ITI1100 Lab Manual12021-2022
ITI1100 Lab Manual12021-2022
ITI1100 Lab Manual12021-2022
Laboratory Experiments
Winter 2020
Please be available at the beginning of the laboratory session. Lab sessions will start by taking
the attendance, and then there will be a 15-20 minute introduction in which the TAs will explain
the experiment. During this time you may ask your TAs any questions about the experiment.
Absence from any lab session will result in a zero lab mark and the report will not be accepted.
Working group
Laboratory groups will consist of two students only. Students are required to stay in the same
group and with the same TA for the whole semester. Every group performing the experiment is
required to record their data on page(s) and this should be seen and signed by the TA. The data
should be attached to the submitted report. One lab report is expected from each group after
each lab. The lab report should be prepared according to the guidelines outlined in the next
page. If you are in doubt, please ask your TA. Reports are due one week from the date of
performing the experiments. Marked reports will be returned in the following lab session. Late
submission of lab reports will result in a 5% deduction for each late day.
Laboratory rules
Do not place your coat, bags etc. on the bench.
Observe caution in working with equipment to avoid any risk to yourself and to your
partner or cause damage to the lab or lab equipment.
Have your circuit checked by the TA before you switch it ON.
Clean your bench before you leave. Any trash should be put in its place.
Stay at your workbench and not wonder around the lab.
No food or drinks are permitted in the labs.
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Here is a list and brief description of the different sections a laboratory report should contain.
Note that the purpose of a laboratory report is to present your results to others and, as such,
should be well presented. Reports that are deemed of unacceptable quality will not be corrected.
Cover page
A cover page should include the title of the experiment, student names and numbers and the date
in which the experiment was performed.
State the main objectives and all sub-objectives. Also state any laws/rules that will be verified.
Circuit diagram
Draw circuit diagrams to be tested or used in the lab with all the values and component types
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In order to test the various scenarios and circuits presented in this laboratory, some equipment
will be needed. These will be listed and described in this section.
Truth Tables
The logic function for a single gate or a complete circuit using many gates can be easily
represented in a logic truth table or a logic expression. The layout for 1 and 2 input variable
truth tables is given in the following tables.
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Table 2.2.2: Example truth table, single variable
Input = A
Output = X
The logic expression for each gate output node is determined as follows:
X = A B
Z = Y C
The analysis of the circuit is performed by predicting its theoretical operation in a truth table.
The function has three variables named A, B, and C. Three variables will produce a total of
eight input combinations, which are listed in the truth table. Next, each of the gate output nodes
are listed and then predicted, as shown in Table 2.2.3.
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Table 2.2.3: Truth table prediction
0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 0
The overall function of the circuit is represented by output Z for the corresponding inputs A, B,
and C. Note that the resultant function for this circuit is equivalent to a 3-input NAND gate and
therefore, the expression would be equivalent to:
Z = A B C
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This section will contain an overview of the Altera DE2-115 card. Information regarding the
physical characteristics of the card, the connections or any information that is not related to
software will be found in this section
3.1 - LAYOUT
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However; the Altera DE2-115 cards’ push buttons use negative logic. This means a
button that is pushed produces a LOW signal and will produce a HIGH signal
All connections are built into the board, with no need for additional wiring for basic
See Appendix for details on the switches, LEDs, 7 segment display, and the button
connections of the card.
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The Quartus II 13.0 Service-Pack 1 software used in the lab is freely available on the download
centre section of Altera’s website ( Select the version
from the drop down list at the top. (13.0 Service Pack 1 at time of writing). Download Quartus
II Software. (Figure 4.1.1)
It is important that you use version 13.0 as it the only version that supports the DE2-115
chip set.
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Sign in or sign up for myAltera, follow the instructions to begin your download. Once
downloaded, run the installer.
1. Click next.
2. In the License Agreement page: you must read very carefully the End User Licence
Agreement, agree to the terms, and click next.
3. In the Installation directory page: choose an Install path as well as the desired name for
the program folder and click next.
