Necklace Hho 4
Necklace Hho 4
Necklace Hho 4
It is already known that in itself atoms of hydrogen and oxygen can take
electrical charges, but until now no one has discovered that
simultaneously exposing to a certain electric voltage area the water
molecule with a positive charge and a negative charge, the hydrogen and
oxygen atoms assume different and opposite electrical characteristics,
equal in magnitude and potential, stabilizing the existing electric polarity
in the water molecule.
In the water molecule, the electric charge of the two hydrogen atoms
assumes a positive value (+) and the electric charge of an oxygen atom
assumes a negative value (-), thus satisfying the two basic laws of physics
". .. for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and that all
things must reach a state of stability. "
The hydrogen atoms positively charged are attracted toward the tension
zone negatively charged, and the negatively charged oxygen atoms are
attracted to the positively charged area voltage ... satisfying, thus, the
physical law of "attraction of the opposite polarity."
In the third step, this electrical polarization of the hydrogen atoms and
oxygen greatly weakens the stability of the water molecule.
In the fourth step, since the voltage areas are still present with their
opposite electric attractions, the water molecule is divided into its
components, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The hydrogen atom is
attracted by the negative electric voltage area, while the oxygen atom is
attracted by the positive electrical voltage zone ... all simultaneously.
In scientific terms, once that occurs the electrical polarization process, the
covalent bond or sharing of electrons between atoms of the water
molecule ceases to exist because the hydrogen atoms with a positive
electric charge to attract the negatively charged free electrons and
floating; while, at the same time, the oxygen atom with negative electric
charge repel the electron moving .... so stabilizing the level of energy of
the atoms, separating the water molecule into its components and
releasing energy in form of gas hydrogen and oxygen.
The attraction of opposite polarity that has existed between the free and
electrically charged and stationary electrical voltage zones atoms further
aids the process of splitting.
The hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up the molecule of water
already trying to move in opposite directions because of their respective
attractions towards the opposite electrical voltage areas.
The hydrogen gas and oxygen, is released in large amounts with little
consumed energy and without chemical interaction.
Once that occurs the cleavage of the molecule, the hydrogen atoms of
free oxygen and do not recombine in the process of polarization,
therefore, the gas can be used for the energy consumption.
It was later discovered that the atoms of hydrogen and oxygen can be
electrically charged natural water, all that is needed is the creation of two
zones of electric voltage of opposite electrical polarity to the sides of the
water molecule.
In the repetition of this process, the water molecules are split releasing
oxygen gas and energy in the form of hydrogen gas.
In order to best use the electric polarization of the water molecule and
maximize the release of hydrogen energy, it is imperative that the process
takes place in a non-chemical environment.
Stressing that this is simply a physical process, is used only natural water
without additives or chemicals, these areas of tension used are two, non-
oxidizing, non-corrosive, non-reactive and location.
The voltage varies through the plates, but the amperage change is almost
constant, and since almost no amperage varies through the areas, the
chemical process remains free and the energy consumption in the process
is extremely low.
Tension is Energy Potential
The hydrogen that is released is twice and a half more powerful than
The fuel cell (or combustion) simply and economically releases the stored
energy from 'natural water.
The economic characteristics of the fuel cell make the system ideal for use
as simply using water, it does not decompose during the operations, and
uses the voltage potential that is not consumed during the hydrogen gas
These economic characteristics of the fuel cell identifies the natural water
as a new, free and abundant source of energy. After all, three-quarters of
the weight of the earth is hydrogen, in addition, the use of natural water
requires no refining process, none of the distribution network, or special
Producing Hydrogen On Demand
Until now the voltage potential has been used in two ways to operate on a
fuel cell: electrically charging the atoms of the water molecule to destroy
the covalent bond of the water molecule and to use separate the atoms
released from the split.
resa di gas
desiderata Move the neighbors areas of
Elettrico tension it causes a greater
(minore amperaggio) electric force to be applied to the
electrical polarization process,
Nota: obtaining hydrogen exponentially
Zona a Tensione (B+/B-) produce
che (v. Figure).
rimane stazionaria
Dispersione di amperaggio
The voltage potential can be increased to any desired level to meet the
hydrogen gas production on demand, the range of zero to 20,000 volts is
quite normal in any frequency level.
This includes increasing the size (height or width or diameter) of the
zones, and / or the shape and configuration of the zones (see. Figure).
Piastre Piastre in
Insieme di tubi
parallele cilindri
The fuel cell, therefore, does not need any of the secondary storage
system since hydrogen is preserved in the most secure container known
to man up to this moment ..... water.
