Students' Understanding of The Equal Sign: A Case in Suburban School

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Students’ Understanding of the Equal Sign: A Case in Suburban School

Reni Wahyuni1 , Tatang Herman2

1 Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
2 Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia,

Keywords: Algebra, Equality, Middle School, Pre-Algebra

Abstract: Mathematics has an essential role in education and to get employment opportunities then algebraic topics are
one of the fundamental topics of efforts to reform mathematics education. Understanding algebra is related
to understanding the basic concepts of equality. There are not many students understand the meaning of the
equal sign. Therefore, this article is aimed to examine students’ understanding of the meaning of the equal
sign in solving an equation. Knowing the students’ understanding deeply, we used this research by choosing
the qualitative method. The research carried out the 22 students, the second-semester secondary school, who
have learned the material of algebraic form and its operations, the seventh grade of SMP in Pekanbaru, Riau.
The data provided in this study shows that many students do not have a sophisticated understanding of the
meaning of the equal sign. Most students understand the equal sign as a result of a problem, such as solving a
problem likely a count from the left side to the right side. The view of the students’ misunderstanding about
the equal sign causes that the students perceive the meaning of the equal sign as the result of operations, not a
symbol of mathematical equality.

1 INTRODUCTION students are given a problem in their learning topic,

like numbers, then they could solve the problem
algebraically. However, their idea research gave
In recent years, many mathematics education
difference against doing the concept of a traditional
communities have been interested in investigating
curriculum in which states that algebra can be learned
students’ difficulties in learning algebra (Gutiérrez
if students already have sufficient knowledge in
et al., 2016). Algebra is a fundamental concept for
arithmetic. The students, in elementary school, learn
understanding high and advanced school mathematics
about numbers and operations, but, in secondary
either for their daily lives or for employment.
school, they will learn about algebra (Van Amerom,
Much research has done in investigating students’ 2003; Chimoni et al., 2018). If the students who are
difficulties in learning algebra, especially for middle already proficient in mathematics, it will easy to learn
school students, but algebra problems still provide algebra, but the fact that occurs, the student’s prior
exciting opportunities to be examined in many experience in arithmetic is not enough to help students
aspects. Lately, the theme of early algebraic thinking learn algebra, even make students afraid of learning
has become an interesting one. This theme indicates algebra.
that learning algebra, not only for students in middle
school but also students, in primary school, can learn. There are two ideas for algebra, the basic concept
Research in early algebra began with the for developing algebraic reasoning, that is variable
movement research of Carraher and Schliemann and equality (Knuth et al., 2005; Ertekin, 2017). In
about how young students were able to start learning this article, we focus on the discussion of the concept
algebra in elementary school (Carraher, 2007; Kieran of equality. Equality is an essential concept for
et al., 2018). Algebra in middle school usually algebra achievement (Van Amerom, 2003; Chimoni
has been a difficult subject for the students. The et al., 2018). In elementary school, the students
transition from arithmetic to algebraic thinking give have learned about equality. They learn about finding
the difficulties problem to the students. From the the value of an unknown number. Then in the next
research Carraher and Schliemann, they showed that level, the student will learn how to connect the two
the young students could learn algebra earlier. The mathematical expressions that have the same value.
The symbol that became a necessary concept is the 22 students (aged 13 to 14). In general, the students
equal sign. Most of the student has the complicated have a different academic, and their daily life was
meaning of the equal sign. They generally perceive surrounding in that school.
that the equal sign as a result of arithmetical operation Data for this research was taken from students’
rather than mathematical equality (Kieran, 1981; answer sheet, such as the written document that
Stephens et al., 2013; Vermeulen and Meyer, 2017). the students’ produces, and the audio record while
The famous research founded by Falkner, Levi, and interviewing the participants. The participants were
(Falkner et al., 1999) showed that most of the given the essay test; then, they wrote the answer in the
students perceive the meaning of the equal sign as blank paper as a document for the researcher. After
an operational symbol, calculating the number from they finished the answer, the researcher examined the
left side to right side. Most of the students do not answer sheet and discussed with the teacher how the
recognize the meaning of the equal sign as a relational result of the students’ worksheet. We chose three
symbol. participants who solve the problem correctly and
The usage of the equal sign in mathematics has three participants who solve the problem incorrectly.