4. In the Select Components page: Select all components for Quartus II Web Edition (Free)
4. Click next twice (do not add other files to the project, we can do this later).
o At this point you should be at the “Family & Device Settings [page 3 of 5]”.
o Make sure the page is configured exactly like Figure 4.2.2.
o First select the family as Cyclone IV E
o Then select the EP4CE115F29C7 as the device.
o If needed, this can be changed later in “Assignment” “Devices”
5. Click next again and finish. Your project is now created. You should notice the project
files on the left of the Quartus window.
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Figure 4.2.2: Project manager
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Figure 4.3.1: Creation menu
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Figure 4.3.3: Add component menu
6. Navigate the “Libraries” to display the different categories of symbols (Figure 4.3.4).
o Alternatively, the name of a symbol can be entered in the name field. Note that
the name must be an exact match.
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Common components can be found in:
It is good practice to give significant names to the inputs and outputs placed. This can be
done by double clicking on the name label of components on the schematic.
Components can be dragged and dropped to arrange them as desired (Figure 4.3.5).
Making connections
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Figure 4.3.7: 3 components connected
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Creating a simulation file
To simulate a circuit, a simulation file must be created:
1. Go to the file menu and click on new.
2. Select ‘University Program VWF’ from the list (Figure 4.5.1) and click OK.
o The Simulation Waveform Editor should be displayed (Figure 4.5.2)
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Assign nodes to simulation
Next is to assign inputs and outputs of the circuit to the simulation. To add them:
3. In the Simulation Waveform Editor right click on the left portion of the window.
4. Select Insert Node or Bus (Figure 4.5.3).
o A new window will appear
5. Click on “Node Finder…” (Figure 4.5.4)
6. In Node Finder, click list.
o Your I/O pins should appear in the left box (Figure 4.5.5)
7. Select desired pins and press the ‘>’ icon. OR select ‘>>’ to add all.
8. Click ok twice
o You should now be back in the Simulation Waveform Editor.
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Figure 4.5.5: Adding nodes to the list
Generating Signals
In order to obtain a simulation, we are required to specify inputs. For the simulation to be
complete and cover the entire input space (every possible input), all possible input combination
will have been tested on the circuit.
To generate a signal:
9. In the Simulation Waveform Editor, select the desired input and choose Overwrite Clock
in the icons ( ) on the top.
o The window of Figure 4.5.7 will be displayed.
10. Choose a base value for the time period such as 10, 20ns, etc. and a duty cycle of 50%,
and click OK
11. Repeat with all other inputs, each time doubling previous value.
o The inputs now have values (Figure 4.5.8).
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To set maximum simulation time:
12. Go to Edit and select End Time.
13. Enter a maximum value large enough that the largest period will be displayed completely
and click OK (Figure 4.5.9).
o You should now be back in the Simulation Waveform Editor.
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Figure 4.5.9: Setting end time
Last stage is to simulate:
14. In the Simulation Waveform Editor, select Simulation and choose options.
15. Select “Quartus II Simulator” and click ok.
o Ignore warnings as they are only for other boards.
16. Select Simulation again and choose Run Functional Simulation.
o The simulation will begin
o When completed, a report window will appear (Figure 4.5.10).
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This sections consists in assigning the pins of the schematic to actual pins of the chip:
1. In the main window, go to Assignment and selecting “Pin Planner” (Figure 4.6.1).
o The pin planner window will be displayed (Figure 4.6.2).
o If the chip diagram does not appear, then you must set the device; see step 4
Section 4.2 - Creating a new project
2. In the pin list below the diagram, assign the appropriate pin locations to your circuit’s
Type the pin ID into the Locations column (Ex, PIN_G19 for the 0th red LED)
o Use Appendix 6.1 - Pin Assignments to determine which pins to use for IO, or use
the suggested pins (according to each specific experiments).
o If the pins do not show, try recompiling you project.
2. Once the schematic pins have all the pins have been assigned (Figure 4.6.3), the window
can be closed.
3. Recompile your project so your changes will be available for programming.
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Figure 4.6.2: Pin planner window
To test your circuit on the DE2-115, the compiled file must be uploaded. To do so:
1. First turn on the Altera DE2-115 Board by pressing the red button near the top left
corner of the board.
