Comparative Evaluation of The Nutritional Quality of Corn, Sorghum and Millet Ogi Prepared by A Modified Traditional Technique

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Science and Technology Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.2 (2) : 94-99. 2004

Comparative evaluation of the nutritional quality of corn, sorghum and millet ogi
prepared by a modified traditional technique
M.A. Oyarekua and A.F.Eleyinmi
Science Technology Department, Federal Polytechnic, Ado–Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. 1*Food Science and Technology Dept,
Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.*

Received 15 December 2003, accepted 18 April 2004.

Ogi was prepared from corn (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) and millet (Eleusine coracana) by a modified traditional process, dry milled,
packaged and subjected to proximate, mineral and amino acid analyses. Crude protein content of the traditional ogi flour ranged from 4.12 (millet ogi)
to 5.93% (sorghum ogi) while ogi from the modified process had values between 7.92 (millet ogi) and 10.78% (corn ogi). Significant increases
(P< 0.05) were recorded in the lipid, ash and mineral composition of modified ogi flours with increase ranging between 16–92% for minerals. Nutrient
contents were highest in modified corn ogi (MCO) for P, Na, K, Ca and Fe, in modified millet ogi (MMO) for Mg (986 mg kg-1) and Mn (11.6 mg
kg-1) and in MSO (modified sorghum ogi) for Cu (10.7 mg kg-1) and Zn (53.5 mg kg-1). The mineral ratios for Ca/P (0.01–0.17) and Ca/Mg (0.11–1.09)
were significantly lower than the recommended standard (1), the only exception being traditional sorghum ogi (1.09). Gross energy calculated for the
ogi flours was comparable and did not appear to be influenced by the modification introduced. Proportion of the total energy due to protein and
utilisable energy due to protein was highest in MCO (10 and 6% respectively). MSO had the highest total essential amino acids (TEAA)
(721.9 mg g-1 cp), total sulphur AA (91.3 mg g-1 cp), arginine (91.5 mg g-1 cp) and predicted biological value (P-BV) (7.06). P-BV and predicted protein
efficiency ratio for MCO, MMO and MSO were 6.73 and 4.06, 6.47 and 1.62, and 7.06 and 0.27, respectively.

Key words: Cereal ogi, nutritional evaluation.

Ogi is a smooth, creamy, free-flowing thin porridge obtained from dearth of information on the nutritional quality of ogi from these
wet-milled, fermented corn (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum cereals following modification of the traditional processing
vulgare) or millet (Eleusine coracana). It is usually taken with technique; where available, the recommended modifications had
hot with ‘akara’ (fried bean cake or bean balls) or with ‘moinmoin’ low adaptive index. The objective of this study was to produce
(steamed bean paste) in Nigeria. In this combination, everybody, and compare the nutritional quality of ogi from corn, sorghum and
including young and old, man and woman, rich and poor, sick and millet using a slightly modified traditional process and assess
healthy eat it. Ogi has variable nutritional and organoleptic qualities their nutritional value.
depending on the area of production. This variability depends
largely on the method of production and the duration of the
fermentation process. Sorghum and millet are produced in large Materials and Methods
quantities in Africa and has found use in composite flours as well Materials: Three cereals were selected for this study, namely
as in various traditional foods such as ‘Uji’ (Kenya and Uganda), corn (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) and millet (Eleusine
‘Tuwo’ (Nigeria), ‘Bogobe’ and ‘Ugali’ (stiff porridge from Kenya, coracana). Mature, wholesome, disease-free grains were obtained
Tanzania and Uganda). Sorghum and millet have considerable from a local market in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria and taken to the
amounts of phytates and polyphenols which readily form Crop, Soil and Pest Management laboratory, Federal University
complexes with multivalent cations and proteins, thereby of Technology, Akure for identification. Sorghum and millet were
rendering several minerals and amino acids biologically unavailable soaked overnight with moistened wood ash 11 before fermentation.
to animals and humans. However, moisturising the grains with Preparation of traditional and modified ogi flour: In the
alkali 11, aqueous ammonia 32 and sodium bicarbonate 5 prior to traditional process, 2 kg each of corn, millet and sorghum were
utilisation inactivates tannin and phytates. The traditional method steeped in 6 L of distilled water for 4 days at 30°C. The steep
of processing ogi is accompanied by severe nutrient losses which water was discarded and washed in fresh distilled water followed
aggravate the poor nutritional quality of normal dent corn. Banigo by wet milling and wet sieving through a 500 µm sieve screen. In
et al.6 proposed the use of a combination of Lactobacillus the modified process, 2 kg of each grains were steeped in 4 L of
plantarum, Streptococcus lactis and Saccharomyces rouxii, while distilled water for 2 days, wet milled using the steep water and
Aremu 2 proposed a slight modification (involving non-removal then sieved. The resulting fines from the traditional and modified
and non-rejection of steep water) supported by biological data. In process were allowed to settle and ferment (24 hrs). The slurries
view of the fact that ogi is also made from sorghum and millet, it obtained were dewatered, oven dried (55°C), cooled, packaged
becomes necessary to carry out similar and more extensive and labelled for chemical analyses.
assessment on ogi obtained from these cereals via a modification
of the traditional processing operation. This is occasioned by the Chemical analysis: The mixtures were analysed for proximate

