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भगवते न्याय देशाय च
Section A
Section B
Section C
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Company Law
1. Nature of Company.
2. Formation of Company.
3. Articles and Memorandum of Association.
4. Prospectus.
6. Dividends.
7. Debentures.
8. Meetings.
9. Winding up and Liquidator.
10. Board of Directors.
1. Enumerate the essentials of a company
2. Mention the steps for incorporating and registering a company
3. Explain the doctrine of Indoor management.
4. Distinguish between Public Company and Private Company
5. What is Memorandum of Association? State its essentials
6. Distinguish between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
7. Who are the members of a company?
8. Explain the doctrine of Ultra Vires.
9. Who is a promoter?
10. How can Articles of Association be altered?
11. How are directors of company appointed?
12. Explain the legal status of directors.
13. What is Prospectus? State the consequences for misstatement in prospectus
14 Write a note on Dividend.
15. What do you understand by Share? what are the different types of shares that may be Issued by a
16. Distinguish between share and debenture
17. define Quorum. What are the consequences for absence of quorum?
18. What are the different types of meeting of a company?
19. What is winding up? What are kinds of winding up?
20 What is Debenture?
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6.Can a Company claim Fundamental Rights available to Indian Citizens? Give reasons.
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GROUP –A : Answer Any Five Questions: 5x2
1. Define Company?
2. Who is a Promoter?
3. Who are the members of the Company ?
4. Can a company claim Fundamental Rights available to Indian Citizen ? Give Reasons
5. What is ‘Corporate Veil’?
6. What is prospectus?
7. What do you mean by Memorandum of Association ?
8. State the contents of a Memorandum.
9. What is ‘Quorum’?
10. When is ‘ One man Quorum’ valid?
11. Special Resolution
12. Common Seal
13. Define Share.
14. What do you understand by ‘ Transfer of Shares’?
15. What is ‘Dividend’?
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5. P & CO. and T & Co. are 2 firms registered under the Indian Partnership Act 1932, each consisting of 12 partners.
The firms desire to carry on business jointly as partners under the name KPT and Co. Does KPT and Co. require
registration and if so under what provisions of the Companies Act ? How you can distinguish company and
Partnership firm?
6. Write a note on alteration of the Object Clause in the Memorandum of Association.
7. Discuss the doctrine of Ultra Vires vis-a-vis a Company , the directors and the Articles . What is the legal effect of
Ultra-vires Acts?
8. How can Articles of Association be altered?
9. A company altered the objects clause of its Memorandum of Association according to the Procedure laid down by
law i.e. by passing a special resolution . A copy of the resolution was filed with the Registrar 4months after passing
of the resolution. Can he register the alteration?
10. What is mis-statement in the prospectus? Who are liable for such mis-statement ?
11. What defences, When proved to the satisfaction of the court , will exonerate a person from civil liability for mis-
statement in the prospectus?
12. What do you mean by Company Meetings? Discuss different kinds of meetings under the Companies Act .
13. State the law relating to criminal liability for mis-statement in the prospectus .
14. Distinguish between a member and a shareholder . How does the membership in a company come to an end ?
15. Define “ Holding Company’ and a Subsidiary Company’ . Give examples .
16. What is a Government Company ? State its special features . How far is it governed by the Companies Act, 1956?
17. Discuss mode of appointment of the Directors of a Company.
18. Critically discuss the legal position of Directors of a Company .
19. Explain Doctrine of Indoor Management and its exceptions.
20. Write a brief and compact note on winding up.
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(b) Write down the differences between share certificate and share warrant. 25+15
7. (a) What is a debenture? State and explain the different kinds of debentures.
(b) Write a note on remedies of debenture-holders in case of non-payment. 25+15
8. (a) Discuss the doctrine of indoor management.
(b) What are the legal effects of ultra vires actions? 20+20
9. (a) Discuss the legal position of the directors of the company.
(b) Distinguish between ‘annual general meeting’ and ‘extra-ordinary general meeting’. 20+20
10. Write short notes on any two : 20×2
(a) Common Seal
(b) Quorum
(c) Transmission of shares
1. (a) What is a Company? What are the steps require the formation and registration of a company?
2. (a) Who is a Promoter? Critically discuss the position of a pro and his liabilities.
(b) Can a company ratify the contracts of promoters who acted on behalf of the company before its incorporation?
(b) Discuss misstatement in the prospectus and its legal consequences with reference to judicial decisions.
(b) Elucidate the circumstances under which corporate veil may be lifted. 6+10
5. (a) What do you mean by the Memorandum of Association? State its contents.
6. (a) Define Share. What are the different types of shares that may be issued by a company under the Companies
Act, 1956?
(b) Write down the differences between a share certificate and share warrant. 10+6
7. (a) What is a Debenture? State and explain the different kinds of debentures.
(b) Dividendo
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(c) Liquidator
Answer any five Questions:
Answer Any Five Questions
1. (a) What is a Company?
(b) Distinguish between a Private Company and a Public Company.
(c) Discuss the position of a promoter. 4+8+4
2. Discuss the doctrine of Ultra-Vires with decided case laws. 16
3. (a) Define Prospectus.
(b) What are the contents of Prospectus?
(c) Write a note on “Misstatement in Prospectus”. 4+4+8
4. Discuss the doctrine of “Lifting the Corporate Veil” with decided case laws. 16
5. (a) Define Share
(b) What are the different types of shares? 4+6+6
6. Examine the powers, duties and liabilities of Directors under the Company Law. 16
7. (a) What do you understand by Company Meetings?
