Ancient Egyptian Woodworking A. Burrows
Ancient Egyptian Woodworking A. Burrows
Ancient Egyptian Woodworking A. Burrows
The saws used by Ancient Egyptians
do not appear to have differed much in
by Art Burrows design over an extraordinarily long per-
iod. Photo.1 shows two of the many saws
contained in the Cairo Museum collec-
ll that is known about woodwork- their long history. In this connection, it
ing in ancient Egypt has been de- should be added that it is often difficult, tion; the blades, around 300mm-350mm
rived from three sources — the even impossible, to establish an accurate long, are fitted into contoured handles. As
tools themselves (or models1 of them), relationship between an artifact and the usual, there is nothing to show where the
the artifacts which were obviously made period from whence it came. The reason saws came from or how old they are.
with them and the decorations (mainly for this is explained in the following art- While the physical design of Egyptian
reliefs and paintings) which depict their icle — Woodworking in the Cairo saws may have stayed much the same,
use. Most of the information from these Museum. the metals from which they were made
sources has come from the tombs of The second problem lies in determin- certainly changed.
nobles who were in some way connect- ing just what it is we are looking at when In most texts, you will find comments
ed with the craft or building construction we try to interpret the paintings and re- to the effect that the earliest saws, be-
aspects of daily life. liefs on tomb walls. We’ve no idea how lieved to be in use about 4500 years ago
While it sometimes appears that we accurate these representations are. We when the largest of the pyramids were
know a great deal, there is, in fact, a lot know that the people could not all have being built at Giza, were made from
more uncertainty than the glib statements been as young, attractive and healthy as copper.
made by some commentators, may sug- they are shown. So what licence was
gest. taken with the rest of the subject matter? Photo.1
Before accepting any of the informa- Thirdly, we have many examples of
tion we have at face value, it is important tools with solid wooden handles, but
to get a few things straight. The first is what if there were tools with handles
that the Egyptian civilisation lasted for made from more perishable materials?
almost 3000 years, from about 2575BCE2 Would we recognise the more durable
(the start of the 4th Dynasty — and the parts that may have survived?
beginning of the age of the great pyr- And, finally, can we be sure that we
amids) to the Ptolemaic Period (about have not overlooked some important
300BCE to 200CE). tool simply because it has no modern
During this time, the nation’s size, counterpart?
cohesion and power varied widely.
Statements about the habits, pursuits or The Wood
commonly used artifacts of the Ancient One thing of which we can be certain
Egyptians therefore beg the question of is that wood was scarce throughout the
just which period is being referred to in whole period of Ancient Egyptian civil-
and it seems certain that it is this punch- — which is probably best described as an
ing that is responsible for the teeth having Ancient Egyptian theme park — in Cairo.
a ‘set’ to one side. The notion of alternate- The performer, dressed in appropriate
ly setting the teeth to one side or the other garb, gives the saw a few thrusts as the
was apparently unknown, nor would this tourists chug down a canal, sitting on a
modern method of achieving a kerf wider raft drawn by a tiny tugboat.
than the blade thickness have been of any There is little doubt that woodwork-
real benefit. ers used copper and bronze saws, but
The central ridge was far thicker than we must wonder whether these might
any set on the teeth could have achieved sometimes have been augmented by
and therefore made the wedging of the more powerful tools. The latter, referred
kerf mandatory, particularly when rip to briefly in the article on the Solar
sawing. (Some tomb paintings show the Barque, will be considered again in a
use of such wedges.) future discussion on lathes and turning.
It is impossible to tell from the exam- w
ples in Photo.1, but others (which I could Notes:
not unfortunately photograph) show that 1 While Pharaohs sometimes counted real
the Egyptians used pull saws. Killen as- items (boats, furniture, chariots) among their
serts that the use of pull saws began in the funerary equipment, even they relied upon a
1st Dynasty and lasted until the Romans vast number of models to somehow magically
introduced the push saw. In this connec- satisfy their requirements in the afterworld.
tion, however, he makes a curious re- Sometimes model tools were included in the
mark: ‘ must have still been difficult to tombs of those to whom these may have been
important in life.
cut accurately with pull saws. Pulling the 2 There is growing use of CE (Common Era)
saw through timber, even well seasoned
to replace AD (Anno Domini — in the year
wood, must have created problems...’ of the Lord) and BCE (Before Common Era)
But it was not the relatively pure cop- Chinese, Korean and Japanese crafts-
per with which we are now familiar. to replace BC (Before Christ).
people would surely disagree. So would 3 Ancient Egyptian Furniture Vols.1&2 by
Using only open fires, it was impossible to many of their Western counterparts to
achieve temperatures high enough to do Geoffrey Killen (Aris & Phillips). Killen also
whom the Japanese pull saw has be- wrote Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture
more than limited refining of the mined come the tool of choice when high stan- (Shire Press).
ore. This meant the inclusion of many dards of accuracy are required. 4 The Figures which have been re-drawn
impurities in the copper used and, in- from paintings in tombs such as that of
deed, in virtually all of the other metals Cross-cutting cedar or even some of
the harder woods used, would not have Rekh-mi-re (a governor of Thebes during
employed throughout the period of this the 18th Dynasty), have been enhanced for
civilisation. presented much of a problem for copper reproduction, but the essential features have
or, later, bronze saws. Most of this type of been retained.
It is often said that these impurities in work (as well as making joints, for exam-
copper — and later in the constituents of ple) appears to have been done while the
bronze — led to the metals being harder craftsman either sat on the ground, or
Next Issue: The Adze — arguably the
than we would expect, given our exper- most powerful tool in the Ancient
more likely — given the number of times Egyptian woodworker’s toolbox.
ience with the far more pure metals this is shown in paintings — on a three
available today. While this assumption legged stool. This is illustrated in Fig.24
appears reasonable, there’s not much which shows an artisan holding a short
hard evidence since museum curators length of wood which he is presumably
rarely allow destructive metallurgical rip sawing.
analysis of their precious collections.
Other illustrations of rip sawing, (eg. Fig.3
The physical construction of the saw- Figs.1&3), show that the artisan normal-
blades is somewhat easier to assess. Killen ly stood and that the wood being sawn
and others have shown they were fab- was lashed to a stump or pole, one end
ricated by forging and hammering — a of which was buried in the workshop
process which would have work-hard- floor. This appears to be as close as the
ened the metal — ‘drawing’ the material Ancient Egyptians came to the sloping
back from the long edges to form a ridge beam used by Oriental woodworkers or
along the centre; this ridge was then the Western workbench.
extended into a tang for the handle.
The method would have been conven-
The teeth were roughly punched out ient, given that most of the logs that
reached Egyptian craftspeople were
around two metres long.
The Solar Barque is evidence that
longer lengths could be obtained but
perhaps only the Pharaoh could afford
them. Practically every depiction of rip
sawing logs shows the same general
arrangement and in every case, the logs
are no longer than about two metres.
Rip sawing is among the crafts demon-
strated (Photo.2) at the Pharaonic Village