94 Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.2 (2), April 2004

composition according to the standard methods 4. Crude protein and 10.78% (corn ogi). Proximate evaluation showed that modified
was determined by multiplying the total nitrogen content by a corn ogi (MCO) had the highest protein (10.78%) content followed
factor of 6.25. Carbohydrate was obtained by difference. The gross by modified sorghum ogi (MSO) (9.72%) and modified millet ogi
energy values were estimated by multiplying the proportions of (MMO) (7.92%). The values obtained for MCO and MSO were
the nutrients, namely carbohydrate, protein and fat present in not significantly different (P< 0.05) from each other and compare
each ogi flour by 4, 4 and 9 respectively 15. The mineral contents, favourably with the 9.9% protein content reported by Aremu 2 for
Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn were determined using an modified corn ogi. The protein content of the traditional millet
atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) model 703 19. The and sorghum ogi obtained in this work (4.12 and 5.93%
total phosphorus in each sample was determined respectively) was comparable with the 4.8 and 5.4% values reported
spectrophometrically by the phosphovanado molybdate method4. by Brown et al. 10 for traditional millet and sorghum ogi. The protein
A regression equation was used to calculate the amount of contents of the traditionally processed ogi flours (TPOF) were
phosphorus in each sample (using their absorbance and dilutions). not significantly different from each other. Although no significant
The regression equation obtained was: y = 36.5756x + 0.2315 differences were found in the crude fibre content of corn, millet
(R2 = 0.995), where y = concentration of phosphorus (mg) and x = and sorghum ogi from both the traditional and modified process,
absorbance. The amino acid analysis was carried out on the ogi a slight reduction was observed in the crude fibre content of
flours as described by Oshodi et al. 30. Tryptophan was determined TPOF. This reduction may be attributed to enzymatic degradation
as described by Concon 13 and modified by Ogunsua 26. of the fibrous material during fermentation 20 since fermentation
went on for an extended period in TPOF (4 days) unlike modified
Protein quality evaluation: The protein quality of the seed flours ogi flours (MOF) (2 days). The results further show that ogi from
were evaluated by determining the proportion of the total essential the three cereals are good sources of carbohydrates (88.89–90.43%
amino acid (TEAA) to the total amino acid (TAA) i.e. (TEAA/ and 84.30 – 85.67% in ogi from the traditional and modified process
TAA), total sulphur amino acid (TSAA) and total aromatic amino respectively). Processing operations which involves steaming,
acid (ArAA) . The predicted biological value (P-BV) was determined fermentation, pressure cooking and flaking or puffing increase
using the Morup and Olesen 24 equation as reported by Chavan et the digestibility of starch, rendering it more susceptible to
al.12 while predicted protein efficiency ratio (P-PER) was determined enzymatic digestion 18, 23 . Thus, it is expected that the
using one of the equations developed by Alsmeyer et al. 3. carbohydrates of the ogi flours would be readily digestible since
they would be steamed before consumption and have been
Statistical analysis: The statistical significance of the observed
subjected to fermentation during processing. The ash content of
differences among the means of triplicate readings of experimental
TPOF (0.44 – 0.62%) was lower than in MOS (0.68–0.96%). The
results obtained were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA),
reduction in the total ash content may be due to leaching of soluble
while means were separated using Duncan’s multiple range test.
inorganic salts during steeping, fermentation and disposal of the
These analyses were carried out using STATISTICA 36 computer
steep water prior to milling. About 510 g of MCO flour, 694 g of
MMO, 927 g of traditional sorghum ogi (TSO) and 1.33 kg of
traditional millet ogi (TMO) respectively would be needed daily
Results and Discussion by an adult weighing 70 kg to meet the minimum daily protein
Proximate composition: Table 1 shows the proximate composition requirement of 55 g 16. To meet the 13 g CP mean daily requirement
of ogi flour obtained from corn, sorghum and millet through the of infants, MMO 164.14, TMO 315.53, MSO 133.74, TSO 219.22,
traditional and modified process. It is evident that modification of MCO 120.59 and TCO 227.67 g would be required. The high amount
the traditional process significantly (P< 0.05) affected the proximate of TPOF required to meet the daily protein requirements can lead
composition of the ogi flours with respect to crude protein, lipid to dietary stress 33 hence the need for a modification of the
and ash contents. The protein content of the cereals, particularly traditional process as well as fortification with high protein sources
sorghum and millet, varies widely because cereals are grown under like legumes. However, modification of the traditional process
diverse agroclimatic conditions, which significantly influence the brings about significant reduction in the quantity required for
grain composition 14, 35 and by extension the products derivable consumption to meet the mean daily CP requirements. The dry
from them. The crude protein content of the traditional ogi flour matter was not significantly influenced by the modification
ranged from 4.12 (millet ogi) to 5.93% (sorghum ogi) while ogi introduced. MMO had the highest fat content (2.94%) which is
from the modified process had values between 7.92 (millet ogi) significantly different from MSO (2.17%) and MCO (1.23%).

