Magazine: Spermatogenesis
Magazine: Spermatogenesis
Magazine: Spermatogenesis
R988 Current Biology 27, R979–R1001, September 25, 2017 © 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
Current Biology
Transition Mitotic
Nucleus Rachis vesicles Vas deferens
Residual body
Spermiogenesis in uterus
Ejaculation of spermatids
spermatids Spermatozoa
Current Biology
The TJs are formed between Sertoli compartment to complete their transit the BTB (the basal ES) and between
cells to restrict solutes from crossing across the BTB. During this process, spermatids and Sertoli cells in the
the extracellular space, creating a claudin 3 (CLDN3), a TJ protein, is adluminal compartment (the apical
specialized environment within the transiently incorporated into new TJs ES). Cadherins are Ca2+-dependent,
seminiferous tubules that protects and subsequently replaced by CLDN11. adhesive transmembrane proteins
germ cells from attack by the host Migration of germ cells across the BTB found in both the basal and apical ESs
immune system. Interestingly, germ is therefore facilitated by internalization of the seminiferous epithelium and
cells can travel across the TJs without of TJ-related proteins, so that the BTB form protein complexes with catenins
disrupting junctional integrity. Sertoli is transiently dissolved. Testosterone in the cytoplasm. For example, CDH1
cells engulf germ cells within the then promotes BTB re-assembly after (E-cadherin) and CDH2 (N-cadherin)
transient compartments that are germ cells cross the barrier to enter the are present on the surfaces of both
formed between the old and new TJs; adluminal compartment. germ cells and Sertoli cells, and their
dissolution of the old TJs releases the The ESs are anchoring junctions status is regulated by cytokines and
moving germ cells into the adluminal between Sertoli cells at the site of testosterone. It is generally known
Incompetent to fuse Competent to fuse Incompetent to fuse Competent to fuse
with the oocyte with the oocyte with the oocyte with the oocyte
Spermatid Sperm
Inner acrosomal
IZUMO1 membrane (IAM) Cell body
Outer acrosomal
membrane (OAM) PM/OAM
Membranous organelle
membrane (PM) PM
Some SPE-9 class proteins
Figure 3. Comparison of the mechanism of fertilization competence of mouse and C. elegans sperm.
(A) The acrosome reaction of mouse spermatozoa. The plasma membrane (PM) fuses with the outer acrosomal membrane (OAM) during the acro-
some reaction, so that acrosomal components (gray-filled circles) are released extracellularly and the equatorial segment is newly formed. IZUMO1
(green-filled circle), an essential protein for gamete fusion, relocates from the OAM onto the surface of the equatorial segment during the acrosome
reaction, where spermatozoa bind to and fuse with the oocyte PM. (B) Spermiogenesis of C. elegans round spermatids. A C. elegans round sperma-
tid contains acrosome-like organelles called the membranous organelles (MOs), which localize beneath the spermatid PM. Like the mouse sperm
acrosome, soluble components (red-filled circles) are contained within the MOs and released into the extracellular space during spermiogenesis.
Moreover, some SPE-9 class proteins localize within the MOs and translocate to the cell surface when MOs fuse with the PM. Some of these proteins
are found on the pseudopod surface, some on the cell body surface and some in both places.
that the turnover of the ESs is partly of elongated spermatids within the hermaphrodites of this organism during
controlled by the endocytosis of these seminiferous tubules. the fourth larval stage, but it completely
cadherins, followed by their recycling As described above, mammalian switches to oogenesis after entering
back to the cell surface. The addition spermatogenesis is a complex the young adult stage. This indicates
of testosterone to cultured Sertoli process that requires a variety of that C. elegans adult hermaphrodites
cells results in an increase in the rates physical interactions between germ are somatically females that carry self-
at which adhesion proteins including cells and Sertoli cells, in addition sperm. For simplicity, here we focus on
cadherins are endocytosed and then to communication between these spermatogenesis occurring in the male
recycled to the surface of Sertoli cells, cell types, mediated by humoral gonads (Figure 2) and will not discuss
implying that testosterone might assist (both endocrine and paracrine) the few aspects that differ between
the cyclical reformation of the BTB. factors. While all of these complex males and hermaphrodites.