2. In the main Quartus window, select the Tools menu on top, select “Programmer”
o The programmer window will open (Figure 4.7.1).
2. Ensure the device is “USB Blaster” and the “JTAG” mode is selected near top of
screen (Figure 4.7.1).
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If “USB Blaster” does not appear:
Select Hardware Setup. A new window will appear (Figure 4.7.2)
Next to “Currently selected hardware” select USB-Blaster from the
drop down list (Figure 4.7.2)
If “USB-Blaster” is not an option, close the window and reopen.
3. Ensure the file listed is the one you wish to load on the card.
4. On the Altera DE2-115 Board, set the “Programming mode switch” to “run” (bottom
left of board, see Figure 3.1.1).
5. In the programmer window, click Start.
After the program confirms the programming has taken place, your circuit is on the card.
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Figure 4.7.2: Programmer window
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The 7 segment display of the DEP-115 card is internally connected to the Cyclone IV.
To use the 7 segment display, specific pins have to be set as output:
When assigning pins in the pin planner ensure you associate each output to the proper pin
using Table 4.8.1.
The segments of the 7 segment display can be seen in Figure 4.8.1.
o The decimal points on the 7 segment displays cannot be used.
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o Construct simple combinational logic circuits from a schematic.
o Experimentally determine the functional operation of simple combinational logic
o Identify equivalent logic gates to those produced by various circuit configurations
from the resulting truth table.
o Connect various gates together to create simple logic functions.
o Analyse combinational logic circuits and predict their operation.
o Construct and test more complex combinational logic circuits.
1. Write the logic expression of the circuits presented in Figure 5.1.1, Figure 5.1.2 and
Figure 5.1.3.
2. Find their truth table
1. Create a new project in Quartus. (see Section 4.2 - Creating a new project)
2. Add a block diagram sheet to the project and draw the logic diagram of the circuit
presented in Figure 5.1.1. (see Section 4.3 - Creating a new schematic file)
3. Compile the project (see Section 4.4 - Compiling the project)
4. Create a simulation and take a screen shot of the results. (see Section 4.5 - Simulating
a circuit)
5. Assign pins to inputs (switches) and outputs (LEDs). (see Section 4.6 - Pin
6. Recompile and upload the compiled file to the Altera DE2-115 card (see Section 4.7 -
Loading project on the card)
7. Experimentally find out the truth table of the logic circuit loaded on the card:
Use each combination of the input logic variables from the truth table as the
inputs to your circuit.
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Verify that the actual output of the circuit matches the corresponding output from
the truth table you have theoretically derived.
8. Repeat step 2 to 8 for circuits of Figure 5.1.2 and Figure 5.1.3.
9. Identify the equivalent logic gate of each circuit
The theoretical operation of a combinational logic circuit can be predicted by analysing the
circuit’s output for every possible input combination. The circuit analysis for each input
combination is performed by determining the output of each gate, working from the input side of
the circuit to the output. We will later discover shortcuts to speed up the analysis process.
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Logic circuits may be functionally equivalent. They may perform the same function (i.e. their
logic truth tables are identical) but be constructed from different logic gates or interconnected in
an entirely different manner. In fact we will find that often a complex logic circuit can be
replaced with a much simpler one that performs the identical function.
Analyse the circuit in Figure 5.1.4 and determine its truth table.
Figure 5.1.4: Schematic for the example below
J = AB+ A C
Since the logic circuit has 3 input variables, a truth table (Table 5.1.1) listing all 8 possible
combinations needs to be constructed. To do so:
Create a separate output column in the truth table for each logic gate in the circuit.
Label the column to represent the gate function or output node name.
Determine the output for every gate in the circuit for each row in the truth table.
Determine the output of the overall circuit for each row in the truth table.
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 0 1 0 1
Table 5.1.1: Truth table analysis for the above example
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1. Write the Boolean logic expression of the circuits in Figure 5.1.5, Figure 5.1.6, Figure
5.1.7, and Figure 5.1.8.
