cGPSmapper UsrMan v02.0
cGPSmapper UsrMan v02.0
cGPSmapper UsrMan v02.0
1 Contents
1 CONTENTS .................................................................................................................. 2
2 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 4
2.1 PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT .................................................................................. 4
2.2 BASIC CONCEPTS ..................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 What is Polish Format (PFM)? ...................................................................... 4
2.2.2 What is cGPSmapper?.................................................................................... 4
2.2.3 What is sendmap?........................................................................................... 4
2.3 DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS ...................................................................................... 4
2.3.1 PFM Code ...................................................................................................... 4
2.3.2 cGPSmapper versions .................................................................................... 5
2.4 MANUAL AUTHORS ................................................................................................. 5
3 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................. 6
4 MAP PROJECT ........................................................................................................... 7
4.1 MAP CREATION ....................................................................................................... 7
4.2 PFM SYNTAX DESCRIPTION .................................................................................... 7
4.2.1 Header ............................................................................................................ 8
4.2.2 Declarations ................................................................................................. 12 Countries ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Regions .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Cities .............................................................................................................................................. 13 Chart Info....................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2.3 Advanced Declarations ................................................................................ 15 Background .................................................................................................................................... 15 Dictionary ...................................................................................................................................... 15 Highways ....................................................................................................................................... 16 ZIP Codes....................................................................................................................................... 16 Definitions...................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2.4 Body (Objects) .............................................................................................. 16 Point of Interest .............................................................................................................................. 16 Polygon .......................................................................................................................................... 18 Polyline .......................................................................................................................................... 20 Point of Interest from OziExplorer................................................................................................. 21 Polyline or Polygon from OziExplorer........................................................................................... 21 Shapes ............................................................................................................................................ 22 MapDekode file.............................................................................................................................. 26 File ................................................................................................................................................. 27
4.2.5 Object elevation............................................................................................ 27
4.2.6 Road numbers ............................................................................................... 28
4.3 MARINE CHARTS ................................................................................................... 28
4.4 LEVELS .................................................................................................................. 36
4.4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 36
4.4.2 Concepts and Terminology........................................................................... 37
4.4.3 Using levels when defining map objects....................................................... 39 Tailoring shape according to level. ................................................................................................ 40
4.4.4 Idiosyncrasies of GPS hardware .................................................................. 41
4.5 DICTIONARY .......................................................................................................... 41
4.5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 41 2 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Contents 3 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Introduction
2 Introduction
The latest version of this document can be found at
Feel free to e-mail your comments / contributions to the present document to 4 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Introduction
preceded by a pair of statements with # metavariables, the whole pair should be repeated
(see specific statements for examples).
Text in orange colour (e.g. Name=) are mandatory statements in the given section. Text in
olive colour (e.g. Label=) are optional statements.
The different cGPSmapper versions are explained in section 8.4, on page 76. 5 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Overview
3 Overview
Creating a map to be uploaded to a GPS receiver may be compared to programming: you
write a program (i.e. a map) in the programming language (i.e. in PFM) and then compile
it. Alternatively - just as with programming - tools exist to generate the source code
visually or semi-automatically or to assist in other ways in the code preparation.
The source code format used by the cGPSmapper compiler is referred to as PFM (Polski
Format Mapy - Polish Map Format) or the "Polish format". The standard file extension for
maps in the PFM format is .mp (in previous versions, the .txt extension was used, which is
still acceptable, but not recommended).
A map consists of map objects which fall into four categories: POIs (points of interest, e.g.
hotel, restaurant), points (non-indexed point objects, e.g. summit, building), polylines
(linear objects, e.g. street, stream), and polygons (area objects, e.g. lake, forest). For non-
dimensional objects (POIs and points), it is necessary to define the object attributes, such as
label and type, as well as the object coordinate pair (latitude, longitude). For dimensional
objects (polylines and polygons), it is necessary to define the object attributes, as well as
coordinate pairs of all object vertices. Providing the coordinates is the most laborious part
of map authoring.
You may prepare the map source file (.mp) using various methods: by writing the complete
source code with any text editor, by generating it visually (by drawing on the screen) with
any visual editor, by importing objects (waypoints and tracks) created by the OziExplorer
mapping software, or by various combinations of those methods.
When you have finished your map, you can compile it with cGPSmapper (a number of
methods are available) and preview it after compilation. The standard file extension for
compiled maps is .img. Finally, you can upload the resulting compiled map file (.img) to
your GPS with sendmap or MapSource. All those operations and variants are described in
relevant sections below. 6 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
4 Map Project
4.1 Map Creation
You write the source file in the PFM format (the .mp file) using any text editor. All map-
related information is provided in relevant statements. Then the map is compiled with the
cGPSmapper compiler and the resulting .img file is uploaded using sendmap or
The PFM format is described section 4.2 (PFM syntax Description), on page 7.
When you have finished your map (or at any time during the map creation process), you
may preview it on the computer screen. Some software packages allow you to preview
PFM format files directly. Alternatively you can compile it and preview the resultant .img
file using MapSource. Finally the .img file may be uploaded to your GPS.
However, GPSMapEdit uses special syntax of comments to specify attachments and such
comments are interpreted by GPSMapEdit. 7 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
The header section is mandatory and must appear as the first section in the source file. All
other sections are optional. Declaration and advanced sections (if any) must appear after the
header section, in the order specified here. These sections cannot be repeated.
Objects must appear after declaration and advanced sections (if any), may be in any order,
and may be repeated as many times as necessary.
The order of statements in the section body (i.e. between the section keyword statement and
the [END] statement) is insignificant.
4.2.1 Header
[IMG ID] Section identifier
ID=######## Unique identifier (up to 8 decimal digits) for the map.
May be written in decimal format or special hex format with
initial letter 'I':
11000204 I00A7D98C
Name=map_name Map name to be displayed in the GPS receiver's Map Info
Refer to section 6.1 (on page 49) for details.
80 characters maximum.
