of the system. (Method Statement).
▪ All persons working with the product described ▪ The graphics in this document or app, and also
herein must be familiar with the contents of this the animations and videos, depict states of par-
booklet and with all the safety instructions it contains. tial assembly in some instances and are there-
▪ Persons who are incapable of reading and under- fore not always complete as regards their depic-
standing this booklet, or who can do so only with dif- tion of safety equipment and measures.
ficulty, must be instructed and trained by the cus- Nevertheless, customer must ensure use in compli-
tomer. ance with the applicable regulations of safety equip-
▪ The customer is to ensure that the information mate- ment possibly not shown in these graphics, anima-
rials provided by Doka (e.g. User Information book- tions and videos.
lets, Instructions for Assembly and Use, Operating ▪ The individual sections contain further safety
Instruction manuals, plans etc.) are up to date and instructions and special warnings as applicable.
available to all users, and that they have been made
aware of them and have easy access to them at the
usage location. Planning
▪ In the relevant technical documentation and form-
work utilisation plans, Doka shows the workplace ▪ Provide safe workplaces for those using the form-
safety precautions that are necessary in order to use work (e.g. for when it is being erected/dismantled,
the Doka products safely in the usage situations modified or repositioned etc). It must be possible to
shown. get to and from these workplaces via safe access
In all cases, users are obliged to ensure compliance routes!
with national laws, standards and regulations ▪ If you are considering any deviation from the
throughout the entire project and to take appropriate details and instructions given in this booklet, or
additional or alternative workplace safety precau- any application which goes beyond those
tions where necessary. described in the booklet, then revised static cal-
culations must be produced for checking, as well
as supplementary assembly instructions.
Hazard assessment
▪ The customer is responsible for drawing up, docu- Regulations; industrial safety
menting, implementing and continually updating a
hazard assessment at every job-site. ▪ All laws, Standards, industrial safety regulations and
This booklet serves as the basis for the site-specific other safety rules applying to the utilisation of our
hazard assessment, and for the instructions given to products in the country and/or region in which you
users on how to prepare and utilise the system. It are operating must be observed at all times.
does not substitute for these, however.
▪ If a person or object falls against, or into, the side-
guard component and/or any of its accessories, the
component affected may only continue in use after it
has been inspected and passed by an expert.

4 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Introduction

Rules applying during all phases of Assembly

the assignment
▪ The equipment/system must be inspected by the
customer before use, to ensure that it is in an accept-
▪ The customer must ensure that this product is able condition. Steps must be taken to exclude com-
erected and dismantled, reset and generally used for ponents that are damaged, deformed, or weakened
its intended purpose in accordance with the applica- due to wear, corrosion or rot (e.g. fungal decay).
ble laws, standards and rules, under the direction
and supervision of suitably skilled persons.
▪ Mixing our formwork systems with those of other
manufacturers can create risks that may lead to
These persons' mental and physical capacity must
injury and damage to property. This requires sepa-
not in any way be impaired by alcohol, medicines or
rate verification.
▪ Doka products are technical working appliances ▪ The equipment/system must be assembled and
erected in accordance with the applicable laws,
which are intended for industrial / commercial use
standards and rules by trained customer personnel
only, always in accordance with the respective Doka
whilst maintaining any applicable safety inspections
User Information booklets or other technical docu-
that may be required.
mentation authored by Doka.
▪ The stability and load-bearing capacity of all compo- ▪ It is not permitted to modify Doka products; such
modifications constitute a safety risk.
nents and units must be ensured during all phases of
the construction work!
▪ Do not step on or apply strain to cantilevers, clo- Closing the formwork
sures, etc. until suitable measures to ensure their
stability have been correctly implemented (e.g. by
tie-backs). ▪ Doka products and systems must be set up so that
▪ Strict attention to and compliance with the functional all loads acting upon them are safely transferred!
instructions, safety instructions and load specifica-
tions are required. Non-compliance can cause acci-
dents and severe injury (risk of fatality) and consid-
erable damage to property.
▪ Sources of fire in the vicinity of the formwork are pro- ▪ Do not exceed the permitted fresh-concrete pres-
hibited. Heaters are permissible only when used cor- sures. Over-high pouring rates overload the form-
rectly and situated a correspondingly safe distance work, cause greater deflection and risk breakage.
from the formwork.
▪ Customer must give due consideration to any and all
Stripping out the formwork
effects of the weather on the equipment and regards
both its use and storage (e.g. slippery surfaces, risk
of slipping, effects of the wind, etc.) and implement ▪ Do not strip out the formwork until the concrete has
appropriate precautionary measures to secure the reached sufficient strength and the person in charge
equipment and surrounding areas and to protect has given the order for the formwork to be stripped
workers. out!
▪ All connections must be checked at regular intervals ▪ When stripping out the formwork, never use the
to ensure that they are secure and in full working crane to break concrete cohesion. Use suitable tools
order. such as timber wedges, special pry-bars or system
In particular threaded connections and wedged con- features such as Framax stripping corners.
nections have to be checked and retightened as nec- ▪ When stripping out the formwork, do not endanger
essary in accordance with activity on the jobsite and the stability of any part of the structure, or of any
especially after out-of-the-ordinary occurrences (e.g. scaffolding, platforms or formwork that is still in
after a storm). place!
▪ It is strictly forbidden to weld Doka products – in par-
ticular anchoring/tying components, suspension
components, connector components and castings
etc. – or otherwise subject them to heating.
Welding causes serious change in the microstruc-
ture of the materials from which these components
are made. This leads to a dramatic drop in the failure
load, representing a very great risk to safety.
It is permissible to cut individual tie rods to length
with metal cutting discs (introduction of heat at the
end of the rod only), but it is important to ensure that
flying sparks do not heat and thus damage other tie
The only articles which are allowed to be welded are
those for which the Doka literature expressly points
out that welding is permitted.

999778002 - 09/2018 5
Introduction User Information Dokaflex table

Transporting, stacking and storing Symbols used

▪ Observe all country-specific regulations applying to The following symbols are used in this document:
the handling of formwork and scaffolding. For system
formwork the Doka slinging means stated in this DANGER
booklet must be used – this is a mandatory require- This is a notifier drawing attention to an
ment. extremely dangerous situation in which non-
If the type of sling is not specified in this document, compliance with this notifier will lead to death
the customer must use slinging means that are suit- or severe, irreversible injury.
able for the application envisaged and that comply
with the regulations.
▪ When lifting, always make sure that the unit to be WARNING
lifted and its individual parts can absorb the forces This is a notifier drawing attention to a dan-
that occur. gerous situation in which non-compliance
▪ Remove loose parts or secure them so that they can- with this notifier can lead to death or severe,
not slip out of position and drop. irreversible injury.
▪ All components must be stored safely, following all
the special Doka instructions given in the relevant
sections of this document! CAUTION
This is a notifier drawing attention to a dan-
Maintenance gerous situation in which non-compliance
with this notifier can lead to slight, reversible
▪ Only original Doka components may be used as
spare parts. Repairs may only be carried out by the
manufacturer or authorised facilities.
This is a notifier drawing attention to a situa-
Miscellaneous tion in which non-compliance with this noti-
fier can lead to malfunctions or damage to
The weights as stated are averages for new material;
actual weights can differ, depending on material toler-
ances. Dirt accretions, moisture saturation, etc. can
also affect weight. Instruction
We reserve the right to make alterations in the interests Indicates that actions have to be performed
of technical progress. by the user.

Indicates that you need to do a sight-check
to make sure that necessary actions have
been carried out.

Points out useful practical tips.

Cross-references other documents.

6 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Introduction

Doka services
Support in every stage of the project Rental and reconditioning service
The formwork material needed for any particular pro-
▪ Project success assured by products and services ject can be rented from Doka’s high-performing rental
from a single source. park. Doka Reconditioning cleans and overhauls both
▪ Competent support from planning through to assem- client-owned equipment and Doka rental equipment.
bly directly on site.
High performance, in all stages of the project

Operations Construction Project close-

scheduling work out

▪ Execution planning
▪ Cycle planning
▪ Structure modelling/3D-planning
▪ Assembly drawings
▪ Statical calculation

Consulting and training

▪ Project processing on-site
▪ Formwork instructor
▪ Training & consulting

Process optimisation
▪ Concremote

Project assistance from start to finish

▪ myDoka
▪ Planning software
Every single project is unique and calls for individual- ▪ Depot management
ised solutions. When it comes to the forming opera-
tions, the Doka team can help you with its consulting, Pre-assembly and assembly
planning and ancillary services in the field, enabling ▪ Pre-assembly service
you to carry out your project effectively, safely and reli- ▪ Formwork pre-assembly on
ably. Doka assists you with individual consulting ser- site
vices and customised training courses.
Efficient planning for a safe project sequence ▪ Organisation of transport & freight
Efficient formwork solutions can be developed eco-
nomically only if there is an understanding of project Rental and reconditioning service
requirements and construction processes. This under- ▪ Rental service
standing is the basis of Doka engineering services. ▪ Formwork returns
▪ Reconditioning & service fixed rates
Optimise construction workflows with Doka
Doka offers special tools that help you in designing
transparent processes. This is the way to speed up
pouring processes, optimise inventories and create
more efficient formwork planning processes.

Custom formwork and on-site assembly

To complement its system formwork range, Doka
offers customised formwork units. And specially
trained personnel assemble load-bearing towers and
formwork on site.

Just-in-time availability
Formwork availability is a crucial factor in realising
your project on time and on budget. The worldwide
logistics network puts the necessary formwork quanti-
ties on site at the agreed time.

999778002 - 09/2018 7
System description User Information Dokaflex table

System description
Dokaflex table – the tried-and-tested high-speed tableform
Doka floor props Eurex top
▪ DIB (German Institute of Construction Engineering)
approval n° Z-8.311-905
▪ EN 1065-compliant floor prop

Their high load-bearing capacity is complemented by
many practical details making them very easy to han-
9720-215-01 ▪ numbered pegging holes, for easier height adjust-
Dokaflex tables are easy and practical to set up and ment
can be shifted and adapted very quickly. This makes ▪ elbowed fastening clamps, reducing the risk of injury
them a cost-effective and efficient way of carrying out and making the props easier to operate
large-area slab projects. ▪ special thread geometry, which makes the prop eas-
Dokaflex tables are fully combinable with Dokamatic ier to release even when it is under high load
The flexurally rigid link with the tableform superstruc-
▪ assembled from components of the Dokaflex system ture increases the load-bearing capacity of the floor
▪ 4 standard formats with an underlying 'grid' logic: props by 10 kN, so that:
- 2.50 x 4.00 m ▪ permitted capacity of Eurex 20 top:
- 2.50 x 5.00 m - when completely extended: 30 kN
- 2.00 x 4.00 m - when inserted by min. 30 cm: 35 kN
- 2.00 x 5.00 m ▪ permitted capacity of Eurex 30 top: 40 kN
▪ tableform faced with 3S top formwork sheets, 21 or
27 mm Follow the directions in the "Eurex top floor
▪ for slab heights up to 5.90 m props" User Information booklet!
▪ can start to pay off after as few as 2 re-use cycles
▪ custom formats are also possible where needed
▪ site-ready, custom-format Dokaflex tables can be
supplied by the Doka Pre-assembly Service ➤ It is not permitted to use Eurex floor props
20 top 700 on Doka tableforms.
▪ wedge-lock makes quick and easy work of attaching
and detaching props
▪ low stacking height when transported and stored
▪ safe, fast shifting devices – save time and money
▪ forming can continue seamlessly into infill zones and
closure gaps
▪ the technically perfected individual components
make a big contribution to higher speeds
▪ commissioning quantities are easy to tailor to the
construction schedule – a weekly cycle is no problem

8 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table System description

System dimensions
Dokaflex table 27mm

Dokaflex table 2.50x4.00m Dokaflex table 2.50x5.00m

10.0 2x38.8 4x56.3 2x38.8 10.0 10.0 2x50.0 2x46.7 2x46.6 2x46.7 2x50.0 10.0






225.0 280.0

Dokaflex table 2.00x4.00m Dokaflex table 2.00x5.00m

10.0 2x38.8 4x56.3 2x38.8 10.0 10.0 2x50.0 2x46.7 2x46.6 2x46.7 2x50.0 10.0








225.0 280.0

Dokaflex table 21mm

Dokaflex table 2.50x4.00m Dokaflex table 2.50x5.00m

10.0 2x38.8 4x56.3 2x38.8 10.0 10.0 2x45.0 6x50.0 2x45.0 10.0







9778-210-03 9778-210-04

225.0 300.0

Dokaflex table 2.00x4.00m Dokaflex table 2.00x5.00m

10.0 2x38.8 4x56.3 2x38.8 10.0 10.0 2x45.0 6x50.0 2x45.0 10.0






9778-210-01 9778-210-02

225.0 300.0

999778002 - 09/2018 9
System description User Information Dokaflex table

Instructions for assembly and use (Method statement)

Dokaflex tables can cover a wide area of practical appli- ➤ Also pre-install the sideguards for edge tables while
cations. the tables are still on the stack (see the section
Their flexible design enables them to be combined in headed 'Tables around edges of slab'). Where
very versatile ways. needed, attach side safety railings.
This means that in some projects, they will be put
together differently, and a different sequence of opera-
tions will be needed, from the scheme shown here (e.g.
for sloping walls).

➤ Dokaflex tables with floor props may only be
used to form horizontal slabs.
➤ It is forbidden to use Dokamatic tables in
inclined situations.
➤ Never place tables with floor props on top of
one another.

Before stepping onto the tables, observe
the following points:
➤ Horizontal stability must be ensured (e.g. by
back-tying the edge tables, by fixing the
tables to the structure, by joining them into
one continuous forming area).
➤ If no fall protection is in place (e.g. during
formwork set-up or stripping), a personal
fall-arrest system (PFAS) must be used Closing the formwork
(e.g. Doka personal fall-arrest set).
NOTICE ➤ Use the Dokamatic lifting strap 13.00m to lift the
table superstructure onto the DoKart plus, or onto
All necessary traffic routes must be prepared suitable temporary shoring (see the section headed
at the site! 'Transporting, stacking and storing').
➤ If necessary, adjust the position and number of the
table heads (see the section headed 'Adapting to dif-
Transporting / handling the panels ferent slab thicknesses').
➤ Mount the floor props (see the section headed
➤ For offloading panels from a truck, or lifting them on- 'Mounting the floor props').
site a stack at a time, use the Dokamatic lifting strap
13.00m (see the section headed 'Transporting,
stacking and storing').