Mega Watt performance of Gas
This can simply be achieved through the use of a fuel cell in the resonant
The resonant action occurs within the fuel cell in a systematic way.
Before an oscillating voltage range, or zone, it is formed around a second
oscillating voltage field, or area, as opposed electrical polarity that form in
the middle of a water area.
As soon as the water molecules are exposed to these areas of tension that
have been obtained, the hydrogen atoms become electrically charged
positive while the oxygen atom becomes electrically negative charge
electrically biasing the water molecule.
The buttons voltage areas also help to limit the amperage flow during the
electrical polarization process.
The attraction between opposite polarities that now exists between the
free atoms and electrically loads and the stationary electrical voltage
zones further helps the process of splitting by imparting a physical impact
(impact of particles) on neighboring molecules that undergo the electrical
polarization process.
Since the voltage of the area that forms the outer wall of the resonant
cavity momentarily traps free atoms, the atoms in motion are accelerated
and deflected between the other molecules that begin to divide ... causing
a chain action.
This chain action continues to increase freeing other atoms of other water
The pulsed potential voltage to frequency continues the action chain, with
that particular e increases the amplitude and, consequently, it accelerates
the action chain.
Simply moving free atoms back and forth in a uniform and repetitive
fashion through the electrical polarization process establishes a resonance
action within the fuel cell.
Action to strengthen the resonance
The interaction of the laser beam or light energy with the free atoms
within the resonant cavity during the electrical polarization process results
in fluctuating atoms the loss or the gain of electrons .... allowing, as
mentioned, to the atoms of electrically charged.
The electrically charged atoms and expelled, they are used in combination
with the electric polarization generator, to form the regenerative energy
The water injection system of Stanley Meyer
While the device described above is very simple and works for a small
static electric generator that is designed to provide large amounts of
electrical energy, which in part may be used to produce HHO gas from
water, it is much more difficult to operate, with continuity, a big engine
using only water as "fuel".
The Canadian patent 2067735 Stan has a drawing, in which the injector
schematically shows the injection in the engine of three separate
A first component is described as ionised gas and is mentioned as ambient
air, the second component is a part of the exhaust gas that is return hot
vapor through a throttling valve, referred to as "inert gas", the third
component that we see in the figure , it is a spray of very fine water
droplets or "mist" of cold water.
This is a cross section showing only two of the three inputs of gases that
flow through this injector / spark plug.
Each input has its own gas supply passage that leads between the central
electrode and the outer circular electrode, and each supply tube has its
own one-way valve to prevent reflux of the fuel input through the feed
This is just one of the ways that Stan shows that it can be done.
Here his diagram for the fuel input in a two-cylinder engine, although it
can apply equally well to any number of cylinders:
I would emphasize
that this is only an
explanatory diagram, since it can not happen that the intake valves and
exhaust remain open simultaneously when the sparkle candles, also, the
pistons do not ascend and descend together, but their movement is offset
to give a less irregular movement to the crankshaft.
The thing to note here, however, is that the fuel intake is through
standard valves, and which are shown of normal candles, however, this
scheme of US Patent 5,293,857 is based on the use of an electrolyser and
Stan has found a way to avoid the need for an electrolyser.
For this reason, the Stan "Gas Processor" is a truly fundamental device
despite appears to have a fairly simple construction.
The mechanism works by pumping light energy from the plant fuel supply,
this may not seem like a great benefit, but it certainly is, in fact, the heart
of the Stan system.
In addition to the extra energy, the fuel components are also subjected to
a high DC voltage, pulsed, applied in such a way that tends to divide the
molecules which then go into the engine.
The reflective tubes are used to obtain the bounce of the forward light and
backward indefinitely until it is absorbed by the passage of molecules, in
addition, the choice of the LEDs is very important according to the
wavelength of light, which must correspond to the resonant frequencies of
the components where the fuel passes.
They can also be used in the LED laser, but they must be tilted slightly so
as to ensure that the reflection of light completely fill each affected section
of the gas passage process.
The operation is simple to perform, in fact, six sixteen LED banks each are
installed in the outer cylinder that has a polished inner surface.
The LED light that illuminates the reflective surface of the inner tube, is
displayed in red in the drawing above, where you can see the upper LEDs
of the six columns.
The said light, then, is reflected back to the outer cylinder and is displayed
in yellow:
This reflected light is subsequently reflected again from the outer tube,
repeated so many times until the entire area between the two tubes is
completely filled by the light.
This is done for each LED, and the light will continue to be reflected back
and forth indefinitely if not collide with a gas molecule.
This is the effect of a single LED, but there are six LEDs at the same level,
each produce light of the same frequency and strengthens the power of
each of the other five LEDs, producing a very powerful overall light band.
