Acceptance Sampling
Acceptance Sampling
Acceptance Sampling
3.1 Introduction
• Sampling inspection.
these risks are quantified and the sampling criteria are adjusted to balance
3.2 Definition
to standard, the type of inspection procedure employed is called as
acceptance sampling.
3.2.1 Characteristics
3.2.2 Procedure
3.3.2 Rejectable Quality Level (RQL)
Defective". (L.T.P.D.).
inspection, including all accepted and all rejected lots that have been 100%
excepted quality in the long run. Over a short period, the outgoing quality
AOQ =Pa.Pi(N-n)/N
Pa = Probability of acceptance,
3.3.5 Average Outgoing Quality Limit (AOQL)
For any given lot size, sample size and acceptance number there is
passed forward will not rise, no matter how bad the quality of the lots when
very bad, outgoing quality will also be perfect, because sampling will
cause all lots to be rejected, which are subjected to 100% inspection and
• Testing is destructive.
rates is sufficiently low to make no inspection an unsatisfactory
quality improvements.
• There are risks of accepting bad lots and rejecting good lots.
• Acceptance sampling requires planning and documentation of the
3.6.1 Definition
which lot sizes, sample sizes, and acceptance or rejection criteria, along
Another way of classification is (i) Single Sampling Plan (ii) Double
Sampling Plan (iii) Multiple Sampling Plan and (iv) Sequential Sampling
random from the lot and the disposition of the lot is determined based on
information in that sample is made either to (i) accept the lot (ii) reject the
lot or (iii) take a second sample. If the second sample is taken, the
information from both the first and second sample is combined in order to
disposition of the lot. Sample sizes are usually smaller than they are in
29 Sequential Sampling Plan
are selected one at a time from a lot and following the inspection of this
unit, a decision is made either to accept the lot or to reject the lot or to take
sampling plan is the operating characteristic curve. This curve plots the
probability of accepting the lot versus the lot fraction defective. A sample
O.C. curve for n = 89, c = 2; is shown in Fig. 3.1. The ideal OC curve for
as a process average.
P robability O f Acceptance
Fig.3.1: OC Curve
P robability Of Acceptance
an isolated lot of finite lot size. The exact sampling distribution of the
is to require that the O.C. curve pass through two designated points.
In general, it does not matter which two points are specified. If we wish to
for lots with fraction defective P-i and probability of acceptance is (3 for lots
p = n1/d1(n-d)1 P2d (1-P2)n'd
In this method, two lines are drawn on the nomograph, one connecting pi
and 1-a, and the other connecting p2 and p. The intersection of these two
lines gives the region of the nomograph, in which desired sampling plan is
described above, tabular procedures are available for the same purpose.
These plans were developed in the year 1920 and enjoy extensive
industrial use. Two types of sampling plans are presented in the tables.
One set of tables for LTPD protection and another set of tables that
3.9.1 AOQL Plans
This table give AOQL sampling plans for AOQL values of 0.1%,
0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 7% and 10%.
For each of these AOQL values, six classes of values for the process
average are specified. Tables are provided for both single and double
sampling. These plans have been designed so that the average total
minimum [5].
of lot acceptance at the LTPD is 0.1. Tables are provided for LTPD values
of 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 7% and 10%. Tables are provided
developed during World War II. MILSTD 105D is the most widely used
version of the standard, MIL STD 105 A was released in 1950. Since than,
there have been three revisions, the latest version MIL STD 105 D, was
issued in 1963.
sampling: single, double and multiple sampling. For each type of sampling,
The sample size used in MIL STD 105 D is determined by the lot
size and by the choice of inspection levels. There are three general
inspection levels and four special inspection levels. For a specified AQL,
inspection levels and lot size, MIL STD 105 D provides a sampling plan.
producer’s risk end of the OC curve. The only control over the
inspection levels.
• The sample sizes used in MIL STD 105D are 2,3,5,8,13,20,
that all sample sizes are not available for use. There are also some
and 315.
• The sample sizes are related to lot sizes. The sample size will
increase when the lot size increases. But the ratio of sample size to
Apart from certain draw backs particular for the respective tabled
schemes, all the tabled sampling schemes does not offer the flexibility
3.11 Conclusion
In Chapter 5 problems are formulated based upon these disadvantages.
These problems are solved using ANNs. In the next chapter, ANNs are
studied in detail.