➤ While the tables are still on the stack, attach an edge
strip (F) to each table that is going to be placed
directly against a wall of the building.


➤ Bring the table to its usage location using the Doka-

matic lifting strap 13.00m or the DoKart plus. Then
raise it to its intended operational height, extend the
floor props, and adjust the height.
If possible, start by putting up the first table in one
9778-200-01 corner of the building – with the pre-mounted edge
strip facing the wall.

10 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table System description

➤ Fix the first table to the structure (e.g. with braces,

Lashing strap 5.00m (A) or in-place solutions using
e.g. the tie-holes in the wall).


Risk of edge tables toppling over!
(due to edge props that have been relocated
9778-203-01 towards the inside, stop-end formworks, down-
stand beams)
➤ Bring further tables to the usage location in the same ➤ Secure all edge tables by tying back (A)
way. every primary beam in the inner cantilever
zone of the table.
➤ Do not release the table from the shifting
device until tie-backs are fixed to prevent tip-
➤ Also applies when setting down tables or
putting them into temporary storage.


For details of the tie-back, see the section

headed 'Tie-back solutions'.

999778002 - 09/2018 11
System description User Information Dokaflex table

➤ Insert standard strips between the tables, and nail Stripping and repositioning the
where needed (see the section headed 'Adaptation
to building layout'). formwork

As well as the instructions given here, you
must follow the instructions in the section
headed 'Reshoring props, concrete technol-
ogy and stripping out'.
➤ Check the concrete strength.
➤ Take the load off the floor props of the tables, and
lower them approx. 5 cm.

The T-ledge makes it easier to remove the

T-ledges are only needed in the area where
formwork removal is going to begin.


a ..max. 15 mm

➤ Form the closure zones (see the section headed

'Adaptation to building layout').
➤ Form the slab stop-ends (see the section headed ➤ Remove the standard strips and closures (see the
'Slab stop-ends'). section headed 'Adaptation to building layout').
➤ Spray the formwork sheeting with release agent.
➤ Place the reinforcement.

To protect the surface of the form-facing, we recom-
mend using a vibrator with a protective rubber cap.


12 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table System description

➤ Position the DoKart plus beneath the middle of the

➤ Extend the lifting tower until the table is supported on
the distribution beams of the DoKart plus.
➤ Push the floor props all the way in and, with the
DoKart plus, lower the table until it is 10 cm clear of
the ground.


a ... max. 10 cm ground clearance

➤ Reposition the table (see the sections headed 'Hori-
zontal repositioning / travelling', 'Vertical reposition-
ing with transport forks' and 'Table Lifting System


As well as the instructions given here, you
must follow the instructions in the section
headed 'Reshoring props, concrete technol-
ogy and stripping out'.
➤ Before pouring the next floor-slab (i.e. above the one
that has just been stripped), put up reshoring props.

999778002 - 09/2018 13
System description User Information Dokaflex table

Adaptation to building layout

The formwork system can be adapted to the building in the direction of the secondary
layout in the following ways:
▪ combining different sizes of table beams
▪ grid logic (arranging the tables lengthways and
crossways) The sheet-covered area is 10 cm less than the system
▪ closure zones with fitting-boards dimension on both long sides of the table. The project-
ing secondary beam acts as a support for the strips of
formwork sheeting.
D A B 9778-246-02

A B a
10 b 10
A a
Dimensions in cm
a ... System width of the table (200 cm or 250 cm)
9767-275-01 b ... a - 20 cm (180 cm or 230 cm)
a A Support for strip of formwork sheeting
a ... 4.0 m / 5.0 m B Sheet-covered area
C Secondary beam
A e.g. Dokaflex table 2.00 x 4.00m or 2.50 x 5.00m
B Typical zone (standard strip)
C Wall junction (standard strip) Typical zone
D Closure zone (fitting-board)
Between the tables and at wall junctions, it is always
▪ table sizes and table shapes adapted to the project standard strips that are inserted.
- e.g. greater length (A) , one side slanted (B) etc.
Standard strip (20 cm) between the tables
Custom tables (simplified illustration): 20.0


Standard strip (9.7 cm) at wall junctions

For assembling custom tables, consult your Doka tech-


14 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table System description

Closure zone Forming and stripping closures with insertion

Instead of the standard strips, a fitting-board of variable
width is inserted between the tables.
Location of insertion beams:
The width of the fitting-board needed is always 20 cm
larger than the actual closure dimension 'x'.

Fitting-board (x + 20 cm) between the tables A


s ... Width of fitting-board (x + 20 cm)
x ... Actual closure dimension

The type of closure is selected depending on the slab
thickness and on the necessary closure width 'x' (see
the section headed "Structural design"). a ... max. spacing of secondary beams of the Dokaflex table
A Insertion beam 1.95m (on 2.00m wide tables)
Option 1: fitting-board only Insertion beam 2.45m (on 2.50m wide tables)
x B Dokaflex table
C Fitting-board
D Joint where the fitting-boards abut

At the ends of the tables, the insertion beams are
placed as close as possible to the edge.

Joint where the fitting-boards abut (D) :

Option 2: fitting-board with insertion beam, with no ▪ in the direction of the primary beams: an addi-
additional propping tional insertion beam is necessary.
x ▪ in the direction of the secondary beams: over the
raised support surface (E) of the insertion beam. If
this is not possible, fit the insertion beam with its
raised support surface facing downwards, and
9778-248-02 wedge it up on the table waling.


Option 3: fitting-board with insertion beam and 9767-296-01

additional propping


999778002 - 09/2018 15
System description User Information Dokaflex table

Closing the formwork:

➤ Push insertion beams into the tableforms alongside
Before stepping onto the tables, observe the closure zone, flush with the secondary beams.
the following points:
➤ Horizontal stability must be ensured (e.g. by
back-staying the edge tables, by fixing the
tables to the structure, by joining them into
one continuous forming area).
➤ If no fall protection is in place (e.g. during
formwork set-up or stripping), a personal
fall-arrest system (PFAS) must be used to
protect against falls (e.g. Doka personal fall-
arrest set).

Use a mobile scaffold tower (e.g. the Working scaffold
Modul) or a platform stairway for erecting and stripping
the formwork.
A Insertion beam
When using the Platform stairway 0.97m for
vertical access, note the following: ➤ Put up tables opposite the closure zone.
▪ Minimum distance a from drop-off edge:
a B


B Dokaflex table

➤ Pull each insertion beam across the closure zone (1)

and turn it into the upright (2).


➤ Place fitting-boards over the closure zone, and nail

where needed.


16 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table System description

Stripping and repositioning the formwork: Closure zone

Risk of insertion beams falling out
The closure zone should be supported by a centrally
➤ Do not leave insertion beams with a length placed floor prop - this has no implications regarding
of 1.95m inside 2.50m wide tables when the dimensioning of the table. Otherwise, statical verifi-
these are repositioned! cation is required.
➤ Take the load off the floor props of the tables, and
lower the tables approx. 5 cm on one side of the clo- b b
sure zone.

9778-249-01 B

b ... max. 10 cm
9778-244-04 A Doka beam H20
B Squared timber 60x120 mm (site-provided)
➤ Turn the insertion beams on their sides (1) and push
them into the tableform (2).
b x b


b ... max. 10 cm
x ... max. closure
(see the dimensioning table 'Form-facing + closure option 1')

Combining tables in the direction of

➤ Take off the fitting-boards. the secondary beams and of the
➤ Lower the remaining tables. primary beams
➤ Reposition the tables together with the insertion
The insertion beams are available for use again s
straight away at the new location.

in the direction of the primary beams A

9778-249-03 B

Typical zone
s ... Dimension of sheet
A Doka beam H20
B Squared timber 60x120 mm (site-provided)

The beam (A) must be pre-mounted!


A Dokaflex table

999778002 - 09/2018 17
System description User Information Dokaflex table

Adapting to different slab thicknesses

The tables can be adapted to take account of the Intermediate head DF
required slab thickness by installing extra intermediate
▪ with Table head 30
▪ with Intermediate head DF
▪ with Supporting head H20 DF
Note: For mounting intermediate props on a
If the slab thicknesses vary, intermediate props can double primary beam
also be installed temporarily.
▪ An increase in the load-bearing capacity of
Positioning the floor props the floor prop, and moment transfer such as
with the table head, are not possible here!
▪ The main props of the table (at least 4 of
2 floor props per primary beam them) must always be attached with a table
(standard table) head!

Risk of intermediate props dropping out
when table is lifted
3 floor props per primary beam
(1 intermediate prop in mid-span) ➤ Intermediate props that are attached by an
Intermediate head DF and that are not dis-
mounted must be pulled in sufficiently far.

Table head 30 B

Note: A Intermediate head DF

For mounting the Table heads 30, see the section B Doka beam H20
headed "Mounting the table heads"!

18 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table System description

Assembly Supporting head H20 DF

➤ Place the Intermediate head DF on the inside tube of
the floor prop and secure it with the integral spring-
steel stirrup.

1 2 3
For mounting intermediate props on a
single primary beam
▪ An increase in the load-bearing capacity of
the floor prop, and moment transfer such as
with the table head, are not possible here!
▪ The main props of the table (at least 4 of
them) must always be attached with a table

Risk of intermediate props dropping out
when table is lifted
➤ Push the Intermediate head DF up between the dou- ➤ Intermediate props with a Supporting head
ble primary beams, turn it 90° and pull it down. H20 DF, and props that are only secured
➤ Twist the floor prop to fix it firmly onto the double pri- against tipping over, must be removed
mary beams. before the table is lifted.

1 2 3


A Supporting head H20 DF

B Doka beam H20

C Bore in the Supporting head

(for fixing with chipboard screw 4x35)

The fastening clamp has to be pushed all the

way into the floor prop. Assembly
➤ Place the Supporting head H20 DF on the inside
tube of the floor prop and secure it with the integral
spring-steel stirrup.

1 2 3

➤ Put up the intermediate props.

The fastening clamp has to be pushed all the
way into the floor prop.


999778002 - 09/2018 19
Structural design User Information Dokaflex table

Structural design
Note: Max. slab thickness 'd'
Max. closure 'x' [cm]
In accordance with EN 12812, a service load of [cm]
0.75 kN/m2 and a variable load of 10% of a massive Number of floor props Form-facing and

Type of prop
Table format
per table waling closure options
concrete floor-slab, totalling at least 0.75 kN/m2, but no
more than 1.75 kN/m2, are allowed for (assuming a
2 3 Var.1 Var.2 Var.3
fresh-concrete density of 2500 kg/m3).
37 40 0 (= standard strip)
The tables can be fitted with different formwork sheets. 35 38 10 10 20
The structural design is therefore split in two parts: 33 36 20 20 40

Eurex 20
▪ Supporting construction with floor props 31 34 30 30 60
29 32 40 40 80
▪ Form-facing as a function of the closures 28 30 50 50 —
27 29 60 60 —

26 28 60 70 —
Supporting construction with floor 25 27 60 80 —
46 52 0 (= standard strip)
props 44 50 10 10 20
42 48 20 20 40

Eurex 30
40 46 30 30 60
37 44 40 40 80
see the section headed 'System dimen- 35 42 50 50 —
Table format 33 40 60 60 —
Number of floor props see the section headed 'Adapting to differ- 32 38 60 70 —
per primary beam ent slab thicknesses' 31 36 60 80 —
45 50 0 (= standard strip)
Form-facing and clo- to be selected depending on the slab thick- 43 47 10 10 20
sure options ness (see 'Form-facing as a function of the 41 45 20 20 40
closures' in the Structural design section)
Eurex 20

40 43 30 30 60
38 41 40 40 80
Max. slab thickness 'd' 36 39 50 50 —
Max. closure 'x' [cm]
[cm] 34 37 60 60 —

Number of floor props Form-facing and 32 36 60 70 —

Type of prop
Table format

per table waling closure options 31 35 60 80 —

60 70 0 (= standard strip)
57 66 10 10 20
2 3 Var.1 Var.2 Var.3 54 63 20 20 40
Eurex 30

51 60 30 30 60
30 32 0 (= standard strip) 49 58 40 40 80
29 31 10 10 20 47 55 50 50 —
28 30 20 20 40 45 53 60 60 —
Eurex 20

27 29 30 30 60 43 51 60 70 —
25 27 40 40 80 42 49 60 80 —
24 26 50 50 —
23 25 60 60 —
Form-facing as a function of the

22 24 60 70 —
21 23 60 80 —
35 42 0 (= standard strip) closures
33 40 10 10 20
32 39 20 20 40
Eurex 30

31 38 30 30 60
30 36 40 40 80 Note:
29 34 50 50 —
28 33 60 60 — For detailed information on the formwork sheet and clo-
27 32 60 70 — sure options, see the section headed 'Adaptation to
26 31 60 80 — building layout'.
40 42 0 (= standard strip)
38 40 10 10 20
36 38 20 20 40 Notes on dimension (x):
▪ The influence of the closure on the table will vary
Eurex 20

35 37 30 30 60
33 35 40 40 80 depending on which closure option (1 to 3) has been
32 34 50 50 — selected.
31 33 60 60 —
▪ The relevant table and the number of floor props

30 32 60 70 —
29 31 60 80 — needed is selected from the table 'Supporting con-
50 55 0 (= standard strip) struction with floor props', with reference to the
48 53 10 10 20
46 51 20 20 40
values 'x' and the slab thickness 'd'.
▪ The width of the fitting-board needed is always
Eurex 30

44 49 30 30 60
42 47 40 40 80 20 cm larger than the actual closure dimension 'x'.
40 45 50 50 —
39 43 60 60 —
38 42 60 70 —
37 41 60 80 —

20 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Structural design

Formwork sheet with no closure (standard strip)

Max. slab thickness 'd' [cm] Max. closure 'x' [cm]
Formwork sheet

DokaPly eco

DokaPly eco






Standard strip



50 85 70 95 35 50 0

Formwork sheet + closure option 1

Max. slab thickness 'd' [cm] Max. closure 'x' [cm]
Formwork sheet

DokaPly eco

DokaPly eco

Fitting-board only






(Opt. 1)

x 35 65 60 90 30 45 5
25 50 55 75 25 40 10
20 40 50 65 25 35 15

— 35 45 60 20 30 20
— 25 40 55 — 25 25
9767-221-01 — 20 35 45 — 20 30
— — 30 40 — 20 35
— — 25 35 — — 40
— — 25 35 — — 45
— — 20 30 — — 50
— — — 25 — — 55
— — — 25 — — 60

Formwork sheet + closure option 2

Max. slab thickness 'd' [cm] Max. closure 'x' [cm]
Formwork sheet
Fitting-board with inser-
DokaPly eco

DokaPly eco


tion beam, with no addi-







x tional propping
(Opt. 2)

60 95 60 95 40 70 20
60 95 60 95 40 70 30
50 / 351) 85 / 651) 60 95 25 45 40
35 65 / 401) 60 85 20 45 50
25 50 / 251) 55 70 — 40 60
— 40 50 55 — 35 70
— 35 45 45 — 30 80
Values apply only for tables covered with same-size sheeting 'wall-to-wall' (e.g. 60 cm wide) or with uniformly divided sheets (e.g. 30+30 cm) with
the insertion beam set in the middle.
1) Value for sheets not uniformly divided (e.g. 50+10 cm).