(b) What are the different kinds of Meetings under Company Act? 6+10
8. Discuss the doctrine of Indoor Management pointing out the exception, if any, to the doctrine. 16
9. What do you understand by “Winding up” of a company? What are the grounds on which a Court can order
winding up of any company? 8+8
10. Write short notes on (any two): 8x2
(a) Memorandum of Association
(b) Dividends
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Answer any five questions:
1. What is company? Compare the salient features of Company Act, 1956 with Company Act, 2013. 16
2. Explain the concept of pre-incorporated contract through promoter before formation of company. 16
3. What are the contents of Articles and Memorandum of Association under the existing laws? Explain the
differences between them. 16
4. “Prospectus of a company is the key document for any company” – Critically discuss. 16
5. What are the liabilities of Board of Directors towards the shareholders and stakeholders of any
company? 16
6. What do you mean by share certificates? Who are custodian of books and documents relating to issue of share
certificates? Explain the form of such certificates. Explain the procedure for issuing share certificates. 16
7. What are the differences between Dividends and Debentures? Explain the related provisions under Companies
Act, 1956 for issuing debenture. 16
8. Discuss the doctrine of Ultra Vires. What are the effects of Ultra vires actions? 4+12
9. Explain the doctrine of Indoor Management and State the exceptions, if any. 16
10. Write Short Notes on any four of the following: 4x4
a) Common Seal. b) Voluntary Winding up of a Company. c) Dividends
d) Special Revolution. e) Corporate Veil. f) Transmission of Shares
g) Government Company. h) Holding Company
1. a. What is company ?What are the steps required to be taken for the formation and registration of a company
? 10
b. Distinguish between a private company and a public company . 6
2. a. Who is a promoter ? Critically discuss the position of a promoter and his liabilities. 10
b. Can a company ratify the contracts of promoters who acted on behalf of the company before its
incorporation? 6
3. a. Define prospectus. 3
b. Discuss misstatement in prospectus and its legal consequences with reference to judicial decisions. 12
4. a. Briefly describe the concept of corporate veil. 6
b. Elucidate the circumstances under which the corporate veil may be lifted . 10
5. a. What do you mean by Memorandum of Association? State its contents . 10
b. How can Articles of Association be altered ? 6
6. a. Define Share. What are the different types of shares that may be issued by a company under the Companies
Act ,1956? 10
b. Write down the differences between share certificate and share warrant. 6
7. a. What is a debenture? State and explain the different kinds of debentures . 10
b. Write a note remedies of debentures holders in case of non payment . 6
8. a. Critically discuss the legal position of directors in a company . 8
b. Distinguish between ‘ Statutory Meeting’ and Extraordinary General Meeting of a company. What are their
respective purposes? 8
9. a. What are the grounds for compulsory winding up of a company? 12
b. Name the persons entitled to present a petition for such winding up. 4
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Answer Any Five Questions:
1. a. Define a Company and state its essential features .
b. Distinguish between a public and private company . 10+6
2. a. What do you mean by Corporate veil?
b. Enumerate the circumstances when corporate veil may be lifted by the courts. 10+6
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Answer Any Four Question: 5x4
1. Define Cyber Space. What do you mean by Jurisdiction in Cyber Space?
2. What are the principles of International Law applicable to Cyber Space?
3. Define Electronic Signature . What do you mean by Electronic Signature Certificate ?
4. Who is a Certifying Author under Information Technology Act 2000? What are the powers and functions of the
controller under this Act?
5. Trace the nature, scope and object of Information Technology Law in India.
6. Write a note Electronic Records and Electronic Evidence.
7. State the composition of Cyber Appellate Tribunal.
8. Explain the concept of Cyber Crime with reference to Hackings in Cyberspace.
9. What is Network Service Provider? State the liabilities of Network Service Providers in India.
10. Discuss the powers of Police officers and other authorities in controlling and preventing Cyber Crimes.
11. State the qualifications for appointment as Chair person and members of Cyber Appellate Tribunal.
12. Trace the history and development of Information Technology law in India.
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Answer Any Four Question : 5X4
1. Define Internet , Cyber space, Computer and Digital Signature Certificate .
2. What do you mean by Certifying Authority ? What is Cyber Appellate Tribunal?
3. What are the principles elementary issues in determination of Cyber Jurisdiction?
4. Discuss the principles of International Law applicable for determination of Cyber Jurisdiction.
5. What is E-Commerce ? What is Electronic Data Interchange?
6. What are the various provisions of the Information Technology Act ,2000 that deals with E-Commerce?
7. Is it mandatory to file E-Return of Income Tax?
8. What do you mean by E- Governance?
9. What are the primary legal issues surrounding E- Governance?
10. What is the procedure for verification of Digital Signature?
11. What is Secure Electronic Signature ? What is THE Procedure for securing Electronic Signatures?
12. Who is the Controller of Certifying Authorities under the Information Technology Act 2000? What are the
Functions of the Controller ?
13. What are the various civil wrongs that has been recognised under the Information Technology Act,2000?
14. State the punishments that may be awarded in furtherance of Civil Wrongs committed under the Information
Technology Act,2000?
15. What is Cyber Crime? What are the offences classified under the Information Technology Act, 2000?
16. Discuss the provisions relating to Powers of Police Officers under the Information Technology Act,2000?
Full Marks - 80
(b) Discuss the objectives of the Information Technology Law in Indian perspectives tracing historical
2. Explain the Territoriality of Law and Territorial application of Law with special reference to the
3. What do you understand by the term ‘Cyber Contravention’? Discuss the legal provisions on cyber
4. Examine the relevant provisions of the Information Technology Act relating e-governance and
e-records. 40
(b) Discuss the procedure of digital signature and its security system with reference to Indian Law.
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6. Discuss the prevention and control of child pornography in cyberspace with reference to Indian legal
system. 40
7. Examine the powers and functions of the controllers for prevention and control of cyber crime and
contravention. 40
8. Critically examine the relevant provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 in India for the
9. Define and discuss about ‘Cyber piracy’ with reference to legal provisions and judicial decisions. 40
(d) Mobile-Commerce
(e) E-insurance.
Answer any five questions
1. Discuss object and historical growth of the Information technology in India and the USA. 16
2. Explain prospects and problems of application of E-governance system in India with reference to suitable examples
and legal provisions. 16
3. Examine the significance of digital signature and electronic signature with reference to the Information Technology
Act, 2000 in India.16
4. Discuss issues of cyber jurisdiction with reference to relevant cases and the Information Technology Act, 2000 in
India. 16
5. Explain the status of the Controller and Tribunal in India with reference to the Information Technology Law. 16
6. Do you think Cyber Hacking is cyber crime? Give your answer with reference to relevant cases and legal
7. Discuss Cyber Terrorism with its prevention and control as provided under the Information Technology Law in
Indian scenario and give your opinion for legal reforms, if required. 16
8. Write a note on Right to Privacy in cyber space with special reference to Indian socio-legal scenario. 16
(b) Distinguish between Cyber Contraventions and Cyber Crimes with reference to the Information Technology Act,
2000 in India. 4+12
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(c) E-contract
Answer Any Five Questions
1. (a) Define the terms Internet and Network.
