Sanguine Tides (Part 2B)

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Guide to this adventure: ....................................................................................................... 3
Background and Campaign Information .................................................................................. 4
The Road to Haftree .................................................................................................................. 5
Haftree ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Side Quests .............................................................................................................................. 12
Accompany the survivors. ................................................................................................... 12
Conclusions.............................................................................................................................. 13
Haftree Character Study ......................................................................................................... 14
Illrata ................................................................................................................................... 14
Corrins Family & Townsfolk ............................................................................................... 14
Corrin Underbough ............................................................................................................. 14
Encounter NPC’s...................................................................................................................... 15

Guide to this adventure:
Character Studies provide a much deeper insight to a NPC, their beliefs, desires and
sometimes special abilities or RPing options. This section should at least be read once
before playing the module.

Regular text can be read to the party at the DM’s Discretion if warranted

 This text is NPC driven, the DM choses how or if it is delivered.

This text is for the DM’s eyes only to provide additional information to aid in creating the

***Encounter experience is to be added depending on party size and difficulty of the

Due to the nonlinear nature of the story and also varying levels of actual content
completion, the earnest is placed upon the dungeon master to provide a suitable
challenge and appropriate party experience***

Credits in this adventure:

Art & Cover’s: Bree Martignago

Editing, Proofing and Continuity Collaborators:

As always, WotC with the core rule books and various lore and story I use to help flesh out
the realm of Faerun. Particularly the Neverwinter Campaign Setting (4e) has been of
enormous assistance with this module.

Attention DM: These modules are created in a way as to act as a framework for the story. Not all NPC’s and story
diversions have been considered. In the spirit of trying not to railroad the party, please feel free to improvise or alter any
component to suit the direction of the party. Some continuity issues may exist between the modules, as much as I have
aimed to mitigate this, I can only edit or alter them as I find them. Some situations bought up in these modules are
unrelated to the current story arc, these are to be devices in which to lay the ground work for future adventures and
campaigns. Additionally due to the scope of this adventure arc, some situations will require some improvisation, these
are mainly roleplaying situations, but on your prerogative may include combat also.

If you have any questions or comments please contact me at

Background and Campaign Information
After the events of Faebyth, the The Halfling town of Haftree sits roughly
adventurers could have taken several 10 miles directly south of Faebyth and
different actions to arrive in Haftree. If just east of The High Road half way
they have previously visited either Lilorn, between Neverwinter and Leilon. It is
Ballaton, Neverglen or Stonedren, at the usually a quiet and unassuming town not
DM’s choosing, one or two gangs of often visited by outside folk. The locals
mercenaries should attack the party as to live in small burrows and lead joyful and
keep with previously established stories. peaceful existences.
Especially if the party isn’t being discrete
about their previous exploits. As the adventurers leave the high road on
their way into Haftree, it quickly
If arriving fresh from Faebyth discount becomes apparent that something has
the previous information. gone awry.

As keeping with the stereotypical

vampiric lore, radiant damage dealt by
the party via spells or the Driftglobe,
should cause an additional 1d6 damage
per turn or grant players an advantage on
attack rolls at the DM’s Discretion. This is
essentially to ensure smaller or weaker
parties can conquer stronger vampire
enemies if they play smart.

have been setup here for 9 days now. The
The Road to Haftree first 5 days, no one had past, 3 days ago 2
After leaving the comfortable High Road, wounded halflings were on the road out
travellers follow a small and winding and the mercenaries killed them and
path towards Haftree. Within a mile of buried them nearby. They express
leaving the main road the natural world remorse about this action but it’s what
seems to be stilled. Birds aren’t heard or they were paid to do.
seen, there seems to be little movement On the defeat of the mercenaries the
around. Characters questing out with party finds 200gp’s 40sp’s and 29cp’s
spells or magic are unable to sense along with a mysterious orb the wizard
anything living. After a few miles random had hidden in a burlap sack. An arcana
personal effects and items litter the path roll (DC15) will provide the knowledge
as it becomes obvious people have begun that this item is in fact a Driftglobe.
to flee in a hurry. The road eventually
They will expecting another payment
leads through a pass between two rolling
within a few days (if the party hasn’t
disrupted business in Lilorn). The Wizard
Suddenly as the party reach the very can be identified as Illrata, a name given
centre between the two hills an arcane by a questioned vampire courier from
missile comes streaking from behind the events in Lilorn.
hill slamming into the back row of the Cautiously the party continues their way
party. The missile deals 1d4 of arcane towards the town.
damage and creates a panic causing any
mount or animal to buck or attempt to
run (roll saving throws for animal

Three axe wielding barbarian

mercenaries come charging over the hills
towards the party as a lone mercenary
wizard stands atop the hill on the left
preparing another spell.