LBLcoding=x 6 compressed label coding (smallest maps)
9 full-byte (8-bit) coding (supports national
characters, depending on the GPS firmware)
10 Unicode / MBCS (depending on the GPS
Default = 6 8 of 82
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
Elevation=x m metres
f feet
Default = f
POIOnly=x Generate map with only POI and cities2:
Y Yes
N no
Default = N
σ POIIndex=x N objects will be indexed only if POI index info is
τ explicitly provided
π Y all POI objects will automatically be indexed (may
₪ be searched by the Find function in the GPS)
Default = N
τ POINumberFirst=x N the house number will be after the street name
π Y the house number will be before the street name
₪ Default = Y
POIZipFirst=x N the ZIP code will be after the street name
τ Y the ZIP code will be before the street name
π Default = Y
σ DefaultCityCountry Should be used in conjunction with
τ =country_name DefaultRegionCountry.
π Defines the default region name for automatic city indexing.
₪ If not defined, cities will be indexed only if city index info is
explicitly provided.
80 characters maximum.
σ DefaultRegionCount Should be used in conjunction with
τ ry=region_name DefaultCityCountry.
π Defines the default country name for automatic city
₪ indexing.
If not defined, cities will be indexed only if city index info is
explicitly provided.
80 characters maximum.
TreSize=n Maximum allowed region size. A higher value increases the
allowable region size, but may decrease the map
performance; a lower value may increase the map size.
Suggested values:
topo maps: 1000-2000
city (dense streets): 2000-5000
countryside: 6000-10000
Same effect if switch -i is used. 10 of 82
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
4.2.2 Declarations
The DECLARATION elements must be in the order shown herewith. Countries
Although this section is obsolete, it is still supported.
[COUNTRIES] Declares all countries used for city indexing 12 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project Regions
Although this section is obsolete, it is still supported.
[REGIONS] Declares all regions used for city indexing
Region#=region_nam Name and abbreviation used to identify region #.
e~[0x1d]abbreviati The first # must always be one. Subsequent # must be
on ordered ascending.
E.g.: Region1=New York~[0x1d]NY
80 characters maximum.
CountryIdx#=countr The country_index represents the number in the
y_index corresponding Country# statement.
The first # (CountryIdx) must always be one.
Subsequent3 # must be in ascending order.
If included, there must be at least 1 region per country. In
theory, the limit is 13,107.
E.g.: CountryIdx1=1, means that the current region is located
in country 1 (right side of the equals sign).
... The statements above can be repeated as needed.
[END] Section terminator. Cities
Although this section is obsolete, it is still supported.
[CITIES] Declares all cities used for indexing
City#=ciy_name Name used to identify the city #.
The first # must always be one. Subsequent # must be in
ascending order.
E.g.: City1=New York
80 characters maximum.
RegionIdx#=region_ The region_index represents the number in the
index corresponding Region# statement.
The first # (RegionIdx) must always be one. Subsequent4
# must be in ascending order.
If included, there must be at least 1 city per Region. In
theory, the limit is 13,107.
E.g.: RegionIdx1=1, means that the current city is located in
Region 1 (right side of the equal sign).
Unlikely, since each region normally is located in a single country.
Unlikely, since each city normally is located in a single region. 13 of 82
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project Background
[BACKGROUND] τ π ₪ Declares a custom shape for the map – another way to
define a custom shape for the map is to use a [POLYGON]
section (or [RGN80]) as described in section .
Name=file_name Name of the ESRI file without extension
This should be the full or relative path for the ESRI file,
without the extension (which should be .shp for files
containing ESRI data)
[END] Section terminator. Dictionary
[DICTIONARY] 15 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project Highways
♣ This section will be further documented in a future version of this manual.
[END] Section terminator. Definitions
♣ This section will be further documented in a future version of this manual.
[END] Section terminator.
can be also written as:
SubType=0x11 16 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
Refer to section 4.2.1, on page 8, for further details. 17 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project Polygon
[POLYGON] Polygon section identifier. [RGN80] may also be used
instead. It is used to define lakes, parks, forests, etc.
Type=object_type Refer to section (on page 16) for details.
SubType=object_typ SubType defines the second byte of the Type value.
e The type of element can be defined either by using the Type
key only or by using the Type and SubType keys.
can be also written as:
Label=object_name Refer to section (on page 16) for details.
EndLevel=# Refer to section (on page 16) for details. 18 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
Refer to section 4.2.1, on page 8, for further details. 19 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project Polyline
[POLYLINE] Polyline section identifier. [RGN40]may also be used
instead. It is used to define linear objects such as streets,
streams, etc.
Type=object_type Refer to section (on page 16) for details.
SubType=object_typ SubType defines the second byte of the Type value.
e The type of element can be defined either by using the Type
key only or by using the Type and SubType keys.
can be also written as:
Label=object_name Refer to section (on page 16) for details.
Label2=object_name Secondary name of the object –only applies to roads.
EndLevel=# Refer to section (on page 16) for details.
Data#=(lat1,lon1), Refer to section (on page 18) for details.
StreetDesc=xxx Street alias or secondary street name.
80 characters maximum.
DirIndicator=x Show direction of the road when selecting intersection in
0 No
1 Yes
Default = 0
σ CityName=xxx Name of city to which this object belongs.
τ Can be used only together with keys RegionName and
π CountryName.
₪ 80 characters maximum.
σ RegionName=xxx Name of region to which this object belongs.
τ Can be used only together with keys CityName and
π CountryName.
₪ 80 characters maximum.
σ CountryName=xxx Name of country to which this object belongs.
τ Can be used only together with keys RegionName and
π CityName.
₪ 80 characters maximum.
σ Zip=xxx Object Zip Code.
τ 80 characters maximum.
₪ RoadID=xxx
π Numbers#=xxx
₪ 20 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
₪ Routeparam=xxx
₪ NodID#=xxx
[END] Section terminator. 21 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project Shapes
σ [SHP] ESRI shape file section identifier.
name=file_name Name of the ESRI files without extension.
This should be the full or relative path for the ESRI files,
without the extension (which should be .shp for files
containing ESRI data).
Type=xxx Type of objects to be imported from the ESRI files
16 or RGN10 POI
32 or RGN20 cities
64 or RGN40 lines
128 or RGN80 polygons
2 or RGN02 marine polygons
3 or RGN03 marine lines
4 or RGN04 marine points
LabelField=field_n Name of the field - in the associated .dbf file - from which
ame cGPSmapper will get the Label for each object.
Label2Field=field_ Secondary name for roads. Used in cases where you want a
name road to have a numeric ID and a name.
The secondary name of the road (road number if highway for
example) - is not visible in the GPS but is used when
searching street by name.
TypeField=field_na Name of the field - in the associated .dbf file - from which
me cGPSmapper will get the object_type for each object.