Table 1. Proximate composition g/ 100 g and DM (%) of ogi from different cereals.

Dry Crude Protein Crude Lipid content Moisture Ash *NFE

Ogi flours matter fibre content
b f b
MMO 80.98 ± 0.52 7.92 ± 0.21 3.49 ± 0.02 2.94 ± 0.02 6.55 ± 0.02 0.68 ± 0.10 85.67
a e a
TMO 82.24 ± 0.84 4.12 ± 0.51 2.96 ± 0.20 2.49 ± 0.01 5.57 ± 0.03 0.46 ± 0.05 90.43
bc d b
MSO 81.60 ± 1.05 9.72 ± 0.03 3.71 ± 0.04 2.17 ± 0.02 6.47 ± 0.04 0.73 ± 0.12 84.30
a c a
TSO 79.35 ± 0.72 5.93 ± 0.05 3.34 ± 0.15 1.84 ± 0.04 5.50 ± 0.02 0.44 ± 0.01
c b c
MCO 80.86 ± 0.54 10.78 ± 0.15 3.46 ± 0.11 1.23 ± 0.01 6.70 ± 0.12 0.96 ± 0.02 84.54
a a a
TCO 81.55 ± 1.02 5.71 ± 0.14 2.94 ± 0.06 1.04 ± 0.02 5.83 ± 0.02 0.62 ± 0.22 90.31
Means in the same column having different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05).Values are means of triplicate determinations. *Nitrogen free extract computed by difference, MMO modified millet ogi, TMO traditional
millet ogi, MSO modified sorghum ogi , TSO traditional sorghum ogi, MCO modified corn ogi, TCO traditional corn ogi

Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.2 (2), April 2004 95

Table 2. Energy values (kcal/g) of ogi flours from different cereals. Hence, consumption of sorghum and corn ogi can easily meet the
body’s phosphorus requirement. Modification of the traditional
Ogi flours Gross energy PEP % PEF% UEDP % processled to significant increases in the Na and K contents of
Calculated* millet, sorghum and corn ogi. However, MOF had comparable Na
b c b
MMO 400.74 7.0 6.0 4.2
a bc a contents with MCO having the highest content (40.5 g kg-1). K
TMO 400.62 4.0 5.0 2.4
MSO 396.01 bc
9.0 b
4.0 c
5.4 was highest in MCO (1332 mg kg-1) and lowest in MMO (39.4 mg
TSO 395.87 a
5.0 b
4.0 a
3.0 kg-1). To meet the RDA of 2,500 mg of Na and K by an adult man
c a c 25
MCO 392.31 10.0 2.0 6.0 about 1.8 and 62 kg MCO (which had the highest amounts of
a a a
TMO 393.46 5.0 2.0 3.0 these minerals) have to be consumed. The amount required is so
Means in the same column having different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05)
* Calculated using Atwater factor large that it can lead to dietary stress if depended upon as the sole
PEP % = Proportion of total energy due to protein; PEF% = Proportion of total energy due to fat
UEDP % = Utilizable energy due to protein, MMO modified millet ogi, TMO traditional millet ogi, source of Na and K. Millet ogi had the lowest K content and corn
MSO modified sorghum ogi , TSO traditional sorghum ogi, MCO modified corn ogi, TCO traditional corn ogi
ogi the highest. Meals based solely on ogi would therefore need
Modification of the traditional process brought about significant to be supplemented with Na and K from other food sources. The
reduction in the lipid contents of the ogi flours. amount of K is higher than Na in all the ogi flours and appears
more significantly influenced by the modification introduced with
Energy value: The energy value of the ogi samples ranged from 69% improvement in MMO and 92% in MCO while the
392.31 (MCO) to 400.74 kcal g-1 (MMO). These values were not corresponding values for Na are 18 and 28% respectively. This
significantly influenced by the modification introduced to the observation is consistent with earlier reports 27 that Na levels of
traditional process. The daily energy requirement for an adult is Nigerian plant foods are much less than the K level.
between 2500 to 3000 kcal depending on his physiological state The amount of Ca in the ogi flours ranged from 125.4 (TMO) to
while that of infants is 740 kcal 8, 15. This implies that while an adult 205.5 mg kg-1 (MCO). The Ca levels in millet ogi was lower than in
man would require about 625 g of ogi flour to meet his minimum sorghum and corn ogi which had comparable values. Ca is an
daily energy requirements, infants would require about 2 g important mineral for bone and teeth formation 9 as well as body
(1.84 – 1.89g). However, in practical terms, higher quantities may structure and in blood clotting 29. The body requires 800 mg per
be required because the energy the body derives from the food is day, thus about 3.9 kg of MCO would have to be consumed daily
usually less than the gross energy calculated or determined using to meet body requirement assuming all the Ca is absorbed by the
bomb calorimeter. The utilizable energy due to protein (UEDP%) body. This amount can lead to dietary stress, thus, ogi is not a
for ogi flours (assuming 60% utilization) ranged from 2.4 (TMO) good source of Ca. The Mg content of the ogi flours ranged from
to 6.0% (MCO). The values obtained for MCO (6%) and MSO 117.1 (TSO) to 985.5 mg kg-1 (MMO). The modification introduced