Any of these mercenaries can be

questioned as to their business and why
they attacked. They will detail that they
are to keep people from discovering
Haftree and that they were hired by a
shady rogue in the city of Neverwinter.
The rogue never gave his name but is
described as a gaunt half elf with silver
eyes wearing a dark cloak and black
leather armour. The mercenaries are
being payed around 250g a week and they

having them become possessed or
Haftree haunted.
Haftree upon approach seems to be in
1. This collapsed burrow is almost
ruins. As you descend a gentle slope
impossible to enter without
heading north towards the town you can
removing a large amount of earth.
see dark smoke rising from numerous
Smaller party members may be
points across the town. Not a living soul
able to wriggle through the
can be seen throughout the area. Piles of
remaining space to find a
burnt furniture and possessions dot the
dishevelled home. Two small
village centre and paths. Small Halfling
Halfling bodies are semi buried
bodies lay motionless strewn between
under the collapse. Items found
homes, in gardens and around small
in the ruins include 5gp of
ponds and fountains.
trinkets and an ornate tea set
Doors to most homes seem to have been 15gp both of which would have
smashed in from the outside and only 4 had some sentimental value.
or 5 burrows seem to have the entrances 2. With the door broken in and
still intact. Approaching cautiously, furniture strewn everywhere it
movement can be seen in some of the becomes clear whoever has been
windows of the burrows. As the party here is cleared the home of
enters the village they notice burrows to anything valuable, including its
either side of them, to the left the burrow inhabitants.
(1) appears to be caved in. The right one a. This structure has a small
(2) seems ransacked. From there the sign hanging by the door
path opens into a village centre with a depicting a jug of ale. The
burrowed alehouse (3) directly to the door remains unbroken
north, a burrow to the east (4) and a and closed, as the players
fortified looking burrow (5) to the west. approach closer they hear
The main path leads around the Alehouse low murmurs and the
and to another row of four burrows (6 - occasional moaning from
9) running east west. A smaller path inside.
leads east from the village centre to a b. The door is barred from
differing row of three burrows (10-12). the inside. A few surviving
Taking anything sentimental or villagers cower inside
potentially sacred from any of these trying to ensure the
homes would seem almost criminal remaining enemies within
considering how recently events seemed the area are not able to get
to have taken place. A level of spiritual to them and hoping the
unrest lingers in most areas as many danger will pass after a
spirits have not quite yet passed on to the few days.
next plane. Greedy, evil or characters c. Players can call out to the
who have no sense of the spiritual world survivors, an attempt to
can take items at the potential cost of gain entrance to the Inn.

Within is the Innkeep and with a number of trade
his wife and son, 2 middle details etched into it.).
aged men, a younger
female and 3 small
children. They are all
mentally exhausted and
strained. They will ask for
proof of the adventurer’s
d. The Inn keep declares his
name is Corrin
Underbough and that there
should be survivors nearby
in the town bank/supply
shop, but the vampires are
also still present and
return at night to try to
finish the Halfling’s off.
e. If asked about Lumbard
Luthrom, Corrin recalls a
trader who came to town
many months previously.
He arrived to negotiate a
supply of food stock from
his home town for the
village in return for
livestock from a few of the
local farms. Corrin states
that Lumbard’s body was
found late one afternoon
near one of the outer farms
with 3 arrows protruding
from his chest. Corrin can’t
remember any additional
information about the
stranger or his death but
he does have the amulet
and some personal effects
in case someone eventually
came looking. (Players
receive an amulet of
Waukeen, and a ledger

7 8

3 9
5 4
1 2
a. Players could wait here till 5. This structure seems almost
night fall in an attempt to fortified compared to the others
surprise the vampires or with a heavy door closed securely
create a trap for them, If so and thick stone extending out into
check ahead in sections 10- a rocky hillock. A sign hangs from
12 to see which vampires near the door denoting a bag
will return. overflowing with gold pieces,
b. The adventures can either signifying a bank or traders
accompany them from the perhaps. There doesn’t seem to be
village or back to anything barring this door but it
Neverwinter or another is firmly locked.
town, but they should a. Players may pick this lock
remain hidden as the if they are able or use
vampires will attempt to magic or destroy the door
kill them all to stop the with an axe or hammer.
news from spreading This will take an hour and
around. The party can all creatures within the
supply gold and rations to town will hear this
help the survivors. The disturbance.
safest location for these b. Upon entering the
survivors is in Lilorn or darkened foyer a vampire
Ballaton if they have been leaps at the first player to
cleared of any vampire enter through the door.
infiltration, back in i. This vampire can
Neverwinter if the players be interrogated or
have claimed their own intimidated for
land and have any sort of information. He
building on it. Or finally in reveals there are 3
a town such as Leilon in other vampires in
which the players should another den within
have discovered the the town. They are
vampires have no interest here to turn as
in. many Halflings as
4. This burrow looks as dishevelled possible, he was left
as the first two, with the door here to ensure that
broken in, contents thrown about the Halflings hiding
and scattered and blood smeared in one of the rooms
along the floor and some walls. don’t escape during
Sorting through the mess players the day light.
find a tinker style clock (15gp) a Experience for
small pendant of carved deep blue clearing this room
sapphire (70gp) and a small set of is 300 divided
tinkerer tools.