The field_name field must contain a decimal or
hexadecimal value representing the object type.
If both DefaultType and TypeField are specified, an
error occurs, but at least one of them must be specified.
Refer to section 4.4 (on page 36) for details on the valid
object types.
SubTypeField=field Name of the field – in associated .dbf file – from which
_name cGPSmapper will get the second byte of the object_type
this is an optional field because the object_type can be
defined using only TypeField 22 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project 23 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
τ Zip=field_name Name of the field - in the associated .dbf file - from which
π cGPSmapper will get the Zip for each object.
₪ Only used for polylines (i.e. when Type=RGN40 or
Type=64) and POIs (Type=RGN10 or Type=16).
₪ RoadID=field_name Unique ID number for the road. This is internally used by
cGPSmapper to maintain routing data creation.
Used for routing.
₪ SpeedType=field_na This attribute defines the maximum allowed speed - it is
me used mainly for calculating fastest possible route.
There are 8 of them:
7 128 km/h
6 108 km/h - Can be adjusted in MapSource
5 93 km/h - Can be adjusted in MapSource
4 72 km/h - Can be adjusted in MapSource
3 56 km/h - Can be adjusted in MapSource
2 40 km/h - Can be adjusted in MapSource
1 20 km/h
0 8 km/h (ferry)
Used for routing.
₪ RoadClass=field_na This attribute defines the importance of the road for routing.
me It is one of the most important attributes for routing.
The lowest importance is 0, the highest is 4.
Road class 4 should be used for Major highways and other
main roads.
Used for routing.
₪ OneWay=field_name 1 one way road, where the permitted direction is
always from the beginning of the road to the end,
considering the digitalisation direction.
-1 one-way road, opposite to the digitalisation
0 two-way road.
Used for routing.
₪ Toll=field_name Defines that it is a toll road.
₪ VehicleE=field_nam 1 no emergency vehicles allowed on the road.
₪ VehicleD=field_nam 1 no delivery vehicles allowed on the road.
₪ VehicleC=field_nam 1 no cars allowed on the road.
₪ VehicleB=field_nam 1 no buses allowed on the road.
₪ VehicleT=field_nam 1 no taxis allowed on the road.
₪ VehicleP=field_nam 1 no pedestrians allowed on the road.
e 24 of 82
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project File
[FILE] Lists other PFM files to be included in the current
name=file_name Name of a PFM file (including extension) to be processed in
the current compilation.
The compiler processes all the objects (and sections) in the
specified file as if they were part of the current file.
The file included may contain any section but the [IMG
ID] section.
You may specify either the full path or the path relative to
the current directory.
[END] Section terminator.
Elevation can be specified for POI objects like summit (Type 0x6616) and depth / height
points (Types 0x6200 & 0x6300) as well as for polyline objects like land / depth contours
(Types=0x20 to 0x25).
The elevation is entered in the label field of the objects. The following code extract defines
a height point with elevation of 668 m (assuming Elevation=m is defined in the header
A minor land contour with elevation of 1080 m can be defined like this:
Text can be combined with the elevation in the label by using the ~[0x1f] delimiter to
indicate the elevation. Example of a summit with 1084 m elevation: 27 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
Label=Table Mountain~[0x1f]1084
All the attributes listed herewith are meant to be included in one of the following sections:
Refer to section 4.2 (on page 7) for details on these sections.
Marine objects use many additional special attributes, which are listed below.
can be also written as:
SubType=0x11 28 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
Marine objects may also have the following keys, depending on the object_type:
σ Text=xxx Very long description / information displayed in the
τ properties windows of the object.
π There could be several Text entries in a single object.
₪ Applies only to following marine types:
polygons of types 0x0700 and 0x0704
points of types 0x0800 and 0x0902
16kb maximum (each entry).
σ TextFile=file_name File containing a very long description / information
τ displayed in the properties windows of the object.
π There could be several TextFile entries in a single object.
₪ The path could be either
absolute or
relative to the current directory.
For platform portability, it is recommended to use slashes "/"
instead of backslashes "\" to separate directories in the path.
In Unix, file_name is case sensitive.
16kb maximum (each entry).
Refer to section 4.2.1, on page 8, for further details. 29 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
0x33 30 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
Depth=##.# Point depth / height value with one decimal (e.g. 20.1).
The maximum value is 65535, when value is defined as
integer; and 6553, when value is defined as real.
This value is not displayed if the “Spot Soundings” setting in
the GPS receiver is set to “Off”. Please note also that this
setting affects also some of the objects (mainly soundings):
they will not be displayed at all (because they have no visual
representation except the depth/height value). This is
dangerous for navigation since very important information
will be hidden from the chart. There is also the “Spot
Soundings” setting in Preferences of MapSource. 31 of 82
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
Light colours:
0x00 unlit
0x01 red
0x02 green
0x03 white
0x04 blue
0x05 yellow
0x06 violet
0x07 amber
Applies only to following marine types:
points of types 0x02XX (accepts ONLY colour
points of types 0x01XX
σ Light=(colour,rang Definition of light colour, nominal range and light sectors.
τ e,anle)...(colour, Light = (2,3,10.0), (3,3,205.0) defines colour 2, range 3 nm
π range,anle) from angle 10.0 to 205.0 and colour 3, range 3 nm from
₪ angle 205.0 to 10.0
Please note that you can change the “Light sectors” setting
both in MapSource and in your GPS receiver to suit your
needs. 33 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
Hex values:
0x00 unlit
0x01 fixed
0x02 isophase
0x03 flashing
0x04 group flashing
0x05 composite group flashing
0x06 occulting
0x07 group occulting
0x08 composite group occulting
0x09 long flashing
0x0a group long flashing
0x0b Morse letter - see above
0x0c quick
0x0d group quick
0x0e group quick and long flashing
0x0f interrupted quick
0x10 very quick
0x11 group very quick
0x12 group very quick and long flashing
0x13 interrupted very quick
0x14 ultra quick
0x15 interrupted ultra quick
0x16 fixed and occulting
0x17 fixed and group occulting
0x18 fixed and isophase
0x19 fixed and flashing
0x1a fixed and group flashing
0x1b fixed and long flashing
0x1c alternating
0x1d alternating occulting
0x1e alternating flashing
0x1f alternating group flashing 34 of 82
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
4.4 Levels
4.4.1 Introduction
Every Garmin® GPS with mapping capability gives you the option to zoom in or out on the
map page, either displaying a small area in great detail, or a larger area in less detail.
