Method Statement Pipe Re-Routing Saudi Binladin
Method Statement Pipe Re-Routing Saudi Binladin
Method Statement Pipe Re-Routing Saudi Binladin
This method statement is prepared to provide necessary procedures to carry out the
installations including testing & disinfection of potable water supply lines as per control
and approved shop drawings.
Re locate and protection of Marafiq pipeline 450mm and street lighting electric cable on
Road TS-06 Crossing Railway Project CTW110.
The Contractor shall obtain the approval of shop drawing layout showing potable water
lines and its connections for all check points indicated at contract no. DN2017-446. The
Contractor shall obtain also the approval of all required materials of the above
installations from client and client representatives prior to start the work.
The Contractor shall set out the coordinates, elevations on all installations of potable
water lines as per contract and approved shop drawings.
5.1 Construction Manager – Manage and directs the construction activities performed
by construction team composed of personnel assigned by various functional
department. Ensure that construction activities are carried out as per project
quality plan, approved ITP’s and approved project safety procedures.
5.2 QA/QC Manger – Directs project’s inspection and testing to prevent work
nonconformity from the RC standard and other governing codes and standards. In
pursuing this objective he manages his departments QA/QC staffs and interacts
with other department managers and workers. He will report to upper
management and RC representatives.
5.5 QA/QC Engineer – All Quality activities, monitoring field workmanship and
organizing testing.
5.6 Safety Officer – Shall be assigned full time on site Co-ordinate and monitor the
implementation of the approved safety plan. Detect, identify, analyze, control
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eliminate recognized hazardous acts. Investigate & report immediately in writing
all accidents, unsafe acts, near misses etc., to Project Manager and client safety
5.8 Work Force – Helpers, Technicians, Qualified operators with TUV & other certified
local government certification, craftsmen / laborers involved in this activity.
6.1 General
1 Method of Construction and testing such as to achieve the specified quality shall
be approved both prior to any execution of work.
2 One (1) copy of the aforementioned document shall be maintained on project site.
1 Coordinates / Locate the points to be used or layout must be coordinated with RC.
2 Approved IFC drawings, PTS and other contract documents must be used as
2 All Plasticized pipes and fittings shall be unloaded, handled and stored properly by
means of lifting equipment to avoid damaging the pipes. Materials shall not be
dropped to the ground, but lowered carefully.
3 Use a Forklift (or front end loader with forks) to remove each top unit separately.
Remove the rear units first. Do not slide the equipment forks against the
underside of pipe in the pallet. This may damage the pipe by abrasion.
4 Units should be protected by dunnage/ padding (scrap wood) the same way they
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were loaded on the truck. The dunnage must support the weight of all units so that
pipe lengths do not carry the weight of the unit loaded above them.
5 Materials shall be stored in proper manner; pipes shall be supported and placed
on level ground at the assigned lay down area. Individual lengths of pipe should
be stacked in piles no higher than 1.5 m (5ft).
6 Plasticized pipes which are not packed in bundles or pallets shall be stored fully
supported over the entire length to prevent bending.
7 Do not use steel cables or chains to lift or transport the pipe. Do not lift pipes by
passing a rope through the section end to end.
8 All plasticized pipes shall be stacked on a reasonably flat surface free from sharp
projections, stones or other protuberances likely to deform them. If necessary,
level the ground at the storage point by means of a vehicle fitted with a scraper
blade in order that pipe may be uniformly supported throughout their length.
9 Side supports in the form of wooden posts, not less than 75 mm square shall be
provided at no more than 1500 mm intervals along the pipe length. Stack widths
shall not exceed 2000 mm
10 When socketed pipes are stacked, the sockets shall be placed at alternate ends of
the stack with the sockets protruding so pipes are evenly supported along their
entire length.
12 Plasticized pipes and fittings shall be protected from the direct rays of the sun at
all times by means of reflective covers sheets. The pipe shall be stored under a
protective tarpaulin or polyethylene sheet cover, which shall not leave any pipe
surface or pipe ends exposed. The cover shall be arranged to allow air circulation
within its volume of confinement by fixing tarpaulin or polyethylene sheet to
wooden supports.
13 Fittings shall be stored under shade conditions preferably in boxes or sacks that
allow a free passage of air.
9. The bottom of the excavation shall be kept dry and free from water at all
2. times. In no case shall the earth be scraped or dug by machinery near to the
2 bottom of the bedding formation level so as to result in the disturbance of the
material below.
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9. If the required depth of trench is attained, remove all debris then prepare the
2. trench with clean pipe sand bedding and use water compacting and /or plate
3 compactor as needed as possible.
1 We will excavate trench of size: 2.5m width, Height (one side) – 11m, Height
(opposite side) 4m, Total length of Trench – 130M, see attached drawing 00000
2 We will make trench for shoring length 40m and will use 25 ton crane for shoring
plate on one-side installation with diagonal support.