(5.4%) were significantly higher than those for the other ogi flours. had significant effect (P< 0.05) on its composition in the ogi flours
TCO, TSO and TMO had the lowest values. The utilizable energy with increase ranging from 41 (MMO) to 89% (MSO) (Table 3).
value due to protein obtained in this work is lower than the Mg level was higher in millet ogi with sorghum ogi having the
recommended safe level of 8% 7 for an adult man who require lowest value. However, the increase in Mg in response to
about 55 g protein per day with 60% utilization. This implies that modification was highest in sorghum ogi (89%).
the protein concentration in the ogi flours in terms of energy, The copper content of the ogi flours ranged from 2.2 (TCO) to
obtained from either the traditional or modified process, may not 10.7 mg kg-1 (MSO). It was generally high in sorghum and millet
be enough to prevent malnutrition in children and adult fed solely ogi, with corn ogi having the lowest value; thus, diet that is
on ogi flour as their main meal. dependent solely on ogi flour for Cu source will require
consuming about 770 g of MCO, 370 g of MMO and 187 g of MSO
Mineral composition: Tables 3 and 4 show the effects of to meet the daily requirement of Cu which is 2 mg. Modification of
modification of the traditional process on mineral composition the traditional process significantly improved the Cu content of
and computed ratios of some nutritionally important minerals ogi with increase ranging from 16 (MCO) to 33% (MMO). The iron
respectively. The modification introduced significantly (P< 0.05) content of ogi flours ranged from 55.8 (TMO) to 142.3 mg kg-1
improved the mineral composition of ogi. The highest improvement (TCO). Fe levels in corn ogi was generally higher than in sorghum
was recorded in millet ogi which had an increase of 92% in and millet ogi which had comparable values. Modification of the
phosphorus following modification of the traditional process. traditional process led to an increase of 18 (MSO) to 39% (MMO)
Sorghum and corn ogi had 89 and 92% improvement respectively in Fe content. The amount of iron required daily by humans are
in magnesium and potassium respectively. The reduction in the 10–15 mg for children, 18 mg for women and 12 mg for men. This
mineral contents in TPOF may be due to leaching of the soluble can be met by consuming 105 g, 126 g and 84.3 g respectively of
inorganic salts during steeping, fermentation time (4 days) and MCO which had the highest Fe content.
disposal of the steep water prior to milling. P and K were the most The K/Na ratio (Table 4) ranged from 0.70 (TMO) to 32.92 (MCO).
abundant minerals in MCO while copper and manganese were the Millet ogi had the lowest value while corn ogi had the highest.
least abundant in all the ogi flours. The K content of the ogi flours The K/Na ratio was significantly (P< 0.05) affected by the
ranged from 23.2 (TMO) to 1332 mg (MCO) while P ranged from modification of the traditional process. Both Na and K are required
0.48 (TMO) to 18.1 g kg-1 (MCO). P was highest in MCO (18.1 g to maintain osmotic balance of body fluid, the pH of the body,
kg-1) and differed significantly from MSO (11.3 g kg-1) and MMO regulate muscle and nerve irritability, control glucose absorption
(0.93 g kg-1). The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of P is 800 and enhance normal retention of protein during growth 25. The
mg. This can be obtained by consuming about 71 g and 45 g of K/Na ratio of the ogi flours (except TMO) was >1, hence their
MSO and MCO respectively if there is no interfering phytic acid. consumption may be more beneficial to the body system if salted