The selection of map objects which it is appropriate for the unit to display is dependent on
the zoom level. For example, when you are zoomed in, you would probably want to see
individual buildings on your map. As you zoom out, this level of detail would be
inappropriate because it would make the map too cluttered.
Using levels in your PFM file allows you to dictate the zoom settings at which your map
objects will be visible.
Levels also allow you to display map objects in different ways depending on the zoom
level. For example, a lake might appear as a region at some zoom levels but a single point
at others. This is achieved by creating two map objects to represent your lake - one a region 36 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
and the other a single point, and choosing levels for them so that the appropriate one is
displayed at each zoom setting.
eTrex series. Other models may vary.
As previously indicated, the map level settings dictate the level at which objects are
visible assuming the GPS user has their unit's map detail level set to Normal. 37 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
The above extract specifies that the map uses four map zoom levels. Map zoom level zero
corresponds to hardware zoom level 23; map zoom level 1 corresponds to hardware zoom
level 21 and so on.
The hardware zoom levels do not need to be consecutive, but each successive map zoom
level must correspond to a smaller hardware zoom level number than the previous one.
The settings in our example specify that map objects and coordinates defined as map level
zero, will be used at hardware zoom levels 23 and above. Objects defined as map level 1
will be used at hardware zoom levels 21 and 22, and so on.
The highest numbered map zoom level that you define dictates the zoom level at which
your map replaces the GPS unit's base map. In our example, the highest numbered map
zoom level is 3 and this corresponds to hardware zoom level 17. What this means is that if
the GPS device user zooms in to level 17 or higher it will see your uploaded map. At
hardware zoom levels 16 and below it will see the base map.
Your highest map zoom level is only used for the purpose of specifying when your map
takes over from the base map. You are not allowed to define map objects and coordinates at
this level. So, in our example, map zoom levels 0, 1 and 2 are the only ones available for 38 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
defining map objects. Map zoom level 3 is only used to dictate when our map replaces the
base map.
This means that you must always define one more map zoom level than you actually need
for your map objects, and every map definition must therefore include at least two map
zoom levels.
Having understood the relationship between map zoom levels and hardware zoom levels
you can effectively ignore hardware zoom levels during the map design process. Within the
rest of this section, the term level should be interpreted as meaning map zoom level unless
explicitly stated to the contrary.
Note that the coordinate definition line starts Data0=. The digit following the word Data
specifies the level at which these coordinates will be used. This definition only specifies
coordinates for level zero. That means that the village will only be visible on the user's GPS
at zoom level zero.
Suppose we change this to:
Now we have defined coordinates for level 1 only. That means that the village will be
visible only at zoom level 1. If the GPS user zooms out further than that, or if he zooms in
closer, the village will not be visible.
Let's say you want the village to be visible at levels zero, one and two. You could write:
However there is an easier and better way. The above definition can be abbreviated using
an EndLevel=n line: 39 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
What the EndLevel=n line says is that the coordinates in the highest numbered Datan=
line apply up to the specified EndLevel=n, starting with the level number in the Datan=
line. In our example, EndLevel=3, combined with Data0= means that the coordinates
apply for three consecutive levels commending with level 0 (i.e. levels 0, 1, 2 and 3).
Levels and LevelsNumber are "old" equivalents of EndLevel. 40 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
level. cGPSmapper automatically averages out consecutive points which are too close to be
distinguishable on the GPS screen and discards unnecessary points.
Nevertheless it is useful for the map author to understand how it is possible to take explicit
control over the shape of map objects at different levels if and when necessary.
The first thing to note is that the map level settings dictate
the level at which objects are visible assuming the GPS user
has their unit's map detail level set to Normal. In the eTrex
series, for example, the map set-up screen offers five
choices for detail level: Most, More, Normal, Less and
4.5 Dictionary
4.5.1 Introduction
Section 4.4 (Levels) explains how you can dictate the zoom settings at which your map
objects will be visible. However if you have a large map with many map objects and you
need to change the display level for all objects of a specific type, changing the EndLevel=
tag for each instance can be a cumbersome and time-consuming task. 41 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
Fortunately the Polish file format has a solution called 'Dictionary' which allows you to
switch map objects of the same type on or off for each level. [DICTIONARY] is an
optional section and follows after the [IMG ID] section.
In PFM each map object type has a code. Refer to section 8.3 - on page 61 - for a list of
object types with codes in hexadecimal and decimal.
You do not have to be familiar with hexadecimal; the decimal equivalent works just as
well. (In hexadecimal there are 16 digits, 0 to 9 plus a to f).
In the [Dictionary] 'bit mask' each bit (digit) refers to the object type code corresponding to
the bit position, counting from the left of the string. E.g. the first bit refers to map object
type 1, the second bit refers to map object type 2 and bit 20 refers to object type 20 and so
The PFM allows for a 'bit mask' to be defined for each map level.
The format is Level#RGNnn=<bit mask> where # indicates the level, nn the object class
(10, 20, 40 or 80) and <bit mask> is a string of 0's and 1's.
If you set the first bit in the 'bit mask' to 0, no objects of type 1 will display on the
corresponding level, and if you set the first bit to 1 all objects of type 1 defined for the
specific level will display. This is explained much better by an example, see 4.5.3 below
Note that you still need to specify EndLevel=# or Data#= for each object to extend the
object to the required level #. The dictionary 'bit mask' only filters out objects on layers
they are defined on. However when using dictionary, you can set EndLevel= to your
highest map level for all objects and control which type of objects display at which map
levels with the dictionary 'bit mask'.
Since all object are by default displayed on the most detailed map level, level 0, it is not
necessary to define a dictionary 'bit mask' for level 0.
The [Dictionary] tag is optional, but very useful to filter map objects per type per level. 42 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
The first two lines start with ';' indicating that these are comment lines and are ignored by
cGPSmapper. They are there so that you do not need to actually count the digits to
determine which one refers to which object code.
; 0 1 2 3 4
; 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
Label=Highway N1
Data0=(51.562624,-1.070283), (51.561637,-1.070592),
(51.561272,-1.069878), (51.560059,-1.064277)
In the same way we can use dictionary to filter polygon [RGN80] and point of interest
[RGN10 & 20] objects by defining 'bit masks' using Level#RGN80= and Level#RGN10=.