(b) Discuss the history and growth of the Information Technology Law in India. 4+12
2. Discuss the legal recognition of electronic records and e-governance with reference to Indian Law 16
3. Discuss the concepts and utilities of digital signature and electronic signature with reference to the Information
Technology Law. 16
4. Critically explain the territorial applications of law and jurisdiction in cyber-space. 16
5. Critically examine the powers and functions of Controller and Information Appellate Tribunal in India with reference
to the Information Technology Law. 16
6. (a) What do you understand by the term Cyber Crime?
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Answer any five questions:
1. (a)What do you understand by the term computer software?
(b)Discuss the history and growth of the Information Technology Law in India. (6+10)
2. Discuss provisions of the Information Technology Act relating to legal recognition of electronic records and e-
governance. (16)
3. Discuss the legal provisions of Digital Signature and Electronic Signature in India. (16)
4. Examine the question of jurisdiction in cyber space with reference to the Information Technology Act. (16)
5. Discuss power and functions of controller and Cyber appellate Tribunal in Indian perspectives. (16)
6. Discuss any two Cyber Contraventions with reference to the Indian Legal system. (16)
7. What do you understand by the term Cyber-Crime? Discuss Indian legal provisions and judicial approaches to
control cyber fraud. (16)
8. Discuss Cyber Pornography with reference to the Indian Law. (16)
9. What do you understand by Cyber Terrorism? Examine legal provisions in India to control and prevent cyber
terrorism. (16)
10. Write notes on any two of the following: - (8×2)
(a) Online contract (b) Cyber Hacking (c) E-commerce.
Answer Any Five Questions:
1. a. Define the terms Computer and Computer system. 6
b. Discuss the history and growth of the Information Technology Law in India with reference to the USA and the
UK. 10
2. Discuss the legal provisions relating to legal recognition of electronic records and e-governance in India
perspectives. 16
3. a. What do you understand by the terms digital signature and electronic signature? 6
b. Examine legal provision for the security electronic and digital signatures in India. 10
4. Critically discuss the issue of jurisdiction in cyberspace with reference to the Information Technology Act in India . 16
5. Discuss the power and functions of Controller and Information Appellate Tribunal in India. 16
6 . What do you understand by the term Cyber Contravention ? Discuss the two Cyber Contravention with reference
to the Indian Law. 16
7. Define the term Cyber-crime . Discuss Indian legal provisions any Judicial approaches to combat cyber
pornography. 16
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9. a. Discuss the powers of Police Officers in controlling and preventing cyber crimes. 6
b. Give your opinion for the prevention and control of cybercrime in India. 10
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1. a) Define 'Industry as laid down under the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 with the help of decided case law.
b) Does an Educational Institution come within the definition of an industry - Substantiate. 6+4
2. Who are the authorities under Industrial Dispute Act, 19477 Discuss the powers and functions of such authorities.
3. Differentiate between Lay Off and Retrenchment. Discuss the procedure for retrenchment under Industrial
Dispute Act, 1947. What are the rights of a workman as to compensation on being retrenched? 4+2+4
4. a. Define the term Trade Union under the Trade Union Act, 1926.
b. What is the procedure for registration of Trade Union?
c. When registration of trade Union can be cancelled 2+4+4
5. a) Define 'trade dispute under the Trade Union Act, 1926.
b) What are the objects on which the general funds of a registered trade union may be spent ? 4+6
6. a) Enumerate the object of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.
b) What are the exceptions to the application of the statute. 6+4
7. a) What is the procedure for submission of draft standing Orders under the Industrial Employment (Standing
Orders) Act, 1946.
b) Discuss. the method of Certification of Standing Order. 5+5
8. Write short notes on any four:
a)Workman b) Lock-out C) Strike d) Closure e) Badli Workman f) Public Utility Service g) Unfair Labour
Practice h) Industrial Undertaking
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1. (a) What are the objectives and salient features of Industrial Dispute Act, 1947?
(b) Explain the term 'Industry' under the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 with the help of decided case laws. (04)
2. (a) What are the different authorities under the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947? (04)
(b) Describe the conditions and procedure for reference of a dispute under Industrial Dispute Act, 1947?
3. Discuss the power and functions of different authorities as laid down under the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.
4. (a) Explain the prohibitions as laid down in the Industrial Dispute Act 1947 pertaining to Strike and Lock Out.
(b) Differentiate between 'lay off' and 'retrenchment'. (04)
6. Write an exhaustive note on various rights and liabilities of a registered Trade Union (10)
7. (a) When registration of a Trade union can be cancelled by the Registrar? (08)
(b) Once cancelled, can the Registrar withdraw the cancellation of registration of a Trade Union? (02)
9. (a) Enumerate the objectives of Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946. (06)
(b) What are the exception to the application of the Statute? (04)
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Group – A : Answer Any 5 Questions: 5 x 2=10
1. Define ‘Industry’.
2. Explain the term ‘Industrial Dispute’.
3. What is ‘Strike’ ?
4. What is ‘Lock Out’ ?
5. Explain ‘Lay Off’.
6. What is ‘Retrenchment’ ?
7. What is ‘Trade Dispute’ ?
8. What are Standing Orders ?
9. What is Draft Order ?
10 Who is a workman ?
Answer Any Two Questions: 2 x10
1. a. Is registration compulsory under the Trade Union Act,1926?
b. What are the differences between registered trade union and unregistered trade union under the legislation
relating to trade union? 2+8
2. a. Define the term Trade Dispute under the Trade Union Act.
b. Write short note on the political fund created under Trade Union Act. 4+6
3. a. Do you think ‘club’ is an industry ?
b. What are the differences between the layoff and retrenchment under the Industrial Dispute Act. 8+2
4. Explain the Provision of Sec 10 A of the Industrial Dispute Act. 10
5. Who are dispute settlement authorities under Industrial Disputes Act and what are the different modes for
settlement of grievances in any industry? 10
6. a. Define the terms ‘Standing Order’ and ‘Industrial Establishment’ under the Industrial Establishment (Standing
Orders) Act.
b. What are the different requirements for the draft proposal of Standing Orders for its submission and
certification. 4+6
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7. Discuss the characteristics of ‘strike’ and ‘lockout’ in accordance with the Industrial Dispute Act,1947. 10
8. Explain the statutory provision relating to unfair trade practices. 10
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Full Marks-80
1. (a) What are the objects of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?