The same thing occurs in the vertical plane with the light that bounces
completely down the tubes, and so the LEDs, at different levels, generate
different wavelengths.
In this diagram it has been possible not to show the way in which the
reflected light from each LED interacts with all the other LED light, but
there is a complete mixing of the beams.
The LEDs are shown with exaggerated dimensions and spaces to give a
reasonably understandable diagram.
The diagram above, shows hardly the level of intensity of the light within
the gas processor, and shows only six of the 96 LED actually installed.
It's a bit 'hard to imagine this device, but the gas (of any kind) flowing
through the circular space donut-shaped between the two tubes, is hit by
a very high level of light energy of an appropriate frequency.
"H2Opower" believes that the optimum LED frequencies are those shown
This voltage excites the gas molecules flowing between the two cylinders
and, since pulsed, induces a separating action between the molecules
which consequently will tend to divide:
Please note that in all of the free energy systems high power, is very
important to have the gas production device that works in perfect
If it is still available, look at the excellent 'H2Opower' video:,
It shows that, in fact, that the operation of the resonant circuit is all.
Briefly, the frequency of the resultant waveform which passes through the
winding "A" of the previous figure, is adjusted up to that almost no
current flows through the 'winding.
All this is a bit like tuning a radio to a particular station, in both cases, the
signal of a certain frequency found is not able to "listen" to each current
passing through the winding.
This leads us to suspect that almost no current would flow from winding,
but it is not the case, because the current flowing in the secondary
winding from the local environment (after all, here there is no electrical
connection between the two windings, as well as common sense says that
electrons flowing into "A" do not flow on the other winding).
This resonant operation gives a big increase in energy from the local
The objective of the above-described gas process, is to edit any gas that
passes through it: the air, the water vapor, the HHO, or whatever, can
pass, reaching were highly energetic.
The high voltage applied to the metal cylinders in the process gas does
not flow through the gas between the cylinders; instead, it shall provide a
high positive electrostatic charge to the outer cylinder and a very high
charge Negative to the inner cylinder, making sure that these two
opposite charges "stirino" the charged parts of each molecule to
The positive charge of the gas ions are pulled towards the negative inner
cylinder and the negatively charged gas ions are pulled towards the
positive outer cylinder.
Stan uses this technique to the incoming air when using an electrolyser to
feed an engine:
However, Stan preferred to use air, water mist and a part of the exhaust
gas as shown in the previous drawing to power its engines.
One thing, then, that "H2Opower" wanted to point out is that the injectors
are already installed to convert any car to run on alternative fuels such as
natural gas, can be adapted to become the equivalent of injectors type
Stan, only if they are added a pair of high voltage electrodes for each
injector, which must be fed by a pulse circuit such as Stan called: "voltage
Intensifier circuit."
On page 220 of the "Technical Document" Stan Meyer found on:
which can be downloaded for free, you will find more information than you
ever wanted to know about this topic.
The strange nature of water and the advanced electrolysis
This chapter deals with systems to improve the functioning of the vehicle
with the use of water, so it seems appropriate to begin with a brief note
on water itself.
The longer you research on systems that use water, the more you come
to realize that water is not as simple as you might initially think.
Unfortunately, the tests did not work in the way the researchers wanted,
tests have shown that in fact there was some benefit from being
examined treatments and, unfortunately, as it was also used a placebo
control group, the effect placebo was definitely not the cause of the
effects recorded during the trials.
I decided not to accept the results that went against their expectations,
the researchers started on test patients of increasingly diluted samples.
Eventually, got to the level where there was no longer remained a single
atom of the chemical into the liquid with which the patients were tested,
including their dismay, it was observed that the medical effect remained!
They tested, then, with water that he had never received any chemical
treatment, and there was not any medical effect; thereafter, they
returned to test the apparently "pure water" and definitely free of
chemicals, but the medical effect was again detected, despite the fact that
there was not an atom of the chemical substance in water.
This clearly shows that the water was different after having dissolved the
chemical, although no chemical had been there; Researchers, then, were
forced to conclude that water has "memory."
It is not all that surprising when you consider that the quantum mechanics
researchers have said for some time that the experiments can also be
affected by an observer.
People who build Joe Cells which operate through environmental energy
focused by specially treated and structured pure water, showed that
certain people can affect a Joe cell, negatively, from 45 meters of distance
Personally, I'm pretty sure we do not understand the fundamental nature
of our environment and that we have a very vague idea of how we, as
individuals, impattiamo on our environment.
When Brown's Gas is used as the gas to power a cutting torch (like an
oxy-acetylene torch) the resulting flame is nearly colorless and can be
touched with bare hands without any ill effects - that is, the hand is not
I will leave you to think with your mind on this, perhaps aided by
subsequent reflection of Moray B. King.