four primary categories, such as an answer of the The participants also were students who were able
operation, quantities equality, an expression that is to communicate when the researcher conducted
right for all value of the variable, and an expression interviews and evaluated students’ understanding in
that express the new variable (Warren, 2006; Ertekin, solving problems.
2017; Vermeulen and Meyer, 2017). The data were analyzed by description for the
In Indonesia, the research on the meaning equal document answer sheet. We collected all document
sign does not take in much discussion in the area and the code based on the student answer and what
of middle school. Whereas the understanding of the their understanding of the equal sign while solving the
equal sign is an essential concept in algebra learning, equation. The audio record, the result of the students’
it is necessary to advance mathematical concepts. interviewing, were analyzed in transcripts, and we
Indonesia Curriculum does not mention explicitly chose what students’ the misunderstanding and the
about the meaning of the equal sign. Though the thinking of the equal sign.
meaning the equal sign is the basic concept for
the learning mathematics. In this paper, we drew
the students’ understanding of the equal sign with
examine their worksheet and thinking by interview.
However, the students have learned algebra topics,
their thinking of the meaning the equal sign describe As it already mentions the concept of the equal
how they were understanding of the equal sign. sign, that is, the equality shows two mathematical
expressions that have the same value. In the
first question in this study, we present simple
equations that are similar assignments in the students’
2 RESEARCH METHOD elementary school. The task is the following “Find
the value of this number sentence 30 = ∆ + 20”.
This research used a qualitative methodology Most of the students solve the problem by subtraction
and descriptive analysis, based on the participant operation. The students claim that the first time
observation, interview, and worksheet (Creswell and while seeing this problem as strange. The students
Creswell, 2017).The task was about algebra domain, are seldom solving this problem. They say that they
and the participants have already learned in the first usually solve the problem like ∆ + 20 = 30. So, it is a
semester in grade seven. The participant was from a simple problem to solve.
private middle school in Pekanbaru. The school has However, it is a strange form for themselves; they
a well-resourced in the suburban area of Pekanbaru can solve and find a solution. There are 19 students
City. Its teacher is a very enthusiastic person and get the correct answer of the 22 seventh grade students
proper motivation. The position of the researcher in this class. Three students have an incorrect answer
in this research was observer and researcher directly in seeing the symbol triangle. The mistake of the
while the research was doing. Because this research students is when they move the triangle symbols from
was a qualitative approach, the researcher was a the right side to the left side then do the addition
dominant aspect to control the process of the research, 30 + 20 = 50.
and teacher became a partner and together decided The correct students find the solution by using
on examining the work of students and selecting subtraction operation as 30 − 20 = ∆”. However,
students to be interviewed. This study took part in initial their thinking is confused; they move the
triangle from the right side to the left side. It emerges In figure 1 show that the student put the equal
that in their thinking, the symbol should put it on the signs as a result of 16 + 1. He does not think that the
left side. The student is usual in solving the equation meaning of the equal sign is the equivalence of two
by counting from the left side to the right side. The mathematical expressions. In this case, the expression
student’s answer sheet was categorized as operational of 8 × 2 and 16 + 1.
level in which the student’s ides that do the operation They think the equal sign is the result of what they
number like addition or subtraction (Knuth et al., are doing and finishing the problem. When we are
2008), when the students are asked the meaning of expanding the students writing, that is 8 × 2 = 16 +
the equal sign in that problem, student answer that it 1 = 17, of course, it became the wrong expression.
is as a sign the answer to the problem. The researcher This way is that most of the students write while
has indicated that the operational interpretation of the solving the problem. The impact of these mistakes
students; it is mostly from their experience influences that these students always make will give forthcoming
in prior knowledge in elementary school. aspects in understanding the meaning of the equal
The usage of the equal sign is in this case as an sign (Vermeulen and Meyer, 2017).
answer to the operation. The students are solving Next, we look at the third equation that it is
the problem in this case for one unknown number. given to the students. The task is, how do we
The students think that it is a simple problem and solve this statement to be true? This is the number
more accessible to solve it. Most research shows that sentence problem ♦ + 4 = ∇ + 1. This problem is
the students are not troubled while solving equation two mathematical expressions that have two unknown