2. (a) Who are the authorities under the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947?
(b) Write a short note on powers and functions of those authorities. 15+25
3. (a) What are the various methods of settlement and adjudication of Industrial dispute?
5. Enumerate the object of the ‘Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946. What are the exceptions
6. What are the matters provided in standing orders? Who is the authority to certify a draft of standing
7. (a) Define ‘Trade Union’ and ‘Trade Dispute’ under the Trade Union Act. 1926.
(b) State the provisions relating to the rights of minors to the relationship of Trade Union. 20+20
(a) Closure
(b) Employer
(d) Workmen
(f) Wages
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(g) Establishment.
Answer any five questions
1. (a) What is Industrial Dispute? Whether individual dispute can be treated as Industrial Dispute?
(b) What are the salient features of the Industrial Disputes Act,1947? 10+6
2. (a) What are the conditions precedent for closing down an undertaking under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?
(b) What penalties can be imposed on the employer who closes down an undertaking without complying with the
provisions of the Act? 10+6
3. (a) Explain the prohibitions as laid down in the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, pertaining to 'Strike' and 'Lock-out'.
4. (a) Briefly discuss the various authorities under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
(b) How Reference of disputes referred to Boards, Court or Tribunal by Government under Industrial Disputes Act,
1947? 8+8
5. (a) How a Trade Union is formed under the Trade Union Act, 1926 8+8
(6) What procedures are laid down for registration of a Trade Union under the said Act?
(b) What are the objects on which the general funds and political find of a registered Trade Union can be spent
Order'? What is the procedure for Order under the Industrial Employment fortification of Standing Order. 10+6
modification of Standing Order under the Ins related to penalties and procedures in case bit Draft Standing Order
under the said Act. 6+10
7. (a) What do you mean by 'Standing Order'? WI submission of draft Standing Order under (Standing Order) Act,
(b) Who is 'badly workman'? What are his rights reworkman'? What are his rights regarding Lay-off compensation?
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(b) Employer
(d) Closure
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b. Is there any provision for change of name of a Trade Union or of amalgamation of two or more Trade Unions
under the said Act? Discuss. 10+6
7. a. What is the procedure for submission of draft Standing Orders under Industrial Employment (Standing Orders)
Act, 1946? 8
b. Discuss the method of Certification of Standing Orders. 8
8. a. Is there any provision for modification of Standing Orders under Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act?
Discuss. 10
b. What legal measures can be taken by the aggrieved employers or workmen or Trade Unions against the order of
the Certifying Officer under the said Act? 6
9. Write short notes on any four: 4x4
a. Workmen. b. Industrial undertaking. c. Unfair labour practices
d. Continuous service. e Unregistered Trade Union. f. Disqualification of Office-bearers
g . Subsistence allowance
Answer Any Five Questions:
1. a. Define ‘Industry’ as laid down under the Industrial Disputes Act,1947. Does an educational Institution come
within the definition of an Industry?
b. What is an “ Industrial Dispute’?
c. Who is an ‘employer’? 10+4+2
2. a. What are the various methods of settlement and adjudication of Industrial Dispute?
b. Define ‘Strike’ and ‘Lockout’ as laid down under the Industrial Disputes Act,1947. 10+3+3
3. a. Differentiate between ‘ Lay-off’ and ‘Retrenchment’ .
b. Discuss the procedure for retrenchment under Industrial Disputes Act 1947
c. How can retrenched workmen be re-employed?
d. What are the rights of a workman as to compensation on being retrenched? 6+4+3+3
4. a. Define ‘ Trade – Union’ and Trade Dispute’ under Trade Unions Act ,1926.
b. How is a Registered Trade Union dissolved ?
c. State the provision relating to the rights of minors to the membership of Trade Union. 4+4+8
5. a. What are the privileges of a registered Trade Union?
b. What are the objects on which the general funds of a registered Trade Union may be spent?
c. Write a note on ‘Certificate of Registration’. 6+6+4
6. Enumerate the object of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946. What are the exceptions to the
applications of the Statute? 10+6
7. What are the matters provided in Standing Orders? Who is the authority to certify a draft of standing
order? What is the procedure for certification of standing orders? 6+2+8
8. a. On whom shall an award at a labour court, Tribunal be binding ?
b. How long can an award remain in force?
c. What protection is available to a workman whose name is borne on the muster-rolls at an industrial
establishment against lay –off? 4+4+8
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Part: I Income Tax
1. Income Tax:
a. Important definitions in the Income Tax act, 1961.
b. Basis of Charge; Concepts of Previous Year and Assessment Year.
c. Charge of Income Tax.
d. Residential Status of Assessee and Scope of Total Income.
e. Income deemed to be received / deemed to accrue or arise in India.
2. Incomes which do not form Part of Total Income.
3. Heads of income.
4. Special provisions relating to Income of Political Parties.
5. Provisions Governing Computation of Income under the Heads:
a. Salaries.
b. Income from House Property.
c. Capital Gains.
6. Deduction from Gross Total Income.
7. Computation of Total Income and Tax payable thereon.
8. Relief when Salary, etc., is paid in arrears or in advance.
9. Provisions relating to Filing of Return of Income.
10. Return by whom to be signed.
11. Self Assessment.
12. Inquiry Before Assessment.
13. Assessment.
14. Best Judgment Assessment.
15. Income Escaping Assessment.
16. Appeals.
17. Revisions.
Part II: West Bengal Value Added Tax (VAT):
1. Concept, Advantages and Disadvantages.
2. General Principles of State Level VAT and VAT vs. Sales Tax.
3. Definitions:
Business, Capital Goods, Casual Dealer, Dealer, Goods, Input Tax, Input Tax Credit, Manufacture, Maximum
Retail Price (MRP), Net Tax, Purchase Output, Tax, Reverse Credit, Purchase Price, Sales Price, Taxable
Goods, Tax Invoice, Turnover of purchases, Turnover of Sales, Zero Rated Sale.
