High-Power Wind Energy Conversion Systems: State-of-the-Art and Emerging Technologies

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An introduction to the paper by Yaramasu, Wu, Sen, Kouro,

and Narimani

High-Power Wind Energy

Conversion Systems:
State-of-the-Art and
Emerging Technologies

Producing electricity from renewable energy sources has Wind turbines when grouped into wind farms can be
become vitally important in a world of depleting fossil fuels connected to the electric grid. The turbines can be sited on
and increasing environmental anxiety. In 2012, renewable land or offshore. Onshore wind farms are easier to access,
energy sources comprised about 19% of worldwide energy feature lower startup and maintenance costs, and are
consumption. In particular, wind power has become closer to transmission lines. Offshore wind farms cost
legitimately competitive with conventional energy sources. more to install and maintain because stronger foundations
Wind power capacity has risen exponentially since 1996, and are required and connections to the grid must be made
the industry’s growth rate has risen more than 19%. Of the through submarine cables. Wind farms are connected to
83 nations using commercial wind the electric power system through
power, 24 have more than 1 gigawatt various series/parallel and ac/dc
(GW) wind power capacity. configurations, using high voltage
Harnessing the power of the Wind power capacity has ac and dc transmission systems.
wind is nothing new. Humans have risen exponentially since Because wind power was inte-
used it for shipping, water pumping, 1996, and the industry’s grated to the grid rather rapidly,
and milling, and the conversion of growth rate has risen concerns have arisen over the elec-
wind kinetic energy to electrical tric power system’s stability, securi-
energy started as long ago as 1887.
more than 19%. ty, and efficiency. To address those
But it was not until the 1980s that concerns, grid codes have been
wind turbine technology reached the updated and enforced for
point of maturity as a viable utility-scale option. Over the large-scale turbines and wind farms. And high-power
past 30 years, we have seen the size of commercial wind wind turbine technology has been upgraded from
turbines increase exponentially. In addition, the wind fixed-speed to full-variable speed operation.
energy industry has benefitted from technological im- This paper reviews state-of-the-art progress with
provements in aerodynamic design, mechanical systems, respect to MW wind generator-converter configurations,
electric generators, power electronic converters, integra- wind farm configurations and grid code compliance
tion to power systems and control theory. Electrical methods. Four categories of generator-converter config-
engineers should be most intrigued by how electric urations have been identified and analyzed based on
generators and power electronic converters can be adapted component count, modularity, reliability, converter/con-
to wind energy conversion systems (WECS). Various trol complexity, device voltage stress, operation voltage,
combinations of generators and converters have led to and achievable power levels.
wind turbines of three classes: fixed-speed, semivariable
speed, and full-variable speed.
Let us first look at high power grid-connected WECS: their
major components, operating voltages and grid code
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JPROC.2015.2418461 requirements. A WECS converts wind kinetic-energy into
0018-9219  2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
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736 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 103, No. 5, May 2015
Prolog to the paper by Yaramasu, Wu, Sen, Kouro, and Narimani