Formwork sheet + closure option 3

Max. slab thickness 'd' [cm] Max. closure 'x' [cm]
Formwork sheet
Fitting-board with inser-
DokaPly eco

DokaPly eco



tion beam and additional







(Opt. 3)

60 95 60 95 40 70 20
60 95 60 95 40 70 30
50 / 351) 85 / 651) 60 95 25 45 40
35 65 / 401) 60 85 20 45 50
25 50 / 251) 55 70 — 40 60
— 40 50 55 — 35 70
— 35 45 45 — 30 80
Values apply only for tables covered with same-size sheeting 'wall-to-wall' (e.g. 60 cm wide) or with uniformly divided sheets (e.g. 30+30 cm) with
the insertion beam set in the middle.
1) Value for sheets not uniformly divided (e.g. 50+10 cm).

999778002 - 09/2018 21
Tables around edges of slab User Information Dokaflex table

Tables around edges of slab

Dokaflex tables for the edge zones can be assembled
with the downstand-beams, stop-end formwork and CAUTION
sideguards already integrated into the tables. Risk of edge tables toppling over!
If possible, pre-mount the attachments to the (due to edge props that have been relocated
table elements on the floor, while these are still towards the inside, stop-end formworks, down-
on the stack. stand beams)
➤ Secure all edge tables by tying back (A)
every primary beam in the inner cantilever
zone of the table.
➤ Do not release the table from the shifting
device until tie-backs are fixed to prevent tip-
➤ Also applies when setting down tables or
putting them into temporary storage.



For details of the tie-back, see the section

headed 'Tie-back solutions'.

22 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Tables around edges of slab

Tie-back solutions

NOTICE Tie-back from the Table head 30

▪ When calculating the leg loads, allow for the ➤ Hook the Lashing strap 5.00m directly onto the Table
additional forces imposed by the back-stay!
head 30.
▪ Attach the back-stay in such a way that the
tableform is held in both directions and
secured against twisting.
▪ Direction of pull of the back-stay (A) always
90° to the tableform. Oblique pull is not per-




with Lashing strap 5.00m and Doka

A Lashing strap 5.00m
express anchor 16x125mm
Tie-backs for high tableforms
Permitted tensile force per lashing strap: 10 kN
If necessary, two Lashing straps 5.00m can be joined
Tie-back using the Lifting hook DF together to form a longer back-stay.
NOTICE Only Lashing straps 5.00m with spring-
Do not exceed the max. permitted tensile force loaded locking flap may be used!
of 3.0 kN of the Lifting hook DF!
➤ Hook the Lashing strap 5.00m onto the Lifting
hook DF.



A Lashing strap 5.00m (with spring-loaded locking flap)


A Lashing strap 5.00m

999778002 - 09/2018 23
Tables around edges of slab User Information Dokaflex table

Anchoring in the ground with plumbing struts

➤ Prepare an anchorage point in the ground with the Using plumbing struts fitted with a U-head D, Dokaflex
Doka express anchor – hook in the lashing strap and tables can be fixed so that they are resistant to either
tension it. tensile or compressive forces.


A Lashing strap 5.00m
B Doka express anchor A U-head D
B Plumbing strut
C Doka Express anchor 16x125mm
The Doka express anchor can be re-used many times

Permitted load where fck,cube,current ≥ 10 N/mm2:

Fperm. = 10.0 kN (Rd = 15.0 kN)
(values apply to uncracked concrete)

Follow the Fitting Instructions!

Always perform a static check if other-make heavy-

duty dowels are used to fabricate anchorages in the
floor slab.
Follow the manufacturers' applicable fitting instruc-

24 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Tables around edges of slab

Edge table with no downstand beam

The floor prop (A) is located further towards the inside Handrail post T 1.80m
than on the standard table.
This leaves a sufficiently large area of table free to work
on beyond the stop-end.
Safety barriers can be erected using the Handrail
post T 1.80m or the Edge protection system XP.



A Handrail post T 1.80m
B Protective grating or guard-rail boards (site-provided)
B Handrail post T 1.80m or Edge protection system XP C Doka formwork beam

Required nuts & bolts etc.

▪ 2 hexagon screws M20x90
▪ 2 hexagon nuts M20
▪ 2 washers R22
(not included with product)
How to mount:
➤ Mount the Handrail post T 1.80m in the ready-drilled
holes in the beam.
(Can be used on both primary and secondary
➤ Fit on a Protective grating XP or guard-rail boards,
and fix them in place.

999778002 - 09/2018 25
Tables around edges of slab User Information Dokaflex table

Edge protection system XP Handrail clamp S

Follow the directions in the 'Edge protection For erecting sideguards on tables that project beyond
system XP' User Information booklet! the slab-edge.
Follow the directions in the “Handrail clamp S”
Insertion adapter XP User information!

▪ Suitable for railing-heights of 1.20 m and 1.80 m.


D 9778-218-02

A Guard-rail board (site-provided)

B Handrail clamp S
A Insertion adapter XP C Doka formwork beam
B Handrail post XP
How to mount:
C Protective grating or guard-rail boards (site-provided)
➤ Wedge the Handrail clamps firmly to the secondary
D Doka formwork beam
beams (clamping range 2 – 43 cm).
Required nuts & bolts etc. ➤ Secure the guardrail boards to the loops on the
▪ 2 hexagon screws M20x90 Handrail clamp S with one 28 x 65 nail per loop.
▪ 2 hexagon nuts M20
▪ 2 washers R22
(not included with product)
How to mount:
➤ Mount the Insertion adapter XP in the ready-drilled
holes in the beam.
(Can be used on both primary and secondary
➤ Working from below, push the Toeboard holder XP
0.60m onto the Handrail post XP 1.80m (not needed
when using the Protective grating XP).
➤ Push the Handrail post XP into the post-holding fix-
ture on the Insertion adapter XP until the locking
mechanism engages.
The locking mechanism must engage.

➤ Fit on a Protective grating XP or guard-rail boards,

and fix them in place.

26 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Tables around edges of slab

Slab stop-ends
with Framax universal corner waling with Universal end-shutter support





Max. influence width: a
C 9778-219-02 for slab thickness of [cm]
How fastened: Configuration 20 25 30
4 nails 3.1x80 A 90 50 30
a ... 6 to 16 cm
b ... slab thickness max.40 cm 4 Spax screws 4x40
B 220 190 160
(fully threaded)
A Framax panel
B Framax universal corner waling
C Retaining plate 15.0
D Super-plate 15.0
E Tie-rod 15.0 approx. 70 cm long

Use a 20 mm diameter bit to drill the hole

through the form-ply.
Unneeded clamping holes should be closed
off on the site with Universal plugs R20/25.

Wherever possible, use tables in the same

way every time, e.g. always as edge tables -
this prevents holes being drilled in the tables

999778002 - 09/2018 27
Tables around edges of slab User Information Dokaflex table

fastened with nails (configuration A) fastened with Spax screws (configuration B)




9778-215-02 9778-215-03

d ... slab thickness max.30 cm d ... slab thickness max.30 cm

A Universal end-shutter support 30cm A Universal end-shutter support 30cm
B Nail 3.1x80 C Doka formwork sheet 3-SO
C Doka formwork sheet 3-SO D Spax screws 4x40 (fully threaded)
E Doka beam H20
Tip for striking formwork:
➤ Take out the nails on the stop-end side.
➤ Put the claw of a hammer under the corner
(put a piece of wood under it to protect the
formwork sheeting)
➤ Lever up the end-shutter support


28 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Tables around edges of slab

Edge table with downstand beam

with Beam forming support 20 and Extension for
beam forming support 60cm




A Beam forming support 20
B Extension for beam forming support 60cm
A Beam forming support 20 C Height compensation with squared timbers or formwork beams
B Extension for beam forming support 60cm D Edge table
E Dokaflex table
The Beam forming support 20 is the professional way
F Tie-back
of forming drop beams and slab stop-ends. In conjunc-
tion with the Extension for beam forming support 60cm,
exact height adjustment to within 1 cm is possible. For more information on forming downstand
This does away with time-consuming jobsite squared- beams and slab stop-ends, see the 'Dokaflex'
timber constructions. The Beam forming support auto- User Information booklet.
matically clamps the formwork tight, resulting in clean
concrete surfaces and grout-tight edges.


999778002 - 09/2018 29
Repositioning User Information Dokaflex table

General instructions on repositioning

➤ 'Passenger transportation' is forbidden! ▪ The table must not be loaded - not even
temporarily with e.g. a stack of panels - until
➤ Before repositioning the tableform, remove it has been completely erected according to
any loose items (e.g. fitting boards) from it. plan (i.e. with all intermediate props).
➤ Check the connections between the floor
props and the tableform before repositioning

Risk of intermediate props dropping out
when table is lifted
➤ Intermediate props with a Supporting head
H20 DF, and props that are only secured
against tipping over, must be removed
before the table is lifted.
➤ Intermediate props that are attached by an
Intermediate head DF and are not dis-
mounted must be pulled in sufficiently far.
For information on fitting intermediate props,
see the section headed 'Mounting the floor
Observe the following points when reposi-
tioning / travelling tableforms horizontally:
▪ There must be a flat, firm (e.g. concrete),
adequately dimensioned floor that is capa-
ble of supporting the load.
▪ Max. permitted inclination of trackway: 3%
▪ Take particular care with:
- height offsets
- steps
- floor holes and wall openings
- strong winds
▪ It is forbidden to use any other mechanical
assistance for the travelling operation!
▪ For longer breaks between operations, or
when the shifting device is permanently
parked, it must not be carrying any form-

When tableforms are left free-standing
(short-term intermediate storage), the fol-
lowing conditions must be met:
▪ There must be a firm horizontal surface.
▪ No attachments such as table platforms,
safety barriers, downstand beams, etc.
▪ Max. height of tables 3.0 m.
▪ Max. wind speed: 72 km/h.
If these conditions are not met, the tables must
be secured with a suitable tie-back (see the
section headed 'Tie-back solutions')!

30 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Repositioning

Horizontal repositioning / travelling

DoKart plus Height adjustment
The DoKart plus is a battery-powered lifting appliance The Stacking frame DF is used for increasing the
that allows Doka tableforms to be travelled by just one height range.
The battery is designed to allow 1 whole day's opera-
tion before being recharged on mains electricity over-
night. D C
The tableforms are lifted and lowered hydraulically.


Max. travel speed: 5 km/h (walking pace)

Max. load, where load is applied centrally:

▪ without Stacking frame DF: 1950 kg
▪ with one Stacking frame DF: 1868 kg
▪ with two Stacking frames DF: 1786 kg 9767-339-01

▪ with three Stacking frames DF: 1704 kg

A DoKart plus carrying frame
B Stacking frame DF
Follow the directions in the Operating Instruc- C Distribution beam (Doka beam H20 2.65m)
tions! D Brace stirrup 8

Intended use Height ranges incl. distribution beams

Number of Stacking h min. h max.
frames DF [cm] [cm]
The DoKart plus and the stacking frames may only be
0 174.0 344.0
used for repositioning Dokaflex and Dokamatic tables.
1 249.0 419.0
2 324.0 494.0
3 399.0 569.0

Assembly instructions for Stacking frame DF:

➤ Bolt the stacking frame to the carrying frame of the
DoKart plus with M12 threaded fasteners (4 of), or to
another stacking frame already bolted into position.



Nuts, bolts etc. are included in the scope of supply of the Stacking
frame DF.
A Carrying frame of DoKart plus, or another Stacking frame DF
B Stacking frame DF
E Hexagon bolt M12x40
F Hexagon nut M12
G Washer A13
H Spring washer A12

999778002 - 09/2018 31
Repositioning User Information Dokaflex table

Distribution beams Positioning under the tableform

Before tableforms can be repositioned, 2 extra ▪ Bolt on the fastening clamps (A) of the floor
distribution beams must be fitted to them. props from the inside to the outside, so that
they are facing outward and do not obstruct
Selecting the right distribution beams: the DoKart plus when it moves in under the
Length of distribution beams table.
(Doka beams H20)
Lmin = 1.80m
stacking frames


Lmin = 2.65m
with ▪ The outriggers of the DoKart plus extension
stacking frames set (if fitted) must also be completely
pushed in.
Depending on the size of the table and the situation on
A Distribution beam (Doka beam H20) the site, the DoKart plus is travelled under the table
B DoKart plus carrying frame either from one end or one side of the table.
C Stacking frame DF The carrying frame of the DoKart plus and the
Stacking frame DF come with centre markings
Fitting the distribution beams: (red arrows).
➤ Attach both (Doka beams H20) to the carrying frame These make it easier for them to be positioned
of the DoKart plus, or to the Stacking frame DF, with centrally beneath the tables.
two Brace stirrups 8 in each case.
Arrange the distribution beams symmetrically, NOTICE
spaced max. 900 mm apart. Points to remember with unsymmetrical
c tables:
'Central positioning' means 'central' in terms of
A the load centre.
C Take particular care with unsymmetrical tables
(edge tables, tables with stop-ends).

Max. permitted eccentric position for the load centre:

a = max. 200 mm
b = max. 100 mm.
c ... max. 900 mm
A Distribution beam (Doka beam H20) aa b b
C Brace stirrup 8 (four of these are supplied with the DoKart plus)
D Carrying frame of DoKart plus or Stacking frame DF


32 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Repositioning

Example: Setting down and positioning the


Before setting down the table, push the fasten-
ing clamps (A) of the floor props through from
the inside to the outside so that they are not an
obstruction when the DoKart plus is moved out
from under the table.


a ... 1450 or 1500 mm

Travelling the DoKart plus with the

WARNING The fastening clamp has to be pushed all the

way into the floor prop.
Risk of tipping over!
➤ Do not extend the lifting tower of the DoKart
plus farther than necessary.
➤ Push the floor props all the way in.
➤ Lower the tableform to max. 10 cm above
the ground.
➤ If necessary, extend the outriggers of the 98017-202-01

DoKart plus extension set.