Dictionary for POI [RGN10 and 20] objects works slightly differently in that the POI
objects are controlled in groups.
Refer to section 8.3 - on page 61 - for a list of object types with codes in hexadecimal
and decimal. Object type codes for POI consist of a group code and a subtype code. For the
decimal codes the subtype is shown in brackets after the group code.
The hexadecimal POI object codes are of the form 0x##nn where ## is the group code and
nn the subtype code.
The Dictionary filter operates on the whole group and thus 'bit mask' position ## controls
POI group ##. As far as the Dictionary filter is concerned, you can ignore the nn subtype
The following PFM dictionary section will filter out all POI objects and display only dining
type POIs 0x2A00 to 0x2AFF on levels 1 to 3.
In this example the comment lines count in hexadecimal, but you can count in decimal if
you prefer. 43 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
; 0 1 2
; 123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
Note that the Dictionary 'bit mask' only operates on the objects defined on a layer. To
define a specific object on a layer, a Data#= entry or an appropriate EndLevel= entry is
required for the object. Refer to section 4.4 (on page 36) for details. 44 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual MapSource
5 MapSource
MapSource is Garmin's Windows (and only Windows!) PC based GPS interface program.
As with most similar programs, it allows upload and download of waypoints, routes and
Of more interest to us, is the fact that it is also capable of displaying vector-based mapping
on the PC, and also uploading the map data to mapping-capable GPS units.
The MapSource program is included with maps bought from Garmin. The same program is
shared between the various map sets that Garmin supplies. Recently, Garmin have been
supplying MapSource 'Trip and Waypoint manager' free with their mapping GPS units.
This program can also be configured to read custom maps.
It was largely the fact that MapSource has to be able to read these maps, that enabled
cGPSmapper to be written because the developer was able to use MapSource as a
diagnostic tool.
Internally, these map sets are configured using data in the Windows registry. Each product
requires three registry entries. One entry points at the preview map, one at a 'tdb' file, and
one at the location of the detail maps. If you wish to install a custom map set into
MapSource, you will need to (a) create the preview map and the tdb file, and (b) create the
registry entries to tell MapSource where your files are located.
More recent map products, with routing information - such as Metroguide - are registered
in a slightly different way. 45 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual MapSource
2. Create or edit a registry file, which you can simply double-click to create your
entries. You can get a template for this file by doing a registry export. Note that you
need double slashes in filenames. If you are distributing your maps to others, this is
the simplest way to get them to make the necessary registry changes.
3. Use a GUI program such as MapManager -
Where ## is the unique product ID, and must correlate with the number you specified with
ProductCode=## in your file.
"Loc"="D:\\maps\\garmin\\NZ Topo\\"
"Bmap"="D:\\maps\\garmin\\NZ Topo\\NZTopo.img"
"Tdb"="D:\\maps\\garmin\\NZ Topo\\NZTopo.tdb"
You only need to do this registration once - for each 'product' that you create. As you edit
or create more detail maps, and/or update your preview maps, as long as they stay in the
same place on your disk, you do not need to do anything to your registry.
If you plan on distributing your maps, it is NOT a good idea to use the default value - i.e.
66 for the product ID. Rob Mech runs an 'Unofficial Garmin Product ID Database -
UGPID' on - where you can register an ID that hopefully only you will
use. Go to: 46 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual MapSource
The quantity of maps available will vary depending on the maps installed. 47 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual MapSource
Once this is done, the map to be selected must be clicked (in order to select it).
The maps to be transferred to the GPS (and the bytes they occupy) will be shown to the
left of the screen.
Once the transfer is done, the program will confirm the map(s) transfer finished
successfully. 48 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual FAQs
6 FAQs
6.1 Name variables and where they show up
6.1.1 Introduction
There are three locations where the names of maps, map sets, and related information
("name data") are specified:
There are various locations where the name data is displayed both on the GPS unit and in
the Garmin MapSource software. Figure 4 shows the relationship between where the name
data is specified and where it is displayed.
MapSetName=xxxx The Area name. This field is the second field displayed on
xxx the GPS unit under the "Map Information" section. It is
displayed in the MapSource software on the "maps" tab
when the map is selected and in the Map Properties window.
CDSetName=xxxxx The CD Set Name. This field is not displayed on the GPS
xx unit. This field is displayed in the MapSource software when
displaying the Product Information. 49 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual FAQs
For example:
will be displayed as
Data Version 1.53
11.2.3 Sendmap
The name data specified when using Sendmap is used to describe a collection of PFM files.
The name data is specified as command line options.
Sendmap –M The Area name. This field is the second field displayed on
"MapSetName" the GPS unit under the "Map Information" section. Sendmap
filename1.img is not used with the MapSource software.
[filename2.img] […] 50 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual FAQs 51 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual FAQs
The method for doing this depends on the GPS model. For example you may find it on
the MapSource Info screen, accessed from the unit's main menu or on the information
page of the Setup Map screen. Consult your unit's documentation to find out how to
access this screen display.
Note that you can also use the Transparent= line in your PFM file header section.
Refer to section (on page 16) for details. 52 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual FAQs
6.4 Relationship between levels in the detail maps and the preview maps
The lowest zoom level in the PV should be the highest in the detailed map.
The preview is displayed up to this switch over point.
When you zoom in more in MapSource the GPS detail map is displayed.
In your detail IMG file:
Zoom4=4 53 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual FAQs
(Does not overlap with detail IMG file)
6.5 Filling (Gas) Stations not showing in the find function of the GPS
Use 0x2F01 (instead of 0x4400) if you want to show it in the find function of your GPS
receiver. 54 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Glossary
7 Glossary
♣ This section will be further documented in a future version of this manual.
Term Definition
Vector Map
cGPSmapper Map compiler.
PFM Polish Format is a convenient, text based, format used for saving map
information on a computer and transferring map information between
computer programs. Polish format map files cannot be sent directly to
a GPS unit. First they must be converted into a format which is
understandable to your GPS receiver. A program that performs this
conversion is called a "map compiler". 55 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Appendices
8 Appendices
8.1 cGPSmapper compilation Errors and Warnings
The table below contains a list of the different errors and warnings that could occur at
compilation time. Codes starting with either "E" or "R" apply only to routable maps. Codes
starting with "W" are warnings. Although the compilation will stop after an error occurs, it
will not stop when a warning message occurs.