96 Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.2 (2), April 2004

Table 4. Computed mineral ratios for ogi flours from
1.16 ± 0.02

0.55 ± 0.02
0.65 ± 0.03

0.76 ± 0.04

0.68 ± 0.02
0.41 ± 0.01
different cereals.

% change = {(MM – TM)/TM}x 100; MM = modified method; TM = traditional Method, MMO modified millet ogi, TMO traditional millet ogi, MSO modified sorghum ogi , TSO traditional sorghum ogi, MCO modified corn ogi,



Ogi K/Na Ca/P Ca/Mg K/(Ca+


samples Mg)
2.81 ± 0.05

5.35 ± 0.02

2.73 ± 0.01
1.91 ± 0.02

4.65 ± 0.02

1.61 ± 0.01

MMO 1.01 0.14 0.13 0.04
TMO 0.70 0.17 0.11 0.03






MSO 13.10 0.01 0.68 1.26

0.40 ± 0.05

1.07 ± 0.02
0.87 ± 0.01
0.54 ± 0.01

0.26 ± 0.03
0.22 ± 0.01

TSO 15.69 0.01 1.09 1.63

MCO 32.92 0.01 0.36 1.73
TCO 21.94 0.31 1.31






MMO modified millet ogi, TMO traditional millet ogi, MSO modified sorghum ogi ,
TSO traditional sorghum ogi, MCO modified corn ogi, TCO traditional corn ogi
10.67 ± 0.65
14.23 ± 1.04
7.76 ± 0.05

7.57 ± 0.05
5.58 ± 0.08

8.91 ± 0.07

Table 5. Amino acid composition (mg g-1 crude protein) of ogi




obtained from corn, millet and sorghum through modification



of the traditional process.

69.97 ± 5.24

22.10 ± 1.25

56.60 ± 3.68
98.55 ± 6.54

11.71 ± 0.97

40.19 ± 2.59

Corn Ogi Millet Sorghum Ogi

Amino acid Ogi





Arginine 43.1 33.2 91.5

15.05 ± 1.13

Lysine 24.2 23.5 52.1

13.05 ± 0.46

12.79 ± 0.10

12.54 ± 0.92
20.55 ± 1.58
7.96 ± 0.59

Methionine 18.3 18.4 40.3

Cysteine 20.2 28.1 51





Tryptophan 7.1 27.3 12.1

Glycine 35.6 22.5 100.4
133.15 ± 5.38
Table 3. Mineral composition of ogi from different cereals.

69.24 ± 1.05
46.90 ± 3.47
39.87 ± 2.21
3.94 ± 0.11
2.32 ± 0.08

Histidine 24.1 19.1 81.2

Isoleucine 30.1 14.1 101.1



Leucine 107.3 51.8 25.3



Phenylalanine 43.1 31.4 102

3.91 ± 0.04

3.58 ± 0.10

Threonine 35.1 32.1 82.1

3.16 ± 0.04
2.89 ± 0.15

2.54 ± 0.05

4.05 ± 0.01

Valine 40.8 24.3 134.2

Proline 84.2 51.3 64.2






Tyrosine 32.5 25.5 38.8

TEAA 373.2 275.2 721.9
1130.00 ± 10.15

1137.15 ± 10.48
1805.00 ± 22.14

TEAA/TAA 0.68 0.68 0.74

915.30 ± 8.56
92.50 ± 6.49
48.10 ± 3.02

TSAA 38.5 46.5 91.3

ArAA 75.6 56.9 140.8



P-BV 6.73 6.47 7.06

TCO traditional corn ogi


P-PER 4.06 1.62 0.27

Ogi samples

% change*

Each value represents mean of duplicate determinations.

% change

% change

P-BV: Predicted biological value; P-PER: Predicted protein efficiency ratio;

TEAA: Total essential amino acid; TAA: Total amino acid; TSAA: Total sulphur amino acids,