CAUTION ▪ The outriggers of the DoKart plus extension
The fastening clamp of the floor prop can work set (if fitted) must be completely pushed in.
loose during transport and possibly drop out. ▪ Check the wedge-clamped joins between
➤ Use the adjusting nut (B) to hold the fasten- the floor props.
ing clamp (A) in place at the top or bottom
end of the slot (depending on whether the
outer tube (C) is at the bottom or the top).





b ... max. 10 cm

999778002 - 09/2018 33
Repositioning User Information Dokaflex table

Vertical repositioning with transport forks

The transport fork can be used to move tableforms out Transport fork 1.3t adjustable
from under the cast floor-slab and to reposition them.

Note: ▪ Adjustable fork width

▪ Ensure correct centre-of-gravity position! ▪ Adjustable fork length
- Required minimum width of the forks: ▪ Integrated tag-lines
1/ of the width of the table
3 ▪ Three attachment possibilities for 2-part lifting chains
- Required minimum length of the forks: for optimum (horizontal) transport of the table
2/ of the length of the table
3 ▪ Attaching/detaching the 2-part lifting chain is easy in
▪ For additional measures for repositioning tables car- the parking position (bracket tilts down when lowered
ried at right angles to the forks or repositioning cus- to the ground
tom tables consult your Doka technician!


b 9767-374-01
b ... 90, 137, 204 or 227 cm
l ... 275, 324, 373 or 422 cm
h ... 385 cm

Max. load: 1300 kg (2870 lbs)

Follow the directions in the Operating Instruc-


Table along the forks Table at right angles to the

(e.g. balcony table)


l ... Fork length (min. 2/3 table length)

x ... Length of table

34 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Repositioning

Transport fork DM 1.5t (adjustable) Lifting tables over two storeys

The Lifting extension bracket of the transport fork is
▪ Adjustable fork width lengthened with the Vertical extension DM 1.5t 3.30m.
▪ Integrated tag-lines
▪ Fork marks for optimum (horizontal) transport of the
▪ Attaching/detaching the 2-part lifting chain is easy in
the parking position (bracket tilts down when lowered
to the ground
▪ Additional vertical extension (art. n° 586235000) for F
repositioning tableforms over two stories


b 9767-375-01
a ... 7500 mm
b ... 90, 137, 204 or 227 cm
l ... 580 cm F Vertical extension DM 1.5t 3.30m
h ... 421 cm

Max. load: 1500 kg (3300 lbs)

Follow the directions in the Operating Instruc-


Table along the forks Table at right angles to

the forks

9778-250-01 x

b ... Fork width

x ... max. 3 x fork width (otherwise table has to be secured)

999778002 - 09/2018 35
Repositioning User Information Dokaflex table

Lifting extension bracket DF and Table along the forks Table at right angles to the forks

Transport fork DF
The transport forks are made up of a:
▪ Lifting extension bracket DF and a
▪ Transport fork DF of the appropriate width
For standard sizes of table, a 90 cm wide fork is recom-
For heavy tables with attached platforms, choose the b
1.5 t system. x

a b ... Fork width

x ... max. 3 x fork width (otherwise table has to be secured)


b D

Overview of variants
max. load-bearing
capacity 1000 kg 1500 kg
(table weight)
max. table size
5.0 x 4.0 m 8.0 x 5.0 m
(length x width)

Lifting extension Lifting extension

Item (A)
bracket DF 1t bracket DF 1.5t
Bracket length (a) 336 cm 456 cm
Clear opening (h) 280 cm 350 cm

Transport fork DF Transport fork DF

Item (B)
1t 0.90m 1.5t 0.90m
Fork width (b) 90 cm 90 cm

Transport fork DF Transport fork DF

Item (C)
1t 1.30m 1.5t 1.30m
Fork width (b) 128 cm 128 cm

Transport fork DF Transport fork DF

Item (D)
1t 2.00m 1.5t 2.00m
Fork width (b) 200 cm 200 cm

Fork length (l) 380 cm 600 cm

Follow the directions in the Operating Instruc-


36 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Repositioning

Loading platform
Where necessary, a loading platform can be assem-
bled from Doka standard components.
Using the Lifting hook DF or Dokamatic lifting straps
13.00m, the Dokaflex tables are lifted off the loading
platform and up to the next level.


For assembling a loading platform, consult your Doka

999778002 - 09/2018 37
Repositioning User Information Dokaflex table

Repositioning operation
➤ Lift the table out, and up to next storey.
The fastening clamp of the floor prop can work
loose during transport and possibly drop out.
➤ Use the adjusting nut (B) to hold the fasten-
ing clamp (A) in place at the top or bottom
end of the slot (depending on whether the
outer tube (C) is at the bottom or the top).




➤ Wheel the table to the pick-up point with the DoKart
plus. ➤ Set the table down at its new location.


➤ Set the table down.

➤ Wheel out the DoKart plus from under the table (the 9778-250-07
next table can now be prepared for repositioning).
Check that the intermediate props are held
firmly in the Intermediate head DF!
➤ Manoeuvre the transport fork under the table.


➤ Pick up the table with the transport fork.

38 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Repositioning

Before setting down the table, push the fasten-
ing clamps (A) of the floor props through from
the inside to the outside so that they are not an
obstruction when the DoKart plus is moved out
from under the table.



The fastening clamp has to be pushed all the

way into the floor prop.


▪ The outriggers of the DoKart plus extension
set (if fitted) must be completely pushed in.
▪ Check the wedge-clamped joins between
the floor props.

999778002 - 09/2018 39
Repositioning User Information Dokaflex table

Lining-and-levelling the Dokaflex tables

NOTICE The Plastic mallet 4kg is a handy tool for fine-

▪ Before lining-and-levelling, check whether positioning a tableform quickly without using
all the floor props are under load. Only any shifting devices. The mallet has been
props that are actually standing on the designed with just the right weight for this job,
ground can be lined-and-levelled. and with plastic of the right hardness.
▪ Check the wedge-clamped joins between When used correctly, it helps to prevent dam-
the floor props. age:
➤ Use in moderation, and only at the bottom of
NOTICE the floor props.
▪ When lining up and levelling Dokaflex ➤ Use evenly on all floor props
tables, always make sure that the fastening ➤ Give just one knock to each floor prop at a
clamp is pushed all the way into the floor time, then move on to the next prop (max.
prop. mallet backswing distance 50 cm)


▪ Turn the adjusting nut until it is in contact

with the fastening clamp.
▪ Follow the directions in the section headed
‘Setting down and positioning the table-

Integrated base makes it easy to put the

mallet on 'stand-by':

40 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Assembly

Assembling the table superstructure

The professionals from the Doka "Ready-to- Mount the remaining secondary beams
Use Service" plan and assemble site-ready ➤ Place the remaining secondary beams onto the pri-
and custom formworks exactly to your spec- mary beams (use a template if necessary).

For a clean concrete finish and for the Dokaflex tables G

to function at their best, it is important to assemble them
correctly and precisely.
Assembly floor with stop bars
➤ Prepare a flat assembly floor (wooden drawing floor).
➤ Attach stop-bars for the table heads, primary beams
and secondary beams. 9720-235-01

Mount the table heads, primary and secondary G Secondary beam

➤ Insert the table heads between the prepared stop-
bars. ➤ Screw the secondary beams to the primary beams
diagonally, using rack screws 6x80mm.
➤ Place the primary beams into the table heads and
push them up against the stop-bar. Mount the formwork sheets
➤ Lay the secondary beams centrally, directly over the ➤ Decide how the sheets are to be arranged. If neces-
table heads, and push them up against the stop-bar. sary, mark the position of the first row of sheets with
a chalk line.
B ➤ Lay the formwork sheets and pull them tight with the
Strip tensioner B 5.00m.
G ➤ Nail the sheets to the secondary beams with ring
nails 3.1x60mm.

A Assembly floor
B Stop-bar for primary beams
C Stop-bar for secondary beams
D Stop-bar for table head
E Table head 9720-236-01

F Primary beam H Formwork sheet

G Secondary beam

The Lifting hook DF, or Dokamatic lifting straps

➤ Bolt the table heads to the secondary beams (see 13.00 m, are ideal for lifting the pre-assembled units
the section headed "Mounting the table heads"). away from the assembly area.

999778002 - 09/2018 41
Assembly User Information Dokaflex table

Mounting the table heads

The Table head 30 firmly links the Doka formwork The Dokaflex tables include secondary beams
beams H20 to the Doka floor props Eurex. with the extra holes needed for the Table head
30. This means that they can quickly and eas-
ily be modified for 6 floor props.
with Connection unit DF 20/30
for longer assignments involving high numbers of
repeat uses.
Tools needed:
▪ Centre bit DF 30
▪ Box nut 19 1/2" L
▪ Reversible ratchet 1/2"


with Beam screw S 8/60

Tools needed:
▪ Wood drill, diam. 10 mm

▪ Box nut 13 1/2"

▪ Reversible ratchet 1/2"
2 Connection units DF 20/30 are needed for each
Table head 30.


4 Beam screws S8/60 are needed for each Table head


9720-299-01 9720-300-01 d

a ... 210 mm
b ... 396 mm
c ... 4 to 12 mm b
Use the Centre bit DF 30 to drill the holes in the webs.


d ... diam. 30 mm
9720-297-01 9720-298-01

a ... 210 mm
b ... 51 mm
c ... 4 to 12 mm
d ... 39.6 mm
e ... approx. 30mm
A Drilling template DF is available on request, to speed
up the job of drilling the holes in the beams.

42 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Assembly

Table head for single primary beam

Converting the Table head 30

Although designed as standard for double primary
beams, the Table head 30 can easily be converted for
use with a single primary beam by using different holes
for its two M16x45 hexagon bolts.

Position of bolts for Position of bolts for

double primary beam single primary beam

9720-296-01 9720-295-01

Table head 20
Where Dokaflex tables are assembled with single pri-
mary beams, it is also possible to use the Table head
20 instead of the Table head 30.

Beam screw S 8/60 Connection unit DF 20/30

9720-294-01 9720-293-01

999778002 - 09/2018 43
Assembly User Information Dokaflex table

Mounting the floor props

The floor prop is quickly and securely fixed onto the
Table head 30 with the aid of the double wedge.
➤ Pull back the wedge of the Table head 30 and insert
the prop.


➤ Tighten the wedge with the hammer.

A Table head 30
B Floor prop Eurex 20 top or Eurex 30 top

▪ Having the outer tube at the top increases
▪ To make it easier to get at the adjusting nut,
it is also possible to have the outer tube at
the bottom.
▪ Where the floor-slab height is 3.50 m and
upward, secure the wedge with a spring cot-
ter 5mm, as at this height and above it is dif-
ficult to do a sight-check.

The fastening clamp has to be pushed all the

way into the floor prop.


Where the Doka floor prop Eurex 20 top 550 is used,
the Table head 30 can only be attached to the inner

44 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Table Lifting System TLS

Table Lifting System TLS

Doka Table Lifting System TLS - for NOTICE

vertical lifting of Doka tableforms All work in connection with assembly & erec-
tion, dismantling, and the first time of putting
with no need for a crane into service, must be supervised by certified
Doka specialists.
The Doka Table Lifting System TLS is used for moving ▪ The crew who are going to operate the
Doka tableforms up to the next floor. Doka Table Lifting System TLS need spe-
It is also suitable for transporting Doka equipment cial skills and knowledge which can only
between floors, in suitable multi-trip packaging contain- be passed on by certified Doka specialists.
ers (always comply with the loading data and loading ▪ As proof that they have received such spe-
rules for the Table Lifting System). cial instruction, a certificate is issued to per-
sons who have undergone this training.
▪ Persons who do not have this certificate are
‘Passenger transportation’ with the Table Lift- not allowed to start up or use the Doka
ing System TLS is forbidden. (Exception: for Table Lifting System TLS.
carrying out site-assembly and maintenance
A comprehensive system of safety features makes for
fast, safe working, both when operating the Table Lift-
ing System itself and when cycling tables.
With the Doka Table Lifting System TLS you can even
carry on cycling tables safely during strong winds (up to
max. 72 km/h).


999778002 - 09/2018 45
Table Lifting System TLS User Information Dokaflex table

Product description
Lifting platform TLS
M Max. load:
L when lifting: 1650 kg
during loading: 2650 kg

▪ Loading area:
- Entrance width: 2.70 m
(3.20 m between lifting masts)
- Length: 4.93 m




▪ Integral railings
▪ Integral loading gates
▪ Integral loading ramp
▪ Protective grating TLS 1.80m may also be mounted
9767-318-01 if desired
A Basic unit TLS
B Lifting platform TLS centre 3.00x1.60m Landing level safety gates
C Lifting platform TLS back 3.00x1.60m
D Protective grating TLS 1.80m
E Protecting metal sheet TLS
▪ For safeguarding the loading and offloading points
F Lifting mast TLS 1.50m ▪ Landing level safety gates for every floor
G Supporting profile TLS 5.15m ▪ Integral control for every floor
H Pressure strut TLS 3.70m
I Floor support TLS 0.40m
Drive mechanism
J Adjusting device TLS
K Beam for landing level safety gate TLS 0.40m
L Landing level safety gate TLS with handle The Table Lifting System is driven electromechanically.
M Landing level safety gate TLS w. limit switch ▪ Required supply voltage: 400V/50Hz (fuse protec-
N Switch box TLS ground control tion min. 3 x 32A, slow-blow)
O Switch box TLS landing level safety gate
P Lifting cross-bar TLS
Lifting speed
Q Lifting beam TLS 67kN (in 'parked' position)

▪ Starting speed: 5 m/min.

Bottom to top-floor height ▪ Lifting speed: 10 m/min.