equally throughout around. The party can
the party. supply gold and rations to
c. Once the vampire is dealt help the survivors. The
with players discover safest location for these
behind a counter two survivors is in Lilorn or
doors one is easily opened Ballaton if they have been
and contains various goods cleared of any vampire
and items totalling around infiltration, back in
280gp, there is too much Neverwinter if the players
to carry, a cart will be have claimed their own
needed. Behind the second land and have any sort of
door which is locked tight building on it. Or finally in
the party can hear ragged a town such as Leilon in
breathing and a low which the players should
moaning noise. have discovered the
Inside are 4 Halflings, 2 vampires have no interest
older women a younger in.
man and a young female.
6.-9.Three of the next four
The younger man is badly
burrows have been caved in by some
wounded and although the
magic similar to the first burrow seen as
others have patched him
walking into town. Only the very end
up he is in a bad way. The
burrow remains intact. This burrow is
2 older women identify
more grandiose than previous examples.
themselves as Paela and
Numerous windows and entrances face
Verna and the young
the sprawling gardens surrounding the
female is named Kithri.
hollowed hillock. Upon getting near any
They are immensely glad
entrance or window many groaning
to see you. Kithri begs the
noises can be heard. The interior is very
adventurers to try to heal
dark and players are unable to see in
or save the young male,
through any openings. Any door can be
Reed. Once this as played
opened via lock picking or force. Inside
out the Halflings ask if the
the players find this building to be a town
other townsfolk sheltering
tall of some variety, in the large foyer
in the Inn are ok.
area 6 Halfing men laid on the floor all
d. The adventures can either
withering in agony. Upon closer
accompany them from the
inspection all have been bitten on or
village or back to
around the neck. An arcana or history
Neverwinter or another
check of 10 will show that they are in the
town, but they should
irreversible process of being turned to
remain hidden as the
vampirism. At this point the party will
vampires will attempt to
essentially have to make a moral choice
kill them all to stop the
on how to deal with this issue. Sticking
news from spreading

10 | P a g e
with previous information from other the party composition and level) and a
players, players can attempt to kill the vampire lord (caster version).
turning Halflings and the cast True Before the Vampire Lord attacks he
Resurrection as the only real way to bring reveals to the players that meddling
the back. within affairs of the order is a death
sentence that he personally will deal out.
Players can find a small chest of 100gp
Later he also states that the party will be
13sp and 400cp within a room of the
hunted until the end of their days should
they inevitably defeat him, as he has
As the players leave the home described their description to the rest of
they will attacked by 6 wolves who have order.
been lying in wait. These wolves aim at The room the players find themselves in
any Halflings with the party first. It is is only 15 feet across and around 18 feet
apparent due to the organised nature of long. This should prove to be an
these wolves, they are being controlled exceptionally difficult fight that should
by the remaining vampires. They can be almost break the party.
saved with appropriate spells or being
Upon dealing with all the vampires
taken out of range of the vampire’s (250
players should receive 1000xp shared
ft out of town)
equally. On the bodies of the vampires a
10-12. These burrows appear to be note can be found detailing a plan to
in the best condition apart from the recruit Halfling’s and bring them to the
broken doors and windows leading into “estate”. The Note is stamped with a
them. Only a single burrow retains its unique crest depicting a blood red wolfs
unbroken door. This burrow is dug into a head with bats wings extending from
smaller hillock than the rest and also behind the head (example below). Along
seems to only have a single window with the note a signet ring with a similar
which has had a table upended against it. crest can be found as well as a rare and
Breaking through the door here requires ancient looking pendant featuring an iron
a strength check (of DC 20) or players depiction of a god or deity long forgotten,
may choose to pick the lock (DC 20). the god features a humanoid style head
Ideally you should engage players to get with the features of a wolf or some
creative, (freeze the hinges with a frost similar ancient beast. This amulet is
spell and smash them with a hammer, steeped with magic, any detect magic or
burn it down, cut through it with an axe arcana check will reveal it is an “Amulet
etc). of proof against detection and location”.