4. Incidence and Levy of Tax.
5. Registration of Dealer, Payment of Tax and Filing of Return.
Part III: Service Tax:
1. Service Tax: Concepts and salient Features.
2. Territories to which Service Tax applies.
3. Difference between Commodity Tax and Service Tax.
4. Charge of Service Tax and Taxable Services.
5. Valuation of Taxable Services.
6. Payment of Services Tax and Filing of Return.
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1. What are the various Heads of Income under the IT. Act, 1962
2. Who is an Assessee?
3. What are Previous Year and Assessment Year?
4. What are Capital Receipts and Revenue Receipts?
5. What is the difference between Exemption and Deduction?
6. Give five examples of Income from other sources?
7. What is the relevance of Residential Status?
8. Is it necessary that for an income in the hand of the payee to be treated as
9. Salary Income, there should be employer-employee relationship?
10. When are an Indian Company and a Foreign Company considered resident in India?
11. What are the permissible Deductions from Salary Income?
1. What are the main objects for levying value added tax after replacing sales tax'?
2. On what transactions are value added tax levied?
3. Define any TWO of the following:
a) Goods
b) Capital Goods
c) Input Tax
d) Output Tax
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4. Describe any four conditions which a dealer must fulfil to get Input Tax Credit
Group – A: Answer Any Three Questions: 4 X 3=12
1. Who is an assessee ?
2. What do you understand by ‘Previous Year’.
3. Define ‘Person’.
4. Name the various Heads of Income.
5. What is ‘Agricultural Income’ ?
6. What do you understand by ‘Foreign Income’ ?
7. How is Residential Status determined?
8. Briefly explain the procedure of calculating income tax liability when an assessee has both Agricultural
Income and Non-Agricultural Income.
9. Name any six Incomes exempt from income tax.
10. When does an Appeal lie to the Supreme Court under the Income Tax ACT, 1961 ?
Group – B : Answer Any One Question: 4 x 1=4
11. Is registration compulsory under West Bengal VAT ACT ?
12. Who is liable to pay Value Added Tax (VAT) ?
13. Discuss with suitable exempt of various methods for computation of VAT liability.
14. Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of VAT system.
GROUP – C : Answer ANY ONE question: 4 x 1=4
15. Is Service Tax a Direct Tax ?
16. Is Service Tax applicable to the whole of India ?
17. What is the present rate of Service Tax in India ?
18. Discuss the salient features of Service Tax in India
Group A: Answer Any Three Questions:
1. Who is an Assessee under Income Tax Act, 1961? What do you mean previous year and assessment year? 3+2
2. Define ‘Person’ under Income Tax Act,1961 . Distinguish between Associations of person and Body of individuals.
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3. What is Income Tax under Income Tax Act,1961? Which incomes are deemed to be accrued and received? 3+2
4. What are various Heads of Income under Income Tax Act,1961? Distinguish between Heads of Income and
Sources of Income. 2+3
5. How do you determine the Residential status of an Individual ? Explain. 5
6. What do you mean by ‘ Income Exempt from Tax’? Mention five items of Income which are exempted from Tax
under Income Tax Act,1961 2+3
7. What a do you mean by ‘Income from other Sources’? Give five examples of ‘ Income from other Sources’. 2+3
8. Define Salary. Is it necessary to have employer-employee relationship to adjudge an income as Salary? 2+3
9. What is ‘Best Judgement Assessment’? What remedies are available against ‘ Best Judgement Assessment’? 2+3
10. When does an Appeal lie to the Supreme Court under Income Tax Act, 1961 ? 5
1. a. ‘Input tax credit is not allowed to every registered dealer ‘- Justify the statement in the light of West
Bengal VAT Act . 3
b. From which date manual application for registration under WBVAT Act was completely abolished? 1
c. Is registration compulsory under WBVAT Act ? 1
2. Explain the provision relating to levy of VAT under Composition Scheme with special reference to rate of tax
under this scheme .
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Answer any one question.
1. Define and Discuss the following under the Income Tax Act, 1961 : 10×4
(a) Person and Assessee
(b) AOP and BOI
(c) Income
(d) Assessment year and Previous year.
2. (a) How to determine Residential status of an Individual under the Income Tax Act?
(b) Distinguish between the following :
(i) Tax Planning and Tax Evasion
(ii) Capital Receipt and Revenue Receipt.
4. What is ‘Permanent Account Number’? List out persons who are liable to apply for allotment of PAN.
What are the cases where quoting of PAN is compulsory? 40
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5. Define salary, according to Income Tax Act. Explain the importance of employer - employee relationship.
Distinguish between Source of Income and Heads of Income. 40
7. (a) Define VAT. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of VAT system.
(b) Distinguish between VAT and Sales Tax.(5+20)+15
8. Write short notes on any four :10×4
(a) Business
(b) Zero Rated sale
(c) Goods
(d) Casual dealer
(e) Manufacture
(f) Input Tax.
9. What is Service Tax? Discuss salient features of Service Tax in India. Who are liable to pay Service Tax? 40
Group- A
Answer any five questions
1. Define and discuss the following under Income Tax Act, 1961: 4x4
(a) Assessee
(d) Company
2. (a) (1) Explain the nature of exempted income of the Political Party. What are the conditions for exemption from
payment of Income tax by the Political Party?
(b) Explain the importance of notice under section 142(1) and 143(2) of Income Tax Aat, 1961. 4+4+8
3. (a) Define Income. What are the various heads of Income under the Income tax Act? Distinguish between Source
of Income' and "Heads of Income'.
(b) What do you mean by 'Income from other sources'? Give eight examples of Income from other sources.
(2+2+4) +8
4. (a) How to determine Residential Status of an individual under Income Tax Act?
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(6) Distinguish between the following: (i) Tax Planning and Tax Evasion.
J. (a) Give a comprehensive study of Commissioner's Power of Revision w/s 263 and 264 of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
What is the remedy available to the 'assessee' against revisionary orders of the Commissioner under section 263 of
the said Act? 10+6
(b) When does an appeal lie to the Supreme Court? Write notes on best Judgement Assessment and Income
West Bengal Value Added Tax (VAT)
7. (a) What is VAT? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of VAT system.
8. Define and explain the following concept under West Bengal VAT Act
(a) Business
(b) Dealer
c) Goods
(Service Tax)
(b) Discuss the provisions relating to payment of service consequences if a person is liable to pay Service as
Group - A
(Income Tax)
Answer any three Questions:
1. (a) State whether the following statement are true or false: (10)
(i) Casual income in altogether exempted from taxation.
(ii) Res Judicata is applicable in taxing statute.