Maintenance of the ESs requires interactions are required for successful There is only limited information
members of the nectin and afadin spermatogenesis, they make it very about how germline stem cells are
families. While all four members of the challenging to establish distinctive roles controlled to produce male germ cells
nectin family (NECTIN1 to NECTIN4) for each cell type. throughout the life cycle. The mitotic
are present in the testis, only NECTIN2 region of the male gonad contains
and NECTIN3 are found at the apical C. elegans spermatogenesis mitotically dividing germ cells. This
ES, where they localize to the surface Unlike most animals, C. elegans is region seems to contain germline stem
of Sertoli cells and spermatids, principally a self-fertile hermaphrodite, cells, like the mitotic region in the
respectively. Previous studies showed although it also produces males. hermaphrodite gonad. Two male distal
that the interaction between NECTIN2 As in most animals, C. elegans tip cells generate a niche to maintain
and NECTIN3 is indispensable for males undergo spematogenesis germline stem cells, and Notch
apical ES functions, in addition to in their gonads. The male-specific signaling regulates self-renewal of
the development and positioning event also takes place in self-fertile these stem cells. Since hermaphrodite
Table 1. Mouse genes required for acrosome biogenesis/acrosome reaction and C. elegans genes required for MO formation/spermiogenesis1
Encoded protein
All data shown in this table are based on mutant phenotypes and were obtained from Mouse Genome Informatics ( or
WormBase (
distal tip cells express the LAG-2 and C. elegans spermatogenesis is During spermatogenesis, the
APX-1 (members of the Delta/Serrate/ completed without any intimate cytokinesis that accompanies meiosis
LAG-2 (DSL) family) ligands for the support from accessory cells: there I produces either two completely or
Notch receptor GLP-1, these two DSL is no equivalent to the Sertoli cell two incompletely divided secondary
proteins possibly participate in the found in mammals. C. elegans primary spermatocytes from each primary
Notch signaling induced by male distal spermatocytes differentiate into round spermatocyte (Figure 2; note that
tip cells. spermatids in chemically defined only the two incompletely divided
As germ cells migrate in a proximal medium and, following the addition of spermatocytes are depicted). Each
direction away from the controlling appropriate chemicals or proteases as secondary spermatocyte divides
influence of the male distal tip cells, activators, the round spermatids can to yield two haploid spermatids
they enter meiosis I. The spermatocytes transform into spermatozoa in vitro. In after completion of meiosis II. The
initially form a syncytium with a addition to these properties, thus far ~60 spermatids bud from an anucleate
cytoplasmic core called the rachis spe (sperm-defective) mutants have been residual body that contains many
and, after the pachytene stage, isolated; the affected genes in many of cellular constituents present in the
they bud off from the rachis as these mutants have been identified and secondary spermatocytes, such as
primary spermatocytes to initiate are helping to clarify the molecular basis most voltage-gated ion channels,
spermatogenesis. of C. elegans spermatogenesis. tubulin, actin and all ribosomes.
Like the cytoplasmic droplet formed and the female reproductive tract, with the ability to fuse with oocytes in
during mammalian spermatogenesis, respectively. both mice and C. elegans. Therefore,
cellular constituents placed into the On the other hand, one of the there are probably orthologs among
residual body are no longer needed important similarities in the male germ mouse genes required for the acrosome
by the spermatid for it to complete cells of these two species is how reaction and C. elegans genes
differentiation into a functional spermatozoa become fertilization required for spermiogenesis. Table 1
spermatozoon. competent (Figure 3). In the mouse, shows a partial list of mouse and C.