electric-energy and consists of three broad component important requirement is reactive power control, which
categories: mechanical, electrical, and control systems. compensates the transmission equipment (cables and
Mechanical components relate to the MW as well as transformers) while maintaining voltage stability.
the small power scale wind turbines. Mechanical compo- Using different designs and combinations of generators
nents include rotor blades, tower, nacelle, rotor hub, and power electronic converters, many kinds of WECS com-
gearbox, wind speed sensors, pitch drives and yaw drives. mercial configurations are possible, including these types:
The three-bladed design is the most common. The tower, 1) a fixed-speed SCIG-based WECS without power
nacelle and rotor hubs give mechanical support to the rotor converter interface;
blades. Wind velocity and direction are measured via 2) a semi variable-speed WECS using WRIG and
sensors, and a yaw drive moves the nacelle toward the partial rated (10%) power converter (often known
wind. Pitch drives are used to change the angle of blades as Optislip control);
such that turbine output power is limited to the rated 3) a semi variable-speed WECS using DFIG with
capacity during high wind speeds. Turbines typically run at partial rated (30%) power converter;
low speed (6 to 20 rpm) and high torque, coupled with a 4) a full-variable speed WECS with SCIG, PMSG or
high-speed, low-torque generator shaft via a multi-stage WRSG and full-scale (100%) power converter;
gearbox. Gearboxes can be costly and prone to wearing out. 5) a direct grid-connected WRSG with speed/torque
As such, gearless or direct-drive technology eliminates the converter.
need for a gearbox, and commercial products are Each type is described and compared in this paper, using
increasingly using them. There are drawbacks, however, the categories: generator, power converters employed,
such as large diameter and increased weight. Compromise capacity of power converter, achievable speed-range,
solutions exist, which combine a medium-speed generator soft-starter requirement, gearbox and external reactive com-
and single or two-stage gearbox. pensation, maximum power point tracking ability, aerody-
Electrical components consist of an electric generator namic control, compliance with fault ride-through
that converts rotational mechanical-energy into requirement, technology status, and market penetration.
electric-energy. Several types exist: squirrel-cage induc- It is found that Types 3 and 4 are best suited for MW-level
tion generator (SCIG), wound rotor induction generator application, and this paper examines them in detail.
(WRIG), doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG), perma-
nent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), and wound
rotor synchronous generator (WRSG). Output voltage II. POWER CONVERTERS FOR MW-WECS
from the generator and frequency will change as the wind Power electronics technology is rather closely coupled with
speed changes. A generator can be coupled directly to the grid-connected wind turbines, and state-of-the-art full-scale
grid or interfaced through a power electronic converter. converters perform energy conversion and grid integration at
Many power converter topologies are possible. When the turbine and wind farm levels. This paper provides an
power electronic converters are combined with electric overview of power converters, their technical requirements
generators, different WECS configurations can be devised. and a classification of power converters for MW-WECS.
Harmonic filters are used to solve switching harmonics A power converter must enable variable-speed opera-
problems when using power converters. They reduce tion and eliminate the need for soft-starter and reactive
harmonic distortion of generator currents and voltages. power compensation. This objective is achieved by
Grid-side harmonic filters connect the power converter converting the variable voltage/frequency of the wind
output to a three-phase grid through a step-up transformer, generator to fixed voltage/frequency, which is accom-
electric switch gear, and a circuit breaker. plished by a variety of power conversion stages. Converter
Several slave control systems and a master control topologies can be broadly classified as direct and indirect.
system are used to maintain performance for the WECS. The most important requirements for MW-WECS power
Variables monitored include wind speed velocity, wind converters include:
direction, generator voltages and currents, grid voltages • initial cost, as a fraction of overall wind turbine
and currents, etc. Adjustments of system operating states cost;
or variables can then be made, such as passive stall, active • high reliability, modular structure, and low main-
stall, pitch control. Control systems are implemented via tenance cost;
computer, microcontroller, digital signal processor or field • higher efficiency, typically more than 98%;
programmable gate arrays. • power quality with output voltage close enough to
Grid codes ensure the grid stability and consumer power sinusoidal waveform and lower total harmonic
quality, and their primary elements include active power distortion of the generator and grid currents;
control, reactive power control, grid power quality, flickers, • compliance with grid-codes;
harmonic oscillations, fault ride-through operation and • high power density while maintaining a small
system protection. Fault ride-through is a particular concern footprint and low weight;
for wind turbine and power converter makers. Another • minimized cable size and cost.