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Group–A: (Income Tax): Answer Any Three Questions:
1. (a) State whether the following statements are True or False (any eight) : 1x8
(i) Income Tax is indirect tax.
(ii) Casual income is exempt from taxation.
(iii) Adjudicate principle is applicable in taxing statuses.
(iv) VAT is an ideal example of direct tax.
(v) Any income from Provident Fund is wholly exempt from Income Tax.
(vi) The employer employee relationship is not mandatory for an income to be adjudged under the head ‘Salaries’.
(vii) Shares held for more than 12 months are treated as long term capital assets.
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(viii) Daily allowances paid to MLAs and MPs are part of their taxable income.
(ix) The incidence of taxation depends on the residential status of assesses.
(x) Any arrear of salaries received in previous year, if not taxed in any earlier previous year, shall be taxable in
the year of receipt.
(b) State briefly the criteria to be fulfilled under section 6 to make an individual.
(i) A resident and ordinarily resident.
(ii) A resident but not an ordinarily resident.
2. (a) What are the conditions for exemption from payment of Income Tax by tical party? 8
(b) “Income tax is a single tax, a tax on the total income, not on a collection levied separately on each head of
income”. Discuss the above principle on text of Income Tax law in India. 8
3. (a) State eight incomes which are entirely exempt from Income Tax. 8
(b) Distinguish between “Source of Income” and “Heads of Income”. 4
(c) State four incomes which are taxable under the head Income from Other. 4
4. (a) what is PAN? Who are required to obtain PAN? 3+5
(b) Give a list of eight transactions for which furnishing PAN is mandatory. 8
5. (a) What is a “Return of Income”? Who are the persons required to daily file a return of income? 3+5
(b) Write short notes on: 4+4
(i) Return of Loss (ii) Belated Return.
6. (a) Define Self Assessment Income. What is Income Escaping Assessment? 4+4
(b) What is Best Judgment Assessment? What remedies are available against assessment? 4+4
Group–B: (West Bengal Value Added Tax): Answer any one question
7. (i) Define VAT. Also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of VAT. 2+8
(ii) Distinguish between VAT and Sales Tax. 6
8. Write short notes on (any four): 4x4
(a) Business (b) Goods (c) Input Tax
(d) Casual Dealer (e) Manufacture (f) Zero Rated Sale.
Group–A: (Income Tax): Answer Any Three Questions:
1.a. State whether the following statement are true or false: 1x10
i. Dividend received by a share holder from a public limited company carrying on agricultural operation is
‘agricultural income’.
ii. A lump sum receipt is always a capital receipt.
iii. A mount receive done assignment of trademark is a capital receipt.
iv. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India as to pay tax on a lilts income.
v. The employer employee relationship is not mandatory for an income adjudged under the head ‘salaries’.
vi. Income of contract for service is included under the head ‘salaries’ for taxation purposes.
vii. Loss from speculation sin ‘silver’ maybe earned, forward against profit from speculations in ‘gold’.
viii. Shares and stock held for more than 12 months are treated as long-term capital assets.
ix. Regular assessment means the assessment made in sub-section 3 of section 143 or section 144.
x. Income of the Cricket Control Board is wholly exempted from Income tax.
b. “Total Income of an assessed cannot be determined without knowing his Residential status in India during the
previous year”– Explain the statement. 6
2. (a) What do you mean by the term ‘Assessed’ and ‘Assessment year’? 3
(b) Distinguish between ‘Source of Income’ and ‘Heads of Income’. 3
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(c) Define the term ‘salary’ under the Income Tax Act. Explain the Significance of the employer and employee
relationship in the content of it. 10
3 (a) what do you understand by Permanent Account Number? Discuss the procedure for allotment of this number
and issues. 8
(b) who are exempted from the requirement of quoting Permanent Account Number in their documents and
correspondences? 8
(c) B Ltd. A manufacturing company constructed residential flat sand let the moutto employees at a nominal rent
deductive from their salary. Determine the head under which rent a income of the company is to be
charged. 4
4. Explain the importance of-
(a) Notice under section 142(1) and notice under section 143(2) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. 8
(b) Discuss the provision relating to the best judgment assessment under the Income Tax Act. What is the remedy
against such assessment? 8
5. Give a comprehensive study of commissioner’s
(a) Power of Revision under section 263 and 264 of the I.T. Act 1961. What is the remedy available to the ‘assesse’
against revisionary orders of the commissioner under section 263 of the said Act? 10
(b) When does an appellate o the Supreme Court? 6
6. (a) Give eight examples of “Income from other sources”. 8
(b) State eight incomes which are entirely exempted from income tax. 8
Group–B: (West Bengal Value Added Tax): Answer any one question
7. (a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of VAT system. 6
(b) Who is liable to pay Value Added Tax (VAT)? 2
(c) Discuss with suitable examples of various methods for computation of VAT liability. 8
8. Write Short notes on any four: 4x4
(a) Capital goods (b) Input tax (c) Reverse credit (d) Zero Rated Scale
(e) Business (f) Casual dealer (g) Goods (h) Manufacture.
Group–A: (Income Tax): Answer Any Three Questions:
1. a. State whether the statements are ‘true’ or ‘false’: 1x8
2 . a. Define and discuss the following under the Income Tax Act: 2x4
i. Person
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ii. Assessee
iii. Assessment Year and Previous Year
iv. AOP and BOI
b. Define Income . What are the various Heads of Income under Income Tax Act ? Distinguish between Head of
Income and Sources of Income. 2+2+4
3. a What do you mean by ‘Income Exempt from Tax’? State eight Incomes which are exempted from Tax under
Income Tax Act,1961 . 8
b. What a do you mean by ‘Income from other Sources’? Give eight examples of ‘Income from other Sources’ 8
4. a. “A Revenue Receipt is taxable as income, unless is expressly exempt under the Income Tax Act, Whereas the
‘Capital Receipt’ is generally exempt from Tax, unless it is expressly taxable.”- Discuss. 8
b. Distinguish between Capital Receipt and Revenue Receipt . 8
5. a Discuss the provisions under the Income Tax Act, 1961 relating to furnishing return in the following situations: 2x4
i. Return on Computer Readable Media ii. Return of Loss iii. Revised Return iv. Belated Return
b. What do you mean by Permanent Account Number ? Discuss the procedure for allotment of this number and
its use. 8.