♣ This section will be further documented in a future version of this manual.
V Code Warning / Error Text Description / Workaround
W001 Could not open include file.
W002 No zip codes file defined.
W003 No highways file defined.
W004 Cannot determine type of
element, type cannot be
defined before RGNTYPE.
W005 Error reading data.
W006 Null exit facility name for
RGN10 element.
W007 Wrong coordinates. E.g. incorrectly separated coordinates like
W008 Element spans more than 10
W009 Invalid [WPT] section -
RGNTYPE is not defined.
W010 ELEVATION parameter is
W011 Invalid [PLT] section -
RGNTYPE is not defined.
W012 - no longer used
W013 TRESIZE smaller than 100.
W014 RGNLIMIT should not be A small RGNLIMIT derives in the creation of a
smaller than 500. bigger map, with no gain in speed.
W015 TRESIZE larger than 5000 - When the TreSize value in [IMG ID] is too big - the
TRESIZE is fixed (i.e. the resulting map IMG file renders more and more
TRESIZE is automatically slowly on a GPS receiver. This value should never
changed to 5000). be higher than 5000. If the value is larger than
5000, it is internally changed to 5000 and the
warning is shown. 56 of 82
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cGPSmapper Manual Appendices
8.2 Exits
8.2.1 Valid exit facility types
Mnemonic Description
0x00 Truck/Lorry Stop / 24-hour Diesel Fuel With Restaurant
0x01 HGV / Diesel Fuel With Large Vehicle Clearance
0x02 Fuel
0x03 Food / Restaurant
0x04 Lodging / Hotel / Motel
0x05 Auto service / Vehicle Repair and Service
0x06 Auto service / Diesel Engine Service
0x07 Auto service / Commercial Vehicle Wash
0x08 Camp / Campground and RV Service
0x09 Hospital / Medical Facilities
0x0a Store / Automated Teller Machines
0x0b Park / Forest, Park, Preserve, or Lake
0x0c Point Of Interest / Useful Services, Sites, or Attractions
0x0d Fast Food
8.2.2 Directions
Mnemonic Description
N North of
S South of
E East of
W West of
I Inner Side of
O Outer Side of
B Both Sides of
8.2.3 Facilities
Facilities can be combined - i.e. facility with Car Wash + Open 24 Hours is 0x48
Mnemonic Description
0x01 HGV/RV Parking 60 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Appendices
Mnemonic Description
0x02 Convenience Store
0x04 Diesel Fuel
0x08 Car Wash
0x10 Liquid Propane
0x20 HGV Scales
0x40 Open 24 Hours
0x80 not used
When a "Y" is present in the marine column (represented with a A), it indicates that the
element is only valid when either:
in the [IMG ID] section, there is a definition Marine=Y
in the element definition section ([POI] / [POLYLINE] / [POLYGON]), there is a
definition Marine=Y 61 of 82
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cGPSmapper Manual Appendices
A Code (Hex) Description
N 0x02 2 Principal Highway-thick
N 0x03 3 Principal Highway-medium
N 0x04 4 Arterial Road–medium
N 0x05 5 Arterial Road-thick
N 0x06 6 Road-thin
N 0x07 7 Alley-thick
N 0x08 8 Ramp
N 0x09 9 Ramp
N 0x0a 10 Unpaved Road-thin
N 0x0b 11 Major Highway Connector-thick
N 0x0c 12 Roundabout
N 0x14 20 Railroad
N 0x15 21 Shoreline
N 0x16 22 Track/Trail
N 0x18 24 Stream-thin
N 0x19 25 Time-Zone
N 0x1a 26 Ferry
N 0x1b 27 Ferry
N 0x1c 28 Political Boundary
N 0x1d 29 County Boundary
N 0x1e 30 International Boundary
N 0x1f 31 River
N 0x20 32 Land Contour (thin)
N 0x21 33 Land Contour (medium)
N 0x22 34 Land Contour (thick)
N 0x23 35 Depth Contour (thin)
N 0x24 36 Depth Contour (medium)
N 0x25 37 Depth Contour (thick)
N 0x26 38 Intermittent River
N 0x27 39 Airport Runway
N 0x28 40 Pipeline
N 0x29 41 Power line
N 0x2a 42 Marine Boundary (no line)
N 0x2b 43 Marine Hazard (no line)
Y 0x0100 256 Miscellaneous line
Y 0x0101 257 Line
Y 0x0102 258 Cartographic line
Y 0x0103 259 Road
Y 0x0104 260 Clearing line
Y 0x0105 261 Contour line
Y 0x0106 262 Overhead cable
Y 0x0107 263 Bridge 72 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Appendices
A Code (Hex) Description
Y 0x0108 264 Recommended route
Y 0x0109 265 Chart border
Y 0x0300 768 Depth contour
Y 0x0301 769 Depth contour value
Y 0x0307 775 Intertidal zone border
Y 0x0400 1024 Obstruction line
Y 0x0401 1025 Submarine cable
Y 0x0402 1026 Submarine pipeline
Y 0x0403 1027 Pile barrier
Y 0x0404 1028 Fishing stakes
Y 0x0405 1029 Supply pipeline area
Y 0x0406 1030 Submarine cable area
Y 0x0407 1031 Dumping ground
Y 0x0408 1032 Explosive dumping ground
Y 0x0409 1033 Danger line
Y 0x040a 1034 Overhead cable
Y 0x040b 1035 Submerged construction
Y 0x040c 1036 Pier/jetty
Y 0x0500 1280 Restriction
Y 0x0501 1281 Anchoring prohibited
Y 0x0502 1282 Fishing prohibited
Y 0x0503 1283 Prohibited area
Y 0x0504 1284 Military practice area
Y 0x0505 1285 Anchoring and fishing prohibited
Y 0x0506 1286 Limit of nature reservation
Y 0x0507 1287 Restricted area
Y 0x0508 1288 Minefield
Y 0x0600 1536 Miscellaneous line
Y 0x0601 1537 Cartographic line
Y 0x0602 1538 Traffic separation line
Y 0x0603 1539 International maritime boundary
Y 0x0604 1540 Straight territorial sea baseline
Y 0x0605 1541 Seaward limit of territorial sea
Y 0x0606 1542 Anchorage area
Y 0x0607 1543 Quarantine anchorage area
Y 0x0608 1544 Fishery zone
Y 0x0609 1545 Swept area
Y 0x060a 1546 Traffic separation zone
Y 0x060b 1547 Limit of exclusive economic zone
Y 0x060c 1548 Established direction of traffic flow
Y 0x060d 1549 Recommended direction of traffic flow
Y 0x060e 1550 Harbour limit 73 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Appendices
A Code (Hex) Description
Y 0x060f 1551 Inadequately surveyed area
Y 0x0610 1552 Inshore traffic zone
Y 0x0611 1553 Limit of traffic lane
Y 0x0701 1793 River channel
Y 0x0702 1794 Submerged object
Y 0x0706 1798 Chart boundary 74 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Appendices
A Code (Hex) Description
N 0x3f 63 Lake
N 0x40 64 Lake
N 0x41 65 Lake
N 0x42 66 Lake
N 0x43 67 Lake
N 0x44 68 Lake
N 0x45 69 Blue-Unknown
N 0x46 70 River
N 0x47 71 River
N 0x48 72 River
N 0x49 73 River
N 0x4b 75 Background
N 0x4c 76 Intermittent River/Lake
N 0x4d 77 Glacier
N 0x4e 78 Orchard or plantation
N 0x4f 79 Scrub
N 0x50 80 Woods
N 0x51 81 Wetland
N 0x52 82 Tundra
N 0x53 83 Flats
Y 0x0100 256 Land - white
Y 0x0101 257 Land - non-urban
Y 0x0102 258 Land - urban
Y 0x0103 259 Chart exclusion area
Y 0x0104 260 Chart background
Y 0x0105 261 Bridge
Y 0x0300 768 Depth area - white 1
Y 0x0301 769 Intertidal zone
Y 0x0302 770 Depth area - blue 1
Y 0x0303 771 Depth area - blue 2
Y 0x0304 772 Depth area - blue 3
Y 0x0305 773 Depth area - blue 4
Y 0x0306 774 Depth area - blue 5
Y 0x0307 775 Depth area - white
Y 0x0400 1024 Obstruction (invisible)
Y 0x0401 1025 Submarine cable (invisible)
Y 0x0402 1026 Submarine pipeline (invisible)
Y 0x0403 1027 Pile barrier (invisible)
Y 0x0404 1028 Fishing stakes (invisible)
Y 0x0405 1029 Supply pipeline area/line (invisible)
Y 0x0406 1030 Submarine cable area/line (invisible)
Y 0x0407 1031 Dumping ground (invisible) 75 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Appendices
A Code (Hex) Description
Y 0x0408 1032 Explosive dumping ground (invisible)
Y 0x0409 1033 Danger line (invisible)
Y 0x040a 1034 Overhead cable (invisible)
Y 0x040b 1035 Submerged construction (invisible)
Y 0x040c 1036 Pier/jetty (invisible)
Y 0x0500 1280 Restriction area/line (invisible)
Y 0x0501 1281 Anchoring prohibited (invisible)
Y 0x0502 1282 Fishing prohibited (invisible)