Vol. 103, No. 5, May 2015 | Proceedings of the IEEE 737

Prolog to the paper by Yaramasu, Wu, Sen, Kouro, and Narimani

There are four groups of generator-converter config- low cost with small footprint. MCs can produce wide
urations classified in the paper: Back-to-Back (BTB) ranges for output voltage/frequency. They can convert
Connected Converters, Passive Generator-Side (PGS) variable voltage/frequency to fixed voltage/frequency for
Converters, Converters for Multiphase Generators, and connecting the wind turbine to the grid. By eliminating the
Converters without Intermediate DC-Link. Features and dc-link capacitors, reliability will increase. This is an
drawbacks for each type are discussed in detail. important requirement for offshore wind turbines. A
Back-To-Back Connected Power Converters. A proper control system is needed to maintain correct
back-to-back (BTB) converter has identical converters on operation of matrix converters. Voltage source converters
the generator and grid sides, linked via a dc-link and and matrix converters are summarized and compared in
performing a conversion of variable voltage/frequency the paper. These include LV matrix converters and MV
output of the generator to dc, then dc to ac, with fixed matrix converters.
voltage/frequency for the grid connection. Power flow is
bidirectional. There are two types of BTB converters: low
voltage (G 1 kV) and medium voltage (1–35 kV). For low I II . WIND FARM CONFIGURATIONS
voltage, four kinds of configurations are discussed: Early wind farms were land-based and relatively easy to
full-scale BTB two-level voltage source converters build and maintain. Offshore wind farms are desirable
(2L-VSCs), Partial-Scale BTB 2L-VSCs, Parallel BTB because more power can be produced, thanks to stronger
2L-VSCs with Common DC-Link, and Parallel BTB and steadier winds. They also reduce impact on the
2L-VSCs with Individual DC-Links. For medium voltage landscape. By 2020, offshore wind power capacity could
converters, four types of configurations are discussed: rise to as much as 40 GW. By optimizing the intercon-
series connected switches, BTB Neutral-Point Clamped nection of wind turbines, a wind farm’s costs can be
Converters, Other Voltage Source Multilevel Converters, lessened, its efficiency heightened, and its reliability
and BTB Current Source Converters. BTB converters are improved. Of the many proposed configurations, only a
compared with respect to power/voltage rating, few have seen their way to practical implementation. This
semi-conductor/passive component count, voltage stress paper studies the more pragmatic and promising config-
of switches, reliability, power quality, converter and control urations, which include Parallel AC Configuration +
complexity, grid code compliance, technology status and HVAC Transmission, Parallel AC Configuration + HVDC
market penetration. Transmission, Parallel DC Configuration + HVDC Trans-
Passive Generator-Side Converters. Because WECS power mission, and Series DC Configuration + HVDC Transmis-
flow is unidirectional (generator to grid), less-expensive and sion. Each features the series or parallel connection of WT
more reliable passive (diode-bridge) converters can be used output terminals, the coupling of WT output ac or dc
on the generator side compared to pulse width modulated terminals, and the connection of the wind farm to the grid
(PWM) converters, and passive converters can be utilized in by ac or dc transmission lines. They differ in the im-
PMSG/WRSG type wind turbines. Passive converters are not plementation of those features. The paper weighs the pros
usable with induction generators. Four types of configura- and cons of each type.
tions are described in the paper: Diode Rectifier + 2L-VSC,
Diode Rectifier + 2L-Boost Converter + 2L-VSC, Diode
Rectifier + 3L-Boost Converter + 3L-VSC, and Diode I V. FAUL T RIDE-THROUGH
Rectifier + Buck Converter + CSC. COMPLIANCE IN MW-WECS
Converters for Multi-Phase Generators. The wind energy One major concern for makers of wind turbines and power
industry has used multi-phase generators and distributed converters, in particular Type 3 and 4 turbines (the types
converters as another approach to increase power-handling most focused on here) is fault-ride-through (FRT). A wind
capacity. Generators with two sets of three-phase windings turbine system must provide reactive current during grid
are called six-phase generators. Generators with more than faults, and Type 4 turbines completely decouple the
six-phases are known as open-winding generators. Both generator from the utility grid, so transmission faults are
types are described and compared in the paper. Six-phase rendered invisible to the wind generator, drive train and
generators have been adapted for use in Type 4 wind gearbox. With an electrical control system, active power
turbines, capable of two-times power handling capacity. output can be decreased to zero, but the mechanical
Two types of converters for six-phase generators are system response cannot keep pace with the electrical
compared: distributed converters and cascaded converters. response, resulting in injections of active power to the
Similarly, in wind generators with multiple windings (open power converter. Due to surplus energy, the net dc-bus
winding generators), distributed converters and cascaded voltage would increase exponentially with respect to the
converters are discussed. grid fault duration and destroy the complete power
Power Converters Without DC-Link. Matrix converters conversion system. Type 3 turbines are more complicated
(MC) enable direct ac-ac conversion with no intermediate than Type 4 turbines, and because the DFIG stator
dc-link. This results in more silicon-based conversion at a terminal is directly connected to the three-phase grid,