2. Find their truth table.
1. Add a block diagram sheet to the project and draw the logic diagram of the circuit
represented in Figure 5.1.5. (see Section 4.3 - Creating a new schematic file)
2. Compile the project (see Section 4.4 - Compiling the project)
3. Create a simulation and note the results. (see Section 4.5 - Simulating a circuit)
4. Assign pins to inputs (switches) and outputs (LEDs). (see Section 4.6 - Pin
5. Recompile and upload the compiled file to the Altera DE2-115 card (see Section 4.7 -
Loading project on the card)
6. Find out the truth table of the logic function that is implemented by your circuit:
Using each combination of the input logic variables from the truth table as the
inputs to your circuit.
Verify that the output of the circuit matches the corresponding output from the
truth table you have derived above.
7. Repeat step 1 to 7 for the circuits of Figure 5.1.6, Figure 5.1.7, and Figure 5.1.8.
Figure 5.1.5: Exclusive OR circuit
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Figure 5.1.7: OR circuit
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Simplify logic functions starting from their logic truth tables or Boolean expressions.
Synthesize, implement and test minimized combinational circuits.
Devise and design combinational logic circuits from specifications.
Implement combinational circuits using any type of available logic gates.
Implement combinational circuits using NAND gates only.
1. Draw the logic circuit that implements the above logic function.
2. Derive the truth table of Y as a function of logic variables A, B, C and D.
3. Use the rules of Boolean algebra to simplify the expression obtained in (1) as much as
1. Create a new project in Quartus
2. Add a block diagram sheet to the project and draw the logic diagram of the circuit
that implements the minimised function found in pre-lab.
3. Compile the project
4. Create a simulation and note the results.
5. Assign pins to inputs (switches) and outputs (LEDs) (use Appendix 6.1 - ).
6. Recompile and upload the compiled file to the DE2-115
7. Find experimentally the truth table of your circuit:
Apply each combination of the logic variables A, B, C and D to its inputs.
Verify that the output of the minimized circuit matches the corresponding output
from the truth table you initially found.
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Part II – Combinational Logic Circuits minimization by the Karnaugh Map
A logic function is given by the following truth table
0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 1 0
2 0 0 1 0 1
3 0 0 1 1 0
4 0 1 0 0 0
5 0 1 0 1 0
6 0 1 1 0 0
7 0 1 1 1 0
8 1 0 0 0 1
9 1 0 0 1 1
10 1 0 1 0 1
11 1 0 1 1 1
12 1 1 0 0 0
13 1 1 0 1 0
14 1 1 1 0 1
15 1 1 1 1 0
Table 5.2.1: Truth table of Part II logic function
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CD 00 01 11 10
0 1 3 2
4 5 7 6
12 13 15 14
8 9 11 10
1. Add a block diagram sheet to the project and draw the logic diagram of the SOP
minimised circuit with NAND gates.
2. Compile the project.
3. Assign pins to inputs (switches) and outputs (LEDs) (use Appendix 6.1 - ).
4. Recompile and upload the compiled file to the DE2-115.
5. Find out the truth table of the minimized circuit that you have built with NAND gates,
by applying each combination of the logic variables A, B, C and D to its inputs.
6. Verify that its output matches the corresponding output from the given truth table.
7. Repeat your experiment using the logic diagram of the POS minimized circuit.
8. Show that the POS minimized circuit and SOP minimized circuit is equivalent.
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Figure 5.2.2: Block diagram of a prime number detector with AND Gates
1. Devise and write down the truth table of P as a function of logic variables D3, D2, D1
and D0 using Table 5.2.2.
N D3 D2 D1 D0 P
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 1 0
3 0 0 1 1
4 0 1 0 0
5 0 1 0 1
6 0 1 1 0
7 0 1 1 1
8 1 0 0 0
9 1 0 0 1
10 1 0 1 0
11 1 0 1 1
12 1 1 0 0
13 1 1 0 1
14 1 1 1 0
15 1 1 1 1
Table 5.2.2: Truth table of prime number detector
2. Derive the canonical sum-of-products (SOP) expression of the function P(D3, D2, D1,
D0) from its truth table.