Y 0x0503 1283 Prohibited area (invisible)
Y 0x0504 1284 Military practice area (invisible)
Y 0x0505 1285 Anchoring and fishing prohibited (invisible)
Y 0x0506 1286 Limit of nature reservation (invisible)
Y 0x0507 1287 Restricted area (invisible)
Y 0x0508 1288 Minefield (invisible)
Y 0x0600 1536 Miscellaneous area
Y 0x0601 1537 Cartographic area
Y 0x0602 1538 Traffic separation area
Y 0x0603 1539 International maritime boundary
Y 0x0604 1540 Straight territorial sea baseline
Y 0x0605 1541 Seaward limit of territorial sea
Y 0x0606 1542 Anchorage area
Y 0x0607 1543 Quarantine anchorage area
Y 0x0608 1544 Fishery zone
Y 0x0609 1545 Swept area
Y 0x060a 1546 Traffic separation zone
Y 0x060b 1547 Limit of exclusive economic zone
Y 0x060c 1548 Established direction of traffic flow
Y 0x0701 1793 Fishing area
Y 0x0702 1794 Restricted area
Y 0x0703 1795 Anchorage area
Y 0x0704 1796 Fishing Hot Spots chart 76 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Appendices
σ Shareware • Direct support for ESRI shape format
• City and POI indexing is limited to 100 cities and
POIs in standard maps. Indexing means that cities
and POIs may be searched using the GPS receiver's
"Find by name" function (subject to the receiver
• City and POI indexing is limited to 65,500 cities and
POIs in so-called POI maps, i.e. maps containing
only cities and POIs, with no dimensional objects
(such as roads or forests) (maps created with '-i'
• Additional POI information: country, region, city,
and description (displayed in the details window),
but no phone number and full address
• Additional city information: country and region
• The purchased copy is registered permanently to the
purchaser's name and e-mail address (this
information is displayed by the receiver in the map
copyright section)
• Maps created with this version should not be sold
τ Standard • City and POI indexes are not limited
• Full POI address and additional descriptions
• 'lock on road' feature
• User defined copyright text
• Limited support
π Pro • Building numbering
• additional city, region and country information for
roads and POI
• Search by address - street name, house number and
optionally zip code and city
• Search for intersection
₪ Routable Personal Edition All the features of the Pro version and routable version
with following limitations:
• Number of roads limited to 1500
• Number of indexed POI limited to 800
• Not possible to create TDB/preview file for use with
• Not possible to create global indexes (important for
multi IMG map-sets)
• Hardcoded copyright string 'name surname, cGPSmapper personal edition'
• No support for creating routable maps! Only basic
support regarding the input data format 77 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Appendices
₪ Routable Fully routable maps - find fastest or shortest route,
support for all kinds of restrictions and time limited
A Marine Version capable of compiling nautical charts only. 78 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Index and Tables 79 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Index and Tables
9.3 Index
Copy3.................................................... 50
CopyRight ......................................... 9, 49
[CHART INFO].................................... 14
CopyWrite......................................... 9, 49
[CITIES] ............................................... 13
Correction ............................................. 14
[COUNTRIES] ..................................... 12
Countries ............................................... 12
[DICTIONARY]............................. 15, 42
Country ................................................. 13
[FILE] ................................................... 27
CountryIdx ............................................ 13
[IMG ID] .......................................... 8, 49
CountryName............................ 18, 20, 23
[MAP]................................................... 49
[PLT] .................................................... 21 D
[POI] ..................................................... 16 Data# ............................. 17, 19, 20, 29, 54
types.................................................. 61 Datum................................................ 9, 78
[POLYGON] ........................................ 18 Declarations
types.................................................. 74 Advanced .......................................... 15
[POLYLINE] ........................................ 20 DefaultCityCountry............................... 10
types.................................................. 71 DefaultRegionCountry.......................... 10
[REGIONS] .......................................... 13 DefaultType .......................................... 23
[RGN10] ..................................See [POI] Definitions............................................. 16
[RGN20] ..................................See [POI] DeltaSN................................................. 14
[RGN40] .....................See [POLYLINE] DeltaWE................................................ 14
[RGN80] ..................... See [POLYGON] Depth............................................... 25, 31
[RGNx0] ............................................... 53 DepthFlag........................................ 25, 31
[SHP] .................................................... 22 DepthUnit........................................ 25, 31
[WPT] ................................................... 21 Dictionary ....................................... 15, 41
Using ................................................. 42
A DirIndicator........................................... 21
AlignMethod......................................... 12 Document Conventions........................... 4
Appendices ........................................... 56 DoubleLights................................... 26, 36
B DoubleLightsHorizontal ................. 26, 36
Background..................................... 15, 19 DrawPriority ......................................... 12
BlockSize.............................................. 12 E
C Edition................................................... 14
CDSetName .......................................... 49 EndLevel ....................... 18, 19, 21, 23, 29
cGPSmapper ........................................... 4 Errors..................................................... 56
files ................................................... 78 Exists
versions............................................. 76 valid exit facility types...................... 60
versions notation................................. 5 Exit# ...................................................... 18
Cities..................................................... 13 Exits ...................................................... 60
City ................................................. 13, 17 F
CityName.................................. 17, 20, 23 FacilityPoint.................................... 26, 36
Clearings............................................... 54 File ........................................................ 27
Codepage ................................................ 9 File# ................................................ 21, 22
Color ............................................... 25, 30 files