738 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 103, No. 5, May 2015

Prolog to the paper by Yaramasu, Wu, Sen, Kouro, and Narimani

the DFIG experiences uncontrolled dynamics during grid generation multimegawatt turbines. Research into new
faults, and FRT transients cause sever torque transients MV power converters and advanced control schemes will
that threaten the drive-train and gearbox. Methodologies play an important role. Reliability of power converters will
for solving the FRT problem in Type 3 and 4 turbines are improve and fault tolerance will shorten turbine down
examined in this paper. Types of solutions include times and yield high annual energy production. More
regulating the active power generation using a pitch efficient designs will decrease the size of power converters.
control system; storing surplus energy in the dc-link, With respect to integration to power systems, it is
external energy storage systems, and turbine-generator expected that WECS should behave like conventional
rotor inertia; dissipating surplus energy in the dc-link power generation units by exhibiting black start capability,
chopper, ac crowbar, and braking resistor; using compen- being able to restore normal operation from shutdown
sation devices; and using control systems at wind farm, mode without help from the external power network. We
wind turbine and power converter levels. can expect the grid code requirements in terms of
frequency support, active and reactive power control,
short-circuit power level, voltage variations, flicker,
V. TRENDS IN HIGH-POWER WECS harmonics and stability to become more vigorous in future
Wind turbines are tending to get larger. At present, the years. Ride-through requirements will evolve and affect
largest turbine is 8 MW, but 10–15 MW turbines have high-power wind turbine design. More research is needed
been announced already. Major trends and challenges are in studying asymmetrical grid fault conditions. Current
summarized here. source converters and partial scale voltage source
With respect to mechanical technologies, gear-box and converters need more attention as well. As offshore wind
drive-train technology must be developed to bring in lighter farms become more common, the cost, size, reliability and
weight mechanical components. Direct-drive technology efficiency of interconnection approaches will be a crucial
will reduce maintenance requirements in offshore wind factor. It is likely that HVDC transmission systems will
turbines. Multiple drive-train technology will help reduce take over from current HVAC transmission.
mechanical torque on each generator shaft. Wind turbine With respect to trends in control theory, control
blade technology has become more aerodynamic, and the schemes enforce the WECS to achieve desired operation,
three-blade design is the most common standard. Chal- increase wind energy conversion efficiency, reduce cost of
lenges include lightning protection, noise reduction, energy, increase life time of turbine components, decrease
optimum shape, increasing power-to-area ratio, and ease structural loading, reduce turbine down times, and provide
of manufacture. Newer blade sandwich technology can superior dynamic and steady-state performance. Mechan-
lower manufacturing and transportation costs. Wind ical and electrical power conversion units are both
turbine foundation design poses several challenges for important, but this paper concentrates on electrical.
offshore use. Gravity and monopile foundation are suitable Generator side converters are usually controlled by vector
for shallow waters with depths less than 20 m. Floating control or field oriented control. The reference control
foundations, as have been used in offshore oil rigs, could be variables, such as generator speed, torque or power, are
promising for deep water applications. usually provided by a maximum power point tracking
With respect to electrical technologies, high power (MPPT) algorithm. Its methods include optimal
density electrical components are needed. It is expected tip-speed-ratio control, power signal feedback control,
that Type 4 turbines will overtake Type 3 as the dominant hill climbing searching control, optimal torque control and
turbine type, and turbine manufacturers will seek alterna- optimal power control. Power converter switching is
tive generator configurations with high power density. One adjusted to keep variables maintained at their reference
attempt is to use a high temperature super conducting value. Grid side converters in Type 3 and 4 WECS are
synchronous generator in place of PMSG/WRSG. Semi- controlled by decoupled voltage oriented control (VOC) or
conductor switching devices are evolving as well. Emerging direct power control (DPC). We can also expect to see
switching devices and advanced modulation and control developments in the areas of finite control-set model
schemes can improve power conversion efficiency. Asym- predictive control. Aerodynamic techniques have also been
metric IGCTs are good for multilevel voltage source proposed to control output power.
converters, and symmetric IGCTs are used in current In sum, we can expect enormous growth in wind
source converters. Wind energy uses insulated gate bipolar energy systems worldwide. Technology development will
transistors (IGBTs) in both LV and MV power converters. make these systems more efficient, and switching to wind
Next-generation power semiconductor devices are based power will get us closer to the goals of energy indepen-
on wide band-gap materials with significant performance dence and reduced pollution in the environment. This
improvements over silicon-based devices. The increasing review paper on WECS technology serves as a compre-
power level in wind turbines drives power electronics hensive background reference material for practicing
technology towards the medium-voltage operation. Expect engineers, researchers and graduate students working in
MV power converters to be dominant for the next the field of renewable energy, particularly wind energy. h

Vol. 103, No. 5, May 2015 | Proceedings of the IEEE 739

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