Electrolysers that made history
Furthermore, a pipe from the upper part of the container carries the gas
into the air filter of the vehicle, via one or two simple safety devices.
Adding to this gas mixture that is created within a cylinder of the engine,
it causes a considerable improvement in the quality of combustion of the
fuel and the reduction of harmful emissions, which approach zero!
The ECU accepts input signals from an "oxygen sensor" inserted in the
exhaust stream and, often, by a second sensor after the catalyst to ensure
that the catalyst is successful.
Ideally, this can be avoided by adding a circuit that adjusts the signal
from the oxygen sensor, so that it is correct for the combustion of the fuel
and, therefore, to the ECU.
To recap, the only practical device that you can build and use to improve
automotive performance is a 'booster' that improves the efficiency of fuel
consumption in the engine, resulting all in a greater power, better torque,
a good fluidity of operation and harmful emissions of the exhaust gas
greatly improved.
However, if the control unit is not adjusted or its input signal not
controlled, the data km / l may actually be slightly lower due to undesired
fuel injections in excess that is pumped into the engine.
If, in contrast, a control circuit is used to correct the error of the ECU,
then the gains of km / l will be evident.
The worst result of which I have ever heard of was 8%, which is very rare,
while the average gain is 20% likely.
If you are making and using one of these devices, do you own risk.
The designer of the booster nor the author of this document are
liable in the event you should suffer loss or damage because of
your actions.
Examples of practical realization of some types of electrolyzers
Summarizing the above, we examine now what are the main factors to
consider them when we decide to "hybridize" a common vehicle for it to
work with gas:
gas sensor decides that the mixing inside the combustion chamber is too
lean for the good operation as is the case using only standard fossil fuels.
Ideally, the vehicle must have a good deal of free space in the engine
compartment, and if the goal is to get it to work only with water, the
smaller the displacement is better even though it must be clear that it will
form rust in the exhaust system and that they will also have other
problems of aging. For a longer life of the vehicle should, then, convert it
so that it can operate with natural gas (LPG) and injections of atomized
water into the combustion chamber, so that the engine does not warm up
too improving, thus, the life of the valves;
2. We must also decide which size of the cell or the electrolytic cells will
be taken to enable their safe placement within the engine compartment as
well as the installation of additional devices. If an inverter is used, then, it
should preferably be mounted in a manner that is cooled by the same air
flow that is used for the radiator. The inverter will have an input of 12
volts DC, an output of 110 volts AC and variable absorption between 600
and 800 watts. When this is done, you will see the space that remains in
the engine compartment to insert the other elements of the plant and,
consequently, which dimensions may have the electrolyzer and the
bubbler. It should be emphasized that it is absolutely vital that no device
containing HHO gas is installed in the part of the vehicle in which sit the
driver and / or passengers, and it is extremely important that at least one
bubbler is installed between the dell 'electrolyzer output and the motor
and that both the electrolyser that the bubbler are equipped with special
caps that in the event of accidental ignition of gas they contain can be
easily expelled by limiting or eliminating any physical damage to the units.
Since then, all located in the engine compartment, the shock wave of the
explosion is will be significantly reduced before it can reach the passenger
area, and no spray of electrolyte can reach people;
3. when you have found the space in the engine compartment and the
supports of the system fixed, we can choose the size of the electrolyzer
and, consequently, its size plates. For the container of the latter it is
recommended to use the "Plexiglas" Acrylic provided it is thick enough to
allow the notch grooves (slots) in order to accommodate stainless steel
plates; It recommends 20 mm thick with 3 mm deep slot carved;
4. The additional elements for the electrolyzer that must be installed are:
· The anti-spray mat inside the electrolyzer;
7. The control circuit that drives the pump that restores the water level
can be built, according to the electrical circuit already indicated above and
easily available on the market. It is in no way critical of the construction
process of this controller, as long as does its job reliably and is easy and
inexpensive to build and / or raise.
Required components
The container
The container must have slits cut in a very precise way, if you do not have
a milling machine, then you should consider to give her to a specialist
workshop, container has two ends, two sides, a base and a lid.
Of these, the two sides and the base are in need of precise grooves 101
that have the function to accommodate the electrode plates and keep
them firmly in place, but still must have enough play to allow the
electrolyte to equalize the various levels in of the cell (see Figure).
If it is difficult to perform grooves accurately, an alternative method is to
attach a thin piece of acrylic grooved at the base (see Figure):
The grooves which are formed by the plates must be of 0.075 mm wider
than the thickness of the plates.