5 Then backfilling
We will repeat the above for next 40m trench and cover up to the total 130m
length of trench in repeated steps.
a) All pipes, fittings, valves and other materials shall be carefully lowered into the
b) Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material from entering the pipe
while it is being placed. If the pipe cannot be placed into the trench, without
getting earth into it, a heavy, tightly woven canvas bag of suitable size shall be
placed over each end and left there until the connection is to be made to the
adjacent pipe or fitting. During laying operations, no debris, tools, clothing or other
materials shall be placed in the pipe.
c) The full length of each section of pipe and fittings shall rest solidly on the pipe bed
with recesses excavated to accommodate bels, joints and couplings. Anchors and
supports shall be provided where necessary and as indicated on the Contract
Drawings. Proper provision shall be made for expansion and contraction of pipe
d) Open ends of pipe at the end of each day’s work, shall be closed temporarily with
wood blocks or bulkheads. Pipe shall not be laid when the conditions of trench or
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weather are unsuitable.
e) Wherever jointing is specified with cement mortar, six (6) or more lengths of pipe
shall be in place ahead of each joint before such joint is finished.
f) The cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings or closure pieces shall be done in a
neat and workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe or lining and so as to
leave a smooth end at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the pipe. When
machine cutting is not available for cutting pipe 500 mm in diameter or larger, the
electric-arc cutting method is permitted. Only qualified and experienced workmen
shall be used on this work. Flame cutting of pipe by mans of an oxyacetylene
torch shall not be allowed.
g) The pipe shall be laid at the level and gradient stipulated, on a prepared bed 150
mm deep with special hollows made for the joints. The pipe shall be aligned
carefully in both the horizontal and vertical planes and at no point be laid more
than 10 mm from the theoretical and vertical planes and at no point be laid more
than 10 mm from the theoretical straight line; for plastic pipe 20 mm. Supports
must not be placed under the pipe.
h) Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign matter from entering the pipe or
fittings. During laying operations, no debris, tools, cloths or other materials are to
be allowed to enter the pipe. After placing a length of pipe with socket/ spigot
joints in the trench with the socket end up-streams, the spigot end shall be
centered in the socket (or similar) and the pipe forced home and brought to
correct line and grade. The angle between any piping and fittings shall not exceed
the manufactures recommendations. The pipe and fittings shall be secured in
place with approved backfill material temped under it except at the joints.
i) All pipe lines shall be inspected and approved by the Royal Commission before
they are backfilled.
j) Continuous adequate support shall be provided along the whole pipe to prevent
sagging and bending. The pipe shall be securely placed into thrust blocking,
leaving no space for pipe movement.
k) Proper insertion of spigot ends into the bell ends of the pipe is essential. Spigot
shall be stop-marked and pushed into the bell housing only up to the mark to
avoid over-insertion.
l) Pipe shall not be exposed to direct sunlight for periods longer than three (3) days
and provisions shall be made for shading any pipe which is left in the open or
uncovered in trenches. Piping shall not become excessively over-heated causing
deformation or permanent damage to pipe.
m) An expansion gap shall be left each joint of a UPVC piping system. This gap shall
meet the requirements of the UPVC piping manufactures installation instructions
for underground piping and is equal to 13 mm plus 1/3 of the pipe thickness for a
maximum of 25 mm total between of the pipe socket and the chamber of the
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a) All pipe work and valves shall be installed as shown on the Contract Drawings and
on the approved Shop Drawings.
b) Section service shut-off valves shall be provided for each grouping of three (3) or
more fixtures in any plumbing installation.
a) Install sleeves for pipes passing through concrete and masonry walls, gypsum-
board partitions, concrete floors, road crossings and elsewhere except on beams
ribs, columns or any other structural carrying member. Install plastic or moisture
resistant fiber sleeves as an alternative to steel pipe sleeves. Sleeve through
floors, walls, partitions and beam flanges shall be 25 mm greater in diameter than
external diameter of pipe.
b) All piping shall be securely fastened to slabs, beams, joints, columns, walls and
other permanent elements of the building. Piping shall not be hung from other
piping or equipment. Every branch of piping over one (1) m long shall be
supported by hangers. Finishing of all pipe supports attachments rods, hangers,
channels etc., shall be hot-dipped galvanized. Hangers for pipe sizes 12.5 to 40
mm (1/2 to 1 1/2in) shall be malleable iron, adjustable swivel, and split ring. Install
hangers to provide minimum 12.5 mm (1/2 in) space between finished covering
and adjacent work.
c) Pipe identification shall comply with ASME A13.1, for lettering size, colors, length
of color field and installation. Marker shall indicate pipe working fluid and direction
of flow. The markings shall be applied after all painting and cleaning of the piping
and insulation is completed. Markers shall be maximum 10 m apart n centers.