▪ standing on ground and working from ground level:

max. 100 m
▪ when suspended from floor-slab: max. 15 m

46 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Table Lifting System TLS

Loading data
Anchoring forces per suspension

FX(2) FY(2)

FX(1) FY(1) FZ(1)A

FX(1) FY(1)

FX(0) A

A Temporary reshore (locate as statically required)

A Temporary reshore (locate as statically required)

Floor support TLS 0.40m for max. 7 lifting mast sections (max. bottom to top-floor height
10.5 m)
Vertical reac- Forces on dowel Horizontal
Inter-floor dis-
tion force Tension Shear shoring force
FZ(1)B,k FZ(1)A,k FY(1),k (90° to Fx) FX(1),k FX(0),k
2.65 m 73 kN 26 kN 4 kN 32 kN 37 kN
3.00 m 73 kN 26 kN 4 kN 28 kN 33 kN
4.50 m 73 kN 26 kN 4 kN 18 kN 22 kN

Floor support TLS 0.40m for max. 10 lifting mast sections (max. bottom to top-floor height 15 m)
Vertical reac- Forces on dowel Horizontal
Inter-floor dis-
tion force Tension Shear shoring force
FZ(1)B,k FZ(1)A,k FY(1),k (90° to Fx) FX(1),k FX(0),k
2.65 m 79 kN 28 kN 5 kN 34 kN 39 kN
3.00 m 79 kN 28 kN 5 kN 30 kN 35 kN
4.50 m 79 kN 28 kN 5 kN 20 kN 25 kN

Lifting mast anchoring TLS cross bar 0.40m Lifting mast anchoring TLS wall
Vertical reac- Forces on dowel Vertical reac- Forces on dowel
Inter-floor dis- Inter-floor dis-
tion force Shear tion force Shear
tance tance
FZ(2),k FY(2),k (90° to Fx) FX(2),k FZ(2),k FY(2),k (90° to Fx) FX(2),k
2.65 m 2 kN 16 kN 16 kN 2.65 m 2 kN 4 kN 20 kN
3.00 m 2 kN 16 kN 14 kN 3.00 m 2 kN 4 kN 20 kN
4.50 m 2 kN 16 kN 11 kN 4.50 m 2 kN 4 kN 20 kN
7.00 m 2 kN 8 kN 10 kN 7.00 m 2 kN 3 kN 17 kN

Subgrade reaction when stood on


Bottom to top-floor
10 m 20 m 30 m 40 m 50 m 60 m 70 m 80 m 90 m 100 m
Total weight per mast-
3551 kg 4166 kg 4701 kg 5316 kg 5956 kg 6491 kg 7106 kg 7721 kg 8281 kg 8896 kg
Subgrade reaction 143 kN/m² 167 kN/m² 189 kN/m² 213 kN/m² 239 kN/m² 260 kN/m² 285 kN/m² 309 kN/m² 332 kN/m² 356 kN/m²

999778002 - 09/2018 47
Table Lifting System TLS User Information Dokaflex table

Areas of use, possible configurations

Follow the directions in the 'Doka Table Lifting D Safety barrier at edge of slab
System TLS' Operating Instructions! E Lifting mast anchoring TLS

Space required:
h g
Check the Doka Table Lifting System TLS after assem-
bly and every time before start-up, as described in the
Operating Instructions.

Standing on ground and working

from ground level

System dimensions:


f ... 4.60 m
g ... 5.80 m
h ... 1.90 m
E Lifting mast anchoring TLS
K Landing level safety gate TLS

If the bottom to top-floor height is between 40 m and
100 m, then the Cable-reel set TLS 100.00m must be
used instead of the Cable reel TLS 40.0m (mounted to
the Basic unit TLS).
The Switch box TLS ground control and the Switch box
TLS landing level safety gate each come with a 10 m

control cable permanently attached.

If these switch boxes are too far (> 10 m) away from the
Switch box for cable-reel, then Control cables TLS
20.0m will be needed as extension cables.




a ... 1.35 m (landing level safety gates mounted to the floor supports)
a ... 1.60 m (landing level safety gates mounted to the Beam for land-
ing level safety gate)
b ... max. 7.00 m (spacing between the anchorages)
c ... max. 4.50 m
(lifting height above the top lifting mast anchoring)
d ... max. 100 m
e ... min. 0.30 m
A Switch box TLS landing level safety gate
B Switch box TLS ground control
C Cable reel

48 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Table Lifting System TLS

Suspended from the floor-slab Space required:

h g

System dimensions:

f ... 4.60 m
g ... 5.80 m
h ... 1.90 m

F Floor support TLS

K Landing level safety gate TLS

If the total lifting height does not exceed 4.50 m

(1 storey), then no lifting mast anchoring is needed.

Loading platform

The Doka Table Lifting System TLS can also be used

as a loading platform.
F Usage situation:
▪ After the top floor has been completed, the Doka
tableforms are craned off the building using Doka-
matic lifting straps 13.00m or Transport forks.




a ... min. 2.65 - 4.50 m

b ... max. 7.00 m (spacing between the anchorages)
c ... max. 4.50 m
(lifting height above the top lifting mast anchoring)
d ... max. 14.80 m
e ... min. 0.30 m
f ... 4.95 m
D Safety barrier at edge of slab
E Lifting mast anchoring TLS
F Floor support TLS 0.40m
G Adjusting device TLS
H Lifting cross-bar TLS
I Supporting profile TLS 5.15m
J Pressure strut TLS 3.70m

999778002 - 09/2018 49
Table Lifting System TLS User Information Dokaflex table

Repositioning and aligning the Table Lifting System

Follow the directions in the 'Doka Table Lifting

System TLS' Operating Instructions! B

Only position the Table Lifting System in slab-edge
zones that have no projecting parts.
A Lifting cross-bar TLS must be mounted to each of the
Lifting masts TLS (with the lugs on the side nearest the 9767-324-01

motor) before the Table Lifting System can itself be B Lifting beam TLS 67kN
lifted and repositioned).
C Lifting platform TLS back 3.00x1.60m

Bottom to top-floor
Bottom to top-floor height 12-15 m In order to shorten the distances travelled
height of up to 10.5 m
when setting up and striking the formwork, it
may be helpful to reposition the Table Lifting
System several times on one floor.

Follow the directions in the 'Lifting beam TLS

67kN' Operating Instructions!

A Lifting cross-bar TLS 10.50m

Aligning the Table Lifting System
B Lifting cross-bar TLS 15.00m
Depending on how far the slab-edges are out of true in
Later, the Lifting beam TLS 67kN (which is guided by the vertical, there are two possible alignment methods:
the crane hook) will be attached to these Lifting cross- ▪ Spindles in the Floor supports TLS
bars TLS. ▪ Fitting wedges between the Supporting profiles and
the floor-slab, or setting the distance with the Adjust-
ing device TLS



A Adjusting device TLS

B Doka Express anchor 16x125mm


A Lifting cross-bar TLS

B Lifting beam TLS 67kN

After the crane-lifting operation, the Lifting beam TLS

67kN is replaced in the holding fixture on the Lifting
platform TLS.

50 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Table Lifting System TLS

Repositioning Doka tableforms

With the DoKart plus, only one person is needed on ➤ Close the landing level safety gates.
each storey to manoeuvre the Doka tableforms. During
the automatic lifting operation, the next Doka tableform
is readied for lifting, while on the floor above, the previ-
ous tableform is moved to its proper location.

General instructions on repositioning

▪ Tables must be stood stably, and able to
withstand wind loads, in every phase of the
construction work.
▪ Max. wind speed during resetting:
72 km/h.
▪ No persons or unsecured objects are
allowed to be on the table or the Table Lift-
ing System TLS during lifting and travelling.

Repositioning operation
➤ Raise the table to the next floor on the lifting plat-
Floor below
Floor above:
➤ Send the Lifting platform TLS to the floor in question.
➤ Open the landing level safety gates.
➤ Open the landing level safety gates.
➤ Lower the loading ramp and open the gates of the
➤ Lower the loading ramp and open the gates of the lifting platform.
lifting platform.
➤ Wheel the table off the platform.



➤ Set down the table on the lifting platform.

The person operating the DoKart plus must always ➤ Close the gates of the Lifting platform and tilt up the
be on the building side. loading ramp.
➤ Move out the DoKart plus from under the table. ➤ Close the landing level safety gates.
➤ Secure and tie down the table if necessary (required ➤ Send the Lifting platform TLS back down to the floor
for edge tables with an integral downstand beam, below.
platforms, ...).
There are crane eyes on the lifting platform for tying After the last table has been repositioned, the
back the Doka tables if necessary. DoKart plus can then be moved up to the next
floor by the Table Lifting System.
➤ Close the gates of the Lifting platform and tilt up the
loading ramp.

999778002 - 09/2018 51
Table Lifting System TLS User Information Dokaflex table

Anchoring on the structure

NOTICE Stop anchor 15.0

11.5cm 16cm 40cm
The system is typically anchored to the struc-
a 11.5 cm 16.0 cm 40.0 cm
ture using the Tie rod system 15.0.
b 17.0 cm 22.0 cm 46.0 cm
Where the concrete cover 'd' = 2 cm
Risk of confusion! 19.0 cm 24.0 cm 48.0 cm
➤ When the system is combined with Doka Where the concrete cover 'd' = 3 cm
automatic climbing systems, the Tie rod 20.0 cm 25.0 cm 49.0 cm
system 20.0 must be used throughout the a ... tie-rod length
entire project. b ... installation depth
c ... minimum slab thickness
This also applies to combinations with guided d ... concrete cover
climbing systems (e.g. Guided climbing form-
work Xclimb 60). Note:
Stop anchors of different lengths should not be mixed
Positioning point and suspension in the same project.

The short Stop anchor 15.0 11.5cm 90 has a
much lower load-bearing capacity than the
C Stop anchor 15.0 16cm 55.
➤ For this reason, the short stop anchor is only
allowed to be used on systems with low ten-
B sile loads at the anchoring location, such as
on climbing systems inside shafts.
➤ If the geometry means that it is only possible
F to install the short stop anchor, then revised
D static calculation, with extra reinforcement
9767-321-01 steel, is required in cases where larger ten-
sile loads may occur.
A Universal climbing cone 15.0
➤ The Stop anchor 15.0 11.5cm is only permit-
B Sealing sleeve K 15.0 (expendable anchoring component)
ted for slab thicknesses < 24 cm. For slab
C Cone screw B 7cm thicknesses ≥ 24 cm, the Stop anchor
D Stop anchor 15.0 (expendable anchoring component) 15.0 16cm (or larger) must be used.
F Depth mark

▪ Universal climbing cone 15.0

- The positioning point and the suspension point
are both prepared using this one single type of
▪ Stop anchor 15.0 WARNING
- Expendable anchoring component for anchoring The Stop anchor 15.0 11.5cm 90 may acci-
the universal climbing cone (and thus the climb- dentally come unscrewed from the universal
ing unit) in the concrete from one side. climbing cone while low-viscosity concrete is
▪ Cone screw B 7cm being poured.
- On the positioning point – for fastening the uni- ➤ Take additional precautions to prevent the
versal climbing cone. Stop anchor 15.0 11.5cm 90 from being
- On the suspension point - for safe fastening of turned.
the floor support, of the beam for landing level The following components are fastened to the Univer-
safety gate, and of the lifting mast anchoring. sal climbing cone by means of the Cone screw B 7cm.
Stop anchor ▪ Floor support TLS 0.40m
- For safe suspension of the table lifting system in
all phases of the work.


52 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Table Lifting System TLS

▪ Beam for landing level safety gate 0.40m Dimensioning the suspension point
- For fixing the landing level safety gates.

The required cube compressive strength of the con-

crete at the time of loading must be specified sepa-
rately for each project by the structural designer. It
will depend on the following factors:
▪ load actually occurring
▪ length of the stop anchor
▪ reinforcement / extra reinforcement steel
▪ Lifting mast anchoring TLS cross bar 0.40m
- For back-staying the Lifting masts TLS to the
▪ distance from edge
structure. The introduction of the forces, the transfer of these
forces into the structure, and the stability of the overall
construction, must all be verified by the structural
The required cube compressive strength fck,cube,current
must be at least 10 N/mm2, however.

Preparing the positioning point
▪ Lifting mast anchoring TLS wall
- As an alternative to the Lifting mast anchoring The instructions given below for preparing the position-
TLS cross bar 0.40m, for back-staying the Lifting ing point apply, analogously, to all components that are
masts TLS to the structure. fastened to the Universal climbing cone using the Cone
screw B 7cm.

➤ Always screw the stop anchor into the uni-
versal climbing cone until it fully engages (up
to the depth mark).
Not screwing the stop anchor sufficiently far
9767-354-01 into the cone may subsequently lead to
reduced load-bearing capacity and to the
failure of the suspension point – resulting in
injury and damage.
➤ Use only the Cone screw B 7cm for the posi-
tioning point and suspension point (head of
screw is red)!

Sensitive anchoring, suspension and connec-
tor components!
➤ Never weld or heat these components.
➤ Any components that are damaged or have
been weakened by corrosion or wear must
be withdrawn from use.

▪ The axis of the universal climbing cone
must be at right angles to the surface of the
concrete – maximum angle of deviation: 2°.
▪ The universal climbing cone must be
embedded so that it is flush with the con-
crete surface.
▪ Do not exceed the tolerances for the loca-
tions of the positioning point and suspen-
sion point.
▪ Protect the thread from soiling.
▪ Universal climbing cones are supplied with
Sealing sleeves K. Every time the cones
are re-used, fit them with new sealing
sleeves first.

999778002 - 09/2018 53
Table Lifting System TLS User Information Dokaflex table

Tools needed: Pouring

▪ Reversible ratchet 3/4"
▪ Spanner for Universal climbing cone 15.0/20.0 ➤ Before pouring, check all positioning points and sus-
▪ Extension 20cm 3/4" pension points once again.
▪ Box nut 50 3/4" (for Cone screw B 7cm) ▪ The axis of the universal climbing cone
These tools are all included in the Tool box TLS. must be at right-angles to the surface of
➤ Push the sealing sleeve all the way onto the Univer- the concrete – maximum angle of devia-
sal climbing cone. tion: 2°.
➤ Screw the Stop anchor into the Universal climbing ▪ The universal climbing cone must be
cone, until it engages (up to the depth mark). embedded so that it is flush with the con-
➤ Fasten the Universal climbing cone to the installation crete surface.
template with a Cone screw B 7cm. ▪ Do not exceed the tolerances for the loca-
tions of the positioning point and suspen-
The installation template ensures that the
sion point.
positioning-point is correctly located.
▪ The sealing sleeve must be completely
pushed onto the Universal climbing cone.
▪ The depth mark on the stop anchor must
be right up against the Universal climbing
cone = must be screwed in to the full
▪ Protect the thread from soiling.
➤ Do not touch positioning points with the vibrator.
➤ Do not place concrete directly above the positioning
➤ Fix the installation template to the stop-end form-
Preparing the suspension point

The instructions given below for preparing the suspen-

sion point apply, analogously, to all components that
are fastened to the Universal climbing cone using the
Cone screw B 7cm.
➤ Fix the Floor support TLS in the Universal climbing
cone 15.0 with a Cone screw B 7cm. A tightening
torque of 100 Nm (20 kg, assuming a ratchet-length
92841-222-01 of approx. 50 cm) is sufficient.