It will begin, therefore, by coupling the sides and base by inserting, then,
two or three plates in the slots to be fairly confident that the alignment is
perfect during the machining process, it is also important that the ends of
lines of the sides during the ' bonding, between them are at 90 ° when it
will be joined at the base.
Drafting and preparation of the plates
'Very important, then, that when you want an offer to buy the plates,
make sure that the supplier is aware of the desired precision, as the plates
must be cut with a tolerance of + / - 0.025 mm.
That level of accuracy excludes any kind of flame cutting as the heat
inevitably creates distortion in the steel, also with the cut expected a
tolerance of +/- 0.375 mm on cuts and + / - 0.025 mm flatness.
With laser cutting, for example, you get a high precision and we can
expect good result as + / - 0.125 mm on the cuts, and also there are no
problems for the flatness as such type of laser cutting does not distort the
The plates are squares of 15 x 15 cm, but this does not represent the real
active surface area because some areas of the plate are inside the
grooves and the other above the electrolyte surface.
The preparation of the plates, then, is one of the most important steps in
producing an electrolyser which works well, because it's something that
takes a long time, but it is vital that it is done with care and without
The first step is to treat both faces of each plate in order to facilitate the
gas bubbles to detach from their surface.
This could be done with a strong blast, but if you choose this method must
be done very carefully in that the sand used does not contaminate the
plates because the stainless steel is certainly not cheap and if you make a
wrong blasting, you will risk that the plates become unusable for the
A more secure method is to scratch the surface of the plate with the
coarse-grained sandpaper in two different directions perpendicular to each
other, causing the formation of microscopic sharp peaks and valleys on
the surface of the plate as those sharp points and ridges are those
specially designed to help both the formation of bubbles that the passing
of the same on the plate (See Figure).
You can use a 15 x 120 cm belt sander which is great for the preparation
of the dishes adopting grit sandpaper 60 or 80, remember to always wear
rubber gloves when handling the plates to prevent the fingers will mark
the plates.
Wear gloves is very important as the plates must be kept clean and free
from grease, ready to tackle the other phases of their preparation.
Any particles created by the sanding process on the plates should be
eliminated by washing the steel with clean tap water (not city water,
however, due to all the chlorine and other chemicals added), and only
with distilled water for rinsing final.
The easiest way to address this situation is to give the plates a slight
magnetic orientation simply by wrapping a few turns of wire around the
stack of plates and passing some brief pulses of DC current through the
wire (see Figure).
Obviously, the plates must be kept in the same direction when they are
placed in their container.
The container, then, must not be that of glass is not a suitable material to
mix the electrolyte.
When working with dry KOH flakes or granules, you must always wear
safety goggles, rubber gloves, a long sleeved shirt, socks and long pants
and wear a mask that covers the mouth and nose.
If you are mixing solid KOH with water, you must always add the KOH in
water, and not vice versa, and use a plastic container for mixing,
preferably one that has twice the capacity of the mixture over.
The mixing must be done in a well ventilated area that is not drafty and
air currents that may disperse around the dry KOH.
When mixing the electrolyte, never use hot water! The water should be
cold because the chemical reaction between the 'water and the KOH
generates a large amount of heat, also, if possible, immerse the container
of the mixture in a larger container filled with cold water which will help to
maintain the low temperature if the mixture should "boil" it will contain
the spill.
You also have to add only a small amount of KOH at a time, stirring
constantly, and if you stop stirring for any reason, put a lid on all
If, despite all precautions, the KOH solution comes into contact with skin,
wash the affected area with cold water and apply some vinegar since the
same is acidic and will help to balance the 'alkalinity of the KOH.
You can, as needed, use lemon juice if you did not have vinegar to hand -
but it is always advisable to keep a bottle of vinegar handy.
In the figure above, they are shown only some of the 101 plates in order
to maintain quite clear design and adapt it to the page.
The plates at each end have a steel belt welded in order to allow a simple
and robust electrical connection to be made through the container, as
shown in Figure above.
As already mentioned, the grooves where they are strung, the plates are
wide enough to allow the electrolyte level to equalize between the cells, to
which the supply water is carried out in order to deliver the same amount
of liquid to each cell.
The supply pipe is branched into four separate arms, each supplies only a
quarter of a cell:
It is important to include a one-way valve in the water supply line just
outside the electrolyzer, otherwise the pressure inside the electrolyser will
push the gas towards the pump.
Safety standards
The basic method of construction is very simple, two metal plates are
placed in water and an electric current is passed between them.
Recalling that the result of this operation was to produce fuel for the
Space Shuttle, you should avoid doing it at home and, above all, let the
gas produced by the process accumulates at the ceiling.