Copy1 ................................................... 50 shipped with cGPSmapper................ 78
Copy2 ................................................... 50 FoundationColor ............................. 25, 32 80 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Index and Tables
G project ................................................. 7
Gas Stations .......................................... 54 MapDecode ........................................... 26
Glossary ................................................ 55 MapSetName......................................... 49
MapSource ............................................ 45
MapsourceName ................................... 49
Header..................................................... 8
MapVersion........................................... 50
Height ............................................. 25, 30
Marine ............................................. 12, 28
HeightAboveDatum........................ 26, 35
Marine Charts........................................ 28
HeightAboveDatumUnit................. 26, 35
MG .......................................................... 9
HeightAboveFoundation ................ 26, 35
HeightAboveFoundationUnit ......... 26, 35 N
HeightUnit ...................................... 25, 31 Name ......................... 8, 14, 22, 26, 27, 49
Highway ............................................... 17 Note................................................. 25, 34
Highways .............................................. 16 Number ................................................. 14
HouseNumber....................................... 23 Numbering .............................................. 9
IALA..................................................... 14 OneWay ................................................ 24
ID ............................................................ 8 Origin# ...................................... 17, 19, 29
Index ..................................................... 80 OvernightParking.................................. 17
InternationalDesignator .................. 25, 35 OziExplorer
Islands................................................... 54 Point Of Interest................................ 21
Polyline or Polygon........................... 21
Label ............................. 17, 18, 20, 21, 29 P
Label2 ................................................... 20 PFM......................................................... 4
Label2Field........................................... 22 PhoneNumber ....................................... 23
LabelField............................................. 22 PMF............................................ See PFM
LBLcoding.............................................. 8 POIIndex ............................................... 10
LeadingAngle ................................. 26, 35 POINumberFirst.................................... 10
Level ............................................... 12, 23 POIOnly ................................................ 10
Level#RGNnn....................................... 16 POIZipFirst ........................................... 10
LevelFill ............................................... 12 Position ........................................... 25, 31
LevelLimit ............................................ 12 PreProcess ............................................. 11
levels..................................................... 53 Print....................................................... 14
Levels ............................................. 12, 36 Projection .............................................. 14
Using................................................. 39 Published............................................... 14
Light ............................................... 25, 33
LightType ....................................... 25, 34 Racon .............................................. 26, 35
LocalDesignator ............................. 25, 35 ReferenceEllipsoid................................ 15
M Region ................................................... 13
Manual RegionIdx.............................................. 13
Notation ....See Document Conventions RegionName ............................. 17, 20, 23
map Regions ................................................. 13
activation in the GPS ........................ 52 RgnLimit ............................................... 11
creating preview files........................ 45 RgnType................................................ 21
creation ............................................... 7 RoadClass ............................................. 24
loading into the GPS......................... 47 RoadID.................................................. 24 81 of 82
cGPSmapper Manual Index and Tables
Routing ................................................... 9 V
vector map............................................... 4
VehicleB ............................................... 24
Scale ..................................................... 14
VehicleC ............................................... 24
sendmap ............................................ 4, 50
VehicleD ............................................... 24
Shapes................................................... 22
VehicleE................................................ 24
SpeedType ............................................ 24
VehicleI................................................. 25
StreetDesc................................. 17, 20, 23
VehicleP................................................ 24
Style ................................................ 25, 30
VehicleR ............................................... 25
SubType.............................. 16, 18, 20, 28
VehicleT................................................ 24
SubTypeField ....................................... 22
Version Control Log ............................. 79
Table of Contents ................................... 2 W
Warnings ............................................... 56
Table of Figures.................................... 79
Windows registry .................................. 45
Text................................................. 14, 29
WorldMap ............................................. 12
TextEnd ................................................ 25
TextFile..................................... 14, 25, 29 Z
TextFileLines........................................ 25 Zip ......................................................... 24
TextStart ............................................... 25 ZIP................................................... 18, 20
Toll ....................................................... 24 Codes................................................. 16
Transparent ............................................. 9 zoom.......................................... 12, 36, 37
TreSize.................................................. 10 Hardware Zoom Level ................ 37, 38
Type ........................ 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 28 levels ........................................... 37, 38
TypeField.............................................. 22 Map Zoom Level ............................... 38 82 of 82