The form of germ cell released testicular spermatozoa acquire motility elegans genes that are required for the
from the C. elegans gonad is a round during their transit through the caput, acrosome formation/acrosome reaction
spermatid, not a spermatozoon. corpus and cauda regions of the and MO formation/spermiogenesis,
This indicates that C. elegans epididymis. After mating, ejaculated respectively. Aside from the fact that
spermiogenesis does not take place spermatozoa from the vas deferens the strongly conserved V-ATPase
in the male gonads. The spermatids undergo biochemical and physiological enzyme is likely involved during both
are stored in a seminal vesicle and, modifications during migration from the the acrosome reaction and the fusion
after mating with hermaphrodites, are cervix of the uterus into the oviduct, between the MO and the plasma
ejaculated with seminal fluids through collectively called capacitation. membrane, obvious orthologs have
the vas deferens to enter the uterus. Moreover, the acrosome reaction is a not been currently found in mice and
The C. elegans serine protease TRY-5 prerequisite for sperm–oocyte fusion C. elegans that act in these events. In
is contained in the seminal fluids and in mammals. While soluble acrosomal particular, mouse genes implicated in
induces spermiogenesis in the uterus of contents, presumably required for triggering the acrosome reaction are
hermaphrodites (described in Table 1). regulation of fertilization, are released currently unclear, so it remains possible
This protease forms a protein complex into the extracelluar space during the that they might prove to be related
with SWM-1 (described in Table 1), acrosome reaction, the principle result to the already identified C. elegans
which contains two trypsin inhibitor- of this reaction is the creation of the spermiogenesis-related genes. Perhaps
like domains, that prevents ectopic equatorial segment (Figure 3A), which the complicated cell–cell interactions
spermiogenesis in the male gonad and is the region of the spermatozoon required for successful mouse
seminal vesicle. TRY-5 dissociates that binds to and fuses with the spermatogenesis make it difficult to
from the inhibitor and becomes oocyte plasma membrane. Indeed, identify such genes. As described
proteolytically active in the uterus. certain proteins including IZUMO1, an below, an in vitro spermatogenesis
During spermiogenesis in the uterus, immunoglobulin-like transmembrane system for the mouse would greatly
each sessile, round spermatid extends protein required for gamete fusion, are facilitate a better understanding of the
a pseudopod, which is the motile known to relocate onto the surface molecular basis for spermatogenesis.
machinery that is analogous to the of the equatorial segment during the
flagellum of the mouse spermatozoon. acrosome reaction. Perspectives
The resulting spermatozoa crawl into In C. elegans, spermiogenesis Reproductive biology is characterized
the spermatheca, the chamber in which includes both spermatid transformation by incredible diversity at the
fertilization occurs. into spermatozoa and sperm activation behavioral, anatomical, physiological
(Figure 3B). Each C. elegans spermatid and molecular levels. It is well
Comparison of spermatogenesis in contains ~15 membranous organelles known that genes encoding proteins
mice and C. elegans (MOs), which have certain features involved in reproduction are among
Since fertilization is generally species that suggest they could be considered the most rapidly evolving in a
specific, in order to prevent the to be a distributed acrosome. Like eukaryotic genome, which can make
generation of cross-hybrid organisms, the mouse sperm acrosome, soluble it a challenge to identify orthologs.
gametogenesis likely includes species- components are contained within the It has been the hope that intensive
specific aspects. If so, what are MOs and released to the extracellular study of a small number of model
substantial differences between mouse space during spermiogenesis, although systems, where combined genetic
and C. elegans spermatogenesis? functional roles of the released and molecular approaches are
First, mouse spermatogenesis molecules have yet to be identified. C. possible, would reveal common
requires interaction with accessory elegans spe-9 class genes are specific principles of spermatogenesis and
cells, including Sertoli cells, for to the male germline and encode help to define conserved processes.
development of germ cells, but the transmembrane proteins essential for The development of CRISPR/Cas9-
C. elegans primary spermatocyte can fertilization (i.e. sperm–oocyte fusion). mediated genome editing approaches
differentiate into round spermatids Several of these proteins localize should allow for the production of
cell-autonomously in vitro. Second, on the MO membranes and, during mutants from a more diverse collection
the residual bodies are formed during spermiogenesis, relocate onto the of species, which should facilitate the
spermiogenesis in the mouse testis, cell surface where spermatozoa bind identification of orthologous genes that
whereas C. elegans round spermatids to and fuse with the oocyte plasma have evolutionarily conserved roles in
bud off from the residual body during membrane. spermatogenesis.
meiosis II. Third, transformations of The acrosome and the MO are The complex cell–cell, paracrine and
mouse and C. elegans spermatids into physiologically similar and share a endocrine regulation of mammalian
spermatozoa take place in the testis common role in providing spermatozoa spermatogenesis presents a serious
R994 Current Biology 27, R979–R1001, September 25, 2017 © 2017 Elsevier Ltd.