6 . a. Define Self Assessment of Income. What is Income Escaping Assessment? 4+4
b. What is ‘Best Judgement Assessment’? What remedies are available against ‘Best Judgement Assessment’? 8
Group–B: (West Bengal Value Added Tax): Answer any one question
7. a. Define ‘VAT’ . Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of VAT System. 2+6
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c. An Ordinance.
ii. A person , who is a resident and ordinarily resident would have to pay tax on :
a. Income that is received in India alone;
b. Income that accrues or arises in India is received in India alone;
c. All incomes wherever they arise.
iii. A municipality will be assessed under the Income-tax etc , as:
a. An artificial judicial person;
b. An association of persons;
c. A local authority.
iv. Agricultural income includes :
a. Income from interest on arrears of rent payable in respect of land used for agricultural
b. Income from sale of forest trees of spontaneous growth on which no operation for their
preservation and growth were performed;
c. Income from use of land for grazing cattle required for agricultural pursuits .
v. Salary payable by the Government of India to an Indian citizen for services rendered outside India :
a. Is taxable in India ;
b. Is not taxable in India;
c. Is includible in the total income for rate purposes only.
vi. Returns of income from persons deriving income only from ‘Salaries’ and for which accounts are
not maintained, are due by ;
a. September 30;
b. June 30;
c. July 31;
vii. The liability to pay tax in respect of income from house property is upon:
a. Tenant;
b. Legal owner;
c. Lessee
viii. An order of assessment under the Income Tax Act has to be made by ;
a. Commissioner of Income Tax;
b. Income-tax Inspector;
c. Assessing officer.
B. State briefly the criteria to be fulfilled under Section 6 to make an Individual; i. ‘resident’ and ii. ‘resident but
not ordinarily resident’. 8
2. A. i. Explain the nature of exempted income of the Political Party.
ii. What are the conditions for exemption from payment of Income- tax by the Political
Party? 4x4
B. “Income-tax is a single –tax , a tax on total income , not a collection of taxes levied separately on each head of
income’-Discuss in detail the above principle in the context of Income –tax Laws in India. 8
3. A. Distinguish between (any two) of the following : 6x2
i. Association of Person (AOP) and Artificial juridical person; ii. Earned income and Unearned income;
iii. Tax Planning and Tax Evasion; iv. Cost of Acquisition and Cost of Improvement.
B. Write brief note on the terms ( any one):
i. Assessee; ii. Zero coupon bond.
4. A . “Salary is the re-compensate or consideration given to a person for the pains he has bestowed upon another’s
business.” -In the light of the above statement . what are the basic elements of Salary ? Give a study of
employer-employee relationship under the head “Salaries”. 8
B. “Income- Tax is charged on an inherent earning of the building and such earning capacity is termed as Annual
Value”- In view of the above statement how the Annual Value is determined upon considering the relevant
factors . 8
5. A. Explain the significance of-Notice under Section 142(1) and Notice under Section 143 (2) of the I.T.Act, 1961. 8
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B. Give an outline of the provision relating to best judgement assessment under the Income-tax Act . What is the
remedy against such assessment ? 8
6. A. Give a comprehensive study of Commissioner’s Power of Revision u/s 263 and 264 of the Income-tax Act ,
1961. What is the remedy available to the ‘assessee’ against revisionary orders of the Commissioner under
Section 263 of the said Act ? 10
B. When does an appeal lie to the Supreme Court ? 6
Group–B: (West Bengal Value Added Tax): Answer any one question
7. a. Who is liable to pay Value Added Tax (VAT)? Discuss the advantages of introduction of VAT in India. 2+6
b. Discuss with suitable example of various methods for computation of VAT liability. 8
8. a Discuss the limitation of Value Added Tax (VAT) . 8
b. Write short notes on (any two): 4x2
i. Capital Goods ii. Input Tax iii. Reverse Credit iv Zero Rated Sale .
10. a What do you mean by the taxable services ‘in context of Service Tax’? 16
b. i. Explain the procedure for filling return of Service TAX.
ii. Distinguish between Commodity Tax and Service Tax.
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Answer any four questions
3. Elucidate the role of Corporate Social Responsibility for protection of environment in India. 20
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1.”Existence of Civilised society is possibly dependent upon the survival of the Corporate ”.Discuss in the
light of historical development the Corporate governance in India 20
2.(a) Discuss the nature and scope of Corporate Governance. 10
(b) Explain the role of recent Acts and legislations in the corporate sector towards ensuring proper
compliance 10
3.”The Anglo American model of Corporate Governance depends more on legal protection as the basis of
good governance”. Discuss 20
4. (a)Discuss the OCED guidelines on corporate governance with special reference to the right of the
shareholders and their equitable treatment. 10
(b)What is the role of stakeholders in Corporate Governance? 10
5. (a)Explain the concept of Corporal Social Responsibility. 10
(b)Briefly discuss the measures adopted by the Indian Corporate sector to implement Corporate Social
Responsibility 10
6. (a)Critically discuss the role of shareholders in a Company. 10
(b) “Corporate Governance is like a democracy of shareholders with special emphasis on prevention of
oppression and management” - Discuss with examples. 10
7. Enunciate the relationship of Board of Directors vis-à-vis the management of a company in brief. 20
8. Write short notes on the following (any two): 10X2
(a) SEBI and Corporate Governance
(b)Internal and External Control Mechanisms in Corporate Governance
(c) Institutional Investors
(d) Transparency and Disclosure norms in Corporate Governance.
Answer Any Four Questions 4X20
1. “Existence of Civilised Society is possibly dependent upon the survival of the Corporate”-Discuss in the light of the
historical development of the Corporate Governance in India.
2. “Rights and Accountability are two different attributes of Corporate Governance”- Justify
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3. Discuss the role of Corporate Social Responsibility in light of protection of environment in India.
4. Compare the OECD guidelines with the other guidelines as provided by the other countries to decide the basic
principles of Corporate Governance.
5. Enumerate the different models of Corporate Governance. Explain the impact of Anglo-American Model of
Corporate Governance in India. Critically discuss the Anglo-American Model of Corporate Governance.
6. Write a note on Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement in the light of series of amendments made in Clause 49 through
Companies Act,2013.
7. Discuss the following issues of Corporate Governance (any two of the following):-
a) Distinguishing the roles of board and management
b) Composition of Board
c) Separation of Roles of CEO and Chairperson
d) Election and Appointments of the Board of Directors.