There are many videos on the web where people act in a dangerous
manner by performing electrolysis at home with a container which is open
at the top, as shown above.
All this is very dangerous - is not an engine that pushes the Space Shuttle
into space!
If you were to pick up a cup of oxyhydrogen gas and turn it on, the
resulting explosion will probably damage your hearing permanently, so be
sure not to do it!
Just for the fact that a chain saw, although very useful, must be treated
with respect as it is a dangerous device, thus, the oxyhydrogen gas
mixture is so very useful, but it contains a lot of energy and therefore
needs to be treated with respect .
The way to increase the gas production rate is, therefore, to increase the
flow of current, also it found that the optimum voltage between two
"electrodes" plates is 1.24 volts.
As we want to get oxyhydrogen gas and not steam, this is bad news for
What it tells us is that Faraday if you choose to do it that way, only 10%
of the power taken by the booster actually makes oxyhydrogen gas, while
a massive 90% is wasted as heat.
One way around the problem is to use two cells like these:
This solution employs 1.24 volts twice, while twelve volts remains
unchanged and therefore the electrical efficiency goes up to 20% and the
heat loss falls to '80%.
This is an improvement, but the most important thing is the fact that they
were produced twice as oxyhydrogen gas, then we have doubled the
electrical efficiency and doubled the gas output, for a result that is four
times better than before.
I could, now, to step forward and use three cells like these:
This time we are using three of our sections of 1.24 volts and this gives us
an electrical efficiency of 31% and three times the amount of gas, making
the system nine times more effective.
This means that we are definitely going in the right direction, but how far
can you go on like when using a twelve volt?
When using the construction materials which years of testing have shown
to be particularly effective, there is still a certain voltage drop across the
metal plates, which means that the best voltage for each cell is
approximately 2 volts and then with a twelve volt battery, six cells are the
best combination that gives us an electrical efficiency of 62% and six
times as much gas, which is 37 times better than a single cell, and the
wasted electric power drops from 90% to 38%.
Of course, it would not be practical to have six cells, each big as a car
battery, as it would never be able to fit them into most vehicles!
Perhaps it would be enough to put all the dishes in a single cell, but,
unfortunately, if we do, a good dose of electrical current would flow
around the plates and not much gas would produce.
This is a problem for us, and so you will not get your six times the gas
production or our massively reduced heating.
This returns us our high efficiency by blocking the current flow that passes
out from the plates and, by forcing the passage of current through the
plates, producing gas between each pair of plates.
This would allow us to use seven cells inside our electrolyser, rather than
the six cells shown above giving us seven times the volume of gas that a
single pair of plates produces other.
Nevertheless, some prefer six cells, seven cells - the choice is up to him
who builds unity.
We have seen the methods to increase gas production and reduce the
waste of energy, but do not assume that the goal is to make great
oxyhydrogen gas volumes.
It has been found that with many of the vehicles, the improvement of
performance engines can take place with an oxyhydrogen gas production
rate of less than 1 liter per minute ( "lpm") as flow rates of just 0.5-0.7
liters per minutes are often very effective.
It 'good to make sure that it has been shown that with the battery
connected directly to the booster or "electrolyser", there is no protection
against short circuit caused by a loose wire or anything else, there should
be, then, the first thing , a fuse or a switch connected to the battery.
In a car, you are provided with suitable switches from any power supply
outlet and are used in the "fuse box" to provide protection to any lighting
circuit and to each gripping circuit.
They are not expensive as they are manufactured in very large volumes
and are also available on eBay.
Some aspiring builders of cells, believe that some aspects of the
construction are too difficult for them.
Here are some tips that could make the simplest construction.
The realization of a container of seven cells is not difficult, the pieces are
cut for the two sides, a base, a lid and six absolutely identical partitions.
If you decide to use the folded electrode system, shown in the following
pages, you have to drill the bolt holes in the partitions before assembling
The bottom piece has the same length of the sides, and the width equal to
the most twice partitions thickness of the material used to construct the
If used for the construction acrylic plastic, the supplier can also give a
"glue" that, in fact, "weld" together the pieces that seem to have been
made in a single piece.
Here, the partitions are fixed in position one at a time and, finally, the
second side is glued in such a way that the partitions to mate exactly and
have the same width.
A simple solution to the lid is to glue and screw a strip of rubber all around
the top of the unit as shown here:
A flexible PVC gasket, positioned between the sides and the cover may
help to achieve a good seal when it is bolted.
The gas outlet tube is located in the center of the lid, which is a position
that is not affected if the unit is tilted while the vehicle is on a steep area.