➤ The positioning-point must align with the D

suspension point beneath it (± 10 mm in the C

➤ Tie the Stop anchor tightly to the reinforcements with

binding wire.

A Universal climbing cone


C Cone screw B 7cm

a D Floor support TLS

a ... 3270 mm (± 20 mm) Forcibly tightening the Cone screw B 7cm any more
b ... 400 mm (± 10 mm)
than this may cause damage and even cause the
form-tie to break!
The only tool allowed to be used for screwing in and fix-
ing the Cone screw B 7cm in the Universal climbing
cone is the Reversible ratchet 3/4".

Reversible Reversible ratchet 3/4"

Ratchet MF 3/4" SW 50
ratchet 3/4" with extension

Tr687-200-01 Tr687-200-01 Tr687-200-01

54 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Table Lifting System TLS

Possible ways of connecting the landing level safety gates



A Landing level safety gate TLS with handle

B Landing level safety gate TLS with limit switch
C Switchbox TLS
D Floor support TLS 0.40m

Push the corner post of the landing level safety gate

down onto the mounting fixture (E) and secure with the
eyebolt (F) .

Beam for Landing level safety gate TLS

Floor support TLS 0.40m Lifting mast anchoring TLS cross-bar 0.40m



9767-334-01 9767-335-01

999778002 - 09/2018 55
Table Lifting System TLS User Information Dokaflex table

Computation of quantities for Lifting masts TLS 1.50m

Standing on ground and working Suspended from the floor-slab
from ground level



a ... Operational height

b ... 2.40 m
c ... min. 1.30 m

Operational height(a) - 2.40 m(b) + 1.30 m

n ... number 1) (c)
1.50 m 9767-307-02
1) Round up the result to a whole number.
Total number of Lifting masts TLS 1.50m = 2 x n d ... Lifting height Total number of Lifting masts TLS 1.50m
Up to 2.80m 4
Up to 4.30m 6
Up to 5.80m 8
Up to 7.30m 10
Up to 8.80m 12
Up to 10.30m 14
Up to 11.80m 16
Up to 13.30m 18
Up to 14.80m 20

56 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Table Lifting System TLS

Automatic climbing unit TLS

The Automatic climbing unit TLS is a lifting appliance
that is used for automatic, fast and safe raising of the
Table Lifting System TLS in construction operations,
without crane assistance.


Follow the directions in the 'Automatic climbing

unit TLS' Operating Instructions!

999778002 - 09/2018 57
Table Lifting System TLS User Information Dokaflex table

58 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table General remarks

General remarks
Combining with other Doka systems
Combining with Dokamatic tables Combining with Dokaflex or Doka
e e


d ... Difference 8.2 cm

e ... 10.0 cm 9720-219-02
s1 ... 20.0 cm
A Dokamatic table B Dokaflex table
B Dokaflex table C Dokaflex or Doka Xtra

The Dokamatic table and the Dokaflex table On projects with stringent quality requirements
have different overall heights. regarding the visible underside of the slab, pay
attention to the different deflections at the tran-
When selecting the props, allow for the differ- sitions between the areas formed with tables
ence d of 8.2 cm! and those formed with Dokaflex!
Follow the directions in the "Dokamatic table" Follow the directions in the 'Dokaflex' and
User Information booklet! 'Doka Xtra' User Information booklets!

999778002 - 09/2018 59
General remarks User Information Dokaflex table

Fall-arrest systems on the structure

Handrail post XP 1.20m Handrail clamp T
▪ Attached with Screw-on shoe XP, railing clamp, ▪ Fixed in embedded anchoring components or
Handrail-post shoe or Step bracket XP reinforcement hoops
▪ Protective grating XP, guard-rail boards or scaffold ▪ Guard-rail boards or scaffold tubes can be used as
tubes can be used as the safety barrier the safety barrier


a ... > 1.00 m a ... > 1.00 m
Follow the directions in the 'Edge protection Follow the directions in the 'Handrail clamp T'
system XP' User Information booklet! User Information!

Handrail clamp S Handrail post 1.10m

▪ Attached with integral clamp ▪ Fixed in a Screw sleeve 20.0 or Attachable sleeve
▪ Guard-rail boards or scaffold tubes can be used as 24mm
the safety barrier ▪ Guard-rail boards or scaffold tubes can be used as
the safety barrier


a ... > 1.00 m a ... > 1.00 m

Follow the directions in the “Handrail clamp S” Follow the directions in the 'Handrail
User information! post 1.10m' User Information!

60 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table General remarks

Doka floor end-shutter clamp Floor end-shutter profile XP

▪ Slab stop-ends and fall-arrest barriers in one system ▪ Slab stop-ends and fall-arrest barriers in one system


Follow the directions in the 'Edge protection

system XP' User Information booklet!
Follow the directions in the 'Doka floor end-
shutter clamp' User Information booklet!

999778002 - 09/2018 61
General remarks User Information Dokaflex table

Transporting, stacking and storing

Thanks to their compact design, up to 5 Dokaflex tables Lifting by crane
can be loaded onto a truck on top of one another - mak-
ing for improved logistics and reduced shipping costs.
Lifting hook DF
The Lifting hook DF can be used to hoist tableform
superstructures and ready-assembled tables.
Four Lifting hooks DF are needed for each table.


Stacking, and delivery condition

▪ Stack max. 5 elements on top of one
▪ Never climb onto the stack of table ele-
ments. A

▪ Before being transported by truck, the table
elements must be strapped down securely.

A Lifting hook DF

Max. load: 300 kg per Lifting hook DF


Max. weight of table: 1200 kg



Dokaflex table Dokaflex table

Dimensions in cm
27mm 21mm
a (5 elements) 274.3 268.9
b (4 elements) 218.9 214.7
c 52.7 52.1
d (c+packing strips) 55.4 54.2
e 10.0 10.0
Precautions to prevent damage to the formwork
▪ Insert packing strips of formwork sheeting between
the table heads and the sheets. β... max. 30°

▪ Make sure the clamping wedges are pushed all the Follow the directions in the Operating Instruc-
way in, and fix them in this position with Spring cot- tions!
ters 5mm.

Intermediate storage of tables

Observe the following regarding intermediate
storage of completely assembled tables:
▪ Only set down tables on level, firm surfaces.
▪ Never place ready-to-use tables on top of
one another.
▪ In exposed locations, secure against wind

62 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table General remarks

Dokamatic lifting strap 13.00m Lifting single tables

The Dokamatic lifting strap 13.00m is a lifting acces- The integrated strap shoes are not pushed onto the
sory that is only suitable for lifting Doka tableforms and secondary beams. This makes it possible to operate
stacked Doka panels. the Lifting strap 13.00m when working from ground
2 Dokamatic lifting straps are needed for each unit to be
The strap shoes can either remain on the strap, or be
detached from it as needed.

Max. load-bearing capacity:

2000 kg / Dokamatic lifting strap 13.00m

▪ Strap shoes for safe lifting of stacked tableform

▪ Anti-dropout safeguard for strap shoes B

▪ Moveable, 8 m long protective sleeve makes it pos-

sible to lift in a horizontal position, and protects the
strap fabric.

Follow the directions in the Operating Instruc-


Lifting of stacks

To lift stacked tableform superstructures, the Doka-

B Strap shoes
matic lifting strap 13.00m is used with integrated
strap shoes.



999778002 - 09/2018 63
General remarks User Information Dokaflex table

Utilise the benefits of Doka multi-trip packaging

Using Doka skeleton transport boxes
on your site. 1.70x0.80m as transport devices
Multi-trip packaging such as containers, stacking pal-
lets and skeleton transport boxes keep everything in Lifting by crane
place on the site, minimise time wasted searching for
parts, and streamline the storage and transport of sys- NOTICE
tem components, small items and accessories.
▪ Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
one at a time.
Doka skeleton transport box ▪ Only lift the boxes when their sidewalls are
1.70x0.80m ▪ Use a suitable crane suspension tackle
(e.g. Doka 4-part chain 3.20m).
Do not exceed the permitted load-bearing
▪ Spread angle β max. 30°!


Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking


Storage and transport devices for small items: The forks can be inserted under either the broadside or
▪ durable the narrowside of the containers.
▪ stackable
Suitable transport appliances:
▪ crane
▪ pallet stacking truck
▪ forklift truck
To make the Doka skeleton transport box easier to load
and unload, one of its sidewalls can be opened.

Max. load: 700 kg (1540 lbs)

Permitted imposed load: 3150 kg (6950 lbs)

▪ Multi-trip packaging items that each contain
very different loads must be stacked with
the heaviest ones at the bottom and the
lightest ones at the top!
▪ Rating plate must be in place and clearly

Using Doka skeleton transport boxes

1.70x0.80m as storage units

Max. n° of boxes on top of one another

Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1%
2 5
It is not allowed to stack empty
pallets on top of one another!

64 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table General remarks

Doka multi-trip transport box Possible ways of dividing the box

Multi-trip transport
1.20x0.80m galv. box partition
Lengthways Crossways
1.20m max. 3 partitions -
0.80m - max. 3 partitions

Tr755-200-04 Tr755-200-05

Using Doka multi-trip transport boxes as

storage units

Max. n° of boxes on top of one another

Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1%
Storage and transport devices for small items:
3 6
▪ durable It is not allowed to stack empty
▪ stackable pallets on top of one another!
Suitable transport appliances:
▪ crane
▪ pallet stacking truck Using Doka multi-trip transport boxes as
▪ forklift truck transport devices

Max. load: 1500 kg (3300 lbs) Lifting by crane

Permitted imposed load: 7850 kg (17305 lbs)
NOTICE ▪ Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
▪ Multi-trip packaging items that each contain one at a time.
very different loads must be stacked with ▪ Use a suitable lifting chain
the heaviest ones at the bottom and the (e.g. Doka 4-part chain 3.20m).
lightest ones at the top! Do not exceed the permitted load-bearing
▪ Rating plate must be in place and clearly capacity.
legible ▪ Spread angle β max. 30°!

Multi-trip transport box partition

Different items in the Multi-trip transport box can be
kept separate with the Multi-trip transport box partitions
1.20m or 0.80m.



Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking

A Slide-bolt for fixing the partition
The forks can be inserted under either the broadside or
the narrowside of the containers.

999778002 - 09/2018 65
General remarks User Information Dokaflex table

Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m and Using Doka stacking pallets as transport
1.20x0.80m devices

Lifting by crane

▪ Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
one at a time.
▪ Use a suitable crane suspension tackle
(e.g. Doka 4-part chain 3.20m).
Do not exceed the permitted load-bearing
▪ Load the items centrically.
▪ Fasten the load to the stacking pallet so that
it cannot slide or tip out.
Storage and transport devices for long items: ▪ Spread angle β max. 30°!
▪ durable
▪ stackable
Suitable transport appliances:
▪ crane
▪ pallet stacking truck
▪ forklift truck

Max. load: 1100 kg (2420 lbs)

= =
Permitted imposed load: 5900 kg (12980 lbs) a

▪ Multi-trip packaging items that each contain a
very different loads must be stacked with Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m max. 4.5 m
the heaviest ones at the bottom and the Doka stacking pallet 1.20x0.80m max. 3.0 m
lightest ones at the top!
▪ Rating plate must be in place and clearly Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking
legible truck

Using Doka stacking pallets as storage units NOTICE

▪ Load the items centrically.
▪ Fasten the load to the stacking pallet so that
Max. n° of units on top of one another it cannot slide or tip out.
Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradients of up to 3% Floor gradients of up to 1%
2 6
It is not allowed to stack empty
pallets on top of one another!

How to use with bolt-on castor set:
Always apply the fixing brake when the container is
When Doka stacking pallets are stacked, the bottom
pallet must NOT be one with a bolt-on caster set
mounted to it.

66 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table General remarks

Doka accessory box Doka accessory box as transport devices

Lifting by crane

▪ Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
one at a time.
▪ Use a suitable lifting chain
(e.g. Doka 4-part chain 3.20m).
Do not exceed the permitted load-bearing
▪ When lifting stacking pallets to which Bolt-
on castor sets B have been attached, you
must also follow the directions in these
Storage and transport devices for small items: Operating Instructions!
▪ durable ▪ Spread-angle β max. 30°!
▪ stackable
Suitable transport appliances:
▪ crane
▪ pallet stacking truck
▪ forklift truck
The Doka accessory box is the tidy, easy-to-find way of
storing and stacking all interconnection and form-tie
components. 92816-206-01

Max. load: 1000 kg (2200 lbs)

Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking
Permitted imposed load: 5530 kg (12191 lbs) truck

NOTICE The forks can be inserted under either the broadside or

the narrowside of the containers.
▪ Multi-trip packaging items that each contain
very different loads must be stacked with
the heaviest ones at the bottom and the Bolt-on castor set B
lightest ones at the top!
▪ Rating plate must be in place and clearly The Bolt-on caster set B turns the stacking pallet into a
fast and manoeuvrable transport device.
Suitable for drive-through access openings > 90 cm.
Doka accessory boxes as storage units

Max. n° of boxes on top of one another

Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1%
3 6
It is not allowed to stack empty
pallets on top of one another!
The Bolt-on caster set B can be mounted to the follow-
Note: ing multi-trip packaging items:
How to use with bolt-on castor set: ▪ Doka accessory box
Always apply the fixing brake when the container is ▪ Doka stacking pallets
Follow the directions in the 'Bolt-on castor set
When Doka accessory boxes are stacked, the bottom B' Operating Instructions!
box must NOT be one with a bolt-on castor set mounted
to it.

999778002 - 09/2018 67
General remarks User Information Dokaflex table

Reshoring props, concrete technology and stripping out

Follow the directions in the Calculation Guide Why put up reshoring props after
entitled 'Stripping out formwork from floors in
building construction', and/or ask your Doka
stripping out the formwork?
After the formwork has been stripped and the slab has
been stress-relieved or dismantled, the slab is able to
When is the best time to strip out the bear its dead load and live loads resulting from the con-
struction state, but not the concreting loads from subse-
formwork? quent floor-slabs.
The temporary reshoring serves to support the floor-
The concrete strength needed before the formwork can slab and distribute the concreting loads across several
be stripped out will depend upon the load factor α. This floors.
can be read off from the following table.