8. Write about the following concepts of Corporate Governance in India with special reference to Companies Act, 2013:
a) Transparency b) Equitable Right
c) Institutional Investor d) Internal Control and Management of Companies
Answer any Four Questions:
Answer Any Four Question:
1. a. Discuss the concept of Corporate Governance with examples . 10
b. Explain the role of recent Acts and legislations in the corporate sector towards ensuring proper compliance. 10
2. Discuss the legal obligation of the BOARD of DIRECTORS in Corporate Governance. 20
3. a . Explain the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility . 10
b. “The Indian Companies have adopted bouquet of measures to ensure Corporate Social Responsibility”- Give
an overview on the same 10
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1. Introductory: Origin, Development and Objectives of Probation.
2. Release of Offenders on Admonition.
3. Release of Offenders on Probation: Distinction between the Criminal Procedure Code and the
Probation of Offenders Act regarding release of Offenders on Probation.
4. Procedural Options and Restrictions:
a. Offender’s Liability to pay compensation.
b. Restriction on imprisonment of offenders.
c. Appeal and Revision.
5. Removal of Disqualification Attached to Conviction.
6. Probation Officers: Control, Duties and Techniques of Supervision.
7. Parole: Origin and Development in the U.S. and in India.
8. Parole under Indian Prison laws with special reference to the West Bengal Correctional Services
Act, 1992.
9. Judicial Attitude to Probation and Parole in INDIA
1. Write an essay on granting of Parole in India. Do you suggest any reforms in this regard? 20
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2. Describe the power of Court which has been applied in certain cases to release an offender on probation of good
conduct under the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958. 20
3. Describe the power of Court which has been exercised in certain cases to release an offender on probation of good
conduct under the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958? 20
(b) Discuss the power of State Govt. to make rules to carry out the purpose of the Act. semblances 10+10
(a) Admonition
1. Discuss the origin, development and objects of Probation. 20
2. Discuss the law relating to release of offenders on admonition. 20
3. Write a critical note on distinction between Criminal Procedure Code and Probation of Offenders Act
regarding release of Offenders on Probation. 20
4. Discuss the judicial attitude to probation and parole in India. 20
5. Discuss about Parole under Indian Prison laws citing case laws. 20
6. Discuss the origin and development of Parole in the USA and India. 20
7. Discuss various duties of Probation Officers in India. 20
8. Write a note on any two of the following: 10x2
(a) Restrictions on imprisonment of offenders under 21 years of age.
(b) Parole Bonds
(c) Offenders liability today compensation.
(d) Distinguish between Probation and Furlough.
1.Define the term ‘Probation’. Discuss the origin and development of ‘probation ’in India with special reference to
U.S.A and U.K. 5+15
2.Define the term ‘Parole’. Discuss the origin and historical development of ‘Parole’ in India with special reference to
U.S. 5+15
3.Discuss the Judicial attitudes towards ’Probation’ in India. 20
4.Write short notes on (any two) 10+10
(a)Parole Violation and Conditions of Parole
(b)Object of Probation and Probation System in U.K
(c)The Probation of Offenders ACT,1958
(d)Judicial attitudes to Parole in India
5. (a)Discuss the essentials of ideal Parole System.
(b)Discuss briefly the major functions of the Probation Officer. 10+10
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Answer Any Four Questions 4x20
1. a) Define the term ‘Probation’.
b) What are the objects of Probation?
2. a) When can an offender be released after due admonition?
b) State the differences between the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code and the Probation of Offenders Act
relating to release of offenders on Probation.
3. a) Who are Probation Officers? How are they appointed?
b) Discuss the duties of Probation Officers.
4. a) What is Parole? What are its objects?
b) Distinguish between parole and intermediate sentence
5. a) Discuss the essentials of ideal parole system.
b) What are the different conditions of parole system?
6. Discuss the judicial outlook towards parole in India.
7. What are the restrictions on imprisonment of offenders under 21 years of age? Discuss the consequences of failure
to observe the conditions of the bond.
8. Write notes on any two of the following:-
a) Parole Bonds b) Release of offenders on Probation of good conduct
c) Granting of Parole in India d) Probation system in U.S.A
Answer Any Four Question:
1. “Probation is method of treatment of offender who is considered fit to respond favourably to the rehabilitative
process within the society itself, without the necessity of being sent to institutional prisons.”- Explain the meaning
,nature and scope of the term probation in different countries. 20
2. a .What is the scope of probation under section 360 of Cr.P.C and under Probation of Offenders Act 1958?
b .Discuss the salient features of the Probation of Offenders Act 1958. 10+10
3. Describe the power of court which has been applied in certain cases to release an offender on probation of good
conduct under the Probation of Offenders Act,1958. 20
4. a. What are the restrictions on imprisonment of offenders under 21 years of age?
b. Which types of procedure will be maintained in case of offenders failing to observe conditions of bond?10+10
5. a What are the duties of probation officers? Discuss.
b. Discuss the power of state Govt. to make rules to carry out purpose of this Act. 10+10
6. Write an essay on granting of Parole in India . Distinguish Parole from Furlough. 20
7. Discuss the nature and origin of Parole in U.S.A. Explain Parole Boards and their functions in detail 20
8. Write short notes on any four of the following: 5x4
a. The object of Parole. b. Essentials of an Ideal Parole System.
e. Distinguish between Probation and Suspended Sentence. f. Probation in U.K
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Answer Any Four Question:
1. Write an essay on granting of Parole in India. Do you suggest any reforms in this regard . 20
2. What is Parole? Discuss the concept and object of Parole . Distinguish between Parole and indeterminate
sentence . 20
3. What are the essential requisites of an idea Parole system ? Discuss different conditions of Parole system .
When Parole system will be violated ? 20
4. a . Explain the concept and definition of Probation . 10
b. What are the objects of probation? Discuss the origin of probation system in India. 10
5. Section 4 of the Probation of OFFENDERS Act , 1958 empowers the Court to grant probation and it also deals
with the matters relating to the discretionary powers of the Judge to grant probation. 20
7. Who are probation officers? How are the appointed? Discuss their duties and techniques of supervision. 10+10
8. Write a critical note on any two of the following:
a. Parole in India . b. Pre-investigation report c. Probation system in USA. d. Admonition
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