Years of testing have shown that a very good choice of material for the
electrode plates is stainless steel 316-L, however it is very difficult to
electrically connect the plates within the cells, so much so that it is
necessary to use steel wire stainless steel to make the connections as the
bolted connections are not very suitable.
Also solder the wires to the stainless steel plates is not something that a
beginner can do well as it is much more difficult to weld mild steel.
Although this six-cell design may seem a little 'complicated, but from a
quick glance is really a very simple construction.
Each of the plates used in the central cells is just in this form:
The shapes of the plate above, are arranged so that the screws can be
reached, from above, with a fixed key while the nut is tightened.
Unless you are able to bend the dishes, I suggest you use a stainless steel
mesh instead of the plates, as it works very well and can be easily cut
with scissors or with any other tool, and can be bent at home using simple
tools: a team, a piece of angle iron, a small piece of mild steel sheet, a
hammer, etc.
You will find out of any shop selling metal, heaps of scrap pieces thrown
for recycling, there will clippings of various sized iron corner and all sorts
of other small sections of metal sheets and strips.
Blocking, then the pot between two angles in a vice and, being careful,
frequent and delicate tapping with a hammer near the curved position,
you can manage to get a very clean and precise curve of the plate:
The thickness of the steel bar inside of the curve
must have the exact width of the gap required
between the faces of the finished plates.
There are many varieties of stainless steel net and the shape and
thickness are not important, but it is necessary to choose a type which is
quite rigid and that can hold its shape even after it has been folded.
Your local steel supplier probably has some types on hand and can show
you how particular varieties are flexible.
The shape shown above is for a "three dishes per cell" model, where there
are two of the active plate faces.
These holding plates separated, even if they should come loose, keeping
the distance between the plates.
This gap must be a compromise, because the more the plates are close,
the better the production of gas, but it is more difficult for the bubbles
detach from the plates and rise to the surface, consequently blocking
certain areas of the plate and preventing the further production of gas
from the same side of the plate.
If the current is low enough, an even simpler form which has only a single
pair of active plate surfaces per cell, can be used as shown here:
Each of these devices may have 6-7 cells and the plates can be realized
without external aid.
You will notice that the electrical connections at each end of the device are
immersed to make sure that a loose connection can not cause sparks and
ignite the gas Oxyhydrogen the top of the container.
If you want to use three pairs of active plates in each cell, the shape of
the plate may be so:
Technological safeguards
The objectives are both to maintain the actual amount of gas present in
the system to a minimum and to avoid that any spark could reach the
This architecture electrolyzer uses a toroidal transformer to interface the
vehicle electronics to the electrolyser cells and it is essential that the
transformer is used very carefully and in no case this transformer must be
supplied by the electronics on board when connected to something
different with respect to the electrolyser cells because the same act as a
safety buffer.
1. The electrolytic cell must not be connected directly to the battery but
its power is supplied via a relay which is operated by the ignition system.
This is important because we must never forget to turn off an electrolyser
not directly connected to power when the vehicle stops, since the
production of gas would continue while the vehicle is parked. This
additional accumulated gas would become a hazard and the battery would
be drained with no benefit. The connection through the relay, then, makes
the 'safe electrolyzer as it goes out automatically.
3. Whether the 'electrolyzer that the' bubbler ', have lids of "security".
This is very important, for if the oxyhydrogen that emerges from the
surface of the liquid should be turned on and the unit was solidly sealed,
the pressure buildup inside the unit would be very fast and the whole
thing could explode like a grenade. If, however, there are the lids of
"safety" as soon as the pressure begins to climb the cap is ejected,
maintaining the integrity of the devices and preventing an excessive
pressure build-up. The above is very important to avoid, in the first place,
the ignition of the gas.
4. The wires that go to the plates inside the electrolyser are both
connected well below the liquid surface. This is to avoid the possibility of
their disconnection and / or loosening caused by the vibration of the
vehicle which would cause a spark in the gas filled region.
If, for any reason, the gas in the engine fuel supply pipe were to ignite, it
will only be turned on the gas above the water in the bubbler.
This will only blow the cap of the bubbler, limiting the explosion to a small
amount of gas, while the water column below will prevent the explosion of
the gas content in the electrolyzer.
So the best practice is to use one, or more, as they are bubblers Both
easy to realize That to install and are very reliable.
The electrolyte
If any splashes come in contact with your skin is very important that the
affected area be immediately rinsed with plenty of running water and, if
necessary, with wine vinegar neutralizes it.
Most of the substances that today are used to obtain an electrolyte, are
unsuitable, resulting in the production of hazardous gases, damage to the
surfaces of the plates and obtaining of an irregular electrolysis with
currents that are difficult to control.