3. Use the Karnaugh map method to reduce this canonical SOP expression to the
simplest SOP form.
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4. Use the De Morgan’s theorems to express the simplest SOP in terms of NAND
operators; implement this expression using NAND gates only.
5. Using Boolean algebra, try to minimize further the simplest SOP, at the expense of
increasing the number of levels of logic gates.
1. Add a block diagram sheet to the project and draw the logic diagram of the circuit
with NAND gates.
2. Compile the project
3. Assign pins to inputs (switches) and outputs (LEDs) (use Appendix 6.1 - ).
4. Recompile and upload the compiled file to the DE2-115.
5. Experimentally find the truth table of your circuit by applying all input numbers from
0 to 15 in binary form.
6. Verify that the output of the minimized circuit matches the corresponding output from
the truth table your prepared truth table.
7. Add a block diagram sheet to the project and draw the logic diagram of the minimised
8. Compile the project
9. Assign pins to inputs (switches) and outputs (LEDs).
10. Recompile and upload the compiled file to the DE2-115.
11. Show that your minimized circuit is equivalent with the previous one that
implemented the simplest SOP form by verifying experimentally that they have
identical truth tables.
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Analyse, construct and test a simple 2-to-4 decoder.
Construct and test a seven-segment decoder display.
Analyse, construct and test a simple multiplexer.
A decoder is a combinational circuit with one or more outputs, each of which activates in
response to a unique binary input value.
For example, a 2-to-4 decoder shown in Figure 5.3.1, has two inputs, D0 and D1, and four
outputs, Y0, Y1, Y2 and Y3. Only one output is active at any time.
D1 Y0
D0 Y1
2-to-4 decoder
Figure 5.3.1: A 2-to-4 decoder
The circuit for the 2-to-4 decoder is shown below in Figure 5.3.2. Each AND gate is configured
so that its output goes HIGH with a particular value of D1D0. In general, the active output is the
one whose subscript is equivalent to the binary value of the input.
For example, if D1D0 = 10, only the AND gate for output Y2 has two HIGH inputs and therefore
Y2 will have a HIGH output and all others a LOW output.
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For the circuit of Figure 5.3.2,
1. Write the logic expression for each output Y0, Y1, Y2 and Y3.
2. Give the truth table for each output Y0, Y1, Y2 and Y3.
1. Create a new project in Quartus
2. Add a block diagram sheet to the project and draw the logic diagram of the circuit
(Figure 5.3.2).
3. Compile the project
4. Assign pins to inputs (switches) and outputs (LEDs) (use Appendix 6.1 - ).
5. Recompile and upload the compiled file to the DE2-115
6. Experimentally verify that the output of the circuit by create a truth table using all
input combinations.
7. Compare the experimental truth table with your prepared truth table from pre-lab.
8. From the circuit, determine the output when D1D0 = 01.
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Part II – Decoder and Seven Segment Display
Decoder circuits are available for various kinds of display devices such as 7-segment displays. A
7-segment display is commonly used to display the decimal characters 0-9. The display
segments are often constructed using light emitting diodes (LEDs) in which the appropriate LED
segments are forward-biased (meaning LED is on) for the desired symbol shape. Decoder
circuits control the LED for the display of the appropriate characters for the data being input.
The pin-out configuration for a typical, 7-segment display is illustrated in Figure 5.3.3.
Standard BCD-to-7-segment decoder chips are available to provide the necessary signals for a 7-
segment LED display device to produce the decimal characters of 0 through 9. Quartus contains
several standard chips that can be used to in a circuit to simulate the actual chip. For this lab, use
the chip ‘7447’ for the seven segment display.
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For the circuit in Figure 5.3.4:
A multiplexer (abbreviated MUX) is a device for switching one of several digital signals to an
output, under the control of another set of binary inputs. The inputs to be switched are called the
data inputs; those that determine which signal is directed to the output are called the select
The multiplexer of Figure 5.3.5 has data inputs labelled D3 to D0 and the select inputs labelled S1
and S0.