Load factor α Positioning the reshoring props

This is calculated by:
Reshoring props have the job of spreading loads
DLconcrete + LLconstruction state between the new floor-slab and the floor beneath it.
α= DLconcrete + DLfinishing + LLfinal This load distribution will depend on the relationship
state between the rigidities of these two floor-slabs.
Load factor α NOTICE
Slab Dead load LLfinal state
thickness DLconcrete Ask an expert!
'd' [m] [kN/m2] 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
kN/m2 kN/m2 kN/m2 kN/m2 As a rule, the question of using reshoring
0.14 3.50 0.67 0.59 0.53 0.48 props should be referred to the responsible
0.16 4.00 0.69 0.61 0.55 0.50 experts, regardless of the information given
0.18 4.50 0.71 0.63 0.57 0.52 above.
0.20 5.00 0.72 0.65 0.59 0.54 Observe all local standards and regulations!
0.22 5.50 0.74 0.67 0.61 0.56
0.25 6.25 0.76 0.69 0.63 0.58
0.30 7.50 0.78 0.72 0.67 0.62 Strength development in the new
0.35 8.75 0.80 0.75 0.69 0.65
Valid for a finishing-load DLfinishing = 2.00 kN/m2 and a live load in the
early-stripped state of LLconstruction state = 1.50 kN/m2
DLconcrete: calculated with γconcrete = 25 kN/m3 Rough reference values can be found in DIN 1045-
DLfinishing: load for floor finish, etc. 3:2008, Table 2. The length of time until 50 percent of
the final (28-day) strength is reached can be read off
from this Table as a function of the temperature and the
Example: Slab thickness 0.20 m with a final live load of
type of concrete.
5.00 kN/m2 results in a load factor α of 0.54.
The values are only valid if the concrete is given cor-
This means that formwork removal / stress-release can
rect, appropriate curing throughout the entire period.
take place once the concrete has reached 54% of its
28-day strength. The load-bearing capacity will then For a concrete with medium strength development, the
correspond to that of the finished structure. following inferred diagram may thus be used.

Concrete-strength development – medium

Compressive strength of concrete [%]

If the floor props are not stress-relieved, mean- 90

ing that the slab has not been activated, then 80
the props will remain loaded with the dead 70
weight of the floor-slab. A B C
When the floor above is concreted, this 50
may lead to a doubling of the load that is
being applied to the floor props.
The floor props are not designed to cope with
such an overload, and the result may be dam-

age to the formwork, the floor props and the 10

structure. 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
Hardening (curing) duration [days]
A ϑ ≥ 15°
B ϑ ≥ 10°
C ϑ ≥ 5°

68 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table General remarks

Deflection of the new concrete Removing the load from the formwork
from wide-spanned floor-slabs with
The concrete's modulus of elasticity develops faster
than compressive strength. At 60 % of its compressive support centres of over 7.5m
strength fck, the concrete has already reached approxi-
mately 90% of its modulus of elasticity Ec(28). In the case of thin, wide-spanned concrete floor-slabs
The increase in the elastic deformation taking place in (e.g. in multistorey car parks), the following points must
the new concrete is thus only negligible. be remembered:
The creep deformation, which only finally ceases after ▪ When the formwork beneath these floor-slab spans
several years, is several times more than the elastic is released (i.e. when the load is taken off the floor
deformation. props), the floor props that are still in place are briefly
Early striking – e.g. after 3 days instead of 28 – thus subjected to additional loads. This may lead to over-
only leads to an increase in the total deformation of less loading, and to the floor props being damaged.
than 5%. ▪ Please consult your Doka technician.
The part of this deformation accounted for by creep
deformation, however, may be anything between 50% NOTICE
and 100% of the standard value, due to such variable As a basic rule:
influences as the strength of the aggregates, and the ▪ Stress-release should always be carried out
atmospheric humidity. This means that the total deflec- working from one side towards the other,
tion of the floor-slab is practically independent of the or from the middle of the floor slab (mid-
time at which the formwork was struck. span) towards the slab-edges.
For wide spans, this procedure MUST be
Cracks in new concrete followed!
▪ Stress-release must NEVER be carried out
from both sides towards the middle!
The bonding strength between the reinforcement steel
and the concrete develops more rapidly in the new con- l
crete than does its compressive strength. This means
that early stripping does not have any negative influ- A A
ence upon the size and distribution of cracks on the ten-
sion side of reinforced concrete constructions.
Other cracking phenomena can be countered effec-
tively by appropriate curing methods.

Curing of new concrete 98059-105

New site-placed concrete is exposed to influences

which may cause cracking and slow down its strength l
▪ premature drying A A

▪ over-rapid cooling in the first few days

▪ excessively low temperatures or frost
▪ mechanical damage to the surface of the concrete
▪ hydration heat
▪ etc.
The simplest precaution is to leave the formwork on the
concrete surface for longer. As well as the familiar extra l ... Effective floor-slab spans of 7.50 m and over
curing measures, this measure should be carried out in A Load redistribution
any case.

999778002 - 09/2018 69
Component overview User Information Dokaflex table

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

[kg] n° overview

Dokaflex table 2.50x4.00m 21mm 385.0 586052000 Doka floor prop Eurex 20 250 12.9 586086000
Dokaflex table 2.50x5.00m 21mm 470.0 586053000 Length: 152 - 250 cm
Dokaflex table 2.00x4.00m 21mm 317.0 586050000 Doka floor prop Eurex 20 300 15.3 586087000
Dokaflex table 2.00x5.00m 21mm 386.0 586051000 Length: 172 - 300 cm
Dokaflex-Tisch Doka floor prop Eurex 20 350 17.8 586088000
Length: 197 - 350 cm
Doka floor prop Eurex 20 400 22.2 586089000
Length: 227 - 400 cm
Doka floor prop Eurex 20 550 34.6 586090000
Length: 297 - 550 cm
Doka-Deckenstütze Eurex 20

Dokaflex table 2.50x4.00m 27mm 405.0 586054000

Dokaflex table 2.50x5.00m 27mm 485.0 586055000
Dokaflex table 2.00x4.00m 27mm 337.0 586056000
Dokaflex table 2.00x5.00m 27mm 411.0 586057000

Doka floor prop Eurex 30 top 250 12.8 586092400

Length: 148 - 250 cm
Doka floor prop Eurex 20 top 150 8.0 586096000 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 top 300 16.4 586093400
Length: 92 - 150 cm Length: 173 - 300 cm
Doka floor prop Eurex 20 top 250 12.7 586086400 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 top 350 20.7 586094400
Length: 148 - 250 cm Length: 198 - 350 cm
Doka floor prop Eurex 20 top 300 14.3 586087400 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 top 400 24.6 586095400
Length: 173 - 300 cm Length: 223 - 400 cm
Doka floor prop Eurex 20 top 350 17.4 586088400 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 top 450 29.1 586119400
Length: 198 - 350 cm Length: 248 - 450 cm
Doka floor prop Eurex 20 top 400 21.6 586089400 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 top 550 38.6 586129000
Length: 223 - 400 cm Length: 303 - 550 cm
Doka floor prop Eurex 20 top 550 32.3 586090400 Doka-Deckenstütze Eurex 30 top
Length: 298 - 550 cm Galvanised
Doka-Deckenstütze Eurex 20 top

Doka floor prop Eurex 30 250 14.8 586092000

Length: 152 - 250 cm
Doka floor prop Eurex 20 eco 250 11.5 586270000 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 300 16.7 586093000
Length: 148 - 250 cm Length: 172 - 300 cm
Doka floor prop Eurex 20 eco 300 14.0 586271000 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 350 20.5 586094000
Length: 173 - 300 cm Length: 197 - 350 cm
Doka floor prop Eurex 20 eco 350 16.9 586272000 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 400 24.9 586095000
Length: 198 - 350 cm Length: 227 - 400 cm
Doka floor prop Eurex 20 eco 400 20.5 586273000 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 450 29.2 586119000
Length: 223 - 400 cm Length: 248 - 450 cm
Doka floor prop Eurex 20 eco 450 24.1 586275000 Doka-Deckenstütze Eurex 30
Length: 248 - 450 cm Galvanised
Doka-Deckenstütze Eurex 20 eco

70 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Insertion beam 1.95m 7.1 183074000 Doka floor end-shutter clamp 12.5 586239000
Insertion beam 2.45m 8.9 183075000 Doka-Deckenabschalklemme
Einschubträger Galvanised
Varnished yellow Height: 137 cm

Table head 20 16.5 586085000

Tischkopf 20
Powder-coated blue
Length: 41 cm
End-shutter shoe 1.6 586257000
Width: 33 cm Abschalschuh
Height: 30 cm Galvanised
Height: 13.5 cm
Table head 30 18.5 586078000
Tischkopf 30
Powder-coated blue
Length: 44 cm
Width: 25 cm End-shutter tie rod 15.0 15-40cm 0.91 586258000
Abschalanker 15,0 15-40cm
Height: 30 cm
Length: 55 cm
Spring cotter 5mm 0.03 580204000
Federvorstecker 5mm
Length: 13 cm

Floor end-shutter profile XP 4.2 586481000

Deckenabschalprofil XP
Intermediate head DF 3.6 586058000 Galvanised
Zwischenkopf DF Height: 77 cm
Length: 25 cm
Width: 24 cm
Height: 34 cm

Connection unit DF 20/30 0.93 586084000

Spanneinheit DF 20/30
Width: 15 cm Wheel-around scaffold DF 44.0 586157000
Height: 12 cm Mobilgerüst DF
Width-across: 19 mm Aluminium
Length: 185 cm
Width: 80 cm
Supporting head H20 DF 0.77 586179000 Height: 255 cm
Haltekopf H20 DF
Delivery condition: folded closed
Length: 19 cm
Width: 11 cm
Height: 8 cm

Beam screw S 8/60 0.06 580116000

Riegelverschraubung S 8/60
Galvanised Wheel-around scaffold DF accessory set 13.3 586164000
Length: 7 cm Zubehörset Mobilgerüst DF
Width-across: 13 mm Aluminium
Timber parts varnished yellow
Length: 189 cm
Beam connecting plate H20 0.07 586263000
Gurtverbinder H20
Height: 8 cm

Universal end-shutter support 30cm 1.0 586232000

Universal-Abschalwinkel 30cm Platform stairway 0.97m 23.5 586555000
Podesttreppe 0,97m
Height: 21 cm
Width: 121 cm
Pay attention to the national, techni-
cal safety regulations!

999778002 - 09/2018 71
Component overview User Information Dokaflex table

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

H20 screw-on bracket for formwork sheets 0.19 586256000 Handrail-post shoe XP 2.2 586457000
Schalhaut-Schraubwinkel H20 Geländerschuh XP
Galvanised Galvanised
Height: 19.2 cm Length: 20 cm

Handrail post XP 1.20m 4.1 586460000

Geländersteher XP 1,20m
Height: 118 cm
Lashing strap 5.00m 2.8 586018000
Zurrgurt 5,00m

Doka express anchor 16x125mm 0.31 588631000

Doka-Expressanker 16x125mm
Length: 18 cm
Follow the directions in the "Fitting
Handrail post XP 1.80m 7.0 586482000
Geländersteher XP 1,80m
Height: 176 cm

Doka coil 16mm 0.009 588633000

Doka-Coil 16mm
Diameter: 1.6 cm

Framax universal corner waling 12.8 588151000

Painted blue
Leg length: 60 cm

Retaining plate 15.0 1.8 586073000

Jochplatte 15,0
Length: 17 cm
Width: 12 cm Toeboard holder XP 0.60m 0.77 586463000
Fußwehrhalter XP 0,60m
Height: 11 cm
Height: 21 cm
Universal plug R20/25 0.003 588180000
Kombi-Ankerstopfen R20/25
Diameter: 3 cm
Toeboard holder XP 1.20m 0.64 586461000
Fußwehrhalter XP 1,20m
Insertion adapter XP 4.1 586478000 Height: 21 cm
Einschubadapter XP
Height: 43 cm
Protective grating XP 2.70x0.60m 10.1 586466000
Protective grating XP 2.50x0.60m 9.5 586472000
Protective grating XP 2.00x0.60m 8.0 586473000
Schutzgitter XP
Railing clamp XP 40cm 7.7 586456000
Geländerzwinge XP 40cm
Height: 73 cm

72 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Protective grating XP 2.70x1.20m 22.2 586450000 Handrail post 1.10m 5.5 584384000
Protective grating XP 2.50x1.20m 20.5 586451000 Schutzgeländer 1,10m
Protective grating XP 2.00x1.20m 17.4 586452000 Galvanised
Protective grating XP 1.20x1.20m 12.0 586453000 Height: 134 cm
Schutzgitter XP

Attachable sleeve 24mm 0.03 584385000

Steckhülse 24mm
Velcro fastener 30x380mm 0.02 586470000 Length: 16.5 cm
Klettverschluss 30x380mm
Diameter: 2.7 cm

Screw sleeve 20.0 0.03 584386000

Schraubhülse 20,0
Handrail post T 1.80m 17.7 584373000
Einschubgeländer T 1,80m Length: 20 cm
Galvanised Diameter: 3.1 cm

Scaffold tube 48.3mm 0.50m 1.7 682026000

Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.00m 3.6 682014000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.50m 5.4 682015000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.00m 7.2 682016000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.50m 9.0 682017000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 3.00m 10.8 682018000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 3.50m 12.6 682019000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 4.00m 14.4 682021000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 4.50m 16.2 682022000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 5.00m 18.0 682023000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 5.50m 19.8 682024000
Toeboard holder T 1.80m 0.53 584392000 Scaffold tube 48.3mm 6.00m 21.6 682025000
Fußwehrhalter T 1,80m Scaffold tube 48.3mm .....m 3.6 682001000
Galvanised Gerüstrohr 48,3mm
Height: 13.5 cm Galvanised

Handrail clamp S 11.5 580470000

Schutzgeländerzwinge S
Galvanised Screw-on coupler 48mm 50 0.84 682002000
Anschraubkupplung 48mm 50
Height: 123 - 171 cm
Width-across: 22 mm
Follow the directions in the "Fitting

T ledge 21/42 2.00m 0.34 580196000

T-Leiste 21/42 2,00m

Handrail clamp T 12.3 584381000

Schutzgeländerzwinge T
Height: 122 - 155 cm

Centre bit DF 30 0.10 586081000

Zentrumsbohrer DF 30

999778002 - 09/2018 73
Component overview User Information Dokaflex table

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Strip tensioner B 6.00m 3.3 580394500 Shifting appliances for tables

Bandzwinge B 6,00m
DoKart plus 1448.0 586265500
DoKart plus
(A) Brace stirrup 8 2.7 582751000
4 pcs.
Width: 19 cm
Height: 46 cm
Width-across: 30 mm
Strip tensioner B 5.00m 3.5 580394000 Length: 172 cm
Bandzwinge B 5,00m Width: 132 cm
Galvanised Height: 154 - 327 cm
Follow the directions in the "Opera-
ting Instructions"!