These include salt, battery acid and baking soda, but we strongly advise
you not to use them.
There are two very suitable substances for this: sodium hydroxide, also
called "lye" or "caustic soda", whose chemical formula is NaOH, and a still
better other substance which is potassium hydroxide or "caustic potash
"(chemical formula KOH), which can also be purchased on the web.
NaOH is that KOH are very caustic materials and should be handled with
the utmost care.
The great researcher Bob Boyce of the United States is one of the most
experienced people for the construction and use of boosters of different
He has kindly shared the information on how to stay safe when mixing
and using these chemicals.
Bob says that these materials are highly caustic and so they need to be
handled carefully and kept away from contact with the skin, and more
importantly, from the eyes.
For the preparation of a solution, then, they must add small amounts of
KOH to distilled water held in a container.
The container must not be glass as it is not of sufficient strength to be a
suitable material to mix the electrolyte.
The KOH itself must always be kept in a suitable container sealed, clearly
labeled "DANGER - potassium (or sodium) hydroxide."
We should keep it, then, in a safe place, where it can not be reached by
children, pets or people that can not read the label.
If the supply of KOH is delivered in a strong plastic bag, once opened, you
have to transfer all of its contents in sturdy plastic containers airtight that
you can open and close without any risk of spilling the contents.
Hardware stores sell large plastic containers with airtight lids that can be
used for this purpose.
When working with dry KOH flakes or granules, you must use protective
goggles, rubber gloves, a long sleeved shirt, socks and long pants.
When mixing the electrolyte, then, you should never use hot water; the
water must be cold because the chemical reaction between the water and
the KOH generates a large amount of heat.
If possible, place the mixing container in a larger container filled with cold
water, which will help keep the temperature down, and if your mixture
starts to "boil" will contain the spill.
If, despite all precautions, it happens the contact of the KOH solution with
the skin, wash thoroughly with cold running water and apply some
The vinegar is acidic, and will help to balance the alkalinity of the KOH,
you can also use lemon juice if you do not have vinegar to hand - but it's
always a good idea to have a bottle of vinegar at your fingertips hand.
We were taught in school that metals conduct electricity, but what was not
mentioned, probably, was the fact that some metals, such as stainless
steel, are poor conductors and it is for this that the electrical cables they
are made with copper wires and not steel.
We observe in the figure below as the current flows into the plates of an
The fact of having bends and curves in the plates has no significant effect
on current flow.
In general, the heating caused by this cause is low and not of great
concern, but provide a larger surface area to the plate, this reduces the
power loss component making its operation more efficient.
Then, to form a 20% "weight" mixture of NaOH and distilled water, 200
grams of NaOH are added (very slowly and carefully, as explained above
by Bob) to about 800 cc of cold distilled water and the electrolyte volume
product will be about 800 cc.
When KOH is used, the optimal concentration is 28% by weight, and then,
280 g of KOH are added (very slowly and carefully, as explained above by
Bob) at only 720 cc of cold distilled water.
Both of these electrolytes have a much lower freezing point than water
and this can be a very useful feature for people who live in places that
have very cold winters.
Another factor that influences the current flow through the electrolyte is
the distance that the current must travel through the electrolyte - the
greater the distance, the greater the resistance.
To cope with this we are able to use an electronic circuit called a "Pulse-
Width Modulator" (or "PWM") circuit.
These are often sold as "DC Motor Speed controllers" and he bought one,
will want to choose one that can handle at least 30 amps of current.
A PWM circuit operates in a very simple way, as turns on and off the
current flowing to the electrolyzer many times each second.
The current is controlled by how long (in seconds) is On, compared to how
long it disattivata- Off.
For example, if the On time is twice longer than the switch-off time
(66%), then the average current flow will be much greater than it would if
the On time were only half of the off time (33% ).
When using a PWM controller, it is normal to place the control knob near
the dashboard and to mount a simple and inexpensive ammeter to the left
so that the driver can increase or decrease the current flow deemed
There is a controller circuit, more sophisticated, called: "CCPWM" which
lets you select the current you want, so that the circuit always maintains
the set value.
Some of the more simple boosters not using a PWM circuit for controlling
the current flow by means of a very low electrolyte concentration, so that
the resistance to current flow through the plates, is kept always lower
than the maximum level endured.
This device, of course, is much less efficient and causes the resistance of
the electrolyte, however, a heating which, in turn, is a problem that must
be accurately resolved, the advantage is that the system is more simple.
Safety standards..........................................................................35
Simple direct current references ....................................................35
Technological safeguards ..............................................................45
The electrolyte.............................................................................48
The concentration of the electrolyte................................................51