Sample 2 Law 1a
Sample 2 Law 1a
Sample 2 Law 1a
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Table of Contents
Description of Methodology 5
Presentation of Findings 6
Discussion of Findings 11
Description of research problem/issue: statement of
the law
the defendant admits the actions, but asserts a lack of culpability based on
that one of the group members lives in the inner citizens and has shared
with the group things he encountered and that he have experienced crimes
being committed and many of those hard criminals who commits varying
acts are set free after a plea that we now know is called “Insanity Defense”
The researchers, having hard this, wonder how many offenders gets to walk
a free man after conducting a crime which in most cases are unpleasing to
the eye. The researchers saw this as the perfect opportunity to carryout a
Research Topic
An investigation into the Jamaican Court System and how insanity defense
To define the role and function the Jamaican court system plays and law
enforced to deal with Insanity Defense for Jamaican citizens.
To develop a better understanding and gain greater insight towards the topic
chosen to be researched.
Description of Methodology
The researchers utilized both primary and secondary data collections methods in
The primary source which was used to conduct this research was a questionnaire.
open- ended and closed- ended questionnaires. By using closed- ended questions
the researchers were able to easily quantify the answers thus making the analysis
and plotting of the information on graphs representation easier. On the other hand,
by using open- ended questions the researchers were able to receive valuable
The sampling technique for the distribution of the questionnaires was that of
simple random sampling. The target population was geared towards members of
the Judiciary (lawyers) and the executive organs (Police, soldiers) etc. of state as
to all stated respondents to gather clearly, concise and realistic view of Insanity
Defense in the world of law. Other primary sources used in the researched process
include; The Constitution’s Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms 2011,
the Offences against the Persons Act 1864 and law cases. The secondary sources
that were used were law-based text, online reports and newspaper articles.
The data collected was illustrated using text and graphic format, the purpose of
using both primary and secondary sources of data was to give the researched topic
Presentation of Findings
Figure 1: Display the responses of respondents when was asked, do you think
Insanity Defense is a loop-hole for crime offenders you break the law?
Figure 2: Illustrate the responses made by respondents when was asked, should the
mental state of the criminal play a role in whether he/she receives sentencing or
the court revokes an appeal?
Figure3: Represents respondents feedback based on the question which was
asked, do you think Insanity Defense eradicate a fear trial court proceeding
for individuals in the Jamaican court system.
Figure 4: Displays the responses of respondents when was also asked, do you
see Insanity Defense laws right or wrong in the Jamaican court system, if
yes. Please justify your answer?
Figure 5: Represents the responses made by respondents when was asked, do
you see individual with some sort of immoral, mental and phycological
disorder as danger to citizens lives and the Jamaica society at large?
Figure 6: Illustrate the responses made by respondents when was asked, do you
think if a person who suffers from mental disorder kills a person, he/ she
deserve to pay the penalty of imprisonment?
Figure 8: Illustrate the comments made by respondents when was asked, do
you think if an individual commits an act of criminal offense does, he/ she
deserve to walk free?