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For the circuit in Figure 5.3.5:
1. Determine the kind of multiplexer the circuit represents (i.e. is it a 2-1 MUX or a 4-1
2. Write the Boolean expression that describes this MUX.
3. From the Boolean expression, determine what Y is when S1S0 = 01.
4. Determine the truth table with S1 and S0 as the selection inputs, D0, D1, D2 and D3 as the
data inputs and Y as the output. (using ‘X’ to represent don’t care terms)
1. Create a new project in Quartus
2. Add a block diagram sheet to the project and draw the logic diagram of the circuit (Figure
3. Compile the project.
4. Assign pins to inputs (switches) and outputs (LEDs) (use Appendix 6.1 - ).
5. Recompile and upload the compiled file to the DE2-115
6. Obtain the experimental truth table by using each combination of the inputs from the
truth table as the inputs to the circuit. Verify that the output of the circuit matches the
corresponding output from the truth table obtained theoretically.
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Create and simulate a full adder, assign pins to the design, and test it on the Altera
DE2-115 circuit board.
Use a full adder as a component in an 8-bit adder/subtractor.
Create a hierarchical design, including components for full adders and seven-segment
decoders, using the QUARTUS II graphic editor.
Design an overflow detector for use in a two’s complement adder/subtractor.
Arithmetic Circuits
Circuits for performing binary arithmetic are based on half adders, which add two bits and
produce a sum and carry, and full adders, which also account for a carry added from the lesser-
significant bit.
o Full adders can be grouped together to make a parallel binary adder, with n full
adders allowing two n-bit numbers to be added, generating an n-bit sum and a carry
o A parallel adder can be converted to a two’s complement adder/subtractor by
including XOR functions on the inputs of one set of operand bits, say input B,
allowing the operations A + B or A - B to be performed.
o A control input, SUB (for SUBtract):
o If HIGH it causes the XORs to invert the B bits, producing the ones complement
of B.
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o If HIGH and the carry is HIGH then the result is ( A + B +1 = A B)
o If LOW, it transfers B to the parallel adder without modification.
o If LOW, and the carry input is HIGH then then the result is B+1
o Sign-bit overflow occurs when a two’s complement sum of difference exceeds the
permissible range of numbers for a given bit size.
o This can be detected by an SOP circuit that compares the operands and result sign
bits of a parallel adder if the 2’s complement is used to represent the.
1. Create a new project in Quartus
2. Add a block diagram sheet to the project and draw the logic diagram of the circuit
represented in Figure 5.4.1.
3. Compile the project
4. Create and run a simulation for the full adder and show it to your instructor.
5. Assign pins to inputs (switches) and outputs (LEDs) (use Appendix 6.1 - ).
6. Recompile and upload the compiled file to the DE2-115
7. Take the experimental truth table of the full adder to verify its operation. Show the
results to your instructor.
1. In Table 5.4.2, giving the expected sum in both binary and hexadecimal. Show the
carry output separately. Below are examples of addition with separate carry output.
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e.g.: 10111111 + 10000001 = 01000000 (Carry output = 1)
1. Use the circuit of part I to create a full adder block (see Section 4.9 - Creating a
symbol from a circuit).
2. Add a block diagram sheet to the project and draw the logic diagram of an 8-bit
parallel adder using the full adder block.
3. Simulate your circuit with the inputs of Table 5.4.2 and compare your results. Show
your simulation to your instructor.
4. Compile the project
5. For inputs and outputs (use Appendix 6.1 - ):
Assign input pins to switches
Assign numerical output pins to red LEDs.
Assign carry output pins to green a LED.
Ensure that your input switches and output LEDs are in order of decreasing
6. Recompile and upload the compiled file to the DE2-115
7. Test the operation of the 8-bit parallel adder by applying the combinations of inputs A
and B listed in Table 5.4.2. Show the results to your instructor.
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Part III – Two’s Complement Adder/Subtractor (Optional)
1. Follow the examples shown to add the signed binary numbers in Table 5.4.3, giving
the sum in both binary and hexadecimal. Show the carry and overflow outputs
separately from the sum.
o Carry output maintains the same functionality as before, and does not need to be
modified for signed arithmetic.