As the door is opened one way or another

awaiting on the other side is a large dire
wolf which comes barrelling out at the
party. Upon removing the dire wolf the
party is granted 180xp shared equally.
Awaiting inside this burrow are two
vampires (at ¾ strength depending on

11 | P a g e
Side Quests

Accompany the survivors.

The players may choose before or after from the fight with the remaining
the vampires are all destroyed to escort vampires if there was any. If some or up
the Halflings back to an appropriate to half the Halflings perished grant
location. 350xp, or if less than half grant 200xp. If
If the party decides to accompany them none survive grant no experience (all
back before all vampires have been killed experience should be shared equally
in town, the remaining vampires in areas between all the players).
10-12 will attack within a day (the first
night) of leaving the village unless the
party is very creative in how they plan to
leave without a trace. As this battle takes
place, vampires will attempt to kill the
remaining Halflings at any chance
possible. Ensure the players are aware of
this and if their plan or strategy doesn’t
take this in consideration during the
battle be sure to give the vampire the
chance to kill as many Halflings as

Once the Halflings are safe in the decided

location, it could pay to have them either
work for the players as they are eternally
grateful, or even be a point for players to
use as a resource for information or
future quests.

Completing this with all Halflings

Surviving should grant 500xp plus any

12 | P a g e
As players leave the village of Haftree, it The guard captain (Named Luthar
should be suggested to the holiest player Starag) (NPC) may be introduced to the
(via his or her preferred Deity) that players again in a future module. Having
perhaps the Neverwinter Guard and them get along will provide them with a
appropriate religious body, should attend long term powerful ally.
to the village to perform any burial rights
Any sentimental loot or items taken from
or traditional funerals that halflings may
the town can have the possibility of
usually prefer. This may come at a cost
becoming possessed at the DMs
but skilful negotiators could suggest to
discretion. This can range from annoying
guards that this may be the start of a
whispers to the player possibly tainting
larger regional threat or that this
their actions (disadvantage on skill rolls
happened right in their backyard and
etc), or perhaps causing the player to fail
that this should be tidied up before the
on having a successful long rest (rolling a
good folk become scared and paranoid.
1 on a 1d6). This should continue until it
Either route should lead to a Captain
is either sold to an unsuspecting victim,
named Luthar Starag. He will accept the
ritually or spiritually cleansed (very
responsibility to deal with the remains of
expensive) or put back in Haftree.
Haftree and begin an official
investigation into happenings there. This After the players are content with how the
captain will sort out the situation in situation has been dealt with they must
Haftree and if the players are still decide on their next action. As previously
available upon his return (4 days later), discovered the towns of Ballaton and
will track them down in the city and Lilorn have previously been mentioned.
issue a decree stating that the players are For immersive purposes if they end up in
operating on behalf of the realm. Any another city have NPC’s drop rumours of
Halfling survivors are uninterested in troubles stemming from them areas etc.
returning to the town so more macabre
players may wish to rebuild the village
for their own purpose or needs if so

13 | P a g e
Wife: Belinfi Child: Corrig
Haftree Character 3 small children – Kip Litlo & tegana
Study Younger Female – Listra Stumpling

Illrata – Mecenery Wizard – Paela – Halfling survivor

Illrata isn’t nessiscarily evil by any Verna - Halfling survivor
means, he resents his work mostly
Kithri - Halfling survivor
however it pay the bills and gives him
opportunity to pursue his passion for the Reed - Halfling survivor
arcane. He can be convinced very easily
2 middle aged men – Pont & Samres
to change his ways, he just needs some
support to do so. (criminal background
PHB pg129).

Personality Trait: 4 Ideal: 2

Corrin Underbough – Inn Keep
– Corrin cares mostly for his family
Bond: 6 Flaw: 4
followed by his neighbours and friends.
The night the vampires attacked he
rushed to implore others to come hide in
Corrins Family & the inn along with his family. He scooped
up all the children currently in the inn as
they tried to flee. Acting as the protector
These Halflings have been through hell.
of the remaining villagers Corrin will aim
Most of their friends are dead or missing.
to keep everyone together to ensure their
They are all either exhausted, injured or
safety and future prosperity. (Folk Hero
in some state of shock. They all turn to
Background PHB pg131)
Corrin to follow his lead. These villagers
may never be the same if left to recover Personality Trait: 2 Ideal: 2
on their own. Bond: 4 Flaw: 1

14 | P a g e
Encounter NPC’s

15 | P a g e
16 | P a g e

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