In the process of completing this internal assessment, the researcher chose to use
text books, law journals, newspapers, professional law journals, law commission
gathering substantial information to better assert the research topic being chosen
and draw clear and concise statistical data. A various number of sources were
chosen to manifest the main aims and objectives. In the first source which was an
1969. Titled “Nude Driver Not Guilty Due to Insanity”. By BEAUFORT, South
Carolina (AP): A judge has ruled a South Carolina man was insane when he
stole a fire truck while naked and then struck and killed a pedestrian.Circuit
Court Judge Carmen Mullen found Kalvin Hunt not guilty by reason of insanity
last Thursday after prosecutors and Hunt's attorneys agreed on his mental state,
multiple media outlets reported.The 28-year-old former Marine fled naked from
the Naval Hospital in Beaufort in 2012, stole a Port Royal fire truck that was
responding to a medical call at a nearby apartment complex, then struck and killed
Discussion of Findings
The legal definition for insanity defense, also known as the mental
that the defendant is not responsible for his or her actions due to an episodic or
persistent psychiatric disease at the time of the criminal act. Based on the
questionnaire, the researchers were able to make concise conclusion and data
when was asked, do you think Insanity Defense is a loop-hole for crime offenders
answer, while only 5% disagreeing. This however, proved to the researchers that
insanity defense is does indeed provide a great loop-hole for offenders in the
In figure 2; respondents were also asked the question, should the mental state of
the criminal play a role in whether he/she receives sentencing or the court revokes
an appeal? 75% whole heartedly agreed to say yes to the question, leaving only
25% in disagreement to the question asked. In trying to get more credible and
substantial information the respondents were also asked; do you think Insanity
Defense eradicate a fear trial court proceeding for individuals in the Jamaican
court system (fig 3). A significant percentage of 93% said yes, while only 7% said
no to the question being asked. This brought about some form of uncertainty; to
the researcher’s minds that the more legislative laws must be put in placed which
In Figure 4; respondents were asked, do you see Insanity Defense laws right or
wrong in the Jamaican court system, if yes. Please justify your answer? 65% said
yes and 35% disagreed to the question being asked. When was asked to clarify
their answer, many replied that too many times, we see these offenders get to walk
In figure 5; many of the respondents were asked, do you see individual with some
sort of immoral, mental and phycological disorder as danger to citizens lives and
the Jamaica society at large? 79% of the respondent’s feedback agreed, while a
In figure 6; respondents were asked the question, do you think if a person who
suffers from mental disorder kills a person, he/ she deserve to pay the penalty of
imprisonment? 83% of responses said yes, while only 17% said no. This had
revealed to the researchers that most respondents want to see some sort of
type of punishment would you suggest a person who suffer from insanity defense
should be given to upheld justice in a country; based on the responses 50% said
individuals who suffer from Insanity Defense should be placed in State Care
of criminal offense does, he/ she deserve to walk free; 60% said yes, while 40%
Conclusion and recommendations
In the process of completing this Internal Assessment, the researchers were able to
gain a clear and concise understanding of Insanity Defense in the world of law.
that the defendant is not responsible for his or her actions due to an episodic or
Throughout the entire process of acquiring data, the researchers’ were able
achieved the stated aims and objectives of the project. In addition to that, we were
also able to achieve personal knowledge on Insanity Defense in law and the
Common Wealth Caribbean that Insanity Defense does provides a loophole for
criminals/ offenders who break the law. How does Insanity Defense provide this
loophole is that in many court cases and proceeding in Jamaica and other part of
the world, if an individual suffers from symptoms of this mental disorder, he/ she
is excused as not being responsible for their actions. As a result, provides the
biggest loophole for offenders of crime in society which seeks to build capitalist,
unfair and racial world which we live in today. If this laws made in the criminal
and justice system of insanity defense is not revoke or re-written the court systems
will lead to mayhem and ciaos in the future, which will allow guilty individual to
individual and the continuation seem to be tenacious then the main aim of human
The researchers will conclude that the justice system can be unfair especially to
victims of brutal crimes. Thus law makers must l seek to either eradicate or adjust
the unfair Jamaican Justice and Court systems as it relates primarily to which the
Revised the law which allows criminals to use Insanity Defense to walk free
of their crimes.
Implementation of laws, which will state that if individual who suffer from
Insanity Defense breaks the law twice by committing a act of crime he/ she
Primary Findings
The findings presented here are based solely on the questionnaire that was used to gather the
relevant data needed to find answers to the research topic. The researcher chose to use
the most effective questions from the questionnaire in presenting such data.
Male Female
20-35 years
60-70 years
4. Do you think Insanity Defense is a loop-hole for crime offenders you
break the law?
5. Should the mental state of the criminal play a role in whether he/she receives
sentencing or the court revokes an appeal?
6. Do you think Insanity Defense eradicate a fear trial court proceeding for
individuals in the Jamaican court system.
7. Do you see Insanity Defense laws right or wrong in the Jamaican court
system, if yes. Please justify your answer?
9. Do you think if a person who suffers from mental disorder kills a person, he/
she deserve to pay the penalty of imprisonment?
10. What type of punishment would you suggest a person who suffer from
insanity defense should be given to upheld justice in a country?
11. Have you ever experienced or know of an individual who suffer from
insanity defense who committed a serious crime and was able to walk free
and no justice was done by authority?
12. Do you think if an individual commits an act of criminal offense does, he/
she deserve to walk free?
Yes No
13. What are your personal thoughts on Insanity Defense in the Jamaican court
systems and Legislations?