1. Modify the 8-bit adder you created to make an 8-bit two’s complement
2. Include an overflow detector for when the output of the adder/ subtractor overflows
beyond the permissible range of the values for an 8-bit (2’s complement) signed
3. Compile the project
4. For inputs and outputs (use Appendix 6.1 - ):
Assign pins same as for the 8-bit adder.
Assign Add/Sub input to a switch.
Assign overflow output to a green LED.
5. Recompile and upload the compiled file to the DE2-115
6. Test the operation of the circuit by applying the A and B inputs from Table 5.4.3.
Show the results to your instructor.
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Table 5.4.3: Sample sums and differences for an 8-bit adder/subtractor
Binary Inputs Overflow Carry Binary Sum Hex Equivalent Two’s Compl.
01111111 + 00000001
11111111 + 00000001
00000000 - 00000001
00000000 - 01111111
11000000 + 01000000
11000000 + 10000000
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Provide insight into the characteristics of several important latches and flip-flops.
Build latches and flip-flops from basic gates.
Explain concepts of latching and edge-triggering.
Test latches and flip-flops to understand their operation
A sequential circuit is a digital circuit whose output depends not only on the present combination
of input, but also on the history of the circuit.
A sequential circuit element is a basic memory element that can store 1 bit. There are two basic
types of sequential circuit elements: the latch and the flip-flop. The difference is the condition
under which the stored bit changes.
Part I – SR Latch
The simplest sequential circuit element is the SR latch. It presents two asynchronous inputs (SET
–that makes the device store a logic 1 and RESET – an input that makes the device store a logic
0) and two complementary outputs, Q and Q that are always in opposite logic states (Figure
The four possible input combinations will generate the following actions of the latch:
S R Action
0 0 Output does not change from the previous state
1 0 SET
1 1 Forbidden condition: output depends on
implementation of SR latch
Table 5.5.1: SR latch truth table
A SR latch can be implemented both with NOR (Figure 5.5.2) or NAND gates
1. Create a new project in Quartus
2. Add a block diagram sheet to the project and draw the logic diagram of the NAND
SR latch
3. Compile the project
4. Assign pins to inputs (switches) and outputs (LEDs) (use Appendix 6.1 - ).
5. Recompile and upload the compiled file to the DE2-115
6. Experimentally find out the function table of the SR latch that you have built, i.e.,
Qt+1= f(S, R, Qt)) by applying each allowed combination to its inputs.
Part II – D Latch
The forbidden state is eliminated in the D latch (Figure 5.5.3). This latch has two operating
modes that are controlled by the ENABLE input (EN): when the EN is active, the latch output
follows the data input (D) and when EN is inactive, the latch stores the data that was present
when EN was last active.
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Figure 5.5.3: D latch implemented with a SR latch
A Flip-Flop is a gated latch with a clock input. The flip-flop output changes when its CLOCK
input (CLK) detects an edge. This sequential circuit element is edge-sensitive (and not level-
sensitive, as the latch).
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Figure 5.5.4: D flip-flop
Table 5.5.3 shows that the D input is sampled during the positive edge of the clock signal (CLK)
and it is stored in the D Flip-Flop and presented to its output. Any other changes that may occur
at the both CLK and D inputs, while the CLK input is stable (at 0 or 1) or it is down going, will
have no effect to the flip-flop state and its output.
CLK D Qt +1 Qt +1 Function
↑ 0 0 1 RESET
↑ 1 1 0 SET
0 X Qt Qt Inhibited
1 X Qt Qt Inhibited
Table 5.5.3: Truth table of positive edge triggered type D latch
1. Add a block diagram sheet to the project and draw the block diagram of the D flip-
flop from Figure 5.5.4.
2. Compile the project
3. For inputs and outputs (use Appendix 6.1 - ).
Assign D to a switch
Assign CLK to a push button
Assign output to any LED
4. Recompile and upload the compiled file to the DE2-115
5. Experimentally determine on which edge of the CLK signal triggering occurs.
o Recall that the push buttons operate on negative logic
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Make note in your lab report the procedures you have used.