Reduce spacing to 7 m in congested areas of piping and equipment.
d) Installation of above ground domestic hot water pipelines above 15.60C (600C)
with pipe size 50 mm below shall be of mineral fiber or flexible cellular with 25 mm
e) Fixed brackets shall be used at changes in direction or piping size to prevent pipe
movement in response to thrust from internal pressure.
The method of Statement required for horizontal thrust boring will be submitted
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separately by third party working on this task.
b) New piping systems with pipe sizes up to 300 mm (12 in.) NPS shall be flushed
clean of loose scale and debris or scraped prior to commencement of pressure
testing. Care shall be exercised to ensure all pipe spools are internally clean
before installation.
c) Clean, fresh city water shall be used for hydrostatic testing. All Systems piping
while being hydrostatically tested, shall be protected from being over-pressured by
means of relief valves of adequate capacity set to relieve at 5% above the
hydrostatic test pressure. In addition to the pressure relieving devices a bleed
valve shall be provided to protect the piping from over pressure. The bleed valve
shall be readily accessible in case immediate depressurization is required. An
isolation valve shall be provided between the pressure testing manifold and the
system being tested. The isolation valve shall be rated for the manifold test
pressure when in the closed position.
d) All joints shall be left uninsulated and exposed for examination during the test.
1) Vents shall be provided at all high points of the piping system in the position
in which the test is to be conducted to purge air pockets while the component
or system is filling. Venting during the filling of the system may be provided by
the loosening of flanges having a minimum of four (4) bolts or by the use of
equipment vents.
4) The hydrostatic test pressure at any point in the piping system shall not be
less than 1.5 times the design pressure, but shall not exceed the maximum
allowable test pressure of any non-isolated components such as vessels,
pumps or valves.
5) The temperature of the piping system during testing shall be above the
ductile-brittle transition temperature applicable only to cut sample portion of
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the piping in the system.
6) The means used to furnish the test pressure shall have either a pressure
limiting device or a pressure reducing device and a pressure relief device and
gage on the outlet side. The pressure relief devise shall be set above the test
pressure, but low enough to prevent permanent deformation of any of the
system components.
8) Filling and pressurizing shall be done on the upstream side of the check valve
in the system. The test fluid shall be injected at the low point in the system to
minimize entrapped air. When filling at the lowest point is not practical, the
Royal Commission shall be consulted. All vents shall be open during filling.
10) After the pressure test is completed a leak test shall be performed.
Examination shall be made of all joints and connections. The piping system
shall shower no evidence of leaking. All leaking joints shall be repaired.
12) Unless prevailing conditions or regulations require full backfilling of the piping
prior to the hydrostatic test, underground piping shall be partially backfilled
with all joints exposed during the hydrostatic test. The exposed joints shall be
shaded from direct sunlight and the hydrostatic test shall be performed so
that the temperature of the thermoplastic piping material or the temperature of
the test water does not exceed 400C (1040F) during the test period.
13) No thermoplastic piping shall be pressurized until it has cured for 24 hours at
a surface temperature of 10 0C (500F) or higher or for 48 hours at a surface
temperature below 100C (500F)
14) The piping and equipment shall be protected from over-pressure by relief
valve(s) of adequate capacity set at 5% above the test pressure or a
maximum of 173 kPa (25 psi) above the test pressure for pressure piping
systems. The relief valve(s) shall be tested dated and tagged within one (1)
week prior to the test pump shall be placed in firm ground away from the
piping. The pump and the piping system.
15) After pressure testing has been successfully completed, release of pressure
and draining shall be done on the downstream side of the check valves. All
vents shall be opened before draining to facilities drainage and to prevent
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formation of a vacuum. No test fluid shall remain in low spots. The test fluid
shall be disposed as directed by the Royal Commission.
After initial hydrostatic test is accepted by the Royal Commission, warning tapes
shall be installed at 300 mm above the top of the pipe. The following, as applicable
shall be printed on the tape in both Arabic and English in durable black letters of
50 mm height.
The color coding of below and above ground utility pipe line except seawater
supply and return pipe lines shall be accomplished by painting the base color or
color band pipe line or by color-coded longitudinal strip on the top surface of
installed pipe, upon approval by Royal Commission. The base colors or bands and
identifying color strips for different utility pipelines shall be as shown in Table.
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Shaving Tools 1 Set Use foe pipe end preparation
Power Generator 2 Power and Lighting
a) After the entire network has been completely done, tie-in shall proceed accordingly.
Coordinate and arranged to client in advance or scheduling shutdown of the
existing isolation valve.
b) Secure a work permit with regards to approval schedule date, and then prepare all
necessary tools and equipment needed to execute the work properly.
c) Isolate the existing gate valves then drain the water towards the designated drain
d) Excavation of trial pits will be carried out to locate the exact location of existing tie-
in point until it will exposed.
End of Document
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