3 + 4 =? but trouble in solving in 8 = 4 + ... research numbers. The student should find the two unknown
found that proportion students to understanding the numbers, then the sum of the numbers should equal
function of the equal sign as relational only 37% of between in the left side and the right side.
the students at the same time just 48% of the students The student answer sheet seems to contradict from
know the equal sign as an operational (Asquith et al., the researcher thinking. He gives a unique answer
2007). from that equation. He put five on the left side and
As a result of this case, the students link their two on the right side. Firstly when we examine the
thinking about the equal sign with the operational answer sheet, we do not understand the meaning of
aspect in arithmetic. The students perform the equal this answer. After that, we interview the student for
sign as a symbol to get a final answer from their knowing this reason.
Another case that the student says while
interviewing. The student is confused while moving
the symbol and number from the left side to the
right side, and vice versa. If the positive numbers
move from the left side to the right side, the positive
numbers will become the negative numbers. They put
the triangle on the left side, but they do not give the Figure 2: The Student is misunderstanding while solving
equality task.
negative sign in the triangle symbol. They do the
addition of number ∆ = 30 + 20. It is incorrect one From figure 2, we directly say that it is a wrong
in this task. The inaccuracy of the students is one of statement. We will not think why the student chooses
which causes the wrong answer. those numbers. In interviews, the student shows the
While interviewing happening, another student reason that he writes in solving this equation. The
tries to solve the other problem. We find the unusual transcript between researcher and students will be
case of his answer sheet and try to investigate what he shown in this following (R is a researcher, and S is
did. That is his handwriting. a student) :
R: Is 5 + 4 the same as 2 + 1?.
S: No.
R: Why do you put 5 and 2 in that the geometric
S: Because? (silence and scratch the paper)
S: I think that 5 add 1 equal to 6 and 4 add 2 equals
Figure 1: The student put the equal sign as a result. to 6. So, the answer is 5 and 2.
R: Ok, let us see the question again! for the researcher is, “Is there the same problem for
S: (See the problem and try to change the answer). the city school in Riau province?”. It will become the
next research for us to know the problem in Pekanbaru
R: Why do you change this position? city. The larger target for the research could help to
S: Because 5 + 1 = 6 and 2 + 4 = 6. find more problem.
R: Are you sure? Can you explain it?
S: Hmm, I think this a correct one (he point his
R: What do you think about the equal sign?
Based on the discussion that students show in their
S: The equal sign stands for the result. responses while solving the problem, indicate that
R: Can you explain it? the student has learned and see the equal sign that
is a result activity from a statement in left to right.
S: Yach, it is adding 5 + 1 = 6 dan 2 + 4 = 6. So,
Most of the student does not see the relation between
the left side and the right equal to 6
two statements in the right and left. In this research,
R: Is there other meaning that you know about the we cannot conclude that the students in the suburban
equal sign? cannot understand the equality domain. In this aspect,
S: No. it is just looking at the view of how the understanding
of student while solving the equation.
This student sees the equal sign as the result of the As we reflect that in our background in this paper,
operation of the number. Nevertheless, in his answer this is the notion of equality and the equal sign in
sheet, initially, he does not make aware of the equal the middle classroom, and we should continue the
sign between two mathematical expressions. He does other aspect what the student interest and excited
the calculation to find the value; then he decides that while solving the task and bring in-depth discussion.
the task is a true statement. The students understanding the equal sign should
From the results of this research, Many students be developed as they learn about numbers and
view the equal sign as an operational symbol and the operations. This understanding will give the student
result of the calculation of numbers (Stephens et al., the reflection about the equation and will lead them to
2013) They fail to see the equal signs as the symbols learn learning algebra in the next grade.
of the equivalence between the left side or the right
side (Kieran, 1990; Knuth et al., 2008). The other
student thinks that there is no relation between the
two statements either in left or right. The students ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
cannot be able to explain why this number sentence
is correct or not, and why they do the calculation by The author wants to express the special thank of
adding between two number. gratitude to the institution that is Universitas Islam
Concerning the correct answer of the students, Riau (UIR), who gives the funding fee to following
they are correctly in solving the equation, but they are this event.
not correct the meaning of the equal sign (Knuth et al.,
2008). Most students did not seem to understand the
usage of the equal sign. The concept of the equal sign
is necessary to lead the student in learning algebra REFERENCES
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