ArAA: Aromatic amino acid

Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.2 (2), April 2004 97

with NaCl. Apart from improving the taste, it will also enhance the the low level of leucine; leucine and tyrosine contents were used
salt balance of the body fluid. Without adding salts, plant based in the computation of P-PER using equations reported by Alsmeyer
foods are traditionally low in Na 27. The Ca/P and Ca/Mg weight et al.3. The P-PER value obtained for MCO is higher than the
ratios ranged between 0.01– 0.17 and 0.13–1.09 respectively. These literature values of cowpea (1.21) and pigeon pea (1.82) 34. The
values are low compared with the recommended value of 1.0 25, P-PER values for MCO and MSO are comparable with the reference
the only exception being TSO which had Ca/Mg value (1.09) close casein with PER of 2.50. Biological value, which is an important
to the recommended value (1.0). The amount of Ca in the ogi flour index for the measurement of bioavailability of amino acids,
samples was low, hence, might have affected the (Ca/P) and (Ca/ measures the fraction of its nitrogen retained in the body for growth
Mg) weight ratios. The Ca/P ratio is reported to have some effect and maintenance of cell synthesis. The predicted biological value
on Ca in the blood of many animals 25. The [K/(Ca + Mg)] obtained (P-BV) of the ogi flours ranged between 6.47 (MMO) and 7.06
in the ogi flours ranged between 0.04–1.73 with millet ogi having (MSO). This observation suggests that nitrogen retention would
the lowest value. Corn and sorghum ogi had the highest values be higher in MSO than in MMO and MCO. The P-BV obtained for
while the modification introduced significantly influenced it. To the ogi flours are significantly lower than the 36.5 – 40.13 reported
prevent hypomagnesemia, Marten and Anderson 22 reported that for beach pea protein isolate by Chavan et al. 12.
the milliequivalent of [K/(Ca + Mg)] must be less than 2.2 hence,
ogi consumption may not lead to hypomagnesemia.
Protein quality: Table 5 shows the amino acid (AA) composition This work has shown that significant improvement can be made
of ogi obtained via the modified process from corn, millet and in the nutrient composition of corn, sorghum and millet ogi
sorghum. Leucine and proline were the most abundant AA in produced via a modification of the traditional process. The
MCO and MMO while valine, phenylalanine, glycine and arginine modification introduced has high adaptive index at no extra cost
were the most abundant in sorghum ogi. Arginine is an essential to the local processors. Ogi obtained via the modified process
AA (EAA) for child growth 33, hence sorghum ogi would be especially sorghum ogi has high potentials for use in the weaning
particularly suitable for children. The lysine content of the ogi foods and formulations.
flours (24.2–52.1 mg g-1 crude protein) was lower than the lysine
content of the reference egg protein (63 mg g-1 CP). Hence, for the
flours to serve as an effective weaning food and nutritionally References
complete diet, they have to be mixed with legumes high in lysine. Akobundu, E.N.T., Cherry, J.P. and Simmon, J.G. 1982. Chemical, func-
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(52.1 mg g-1 CP). The total essential AA (TEAA) of the ogi flours 2
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were for MCO 373.2, MMO 275.2 and MSO 721.9 mg g-1 CP. Only slightly modified traditional technique. Food Chemistry 46:231–233.
MSO had an comparable value with the egg reference protein 3
Alsmeyer, R. H., Cunningham, A. E. and Happich, M. L. 1974.
(566 mg g-1 CP) 31. The values obtained for MSO were comparably Equations predict PER from amino acid analysis. Food Technology
higher than the values reported by Lusas 21 for peanut meal (453 28: 34–38.
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flour (190 mg g-1 CP). Hence MSO flour protein may be regarded Methods of Analysis 15th edition Association of Official Analytical
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ogi flours in satisfying the AA requirement of all age groups. The
of tannin containing sorghums (Sorghum bicolor) by sodium
total sulphur AA (TSAA) of the ogi flours were 38.5, 46.5 and 91.3 bicarbonate. Cereal Chem. 67:533-537.
mg/g CP for MCO, MMO and MSO respectively. The values 6
Banigo, E.O.E., Denman, J.M and Dutshaver, C.H. 1974. Utilization of
obtained for MCO and MMO were lower than the 58 mg g-1 CP high lysine corn for manufacture of ogi using new improved
recommended for infants 16 while MSO was higher. MSO thus processing system. Cereal Chem. 1:559-572.
appear to be more suitable for infants than the other two. The Beaton, G.H. and Swiss, L.D. 1974. Evaluation of the Nutritional
aromatic AA (ArAA) of the ogi flours were 78.6, 56.9 and 236.2 mg quality, of food suppliers, prediction of desirable ‘ and “safe” protein
g-1 CP for MCO, MMO and MSO respectively. These values caloric ratios. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 27: 485–504.
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