Plastic mallet 4kg 4.5 586097000

Kunststoffhammer 4kg
Extension set for DoKart plus 50.0 586266500
Length: 110 cm Auslegersatz DoKart plus
Length: 120 cm
Follow the directions in the "Opera-
ting Instructions"!

DoKart 1580.0 586265000

included in scope of supply:
(A) Brace stirrup 8 2.7 582751000
4 pcs.
Universal dismantling tool 3.7 582768000 Galvanised
Universal-Lösewerkzeug Width: 19 cm
Galvanised Height: 46 cm
Length: 75.5 cm Width-across: 30 mm
Length: 173 cm
Width: 133 cm
Height: 154 - 324 cm
Follow the directions in the "Opera-
ting Instructions"!
Box nut 19 1/2" L 0.16 580598000
Stecknuss 19 1/2" L

Extension set for DoKart 34.0 586266000

Auslegersatz DoKart
Box nut 13 1/2" 0.06 580576000 Galvanised
Stecknuss 13 1/2" Length: 80 cm
Follow the directions in the "Opera-
ting Instructions"!

Reversible ratchet 1/2" 0.73 580580000

Umschaltknarre 1/2"
Length: 30 cm

74 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Shifting trolley DF 566.0 586080000 Transport fork 1.3t adjustable 731.0 586234000
Umsetzwagen DF Umsetzgabel 1,3t verstellbar
included in scope of supply: Galvanised
(A) Positioning lever for shifting trolley DF 6.0 586063000 Delivery condition: folded closed
(B) Brace stirrup 8 2.7 582751000 Follow the directions in the "Opera-
4 pcs. ting Instructions"!
Width: 19 cm
Height: 46 cm
Width-across: 30 mm
Length: 181 cm
Width: 130 cm
Height: 154 - 303 cm
Follow the directions in the "Opera-
ting Instructions"!

Transport-fork table-fixing part 1.3t adj. 5.0 586260000

Tischfixierung Umsetzgabel 1,3t verstellbar
Width: 21 cm
Height: 21 cm

Transport fork DM 1.5t adjustable 1134.0 586233000

Umsetzgabel DM 1,5t verstellbar
Extension for shifting trolley DF 40.0 586015000 Galvanised
Ausleger für Umsetzwagen DF Delivery condition: folded closed
Galvanised Follow the directions in the "Opera-
Length: 128.4 cm ting Instructions"!
Follow the directions in the "Opera-
ting Instructions"!

Attachable drive unit DF 512.0 586062000

Andockantrieb DF
Painted blue
Length: 100 cm
Width: 100 cm
Height: 130 cm
Follow the directions in the "Opera- Vertical extension DM 1.5t 3.30m 240.0 586235000
ting Instructions"!
Vertikalverlängerung DM 1,5t 3,30m
Height: 352 cm

Stacking frame DF 82.0 586079000

Aufsatzrahmen DF Extension clamp H20 for fork 1.5t 4.5 586236000
Aufsatzklemme H20 für Gabel 1,5t
Length: 134 cm
Height: 45 cm
Width: 130 cm
Height: 75 cm

Extension profile H20 for fork 1.5t 34.1 586237000

Aufsatzprofil H20 für Gabel 1,5t
Length: 83 cm
Height: 52 cm
Alu stacking frame DM 2.25m 59.2 586238000
Alu-Aufsatzrahmen DM 2,25m
Length: 187 cm
Width: 128 cm
Height: 225 cm
Lifting extension bracket DF 1t 263.0 586068000
Ausleger DF 1t
Delivery condition: folded closed
Follow the directions in the "Opera-
ting Instructions"!

999778002 - 09/2018 75
Component overview User Information Dokaflex table

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Lifting extension bracket DF 1.5t 475.0 586064000 Lifting platform TLS centre 3.00x1.60m 310.0 586307000
Ausleger DF 1,5t Hubbühne TLS mitte 3,00x1,60m
Galvanised Height: 139 cm
Length: 456 cm
Width: 82 cm
Height: 386 cm
Delivery condition: folded closed
Follow the directions in the "Opera-
ting Instructions"!

Lifting platform TLS back 3.00x1.60m 376.0 586308000

Hubbühne TLS hinten 3,00x1,60m
Transport fork DF 1t 0.90m 220.0 586069000 Height: 139 cm
Transport fork DF 1t 1.30m 245.0 586070000
Transport fork DF 1t 2.00m 274.0 586071000
Gabel DF 1t
Length: 411 cm
Height: 58 cm
Follow the directions in the "Opera-
ting Instructions"!

Protective grating TLS 1.80m 22.0 586334000

Schutzgitter TLS 1,80m
Length: 141 cm
Transport fork DF 1.5t 0.90m 480.0 586065000
Transport fork DF 1.5t 1.30m 520.0 586066000 Height: 121 cm
Transport fork DF 1.5t 2.00m 540.0 586067000
Gabel DF 1,5t
Length: 638 cm
Height: 71 cm
Follow the directions in the "Opera-
ting Instructions"!

Dokamatic lifting strap 13.00m 10.5 586231000

Dokamatic-Umsetzgurt 13,00m Protecting metal sheet TLS right 12.0 586309000
Green Protecting metal sheet TLS left 12.0 586310000
Follow the directions in the "Opera- Schutzblech TLS
ting Instructions"! Painted yellow
Length: 85 cm
Width: 32 cm
Height: 73 cm

Lifting mast TLS 1.50m 82.0 586328000

Lifting hook DF 5.9 586077000 Hubmast TLS 1,50m
Umsetzbügel DF
Length: 42 cm
Width: 20 cm
Height: 36 cm
Follow the directions in the "Opera-
ting Instructions"!

Table Lifting System TLS

Basic unit TLS 2336.0 586301000
Basiseinheit TLS Supporting profile TLS 5.15m 210.0 586317000
Length: 431 cm Abstützprofil TLS 5,15m
Width: 242 cm Galvanised
Height: 274 cm
Follow the directions in the "Opera-
ting Instructions"!

76 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Pressure strut TLS 3.70m 70.0 586318000 Base profile TLS 2.14m 28.0 586312000
Druckstrebe TLS 3,70m Bodenprofil TLS 2,14m
Galvanised Galvanised

Strut for base profile TLS 11.8 586313000

Strebe für Bodenprofil TLS
Length: 257.3 cm

Floor support TLS 0.40m 39.0 586315000

Deckenauflager TLS 0,40m
Length: 72.5 cm
Width: 32.1 cm
Height: 22.3 cm

Beam for landing level safety gate TLS 0.40m 35.0 586319000
Träger für Etagentüre TLS 0,40m
Adjusting device TLS 10.0 586336000
Justiereinheit TLS Galvanised
Galvanised Length: 344 cm
Length: 42 cm
Width: 16 cm
Height: 16 cm

Cable routing TLS 2.0 586333000 Landing level safety gate TLS with handle 33.0 586321000
Kabelführung TLS Etagentüre TLS mit Griff
Galvanised Length: 153 cm
Length: 35 cm Height: 126 cm

Lifting mast anchoring TLS cross bar 0.40m 92.0 586329000

Hubmastverankerung TLS Traverse 0,40m
Length: 450 cm

Landing level safety gate TLS w. limit switch 32.0 586322000

Lifting mast anchoring TLS wall 15.5 586372000 Etagentüre TLS mit Endschalter
Hubmastverankerung TLS Wand Length: 153 cm
Galvanised Height: 126 cm
Length: 52 cm

Lifting mast anchoring TLS strut 22.0 586331000

Hubmastverankerung TLS Strebe
Length: 153.5 cm
Switch box TLS ground control 7.0 586323000
Width: 50 cm Schaltkasten TLS Bodensteuerung
Height: 55 cm

Lifting mast anchoring TLS mast connection 15.0 586332000

Hubmastverankerung TLS Mastanschluss
Galvanised Switch box TLS landing level safety gate 7.0 586324000
Length: 72.6 cm Schaltkasten TLS Etagentüre
Width: 66 cm Height: 55 cm

Control cable TLS 20.0m blue 4.0 586303000

Control cable TLS 20.0m red 4.0 586304000
Steuerkabel TLS

999778002 - 09/2018 77
Component overview User Information Dokaflex table

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Bar for limit switch TLS 5.0 586325000 Cone screw B 7cm 0.86 581444000
Endschalterschiene TLS Konusschraube B 7cm
Galvanised Red
Length: 186 cm Length: 10 cm
Diameter: 7 cm
Width-across: 50 mm

Universal climbing cone 15.0 1.3 581977000

Universal-Kletterkonus 15,0
Length: 12.8 cm
Diameter: 5.3 cm

Lifting cross-bar TLS 10.50m 19.0 586327000

Hebetraverse TLS 10,50m Sealing sleeve K 15.0 0.03 581976000
Galvanised Dichtungshülse K 15,0
Length: 76.5 cm Orange
Length: 12 cm
Diameter: 6 cm

Stop anchor 15.0 11.5cm 90 0.55 581868000

Stop anchor 15.0 16cm 55 0.38 581997000
Lifting cross-bar TLS 15.00m 64.0 586373000 Stop anchor 15.0 40cm 55 0.71 581999000
Sperranker 15,0
Hebetraverse TLS 15,00m
Length: 189 cm

Tool box TLS 17.0 586337000

Werkzeugbox TLS
consisting of:
(A) Combination wrench 8 0.03 586343000
Lifting beam TLS 67kN 68.0 586326500 (B) Combination wrench 10 0.04 586342000
Hebeträger TLS 67kN (C) Combination wrench 13 0.06 586341000
Galvanised (D) Combination wrench 17 0.16 586340000
Length: 338 cm Length: 20 cm
Follow the directions in the "Opera- (E) Combination wrench 19 0.14 582837000
ting Instructions"!
(F) Combination wrench 22 0.20 582838000
(G) Combination wrench 24 0.25 582839000
(H) Combination wrench 30 0.43 582840000
(I) Reversible ratchet 3/4" 1.5 580894000
Length: 50 cm
(J) Box nut 50 3/4" 0.81 581449000
(K) Universal cone spanner 15.0/20.0 0.90 581448000
Length: 9 cm
Cable-reel set TLS 100.00m 133.0 586371000 Width-across: 50 mm
Kabeltopfset TLS 100,00m (L) Box nut 24 1/2" L 0.30 586364000
Galvanised (M) Extension 20cm 3/4" 0.68 580683000
Height: 142 cm (N) Set of ball-head hexagon-socket screw keys 0.60 586346000
(O) Slot-screw screwdriver 0.6x3.5 0.20 586344000
(P) Slot-screw screwdriver 1x5.5 0.20 586366000
(Q) Box spanners 1/2" set of 29 5.6 586345000
(R) Box nut 19 3/4" 0.20 586375000
(S) Box nut 24 3/4" 0.21 500679030
(T) Box nut 27 3/4" 0.27 586376000
(U) Box nut 30 3/4" 0.33 586377000

Doka 4-part chain 3.20m 15.0 588620000

Doka-Vierstrangkette 3,20m
Follow the directions in the "Opera-
ting Instructions"!



78 999778002 - 09/2018
User Information Dokaflex table Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Torque wrench 3/4" 75-400Nm 2.3 586374000 Multi-trip transport box partition 0.80m 3.7 583018000
Drehmomentschlüssel 3/4" 75-400Nm Multi-trip transport box partition 1.20m 5.5 583017000
Galvanised Mehrwegcontainer Unterteilung
Length: 69 cm Steel parts galvanised
Timber parts varnished yellow

Maintenance toolbox TLS 6.1 586369000

Wartungs-Werkzeugbox TLS Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m 41.0 586151000
consisting of: Doka-Stapelpalette 1,55x0,85m
(A) Grease cartridge TLS 0.46 586368000 Galvanised
(B) Filling press TLS 0.93 586367000 Height: 77 cm
(C) Thickness gauge set 0.05-1.00mm 0.09 586350000
(D) Pliers for external circlips 40-100mm 0.32 586348000
(E) Water pump nut pliers 250mm 0.32 586347000
(F) Screw dr. f. recessed-head scr. PZ 2 0.15 586351000
(G) Combination wrench 14 0.09 586349000
(H) Digital multimeter TLS 0.22 586353000
(I) Dummy plug TLS 4 poles 0.04 586352000

Doka stacking pallet 1.20x0.80m 38.0 583016000

Doka-Stapelpalette 1,20x0,80m
Height: 77 cm

Brake-disc pull-off tool TLS D200 4.3 586370000

Scheibenabzieher TLS D200
Height: 27 cm
Doka accessory box 106.4 583010000
Width-across: 22 mm Doka-Kleinteilebox
Timber parts varnished yellow
Steel parts galvanised
Length: 154 cm
Width: 83 cm
Height: 77 cm

Multi-trip packaging
Doka skeleton transport box 1.70x0.80m 87.0 583012000
Doka-Gitterbox 1,70x0,80m
Height: 113 cm
Bolt-on castor set B 33.6 586168000
Anklemm-Radsatz B
Painted blue

Doka multi-trip transport box 1.20x0.80m 70.0 583011000

Doka-Mehrwegcontainer 1,20x0,80m
Height: 78 cm

999778002 - 09/2018 79
Near to you, worldwide

Doka is one of the world leaders in developing, manu- technical support are provided swiftly and profession-
facturing and distributing formwork technology for use in ally.
all fields of the construction sector. An enterprise forming part of the Umdasch Group, the
With more than 160 sales and logistics facilities in over Doka Group employs a worldwide workforce of more
70 countries, the Doka Group has a highly efficient dis- than 6000.
tribution network which ensures that equipment and

Doka GmbH | Josef Umdasch Platz 1 | 3300 Amstetten | Austria | T +43 7472 605-0 | F +43 7472 66430 | | 999778002 - 09/2018

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