Cloudy weather:
gloomy: weather with dark clouds and dull light.Personally, I don’t like
gloomy weather. It makes me feel depressed.
clear: without clouds.I adore clear weather, when there are no clouds on
the sky.
to clear up: when clouds and rain disappear.After a long rain, it finally
cleared up.
Rainy weather:
Snowy weather:
Windy weather:
Sunny weather:
sunshine: the heat and light of the sun.I love summertime because of
the long days and bright sunshine.
dry: with no rain.Summers in Turkey are often hot and dry.
heat stroke (sun stroke): a serious heat illness because of being too
long in hot weather.It’s often boiling hot in my city in the summer and a
lot of people suffer from heat stroke.
Other vocabulary:
a spell of good weather: a period of good weather. You can use other
adjectives instead of "good" to describe weather.After a three-day spell of
rainy weather, there was a spell of sunny weather.
changeable weather: weather that often changes.In my country the
weather is very changeable, periods of hot weather can be followed by
heavy rains or even snowstorms!
mild climate: a climate without extreme weather conditions.