2. Experimentally find out the function table of the D flip-flop that you have built, and
compare it with the one given above.
Part IV – T Flip-Flop
A T Flip-Flop is a flip-flop whose output toggles between HIGH and LOW on each clock pulse
when input T is active. A T flip-flop can be constructed using a D flip-flop.
1. Add a block diagram sheet to the project and draw the logic diagram of a T flip-flop
using D flip-flop from Part III.
o You will need to create a block diagram of your D flip-flop.
2. Compile the project.
3. For inputs and outputs (use Appendix 6.1 - ).
Assign T to a switch
Assign CLK to a push button
Assign output to any LED
4. Recompile and upload the compiled file to the DE2-115
5. Experimentally find out the excitation table of the built T flip-flop.
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Upon completion of this laboratory exercise, you should be able to:
Design synchronous counters
Simulate the functions of the various counters in this laboratory exercise.
Display counter outputs as binary values on LEDs and test these counters.
Design Notes
The count sequence is the starting point in the design of synchronous counters; it can be
specified by a table or a state diagram.
Since the state codes are represented by 4 bits, there are required 4 flip-flops to implement the
synchronous counter.
While synchronous counters can be designed using any type of flip-flop, JK and D flip-flops
are commonly used for this function; our example is making use of JK flip-flops.
The corresponding JK inputs are derived for every transition from the excitation table of the JK
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Present state(n) Next state(n+1) Q3 input Q2 input Q1 input Q0 input
Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 J3 K3 J2 K2 J 1 K1 J0 K0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 x 0 x 0 x 0 x
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 x 0 x x 1
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 x 0 x x 0 1 x
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 x 0 x x 1 x 0
0 1 0 0 x x x x x x x x x x x x
0 1 0 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x
0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 x x 1 x 0 0 x
0 1 1 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x
1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 x 0 1 x 0 x 0 x
1 0 0 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x
1 0 1 0 x x x x x x x x x x x x
1 0 1 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 x 0 x 0 0 x 1 x
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 x 0 x 0 1 x x 0
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 x 1 x 0 x 0 0 x
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x 1
Table 5.6.1: Truth table of counter
The equations of the synchronous inputs are found from the corresponding Karnaugh maps.
Don’t care terms are marked with x’s
Unused states are marked with bold x’s
Q1Q0 00 01 11 10 Q1Q0 00 01 11 10
Q3Q2 Q3Q2
0 1 0 0 0 00 x x x x
01 x x x 0 01 x x x x
11 x x x x 11 0 0 0 1
10 x x x x 10 0 x x x
J 3 = Q1 Q0 K 3 = Q1 Q0
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Q1Q0 00 01 11 10 Q1Q0 00 01 11 10
Q3Q2 Q3Q2
00 0 0 0 0 00 x x x x
01 x x x x 01 x x x 1
11 x x x x 11 0 0 0 0
10 1 x x x 10 x x x x
J 2 = Q3 K 2 = Q3
Q1Q0 00 01 11 10 Q1Q0 00 01 11 10
Q3Q2 Q3Q2
00 0 x x 1 00 x 1 0 x
01 x x x 0 01 x x x x
11 1 x x 0 11 x 0 1 x
10 0 x x x 10 x x x x
J 0 = Q2 xorQ1 J1 = Q3 xorQ1
Table 5.6.5: JK Flip-flop 0 Karnaugh map
1. Create a new Quartus project
2. Add a block diagram sheet to the project and draw the logic diagram of the 4 bit
synchronous counter given in Figure 5.6.2.
3. Compile the project
4. Simulate your circuit
4. Assign pins to inputs (button) and outputs (LEDs) (use Appendix 6.1 - ).
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5. Upload the compiled file to the DE2-115
6. Find experimentally the count table of your synchronous counter by pressing the
pushbutton until you rollover a full counting sequence.
7. Verify that the output of your synchronous counter matches the corresponding the
state diagram you were initially given. Demonstrate the operation of your circuit to
your instructor.
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Table 6.1.4: Pin assignments for push buttons
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